The child of 4 years is poorly falling asleep and long. Why does the child fall asleep at night? Babes badly falls asleep at night - what to do

If the kid sleeps badly, you need to figure it out: why is it happening. As a rule, the sleep is not broken from scratch. Often, a restless dream of a child for 4 years, it appears because of the fear of dark or terrible dreams. Croche is scary and it will in every way will resist falling asleep. There are also more banal reasons for the reluctance to go to bed: the baby is not tired or just afraid to stay in the room one. However, there are impressionable children who, even if they are very tired, cannot fall asleep from the oversupply of emotions.

If the child refuses to sleep and capricious - do not scold him. You must create a calm emotional environment, hug, stroke. The proximity to the crumb is very important. The kid next to mom always feels calmly. Are you worried that a child in 4 years refuses to sleep during the day? We calm you. At this day, the day dream is no longer required. The baby will fall asleep if it gets tired. And when he is booder and full of energy - this procedure is not required. Therefore, if a four-year-old baby sleeps badly in the afternoon, think, maybe you should not force him to sleep forcibly. And in the case of a disturbed night's sleep, the daily bedtime is generally better neglected. Even if the crumb is falling asleep, try to entertain it in every way.

To keep the following rules without any problems:

no active games before bedtime;

walking outdoors during the day;

proper nutrition;

physical activity. The child per day should be tired, then he will sleep well at night;

come up with a waste ritual to sleep. For example, laying the favorite toy;

massage will relax and calm the baby;

loving and calm atmosphere at home.

It is very important before going to bed the attention of the crumbs in good moments that occurred in the day, once again recall them and then the baby is provided with good and pleasant dreams. As for the question - how much does a child sleep at 4 years? Here everything is individually, but on average - at least 10-12 hours a day.

A four-year-old kid creaks his teeth at night

Many mothers face the problem of scripting with teeth. Name to her - Bruxism. The main reasons why the kid does it - this is:

bite violation. If you have noticed that the child does not climb the teeth, there are gaps between the teeth or the jaw a little nominated - visit the children's dentist;

jewish muscular spasm. May occur during stress;

adenoids or polyps. Connection of the nose and the drying of the throat can cause bruxism;


sleep disturbance;

epilepsy attacks (if the grinding is frequent and strong should contact a specialist);

insufficient load on the guise (turn on the crumbs of solid products into the diet, it will help to relax the muscles of the jaws and guysna).

We figured out why a child creaks his teeth at 4 years old. To minimize this problem, follow the rules of waste to sleep above. Alternatively, it is possible to do warm compresses on jaws that will help relax jaw muscles. In case the problem does not go away, but it becomes more pronounced Visit the pediatrician and the neuropathologist.

In pharmacies, you can purchase special kapa from bruxism. They will prevent the kneading of the teeth and protect their teeth from damage to enamel during sleep.

Why the child snoring in the 4th years another problem of sleeping in children is snoring. Have you noticed that a four-year crumb snores at night? If this is not a constant phenomenon - then it is not worth worrying. In the case when snoring arises systematically - it is worth contacting the otolaryngologist.

Causes of snoring in kids:



allergy to anything;

asthma predisposition.

However, the most common cause of snoring is to dry out the nasopharynx. In order to avoid this phenomenon, make sure that the room is clean and venty. Well if there is an air humidifier. After all, snoring is not only annoying you, but also does not allow sleeping to the baby. As a result, he becomes irritable and capricious.

Why a four-year-old child sweats in a dream the causes of sweating in children during sleep can be diverse, the main of them:

high temperature in the room. Check and use the air humidifier;

baby warmly dressed. Do not Kunt the child, it must be comfortable. The most optimal clothing for sleep is panties and T-shirt, if cool - cotton pajamas;

an excited emotional state before bedtime. Avoid active games and negative impressions before placing;

colds. If the crumble fell ill, let him more liquid;

genetic predisposition. In this case, sweating is observed not only at night, but also day.

In all cases, sleep disorders for one reason or another, the most effective method of struggle is a comfortable home environment in every sense. If nothing helps, do not neglect the campaign to the doctor. Any problems are better to stop at the very beginning.

Restless children's sleep at night - the problem is quite common. Many moms and dads dream that the child himself falls out as follows and gave them, parents, sleep at least 8 hours. Not all moms and dads know why their child sleeps badly at night, often wakes up, shudders, restfully turning. With these questions, parents turn to an authoritative children's doctor and the author of books and articles on the health of the defensions Evgeny Komarovsky.

About the problem

The reasons for the dysfunction of the night children's sleep is quite a lot. This is the beginning of the disease when her symptoms do not yet notice the surrounding, and emotional shocks, an abundance of impressions.

The kid can sleep restlessly and often wake up and cry, if it is cold or hot, if it is overproed. Up to 4 months, the cause of night anxiety can walk in intestinal colic, up to 10 months and older, the child may not sleep badly due to the unpleasant sensations caused by teething.

A newborn and chest kid up to a year can sleep badly if he is hunger. With all children, without exception, children can be a symptom of a serious illness - Rahita, Encephalopathy, a diagnosis of a neurological nature.

Sleep shortage is dangerous for a children's body.Many bodies and systems are divided from constant lack of sleep, the child is lacking for many enzymes and hormones that are produced precisely during sleep. Therefore, to establish sleep - the task is paramount.

About child sleep standards

Between the concepts of "children's sleep" and "sleep of the whole family" Evgeny Komarovsky puts a bold sign of equality. If the kid sleeps well, then his parents get to sleep. The whole family as a result feels great. Otherwise, all the household suffer.

In pediatrics, it is customary to evaluate the quality of the child's daily sleep by certain averaged standards:

  • Usually newborn Sleep until 22 hours a day.
  • Child in age from 1 to 3 months - About 20 hours.
  • In age from 6 months It takes at least 14 hours of sleep, of which the night should have from 8 to 10 hours.
  • One's year The child to stay healthy should sleep at least 13 hours a day, of which about 9-10 hours are allotted overnight.
  • If the baby from 2 to 4 years - In a dream, the child should spend about 12 hours.
  • After 4 years - Not less than 10 hours.
  • In 6 years Choo should sleep at night 9 hours (or 8 hours, but then be sure to go to another hour in the afternoon).
  • After 11 years Night sleep should be at least 8-8.5 hours.

At the same time, Komarovsky reminds, it is necessary to take into account the hours that the child sleeps in the afternoon.There are no uniform standards, everything is pretty individually. In general, the child up to a year is enough 2-3 small "quiet clocks" during the day. Baby up to 3 years old - one or two. The situation when a child does not sleep during the day - not very normal because it is still too small to stand all day without rest. If Chado in 5 years old refused to sleep, it may well be an option of the norm, since sleep depends largely on the temperament of the smallest little man.

How to set a dream?

To establish sleep at night is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance . Evgeny Komarovsky for this case offers ten "gold rules of a healthy child sleep."

Rule first

It is desirable to do it right away as soon as you come from the kid from the maternity hospital. It is necessary to put priorities as quickly and irrevocably as possible. The child must intuitively understand that there is a time when everyone around is resting.

Komarovsky recommends immediately decide which period is suitable for sleeping to all households. It can be from 21 hours to 5 am or from midnight to 8 am. The child should be laid at the night's sleep at this time (the time frame does not shift anywhere).

All family members will need discipline and compliance with the established rule themselves.

It is clear that the first time the crumb can wake up at night to eat. But by 6 months most of the kids do not need night feeding, and Mom will be able to get his 8 hours of sleep, without waking up on the soul of his son or daughter.

Often parents complain that the baby sleeps only in his arms. As soon as it is shifted in the crib, he immediately wakes up and begins to express discontent. This case is the lack of discipline from the parents themselves. It is enough to remember that the tech in the arms does not affect the health and fortress of sleep, it is only a whim of the parents themselves. Therefore, the choice for them is to download or not swing. Komarovsky's opinion - the child must sleep in his crib and go to her at the same time.

Rule second

This rule follows from the previous one. If the family decided how much the night sleep should begin, then it is time to think over the day for the youngest household. What time he will swim, walk, sleep during the day. Very quickly, the newborn will get used to this schedule that parents offered him, and there will be no problems with a dream afternoon or night.

Rule third

We need to decide in advance where the child will sleep. Komarovsky believes that for the baby up to 3 years old, the best option is the own crib, and until the year it may well be in the parents' bedroom, because so mom will be more convenient to feed the crumb and dress up, if unexpected.

After a year, Yevgeny Olegovich says, for the child it is best to take a separate room and rearrange his bed there (if, of course, such an opportunity exists). Joint sleep with parents, who are now trying to practice many moms and even dads are not the best option. Evgeny Komarovsky believes that such a holiday does not have anything to do with a strong sleep, and health either with a mother with dad, nor the child adds. And therefore it simply makes no sense.

Rule fourth

They will not need to use if the roghi day is well thought out by his parents. But if at night the Karapuz turns a lot, sleeps with "urabs" for 30 minutes or at the hour, and at the same time the doctors did not find any physical diseases or neurological diagnoses, most likely, he is simply excessively falling for the day. Evgeny Komarovsky recommends not to be shy and decisively wakeful to the baby in the afternoon so that the hour-two "left" in favor of a night rest.

Rule fifth

Sleep and food are the main needs of the kid in the first year of life. Therefore, parents need to find the right balance between them. For this, Komarovsky advises to optimize the power mode. From birth to 3 months, the baby biologically may need feeding at night 1-2 times. From 3 months to six months - it is enough to feed at night once. After half a year - it is not necessary to feed at night at all, says the doctor.

With the implementation of this rule in practice, the most problems arise in families who try to feed the child on demand. If there is a clear mode or frequently recommended mixed mode (on demand, but after certain intervals - at least 3 hours), then the baby gets used to eating just like that. But if at each touch it immediately gives the chest, then you should not be surprised that the crumble wakes up every 30-40 minutes and crying. He can do it already because it just chronically overeating, his tummy hurts.

Best of all, in the penultimate feeding, to offer a baby with a light snack, and in the last before the departure to the night sleep - satisfying it and tightly feed it.

Sixth rule

To sleep hard at night, you need to get ready to get ready for the day. Therefore, the child needs more and more often walking in the fresh air, to engage in developing games, appropriate age, practicing gymnastics, make a massage and harden the crumb. However, in the evening, a few hours before the deposit to sleep, it is better to limit active games, strong emotions. It is better to read the book, listen to the songs, see (not long) your favorite cartoon. Komarovsky reminds that the best sleeping pill than the mummage is a lullaby, in nature does not exist.

Seventh rule

It regulates the microclimate in the room in which the child is sleeping. The baby should not be hot or cold, it should not breathe too dry or too wet air. Komarovsky recommends adheres to the following microclimate parameters: air temperature - from 18 to 20 degrees, air humidity - from 50 to 70%.

The bedroom should be keen, follow the purity of the air. On the heating battery in the apartment is better to put special valves, which will prevent the air drying in the winter.

Eighth rule

So that the sleep of the crumbs become stronger, do not forget about the massage before the evening bathing. Komarovsky's swimming itself advises to carry out in a large adult bath, filled with cool water (not higher than 32 degrees). After such a procedure, a good appetite and a healthy sleep is guaranteed.

Rule ninth

Parents who want to fall at night should take care that the child sleeps with comfort. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the mattress. It should not be too soft and pushed under the weight of the baby. It is better if it is filled with environmentally friendly materials with a note "hypoallergenically".

Bed linen should be sewn from natural fabrics.Do not buy bright sheets and duvets with cartoon characters. For the baby much more useful if there are no textile dyes in the underwear, it will be a conventional white. Wastered underwear need a special baby powder and carefully rinse. The cushion is not required at least 2 years old, says Evgeny Komarovsky. After that age, the pillow must be small (no more than 40x60).

Rule tenth

This is the most delicate rule that Evgeny Komarovsky himself calls the most important from all over dozens. Calm sleep can only be a baby, which is dry and comfortable. And therefore it is very picky about choosing a disposable diaper. It is better to give preference to expensive diapers with the "smart" absorbent layer, proven generations and secure.

If the Parents are faced with the task of establishing a child's sleep, which has long grown from diapers, then mother and dad will have to work hard. First, you will need to increase the physical exertion and significantly reduce the influx of new impressions (temporarily not buy new toys, books and not show new films). Sometimes it is worth abandoning day sleep in favor of the night.

With the advent of the baby's family, parents arise many questions and situations with which they do not know how to cope. The first months are tranquil. Most of the time of the crumb is sleeping and eats. Many psychologists call this period "Golden Time" for young moms and dads. Time is coming, and children need to know the world around, develop. There is no more than 5-6 hours a day on daytime sleep. And at an older age, children are missing 2-hour holidays.

For many parents, the question is that the child is badly falling asleep overnight, it is so acute that leads to huge family scandals. How to do the right thing in a similar situation, learn in the article.

A few words about dream kids

It is worth noting that the newborn is able to sleep almost a day. This is naturally due to the physiological needs of the body. The process of childbirth for kids is a rather difficult job, after which he is required to rest. Also, the brain must recycle and cope with the information that enters it with huge flows. As a rule, at this time, the parents do not have problems with kid making. It is enough to give him a bottle with a mixture or breast, and it will instantly sleep.

You should not be afraid if you see that in a dream the child shudders, waves with his hands and legs. It is considered active (and not passive, as is customary in adults). There is no need to immediately contact the doctor and do ultrasound Sprinkle, it is enough to wait a bit, and everything will come to normal.

If, in such an early age, the child is badly falling asleep overnight, it means that parents do something wrong. Perhaps the baby is undernumbers, he lacks breast milk. If it turns out that the reason is not in food, try changing the diapers. There is a chance that the crumb is feeling discomfort. Remember: the child coming 1 week is needed fresh air. Daytime walks are required, they not only contribute to the strengthening of immunity, stimulation of appetite, but also improve sleep.

Why did Kroch stop sleeping?

Many parents are incomprehensible why bad falls asleep overnight. At the same time, there is no complaints on the daily dream. Leading pediatricians suggest that during this period the baby must fall asleep quite well, since most of the time he spends in this state. Below are situations that may affect this process:

    Perhaps one of the most popular reasons at this age - the child confused the night and day. Such situations are rapidly and nearby. So that this does not happen, try to develop a certain mode from the first days of life. It is also important to make a difference between the day of the day. Let the day passes actively, during feeding let him listen to calm music, affectionately talking to the child. At night, you should not include the light, tell the fairy tales and so on. From the diaper, the baby must understand that at night it costs himself quietly and calmly, sleep.

    Another error is not to swading a crumb when falling asleep. During the day, the child gets a lot of information, the nervous system can not cope with it in full, so the baby can be chaotic to move with handles and legs, thereby waking herself.

    If the child (3 months) is badly falling asleep overnight, perhaps the reason in the colic that can torment the kids during this period. Massages and warm diaper will help to cope with the problem.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the child is badly falling asleep for a long time. At the same time, its condition is restless, accompanied by crying and hysterics. In this case, there may be neurological health problems, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician.

How to help your child cope with the problem?

Many parents get tired for the day that nights are waiting for their salvation. But there are situations when the kid shouts and does not fall asleep. What to do in this situation? How to cope with the problem? A pediatrician may answer these questions or first of all need to take into account the age features of the crumbs.

    Why does the child fall asleep at night? 4 months - time when a number of physiological changes occur in the body of small crumbs. Colics retreat, their place occupy problems with teeth. The gums swell, itching, the mouth cavity is preparing to meet the first guests. Of course, it gives the trouble to the baby, he becomes irritable, crying. In this case, special ointments for gums and rodents can help. They will reassure the child for a while.

    Child (5 months) is badly falling asleep for the night? The reasons may be a lot, ranging from the wet diaper and ending with the lullaby that he does not like. But it is worth considering the fact that this time segment is accompanied by the active physical capabilities of the baby. He learns to crawl, roll over, sit. The nerve endings simply do not cope with the accumulated information, so the evening overexcited child and does not think about a dream. To help in this situation, in the evening it is enough to make it a light massage and swim in a warm bath with the addition of soothing herbs (mint, chamomile, Melissa and others).

    "The child is 1 year old, badly falls asleep overnight, how to be and what to do?" - The main question of parents. Perhaps they incorrectly determine its mode. At this age, children are able to hear and understand the words of adults. They already consciously make certain actions. If the child is badly falling asleep on the night, try to pull the baby during the day, play active games, watch books, send songs, attend the playgrounds, in order to leave him in the evening, he has no strength on screams and crying. Do not forget about evening water treatments to remove nervous tension from the baby. In this case, healthy dream and child and parents will be provided.

    If you listen to the tips outlined above, you can forever forget about the question: "Why does a child fall asleep at night?"

    Child 1.5 years old, and he falls asleep badly? We are looking for ways to solve the problem

    After the kid appears in the family, the life of the parents changes radically. Initially, he sleeps almost all day, then the regime seems to be normal, and after the problems begin again. Often, moms at the reception at the pediatrician ask the question: "Why does a child (1.5 years) poorly falls asleep overnight?" The main reason is that the baby can disturb their teeth. Cushioning swelling gums make themselves felt.

    It is also worth noting the features of the development of children during this period. They begin to understand that the world is so interesting and entertaining that there is no time to sleep. Of course, it is incorrect. After all, the non-invisible kid behaves simply disgusting: nervous, caprizes, does not listen.

    If the child (1, 5 g) is badly falling asleep overnight, the most important thing is to explain to him that the dream is obligatory. Try not to be kept on the tricks and the cry, to which the baby is used to resort. With caress and love calm the crumb, spoil the song, make a relaxing massage, and a similar problem will disappear once and for all.

    Children 2-3 years old. A few words about them

    Many mothers often arise a question: "What if the child (2 years) is badly falling asleep for the night?" Doctors assure that if before that time there were no problems with a dream, then the trouble should not be alarm. The main explanation of this problem is the age characteristics of the baby, or, as psychologists, the crisis of 2-3 years speak differently.

    During this period, children become independent, clearly realize that they can manipulate the situation and parents. The main thing is to prevent the growth of the problem and put the child in time, pointing out who in the chief family.

    Many parents, facing the fact that the child (2 years) poorly falls asleep overnight, make a huge mistake, scolding the baby and in every way his humiliating. You don't need to do this, thereby inspirely your child insecurity and provoke it to even big hysterics.

    The main reasons due to which the dream may be broken

    Often you can hear the question from parents: "Why does a child fall asleep at night?" 3 years - this is the period when you cope with children are much more complicated than at an earlier age. It would seem that the crocha argue, there is already much knows how to do it yourself, but there are no less problems. In this case, you need to find out the reasons because of which the kid at night:

    Active evening games.

    View cartoons.

    Late day dream.

    Children's psychology and physiology. Many guys after overwork there are an additional surge of emotions. And instead of relaxing and sleeping, they, on the contrary, want to have fun, run, jump.

    A child has a lot of energy that he does not spend during the day, so there are problems with falling asleep.

    Day sleep lasts too long. If the baby fell asleep and could not wake up, it is necessary to wake up.

    Evening quarrel, clarification of relationships. After scandals, children come to themselves very hard.

    If the child falls asleep badly and during the day, and at night, it suits constant scandals, does not respond to parents, it is better to turn to the children's neuropathologist.

    Time to sleep

    Before scolding children, you need to figure out, and parents behave correctly. After all, in many cases, when the child falls asleep on the night, Mom and Dad are to blame. They need to learn the basic rules for the death of the baby to sleep:

      Do not arrange active games for the night. It only makes sure the child is to sleep very difficult.

      Often there are situations when dad brings a new book or toy in the evening. Of course, Kroch will react to this by the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions, to calm which it is not easy.

      Develop the training rules to sleep. To begin with, you can read a light fairy tale, then swim in warm water with fragrant foam or herbs.

      If the child is a schoolboy, should not find out the cause of bad estimates, other negative situations in the evening.

      Do not allow children to watch cartoons after they lay down on the bed.

      If the child has become bad to fall asleep overnight, you can try a folk soothing agent: a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of honey. This option is suitable only for those children who can control their urination well.

    Taking advantage of the above councils, one can exclude the problem from your life that the child is badly falling asleep overnight.

    Never repeat other people's mistakes

    There are incorrect actions and actions that parents make, laying children. If your child has become bad to fall asleep overnight, read carefully, do you do the following errors:

    Stay sleeping quite late. The optimal time for the child's mention is to nine ten o'clock in the evening. Remember: if the kid is overwhelmed, it will fall asleep worse. Many doctors advise even to have a dream diary.

    Remember: Dream in motion is not the norm. Accustomed from childhood to such a method, the child will search and require it in the future.

    Sleep with light and music is invalid.

    There is no single ritual before moving to sleep.

Try to fix these errors, and the child will fall asleep without problems.

What if the child falls asleep at night? Komarovsky offers the following:

    The most important thing is to put priorities in life correctly. Of course, a healthy baby is very important, but also wicked, happy parents - the key to success and the right development of crumbs.

    The mode that would suit all family members. You do not need to fully adapt to a small carappusion, show who is the main in the family.

    Children should sleep in a manneva.

    There is no daytime sleep.

    After the child turned 6 months, he does not need night feedings.

    Active day is a pledge of not only health, but also a good sleep.

    The optimal temperature regime in the room, where the child is sleeping - 16 -19 degrees.

    Properly equipped sleeping place. There should be no soft beds and feather pillows. Orthopedic mattress is obligatory.

    Using proven diapers to night the baby is not wet.

If you adhere to these rules, you can forever forget about the problem of the baby's night dummy.

Briefly about the main thing

If your baby has become bad to fall asleep overnight, you do not need to immediately run to the doctor. It is important to find out the reason for what happened. Perhaps it is disturbed by colic and cutting teeth. In this case, tummy massage and a special gel for gums will help. If the child grew up, and there can be no such problems, it is worth thinking and analyze the routine of the day. Perhaps he needs to adjust. Pediatricians recommend making a schedule and find out where you made a mistake. In most cases, all over the daytime sleep. The baby lately falls, sleeps for a long time and, of course, does not want to fit to sleep in the evening.

Create comfortable conditions for the child. The first item is a temperature regime. The room should not be stuffy and too hot. Many pediatricians assure that the maximum allowable mark is 22 degrees. Do not forget to ventilate the room, enough for 5 minutes.

"Why does a child fall asleep bad at night?" - Perhaps this is a question that every parent worried about every parent. In fact, the reasons may be set, starting from age-related changes occurring in the body, and ending with nerve disorders.

The reasons for which the child sleeps badly can be found quite a lot. It is necessary to pay attention to the following circumstances: Is your child, whether it happens in the fresh air enough, does not overreach during games, does not feel darkness, whether he is comfortable bed, etc. If he visits a kindergarten, then it is important To find out how he had a relationship with peers, with a teacher. All these circumstances are very important.

It happens that the child firmly highlights in the afternoon and, accordingly, sleeps worse at night. The average duration of the baby's sleep is 3-4 years old - 10-11 hours. Many children at this age do without a daily sleep. If the child has slept during the day, the interval between day and night sleep should be at least 3-3.5 hours.

Speaking of recommendations, first of all I will point out the need to adhere to the regime of the day. Stop the child at night follows certain hours. For some time you need to stay next to him, cross and bless it for the coming dream. Speak quietly, gentle, calmly. Spread the baby lullaby or tell you anything interesting and useful. He may not want to part with you, experiencing a subconscious fear of losing parents, stay alone. Hug it, Kiss, make it a cozy "nest", let him take a favorite toy with him in the crib.

If there were some inconsiderators during the day if you punished the child, then it is necessary to explain why he was punished, forgive everyone. In short, by the evening, the situation should be permitted. Orthodox parents teach their children with prayer, cross-sign, and the baby will not sleep, until it turns on. He knows that he is protected that he is not alone: \u200b\u200bthe Lord, the Most Holy Mother of God, the Guardian Angel; Sleeps of Saints prays for him, for Mom, Pope and for all Orthodox Christians.

The child visits worship, the Saints of Christ Tain comes. His parents are wedding spouses; His house is consecrated in the name of the Blessed Trinity; In his room - icons, crucifix, lamp. With the infant of God and parent blessing, on his chest, he has a native cross, with whom he never breaks out. Here is the inner and external world of the child from the Orthodox family.

You ask what to do if the child comes to parents at night. First of all, you need to be calm. You can offer a pot to him, and then decide: or he stays with you until the morning, or you transfer it to your place. And in the future, enter in any other way.

Often parents face a violation of night sleep in children aged 4 years. In most cases, this is expressed in crying.

At the same time, a medical examination does not reveal any somatic violations. What disturbing the child in the period 3-5 years? Let's try to figure out.

A four-year-old sleep disorder

The first age crisis

In 4 years, children comes the first crisis of age for which the following changes in behavior are characterized:

  • whims;
  • protests;
  • increased syradiability;
  • stubbornness;
  • irritation.

The baby can respond to comments or a psychological situation with increased conversion, nervous disruptions or disobedience. Interestingly, the internal protest or non-compliance requests are not expressed in verbal form. Children at such age are unable to clearly define their internal state with the words and show it in this way.

Internal discomfort and tension lead to the development of disappointment, anxiety or despair. High sensitivity and feeling of deprivation (attention, toys and other) cause sleep disorders.

"I myself"

The activity of children aged 4 years is growing rapidly. In addition, they appear awareness of themselves as individuals, and often such self-esteem is overestimated. Children in 3-5 years are very responsive, love to make "adults" of affairs, copy the behavior of adults, thereby internally picking themselves to them.

During this period, the adequate attitude of the parents to his child is very important, since the careless replica, like "you have a hole throat," can hard and deeply hurt him. Phrases, like: "I am better (myself) will do," the lack of emotional contact with the baby can lead to a breakdown of sleep, autism and alienation.

Features of thinking

Children 4 years old is formed visual-shaped thinking. That is, they consider the situation "as if," without associating it with a specific subject. Recreation of various images, the baby relies on his knowledge, practical experience, fairy tales, cartoons and so on. Children at this age love to fantasize, mixing reality and fiction.

It is important to ensure that your baby is watching at 4 years on TV or on a computer, since "cartoon" heroes can be associated with some situation and transferred to reality. Fantastic episodes, invented stories and characters are emotionally important and real for children of this age period.

Such perception strongly affects sleep, causing its disorders. Emotionally experienced fairy tales or cartoons can lead to night fears, waters and overexcitation of the nervous system. This is expressed in a breakdown of sleep, crying, anxiety, hair taking and other reactions.

Common parent errors

Trying to establish a child's sleep for 4 years, parents most often seek the physical cause of his violations. Conducting all sorts of surveys, they forget about the main - psychic equilibrium of children (and their own). At the same time commit the same mistakes:

  • The desire to "develop" intelligence. Now almost with diapers of children are beginning to teach languages, music, reading, drawing, and so on. All this is necessary and good, but to a greater extent they need physical development. It is she determines the development of mental. Often write: "My child is completely loaded (mugs, classes, teachers ...), tired by the evening, but not sleeping ...". And he just needed to "rush" during the day, then, the charter physically, he would quickly and firmly fell asleep.

Well-played in the day children usually possess strong sleep

  • Sleep disorders in children in 4 years arise in the absence of sufficient emotional contact with their parents. You can meet such tips as: "Do not lie to bed with you, do not react to crying, calm downself" and so on. On the contrary, do not be afraid that, having assisted and support to the child, you will "break it up." Put it to sleep next to you. It will not last until old age, but the psyche will remain in order.
  • Attitude towards a child, like a "child." Increasing its own significance in children in 4 years requires an adequate attitude towards them of parents. The desire for independence often faces: "It's still you can not", "You can cut down", "still small."

What can be done?

It is possible to fight with a breakdown in children for 4 years, without resorting to medicines (in the absence of diseases). This needs to be done based on the features of the mental development of the child at this age.

  • Engage children in households, let them assign them, consult them and ask the council. This gives a feeling of self-esteem and significance.
  • Watch out for the physical activity of the child during the day. Let him more walk, runs, riding a bike or rollers. An ideal option will be if you make a company to him.
  • In case of fears, try the game form of getting rid. You can buy a white umbrella, together to paint it together and use for the night as "protection" from terrible characters, placing in an open form next to the bed.
  • If sleep disorder arises due to the fear of darkness, then come up with the games in which it is necessary. For example, "House" from the blanket.

For the gradual teaching of the child to the dark, games are well fit in the house built from several chairs covered on top of the blanket

  • Create situations where the baby can overcome something or somehow show itself, and encourage it anyway. It will give him confidence in his abilities, the conviction that he is able to cope with the difficulties independently, and inner peace.
  • Choose fairy tales with good characters and pictures. Do not allow the TV or a computer before going to bed.

Most often sleep disorders in children in 4 years are associated with psychological development. If the baby's physical pain can say and show the place where it hurts, then it is unable to explain the inner tension, despair or resentment with the words. Carefully watch the child, carefully analyze its actions and reactions in situations, and you will definitely find the cause of sleep disorders.