The rarest kind of cats in the world. The most rare cat breeds in the world. Video: About the breed Ukrainian left

The breeders of many countries seek to bring the unique breed of cats, crossing wild and home species. And, on the basis of the desire of people, to have something unique and in one single copy, rare rocks are quite expensive.

Rare breeds of domestic cats

Rare called breeds of cats, which are listed in the Red Book and recently derived rocks. It is known about natural rare rocks and about the rocks of artificially derived by crossing, about rare wild cats and small rocks living with a person.

There are breeds of cats, which during the millennium practically did not evolve. Unfortunately, the trend is such that rare wild cats die out over time. They live in a natural environment: in the jungle and deserts. Externally, such animals resemble their home relatives. Most likely, with the time of wild rare cats, it will not be completely, and rare breeds of domestic cats will spread and cease to be small.

Macchins - Shroud Cats

One of the most rare breeds of cats - mancins. They are difficult to confuse with representatives of a different breed, since they are characterized by very short paws. The breed is not the result of selection, cats with extremely short legs appeared as a result of mutation. Their second name - "Cats-Kangaroo" and "Cat-dachshunds". They know how to confidently sit on the hind legs, using at this time the tail to hold the equilibrium.

Macchins, like dogs, love to walk on the trainer. It is gentle, intellectual and sociable cats. With children, they easily find a common language due to calmness and dog devotion.

Serengeneti - Breed, similar to externally with a serv

The rare breed of Serengeti was removed in 1994 by crossing the Eastern Shorthair and Bengal Cat. His goal of breeders put the creation of a pet, externally resembling African servals, but without participation in the crossing of this wild rock.

Serengeti - smart, sociable and devoted cats, loving to be part of the family. They are not against "talk", like Siamese cats. Of all domestic cats, Serengeti has the longest paws.

Caracal - wild cat resembling lynx

One of the rarest cats in the world is considered a doodle. Recently, this breed was on the verge of extinction. Externally, its representatives resemble a slim trot, their ears are decorated with black long brushes.

Caracal is the inhabitant of deserts and steppes of the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, Small and Central Asia, India. Sometimes it can be found in southern Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This wild breed is easily tamed. In ancient times, with tamed doodles, hunted small game in Persia and India, now hunting with such cats is a big rarity.

Toyer is one of the new, newly bredid breeds of cats. For the first time they appeared in India in the eighties of the last century, and the standard of rock was approved only in 2003. Externally, these cats are like small tigers, however, in their nature, pets are perfectly adapted to life in the apartment. Toyigra is unobtrusive, company and playful animals.

Toyer is an ideal homemade cat. Breeders of this breed are currently a bit. The breed actively began to develop in Australia, America and Canada. This breed is also included in the top of the most expensive cats in the world. .

Cat Elf - Cat with crooked ears

The elf cat reminds a fantastic creature with crooked ears. Its body is almost naked or covered with an imperceptible fluff, rare wool is present only on the ears, some areas of the legs, on the face and tail.

This breed is extremely rare, the population is only ten in the inhabitants of America. The weight of this active and sociable animal varies from three to six kilograms, and the curvature of the ears can be from ninety to one hundred eighty degrees.

Asher - breed that does not exist

Cats of the Asher breed for several years sold at the most appropriate prices, and the entry of those who wanted to get the kitten was carried out for a year. Asher stated as the largest domestic cat, its coloring is very reminiscent of the leopard. Lifestyle Pets was engaged in the destruction of this breed.

The fact that actually there is no Asher breed, and that all the noise around this event is just a well-thought-out scam scam, it turned out several years after the start of active sales of these individuals. The False Creator of the Asher breed at one time acquired kittens of the Savanna breed, after which he spent a wide advertising company and came up with a legend, which posted the beginning of the hysteria. The deception has become possible due to the fact that cats of the Savanna breed themselves are very rare and little-known.

The rare breed of cats in the world

There are several opinions about what kind of cats is considered the most rare. One of the versions is homemade servals whose ancestors were wild animals. The second rare breed according to many specialists - Savanna breed. This breed can be quite called one of the most memorable and spectacular. Representatives of the Savanna breed are elegant and large enough. Uniquely make their high intellectual development and exotic color.

The third breed applying to the rank of rare - Chauzi. This breed was brought by crossing the cat's African breed of the Jungle Cat and the cats of the home Abyssinian rock. It is known that the cats of the Cause breed in all of Russia are only ten. On average, the price of the Cottage of the Rarey breed is equal to seventeen thousand dollars, which is associated with their uniqueness.
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To rare cats are not only recently derived by the breeders of pets, but also an ancient thoroughbred cats that occurred naturally. Such animals have exotic appearance and are quite expensive. You should buy them only in specialized nurseries, because fraudsters are often issued for a rare breed cat of mongrel pets. Those who wish to settle in their home a unique cat should become familiar with the descriptions of the most rare rocks of cats in the world.

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    American rigid

    The most rare breed of cats in the world is American rigid. The progenitor of this breed was a kitten found on a farm in the United States. He was distinguished by an unusual curly wool. The breeders crossed him with an American short-haired cat and began to further breed these unique pets.

    The official standard was approved after the start of the work on the removal of American harsh cats. To date, this breed of cats is recognized only in his homeland and in Canada.

    American harsh cats The following features are distinguished:

    • compact build;
    • short muzzle round shape;
    • medium, slightly rounded ear sinks;
    • large golden eyes;
    • unallone tail with a narrow end.

    A feature of these cats is a curly, hard, thin woolen cover, resembling a doodle.

    The character of cats is a good and calm. These independent pets do not carry the long-term separation with the owner. It is not bad to get along with young children and other animals living with them under one roof.


    A rather rare breed is cats called Burmilla, or Buman Silver. It was bred in the UK as a result of crossing the Bermansky Cat and Persian Chinchilla, in the 80s of the last century. The official recognition of Buman silver received only 13 years.

    Description of the appearance of the burmill looks like this:

    • short muzzle with small cheeks;
    • medium-sinks, slightly tilted forward;
    • expressive eyes of oval shape of a greenish or yellowish shade;
    • short coat wool or silver shade;
    • snow white, tight undercoat.

    The character of Burmilla benevolent and balanced. Pets are very sociable and devoted to the owner. At the same time, they easily tolerate loneliness and do not require increased attention from households.


    Nibelung, or "Death", is also quite rare. Russian blue cats consider their ancestors. This breed was first discovered at the beginning of the last century, but officially recognized it only in 1987.

    Nibelounds are distinguished by the luxurious long thin wool of a bluish shade. The isy hair of the representatives of this breed reflect the light and thanks to this woolen cover of the pet seemingly cast silver. The muzzle is small with a slightly rounded ear sinks and expressive close-up eyes of the emerald shade.

    Nibelungi is distinguished by friendly and sociability. Love time with the owners, play with them. Strangers are wary. They do not like to be alone, do not show unreasonable aggression and are hardly transferred to the separation with the owner.


    Ragamafin breed cats appeared in the United States after crossing the migratory cat with American Ragdoll. Initially, this breed pet called "Cherub". Official recognition These charming animals received relatively recently, at the beginning of the 21st century.

    Ragamuffins are quite large cats, weighing no more than 10 kg. They have a rounded body and a thick soft wool of medium length. Visually, Ragamuffins are similar to its progenitors of Ragdolls. They are distinguished from the ancestors only a variety of wool colors.

    The character of Ragamuffins is playful and good-natured. These petomits are perfectly suitable for content in large families, since completely non-aggressive. Charming cats are distinguished by realness and easily leaving. Since the hunting instinct is not developed, to stand up for themselves in case of danger, they cannot.

    Turkish Wan.

    Turkish van is not only rare, but also enough an ancient breed of cats. Pets were named after Lake Wang, where they were discovered. Breeders took up the breeding of these cats in the middle of the last century, although in Europe they appeared much earlier. For a long time, the breed was not officially recognized and was registered in Europe only in the 70s of the XX century.

    Some individuals of this breed have a certain feature. One eye is painted in blue, and the other in the yellowish tint. The standard allows multicolored, and the same eye color.

    Turkish van is a small, fragile cat with large ears, big eyes and an elongated fluffy tail. From other breed cats, these animals are distinguished by the presence of large refill between the fingers of the front limbs. Turkish van is a very movable and fighting cat. It requires increased attention from households, loves walking in the fresh air and relates well to the kids, loves water and is an excellent fisherman and swimmer.

    Brilliant California

    Brilliant Californian cats were brought by breeders as a result of numerous crossings of various breed cats. Specialists for 10 years have tried to get a pet visually similar to the Royal Cheetah, but without impurities of wild blood, so for crossing only domestic cats of American shorthair, angora, Siamese, British and Abyssinian rocks. The desired result was achieved in the 1980s and the new breed of cats registered in the US officially.

    The appearance of brilliant Californian cats is as follows:

    • large, muscular body;
    • short, thick wool;
    • big, slight diagonal eyes;
    • small ears, rounded on tips;
    • an extended tail, dark on the end.

    For brilliant Californian cats, only one woolen cover color resembles leopard or jagoire is admissible. Cats of this breed are very sociable, active and good-natured. Esnignant people are calm, get well with young children and other pets. A moving pet is needed long walks in the fresh air.


    Shroud cats originated from homeless cats found in America. The shortened limbs are genetic mutation, and the manifestation of such unusual kittens depends on the presence of ahondroplasia gene in the feline genotype. The breeders liked the pregnant cats with short legs and they decided to consolidate this breed. Macchins were officially highlighted in a separate breed in the 80s of the XX century.

    Despite the fact that manchecan paws are very short, they easily climb on various high items in the house. The character of representatives of this breed is friendly and sociable. Charming kittens love to spend time with households and quickly find a common language with children and other pets.


    A rare and sufficiently expensive breed of cats is Kao-Mani. These pets, unlike most unique cats, appeared naturally, without intervention of breeders. Felinologists argue that the breed is ancient, and the first mention of it appeared in the XIV century. Motherland Kao-Mani consider Thailand. Translated from Thai Kao-Mani means "white pearl".

    Kao-Mani is distinguished by their unusual appearance. They appear on light with congenital heterochromy, and their eyes are painted in various shades. Most often, one has a blue color, and the second is green or yellow. Their woolen cover is painted in a snow-white color.

    Kao-Mani is distinguished by sociability and curiosity. They get well even with the most small family members and animals living with them under the same roof. Cats are very playful, hyperactive and intelligent. If desired, they can be trained with a variety of tricks and teams.


    Not only rare, but and one of their youngest breed cats is Napoleon. These charming pets appeared as a result of crossing the Persian cat and Munchkin at the end of the last century. The breeder did a breeder of dogs from America. For a long time, these exotic cats were not recognized, and only 10 years after their appearance, they were officially registered in the United States.

    Napoleon is a dwarf Persian cat with shortened legs. In the weight, miniature pets reach 2 kg. Cats of this breed are divided into two types:

    • extreme (short-coat individuals);
    • classic (kittens with long legs).

    Napoleons are short-haired and long-haired. The muzzle looks almost like Persian and exotic cats, but less reinforced. The tail is lush and long.

    Napoleon are endowed with gentle and good-natured character. Miniature Persians adapt well to any conditions. They are very devoted and tied to the owner. Prettyly patient and friendly towards children.


    Singapore originated from nooneous cats, which fell into the United States from Singapore. The breeders were interested in an interesting color and miniature size of cats, and began to cross them with buman cats. Officially, the new breed was recognized in 1984. Singapore is a national symbol in the homeland and the export of it beyond the limits of Singapore is strictly limited.

    Miniature cats weigh no more than 3 kg. They possess a short, tightly adjacent woolen cover and an elongated lack of tie. The eyes of them are large enough, slightly diagonal, and the ear shells are large, slightly twisted. A distinctive feature of these cats is that they can stand for a long time on the hind legs.

    Singapores are very movable, gentle and loving pets. Cats love children and with pleasure spend time with family members. They also get along with pets.


    Charming pets, called Snow-Shu, Silver Lakes or "Snow Shops", were obtained as a result of crossing the Siamese and American shorthair cat. The work on the elimination of these breed animals was launched back in the 60s of the 20th century, and they were recognized in the US were only 20 years later. In Europe, this breed was registered 30 years after its removal.

    Large, flexible and muscular cats have a short and sufficient hard wool. They have no undercoat. Maid wedge-shaped, eyes are small, oval shape, blue color. Snow-shu tail medium, dark.

    Representatives of this breed are very sociable and energetic. They love to constantly be in the spotlight and poorly suffer loneliness. Cats are fine with the children and adore to play with them.


    Non-proliferated in the world and cats breed MSKS (MANX). Unusual admitted cats appeared over 200 years ago due to genetic mutation, and breeders were improving and further breeding pets.

    The distinguishing features of Mescles is the absence of tail and elongated hind limbs that give a nice similarity to a rabbit. In the field of the tailbone, they are tested by the tails. Masks are endowed with thick, short wool, round face, close-up and straight nose.

    From other breed cats, Maksov is distinguished by a fairly weak vestibular device, which is why they are practically not absorbed on the trees and any hill in the house. At the same time, Macsa is well developed by the hunter instinct. The cat is also distinguished by devotion and friendliness. He loves to play with children and gets along quite well with other pets.


    Curly wool boasts a cat rare breed Laperm, or American Rex. But these pets differ from other cats not only with hair cover, but also a melodic voice. Kittens appear on light absolutely bare or straight wool, but over time it becomes a curly and soft.

    This breed of cats is hypoallergenic. Laperm is distinguished by curiosity, hyperactivity and communicability. Most often, the animal is only tied to one of the family members. Pets easily adapt to any conditions and are excellent hunters.


    The young breed of cats called Elf appeared in 2006 in America after crossing the Sphinx and Kerla. Officially, the breed was registered a year after the elimination. The appearance they inherited from the Sphinxes, and the wrapped ear shells got them from Kerles. Elfs are medium in size with thick skin and large dark yellow eyes.

    A distinctive feature of the elves are not only unusual ears, but also the lack of vibris.

    Elf - very good-natured and affectionate pets. They adore to communicate with children and other households. Elves quickly tied to the owner and do not bring loneliness.


    The most expensive, young and enough rare cat is Asher. For the first time, these exotic animals were represented in 2015, and were named after the goddess Asher. Officially, this breed is not recognized. According to breeders, the ashes were obtained as a result of crossing the wild Asian leopard cat, African servo and a home cat.

    Exotic pets in weight reaches about 14 kg, and in length - to one meter. This breed is hypoallergenic. Unlike their wild progenitors, the ashrs are quite calm, friendly and sociable. Quite quickly find a common language with babies, they get well with other animals in the house. The appearance they inherited from wild ancestors.

Almost all wild cats, from huge and fairly terrible to small and charming, one way or another are under threat of extinction. We propose to pay attention to these amazing graceful animals, which are a real rare treasure of wildlife.

1. Asian Cheetah

This magnificent cat once decorated the expanses of the Middle East, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and Southeast of India.

Currently, due to the destruction of their habitat, poaching and non-harmonious hunting over the entire planet, approximately 70-110 individuals of Asian cheetah living in wildlife remained. All of them live in the arid conditions of the Central Plateau Iran.

2. Irbis (Snow Bars)

Detected in the Rocky Mountains of Central Asia, snow leopards are perfectly adapted to the cold conditions of the desert landscapes of their habitat.

Unfortunately, the chic fur Irbis attracts a huge number of hunters. For this reason, only 4000-6500 of these beautiful cats remained in the world.

3. Cat-Fisherman (Cracking Cat)

Unlike many fellow travelers, preferring to avoid water procedures, this cat is a professional swimmer living on the banks of rivers, streams and mangrove swamps.

In 2008, this species replenished the list of animals under the threat of disappearance, since the favorite habitats of cat-fishermen - swamps - gradually dried and become the subject of attention of people.

4. Kalimantanian cat

Also known as Boreneos Cat, this animal can only be found on Borneo Island. This extremely rare representative of the feline family is listed by the International Union on the Protection of Nature in the Red Book. The photo in front of you is one of the few pictures such a rare look.

5. Sumatran Cat

This cat with a slender body and unusual (slightly flattered) shape of the head loves to be robbed by fish and walks by itself on the expanses of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sumatra. It was listed in the Red Book since 2008 due to the destruction of the habitat. The current number of lives living on the planet is estimated for less than 2500.

6. Anda Cat

Among two dozen small species of wild cats that exist in the world, one of the rarest, information about which is pretty scarce, is an animal called the Anda Cat. Alas, for the preservation of populations of her larger relatives from a feline family, millions of dollars stand out, to support such small cats from the budgets of protective organizations, hardly thousands remain.

7. Pyrenean Lynx

Pyrenean or Iberian Lynx is considered to be the most susceptible to the species of wild cats. Also this species at the moment is one of the rarest mammals on the planet.

Disease called Myxomatosis in the 1950s destroyed the population of rabbits in Spain (the basis of fishing) on \u200b\u200ba huge scale. Now only about 100 individuals of this kind of wild cat remained in the wild.

8. Manul

These beauties prefer to spend the morning clock in the caves, crevices and even Norah Surkov, going to hunt only after noon. Due to the depletion of their habitat, reducing the reserves of the feed base and the incessant hunting in 2002, this species was threatened.

9. Long-tailed cat (Margay)

Margii are created by perfect tree. Only these cats have the ability to turn their hind limbs to 180 °, which allows them to run around the trees down their heads, like the proteins. Margai can even hang out from the branch, clinging for her only one paw. Every year, the sake of the skins, people kill about 14,000 individuals of the cat. This trend of extermination is fatal for Margayev, because to bring offspring they take two years, while the risk of mortality of kittens is 50%.

10. Serval (shrub cat)

These cats love to wander around the African savanna. Server is the owner of the longest paw in relation to the body in comparison with any other representative of the feline. Unfortunately, in pursuit of their elegant skin, the hunters will not be sealed on the bullets and traps, offering the tourists of the fur Servala, issued for leopard or chepays.

11. Caracal

Also known as desert lynx, this cat is able to pubish the sounds that serve it as warning signals. Caracal is considered to be an endungent species in North Africa and is regarded as rare in Central Asia and India.

12. African Golden Cat

Only relatively recently, people managed to get photos of this rare night inhabitant in his habitat.

The Golden Cat is only two times more familiar to us. Life expectancy in vivo in individuals this species is not established, but it is known that in captivity they can live to 12 years.

13. Cat Temmina

This cat dwells in tropical and subtropical wet evergreen and dry deciduous forests. Foresting of forests, as well as the hunt for the skin and bones, became causes of finding this species under the threat of total disappearance.

14. Branched cat

This unique cat is characterized by an extended shape of the head and growing between the fingers that protect it when walking along hot surfaces. Barhaw cat entered into a list of threats, in connection with which it hunting is prohibited in many countries.

15. Far Eastern Leopard

Amur (Far Eastern) Leopard is threatened by the disappearance due to the destruction of its habitat, as well as a constant danger emanating from people. According to the latest data, in the wild, the presence of only 30 individuals of this species was recorded.

16. Sumatran tiger

Sumatran tiger - the last view of the Tiger existing in Indonesia, surviving in the wild.

Despite the active policies of protective organizations in the fight against poaching, on these tigers there is a constant hunting, which encourages them for extinction. World markets are continuously replenished with products made of these wild cats. With such circumstances, less than 400 Sumatran tigers remain in the world.

17. Smoky leopard

The smoky leopard is considered an intermediate evolutionary link between large and small cats. This species is set in conditions of gradual disappearance of habitats as a result of large-scale cutting of forests. Also contributes to the extermination of this species, a commercial poaching, aimed at trade in wild animals. The total number of population of the smoky leopard, as experts believes, is at the moment less than 10,000 adults.

18. Marble cat

This cat is often mistaken for the marble leopard, but its size is much more elegant, and the tail is characterized by a high degree of fluffiness. The destruction of the living conditions of this species in the forests of Southeast Asia, as well as the reduction in the feed base lead to a rapid decrease in the population of marble cats in the world.

19. Bengal Cat

The color of the skins of an excellent Bengal cat can vary from gray to red with white with a very light breast. This is the first view, with success, the experiment on the crossing of wild and domestic cats. The result was a beautiful and pretty friendly beast.

20. Maltese (Blue) Tiger

This view of the East is considered practically mythical. Most of Maltese tigers belong to the opposite of the South-China Tiger, which is threatened with the disappearance due to the frequent use of the parts of the body of this beast in traditional medicine. The individuals that differ in the "blue" skin currently may have been completely exterminated.

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21. Golden Striped Tiger

"Golden striped" is not the name of the species, but determining the deviation of the color.

As a rule, such individuals turn out to be the result of the directional breeding of animals in captivity, but in India there are evidence of a meeting with the Golden Tigrium dated 1900.

22. White Lev.

White lions are not albinos. They are the owners of a rare genetic set, which was distributed only in one place on Earth, the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Over two decades to the creation of the Society of Protection of the White Lviv, this species was almost completely exterminated, so a unique program to restore the population in their natural habitat is held.

23. Anatolian leopard

The wation of the last 30 years it was believed that this Turkish view of the leopard was completely exterminated. However, in 2013, the shepherd in the southeastern province of Dyarbakyr killed a large cat attacked on his herd. Later biologists found that it was Anatolian Leopard. Although this story has such a sad outcome, yet it gives hope that the rarest look can still exist.

24. Rusty cat

Rusty or red-spotted cat, whose length taking into account the tail is only 50-70 cm, and the weight is about 2-3 kg - the smallest wild cat in the world. A person practically nothing is known about this form, whose representatives lead extremely secretive life. Unfortunately, despite this, a rusty cat has already managed to get into the list of "vulnerable" species, since most of its natural habitats have so far turned out to be turned into agricultural year.

25. Scottish Forest Cat

Famous in the UK called "Tiger Highlands" Scottish forest cat is now under threat of extinction: According to a recent estimate, the population is less than 400 individuals.

26. Black Cat

The smallest of all African wild cats, a black-like cat on the soles of the paws has a black fur, designed to protect it from the hot sand of the desert. These animals are not alien to rummage in the garbage in search of edible, and this habit is exposed to their big danger, because in this way they fall into traps installed for other animals.

International Felinological Organizations registered for today about three hundred cat breeds. Some of them arose from ancient natural species, others are the result of mutation and selection work.

Each kind of cats requires a certain care and conditions of content. Therefore, the choice of pet is suitable. There are rare breeds of cats that are distinguished not only by beauty, but also cost.

The rare breed

To date, the rare is considered to be Dragon Lee or Lee Hua. This is the Chinese breed, very ancient and exotic, but official recognition in the world received quite recently.

Appeared in the USA in the 80s. Smoky coloring, black, white. Eyes of heavenly tone. A distinctive feature is curly wool. Descendants of the North American cat. Located in the sixties. Big dimensions. The ears are sharp, stick up. Coloring more often turtle. Established in demand in the United States, beyond the country is rare. The ears in cats are twisted in the opposite direction. There are also short-haired individuals. The ancestors are street cats. Most nursery of these animals are a variety of colors and with fluffy wool are in America. Appeared at the beginning of the second millennium when viscous with. It is highlighted by shortened limbs, long wool, a little flattened muzzle. Good-natured and obedient. The oldest and largest breed. The mass of the male reaches 7 kg. Length - 1.2 meters. Color is diverse.

Rare and expensive

List of most expensive (value in dollars):

  • Laperm - three hundred or two thousand;
  • Serengeti - six hundred and two thousand;
  • Elf - six hundred and two thousand;
  • Kao-Mani - seven or ten thousand;
  • Savannah - from twenty two to one hundred thousand.

The cost of a rare domestic pet depends on its class, gender, nursery. Pet-class kitten (without documents) will cost several times cheaper than a person from titled parents. The cost of females is usually higher than males. In foreign nurseries, animals are more expensive.

Top 19.

The lists of the most amazing and rare cats according to the versions of various felinological systems can vary, but most often they meet the following breeds:

Name Description
Despite the fact that the main boom on these pets was minimized, so far they are among the most striking creatures. Very large, with a bright wild color, surprisingly smart cats in their attachment to the owner are more likely to resemble dogs. Obtained by crossing and most often a Bengal cat.
There were more than two thousand years ago. Fluffy, with a dense undercoat, calmly carry low temperatures. Are beautiful hunters.
Outwardly, these pets are very similar to Persian, but they differ from them a color-pointed color and a heavenly azurea color of large eyes. In the European WCF Association, this breed is called Persian Color Point. The temperament in the animal is quite calm and friendly.
Scottish Fold is already quite common in the world, but still very much in demand. It is not easy to get such amazing hanging ears - this is impossible from two similar parents, this explains the relative rarity and high cost of the breed. In nature, they are not very different from the progenitor.
This relatively young breed of naked cats from St. Petersburg. They differ in that there are several types of skin and minimal woolen cover, "rubber" and "flock" of varieties are most valued. Netural intellectuals and lovers are very tied to the owner and poorly carry loneliness.
A rare breed of cats having ancient Egyptian roots. They are distinguished by a bright pattern of point tabby in different color variations and alive, active character.
One of the largest breeds. Weigh from five to fifteen kilograms. Length grows to one and a half meters. Affectionate, playful.
Appeared in our country in the Arkhangelsk province. It has become popular since 1893 since 1893. There is a sign that the favorite brings well-being.
This breed is obtained crossing only domestic cats in order to get a variety, most of all resembling a wild cat appearance. Have a spotted color and a wonderful character.
One of the varieties of naked cats. This is a young, but beloved breed in the world. Pets are highly appreciated due to an exotic species, which will be partly the curved ears, and the fabulous gentle temperament.
In essence, this is the result of "chopping" Bengal, in which all stains merged into solid tiger stripes. But in the formation of varieties and selection work, many breeds participated.
Hybrid home cat and Asian leopard. Grown to large sizes: from four to eight kilograms. Adore to sit on the shoulders of the owner, swim. Not aggressive. Perfectly gets around with the rest of the pets and children.
The hybrid breed, the obtained crossing of the wild species - the cats of Joffwru - and the usual pet. The breed was not widespread, separate copies are therefore rare and expensive.
For the first time, information about the breed was found in the feline book of poems in the XIV-XVIII centuries. In the ancient Siam, pets were allowed to have only in royal families. It was believed that they bring good luck and wealth, their owners live for many years.
These are aboriginal Greek cats, widespread on the islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Externally, no difference from street vagrants. While the breed has an experimental status.
One of the most unusual breeds. They differ in short paws. Especially their selection did not do, they turned out by random mutation. Despite the feature of the structure of the legs are healthy and full animals. Love to sit in the "Kangaroo" pose: on the hind legs, leaning on the tail. Belong to shorthair rocks. Medium sizes. Siamese painting with white paws and blue almond eyes. Feel the mood of the owner, adapt to it. They do not tolerate loneliness, from longing they begin to disgrace at home.

There are many varieties of cats in the world. Some of them are encountered everywhere, and others will see infrequently. Some stand three kopecks, and others do not bunch. The article below is told about such rocks that many have seen only in the picture on the Internet.

Rare breeds of cats

The most rare cat breeds that can be counted in the world to fingers:

  • Skif Thai Don;
  • european Wild Forest Cat, under threat of extinction;
  • angle American Ringtail;
  • Boredom - hybrid Laperma and Munchkin;
  • japanese cat Irimoto.

Irimoto - Japanese Cat

Extinct breeds that will not meet anywhere:

  • babafast blue;
  • bristol;
  • susburg Rex;
  • khmer.

Breed cats that are rarely found, but they exist

There are few of them, and each has its own characteristic external features.


A very young, not even registered cat breed. Released in the United States in 2006. A real find for allergies, because this species refers to beless. Released by crossing the sphinxes, which are without woolen cover, and cerles with spinning ears.

These are wonderful pets, sociable, non-aggressive. Patient with children, do not conflict with other pets. Love warm and affection, often sleep in the host bed.

Cats are small, weight rarely exceeds 7 kg. The body is folded, the skin is spotted, wool can only be on the legs. Eyes according to standard blue or nuts. Ears are spinned out.

Good suitable for warm small apartments.

Note! Elves bathe 2 times a month and wash with a damp soft cloth every day.

Elf loves to play with children


Another breed is from the USA, but only derived much earlier. The presentation took place in 1994. The founder was asked to achieve similarity with shrub cats with servants. At the same time, the blood of wild cats in them is not. Bengalskaya, Maine Coon, European Shorthair and Oriental, and British Cat Tabby Collapse took part in the crossing.

For your information! The name of the breed is given in honor of the Serengeti National Park (on the Mara River in Tanzania).

Serengeti - large cats whose weight can reach 12 kg. They have an unusual spotted color and rounded large ears, in shape resembling Serval's ears.

Serengeti needs space, they are not created for close urban apartments. These cats love to walk.

It is very friendly to the person of Serengeti, love affectionately, but with other animals get along with difficulty.

Serengeti will not bring neighborhood with other pets in the house


"God created a cat so that a person has a tiger, which can be stroked." This quotation of V. Hugo is not better suited to the breed of Toyger - "Toy tigers", so translates from English. Their painting is almost like wild relatives.

Toyigra is not very large, weight rarely exceeds 7.5 kg. Short wool is covered with real tigrine stripes.

These are smart, trained and sociable animals. Perfectly get along with all households: with children and other pets, even if it is pit bull.

Love sit on your hands, not too active. Calm, unobtrusive, pickers. Can be one for a long time. Love water.

Note! These cats should not be released for a walk alone, as it makes it possible that they cannot so well focus as other representatives of the cat's family. It is better not to check this statement in practice, risking the life of a pet.

Toyer is very poorly focused on the terrain


One of the features of these snow-white cats is the eyes of different colors (Blue and green or amber). This effect is called heterochromia. Acceptable eyes of the same color. Their short wool is always white, kao-mani of another color does not exist.

This breed refers to a small one, as the weight of the cat does not exceed 5 kg. Obesity such pets are not inclined. They are wonderful hunters. In relations with people are friendly. Kao-Mani is very social, they can not be left alone.

Important! Kao-Mani is prone to nervous diseases caused by loneliness - neurosis, depression. If they do not pay due attention, these cats become somewhat aggressive. Tell them offended by the owner.

Approximately about a third of Kao-Mani deaf from birth, so they may require special attention to the content.

Many Kao-Mani are born with deaf


These cats are miniatur from nature, and not as a result of breeding. The average female weight is 2.3 kg, and the cat is 3 kg.

Singapore has large green or yellow eyes a little jump, because of what the muzzle constantly looks surprised.

Appreciated for unusual wool color. The hairs are bright at the base and dark on the tip, which is why they seem luminous.

Singapores are eternal kittens, active and playful, participating in all the affairs of the host. Absolutely not aggressive, very tolerant for children.

Singapore weighs no more than 3 kg

Burmilla, or Buman Silver

The legend about the origin of this breed states that somehow at night in the English nursery after cleaning the cleaner forgot to close the cells. This used the Buman cat and the Persian cat chinchilla color. Three months later, breeders received very beautiful kittens, which Burmilla called (Bumman + Chinchilla). Most likely, this is a fiction, and the breed is the fruit of the painstaking work of breeders.

Burmilla can be both long and short wool. Most often there are cats of light silver color. Eyes big green or turtle.

These cats are sociable, go for the owner of the heels. Very devotees and patient, completely devoid of aggression.

Important! Burmillas are very much suffering from loneliness, they are not recommended to leave alone alone.

Burmilla can not be at home alone

American rigid cat

Despite the name, the wool of these quotes are soft and everything in curls like a doodle.

This is the average cat in the size of a variety of colors. The effect of the doodle can be expressed stronger or weaker.

American harsh cats are inborn hunters, they can not start with birds and small animals. To a person friendly. From the family choose one owner, but also to all other households are positive.

American rigid cat is enchanting wool like a doodle


The main feature of this variety is curly wool, similar to the hair cover of Devon Reflection. The standard allows any color of these cats.

Laperm Cat medium size, weight rarely exceeds 6 kg. These pets are very affectionate, love to lick the person's face and touch it with their paws. Often sit on the hands of the owner.

Laperm is very similar to Devon Rex

Brilliant California

If Toyer is a toy tiger, then California shining (brilliant) cat is a miniature leopard. In cross-country, the British tabby cat, the Egyptian street cat, as well as Angora, Siamese and Abyssinian, participated in crossing.

California shining cat has the size of a large average, the usual weight comes up to 8 kg. Colorful wool color is most close to wild fellow. A description of all possible colors is clearly fixed in standards, other colors are not allowed.

For your information! California shining is always born absolutely black and only over time they show stripes and stains.

Such large pets need a scope for their games. People are friendly, but with dogs conflict. No one does not allocate any of the family members, and everyone belongs to everyone.

California shining cat is born black, strips appear later

Maine Coon

Previously, it was rare cats, but now they won the whole world. They are origin from wild cats common in the territory of Maine (USA). And the very name itself is translated as "Main Raccot" (variation - "Mengn Rotary Cat").

Menic cat is a real giant. The weight of cats can reach 12 kg. They are good and unlockable, always ready to communicate with the owner. Love to play, but activity alternates with recreation periods.

Long, Maine Kunov's fluffy wool can be of various colors.

The difference from other rocks is in the tiles on the ears, resembling tri, as well as in the elongated face of a special form.

Maine-kun weighs up to 12 kg

Snow-shu ("Snow shoes")

The result of the crossing of the Siamese and American shorthair cats received the name "Snowy shoe" (Snow-shu) for white tips of the paws.

Snow-shu is a little heavier than the Siamesers around the bones, but the color is very similar. In addition to white "socks", one more difference from the Siamese breed is a white spot around the nose.

Refer to medium in size of cats, weight does not exceed 7 kg.

Note! Unlike Siamesev, Snow-shu is simply amazing: they adore the owners, always follow them on the heels, tolerant of children's pits, friendly to other pets. But there is one "but". These cats are inventive, they easily open handles and even cheeks.

Snow-shu will open any door

American Curl

The name "Curl" comes from an English word meaning to "spin". And indeed, the ears of this cat are turned back, as if they were spinning on curlers. The cost of the kitten depends on the form of the ears: what it is precisely, the more expensive the pet.

These are small long-haired cats of various colors. In character, they are gentle and affectionate, love to play with the owner. Balanced and calm, do not show aggression. Until the end of the life remain in the soul kittens.

Kerles have a very trusting character, so they are not recommended to be released on the street alone.

American Curl is the kindest cat in the world

Kao-Mani ("Diamond Eye")

The Kao-Mani breed is a clean blue eye color. The name "diamond eye" she received due to the intensity of blue iris.

It is representatives of this subspecies that are most often born with deaf.

Cats Kao-Mani Title got because of the color of the eye iris


The name of Ragamafin is translated as a "truncane". In such a name, they are obliged to origin from ordinary street cats, crossed with the Ragdoll breed.

Ragamuffines are distinguished by a thick, soft fur coat, which they are glad to substitute under the gentle hands of the owner.

Important! Such pets are very much suffering from loneliness, up to depression and other nervous diseases.

Ragamafin occurred from street cat


These are smooth-haired cats of elegant physique. Weight does not exceed 5 kg. Other color, apart from absolutely black, is not provided by the standard. Amber eyes or bronze color.

Bombay cats are affectionate and playful, but do not like when the owner imposes their attention to them. At the same time, long loneliness is not transferred.

Note! The future breeder should be aware that the Bombaian cats are often born non-visual kittens with the pathologies of the skull development.

Bombing is voracious, so they often suffer obesity. Behind their nutrition needs to be carefully monitored.

Bombing is very voracious, so they need to immediately plant on the diet


Caracal is not a breed of cats. This is a separate look of wild fabric family predators. For a long time, Steppe Lynx was considered, but now it is a separate group, which, by the way, closer to the Puma.

Wool short and different shades of beige. Black ears with bright pronounced tassels (Caracal is the Turkish "black ears"). Their weight is from 10 to 20 kg.

Such a cat can live in captivity, pretty affectionate and friendly with the owner. But if there are small children, it is better to abandon the acquisition of Caracal.

Note! It is impossible to keep them in the apartment, such pets require space and a lot of movement. Walking in the tray does not teach.

Caracal - a separate species of the messengers that can live in captivity

Sokok (Sumkok)

Sokhok cat is another pet natural origin. These are descendants of East African wild cats living in the Kenyan Sokok region.

The character of them is freedom-loving and independent, but not aggressive. The first conflict is not starting. Tolerances and to people, and to other animals. Very active, inborn hunters. Like everywhere to climb, it can drop items.

The main drawing on the wool is a marble tabby in combination of different shades of brown. This coloring the following features:

  • strip on the forehead in the form of the letter "M", sometimes interrupted;
  • one or more strips around the neck - "Sokhok Necklace";
  • on the side, dark brown lines fold in drawing "bull'ye eye";
  • on the back are marble divorces, resembling butterfly wings.

Sokhok occurred from Kenya


One of the most unusual breeds of cats. These fluffy appeared on the island of Maine. Initially, cats were there a bit there, so the genetic mutation appeared as a result of a nearby crossing - no tail. But some researchers believe that Menxes are relatives of Kuril Bobtail. The shape of the Myskus's body resembles a rabbit body, they also have long paws and rounded spin.

Cats are small, rarely weigh more than 4 kg. The colors can be any.

Masks - a cat affectionate and sociable, from the family chooses one owner and "helps" in all his affairs. The rest of the family members relates positively, but without such a diet.

The sexual ripening of Mescles comes later than the rest of domestic cats, two years. And it is better not to give birth to kittens in a kitty.

Important! In order for future kittens to be healthy, you need to knit elderly Macsa with a tail with a cat or vice versa. Otherwise, the risk of the hereditary diseases of the bladder, the spine and the gastrointestinal tract is doubled.

MSKS is born without a tail

Macchins and Napoleon

Macchins - breed with the shortest paws. They are twice as short as the ordinary home cats. Mutation of a natural character, therefore, specific diseases of the spine do not have.

Macchins are often cross with other rocks. If this is not done, then the mortality rate of kittens increases.

For your information! Short limbs, according to Munchov, limit their review, so these animals often get up on the rear paws. Stand and sit on the hind legs can be for a long time.

Character playful, movable and friendly. I am pleased to communicate with children. Macchins are very appreciated by small things of the beloved owner, so they hide them in the chosen angle, creating a kind of "treasury". In minutes of loneliness played with them.

The breed is prone to severe obesity.

The colors are permissible almost any. Wool short or medium length.

Macchin likes to steal small things from the owners

Napoleon's cat is one of the smallest breeds. This is another representative of the short-roll group. Another name is Menuet. It appeared as a result of the crossing of Munchhans and Persians. From the first got short limbs, from the second - long beautiful wool and face of face.

The colors are allowed very different.

Character also got from Persians. Napoleons are affectionate and gentle creatures, they are somewhat lazy and prefer to lie on the host's knees, rather than wear around the house. However, to play either never refuse. Love children and make a lot. Well refer to guests, allow themselves to iron, adore to be the center of attention.

Note! Cat-Napoleon is very trusting, easily goes to his hands to a stranger, so you should not let him go for a walk of one.

Napoleon (Menuet) originated from Munchkin


Descendants of Siamese and homely black cats have a beautiful chocolate color, large ears-locators and a long narrow face. The full name "Havana Brown", so only brown varieties are allowed. Opinions on the issues of origin were divided:

  • color reminds the color of elite Hawaiian cigars;
  • coloring is similar to the color of the rabbits of the Havana breed.

Character sociable, gentle. Talking, love to gently touch the owner with your paw.

Important! From long stay alone, such cats are possible serious nervous diseases. Therefore, at home allone must be located.

Havana - a descendant of the Siamese cat


This breed is similar to the color and shape of the face to the Russian blue, but has long silky wool. Suppose only blue color. Kittens of other colors are rejected.

Animals are small, almost never exceed 4 kg.

Some of the most delicate cats, do not like loud sounds. From guests are hidden, but very gentle with the owner. Suffer from loneliness. If the owner can not constantly be near, then it is better to start another pet, and not necessarily a cat.

Nibelung is afraid of loud sound

Savannah - Server in miniature

This is a breed in which the genes of wild ancestors are preserved - servals. Savanns are large cats, weight can reach 15 kg. The first born servo hybrids and homemade cats were fruitless on the male line. As a result of crossing with other breeds (for example, with Tabby British), fertility improved, but the appearance lost a few.

Color resembles a servula or leopard, the cat is the same spotted.

Note! Such large animals (up to 15 kg) need a large space, especially, given their activity. Adult cat can perform 6 m long jumps and 3 m up.

Despite the close relatives with wild representatives of the Feline family, the savanna are not aggressive and doggy devotees the owner.

Savannah like a dog is predicted by the owner

Chauzi - descendants of swamp ryny

One of the most expensive breeds. Depending on the compliance with the standard, the kitten can be purchased at a price of 30 thousand to 1 million rubles. *

Initially, hybrids appeared due to the crossing of reed (marsh) Egyptian cats and home representatives of the Feline family.

Combine the friendly character of homemade pussy and wild appearance of reed cats.

Important! As a pet, it is better to start the representative of the 4th generation, they are the most poisms.

Chauzi is about 1 million rubles.

Asher - unsurpassed luxury

Truly, Asher is one of the rarest breeds of cats. Because it did not exist at all in reality. S. Brody, supposedly creating this breed, issued ordinary savanna for it. There are no official breed standard, but the savanna kittens (under the guise of Ashers) continue to be sold successfully.

Asher - a fictional breed that does not exist

Turkish Wan.

Sacred animal in Turkey. Reference Turkish van Sneise-white with rarely located red spots. Valid tricolor Vanya (white with black and red spots)

Note! Unlike many representatives of the Feline Vana family, they love to swim in the water.

Turkish vans are independent and independent, they do not suffer too much in the absence of the owner. But when the owner of the house, gladly give him his attention.

Turkish Wang Rod from Turkey

Karelian Bobtail

Large cats whose short tail resembles a pompon from fluffy fur. It is considered an aboriginal variety from Karelia. Short tail - the result of natural mutation.

Active and playful, love to hunt.

Karelian Bobtail from birth without a tail

Among the expensive and rare breeds, any owner will find a pet for himself: more active (Karelian Bobtail, Chauzi, Savannah), affectionate house (Napoleon, Havana), funny (Macchin). In any case, before buying it is worth weighing all the pros and cons of the variety, as well as study its features.

* Prices in the article are indicated for October 2019