Lunar horoscope or secret zodiac sign. Characteristics of the lunar zodiac signs

In astrology, the zodiac is the belt of twelve constellations through which the Sun passes throughout the year. We have all long been accustomed to calculating our character, our destiny and forecasts for the near future, depending on what sign we were born under. It turns out that not only the Sun, but also the Moon “travels” in the zodiac signs. It’s just that she is in each sign for a much shorter period of time, only 2-3 days. A person’s daily horoscope depends on what sign the Moon is in today, and the lunar sign by date of birth influences our character.

Moon in Zodiac Signs Moon in Aries Sign

In the house of Mars - the god of war and struggle. On the throne of the Sun - the ruler of creativity, energy, light, joy, consciousness. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Aries, the active principle takes advantage...

Moon in Taurus

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and finance. On the throne of the Moon, which is associated with tenderness, motherhood, and the subconscious. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, the peaceful,...

Moon in Gemini

Visiting Mercury - the god of trade and science. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. Emotions are quick, easy, changeable, superficial. Most of attention from material things, the body, emotions (as was the case with the Moon in...

Moon in Cancer

The moon is in its house. On the throne of Jupiter. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, it finds itself in its own house, making the work of the subconscious more active. She protects traditions, home, family. IN..

Moon in Leo

In the house of the Sun - the god of love, joy, creativity, awareness. On the throne of Pluto - the god of magic, sexual, transformational energies, influence on others, power. In the element of Fire. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters a sign...

Moon in Virgo

In the monastery of Mercury - the god of science and trade. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Virgo, a concrete and pragmatic approach takes advantage. Much more attention is paid to the little things. This -..

Moon in Libra

In the house of Venus - the goddess of love, beauty and wealth. On the throne is Saturn - the god of legality, responsibility and strength. In the element of Air. Emotions and behavior. When the Moon enters Libra, we once again begin to seek elegance and...

Moon in Scorpio

In the house of Mars - the god of masculinity and war; in the house of Pluto - the god of death and rebirth, magic, sexual energy, passion. On the throne of Uranus (in exaltation) - the god of providence and change. In the element of Water. Emotions and behavior...

Moon in Sagittarius
Moon in Capricorn

In the house of Saturn - the god of time, patience, asceticism and trials. On the throne is Mars - the god of will, swiftness, and courage. In the element of Earth. Emotions and behavior. Emotional background during this period - one of the most stable... continue →

What unusual things can be learned from lunar horoscope? The lunar horoscope by date of birth reflects that side of our personality that we are not aware of. It explains why we do what we do.

The way the Moon affects our feelings depends on its location on the birth chart. Most people have a Moon sign that is different from their Sun sign. This is why many people with the same zodiac sign can be very different from each other. Reading the definition of their sign in the horoscope, they may feel that it is not entirely about them. If you rely only on the sun sign, the picture will not be accurate. The moon sign describes a person's qualities much more accurately. If your moon sign is also your sun sign, then you may find that its characteristics are more pronounced in your character.

The moon rules the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, intestines and left eye. As well as tonsils and fluids in the body. It serves as a reflection of that part of you that obeys instincts. Most people keep this part of themselves hidden.

If your sun and moon signs are compatible, they can work together to help you get out of trouble and achieve your goals. If they are incompatible, you may feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself to some extent. For example, if your moon sign is Gemini, chances are your emotions are very volatile and you get nervous easily. At the same time, people around you may judge you for this, which can embarrass you. A person with a Scorpio moon sign can also be very nervous, but he has a habit of hiding it. However, for the latter, envy can be a big problem. People with the Moon in Aries are stubborn, aggressive and can be difficult to control. It's great if they can give a way out negative emotions during physical activity.

Our moon sign also offers insight into how to look inside the mind, to where the child lives within a person.

Free lunar horoscope by date of birth

Person's date and time of birth:

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December b 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 197 3 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199 8 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

Find your moon sign

By finding out what your moon sign is, you will be able to understand yourself much better, and you will also learn how internal processes occur. Use our free lunar horoscope calculation by date of birth to find out your sign. To do this, you will need your date of birth and time of birth. Since the Moon moves through each sign very quickly (about 2-1/4 days), the time of birth is very important. If you don't know what time you were born, you can set your birth date to first 12:01 and then 23:59. If both of these times correspond to the same sign, then you are lucky. If they are different, read the definitions for both lunar signs; based on the characteristics, you can understand which sign best suits your character. Also, it is necessary to take into account that calculations are carried out according to Moscow time - try to bring your time of birth to Moscow time by adding or subtracting the corresponding time difference.

Moon Zodiac Signs

People born under the Moon in the sign of Leo are very emotional; it is easier to appeal to their hearts than to their minds. They quickly absorb information if their feelings are affected, otherwise their interest in the subject will quickly disappear.
Distinctive feature lunar Leo– unwillingness to obey other people’s opinions and imposed rules. These people are receptive to new things, but do not tolerate pettiness and narrow-mindedness. They prefer to be the center of attention, enjoy playing a significant role in society, and are often interested in art.
Many lunar Leos have a wonderful sense of humor and a personal charm that captivates others; they radiate the energy of optimism, which is transmitted to those who communicate with them. Sociable, sincere and open, they have the gift of improving people's mood.

Lunar Leos successfully demonstrate themselves in collective projects, because they know how to inspire people and direct their activities in the right direction. If a problem arises along the way, lunar Leos immediately begin to look for a solution, and do not sit idly by. Possessing innate leadership qualities, they often understand and realize their life mission.
Sometimes the lunar Leo becomes overly ambitious and domineering, this happens if the Moon is in individual horoscope birth has negative aspects with other planets. In this case, the lunar Leo prefers only to give orders, and not to carry them out. The main weakness of these people is vanity. They need an audience and constant attention, although they are rarely deprived of it, since the Moon provides them with the love of those around them.
In the sphere of personal relationships, lunar Leos show romanticism and sublimity of feelings; they tend to exaggerate the merits of their chosen one and not see the shortcomings. When their partner does not live up to their expectations, they experience deep disappointment. Since lunar Leos feel the need for universal admiration, they do not refuse to flirt, but at the same time they themselves are quite jealous and often treat their loved ones as their property.

Each person can easily determine the solar sign of the Zodiac by his date of birth. To find out your Moon sign, it is advisable to know not only the date and year, but also the time of your birth. After all, at the same lunar day The Moon can pass through two zodiac signs at once, leaving one sign and entering another. The moon stays in one zodiac sign for 2–2.5 days.

If you know the estimated time of your birth, then focus on the time of day - night (from 21.00 to 03.00), morning (from 03.00 to 09.00), day (from 09.00 to 15.00), evening (from 15.00 to 21.00).

If you absolutely do not know the time of your birth, take 12:00 noon as your starting point.

Now turn to Lunar calendar(See Appendix) and find the year, day and time of your birth in the table. In the corresponding column you will see the position of the Moon in your zodiac sign. For example, you were born on April 24, 1983 at 20.00. According to the solar horoscope you are Taurus, according to the lunar horoscope you are Virgo.

Sometimes the time of birth coincides with the transition of the Moon from one zodiac sign to another (it occurs every 2.5–3 days). For example, you were born on April 24, 1983 at 10:03 pm. This is the time of the Moon's movement from Virgo to Libra. In this case, your characteristics will contain features of both signs, sometimes contradicting each other.


Don't forget to convert local time to Moscow, which is shown in the calendar. For example, if you were born in Novosibirsk at 16.30, then your result will be 12.30 Moscow time (since the difference with Moscow is 4 hours).

Lunar Aries

general characteristics position of the Moon in the sign of Aries

Aries (Aries) is the first sign of the Zodiac in the horoscope.

The element of the sign is Fire.

The ruling planet is Mars.

Favorable colors are crimson, purple, crimson.

Luck stone – amethyst, aquamarine, diamond.

The part of the body corresponding to the sign is the head.

Lunar Aries endows a person with activity, activity and impulsiveness. People born in Lunar Aries have energy, tirelessness, stubbornness and natural ardor.

The characteristic appearance of Lunar Aries is a thin, elongated body, deep-set brown or gray eyes, a large nose, thin lips, and a reddish tint to the hair.

Famous personalities, born under the sign of Lunar Aries: Alexander Pushkin, Bella Akhmadulina, Giuseppe Verdi, Alain Delon, Richard Sorge, Marina Tsvetaeva.

Psychological picture person with Moon in Aries

Lunar Aries are very emotional and irritable. They can flare up easily, but always cool down quickly.

They often seem arrogant and touchy to others. In fact, true romantics are hidden under the rough shell. People born under the sign of the Moon Aries can be calm and kind, but they are not always reasonable and have difficulty admitting their guilt and settling relationships.

In expressing their point of view, Lunar Aries are sharp, straightforward and frank. They will not remain silent, even if it disagrees with public opinion. The reaction of other people to their behavior is of little concern to Aries Moons. For them, the main thing is to achieve justice.

In addition, the Moon endows Lunar Aries with leadership qualities. They try to be the first in everything. It is important for them to achieve success here and now. In achieving their goal, Lunar Aries are unshakable and go ahead. Inexhaustible energy and optimism help them in this.

Life in Lunar Aries is always in full swing. They attract other people with their brightness and originality. Lunar Aries love to do noble deeds and selflessly rush to help. This gives them a feeling of self-satisfaction. Lunar Aries do not expect gratitude for help and are absolutely selfless in their charity. But at the same time the people of this Moon sign They are very trusting and are often disappointed in people, which leads them into a state of depression. True, the thirst for life does not allow them to remain in a depressed mood for long. They quickly come to their senses and are ready for new achievements.

Lunar Aries man

The Moon gives the Lunar Aries man self-confidence and energy. He is always full of ideas and strives to implement them at any cost. And in this he is often lucky. The main thing for a Lunar Aries man is to be the first in everything. He will not listen to anyone, even if he is wrong. The Lunar Aries man is bold and impulsive. He does not recognize authorities and power over himself. Rather, he tries to subjugate others.

The Lunar Aries man is sometimes simply unbearable because of his selfishness and inflexibility. But meanwhile, he delights with his inexhaustible energy, goodwill and love of life. The Lunar Aries man is honest and incapable of deceit. He is simple-minded, loves compliments and is great at giving them himself.

The self-confidence of Lunar Aries is sometimes feigned. And behind it hides a vulnerable soul. The Lunar Aries man will never admit his weaknesses and doubts.

With age, the Lunar Aries man becomes more restrained in his emotions, less straightforward and trusting.

In relationships with women, the Lunar Aries man has a hard time. He is very hot-tempered and intolerant of comments, always trying to defend his independence and freedom. He often torments his chosen one with attacks of jealousy.

The Lunar Aries man is not slow in expressing his feelings. But easy prey is not for him. He loses interest in a woman who quickly reciprocates Lunar Aries's feelings. Although excessive coldness can also push away Lunar Aries. He is attracted to modest, timid people who know how to listen and are equal to him in intelligence.

Lunar Aries especially values ​​femininity. He must be sure that his chosen one is the best. She should always be well-groomed, beautiful and cheerful. Moreover, Aries should under no circumstances know how much effort this is given to his partner.

At the same time, the love of this sign is a real godsend for a woman. Lunar Aries gives himself entirely to his chosen one. He doesn’t know how to pretend, so he loves sincerely and devotedly, without tricks or deception. He surrounds his woman with admiration, care and tenderness. In addition, Lunar Aries is an excellent lover, although he often doubts his sexual capabilities. But if the partner disappoints Aries, he will not pretend and will break off the relationship himself.

Lunar Aries woman

The Moon empowers the Lunar Aries woman business qualities. She is always active, energetic and proactive. She has a lot of vanity and conceit.

Lunar Aries woman has a strong masculine character. She doesn't wait for anyone's help or support. She never complains and does not tolerate those who constantly shed tears. The Lunar Aries woman solves all problems herself. She is very assertive and gets things done. It's hard to get her to go astray.

The Moon Aries woman always strives for leadership and does not trust others to do what she can do herself. It is impossible to deceive and outwit her.

At the same time, the Moon endowed the Lunar Aries woman with a beautiful figure and attractiveness. Even in her old age she looks great. Lunar Aries woman loves compliments about her appearance. But she is always able to expose insincerity. But she does not accept sympathy and pity.

IN love relationships Lunar Aries woman is not everyone's cup of tea. She strives to dominate. And although there are always many men around her, the Lunar Aries woman prefers to choose herself and take the initiative. She does not expect an immediate manifestation of feelings from her chosen one and can take a long time to win the object of her love. A truly Lunar Aries woman will appreciate a man who will support her love of freedom and independence, will admire her and adore her. But at the same time, her chosen one should not meekly carry out all orders. In sex, she needs a passionate, primitive and sometimes rude partner who is able to respond to her inexhaustible energy.

The Lunar Aries woman is particularly faithful. But she must always feel loved. The Lunar Aries woman cannot live without romance, although she never shows that she needs it.

In love, the Lunar Aries woman is the owner. She is constantly jealous of her man, does not tolerate any secrets and can easily start a scandal. True, he quickly moves away and does not hold a grudge. But if she finds out about the betrayal of her chosen one, she will not hide her feelings and will immediately report the breakup directly.

However, the Lunar Aries woman is quite independent and can do well without men.

Lunar Aries child

The Moon endows the Lunar Aries child with cheerfulness and restlessness. He has a lively mind and a rich imagination, sticks his nose in everywhere, cannot sit in one place for a minute, quickly switches from one thing to another and does not finish what he starts. Therefore, it is simply impossible to force a Lunar Aries child to do one thing.

Children born in Lunar Aries are very stubborn and headstrong. They perceive any restriction as punishment. The Aries Moon child always acts impulsively and selfishly. He doesn't worry about his parents' feelings and loves to be first in everything.

In addition, the Lunar Aries child is a very enthusiastic person. If he is doing an interesting job, he may forget about what he was assigned. Therefore, at school he will most likely do well only in his favorite subjects.

Under no circumstances should a Lunar Aries child be forced to do anything, much less shout at him. This will only cause negative reaction, since children born in Lunar Aries cannot tolerate violence. You need to communicate with them calmly, tactfully and explain everything logically. It is important to describe the child’s responsibilities and monitor their implementation. His mother always has a special place in his life, and her influence is very strong.

To give an outlet to the violent energy of a child, you can enroll him in a sports section, dancing, etc. It is important to ensure that the Lunar Aries child receives proper rest, since his nervous system is constantly excited.

Parents need to learn to promptly notice their children’s ailments. Because they resist any attempts at treatment and often carry the disease on their feet.

TO as we know, magical rituals and lunar cycles, as well as the presence of the moon in any zodiac sign, are interconnected. Let's consider what the location of the night luminary brings to us. different signs zodiac, what do they mean? lunar phases.

Since ancient times, man has been watching the sky, trying to understand what is revealed to his gaze. And of course, the thing that stands out in the sky at night is the moon.

The moon owes its name to the Romans, in Greece it was called Selene, in Egypt Iyah, in China traditionally with the sign yin (feminine).

Moon calendar. (Characteristics of lunar days)

It is known that biological rhythm humans are correlated with the lunar phases. Researchers have confirmed the fact that the lunar cycle affects water exchange all living things.

Having explored the mystery of dreams, American scientists concluded: The biological clock people are wound up not for 24, but for 24.5-25 hours, this is the duration of the lunar day.

Long-term life predictions can be made based on lunar rhythms. For many people (especially women), the so-called major lunar cycle, the Saros cycle, noticeably manifests itself: every 18.6 years, counting from birth, years of high emotional tension begin, which are often accompanied by deterioration in health and mark serious turns in life.

Less pronounced are the minor lunar cycles with a period of about 9 years (8.85 years). Their change most noticeably affects a person at the age of 61-62 years, and as we know, this is a critical age, or rather one of them.

Duration lunar month- 29.6 days, from new moon to another new moon. The cycle is divided into four phases, each lasting approximately 7.5 days. The new moon begins in a different zodiac sign each time.

The full lunar cycle is divided into two main parts: from the new moon to the full moon - the waxing moon; from a full moon to another new moon - a waning moon.

The two main parts are divided into two more minor parts. That is, there are four main lunar phases: when the moon is in conjunction with the sun - new moon; when the moon forms a right quadrature with the sun - the first quarter; the moon in opposition to the sun is a full moon; the moon forms a left quadrature with the sun - the last quarter.

New moon

The conjunction of the sun and the moon is a new moon; the beginning of the lunar month. This is the time of beginnings, the symbolic “conception” of the cycle: the moon begins to grow and remains in the light. In the first two days and last two lunar months, the moon is not visible, it does not shine. This time is called the days of Hecate - the goddess of darkness, fatality and witchcraft. It is believed that the fate of a person born during this period will be filled with inexplicable strange events.

Dark days without the moon are emotionally manifested by a person’s deep immersion in himself and secret fears. The subconscious awakens and dictates its will. The day of the second lunar month is dangerous because any words are taken on faith, there is a danger of suggestion.

Waxing Crescent

Waxing moon (new moon) is a good time for various endeavors: acceptance important decisions, make plans, start new things or change jobs.

Success and luck - as in personal life, and in business - will definitely accompany you in favorable days growing moon. This means that the period of the new moon is suitable for magical actions aimed at growth, development and strengthening of some qualities... For example, you can perform rituals or make a talisman for the positive, which will help you start over, bring a new feeling to life, achieve recognition and victory, well-being and health.

Full moon

The full moon is the time to move from accumulating strength to actively using it. Unspent energy can become uncontrollable, so it’s easy to lose control over yourself.

Sensitive people better sense the approach of the full moon, beginning to experience physical discomfort and mental anxiety. During this period, the number of accidents increases, crime increases, and aggression is unleashed. This period is favorable for creative people.

Time full moon considered the most mystical time. During the full moon, the power of the moon is at its zenith, which means that the power of each representative of the fair sex becomes incomparably greater. In ancient times, women knew about this and performed magical rituals on the full moon in order to receive the energy of the moon, increase material well-being, attract love and prosperity.

Waning moon

When the moon is waning, the vitality of the body decreases, activity is lost, a person gets tired faster, and his reaction slows down. These days it is better to do something that has already been established and does not require much effort. It is believed that at this time the best is the best for magic where the effects are aimed at destruction (causing harm, various damages), to any reduction, disappearance or division. For example, getting rid of excess weight, pay off debts, overcome bad habits.

Lunar eclipses

At least twice every year there is a lunar eclipse on a full moon. During an eclipse, you should not start anything important, as it enhances the least negative vibrations. The consequences of cases that were nevertheless started during this period may appear years later. Although in lunar eclipse there is also a positive thing: at this time you can easily get rid of bad habits, and the body quickly adapts to the new lifestyle.

The moon moves from sign to sign over the course of a month, managing to cover the entire zodiac circle from new moon to new moon. If you coordinate your actions with the position of the moon in a sign, you can achieve significant success and avoid trouble.

Moon in Aries

When the moon passes through this sign, many people exhibit qualities such as rashness and haste, impulsiveness and impatience. At this time, there is a high probability of quarrels, discord in relationships, possible accidents (especially you need to beware of sharp fire and sharp objects). There is no need to engage in activities where precision is required, as the likelihood of errors increases. For these days, it is better to plan a short-term task that requires the expenditure of physical energy. Not advisable surgical intervention in the area of ​​the eyes and head.

Moon in Taurus

During this period, people become calmer and more down-to-earth. It is good to deal with matters related to finance and property issues. These days it is better to buy durable items: real estate, furniture. Good time to receive guests, strengthen friendships. Cases where required, quick response, it is better to reschedule. In medicine, it is not advisable to perform operations on the throat, nose, ears, neck, larynx, trachea, frontal sinuses, thyroid gland.

Moon in Gemini

Favors for carrying out fast-moving affairs, especially negotiations, business contacts, business trips and trips. Any type of intellectual activity goes well: working with various papers, correspondence, passing exams, speaking in front of an audience.

A good time to collect any information, for all types of banking and financial transactions, concluding contracts (especially short-term ones), for moving, transition to temporary new position. The negative side of these days lies in excessive nervousness and increased internal anxiety. The respiratory organs become vulnerable, so it is better to postpone the surgery.

Moon in Cancer

During these days, there is an aggravation of maternal feelings and all feminine qualities (intuition, imagination and insight). At the same time, the person becomes more touchy and vulnerable; mood swings occur more often than usual. It’s better not to lend money, or you’ll have to wait a long time for it to come back. It’s good to do household chores, stock up for future use, and show care to loved ones. Organ surgeries should be postponed digestive system, and in the chest area.

Moon in Leo

These days are characterized by an elevated, joyful mood and creative enthusiasm; at this time it is good to organize holidays, celebrations and parties. During this period, one gravitates toward adventurous and risky enterprises, and therefore, it is better to postpone matters related to large sums of money. It’s good to ask your superiors for help or advice. It is better not to put stress on the heart, or it may lead to heart failure or a heart attack.

Moon in Virgo

These days people are becoming critical; daydreaming gives way to concentration, the desire to put everything in its place, to put things in order. These days are good for accounting work, financial transactions, any calculations, also for a variety of painstaking work and household chores. Preparation of financial documents, work with securities, with bank accounts - favorable these days. There may be problems with gastrointestinal tract, and therefore you should pay more attention to your diet.

Moon in Libra

This period is predisposed for Have a good mood, a person becomes sociable, he enjoys entertainment and feasts. Good work here is related to the arrangement of the surrounding space, with partnerships and public relations. The negativity of such a moon can manifest itself in indecision when making important decisions. At this time, the pancreas and kidneys are vulnerable. But the time is favorable for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

Moon in Scorpio

Everything is stamped with passion. People become more active; Criticality, aggressiveness, and impatience appear. A good activity would be intellectual work, creativity; time for development unusual abilities. A good time to reveal various secrets and search for a previously lost item. It is better to avoid large crowds of people. Postpone glandular surgery internal secretion genital and genital organs.

Moon in Sagittarius

Increased optimism, heightened sensitivity to success, which often gives a tendency to exaggerate one’s capabilities and strengths. The desire for risk and demonstration of one’s own courage prevails. Learning and teaching will have an effect. The time is favorable for solving legal problems, filing applications, legal proceedings, and starting cooperation with foreign companies. Avoid hip surgery.

Moon in Capricorn

A decrease in emotional tone, a person becomes more restrained, not inclined to show feelings. There is an aggravation of such qualities as discipline and responsibility; attention is more focused on the material side, but still an unsuccessful period for banking operations.

The time is favorable for communicating with influential people of the older generation, as well as for buying and selling real estate, and construction. Not best time go to new job, contact your superiors, authorities, this is not the time for loans and advances. It is better to postpone treatment, dental prosthetics and extraction.

Moon in Aquarius

It makes a person sensitive; subconsciously he wants freedom. Increased interest in innovations, the unusual, unexpected ideas appear, these days are suitable for research and scientific activity. But this is not the best time to contact official authorities. Undergo operations in the area of ​​veins, legs and joints.

Moon in Pisces

Sensitivity increases, you want care and attention, sympathy and understanding. But during this same period the person becomes more suspicious and distant. The sense of reality is weakening - it is better not to take on important matters. Go to the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or relax near the water. Avoid surgery on the feet and toes. Refrain from alcoholic beverages and strong medications.

Characteristics of lunar days

Any lunar day has its own specific characteristics and requires us to observe certain rules. Otherwise, the lunar energy will resonate with our energy and provoke illnesses.

1 lunar day. Symbol - lamp

Avoid on this day large quantity contacts and group events. It is better to retire, analyze your actions and outline an action plan for the future. It is good on this day to forgive your ill-wishers. Your thoughts should be directed only towards good deeds. You should not overwork, drink alcohol, or eat spicy and sour foods. People born on the first day of the moon are great dreamers. They always expect something unrealistic from life, and this sometimes pushes them to commit bright, extraordinary actions.

2nd lunar day. Symbol - cornucopia

At this time, you need to stick to your diet and not be nervous. It is very useful to smile, to give people warmth and attention. It is necessary to fight internal greed and aggressive instincts. It is useful to start a cycle of physical exercises or start studying a new discipline. On this day, kind, wealthy people are born.

3 lunar day. Symbol - leopard

Time of active energy output. Introverts have a hard time on this day, as they are exposed to astral aggression from the outside. It is useful to take up martial arts. Good for sharpening knives and working on metal. It is very useful to take a steam bath and thereby cleanse yourself. People of extreme professions are born on this day.

4 lunar day. Symbol - tree

Confused, difficult day. It carries the dual characteristics of good and evil. The task of man is to recognize evil. To do this, it is better to be alone. On this day you cannot cut down trees or pick flowers. People born on this day are bearers of secret knowledge.

5 lunar day. Symbol - unicorn

On this day, the food consumed is completely burned and absorbed by the body. Therefore, people who were born on the fifth lunar day can eat a lot and not gain weight. On this day it is good to cry, because along with tears come harmful substances. People of the fifth lunar day You should carefully monitor the information you receive, travel more, fuss less.

6th lunar day. Symbol - crane

Time to work with cosmic energy. Useful breathing exercises, helping to improve health. In addition, the day is favorable for rejuvenating procedures, love and finding peace of mind with the help of melodious music. On this day, transformers and interpreters of cosmic energy and heavenly signs are born.

7th lunar day. Symbol - scepter

At this time, you cannot lie or swear; in general, it is better to remain silent, otherwise problems with the lungs may occur. You must be fair and incorruptible. Things must be done promptly and be sure to finish. You should not eat chicken, break dishes, tear paper or remove teeth. People born on this day can be guides of higher powers, keepers of secret information.

8 lunar day. Symbol - Phoenix

This is a day of repentance and cleansing by candle fire. It's good to be on the road, but you have to be wary of illness. Dreams are prophetic. It is good to fast, carry out bowel cleansing procedures and prepare medications. People born on the 8th day of the moon are endowed with high intuition and a desire to study chemistry. Some are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

9 lunar day. Symbol - bat (Days of Hecate)

A very dangerous day. The time of rampant dark forces, deceptions, seductions, delusions, severe poisoning and manifestations of hidden vices. On this day you cannot start or carry out important things, negotiate or have educational conversations. It is best to relax in nature, near water and cleansing fire. On this day it is very important not to return evil for evil. People who were born on the 9th lunar day find it difficult to go through life; they constantly need to protect themselves from bad influences and carry out cleansing procedures.

10th lunar day. Symbol - fountain

It’s time to discover new possibilities within yourself with the help of your ancestors. Look through family albums, analyze family traditions. On this day it is good to combine active work around the house in the first half of the day with rest in the afternoon. People born on this day are energetically very strong. They cannot be broken.

11th lunar day. Symbol - crown

This day is associated with the most powerful energy - Kundalini energy. It is inherently sexual, and only advanced yogis are able to understand its secret and sublimate it into spiritual energy. On this day it is good to fast, engage in cleansing procedures and read mantras. You must not use piercing or cutting objects or come into contact with insects. People born on this day have remarkable physical and spiritual strength and often find themselves in extreme situations.

12 lunar day. Symbol - heart

It is good to give alms and look after the disadvantaged. On this day it is useful to pray and engage in meditation, which improves the functioning of the heart center. Use foul language, take liberties, cry, it’s better not to eat rough food. It is useful to drink juices and pure spring water, as well as make gifts. On this day, compassionate, compassionate people are born.

13th lunar day. Symbol - wheel

The day is intended for making amulets, amulets, talismans, and for communicating with the spirits of ancestors. Rejuvenating procedures and yoga therapy will come in handy. Good to take homeopathic remedies and you don’t have to deny yourself food, as it is easily digestible. Excellent occultists and talented followers of their teachings are born on this day.

Day 14 Symbol - trumpet

It's good to start new things. Useful physical exercise, and it is better to refuse magical practices. If the business you take on doesn't work out, you may feel sad. To get rid of depression, you can do a small but very dynamic set of physical exercises. This day, consume more salty foods, do not look in the mirror and do not wear perfume. It is good to remove toxins from the body. People of this day are endowed with talents, know how to adapt to any circumstances, are smart, cunning, but selfless and ready for exploits.

15th lunar day. Symbol - tempting serpent (Days of Hecate)

Time of carnal temptations. Alas, on this day many succumb to earthly temptations, as a result of which destruction astral body. It is important to fight evil spirits and the manifestation of base instincts. This day it is useful to eat viburnum, beans, barley, spicy and lean hot foods. People who were born on the 15th day of the moon easily succumb to carnal temptations and poorly to suggestion.

16th lunar day. Symbol - butterfly

Day of universal harmony of soul and body. Very useful restoratives physical exercise. We must try to refrain from showing emotions, foul language, remain calm, be polite, reasonable and moderate in everything. It is necessary to exclude sexual contacts, consumption of animal food and mushrooms. Offending a bird on this day is considered a sin. It's a bad sign to get your clothes dirty with mud. People born on this day are pure in their thoughts, capable of seriously studying wise sciences, they are romantics and dreamers.

17th lunar day. Symbol - bunch of grapes

A day of accumulation of energy and joy of life. Favorable for marital relationships, love and sex. But don’t lose your head and be careful: this day brings many surprises. It's good to make marriages, they will for a long time hold on to love. People born on this day especially need a partner - a spouse or lover. Not finding it, they lose their vitality.

18th lunar day. Symbol - mirror

The day is passive, difficult for some people. A person who does not want to fight his base instincts is overcome by nightmares, seductions, and secret obstacles appear. It is necessary to work with your bad and unclean thoughts, it would be good to look at yourself from the outside, give up illusions and base instincts, vanity and selfishness. Drinking and smoking are contraindicated; bowel cleansing and fasting are beneficial. On this day, people are born with acting talent, mainly comedy.

19th lunar day. Symbol - spider

At this time, we are obsessed with empty ideas, prone to self-deception, and subject to the influence of others. It is good to engage in various practices that are aimed at self-improvement, cultivate positive emotions and qualities in yourself, strive for spiritual purity, get rid of pride, envy, wicked thoughts, and lies. A suitable day for repentance and forgiveness. Anything new should be treated with caution. You cannot borrow and lend money. On this day, good organizers and politicians are born.

20 lunar day. Symbol - eagle

A wonderful, unusual day that can bring a lot of interesting things into your life. The day of making important decisions that can change your life. We must avoid overestimating our strengths and capabilities and fight pride. Otherwise, you risk losing more than you gain. The energy of the day helps to get rid of bad habits. On this day, leaders are born who are able to convince and lead others.

21 lunar day. Symbol - temple

At this time, hidden reserves are revealed and potentials increase. Therefore, it is rich in records and discoveries. Self-confidence appears, perseverance and determination arise. On this day you need to communicate, make friends, and avoid loneliness. If you were deceived or something was stolen today, the truth will soon be revealed. Vows taken on this day have special power. People born on this day are often Don Quixotes - defenders of justice, sometimes proud.

22nd lunar day. Symbol - elephant

The day is full of information. Everywhere you can see signs with which you will find answers to your questions. Intuition sharpens. Those born on this day live to a ripe old age. They become teachers, philosophers, preachers.

23 lunar day. Symbol - turtle (Days of Hecate)

This difficult day is characterized by aggression, violence, destruction, and irreversible changes. You cannot conflict or quarrel; it is better to avoid places with large crowds of people. On this day we are characterized by laziness and apathy, we find ourselves in hopeless situations, but things don’t want to go well. Don't cling to the old, familiar. Change is inevitable. If you accept them calmly, the day will surprise you with new discoveries. A person born on this day is characterized by tenacity and a death grip. He brings every task to perfection.

24 lunar day. Symbol - bear

Neutral day. Suitable for conception, treatment, health promotion. It’s good to work on the ground and walk barefoot on this day. In relationships with other people, displays of force and rudeness should be avoided. Conflicts with superiors are possible. On this day people are born strong people, often thoughtful, “out of this world”, endowed with talents in different areas.

25th lunar day. Symbol - shell

The day is good for travel, relocation, trade and court cases. Haste is contraindicated. Possible lethargy and exacerbation chronic diseases. This day you need to rely not on reason and logic, but on your inner voice and intuition. On this day, any coincidence or unexpected incident can be regarded as a sign. You can't pierce your ears. Those born on this day are known as sages, philosophers and eccentrics. They lead a secluded lifestyle.

26 lunar day. Symbol - toad

Difficult, critical day. It is recommended not to give in to negativity, avoid fuss and idle talk, and refrain from vigorous activity. It is good to cultivate tolerance, not to judge others and not to wish harm. The assessments you give today will not be objective. People born on the 26th day are called upon to make vows and promises throughout their lives, to lead an ascetic lifestyle. Their path cannot be called easy.

27 lunar day. Symbol - trident

A day requiring rational and effective distribution of forces. Sensitivity and intuition are heightened. Insights are possible. Favorable for acquiring new knowledge and skills. It will be beneficial to communicate with people who have extensive practical experience. People born on this day live in a state of constant change and fluctuation. These are travelers, vagabonds, dreamers, healers.

28 lunar day. Symbol - lotus

This harmonious day, charging us with positive energy, is suitable for active activities. Many will feel a surge of strength. In no case should they be wasted on quarrels and anger. Those born on this day can solve dreams.

29th lunar day. Symbol - octopus (Days of Hecate)

On this day, the influence of instincts and emotions increases, people become susceptible to illusions and deception. Moreover, the first half of the day is more favorable than the second. soften Negative influence This day can be achieved with the help of spiritual practices and an ascetic lifestyle. Abstinence and fasting are recommended. The day is final. It can be used to judge how you spent the month. Failures and difficulties indicate that you did not take advantage of the opportunities given to you. Fatigue indicates wasted energy. For a person born on this day complex nature, excellent intuition, poor health.

30 lunar day. Symbol - golden swan

This is a bright, harmonious day, it’s a pity that it doesn’t happen every month. At its core, this is a day of cleansing and renewal. He is characterized by joyful festive mood which arises by itself. On this day it is good to observe nature, do charity work, and give alms. On this day, noble, beautiful, wise people are born, capable of understanding and compassion. They find their path and their calling early. They know how to be happy.

Anton Lukyanov