Strong conspiracy to passion. Spell for sex for spouses. Strong plot on blind love men

How to hold a rite

Rite of lust

How to hold a rite

Rituals are not tied to a certain time of day. They can be spent at any time, during the day and evening, if this does not require a certain rite. Conspiracies can be read at home, while it is desirable to stand by the window and look at the sun or the moon. Words need to be pronounced loudly and clearly, with confidence in themselves and with the belief that the ritual will give the necessary result.
Conspiracy at contact with the object

This magic ritual will fit if you want to cause a passion from a unconscious person, for example, on the first date or at a random meeting. Get away a little from the goal of the ritual and read the conspiracy word whisper:

"I, the slave of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, the servant of God (name). There was no random meeting our, we are destined to each other fate. I want to give you pleasure and that you give pleasure to me. You can not refuse to look at my, my touches, my lips. I will bear you, I will fill your heart with a passion. You will be mine, the slave of God (name), you will tell me "yes" when I wish himself. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of lust

"I grow up, the slave of God (name), the bonfire of the passion at the bottom of the belly of the slave of God (name). I will raise the passion of your heart, in your head. Let the thoughts drink you about me, let the dope, even if they are dominated by the thoughts and command.

To fulfill this rite, you need a church candle.

Will burn a passion in your body, the servant of God (name) will torment you. There will be your legs and your hands tremble, there will be your lips for me to dry, you will reach me, go to me, look for me. I don't have a passion in the body in any way, I do not forget about me.

I do not get rid of you from thoughts about me. Only I can thoroughly get your thirst, just I know how your passion to satisfy. Everything on me, the servant of God (name) for you, the slave of God (name) converges, everything comes on me. You want my bodies, you want so that in your eyes dark.

I am your dream, I am your desire. We will be together with you in the heat of passion. We will test the lust and lust. Gori, fire, in the heart of the slave of God (name), the burning of it to the bones. "

If you want to hover a husband from the family, then you do not the best of the good thing and should be prepared for possible negative consequences.

But if the goal of the love spell is only to attract the attention of the lover, in order to independently seek his love and honestly build relationships, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Using a conspiracy for sex, you can easily seduce any person in the presence of at least the slightest interest on his part to you. At the same time, such an attraction can be far from the final result of the magical impact - with it, you can even build a real happy love that will live for many years.

Conspiracies for sex are not simple magical rites that allow you to wake sexual attraction in a specific person regarding the customer or artist of the ritual.

Such magic is a special technique that affects the sexual activity of the object, its desire and attitude to the Contractor. And before performing this kind of rite, it is necessary to have a complete picture of its potential and exposure.

It is best to carry out such a ritual that a person who wants to enter into an intimate connection with the object of magical influence. The main goal of the ritual is to incite the fire of passion, the awakening of the libido.

And the main advantages of the rites for sex are considered:

  • speed action and high efficiency.
    As a rule, sexual attraction appears after a few hours after the ritual is fulfilled.
  • simplicity.
    To fulfill the rite, there will be no expensive components and complex techniques - everything is quite simple and in some cases enough to read the plot.
  • validity.
    Depending on the wishes to the action of the ritual, you can choose rites that act within a few hours or months, up to a year.
  • positive effect on a couple.
    This kind of ritual will have a positive impact on the proximity and one hundred percent achievement of all limits of pleasure will be guaranteed for both partners.
However, against the background of such a number of advantages, even the strongest conspiracy may not affect the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and on men who experience a strong antipathy to the Contractor. Regarding women, the ineffectiveness of the ritual is usually associated with high moral values.

As for the impact on the person who hates you, everything is much easier here: the conspiracy is only affected by sexual attraction, and this is not enough to establish any contact with a person who is experiencing strong negative feelings.

Family Couple Rite

If you have been married for many years in marriage or live under one roof, then over time, the fire could cool a little. However, it is not necessary to despair. In this situation, an easy conspiracy will help you. To perform this ritual, one church candle will need.

Late in the evening you need to light the candle and put the head of the married bed and read seven times the words of the conspiracy:

"Rain, I inflame the passion inside the slaves of God (your names).
Awakening sexuality and sensuality.
Let the passion be drunk and dope and the mind dominates.
To the legs of the slave of God (name) trembled, the lips dried,
And the hands to the servant of God (name) stretched.
To become for him the biggest dream, the strongest desire.

You need to repeat the conspiracy three times, after which the candle is left to go. After reading the magical words, the rite for sex will start right away, so tune in romantic and full fire night.

Rite at salt

This ritual is considered very effective and effective and can be used even when there was no intimate connection between two people. To fulfill the ritual, you will need one photo of a man, zohma salt and seven drops of water. When choosing a snapshot, give preference to photos where it is one and captured close-up.

On a small saucer, pay seven drops of water and drop there with a zhmy of salt with the words:

"How the salt drinks the water, how water gives itself without a residue,
So and my beloved, the servant of God (name) me, the slave of God (name) wates,
Yes, he will not calm down until it takes me.

You need to repeat the words of spell on sex three times, and at the end, pour salt into the picture by distributing it evenly by photography. Leave salt in the photo follows until the desired becomes.

Sexy binding

Sexy binding is considered a very effective rite if your goal is a long impact on a man. To fulfill the rite you will need a thin red ribbon or thick thread of red. It is best to perform a ritual in the period of a growing month, but this is not fundamentally, since it will act a conspiracy at any time.

Tie on the nodes on the thread, read the words of the conspiracy:

"Tie a slave of God (name) to the servant of God (name)
Suffer and hard and for a long time!
To break and unbr\u003e no one could,
Disconnect and separated by anyone failed!
And the slave of God (name) just wanted me but I dreamed about me!
To think of him and thoughs to me were sent to me!
And on other women and watch he could not love them!
So that the force is male only with me one! "

You need to read the words of conspiracy seven times, and the number of nodules that are tied while reading the magic spell must be odd. When you complete the execution of the ritual, remove the thread with the nodules into a secluded place and do not show anyone and do not talk about the ritual performed.

Citizens for sex are considered very popular and in demand when you need to attract a certain person and interest it in sexual terms. It is very important to remember that the effectiveness of this ritual, as well as any other magical rite, directly depends on the result of the result and accurate compliance with all recommendations for the fulfillment of the rite.

How are conspiracy for sex

Spell on sex awakens in the object of your interest passion and sexual attraction to you. The ritual affects his attitude associated with the desire and sexual activity of the one who you like, in general.

As mentioned above, even a strong conspiracy cannot be compared with the spell. The effect of these conspiracies is only in the physical side of relations, they will not affect the feelings and other aspects of human life.

Who needs conspiracy for sex? Those who want to enter into sexual relationship with a specific person. Thanks to magic, you can make a short relationship based exclusively on physical imposition. Such spells also help those who have long been married, in case the sex life of the pair has become fresh, and the desire dried up. Spell on sex will not return to you a husband from the rainbits and will not help to knock off his wife at the lover. But the most frequent cause of change is the lack of sex in marriage. Therefore, sometimes such conspiracies for a strong marriage can help. In addition, they help to get rid of the problems of a physiological and psychological nature related to sex.

Conspuses of this kind are very quickly operating. Literally a few hours after execution of the rite, his object may experience sexual attraction to you. They act for a long time - the maximum term is about a year, and the minimum - several days or even hours. At the same time, the quality of proximity, as a rule, turns out to be at the height, regardless of your experience or experience of your partner.

There are practically no side effects from such conspiractions. He does not suppress the will of man, which distinguishes them from the love spells. But from the consequences that can be without conspiracy, it does not exempt you. If you are going to seduce the person free from the relationship, and they yourself are not in marriage, of course, they will not be.

These magical techniques have cons. If a person is experiencing a strong antipathy or hatred for you, you can not achieve a sexual desire from his part. A conspiracy for sex with a girl can act much weaker than the one that will be applied towards a man. Women are more often associated with moral principles and personal considerations than men. In addition, magic is just forcesing to feel the attraction, but it does not always exempt the woman from the reluctance to make the first step towards rapprochement.

Spell for Sex for Spouses

This spell is suitable only if you are in a civil or official marriage with your beloved person.

Need a general bed - it is for her who needs conspiracy words. If you have different beds, pick up another rite.

The conspiracy to bed helps toggle the flames of passion again, a few years after marriage or together. To read it, you need to buy a wax candle in the church.

Magic Sex is better to come long before the arrival of your husband or wife from work. The closer the rite will be held by the night, the better. Put the candle near the bed headboard on which you sleep with your pair. You can put on the bedside table or gender - it does not matter. Spell is read three, seven or twenty once:

As a candle, I light and passion in the slaves of God (names) I free! Feelings strong yes unrestrained awakening. Let passion mind essay, yes dope, and he drove! To the legs of the slave of God (name) trembled, the lips were dried, and their hands themselves for the servant of God (name) were attracted. So that I get my best passion for him, a desire to me, as a dream, was the strongest! Amen.

Candle must exorp completely. The spell acts very quickly, so you can adjust the proximity already on the same night.

Conspiracy for sex with a girl

This plot helps well even if you see it for the first time.

It can be read about himself during the acquaintance, conversation with a woman who see very rarely and do not have even a friendly relationship with her. It is also allowed to move to reading a conspiracy, while leaving his companion. Remember that the use of these conspiracy words does not necessarily free you from the need to take the first step. They only ignite the flame of passion, and everything else depends on you.

But sometimes with the help of these words, the initiative is obtained and to get acquainted from a woman. Conspire text:

I am dreaming of you. I want to own you and hug you, (name). We met not by chance, but to give each other passion. I will not refuse my eyes, I will not kill my call. Whether be, the beauty is random, but do not refuse, when I need your bodies from you.

Conspiracy to enhance their libido

What if your marriage has no problems except those related to the unwillingness of sex? If the wife does not want her husband, and there is no objective reasons for this: it is attractive and well-groomed, then you can try to contact magic.

If you walked to your spouse and want to fix it, try to read this plot:

It is standing on the thread of the raw lady's slave (name), under the heaters, he looks at him, so that both poppy in the field bloomed, and the lust of female herself lit up. So that how hungry food, like a bull's chick, like a widow man, my wife's wife was gladed. So that it happened, Trelo, and the flame was burning, she did not give me that I was looking for my proximity. Who wants to break the female lust, to be broken, the dog is barking and a wolf on the moon to swell! Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After reading this plot, you can get rid of psychological problems in your sex life. This does not mean that you will rush for every man, as it happens with some types of spanking. With this conspiracy, you can simulate sex life in the family, refresh your feelings for your husband and get a full pleasure from sexual relationship with him. There will be no negative consequences from him, you are only affected.

The plot is well suited to women who love her husband, but do not want sex with him. It often happens that the first to lose his wife's sexual desire to marry, and magic copes well with such problems. This conspiracy is read from time to time, determine the time to read it and the number of times you need to pronounce intuitively. Understand when he began to act, very easy.

Strong conspiracy for sex

When performing such a conspiracy on the water does not matter who you are going to seduce - a guy or a girl. The text indicates the words of leadership on a man, but if a woman is welcome to you, change the slave to the slave when pronouncing. Its action is based on the transfer of your designer's energy through water, which is known to absorb any energy well.

To fulfill the root, you need to pour clean water into the glass. A glass can be any, and water can be taken from under the tap. If you have a well, we take well water for these purposes. Mineral, but the best non-carbonated.

You need to do this witchcraft before bedtime. Take a glass with water and try to spend visualization. Im present what you want to achieve. Feel what, in your opinion, should feel the one who is being made spell on sex. Imagine how your sexual energy is drinking water. Then tell the water plotted words:

Animal passion of the slave (name), wake up, I am fixed on me

A glass with water needs to be left near your bed all night, in the headboard. You can put on the floor, under the bed, it does not matter on the bedside table. In the morning part of the water use to wash or just apply to face. The remains should be merged into any package convenient for you and have to sharpen shed on the one who is interesting to you. The person you did a rite for sex should come into contact with this water. It is not worth noting in food or drink, but it is imperceptible to moisten the clothes or simply "by chance" shed water from the bottle from mineral water.

Strong spell on sex with a girl

The following is not the easiest, but quite reliable way to drag almost any girl into bed. He awakens passion, but does not suppress the will of man. As a result, you will receive relationships based only on mutual sexual imposition. How long they will - solve only you.

The ritual can be repeated from time to time when there is a need. The time of the ritual is Friday, until midnight, but after sunset. Good suits the time from 20 to 23 pm.

Electrical lighting is not allowed, any candles should be lit. They are not needed for the ritual itself, but will be useful for you to navigate in a dark room.

It will be necessary soap that no one has enjoyed, besides the women's welcome. You can invite her to visit and send your hands to wash, putting a new piece of soap in the bathroom in advance. If it is impossible, get excuses any thing she used. The closer to the body was the thing, the better.

Also need red pepper, which is sold at any grocery store. This refers to the packaged hammering seasoning, and only one pinch will take.

Pre-harde a plate with very cold water. You can put it on the time in the freezer, because water is needed colder than that that flows usually from under the tap.

Another ingredient is a drop of your sweat. How to get it - no matter. You can perform several physical exercises directly before the ritual, then it will not be difficult. Well scrape from body sweat objects like a ruler or a stupid knife. I need sweat, nor saliva nor blood here fit.

So, prepare a plate with water, pepper and soap that we use the one who you like. Get a drop of your sweat and add it to a plate with water. Just do with pepper, and soap carefully put on the bottom of the plates. Stroger it with pillows of fingers and read:

Cutting, cool down, please. So in my hands to melt you, that both the Father, and Mother, and God forget. Key, lock, damn lifts.

If you read the spell and stroking the soap or the item that belongs to the girl's desired, imagine what you want to achieve this ritual.

In general, conspiracies for sex can help you get a welcome discharge, again initiate a sense of passion or just get physical intimacy with any person. In addition, if the subject of the conspiracy to you unevenly breathes, such a rite can really become the beginning of a long and happy relationship, for which you or the person you want, just could not solve.

What is the result of the application?

Each conspiracy to sex is rather complicated. It is accompanied by a certain rite. Carrying out rites to enter into sexual communications, you "incite" the fire of desire in a specific person. The object at the same time can act as a contractor and the author of the conspiracy and the customer. Therefore, before performing each ritual it is important to familiarize yourself with the main nuances. You also need to know how strong the potential at the magic spell.

It is best when the rite to increase sexual attraction is carried out by those who want to enter into such a connection with a person. For example, if the guy wants to go to bed with a particular girl, he must read a specific conspiracy. At the same time, the equipment of the rite may be provided to use additional items.

Similar conspiracies for sex are very popular. A great demand for their application can be explained by mass of their advantages. The main one can be attributed to:

  • high efficiency and fast results;
  • simple execution technique;
  • different duration of exposure;
  • rapprochement of lovers;
  • achieving maximum pleasure.

However, despite the fact that this kind of conspiracy has a huge number of "pros", even a very strong rite may not work.

But this concerns only those cases if the spell object is experiencing a negative and antipathy to the customer. As for the person who simply hates you, the conspiracy to sex will not help achieve intimacy. The impact that those or other conspiracies should be provided will not be enough. In other words, attractions and sexual desire, which you will try to call in the object of lust, not enough to establish a physical connection.

Ritual for reconciliation of spouses

In most cases, sex conspiracy is used to reconcile a couple. The rite that should be performed will also help people who stay for a long time in marriage, toggle passion.

It is necessary to exercise in the evening before lie down in bed. You need to purchase a church candle in advance. Closer to night, set the candle in the headboard of a married bed. Light it and whisper a plot for the flame:

"Ignition within myself (name your name) and the slave of God (the name of the partner) passion and desire, awakening the attraction and sexuality. Let the heads of fooling feelings be thrilled, they will master over our mind. Let the lips of the slave of God (the name of the spouse) were silent, the legs trembled, and their hands were drawn. Let I become all my dear and more desirable. Amen".

Magic text must be repeated seven times in a row. After that, the candle must be left to go. While the flame will glow it, you can prepare for the upcoming night of "passion". Such a conspiracy on sex will face, as soon as the candle is completely fruit and will go out.

Ritual with Solua

One of the most powerful spells for sex can be attributed to this ritual. To bring the desired event and increase your sexuality, you need to make the next rite.

For the ritual, you will need:

  • flat plate;
  • salt;
  • spring water;
  • photo of the object of desire.

To strengthen the attraction of a person to his person, you need to put a guy / girl on the plate in the evening. Shave 7 drops of water on it. Then they throw a small salt jemy. Distributing a salt of a person, pronounce conspiracy:

"How water gives itself without a residue to getting salt, so let the slave of God (the guy's name) will be placed before the madness. Let me become the desire for him all. Let the Slave of God (again his name) will not calm down until I take me. In the word my power is. Amen".

This magic text for sex should be repeated three times in a row. After the rite, a plate with content will need to hide into a secluded place. It is impossible to clean it until the riddled. As a rule, this plot will act in the coming days. And his advantage is that "works" this conspiracy even on people who had previously unreling one bed.

Ritual for inciting passion

Conduct such a ritual, both girls and guys who want to cause an attraction of the representative of the opposite sex. This conspiracy is rather strong and read it is desirable at an open flame. Send the magic text below can be near the fire, near the fireplace, or on a lit candle (at home).

The text of the conspiracy sounds like this:

"Rain the passion and lust at the bottom of the abdomen. Let the attraction rises to the mind, drunk him, and take the top over the body. Let him burn in the servant of God / her (her name) passion and a strong sexual desire, which only succeeds for me. He wants (the name of the subject of the conspiracy) he is my body so that the legs are cut off, the lips are drying, in the eyes darkens. To blame us both in the heat of passion, experience the unraded to enjoyment. How the fire burns, so he burns the bone (the name of the person), it attracts it to me. Amen".

Ritual with a red ribbon

We offer you another strong conspiracy. From the previous ones, it is distinguished by a validity period. So, for example, if you want to provide a sexual energy impact on a man / woman for a long period, this is exactly this conspiracy. To carry out the rite you will need to prepare:

  • thin red ribbon;
  • casket.

You should take a ribbon. Tie on her nodules, you need to chip magical words:

"Bring to the servant of God (his name), the slave of God (his name) for a long time and redefect. As nodes do not unleash these nodes, so let no one can separate. Let the Slave of God (name) constantly only thought about me and dreamed, just wanted me. So that I was more beautiful, Mile and more welcome. So that the male power of the slave of God (his name) was only with me. Amen".

You need to read a plot 7 times in a row. The knots on the tape should be turned out to be 7. The ritual is completed by the fact that the tape with the knots tied on it is cleaned into the casket. It should be put in the most secluded place in the house. This conspiracy will begin to "work" as soon as you hide the casket. Act such a spell will be used until the nodes on the tape are tied.

Love plots for fast sex

For one of these rituals, you will need the subject of personal hygiene of the beloved person - soap and underwear. Out of hand soap need to be signed:

"I ask myself slowly so that love for slave (name) is not faded to the slave (name) how this soap was in my hands."

If for the rite you took a shirt or underwear of your loved one, then they perform it so. Your underwear needed to wet in the morning dew, then dried over the fire and say these words:

"Save the slave (name) on the slave (name) as your shirt. Without it, there is no you, without my hands there will be no her. Come leave the slave (name) to get sick! "

For the next rite, it is necessary to mix such spices: a mixture of dry herbs, white and salt pepper. The cooked "seasoning" is used in cooking, inspiring it:

"Salt, exhaust water! Let the slave (name) be thirst. Greens, take the whole salt! Let the slave (name) only quit thirst for me. "

Such rituals act well on men and women who are not in permanent relationships. Otherwise, the conspiracy may be powerless.


Take a new handkerchief. It needs to collect a few drops of his sweat (better after the bath), and then you will defect your beloved forehead. Conspiracy pronounce such:

"My tongue says, and your language will confirm. As I thought, as I said, so I would smell my thoughts in your head and you are to my flesh with your lust and hunting in the VMIG. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong prayer for sex

You need to register a fire. Coming around him, the right hand hold over the flame, clockwise. Prayer read three times:

"Gray smoke, stand up, wake up, up, go, go, Looking out the soul, the slaves of God (name), sickle her eyes, twist her brain, turn, spinning, do not know peace and dying. Throw her, throw it, to me God's slave (name). With girlfriends, let him do not walk, guys and men do not hug, let them suffer from fire, burns, calmness does not know, nor with a sun, nor during the moon, nor with a star, nor with dew or during the scarlet. It is not to look at me to look at me, watch and not suck, kiss and not to follow, sleep with me and not to hurry, but only the flesh and lust to enjoy my flesh. Go, smoke, look for me to bring the slave of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After some time, you will notice how your relationship with your husband (or wife) will apply and will no longer have problems with sex.

Here is another prayer, to read which they use smoke from cigarettes. This ritual is quite simple and widespread among young people at the present time. It is very often used in cases where the previous love relationship is lost if the favorite cooled to you and does not pay due attention. Posted on a cigarette smoky:

"Fire to fire chasing chasing, and I am a slave of God (name) the slave of God (the name) passionately wants, he does not drive the language and does not scold, he does not drive away from his bed, I am glad to me, the slave of God (name), my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Prayer pronounce three times, and then go to bed.

Conspiracy of ambulance with a stranger

If you like some kind of person, and you want to get intimacy with him, but do not decide to meet him, you will fit such a strong conspiracy to ambulance. Say after the outgoing descendant man prayer:

"Let your leg face a foot, the regulatory heart will be killed so that you are God's slave (name) about me, the Duma thought, and the day and night about the shroud of the village with me and about my flesh, I dreamed to come to me, God's slave (name) , hug me, kiss, go to my chest to press me. And be, the Word, by the way, and become, the matter, to the case. Already, Abu, Ali. Ajaba, repeat. Come leave Godya (name) to me, God's slave (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

After a conspiracy, you will very soon meet with my stranger and you will have a sexual relationship with him.

Love spell

Before you go to bed with your beloved person, put a glass of a glass with holy water and bread with salt. Separate the following:

"The servant of God (name), here's bread, so salt you, here's water, come to me here. My angel, the keeper, take her hand to my flesh, to the slave of God (name), in the bed my bonding. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Such a ritual needs to repeat three nights in a row. You will never leave you from you, and your sexual relationship will always be at the height.

Conspiracy on the wind

It is a very effective prayer that helps attract the person to him who is sympathetic to you, with whom you would like to have a burning passion.

"Lord, help, Lord, bless. Lord, the slave of God (name) of the Holy Veduja on a lustful wants of the Okropy! Daughters Herod, stand, appear, shake with Kudrey, from elbow, with maiden fines Lust, desirable, Winning Yellow and Love Beehive. Shake her heart, shake her blood, ride lust in her body and wanting my own flesh. To sleep, she did not sleep, the daily daily day suffered for me, by the slave of God (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer needs to read three times. Soon, after the ritual spent, you will notice that your second half wakes up to you for the same passion and everything will work out.

Rite at salt

This plot is one of the strongest, which is used to enhance the sexual potency in a man. Your Object Sweistance will be very tightly tied to you. Prepare a handful of cook salt and throw her saucer with holy water. Speak such a prayer:

"You need to take a handful of salt in your hands and throw it into a cover with poured in a small amount of water. While the salt will absorb liquid, you should read the following text above it: "Pintay, Paint, Water, Soluschka, I'll give all myself without a residue. So my beloved (the name of the subject of the conspiracy) may let me and will not calm me, until it takes. "

When the plot will be pronounced, pour out the conspiracy salt on the photograph of your faithful, evenly distributing it. Salt leave pictures for the whole night. Such a ritual acts almost trouble-free.

Conspiracy for sex plays a very important role in family relationships. An important factor for long and strong relationships is not only sexual relations between partners, but also love. If one of the partners is experiencing to another hatred or antipathy, then such conspiracies will be ineffective. In this matter, the main thing is that in the relationship between a man and the woman there was consent and understanding. Cut the rituals as quickly as possible! Time does not wait!

In this article:

The conspiracy or ritual to passion is a special form of the love spell, which, however, does not cause love, but is directed exclusively to ignite the passion in the heart. This rite can also be used to return the spark in the relationship of spouses and keep marriage.

Speaking of love spells, you must always remember the moral side of this issue. Of course, many will say that any spell is bad and sinner, but in fact everything is much more difficult.

If you want to hover a husband from the family, then you do not the best of the good thing and should be prepared for possible negative consequences.

But if the goal of the love spell is only to attract the attention of the lover, in order to independently seek his love and honestly build relationships, then there is nothing wrong with it.

How to hold a rite

Rituals are not tied to a certain time of day. They can be spent at any time, during the day and evening, if this does not require a certain rite. Conspiracies can be read at home, while it is desirable to stand by the window and look at the sun or the moon.

Words need to be pronounced loudly and clearly, with confidence in themselves and with the belief that the ritual will give the necessary result.

Conspiracy at contact with the object

This magic ritual will fit if you want to cause a passion from a unconscious person, for example, on the first date or at a random meeting. Get away a little from the goal of the ritual and read the conspiracy word whisper:

"I, the slave of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, the servant of God (name). There was no random meeting our, we are destined to each other fate. I want to give you pleasure and that you give pleasure to me. You can not refuse to look at my, my touches, my lips. I will bear you, I will fill your heart with a passion. You will be mine, the slave of God (name), you will tell me "yes" when I wish himself. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rite of lust

"I grow up, the slave of God (name), the bonfire of the passion at the bottom of the belly of the slave of God (name). I will raise the passion of your heart, in your head. Let the thoughts drink you about me, let the dope, even if they are dominated by the thoughts and command.

Will burn a passion in your body, the servant of God (name) will torment you. There will be your legs and your hands tremble, there will be your lips for me to dry, you will reach me, go to me, look for me. I don't have a passion in the body in any way, I do not forget about me.

I do not get rid of you from thoughts about me. Only I can thoroughly get your thirst, just I know how your passion to satisfy. Everything on me, the servant of God (name) for you, the slave of God (name) converges, everything comes on me. You want my bodies, you want so that in your eyes dark.

I am your dream, I am your desire. We will be together with you in the heat of passion. We will test the lust and lust. Gori, fire, in the heart of the slave of God (name), the burning of it to the bones. "

Love rituals are capable not only to cause a strong sense of love, but also passion. Some rituals act completely short time. No specific conditions for their conduct required. You can perform them at any time of the day if another is not agreed. Conspiracies to challenge strong passion will help with married couples to revive and ignite the former fire in relationships.

In rites, helping to cause an ardent passion and attraction, there are both light love spells and more serious. The latter are called sexual bindings. But they require more strength, skills. If the plot is performed incorrectly, then the consequences may be negative.

Conspiracy for men and women
The easiest conspiracy can be used both men and women. The text is based on the photo of the belt object, which is kept above the burning church candle. A person should be depicted in full growth. Words are pronouncing in a low voice, slowly and clearly.

"I grow up, the slave (a) of God (God's name) (name) of the fire below the abdomen of a heart (name), the messengers fly from the fire, they want to break the whole body. In the knees - shiver, in white hands - goose leather, in the mouth - dry. Night day, night-midnight, wait, tolerate the nemem. Come, on the fence they will be put on the fence, lose and impart. Porina is mine, like a snowball, cool, caress my paint. Amen!"
Conspiracy on salt
Salt will help not only remove negative energy, but also to strengthen passionate feelings. A conspiracy salt is gradually added to the food that is being prepared for his man.

"It stands on Mount White throne, the first wife sits on the throne. Men on the mountain climb, the skin is moving, the veins are torn. Gave me the first wife my cherished words. I will say the words, Milanka Podoku. Kipi, Passion White, Passion Yaraya. Let without the body of my Lord slave (name) will be nauseous that fish is in a dry shore. Let the Lord are not afraid, Molle is not ashamed, everything is pretty me, hugs yes, fornicing with me creates. Amen!"
Conspiracy to passion at the first date
The ritual is suitable for strengthening passion from a unchanged person.

For example, if you wish to cause strong traction and uncontrolled lust in a man on the first date, then the following conspiracy will suit (while the object of your desire must be within visibility):

"I, the slave of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, the servant of God (name). There was no random meeting our, we are destined to each other fate. I want to give you pleasure and that you give pleasure to me. You can not refuse to look at my, my touches, my lips. I will bear you, I will fill your heart with a passion. You will be mine, the slave of God (name), you will tell me "yes" when I wish himself. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual from problems in intimate life
Failing in sexual affairs can not only representatives of strong sex. Frequently often and the beautiful half of humanity lies with annoying failures. If you felt that the passion began to fade and the desire of proximity is no longer so strong, then you can hold a rite to the revival of passion to your partner. To do this, in the early morning go to the river, enter the water and begin to spill on themselves with water, saying:
"The sky is my father, the earth is my mother, tell the water of Bability to give the power."
Returning home, take running water from the river with you. At home, you will see her face again.

Rite clothes
The ritual is carried out like this:
  • Do with your own hands you need to wash any item of the object of lust, ideally a shirt. In the process of washing, it is necessary to constantly think about the proximity to this person, to represent it in all the paints of passion.
  • Clothes should be dried over open fire. Having exhausted it, they pronounce the following words:
"Peer, dry, shirt, until you dry. Yes, the owner of his own (pronounce his name) to teach how to dry from passion and love of software (pronounce their name). "

When clothing dries, you need to resemble a little in it, so that it can carry the necessary energy. Only after that it gives her to his beloved person.

Despite the simplicity of conspiracy on passion, they exist specific rules and features:

  • the duration of the rituals conducted does not last more than a year;
  • the strength and time of the rituals depends only on your energy;
  • the insane passion from the object of lust to you does not guarantee the emergence of fervent and devoted love;
  • it is impossible to cause a stormy passion in a person who experiences strong negative emotions towards you;
  • several different rituals cannot be held in a row, it can provoke the opposite effect or cause a partner a sense of permanent desire, insatiability, which will lead to concerns and psychological disorder.

Sometimes people who love each other understand that passion is unexpectedly. As a result, they begin to miss relationships and looking for pleasures on the side. In some cases, there is a strong emotional binding between people, but for some reason not enough passion is missing. In such situations, a conspiracy is ideal for a passion that can cause a real spark between people, which will certainly turn into a fire.

Conspiracy on the candle to ignite the fire in the soul of your loved one

Such a rite is considered safe and belongs to white magic, in contrast to the attitude or strangers. It does not have negative consequences and is not able to bind a person to him, against his will. It is enough just to make a ritual so that it helps people to feel the former passion and restore harmonious relationships, or to translate a friendly connection into something more. To make a rite you will need:

  • red candle:
  • photo of a loved one;
  • white tablecloth.

Wait for the evening, beware, and then spread a bright clean tablecloth on the table. Put on her a photo of the beloved, only note that it should be a fresh snapshot on which eyes clearly visible. Light aluminum candle, and then read the Prayer "Our Father". After that, I need to say magic words:

"You, Candle, Gori, Flame Roast Darius. How your fire is ignited, so the heart of the beloved of my (name) will also ignore. Let it burn a hot flame of love, but never goes out. My word is strong, my thoughts are solid. Let the slave of God (name) passion for me proceeds! Amen".

After that, carefully look at the candle fire, imagining how your beloved flared up, as if the flame, and his feelings are all rushed to you. After 10 minutes, you can make a candle and wrap it with a photo of the desired object in a white tablecloth. Then you need to hide all these things away, so that no one finds them. Remember that this conspiracy to the passion of a man is important to perform on a growing moon and, of course, in no way to tell anyone about him. Since the ritual is short-lived, you can repeat it whenever you feel that you lack passion from your loved one.

Conspiracy on salt for inciting passionate feelings

This wonderful ritual will certainly be suitable for everyone who has long been trying to translate friendship into closest relationships. In addition, it will come in handy and married couples in which love is still growing, but the banal addictive deprived of any passion. Such a conspiracy to a strong passion will restore the relationship and will present intimate proximity to brighter paints.

To make a rite, it is necessary to wait for the growing moon, after which it is to prepare salt. Falling over it into the metal dishes, you need to read three times these words:

"Salt goes through, talking to her husband (name). Let him not sleep without me and does not eat, everything thinks and dreams how to hug and kisses. Let passion for me, the slave of God (name). There is my threshing with salt - not to nourge, on me, the slave of God (name), look and not visiting. What I did not say that I did not tell, let the angels finish! Amen".

After that, you need to prepare your husband's favorite dish and add salt there. This rite refers to white magic, so it can be carried out regularly, not afraid of punishment by the highest strength. Every time the passion seems descending, it is enough to call it, beding a little salt in food. After that, the husband will again want you and burn with the desire, which is only capable.

Conspiracy on the threads so that there was a passion between the pair

There are cases when a man not only loses a passion for his beloved, but also begins to look at Strone. Over the years, even the most beautiful wives are changing outwardly, and most of her husbands simply go to them. Intimate life becomes rare, and men begin "hunting" on other lovers. To avoid such a situation, there is a conspiracy to passion, which will help to register the fire of love that has left over the past years.

Love spell for inciting passion

Conspiracy on love husband

Sexy binding or love spell works !!! After passion the head of the wedding.

To do this, you need to buy white threads. You can do this in advance, but the rite needs to be held in one of the women's days: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Cooked threads need to be hidden in the needle and take a pillow on which your beloved usually sleeps. Make seven stitches in it, reading these words during sewing:

"I flash the pillow, we sew threads with myself. As a cushion is strong, so my cute firmly loves me and does not look at anyone else. So much only for me missed me, I loved me one and wished. Let all girls seem bad, and I always, like a pass, so that only one Slave of God (name) see me, but I didn't want others and did not want! Key, lock, tongue. Amen!".

After that, imperceptibly put the pillow on the bed and watch only your beloved on it. Never give this thing to anyone and, of course, do not tell me about the conspiracy on a strong passion. After such a rite, a man will not think about girls on the side, but wants to spend more time with you and will wish you with all the fire, which only in it.

Rite for water so that the man burns down the fire

This ritual is characterized by simplicity, but at the same time gives the strongest effect. To make a rite you will need clean water from the spring or bottled. It must be held seven days in a dark place, and then get and pour into a small saucepan. Next, you need to put it on fire, and stirring, reading such words:

"You, water, cold, and my husband (name) is cold. But you light up, fill the warmth. As you warm and my husband is warmer, it's warm, burning to me with fire. Passion is filled, the desire is filled. Let him love and want me! May it be so!".

You need to add this driver to the tea spouse, after which you trace so that he drank everything to the bottom. Passion from the man is guaranteed, and you are waiting for a pleasant pastime. To return the feeling and repeat them again, it is enough to hold a rite again, waiting for the growing moon. And, of course, the main thing remains the condition - nothing to tell anything about the ritual spent! Let it be your little family secret that allows you to cause a flame of feelings of her husband.