Favorable days for Aquarius in February

In February 2019, Aquarius will experience calm and order in their affairs. Problems will be solved on their own, and worries will dissipate. Representatives of this sign will generate ideas and implement their plans. On their way to the top of fame, they will discover a world of adventure and fresh emotions. Don't be selfish and don't forget that the situation of your loved ones may not be as rosy as yours. To avoid insults from relatives, moderate your natural love of truth. The horoscope advises not to deviate from what is planned if something does not go according to plan. Be more reserved and win over those around you.

Aquarius woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will demonstrate their rebellious nature and enter into verbal altercations with influential people. Refrain from making harsh statements towards others. The decisive attitude of these ladies will create favorable soil for creative self-realization, which will actively begin in the middle of the month. At the end of winter, their self-confidence and attractiveness will increase. This will make them popular in society and open up ways for profitable social contacts. Don't be too careless and don't let the situation take its course.

Aquarius man. Men of this sign will be consumed by business issues. They will deprive them of the opportunity to see their beloved women and relatives. With their activity, these men will create the illusion of great physical potential and energy, which is far from the truth. It is possible that your health may deteriorate due to lack of sleep and a long absence of days off. Find time for live communication with friends and don’t make your family suffer due to a busy work schedule.

Love horoscope

February will be a promising period for Aquarius in terms of establishing their personal life.

Single representatives of this zodiac sign will feel ready to create a strong couple. They are highly likely to start an affair at the end of the month.

The relationship between Aquarius lovers will be in danger of breaking. This can happen due to the fault of a partner who is unprepared to make important decisions.

Life family men and women will be filled with pleasant events: walks, entertainment and trips.

Business horoscope

In February 2019, not all Aquarians will realize their business plans.

The unemployed will not get jobs new job and will continue to visit employers’ offices. Their requirements for the workplace will not correspond to the real state of affairs. Moderate your ambitions if you want to join the ranks of the employed population.

Employees will work hard for the benefit of the company and gain authority in the team. Their superiors will praise them and set them as an example, and their colleagues will ask for good advice. Management will offer men a promotion at the beginning of the month. Beware of envious colleagues who will interfere in the course of events. During the same period, inspired Aquarius women will go on a business trip, which will bring them success and respect.

Managers are faced with worries regarding upcoming inspections. Analyze in more detail the reports of subordinates who harbor a grudge against you. At the beginning of the month, you should expect profitable partnership offers.

Financial horoscope

February will give Aquarius an opportunity to improve their financial situation, which will be associated not only with their main job. Additional part-time jobs and profitable projects will appear that will help you make successful investments. The comrade will return the old debt that they forgot about. Manage your earnings more wisely. Extravagance will discourage purchases of property and large household appliances. The decision to take out a loan will not bring the desired effect, but headache will provide.

Health horoscope

In February 2019, Aquarians will take a responsible approach to their health. They will be engaged in the prevention of flu and colds, will undergo examination by attending physicians and a course of vitamin therapy. Will remind you of yourself chronic diseases spine, limbs, eyes and stomach. Dose physical exercise and visit the ophthalmologist's office more often. Normalize your diet by adding natural vitamins and minerals from fruits, vegetables, and protein foods, rather than dietary supplements.

The most dangerous periods for health will be the first and last decade month. During them, the horoscope does not advise starting operations, dental prosthetics and cosmetic procedures.

Be moderately honest
The bitter truth from your lips will upset and alienate your loved ones. Don't burden them with an already difficult situation.

Learn to finish what you start
Don't let obstacles throw you off course and ruin your business two steps away from success.

The horoscope for February 2020 foreshadows a dashing and serene life for Aquarius. And, if such a pastime now suits your mood, then feel free to give in and go with the flow.


Peace and quiet in everything will not suit only Aquarius, born from February 2 to 12. These representatives of the sign are greatly influenced by Mercury, and their inherent anxiety and vanity in fully will appear in February. Aquarians of Mercury will most likely have a chance to begin to realize themselves in business. This can manifest itself both at the level of the idea and at the level of implementing the first steps in documenting the enterprise.

All other representatives of the sign are not destined to do anything significant in life in February. But February will not bring them any special shocks.

At this time, Aquarius should not indulge in despondency and vegetation. Aquarians' intelligence, incredible memory and attention span should not be used for self-criticism, regret and revenge.

If possible, it is better to postpone painstaking work for a while now. Monotony and boredom are not the best traveling companions for you right now. They can easily provoke depression, from which Aquarius finds it difficult to recover.


Due to the fact that the month does not threaten emotional turmoil, Aquarius women should pay attention to their marital relationships. And there is a reason for this. The tendency of women of this sign to self-sacrifice and tolerance provokes their spouses to consumerism in relationships.

An Aquarius woman is unlikely to be able to quickly remember the last time she received a gift or a bouquet of flowers from her husband. Your sincerity and dedication began to be taken for granted, and your feelings noticeably faded. It's time to refresh them and remind your other half that you are a woman, good hostess and an impeccable mother. With your innate sense of tact, this can be done without any problems, and the result will be pleasant and exciting for both. Otherwise, you will inevitably come to the idea of ​​severing the relationship and creating new ones.

In February, Aquarius men will indulge in thought and carefully rethink their life baggage, especially family life. However, this is characteristic of Aquarius throughout their lives. Try to use yours life experience as a weapon. Stop being afraid of the phantoms you have created, try to force yourself to live reality the way you imagine it in your dreams. Try to let go of what happened yesterday. Think only about tomorrow. With this attitude, everything in your life will happen the way you want.

Most likely, in February Aquarius will often have to repair their car, household appliances and furniture. Aquarians are independent and ambitious, but at the same time they do not have the best better relationship with equipment and tools. It is much more effective to entrust repairs to specialists rather than long time carry out an activity that ultimately will not bring the desired result.

February is not the best for Aquarius best time for making strategic decisions. This fully applies to the decision to start a family. It is not a good idea to propose to an Aquarius woman in February.

For Aquarius who have not yet entered into a legal union, the stars indicate some tension in romantic relationships. Aquarians are ideal in bed, but they require an emotional component to every sexual encounter. And, if you want a long-term relationship with Aquarius, spend more time communicating, attending various events together, and relaxing. Aquarians are incredibly tender and vulnerable, they intuitively expect the same from their partner. And, if they do not receive affection and attention in return, they withdraw into themselves and gradually lose interest in the relationship. Therefore, the romantic feelings of Aquarius constantly need emotional nourishment.

Aquarians are great gourmets, and in February they will have a series of feasts and holidays with an abundance of food.

Aquarius Child

Little Aquarius will completely fill the living space of their parents all winter. Whims and complaints about non-existent problems will pour out of them in an incessant stream until March. By all means, Aquarius children will force their parents to surround themselves with care and guardianship. It is very important to make little Aquarius feel that he is loved, but you should not indulge all his whims, otherwise it is very easy for him to turn into a little despot and tyrant. Refuse your child gently, but always with an explanation and reasoning.


In February, Aquarians are advised to start regularly walking or jogging before bed. There is a very high probability that these activities will become a habit and become regular. And if the condition physical health Aquarius is not particularly worried, but his state of mind clearly requires help. Some troubles in family and personal life can lead the representative of the sign to deep depression. The thought of breaking up a relationship with a partner depresses Aquarius, and creating a new relationship is scary. Vicious circle, which is obtained and will cause discord peace of mind. Aquarius may not be able to cope with the problem that has arisen.

If you see that you cannot find an independent way out of this situation, do not neglect the help of a qualified psychologist. However, try to avoid charlatans and unprofessionals, of whom there are many among representatives of this profession. Mental discord can reach such a scale that you will need the help of a psychiatrist rather than a psychologist. This is due to the vulnerability and subtle mental organization of representatives of this horoscope sign. Depression is painful for them; it suppresses the will and desire to change anything. Perhaps without drug treatment You won't be able to get by this time. You should not see anything indecent or shameful in treatment from a psychiatrist. The soul requires the same, or even more qualified treatment, as any of the organs of our body.

In February, Aquarius goes with the flow.
Romantic relationships require emotional nourishment.
Horoscope for Aquarius for March 2020.

In February, Aquarius will have a hard time, because it is at this time that the patron planet will make certain demands on them, which not everyone will be able to fulfill. Will stress affect the love life of representatives of this zodiac sign? You can find out everything related to the romantic feelings of Aquarius in February 2019 in the accurate love horoscope.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for February 2019

In February, people of the Aquarius sign will feel the powerful support of the stars in matters of the heart. On the love front, they will not have any negative events, with the exception of a number of difficulties that can be resolved in an extremely short time. Aquarians will feel that something needs to change in their relationships with their significant other and this should be done as soon as possible. In February, representatives of the sign will be able to improve the situation in their personal lives, surprising their chosen ones with resourcefulness and ingenuity.

February 2019 will seem good for Aquarius for making new acquaintances. It is at this time that all opportunities will open up for people of this sign. In February, Aquarians will be able to realize their long-standing plans, which will help them become an enviable match.

This February, Aquarius will be able to visit many new places thanks to romantic dates. Throughout the month, the most important way to distract yourself from life problems for Aquarius it will be love sphere. In February, representatives of the sign will be able to gain strength while being with their family or close to their spouses, spending time with their loved ones.

There are also those Aquarians who will be a little less lucky just because of the absence of a loved one nearby. The love horoscope encourages them not to despair. Temporary separation will benefit the couple, and very soon the relationship will move to a fundamentally different level. Minor adversity awaits only those Aquarius who have not yet found happiness in love. For now, the stars only predict the possibility of dating and flirting.

Love horoscope for Aquarius woman for February 2019

Aquarius women will experience the greatest success among other zodiac signs in February. Throughout the month, girls will feel the admiring glances of the opposite sex. The love horoscope predicts many invitations to dates, surprises, flowers and sweet gifts for them.

In February, luck will not bypass those Aquarius girls who have the status of faithful wives. The love astrological forecast promises them that there will be no adversity in family relationships will not arise. The only thing Aquarius women should avoid is showing dissatisfaction. They will need to constantly encourage their husbands and, as far as possible, not notice their occasional mistakes.

The most exciting time will begin for Aquarius brides. Contrary to expectations, February will not bring them fatigue and will not make them feel exhausted. On the contrary, the stars will not be stingy in showering Aquarius girls with energy so that preparations for the wedding go even better.

Love horoscope for an Aquarius man for February 2019

The focus of Aquarius men in February of this year will be feelings and emotions. They have to worry and doubt a lot before becoming truly happy. The horoscope recommends that Aquarius men work on their self-esteem. Otherwise, all the chances that the stars give them in February will remain unused.

In the middle of the month, Aquarians will be able to focus on their goal of winning the heart of their beloved girl. There is no need to put things off long box, it is best to propose to your beloved to marry you as soon as possible. In February, the chances of getting a positive answer are extremely high.

The last month of winter will be successful for Aquarius in terms of dating. A bright streak will also begin for those who have already tied the knot. As for intimacy, the stars promise to make it frequent and colorful. That is why February will be remembered for a long time by the courageous wards of Uranus.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for other months of 2019

You need to read this Aquarius February 2018 horoscope to find out what surprises the stars have in store for you! Astrological forecast will talk about his personal life and relationships with loved ones. The horoscope will tell you about your career prospects and the likelihood of your plans being realized. And, of course, the astrological forecast will consider issues of health and well-being.

In February, Aquarians will feel a surge of energy, which will allow them to begin implementing plans. Winter “hibernation” will gradually recede, the sun will begin to look into your windows more often, and your mood will improve. February is the best time to take care of your appearance and getting in shape. To look your best by spring, the horoscope advises sticking to a moderate diet and starting aerobics. This will only be a joy for you, because your body has missed physical activity so much over the winter!

Creatively minded Aquarians, now is the time to realize your creative ideas! The end of winter symbolizes a change in the world around us, so now you can begin the long-planned renovation of the interior of your apartment or house. In February, everything will work out for you, so feel free to take on the most complex and interesting projects! This applies not only to home renovations, but also to your career. From the middle of the month you will have a great chance to prove to your superiors that you are an indispensable employee.

In February 2018, you will communicate often and a lot. You are looking forward to meeting new people who may subsequently influence your destiny. You have to resolve relations with relatives with whom you are in a quarrel. Your natural charm and positive attitude will contribute to the speedy resolution of all conflicts. Astrologers advise not to visit supermarkets and outlets February 10 and 18 - these days there is a high probability of unnecessary spending of large sums of money.

Personal love horoscope for Aquarius for February 2018

Singles Aquarius who adhere to the belief “it’s not bad for me to live alone”! At the end of winter you will dramatically change your life principles. According to love horoscope for February 2018, Aquarius will suddenly feel lonely, he will want love so much! You may even be overcome with melancholy melancholy. However, if you don’t withdraw into yourself as usual and look around, then you will have the opportunity to start an affair with an interesting stranger (or stranger)!

Light flirting with nice person may soon develop into a more serious relationship. This is due to the influence of Venus - the planet of love. In February, many single Aquarians will fall under the spell of the opposite sex. Relax, allow yourself a little romance! Love twists and turns will only benefit you, you will again feel a taste for life. Moreover, your closest circle has long been waiting for such an act from you.

Family Aquarius will not experience any strong mental shocks in February. Life proceeds as usual, there is peace and quiet in the family, complete understanding with the spouse. However, the idyll can easily develop into banal boredom. To prevent this from happening, you need to make joint “forays” into places of cultural recreation. Remember the last time you two went to a movie or an exhibition together? Or at least walked in the park together? Trips to the grocery store or to visit relatives don’t count!

The horoscope advises Aquarius to arrange a holiday for their “soul mate”, which, by the way, will be very appropriate in . Prepare in advance: buy candles, stock up on romantic music for the whole evening. Champagne, chocolate and fruit - you won't need anything else on Valentine's Day! To make the evening a success, send the children to their grandparents. You will feel young and happy again, just like the first day you met.

Aquarius financial horoscope for February 2018 - business affairs

Aquarius employees will be able to prove themselves in the workplace, demonstrating an unusually high ability to work. You will have a lot of energy, which you will direct in the right direction. Don't forget that there is a person next to you who is always ready to support you. You can count on his help in difficult situations.

No financial problems are expected for Aquarius in February 2018. According to the horoscope, your spending will be commensurate with your income. It is not recommended to make overly expensive purchases, but you can easily afford to pamper yourself and your loved ones with new clothes.

Aquarius entrepreneurs will look for new solutions to implement long-conceived plans. As the horoscope says, in February you will be visited by smart ideas about improving the work of your company. The time has come for a “general cleaning” of personnel. Pay attention to your employees - some of them are really your like-minded people and are passionate about the common cause. Maybe it's time to increase their salary?

You should get rid of unscrupulous employees; they only hinder the development of your business. Consult with your deputy and accept the right decision. The February 2018 horoscope for Aquarius recommends not delaying this difficult issue. Don't be afraid to lose footage. Young, energetic and purposeful employees will soon take the place of people you don’t need. With them, your business will begin to flourish and your capital will increase.

Horoscope of health and mood

February is not the best auspicious month for Aquarius in terms of well-being. You may experience recurring headaches due to low blood pressure. During thaws, your joints will show themselves, so if possible, do not get too cold. Drink more natural juices; tea with mint, lemon or honey will be useful for you. This will calm you down nervous system, and at the same time strengthen the immune system. In early February, the likelihood of injury is high. Be careful when walking on icy areas of the sidewalk.

Right now you can go in search of adventure, sign up for courses in makeup, massage, bartending and confidently improve yourself. You will get the emotions you dream of and diversify your boring and gray everyday life. Aquarians often lack thrills, and they are ready for any feat just to get them. Don't know where exactly to start? Love affairs, you can even get a man at work. You always wanted to, but something was holding you back?

2018 will be a year of decisive action for Aquarius. It turns out that achieving your goals is not so difficult, you just need to put in a little effort and everything will work out for you. Work can be combined with personal life and you will even have enough time to go to nightclubs and shopping with your girlfriends. Don't look back, just go boldly forward, and very soon you will find mutual language with “cockroaches” who organize revolutions in our heads. All roads and paths are open, you can take risks, bring your most unexpected ideas and fantasies to life.

Don't know where to start? It only seems so to you, in fact, you have already had an action plan for a long time, all that remains is to implement it. Watch your health, February is the most treacherous winter month. You just have to take off your warm jacket on a sunny day, and now you’re lying in bed with a fever. It’s better to be as careful as possible, Lady Weather is testing your nerves.

Favorable days in February for Aquarius: 4, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17, 21, 27.

Love horoscope for February 2018 Aquarius

Are you still actively searching for your soulmate? Cupid will not leave you without attention on Valentine's Day. You should not celebrate the Day of the Mentally Ill in Germany, this holiday is clearly not for you. The more you get hung up on thoughts about loneliness and the fact that all men are assholes, the more unlucky you will be in love. Try to let go of the situation and continue to live and enjoy life. Happiness may be close, you just have to look around to meet your eyes. Don’t place much hope on social networks; nowadays princes have become too modest and they are clearly not ready to take the first steps towards you. You can get a nice bonus in the form of an audio recording on the wall, or they can send you flowers. But all this is virtual, before you have time to look back, the object of sympathy has already disappeared and, it seems, completely without a trace. And you have already fallen in love and fantasized about a happy family and three children. Calm, just calm!

According to statistics, you can usually find your love among mutual friends. Get together with friends more often and visit clubs, cinemas, and you can also visit the library. It is unlikely that you will meet anyone there, but nothing is impossible, right? Main - positive attitude and you can confidently move towards your goal. For your expectations, you will receive a real prince, with his shortcomings. But you are far from perfect, remember that.

Happy lovers need to at least sometimes break away from each other and relax. You may ask why? The lovebirds spend too much time together and sooner or later you yourself will want to rest a little. It’s better not to let it come to this, just mentally prepare yourself in advance for such a development of events. Married couples are ready to do great things for each other, and it doesn’t matter at all how many years they have lived together. In February 2018, Aquarius should devote time to their significant other, arrange a romantic surprise, and it should not only be on February 14th. Don't be predictable, try to surprise and win the hearts of your other halves again and again. Then there will definitely be no price for you.

Finance horoscope for February 2018 Aquarius

Representatives of this sign are also pranksters who strive to earn as much as possible. Hard times have come, there is always a shortage of money and you have to spin like a “squirrel in a wheel.” You simply have to pull yourself together and stop. Such workaholism will not lead to any good; it is unlikely that your bosses will appreciate your impulses. Are you late at work every day? Are you hoping for a bonus at the end of the month? It is unknown who else will receive a bonus at the end of the month and a salary increase. This is how you live from paycheck to paycheck, and your everyday life is boring and monotonous. Aquarians have not yet learned how to manage money; it is not easy for them, but they leave it easily.

There is nothing left in your wallet in the last few days before payday. Something needs to be done urgently; this cannot continue. A cry from the soul that must be heard. TO financial matters you need to take it with the utmost seriousness, you deserve the best, don’t you? The motivation should be finances, which everyone can earn. You just need to turn your hobby into a source of additional income. Are you good at drawing? You can sell paintings by putting them on public display at auctions. All brilliant artists started somewhere. There are no people who do not have talents; there are lazy characters who do not want to do anything. You should not join the ranks of such individuals; Aquarians are very ambitious by nature and strive to prove to everyone around them what they are capable of. The impulses must be sincere, without any doubt.

Money will become your faithful companions if you try to reduce your ardor and work without fanaticism. You should keep yourself within the bounds of familiarity with your boss and not drink coffee outside of work hours. Although, you must make this decision yourself. Do not prescribe important meetings on the new moon - February 16, not a very good day for making deals.

Health horoscope for February 2018 Aquarius

Representatives of this sign tend to overthink things and come up with ideas for themselves. existing diseases. All you have to do is sneeze once and Aquarius has already run to get checked by a doctor. Of course, it's good to regularly monitor your health, but your efforts should not go overboard.

Once every six months it is worth going to all the doctors and not for the sake of some certificates, but for the sake of your peace of mind. Beware in February 2018 colds, which mutate. Aquarians spend a lot of time at the computer, not only at work, but also at home. Try to limit your stay in in social networks, nothing interesting happens there. Replace virtual correspondence with real meetings, and see how your life will change dramatically. Personal communication and genuine emotions are much more interesting than emoticons and long messages. Go to the ophthalmologist, he will be very glad to see you. With this lifestyle, it’s worth checking your vision regularly, it may be falling, you’re just afraid to admit it to yourself. Lenses or glasses? For variety, you can have both of these miracle products in your arsenal, which allow you to see well.

Should be increased physical exercise, February 2018 will allow Aquarius to get their figure in order. On the Internet you can choose a set of exercises that will allow you to spend your free time fun and with health benefits. The main thing is to get rid of your laziness, which follows you around and constantly whispers that you need to relax on your favorite sofa. It is not so easy to fight all temptations, but the result of your efforts can be seen in just a few weeks. Motivate yourself to achieve new achievements every day.

Read the horoscope for February 2018 for other zodiac signs: