The project "Formation of logical thinking in children with a delay in mental development through educational games. Features of thinking in children of younger school age with a delay in mental development. Violation of thinking in children with CPRs.

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1.Vids thinking and its development in preschool age

2. Features of the visual forms of thinking in children with ZPR




Under the transition to universal average education, the need to develop special methods of corrective learning children with disabilities are increasing.

The regulatory framework of obtaining education with disabilities is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and other international and state documents.

The concept of "mental delay" is used in relation to children with minimal organic injuries or functional insufficiency of the central nervous system, as well as long-term in conditions of social deprivation. Special pedagogy / ed. N. M. Nazarova. - M., 2000. P. 211.

Children's learning of mental delay (CPR) is extremely difficult due to a mixed, complicated nature of their defect, in which the delay in the development of higher cortical functions is often combined with emotional-volitional disorders, violations of activities, motor and speech failure.

In children with a retardation of mental development, the defeat occurs when the development of the brain is not completed, which leads to violations of the subsequent stages of the ripening of the brain, to peculiar postnatal disconcentogenation. This is the basis of the psychic development anomalies of this category of children, determines the characteristic age dynamics and unevenness of mental, motor and speech development.

Thus, the severity of the imbalance and the unevenly disturbed pace of development are the main features of cognitive activity and often the whole person.

One of the main features that distinguishes children with a retardation of mental development from normally developing peers is a backlog in the development of thinking. In various studies, it is described in the difficulties that children with the SRR are described when performing problems of a problematic nature, the inertia of their mental processes is noted, the non-deformation of the anticypical analysis, the insufficiency of the mobility of mental operations. Most authors emphasize the heterogeneity of the development of mental operations in children with the CPR. Special pre-school pedagogy / ed. E.A. Strebel. - M.: Academy, 2001. P. 63. All this indicates the need for a differentiated approach to the analysis of thinking in children, taking into account the form and severity of the SRR.

Purpose This work is:

Show features of visual forms of thinking in children with PRR preschool age.

feature Thinking Psyche Delay Development

1. Types of thinking and his pre-school

S.L. Rubinstein determines the thinking as "indirect - based on the disclosure of relations, relations - and the generalized knowledge of objective reality." "Thinking is essentially your knowledge, leading to solving problems or tasks facing man."

There are several classifications of thinking. The most common classification characterizes thinking from the point of view of using substituents of reality, building material for one or another type of thinking. Therefore, three types of thinking are presented in this classification:

1) the subject-effective (visual effect), the tool of which is the subject;

2) clearly - figurative (sometimes called simply figurative thinking), operates with the images of the real world;

3) verbally - logical (conceptual), in which we use the word (concept).

Subjectual thinking (vividly effective). In phylogenetic development, this thinking is considered the initial point of all other types of human thinking. The peculiarity of this type of thinking is that with it, it is impossible to solve the task without the participation of practical actions. The functions of visual effective thinking include:

· Detection of the most closely lying to the "surface", but still hidden properties of objects and phenomena. Thanks to the practical transformations that a person performs in the process of this type of thinking, he accumulates the facts of objects known to them;

· The possibility in generalized form to master practical transformations underlying the allocation of a wide variety of hidden properties of objects;

· Mastering the generalized ability to receive facts.

In the process of objective thinking, therefore, a base forms for the subsequent use of the information received, both in various activities and for the formation of various ideas and concepts.

Fashionable thinking (visual-shaped). Vite-shaped thinking allows you to know the real world without the participation of practical actions and is carried out in perfect terms. The figurative thinking "grabs" a visual situation at the same time, often intuitively, that is, without deployed analysis and reasoning. At the same time, it has the ability to display in the sensual form of motion, the interaction of several items at once.

If a verbal response is not required, the findings are verbally and not formulated. In general, the word in figurative thinking is only a means of expression, the interpretation of transformations performed in images. The process of figurative thinking carried out in the form of images proceeds quickly, rolled enough. The decision comes as if suddenly, in the form of insight, a peculiar mental spatial picture. Therefore, the distinctive features of figurative thinking, except for simultaneity, need to add impulsivity and syntheticity. The specifics of the figurative thinking is to fill its results with personal content and meaning.

Images are much closer than the word, associated with the sensual attitude of a person to the world around the world, to his experiences. The image presents not only perceptual signs and properties of the object, but also an emotional and personal attitude towards them, which cannot be detected when operating with concepts.

In the concepts, especially scientific, the socio-generic experience of man is recorded. And in this sense, they are impersonal. This difference between the concept and means one of the factors determining the great difficulties of primary assimilation of the concepts and preferences of using examples in the study of a new educational material. At the same time, the images we offer other people do not always contribute to the understanding of truth, and at times even complicate this process.

There are several reasons for this. First, it is the poverty of an effective image. Indeed, there are many situations where the image in the effective expression (figure, subject design, schematic image, verbal description, etc.) turns out to be much poorer than was at the time of its creation, operating it. This phenomenon is due to the fact that a person does not speak fairly accurate means to express the content of his idea. Therefore, there must be a stock of created images. What they are more and they are richer, the greater the possibilities of a person for their modifications, transformation, that is, a successful operability by them.

Secondly, the understanding of the presented image has a significant impact of the proximity of personal meanings, which are filled with the corresponding images in the transmitting and perceiving information.

Thirdly, people differ in the ability to create and operate with images. For some sufficient representations, to easily and freely create images and operate them. This ability is associated with the development of an adult person of all mental processes. But there are people who, according to their individual peculiarities, is required for the ease and freedom of creating an image of necessarily the presence of a visual basis.

Visibility-shaped thinking is the basis for the conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking. It already laid the basics of logical analysis, but only the initial.

Wonder-logical thinking (or conceptual). Quite often, this type of thinking is called the top of the development of human thinking. Using this type of thinking, a person can analyze, compare phenomena, objects, situations, assessing the subject, situation, phenomenon, both from their point of view, and from other points of view. Rubinstein S.L. About thinking and ways of his research. - M., 1978. P. 55 - 59.

The whole path of the development of the child's thinking is associated with the process of forming the objectivity of its activities. In the child, the formation of substitution comes by assigning them human methods and motives to implement activities. The child's thinking is developing in stages based on the knowledge they received in the process of summarizing the experience of objective activities.

As targeted activities, thinking always acts as a solution to a certain problem. The process of solving a mental task has several stages:

Setting the issue or orientation in terms of problems;

Creation of a hypotheses of a possible solution;

Implementation of the solution and verification of its correctness.

All these stages are arbitrary, purposeful activities in which knowledge, skills, personality abilities and volitional and emotional qualities are revealed.

S. L. Novoselova allocates the leading role of the orientation process in terms of problems in the development of thinking of preschoolers. Novoselova S.D. "Genetically early forms of thinking. M., 1986. P. 218. The level of orientation depends on the subject of the subject action itself, and the degree of summarization by the child of their object experience. The solution of the mental task is impossible without orientation for its purposes and conditions in which you need to act directly.

The effectiveness of the solution of visual-effective tasks is directly dependent on the level of development of approximately research activities of the child - a preschooler. And almost the main way to solvely solve effective tasks in preschoolers is the method of samples and errors. With these methods, the child learns to consider the items in itself, but in the system of their functional relations with other objects.

The inclusion of the subject to new bonds S. L. Rubinstein considered as one of the main ways of thinking. As used by children, the method of samples and errors, which in subject life circumstances is necessary and the only one, arms the receptions for finding the right solving tasks, methods for testing a knowledgeable object. Rubinstein S.L. About thinking and ways of his research. - M., 1978. P. 75.

If errors occur, the child must own elementary analysis techniques, extracting useful information and correct these errors. Each subsequent action is based on the result of the previous one. This method plays its specific role in the development of the mental activity of the child.

Over time, the child moves to a higher, visual type orientation in the task.

Thus, the child's skill to solve problems in a clearly effective plan brings it from solving these tasks in a clearly generated plan.

The experience accumulated by the child in the solution of visual-effective tasks affects the transition to a clear-shaped and verbal-logical thinking. The transition from vividly - effective to visual-shaped thinking occurs as a result of replacing the practical orientation (samples and errors) orientation of visual.

The formation of visual-shaped thinking in children begins with the fact that they have the ability to operate with specific objects of items in solving certain tasks. The development of a figurative reflection of reality in preschoolers is under the perfection and complication of the structure of individual images that ensure the generalized reflection of objects and phenomena and the line of forming a system of specific ideas about one or another subject.

N. N. Poddyakov notes that the main line of development of visual-figurative thinking lies in the ability of the preschooler to operate in the images of the subject or at least its parts. The child should be able to arbitrarily update these images. Falkov N.N. Thinking a preschooler. - M., 1977. P. 72.

In this way, The development of visual-effective and clear-shaped thinking is carried out interconnected with the formation of verbal-logical thinking. Already in the process of solving clear-practical tasks in children there are primarily understanding of causal relationships between the action and the reaction to this action. It is in preschool age that the simplest logical operations of analysis and synthesis begin to influence the development of cognitive processes.

2. Features of visualforms of thinking in children with SRR

Loge in the development of thinking is one of the main features that distinguish children with a delay in mental development from normally developing peers. According to L.N. The pancake, the lag in the development of mental activity is manifested in all components of the structure of thinking, namely:

In the shortage of the motivational component, manifested in extremely low cognitive activity;

In the irrationality of the regulatory - the target component, due to the lack of need to put the goal, plan actions through empirical samples;

In long-term nonformation of the operating component, i.e. mental analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, comparisons;

In violation of the dynamic sides of thinning processes. Blinov L.N. Diagnosis and correction in the formation of children with mental delay. - M., 2004. P. 94.

It should be noted that most of the preschoolers with the CPR, first of all, there is no readiness for intellectual effort, which is necessary for the successful solution to the intellectual task, has been revealed to a decrease in cognitive activity.

In the gaming situation, these children are usually active, independent, productive. The underdevelopment of their cognitive activity is manifested mainly at the assimilation of the program material of the preschool educational institution. The insufficient severity of the cognitive interests of children with the CPR is combined with a violation of attention, memory, with a slowdown in the speed of receiving and processing sensory information, poor coordination of movement. Such children have both more scanty, unlike the normally developing their peers, the supply of information about the surrounding reality

Depending on the peculiarities of the development of thinking, it is possible to distinguish between four main groups of children with CPRs:

1) Children with a normal level of development of mental operations, but reduced cognitive activity. This is most often found in children with SRR of psychogenic origin.

2) Children with uneven manifestation of cognitive activity and productivity of tasks. (Simple mental infantilism, somatogenic form of the SPR, light shape with CPR cerebral-organic genesis.)

3) a combination of low productivity and lack of cognitive activity. (Complicated mental infantilism, expressed ZPR cerebral-organic genesis.) Blinov L.N. Diagnosis and correction in the formation of children with mental delay. - M., 2004. P. 97.

Visibility-effective thinking is actively formed in an early preschool age in the process of mastering the child with gaming activities, which should be in a certain way organized and leak under control and with the special participation of an adult.

Children with CPRs, especially in preschool age, there is no discriminating obvious-effective thinking.

One of the creators of special psychology J. I. Shif studied visual thinking in children from the CPR. To do this, children were invited to find among ten diverse items (box, scissors, kettle, handle, stone, roller, bubble, thimble, shell, pencil) such that can be replaced with a mug, hammer, cork. This task is entertaining and close to a life situation, when the absence of the required subject is used by such a combination of attributes may be suitable for performing a given function. Ulyanova U.V. Six-year children with mental delay. M., 1990. P. 117.

In normally developing children, the proposed task did not cause difficulties, they immediately began to decide. The task has caused their desire to continue the intellectual game. Children made a lot of diverse offers. So, in order for the video to serve as a mug, a hole was offered to clog the roller to lengthen, attach a handle to it. Such imaginary constructive activity was a complex mental work in which one stage was replaced by another.

In the first stages, the analysis was aimed at identifying externally similar objects, at the last stage children found functional similarity. In normally developing children, when solving a mental task, the interaction of processes of perception, memory, representations, their mobility and dynamism was observed.

The decision of the same task in children with the CPR took place quite differently. Already when fulfilling the first task, the children said that among the objects there are no mugs, they said that they were in the "buffet", "in the kitchen", etc. During the experiment, children of this group did not manage to achieve a sequence in performing tasks. Only in some cases, children allocated separate signs of substantive similarities that allowed to recognize the analyzed objects suitable for performing new functions.

The underdevelopment of clear-effective thinking in children with the CRAP is manifested in underdevelopment of subject-practical manipulations. Children independently do not summarize their experience of everyday action with objects-guns that have a fixed purpose. Therefore, they do not have a stage of understanding the situation requiring the application of a fixed (generally accepted) gun. In cases where children with an adult use aid aid, they do not sufficiently summarize their own experience of actions and cannot use it when solving new tasks, i.e. They have no transfer of the method of action.

Children with SPRs, unlike normally developing peers, do not know how to navigate in the conditions of a problematic practical task, they do not analyze these conditions. Therefore, when trying to achieve the goal, they do not discard erroneous options, but they repeat the same unproductive actions.

In fact, they do not have genuine samples.

In addition, normally developing children have a constant need to help themselves to comprehend the situation by analyzing their actions in external speech. This gives them the opportunity to aware of their actions in which it is starting to perform the organizing and regulatory functions, i.e. Allows the child to plan your actions.

In children from the CPR, such a need has almost no occur. Therefore, they draw attention to the lack of communication between practical actions and their verbal designation, there is a clear gap between the action and the word. Consequently, their actions are not enough, the experience of action is not recorded in the Word, and therefore not generalized. By the end of the preschool age, clearly effective thinking in children with the CRA is actively developing.

Psychocorrectional work on the formation of visual-effective thinking in children with the CPR should be phased.

At the first stage, it is necessary to form an objective and practical activity in a child with the help of special didactic benefits.

At the second stage, the child is formed tool activities (actions with auxiliary objects), in the process of special didactic games and design.

Visibility-shaped thinking is actively formed in preschool age, its formation is a prerequisite for mastering the child productive activities (drawing, design). Until the end of the preschool and the beginning of younger school age, children with the CPR actually lack the possibility of solving visual-shaped tasks. When trying to solve such tasks, they have no connection between the word and way. In children from the CPR, there is a weak relationship between the main components of mental activity: action, in a word and way. Images - representations are formed by them slowly and fragmentary.

Researchers emphasize the complexity of creating a whole of parts and the separation of parts from the whole, the difficulty in the spatial operating images in this group of preschoolers.

They worse than normally developing children, solve a number of visual tasks and are especially difficult when solving verbal tasks. Children begin to prepare the statements on the plot of the picture without prior thinking, this is determined by their diverse preliminary reflections regarding the nature of the image and indicates the imperfection of the orientation phase in the task. Do not know how to independently conduct analysis and synthesis of source data and the desired result, find a way to solve it, children seek help to adult.

There is a reproductive nature of children with a delay in mental development, a decrease in the ability to creative creation of new samples. They slow down the process of formation of mental operations. However, in contrast to children with intellectual failure, preschoolers with a mental development delay after obtaining aid fulfill the proposed tasks at a higher level. Children are able to accept help, assimilate the principle of operation and transfer it to similar tasks.

The development of visual-shaped thinking contributes to the following types of tasks: drawing, passage of labyrinths, design not only on a visual sample, but also according to the verbal instruction, according to the child's own intention, when it must come up with an object of design, and then implement it on its own.

Of particular interest is the method of teaching children to model design, developed by A. R. Luria and his students and successfully used by our defectologists in a psychocorrection work with children with cerebral palsy and from the CRP of cerebral organic genesis.

The essence of this method is that the sample models are presented to the child with a naked thick white paper, and before you begin to build, the child should be sampled sample itself, pick up the corresponding parts to it, i.e. the sample model offers a certain task, but Does not give a way to solve it.

A. R. Luria held the following experiment: he divided the twin children into two groups. One group was trained in the design of visual samples, and their brothers and sisters - design on samples-models. After several months of training, psychologists examined children, studied the peculiarities of their perception, thinking, drawing. The survey results showed that the children who study the design of models showed a higher dynamics in mental development than their brothers and sisters that were trained in constructing in the traditional way. Special pedagogy / ed. N. M. Nazarova. - M., 2000. P. 219.

In addition to model design, it is advisable to use the design method under the conditions proposed by N. N. Podoyakov. The child is offered to make an object from ready-made details, which can be used in certain, predetermined conditions, i.e., in this case, the child does not have a sample in front of him, and it is given to it, based on which it is necessary to determine which construction should be, and Then construct it. Important with this method of learning design is that the thinking processes of children acquire a more mediated character than when designing according to the sample. For example, having received a task to build from the finished blocks such a "garage", which could contain a "truck", the child begins to pre-analyze the magnitude of the car, distracting from all its other properties. For this, a fairly high level of abstraction is needed, which makes it possible to form in children specific methods of correlation of certain properties of conditions with the corresponding properties of the construction. Constructing on models and conditions successfully forms children's approximate activities, contributes to the development of self-control of its actions in the process of performing constructive tasks and when analyzing their results. Falkov N.N. Thinking a preschooler. - M.: Pedagogy, 1977. P. 176.

Potential children with high mental delay high. The level of development of visual-effective thinking in these children by the end of the preschool age, mostly the same as in the norm; The exception is children with a pronounced mental delay. Most children are correct and well fulfill all tasks, but some of them requires stimulating help, and others need to simply repeat the task and give the installation to focus.

Analysis of the level of development of visual-shaped thinking as a higher stage, shows inhomogeneous results. Among the preschool children there are those who do without much difficulty performs the task, in most cases the children require a multiple repetition of the task and the provision of various types of assistance. There are children who, using all attempts and help, do not cope with tasks. When distracting moments or foreign objects appear, the level of execution of tasks is sharply reduced.

In the development of verbal-logical thinking, the success rates fall sharply.

In this way, One of the psychological features of children with the CPR is that they have a lag in the development of all forms of thinking, which indicates the need to conduct correctional and developing work in order to form in children of intellectual operations, the development of mental activity and stimulation of intellectual activity.


In the process of developing visual thinking, common intellectual skills are formed, namely: awareness of the goal of activity, analysis of the conditions of this activity, means of achieving the goal. These common intelligent skills are necessary for all types of children's activities: gaming, visual, elementary labor. Of course, each type of activity puts its tasks before thinking, which in turn provides its further development.

The originality of visual-shaped thinking is that, solving tasks with its help, the child does not have the ability to actually change images and views, but only by imagination. This allows you to develop different plans to achieve the goal, mentally coordinate these plans to find the best. Since when solving problems with the help of visual-shaped thinking, the child has to operate only by images of objects (i.e., to operate objects only in a mental plan), in this case it is more difficult to manage their actions, control them and realize how in the case when It is possible to operate the objects themselves. Therefore, the main objective of development in children of visual-shaped thinking is to help form the ability to consider different ways, different plans, different options for achieving the goal, different ways to solve problems. This follows from the fact that, operating objects in the mental plan, presenting possible options for their changes can be found faster than the desired solution than performing each option that is possible. Moreover, there are no conditions for multiple changes in the real situation. Correctional and developing work in the DOW for children with the CPR is aimed at the development of preschoolers clearly - effective and clearly-shaped thinking in order to develop verbally - logical thinking.


1. Plinka L.N. Diagnosis and correction in the formation of children with a retardation of mental development - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2004.

2. Novoselova S.D. Genetically early forms of thinking. M., 1986.

3. Special psychology / ed. L.V. Kuznetsova. - M.: "Academy", 2002.

4. Falkov N.N. Thinking a preschooler. - M.: Pedagogy, 1977.

5. Rubinstein S.L. About thinking and ways it is M: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1978.

6. Special pre-school pedagogy / ed. E.A. Strebel. - M.: Academy, 2001.

7. Special pedagogy / ed. N.M. Nazarova. - M.: "Academy", 2000.

8. Ulyanova U.V. Six-year children with mental delay. M., 1990.

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Thinking from the guys with spp

The main sign of the violation of cognitive development in children with a retreat of mental development is some features of their thinking. All its types, including verbal-logical, violated.
In fact, what makes thinking from other psychological processes? The main difference is the connection of mental activities with solving the tasks. It is in thinking that practical and theoretical conclusions are made.
Thinking in children with CPR and mentally retarded kids is different. The first is more developed. Children are able to learn how to use existing skills to solve various tasks, and also know how to abstragging and group. On the level of thinking of children cPRs can affect:
Development of attention;
experience of communicating with the outside world;
level of development of speech;
The degree of formation of regulatory mechanisms.
As the healthy kid growing, it will cope with increasingly complex tasks, including those that will not be of interest. The kids with the SRR will work with difficulty, primarily due to the inability to focus on the task.
The main disadvantages of the mental activity of the guys with SPR
Children with a diagnosis of mental delay, as a rule, suffer from violations of speech, as a result of which it is difficult for them to compile a plan of action using speech. It has its deviations and inner speech, which is negatively reflected in the ability to think logically. To the general disadvantages of the mental activity of children with the CPR take the following.
1. Incase search and cognitive motivation. Children are not interested in receiving and solving new tasks, they do not know how to cope with difficulties, and try to switch attention to the game as soon as possible.
2. No plan when performing mental problems. The peculiarity of the thinking of children from the SRR is the inability to build a work scheme. They act spontaneously, quickly. It looks like this: the kid receives a task and instruction for its execution. Instead of studying the instructions and fulfill the task in accordance with it, he discards it and tries to quickly cope with himself, without thinking about the result and inevitable mistakes with this approach.
3. A low level of mental activity. Features of thinking of such children are also manifested in excessive hasty of tasks, often at random, excluding the condition and without the presence of a proper work plan. Many children are trying to cope with the task using their own intuition.

Committee of General and Vocational Education of the Leningrad Region

Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education

Leningrad State University

them. A.S. Pushkin

Defectological faculty

Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Correctional Psychology


Features of thinking in children with a delay in the mental development of younger school age

Performed: 4th year student

correspondence department

specialty - Special Psychology

Elena Yurevna, Elena


Efremov K.D.

St. Petersburg


Chapter 1 Thinking

1.1 Thinking as a mental feature of a person

1.2 Features of thinking in children of younger school age

Chapter 2 Mental Development Delay

2.1 Psychology of children with mental delay

2.2 Specificity of thinking in children with a delay in the mental development of younger school age


List of used literature


The problem of low-rise deviations in mental development arose and became of particular importance in both foreign and domestic science in the middle of the 20th century, when, due to the rapid development of various areas of science and technology and complications of secondary schools, a large number of children experienced difficulties in learning appeared. . Teachers and psychologists attached great importance to analyzing the causes of this failure. It was often quite often explained by the mental retardation, which was accompanied by the direction of such children to auxiliary schools, which appeared in Russia in 1908 - 1910, inherent mental retardation. In the 50 -60s. This problem has gained special significance, as a result of which under the leadership of M.S. Pevisner, students of L.S. Vygotsky, specialist in the field of a mental retardation clinic, a versatile study of the causes of failure was started. A sharp increase in failures Against the background of the complication of training programs forced it to assume the existence of some forms of mental failure, manifested in the context of increased training requirements. A comprehensive clinical and psychological and pedagogical examination of persistently poor students from schools of different regions of the country and analyzing a huge data array lay down the formulated ideas about children with mental delay (CPR). So there has been a new category of abnormal children who are not subject to a subsidiary school and components. A significant part (about 50%) of poor students of an educational system of training. Work M.S. Pelevner "Children with development deviations: the separation of oligophrenia from similar states" (1966) and the book "Teacher on Children with Deviations in Development", written together with T.A.Vlasova (1967), are the first to Psychological and pedagogical publications devoted to the study and correction of the CPR. Thus, carrying out a complex of research of this development anomaly, begun in the Research Institute of Defectology of the USSR of the USSR of the 1960s. Under the guidance of T.A.Vlasova and M.S. Pelevner, was dictated by the urgent needs of life: on the one hand, the need to establish the causes of failure to avail in mass schools and the search for methods to combat her, on the other - the need for further differentiation of mental retardation and other clinical disorders cognitive activity.

In foreign literature, children with SRR are considered either with purely pedagogical positions and are usually described as children with learning difficulties (Educationally disabled, Children with Learning Disability) are either defined as unsuitable, mainly due to adverse living conditions (MaladJusted), pedagogically launched. and cultural deprivation (Socially and Culturally depressed). To this group of children also include children with violation of behavior. Other authors, according to the idea that the development of the development, manifested in the difficulties of learning, is associated with residual (residual) organic brain damage, children of this category are called children with minimal brain damage (Minimal Brain Damage) or children with minimal (light) brain Dysfunction (Minimal Brain Dysfunction). To describe children with specific partial difficulties in learning, the term "children with attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity" - SDHD syndrome (Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders - Syndrom ADHD) is widely used.

Subject: Study of the features of thinking in children of primary school age with mental delay

Object: Children of younger school age with mental delay

Objective: Theoretical study of this issue

1. Study of thinking as a mental feature of a person

2. Study of thinking in children of primary school age

3. Study of the characteristics of children with mental delay

4. Studying the specifics of thinking in children of primary school age with mental delay

Chapter 1

1.1 Thinking as a mental feature of a person

Thinking is the highest step of human knowledge, the process of reflection in the brain of the surrounding real world, based on two fundamentally different psychophysiological mechanisms: education and continuous replenishment of the reserve of concepts, ideas and withdrawal of new judgments and conclusions. Thinking allows you to gain knowledge of such objects, properties and relations of the surrounding world, which cannot be directly perceived using the first signal system. Forms and laws of thinking constitute the subject of the review of logic, and psycho-physiological mechanisms - respectively - psychology and physiology. The mental activity of a person is inextricably linked with the second signaling system. The basis of thinking is distinguished by two processes: the transformation of thought into speech (written or oral) and learning of thought, content from a certain verbal form of the message. The idea is the form of the most complex generalized abstracted reflection of reality due to some motifs, a specific process of integrating certain ideas, concepts in specific conditions for social development. Therefore, thought as an element of the highest nervous activity is the result of the social and historical development of an individual with a nomination of information for the forefront of the language form of processing information. Creative thinking of a person is associated with the formation of all new concepts. The word as a signal signal indicates a dynamic complex of specific stimuli, summarized in the concept, expressed by this word and having a wide context with other words, with other concepts. During his life, a person continuously replenishes the contents of the concepts of the contextual relations of the words used by him and phrases. Any learning process is usually associated with the expansion of the old and formation of new concepts. The verbal basis of mental activity largely determines the nature of the development, the formation of the processes of thinking in a child, is manifested in the formation and improvement of the nervous mechanism for ensuring the conceptual apparatus of a person based on the use of logical laws of conclusions, reasoning (inductive and deductive thinking). The first time-moving time connections appear by the end of the first year of the child's life; At the age of 9-10 months, the word becomes one of the meaningful elements, components of a complex incentive, but not yet acts as an independent incentive. The connection of words into serial complexes, in separate semantic phrases is observed in the second year of the child's life.

The depth of mental activity that determines the mental features and the component of the human intelligence is largely due to the development of a summary of the word function. In the formation of the generalizing function, the word in humans distinguish the following stages, or stages, the integrative function of the brain. At the first stage of integration, the word replaces the sensual perception of a certain subject (phenomenon, events), denoted by it. At this stage, each word acts as a conditional sign of one particular subject, the word does not express its generalizing function, which combines all the unambiguous items of this class. For example, the word "doll" for a child means specifically that doll that has it, but not a doll in the shop windows, in the nursery, etc. This stage falls at the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd year of life. At the second stage, the word replaces several sensual images that unite homogeneous objects. The word "doll" for the child becomes a generalizing designation of various dolls that he sees. Such an understanding and use of the word happens by the end of the 2nd year of life. In the third stage, the word replaces a number of sensual images of heterogeneous objects. The child has an understanding of the summary meaning of words: for example, the word "toy" for the child means both a doll, a ball, and a cube, etc. Such a level of operating in words is achieved on the 3rd year of life. Finally, the fourth stage of the integrative function of the word characterized by verbal generalizations of the second-third order is formed on the 5th year of the child's life (he understands that the word "thing" indicates the integrating words of the previous level of generalization, such as the "toy", "food", "Book", "Clothing", etc.). The stages of the development of the integrative generalizing function of the word as an integral element of thought operations are closely related to the stages, periods of development of cognitive abilities. The first initial period is accounted for by the stage of developing sensor coordination (a child aged 1.5-2 years). The next - the period of preoperative thinking (age 2-7 years) is determined by the development of the language: the child begins to actively use the sensor motors of thinking. The third period is characterized by the development of coherent operations: the child develops the ability to logically arguments using specific concepts (age 7-11 years). By the beginning of this period, verbal thinking began to prevail in the behavior of the child, the activation of the internal speech of the child. Finally, the last, final, stage of development of cognitive abilities is the period of formation and implementation of logical operations based on the development of elements of abstract thinking, the logic of reasoning and conclusion (11-16 years). At the age of 15-17 years, the formation of neuro- and psycho-physiological mechanisms of mental activity is mainly completed. Further development of the mind, intelligence is achieved through quantitative changes, all major mechanisms that determine the essence of human intelligence have already been formed.

In psychology, thinking is a set of mental processes underlying knowledge; Thinking is exactly the active side of the knowledge: attention, perception, the process of associations, the formation of concepts and judgments. In a closer logical sense, thinking contains only the formation of judgments and conclusions by analyzing and synthesizing concepts. Thinking is an indirect and generalized reflection of reality, a type of mental activity consisting in the knowledge of the essence of things and phenomena, natural ties and relations between them. Thinking as one of the mental functions is a mental process of reflection and knowledge of the substantial relations and relations of objects and phenomena of the objective world. The first feature of thinking is his indirect character. The fact that a person cannot know directly, he knows indirectly, indirectly: some properties through others, unknown - through the famous. Thinking always relies on the data of sensual experience - sensations, perception, ideas - and for previously acquired theoretical knowledge. The second feature of thinking is its generalization. Generalization as knowledge of common and significant in objects of reality is possible because all the properties of these objects are associated with each other. The general exists and manifests itself only in a separate one, in a specific one. The same thinking is determined as the process of informative activities of an individual characterized by a generalized and mediated reflection of reality. Types of thinking is the manifestation of the features of cognitive mechanisms when solving tasks, finding answers to questions. The harder thinking, the larger place in it occupy mental processes. In psychology, the following several conditional classification of thinking of thinking on such various reasons is accepted and distributed as:

1. On the genesis of development distinguish thinking:

· Vite-effective thinking is a type of thinking based on the direct perception of objects in the process of action with them. This thinking is the most elementary type of thinking, arising in practical activity and is the basis for the formation of more complex thinking;

· Vite-shaped thinking is a type of thinking characterized by supporting on representations and images. With a clear-shaped thinking, the situation is converted in terms of image or submission;

· Vite-logical thinking is a kind of thinking carried out using logical operations with concepts. In case of verbally logical thinking, operating with logical concepts, the subject can cognize substantial patterns and unobservable relationships of the studied reality;

· Abstract-logical (distracted) thinking is a type of thinking based on the allocation of essential properties and bonds of the subject and distraction from other, irrelevant. Clearly effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical and abstract-logical thinking are consistent stages of the development of thinking in phylogenesis and in ontogenesis;

2. By the nature of the tasks solved, thinking is distinguished:

· Theoretical thinking - thinking based on theoretical reasoning and conclusions. Theoretical thinking is the knowledge of laws and rules.

· Practical thinking - thinking based on judgments and conclusions based on solving practical problems. The main task of practical thinking is the development of means of practical transformation of reality: setting the goal, creating a plan, project, scheme.

3. According to the degree of exploration, thinking is distinguished:

· Discursive (analytical) thinking - thinking, mediated by the logic of reasoning, and not perception. Analytical thinking is expressed in time, it has clearly pronounced stages, represented in the consciousness of the most thoughtful person.

· Intuitive thinking - thinking based on direct sensual perceptions and directly reflecting the impacts of objects and phenomena of the objective world. Intuitive thinking is characterized by the speed of leakage, the absence of well-pronounced stages is minimally conscious.

4. According to the degree of novelty and originality, thinking is distinguished:

· Reproductive thinking - thinking based on images and ideas, hoped from some specific sources.

· Productive thinking - thinking based on creative imagination.

5. For thinking, thinking is distinguished:

· Visual thinking - thinking based on images and presentations of objects.

· Verbal thinking - thinking that operates abstract iconic structures.

6. The functions distinguish thinking:

· Critical thinking is aimed at identifying deficiencies in the judgments of other people.

· Creative thinking is associated with the opening of fundamentally new knowledge, with the generation of own original ideas, and not with the estimation of other people's thoughts.

There are also thinking theoretical and practical, theoretical and empirical, logical (analytical) and intuitive, realistic and autistic (associated with the care of reality to internal experiences), productive and reproductive, involuntary and arbitrary.

1.2 Features of thinking in children of younger school age

Thinking is the process of knowledge of reality based on the establishment of connections and relations between the objects and the phenomena of the surrounding world. Cognitive activity and curiosity of the child are constantly aimed at cognition of the surrounding world and building their painting of this world. Thinking is inextricably linked with speech. The more active the child in mental terms, the more he asks questions and the same questions are more diverse. Younger schoolchildren use the widest typology of issues. For example, on one of our lessons, they asked questions of such types: what is it?, Who is?, Why?, Why?, For what?, Of what?, Is there?, Does anyone come from? How?, who? What ?, What happens if?, where?, how much?, do you know how? As a rule, with the wording of the question, children of younger school age are a real situation and as it were in this situation. Such thinking, in which the solution of the problem occurs as a result of internal actions with images of perception or representation, is called visual-shaped. Vite-figurative is the main type of thinking in the younger school age. A verbally pronounced thought that does not have supports in visual performances, it is difficult to understand these children. Of course, the youngest schoolboy may think and logically, but it should be remembered that this age is more sensitive to learning based on visibility. The judgments of children are usually single and due to personal experience. Therefore, they are categorical and usually belong to visual reality. Since the child's thinking is specifically, it is not surprising that he prefers with explaining anything to everything to the private and likes to read books with a plot, rich all sorts of adventures. At this age, the judgment chain is still rarely used - conclusion. The main role in thinking during this period the memory is played, judgments are very widely used by analogy, therefore the earliest form of evidence is an example. Given this feature, convincing or explaining to the child, it is necessary to reinforce his speech with a visual example. Egocentrism is considered as a central feature of the pre-exchange thinking. As a result of egocentrism, the child does not fall into the sphere of his own reflection. He cannot look at himself from the part, since it is not able to freely produce the reference system, the beginning of which is harshly associated with it himself, with his "I".
Bright examples of child thinking egocentrism are facts when children when transferring members of their family themselves are not included in their number. They do not always understand the situation correctly, requiring some deregistration from their own point of view and adopting someone else's position. Phrases like "And if you were in his place?" Or "would it be good if you were doing so?" - It is often not proper influence on children of preschool and younger school age, since they do not cause the desired empathy reaction. Egocentrism does not allow children to take someone else's experience close to heart, expressed purely verbally (without empathy). Overcoming children's egocentrism involves the absorption of reversible operations. The game contributes to overcoming egocentrism, since it acts as a real practice of changing positions, as practicing attitudes towards a partner in the game in terms of the role that the child performs. This goal is a variety of role-playing games (in the "Mother's daughter", "Hospital", "School", "Shop", etc.). However, not only the game, but any communication with peers contributes to decentration, i.e., the correlation of its point of view with the positions of other people. So far, the child has intellectual operations on themselves, it does not give him the opportunity to distinguish a subjective point of view from objective relationships. Decentration, free transfer of the coordinate system, removes these limitations and stimulates the formation of conceptual thinking. Then there is an expansion of the thought field, which allows you to build a system of relations and classes that are not dependent on the position of its own "I". Developing decentration allows the transition from the future to the past and back, which makes it possible to look at your life from any time position and even from the moment beyond your own life. Decentration creates prerequisites for identification formation, i.e., the person's ability to move away from its own egocentric position, take the point of view of the other. At the pre-exchange level, direct and inverse operations are not combined in completely reversible compositions, and this predetermines defects of understanding. The main one is insensitive to contradiction, leading to the fact that children repeat the same error many times. The specificity of the pre-exchange thinking is also manifested in such a characteristic feature as the lack of ideas about the preservation of the quantity. Thinking of children based on the obviousness leads them to erroneous conclusions. Transaction is a feature of the suppression thinking associated with the operating case of a single case. It is carried out by a child and instead of induction, and instead of deduction, leading to mixing the essential properties of objects with their random features. Sinnotism is also an essential feature of the pre-exchange thinking. This binding operation is used with everything in children and for analysis, and for synthesis. Instead of classifying objects, children like them more or less rude and, moving from one object to another, attribute all the properties of the previous one. Due to syncretism, two phenomena perceived at the same time are immediately included in the general scheme, and causal relationships are replaced by subjective connections imposed by perception.
Thus, to explain some properties of the object, children use other properties of the same object. Sinnotism is responsible for the fact that the child cannot systematically explore the object, make a comparison of its parts and understand their relationship.
So, thinking develops from specific images to the concepts indicated by the word. Images and presentations from different people are individual. Having distinguished, they do not provide reliable mutual understanding. This explains why adults cannot achieve a high level of mutual understanding when communicating with children at the level of pre-exchange thinking. Concepts are common names that a person calls a whole totality of things. Therefore, they already substantially coincide in the content of various people, which leads to a relief of mutual understanding. Thanks to the inherent conceptual thinking of the invertibility of logical operations, two new operations are becoming available to the transduction operation (movement from private to private): moving from private to general and back through induction and deduction. Simultaneously with overcoming the child restrictions of the additional thinking, operations are being developed. First, the operations are formed as the structures of external material actions, then as specific operations, i.e., the system of action performed in the mind, but also with a support for direct perception, after which the internal structures of formal operations, logic and conceptual thinking arise. The operations applied limit the level of accessible ideas about space and time, causality and chance, quantity and motion. The development of operations leads to the emergence of such an important element of conceptual thinking as conclusion. Teachers are gradually developing the ability of children to verbally logical thinking, reasoning, conclusions and conclusions. If first-graders and second-graders usually replace the argument and proof by simply indicating a real fact or rely on analogy, then the pupils of the third grade under the influence of training are already able to provide reasonable proof, expand the argument, build the simplest deductive conclusion. The concept of figurative thinking implies operating images, conducting various Operations (mental) with support for submissions. For children of preschool age (up to 5.5 - 6 years), it is that exactly the type of thinking. They are not yet able to think abstract (symbols), distracted by reality, visual image. Therefore, efforts here must be focused on the formation of the ability to create various images in the head, i.e. visualize. Part of the exercises on the development of visualization ability are described in the Memory Training section. We did not repeat and completed them by others. At about the age of 6 - 7 years (with admission to school), two new kinds of thinking are beginning to be formed in the child - verbal and logical and abstract. The success of school learning depends on the level of development of these types of thinking. The insufficient development of verbal-logical thinking leads to difficulties in the commission of any logical actions (analysis, generalizations, allocating the main thing when building conclusions) and operations with words. Exercises for the development of this type of thinking are aimed at the formation of a child of the ability to systematize words on a certain sign, the ability to identify generic and species concepts, the development of inductive speech thinking, the function of generalization and ability to abstraction. It should be noted that the higher the level of generalization, the better the child has the ability to abstraction. Here we also provide a description of logical tasks - this is a special section on the development of verbal-logical thinking, which includes a number of various exercises. Logical tasks assume the implementation of the mental process associated with the use of concepts, logical structures that exist on the basis of language funds. During such a thinking, there is a transition from one judgment to another, their ratio through the mediation of the content of one judgment content of others, and as a result, it is formulated by conclusion. As the domestic psychologist S.L. Rubinstein, "In conclusion ... Knowledge is mined indirectly through knowledge without any borrowing in each individual case from direct experience." Developing verbal and logical thinking through the solution of logical tasks, it is necessary to select such problems that would require inductive (from a single to general), deductive (from the total to a single) and the trate (from a single one or from a common one, when parcels and conclusions are judgments of the same community) conclusions. The traducleate conclusion can be used as the first stage of learning the ability to solve logical tasks. These are the tasks in which, according to the absence or presence of one of the two possible features, one of two objects discussed should be conclusing about, respectively, the presence or absence of this feature from another object. For example, "Natasha dog is small and fluffy, Ira is big and fluffy. What is the same in these dogs? Miscellaneous?" Insufficient development of abstract-logical thinking - the child has no abstract concepts that cannot be perceived using the senses (for example, equation, area, etc. d.). The functioning of this type of thinking occurs with the support on the concept. Concepts reflect the essence of objects and are expressed in words or other signs. Usually this type of thinking is just beginning to develop in the younger school age, but the school curriculum already includes tasks that require solutions in the abstract logical sphere. This determines the difficulties that arise in children in the process of mastering by educational material. We offer exercises that do not just develop abstract-logical thinking, but also in their content meet the basic characteristics of this type of thinking.
This includes tasks for the formation of the ability to allocate the essential properties (signs) of specific objects and abstraction from secondary qualities, the ability to separate the form of concept from its content, to establish links between concepts (logical associations), the formation of the operating ability to operate.

Chapter 2.

2.1 Psychology of children with mental delay

Psychology of children with a delay in mental development is a section of modern psychology, which studies the general and specific patterns of the development of children of this category. International classifications of the 9th and 10th reviews are given more generalized definitions of these states: "Specific mental developmental delay" and "specific delay in psychological development", including partial (partial) underdevelopment of certain prerequisites for intelligence with subsequent difficulties of forming school skills ( Reading, letter, account).

As causes leading to mental delays, M.S. Pevzner and T. A. Vlasova were allocated as follows:

1. An unfavorable course of pregnancy associated with:

· Mother's diseases during pregnancy (rubella, vapotitis, influenza);

· Chronic somatic diseases of the mother, started before pregnancy (heart disease, diabetes, thyroid disease);

· Toxicosis, especially in the second half of pregnancy;

· Toxoplasmosis;

· Inxications of the body of the mother due to the use of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, chemical and drugs, hormones;

· The incompatibility of the blood of the mother and baby in the rhesus factor.

2. Pathology of childbirth:

· Injuries due to mechanical damage to the fetus when using various means of objects;

· Asphyxia of newborns and its threat.

3. Social factors:

· Pedagogical neglence as a result of limited emotional contact with the child both in the early stages of development (up to three years) and in the later age stages.

A later option of the CRR classification proposed by K.S. Belditional (1980) reflects not only the mechanisms of mental disorders, but also their causal condition.

Based on the etiopathogenetic principle, four main clinical types of SRR were allocated. These are the delays of the mental development of the following origin: a constitutional, somatogenic, psychogenic, cerebral-organic.

Each of these types of ZPR has its own clinical attachment structure, its features of emotional immaturity and violations of cognitive activity and is often complicated by a number of painful signs - somatic, encephalopathic, neurological. In many cases, these painful signs cannot be regarded only as complicating, since they play a substantial pathogenetic role in the formation of the SRR itself.

1.SPR Constitutional Origin . We are talking about the so-called harmonic infantilism (uncomplicated mental and psychophysical infantilism, according to the classification of M.S. Pevisner, and so.Vlasova), in which the emotional-volitional sphere is at an earlier stage of development, in many ways reminding the normal structure of the emotional warehouse of children More minor age. The predominance of the game motivation of behavior, an elevated background of mood, the immediacy and brightness of emotions during their surface and nonstopness, easy suggestibility. When moving to school age, the importance for children of gaming interests is preserved. Harmonic infantilism can be considered a nuclear form of mental infancelism, in which the features of emotional-volitional immaturity perform in its purest form and are often combined with the infantile type of physique. Such a harmony of the psychophysical appearance, with a known frequency of family cases, napatology of mental features suggest predominantly congenital-constitutional etiology of this type of infantilism (A. F. Melnikov, 1936; B.Shakhareva, 1965). This group coincides with the described M.S. Pevizner: CPR of Constitutional Origin. Children with uncompressive psychophysical infantilism were attributed to this group.

2. Somathogenic origin . This type of development anomaly is due to a long somatic deficiency (weakening) of various origin: chronic infections and allergic conditions, congenital and acquired defects of the development of the somatic sphere, primarily the heart (V.V. Kovlev, 1979).

3. PRD of psychogenic origin . This type is associated with unfavorable education conditions that prevent the proper formation of the identity of the child (incomplete or unfavorable family, mental injuries). As you know, adverse environmental conditions, early arising, long-term and providing the traumatic influence on the child's psyche can lead to resistant shifts of its neuropsychic sphere, violation of vegetative functions first, and then mental, primarily emotional, development. This type of CRAP should be distinguished from the phenomena of pedagogical neglection, not representing a pathological phenomenon, and caused by a deficit of knowledge and skills due to the lack of intellectual information. PRR of psychogenic origin is observed primarily with the normal development of the personality in the type of mental instability (G.Shakhareva, 1959; V. V. Kovalev, 1979; and others), most often due to the hypoopheki phenomena - the conditions of hopelessness in which the child is not The senses of debt and responsibility are brought up, the forms of behavior, the production of which is associated with the active braking of the affect. The development and cognitive activity, intellectual interests and installations is not stimulated. The option of anomalous development of the personality by the type of "idol family" is due, on the contrary, the hyperopic - the wrong, to the uprising education, in which the child is not given the features of independence, initiative, responsibility. For children with this type of CPR, against the background of a general somatic weakness, a general decrease in cognitive activity, increased fatigue and depletion, especially with long-term physical and intellectual loads. They quickly get tired, they need more time to perform any learning tasks. Cognitive activity suffers again due to the decline in the common tone of the body. For this type of psychogenic infantilism, along with a small ability to strongly effort, characteristic features of egocentrism and egoism, dislike for labor, installation for permanent help and care. Radis-based pathological development of an neurotic type of the neurotic type is more often observed in children, in the families of which there are rudeness, Cruelty, despotic, aggression for child, other family members. In such a situation, a timid personality is often formed, the emotional immaturity of which is manifested in insufficient independence, indecision, small activity and the absence of the initiative. Adverse cultivation conditions lead to a delay in development and cognitive activity.

ZPR cerebral-organic origin . This type of SDR occupies the main place in this polymorphic development anomaly. It meets more often than the above-described types, often has a greater resistance and severity of violation in both the emotional-volitional sphere and in cognitive activity. Studying the history of these children in most cases shows the presence of non-bubbling organic insufficiency of the nervous system, more often - residual nature: pathology of pregnancy (heavy toxicosis, infections, intoxication and injury, the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus in terms of reshusses, avo-, etc. Factors) , asphyxia, injury in childbirth, postnatal neuroinfection, toxico-dystrophing diseases of the first years of life. Cerebral-organic insufficiency primarily imposes a typical imprint on the structure of the SRR itself - both on the features of emotional-volitional immaturity and on the nature of violations of cognitive activity. Emotional-volitional immaturity is represented by organic infantilism. At the same time, infantilism in children is missing typical of a healthy child's liveliness and brightness of emotions. Sick children are characterized by poor interest in the assessment, low levels of claims. The impression of them has a rougher shade and often reflects the organic defect of criticism. Gaming activity characterizes the poverty of imagination and creativity, certain monotony and monotony, the predominance of the component of the motor disbursement. The desire for the game often looks like a way to care from difficulties in tasks than the primary need: the desire to play often arises precisely in situations of the need for targeted intellectual activities, cooking lessons. Depending on the prevailing emotional background, two main types of organic infantilism can be distinguished:

· Unstable - with psychomotor dismissal, euphoric tint of mood and impulsiveness, imitating children's cheerfulness and immediacy. Characterized by a small ability to volitional effort and systematic activity, the lack of persistent attachments with increased suggestibility, the poverty of the imagination;

· Brake - with a predominance of a reduced mood background, indecisive, notionlessness, often fearlessness, which can reflect the congenital or acquired functional failure of the growing nervous system by the type of neuropathy. In this case, sleep disorders, appetite, dyspeptic phenomena, vascular lability. In children with organic infantilism of this type, asthenic and neurosis-like features are accompanied by a feeling of physical weakness, timidity, inability to stand up for itself, non-independence, excessive dependence on loved ones.

In the formation of the CRP of cerebral-organic genesis, a significant role belongs to both violations of cognitive activity, due to the insufficiency of memory, attention, inertness of mental processes, their slowness and reduced switching, as well as the deficiency of individual cortical functions. Psychological and pedagogical studies are stated in these children. There is often poor orientation in the spatial concepts of "right-left", the phenomenon of mirroring in a letter, difficulty in differentiation of similar graphs. In children from the CPR of the cerebral-organic genesis of senior school age, pronounced deviations of electrocorgal activity are preserved. It should be emphasized that with any embodiment, during puberty, decompensation is possible, complicating their adaptation to higher social requirements for this age, and manifests themselves both in clinical and neurophysiological parameters.

2.2 Specificty of thinking in children of younger school age with a delay in mental development

The difference between thinking from other psychological processes is that this activity is related to the solution of a problem situation, a particular task. Thinking in contrast to perception goes beyond the sensory given. In thinking based on sensory information, certain theoretical and practical conclusions are made. It reflects being not only in the form of individual things, phenomena and their properties, but also determines the connections that exist between them, which is most often directly, in the very perception of a person is not given. Properties of mesh and phenomena, relations between them are reflected in thinking in generalized form, in the form of laws, entities. The current ideas about the peculiarities of the mental activity of children with poorly pronounced deviations in the development, lagging behind in teachings, are based largely on materials of many years of research conducted by T. V. Egorova. Most preschoolers with a retreat of mental development primarily there is a readiness for intellectual effort, which is necessary for a successful solution to the intellectual task, (W.V. Yulenenkova, etc.).

Thinking in children from the CPR is more preserved than the mentally retarded children, the ability to generalize, abstragging, to help, to transfer skills to other situations. All mental processes affect the development of thinking:

· Level of attention of attention; · The level of development of perception and ideas about the world around (the richest experience, the more complex conclusions can make a child); · Level of development of speech; · The level of formation of arbitrariness mechanisms (regulatory mechanisms). The older the child, the more difficult tasks he can solve. By 6-7 years old, preschoolers are capable of performing complex intellectual tasks, even if they are not interested in it (the principle works: "So necessary" and independence). In children with SRR, all these prerequisites for the development of thinking to one degree or another are violated. Children hardly concentrate on the task. These children have a violated perception, they have a rather meager experience in their arsenal - all this determines the features of the child's thinking with a delay in mental development. This is a party to cognitive processes that the child is broken, is associated with a violation of one of the components of thinking. Children with CRA suffers a coherent speech, the ability to plan their activities with speech is broken; Violated inner speech - an active means of logical thinking of a child. General shortcomings of the mental activity of children with SRR: 1. Formation of cognitive, search motivation (peculiar attitude to any intellectual tasks). Children seeking every intellectual effort. For them, the moment of overcoming difficulties is unattracting (the refusal to perform a difficult task, the substitute for the task is closer, the gaming task.). Such a child is not fully the task, and its simpler part. Children are not interested in performing a task. This feature of thinking is manifested in school when children are very quickly losing interest in new subjects.2. Activity of a pronounced approximate stage in solving mental problems. Children with SRR begin to act immediately, with the go. Experience was confirmed in the experiment N.G. Poddubnaya. Upon presentation of the instructions for the task, many children did not understand the tasks, but sought to quickly get experimental material and start acting. It should be noted that children from the CPR are more interested in faster to complete the work, and not the quality of the task. The child does not know how to analyze the conditions, does not understand the significance of the approximate stage, which leads to the emergence of many errors. When a child begins to learn, it is very important to create conditions for it originally thought, analyzed the task. Low mental activity, "thoughtless" style of work (children, due to hasty, inorganized at random, do not consider in full condition; there is no directional search for solutions, overcoming difficulties). Children decide the task at an intuitive level, that is, the child seems to be the answer correctly, but cannot explain it.4. Stereotype of thinking, its template. Vividly-shaped thinking is broken. Children with CPR find it difficult to act on a visual pattern due to violations of analysis operations, violation of integrity, focus, perception activity - all this leads to the fact that the child makes it difficult to analyze the sample, select the main parts, establish the relationship between parts and reproduce this structure in the process of own Activities. In children with a retreat of mental development, there are violations of the most important operations, which are constituting logical thinking: · Analysis (enjoyed with small parts, it cannot be distinguished the main thing, single-mentioned signs); · comparison (compare items by incomparable, insignificant signs); · Classification ( The child carries out a classification often correctly, but can not realize its principle, can not explain why he did it). All children with the SRR level of logical thinking significantly lags behind the level of a normal schoolboy. By 6-7 years, children with normal mental development begin to argue, making independent conclusions, try to explain everything. Children with SRRs are experiencing very large difficulties when building the easiest conclusions. The stage in the development of logical thinking is the implementation of the output of two parcels - still a little accessible to children with the CPR. For children to manage to conclude, they have great adult assistance, indicating the direction of thought that distinguishes the dependencies between which the relationship should be established. According to Ulin, U.V., children with SRRs do not know how to reason, draw conclusions; Try to avoid such situations. These children, due to the non-formation of logical thinking, give random, rampant responses, the testability to the analysis of the conditions of the problem. When working with these children, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of all forms of thinking. The insufficient level of formation of the generalization operation in children with development delay is clearly manifested when assigning tasks for a grouping of objects by generic affiliation. Here is the difficulty of assimilation of special terms. This also applies to species concepts. In some cases, children with the SRR know the object well, but cannot remember its name. In general, it can be said that the generic concepts in children with the CPR are poorly differentiated in nature. Most children are well dominated by the elementary forms of classification. The distribution by groups of simple geometric figures based on the allocation of one of the signs (colors or form) does not represent any particular difficulties for them, they cope with this task almost as successfully as well-developing children. A minor number of mistakes allowed by them is explained by insufficient attention and insufficient organization during the work. When classifying a complex geometric material, the productivity of work is somewhat decreased. Only a few perform such a task unmistakably. One of the common errors - the problem of the problem is simpler. The level of development of visual effective thinking in these children is mostly the same as in the norm; The exception is children with a pronounced mental delay. Most children are correct and well fulfill all tasks, but some of them requires stimulating help, and others need to simply repeat the task and give the installation to focus. In general, the development of this level of thinking is on a par with normally developing peers. Analysis of the level of development of visual-shaped thinking as a higher stage, shows inhomogeneous results. But when distracting moments or foreign objects appear, the level of execution of tasks is sharply reduced. Velite-logical thinking is the highest level of the thought process. The difficulties tested by children are primarily connected with the fact that by the beginning of schooling, they still do not fully own the intellectual operations that are a necessary component of mental activity. We are talking about analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and abstraction (distraction). The most frequent errors of children with mental retardation are the substitution of a comparison of one object with all other pairs of comparison (which does not give a genuine basis for generalization) or a generalization on insignificant features. Errors that are allowed when performing such tasks normally developing children are due only to a non-sufficient differentiation of concepts. The fact that, after receiving assistance, children are able to fulfill the diverse tasks proposed by them close to the level of level, allows them to talk about their qualitative difference from mentally retarded. Children with mental delay have much greater potential opportunities in terms of the ability to master the educational material proposed by them.

Thus, on the basis of the above, the following conclusion can be made. One of the psychological features of children with the CPR is that they have a lag in the development of all forms of thinking. This lag is detected to the greatest extent during the solution of tasks involving the use of verbal-logical thinking. We least have obviously effective thinking in the development of them. Children with mental retardation, studying in special schools or special classes, to the IV class begin to solve problems of a visual-effective nature at the level of their normally developing peers. As for the tasks associated with the use of verbal-logical thinking, they are solved by the children of the group under consideration on a much lower level. Such a significant lag in the development of mental processes convincingly indicates the need to conduct a special pedagogical work in order to form in children of intellectual operations, the development of mental activity and stimulation of intellectual activity.

Conclusion The retreat of mental development is manifested in a slowdown pace of maturation of the emotional-volitional sphere and in intellectual insufficiency. The latter is manifested in the fact that the intellectual abilities of the child do not correspond to age. Significant lag and originality is found in mental activity. All children from the CPR have disadvantages of memory, and this applies to all types of memorization: involuntary and arbitrary, short-term and long-term. The backlog in mental activity and the features of memory are most pronounced in the process of solving problems associated with such components of mental activity, as an analysis, synthesis, generalization and abstraction. Given all the above, these children need a special approach to learning, taking into account the features of children with the SRR: 1. Consolidation of certain hygienic requirements in organizing classes, that is, classes are held in a well-ventilated room, attention is paid to the level of illumination and placement of children in classes. .2. Careful selection of visual material for classes and its placement so that the extra material does not distract the child's attention. 3. Control over the organization of children's activities in classes: It is important to consider the possibility of a change in the class of one type of activity to others, to include in the Fizkultminutki classes plan.4. The defectologist must follow the reaction, the behavior of each child to apply an individual approach. List of used literature

1. Children with mental delay / ed. T.A.Vlasova, V. I. Lubovsky, N.A. Supina. - M., 1984.

2. Dmitrieva E. E. On the peculiarities of communication with adult six-year children with SPR // Defectology. - 1988. - № 1.

3. Pointed S. J. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of mental development of children. - M., 1993.

4. Compensating training in Russia: existing regulatory documents and educational materials. - M., 1997.

5. Kulagin I. Yu., Puskaeva TD Cognitive activity and its determinants for SPR // Defectology. - 1989. - № 1.

6. Kuchma V. R., Platonova L. G. Deficiency of attention with hyperactivity in children in Russia. - M., 1997.

7. Lebedinsky V.V. Violations of mental development in children. M., 1984

8. Lubovsky V.I. General and special patterns of development of the psyche of abnormal children // Defectology. - 1971. - № 6.

9. Fundamentals of special psychology: studies. Manual for studies environments Ped. studies. establishments / L. V. Kuznetsova, L. I. Transpless, L. I. Solntheva et al.; Ed. L. V. Kuznetsova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

10. Pevzner M.S. and others. Mental development of children with a violation of mental first-graders with CPR // Defectology, No. 4, 198011. Strakalova TA Features of visual thinking in preschoolers with ZPR // Defectology, №1, 198712. Strakalova TA Features of logical thinking in preschoolers with ZPR // Defectology, No. 4, 198213. ULENKOVA U.V. Six-year-old children with SPR. M., 1990.14. Reader: Children with Development Violations / Sost. Astapov V.M., 1995


Features of thinking in children with SRR

The work performed the second year student of the B-SDO-21 group Danilkin Anna.

ZPR - violation of the normal rate of mental development, when individual mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perception, etc.) are lagging behind in its development from accepted psychological norms for this age.

Types of CPR:

  • constitutional;
  • psychogenic;
  • cerebral organic;
  • somatogenic.

Features in thinking with each form of the SRR are the same.

Thinking - The process of cognitive activity of a person characterized by generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Loge in the development of thinking - One of the main features that distinguish children with mental retardation from normally developing peers. The lag in the development of mental activity in children with a delay in mental development is manifested in all components of the structure of thinking.

The delay in mental activity in children from the SRR manifests itself:

  • in the deficiency of the motivational component, manifested in extremely low cognitive activity, avoiding the intellectual voltage up to the refusal of the task;
  • in the irrationality of the regulatory - target component, due to the lack of need to put a goal, plan actions by the method of empirical samples;
  • in a long non-deformation of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalizations, comparisons;
  • in violation of the dynamic sides of thinning processes.

In children with SRR, three main types of thinking interact closely:

  • Subjectual (visual-effective), the tool of which is the subject. The child in practice solves primitive tasks - spins, pulls, opens, presses, shifts, shocks. Here, in practice, he reveals the reason with the consequence, such a kind of method of samples and errors.
  • Vitely - shaped (sometimes called simply figurative thinking), operates with the images of the real world. At this stage, the child does not have to perform actions with hands, it is already capable of figuratively (clearly) to imagine what will happen if he committing some action.
  • Wonderfully logical (conceptual), in which we use the word (concept). The most difficult process of thinking for children. Here the child operates not by specific images, but by complex distracted concepts, expressed words.

Visibility-effective thinking is actively formed in an early preschool age in the process of mastering the child with gaming activities, which should be in a certain way organized and leak under control and with the special participation of an adult. In children from the SRR, there is a not separation of clear-effective thinking, and is manifested in underdevelopment of subject-practical manipulations.

Children with SPRs, unlike normally developing peers, do not know how to navigate in the conditions of a problematic practical task, they do not analyze these conditions. Therefore, when trying to achieve the goal, they do not discard erroneous options, but they repeat the same unproductive actions. In fact, they do not have genuine samples.

In addition, normally developing children have a constant need to help themselves to comprehend the situation by analyzing their actions in external speech. This gives them the opportunity to aware of their actions in which it is starting to perform the organizing and regulatory functions, i.e. Allows the child to plan your actions. In children from the CPR, such a need has almost no occur. Therefore, they dominate the lack of communication between practical actions and their verbal designation, there is a clear gap between the action and the word. Consequently, their actions are not realized enough, the experience of the action is not recorded in the Word, and therefore not generalized, and images - ideas are formed slowly and fragmentary.

Depending on the characteristics of the development of thinking, it is possible to distinguish the main groups of children from the CRAP:

  • Children with a normal level of development of thought operations, but reduced cognitive activity. This is most often found in children with SRR of psychogenic origin.
  • Children with uneven manifestation of cognitive activity and productivity of tasks. (Simple mental infantilism, somatogenic form of the SRR, light shape with CPR cerebral-organic genesis).
  • The combination of low productivity and lack of cognitive activity. (Complicated mental infantilism, a pronounced delay in the mental development of cerebral-organic genesis).


Blinova L. N. Diagnostics and correction in the formation of children from the CPR. - M.: ed, NC ENAS, 2011.

Marina Kukushkin
Project "Formation of logical thinking in children with a delay in mental development through educational games"

Bronnin branch

MOU "Baby School"

Passport project


Radyukova E. V.

Kukushkina M. V.

Lomonosovsky district

Leningrad region

d. Penikov

1. Problem

Training (ZPR) Extremely difficult because of a mixed, complicated nature of their defect in which delay Development Higher cortical functions are often combined with emotional and volitional disorders, impaired activities, motor and speech failure.

Problems of study children with mental delay T. A. Vlasova, K. S. Lebedinskaya, V. I. Lubovsky, M. S. Pevzner, E. Sukhareva, etc. One of the main violations of cognitive development in children with a delay in mental development is impairment of thinking. This category children violated all types of thinking, especially verbal logical. Standing B. development of thinking - one of the main features that distinguishes children with mental delay from normally developing peers. According to L. N. Blinova, the backlog in development mental activity is manifested in all components of the structure thinking, but exactly:

In the shortage of the motivational component, manifested in extremely low cognitive activity;

In the irrationality of the regulatory-target component, due to the lack of need to put a goal, plan actions through empirical samples;

In long nonformation operating component, i.e. mental analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, comparisons;

In violation of the dynamic sides of thinning processes.

It should be noted that most preschoolers with SRRs are primarily there is no readiness for intellectual effort necessary for a successful solution to the intellectual task assigned to them. Most children Proper and well perform all tasks, but some of them requires stimulating help, and others need to simply repeat the task and give the installation to focus. Among children Preschool age there are those who do without much difficulty performs the task, in most cases the children need a multiple repetition of the task and the provision of various types of assistance. There are children who, using all attempts and help, do not cope with tasks. Note that when distracting moments or foreign objects appear, the level of execution of tasks is sharply reduced.

Thus, on the basis of the above provisions, it can be concluded that one of the psychological features of children with the SRR isthat they have a lag in development of all forms of thinking. This lag is detected to the greatest extent during the solution of tasks involving the use of verbal logical thinking. Such a significant lag in development of verbal-logical convincingly talks about the need to carry out correctional developing work in order to form children intellectual operations, development Mental and Stimulation Skills logical thinking.

2. Stages of work.

Based on the foregoing, the following steps were outlined. work:

1. To study the scientific literature characterizing mental features of the development of children with ZPR.

2. Prepare developing Wednesday, taking into account age characteristics children with ZPR.

3. Specifically indicate the types of games through which the targeted work of the teacher will be carried out ( gamesactivating the cognitive activity of the child who contribute to the assimilation of individuals logic operations).

4. Make a plan - a scheme for using games in joint and independent activities.

5. For the whole time interval, watch features formation of logical thinking skills(visual - figurative) Each particular child.

3. Goals and tasks of training and education.

purpose: Creating conditions for;


1. Form in children the following operations: analysis - synthesis; comparison; The use of a denial particle "not"; classification; streamliness of actions; orientation in space;

2. Form in children: arguing, prove, logically think;

3. Support W. children cognitive interest;

4. Develop in children: communication skills; striving for overcoming difficulties; self confidence; creative imagination; The desire to come to the help of peers in time.

4. System of work

4.1. Classification of games.

- developing(i.e. having several levels of complexity, diverse in application):

Blocks Dieensha, Kuizher's sticks, Nikitin Gry, Mathematical Tablet; benefit "Inteashka".

- games for development Spatial imagination:

Games with different designer.

Dienesh blocks

In the process of a variety of actions with logical blocks(splitting, posting according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.) Children master various mental skills, important both in terms of pre-group training and in terms of general intellectual development. In specially designed games and exercises with blocks children develop Elementary algorithmic culture skills thinking, The ability to perform actions in the mind.

Keyisser sticks

Working with chopsticks allows you to translate practical, external actions into the inner plan. Wands can be used to perform diagnostic tasks. Operations: Comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification and seriations are not only cognitive processes, operations, mental actions.

Games Nikitin

Games Nikitina contribute formation and development of perception, spatial thinking, observation, development of tactile sensations, auditorial control of the child for fulfilling his actions.

Mathematical tablet

Develops The ability to navigate the plane and solve problems in the coordinate system to work according to the scheme, see the connection between the objects and the phenomenon of the surrounding world and its abstract images contributes to development shallow motors and coordination of hand movements, develops sensory abilities, smelting, imagination, develops Inductive and deductive thinking.

Benefit "Inteashka"

In the process of working with this manual develop All cognitive processes child: visual, tactile. Kinesthetic perception and memory, involuntary and arbitrary attention. Thinking processes, speech, forming Friendly movements of the eyes and hands.

5. Organization of work in classes

In mathematical classes development Dienesh blocks, Kuizher's sticks, nikitin cubes, mathematical tablet, allowance "Inteashka" games with construction material.

6. Organization of joint and independent activities

Planning your pedagogical activities a week, developed the following plan - a scheme for organizing game joint and independent activities. (It can be adjusted to the teacher for the entire school year).

Joint activity independent activities

monday -Sobiya "Inteashka" -Games for the development of shallow motor

Dienesh blocks

tuesday -blok Dienesh - Games Nikitin

wednesday-Mathematics Tablet -Post "Inteashka"

thursday - Cubes "Mouch pattern"

- games Nikitin

Cueiser sticks;

Mathematical tablet;

friday - Kuizher's sticks

Benefit "Inteashka"

-games with construction materials

Here we have provided the following points:

· Transition of one type of activity (games) from the joint - in independent;

· Weekly admission to the game activities of the new developing material;

Joint activity is carried out frontally, but more often - by groups (3 - 5 people) and in pairs.

The competent character of games is used.

Thus, the knowledge gained by the child in occupation is enshrined in joint activities, after which they are moving to independent and after that - into household activities.

It should be noted that the elements of mental activity can develop In all activities.

4. Work with children. Differentiated approach.

Development of logical thinking of children - the process is long and quite laborious; first of all for themselves children - thinking level Everyone is very specific.

Children are distributed to three groups: Strong-middle-weak.

Such separation helps to navigate in the selection of entertaining material and tasks, prevents possible overload "Weak" children, loss of interest (due to the lack of complications) - W. "Strong".

Analyzing the results of the survey, it can be concluded that preschoolers have increased cognitive interest in intellectual games. W. children Significantly increased level development Analytic synthetic sphere ( logical thinking, analysis and generalization, allocation of essential features and patterns). Children are able to make figures silhouettes for sample and their own intent; operate with object properties, encode and decoded information about them; decide logic taskspuzzles; have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe algorithm; Install mathematical connections. Used use used developing games and exercises had a positive impact on the level development Mental abilities children. Children perform tasks with great desire, as the main value has a game form of tasks. They are fascinated by the plot elements included in the task, the ability to perform game action with the material.

Thus, the system used developing Games and exercises contribute the formation of the logic of thought, mixtalks, and intelligence, spatial representations, development Interest in solving cognitive, creative tasks, to a variety of intellectual activity.

Technological map of the project

Name project

Formation of logical thinking in children with a delay in mental development through educational games

A type project


Age children

Duration design Annual activity

Purpose Creating conditions for forming logical thinking in children with SRRs through educational games and exercises

Tasks 1. Create pedagogical conditions, work system development of logical thinking in children with CPR through application educational games and exercises;

2. Ensure a positive trend development of logical thinking;

3. Form Competence of parents (legal representatives) In matters of intellectual development of preschool children.

Resources 1. Children, educators, parents;

2. Dienesh blocks, albums for games with logical blocks;

3. Kuizher's sticks, albums "Owning shop, "House with a bell", "Magic Tracks", "Country of blocks and chopsticks";

4. Games Nikitin, "Mouch pattern", Album Tasks "Miracle Cubes";

5. Mathematical plates;

6. Manual "Inteashka";

7. Designer (Lego, Magnetic "Magformers", Designer "Polyindron giant", "Huge gears", "Home construction", "Transport", "Fishing", "Lacing", soft modules.)

Stages The initial stage suggested the detection of the problem, selection of the diagnostic material and the detection of the level development of logical thinking in children with SRR.

On the forming stage was conducted:

1. Selection and modeling forms of working with children;

2. Transformation of the subject - spatial educational Environment;

The final stage: Summing up, public presentation of collaborative activities.

Novelty of experience is to create a system of use of modern educational gamesaimed at development of logical thinking Cognitive interests children with ZPR.

Description of experience for formation of logical thinking preschoolers are best to use "The element of the child" - game (F. Ferblel). Let the children think they only play. But imperceptibly for yourself in the process games Preschoolers calculate, compare items, are engaged in design, decide logic tasks and t. D. It is interesting to them because they love to play. The role of the teacher in this process - to maintain interests children.

Logic blocks Dienesh.

Tasks for use logic Dielesh blocks in working with children:

. Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe set, operations on the set; Form ideas about mathematical concepts;

Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, call them, adequately designate their absence;

Generalize objects by their properties, explain the similarities and differences in objects, justify their arguments;

Introduce form, color, size, thick objects;

Develop spatial representations;

Develop knowledge, skills, the skills necessary for an independent decision of educational and practical tasks;

To bring up independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal, overcoming difficulties;

Develop Cognitive processes, mental operations;


Kuizher's sticks.

Tasks to use chopsticks of a cueiser in working with children:

Maxue with color concept (distinguish between color, classify color);

Introduce the concept of magnitude, length, height, width (Exercise in comparison of items in height, length, width);

Introduce me to children with a sequence of numbers of a natural row;

Develop direct and countdown;

Introduce the composition of the number (from units and two smaller numbers);

Assimate relations between numbers (more - less, more - less on., Use comparison signs<, >;

Help master the arithmetic effects of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division;

Teach to divide the integer on the part and measure objects;

Develop creative abilities, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design ability;

Introduce the properties of geometric shapes;

Develop Spatial views (left, right, above, lower, etc.);

Develop logical thinking, attention, memory;

To bring up independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving the goal.

Games Nikitin.


Development in a child of cognitive interest and research activities;

Observation development, imagination, memory, attention, thinking and creativity;

Harmonic development of children emotionally-shaped and logical started;

Formation basic ideas about the world, mathematical concepts, sound phenomena;

Development of small motility.

Mathematical tablet.

Tasks for using games in working with children:

Development shallow motors and skills to work according to the sample;

Strengthen the child's desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently;

Promote the development of positive behavioral methods in various situations;

Promote development Cognitive functions (attention, logical thinking, hearing memory, imagination);

Benefit "Inteashka".

In the kit for cognitive development"Inteashka" Enter five thematic sets with game agents. (in boxes):

1. "Orientation on the plane and visual motor coordination";

2. "Basic geometric shapes and their transformation";

3. "Classification of color, size and form» ;

4. "Similarities and differences of spatial objects";

5. "Elementary mathematical representations".

Tasks for using games in working with children:

Development of small motility;

Development friendly movements of eyes and hands;

Development intermetrous ties;

Development of attentionmemory;

Development of logical thinking(analysis, synthesis, classification, spatial and creativity thinking;

Detergery(PhondeMectic analysis, word division on sound, development The grammatical system of speech, sound automation).

Games with construction material.

These games are developing Spatial imagination, teach children analyze a sample of building, a little later to act on the simplest scheme (drawing). The creative process includes brain teaser Operations - Comparison, Synthesis (Recreation of the object).

Expected results in the process of use developing Games and exercises promote formation of logical thinking in children with SRR.


1. Wenger, L. A. Development Games and Exercises Mental abilities u children preschool age / L. A. Wenger, O. M. Dyachenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

2. Komarova, L. D. How to work with chopsticks of a cueiser? Games and exercises for learning mathematics children 5-7 years / l. D. Komarova. - M, 2008.

3. Methodical tips on the use of didactic games with Dienesh blocks and logical figures. - St. Petersburg.

4. Misuna, N. S. Develop logical thinking / n. S. Misuna // Pre-school education, 2005.

5. Finkelstein, B. B. Methodical tips on the use of a set of games and exercises with colored chopsticks of Cuizer / B. B. Finkelstein. 2003.