Mukaltin does not hiss in water. Mukaltin: how to take according to the instructions for use for adults. Academy of Entertaining Sciences. Chemistry. Questions

Mukaltin is an extract of marshmallow in the form of dry cough tablets. Outwardly, these are gray-brown round tablets with inclusions, separated longitudinally by a risk. Mukaltin contains aspartame, magnesium carbonate, calcium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid, polysaccharides, which are extracted from medicinal marshmallow.

Properties and composition of the drug Mukaltin

Althea has been used since ancient times in traditional medicine as in whooping cough or pneumonia. Mainly in medicinal purposes the roots of this perennial plant are used (washed, cut into pieces, dried and then infused), but seeds and marshmallow flowers are also useful.

Marshmallow affects the work of the bronchial glands, which increase the secretion production, the ciliated epithelium of the bronchial membrane is activated and the sputum becomes more liquid, and in this state it is much easier to remove from respiratory tract. As part of Mukaltin, there are also related substances that reduce the viscosity of sputum, which also facilitates its removal. As a result, a dry cough is replaced by a wet one, and this is evidence that sputum does not stagnate in the bronchi, but is excreted, which means that inflammation due to the multiplication of harmful microbes in stagnant sputum can be safely avoided.

How to apply to children

It is worth noting that there is no consensus on the safety of prescribing Mukaltin to children: some manufacturers write in the instructions that it should not be taken by children under three and even up to 12 years old, others recommend it from a year. Therefore, before taking it, it is still better to consult with your doctor.

And pregnant

During pregnancy, Mukaltin should be used with caution. Althea is capable of causing allergies, which early dates can be very dangerous. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is better to refuse Mukaltin altogether. And although the instructions say nothing about the fact that the drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, it should still be treated with caution.

There is an opinion that marshmallow can help increase the tone of the uterus, besides, it is also not recommended for newborns, which means that it should not be taken by a nursing mother. If, nevertheless, Mukaltin is prescribed during pregnancy (more likely after the first trimester), then it is better to take it in the form of a powder (crush in a spoon) or in a dissolved form. Instead of Mukaltin, it is better for pregnant women to use others.

Important: nursing mothers and infants should not take Mukaltin.

Contraindications and side effects

Why cough appears after eating and only after that, it will become clear after reading.

Since marshmallow is a medicinal plant, the drug has practically no contraindications, but still Mukaltin is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to allergies to its components;
  • if the child is still small (up to a year or up to three years);
  • if there is an ulcer disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, a doctor's consultation is required before use.

Important: the use of Mukaltin along with antitussive drugs (not cough medicines!), Especially those containing codeine, is prohibited, since, on the contrary, it causes difficulty in coughing.

The price of the drug

Mukaltin is one of the most famous and popular cough medicines. Attracts, apparently, among other things, its price. Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug mainly in a dosage of 50 mg in a blister of 10-20 tablets, and the price can be as low as 9 rubles, up to a maximum of 50 rubles.

Can the thyroid gland cause a cough or not read.

It contains substances for rapid dissolution, which, when interacting with water, release gas, thereby forming bubbles.

Hello. Please tell me correct property mukaltina he should hiss or not? And then buying mukaltin in different packages in one he hisses and not in the other. If he does not hiss what does it mean? Does this affect the property of mukaltin and what is the reason?

In addition to other ingredients, in its composition Mukaltin contains sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda). If, for any reason, the drug has been exposed to dampness, its tablets cease to sizzle upon contact with the liquid.

Please tell me if it is possible to take mukaltin with bromhexine or with cough tablets. Thank you.

Mukaltin and bromhexine can be used together. But cough tablets are contraindicated when using expectorants.

Please tell me if it is possible to give a child of 5 years 2 tablets at a time of mukaltin

There is no need to increase the number of mukaltin tablets taken at the same time - This measure will not increase the effectiveness of the drug.

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Academy of Entertaining Sciences. Chemistry. Questions


Nastya, with all my heart I wish you a speedy recovery. Mukaltin hisses in the mouth because it contains soda (sodium bicarbonate), which in solution begins to interact with tartaric acid (it is also part of these tablets) - this is a typical “soda plus acid” reaction, as a result of which carbon dioxide. I have repeatedly shown this experience in my programs.

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How to drink mukaltin when coughing

A lot of people know about Mukaltin, but very often everyone forgets about it, or because of the too low price they don’t take it seriously, as I did. Therefore, today I will tell you how to drink Mukaltin when coughing and share the most effective author's recipe.

Mukaltin consists only of natural ingredients, such as marshmallow root extract (which soaks dry coughs and removes phlegm from the lungs) and soda, so even pregnant women and young children can drink these tablets (but it is best to consult your doctor).

How to drink mukaltin when coughing

Mukaltin - indications for use

The main plus of Mukaltin is that it is suitable for both wet and dry cough treatment.

  • Pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)
  • Obstructive bronchitis (including chronic)
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Emphysema
  • Pneumoconiosis
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Other chronic and acute diseases

ATTENTION! The remedy has contraindications: it should not be taken by those who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach.

Also, the instructions say that children under 12 years of age should not be taken, although experienced doctors refute this fact and give it to children over one year old. Therefore, for children under 12 years of age, consultation with the attending physician is mandatory.

How much does Mukaltin cost in a pharmacy?

Rubles 5-10 for a plate of 10 tablets. Although there was a period when prices soared up to 40 rubles, I did not understand why this happened.

By the way, a pharmacist once told me that it is better to store tablets in the refrigerator, even though the packaging says that you can leave them at temperatures up to 25 degrees.

How to take Mukaltin

ATTENTION! If you are taking codeine-containing drugs (for example, Codelac, Terpincod, Codterpin, Nurofen, Pentalgin, Sedalgin and others), then you will need to refuse them, as they block the cough and prevent Mukaltin from soaking sputum, which can subsequently accumulate in the lungs and cause unpleasant consequences.

How to drink mukaltin when coughing

Mukaltin must be dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. For adults and children over 12 years old - 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meals (preferably half an hour before meals).

The taste of the tablet is not pleasant: sour and bitter at the same time. Therefore, for those who cannot tolerate the taste of the tablet, you can also dissolve daily dose Mukaltina in 500 ml of warm water (juice or other drink) and divide into 3 doses. For children under 12, dissolve one tablet in 100 ml of warm water.

My Effective Method

It's all from the instructions. But I have my own recipe for use, which is the most effective (according to me, my family and all my friends). It is necessary to dissolve two tablets in two tablespoons of warm milk or water, and drink in small sips, trying to wash as much of the throat as possible with the solution. And so 3 times a day before meals.

How to drink mukaltin when coughing

While taking Mukaltin, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water to accelerate the therapeutic effect.

The course of treatment is one to two weeks.

My review of the use of Mukaltin

Once I went on vacation to Thailand in the winter. Acclimatization there went well, but as soon as I returned home from +30 to -30, I immediately caught a cold, and with it a cough.

Usually I don’t pay any attention to a cough, it goes away pretty quickly with a cold, but here it just got worse and worse.

How to drink mukaltin when coughing

Mom advised me to take Mukaltin. I took it as from my recipe above (2 tablets per 2 tablespoons of warm water 3 times a day before meals). After taking the drug at night, all the mucus from the nose went down and formed a viscous sputum. After the morning reception, I felt that in just a few minutes the sputum began to move away. Three days passed and the cough was gone, although it was pretty strong.

To be honest, I used to be somehow biased towards this penny remedy, I didn’t even want to take it, but my mother persuaded me, and, thank God, I obeyed her. Now these pills are always stored in our family first aid kit, which I advise you to do. Health!

Mukaltin is a drug based on marshmallow root. This remedy has the following effects: softens, envelops, has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Mucus of plant origin evenly covers the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract with a thin layer.

The action of the drug is quite long and effective. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to the most rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

Let's figure out how well this drug helps, looking at the reviews of people who took Mukaltin.

Patient reviews about the drug Mukaltin

“Mukaltin is a herbal preparation, which, of course, is familiar to each of us since childhood. I use it regularly, as it has a good soothing effect on the throat and is excellent for expectorating phlegm. The tablets of this remedy must be dissolved (they are more effective than with resorption).

I did not notice any side effects from it, although I suffer chronic gastritis(which according to the instructions is a contraindication).

“I take mukaltin 2 tablets per ¼ part hot water and also add a teaspoon of honey. The result is a pleasant-tasting carbonated drink. Always effective at the onset of a cold. True, the effect is still short-lived, so you need to take it often. Side effects have never been observed. Even during pregnancy, it turned out to be one of the few medications that can be taken without harm to the child.

“I had to give Mukaltin to my 2-year-old daughter for coughing. She drank them willingly, she liked the way they hissed in the water as they dissolved. From a cough, he helped us at a time, although the effect is noticeable after a few days. This is a plant-based drug, so it is practically harmless, which is especially pleasing when it comes to children.

No side effects were observed in the child. I myself had to take it more than once, since I have a sick stomach, I always drink it carefully.

“I learned about these pills quite recently, no matter how strange it may sound, in my 22 years. We treated this drug with a cough in a child in a hospital. It proved to be very effective, harmless and inexpensive. Bought a few packs for home. These turned out to be dark little pills, sour in taste, and miraculously dissolve in the mouth, releasing bubbles at the same time.

Later, I had a terrible sore throat and a heart-rending cough, and there was practically no voice either. Three times a day, I took 2 tablets at a time, dissolving in my mouth. I felt a decrease in the intensity of the sore throat after the first dose, I got rid of the cough after about 3 days. I recommend! the best remedy You won't find it for that kind of money."

“A little earlier, when there was not yet such an abundance of cough medicines, I had to use mukaltin quite often. However, over time, I somehow moved away from this, switching to other popular means From cough. I can’t say which is more effective, but modern syrups are definitely more palatable and more expensive.

I remembered him during pregnancy, which was very long-awaited for me. I fell ill with SARS, as a result of which a dry and exhausting cough appeared. It is from him, it seems to me, that I developed an increased tone of the uterus in the first months of pregnancy, since when coughing, it constantly contracted, then relaxed. I didn't even go to work for a few days because I didn't feel well.

As you know, during the course of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, taking any medication is dangerous for the baby. So, the task arose for me: get rid of the cough and use the most safe drugs. Mukaltin turned out to be the ideal remedy for this.”

“I haven’t used Mukaltin for a very long time, but somehow I decided to save money and bought it. I had a dry cough, and sputum was somehow separated heavily and in small quantities. The forces were simply gone. The price was really very low. Outwardly, and in taste, these pills seem to be like those that were in childhood, but not quite.

These tablets do not dissolve at all and do not hiss, which I liked the most as a child. I also did not wait for the effect, as if I had eaten some kind of candy. And earlier, autumn helped with a cough quickly and effectively. In general, mukaltin is no longer the same as it was before.

“I especially like inhalations using mukaltin and saline. In this way, it is convenient and effective to use this drug, both in an adult and in a child. Such inhalations using Borjomi water are especially good. I always have it at home, just in case.

“I didn’t notice any effects from this drug. Dissolved according to the recipe, took by the hour. Only neither the cough nor the terrible irritation in the throat went away. ”

“I tried Mukaltin for the first time in my life, the doctor attributed it to laryngitis. After the first dose, I felt significant relief. The pain also subsided. After a few days, I almost forgot about the disease. The only drawback is that there are several side effects: nausea, diarrhea. After stopping the treatment, everything got better.”

“Terrible bouts of dry cough usually haunt me for about 3-4 days. These attacks are so excruciating and painful that it is simply unbearable to endure. I used to take mukaltin according to the doctor's recommendations, but then I noticed that the course of the disease does not change from it. Regardless of the intake of mukaltin, sputum begins to depart on the 5-6th day.

You can get a positive effect only when correct application according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Mukaltin is not a cough suppressant, it is just an expectorant herbal preparation. In some cases, a drug that suppresses the cough center is needed. It is for this reason that it is important not to prescribe mukaltin to yourself and your children on your own or at the parting word of a neighbor, but to contact a qualified specialist.

“I have known about mukaltin for many years and actively use it for myself and my children.

Its price is really cheap. You can take it for up to 2 weeks. pleases vegetable origin drug and its anti-inflammatory, expectorant action. True, as with the use of any medication, allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

I prefer to dilute mucaltin tablets in water, it seems to me that its effectiveness is still higher. Although my friend thinks otherwise. The drug is good and affordable for everyone.”

“My baby and I were in 1 year 3 months in infectious department with laryngotracheitis. There we were assigned to do soda inhalations and mukaltin up to 4 tablets per day.

Mukaltin was recommended to us to dissolve one tablet in half a glass of warm water. My daughter drank the medicine quite willingly, which, to be honest, surprised me, because I don’t like this taste at all. The effect was pretty soon, only 4-5 days, and the baby felt better, the cough disappeared.

“In children, laryngotracheitis is quite common. This disease is characterized by the development inflammatory process in the larynx and trachea, often it is associated with SARS. The risk group is children under 5 years of age, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the children's larynx. Older children usually develop laryngitis, which is not so dangerous and scary.

I treat my children with 10-minute baths and inhalations combined with mukaltin. At night, it is important to dress the child well, then wrap up and put to bed.

Summing up

For the most part, reviews of a drug such as mukaltin are positive. This medication familiar to people, for the most part, from early childhood. The majority of people who have ever taken mukaltin speak of it as an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, both in adults and in children. It is designed to relieve inflammation and facilitate the transition from dry cough to wet (productive). At correct use This tool has a positive effect in the first day.

They meet, however, negative feedback who argue about the inefficiency of mukaltin.

It is important to clearly understand that the disease as a whole needs to be treated, and not just a symptom such as a cough. That is why it is important to take treatment only on the advice of a doctor.

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Mukaltin /

Mukaltin. Instructions for use.

Expectorant. Contains a blend of polysaccharides from the marshmallow herb. It has expectorant properties - due to reflex stimulation, it enhances the activity of the ciliated epithelium and the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles in combination with increased secretion of the bronchial glands. Sodium bicarbonate dilutes sputum and somewhat increases bronchial secretion.

Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of sputum with high viscosity (tracheobronchitis, COPD, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, emphysema, pneumoconiosis, etc.)

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Dyspeptic disorders (including nausea), rarely - allergic reactions.

Inside, mg before meals 3-4 times a day. Course of treatment days. Children can dissolve the tablet in 1/3 cup of warm water.

Do not prescribe simultaneously with drugs containing codeine (it may be difficult to cough up liquefied sputum).

Terms and conditions of storage

Mukaltin cough tablets are the most harmless

Expectorant for coughs.

For children from 3 to 12 years old, doctors usually prescribe 1 tablet of the drug 3 times a day every 4 hours, for children from 1 to 3 years old - ½-1 tablet, for children under one year old - ½ tablet.

Traditionally, a Mukaltin tablet is dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. But you can also dissolve the daily dose of the drug in 0.5 liters of warm water, sweet juice or other drink (which will be especially appropriate for children, as well as people who cannot tolerate the taste of the drug). The same can be done with a single dose of the drug, in which case 150 ml of water will be needed.

According to the instructions for Mukaltin, the duration of the course of treatment depends on the severity of the course of the disease and is usually 7-14 days. During the treatment period, to accelerate the therapeutic effect, you should drink plenty of fluids.

Favorite medicine as a child

Remedy from childhood

Now switched to Ambrobene. THE BEST MEDICINE IN MY OPINION.

Old proven mukaltin

Cheap and cheerful, effective and natural for cough

Mukaltin tablets are a herbal preparation that has been proven over the years.

when coughing, when liquefaction of sputum is required and improvement of its discharge.

Budget and not expensive (relatively). Although since 2015 everything

noticeably more expensive, and Mukaltin in March 15 is no longer so cheap,

I bought a pack of 10 tablets for 45 rubles.

Effective for cough. In my experience, it is an effective remedy, sometimes I also use it for children (I myself check with the doctor whether it is suitable for such a cough?).

And now I take Mukaltin for a cold cough


Mukaltin for cough

Mukaltin is an excellent, in my opinion, expectorant. I gave them children a drink for coughing, so that the accumulated sputum would better leave. At one time she herself caught a very bad cold, she tortured her cough, she remembered the old proven inexpensive remedy - mukaltin. The tablets are small, easy to swallow, took about 5 days in total. The effect is good, this drug helped me! So I advise you to take it when coughing, but better not get sick!

I don't like mukaltin

Effective and inexpensive, familiar from childhood!

Familiar from childhood cough pill

About Mukaltin.

I still can’t understand whether Mukaltin is effective or not. Of course, we all took these pills in childhood, there were also those that were simply called “cough”. But before, our parents took care of the effect of drugs, and we only took what we were told.

A few years ago, a pediatrician reminded me of Mukaltin, they say, an undeservedly forgotten good remedy from inexpensive ones. Recommended as an additive to the prescribed cough syrup for a child.

Since then, I have been buying Mukaltin, taking it for coughing in conjunction with other drugs, but I still doubt the effectiveness. Of the advantages, the complete absence of chemical words in the composition of the drug and light simple acceptance form.

An old tried and true remedy

Now the drug has somehow faded into the background. Other drugs have appeared that doctors prescribe more readily than mukaltin. Yes, and the drug, although not expensive compared to analogues, but for some reason does not improve sputum discharge as quickly and well as before. In the winter I tried to take the drug, but I did not feel the effect.

In theory, mukaltin should thin the sputum and promote its excretion. I remember that as a child, the cough became much milder. I drank mukaltin for three days, but did not feel the effect. Inhalations with mineral water and eucalyptus helped more.

It costs a penny, but it helps!

Mukaltin cough, application, effect, review

Mukaltin is the old enemy of wet cough!

excellent cough remedy

Mukaltin for cough

cheap means are in no way inferior to expensive ones, and sometimes it turns out even

better than them. tested on myself many times. because I was very sick in my youth. and tried various drugs, both expensive and cheap, but there was no such effect as from mukaltin. And the difference in their cost is simply colossal! you know (who had to get sick). so why overpay if there is a reliable and not expensive proven tool. but it's best not to get sick!

How to drink Mukaltin when coughing

Mukaltin is an extract of marshmallow in the form of tablets. Outwardly, these are gray-brown round tablets with inclusions, separated longitudinally by a risk. Mukaltin contains aspartame, magnesium carbonate, calcium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid, polysaccharides, which are extracted from medicinal marshmallow.

Drug properties

Marshmallow has long been used in folk medicine as a cough remedy for whooping cough or pneumonia. The roots of this perennial plant are mainly used for medicinal purposes (washed, cut into pieces, dried and then infused), but the seeds and flowers of Althea are also useful.

Marshmallow affects the work of the bronchial glands, which increase the production of secretions, the ciliated epithelium of the bronchial membrane is activated and the sputum becomes more liquid, and in this state it is much easier to remove from the respiratory tract. As part of Mukaltin, there are also related substances that reduce the viscosity of sputum, which also facilitates its removal. As a result, a dry cough is replaced by a wet one, and this is evidence that sputum does not stagnate in the bronchi, but is excreted, which means that inflammation due to the multiplication of harmful microbes in stagnant sputum can be safely avoided.

What are the signs of asthmatic cough and how to identify it, you can find out by reading the article.

In addition to a pronounced expectorant effect, Mukaltin also has moderate anti-inflammatory properties: it forms a kind of protective film on the respiratory mucosa, as if enveloping it, so that it is not irritated and restores its damaged tissues.

Indications for use

Mukaltin is usually used in the treatment of:

  • bronchitis (chronic, acute, obstructive);
  • pharyngitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • emphysema,
  • pneumonia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • tracheitis,
  • tracheobronchitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi),
  • tuberculosis of the lungs with symptoms of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

It is important to understand that Mukaltin does not remove the cough, but eases it. Thanks to the use of Mukaltin, dry cough can become wet (which is already easier), and rough moist cough- to soften.

What are the causes of a strong nocturnal cough in an adult, and what medications are needed for this, is indicated in this article.

How to apply

The Mukaltin tablet is sucked in the mouth until it dissolves completely. It can be crushed into powder and, after adding a little water, drink

According to the instructions, Mukaltin is usually taken an hour or half an hour before meals. For adults, the dosage at a time is mg or one or two tablets, the dose is repeated 3-4 times a day. Children over 12 years of age and adolescents are usually prescribed the same dosage as adults. And for children 3-12 years old, it is recommended to drink one tablet (or half) three times a day every 4 hours. Babies 1-3 years old are usually prescribed half a tablet.

How to treat a cough in a baby without fever, as well as what medicines you can first find out by reading the article.

There are no special tricks in the use of Mukaltin: the tablet is simply absorbed in the mouth until it completely dissolves. You can also crush it into powder and add a little water to drink. And for children or those who cannot stand the taste of Mukaltin, you can use half a glass warm water, juice or any other drink, dissolve the entire dose of the drug, which is prescribed for the day. Or it is possible to dissolve the tablet each time in water or a drink, but then 150 ml will be required.

The duration of the course of taking Mukaltin depends on how the disease progresses. Usually it is a week or two. But the doctor, guided by the severity of the disease, may extend the duration of treatment with the drug up to two months.

It is important to know that during the period of taking Mukaltin, in order to improve its effect, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids.

What is the most effective remedy for dry cough for children, you can find out from the article.

It is worth noting that there is no consensus on the safety of prescribing Mukaltin to children: some manufacturers write in the instructions that it should not be taken by children under three and even up to 12 years old, others recommend it from a year. Therefore, before taking it, it is still better to consult with your doctor.

During pregnancy, Mukaltin should be used with caution. Marshmallow can cause allergies, which in the early stages can be very dangerous. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is better to refuse Mukaltin altogether. And although the instructions say nothing about the fact that the drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, it should still be treated with caution. There is an opinion that marshmallow can help increase the tone of the uterus, besides, it is also not recommended for newborns, which means that it should not be taken by a nursing mother. If, nevertheless, Mukaltin is prescribed during pregnancy (more likely after the first trimester), then it is better to take it in the form of a powder (crush in a spoon) or in a dissolved form. Instead of Mukaltin, it is better for pregnant women to use other cough recipes at home.

Important: nursing mothers and infants should not take Mukaltin.

Contraindications and side effects

Mukaltin has a number of contraindications - it is better to consult a doctor before use

Why cough appears after eating and only after that, it will become clear after reading the article.

Since marshmallow is a medicinal plant, the drug has practically no contraindications, but still Mukaltin is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to allergies to its components;
  • if the child is still small (up to a year or up to three years);
  • if there is an ulcer disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, a doctor's consultation is required before use.

Important: the use of Mukaltin along with antitussive drugs (not cough medicines!), Especially those containing codeine, is prohibited, since, on the contrary, it causes difficulty in coughing.

How is it treated wet cough in a child at 2 years old, as well as by what means, this article will help to understand.

As for the side effects caused by the use of Mukaltin, then basically they all come down to allergic reactions, which do not necessarily have to occur:

No cases of overdose have been identified, Mukaltin can be used by people who work with dangerous mechanisms or drive a car.

The price of the drug

Mukaltin is one of the most famous and popular cough medicines. Attracts, apparently, among other things, its price. Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug mainly in a dosage of 50 mg in a blister of pills, and the price can be as low as 9 rubles, up to a maximum of 50 rubles.

From the article it will become clear whether the thyroid gland can cause a cough or not.

Reviews about the drug

Elena, Nizhny Novgorod: “I have two children: the eldest is in the third grade, the youngest is in kindergarten. As the off-season comes, so colds, snot, coughs and other delights begin. In order not to poison children's body Chemistry, I prefer to give Mukaltin as an expectorant. This was once suggested to me by our wonderful pediatrician, when Deniska and I were sick (senior): both effectively and gently.

What is the treatment of dry cough at home, it will become clear after reading the contents of this article.

Irinka, Moscow: “What I like about Mukaltin is what is called “cheap and cheerful”, and it doesn’t taste nasty like other medicines. Only now, to help, you have to wait a long time. Maybe some kind of cumulative effect works, but I probably drank for a week to feel the result. And then I really wanted to quit, but I had to drink it up. But then I felt: it became easier to breathe straight and cleared my throat well.

Olga, Murmansk: “Personally, Mukaltin helps me, I have known him for a long time and immediately remember when the cough starts. I heard that allergies can be from him, but I did not have this. Here is my niece - yes, she drank two pills and started to itch. Well, I had to give it up. In general, an allergy from anything happens. It is still unknown - maybe Mukaltin did not influence.

How cough is treated in early pregnancy and what medicines can be understood by reading the article.

Probably, many have known Mukaltin since childhood, and mostly there are positive reviews about its action: they believe that it helps to clear the throat and the cough itself becomes softer. Among the negative reviews about the drug, there are mainly opinions that it does not work at all, and there is no effect from it. But here it is worth remembering that Mukaltin does not eliminate the cough, but alleviates the symptoms. Yes, and the cough itself is a symptom of the disease, and you must first establish the root cause and treat the disease itself, and the symptoms themselves will go away after recovery. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to talk about the inefficiency of the drug itself in such cases.

Think mucoltin good medicine From cough. But it should only be taken initial stage, since it is difficult for them to cure an already started cough, therefore, his doctors Lately are not issued. At least that's how it is with us.

I give it to my child, he is 3 years old, mukltin is well tolerated, we had no side effects, but, in principle, this remedy is natural, so, in my opinion, it is safe.

If you carefully read the instructions, you should have noticed that Mukaltin does not cure cough at all, but only alleviates the symptoms. Therefore, as independent remedy you can’t call it from the treatment of cough.


Description current as of 07.10.2015

  • Latin name: Mucaltin
  • ATX code: R05CA05
  • Active ingredient: Althea officinalis herb extract (Extractum herbae Althaeae officinalis)
  • Producer: Usolye-Sibirsky KhPZ, HARMS, VIFITECH, Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Medisorb, AVVA-RUS, Uralbiopharm OJSC (Russia), Khimfarm (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Composition of Mukaltin

One 50 mg tablet contains marshmallow extract (10 mg).

Excipients: sodium bicarbonate - 14.5 mg, tartaric acid - 16.7 mg, calcium stearate - 0.5 mg.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of rounded gray tablets with a dividing strip in the middle. Mukaltin tablets are sealed in paper packs of 10, 20 or 30 pieces, or in plastic containers - 20, 30, 50 or 100 pieces in each jar.

pharmachologic effect

Tablet preparations Mukaltin Forte and Mukaltin Lekt are expectorants.

Marshmallow stimulates the secretion of the bronchial glands, which increases the production of mucus, increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium, and this, in turn, causes the rapid evacuation of liquefied sputum from the respiratory canals. The drug reduces the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane caused by tissue injury during coughing.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Expectorant drug of secretological action.

Pharmacokinetics has not been studied.

Indications for use

This remedy is cough tablets used to thin sputum in the treatment of the following diseases:

It is important not only to know how to take Mukaltin correctly for adults and children, but also the fact that the remedy is prescribed only to alleviate the patient's condition. Taking this drug is not enough to cure serious infectious diseases, however, it increases the efficiency of the treatment process and speeds up the healing process.

How to take Mukaltin in tablets for children is determined by the manufacturer, however, most experts believe that up to two years the medicine should be prescribed with great care, and children under one year old are not prescribed the drug.

Before choosing the method of application and dosage of the drug, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. Most people know what the pills are used for and take them on their own without fear of complications. Such decisions can lead to the transition of the disease to chronic form because serious respiratory tract infections cannot be cured without antibiotics. How to drink Mukaltin with a dry cough, whether it is possible for a nursing mother to take, and in other cases, a specialist should determine.

Contraindications for use

Mukaltin tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The dosage of Mukaltin for children and adults is determined by the attending physician. Tablets are taken half an hour before meals (one dose in adults is 2 tablets). In a day, you can repeat the reception 4 times. Tablets dissolve like lollipops, or take as a solution (dissolve the daily dose in 0.5 liters of boiled warm water). Tablets can be sucked or swallowed whole with plenty of liquid.

The instructions for the use of Mukaltin for children indicate that starting from the age of 12, you can prescribe adult dosage. For children from 3 years old, doctors prescribe 1 tablet 3 times a day (4 hours apart). How to drink Mukaltin for children and adults is described in detail in the annotation to the drug. Mukaltin during pregnancy is not contraindicated, but in the first trimester it is advisable to do without taking the medicine

It is allowed to take Mukaltin during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, however, it is not recommended to prescribe to the patient maximum dose. Is it possible to drink during pregnancy if available chronic diseases, the narrow specialist decides. So, for example, in the instructions for the use of Mukaltin during pregnancy, it is noted that the medicine should not be taken with diabetes mellitus, gastritis with hyperacidity, gastroduodenitis.

Not a single experienced doctor will answer the question of whether it is possible to take Mukaltin for pregnant women until they examine the woman and receive reliable data about her state of health. Similarly, Mukaltin is prescribed for children.

How to use pills during breastfeeding is an open question, and it is decided individually. There are no contraindications to taking the drug during lactation, if it does not cause allergies in the mother or child.

It is important for patients to know from which Mukaltin cough. The drug is taken with dry, barking cough until it softens. It is not recommended to take more than 14 days, during pregnancy - no more than one week. Mukaltin is prescribed for children and adults as part of complex therapy.


Interaction with other drugs

It is recommended to take simultaneously with Bromhexine - to reduce irritation of the bronchi and reduce the viscosity of sputum. The drug belongs to neutral drugs that do not affect the chemical processes caused by taking other drugs.

It contains substances for rapid dissolution, which, when interacting with water, release gas, thereby forming bubbles.

Hello. Please tell me the correct property of mukaltin, should it sizzle or not? And then buying mukaltin in different packages in one he hisses and not in the other. If he does not hiss what does it mean? Does this affect the property of mukaltin and what is the reason?

Among other ingredients, Mukaltin contains sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in its composition. If, for any reason, the drug has been exposed to dampness, its tablets cease to sizzle upon contact with the liquid.

Please tell me if it is possible to take mukaltin with bromhexine or with cough tablets. Thank you.

Mukaltin and bromhexine can be used together. But cough tablets are contraindicated when using expectorants.

Please tell me if it is possible to give a child of 5 years 2 tablets at a time of mukaltin

There is no need to increase the number of mukaltin tablets taken at the same time - This measure will not increase the effectiveness of the drug.

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Feedback: Tablets "Mukaltin" - Miracle Mukaltin-Well helped with a sore throat. Comparisons between different manufacturers. Photos, application recipes

Herbal preparation, effect, cost

Not found yet

When you are sick with diseases of the throat (nasopharynx), as a rule, a stupid sore throat begins to torment, like there is no cough, but sometimes it hurts so much that the cough occurs involuntarily and you can’t get rid of it for so long. From lozenges and special lozenges for sucking it only gets worse, from rinsing not in acute period- also only dry more. What to do? She decided to help clear her throat. There were vegetable drops of Gedelix (horsetail) in stock - it did not help. Sometimes it was difficult to fall asleep from these bouts of tickling, causing coughing.

As a rule, despite the manufacturer, it is sold in paper packaging, 10 pieces each. It turns out tablets without instructions. And they write 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. For children, it can be dissolved.

In the pharmacy, they sold such a Mukaltin, produced by Wifitech - Moscow Region.

Shelf life is short (embossed on reverse side) - 2 years

When dissolved, these tablets did not "hiss" and dissolved for a very long time. They had a mild sour taste.

But in the evening the state of health improved, in the morning it dissolved again.

Let's compare two drugs Mukaltin from different manufacturers.

Two tablets of 50 grams of Mukaltin itself, plus excipients. We see that the color is different, some are darker, others are lighter (with acid).

We dilute Vifitech tablets in water. Divorced badly, for a long time, not completely.

As a result, small pills remained at the bottom of the mug (they can be sucked).

We dilute Irbit tablets in water. Diluted quickly, "hiss" when dissolved, dissolve completely.

If you compare the pictures, the color is similar, but the saturation is different. With acid, a more saturated drink is obtained.

As for the taste, it is different, containing tartaric acid, of course, more sour.

If there is no allergy (it is still a herbal extract, a mixture of polysaccharides extracted from Althea root), then it makes sense to increase the dosage, from 1-2 tablets there may be a weak effect.

Pregnancy 1 trimester;

Diseases of the stomach during an exacerbation;

Take with caution in patients diabetes(due to the content of polysaccharides).

Children under the age of one year (in some instructions they write up to 12 years). Such drugs should be prescribed to children by a pediatrician.

General impression: Miracle Mukaltin-Well helped with a sore throat. Comparisons between different manufacturers. Photos, application recipes

Means for the treatment of colds and flu MUKALTIN ​​- review

The healing taste of herbs from childhood ++++++ photo of pills and a medicinal drink

Mukaltin is intended for acute diseases respiratory tract, such as bronchitis. It has an expectorant effect, thins sputum and promotes its release when coughing.

Mukaltin should be taken 2-3 times a day orally. I just can’t drink it like that, I’m just sick of its herbal smell and taste, I add it to water or tea (dissolving, the tablet hisses (seen in the photo)) and drink it after complete dissolution.

After 2-3 days, I completely forget about the cough.

The tool costs a penny, the last time I bought it for 40 rubles - a pack of 10 tablets.

Cured cough! And it's still for sale.

They asked me at home when I excitedly talked about miracle pills for 12 rubles. Our whole family was attacked by autumn-winter misfortunes in the form of colds, coughs, tonsillitis, parainfluenza. We are treated for a long time, having been in the hospital, buying up medicines.

How to stop waking up with a cough in 2 days of use

The main problem of my 3-year-old child is adenoiditis. In this regard, each common ARVI occurs with a huge amount of green snot and shortness of breath, after which the disease goes down and a cough begins. WITH strong cough We first met in May of this year.

Mukaltin for children. Carefully! Allergy is possible.

Usually, when a child coughs, I save myself with two drugs: synecodum - with dry, ace - with wet. But this time, my daughter (3.5 years old) began to cough quite a bit, both on the advice of a neighbor and on numerous positive feedback on the Internet, I decided to give the child mukaltin.

Proven and highly effective

Today I decided to devote my review to the wonderful pills "mukaltin". Throughout the winter, my son (he is 2.5 years old) and I suffered and fought in every possible way with a cough. The cough began stably every 2 weeks throughout the winter, picked up in the kindergarten. They tried to treat everything they could.

Academy of Entertaining Sciences. Chemistry. Questions


Nastya, with all my heart I wish you a speedy recovery. Mukaltin hisses in the mouth because it contains soda (sodium bicarbonate), which in solution begins to interact with tartaric acid (it is also part of these tablets) - this is a typical soda plus acid reaction, which releases carbon dioxide. I have repeatedly shown this experience in my programs.

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Mukaltin reviews

Latin name: Mucaltin. Producer: Usolye-Sibirsky KhPZ, HARMS, VIFITECH, Tatkhimpharmpreparaty, Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Medisorb, AVVARUS, Uralbiopharm OJSC (Russia), Khimfarm (Republic of Kazakhstan).

Doctors about the drug Mukaltin: can it be used during pregnancy, used for cough, for which cough, is it possible with HB?

Active ingredient: Althea officinalis herb extract

Mukaltin doctor's reviews

A drug familiar from childhood, which is comparable in effectiveness with other mucolytic agents based on medicinal herbs.

Mukaltin has an enveloping, softening, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect.

There have rarely been cases of children refusing to take the drug, but in general, kids like the specific sour taste.

Side effects of Mukaltin, I did not have to observe, for many years of pediatric practice. The drug is quite cheap, available in every pharmacy.

I would also like to note that many people do not use Mukaltin correctly. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that the instructions were not attached to it. There were cases when the tablets were dissolved in the oral cavity, receiving unpleasant consequences in the form of a change in taste sensitivity for a while (1-2 days). Also, there were patients with heartburn and abdominal discomfort from taking Mukaltin orally (without prior dissolution).

Only in last years, Mukaltin began to be produced in blisters with cardboard boxes where there is an annotation. Tablets must be dissolved in water. Water turns brownish, "hisses" and foams - this is a normal reaction.

Doctor's rating: 5/5

Mukaltin - expectorant drug of plant origin

Mukaltin can be called one of the most inexpensive drugs for the treatment of diseases accompanied by the presence of a cough with sputum difficult to separate. The action of the drug Mukaltin is due to the presence in the preparation of the plant component - Althea, as well as sodium bicarbonate. The components of the drug help to thin the sputum and facilitate its excretion.

During pregnancy, lactation, the use of the drug Mukaltin is not contraindicated, however, it is not recommended to use it in the first trimester.

In general, the drug is well tolerated, the development of any side effects, I did not note the phenomena of overdose.

Doctor's rating: 4/5

Mukaltin contains marshmallow extract.

The remedy is indicated for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, which are accompanied by significant sputum production (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma and etc.).

The drug improves sputum discharge, reduces the number of coughing attacks. This results in faster cleanup. bronchial tree from sputum containing infectious agents.

Mukaltin is well tolerated by patients, has a low cost and is acceptable for use in children from the age of one.

Doctor's rating: 4/5

Very often I use this drug in my practice, as it is not expensive in price (which is very important for the patient) and effective. The drug without any additives The drug can also be prescribed to small children after a year of life, but the inconvenience of the fact that Mukaltin is in tablet form and it is difficult for one-year-old children to take it - the tablet needs to be crushed.

I did not observe any allergy to this drug. Well tolerated by children.

Doctor's rating: 5/5

Reviews about the drug Mukaltin

Mukaltin forum

The temperature fluctuated, decreased to 37. On the 4th day, she began to feel sick - she stopped drinking Amoxiclav. Ditch at night.

I assume that she is pregnant, according to tests, a weak 2 strip, before a delay of 2 days. A week after PA (according to calculations - during ovulation), a runny nose, sore throat, slight swelling appeared, a little pulling on the lower abdomen, the chest was very tender.

Guaranteed doctor response within 60 minutes

"Mukaltin": reviews of doctors and patients

Dry cough and its symptoms always give us a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, you want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Frequent coughing is usually accompanied painful sensations, which can be eliminated with the help of various expectorants. For example, you can use Mukaltin for the treatment of cough, reviews of which are most often positive. Despite the fact that this remedy is inexpensive (the price of the medicine is about 20 rubles per pack), it is quite effective.

Indications for use

When should you take Mukaltin? The drug is designed to get rid of unpleasant symptoms caused by respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and some others. As a rule, these diseases are accompanied by a very unpleasant strong cough and occur most often in children. A young organism cannot always resist various seasonal viral diseases. In addition, children are constantly in kindergartens, schools, where, due to a large number people are being infected in droves.

Parents usually try not to expose their children to treatment medicines and more often resort to folk remedies However, in some cases, medical intervention is simply indispensable. As the risk of complications that no one needs increases.

If it is necessary to treat with medicines, preference should not be given to synthetic drugs, but to those medicines that contain predominantly plant components. This is especially important in cases where the medicine is to be taken little child. "Mukaltin" cough contains medicinal herb- marshmallow. The roots and seeds of this plant have medicinal properties.

natural cough remedy

Althea grows in many countries of Eurasia. His beneficial features people discovered in ancient times and began to use in folk medicine as an effective expectorant with mucolytic properties.

Althea-based infusions are used to treat inflammation in the respiratory tract, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Bladder and kidneys. Marshmallow contains a mucous substance that reduces pain when coughing, inflammation in genitourinary system and intestines. Medicinal plant well helps to alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea, stomach ulcers and dysentery. Warm infusion of marshmallow can be used to gargle and oral cavity with inflammation of the gums, tonsils, etc.

"Mukaltin" (cough pills) is advisable to take in case of SARS with cough or flu. For young children suffering from cough, "Mukaltin", the price of which is quite low, will significantly alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Since it contains a natural component, parents can give it to their children without fear. However, it should be taken, like any other medicine, only after the recommendation of a doctor and strictly according to the instructions.


Why is it recommended to take "Mukaltin"? Reviews of the drug indicate that it is excellent tool against cough. "Mukaltin" occupies a leading position among all drugs with expectorant action.

In addition, due to its main component, "Mukaltin" also has anti-inflammatory properties. After taking the drug, sputum becomes less thick. This allows the bronchi to begin to intensively get rid of it. Improves the expectorant effect of sodium bicarbonate, also contained in the tablets.

To whom "Mukaltin" is contraindicated

In what cases should you not take "Mukaltin"? The instructions for the drug contain a number of contraindications and restrictions on use. For example, it should not be used in the presence of an open ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. If a person has other diseases, it is necessary to take the drug under the strict guidance of a doctor, following the instructions for use. "Mukaltin", reviews of which are usually good, is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for babies under 1 year old.

There are few side effects of Mukaltin, and they rarely appear. In some cases, after taking the drug, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, or an allergic reaction may occur. People with diabetes should take Mukaltin with caution, as it contains sugar. The medicine should not be taken together with cough suppressants. This can lead to a buildup of phlegm and, in some cases, even pneumonia.

Is Mukaltin dangerous for health

Can this product harm the human body? According to clinical research, "Mukaltin" will not cause serious harm to health if taken in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and instructions. The only side effects drug is nausea, vomiting and allergic reactions. Even less often, people who took Mukaltin experienced a feeling of discomfort in the stomach.

In any case, it is important to remember that Mukaltin is medicine. Therefore, you need to take it, strictly following the instructions for use. And to get rid of the cough faster, while taking Mukaltin, you should consume more water, do inhalations, special compresses and rubbing, and also do not forget about healthy way life. Compliance with these simple rules will get rid of the cough quickly enough.

"Mukaltin" during pregnancy

It is important to note that the drug can be taken during pregnancy and lactation. However, it should be remembered that the medicine "Mukaltin" in this case can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding can harm both mother and child equally. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink the drug on your own without the advice of a doctor.

"Mukaltin" is relatively harmless and safe for the health of the fetus. It can be taken at any time, with the exception of the first trimester of pregnancy. Since it is at this time that the child begins to form all internal organs, and taking any medication can affect this process.

Treatment for children's cough

It is believed that "Mukaltin", reviews of which confirm this, cannot cause much harm to the child's body. The drug is contraindicated only in small children under 1 year old. For a child older than this age, for the treatment of cough, the doctor may prescribe this medicine, determining the dosage and course of administration individually.

Usually, children are prescribed to take these tablets three times a day during the day. Self-treatment is not recommended. Parents who want to know how to take Mukaltin correctly should ask their pediatrician.

Helpful information

The instructions for this drug contain complete information on how to properly take it for adults and children. It says that the tablets should be taken 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts an average of 7 days, until the person begins to cough well.

It is important to remember that in no case should you drink "Mukaltin" for coughing simultaneously with cough-suppressing drugs. These include products containing codeine. They will contribute to the accumulation and retention of sputum in the respiratory tract, which as a result will lead to dangerous consequences.

"Mukaltin", the instruction to which contains all the information about the drug, has been used to treat cough for a very long time. A drug long years compete with expensive drugs. Its main advantage is its low cost (about 20 rubles per pack). Despite the fact that the tablets are quite inexpensive, they effectively cope with their task - they quickly remove sputum from the bronchi.

Method of application of the drug and its analogues

Dry cough "Mukaltin" treats equally effectively in both adults and children. The main thing is to take into account the features of the use of the drug. So, adults and children over 12 years of age should drink "Mukaltin" 1-2 tablets 3 times a day before meals.

Children under 12 years old should drink 1 tablet 3 times a day. The medicine is recommended to be crushed and dissolved in warm water first, so that it is easier for the child to swallow it.

The duration of treatment with this drug depends on how soon the sputum begins to come out and the person can easily cough up. As a rule, the course is days. If necessary, the doctor can extend it. The admissibility of taking it together with other medicines is also recommended to discuss with your doctor.

Is it possible to replace the drug with another drug? "Mukaltin", the price of which is much lower than existing analogues, is sold in a pharmacy. There are also drugs with similar properties. They all belong to the same group pharmacological preparations and therefore have approximately the same effect. These funds can replace "Mukaltin":

special instructions

It is important to know that Althea plant mucus forms a film on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which has a clear therapeutic effect, and also helps to increase the duration of exposure to other medicines.

How to store "Mukaltin"? Tablets should be kept in a dry and cool place.

The medicine is not contraindicated for drivers and people working with complex devices and mechanisms.

"Mukaltin" should not be taken with drugs that contain codeine, due to the likelihood of sputum accumulation.

Before taking "Mukaltin", you should consult your doctor.

Situations Requiring a Specialist

If coughing fits cannot be overcome for a long time or if wheezing occurs in the lungs, you should immediately contact a specialist. A sharp rise in temperature, as well as pain in chest, aggravated by coughing, are good reason to visit a doctor. Along with this, the appearance of sputum of a yellow-green hue with bad smell. In the cases listed above, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist, otherwise dangerous complications may begin.

Properly taking the drug in accordance with all the doctor's prescriptions will help you quickly get rid of the cough. The natural components of the medicine will help eliminate sputum and start breathing deeply again.

Mukaltin is a drug based on marshmallow root. This remedy has the following effects: softens, envelops, has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Mucus of plant origin evenly covers the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract with a thin layer.

The action of the drug is quite long and effective. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which contributes to the most rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.

Let's figure out how well this drug helps, looking at the reviews of people who took Mukaltin.

Patient reviews about the drug Mukaltin

“Mukaltin is a herbal preparation, which, of course, is familiar to each of us since childhood. I use it regularly, as it has a good soothing effect on the throat and is excellent for expectorating phlegm. The tablets of this remedy must be dissolved (they are more effective than with resorption).

I didn’t notice any side effects from it, although I suffer from chronic gastritis (which, according to the instructions, is a contraindication).”

“I take mukaltin 2 tablets in ¼ of hot water, and also add a teaspoon of honey there. The result is a pleasant-tasting carbonated drink. Always effective at the onset of a cold. True, the effect is still short-lived, so you need to take it often. Side effects have never been observed. Even during pregnancy, it turned out to be one of the few medications that can be taken without harm to the child.

“I had to give Mukaltin to my 2-year-old daughter for coughing. She drank them willingly, she liked the way they hissed in the water as they dissolved. From a cough, he helped us at a time, although the effect is noticeable after a few days. This is a plant-based drug, so it is practically harmless, which is especially pleasing when it comes to children.

No side effects were observed in the child. I myself had to take it more than once, since I have a sick stomach, I always drink it carefully.

“I learned about these pills quite recently, no matter how strange it may sound, in my 22 years. We treated this drug with a cough in a child in a hospital. It proved to be very effective, harmless and inexpensive. Bought a few packs for home. These turned out to be dark little pills, sour in taste, and miraculously dissolve in the mouth, releasing bubbles at the same time.

Later, I had a terrible sore throat and a heart-rending cough, and there was practically no voice either. Three times a day, I took 2 tablets at a time, dissolving in my mouth. I felt a decrease in the intensity of the sore throat after the first dose, I got rid of the cough after about 3 days. I recommend! You won't find a better product for the money."

“A little earlier, when there was not yet such an abundance of cough medicines, I had to use mukaltin quite often. However, over time, I somehow moved away from this, switching to other popular cough remedies. I can’t say which is more effective, but modern syrups are definitely more palatable and more expensive.

I remembered him during pregnancy, which was very long-awaited for me. I fell ill with SARS, as a result of which a dry and exhausting cough appeared. It is from him, it seems to me, that I developed an increased tone of the uterus in the first months of pregnancy, since when coughing, it constantly contracted, then relaxed. I didn't even go to work for a few days because I didn't feel well.

As you know, during the course of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, taking any medication is dangerous for the baby. So, the task arose before me: get rid of the cough and use the safest drugs. Mukaltin turned out to be the ideal remedy for this.”

“I haven’t used Mukaltin for a very long time, but somehow I decided to save money and bought it. I had a dry cough, and sputum was somehow separated heavily and in small quantities. The forces were simply gone. The price was really very low. Outwardly, and in taste, these pills seem to be like those that were in childhood, but not quite.

These tablets do not dissolve at all and do not hiss, which I liked the most as a child. I also did not wait for the effect, as if I had eaten some kind of candy. And earlier, autumn helped with a cough quickly and effectively. In general, mukaltin is no longer the same as it was before.

“I especially like inhalations using mukaltin and saline. In this way, it is convenient and effective to use this drug, both in an adult and in a child. Such inhalations using Borjomi water are especially good. I always have it at home, just in case.

“I didn’t notice any effects from this drug. Dissolved according to the recipe, took by the hour. Only neither the cough nor the terrible irritation in the throat went away. ”

“I tried Mukaltin for the first time in my life, the doctor attributed it to laryngitis. After the first dose, I felt significant relief. The pain also subsided. After a few days, I almost forgot about the disease. The only drawback is the presence of several side effects: nausea, diarrhea. After stopping the treatment, everything got better.”

“Terrible bouts of dry cough usually haunt me for about 3-4 days. These attacks are so excruciating and painful that it is simply unbearable to endure. I used to take mukaltin according to the doctor's recommendations, but then I noticed that the course of the disease does not change from it. Regardless of the intake of mukaltin, sputum begins to depart on the 5-6th day.

You can get a positive effect only with proper use according to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Mukaltin is not a cough suppressant, it is just an expectorant herbal preparation. In some cases, a drug that suppresses the cough center is needed. It is for this reason that it is important not to prescribe mukaltin to yourself and your children on your own or at the parting word of a neighbor, but to contact a qualified specialist.

“I have known about mukaltin for many years and actively use it for myself and my children.

Its price is really cheap. You can take it for up to 2 weeks. Pleases the plant origin of the drug and its anti-inflammatory, expectorant action. True, as with the use of any medication, allergic reactions to the components of the drug are possible.

I prefer to dilute mucaltin tablets in water, it seems to me that its effectiveness is still higher. Although my friend thinks otherwise. The drug is good and affordable for everyone.”

“My baby and I were at the age of 1 year 3 months in the infectious department with laryngotracheitis. There we were assigned to do soda inhalations and mukaltin up to 4 tablets per day.

Mukaltin was recommended to us to dissolve one tablet in half a glass of warm water. My daughter drank the medicine quite willingly, which, to be honest, surprised me, because I don’t like this taste at all. The effect was pretty soon, only 4-5 days, and the baby felt better, the cough disappeared.

“In children, laryngotracheitis is quite common. This disease is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the larynx and trachea, often it is associated with SARS. The risk group is children under 5 years of age, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the children's larynx. Older children usually develop laryngitis, which is not so dangerous and scary.

I treat my children with 10-minute baths and inhalations combined with mukaltin. At night, it is important to dress the child well, then wrap up and put to bed.

Summing up

For the most part, reviews of a drug such as mukaltin are positive. This medication is familiar to people, for the most part, from early childhood. The majority of people who have ever taken mukaltin speak of it as an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, both in adults and in children. It is designed to relieve inflammation and facilitate the transition from dry cough to wet (productive). With proper use, this tool has a positive effect in the first day.

True, there are also negative reviews that claim that mukaltin is ineffective.

It is important to clearly understand that the disease as a whole needs to be treated, and not just a symptom such as a cough. That is why it is important to take treatment only on the advice of a doctor.

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How to drink Mukaltin when coughing

Mukaltin is an extract of marshmallow in the form of tablets. Outwardly, these are gray-brown round tablets with inclusions, separated longitudinally by a risk. Mukaltin contains aspartame, magnesium carbonate, calcium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid, polysaccharides, which are extracted from medicinal marshmallow.

Drug properties

Marshmallow has long been used in folk medicine as a cough remedy for whooping cough or pneumonia. The roots of this perennial plant are mainly used for medicinal purposes (washed, cut into pieces, dried and then infused), but the seeds and flowers of Althea are also useful.

Marshmallow affects the work of the bronchial glands, which increase the production of secretions, the ciliated epithelium of the bronchial membrane is activated and the sputum becomes more liquid, and in this state it is much easier to remove from the respiratory tract. As part of Mukaltin, there are also related substances that reduce the viscosity of sputum, which also facilitates its removal. As a result, a dry cough is replaced by a wet one, and this is evidence that sputum does not stagnate in the bronchi, but is excreted, which means that inflammation due to the multiplication of harmful microbes in stagnant sputum can be safely avoided.

What are the signs of asthmatic cough and how to identify it, you can find out by reading the article.

In addition to a pronounced expectorant effect, Mukaltin also has moderate anti-inflammatory properties: it forms a kind of protective film on the respiratory mucosa, as if enveloping it, so that it is not irritated and restores its damaged tissues.

Indications for use

Mukaltin is usually used in the treatment of:

  • bronchitis (chronic, acute, obstructive);
  • pharyngitis,
  • laryngitis,
  • emphysema,
  • pneumonia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • tracheitis,
  • tracheobronchitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi),
  • tuberculosis of the lungs with symptoms of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

It is important to understand that Mukaltin does not remove the cough, but eases it. Thanks to the use of Mukaltin, a dry cough can become wet (which is already easier), and a rough, wet cough can soften.

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How to apply

The Mukaltin tablet is sucked in the mouth until it dissolves completely. It can be crushed into powder and, after adding a little water, drink

According to the instructions, Mukaltin is usually taken an hour or half an hour before meals. For adults, the dosage at a time is mg or one or two tablets, the dose is repeated 3-4 times a day. Children over 12 years of age and adolescents are usually prescribed the same dosage as adults. And for children 3-12 years old, it is recommended to drink one tablet (or half) three times a day every 4 hours. Babies 1-3 years old are usually prescribed half a tablet.

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There are no special tricks in the use of Mukaltin: the tablet is simply absorbed in the mouth until it completely dissolves. You can also crush it into powder and add a little water to drink. And for children or those who cannot tolerate the taste of Mukaltin, you can dissolve the entire dose of the drug that is prescribed for a day in half a glass of warm water, juice or any other drink. Or it is possible to dissolve the tablet each time in water or a drink, but then 150 ml will be required.

The duration of the course of taking Mukaltin depends on how the disease progresses. Usually it is a week or two. But the doctor, guided by the severity of the disease, may extend the duration of treatment with the drug up to two months.

It is important to know that during the period of taking Mukaltin, in order to improve its effect, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids.

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It is worth noting that there is no consensus on the safety of prescribing Mukaltin to children: some manufacturers write in the instructions that it should not be taken by children under three and even up to 12 years old, others recommend it from a year. Therefore, before taking it, it is still better to consult with your doctor.

During pregnancy, Mukaltin should be used with caution. Marshmallow can cause allergies, which in the early stages can be very dangerous. Therefore, in the first trimester, it is better to refuse Mukaltin altogether. And although the instructions say nothing about the fact that the drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, it should still be treated with caution. There is an opinion that marshmallow can help increase the tone of the uterus, besides, it is also not recommended for newborns, which means that it should not be taken by a nursing mother. If, nevertheless, Mukaltin is prescribed during pregnancy (more likely after the first trimester), then it is better to take it in the form of a powder (crush in a spoon) or in a dissolved form. Instead of Mukaltin, it is better for pregnant women to use other cough recipes at home.

Important: nursing mothers and infants should not take Mukaltin.

Contraindications and side effects

Mukaltin has a number of contraindications - it is better to consult a doctor before use

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Since marshmallow is a medicinal plant, the drug has practically no contraindications, but still Mukaltin is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • if there is a tendency to allergies to its components;
  • if the child is still small (up to a year or up to three years);
  • if there is an ulcer disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, a doctor's consultation is required before use.

Important: the use of Mukaltin along with antitussive drugs (not cough medicines!), Especially those containing codeine, is prohibited, since, on the contrary, it causes difficulty in coughing.

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As for the side effects caused by the use of Mukaltin, then basically they all come down to allergic reactions, which do not necessarily have to occur:

No cases of overdose have been identified, Mukaltin can be used by people who work with dangerous mechanisms or drive a car.

The price of the drug

Mukaltin is one of the most famous and popular cough medicines. Attracts, apparently, among other things, its price. Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug mainly in a dosage of 50 mg in a blister of pills, and the price can be as low as 9 rubles, up to a maximum of 50 rubles.

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