Diseases of rabbits: photo and description of common diseases. Existing rabbit diseases, and their symptoms and treatment independently viral diseases of rabbits and measures of their treatment

Rabbits appreciate beautiful fur, excellent flavor quality meat. But they are not so easy to grow, as it seems at first glance. When breeding, livestockovodes face the most different problems. After all, these animals are very demanding on the conditions of content and are often sick. Disease rabbits are able to destroy most Livestock in the days. In order to assist animals on time, you need to be able to determine the disease, as well as to conduct vaccination in time, follow the rules of care.

Sick rabbit or healthy

Some rabbit diseases do not have a pronounced clinical picture. But even in such cases, you can distinguish the sick animal from healthy. And in order not to miss the first signs of ailments, it is necessary to conduct periodic inspections of all individuals. This is usually done before the end, after the okrovol. When rabbits appear, they are examined daily until two weeks.

Healthy animals are always active, they have good appetite. For them are characteristic:

  1. Brilliant, beautiful, smooth wool.
  2. No nasal discharge, eyes.
  3. Smooth breathing (about sixty times per minute).
  4. Smooth pulse (120-160 beats per minute).
  5. Body temperature from 38 to 39.5 degrees.

Daily inspect the carte masses. You can estimate the condition gastrointestinal tract. The norm is considered a feast of a dark brown or black shade in the form of peas.

The unhealthy animal changes behavior: it becomes inactive, may refuse meals or is reluctant. Also a sick rabbit can lie with eyes closed.

In some diseases, the respiratory frequency changes, a strong thirst is noted. On the skin can occur ulcers, from the nose, the eye is observed. Sometimes rabbits appear diarrhea or constipation, the bloating is seen. When touched, wool falls: it loses its attractiveness. With some diseases, rabbits are shaking their heads, the ears and other parts of the body are scratched. There are diseases that can cause paralysis, cramps, trembling.

Diseases of rabbits require immediate treatment. But before proceeding with therapy, you should consult with the veterinarian. He will hold tests kALOV MASS., Take scraps from wool, defeat places, take the material on tests in the presence of selections. All this will help you make a diagnosis and designate. proper treatment.

How are diseases

Types of rabbit diseases, symptoms and their treatment determine the possibility of recovery of animals. There are diseases that are not amenable to therapy, and patients with individuals are destroyed. There are ailments, the treatment of which does not cause problems.

Diseases rabbits a lot. For convenience, they were divided into groups: infectious or infectious, non-infectious or unsuccessful. Consider them in more detail. The most dangerous are infectious pathologies, since they are able to quickly move from one animal to another, infecting all the livestock. It is worth noting that some diseases are dangerous for people.

The incubation period of scabies lasts up to five days. Usually clinical picture Very pronounced: Rabbit shakes his head, scratching ears. On the inner surface of the ear shell there are combs.

With timely treatment, the disease is easy to defeat. Conduct the surface treatment of the ears of the sink in all infected rabbits. To do this, use turpentine, a doors or special drops from scabies sold in retaucheces.


Rickets manifests itself in rabbits from early age. Such individuals behind the growth are practically not added in weight. They show the deformation of the limbs: the paws remind an oval. Rachet rabbits have a huge belly.

The treatment is prescribed by the course of vitamin D in drops, as well as calcium and phosphorus. Preparations are added to food.


With hepatic form, pathology develops slowly. Animals are gradually losing weight, and they have diarrhea.

The incubation period of coccidiosis is about three days. The main manifestations of the ailment is a liquid chair, availability blood dischargeJaundice. For accurate diagnosis is necessary laboratory study Cala of animal. Rabbits can get sick at any age. But the greatest susceptibility suffers the young ages aged from one and a half to four months.

When coccidiosis is detected in rabbits, treatment is carried out by damping dissolved drugs in water. This may be sulfanimide products: Sulfadimesin, Sulfadimetoxin. Saw rabbits twice a day for five days. There is a three-week break between the courses.

Not bad results gives a dip solution of iodine: adults prepare 0.01% solution (dose of 100 ml per animal / day for ten days), for rabbit dosage - 50 and 100 ml.

In retipetec, you can purchase special preparations for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis. They are used in accordance with the instructions.


Mixomatosis of rabbits is a dangerous disease caused by viruses. Flares of epidemics are recorded in the summer-autumn period. The carriers of infection are mice, rats, bloodsowing insects.

In mixture of rabbits, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Swelling of the nose, ears, lips.
  2. From the eye and the nose are selected.
  3. On the legs, the ears are formed seals.
  4. Apathy appears, and the rabbit falls wool.

As the ailment is developing, the animal lowers the ears, it flows into someone and dies. The disease proceeds very quickly and always with death. All individuals are disposed of, carcasses are not suitable for food. The rabbit is disinfected, the remaining animals vaccinate.


Podoidimatitis or sole dermatitis in rabbits is manifested in individuals contained in cells with mesh floors. Because of this, appear on the paws of the ulcers in which the infection falls. As a result, the process of suppuration begins: the disease turns into an acute form.

Most often, animals with a large body weight, with non-lowered legs, are ill. A side factor is the unsatisfactory condition of cells, polluted air, high humidity.

Clinically illness is manifested by the lack of appetite, the animal almost does not move, lies more. In case of inspection, damage to the paws. Case treatment is carried out by lubricating damage zinc ointment or Vishnevsky's liniment.


If the rabbit goes eyes, then it can talk about conjunctivitis. Pathology occurs when dust falls into the eyes from polluted hay, herbs, feed. The disease is manifested in the form of redness, swelling of the eyelids, tear. Subsequently, the selection becomes purulent, the eyes stick out. Rabbits are trying to sprinkle their paws, even more aggravating the situation.

Treatment is carried out by daily eye treatments with solution boric acid, "Levomycetin", strong brewing of black tea. Eyes are treated for a week.

Glice Invasii

Gloves in rabbits are able to lead to the death of the animal. They not only cause inflammation, but also dangerous for the eared.

When infected with helmints, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Increased thirst. Rabbits drink a lot: they are suitable for a bowl with water more often than usual.
  2. In Kale you can see the mucus of greenish color. Ponos and constipation of rabbits alternate.
  3. The wool dirty, loses his shine, begins to fall in large quantities.
  4. Eye sclerarin.
  5. Rabbits become sluggish, a lot of lying.
  6. Because of helminths it occurs back passForcing to ride the floor.

Helmint treatment is carried out with special preparations. It can be "Shuschik", "Gamavit", "Albendazole", "Tetrazol", "Piranthel" and other non-heelmiths available in the vetaptec. Funds apply strictly according to the instructions.


Rabbits are very sensitive to food products: with incorrectly selected feed, the animal can poison. A similar phenomenon can cause herbs such as durab, potato tops, caustic buttercup and other poisonous plants.

In case of poisoning, the following symptoms are arising: abundant salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, motion coordination is disturbed. With these signs, it is necessary to pay rabbit with rice or oats, replace the feed.

Rubber or Pastelez

The disease is striking animals at any age. In pathology, discharge from the nose is observed. They can be purulent or mucous membranes, the body temperature rises, diarrhea occurs. Rabbits are in the oppressed state, refuse food, water. The patients are immediately isolated, and their cells are disinfected.

For treatment in the nose it is necessary to order "Furacilin", the solution of "Penicillin". The antibiotic is divorced by water in a ratio of 1 to 1. After recovery, rabbits go to the bottom. There are no such knitting.

Diseases of the respiratory system

If rabbits live on a draft, then they may have problems with respiratory authorities: pneumonia, bronchitis. With these ailments, wheezing are observed, oppressed breathing, the body temperature rises. For treatment, it is necessary to introduce intramuscularly "Penicillin", the solution of "sulphidine" of 0.3 g per person. Be sure to add vitamins in food. Rabbits move to warm cells without drafts.


If the cells with rabbits stand all day in the sun, then animals can overheat and get a heat blow. Large individuals do not bear heat and high temperature.

When overheated, they refuse food and water, stretch into full growth in cells. They have a breath, convulsions can occur.

Assistance is to transfer animals to a cool place. It can be some kind of room where it is colder than in cells. You can put a cold compress on your head.

Stomatitis or "Wet muzzle"

The young man is often subjected to infectious stomatitis or sickness "wet face." It is caused by viruses.

The disease is striking the mucous membrane, causing salivation, diarrhea, inflammation. The secondary signs of the disease are: increased humidity of covers, sharp temperature differences.

Basic clinical manifestations are:

  1. The appearance in the tongue of the plaque: first he is white, and then grayish red.
  2. Education of ulcers.
  3. An animal loses appetite, becomes sluggish.
  4. During food, hear chavinage.

In the detection of such symptoms, it should be treated immediately. The oral cavity is washed with a solution of manganese or copper mood. Nice results Gives "streptomycin". Powder treatment is carried out by falling asleep by purph cavity 0.2 g times a day for three days.


The main prevention of diseases in rabbits is vaccination. It helps to protect the livestock from the most dangerous diseases capable of destroying all the economy.

What vaccinations need a rabbit and when they do them? The first injection is made at the age of 45 days, with a mass of at least 500 grams. The following vaccinations are performed every six months throughout the life of the individual. If a break between vaccinations is admitted, then it is necessary to resume the prevention of diseases, regardless of the age of the rabbit.

The vaccination can be performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 45 days associated vaccine.
  2. Revaccination is carried out after 3 months.
  3. Next, the vaccinations are made with periodicity once every six months.

Another scheme is as follows:

  1. The first vaccination is made by Monovaccinity of the VGBC at the age of a month and a half.
  2. Two weeks, mixomatosis vaccination is carried out.
  3. After two weeks, VGBC revaccination is carried out.
  4. Two more weeks - a revaccination against myxomatosis.
  5. After 3 months, vaccination is carried out by an associated vaccine.
  6. After half a year, revaccination with all three vaccines.

During vaccination according to any scheme, two weeks old quarantine is necessarily maintained. It helps to avoid possible pet infection during the development of immunity. At this time, it is recommended to feed the animal with sprouted grain, rowan, fish oil, pumpkin.

Timely vaccination and proper treatment will help maintain the livestock of rabbits, as well as prevent outbreaks of dangerous infections.

In the list of rabbit diseases, more than 25 contagious and non-disgraced diseases. And as practice shows, treat rabbits with many infectious diseases simply does not make sense. This occupation is often quite troublesome, very expensive and, unfortunately, not always successful. After all, the incomplete rabbit is a bacillosuer of infection, he is weakened by immunity, therefore such a crack is not allowed for further reproduction. IN best case It can only be used on meat.

But if the sick rabbit is a special value for the rabbit, then try to cure it still stands.

Infectious diseases of rabbits of their symptoms and treatment

Infectious Stomatitis

The most susceptible to the virus young rabbits up to three months and females. Mortality of animals reaches 30-50%.

Signs of illness:

  • an ulcerated tongue with white rod;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • abundant salivament;
  • diarrhea.

At disturbing, the rabbit wet the fur on the chin, neck and pyrical. Paws also become wet, as the rabbit rubbed their face. Such animals are better to immediately remove from the herd.

In order to treat patients and nearby rabbits several times a day, the oral cavity is lubricated with alcohol or a solution of copper sulphate.

Also in the treatment of stomatitis, a white streptocide powder is used: inside and externally, which fall asleep in the mouth of a rabbit of 0.2 gr. Several times a day and at the same time sprinkle the muzzle.


An acutely occurring epidemic disease, the source of which are animals infected with virus. The main carriers are mosquitoes, fleas, ticks in the period from May to October.

Signs of myxomatosis:

  • tumors on any part of the body;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • unsleant stains on the ears.

The disease is not treated, cases of recovery are found only if the disease has a light (so-called nodule) form.

The only way to prevent infection is the vaccination of the length of herd starting from the 30-day rabbit. Strictly after 3 months a revaccination against myxomatosis is carried out. The duration of immunity protecting rabbits from the virus is 9 months, so animals are vaccinated 8 months after revaccination (re-vaccination).

Infectious rhinitis (infectious runny nose)

The cause of a contagious runny hubber in the rampes are microorganisms - Pastells that are constantly present in the body even in healthy ramps. However, the disease flashes with a weakened immunite, which provoke constant drafts, antisanitarying in rabbit and unbalanced nutrition. Successful recovery is observed in 65% of the fallen individuals.

Incubation period of the disease - from 3 to 6 days.

Signs of infectious rhinitis:

  • frequent sneezing and runny nose;
  • purulent discharge from the nose (which signals that the infection has penetrated into lungs).

During the treatment of b olny rabbits for the purpose of treatment for 10-14 days, pipette is buried in each nostril of 5 drops of antimicrobial drug. For the treatment of pastellosis, intramuscular antibiotic biomycin is also prescribed.

The occurrence of the disease is possible in rabbits of any age, but most often the disease is celebrated in the spring and autumn periods. If you do not treat a runny nose in the ramp, caused by the usual cold, then in most cases it goes into an infectious form of a cold.

Pastellosis (hemorrhagic septicemia)

Pastellosis pathogen - Pastell rabbit, wand from the Pasteurella family, living on the mucous upper respiratory tract. The incubation period is 5 days. Mortality ranges from 15 to 70% of cases.

Signs of illness:

  • increase temperatures up to 40 ° C and higher;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • rapid breathing;
  • excretion of mucus from eyes and nasal pus;
  • swimming and disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the treatment of B. this population of herd (not only sick, but also healthy rabbits) is once administered injecting terrarsicin or double with an interval of 8-10 hours. Biomycin solution.

All adult animals from the herd for prevention are vaccinated by the drug against Pastellosis. The procedure is repeated after 7 days. Young rabbits are injected against Pastellosis also with repetition.

As 1.5 months reaching, rabbits are vaccinated.


The pathogens of the disease - the microbes of the paratyphoundic group affecting the gastrointestinal tract. This is pretty rare diseasehitting rabbits of all ages and breeds. Most often, infection happens in the spring-summer period by the household, when insects, rodents, birds, which betray infection through dry food, water, hay for the litter are mainly available.

Signs of illness:

  • sluggish, oppressed state of the animal;
  • laid animal wool;
  • target disorder, profuse diarrhea, rejection of feed;
  • miscarriages in pregnant females.

Treat infectious rabbits for 7 days, 2 times a day mixing wet food Furazolidon. And in one cell with them animals without signs of the disease 1 time per day.


Signs of illness:

  • loss of appetite, depletion;
  • the mucous surfaces of the mouth and the age of the rabbit take up the jaundice color;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • laid wool;
  • enlarged belly.

For treatment, the sulfadimetoxin course is assigned, which is used within 5 days. The drug is mixed with rabbits in wet food. The course of treatment is repeated in 5 days.

Also treasured furazolidone for 7 days once in 30 mg / kg.

For the prevention and treatment, simultaneously norsulfases and phthalazole are used, then the course of treatment is repeated.


Rabbits are very susceptible to staphylococcal infectionwhich causes bacteria stafolokokok. The incubation period of staphylococcus - up to 5 days.

The source of the disease is infectious rabbits and other animals. The dissemination of the disease contributes to antisanitarying in cells, sticking sharp objects, the crowded content of the herd, the result of which are conflicts and receiving rabbits of the Russian Academy of Sciences, abrasions, cuts and bows through which infection penetrates.

Signs of disease in rabbits:

  • najna and ulcers on the body and internal organs (lungs, kidneys, liver);
  • subwenmatitis (on the paws appear purulent woundswho do not heal for a long time);
  • mastitis (the dairy glands are inflamed, with pressing milk with pus);
  • bad appetite, exhaustion.

In the treatment of damage to the skin (pieces, scratches, abrasions) are lubricated daily by penicillin, streptomycin, zinc ointment. Gnoves are lubricated with 5% diamond greenery or 3% phenol solution. Paws are treated with the ointment of Vishnevsky.

For 2-3 days 2 times a day, penicillin with streptomycin is injected intramuscularly.

When mastitis intramuscularly prescribed Penicillin (every 3-4 hours), and camphor oil is rubbed into the dairy glands.

Pszoptosis (items or ear scab)

Signs of disease rabbits:

  • With ear scabies, rabbits are shaking their heads, pus and thick peeling crusts appear in the squeezed ears.
  • With itching scabies there is a loss of wool and combing the amazed plots.

For the treatment of the place of the defeat, a 5% solution of hex chlorine or turpentine on vegetable oil for softening the crust is abundantly wetted. Corks are removed, and the affected areas of the skin are again lubricated the same composition.

In severe cases, the Demianovich method is used - clamping areas are processed 60% aqueous solution Sodium hyposulfite. Then the same places are treated with 5-10% aqueous solution. of hydrochloric acid.


The causative agent of the disease is a fungus of trico. The disease quickly spreads throughout the surface of the skin.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the skin flakes;
  • wool is closed and falls out;
  • fit propellants with dark crusts.

During treatment, the hair around the beshins are coated. In order to soften the crusts, the place of the lesion is wetted with a solution of a pitch or green soap. Softened peels are processed by 10% alcohol tincture of iodine or 10% alcohol solution salicylic acid. Removed from the sick animal hair and peel destroyed by burning.

Unfinable diseases of rabbits: symptoms and their treatment

Tympania (Swimming of the Stomach) and meteorism (intestinal bloating)

When the intestines and the stomach are bloated and the composition of the intestinal flora and fermentation processes caused by the eating rabbits of poor-quality feed (rotten hay), abundant feeding by the root softeners ( white cabbage) or poisonous plants (Lupine, unscrewing autumn, etc.).

Symptoms of tympania and meteorism:

  • gas formation in the stomach, the abdominal walls tightly stretched;
  • strong colic in the gastrointestinal tract, no appetite;
  • obstruction of the intestine, constipation;
  • when tapping on the stomach, a deaf drum knock is heard;
  • invalued condition, rapid breathing.

When constipation, the rabbit makes the enema and give 5-6 grams dissolved in the water of the glauble salt.

For the purpose of treatment, a solution of lactic acid or a 10% solution of hytiogen is given through the mouth, followed by a massage of the discrepanous abdominal walls.

Qatar stomach and intestines (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract)

Catar are divided into sour and alkaline catar.

Signs of illness:

  • In case of sour Qatar, rabbits refuse food, body temperature drops, animals are often corrected, steal fluid with sour smell.
  • With an alkaline catar, the rabbits appetite is absent, they are rarely rehased, the feces have the smell of rot.

In order to treat acid Qatar 2 times a day, syntomicin gives inside, with a strong diarrhea - 1-3 teaspoons of a tannin solution or oak bark.

In the treatment of alkaline catar, the salol is also shown 2 times a day, and instead of water, a weak-pink solution of manganese is given.

Rinith and bronchitis

Diseases are colder. To their development predispose drafts, sharp changes in temperature, cold wind, raw weather, watering animal, dust food.

Signs of illness:

  • sneezing, flow from nostrils;
  • labored breathing.

For the treatment of rhinitis several times a day, rabbits are dripped 5-6 drops of furaticiline solution in a mixture with a solution of penicillin.

At bronchitis, sulfadimezin give daily, and penicillin intramuscularly introduced every 3 hours.


The disease caused by the disadvantage of vitamin D and the violation of phosphorous calcium metabolism is distributed to the young.

Signs of the disease:

  • curvature and thickening of the bones of the limbs;
  • delay in the development of rabbit.

In order to treat and the prevention of rickets in the diet, vitamin D (as an option, fish fat), chalk (1-2 gr), bone or fish flour (2-3 gr.) Or phosphorous lime (1 gr.).


The disease of the eyelids is caused by the sand, dust or irritation of the bare substances, which ultimately can cause the blindness of the rabbit.

Symptoms of rabbits disease:

  • tear;
  • redness of the mucous membrane of the century;
  • there is a thickening of the century;
  • selection of pus from the eyes and bonding the age;
  • lounge and ulceration of cornea eye.

For the treatment of rabbits, in the expiration of the pus, under the eyelids lay 2% boric or iodoform ointment. Borish boric skin of the eyelid and blonde ozeline.

Rabbits for proper care Regarding resistant to diseases, but everyone knows that the basis of the fight against diseases should be their prevention. The rabbit and dishes should be regularly cleaned, regularly fight mice and rats - the main pedderes of diseases on the farms. But when the rabbit breed spends serious work on the prevention of diseases, the questions about diseases of rabbits and their treatment does not arise.

Rabbits are susceptible to a large number of infections that better warn than fight them. The main diseases of rabbits and their symptoms, and the treatment should be known to any farmer to help animals in time. In addition, you need to conduct preventive actions.

Prevention of diseases

Acquired in another rabbits need to hold 3 weeks in a separate cell. If during this time the symptoms of any diseases will not be shown, they can be attached to another animals. It should be carried out to examine small rabbits and adult individuals before the end.

In suspected distribution of any disease, disinfection of cells and feeders with special chemicals aimed at combating specific pathogens. Metal parts are treated with a soldering lamp or boiling water.

A healthy rabbit is cheerful, it has a good appetite, he has shiny wool, breathing calm, and the eyes and ears are clean. If any deviations are noticeable in its condition, it is better to immediately call a doctor. Patient Rabbit It is recommended to score to prevent the dissemination of the disease.

The most common diseases of rabbits and their treatment

All diseases of rabbits can be divided into two groups: unsuccessful origin and contagious. The first group includes food disorders. Such diseases of rabbits, their symptoms and treatment have long been widely known. The causes of food disorders are usually the poor food in adults or the transition to hard food at the rabbit after maternal milk. The presence of a disease in the absence of feces is determined, too liquid stool, bloating.

The rabbit in this case should hold about 12 hours on a hungry diet, and after begin to feed the mixture of soft feed and boiled potatoes. If the animal suffers to constipation, they give the glauble, Karlsbad salt or castor oil on a teaspoon. The rabbit diarrhea is treated with a solution prepared from 2 liters of water and a single tablet of syntomicin. Pour animals should be in the morning and in the evening. A few days later, the nutritional diseases of rabbits and their symptoms are undergoing.

Often, animals can be injured in a cage. All sorts of damage on the body of rabbits also relate to diseases of unsuccessful origin. If the bruise is small, then after a few days it passes independently. Conduct with small wounds, in which the integrity of the skin is disturbed, you can, smearing with iodine. Deep injuries in rabbits to cure hard, so such animals are usually scored immediately. Fractures of the paws occur if the animals fall into the slot in the cage. With such an injury, rabbits still live for a very long time. Treat a fracture is unprofitable and expensive, so the animal is also killed.

It is necessary to protect rabbits in the cold, as they can frowst the ears. If this happened, the animal must be placed in a warm room. Frupbed areas are neatly lubricated with melted warm fat.

Like people, as well as many other animals, rabbits are susceptible to thermal and sunshine. It is possible to determine it in the following symptoms: the rabbit is stationary and lies on the side, eyelids, mouth and nose blushed, breathing is rapidly. Certain with the effects of thermal and solar strike helps compress. Towel must be applied to the head of the rabbit, constantly wetting it in cold water. If convulsive fines are observed, the animal will not be able to cure. It remains to score it.

Walled diseases in rabbits are developing if they are on drafts for a long time or fall under rain. Animals sneeze, noticeable from the nose transparent discharge. Rabbits need to be transferred to a warm place, a few drops of furaciline solution are buried daily into the nose, to prepare 1 g of substances are divorced in 100 g of water. Even if rabbits have risen diseases of unsuccessful origin, their meat can use without restrictions. Otherwise, the case is in the case of infectious infections.

Infectious rabbits: symptoms and their treatment, photos

To know how and how to treat the ill animal, you need to be able to recognize diseases.

Coccidiosis in rabbits

You can cope with the disease, eliminating all the reasons that provoked its development. In addition, a bikeox for rabbits for rabbits is often used in accordance with the instructions. This is the most effective toolAccording to the majority of specialists, in the treatment of coccidiosis. It can also be used for birds and decorative animals.

The method of using the drug is determined by its concentration. Therefore, before applying it, you should carefully read the instructions.

Another famous drug is solicox for rabbits. The instructions for this drug characterizes it as a means with wide spectrum actions. Solikox helps to cope with all types of Cocidiosis causative agents in rabbits. It is well combined with other drugs and various additives.

It is important that the solicox is small, so it is safe for overdose.

it acute disease It is manifested in the form of tumors and juggling edema on the skin, redness of the eyelids and ear-sinks. Mixomatosis usually becomes the cause of animal death. To avoid it, you should put the vaccination rabbits. When spreading myxomatosis, all the livestock is divided into two groups. The first refers to infected individuals, which are immediately killed. All cells, dishes after them are recommended to destroy. In the second group there are healthy individuals of the livestock, which are clogged on meat. Given that the treatment of mixomatosis is impossible, one can only prevent this disease by prophylaxis.

The main areas of damage to this disease are liver and light animals. It spreads very quickly, duration incubation period This is a few hours. Rabbits may have cramps, bleeding from the nose, there is a general weakness, the temperature rises. Infection occurs through a litter or feeder, which was used for a sick animal, with direct contact with the carrier of the disease. The treatment is impossible, however, there is a special serum, with which you can protect rabbits for 2 hours. During this time, it is necessary to squint them from sick animals.

Own tick

Infection to them rabbit comes from the mother, with the scales of the skin of the patient animal in adults. The spread of the ear tick is actively happening with a crowded residence of rabbits. Symptoms of the disease are well noticeable appearance in the form of crusts on the inner surface of the ears. In addition, the rabbit will actively scratch them, trying to get rid of these formations on the skin. The treatment of the ear tick in rabbits is carried out with the help of regular processing of the ears with a special mixture, which includes Creilin, Skipidar, kerosene and glycerin.

Treatment of rabbits - video

This is due to the fact that the content and breeding of rabbits is associated with significant difficulties, since these animals are very demanding. For this reason, the question prescribed isolate not only for rabbit breeders, but also for ordinary lovers of these soft, beautiful animals.

Sometimes rabbits may not be expressed by certain symptoms, however, healthy pet You can distinguish from the diseased. It is necessary to regularly examine animals in order not to miss the first signs of the disease that has appeared. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure with mandatory order before mating, after and before okrol.

Just that appeared rabbit first need to be inspected daily, and then every two weeks. The bulk of rabbit diseases and their treatment are not difficult subject to the provision of timely assistance to prevent the development of the illness of a more severe form.

In order not to buy medicines for rabbits, you need to observe the animals regularly. A healthy animal is active, distinguished by an excellent appetite.

An animal must comply with the following features:

  1. wool smooth, shiny;
  2. lack of outcome in the nose and eyes;
  3. smooth breathing with a frequency of about 60 times in 1 minute;
  4. 38.5-39.5 – normal temperature bodies;
  5. smooth pulse - 120-160 cuts per minute.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the urine and feces, since it is to change them that the start of the development process of one or another disease is judged. A healthy animal should have a black chamber or dark brown color, have kind of beans or peas. Watering dark, different in thickness from other animals. What diseases of rabbits exist?

Types of diseases of rabbits

Each rabbit disease is characterized by its signs and symptoms, however, all diseases have a number general damn, which indicate that the animal is unhealthy. If symptoms are seen, it is necessary to immediately refer to the veterinarian to prevent further infection.

In general, rabbits are subject to various diseaseswho are divided into such groups:

  • non-infectious;
  • infectious
  • invasive (ears, deprive).

The most common groups include infectious diseases that are the most dangerous, since the diseased animal is a potential threat to the health of other individuals.

To prevent such diseases, there should be regular rabbits vaccinations with medical drugs.

The occurrence of noncommunicable diseases is mainly due to improper feeding (for example, the rabbit may form a bloating), violation of the rules of content, as well as with violations temperature mode. This group includes various injuries and bruises, bloating. Such diseases are not a threat to the life of the other rabbits, because they are not contagious. It happens that the rabbit will tears their eyes without any other symptoms of diseases. Consider the most common diseases of these animals.


Today, rabbits today is the most dangerous disease In these animals.

There are two forms of mixomatosis - edema and nodes. The first form is characterized by the appearance of minor edema, which over time is combined into one major edema.

The nodel shape is manifested in the form of a minor nodules, with the time sprinkling the whole body and growing up to the size of the pea. All these formations are called mixtures. Treatment is an associated vaccine for rabbits of any age.

Basically they apply to genitals, anal pass, head. Also a characteristic symptom Myxomatosis is inflammatory process Eye shell. Zvekka appearance It becomes ugly and after 8-10 days perhaps.

Unfortunately, this disease is practically not treated. In case of manifestation of the first signs of myxomatosis, a veterinary service is immediately notified. The rabbit, which fell ill, is eliminated, and the human clothing in contact with the animal is disinfected. Cal is burned to the ground for 1 meter. As prophylaxis, rabbits mixomotose vaccine can be used for the entire livestock. The price of the vaccine is approximately 200 rubles.


Currently, rhinitis in rabbits is the most common disease of the respiratory path. Characteristic signs The following: Student breathing, separation from the nasal cavity, frequent sneezing.

In the process of developing the disease, the animal refuses food, resulting in losing weight. Providing timely assistance will prevent further weakening immune system a rabbit. Rinith infective contributes to the disorder of the microflora of the animal. For this reason, after antibiotics, rabbits are given immunomodulatory drugs and probiotics, which provide normalization of intestinal flora.

If the rabbit sneezes constantly without other visible symptoms, most likely an animal has already chronic rhinitis.

In this situation, inhalation is carried out, good food is given, in the diet must be fresh grass, as well as immunomodulating drugs.


According to statistics, in 70% of all cases of the death of rabbits, the cause is coccidosis. To prevent its appearance require regular preventive measures and timely diagnosis. In such cases, the solicox for rabbits may be effective for the treatment of this ailment.

The disease is two forms - intestinal and hepatic. The first form is very quick - in 10 days the rabbit dies. The hepatic form can last about 50 days, in the continuation of which the animal suffers diarrhea and lose weight.

During incubation (2-3 days), jaundice appears at the animal, the feces contain blood impurities. Animals are ill at different ages, however, the most vulnerable are the rabbits 2-4 months in the outfit. It is possible to identify the disease only as a result of kala analysis. For prevention, you need to regularly make rabbits from the causative agent of the disease.

Cocidosis is treated in several ways. The rabbit can be discouraged with a solution of iodine: adult individuals of 100 gr. 0.01% solution per day from 25 days of pregnancy, after which the dose rises to 200 grams. per day 0.02% solution. Course lasting 10 days.

The offspring is treated similarly, only the amount of solution is less than twice. The second method consists in the treatment with an aqueous solution of sulfonamide preparations. It is necessary to give an animal solution twice a day for 5 days. The bikeox for rabbits in the prevention of coccidosis has proven well.

Tog in rabbits

If appeared own tick At rabbits, the animal begins to show anxiety, shakes his head and ears. When progressing the disease, the animal greatly combs her ears, loses appetite, and if complications are formed in the form of otitis and meningitis - does not eat at all, which can lead to his death.

With visual consideration of the peeling animal in the ear sinks of the rabbit, the crusts of brown are visible, sometimes completely hiding the inner surface of the ear covered as if bites. Ears become hot and thicken.

Prestalelles from rabbits

Veterinarians, hemorrhagic rabbits disease refers to one of the viral diseases affecting each animal body. The rabbits of different ages are susceptible to infection, starting with 1.5-2-month, however, it is most often infected by young individuals.

In a different way, this ailment is called Pastells and refers to the category of acute contagious infection that causes the rapid death of animals. Unfortunately, today the treatment of this disease does not give positive results, since the infection does not succumb medicines. Then what and when to make grafting rabbits to avoid an animal infection?

Today, the Research Institutes of Russia are made by serum, which prevents the occurrence of hemorrhagic disease in the animal. When it gets into the body, the defense begins to act after two hours and retains the effectiveness in continuation of 30 days.

Summing up the present article, we can conclude that there is today a large number of different species Diseases in rabbits, which are divided into several types. There are relatively non-hazardous animal diseases, for example, rhinitis. However, there are also such ailments, in case of disease, the animal has to eliminate, in order to save the remaining livestock.

With suspected infection Take the following measures:

inside the farm prohibited any movement of rabbits, feed, inventory, etc.;

veterinary inspection of all livestock: sick animals are clogged or placed in an insulator;

rabbits are suspected for the presence of infections allocate in a separate group, sit down and treated;

after 5-6 days, a repeated complete veterinary inspection is carried out;

full disinfection of premises, cells, inventory: destroy manure, skins, bedding, residues of feed, as well as all rodents on the territory of the economy;

1-2 corpses of rabbits are directed to a study in a veterinary and bacteriological laboratory. Disinfection repeat every 3-5 days during the disease;

after liquidation of the disease, repeated disinfection is carried out;

the corpses of rabbits are burned together with skins or ship on the recycling plants. In some cases, if such allowed sanitary standards, carcass and skins of patients with animals can be used after appropriate processing.


Signs: swelling or nodules on the head, ears, paws, genitals, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole, along the spine, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, swelling of the eyelids), rhinitis (leakage of pus from the nasal cavity), loss of appetite, depression, drowsiness. Symptoms are manifested for 3-11 days.

Causes: The source of infection - patients and passing animals. Motor carriers - mosquitoes, mosquitoes, lice, fleas, ticks. Man, animals and birds can become mechanical carriers.

Treatment: No found.

Prevention: Vaccination of healthy individuals at one age. You cannot instill already infected rabbits, as it aggravates the suffering of animals and leads to death.

Infectious Stomatitis

Signs: Redness and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially language, abundant salivation. Symptoms appear in 2-4 days after infection. More often this disease is striking rabbit under the age of 3 months.

Causes: The pathogen is a filtering virus. Source of infection - saliva and urine of an infected animal. The disease is transmitted through contaminated feed, cells, litter, water, inventory.

Treatment: Daily filled with 0.2 g of white strepticide into the mouth every day 2-3 g. It is also recommended to make 1-fold subcutaneous injection of 20-40,000 penicillin units by a 0.5-2% novocaine solution.

Prevention: Full veterinary examination of the entire livestock, elimination of the crowding, elimination of poor-quality and missing feeds. Processing of cells and inventory with 2% caustic sort or formaldehyde solution. Healthy rabbits from cells in which infected individuals are revealed, fall asleep in the mouth of 0.1 g of streptocide. Motock, in whose ranges were sick rabbits, no longer use.


Signs: Sudden death with a lightning form of the disease. For acute form There are elevated temperatures, rapid breathing, pulse up to 240-300 shots per minute; thirst, abundant salivation, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the nose, sometimes swelling of the head and abdomen, necrosis skin cover.

1-2 days before the death, paralysis of the sphincter of the rectum takes place. Immediately before the death, the rabbits lie on the side, thipping the head and convulsively moving his legs, sometimes fall into someone.

For chronic flow Symptoms of the disease are weakly pronounced. Weight reduction, intestinal relaxation and abdominal muscles are observed.

Causes: The causative agent of the disease is a filtering virus. The source performs a sick animal; The carriers can be rats, mice, birds, people and cats.

Treatment: No found.

Prevention: the destruction of all patients and suspicious rabbits. Complete disinfection of cells, feed, bedding, inventory, etc. Prohibition of contact with animals, to move and carry out the conversion. Vaccination of the entire population of dry-absorbed vaccine.

After the last case of death or disease, a 2-month quarantine is superimposed on the farm, which is complete with complete disinfection, with mass diseases of the skins are disinfected, and meat and insides are destroyed. With single diseases of the carcass can be slapped for 1 hour and eating.


Signs: In acute form, an increase in body temperature is observed up to 41 ° C and reduce it before death to 33-35 ° C; Loss of appetite, depression and low-luxability, rapid breathing, sometimes the mucous membrane of the nose will blue and serous separations flow out of it, diarrhea is very rarely observed.

The shape is characterized by inflammation of the lungs and pleura, increased temperature, lack of appetite, oppressed, intermittent breathing, purulent discharge From the nose, dry cough. The disease lasts 1-2 weeks, the forecast is unfavorable.

Chronic form According to symptoms, it is similar to infectious rhinitis, ends with inflammation of the lungs and pleura, the forecast is unfavorable.

Causes: The causative agent of the disease - the rabbit Pastell. Source of infection - patients and passing animals, their saliva, urine, feces. The disease is transmitted by air, as well as through feed, water, litter, inventory.

Treatment: intramuscular injections:

a single injection of 20 mg of oxytetracycline (at the rate of 1 ml of 2% solution per 1 kg of the live mass of the rabbit);

two-fold injection of biomycin with a break of 8-10h (dosage of the same).

In addition, within 5-8 days, it is possible to add in the feed of inulin (5 g of the drug per 1 kg of feed).

The earlier begin treatment, the more effective. Recovery is possible only if rabbits have not yet developed irreversible pathologies.

Prevention: Destruction of manure, complete disinfection, 2-week quarantine following the last disease or death. Vaccination of rabbits older than 1.5 months of extractal-formal vaccine.

Infectious rhinitis

Signs: Chihannie, purulent and mucous-purulent discharge from the nose, redness and inflammation of the nasal mucosa, difficulty breathing. The rabbit is constantly tertped in front legs. When transitioning a disease in light or bronchi, the temperature rise, breathing, lethargy, decreased appetite, weight loss are observed.

Causes: pathogens - several types of microbes that are constantly living in the nasal cavity and activating with a decrease in immunity or damage to the mucous membrane. The disease is transmitted by air-droplet.

Treatment: For 10-15 days in the nasal cavity of the nasty animal, to dig at 8-10 drops of penicillin solution (12-20 LLC units per 1 ml) or 1% furacillin (dosage - the same).

Prevention: compliance with the sanitary and hygienic standards of rabbits content,

full disinfection using a 4% formaldehyde or 3% solution of caustic soda.

Carcasses (except affected areas) and skins are suitable for use. The corpses of rabbits who died from rhinitis, boil 1 hour and allowed on animal feed.

Salmonellosis (paratif

Signs: Reducing appetite, lethargy, drowsiness, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, rabbits - abortions, inflammation of the uterus.

Causes: pathogens - bacteria of the paratyphoundic group. Salmonellase sources - Patients of animals; The carriers are insects, birds, rodents. The infection is transmitted through feed, water, inventory, cells.

Treatment: insulation of patients of animals and adding fuzolidone in their feed for 7 days (30 mg of the drug per 1 kg of the live mass of the rabbit).

Prevention: vaccination of healthy individuals of polyvalent vaccine against parathy and colibacteriosis of fur animals, birds, calves, piglets. Monthly quarantine after the last case of the disease. Conducting a complete disinfection of hot solutions of 2% formaldehyde, 3% caustic soda, 5% cailyland or xylonfta.


Signs: Inflammation lymph nodes.

Causes: The disease is transferred with rodents, ticks, fleas, lshami, mosquitoes, flies. This is a chumbow-like disease dangerous, including for a person.

Treatment: A veterinarian is prescribed.

Prevention: Strict observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, 20-day quarantine, the destruction of infected rabbits (patients and suspicious of the disease). Disposal of the remaining feed, manure, litter. Full disinfection with a 2% solution of caustic soda or caustic potassium, a 3% hot solution of xylonefta or cailyine, a 2% solution of formaldehyde, a solution of chlorine lime with a content of 2% active chlorine.


Signs: leaks of the scalp (area near the nose and eyes), neck, legs. Peeling of the skin, falling and clogging, the appearance of the pocket, then bubbles, which blowing up, form crusts. The body of the animal is covered by round bald spots. The disease is accompanied by weight loss and deterioration of appetite.

Treatment: softening of crusts with green soap or warm solution of liquor, removal of processed crusts and hair, and then lubrication of the fungi-struck plots with 10% iodine, 5% solution of copper sulfate on Lizole, 10% alcoholic salicylic acid alcohol or emulsion 2-3 pieces of formalin and 9 parts kerosene. After 1-2 days, it is necessary to re-procedure. At the same time, griezofulvin is 20 mg per 1 kg of alive mass per day.

Prevention: Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, adding to the griseofullvin feed at a rate of 10 mg per 1 kg of alive mass for 3 weeks.


Signs: Reducing appetite, weight, lagging for young in growth, increase and scrawls of the abdomen, hairproof, exhaustion.

Treatment: daily for 5 days rabbits together with soft feed feed sulfadimetoxin (0.2 g per 1 kg of live masses in the 1st day and 0.1 g per 1 kg - in the following days). After a 5-day break, you need to repeat the course of treatment.

You can choose another method of therapy: a 0.5-1% aqueous or milk solution of norsulfazole (at the rate of 0.4 g per 1 kg of alive mass), as well as add to the moisturized food for 5 days , 1 g of phthalazole or 0.2-0.3 g of disulfan (per 1 kg of vibrant mass).

After a 5-day break course of treatment, repeat.

Prevention: Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, carrying out planned disinfections, as well as complete disinfection after the last case of disease or death.


Signs: The defeat of the head, mostly ears, itching, inflammation of the skin, the appearance of crusts, under which the pussy, cramps, loss of appetite and weight loss are accumulated. Patient Animal keeps the head of the side, constantly itching.

Causes: Disease pathogens - Chesoccalic ticks (coins, sodces and leberbers).

Treatment: in each ear shell Install 1-1.5 ml of a mixture of turpidar. vegetable oil In equal shares, 0.5 g of phenothiazine or sulfur fall asleep. In severe cases, 2-3 treatment with a 60% aqueous hyposulfite solution is carried out for 2 days. The drug is rubbed into the affected areas, and after drying and the formation of crystalline, the skin is treated with a 10% aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, using another brush.

Prevention: insulation and treatment of patients with animals. Conducting complete disinfection.