Baby Zodiac sign Scorpio: Strong and weaknesses of character. Zodiac sign Scorpio - Scorpio Child

Born under the sign of Scorpio receive a powerful energy of change, independence and determination - as well as internal instability. Of course, these characteristics cannot cover all manifestations of scorpion children - for their deeper understanding, it is necessary to compile an individual horoscope.

A child under the influence of scorpion can be determined by a special look - shrill, a little hard, able to confuse, but not repulsive: magnetic and indecisive at the same time. This strong, muscular child is active and active, externally calm, but internally tense, loves the danger and as if a flutter from contradictions and pain. Children scorpions are distinguished by emergency demandingness to themselves and to the outside world. Able to penetrate things, sensitively catch the shades of moods and affect people, they are not looking for light paths, striving for a dynamic (even if not the most beautiful and easy) activity that allows you to maximize their potential - these are psychologists and surgeons, experimenters and scientists, Fighters with crime capable of radically change themselves and the world around.

The scorpion baby is becoming a subtle psychologist since birth. Intuitively feeling the expectations of others, scorpions can very subtly affect people - that is why such children often turn out to be in the spotlight. At the same time, the energy of a scorpion child is not always creative - often these are outweighment hooligans, goggles and boils. The child born under the sign of Scorpio, has an iron will and steady tolerate pain. It is usually either turning out to be a leader among peers, or constantly fighting with some grouping is a devotee friend and a merciless enemy. Children scorpions do not like to obey and, as a rule, oppose orders, but if you choose something yourself - do not stop them.

Children scorpions give all the strength to achieve the goal - they like to seek success, win themselves (and sometimes surrounding). Such a child is a tireless experimentator, it is he who immediately will figure out a presented toy to study her device, will constantly put experiences (not only on himself, but also over parents, teachers, peers ...) to experience all the borders, feel and understand pervolted.

Bright feature of a scorpion child - emotionality. He necessarily gives the will his feelings, be it strong attachment or open dislike. In the future, such children are often trained to hide their emotions, they are imparting a calm view, but under this mask can easily feel a real volcano! The emotionality of scorpion children can manifest itself in a bright creative imagination - invention of new games, striving to express themselves in dance, drawing, music.

Sides intense emotions, internal instability, sensitivity and vulnerability lead a scorpion child to closure, incredulsity, even suspicion. Increased sensitivity Scorpion children are the cause of their aggressiveness and impulsivity. In general, the scorpion baby is deep and thin mancapable of finely feel and seeking to find an external expression of the emotions that raise inside it.

Children scorpions love the confrontation - for them it is a game that allows you to soften the internal emotional tensionBut for others it often ends with tears and insults, and sometimes bruises. But you should not consider a scorpion child with an edible dealer, who is constantly seeking only to conflict, is an insightful and intentional mind, a stunning ability to concentrate allow it to absorb and recycle huge amounts of information. Children experiencing scorpion influence can keep secrets, never dedicate others to their secrets - but you can not hide anything from such children.

Parents of a scorpion child can only arise - to make him do something against the will almost impossible, you can only help him in development internal control and self-discipline. When raising a scorpion child, systematics and hardness, discipline and perseverance are vital. It is very important to teach a child to express your feelings, and not to suppress them. The result will be awesome - Scorpio can vary intensively and change its environment; Proper education will allow the child to overcome the devastating trends of its nature, to avoid applying to other emotional injuries.

Compatibility Horoscope: Scorpio Zodiac Sign Baby Boy Characteristic - Most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Child Scorpio: Characteristics

Representatives of this sign reveal themselves in the struggle for their interests since the youngest age.

Aggression is characteristic of children of this sign, as they are very emotional, strong and still do not know how to control themselves. Direct this energy in the row of research interests and get an outstanding scientist.

Rising the children of the constellation of Scorpio need to be patient, do not respond to their rudeness with cruelty, serve a personal example of tolerance and skill to find a compromise. After all, in love and friendship, these little people are as frank and energetic.

Teach them to control your quick temper, allow the exit of energy, such as sports, and the baby will become a soul of the company.

Children's horoscope Scorpio warns that even girls of this sign are characteristic of a noisy pastime, boyish games, love for competitions.

The child of this sign attracts all mystical, they tend to solve secrets and create them.

Meaning constellation Scorpio for children

It is difficult to educate such an energetic and wayward child, do not try to argue or punish it or punish physically, it gives rise to a response wave of aggression. Much more efficiently submit a good example with their behavior.

Install a confidence relationship with the child. Disassemble together controversial questions. If you need a punishment, it is best to deprive his beloved entertainment or delicacy.

Prope your position - so you will receive respect for a little fighter for justice. For children constellation Scorpio, it is important to achieve its goal, it is equally important to teach them to correctly choose this goal, to explain the benefit and the danger of certain actions.

Child Scorpio has a strong intuition, capable of accepting the right decision And to defend it.

This child has a lot vital energybut he still ineptly uses it, so in childhood overwork, bad Son.. In the heat of interesting occupation accidents are possible.

Take a baby to hygiene, it will help to avoid infections. Weak Body Places - bladder and genitals.

Names for boys and girls sign Scorpio

The temperamental boy from the scorpion child will grow a strong energetic man. He is self-confident and cruel, while sociable and does not tolerate a lie. This is a good getter, tireless and fair.

The family will become a "stone wall", will be a faithful husband and a caring father. Representatives of this sign will suit the names of Valery, Fyodor, Dmitry, Philip, Rodion.

Torvan in childhood, child scorpion girl will grow energetic, sexy woman with magic charm.

These are caring mothers, hardworking housewives and successful careerists, they are able to manage everything and everywhere to succeed. They are persistent in achieving the goal, know the price of things, words and actions. To conquer their heart, a man must be even stronger, with noble thoughts.

Skorpion will be revealing the names of Tamara, Anastasia, Yana, Zinaida.

Scorpio: Characteristic and Description

Find out the most interesting about Scorpion. This information will help you to succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Scorpio Boy - Child

Parents need to know that scorpion boy is an unusual child. Usually he wants to prove to everyone around him that he can cope with any trouble and keeps everything under control.

If your child is a boy - Scorpio

Mother of the boy - Scorpio will have to acquire the ability to capture thin vibrations that come from her child, as it will diligently hide and suppress all his emotions.

It is difficult for him to reveal, it is very painful sensitive, and at the same time it is afraid to expose his vulnerability to everyone, so important to encourage him to show feelings. For scorpions it is very important to learn from childhood to be able to express them.

The little boy scorpion needs to be explained that he does not need to constantly remain strong and imperturbable, learn how to show his emotions at least sometimes, because we are all people regardless of gender and character forces.

Scorpio Child and Parents

Scorpio is located to the inseparable attachment and dislike, according to that he is likely to understand your hostility. If he became interested in something and shows a prominent interest, it is unlikely to switch to other possibilities.

Even in the very small age he can absorb some kind of desire, the type of activity from which he will be difficult to refuse and begin to engage in any other, which would not initiate in it of the same enthusiasm.

It is worth knowing that the scorpion boy is constantly devoted to those who loves, but at the same time it can easily express all the bitter truth. He is so impressed and sharply aware of his own response that it is difficult for him to embellish the truth, so as not to offend and not injure others.

Therefore, it is often from him to hear discontent and comments that would be afraid to pronounce other people. Scorpio has an unimaginable sense of unity, and if it happens that someone from his close friends or relatives falls into trouble, then he will be the first to defend and will disgrace the offender.

Development of a scorpion boy

They usually have a well-established point of view, live, guided by their own judgments, without taking into account what they think.

Since their desire for independence above all, they are pretty influenced on them. Rather, the scorpion boy can be inspired by the thought that has already formed himself, but at the same time make an emphasis on the side you need, but it is imperceptible to subconscious, so as not to cause indignation and aggression.

Child Scorpio

In Scorpio, there is always a certain mystery, unraveling that even native people do not die. In his infancy, he has a very expressive look, striking his depth and magnetism. Scorpio is the energy-intensive so much that there was a belief: a year before the birth of a baby in his family or in the family of relatives, someone must die to free the place for him. And yet, the babies of this sign behave quietly, and the older kids are also marked by calm behavior.

Scorpions only seemingly innocent lambs. Inside them sits a cunning and dangerous predator, from which you can grow as a hero and the sewing villain. Statistics claims that the scorpion is the most criminal sign, so parents must do the right upbringing of the baby in time, in order not to regret it later. Representatives of this sign love and respect the strength. They need to clearly understand who in the family is the main one, otherwise the scorpion will come to his head and will manipulate adults. Rail a scorpion strictly, but without violence.

Child Scorpion Girl

Girl of this sign volitional, strong, but secretive. She feels like finding the approach to people, how to lure candy from mom or make the dad to reduce her in the zoo. The scorpion girl is detained in the manifestation of love, but she is predicted to parents to the depths of the soul. In return, she is waiting for all kinds of care and attention from them. Seeing their indifference, she suffers terribly, but will never show it. She needs a separate room to sometimes be alone with him.

From the first years of life, male character traits appear in scorpion girls, as it is strong male sign. Little sports gladly plays with dolls, but do not mind to play in everyday games. This desire flashes over the years even stronger, and, having matured, she manipulates friends and becomes the fans of one after another. It may require expensive gifts from his parents and, in general, behave extremely selfish.

Child Scorpion Boy

The scorpion boy diligently suppresses all emotions and experiences, and he has a lot of them. He is afraid to be sincere to not seem weak. Parents are forced to learn how to catch thin vibrations that come from his anxious soul. He wants to feel responsible for the family, especially for the mother and younger brothers. He has a sharp sense of unity and the desire to protect the weak. But often the powerful energy of the scorpion appeals to the dangerous bed and poured aggression and cruelty.

In the boy of this sign, you need to bring up kindness, mercy and responsiveness. Read him fairy tales about the valiant heroes, get a pet for Scorpio to take care of it. But toys in the form of villains, transformers or monsters better child do not buy. In it and so enough aggression laid out by nature. Scorpio can grow either a great man capable of feats or a ruthless egoist.

Scorpio Child - Characteristic

Scorpio can not be noticed. Either he is trying to bother to the fore, humiliating and suppressing other children, or remains modest, creating a halo of mysteriousness around himself. It's not easy to make friends with such a child, because he appreciates everything and terribly quit even to small flaws. It can see if he can be pleasant and sociable, but in the depths of the soul hides a dangerous deadly sting. Offend scorpion - to nourish yourself a sworn enemy. At first he will hide offense, hidden her under a kind smile, but as soon as the right moment is, will certainly dismiss the offender.

Yes, the scorpions are very vertigany and malicious. Moreover, they are sophisticated, sometimes even many years later. Scorpions love the truth, so you need to be as honest as possible with them. They are not lastheling, although they crave well-deserved praise. With such a child, you need to talk on an equal footing, he should feel like a full member of the family. Scorpion has sadistic inclinations. Sometimes he puts moral experiments on the closest friends.

Little scorpions quickly learn to apply the necessary masks to hide true feelings. The lucky one who managed to solve scorpion and make friends with him. He is hard to find real friends, but a true friendship he never exchanges for petty principles. Scorpions from childhood are suspicious. They fear betrayal, conspiracies and meanness. Sometimes it seems to them that the danger is everywhere. Scorpions early learn to solve their problems themselves and in the process there can be a lot of firewood.

Baby Scorpion Health

The weak point of the people of this sign is the urinary system. They are sick of cystitis, pyelonephritis, have hormonal violations. Scorpion nerves are also impossible. Despite the fact that such children themselves are carriers of cruelty and aggression, violent education methods are capable of breaking them and make psychiatrists with patients. Infectious diseases Scorpions proceed violently and hard. A special danger to them carry bronchitis and pneumonia.

Teens of this sign early receive "Venus Gifts", since they early wake up sexy instinct. It should competently explain to the child about the dangers of rapid sex contacts. It is necessary to work on their morality, telling about the rules of protection. In general, scorpions are quite hardy and quickly restored after the disease.


Children of this sign are classes requiring patience and dedication. Boys dream of becoming military or investigators, girls succeed in sports. The professions of physicians and journalists are also suitable for scorpions. Being a correspondent, representatives of this sign choose work with undischarged secrets and secret materials, go to the hottest points. To determine the arrival of the University of Scorpio will help his intuition. It is impossible to put pressure on it when choosing a profession.

Boys of this sign must be given in the circles young technicians, sport sections. They will grow excellent engineers, chemists, gunsmiths, blacksmiths. Scorpions love to work with fire, although their sign belongs to water Element. Many representatives of this sign are not alien to creativity. They become literary or musical critics, writers, sometimes actors.

Scorpio Child Study at School

At school, this child can manifest her top Qualities. He often terrorizes classmates, because he constantly needs to nibble some bone. Many scorpions learn well, possess high intelligence and ability to work. A student of this sign must be busy with something useful and interesting that his thirst for activity moves in the right direction.

It is impossible to force Scorpion to teach what he does not like. Let him choose disciplines that could come in handy in further study. For scorpions, not ordinary schools, and gymnasiums with a certain direction are perfectly suitable. Favorite items they teach diligently, with a special passion. But boring and uninteresting disciplines Scorpio teaches either from under the stick, or ignores at all.

How to educate the baby scorpion

Children of this constellation need a calm, harmonious atmosphere and friendly family. However, in relation to them, it is necessary to apply strict, but competent principles of education. With little scorpion, you need to be considered and at the same time you can not push it bad actions and aggressive outcomes. Take it by mercy and kindness, learn politely to communicate, forgive the flaws and not to put their pride and egoism above the people.

Scorpio and boredom - the combination is extremely dangerous. Do not let the child to idle and lose heart, otherwise it compensates for it with brutal everyday games. Integet to the child's hobbies, create comfortable conditions for their implementation. If Scorpio feels disadvantaged, he will call around the whole world and can take revenge in a row. Since it is very complex signwill not be a mistake to seek help from specialists. You can visit a child psychologist.

So that Scorpio grew by a worthy person, inspire him that he is unique and talented, and this gift nature gave him to implement an important life mission. Let the child feel that he needs humanity, which is capable of achieving the fact that others are unable. In other words, it is necessary to develop heroic qualities in it, because everything is bad and low, it will easily learn himself.

Scorpio combined horoscope

Child Scorpio

General characteristics of the sign in childhood

Children Scorpions already in early childhood begin to show the main features of the character, which is fully formed about 25 years. Astrologers and many psychologists allocate the following features of the identity of small representatives of this sign of the zodiac:

  • huge inner energy;
  • strongly developed intuition;
  • separation of the world on "white and black";
  • independence of his own opinion;
  • a tendency to manipulate people;

Child Scorpio from the diaper reacts sensitively to stimuli. He does not want to endure discomfort and immediately gives the mother to understand that something is unhappy. Sign are susceptible cold illness, so you need to take it from supercooling and drafts. Children Scorpions are very inquisitive and omnipresent. Parents should worry about the safety of the child in the apartment: he is able to climb on the window sill or look into the oven.

Astrologers believe that the children of this sign of the zodiac are conventionally divided into two types. The characteristic of the first contains such features:

  • aggressiveness;
  • large stock internal energy;
  • tendency to disobedience;
  • stubbornness;
  • high mental abilities.

The second type is characterized by such features:

  • willpower;
  • restraint in the manifestation of feelings;
  • live thinking;
  • principle.

A little mature, children scorpions begin to restrain their emotions. On the one hand, it is good for parents, since the child is less nervous and capricious. But on the other hand, the negative does not go anywhere. He accumulates in the soul of the baby, and then splashing in aggressive form. You need to teach the sign to express your discontent and express feelings more active.

Girls Scorpio

The baby born under this sign of the zodiac, since childhood causes admiration and loss of others. The girl intuitively realizes how to like people, and applies all his tricks. At first their goals are harmless: excessive candy or new toy. With age, interests change, and the yoke Scorpion gets an expensive phone or the next fan.

The girl of this sign of the zodiac needs parental love, although herself is kept in its manifestation. She can have been offended for someone for a long time, and then take revenge. Girl Scorpio needs a separate room to post with girlfriends or just be alone. This is especially important for a combination of scorpion signs and a horse.

Boys Scorpions

A small scorpion grows secretly, parents need to look close to him to understand the mood of the son. The boy must understand that he can entrust her sorrows and joy to mom and dad. The sign of the sign is very independent, it is hard for him to inspire something, and even more so to make something against his will.

Boy Scorpio often exhibits aggression, but in childhood it is most likely defensive reaction. It needs to be taught to express its dissatisfaction with a peaceful way. The boy is not considered a stranger opinion, so it is important to earn His respect. Only then will he listen to the elder and adequately respond to comments. Scorpio, especially in combination with chinese sign The horse, usually early begins to be interested in girls. It is important to catch this moment on time and unobtrusively talk about sexual relationships.

Family relationships

Child Scorpio is very complicated in communication. Even wise parents are hard to choose the "key" to him. The children of this sign of the zodiac are often unpredictable: behavior can radically change in just a few minutes. It is pleased that with age, the baby becomes better controlling his mood. Mom and dad should be taken as a given thing that a cheerful child can get angry.

The sign is very jealous, so the relatives need to pay enough attention to him, so that he did not feel deprived. Astrologers recommend to parents to take the scorpion to a sports or dance section so that its energy is sent to the right direction. It is important to give the child to the right motivation. Most often it is competitive moments and the desire to become a leader.

Child Scorpio does not recognize prestiges, so the slightest slab from parents can shake their position. If once allowed something forbidden, then the next time the prohibition will not work. Union of signs Scorpio and a horse gives the world especially disobedient children. Mom of this sign of the zodiac is often worried because the baby does not show special love for her. This is the normal behavior of Scorpio: it does not like hugs, kisses and often avoid tactile contacts.

Children of this sign of the zodiac are keenly feel lies and false, quickly calculate the weaknesses of other people and their shortcomings. Parents wishing to become good example For a child, you must carefully follow your words and behavior, because the baby will copy them. It is necessary for strict adherence to the parents of the day and major family rules themselves. Only, the child will take such norms as proper, and will observe them.

Relationships with other children

The sign seeks to become the leader in its company, and most often it succeeds. People's peers willingly play the games offered to them and respect his opinion. The negative side of this is the reluctance of scorpion to obey other people or the rules. On this basis, they may have conflicts with other children - "commander."

Study and hobbies

The sign has good learning abilities. They are equally easily given any items. But, if Scorpio is not interested in studying, it will be impossible to force it. Parents need to act more subtle and play on the desire of a sign of the sign to be the best. Sometimes a child can concentrate its efforts not in the direction. It is useless to persuade it, it is better to try to switch attention to something else.

Children Scorpions love secrets, mysticism and all kinds of riddles. They are reading magic fairy tales, detectives and thrillers. In school, they are more like items on which various experiments can be carried out and make their small "discoveries". The sign has a developed intuition and always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Therefore, he usually chooses his own hobby.

In adolescence, a sign can be captivated by extreme sports. Thirst for risk sometimes pushes Scorpio to actions bordering crime.

Learn the character of children of other zodiac signs:

Scorpio child. Characteristics of a boy and a scorpion girl

Many people familiarized themselves with horoscopes on the sign of the zodiac, and the similarity with the real characters and the habits of representatives of these descriptions struck them. Therefore, often when future parents expect to replenish in the family, they turn to horoscopes to learn about their future kid all. After all, child descriptions of signs can not only acquaint parents with the character of a baby, but also suggest how it is better to raise such a child that will be better for him and much more.

For example, a small scorpion can be immediately recognized from the diaper on an expressive, hypnotic look. This magnetism will not leave the small representative of this sign throughout his life. When a scorpio child looks at dad and mom, it seems that he looks at the soul and knows much more those who made him on the light.

Description of the child

Children under the sign of Scorpio are very attracting to themselves. It does not matter what kind of appearance they have, they have been very strong since birth and can influence those surrounding almost at the telepathic level. There are different children born under this zodiac sign. Some of them are noisy, confidently know this world and demanding about it.

There are children with very deep inner worldAt the same time they are calm and quiet. Such a scorpion baby is very pleasant, it is accurate, seriousness, it will not scatter food or indulging during meals. If he is bouncing clothes, he will ask him to change it.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (Children). Characteristic in kindergarten

Such children are not easy to go in kindergarten. In their opinion, everyone is trying to offend them. It doesn't matter what reason, they still inflate the lips and go to themselves. Even the most insignificant request of the teacher may seem coercion, as if they infringe on their rights. Any little thing causes such children a real emotional storm. Any dispute is accepted as something important at the level of global scale and will prove their righteous to the latter by any methods. These are terrible pickups.

Scorpio: characteristic of the sign. Child at school

Felding and impulsiveness greatly harms them in school years. In most cases, the whole school, regardless of age, knows about the scorpion child. Successes in their studies will be different, it all depends on the schoolboy himself. A scorpion baby may be an excellent student, and a hooligan. Strict and power teachers cause them respect, weak - on the contrary, annoy. They have good memory and pronounced dedication.

They can not be quarreled with them, because it is evil and vengeful children. They never forget their own offensive and are ready to live with them all their lives. Love to choose victims and mock them either morally or physically, depending on personal preferences. The only thing to avoid this is to create all the conditions so that he just did not have time to look for victims. These children love to criticize, they will be able to find even the most minor little things.

The character of the child

These are unpredictable children, it's all about their uneven temperament. They are not boring with them, because they can easily switch from the passive state of non-volatile and impulsive. At the birth, the baby already has a secret experience. He is very incredulous and suspicious even to the closest.

In their rightness they are always sure, so do not be surprised if small child Starting to tell parents about their rights very early. It is worth noting that such children simply do not know how to give up. Therefore, in order to persuade them to do something, you need to have ingenuity and ingenuity. The cunning and the delicacy will be very early in the child. Fighting and finishing is also one of the early qualities of small scorpions. And if they cannot convince someone, then, it means that they will be sick, but they will not retreat.

They have no fears, so it is almost impossible to defeat them in the dispute. It is also worth noting that such children have a wonderful sense of humor. There is one regularity that can be explained only by the energy intensity of small scorpion. At about his birth (maybe, a little before or immediately after), someone will die in the family.

Raising Scorpion

Parents are very concerned about how to educate a scorpion baby? As for the scorpion boy, and for the girl, you need friendly, harmonious, but at the same time a strict decor. He constantly needs to prove that parents are more good than him, not otherwise. The rigor in this business is in the first place, but at the same time humiliation and loud disassembly are unacceptable. Such children respect the power, but if it is not, they instantly take the situation in their hands.

For them, purposefulness, self-confidence and uniqueness are important in humans. It is important to show them in every way how important they are important and valuable, for example, consulting them. This will lead them a sense of responsibility for parents. Thus, such a child will be aware of his fullness in the family and will not begin to prove its significance. Otherwise, he will have a disassemble. In principle, the behavior that predetermines the zodiac sign Scorpio for children, you can study if you carefully watch it. If you do not do this, the baby will forever remain a "mysterious stranger" in the house. Morals do not act on him, he will hear parents only if they are talking to equal.


From the early age He needs to learn to love people. A scorpio baby (boy) is very aggressive, and it can eat it from the inside, leading to troubles and diseases. Only by taught him to analyze other people's actions, you can explain that conflicts need to be allowed weigly and calmly, otherwise the stream of aggression cannot be avoided.

Over any disadvantage of this sign, it is necessary to work carefully, so that the scorpion child (boy) could not see it in any way. You can watch movies or read books together, and then discuss the plot. Representatives of this sign are very difficult to perceive the pressure, but they love to understand themselves very much as the world is arranged.


It is also very important to teach Scorpio to love yourself. In addition to the natural tendency to violence over others, he is even more strict to himself. If since childhood, a scorpion, a girl, in particular, considers himself ugly, it is very bad, because it will lead to the latter to the latter with himself and engage in self-vacation. Such children love to be alone. No need to try to climb into their soul at such moments. They always have something mysterious and secret, the scorpion girl has the right to do. But note that representatives of this sign have a natural tendency to narcotic substances.


It is important to bring up in it sympathy for weak and defenseless, because the child-scorpion child is ruthless. You need to exclude aggressive toys and negative cartoons as much as possible and fill it with the world with good fairy tales and stories. A pet will also help to awaken the responsibility and desire of good in the child.

Representatives of this sign are the most inclined to criminal actions, so it is very important to miss anything in their upbringing. The scorpion boy, who raised correctly, will be very courageous and stubborn, he is independent and proud, it is such people who are capable of a feat. If the baby's intelligence is at a high level, then the zodiac sign Scorpio is a child, a girl or a boy, - will choose a decent and light path. Only high development and high-quality education are able to protect it from the bad path.


Very often, scorpions have occult abilities. Therefore, carefully follow the baby, it needs to be protected from any mysticism, especially if we take into account its natural impressionability. If it is too late to fencing, then attach the maximum effort to explain to him all the danger of these classes and hobbies. Better go to the church with him - it allows a scorpion sign. The child will know spiritual world Fully under your control.

What diseases can be

The most weak point of the scorpion baby is the lower part of the abdomen. Very often, cystitis can be manifested at an early age, and the disease can go to the kidneys, because in the zodiacal circle they are very close with weights. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the treatment of any disease has come to the end.

If in the process of raising a child, they are screaming or shouting, then in the future, wait for frequent visits to the neurologist, since the hysteria is a fairly common disease among representatives of this sign. Zodiac sign Scorpion-child (girl especially) weakened in front of hepatitis, rubella and dysentery.

Scorpions often begin to send sex life early. Because of their temperament, it may well be random, and accordingly, and visits to the venereologist can become frequent.

However, these children are very durable, so it's not necessary to rush over a sick child, it is better to give him the opportunity to relax.

What professions are suitable

Scorpions will be more suitable for the profession, the basis of which is a dedication, excerpt and patience. The manifestation of the martial spirit very captures representatives of this sign. Militia or military service perfectly will suit them. A scorpion boy will gladly play a spy, and this interest, emotions will be preserved by him until the end of life. Thanks to its intuition, they become excellent investigators and forensics. Any disclosure of the secrets is subject to them.

You can also consider political and social activities. Many representatives of this sign choose the path of human rights defenders. They will also cope with medicine perfectly. In the field of journalistic activity, they will also unfold, because there are many undisclosed cases, secret frauds, other dangers and secrets awaiting their announcement.

Many parents before the birth of the kid know the approximate sign of the zodiac of the future family member. Future mothers (most often) are studying literature on the nature of a sign of the zodiac. Today we will look at how to raise a child - Scorpio, what features in children with the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. What names are suitable for this sign, its meaning and characteristic. How to raise scorpion - boy?

Scorpion character

From the birth of scorpion gives to understand young parents that he is the winner. The baby looks larger and stronger than the others. Mama and dads of the child of the sign can be advised to be patient, in no case try to force the baby to do something "from under the stick", especially to eat. The only way out in normal education is the development of self-control and self-discipline of small scorpion.

Features of girls - scorpions

Girls - scorpions from early age use their seduction and cunning, using them to achieve their interests and goals. The daughters of this sign can easily ask for help to familiar and unfamiliar people, and also influence the circumstances with their advantage in the benefit necessary for it.

Do not expect a representative of this sign to come to your advice, since the girls - scorpions are always confident in their solution and rarely retreat from them. However, all soulful gusts and emotions daughter will "digest" inside yourself. Subsequently, such experiences may cause nightmares and closets.

For a representative, it is important to pour out the soul, express, throw out the whole negative. It is better if mom and dad will be a listener and the adviser, for this it is necessary to conquer the confidence of the baby.

Boy features - Scorpio

Boys - Scorpions are very sensitive, but there is a fear to express their feelings and experiences. Parents must explain to the Son that it is necessary to show their emotions that it is not obliged to be strong and brave. It is important to express your thoughts, the emotions are important for a small scorpion, in order not to climb into yourself.

The boy does not know how to lie and says, even "bitter" the truth in the face as is. In the case of antipathy to a person, the scorpion will express his opinion immediately without tricks. And on the contrary, the first will defend the first, if you are offended by a person close to him.

Fascinated by some kind of business, the boy is unlikely to be distracted by other classes. Also with thoughts, change his point of view will be very difficult, as he is confident in its rightness and judgments.

Health baby

Born under this sign have good healthHowever, if the baby fell ill, he recovers his health as soon as possible.

There are both weak points of the scorpian organism that need to be protected from infections and bacteria. The area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, the genitals and the abdominal bottom are the organs for primary attention during the disease. I would like to add that the representatives of this sign of the zodiac are not very trusted by doctors and, at a more conscious age, try to apply less for help to them. ethnoscience and unconventional methods Treatment won the hearts of scorpions (oddly enough, such methods accelerate the process of recovery).

The diet should consist of legumes, nuts, yogurt, eggs, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits. Do not forget about vitamins C, E, group V.

In general, this sign of the zodiac is high vitality, but it is worth it to be neat during epidemics, isolating your baby.


Children of scorpions are very good visual memory, they love creative classes: modeling, drawing, and with pleasure engaged in labor lessons. Older children are fond of solidification of secrets and learning uncharted. Preference in books - fantasy, adventure.


In people of this sign, the zodiac is very developed intuition, which allows you to win in various games. To have learning positive result, Scorpio's schoolboy needs to be interested.

Scorpions in kindergarten

Kindergarten scorpions are seen in the opposition. They are easy to offend, making a slight remark. Any trifle causes a huge emotional splash. This kids are not easy in a preschool institution.

At school

At school, children of this wayward character is not easy. Straightness and emotionism allocates such children, thanks to which they become famous in school.

Will progress in school depends only from the child himself, he may be an excellent student or a twist. However, it is better not to communicate with scorpion, not to quarrel, since they are vengeful (both physically and psychologically).

So that your child does not have and thoughts about melting better take all his free time with sports.

How to educate?

Scorpio's parents need to be a friend for him and be able to listen. Direct this or that direction needs neatly, with cunning. Best watch your baby, detect it strengths And let's soil for development.

Family relationships

Mom and dad for small scorpion are very important. From the very birth, the kid is experiencing "for strength" and is trying to become a leader using his magical look. Parents need to be given to understand their choices who are the main thing in the house, but do not overcome the stick. Use cunning and smelting to guide the son or daughter in the right door for you.

Relationship with other children

Children under this sign of the zodiac will not be friends with everyone without parsing. Independent warehouse of character, leadership deposits and confidence are correct often lead to quarrels, conflicts with comrades.

Parents must unobtrusively explain that people are different and their opinion may differ from his own.

What professions are suitable?

Stripping from the character of a representative of this sign, you can allocate a police or military service. The boys, using its intuition, will easily become an investigator or a detective. Political activity It will also be interesting to scorpion. Sold up secrets and secrets can be operating a journalist.

Girls are more suitable profession of the doctor, rather alternative medicine: cosmetology, aromatherapy. Thanks to the innate creative talent, representatives can create masterpieces.

Summing up, you can say: the parents of this sign should be prepared morally to the emergence of such a wayward personality. Only love and attention will help to understand and accept the scorpion as it is.

Little Scorpio, according to the horoscope, is the creation of energetic, intelligent, gifted by remarkable memory. His look draws attention - as if penetrating adult adult.

The Scorpio Child has a tortured, inquisitive mind, quickly begins to ask difficult questions, constantly "tests" the knowledge of parents, grandparents. The only way to maintain authority in his eyes is the support of intellectual advantage. Scorpions love to communicate with adults, to be in their company.

The horoscope of the scorpion child makes it a pronounced individualist. He always wants to produce his own solutions. It does not like to be in a large group, has a lonely researcher, a small and perky pioneer-pioneer. Regardless of the floor he likes sports, various adventures and an atmosphere of competition. In relation to younger brothers, sisters and friends are very responsible, can replace the parental career even in very difficult everyday situations. Scorpio, whether it is a girl or a boy of this sign of the zodiac, loves animals very much, especially dogs, perfectly feels like a lap of nature, because there will finally get rid of excess vitality. He wants to be independent as soon as possible, because he does not like when they treat him as a child, although, of course, he really is.

Horoscope for the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio-Child: Characteristics of the School Period

This is a talented child with versatile abilities, which, however, does not necessarily have to affect the successes in education. However, Scorpio can achieve life success And make a career in almost all areas of life. In this sign of the zodiac, small geniuses are born, but at the same time they arise big problems With behavior, because they hardly understand the words "discipline" and "debt." Being convinced of their intelligence and uniqueness, children often come into acute conflicts with teachers, publicly proving them to their ignorance. If your child is a scorpion-girl, then, being a creation of ambitious, they can successfully fight for the title of one of the best students in the school. If your child is a scorpion-boy, then the situation is worse. Before he receives a certificate, you will probably be exhausted by numerous antics of your son and perfectly study the road to the office of the director and the wid.

Traditional astrologers agree to admit that the parents of the boys and the girls of scorpions fell out the most difficult educational tasks. Why? First of all, because your child raises himself, and his university is life itself. Perhaps you should buy wise books on pedagogy, because you encountered a unique case. Scorpio does not listen to anyone, does not file strength, and no comments from early childhood this independent and stubborn creation does not tolerate. More than once you will watch with horror, as the door to the baby's room turns out to be open, and there is no it myself, as he stuffs himself a bump after a shaskha, not listening to draws and orders.

From the earliest childhood, diplomatically direct into the constructive channel of this child, in which the dynamite dymbling and enormous potential. Scorpio sincerely interested in science or sports and will give them away without a balance, which will also cause parents a lot of concern.

A child born under the sign of Scorpio is not a simple character. It is not only amenable to the bora of passions and desires, but also has a strong inner rod and willpower, a tough character. Despite all these qualities, the Child Scorpio is very sensitive, especially the girls.

Scorpions all the time criticize themselves even for the slightest offense, sometimes it turns into "self-called". Parents need to teach a child from childhood since childhood. In general, these children can be two species: the first is active and aggressive, naughty and wayward; And the second is outwardly calm, and having a huge potential of willpower.

The inner world of the child of this sign is very rich. It is typically to know his feelings and surrounding. And boys and girls scorpions will attract other children to themselves to communicate, as they have hidden power and energy.

Child Scorpio very thinly feels a mother, but not always their relationship is well added. They have some tensions, due to the fact that these children are not easy to show their feelings and be gentle and affectionate.
Those people who in full extent You deserve the trust of this child, you can count on the fingers. But if they choose someone as a friend, then these relationships can last for quite a long time. Sometimes childhood friends go near the scorpion's life a large part of it.

In school weekdays, the Child Scorpio can be held in the status of recognized leaders. And they do not need to enjoy this power and receive daily confirmation, enough awareness of their significance.

These children need to be constantly in some creative process, otherwise they begin "to boil in their own juice". Their irrepressible energy is stirred, and they can let it in not that direction.

Relationships in the collective

Relationships in the children's team can not always develop, the whole thing is that the child scorpion quickly bore peace games. And if it becomes bored, they can easily go for a walk alone. By the way, the scorpions loneliness are transferred much easier than other children. And if the tests fall on their children's share, the scorpies with honor tolerate them and become stronger than wiser.

Boys do not feel fear of severe physical labor. They can be called hardworking.

In addition to the research spirit, the children of this sign love to experience the thrill and receive adrenaline. Therefore, they often become participants in the parachute jumping sections, are engaged in karting, diving, parkur, etc.

We can say about scorpions that they are capable of loving hard and hate hard.

Boy Scorpio

The scorpion boy will mostly characterize leadership qualities. Sounded by the will of others, he will first in the family, and then starts gradually expanding this circle. He himself does not like to be subordinate. Any pressure on it takes with difficulty. Boys born under this sign inherent to have a desire to know something mysterious and forbidden. Adults should not allow this research feeling to have a child in "Forbidden zones" and send this energy to the positive parties. It may be historical, archaeological or geological circles, or any directions for the development and knowledge of something new and interesting.

A strong spirit, boys do not have fear before descend to the cave, or rise to high mountain. They are restless and tireless. They often come to the head new ideas, to which it is sometimes worth showing attention, because scorpions from nature have a good intuition. And this is an excellent mix - intuition and good ability to deal with the souls and characters of people who will help them to achieve the desired heights in the future.

Girl Scorpio

Girls scorpions are intended to understand well in human souls. It is, thanks to his excess of sensitivity, she instantly understands if any of the surrounding will begin to crush the soul. And if she will have to attend a deception, then she can either immediately say about it in the forehead, or lose interest to man. Child Scorpio appreciates honest relationship . Sensual girls inherent ability to hatch the idea for a long time, thinking out its implementation and to further enjoy its fruits. Parents, should seriously treat their child scorpion, as he tends to drain offenses, especially for girls. On this basis, the girls scorpions can often quarrel with their peers. They will prefer boyish games


Kids are more susceptible to kidney diseases and all gOOD SYSTEM. You also need to take care of their throat, which is often inflated and the digestive system.
If at the older age, scorpions learned how to restrain their emotions, then in the younger, children will express them immediately.These children will begin to show these children with respect to food. They are very hard to feed, the fact that they refuse to eat.Good and trusting relationships with parents in the future will help prevent many problems, especially in adolescence.

Children scorpions have an inflexible character, with severe will, special insight and intuition. But besides these positive qualities It is characteristic of being concise, malicious and offended, suspicious, and jealous. All these qualities can significantly steal relationships with others and cause a negative attitude to their side.