Army diet menu for a week. The norms of the daily allowance of the servicemen of the Soviet army of the Norm of Norma in the Russian Army

    Norms nutrition soldiers of the Russian army

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    The book "The Regulations on the Food Provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for peacetime" is quite a thousand and it does not make sense, because In it, most of the articles are interesting perhaps those who are directly engaged in providing troops with food, preparation and distribution of food. We give only three nutritionals that are the main one for the army, the other for the fleet, the third for patients lying ...

The book "The Regulations on the Food Provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for peacetime" is quite a thousand and it does not make sense, because In it, most of the articles are interesting perhaps those who are directly engaged in providing troops with food, preparation and distribution of food. We give only three nutritionals that are the main one for the army, the other for the fleet, the third for patients lying in hospitals and medical banks.

The trouble is that today the army does not get completely all products, of the quality and quantities that are defined by the government. So, the reader does not chine ironically, reading these nutritionals. This is what is obliged to give a soldier, but not exactly what they give him. In the Soviet Army, the soldier was given everything that was supposed, and in the Russian only declared.

Norm number 1.

Communal Dish

Product Name Number per person per day, G.

Bread from a mixture of rye ripple and wheat flour 1 grade ... 350

White bread from wheat flour 1 variety. 400.

Wheat flour 2 grades 10

Crupes are different 120.

Pasta 40.

Fat animals whores, margarine 20

Vegetable oil 20.

Cow oil 30.

Milk cow 100.

Chicken eggs 4pcs. in Week

Food salt 20.

Bay leaf 0.2.

Mustard powder 0.3.

Tomato paste 6.

Potatoes and vegetables (total) 900

Potatoes 600.

Cabbage 130.

Beets 30.

Carrot 50.

Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Greens 40

Juices fruit and berry 50

or drinks fruit 65

Coffee concentrate on fruit or berry extracts 30

or fruit dried 20

1. All servicemen, except those who feed on other standards and those who, instead of food, should issue its cost in foreign currency.

2. Nevertheless cadets of schools and nautical schools of the Navy.

3. Military servicemen are dismissed to the reserve on the way home.

4. Citizens in military training charges.

5. Conscripts that are in appeal points and in the following way.

6. Pupils of regular military orchestras.

To this rate of nutrition, a number of categories of military personnel are supplied:

1. Servicemen (except officers), held service in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters or local climate at an altitude of more than 1000 meters:

Milk cow 100.

Measingness or sausages half-tempered 50

2. Servicemen (except officers) of a separate company of the Honorary Karaul V / h 01904:

- in days of solemn meetings and wires 200

Oil cow 15.

Milk cow 50.

Cheese rennet solid 10

3. Servicemen whose service is associated with parachute jumps:

Oil cow 15.

4. Military workers working with poisonous fuel components:

Oil cow 25.

Milk cow 100.

Cheese rennet solid 15

Chicken eggs 3pcs. (in Week)

5. Servicemen working in the conditions of influence on them ionizing radiation:

Oil cow 25.

Milk cow 100.

Cheese rennet solid 15

Chicken eggs 3pcs. (in Week)

Fresh fruit 100.

We will not dwell on all the details in the book of many pages, the relative moment of the right to receive a soldering (for example, parachutists begin to receive additional meals on the day of the first jump and until the end of the service), the procedure for issuing a food solder - who can produce products or from Boiler, and to whom only from the boiler, the table of replacement of alone products by others (for example, 200 gr. Meats are replaced with 150 grams of stews, and one egg is 60 gr. meat, etc.).

Smoking servicemen, including in a fleet (except officers), receive 10 cigarettes per day and 3 box of matches per month. No smoking instead of tobacco is issued 700 grams of sugar per month.

The above rules belong to those who serve on land, including a number of military-sea fleet servicemen. For those who serve a somewhat different nutrition rate.

Norm number 3.


Bread from a mixture of rye ripple and wheat flour 1 grade 350

Wheat flour 2 grades 10

Crupes Different 75.

Pasta 40.

Fat animals whores, margarine 15

Vegetable oil 20.

Cow oil 50.

Milk cow 100.

Chicken eggs 4pcs. in Week

Food salt 20.

Bay leaf 0.2.

Mustard powder 0.3.

Tomato paste 6.

Potatoes and vegetables (total) 900

Potatoes 600.

Cabbage 130.

Beets 30.

Carrot 50.

Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Greens 40

Juices fruit and berry 50

or drinks fruit 65

Dried fruits 30.

Polyvitamin Preparation "Hexavit" 1 Dragee

Who is powered by this norm?

1. Sailors, foremen, Michmana, ensigns, passing service on surface ships and in the marines.

2. Sailors, foremen, Michmana, ensigns, passing service in the coastal parts of the special and special purpose of intelligence, coastal bases of surface ships, in curriculum. Cooking specialists for surface ships undergoing service in the fleet crews.

3. Citizens are in naval educational training.

4. Pupils of full-time naval orchestras.

5. Persons with victims of the disaster of the courts and those accepted on board who saved their vessel (ship), where the norms of the marine soldering are operating.

Also, as well as the universal soldering in the sea soldering, there are additional power standards:

1. Personal composition of ships in the period of swimming outside the territorial waters of Russia

Measingness and sausages semi-joint 50

Milk condensed with sugar 30

Natural coffee 5.

Fresh fruit 200.

Fruit or berry extracts 2

Cookies 20.

2. Personal composition, passing service in deserted locations and on ships based in these areas

Milk condensed with sugar 20

Coffee drink in powder 2

3. The personnel of the landing units of the marines whose service is associated with parachute jumps

Oil cow 15.

Coffee drink in powder 2

Of course, the rate of additional nutrition for the categories of military personnel specified in the general soldering system (who works with poisonous fuels, microwave radiation and radioactive radiation) are fully belonging to the fleet servicemen.

Patients and wounded servicemen of all categories on cure in medical institutions from the medical and sanitary battalion of the Division and above are powered by therapeutic soldering. At the same time, the market value of products is kept from the monetary content of officers and generals.

Norm number 5.

Medical lads

Product Name Number per person per day, G.

Bread from a mixture of rye ripple and wheat flour 1 grade 150

White bread from wheat flour 1 grade 400

Wheat flour 2 grades 10

Crupes of different 30.

Groats semolina 20.

Pasta 40.

Poultry meat 50.

Vegetable oil 20.

Oil cow 45.

Milk cow 400.

Sour cream 30.

Cheese rennet solid 10

Chicken eggs 1pc. in Week

Food salt 20.

Natural coffee 1.

Bay leaf 0.2.

Mustard powder 0.3.

Tomato paste 6.

Potato starch 5.

Pakery dried yeast or extruded 0.5

Potatoes and vegetables (total 900

Potatoes 600.

Cabbage 120.

Beetroot 40.

Carrot 50.

Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Green 50

Fresh fruit 200.

Dried fruits 20.

Natural juices fruit and berry 100

Jam 5.

1. Patients with burn and radiation lesions of the body:

Canned meat "Liver Paste" 50

Sour cream 10.

Cottage cheese 120.

Cheese rennet solid 20

Compote from canned fruits and berries 150

Natural coffee 5.

2. Patients on cure in the main and central hospitals:

Sausages semi-finished and meat permit 20

Milk cow 200.

Cocoa Powder 1.

Canned vegetable snacks 15

Dried fruits 10.

Compote from canned fruits and berries 50

Note that patients with particularly severe forms of diseases and injuries are sent to the main and central hospital.

We could not bring a number of nutritional norms in this short article, in particular, the norms of submariners, aviation crews, divers, sanatorium, nursery, but note that the two main standards given in Article (and 2) are the smaller and quantities Products and their nomenclature. For example, submariners get (should receive!) Additionally, Wobble is dried, red, caviar, chocolate, ketchup. In here a medical soldering place, we see sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, natural coffee, jam.

But in general, these two main norms give a complete idea how our defenders of the Motherland should eat, and if, finally, a democratic state and society as a whole will understand the old Eastern wisdom "who does not want to feed their army, he will inevitably and forcibly feed the neighbor's army" , the soldiers will be fed and satisfied, and their mother will not shudder at the sight of the postman, but will be calm and patiently wait for the red and dirty son on the threshold, because As General Swan said: "The army is not in order to fight, and in order for the war. " Just and clear. The stronger the army, the less wishing to try its power, which means it is less likely to let the weapon.


1. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 400 of July 22, 2000. »With the announcement of the Regulations on the Food Provision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for peacetime"

2. Order of the Deputy Wam. "On the declaration of storage of food solders and nutritional diet".

3. Logbook "Landmark" No. 8-2003., №11-2003.


Conducting sons to the army, parents worry not only about what conditions they will live suddenly outrageous chad. Perhaps there is no mother and, in particular, grandmother, who would not flash the furtively, presenting a poor menu, which will be satisfied with the young soldier.

Hurry to calm both those and others: feed will be satisfying, and after classes in the fresh air, your son and grandson will eat with such an appetite, which you didn't have to see your buns and cheeses!

Another thing is whether the power will be varied with diversity, or feed the principle "you can give." It all depends on where it is lucky to serve: usually the larger the settlement, the more diverse the menu. But, in any case, food will be dense, calorie, and dishes, though unneestate, tasty and fresh will be supplied.

Approximate menu for every day

The food in the army is predominantly tri-around: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For breakfast soldiers gets:

  1. a plate of porridge with a sausage or a cutlet (or a portion of dumplings or dumplings with cottage cheese - no less than once a week);
  2. a glass of milk;
  3. coffee with a bowl of condensed milk or sugar.

If such a breakfast seems to be too scarce, remember how the future newlywave disappeared for a whole day, drinking half a cup of tea! You won't call too abundant menu, but this amount of products is quite enough in order to cheer up a young organism and set it up on a working way.

Lunch will be much denser:

  1. in compulsory, the soldiers are fed by first dish, soup, borsch or a solicky, pickle or soup with a vermicelline;
  2. on the second, the meat dish of beef, pork, liver or chicken fillet with some side dish are given;
  3. the portion of the vinegar or salad of fresh seasonal vegetables is a useful and delicious additive for any dinner;
  4. a cup of compotes from fresh fruits or a tumper with packing packs is relying for dessert.

Dinner, as it should be, more easy than lunch:

  1. fish - fried, boiled or stew (mackerel sometimes), and to it - portion of potato mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, rice or buckwheat cereal with butter; Dumplings with sour cream and garnish in the form of peas / corn
  2. a glass of tea or juice, to which a bun is relied on the weekend or other baking.

In addition, every day for each soldier is released on a pack of butter, white and gray bread.

Do not forget about vitamins: fresh and sauerkraut, raw and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Often give legumes that are the most valuable source of vegetable protein.

When drawing up a daily menu in the army, preferences are preferences for most soldiers. Dishes that are not particularly popular, they are rarely prepared: the guys should not get up because of the table hungry. So, the barley sweep infrequently, but the buckwheat porridge as a side dish to the boiler or the vessel appears on the soldier's table several times a week.

In truth, it is not all likely to felt. But here it is quite another thing: you do not want to eat, and eat, as the order of the elder. Well, hunger is not aunty!

As you can see, the existence of Calorien is quite common - on average, it is 4300-4600 kokalorius for a day.

Dry Paew

And if it is not possible to feed the soldiers of hot food - for example, on the exercises in the field? In this case, they are issued dry paja.

Depending on how long the teachings are extended, it may contain the amount of products sufficient for one-time reception or the day.

The quality of dry soldering is the most stringent requirements:

  • it should include only such products, the preparation of which will take several minutes, and not at all that do not require preparation;
  • no perishable products that could cause poisoning or stomach disorder (mayonnaise, sausages or fresh vegetables and fruits);
  • it must be caloriene enough and easily absorbed by the body.

No less important packaging quality: it should be durable, reliably insulating inside foods from the exposure to the external environment, and just comfortable - it will not have to eat at the table.

What is the dry paja?

  1. First, canned food: canned porridge, beans with meat, stewed beef or pork (by the way, very tasty - many guys, returning from the army, buy it "for the soul", with nostalgia recalling the days of service);
  2. Secondly, sublimated products - fast preparation soups, dried fruits, soluble (usually barley) coffee;
  3. The dryer is necessarily increasing milk (dry or condensed), sugar, daily rate of salt and pepper in individual sachets;
  4. Baking is also present: in the form of a galet, sugar or crackers in a word, something that can be kept long enough.

In addition, each set is supplemented with one-time dishes, wet napkins and some simplest device with which food can be warm up.

Water for soup or coffee will have to get it yourself, but about making it safe and suitable for drinking, it is not necessary to worry about: a special tool for this is in every drip.


And, finally, that the harsh grandfathers of modern soldiers would consider the incomplete luxury: the possibility of choosing a particular dish from several proposed - well-known and beloved by all "buffets".

Of course, such a system is far from everywhere, but if you were lucky enough to face a similar phenomenon, you probably will not regret!

Having come for lunch, the soldier can choose one of two soups, one of the three hot dishes and any of the three garnings. If you want to taste, let's say, and chicken, and a walk, no one will object, but you need to take a complete portion, but half. You can also put in a plate on the plan of two garnings.

The salad bar became the loved by all innovation. Previously, many soldiers refused to salad if they had a product that they did not like. Now this problem is solved: salads can be done by the fact that there is, seasoning with vegetable oil, sauce or, as some prefer, simply mixing in a plate of beloved vegetables.

How can the parents of conscripts, the food in the army became not only more diverse. The portions also became more, not to mention the quality of ready-made dishes - it is above all praise. Special attention is paid to the behavior of soldiers at the table. So it is not worth worrying: your son will be fed!

In the spring, the period is traditionally coming when recruits are called in the army. By sending their sons to the army, many mothers are concerned, and this is no accident. Parents are worried about the conditions in which their son will have to live throughout the next 12 months, for example, what it will eat.

The latest changes in the army legislation were made by Vladimir Putin back in 2008, then the duration of the service was reduced from 2 years to 1 year. The exception can be options when the soldier himself wants to replenish the ranks of the armed forces under the contract - then the army is delayed for him for 2 years.

Russian Army - Utopia or Modernization

In 2011, Russian President announced the decision to take a course on the modernization and development of the army. First of all, it was planned to increase the number of contractors, and indeed every year the army is replenished by those who are not against serve longer than last 1 year. Specialists associate the desire of the younger generation to give the debt home by the economic crisis and the inability to find work on the "Citizer". But a number of analysts disagree, explaining that young people are increasingly manifested by patriotism.

According to Vladimir Putin, by 2019 the percentage of contract services will be 80%, then this indicator is planned to be increased to 90%. What does the government want to achieve? The professionalism of the servants, which clearly know their business and can stand up for Russian citizens, especially since new military conflicts and confrontations are broken in the world every year.

For example, the United States has long proved that the transition to the contract format of the army is the most correct decision on the way to democracy and the freedom of the American population. Polls showed that the Americans trust the young men who serve for money and according to debt than those who have to have obliged and literally stuffed out of the house by call.

Experts noted that the Russian army still has to be improved, there are already active activities today to improve the conditions of incarnation of the army service. Much has been done to ensure the safety of young people, there are practically negligible cases with sampling, taking advisory conversations with the leadership of military units, which are followed by the correctness of the procedure of conducting exercises.

According to the assurances of ministers, the soldiers are equipped with a sufficient amount of quality food, and if the young guys come home, it only means that they indulgered from mother buns, they could simulate their body and lose extra pounds.

Basics of reform in the Russian army

By 2017, a large number of reforms were stated that would enhance the domestic armed forces, here include the following components:

  • total re-equipment, one old rusted technique, only modern weapons;
  • replacement of outdated equipment new;
  • standards change and requirements for the training of soldiers.

Over 20 years have passed, and we continue to follow the training procedure known in the Soviet years. These methods are recognized as ineffective to prepare these military experts.

Skeptics relate to such promises with great doubts that the ministry confirms their words by reports on large amounts spent on the needs of the army in 2017. The government holds a course to create a strongest and powerful power, and such a state is impossible without reforming in the army.

Is there any result

Indeed, the result is tangible - the rate of improving the content of the army is obvious. One of the latest achievements can be called an increase in the earnings of the military, which serve as a contract. Accordingly, the attitude of the soldiers is also positive, the service is increasingly popular. Military units are gradually equipped with new weapons, equipment, machinery, the latest learning standards are being developed, showing excellent efficiency, instructors are becoming professional.

This is confirmed by a huge number of those who want to get to the army, which was first recorded on such a scale in 2017. With an increase in the level of security, the prestige of servicemen is growing, and this is not just words, but real actions.

Among young people, the percentage of those who want to give the debt home, compared with the data of biennial prescription, almost 20% higher. Therefore, new recruits and their parents have no reason for excitement - the service conditions are good, and the prospects for development are even better.

Field kitchen soldiers of the Russian army

As soldiers are fed in service, largely depends on the remoteness of the military unit from civilization, the more locality, to which the military unit is adjacent, the more likely to eat well. No field kitchen arrives without a traditional stew, which is always added to the caress or eat with bread. According to former recruits, they remember the taste of stews a few more years after returning home, and it is characterized by high quality, because it is made taking into account the standards of the GOST.

How many food meals numbered in the army? At least three, in the diet of each of which includes white or gray bread, 1 pack of cream oil, salads among four, they are poured 30 grams per person.

The breakfast of the soldier is always formed on the basis of such rules:

  • breakfast included 1 or 2 dishes;
  • most often it is porridge and cutlet or sausage;
  • if there are no cereals and meat, they can be replaced by dumplings or dumplings with cottage cheese;
  • be sure to drink relies with a glass of milk;
  • you can enjoy the dessert coffee with sugar or with 1 teaspoon of condensed milk.

Such breakfast allows you to cheer up after early awakening and bring the body to complete combat readiness. But lunch is still more voluminous and significant:

  • there are from 6 to 8 containers, which includes the first and second dishes of Russian cuisine - borsch, Solyanka or soup, pea soup alternate with the Vermishelev, the rasidens;
  • as a second dish, soldiers offer side dishes, chefs skillfully combine them with boiled beef, pork chops, chicken fillet and liver, juicy and fragrant lifting;
  • fresh vegetable salad, vinaigrette;
  • a bundle of crackers and compote, the latter is replaced with the Uzbar.

Now a couple of words about dinner who offer soldiers in the army:

  • dinner is rich in the fish menu. Fish is fed in boiled, fried or stew;
  • as a side dish, it often performs mashed potatoes, buckwheat, stewed cabbage and rice with butter;
  • for better digestion, dinner with tea or juice;
  • on the weekend soldiers, buns or other flour products are issued.

Name such a menu is the only possible in the army, much depends on the days of the week. For breakfast on holidays, there can be a sauer or fresh cabbage, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, and dumplings are squeezed. It is also recommended to serve conscripts for lunch and dinner at least a couple of slices of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, canned food, made of vegetable assorted, bean.

As you can see, they are fed in the Russian army completely unbalanced, according to experts, the energy value of products per day is an average of 4,300 kcal - a full diet for young people from 18 to 29 years.

What dishes go with a bang, and what seruners do not eat at all? Perlovka - Porridge, from which refuse, but the dumplings are happy, so dumplings are sure to prepare at least a couple of times a week. Above all silence in the army, delicious buckwheat with homemade cake.

In 2018, the organization has become much better, gone in the past when the soldier eats what was given. In 2019, in the Russian army, recruits offer a real buffet, 1400 salad bars to choose from. The refueling to the salad is also fitted independently - it can be sauce or sunflower oil. You also have to choose from saline vegetables, cabbage, olives, olives, fresh greenery, pepper, radish, peas and corn.

Food in the army of different countries of the world

In the United States for meals in the army, carefully, the menu is developing a combined culinary center, offering soldiers at the same time freely, kosher and vegetarian cuisine. In the diet of serve there is a minimum amount of soda, white bread and confectionery.

Food of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is organized in accordance with the guidance of organizing the Power Support of the BC of the Russian Federation, approved by the head of the Central Food Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In military units to provide nutrition (hot food) servicemen who have the right to receive food at the expense of the state, the corresponding canteens (soldiers', cadet, officers) are provided for the charters. In the canteen, the content of the chefs is set at the calculation of the following norms: up to 150 feed - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 eating - 4 cooks, 1 cook is added to every 125 feeding on every 125. The total number of cooks is determined taking into account the chefs contained in the divisions of the military unit. The instructor (cook) is contained with the number of erupted over 500 people and in the calculated number of cooks is not counted, and the master according to the cooking technology - with the number of erecting over 1000 people. The servicemen passing the military service under the contract are provided by nutrition through the soldiers' canteen military units. For meals, the room is equipped separately from the dining room. Each dining room of the military unit should have all the necessary food, auxiliary, household and technical premises, a dining room, refrigeration and other equipment that ensure normal conditions for cooking and its acceptance of the personnel. Food in the canteen military units is preparing strictly on the layout of products of military units, in which the personnel is powered by a general-country soldering, hot food is issued and prepared three times a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). Food reception hours are determined by the military commander. Packs with three-time nutrition are distributed by energy value (caloriestics): for breakfast - 30 - 35%, for lunch - 40 - 45% and for dinner - 20 - 30%. Depending on the conditions of combat training and the schedule of the day of the military unit, the distribution of the soldering can be changed by the commander of the military unit. For servicemen undergoing a call service located in Karaul, a four-frame meal is organized at the expense of daily rate products: breakfast, lunch and dinner - at regular time and second dinner - at night. It is allowed to provide these servicemen with additional meals by the cash fund of the military unit (Order of the RF RF No. 200 1992, Ch. 8, p. 115). The layout of the products is made up by the head of the food service, together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the dining room and the master of cooking technology or the instructor (cook), and where the latter is not - with the senior chef. The layout of the products is signed by the deputy commander of the military unit on the rear (assistant commander for supply), head of the food service, head of the medical service and is approved by the commander of the military unit. Product layout is usually drawn up for a week, separately for each norm. The issuance of products for additional nutrition to individual military teams and units decreasing outside the military unit are made on the overhead on the basis of the written order of the commander of the military unit. Products from the warehouse of the military unit in the dining room for cooking are weighed and the cook-instructor is released, the older cook in the presence of duty on the dining room along the overhead. The product bookmark in the boiler is made by cooks in the presence of duty on the dining room. Before the extraction of hot food on the table, the quality of its preparation is checked by the officials of the military unit. The doctor (Feldsher), together with duty on the part, checks the quality of the finished food directly in the hot shop (places of its issuance), the sanitary condition of the canteen, table-kitchenware and inventory. The results of the test of the doctor (paramedic) are recorded in the book of monitoring the quality of cooking quality. After that, the duty officer on the part gives permission to issue food personnel. Finished foods, in addition, daily tested by the commander of the military unit or to specify it with one of the substituents. Testing food is to determine its taste and volume, mass meat (fish) portions, cold snacks, first, second and third dishes. The commander of the military unit (deputy commander of the military unit on the rear) makes testing of food directly in the dining room at one of the tables together with the personnel during the meal. The results of the approve of food are recorded in the book of control of the quality of cooking quality with estimates separately for each dish. When the inconsistency of the volume, the mass of portions and dishes issued by personnel in the direction of decreasing relative to the calculated data specified in the product layout, the reasons for their inconsistencies are detected and appropriate measures are taken. A visit to the dining room of military unit with unauthorized persons is allowed only with the permission of the commander of the military unit or the person replacing it. Persons who inspecting the organization of food, when visiting shops and other premises of the dining room, must wear a clean bathrobe (jacket). In the dining room of military unit, a daily outfit is distinguished for the completion of the utility work: up to 100 people feeding in the dining room - 3-4 people, for each subsequent 100 people eating additionally allocated 2 people. The daily outfit appointed to work in the dining room of the military unit, before the intercession on duty, is exposed to a medical examination by a doctor (paramedic). Persons who have not passed medical examination, are not allowed to work in the dining room. Persons of the daily outfit, appointed in the dining room for processing meat and fish, cooking and distribution of food, portioning the oil of cow, pouring jelly, compote, milk and juice fruit, cleaning and cutting boiled potatoes and vegetables, as well as for washing digestive boilers without medical control Allowed. The faces of the daily outfit take food at a particular table to the common meal of the personnel of the military unit. For cutting bread, portioning sugar, oil and their issuing, hydrogen is highlighted. Herborrie is appointed by order of the commander of the military unit from the servicemen on the call (only where there is no standard chopness) for a period determined by the commander of the part, but not less than a month. Preparation of the dining table to feed food is made by persons of the daily outfit under the direction of the head of the dining room and the duty on dining room. The temperature of the finished food by the time of the reception of its personnel should be: for the first dishes - not lower than 75 °; for second dishes - not lower than 65 °; Tea - 80 °. The bread is cut into thin slices with a mass of 50 - 75 g and is issued for the need within the norm. Sukhari instead of bread is allowed to issue no more than three times a week to the first dish. If the food intake is made in a few shifts, with breaks between changes exceeding an hour, then cooking is made for each shift separately. The duty officers on the division meet their units in the dining room, are present when taking food and follow the order in the dining room. Eating in overcoats, heads and special (working) shape of clothing is prohibited. By order of military unit behind each division, constant dining tables are enshrined. Each table is appointed senior table. The duties of the senior table include the implementation of the testing of the dishes after meals. He also monitors the order and discipline of servicemen during food intake and does not allow the pollution of the table to the remains of food. At the end of meals, the dining room tableware is folded on the edge of the table strictly by its species. Cleaning dishes on dining tables and delivery to the washing room is made by persons of the daily dress on the dining room on the trolleys, and where self-service lines are used - feeding. For military personnel performing various tasks and not present in connection with this breakfast, dinner or dinner, the corresponding food consumption is left. Applications for remaining food are filed by the ears of the divisions through the battery duty officer (division) by duty on the dining room, indicating the time of the renovation of servicemen to the dining room. Food left for missing servicemen is stored in a separate closed dish in a refrigeration cabinet no more than 4 hours, and in the absence of refrigerations - no more than 2 hours. At the same time, meat and fish portions are stored separately from the side dish. The issuance of food is allowed after repeated thermal processing and testing by a doctor (paramedic). For a personnel, not able to arrive in the dining room before the expiration of the established food storage time, the products in the boiler are not laid. In these cases, on the instructions of the duty officer on the dining room, the missing servicemen are prepared separately by the time of their arrival in the dining room. Military parts are obtained on military bakeries and civil bakery enterprises.

Food of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is organized in accordance with the guidance of organizing the Power Support of the BC of the Russian Federation, approved by the head of the Central Food Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
In military units to provide nutrition (hot food) servicemen who have the right to receive food at the expense of the state, the corresponding canteens (soldiers', cadet, officers) are provided for the charters.
In the canteen, the content of the chefs is set at the calculation of the following norms: up to 150 feed - 3 cooks, from 151 to 200 eating - 4 cooks, 1 cook is added to every 125 feeding on every 125. The total number of cooks is determined taking into account the chefs contained in the divisions of the military unit. The instructor (cook) is contained with the number of erupted over 500 people and in the calculated number of cooks is not counted, and the master according to the cooking technology - with the number of erecting over 1000 people.
The servicemen passing the military service under the contract are provided by nutrition through the soldiers' canteen military units. For meals, the room is equipped separately from the dining room.
Each dining room of the military unit should have all the necessary food, auxiliary, household and technical premises, a dining room, refrigeration and other equipment that ensure normal conditions for cooking and its acceptance of the personnel.
Food in the canteen military units is preparing strictly on the layout of products of military units, in which the personnel is powered by a general-country soldering, hot food is issued and prepared three times a day (for breakfast, lunch and dinner). Food reception hours are determined by the military commander.
Packs with three-time nutrition are distributed by energy value (caloriestics): for breakfast - 30 - 35%, for lunch - 40 - 45% and for dinner - 20 - 30%. Depending on the conditions of combat training and the schedule of the day of the military unit, the distribution of the soldering can be changed by the commander of the military unit.
For servicemen undergoing a call service located in Karaul, a four-frame meal is organized at the expense of daily rate products: breakfast, lunch and dinner - at regular time and second dinner - at night. It is allowed to provide these servicemen with additional meals by the cash fund of the military unit (Order of the RF RF No. 200 1992, Ch. 8, p. 115).
The layout of the products is made up by the head of the food service, together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the dining room and the master of cooking technology or the instructor (cook), and where the latter is not - with the senior chef.
The layout of the products is signed by the deputy commander of the military unit on the rear (assistant commander for supply), head of the food service, head of the medical service and is approved by the commander of the military unit. Product layout is usually drawn up for a week, separately for each norm.
The issuance of products for additional nutrition to individual military teams and units decreasing outside the military unit are made on the overhead on the basis of the written order of the commander of the military unit.
Products from the warehouse of the military unit in the dining room for cooking are weighed and the cook-instructor is released, the older cook in the presence of duty on the dining room along the overhead. The product bookmark in the boiler is made by cooks in the presence of duty on the dining room.
Before the extraction of hot food on the table, the quality of its preparation is checked by the officials of the military unit.
The doctor (Feldsher), together with duty on the part, checks the quality of the finished food directly in the hot shop (places of its issuance), the sanitary condition of the canteen, table-kitchenware and inventory.

The results of the test of the doctor (paramedic) are recorded in the book of monitoring the quality of cooking quality. After that, the duty officer on the part gives permission to issue food personnel. Finished foods, in addition, daily tested by the commander of the military unit or to specify it with one of the substituents. Testing food is to determine its taste and volume, mass meat (fish) portions, cold snacks, first, second and third dishes.
The commander of the military unit (deputy commander of the military unit on the rear) makes testing of food directly in the dining room at one of the tables together with the personnel during the meal.
The results of the approve of food are recorded in the book of control of the quality of cooking quality with estimates separately for each dish. When the inconsistency of the volume, the mass of portions and dishes issued by personnel in the direction of decreasing relative to the calculated data specified in the product layout, the reasons for their inconsistencies are detected and appropriate measures are taken. A visit to the dining room of military unit with unauthorized persons is allowed only with the permission of the commander of the military unit or the person replacing it. Persons who inspecting the organization of food, when visiting shops and other premises of the dining room, must wear a clean bathrobe (jacket).
In the dining room of military unit, a daily outfit is distinguished for the completion of the utility work: up to 100 people feeding in the dining room - 3-4 people, for each subsequent 100 people eating additionally allocated 2 people.
The daily outfit appointed to work in the dining room of the military unit, before the intercession on duty, is exposed to a medical examination by a doctor (paramedic). Persons who have not passed medical examination, are not allowed to work in the dining room.
Persons of the daily outfit, appointed in the dining room for processing meat and fish, cooking and distribution of food, portioning the oil of cow, pouring jelly, compote, milk and juice fruit, cleaning and cutting boiled potatoes and vegetables, as well as for washing digestive boilers without medical control Allowed. The faces of the daily outfit take food at a particular table to the common meal of the personnel of the military unit. For cutting bread, portioning sugar, oil and their issuing, hydrogen is highlighted. Herborrie is appointed by order of the commander of the military unit from the servicemen on the call (only where there is no standard chopness) for a period determined by the commander of the part, but not less than a month.
Preparation of the dining table to feed food is made by persons of the daily outfit under the direction of the head of the dining room and the duty on dining room. The temperature of the finished food by the time of the reception of its personnel should be: for the first dishes - not lower than 75 °; for second dishes - not lower than 65 °; Tea - 80 °.
The bread is cut into thin slices with a mass of 50 - 75 g and is issued for the need within the norm. Sukhari instead of bread is allowed to issue no more than three times a week to the first dish. If the food intake is made in a few shifts, with breaks between changes exceeding an hour, then cooking is made for each shift separately. The duty officers on the division meet their units in the dining room, are present when taking food and follow the order in the dining room.
Eating in overcoats, heads and special (working) shape of clothing is prohibited. By order of military unit behind each division, constant dining tables are enshrined. Each table is appointed senior table. The duties of the senior table include the implementation of the testing of the dishes after meals. He also monitors the order and discipline of servicemen during food intake and does not allow the pollution of the table to the remains of food.
At the end of meals, the dining room tableware is folded on the edge of the table strictly by its species. Cleaning dishes on dining tables and delivery to the washing room is made by persons of the daily dress on the dining room on the trolleys, and where self-service lines are used - feeding.
For military personnel performing various tasks and not present in connection with this breakfast, dinner or dinner, the corresponding food consumption is left. Applications for remaining food are filed by the ears of the divisions through the battery duty officer (division) by duty on the dining room, indicating the time of the renovation of servicemen to the dining room.
Food left for missing servicemen is stored in a separate closed dish in a refrigeration cabinet no more than 4 hours, and in the absence of refrigerations - no more than 2 hours. At the same time, meat and fish portions are stored separately from the side dish. The issuance of food is allowed after repeated thermal processing and testing by a doctor (paramedic).
For a personnel, not able to arrive in the dining room before the expiration of the established food storage time, the products in the boiler are not laid. In these cases, on the instructions of the duty officer on the dining room, the missing servicemen are prepared separately by the time of their arrival in the dining room.
Military parts are obtained on military bakeries and civil bakery enterprises.

Military encyclopedia. Site `s map. With full or partial copying of materials, a direct indexed link to the website "Military-Encyclopedia.RF" is required. About the project.

Food organization in the military unit

The power of the servicemen determines:

    number of food meals during the day.

    compliance with physiologically correct intervals between them.

    the expedient distribution of products laid on the norms of daily allowance during the day.

    food reception in a strict time scheduled time.

Development of the service life of military personnel rests on the commander

of the military unit, his deputy for the rear, the head of the medical and head of the food services of the military unit. For the personnel of the army and the navy, depending on the standards of the contentment and the nature of the training and combat activities, a three- or four-time meal of food is installed. Treshrase (breakfast, Lunch and dinner) is organized in military units, where the personnel is powered by the norms of soldiersky, officer, cadet, engineering, technical, special and high-altitude solders.

According to the charter of the internal service of the armed forces, the gaps between meals should not exceed 7 hours. With this in mind, when drawing up the routine of the midst of the military unit, breakfast is planned before the start of classes, dinner 2-3 hours before the pen.

After lunch for at least 30 minutes. It is not allowed to conduct classes or work. Daily ratings of satisfaction with three-time diet are distributed by calories, but also it is most advisable to use products that have different foodstures. Recalling that the main physical and neuropsychiatric load on the personnel is on the first half of the day, products rich in proteins are planned for cooking breakfast. Fats. This allows the servicemen to obtain the necessary supply of nutrients before the working day starting the work day. It should consist of meat or fish dishes with fruits, buckwheat or rice porridge, vegetable side dish, butter creamy, tea, etc. Lunch provides for the main part of the product products to fill the energyrators and prepare the body to further work. For lunch, as a rule, a cold snack is planned, the first and second dishes, compote or kissel. Dinner should be easy, easy and consisting of meat or fish dishes with a garnish and tea. In cases where the battle plan provides for the occupation at night, dinner is planned to be more caloric. The layout of products is made up by the head of the food service, together with the head of the medical service of the military unit, the head of the dining room and the chef (senior chef). She signed by the deputy commander of the military unit along the rear, the head of the medical and head of food services and is approved by the commander of the military unit.

Make changes to the approved layout of products without the permission of the commander of the military unit is not permitted. The layout of products is usually drawn up for a week separately for each rate of daily allowance, in three copies. The first copy (script) is in the workshop of the food service and is the basis for the discharge of products from the warehouse in the dining room, the second instance is highlighted in the lobby of the dining room to familiarize themselves eating, and the third is issued to the instructor-cook (senior cook) for manual when cooking and bookmarking products in boiler.

When drawing up product layouts:

    Features and character of combat training;

    Mental and neuropsychic load on servicemen;

    Power Mode established for this contingent servicemen;

    The presence and range of products available on the food warehouse of the military unit;

    Daily allowance standards for which the personnel feeds on;

    The possibility of using the products of the case (such nutrition) economy for additional nutrition;

    Qualifications and number of cooks;

    Equipment canteen technological and refrigeration equipment;

    Wishes and requests feeding.

Product layouting technique includes thought-out dishes for a week and the correct distribution of food intake products.

For this purpose, it is recommended to use card files and exemplary product layouts. In the layout of products for a week, the same dishes should not be repeated more than two or three times, and the dish of the same products, for example, the sage soup and porridge porridge as a side dish - during the day. Cereal garnish must be alternating with vegetable. The second meat dishes in the fried or stew cause a longer sense of satiety. Therefore, according to the norms of the soldier's soldering, there is no breakfast or dinner, it is necessary to plan a goulash, azu, stew, pilaf, roast homely; For lunch - fried and stew meat, pork in crumbs and dough, meat swiven and other dishes, and in the winter season - cutlets, bokings, meatballs, biphstex chopped. Fish dishes should also be planned in a wide range: fried fish, stew, under marinade, baked in sauce, test, etc. On the side dishes, it is necessary to provide for the crumbling porridge in return for viscous. Rice, issued in return for cereals, it is recommended to use for the preparation of garnings to meat dishes (for lunch twice a week), as well as for soups.

Important for diversity of nutrition has the preparation of combined dishes with simultaneous use of vegetables, croup and legumes (pickle with a pearl cereal, milk porridge with pea puree, etc.). Vegetable side dishes are preferable for fish dishes. Cold snacks to dinner excite appetite and enrich the daily diet with vitamins. In the soldiers' canteens during the week for a snack, it is recommended to prepare: Herring with a side disk or winery, beetroot, salads - potato, vitamin, made of white cabbage and sauerkraut with beets, made of salted tomatoes, etc. Daily product rates are included in the layout completely.

For a variety of food allowed on certain days a partial replacement of some products by others in accordance with the established substitutions of replacements. It is not allowed within a week overrun or underwear of products laid on daily satisfaction. To compensate for the lack of vitamin C in the diet of the servicemen with a decrease in its content in fresh vegetables and potatoes (in spring and summer), as well as when replacing fresh vegetables and potatoes, dried vegetables and cereals of military personnel, in the norms of the daily allowance of which vitamin C and other vitamin Preparations, in the period from April 15 to August 15, an ascorbic acid is issued daily at the rate of 50 mg per person per day by laying it into a sweet dish.

In connection with the improvement of the standards of satisfaction on the soldier's soldering and the introduction of a sweet dish for lunch, it is advisable to prepare the first dish at the rate of 600 g, and not 700 g per person. Meat and fish on the standards of soldier soldier are distributed: meat for breakfast or dinner - 50 g, for lunch - 100 g, Fish for breakfast or dinner - 100 g. Cooking meat and fish dishes for breakfast and dinner alternates. On the first day, for example, a meat dish is planned for breakfast, and for dinner - fish, on the second day for breakfast - a fish dish, and for dinner - meat, etc. The dish of meat for breakfast is planned at least four times a week, a fish dish - no more than three times. To a cold snack from vegetables or vinegar can be issued in 20 g of herring by reducing this amount of fish issuing. It is prohibited to spend herring for cooking fish dishes. Creamy oil 20 g is fully fed to the table for breakfast, fats are planned at 10 g for the preparation of the first and second meat dishes. Vegetable oil 15 g is provided for the preparation of fish dishes for breakfast or dinner and cold snacks for lunch. Wheat flour of the second grade is used to refuel the first dish, cooking sauces to meat and fish dishes, as well as for panning fish. Bread from flour rusty and wheat wobble on the standards of soldiers soldier distributed: for breakfast - 150 g, for lunch - 200 g, dinner - 100 g. Bread from flour of the first grade: for breakfast - 150 g, lunch - 100 g and dinner - 150 G.

Sugar is planned for breakfast 35 g, for dinner - 30 g.

On days when compote is prepared, the amount of sugar to tea is reduced by 10-15 g; This sugar is laid in compote. Cyll of concentrate is prepared without adding sugar. In the soldiers' tables 1-2 times a week bakes buns, pies or donuts. For this, 100 g of wheat bread from the flour of the first grade is allowed to replace the flour of the same variety (according to replacement standards). The issuance of eggs in festive and weekends (Sundays) days and on the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy (February 23) is made only in boiled form for breakfast or for lunch. Cooking eggs ends 1-1.5 hours before the release of their personnel. Eggs are served in small plates of 20 pcs. for each dining table, i.e. Two eggs per person.

To determine the estimated output of finished dishes, meat and fish servings, average waste norms are used in the processing of products, the exit of semi-finished products and finished portions installed in the military power supply. The exit of the second dish in the product layout is shown by the total mass, i.e. Meat or fishing portion along with a garnish and sauce and separately - the mass of meat or fish portion For example, the mass of one portion of the fried meat should be 48 g, porril silent cereal - 240 g and sauce 50 g. Thus, the total mass of the second dish is 48+ 240 + 50 \u003d 338

  1. "Management of the daily activities of the medical service of military unit in peacetime"


    … 2. ORGANIZATION Medical and preventive work in Military worship 2.1. The content of therapeutic and preventive measures 2.2. Organization dispensarization military personnel 2.3. Features of dispensarization servicemen

  2. II Head Organization of Providing Medical Units, Parts Medical Equipment and Property


    ... work pharmacy. Not less frequent one time in three ... inventory determined In the order of the military worship. For warrigs he is not … servicemen with reduced body weight and control organization in parts" 27. Methodical instructions " Organization

  3. Guidelines for the accounting of weapons, equipment, property and other material resources in the Armed Forces of the USSR Part I


    Part I Accounting in the divisions Warring, On ships and in compounds Moscow -1980 This manual determines: organizationmilitary worship By political parts Checks not less frequentservicemanhaving the right to food in military worship

  4. Receiving work in military units. Registration with an employee of labor relations


    servicemen»Prepared for the release of a legal guide" Work of civilian personnel warrigswarrigs, institutions, military and educational institutions, enterprises and organizationsMode working time determined ... public nutrition And ...

  5. Methodical recommendations for the pre-preparation of military drivers of vehicles category "C" in the organizations of the DOSAAF of Russia

    ... 3. Examine organization carrying out military worship maintenance ... study system nutrition engine fuel ... technology will be completely define correct and competent ... that actions servicemen According to combat ... roads. Mode Move ...

Other similar documents ..

Approved the leadership, enshrining the new procedure for food support of the military and some other citizens in peacetime. This guide also enshrines new rules for the provision of equipment, the products of the general purpose and the property of the food service.

Clarified, on the basis of what documents are credited for food security. These include the direction for treatment, a stationary examination, examination in a military medical institution; Report of the serviceman, senior military team, division commander.

It is forbidden to reduce the staffing of the staff posts of less than 70%.

For the preparation and issuance of food by the military, in need of therapeutic (dietary) nutrition, as well as the height of 190 cm and above, a separate cook is assigned. They are provided with separate tables.

Catering enterprises are attracted to provide relevant services on the basis of a state contract.

The manual also defines like regular animals (dogs, horses, camels, donkeys, deer) are provided with feeds (products) and underfilm materials.

The provisions of food, feeds, as well as the replacement of alone products are given.

In the mining diet of 3 to 6 pieces, the amount of water disinfection means is increased. 6 water-resistant matches (earlier - set). In the rest of the diet and survival, emergency rations, on-board soldering, emergency stock kits have not changed. In the norms in which black tea is envisaged, it is clarified that it is a bike.

The temporary norms of food solders for military performing special and other tasks or in special climatic conditions are established. In particular, we are talking about work with causative agents of hazardous infectious diseases.

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2011 N 888 "On approval of the Grocery Guidelines for the military's armed forces of the Russian Federation and some other categories of persons, as well as providing feeds (products) and underfilm materials of regular animals of military units in peacetime

Registration N 21665.

This Order comes into force on the expiration of 10 days after the day of its official publication.

This document amended the following documents:

Changes take effect after 10 days after the day of the official publication of the named order

Than feed in the army

Conducting sons to the army, parents worry not only about what conditions they will live suddenly outrageous chad. Perhaps there is no mother and, in particular, grandmother, who would not flash the furtively, presenting a poor menu, which will be satisfied with the young soldier.

Hurry to calm both those and others: feed will be satisfying, and after classes in the fresh air, your son and grandson will eat with such an appetite, which you didn't have to see your buns and cheeses!

Another thing is whether the power will be varied with diversity, or feed the principle "you can give." It all depends on where it is lucky to serve: usually the larger the settlement, the more diverse the menu. But, in any case, food will be dense, calorie, and dishes, though unneestate, tasty and fresh will be supplied.

The food in the army is predominantly tri-around: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For breakfast soldiers gets:

  1. a plate of porridge with a sausage or a cutlet (or a portion of dumplings or dumplings with cottage cheese - no less than once a week);
  2. a glass of milk;
  3. coffee with a bowl of condensed milk or sugar.

If such a breakfast seems to be too scarce, remember how the future newlywave disappeared for a whole day, drinking half a cup of tea! You won't call too abundant menu, but this amount of products is quite enough in order to cheer up a young organism and set it up on a working way.

Lunch will be much denser:

  1. in compulsory, the soldiers are fed by first dish, soup, borsch or a solicky, pickle or soup with a vermicelline;
  2. on the second, the meat dish of beef, pork, liver or chicken fillet with some side dish are given;
  3. the portion of the vinegar or salad of fresh seasonal vegetables is a useful and delicious additive for any dinner;
  4. a cup of compotes from fresh fruits or a tumper with packing packs is relying for dessert.

Dinner, as it should be, more easy than lunch:

  1. fish - fried, boiled or stew (mackerel sometimes), and to it - portion of potato mashed potatoes, stewed cabbage, rice or buckwheat cereal with butter; Dumplings with sour cream and garnish in the form of peas / corn
  2. a glass of tea or juice, to which a bun is relied on the weekend or other baking.

In addition, every day for each soldier is released on a pack of butter, white and gray bread.

Do not forget about vitamins: fresh and sauerkraut, raw and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. Often give legumes that are the most valuable source of vegetable protein.

When drawing up a daily menu in the army, preferences are preferences for most soldiers. Dishes that are not particularly popular, they are rarely prepared: the guys should not get up because of the table hungry. So, the barley sweep infrequently, but the buckwheat porridge as a side dish to the boiler or the vessel appears on the soldier's table several times a week.

In truth, it is not all likely to felt. But here it is quite another thing: you do not want to eat, and eat, as the order of the elder. Well, hunger is not aunty!

As you can see, the existence of Calorien is quite common - on average, it is 4300-4600 kokalorius for a day.

Dry Paew

And if it is not possible to feed the soldiers of hot food - for example, on the exercises in the field? In this case, they are issued dry paja.

Depending on how long the teachings are extended, it may contain the amount of products sufficient for one-time reception or the day.

The quality of dry soldering is the most stringent requirements:

  • it should include only such products, the preparation of which will take several minutes, and not at all that do not require preparation;
  • no perishable products that could cause poisoning or stomach disorder (mayonnaise, sausages or fresh vegetables and fruits);
  • it must be caloriene enough and easily absorbed by the body.

No less important packaging quality: it should be durable, reliably insulating inside foods from the exposure to the external environment, and just comfortable - it will not have to eat at the table.

What is the dry paja?

  1. First, canned food: canned porridge, beans with meat, stewed beef or pork (by the way, very tasty - many guys, returning from the army, buy it "for the soul", with nostalgia recalling the days of service);
  2. Secondly, sublimated products - fast preparation soups, dried fruits, soluble (usually barley) coffee;
  3. The dryer is necessarily increasing milk (dry or condensed), sugar, daily rate of salt and pepper in individual sachets;
  4. Baking is also present: in the form of a galet, sugar or crackers in a word, something that can be kept long enough.

In addition, each set is supplemented with one-time dishes, wet napkins and some simplest device with which food can be warm up.

Water for soup or coffee will have to get it yourself, but about making it safe and suitable for drinking, it is not necessary to worry about: a special tool for this is in every drip.


And, finally, that the harsh grandfathers of modern soldiers would consider the incomplete luxury: the possibility of choosing a particular dish from several proposed - well-known and beloved by all "buffets".

Of course, such a system is far from everywhere, but if you were lucky enough to face a similar phenomenon, you probably will not regret!

Having come for lunch, the soldier can choose one of two soups, one of the three hot dishes and any of the three garnings. If you want to taste, let's say, and chicken, and a walk, no one will object, but you need to take a complete portion, but half. You can also put in a plate on the plan of two garnings.

The salad bar became the loved by all innovation. Previously, many soldiers refused to salad if they had a product that they did not like. Now this problem is solved: salads can be done by the fact that there is, seasoning with vegetable oil, sauce or, as some prefer, simply mixing in a plate of beloved vegetables.

How can the parents of conscripts, the food in the army became not only more diverse. The portions also became more, not to mention the quality of ready-made dishes - it is above all praise. Special attention is paid to the behavior of soldiers at the table. So it is not worth worrying: your son will be fed!

Questions about what is fed in the army are interested in many conscripts. During the service, they have to eat on a special regime. The state takes care that young people have a full-fledged diet. It is based on useful food products that are saturated with the human body by all the necessary substances.

Daily standard norm

In the daily diet of the soldier of the Russian army, the products are binding on the table, which is given in the table. The soldier must receive it in the marked quotation.

The diet also includes various additives in the form of spices, vinegar and tomato paste.

Approximate soldier menu for every day

The soldier's nutrition is divided into three main receptions, which are carried out in strictly allotted for this time. The routine routine should not be broken.

The menu of servicemen consists of a certain set of products, which in a rare case can be modified.


An important meal for a soldier is breakfast. It allows you to restore the forces after charging and get the necessary energy supply for the whole day.

  1. A boiled porridge from various cereals or pasta is served on the side dish.
  2. As a second dish, cutlets, chicken or sausages can be.
  3. Hot drink is coffee with milk or cocoa.
  4. Also, the soldier receives bread, cheese, oil and a bun.

Thanks to the full and calorie breakfast, soldiers can normally carry the service without feeling hunger

Lunch is no less important in its meaning than breakfast. Having half a day in classes and training, the soldier spends a lot of strength and energy. He needs to restore them. Maintain this tight lunch can contribute.

For lunch, you should expect the next menu:

  1. The first dish is served soups prepared on the basis of various croup, borshs and brides.
  2. A porridge or pasta goes to the garnish.
  3. The second is served meat, for example, pork, beef or chicken.
  4. Vegetable salads, Vinaigrette performed as cold dishes.
  5. For dessert, the soldier can get a fruit or berry drink.
  6. Required diet complements a piece of bread.

Because of its diversity, lunch allows you to well satisfy and get the right portion of the beneficial substances that help the body correctly work.

For dinner, the food should be not too heavy both in the army and in ordinary life. At the same time, it should be the same nutrient as breakfast and lunch. Such dishes are usually prepared for dinner:

  1. Potato mashed potatoes, various porridge with butter, sometimes dumplings, powdered sour cream, or vegetable stew.
  2. The second is served fried or stewed fish.
  3. The diet complements tea or compote.
  4. Dinner give bread and a bun.

In the process of drawing up the menu, various factors are taken into account. Russian cuisine is very diverse. Due to this, it is possible to easily choose a suitable diet that will allow the soldier to dial the required amount of calories.

The digestibility of the products must be taken into account. Therefore, the cooks should very seriously approach the issue of selecting a menu for servicemen.

Dry ducks

Dry bucks are issued if there is no possibility or conditions for meals in the dining room. It is issued in the teachings outside the part. The IRP contains in its composition food intended for cooking in the field. An individual diet, or as it is also called dry lads, is issued as a temporary replacement of field kitchen.

When drawing up dry soldering, the following rules are taken into account:

  • There should be no perishable products;
  • Food should be ready to eat in a preheated form, as a last resort, differ rapid preparation;
  • All dishes must be easily digested by the body;
  • Availability of convenient and durable packaging with protection against dirt and water;
  • The presence of the desired amount of calories, vitamins and nutrients.

All these requirements are of great importance when serving military personnel in the field. There are several different types of dry soldering. In the usual soldier's set includes:

  • In the preserved form of stew, porridge, stew, milk condensed;
  • In dried or sublimated form, various soups and borscht, as well as coffee, juices, dried fruits and milk powder;
  • Spices, sugar and vitamins;
  • Gaoles and crackers.

The composition also includes wet and dry napkins, a set of disposable dishes, a tablet for water purification, matches with tagank and dry flammable for heating meals.

The individual diet is prohibited to admit the following:

  • Food with limited storage conditions;
  • Products that include alcoholic, culinary fats, almost all preservatives;
  • Confectionery on a cream basis and with a large number of cocoa powder;
  • Anyone not certified products.

In a dry soldering, everything is provided for a full-fledged meal serviceman.

Field kitchen soldiers of Russia

Meal for military personnel when using field kitchen does not have a wide variety. For the soldier of the Russian army, the diet consists of several dishes.

For breakfast prepare pasta or porridge. In the form of a second dish there is a stew. Creamy oil or pate is added to bread. Of the hot drinks most often give tea, cocoa, sometimes chicory.

Lunch necessarily includes the first dish. It may be a borsch or brideller. A porridge with chicken or pork meat is served on the side dish. Canned canned beans or polka dots. Also soldiers give bread and tea or compote.

The dinner relies potato mashed potatoes (sometimes produce boiled potatoes). The second dish is fried fish. From drinks, tea or compote from dried fruits is leaning. Mandatory in the diet include bread.

How to fed in foreign armids

The standardized menu in different countries has certain differences, which will be interested in to learn servicemen or recruits to the army.

In the USA, a very serious approach to the diet. A special research center is working on the preparation of the menu of servicemen.

A variety of diet in the American army is very large. This is explained by the fact that the servicemen of this country have different nationalities and religion. Therefore, cooks have to prepare a huge amount of dishes to provide every soldier with a suitable menu.

For the convenience of soldiers who comply with a diet or for other reasons, the calories are forced to count, the cooks indicate their number in each dish. In 2018, servicemen are increasingly thinking about healthy diet. Now in the American army, it is already not to see dishes in which there is no indication of calorie. Now the soldiers can independently calculate how much food for today they should eat to get their portion of calories.

For breakfast in the American army, as a rule, various cereals or scrambled eggs are served. Complement the diet of bacon. Fruits, juices and fresh pastries are served for dessert.

Lunch, like dinner, consists mainly of two different first courses. Must be fed several types of cold snacks. Complements the dessert menu, which is presented in three-four versions.


In Israeli troops, the organization of nutrition is occupied. Dishes that are preparing soldiers are also eating an army officer. A small difference in calories from the standard menu only at the pilots and sailors. For vegetarians, a separate diet is compiled.

For breakfast and dinner there is a similar menu. The servicemen are offered a wide variety of salads. The main dish is the omelet or boiled eggs. Coffee or tea is also served for breakfast. Damn is dairy products, namely yoghurts, cottage cheese and cheeses.

Lunch consists of different garnings to choose from. They are served with chicken or beef meat, sometimes fish. There is also a large selection of salads. The first in the army must be soup. Lunch is offered a large selection of juices.

At the moment there is a reduction in the number of cooks in the army of Israel. This is explained by the new financing policy. Thanks to such changes, the servicemen now serve specialized companies that are engaged in cooking.


The menu of the Armed Forces of India is very modest. There were cases when products were used to feed the army with an expired shelf life. All this is due to corruption that flourishes in the country.

Breakfast consists of a tortilla and tea cups. Sometimes the dessert give a pumpkin.

Lunch is more voluminous. Soldiers give pea soup with pellet, vegetable stew and a small portion of chicken.

For dinner, dishes are most often served, which servicemen get at lunchtime.


For the soldier of the French army, a varied menu is represented. The difference between dishes for ordinary soldiers and officers is quite weighty.

Soldiers are preparing a standardized army diet. To maintain the power of military personnel, the army provides a calorie and useful menu. Potatoes, rice or legumes are usually served as a side dish. On the second there is pork, beef or chicken. All this is offered to choose from. Also, various types of snacks fall into the diet, fruit for dessert. Mineral water and cheese can be taken to any reception.

During the teachings, the officer makes as much as ordinary soldiers. At the same time, the additional fee from them is not taken.

Protection of its dedication is the debt of a real man. The army is the School of True Warrior-Defender. Many people know that the healthy nutrition of the fighter takes a significant role in the life of the soldier, since considerable costs of the resources of the young organism should be compensated, and energy is replenished. Food can be both healthy and not healthy, therefore, the menu of the Russian army, however, as well as other countries, it is necessary to compose the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Approximate menu for every day

Food servicemen takes three times a day on the schedule.


For a good feeding of a young organism and a great mood, after a slightly despalting charging soldier, a soldier breakfast is simply needed. It, as a rule, should be nutritious, toning, as it is very important for the initial work of the young "engine" of the serviceman.

For breakfast, usually issued:

  • Porridge (pearl, oatmeal, or cooked from any other useful cereal) with boiled sausage, chicken or fried or steam cutlet; Also, there may be pasta or dumplings;
  • Cocoa with milk, or coffee with condensed milk and sugar.
  • Bread, oil, cheese, bun. In some parts, a boiled egg is issued daily.

Such a breakfast is definitely not called rich, but it is necessary so that the soldiers steadily overcome the hard-time watches of combat training.

Breakfast options in the Army of Russia

It's no secret that servicemen are waiting for lunch, since the first half of the day is usually made difficult after unpretentious breakfast. But this is a service with all deprivation and hardness. The second one per day, the next reception looks like a rich first. The soldier needs to restore the strength of a more dense dinner.

  1. The first dish is a soup, without which the soldier's diet is simply not to do. At this stage, the army feeds the soldiers with borsch, sch), pickle and ordinary soups from the cereals: rice, pearl and others.
  2. As a second dish, the fighters receive any garnish (mainly buckwheat / rice / pasta) with the addition of pork, beef, chicken or fish.
  3. A huge amount of vitamins are contained in salads (vinaigrette, or from fresh vegetables), so it is required in the soldiers' diet.
  4. As a dessert on the tables of the soldiers' dining room there is a compote from fresh fruits or berries.

Options for lunch

Like the servicemen and the usual civilian population, dinner must be light, but no less useful than breakfast and lunch. Stripping from such a position, dinner may consist of:

  • portions of potato mashed potatoes, porridge welded from buckwheat, peel or rice cereals, with the addition of butter, as well as fried or stew, dumplings with the addition of sour cream, beans or corn with peas. Also, vegetable stew or Bigus;
  • tea or compote with a delicious bun.

It should be noted that in the preparation of the menu in the army, a balance of nutrition, calorieness of dishes and features of young organisms to the absorption of various products are taken into account. It is important to the professionalism of cooks in the soldier's dining room. This statement can be given an example on the pearl cereal. In the old days in the Russian army, Pearl porridge was very appreciated by the fact that her usefulness had a positive effect on the strength of fighters. Consequently, Perlovka quite often fed the soldier Russian army. Previously, she was prepared according to a special ancient recipe, which, unfortunately, was not preserved to this day in his fullness. And also, there is a common opinion that in the army they feed only a pearl porridge, but in fact it has been not so long ago. The diet is quite diverse and pearly porridge appears in it only 1-2 times a week.

Buffet - Fairy Tale for Soldiers

Such a phenomenon, as the permissibility of food selection from the dishes provided, is rather infrequent in the army. Nevertheless, it is applied in practice. And the soldiers from this, of course, just delighted. It is not surprising who can refuse such luxury - the possibility of choice, and even during the passage of heavy military service.

What happens in practice? A soldier can choose one of the two first dishes and side dishes provided. The possibility of dividing the portion can also be practiced in one or another military unit. The soldier can put himself in a plate not only one, let's say, chicken, and not only one portion of the walk, and you can enjoy the chicken half and the half part of the goulash, which makes meals more diverse. The same situation is permissible with the side dish.

Sample buffet in the army

Another plus of the buffet is the fact that the soldier has the right to make a salad to his taste, adding the ingredients to his discretion, because on the table in various containers lie on a sliced \u200b\u200bor sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, green onions. , radish). For example, the soldier can put in a bowl of sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers and tomatoes, sprinkled with a parsley, green onion and dill, bay all the oil or sauce, in its preference. Such privileges are still available only in some military units, but we believe that soon will be everywhere.

Dry Paew

The life of the serviceman also passes outside of the military unit. There are not rare departures for the territory of the garrison. Teachings and field conditions are an integral part of the service of any serviceman in combat parts. Not always in such conditions installed field kitchen. Out of this position one - dry paja.

The duration of the teaching depends on how much products will contain a pack, designed for one day or for one-time reception.

The quality and composition of dry soldering are observed very strictly, so:

  1. Perishable products are excluded in order to prevent varying degrees of poisoning and stomach disorders. Such products can be attributed to sour cream, mayonnaise, sausage, sausages, chicken, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  2. Pajka must consist of instant food, or absolutely not requiring this procedure.
  3. The maximum ease of absorption of the products with a young soldier's organism.
  4. Strength and reliability of packaging, which will ensure the isolation of products from environmental exposure.

The composition of dry soldering should be:

  1. Canned food. In a preserved form, porridge (pearl, buckwheat) can be with the addition of beef or pork, beans, beans, meat or chicken.
  2. Dried fruits, soups or potato mashed potatoes, instant coffee.
  3. Long stored baking in the form of crackers and crackers, cookies.
  4. Dry milk, condensed milk, daily rate of sugar, salt, pepper, placed in individual specialized packages.

In addition, the part of the set should include napkins, disposable dishes, food heating agent, water purification filter, which is produced independently at the location of the dislocation.

IRP or dry bucks
Content dry soldering army of the Russian Federation

Field kitchen soldiers of Russia

As mentioned above, the soldiers of the Russian army often have to go to prolonged exercises on the landfill. It happens that they are not on the territory of the part from three days to several months. Their home for this period becomes a tent town, designed by the servicemen themselves. Dry solders do not do in this case, as the soldiers need hot food. Therefore, a field kitchen should be included in the tent complex.

This is how field kitchen looks like

The field kitchen menu is not as diverse as in the part, but the usefulness of the products should not give up. Products are a bit, but several breakfast options, lunch and dinner are usually present.

Breakfast is usually prepared for breakfast (pasta, rice) with stew, produce bread with butter or pate. As a drink, often cocoa or chicory.

Lunch is usually made up (borscht, pickle), a side disk with any meat or fish, canned peas or beans.

Example of hot dishes at the landfill

Dinner most often consists of potatoes in various preparation variations (mashed potatoes, stew or boiled in uniform and without it). A glass of tea or a compote from dried fruits is issued as a dessert.

The bread is very important for the rational nutrition of the soldier saturation of the beneficial substances, especially rye, so it is used by soldiers regularly, during breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It should be said that in the fresh air food is much better absorbed by a young soldier's organism.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the soldier in the army is tempered not only by body and character, but also the discipline of the food schedule. Interestingly, in the first half of the service, when the body only gets used to the supply mode and loads, a sharp drop drops occurs. But then the accustomed body begins to restore weight in the form of muscle mass and very often military personnel come from the army with a lot of weight than left.

Also, food in various military units differs in both the process and composition of dishes. We will be very grateful if you comment on this article and, if possible, send photos to compare.