Why dream of swimming. Why dream of swimming and swimming in the water. Why dream of swimming in the sea? The water is clear, light blue

Water is one of the most mysterious substances both on the planet and in dreams. Most often, dream books interpret bathing depending on the purity and transparency of the reservoir. Thus, the cleaner the water was, the better the omen. To determine what the dream is about swimming in water, to which area of ​​life the interpretation belongs, it is worth remembering the details and looking into the dream book. Often water is a symbol of the inner state of a person, therefore it is important to take into account the personal attitude to bathing, because for some it is a way to relax, while others experience panic fear at the thought of the open sea or great depth.

If you look at dreams philosophically, then water tells you how to fix it. internal state to get things going uphill. It is not surprising that a person who is in bad mood, cannot interact normally in society, his working capacity falls. And everyone is happy and active person easily achieves the conceived, looks ahead with optimism. Water is a feminine element, changeable and adapting to circumstances, therefore, such dreams are especially good for them.

Briefly about the main thing

Why dream of swimming in water? According to most dream books - for a change for the better. Financial difficulties will be settled, there will be plenty of funds for entertainment. Bathing can also be dreamed of due to the restoration of libido and the flow of sexual energy.

> Quoted1>> Why dream of swimming in water in a dream

Why dream of swimming in water

Here you can figure out why dream of swimming in water in a dream and understand how to use the information received.

You can relax, because what you dream of swimming in the water most often translates positive events and situations into reality. But not everything is so smooth if you decide to swim in a muddy slurry or swampy area. This action hints at a complex illness or a long recovery period. In addition, a person materializes nearby, whose main goal is to destroy your reputation. This will not be just gossip, but a real charge of fraud. Can't prove anything, but nervous system cannot be restored.

It is unusual if you decide to dive right in your clothes, because this is a signal for an impending illness. In other versions, the plot is beneficial to the sleeper. It will be extremely positive to rejoice in the process itself, because it will make you richer in material terms. Positive shifts in career growth will also begin. If you have been single for a long time, then you will soon go on a date.

Did you have a chance to swim in a dream? The interpretation of sleep depends entirely on the quality of the water, your own feelings and other nuances. In general, the image characterizes the course of affairs and relationships. Dream Interpretations will help you find out what a water procedure means.

Why dream of swimming in Miller's dream book

Swimming in calm and light water means that you are satisfied with everything, you will not need anything. Sailing on a small ship - moderate your desires, they are impracticable. Sailing on the sea - you will acquire a considerable inheritance.

If you witness an accident while sailing, beware sly man who pretends to be in love only for personal gain.

Swimming with pleasure means success. If you are drowning, you will have to experience complete dissatisfaction. Swimming under water - to excitement, to confusion.

You swim in clear water, and at the bottom, drowned bodies - to sadness, to failure. Swim, and you do not have the strength to do it - you will be disappointed.

Dreaming that you are swimming in a dream - Freud's dream book

Swimming - to joyful feelings. Swimming is a dream for men - for sex with an adored lady, for women - for pregnancy.

For all that, people swim in the water who, in infancy, suffered from enuresis or still suffer from it.

Swim in a dream - Wangi's dream book

Swimming in the new pool is for health and well-being.

You jump into the pool and hit the water - to failure.

Drowning in the pool - to a situation in which you will find yourself in an unsightly state.

Why dream of swimming in Medea's dream book

Swim in calm waters - your affairs will be improved. Drowning is a serious obstacle.

Go with the flow - trust sensations, factors, reason. Against the flow - to manage the situation yourself, to cope with it.

Why dream of swimming in a 21st century dream book

Swim - to good luck in business. Swimming on a boat - to a distant path.

You float, and the water is muddy - you will learn the annoying news on the way. Swimming with someone - to parting with this person.

You start to sink - serious obstacles. Floating on land - to the fact that the achievement will be given with great difficulty. You are trying to swim to the buoy, if you have reached - to luck, if not - to difficulties

Swims across a lake or river in clothes - means that need makes you find shelter, if naked, it means to decisiveness, to serenity.

Diving into the sea or river - to a bold decision. Taking part in a swimming competition is a lot of work, because of which you have no time to rest.

What does it mean if you dreamed that I was floating in Hasse's dream book

Swimming in light water - to calmness. In dirty water - to interference. Drowning - to trouble. During a storm - to activity.

To see someone floating - desires will come true. In rushing water - to hard times in life.

Why dream of swimming in water

Sailed to a nice place- fortunately married.

You are afloat in the water - to the excitement.

Floating with your loved one - to the wedding.

Swim through strength - to disappointment.

You float firmly - to luck, to fun.

Why dream of swimming in the sea, river, pool, lake, puddle

Swimming in the sea is a big change.

Swimming in a calm sea - to the fulfillment of desires.

Swimming in a raging sea is an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires.

Swam in clean water rivers - fortunately.

Sailed with the flow - to wealth.

If the river carried you out to sea - to illness.

Swim against the stream - go to the goal no matter what, but be careful.

You drowned in the river, but you were saved - you will get rich, but only at the expense of your own strength.

Swam in clothes in the river - to prosperity.

Swimming in the pool is for happiness and success.

The pool is full of light water - meet your new love.

If the water is cloudy - to illness or misfortune.

For a young man, swimming in the pool is a choice in his personal life.

You swim in the pool, and there are also fish swimming - to new acquaintances.

Swimming in the lake - to prosperity and good luck.

Swimming in a muddy lake - unfortunately.

Going to the bottom in the lake - you cannot understand yourself, inexplicable feelings will rush.

Seeing the bottom of the lake - you know what you need, you are on the right track.

Puddle - to minor difficulties, or to a break with a loved one.

If blood is visible in a puddle - to repentance.

Falling into a puddle with your face - you will not be given the help you expected.

You see, a person is lying in a puddle - your enemies will fail.

Why dream of floating fish, man, child, snake, turtle, duck

To see a fish swimming in a dream means money.

If you see, a school of fish is swimming - to profit.

If small fish swim in a school - to a minor disappointment.

Fish not alive in water - to mournful losses.

Looking at the swimming fish is a joyful meeting.

If you see, you are not swimming alone in the water - to parting with this person.

Swimming in the company - to establish friendly relations with enemies.

If you are a bathing boy, you need financial help.

If a girl is bathing, moral help is needed.

Swimming in light transparent water with a child - to a confidential relationship, financially secure.

If an unfamiliar child is swimming nearby, your life will change.

Snakes dream - to bad events.

A snake in an aquarium - to enemies, impending melancholy.

A snake swims under water - for a promotion or moving to a new place of residence.

The turtle swims with someone in a race - ahead of competitors.

A man wants to overtake a turtle in swimming - in reality it means to keep loved one who is trying to leave you.

A turtle swims in dirty water - to unexpected expenses.

To swim astride a turtle - to stress, to nervousness, to anxiety.

Watching a diving duck is a tedious job.

Swimming duck - to the important news.

A duck swims with a drake - for the wedding.

Why else would you dream of swimming?

  • swimming underwater is a warning of unexpected troubles.
  • swim naked (naked) - a harbinger of love, which will be sweet, but forbidden. The dreamer will have to pay for this love with something.
  • sail on a ship - interpreted by dream books as changes in life due to difficult decisions. They also pay attention to water. When it is light, then everything will work out in favor of the dreamer, if it is cloudy, you will have to fight for your goals.
  • sailing a boat is a sign new love, which the dreamer will soon learn if swimming takes place in calm conditions. Also, the foreshadowing of the fact that you must perform significant deeds for humanity, your life is not accidental.
  • swim quickly - all the tasks will be solved soon, success will be accompanied in all spheres of life.
  • swim in clear water - success, joy, luck in everything await the sleeper. He will be healthy, he will be able to overcome all difficulties.
  • swimming in dirty water is an unkind dream, it portends illness to the dreamer.
  • swim with dolphins - take timely help from a friend.
  • swimming in cold water means that you have to change your judgments on the life and people around you.

Why did I dream of Swimming (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

While the images of small bodies of water are associated with prosperity and success, the sea or ocean symbolizes inviolability. It is natural that the interpretation will take, why a dream to swim somewhere, is linked to the characteristics of the reservoir and the actions of the dreamer.

  • In a dream, swimming in a beautiful pool, you dived and splashed with pleasure - this is to moral satisfaction and financial well-being.
  • Swimming and staying confidently on the surface is a sign of a successful completion of the business, and your behavior and the state of the water will indicate the nuances.
  • In a dream, swim in the company of your beloved? Such a plot usually portends a breakup.
  • If you swim in dreams calm sea, which means that an old dream will soon come true.
  • High waves or a storm while sailing are an omen of trouble.
  • The dreaming image of a cozy boat is interpreted as a coincidence of interests, and a big ship - as global changes, marriage or cohabitation.
  • Why dream of swimming calmly in a calm and clear sea - good luck awaits you in any endeavors.
  • Swim in the warm sea - you will get a good profit.
  • Why dream of swimming in a muddy and dirty sea - they will begin to envy you, gossip will go about you.

Why dreamed that they swam (Psychiatric dream book)

According to the interpretations of psychoanalytic sources, a dream to swim is a symbol most often positive, although its emotional load often depends on the dreamer's behavior. The place of bathing is also important. For example, a pool is a limited reservoir, which means it symbolizes the absence of freedom: while splashing in it, you seem to choose between two strong emotions, torn from fear of making a mistake, and in the end you never come to a result.

  • To dream that you were swimming in some kind of clear waters? This is the personification of mental purity and mental well-being. Such a plot can be regarded as evidence of the successful self-improvement of the sleeper.
  • A single swim in a dream reflects the dreamer's dissatisfaction with the routine and routine: if you move confidently among the waves, you will achieve success, and if you pull to the bottom, you will be disappointed.

Why dream of Swimming (Romantic dream book)

See swim, according to interpretations love dream books- a double-sided sign, in which, just like in a coin, there are many different (and sometimes contradictory) symbols.

  • The scenes with swimming in the river symbolize some kind of unjustified devotion, when the dreamer completely gives himself up to feelings for the only person who is unlikely to deserve it.
  • Seeing swimming in azure waters when the sea is calm and warm is a good omen: future family life will be serene, not subject to external circumstances.
  • When a man feels like a swimmer, he confidently moves towards the goal, easily conquers a soul mate.
  • Why dream of having fun swimming in the company of a swimmer friend for a girl - in reality she will meet love.
  • In a dream, swim in a beautiful pool? Such a plot promises the beginning of a relationship with a rich and noble person.

We analyze the vision in which Swimming dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

An image of positive action related to free development and positive eroticism. You can only swim in water, and water is a symbol of female genitals and desires for sexual intercourse. A person who sees himself as a great swimmer reflects his belief in sex appeal and competence. And so, why dream of swimming, the dream book gives such interpretations.

  • If a person sees that he is floating towards something or a person, according to the dream book, this reflects his desire to achieve a specific goal. In addition, it is an expression of sexual desire in relation to this person.
  • If a person floats away from someone or something, this is his desire to avoid an uncomfortable, more comfortable situation, or to escape from the realities of life in general. Sometimes this reflects a desire to take away (to remove the sexual victories of another person), or a feeling that people are demanding too much from him and that he is unable to meet their expectations. It is important to answer the questions: who floats? why? what is the relationship between the characters? what are the actions of others? what objects appear more often?

Swim - why in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Dreams of swimming in a dream - to success in business; sinking is a serious obstacle.
  • To sail on a boat - to a long journey.
  • I dreamed of swimming in muddy water- unpleasant news on the road.
  • To swim in a dream with someone in a race - to separation.
  • Why dream of swimming on land - success will come to you with great difficulty.
  • Swimming competitions are dreamed of - a large influx of intense work.

Why dream of Swimming in a dream (Miller's dream book)

  • Swim in a dream in calm water- serene joy and protection from poverty.
  • Dreams of sailing on a small boat - desires will surpass the possibilities.
  • I dreamed of drowning, while sailing - a serious obstacle.
  • Go with the flow - surrender to feelings, emotions; swim against the stream - to manage the circumstances yourself.
  • Dreams of scuba diving - control over emotional reactions in response to situations that arise in reality.

What does the dreaming image mean (according to the British dream book)

In general, swimming and dreams about it represent your life, personal circumstances and the ability to cope with them. However, the meaning of sleep depends in part on whether you can actually swim and the circumstances in which you were swimming in your sleep. Have you been to the swimming pool or have you been at the mercy of nature in the sea or river? Did you feel good in the water or did you have to deal with waves and currents?

If in reality you know how to swim, but in a dream you did not succeed, then are you trying to cope with problems, floundering, trying to stay afloat, or do you feel that you are being carried with the flow? Even if in reality you do not know how to swim, but in a dream you were an excellent swimmer, it means that you are in control of your life, even if the waters around are rough and unsafe.

If you are swimming underwater, then, you are trying to dive into own feelings and soul. If you are experiencing difficulties - you cannot get to the surface, you do not have enough air - do you feel in reality that you are drowning, that you are swallowed up by circumstances and responsibility? What can you do to fix this problem? See also Swimming pool; Sea,; other water areas - NATURE.

The meaning of a dream about Bathing (Creative dream book)

Why dream of swimming according to the dream book? Freud believed that swimming in a dream is associated with sexuality, but even more it is associated with an unconscious need for freedom. In general, we open up to energies far beyond our conscious Essence, then ascend beyond our desire. We are in a state of complete relaxation and let events just carry us with the flow.

Since we cannot control our direction, we cannot decide anything either. Perhaps we need to think more carefully about our actions and our relationships with others. Sail against the wind - create difficulties for yourself. If we are sailing with the wind, then we are using everything we can. Being out of the body, feeling of spiritual freedom.

The dream in which the dreamer has to swim is a positive sign. Most often, it means the completion of some important business, symbolizes the general prosperity of a person and personifies the satisfaction from life. But in order to more accurately interpret why a dream is to swim in water, you need to take into account the smallest details of the plot of the dream. It is very important to remember where you had to swim in a dream. Also important for correct interpretation remember the quality of the dream water and the emotional component of sleep. If the dreamer enjoys swimming, then success awaits him in reality, and if a feeling of fear arises in night dreams, then things are in real life go unsatisfactory.

To swim in the swimming pool

The most common question is why you dream of swimming in the pool. If you have to swim alone, this indicates that the person is tired of everyday worries. It is advisable to contact the household and ask for a little help. If you are swimming in the pool at night with your loved one, then this indicates that parting will soon come true.

You need to remember how you swam in the pool:

    Swim confidently - expect the onset of a joyful life period; Swim with difficulty - experience disappointments in life. It is also a sign of the dreamer's self-doubt.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to swim in a clean pool filled with very cold water, then this portends that in real life you will have to endure serious trials. But they will help change it for the better.

What water did you swim in the pool

Dreams with swimming in the pool can be interpreted as follows:

    For a young girl, swimming in clear water means that soon she will meet a real friend, and her financial condition If you had a chance to swim in clear water with pleasure, then in reality you will soon be able to make a big profit. If you had to swim under water, this indicates that in real life you have to do a difficult job. Success will entirely depend on the assertiveness of the dreamer.

Swim in the sea - dream book

The sea symbolizes the inviolability and eternity in night dreams. Therefore, swimming in the sea in a dream means that significant changes are coming in real life.

Wherein great importance for interpretation it looks like a sea surface:

    A calm sea predicts the fulfillment of desires; Light excitement means that small problems in life will be easily overcome; A rough sea indicates that obstacles will arise on the path to happiness.

Night dreams when you have to swim in the ocean are interpreted in a similar way. The scale of predictions only increases. So, a raging ocean in a dream means that to overcome life difficulties it will take a lot of strength. But the calm endless expanse of the ocean indicates that a period of very calm life is coming.

If you have to swim in a dream underwater in a natural reservoir, then this suggests that in reality you are trying to hide from real problems and try not to notice troubles. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer in reality needs the support of friends and loved ones.

Interpretation of sleep by water quality

When interpreting dreams, you should pay attention to the quality of water in a natural reservoir:

    When you have to swim in clear water in night dreams, it portends a life without problems and worries. If you have to swim in cool water, then for the patient, such a dream portends a speedy recovery, and for healthy person promises good luck and predicts that true friends will meet in life. When you have to swim in clear water, it symbolizes good health and success for the dreamer. Also, such a dream personifies the spiritual purity of a person and speaks of his creative nature and desire to improve himself. When you have to swim in muddy water, this portends the emergence of various obstacles in the real world. If you have to swim in dirty water, then in real life troubles and sad events are coming. ... Such a dream can also become a harbinger of illness, if, according to the plot, dirty water gets into your mouth.

Why does a woman dream of swimming in the sea

Very often dreamers ask the question why a woman dreams of swimming in the sea. If in the process of swimming a feeling of unforgettable pleasure arose, then such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of almost all desires in real life. In addition, after such a dream, a woman's life will develop very well, surrounded by loving and beloved loved ones.

If a woman had to swim with a stranger, then, most likely, there will be a need in reality to help her friend in solving a very important problem. This must be done without fail, since a person cannot cope with difficulties on his own. When you have to swim naked in a pond, it symbolizes a strong inner will, a balanced character and a calm conscience. But if in a dream you were uncomfortable swimming in the nude, then this portends an unpleasant reality situation. Swimming with your lover means that existing relationships in real life will bring joy and pleasure.

Due to the variety of interpretations, the plots of night dreams, in which they happened to swim in the river, stand out especially when interpreting dreams.

There are the following interpretation variations:

    If you had to swim in a river and at the same time you did not feel the strength of the current at all, then this indicates a favorable life course and a happy family life To swim in a seething river flow means that in reality you will have to develop vigorous activity. To swim a river with a strong current means in real life to redo a huge amount of hard exhausting work. But the result will be worth it, and will be rewarded. If you had to swim in a river that turned out to be very shallow, then this portends the onset of difficult times in life. Also, such a dream indicates that the dreamer does not have enough energy to successfully overcome life's difficulties.

A girl floating in a river in a young man's dream predicts a meeting with a beautiful stranger in reality. And she can become his betrothed.

Swim in a lake or pond

Miller's dream book contains an interpretation of why one dreams of swimming in the lake. Moreover, if you had to swim alone, then the dreamer will expect a change in life. When, while sailing, I was lucky to see my reflection in the water surface in my night dreams, this excludes loneliness in reality. You will have wonderful friends in real life, and life will be filled with new vivid impressions. For single people, to swim in a natural reservoir means to expect in reality a fateful acquaintance, which will lead to the creation of a family. But if the water in the lake is dirty and muddy, then a long-awaited romantic acquaintance is likely to end in strong disappointment, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. When interpreting a dream, it is imperative to pay attention to the general condition of the reservoir:
    If the shore and the bottom of the pond or lake are clean and it is very pleasant to enter the water, then this auspicious sign who predicts success in all areas of life. When you have to swim in a pond and see through clear water the bottom of the reservoir, then this indicates the high decency of the dreamer and his impeccable conscience. If, when you swim, you observe a beautiful reflection of the landscape on the water surface, then this foreshadows a joyful meeting in reality. When, while swimming in a pond or in a lake, you see sun glare on the water surface, this indicates that in real life you will soon find family happiness.
Swimming in a muddy pond foreshadows remorse for past mistakes. You need to be careful not to make new mistakes under the influence of surging emotions. If there is a lot of duckweed around you, and there is a lot of silt at the bottom of the reservoir, then this is a warning that you should not waste time and energy on a deliberately doomed undertaking. When a strong feeling of disgust arises while swimming on a dirty lake in night dreams, this indicates that a person is in reality in a state of severe stress or nervous overstrain. Such a dream suggests that it is time to fully relax.

Dreamed of swimming with turtles

If, according to the plot of the dream, I had to swim in a pond next to the turtles, then this indicates that things at work will be very successful. You will be able to implement your new ideas or introduce original projects. All this will be appreciated by the management.

Swim with fish in your sleep

Swimming with fish in your sleep in any natural body of water is a very good omen. Such a dream portends a happy mutual love and complete harmony in a relationship with a partner. A school of fish seen in night dreams is interpreted a little differently:
    If the fish was small, then minor disappointments are possible in life; Large fish portends financial well-being.

Why dream of a lot of swimming fish

It is very interesting why there are many swimming fish dreaming about. Such a dream portends the onset of an interesting life period full of new acquaintances. But if an unpleasant feeling arises in a dream, then this indicates that the dreamer is tired of publicity and strives for loneliness.

Swim with dolphins

It is very good if in a dream you had to swim with dolphins. This means that in real life you are surrounded by nice people, for the support of which in difficult situation you can count. But swimming next to the dolphins also symbolizes your willingness to obey. Some features of dreams:
    Holding on to the fin during the swim means getting the support of a friend in reality in time; Sitting astride a dolphin means subjugating one of the people to yourself; Falling off a fast swimming dolphin means expecting problem situations.

Sail the ship

Sailing on a ship is a very good omen. After such a dream, a successful life period will come with many new impressions. The dreamer is about to meet in real life with a very interesting people... To go on a large ship on a pond in a storm, which, according to the plot of a dream, is abruptly replaced by calm, means that fate in the coming life period will be favorable. Traveling on a water surface in calm and sunny weather on a large beautiful and comfortable ship portends good prospects in real life.

If in a dream you have to sail on a boat, then this symbolizes that in real life the dreamer will have to urgently solve important issues. It is necessary to pay attention to the variations of the plot lines:
    If there were other rowers there, then this portends a fun pastime with friends; When it happened that the boat capsized, then this warns that in reality it is not worth spending large sums cash, otherwise bankruptcy cannot be avoided.
The type of boat used is also important for the interpretation of dreams:
    Sailing on a motor boat means realizing the transience of the world around; Using a kayak means having good health; Swimming in a canoe - getting a responsible task; Moving on the water surface in an inflatable boat means fearing trouble in life.

Dreamed of a floating child

When floating people dream, it means that soon the dreamer's wishes will come true. And when a floating child dreamed in a dream, then in reality in the near future you will have to take care of someone. In addition, such a dream personifies the presence of complexes in the dreamer associated with communication with people. When a child drowns in water while swimming, this indicates that a person's financial situation is not very good. When you have to save a drowning child, this indicates the fear of losing a dear person. When interpreting night dreams associated with swimming, you should definitely listen to your own intuition. And it can be unambiguously argued that if, upon waking up, a person recalls night dreams with positive emotions, then everything in life is going well and there is nothing to worry about.

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