When a strong man comes to the life of a woman. "When a strong man comes." Your sex is something more than just sex ...

If you understand the appointment of a person in life, you will be easier to learn to experience love for him, because there will be an understanding that a person in my life is a teacher, and I am grateful for it.

For no accident, this man came to your life! After all, our whole life is a big school, but the subject of study is one - love. Through men, we are the most important and, sometimes, the most difficult lessons, and the specialty one is love and taking yourself.

We can give love to another person only when you possess it. We cannot give another of what our own. Your man is always your mirror, remember it! He only reflects what is in you. I recently heard from one woman that I was ready to try only for a decent man ... Do you hear yourself? What is a worthy man?

Any man who attracted you was attracted and still will attract, this is a decent man. The concept of "worthy" is very relative, because everyone is worthy of their own. You deserve exactly what attracts you. If only brown mattresses or Mamenikina sons are attracted to you, it's not bad and not good, it's just a fact. The fact that shows you are ready to take in your life today and now. A man who comes to your life, mirroring all your internal problems outward. And you can take advantage of this knowledge to look at yourself with new eyes, eyes from the side.

Let's consider the most common situations.

If the jequinist came to your life, you should learn to redirect your sexual energy into creativity, since a man-jealous man will not appear in the life of a girl who has been worked out with his sexuality.

What lesson carries a man who blooms his hands?

If tyran came to your lifeYou're time to learn to listen to yourself, because women living with tyrants, these are women who are completely understood what borders, and it turned them into victims. They feel unhappy, lonely and abandoned by everyone. "Male Tirara, the weather is bad, and other joy in life, and they were waiting for me, it can be seen, my fate is so, tolerated and suffering."

Accordingly, a man or puts a woman in place with his behavior, or teaches this woman to respect himself, restores the structure of her personality, highlights the program "Sacrifice," teaches the upwardness of the borders and the ability to stand up for itself. Another man simply will not be able to teach such a girl to start listening to himself. The victim needs to experience strong pain so that finally she wanted to change something in his life.

If a man-alcoholic came to you, dependent, then he did not just attare such a life. And you chose it for something. To pass any important lesson. What does such a man teach? Let's imagine how a woman behaves in such a couple: she or constantly "saws" him and thus kills all his masculinity on the root, or is in a state of "poor woman", which is no longer lucky in life, and everyone is obliged to her.

And the husband drinks, and there is little money, and the children of the ramp. Solid sad sadness. Accordingly, such a man teaches her in the first situation - femininity, "signals" to her about what - as she killed her female nature or some important part of themselves, and he kills himself with alcohol / drugs, and leaves reality; Or, in the second situation, he teaches her love for himself, respect, first of all, herself, growing up, the ability to take responsibility for his life and for the events, in it occurring.

If in your life - Mamenkin Son, blessing, frantic lord, then you are clearly treating the category of girls who do not know how to give the brazers of the board in the hands of a strong floor. You all decide, you all know all better, and you change all. You do not notice, but most often your scandals arise on the soil that you want to change a person, but never listen to it. And, yes, now you will deny it.

If a person came to your life, who feeds you promises, and he himself always stuck with friends in the most parties of the city \\ planet, who says beautifully, and you are in love with his syllable, in his style, in his manner to live and heat the grief, "Well, when you hurt, and we will be together and Quietly live. " Answer: Never. Such a person came to your life to tell you: "Start yourself to appreciate!

Why does it suit you that we play according to my rules, and you are ready to adjust all the time? I disappeared for two months, and you still take me, because I fed you with beautiful words? You do not appreciate here. If you adjust to me now, then, even when a decent man comes to your life, who will love you with all my heart, after some time he will cease to appreciate you, because you have a habit of adapting in my head. "

Such relationship scenarios can be listed a lot more, but let's return to the beginning of the article. What does it mean - "I will try only for a decent man"? A priori you should try not for someone and not for someone because your own development is your own development, you are trying in any relations only for yourself.

If a man is present in life, ask himself, and am I worthy of another? And for what such qualities can I give a prince on white on a horse? You understand that the prince will not be with a girl who has a lot of complexes, cockroaches and mania. All this needs to be worked out. Do not learn people to drive a car behind the wheel of Ferrari.

There is such a thing as the "shadow part of the person" is the qualities that we do not realize in yourself, we do not see, do not accept, they are in us, but for our consciousness they are shrouded in shadow. Thus, the mirrors are direct and inverse.

Direct mirror: the quality that annoys you in someone - there is in you. Only you do not see it, do not want to notice. For example: the husband is lazy, lies on the sofa and does nothing. You simply brings you to the boiling point, it means that this very laziness is in you. You are also lazy, and you really want to lie down and lie on the sofa and look at the ceiling, but you just can't let yourself allow it, because in childhood they were taught to be strong and not to roll like that, or you never did it, live, live In the terrible stress and endless race - work, house, children, school, cleaning, etc. What does it say? This does not mean that you need to lie down with my husband and throw all things, just accept: "Yes, somewhere deeply I am still lazy and even the fucking husband," and let it sometimes manifest themselves to this quality: arrange a rest, just follow , go to the massage, consciously be lazy and relax.

Reverse Mirror: Find the quality that annoys you in a manAnd look, is it in you with the opposite sign? For example: a man - weakk, it means that you are strong, a lot was taken over, and you need to learn how to be weak. The man is irresponsible, which means you are hyperial, all control and cannot relax, trust; Male Liar - you are looked at truth, and you constantly need evidence and confirmation, no faith; Male greedy - you are too stupid, first of all, to yourself, sauard on love, emotions, time ... The principle is clear?

When you are aware of everything in yourself, you, firstly, accept these qualities, well, or at least begin to take, and secondly, you will become just above this, realizing that you are something more. When we recognize these qualities, then the men change, or their behavior ceases to hurt us.

In general, everything in the world is arranged on the principle of the mirror. All our environment is our reflection. With the help of other people you can easily see what is in you. If you are dissatisfied with your surroundings, work - you are unhappy before with yourself. Our attitude towards itself coincides with our attitude towards others. And people in turn reflect our idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves.

What is in me, then and outside.Our inner world attracts the inner worlds of other people. Therefore, if everyone around you is bad, everyone has sadness, depression, then the same thing happens in you inside. And if you are surrounded by light, kind, loving people, it means that you yourself are the same, everything is very simple! Work on yourself - the world will change around, and people.

All this is written not to feel like a conviction of a celebration, and to feel like a woman can change everything by desire. And even treason - they are not pathology and Alphonse, it is not a taboo. This is what will help a woman to revise itself and something in the end to take if the woman wants it.

You have already understood, at the heart of all the lessons who bear the men, is a return to our female nature. Because most women have such a break (in fact, it is malicious virus programs transmitted to women from generation to generation): Or we go to men's energies, and any man next to such a "iron lady" falls on the sofa, sits on the neck, It is inactive, drinks or starts to walk. Or we are in the position of the victim and sigh about our hard-up share, and the man acts as a homely tyrant or takes a vigorous actions.

In fact, through it the universe and trying to enable you. Through all these (and others) type men Universe says: "Become a woman! Learn to love yourself, start appreciating life, because you came here at all in order to suffer! You are a woman! Where is the flow of water and the adoption of a man? Where is the flame passion? Where is the heat of the hearth? Where is the reverence and respect for a man? Where is wisdom and become? Where is the beauty, tenderness, ease, joy? Where is faith? On, keep you a man under the face - this is your "exercise exercise exercise exercise", learn, please. "

But we do not hear it, tearing relationships, we meet a new man, and there again the same thing is also worse, and so on a closed circle. I will always be for the fact that the changes should begin with a woman. It all starts with it, as it is space. Before shifting responsibility to a man, look at yourself, it is only your reflection. On the Internet, full of popular pages about how to manipulate a man and seek gifts from him. I do not mean it. I am about respect and love for yourself, about faith and the adoption of a man, about the joy and light of life!

Yes, it hurts, it hurts yourself, and it is even more difficult to realize that "I" through my attitudes, viral programs only destroy your life ... But, oddly enough, "the pain" we need. I understood it when I began to grow and develop myself. And pain in the relationship is an essential companion of two adult partners building relationships and creating a family.

I know many men and women who do not carry pain, and as soon as difficulties begin in relationships, they do not stand and choose to stop the relationship, and soon "jump" into new relationships, thinking that everything will be different and not Have to worry! But it was not there! At first everything goes a chocolate and perfectly (the stage of love), and then the stage of quarrels, wipes, critics, swearings, and again comes the most pain, from which they ran away in the past alliance. So does it make sense to run in a circle?

Always ask yourself a question: what does this situation take me?What is it happening for? What do I need to bear it for myself? Then you will not receive an outflow of energy, but take your resource.

So why do we run from pain or believe that it should not be? Very often, to continue life, including the life of the family, the fire, water, and copper pipes, it will be a hardening for relationships and your growth. Do not be afraid of this. Any relationship is difficulties. And if you start a relationship with the idea that you can finally relax and enjoy, then disappointment will be inevitable. It is necessary to be prepared for what will be difficult, but to meet these difficulties, as a chance to get closer, to help each other, become associates.

A loved one is not the one with whom 100% time can enjoy. A loved one is the one for whom you are ready to overcome difficulties and change. The one who you take completely, without a rest!

Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in the life of a woman. And it is easy to feel even back, the body of a woman completely responds to him, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a cheeky character becomes a small lattice, suddenly wakes up the whole bouquet of women's qualities, she suddenly wants to cook him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and can be for the first time in her body Consciously sounds: "I want a child from this man."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, it feels especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in it at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his eyes and voice ...

Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but it doesn't confuse it how much, but on the contrary makes you smile on myself and realize how pleasant sometimes be weak.

Next to him she does not want to argue, prove, to measure with him intellect, she wants to obey her for the first time in his life!

A woman begins to flourish in this relationship, aware of the power of this man and harmonizing through her. She begins to love not mind, but all his female creature. Moreover, it may be absolutely not its type of type, not the level of intelligence, not the level of spiritual development, is completely different ... maybe not even beautiful, but just a strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love.

The main mistake of women

And then (in a day / week / year of acquaintance with him), most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to these men, to serve, try to please him ... They stick into it! Fully, on the ears! And then questions begin "What did I do wrong?", "Cute, what didn't you like?", "Favorite, all is well?" etc. "What to file? What to bring? What to remake in yourself for you? "

Woman is capable of anything to keep it. She feels internally not ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet been launched, and she tries to compensate for the inner unpretentiousness through external self-improvement, because to lose insanely scary ...

If you look deeper, then she needs not even him, but the state of the awakened nature, which she feels, which she swears.

Maybe for the first time in life and only next to him, she felt like a woman how can I let go? And then the hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, match, deserve ... What gives a man more and more. And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in the life of a woman and go to show her how much it is not ready for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a servant, and a woman who can fill and whose love can be filled!

After his care remains pain, unbearable pain returning to another
Reality, where you no longer feel yourself a 100% woman, where there are no more these strong hands and a confident look, where you can't relax and feel ...

Now the woman does everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it's better to live with a pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.

Pain is that it means you gave more than any energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding your reserve - women trying to simply remove this energy from their lives, not understanding that they harm their becoming.

A few words about love spells

Some of the women trying to return these men by post, prayers and ascapes, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all asceticism, posts and rituals act simply like magic. A woman without a powerful discontinuished energy will need to make a few months to make ascetic to attract it again on the day. But then he will leave again, because the lesson is not traveled ... I will not even write about the love spell, for the fate of those women who are trying to master a man through magic!

Other women are trying to cut him off from themselves, and goes to energy and healers so that they are cleared of this connection, which does not come out of the head, hearts and uterus ... which does not want to leave.

But this is the man it will be incredibly difficult to cut off from himself, it will be that he will dream to be worn in the crowd of people, it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, from somewhere will come out, every phone call and every SMS will force a woman to shudder from waiting ...

It is such a man into the life of a woman brings the most powerful lesson of love and development.

An image of an ideal man

Such a man comes and shows a woman, what she can be, what kind of feminine, how much strength in it ... He teaches her to live in harmony with his nature, and he also gives her to see and feel how much love in it! After all, it is his woman begins to love From the very first days of their communication ... It is for him that she does not have a passion, not love, but love, and she feels it with a whole being ...

And this is why it hurts when he leaves.

If there was such a man in your life, then you are lucky and lucky at the same time. Be sure because few people in life face real love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all my heart, with all your female creature, every cage of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her!

This love continues to live in you all my life, she fills your life meaning. Moreover, when a woman with love and gratitude recalls the experience that she had with this man, it automatically on a thin level it is harmonized, its energy is aligned, she recalls his femininity, its nature ...

And if you decide, get courage and will reveal yourself, allow you to expand your borders if you accept the loss of this man, but you will be happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

Not lucky because it will be held with this man through the strongest stress, you will be pulled out to a completely different level of sensation of life. And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression. Each time tied to it, you will take it. You will be inexorably learning to live happily and freely, without tosing. You will teach emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But then the happiness that you will experience from these relationships will not compare with any other experiences in life, the love that will be filled with your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

This man teaches you to be a woman! He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to drag the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of His mind!

It is necessary to reveal the love and sensation of the drive from life, happiness from the inside. You just need to become a woman in full understanding of this word, a real, feeling, emotional and capable of letting go. And when you calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in the heart and joy from life when you can be with him and not lose your head from Euphoria, to be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him! Then life will bring you again.

With other men, it will be easier, easier, and it will be difficult with that, sometimes it hurts, but you will live, feel life and you will fill love.

If your life was such a man:

Learn to be grateful to him, because these men lead us to know, to teachers, to God! Let even through pain, but now we understand that it is worth it?

Do not think about it and do not try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your power. When you learn to love yourself and be happy - your pain will go away by itself, and the relationship with him or will go to a new level or stop disturbing you!

Why do we slide in such men?

Because they are strong on male, they are implemented in their nature, and it makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process is happening with a woman: when she reveals in their nature when she comprehends her depths when she learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes a magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, and builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women drive away by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man will not work as well as with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to own energy-strong people, you can only interact with the principle of fusion of energies.

Therefore, throw away the desire to possess this man, thank him, for the fact that he opened in you!

Whatever a man you live, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens her in you, fill it!

Even if you are already married, and your heart is still trembling from another man, do not discard love. Just do not focus on the man, take those feelings that he gave you and divide with his spouse.

It is important to remember: We are entitled not because of people, but because of their energy and states that we feel next to them. Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

"When a strong man comes"

When a strong man comes
Sometimes a very strong man with powerful solar energy appears in the life of a woman. And it is easy to feel even back, the body of a woman completely responds to him, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a cheeky character becomes a small lattice, suddenly wakes up the whole bouquet of women's qualities, she suddenly wants to cook him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and can be for the first time in her body Consciously sounds "I want a child from this man."
Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, it feels especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in it at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his eyes and voice ...
Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but it doesn't confuse it how much, but on the contrary makes you smile on myself and realize how pleasant sometimes be weak.
Next to him she does not want to argue, prove, to measure with him intellect, she wants to obey her for the first time in his life!
I spoke a few of my clients such a thing: "He can sometimes rigidly put me in place, and I do not feel any humiliation, I am a buzz that he is so strong and even a bit hard. I feel his strength! "

A woman begins to flourish in this relationship, aware of the power of this man and harmonizing through her. She begins to love not mind, but all his female creature. Moreover, it may be absolutely not its type of type, not the level of intelligence, not the level of spiritual development, is completely different ... maybe not even beautiful, but just a strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my girlfriend says about such a man in her life "After all, you look at him - well, scary! The face is such a simple simple. Well, straight tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt. And I love him and feel that this is my man ... " wOK EMOTICON.

And then (in a day / week / year of acquaintance with him), most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to these men, to serve, try to please him ... They stick into it!
Fully, on the ears! And then questions begin "What did I do wrong?", "Cute, what didn't you like?", "Favorite, all is well?" etc.
"What to file? What to bring? What to remake in yourself for you? "

Woman is capable of anything to keep it. She feels internally not ready for such a relationship, she herself has not yet been launched, and she tries to compensate for the inner unpretentiousness through external self-improvement, because to lose insanely scary ...
If you look deeper, then she needs not even him, but the state of the awakened nature, which she feels, which she swears.
Maybe for the first time in life and only next to him, she felt like a woman!
How can I let go?

And then the hyper-efforts begin in an attempt to be the best, match, deserve ... What gives a man more and more.
And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in the life of a woman and go to show her how much it is not ready for a strong and mature relationship. After all, he needs not a slave, not a servant, and a woman who can fill and whose love can be filled!

After his care, there remains pain, unbearable pain of return to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman by 100%, where there are no more of these strong hands and a confident look, where you can't relax and feel ...
Now the woman does everything to get away from this pain. But believe me, it's better to live with a pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, but also without love.
Pain is that it means you gave more than any energy than your current reserve can accommodate. And instead of expanding your reserve - women trying to simply remove this energy from their lives, not understanding that they harm their becoming.

Some of the women trying to return these men by post, prayers and ascapes, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all asceticism, posts and rituals act simply like magic. A woman without a powerful discontinuished energy will need to make a few months to make ascetic to attract it again on the day. But then he will leave again, because the lesson is not traveled ...
I will not even write about the love spells, because the fate of those women who are trying to master the man through magic! NOT kidding, but warning !!! In order not yet closed your home of marriage in the horoscope from fortunekal, sorcerers and gypsies need to be held in 5-10 meters! Venus spoils magic very much, may completely close the house of marriage and relationships. Look at the fortune-telling and sorcerers - they are off-way lonely women. In their life, a man comes only to give a child. Then he or dies or leaves. Therefore, led you the Lord from such people.

Other women are trying to cut him off from themselves, and goes to energy and healers so that they are cleared of this connection, which does not come out of the head, hearts and uterus ... which does not want to leave.

But this is the man it will be incredibly difficult to cut off from himself, it will be that he will dream to be worn in the crowd of people, it will seem that he will now appear somewhere, from somewhere will come out, every phone call and every SMS will force a woman to shudder from waiting ...

It is such a man into the life of a woman brings the most powerful lesson of love and development.

♡ Such a man comes and shows a woman what she can be, what kind of feminine she is, how much strength in it ...
He teaches her to live in harmony with his nature, and he also gives her to see and feel like in her love!
After all, it is his woman who begins to love their communication from the very first days ... It is for him that she doesn't have a passion, not love, but love, and she feels her to all the creature ...
And this is why it hurts when he leaves.

If there was such a man in your life, then you are lucky and lucky at the same time.

It was lucky because few people in life face real love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all my heart, with all your female creature, every cage of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all my life, she fills your life meaning. Moreover, when a woman with love and gratitude recalls the experience that she had with this man, it automatically on a thin level it is harmonized, its energy is aligned, she recalls his femininity, its nature ...
And if you decide, get courage and will reveal yourself, allow you to expand your borders if you accept the loss of this man, but you will be happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful.

♡ Not lucky because it will be held with this man through the strongest stress, you will be pulled out to a completely different level of life.
And each new energy transition is always pain, crisis and depression.
Each time tied to it, you will take it.
You will be inexorably learning to live happily and freely, without tosing.
You will teach emotional maturity and unconditional love all the time!

But then the happiness that you will experience from these relationships will not compare with any other experiences in life, the love that will be filled with your heart will make your life full of meaning and divinity!

♡ This man teaches you to be a woman! ♡
He showed you how you can love and feel - now your task is to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to drag the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of His mind!
It is necessary to reveal the love and sensation of the drive from life, happiness from the inside.
You just need to become a woman in full understanding of this word, a real, feeling, emotional and capable of letting go.
And when you calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in the heart and joy from life when you can be with him and not lose your head from Euphoria, to be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him!
Then life will bring you again.

With other men, it will be easier, easier, and it will be difficult with that, sometimes it hurts, but you will live, feel life and you will fill love.

If your life was such a man:
- Learn to be grateful to him, because these men lead us to know, to teachers, to God! Let even through pain, but now we understand that it is worth it?
- Do not think about him and do not try to forget, just cultivate yourself and your power.

When you learn to love yourself and be happy - your pain will go away by itself, and the relationship with him or will go to a new level or stop disturbing you!

Why do we slide in such men?
Because they are strong on male, they are implemented in their nature, and it makes them incredibly attractive. But the same process is happening with a woman: when she reveals in their nature when she comprehends her depths when she learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes a magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, and builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women drive away by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man will not work as well as with a strong woman. In general, it is impossible to own energy-strong people, you can only interact with the principle of fusion of energies.

Therefore, throw away the desire to possess this man, thank him, for the fact that he opened in you!
The pain will live in your heart only until you give up the desire to own them.
As my teacher says in this case, "you gave you a beautiful canary, her singing awakens your heart to love, and you approach and say" Oh, what a wonderful canary, let me eat her! "

Drop pain, and let love again fill you! Not that mercenary love, which gloatingly says "You will still be mine,", and the one that tenderly whispers "God, thanks that this person sent me and opened love in my heart! Now I feel! "

Whatever a man you live, whoever surrounds you, anyway, learn love every day, and if there is a person who awakens her in you, fill it!
Even if you are already married, and your heart is still trembling from another man, do not discard love.
Just do not focus on the man, take those feelings that he gave you and divide with his spouse.

We are entitled not because of people, but because of their energy and states that we feel next to them.
Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!

Fate sends us different people, we strive to find happiness with each of them, but are disappointed and we do not understand what was not so that the circumstances have so much that with all the irrespective prospects you suddenly part. It takes time, and sometimes quite a lot, before you realize that this lesson, who was sent by fate, is learned. That as it happened - an inevitable option, and there are only attempts to argue with fate, to predict her, that is, not to pass this lesson, but to burden the theory of practice, but one way or another it will happen. From your life will take something important at the same time who brought it important. And then, someday, you will understand what I had to be, you will understand why and ... Agree.

Life even a very self-sufficient woman flourishes and becomes brighter, when the most man comes to her life. All free women want to meet their man, with which everything will be different with whom everything will be fine, right? Most believes that the meeting prepared by fate looks like this: "Something inside it clicks. I feel it ... "

You probably think so too ...

But sad news lies in the fact that he strongly clicks, covers, hangs and blows the roof only when a karmic man came to worrying. It so clicks that you will not pass by. And it immediately seems that this is he ... I feel ... But 95% of women after such clicks it turns out that it is not him, but just a bad karma, from which only hurts!

How to understand that the same man came to your life that you need with which you will develop and disclose as a woman?

Let's start with the fact that whatever men come to our lives, they are all not random, necessary and very useful, but they come with different purposes.

Conditionally, they can be divided into three large groups to be clear.

First Group - Men Teachers

They come to teach us something and remain in our life exactly until the lesson is passed. They can be all sorts of one: good, evil, married to you brain breaking your personal borders, degrading you or infinitely causing pity, etc.

They will teach you female qualities, self-relief, faith in themselves, protecting their borders, correct building relationships with men.

It may be one man, and maybe a few with the same lesson. If a woman is stubborn, then such a man gives her as a husband or just on a very long time. But as soon as she comes out of his scenario and goes through the necessary lesson, this man leaves her life, all the conditions are created so that they dissolve. After all, now another man should come to her life and, most likely, not for lessons, but for normal life.

Second group - karmic debtors

Sometimes women come to the life of a man with whom she has karmic duty. And in such respects or she gives a lot, because he owed, or a man puts a lot of emotions in it, feelings, experiences or even funds, but a woman has no love or tenderness to him, neither warmth. Sometimes you know as it happens, it is impossible to even dispense to people if they were not satisfied with each other, they keep them together so that they finally filled each other and let go.

As soon as the necessary exchange of energy (karma, money, time, feelings) took place, they are also bred.

I had a client who had a good relationship with the spouse, they lived well together, moving a lot to each other, he filled her faith in himself, and she gave him a rear and female protection. And one day, they came from work, sat down opposite each other and saw that everyone, you understand, their more together does not hold anything, there was only gratitude for the warm years together. And nothing else ... They broke up, in half a year, both have a couple of them, in which they had very powerful development, and now they communicate with families and still remain very good friends, and are resting together. It happens like this, but this is the best option.

And basically it happens that a woman clinically clinically on a man who often does not feel anything, and she begins to love him, pray for him, to make practices, to invest a ton of energy, thinking that it is he is the most. And she can't do anything with what constantly gives or physically or energetically.

And in this relationship you need to just remove and send the love to this person, continuing to live your life, and not think that it is it.

And third group of men - men for life

This is the same group that we need. Men for life are those that we fill us, which we give to us, which we reveal with which you need to live, build a family, develop. We are now talking about a good option for the development and disclosure of a woman in its nature.

Sometimes a woman needs to go through two previous groups to mature for such a man.

We, women, very often there are immature relationships with men simply because we do not agree to pass our lessons and wait for the necessary moment in your life when what we need is. And then a woman either agrees on abona what man, or lives in his illusions and expectations of the Prince.
It is important to understand that a decent man will come when you are at least slightly polished in female or practitioners or good upbringing.

Relationships with a "man for life" can also be complex and incomprehensible, but there are several factors for which it can be understood that this man is really needed now in your life and that relationship with him will bring you good.

This does not mean that it will be a relationship until the end of life, but that exactly shows that this man is clearly not a random visitor of your life.

How to understand what is your man?

Successful women who live with decent men say that there was no click, there was no insight from heaven: "Oh God, it's he!", It was not even crazy love. These were gradual relationships in which there were no wildness, hurry, madness and all that is shown in films.

There is a first signal for which it becomes clear whether you need this man. And this signal is safety.

Next to your man you will feel safe. This is the base and the basis, without this, you should not go further. Your man can be an ordinary physique and not possess the skills of Kung Fu, but next to him you will feel protected, you will know that if something happens, he will not give you offense. Moreover, the man himself can belong to some dangerous profession, but when you will be next to him, you will stop thinking about your security, because he will take it on himself. It is laid by our female instincts, we are looking for a strong so that he can protect our children so that we are not scary to give birth to if something happens, that is, a back, for which you can hide.

This is the essence of all women - safety.

Many men take offense when women are conducted on their money, power and position in society, but there is nothing condemned in this, this is an ordinary psychological hypercompensation. The woman is just looking for security, and since she cannot rely on a man, then she is at least looking for a refuge in money, because the money is also a force that can protect.

So, if you have a man, feel and answer yourself honestly, do you feel safe with him? When there is a sense of security, a woman can relax, and when it relaxes, her best female qualities are revealed in it: hope, female bearer, a cute smile, carefree girl joy. Surely each at least once lived it.

This man will disclose women's qualities in you, or better to say, your best female qualities will be disclosed by themselves.

When the man will be "correct", then you want to cook, dress beautifully, follow yourself. You will begin to awaken the natural female qualities, the desire to serve, be soft, tender. Without any additional knowledge, you will want to make a massage to him, meet from work, even if you were before you were a banging woman who my head itself. It all happens so spontaneously and naturally, with a deep inner desire that many women simply stop learning themselves. They open in themselves what it seemed before that there was never at all. What we learn at trainings can be in yourself without any knowledge to join if your man will be nearby.

You will be better to look.

Yes, it is that way ... You will want beautiful clothes, a million robberies in the form of jewelry and good creams, but the case will not even care about yourself. The case will be in your condition, and possibly after one of the nights with him you will go around the city a little shaggy, not having time to clean and bring the royal marafet, but you will have a warm smile and a stunning radiance, and you will be the most beautiful woman on Earth at this moment. You will be turned around and shut down.

If you have a desire to care for yourself in relations with a man, you want to wear sports pants, tie a bundle and there is everything in a row, they say "I relaxed with him" is a very disturbing sign, he will not bring it to good. Sometimes such situations are useful, and you can be with a man relaxed and in such a vulnerable form, but if you always want this always, it means that the man does not start the necessary states in you. This can be achieved, of course, independent efforts, but we speak about a good option, and when it is good - we have such things automatically.

Your injuries will be healed.

If the man is "yours," he will be able to overwrite your energy matrix of past relations by filling out your inner space with its energy. And it will seem to you that there was no relationship before him, you will remember everything, but it will seem that it was in the past life. Energy dependence, traces, bindings from one man treats the love and adoption of another man. I saw it in my energy practice. Not only women's love creates wonders, the love of men is also capable of much. In addition, you will have forces on internal transformation, and it will launch for forgiveness and release processes, and you may have forces to forgive and let go of a huge number of acted in your life, because now you do not need this cargo and want to fill Internal state of grace, thanks and heat.

You will begin to love yourself anymore.

When a man is ready to give a woman to love her, invest in her, then after a while, when her mental rehabilitation passes, she will begin to see one's eyes, she will see themselves valuable, beautiful, meaningful, and most importantly beloved, and her self-esteem will start growing Woman will reveal in a new stunning light.

The statement of Breda Pitt in confirmation of this item:

"It all started with my wife's disease. She began problems at work, in his personal life because of what she was very often nervous. Also affected her health experience about their failures and children's problems. She has changed very much outwardly - the disgraced (40 kg in her 35 years!) I was loyal. Her eyes were almost always on a wet place, they were all annoyed. Joy went out of her life.

Health problems were manifested in headaches, heartfelt, pinched nerves in the back and ribs. She had a constant insomnia, she was tired and did not sleep. All this shake out our relationship.
She began to disseminately treat his appearance, sludge, her bags under the eyes began to appear. Also began to refuse the filming and the roles offered to it.

My hope was lost, and I was thinking about divorce. However, after a while I decided to change something. And in fact, I thought, I have the most wonderful woman in the world. She is the ideal of many men and women, but she is next to me. I fall asleep next to her, hug her shoulders ...

And I decided not to postpone the case in a long box. Began to give flowers, embroil the compliments, kiss ... I did unexpected gifts, surprises, everything was for her. All the time spoke about her, praised her to hear everything.
And everything turned out! She began to flourish like a flower. I looked, recovered to pleasant rounds, stopped worrying, and her love came to me even more. I did not assume that she could love so much! After that, I understood: a woman is a mirror of a man. If you love it before madness, she will become them. And I did not even assume that she knows how to love so much! "

Sometimes in the life of a woman a man appears with powerful solar energy. And it is easy to feel even back: the body of a woman completely opposes him, her thoughts calm down, and the center of femininity, the uterus is filled with warm and radiant vibrations of life ...

Next to such a man, even the most active and dynamic woman with a cheeky character becomes a small lattice 🙂 Suddenly the whole bouquet of women's qualities suddenly wakes up, she suddenly wants to cook him, take care of him, clean the house, wait for him from work and, maybe for the first time in Her body sounds consciously: "I want a child from this man ..."

Usually it is with this man that she begins to understand the true pleasure of sexual intimacy, it feels especially brightly and strongly, femininity awakens in it at the hormonal level. She likes his smell, his body, his eyes and voice ...

Next to him, she can feel stupid and weak, but it doesn't confuse it at all, but on the contrary, it encourages to smile and realize how pleasant sometimes be weak. Next to him, she does not want to argue, prove, trying to interleve the intellect, she wants for the first time in his life!

Some of the women were divided into private conversation: "He can sometimes rigidly put me in place, and I do not feel any humiliation, I am a buzz that he is so strong and even a bit hard. I feel his strength! "

A woman begins to flourish in this relationship, aware of the power of this man and harmonizing through her. She begins to love not mind, but all his female creature. Moreover, it may be absolutely not its type of type, not the level of intelligence, not the level of spiritual development, completely different ... perhaps even ugly, but incredibly strong, courageous and decisive, next to which her heart awakens to love. As my girlfriend says about such a man in her life: " You look at it - terrible-yy ... The face is such a simple, straight tractor driver! Only in an expensive shirt 🙂 And I love him and feel that this is my man ...» 😉

And then, every other day, a week or year of dating, most women make the same mistake: they begin to adapt to this man, to serve, try to please him ... They are in it! Fully, on the ears!

And then questions begin: " What did I do wrong? Cute, what didn't you like? Favorite, all is well?" etc. And also: " What to file? What to bring? What to remake in yourself for you?»

Woman is capable of anything to keep it. She feels internally not ready for such a relationship, she herself did not yet dose - and she tries to compensate for the inner unpretentiousness through external self-improvement, because to lose insanely scary ...

And if you look deeper, then she needs not even he, this particular man, and the state of the awakened nature, which she feels and which is overlapping.

Perhaps for the first time in life and only next to him she felt like a woman! How to let go? And the hypersilia begin in an attempt to be the best, match, deserve ... that, naturally, gives a man more and more. And in the end, he leaves.

In most cases, such men appear in the life of a woman and go to show her how much she is not ready for a strong and mature relationship, because a man does not need a slave, not a maid, but a woman who can fill in and whose love!

After his care, there remains pain, unbearable pain of return to another reality, where you no longer feel like a woman by 100%, where there are no more of these strong hands and a confident look, where you can't relax and feel ...

And then the woman does everything to get away from this pain ... But believe me: it's better to live with a pain that moves you forward and develops than to live without pain, and without love! Pain means: you gave you more than any energy than your current tank can accommodate. And instead of expanding their own, women are trying only to remove this energy from their lives, not understanding that they harm them to becoming.

Some of the women trying to return these men with prayers and ascapes, which only aggravates the situation. In this case, all rituals act like magic: a woman without a powerful discontinuing energy will need to make certain restrictions and efforts to take some months to take it again - but then he will again leave, because the lesson is not traded.

I will not even write about the love spells, because the fate of those women who are trying to master the man through magic! Not kidding, but warning. In order not yet closed your house marriage in the horoscope is coming up - from the fortune-up, sorcerers and gypsies need to be held in 5-10 meters! Planet Venus spoils magic very much, and the sphere of relations can completely be blocked. Look at the fortune tells and sorcerers: they are off-way alone women. In their life, a man comes only to give a child, and then he or dies, or leaves. Lead you the Lord from such people!

Other women try to cut off a strong man from themselves, go to energy and healers so that they are cleared of this connection, which does not come out of the head, hearts and uterus ... But it is from this that a man will be incredibly difficult to put down, it will be to dream to be worn in the crowd People, and it will seem that he now will appear somewhere, from somewhere, and every phone call and every SMS will force a woman to shudder in the hope of expectation ....

It is such a man into the life of a woman brings the most powerful lesson of love and development. Such a man comes and shows a woman as she can be, what kind of feminine she is, ... He teaches her to live in harmony with his nature, and he also gives her to see and feel how old love is in it! A woman begins to love him from the very first days of their communication ... It is for him that she doesn't have a passion, not love - and love, and she feels it with a whole being ... That's why it hurts when he leaves.

If there was such a man in your life, then you are lucky and lucky at the same time. Lucky, because few people in life face real love, and you were given to love deeply, truly, with all my heart, with all your female creature, every cage of your body. And when a woman loves - nothing is impossible for her! This love continues to live in you all my life, it fills life with meaning. Moreover, when a woman with love and gratitude recalls the experience that she had with this man, it automatically on a thin level it is harmonized, its energy is aligned, she recalls his femininity, its nature ...

And if you decide, get courage and will reveal yourself, allow yourself to expand your borders if you accept the loss of this man, but you will be happy and full of unconditional love for him - you can be together, and this union will be incredibly powerful .

And not lucky because you will be held with this man through the strongest stress, you will be pulled out to a completely different level of sensation of life. And every new energy transition is always pain. Every time, only you are tied to it, you will take it. You will be inexorably learning to live happily and freely, without tosing. You will learn emotional and unconditional love all the time!

Happiness that you will experience from these relationships will not compare with any other experiences in life. Love that will be filled with your heart in this partnership will make your life full of meaning and divinity.

Such a man teaches you to be a woman! He showed you how you can love and feel, and now your task is to support it.

If you want to be with him, then you do not need to learn to drag the house and cook food, you do not need to learn to be worthy of His mind. It is necessary to reveal the love and sensation of the drive from life, happiness from the inside. You just need to become a woman in full understanding of this word - a real, feeling, emotional and. And when you calmly refuse him, but at the same time keep love in the heart and joy from life when you can be with him and not lose your head from Euphoria, to be calm and internally joyful - then you can stay with him! Then life will bring you again.

With other men, it will be easier, easier, and it will be difficult with this, sometimes it hurts, but you will live, feel life, and you will fill love.

If there was such a man in your life, learn to be grateful to him: It is these men leading us to know, to teachers, to God! Let even through pain, but after time, we understand that it is worth it? Do not think about it and do not try to forget - only cultivate yourself and your power. When you learn to love yourself and be happy, your pain will go away by itself, and the relationship with him or will go to a new level, or stop disturbing you.

Why do we slide in such men? Because they are strong on male, they are implemented in their nature, and it makes them incredibly attractive.

But the same process is happening with a woman: when she reveals in their nature when she comprehends her depths when she learned to love and preserve freedom, then she becomes a magnetically charming, and she no longer sticks to men, and builds relationships on the principle of energy equality.

Now most women drive away by the desire to own a man, but with a strong man will not work as well as with a strong woman. Energetically strong people cannot be seized - with them you can interact only on the principle of fusion of the energies.

So throw away the desire to possess this man, thank him, for the fact that he has opened in you! The pain will live in the heart only as long as you give up the desire to own them. As my teacher said, you gave you a beautiful canary, and her singing awakens your heart to love, and you approach and say: "Oh, what a wonderful canary, let me eat it!" 🙂

Allow love to fill you again! Not the self-serving love that gloatingly says: " You will still be mine", - And the one that tenderly whispers:" God, thank you for sending me this person and opened love in my heart! Now I feel!»

Whatever a man you live, whoever survived you, still learn love every day. And if there is a person who awakens her in you, fill it! Even if you are already married, and your heart is still trembling from another man, do not discard this love. You can not focus on the man, but take the feelings that he gave you, and divide with my spouse.

We are entering the relationship not because of people - the whole thing in the energy and states that we feel next to them. Live in a state of love and gratitude, and God will take care of the rest!