Small black terrier breed. Black Russian Terrier (photo): intelligence, determination and charm. Easy to care for

The Black Russian Terrier (English: Russian Black Terrier) or Stalin's dog (also RCT, Chernysh) is a breed obtained at the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel in the late 40s and early 50s for service and military purposes. Despite the name, it is to a small extent a terrier, since more than 17 breeds were involved in crossing.

  • RCTs are born for service and they need a job, without it they are unhappy. If this is not a service dog, but a companion, then you can load it with training and sports disciplines such as agility.
  • The minimum load is 30 minutes a day. They do best in a fenced yard, but with sufficient exercise, Russian Terriers can live in an apartment.
  • They bark and shed a little, but they are dogs and cannot do without fur and noise.
  • They love family, being around people and communication. This is not a dog that needs to be kept on a chain.
  • A little stubborn, but smart and they need a firm owner who does not allow them to break the rules.
  • By nature they are distrustful of strangers; during socialization they will be patient, but not hospitable. They will protect their own until their last breath.
  • They love children and forgive them even rude behavior. But you still shouldn’t leave a large dog alone with a child.

History of the breed

The beginning of the century was tragic for Russia - World War I, revolution, World War II...

When people died, no one remembered the dogs and many breeds simply disappeared. The first structure that took care of service dog breeding was the army.

In 1924, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council number 1089, the Red Star kennel was created for the training of sports and military dogs. The nursery had laboratories, training grounds, and a base, but at first there were no specialists.

Gradually, things got better, and the dogs were trained for guard duty, reconnaissance, sanitary and communications needs. Then sabotage missions and tank demolition training were added.

These four-legged fighters came in handy during World War II, helping to defend the country from the Nazis. At the end of the war, a battalion of dogs walked along Red Square, along with the soldiers.

The USSR military learned the lessons of World War II, and in 1949, the nursery (as part of the Directorate of Engineering Troops of the Soviet Army) received a state order for a breed of dog bred specifically for the needs of the army.

In addition to ferocity, she had to have strength, endurance, large and long paws, be able to perform guard duty and be manageable.

The main reason for the order was that guard dogs, common in the army, were not adapted to work in low temperatures. at temperatures below 20 degrees they could work for no more than 6 hours.

Accordingly, the main requirement was frost resistance and the presence of long wool. The name Stalin's dog is rather a folk one, since the leader himself had nothing to do with the appearance of the breed; work on it began at the end of his reign.

Lieutenant Colonel Nikolai Fedorovich Kalinin, head of the nursery, was involved in the project, since the work was extremely important and in those days they did not treat it negligently.

As a result, a new breed was born - the Black Russian Terrier or RCT. As already mentioned, different breeds were used when crossing.

The purpose of the first interbreedings was to obtain a service dog, large and strong, aggressive, but manageable. Accordingly, the exterior was not important, and the choice of breeds was significantly reduced.

The scientists chose (for its size, courage and intelligence), (for its self-confidence, fearlessness and size) and (a good watchdog, aggressive and large). They became the basis for breeding, but other breeds were added, including.

The first generations had some disadvantages: short hair, imperfect teeth, spots, testicles that did not descend into the scrotum. But the work continued and the appearance of a new breed gradually took shape.

In 1957, the first black terriers were shown at the All-Union Exhibition of Working and Hunting Dogs in Moscow, but work on establishing the breed continued until the 80s.

In 1957, the breed ceased to be the property of the state, and puppies began to be sold to private individuals, in particular, the military. In 1958, the first Breed Standard “Black Russian Terrier” was published in the “Manuals for the Training and Use of Military Dogs.”

Breeders improve and complement their dogs according to this standard and eventually two types are obtained: long-haired and short-haired black terriers.

From 1957 to 1979, the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery continued to develop the breed. In 1981, by order No. 19 of the Main Directorate for Nature Conservation, on the recommendation of the canine council, the Breed Standard “Russian Black Terrier” (RBT) was approved. By that time, more than 800 litters had left the nursery, and the number of puppies that met the standard exceeded 4,000.

In 1983, the Black Russian Terrier (at that time simply - Black Terrier) was registered by the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale). In 1992, the breed was officially renamed the Black Russian Terrier.

They were well received in the country of the potential enemy - the United States. The first Black Russian Terrier Club of America (BRTCA) was created in 1993, and in 2004 the breed was fully recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Although these dogs have been successfully bred since their introduction, they are quite rare breed, even on Russian territory.

In America, they are in 135th place in the number of registered dogs, out of 167 possible breeds.

Description of the breed

Developed for working purposes, the Black Russian Terrier is a large, athletic, powerful and reliable dog.

Males are larger and more muscular than females and at the withers reach 72-76 cm and a weight of 50-60 kg, females 68-72 cm and a weight of 45-50 kg. The bones are large, and the build of the dogs is strong.

The head is proportional to the body and approximately equal in length to the neck. The skull is wide and rounded, the stop is moderate. The medium-sized ears are triangular in shape, set high on the head and hang down freely.

The eyes are oval shaped and always dark in color. There is a beard on the muzzle, giving the dog a square expression. The lips are tightly closed, thick, black. The teeth are large, white, scissor bite.

The body should give the impression of strength and power. The muscular and thick neck goes into a wide chest, oval in shape with a strong and toned belly. The tail may or may not be docked.

Not docked, it is saber- or crescent-shaped. The paw pads are large, with black claws, and the toes must be removed.

The only color allowed is black, but a small amount of gray is allowed. Double wool provides protection from the weather. The undercoat is soft and dense, the guard hair is long, coarse and hard. The coat should not be curly or curly, but may be wavy.

The muzzle has a beard, mustache and eyebrows cascading over the eyes. For exhibitions, black terriers undergo grooming, after which the dog looks strong, powerful and self-confident.


The Black Russian Terrier is a working breed, with a developed instinct to guard and defend its pack or territory. Majority guard dogs aggressively attacks uninvited guests, but not the black terrier. Their tactics are more guerrilla and based on defense rather than attack.

Instead of flying out at the intruder, the black terrier will let him get closer and then attack. They are fiercely protective of family and property, but usually the size and appearance of this dog is enough to cool hot heads. The dog becomes agitated if it believes that the threat is real, but quickly calms down as soon as it disappears.

Since the breed's inception, they have formed close relationships with their owners, to whom they are endlessly loyal. Black terriers are attached to people and should not be left alone in an apartment or enclosure. If a dog is left alone for a long time, it can become so territorial that it will even defend itself from its owner.

The rest of the time, these dogs perfectly guard the territory, always warn the owner about unusual activity, and bark only if there is a need. Although Black Russian Terriers are not known to bark uncontrollably, it is best to teach the dog a command quietly.

They are easy to train, but difficult to retrain. Any unwanted behavior should be stopped immediately so that it does not become a habit in the future.

Despite its size and menacing appearance, this breed is the easiest to train among all terriers. Intelligent and reliable, the black terrier strives to please its owner and is distinguished by its calm character and behavior. Puppies show intelligence at a young age, quickly learn, adapt and understand.

But they need a powerful hand and a firm master who will outline the boundaries of what is permitted. Otherwise, they will get used to crossing them, and this will become a behavior that is difficult to get rid of.

For example, if you don't want adult dog slept in the same bed with you, do not let the puppy do this.

When training black terriers, firmness, fairness and consistency are necessary. You cannot treat them roughly during training; they already try with all their hearts to please a person and learn quickly.

At this time, the owner needs supervision and leadership so that the dog grows into an obedient member of your family.

A feature of the breed is a good memory and a sharp mind; they absorb commands and actions. Black Russian Terriers perform excellently in obedience and agility; it is recommended to take a course in these disciplines. An obedience course will allow her to understand her place in the family, as this is a dominant breed and strives to be the leader of the pack.

Both puppies and adult dogs adore children; they are tireless and exciting partners in children's games. Girls especially love children. Despite large size, their seasoned and balanced character allows them to be careful and gentle with children. They allow you to ride on them, pull their fur and beard, without taking any action. protective actions. They are not only patient, but understanding of small children, forgiving them when they are pulled by the tail and ears. Their tirelessness will allow them to play active games with children for a long time. They often sleep in the nursery or by the bed, playing the role of watchman and guard.

To stay fit, black terriers need at least one walk per day, at least 30 minutes long.

They love to lie on the couch with their family, but they also need activity, including mental activity. Walking, jogging, cycling - everything is actively welcomed by the dog.

It is important that the owner is nearby, otherwise they will not be interested. It is still recommended to walk on a leash, although this is not essential for black terriers.

They won't chase or lunge at anyone, but this is a very large dog and imagine yourself in the shoes of someone you meet who sees it without a leash.

A service dog, it is bred to protect and guard and is naturally suspicious of strangers. The sooner you introduce your puppy to new places, people, smells, experiences, the calmer and more confident she will feel in the future.

With proper socialization, Black Russian Terriers will not be overly suspicious and distrustful of strangers. Never forget that their tactic is to wait until the intruder gets close enough and then attack without warning.

With this behavior, socialization is extremely important, then they will be obedient and attentive to both people and other animals.

They get along well in the same home with both cats and other dogs. Males can be dominant over other males, but in general they are friendly and well-mannered neighbors.

The breed also has disadvantages. They suffer from loneliness and boredom if they remain at home for a long time. Loneliness leads to destructive behavior, barking, and disobedience. They also splash a lot of water and leave puddles on the floor when drinking, as their beards fall into the water.

Black Russian Terriers are rare, but if you find one, you will fall in love with this brave and patient dog.

It is a loyal companion who is eager to please, protective of family and home, reliable, consistent, even-tempered, behaves well with other animals and children, and does not require much exertion to maintain its physical and mental health.

They adapt well and can live successfully both in a private house and in an apartment.


The black terrier's dense coat sheds moderately, but it is quite long and requires brushing twice a week. Brushing removes dead hair and prevents the fur from becoming tangled.

Hair trimming is needed two to three times a year, more for dogs taking part in exhibitions. It's important to find good specialist on dog grooming, since a well-groomed appearance is important for show animals, especially since there are several different styles.

Otherwise, caring for a Black Russian Terrier is no different from that of other breeds. Trimming nails, brushing teeth and regularly checking ears for cleanliness are all the procedures.


The RCT is a strong breed and lives from 10 to 14 years. They are resistant to colds, are not genetically inclined and, relative to other purebred breeds, are distinguished by significant health.

But they also have diseases that dogs are prone to. Dysplasia is the most common hip joint and dysplasia elbow joint(scourge of large dogs).

Kidney diseases such as hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia are also not uncommon.

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The Black Terrier is one of the very young dog breeds, officially less than forty years old. The owners believe that if you go out into the streets of a metropolis with a little blackie on a leash, the effect of invisibility will arise: no one will notice the person next to the huge photogenic dog. The legends about these dogs are no less shocking: an evil monster, supposedly bred specifically to guard prisoners, for some reason behaves like a bearskin, a terrifying special forces soldier turns into a gentle nanny.

The legend of “Stalin’s dog” and the real background to the breeding

The Great Patriotic War became a bottomless abyss that swallowed up millions of people. Historians debate the exact number of casualties, but no matter who is right, the numbers are terrifying. Dogs also fought alongside the fighters: saboteurs, mine detectors, riding and ambulance animals, security guards, scouts, and signalmen. It’s hard to say how many of them were killed. But it is clear that the livestock service dogs decreased sharply. And there was a need to raise and train new workers and guard quadrupeds for army needs and for peaceful life.

Much was demanded of these future ideal dogs. They had to be large, intelligent, trainable and unpretentious, while being sociable and devoted to people. The different climatic conditions of the country meant the additional importance of cold resistance. Strong nervous system was a necessity. In addition, it was important to make the dog long-haired, but not shedding. Better than an inconspicuous color. It would seem that the conditions are mutually exclusive and unattainable. But they were done.

An urban legend says that the order to breed a new breed “to guard the camps” came from Stalin, but in fact the first generation of black terriers (not yet a breed, but a breed group) was shown to the public at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in 1955. The Black Pearl became a breed in 1981. And in 1984, black terriers, which quickly gained popularity, were recognized by the FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale.

In after war time There were no universal breeds. Collies, Airedales, Boxers and Dobermans performed poorly during wartime. Attempts to crossbreed the husky and the German shepherd (to strengthen the shepherd and make it cold-resistant) were unsuccessful and were abandoned. Cynologists decided that mass crossbreeding was necessary - interbreeding (multiple breeding) in different combinations. And so, as reparations, trains arrived from German territories, full of dogs: Newfoundlands, Giant Schnauzers, Rottweilers.

At the origins of the “black pearl”. War hero A.P. Mazower and the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery

The Central School of Military Dog Breeding, based at the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel, was engaged in breeding not yet a breed, but simply large working dogs, intelligent and hardy. One of the leading experts was the patriarch of Soviet cynology, author of dozens of books, Alexander Pavlovich Mazover. During the war, Lieutenant Colonel “San Palych” (as his students called him) commanded the 37th separate mine clearance battalion. Afterwards, he became the husband of the legendary Dina Volkats, commander of a separate platoon of mine trainers, “trainer” of sapper dogs and saboteurs, and owner of Dzhulbars. The couple worked at Krasnaya Zvezda together with V.P. Sheinin and biologist N.A. Ilyin.

Breeding work was complex and spontaneous: not only many purebred animals were taken into breeding, but also mestizos, often even “improvised material” - dogs with malocclusion or cryptorchidism. In the veins of the first blackies flows the blood of Giant Schnauzers, Airedale Terriers, Rottweilers, Newfoundlands, crosses with Great Danes, hounds, Doberman Pinschers, Moscow Divers (an unsuccessful breed resulting from a Newfoundland and a German Shepherd), Moscow Great Danes (a Great Dane crossed with German Shepherd), the blood of Moscow watchdogs, random representatives of South Russian shepherd dogs, huskies and poodles. This whole amazing melting pot led to the emergence of a heterogeneous generation in every sense big dogs military-friendly black color. The ancestor of the breed is considered to be the Giant Schnauzer Roy; his offspring were invariably large, woolly and black.

After checking the working qualities, strict selection began. And at the All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition in 1955, all the dogs received diplomas, and the dog handlers received a gold medal. Subsequently, some of the puppies were handed over to Moscow amateur dog breeders, and then the blackies spread throughout the country. For 26 years, not only the psyche and intellect, distrust and vigilance, but also the exterior were polished: civilian dog handlers preferred longer and more luxuriant fur. In the 80s, terriers saw international exhibitions. Finally, the Black Russian Terrier breed was recognized by the FCI in Mexico City at the 1984 International Assembly.

Today, the Black Russian Terrier is a huge, spectacular and powerful dog. Despite the name, the breed is now classified as a Molosser (Mastiff) rather than a Terrier. The size of the RCT is amazing. Males are taller than a standard desk, females are somewhat smaller. The character of blackies is Nordic. They are calm, self-confident, resilient and efficient.

RCT professions: from security guard to canis therapist

The lively mind of black terriers helps them to be very versatile dogs. RCTs show brilliant results at competitions in protective guard service. But they are also excellent fashion models and athletes: canine freestyle, dancing with dogs, they have long submitted to gentle giants.

You won’t surprise blacks with a military career. However, “universal soldiers” are excellent nannies and “lecturers” in safe behavior with dogs in schools and kindergartens. Medical rehabilitation with the use of specially trained dogs, canistherapy also submitted to RCT. Therapeutic associations in Germany, Britain, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland report black terriers certified to help patients with cerebral palsy, ADHD, recovery from stroke, and socialization of people (including children) with autism.

Stalin's dog is the youngest breed in service dog breeding. Its history goes back only a few decades. This dog is called Black Russian Terrier. Stalin's dog is its unofficial name. It is connected with the history of the origin of these animals.

History of the breed

In 1949, the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel near Moscow received a state order, signed by I. Stalin, to breed a new breed of service dogs to work in any climatic conditions Soviet Union. The following requirements were imposed on these animals:

The work began with interbreeding of various breeds - St. Bernard and Newfoundland, East European and Caucasian Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer and Great Dane, Airedale Terrier and Rottweiler. As a result of this work, several breed species appeared. Special attention given to such service breeds, like Rottweiler, Airedale Terrier, Giant Schnauzer. From them it was possible to obtain a new breed group - the black terrier. The ancestor of this wonderful breed was the Giant Schnauzer Roy.

Stalin's dog - breed, description

The Black Russian Terrier is a large animal, its height at the withers is significantly higher than average, has strong bones, is unpretentious to living conditions, is resistant to infectious and colds, and is easy to train.

Nowadays, Stalin's dog, a photo of which you can see in our article, is distributed throughout the country. It has established itself as one of the best service and guard breeds. The black terrier is well trained. At the same time, future owners should take into account that this dog is not intended to sit on a chain in the courtyard of a private cottage. The black terrier needs constant communication with the owner and all members of his family.

External features

Male black terriers have a height at the withers of 72 to 76 cm, with a weight of up to 60 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller (68-72 cm). Their weight should not exceed 50 kg. The body is massive, muscular, without signs of obesity.


Stalin's dog has a long head with a flat forehead, which is located on a massive neck. There is a noticeable smooth transition to the muzzle, which is effectively emphasized by the mustache and beard. This gives it a rectangular shape. Ears hanging, located symmetrically to each other. The front edges go down to the cheekbones.


The paws are round in shape and covered with long hair. They provide a sweeping and energetic run for the animal. The claws and paw pads are black. The Black Terrier is covered with thick black coat, consisting of two layers.

Stalin's dog - character

This beautiful animal was originally created as a guard and watchman. The Black Russian Terrier is a brave and observant dog with excellent reactions.

These dogs practically do not bark unless necessary. They have a dominant character, so they need a decisive and self-confident owner who is able to raise his pet in firmness, without forgetting about love.

The Russian Terrier is a very smart animal, easily trained and endlessly devoted to its owner. At the same time, their devotion, combined with suspicion, can give Negative consequences Therefore, early socialization of these animals is necessary. Otherwise, the black terrier’s communication with strangers can develop into a big problem.

Terriers of this species are great with children, but under one condition - if they grow up together. Stalin's dog is in dire need of human contact. The Black Russian Terrier gets along well with other pets living in the house, but should not be kept with another dominant large dog.


The very thick fur of these powerful animals requires regular brushing and combing. This should be done at least twice a week. To make this process easier, you can dampen the wool with a small amount of conditioner.

The black terrier is predisposed to the appearance of otitis media. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to regularly trim the hair from your dog's ears. In addition, it is necessary to trim the hair from the paw pads, as it easily becomes tangled and causes discomfort to the animal.

With regular brushing, the terrier's shedding is insignificant. You should check and clean your pet's eyes and teeth regularly.

Such a dog should be bathed no more than once a month. More frequent water procedures may dry out the skin and cause irritation. For these purposes, you need to use special “dog” detergents. Representatives of this breed require periodic grooming.

The Black Russian Terrier loves long walks. They love to play outside. In winter they happily roll around in the snow, and in summer they are attracted to bodies of water. This large dogs physical activity is necessary, especially for terriers who live in the house and their activity is limited.

When trained correctly, it is obedient and clever dog, which does not pose a danger to others. She does not like restrictions on her freedom, but with appropriate training, she is even suitable for keeping in the city.

The black terrier, to whose name the prefix “Russian” is usually added, is a dog of the most noble blood. For its birth, breeders of the Soviet Union enjoyed well-deserved honor, and for some time it was not just at the peak of popularity, but was the ultimate dream of every Soviet, and then Russian, citizen. In this article we will look at the breed characteristics of this dog, how exactly you need to build a relationship with it, what to feed, and also learn other various nuances.

The pride of domestic selection is the black terrier

As we have already said, the black terrier is a dog bred by domestic dog handlers who worked on this breed very, very carefully. This furry and extremely strong dog stands out not only for its excellent physical data, but also for:

  • chic appearance;
  • developed intelligence;
  • high degree of obedience;
  • activated fighting qualities.

In other words, this bunch of curls, which can fool around with its owner for days on end, is far from play dog. It is designed to make a person’s life as safe as possible, to participate in hostilities, and to perform security work.

The initiator of the creation of Russian black terriers was the most famous leader of Soviet times - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Despite the fact that the representatives of the breed we are interested in are fighting dogs, they, like any animal called to live their lives in service to man, are capable of becoming the closest and closest to him. true friend. The low degree of aggression of these animals and their focus on obedience and the tasks set by the owner made him suitable dog for the family, including for social units burdened with small children.

History of breeding

How often do you and I read on the Internet about certain breeds and learn the history of their birth, which, in most cases, originated in foreign countries. However, today we have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the dog, which originated on the streets of our cities, in the country that is our homeland, and to feel the special, strong “bear” spirit of this dog. So let's get started.

She was bred by order of Stalin to become a companion to man in all his forms:

  • home;
  • official;
  • others.

The main adjective that can be applied to this dog is universal. Its task is to adapt to any harsh manifestations of the climate of our country; in addition, it is characterized by a high degree of unpretentiousness in such a demanding environment. a large number of time matters, like care.

By the way, the history of this dog began almost immediately after the history of the Soviet Union. The Red Star dog kennel, which existed at that time, received from the leader a very unusual task, which was to breed a breed that would serve faithfully to humans, also being used for military tasks in the harsh climatic conditions of Russia. To do this, the new dog had to be given increased and uninterrupted performance, achieving results by improving certain elements of the dog’s body structure.

This dog is the result of crossing 15 different breeds

So, we were talking about the following improvements:

  • creating an animal with a strong, gripping jaw;
  • breeding a dog with high, and at the same time stable limbs, so that the dogs can reach the highest possible speeds while running, and at the same time skillfully maneuver over rough terrain;
  • “equipping” animals with paw bases (pads) that would be wide enough to move along snow-covered roads and off-roads, without having their limbs go deep into snowdrifts;
  • adding to this perfect organism a thick coat with a powerful undercoat, which would protect the dog’s body from hypothermia during an extremely long stay outdoors during winter, which, as is known, is characterized by extremely low temperatures;
  • increasing the level of aggression and ferocity of the dog towards the enemy, while lowering it relative to the owner or another person giving the dog a command;
  • adding another incredibly important character trait - a high level of obedience, a tendency to train, follow orders, the desire to please and unquestioningly follow orders.

The Russian Terrier gene pool was formed from many very worthy dog ​​breeds that have various outstanding breed qualities. So, in the development of black Soviet dog More than 15 representatives of the canine family took part, whose breed traits, both from a physical and mental point of view, were completely suitable for the formation of a new set of genetic data in a renewed body. Here are some of them:

  • Giant Schnauzer;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Airedale;
  • Newfoundland;
  • East European Shepherd;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Moscow water dog;
  • German dog;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

As you can see, the Russian Terrier's gene pool is truly remarkable. Each of the listed dogs had a special trait, and not just one, but several, which were to be inherited by the newly introduced breed.

One of the ancestors of the black Russian terrier is the Newfoundland

For example:

  • the East European Shepherd showed a high predisposition to training;
  • St. Bernard has become a stronghold of mental stability, as well as resistance to cold and serious stress;
  • the Great Dane gave the black terrier high limbs and a foldable body;
  • the Rottweiler endowed his curly-haired descendant with considerable physical strength and ferocity;
  • Newfoundland gave the Russian “chernysh” respectable size, hair and royal calm, etc.

This machine, inclined to serve man, was supposed to become a fighter protecting the well-being of the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics in the most literal sense: they were planned to be sent to the front. However, since the task of breeding a new breed was given to “Red Star” already in 1949, as you can understand, the Great Patriotic War the animal was not found, but became a participant in other military and official events.

For example, these dogs were often used to guard camps. The animal's attitude towards strangers was so aggressive and evil that the enemies of the fatherland became afraid only from its appearance. For this the Russian Terrier Soviet times was called the “black death”, because it was not difficult for such a serious animal to kill a person.

In the Soviet Union this dog was nicknamed "Black Death"

By the way, the dogs were even trained in the correct technique for this:

  • the animal received the command and quickly caught up with the victim;
  • since the dog's grip was carried out from behind, the dog grabbed both hands of a person with its teeth and crippled them, thereby depriving the enemy of the opportunity to defend himself or strike back.

For some time, representatives of this breed were considered elite animals, and were used only for military service, and also became pets of representatives of the “top” of power. However, in the late 1970s, when dogs arrived in sufficient numbers Soviet army, they became available to ordinary people.

As for international fame, her dog gained international fame in 1975, when a dog show was held in Budapest. European countries immediately became interested in this breed, and the Russian terrier became the star of the stage.

Breed standard

Now that we know how and when the “blackie” we are interested in was born, and who took part in the formation of its gene pool, it is necessary to consider such a characteristic as the breed standard - a set of unique qualities and parameters of the exterior of a given type of dog.

Parameters and structure of the body

In fact, the black terrier is one of those breeds that can be called truly beautiful. This beauty is achieved, first of all, by the harmony of the physique. Everything about the dog in question is perfect:

  • massiveness of the body;
  • developed muscular frame;
  • body proportionality;
  • excellent expression of the breed's sexual type.

The dog's body is equipped with a developed chest, which can simultaneously be described as:

  • deep;
  • wide.

The ribs at the sternum protrude and have a convex shape, while the lower segment of this part of the body is located at the same level as the animal’s elbows.

The withers of the animal are very clearly expressed, they are also well developed, and they are really long. The dog's back is absolutely straight, the muscular frame on it is very strong and developed. The lumbar region is short and protrudes slightly.

As for the croup, this dog’s croup is quite harmonious:

  • has a moderate length;
  • also characterized by sufficient width.

Height and weight

According to the standard, representatives of this breed, in addition to primary sexual characteristics, also have secondary sexual characteristics, which in these animals are expressed primarily in the differences between:

  • height;
  • weight.

Let's look at the characteristics that interest us in the table below.

Table 1. Fluctuations in height and weight of the Black Russian Terrier depending on the gender of the dog

Height at withersThe height of male dogs has several meanings:
  • the average ranges between 72-76 centimeters;
  • the minimum begins at around 70 centimeters;
  • the maximum is 78 centimeters.
  • The height of bitches can also fluctuate:
  • So, on average, it is from 68 to 72 centimeters at the withers;
  • the minimum value is 66 centimeters;
  • the maximum value is 74 centimeters.
  • WeightThe weight of a mature male dog ranges from 50 to 60 kilograms.The body weight of an adult bitch can range from 45 to 50 kilograms.

    Head and its elements

    The head of this dog, despite the fact that this is not always noticeable due to the thick coat, has an elongated shape, and:

    • it expands in the area where the jaw attaches to the skull;
    • the head is equipped with rounded cheekbones, which are very pronounced;
    • the dog has a flat forehead that smoothly merges into the muzzle;
    • the arches located above the eyebrows are hidden;
    • there is a clear narrowing of the muzzle at the nose;
    • the nose itself is medium or large in size, pigmented in dark shades;
    • the lips of the dog's muzzle are large and thick;
    • The inside of the animal's oral cavity is pigmented black.

    The ears of this dog, despite their high location relative to the upper part of the skull, are in a hanging position. They have the shape of a classic triangle for dogs, the edges of which fit tightly to the animal’s cheekbones. Moreover, that part of this head segment that hangs down along the mount does not have any dents, folds, dents, etc.

    Eyes of this animal:

    • located at a fairly wide distance from each other;
    • have the shape of a regular oval;
    • equipped with eyelids that fit tightly to the eyes and do not droop down with age;
    • always characteristically dry.

    The teeth that give the jaw its special grip are presented in a complete set (all 42 of them). The location of the incisors is clearly in one stripe, while the jaw bite has the shape of scissors.

    The length of the neck is equal to the same parameter of the dog’s head, while it is very muscular and massive. As you understand, this part of the body of a military dog ​​must be developed, otherwise it will not be able to actively inspect the perimeter while running, and also deliver fatal blows to the enemy, holding the skull with powerful jaws.


    The paws of the Black Russian Terrier are absolutely straight, look perfect, and give the dog that same graceful and, at the same time, powerful appearance. Relative to each other, the “legs” of the animal are located strictly parallel.

    Dogs' shoulder blades are positioned at the correct angle and are long. The shoulders, on the contrary, are average in size, and are located in the same way:

    • parallel;
    • sheer.

    The animal's elbows stick out towards the floor. The femoral segment is characterized by a solid width, the tibiae are long. The angular parts of the so-called hock joint protrude very clearly.

    Grace and strength go hand in hand in this dog

    The bases of the paws of these dogs, as Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin commanded, are wide and fleshy, round in shape, equipped with strong, dark-colored claws.

    Thanks to this structure of the paws, the dynamic movements characteristic of representatives of this breed are created. Thus, the animal’s paws move in a straight line, the joints have no interference with flexion and extension. The hind limbs allow the dog to make strong pushing movements, and the front limbs make powerful swings, creating inertia that allows the dog to jump truly impressive distances.

    The dog's tail itself is long, however, it is customary to dock it, cutting off this element at the third vertebra. This measure, first of all, looks after the interests of the dog itself, since a military dog ​​with a long tail would have a very difficult time.

    The tail of this dog is set high, the base is thick, and the set is strong.


    The coat of this animal, as we mentioned above, is intended to replace the dog with a real bear coat, because it had to withstand the harsh Russian frosts without strain, without losing its performance and effectiveness in battle. That is why the Russian black terrier was gifted by dog ​​handlers:

    • basic decorative wool with a very rigid structure, the break of which is approximately 6 centimeters;
    • softer and denser undercoat, creating its own microclimate on the surface of the animal’s skin.

    By the way, on the muzzle of the breed we are considering, due to the development of the decorative part of the dog’s coat, there are:

    • beard.

    Yes, this is exactly the funny shape that the hair on a dog’s head gives, making it completely different from the very “Black Death” that it was called during Stalin’s time.

    As for the color, even by the name of this breed (black Russian terrier) you can understand that they only allow it in one variation - black. The only exception will be represented by small gray areas, which are almost impossible to notice without looking closely.

    How to get along with a Black Russian Terrier: characteristics of the dog’s character and maintenance

    The Black Russian Terrier is a working, service dog. That is why it is not just desirable, but even mandatory for her to receive a load. A dog is not a person, and, unfortunately, not fulfilling its purpose, it becomes uncontrollable and capricious.

    Provided that you are not one of those who will specifically train a dog and force it to serve, you will have to load your pet in a different way, for example, by participating in various types dog sports, such as agility. So, a day a Russian black terrier needs to receive such a load for at least half an hour, and only if the dog is kept in an enclosure.

    Black Terrier is a very loyal dog

    If the animal is a city resident, and together with the owner spends the day and night in a concrete box, you should be prepared for the fact that for him the previously mentioned time period of half an hour should increase at least three times.

    Representatives of this breed have an innate stubbornness, which:

    • makes them hardy and efficient;
    • outside of work tasks can create a problem for the owners.

    This dog is a real flint, a lump of will that will obey only if its owner is even firmer and more authoritative. Demanding obedience is the main task of a person who decides to have such an unusual pet.

    Note: authority and the requirement of obedience are elements of the image of a person who influences the dog exclusively verbally, using tonality and various (non-cruel) methods of psychological pressure, manipulation, etc. By raising your hand to a dog for the sake of obedience, you will ensure that it will no longer respect you and will only be afraid, but this will not get you far.

    Raising a dog is the responsibility of the owner

    A firm hand is what your dog needs. It will help not only raise the animal, but also cope with it:

    • suspicion;
    • wariness.

    The sooner the puppy you buy is socialized, the more patient your dog will be towards those he has just met:

    • people;
    • animals, etc.

    However, even if you develop the maximum level of patience, you cannot expect immediate friendliness from the Black Russian Terrier. Even if friends come to your house, it will take more than one visit for the dog to recognize them as close people and begin to treat them kindly and joyfully.

    However, there is still a category of people to whom these dogs will be drawn - children. Surprisingly, every Russian curly dog ​​strives to communicate with kids, and immediately takes on the function of a protector. By the way, they can make a good nanny, since these animals:

    • initially located towards children;
    • will be able to protect them from troubles;
    • behave absolutely calmly;
    • tend to endure pain accidentally caused by a child, for example, from a thrown toy.

    If you have a dog and completely trust it, you can safely leave the room with a small child for a couple of minutes.

    In this case, it is only worth considering that the dog may accidentally touch the baby or step on his hand, for example, which will end extremely unfavorably due to the considerable weight of her body. Teach the animal to be careful, explaining to him that the baby is very easy to “break”, and do not leave them with the baby for too long. However, after waiting for the child to reach an adequate age, you can increase the time periods for the child and the dog to stay together independently.

    The advantages of the breed in question

    The clear advantages of our national pride include many different nuances, which we will now consider in the list below.

    Almost complete absence of off-season hair loss

    Thus, representatives of this breed practically do not shed, except for those times of the year when a total renewal of the coat occurs:

    • autumn;
    • spring.

    At this time, the dog’s undercoat, which can no longer provide it with proper protection, weakens, the hair follicles are destroyed, and the pile falls out, and new hairs grow in place of the fallen hairs.

    Thus, the dog needs shedding, but all other times of the year it will delight you with the integrity of its coat, and, as a result, the cleanliness of the floors in the apartment.

    Predisposition to guard and protect

    The second advantage of this animal is its highly developed qualities:

    • watchman;
    • security guard;
    • bodyguard.

    So, an animal can:

    • control the perimeter of your site, while loudly barking and growling, making it clear to ill-wishers as they approach that the territory is protected;
    • attack the robber and win the fight with him thanks to the skills of destroying opponents literally stored in the genome;
    • protect the owner during night walks on the street and protect him directly during an attack.

    Highly developed intellectual abilities

    The developed intelligence of a dog is another distinguishing feature of this breed. It must be said that it affects such aspects as:

    • quick memorization of commands;
    • identification of family members;
    • accelerated socialization;
    • learning ability in general;
    • excellent memory for absolutely any phenomenon;
    • desire to please people;
    • capturing changes in host behavior.

    An intelligent animal is strikingly different from one that lacks stars from the sky. Unfortunately, despite the common love for humans among dogs, some breeds cannot boast of intelligence, therefore, they often behave as animals should behave. Smart dogs sometimes make you doubt whether it is a person standing in front of you in this bestial guise. The domestic black terrier falls into this category.

    Excellent physical data

    Undoubtedly, one of the advantages of in this case will also be:

    • physical strength;
    • large sizes;
    • endurance;
    • agility.

    The parameters of the body structure of this dog are such that it can:

    • engage in a fight with a large opponent and emerge victorious;
    • develop high speeds;
    • jump far and powerfully;
    • tear prey with jaws, etc.

    High levels of endurance and performance

    So, as we have already said, the leader of the USSR ordered the breeding of a new breed that would be able to endure all the hardships of the life destined for it. That is why here is a dog that, in fact, can live in extreme conditions. Of course, if you want your pet to have a long and happy life, you shouldn’t place him in these conditions, however, don’t be upset if you get into trouble with your dog, it will be much easier for him than for you.

    Balance and calm

    The balanced character of the dog makes its image similar to a Russian nobleman: a calm, balanced person who knows his worth. Really, this dog knows his worth and behaves calmly, as he should the best representatives society, which especially plays into the hands of the owners.

    High level of health

    Good health is about the black terrier. His immune system is so strong that your dog will be almost completely protected from diseases, with the exception of common diseases, For example:

    • rabies;
    • carnivore plague;
    • viral hepatitis;
    • other ailments.

    The listed diseases are prevented by receiving vaccinations veterinary clinics at the dog's appropriate age milestones.

    In addition, the dog also requires regular:

    • deworming;
    • flea treatments;
    • preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

    Preventive measures carried out in veterinary clinics are needed in order to prevent early stages development of breed ailments of the dogs we are interested in, which include:

    • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
    • retinal atrophy;
    • otitis.

    All the diseases we are looking for are typical for these dogs, but do not occur often. If you examine your animal on time and take good care of it, you will not have to deal with such ailments.

    Easy to care for

    Ease of care is another important parameter characterizing the breed we are considering. Thus, it manifests itself, first of all, in the small number of procedures that are mandatory. Here's what you need to do to make your dog feel good.

    1. First of all, the animal needs to be combed regularly. This is not done in order to get the undercoat, because, as we remember, these dogs hardly shed. No, our goal is to straighten the animal’s decorative hair, which can become tangled, leading to the development of various skin diseases in these dogs.

    In addition, brushing should be done more frequently during the molting period in order to speed up the process of fur renewal.

    2. The second procedure that is mandatory for these dogs is washing. However, it is best to bathe an animal as it gets dirty, and the regularity of washing activities itself should have a frequency not exceeding 1 time per month.

    3. The third mandatory procedure is trimming the claws. It is carried out immediately at the moment when your animal’s claws grow back and begin to bother the dog. If the claws wear off naturally, you don’t need to do anything.

    4. The fourth treatment is cleaning and plucking the ears. So, the following are subject to removal:

    • hairs growing in the ears;
    • wax accumulated inside the ear.

    5. The fifth and final procedure is brushing your teeth with a specialized dog paste, which needs to be done several times a week, at least 2. A paste that is suitable for dogs is usually sold in veterinary stores. The use of human products is strictly prohibited, as they are very toxic to animals and can cause serious damage to their digestive system and other organs.

    Brushing your teeth is one of the mandatory procedures

    Tendency to train and obedience

    If you have chosen a black terrier as your pet and were able to establish contact with him, rest assured that you have just found the most grateful listener and spectator and executor of your orders in one bottle. This dog is not only inclined to follow your every command and spend hours practicing exercises in training, it is ready to please every desire of its person, just to please him. It is due to this that the process of interaction with the animal is simplified: it is enough to use only yours to reinforce its actions. kind word and an encouraging tone.

    Kindness towards others like you

    A friendly attitude towards other animals living with a Black Russian Terrier in the same house is another distinctive feature of these dogs. Since they were not intended for hunting, they have no goal of catching someone and dragging a dead carcass to the owner. Because of this, these dogs get along well not only with other dogs, but also with smaller animals, for example:

    • cats;
    • mini pigs;
    • rabbits;
    • tame rats;
    • parrots, etc.

    The only thing you need to be wary of is that your dog may accidentally step on a small friend and crush his paw, for example, but this will be a big accident, not a pattern.

    Adaptation to climates of varying degrees of severity

    A dog that must travel through snowdrifts in the harsh winter frosts is an animal with an excellent ability to adapt to the climate. By the way, we are talking not only about the terrible Russian winter, but also about other climatic changes. The pride of domestic dog handlers is truly ready for all of them.

    Disadvantages of the Black Russian Terrier

    Since we have talked about the advantages of the black terrier, let's discuss its disadvantages.

    Aggressive behavior

    Despite its calm character and complete friendliness towards people, a black terrier can cause you inconvenience during walks, since, having played out, it can begin to show aggression towards other pets, and indeed people.

    In addition, aggression can also manifest itself at the first meeting with your friends, who were the first to enter the yard gate. The dog will most likely rush at them and growl until he receives an order from you to go to his place.

    That is why, when walking, for example, it is imperative to use such accessories as:

    • leash;
    • muzzle.

    Need for training

    Willfulness is a distinctive feature of this dog, which can be called negative. To calm down an obstinate animal, it is necessary to engage in training, either independently or with the help of a specialist in this field - a dog handler. By the way, this breed is not at all for beginners. If before this you have not had the opportunity to communicate with the dog, control it, or care for it long time, you will have to settle on someone with a simpler character.

    One of the disadvantages of this breed is the requirement of physical activity directly related to tough training.

    Description of character

    Despite its obstinacy, a dog in the hands of a reputable owner is perfectly controllable. At the same time, she is absolutely unaware of such concepts as:

    • fear;
    • betrayal.

    In other words, whether you have a working pet or not, whether it is designed to protect the territory, or just to be a friend, this breed is suitable for absolutely everything.

    If you don’t rein in the dog and get it for a child, for example, after a while the Russian terrier will take responsibility for the pack and may begin to protect it from everyone. In this case, it will not be possible to control its aggression, so you should purchase an animal:

    • a patient person;
    • Experienced with dogs;
    • having a strong, somewhat tough character.

    If you think that the Black Death is only good for protecting territory, you are seriously mistaken. Dogs of this breed may surprise you by showing that they are, in fact, “black love.” A friend, a family member - all this is about a black terrier who fell in love with a person and his family. Parting with them will cause great anxiety in the dog, and it will spend the most difficult days and nights waiting.

    So, the black terrier can be described with the following epithets:

    • dexterous;
    • Kind;
    • strong;
    • active;
    • tireless;
    • fast;
    • attentive;
    • efficient;
    • controlled;
    • smart;
    • human-oriented.

    These dogs are so smart that they are able to adapt to themselves all the playmates and other animals living with them in the same house. The pet will always treat the owner and his mood with understanding, picking up the smallest changes in his mood. If you are angry, for example, the dog will calmly wait on the side until you call him over. A love of games, people, life - everything that makes him a great dog for families and people in general.

    How to keep your pet's coat perfect

    Despite the ease of care, a dog's coat, while remaining healthy, can lose its appearance. Some owners are happy with this, others are not. For the second category of breed lovers, we have prepared this section with tips on preserving the original delightful appearance of your dog.

    • is torn out;
    • breaks;
    • gets confused.

    How to feed a black terrier

    Despite the fact that all dogs are the ancestors of wolves, a diet consisting only of meat is completely unsuitable for them. In addition, contrary to general opinion, it is not worth adding satiety to the diet with the help of cereals, since carbohydrates for dogs are “empty” food, and when receiving a certain daily value(minimal) are no longer absorbed.

    Feed or natural food – it’s up to you

    You can feed any dog, in particular the Russian Terrier:

    • natural food;
    • food

    If you are a fan of everything natural, then you should plan your terrier’s diet based on the following recommendations:

    • 70% of the daily diet is protein food, which consists of: lean meat, boiled or raw, fish in small quantities, offal (no more than once a week);
    • 30% - vegetables, fruits (not causing allergies), dairy products(dairy is strictly prohibited), cereals such as rice or buckwheat.

    It is strictly forbidden to give these dogs:

    • sweets;
    • smoked food;
    • salty food;
    • food richly flavored with spices;
    • bakery products;
    • semi-finished products, etc.

    We will look in detail at what you should not feed your dog, which foods are strictly prohibited for representatives of any breed, and can harm them.

    Those who prefer industrial feed should purchase food from the following classes:

    • holistic (approximately 70% protein);
    • supre-premium (smaller squirrel, but still livable).

    These foods, as a rule, are not cheap, however, they offer you not only protein, but also other trace elements, minerals, vitamins, etc., necessary for the functioning of the dog’s body.

    Note: mixing natural food and feed is strictly prohibited, as this will only cause frustration digestive system, which will have to constantly switch from one type of food to another.

    How to properly keep a Russian Terrier puppy

    Let's say you have already become the owner of this wonderful breed and brought your chosen one into the house. Now you need to figure out how to behave with a newly-minted family member. Here are the basic rules.

    1. Don't let your puppy overeat. Food discipline is established at a young age in any dog, so an overeating puppy is a potentially obese adult dog. As you know, this ailment entails many others, for example, it puts such a load on the joints that the musculoskeletal system is unable to cope, and an adult dog grows up with crooked legs.

    Interesting fact: The bowl for the animal should be installed at some elevation. This position is the most physiological and helps the digestive process.

    2. Modern floor coverings, such as laminate, linoleum or parquet, affect the development of the animal’s limbs in the most negative way. Make sure that this dog has a carpet on the floor in the room where he lives.

    3. Try to pet your dog on the head less often. Oddly enough, in this breed, frequent stroking can cause curvature of the ear growth line.

    4. Keep your little terrier away from stairs or high surfaces, as he is likely to fall from them and injure himself.

    5. You need to brush and bathe your baby immediately after you pick him up, and then do it again, and again. You won't put an adult in a bathtub, so let your dog get used to executions from the very beginning.

    How to choose a puppy

    Choosing a puppy is as difficult as keeping it. Let's see what's what.

    1. First of all, you need to determine the gender of the future pet. Girls are more affectionate and less active; males, on the contrary, play non-stop. Even a person who has little experience with dogs can handle the first ones, but only someone with a feminine character can handle the second ones.

    2. Now let's find him among the litter healthy puppy. He is different from his siblings:

    • shiny coat;
    • activity;
    • excellent appetite;
    • playfulness.

    3. Let's determine the "pedigree" of the animal. So, puppies that have:

    • tilted tail;
    • light eyes;
    • light nose;
    • white spots on the fur.

    If all this is not about the puppy you chose, congratulations, you can buy yourself a friend, the price of which, by the way, is approximately 31-100 thousand rubles. All cheaper puppies are either mixed breeds, or are sick with something or do not meet the breed standard.

    Let's sum it up

    The Black Terrier is a domestic breed that offers its owner only best qualities, which a dog can, in principle, have. If you buy yourself such a friend, you will not regret it. However, remember about responsibility. Without you, this dog cannot be dealt with.

    Video – Black Russian Terrier