How spoilage manifests itself. Methods for diagnosing various types of damage

This heavy curse can completely change a person's entire life. It is sent on purpose and can be very terrible in its consequences.

It is usually performed by a magician or esotericist. You should know that casting corruption is a very big sin. Therefore, you need to think about whether you need to take it to your soul.

The destruction of someone's life or the deprivation of a person's health will respond to the performer of the ritual with a terrible punishment if the ceremony is carried out in relation to an innocent person.

He will achieve his goal, but the customer will be severely punished, and even his relatives may suffer.

The main options for damage

Specialists in black magic know a lot of its types. They understand its features, know all the intricacies of rituals and understand in which case a certain method is required.

It is very important for the customer not only to achieve a certain goal, but also to benefit from it. In addition, it is worth protecting yourself from the consequences of the rite.

Some types of damage can be induced by yourself. As a rule, rivals, enemies, competitors, bosses and other people who cannot be dealt with in other ways become the object of such a ritual.

Nowadays, the most demanded ceremonies are to get rid of a person who interferes with running a business or from someone who destroyed a marriage.

Black magic distinguishes between the special methods by which they are carried out. Rituals are different in their content, but they all strive to destroy human life and health.

Allocate spoilage:

  • Material well-being;
  • to change fate for the worse;
  • depression;
  • to health;
  • By photo;
  • generic;
  • fatal, etc.

They all have significant negative influence for human existence. He starts to get sick, his children die in his family or strong relationships break down.

Features of magical corruption

Usually, magical corruption involves the use of various items that help the black power to carry it out.

As a rule, to induce harm, you must have:

  • A snapshot of the victim;
  • an item used by the enemy;
  • a piece of jewelry that belongs to a person;
  • needles;
  • salt;
  • burial ground;
  • money, etc.

They make it possible to send fatal damage, have a negative witchcraft effect on a person, or take away material well-being from him.

However, it must be remembered that any ritual is retroactive. The more terrible the harm done to a person, the stronger will be the retribution for the one who caused it.

Sometimes the punishment is equivalent in action and overtakes the performer at the same time as the victim. Therefore, one should not forget that carrying out these ceremonies is a great offense before the Lord.

Spoilage targeting results

Very often, all things that went quite well before the execution of the harmful rite suddenly cease to work out, the person seems to be acting to his own detriment against his will, and any efforts to create strong relationships end in failure.

The one who sent the corruption is able to guess that it has entered into force, feeling great relief after the ritual.

In addition, he must take a closer look at the victim. You can understand that the ceremony has achieved its goal by noticing special signs:

  • The person is rapidly losing weight;
  • all grooms abandon the young beauty at once;
  • the enemy stops appearing in public and it is heard about him that he is constantly ill;
  • he develops squint or vision deteriorates sharply;
  • he often talks about death;
  • a child in the victim's family dies;
  • a woman quickly and strongly looks foolish, etc.

Often, the presence of damage is guessed by the fact that in someone's family many of the fairer sex do not marry, give birth to illegitimate children, or often die at an early age.

It is according to such basic indicators that they determine what kind of damage is sent. There are special rituals as a result of which death, illness or infertility is induced on a person.

In general, there are a huge variety of them. However, they are united by the fact that they are magical actions designed to bring maximum harm to the person in respect of whom they are carried out. Great value have the consequences of damage.

Not every ceremony is capable of achieving the desired result. The result directly depends on the strength of the magical effect, the degree of innocence of the victim, the presence of her highest protection or the ability to remove the spell.

The worst kind of ritual (death)

The most dangerous and inevitable is damage to death. Usually it is she who has the most powerful retroactive force. It is better not to carry it out on your own.

But, if you still implement it, then the most reliable method is:

At midnight Friday, you need to come to the grave sites and find the grave, which no one has looked after for a long time. If it doesn't even have the name of the deceased on it, such a place is the most suitable option. An aspen stake is stuck in the middle of the ground, while saying:

“Friday-Friday, a companion for all unlucky affairs. This is your plan, executed by me, your nameless helper is. I drive the evil aspen stake, drive death to my victim. Through an unnamed dead man, with an aspen stake, a misfortune to the Slave (s) of God (s) (the name of the victim) I send. Everything is done as it should. Amen".

After such a conspiracy, he is left for seven days.

After this interval, it is necessary to come again on the same day and at the same time in order to repeat the spell and strengthen the stake, sticking it deeper into the ground.

  • You need to carry out such a ceremony three Fridays in a row.
  • Then the stake is taken out and stuck near the victim's dwelling.

Black magic for performing special rituals

Therefore, most often, people turn to specialists. You can carry out the ceremony on your own, but then retribution can also befall the one who performed it.

It is necessary to tell in more detail what exactly the experts are doing spoilage. Most often it is sent to the victim's health.

The execution of the ritual is achieved by a huge release of negative energy in relation to the person to whom it is directed.

A person exposed to damage begins to hurt, it is difficult for doctors to diagnose him and it is even more difficult to cure him. Usually the disease overtakes the victim in the background good health and the absence of any prerequisites for its occurrence.

The non-smoker suddenly begins to suffer pulmonary diseases, a teetotaler's liver refuses, and married woman is unable to get pregnant.

The victim experiences severe weakness, chronic fatigue, and irritability. Her working capacity disappears, her interest in life disappears and thoughts of suicide appear.

Any damage is a powerful, dangerous and inevitable impact on a person. It is the prerogative of black magicians who are most effective way can send it with a quick result.

They know a huge variety of types of it and will advise the customer which one is necessary for in this case... It is not required to impose mortal damage on the boss, and on an inconvenient neighbor - a generic curse.

Such terrible options are usually provided for a rival or business competitor. Damage can be especially strong in someone who is a great sinner or has a weak supply of internal energy. Then a huge clot of negativity rushes at him, breaking through even a strong defense.

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Corruption is an unconscious energetic entity that has been programmed for a certain negative task. Usually damage is aimed at deteriorating a person's health or at its physical destruction. Damage is often used to block communication functions between higher bodies, and this leads to the fact that it is destroyed personal life or a career.

Corruption has one path - from the creator of the entity to his victim and back. Note that if the defense was not carried out, then there will be a reverse effect and the blow will come to the one who brought the damage. The objects of targeting damage are a person, his family, animals, and also home.

What are the types of spoilage?

There are many types of damage, so we will highlight only the main ones: damage to diseases, damage to infertility, damage to poverty and loneliness, damage to alcohol and drugs, damage to fear, damage to depression, damage to death, damage to the house, damage to fornication , damage called "Cap of Monomakh" (a person has money and fame, but here internal state terrible, personal life does not add up).

Often, women who have been cheated on by their husbands cause them to be damaged by sexually transmitted diseases ("black disease"), it happens that the damage is sent to the woman to whom the spouse left.

Damage "grief" - causes unbearable mental anguish and heartache, a person cannot get rid of melancholy on his own, he is tormented by grief and sadness, all the symptoms of depression are observed.

Damage "lesson" - causes severe headaches that do not go away even after taking painkillers.

Corruption "gimmick" - causes schizophrenia, epilepsy and others serious illness... Can be inherited.

There are two types of disease spoilage: organic and inorganic. Organic spoilage can trigger the development mechanism of many diseases, for example, a heart attack, others cardiovascular disease, flu, cancer and even dysentery.

A distinctive feature of diseases that began after the induction of damage is the presence of objectively existing changes, such as tumors, pathogenic microorganisms, changes in the ECG and others. Organic diseases are easy to diagnose, but if it is a rare disease, then it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

By the mechanism of action on the body, organic spoilage is similar to healing. Magic can make the body work correctly, but another option is also possible, which will entail a failure in systems.

In some cases, magic is used by coercion, for example, if damage to sexually transmitted diseases is induced, then it is necessary to weaken defense mechanisms victim and find an infected partner for her, who will carry the disease. That is why organic spoilage can be divided into purely organic, mixed and behavioral.

Inorganic damage - there are no organic changes in the victim's body, medical treatment general practice impossible, the painful condition appears for no reason. It is not difficult to impose this type of damage, since no influence on the internal organs of a person is required. Now it is even easier to bring such damage, since a person lives in a modern stressful world and as soon as he is pushed a little, he "rolls" to neurotic states.

How is spoilage induced?

Corruption can be targeted:

  • through the look;
  • through food, drink or other things that belong to the victim or are presented to her as a gift;
  • corruption through words;
  • damage through a photo or doll;
  • the strongest form of mastery is corruption induced by the power of thought;
  • it happens that all methods are used together or several at the same time.

Signs of spoilage:

  • in women, age spots appear on the face, but the tests are in order;
  • from a medical point of view, a woman is healthy, but it is impossible to get pregnant;
  • a healthy, strong, young woman has persistent menstrual problems;
  • a person for no reason begins to lose weight quickly;
  • the girl meets with many guys, but cannot get married;
  • doctors make a variety of diagnoses, but traditional treatment Does not help;
  • you do not like your reflection in the mirror and cannot look at it;
  • eye pupils of different sizes;
  • the church is getting bad;
  • a breakdown that lasts for a long time you cannot work, you don’t want to live;
  • a "black streak" has come in life;
  • you have a lot of ants and cockroaches in your house, but your neighbors do not;
  • while sleeping or resting, unclean people come to you;
  • pets don't like you and avoid you.

Signs by which you can determine that there is damage in the house:

  • in the house, near the door, in the yard, you find suspicious objects, for example, earth, blood, water, sand, needles, feathers, dead birds and animals;
  • in pillows or feather beds, you find threads, sharp objects, feathers, wheat or corn;
  • you find photos punctured in one or more places;
  • find scissors or knives belonging to unknown persons;
  • in the family, someone is constantly sick, the feeling of fear does not leave;
  • relatives suffer from incurable alcoholism;
  • consecrated salt crackles and darkens in a preheated frying pan;
  • when walking around the house, an unburned candle taken from church on Friday smokes;
  • dogs bark at you, and cats run away from home;
  • incomprehensible or, on the contrary, clear drawings appear on the walls;
  • guests do not like to come to your house.

If the evil eye can be unintentional, then damage is induced only deliberately. Unlike the evil eye, damage cannot be accidentally sent by any ill-wisher or a person who inadvertently dropped a word or emotion.

Damage, targeting of damage is a superstition widespread among all peoples, about the possibility of negative magical effects from ill-wishers, as well as about the possibility of neutralizing such influences (removal of damage).

Attention! The information below is taken from personal experience and has no scientific basis.

There are many different options for targeting corruption in black magic. Each magical tradition teaches its own methods of witchcraft aggression. Methods of black influence have been known since ancient times, for example, underlays or a public curse. Each method of destructive ritual has its own characteristics and nuances.

What is spoilage?

Corruption is a powerful verbal hypnotic message with a wish for harm. specific person or a group of people.
targeted impact, which is performed by a professional, according to a certain ritual.
Corruption usually has a program of harming the health or physical destruction of the victim, as well as blocking the functions of communication between higher bodies, which destroys personal life and / or business affairs.
Corruption knows only one way: from the creator to the victim, and vice versa, i.e. if the defense was not carried out, then there will be a return blow.

Targets for targeting damage:

  • Person
  • Family
  • Animals
  • Dwelling
  • Company

Directions in spoilage:

Scare away - to show the ability to stand up for yourself. Usage short phrases: one, maximum two sentences. The purpose of the phrase is to create short-term confusion among the aggressor and gain an advantage to resolve the conflict by delivering a preemptive strike (at least) or withdrawing (at the most). For example, the phrase "How is your husband?" Is a well-proven scare phrase in relation to a gypsy who is harassing on the street. Phonetically, the phrase is scary. If we add to this the semantic (semantic) content of the phrase (as a rule, gypsies have bad relations with their husbands), then the phrase instantly "knocks out of the rut." If you did not rush to leave and the harassment continues, you can add to this the phrase "Is everything hitting?" Phonetically and semantically, both phrases contribute to great confusion, which allows for a quick escape from conflict.
Bullying - to scare you with possible trouble. For example, the phrase: "By the way, I'm good at spoiling."
Wish for common harm. Example: “And I will punish for rudeness. I bring fear and horror. You will quickly turn black with a hernia. The worms will eat it alive. "
Desire for specific harm (for example, illness).

There are a lot of types of spoilage. The main ones are:

  • Damage to disease
  • Poverty spoilage
  • Damage to infertility
  • Corruption to loneliness
  • Damage to vodka (and now to drug addiction)
  • Damage to death
  • Damage to fear and depression (so that life is not good)
  • Damage to the house
  • Damage "Monomakh's hat" (when there is money and fame, but personal life and state of mind terrible)
  • Corruption for fornication (often done at a wedding, party or other feast so that the husband or wife "walk")
  • "Black disease" - sends venereal diseases, male impotence, often women take revenge on abandoned men. A woman can send damage to her rival, forever discouraging a man from communicating.
  • "Sorrow" - causes heartache and mental anguish. A person loses all peace, cannot get rid of longing, sadness and sadness. All the signs of depression
  • "Lesson" - spoilage causes severe continuous headaches
  • "Wasp" - damage-curse, causing schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc. Easily inherited

There are two types of damage to disease:

Organic spoilage triggers the disease mechanism of organic disease: starting from desentery ( infectious disease) and flu, and ending with heart attacks ("heart attacks") and oncological diseases. Distinctive feature these diseases is the presence of objectively existing changes physical body- pathogenic microorganisms, tumors, ECG changes characteristic of heart ischemia, etc. Many organic diseases are easily diagnosed (especially with modern equipment by experienced specialists), although, of course, in the case of some particular rare disease(eg, tropical infection) diagnosis can be difficult.

In terms of the mechanism of its action, organic damage is similar, on the one hand, to healing. If magic can make the restoring systems work correctly (in the case of healing), then the reverse process of "shutting down" these systems or introducing failures into work is also possible. On the other hand, in some cases it may be necessary to use coercive magic in order, for example, to reward the victim with a venereal disease - after all, it is necessary not only to weaken the victim's defense mechanisms, but also to find an infected partner who will have the causative agent of the desired disease.
Therefore, it is advisable to divide organic spoilage into
purely organic, behavioral and blended.

Purely organic damage only "knocks down" recovery systems, for example, the immune, making the body susceptible to diseases, while behavioral damage changes the way of life, making it more susceptible to one or another disease. Of course, most often we are dealing with both the organic and the behavioral side of spoilage - i.e. mixed type.

Organic spoilage should also be divided into single and multiple.

A single spoilage once creates conditions for the acquisition of a disease - in this case, a stream is used. On the contrary, prolonged deterioration constantly "supports" the disease, and constantly corrects the work of the restorative systems.

Extended corruption is always associated with the installation of a complex agent. As a result of setting the agent, the energy of the victim changes, which is observed by many energy therapists.

Diagnostics of single damage is possible only at the time of imposition. A single damage acts as a "trigger", so at the time of the onset of symptoms of the disease, only subtle traces of damage remain. Manifestations of damage can occur at the time of imposition, the symptoms here are standard general magic. "Beating off" a single damage is carried out by standard techniques of suppression magical influences... If a one-time damage was noticed and intercepted, then it is useful to find out what exactly it was aimed at and take the appropriate preventive measures- supportive medications and vitamins.

If it was not possible to intercept the damage, then by the time the symptoms appear, it makes no sense to look. All that remains is to treat the disease that has arisen with traditional (and, possibly, non-traditional) means. It makes sense to take some security measures in the form of strengthening shields and so on only if a number of diseases have passed in a row.

In the case of extended damage, this is not the case. Treatment only by medical specialists does not bring the desired results - as a result, the disease most often turns into chronic form with constant exacerbations. In addition, since medications do not bring the expected effect, the doses are increased, as a result of which the side effects, which also does not add to the patient's health. Treatment becomes effective only if a complex agent that spoils health is removed. The method of removing a complex agent for removing spoilage has no peculiarities.

With inorganic damage, there are no organic changes, which makes it impossible for general practitioners to treat and provides a painful condition without a clear reason - but the body with such damage remains healthy, and healing is more likely.

The imposition of inorganic damage is easier than organic, because it is not required to influence the internal organs - the area of ​​influence is limited by the human psyche, with which one can operate more freely than with organic matter. Often a person (especially in modern stressful life) only needs a little push to "roll" along the path of neurosis. Moreover, sometimes this can be done without any magic, only by skillfully playing on natural fears and psychological problems.

Corruption can be targeted in the following ways:

  • through a look at the victim
  • using various substances
  • through food and drink - the most common way of spoilage
  • through things belonging to the victim
  • through things presented as a gift
  • through a sharp, charmed object, often a pin, throw the victim, try to prick or fasten to clothes
  • across the graveyard ground
  • through candles - damage is especially terrible when in the church a living person is put candles for the peace of the soul with words (conspiracies, spells)
  • impact on objects belonging to the object
  • through menstrual blood (love witch corruption)
  • through hair and nails
  • through photography
  • through the doll
  • using the power of thought (this is the strongest and highest form of mastery)
  • using all methods together or several methods at the same time

Signs of spoilage in humans:

  • if a woman has age spots on her face, and the tests are good
  • if a woman cannot get pregnant, but from a medical point of view everything is in order
  • if young strong woman no menstruation, persistent delays or very little discharge
  • if a person quickly loses weight (dries up) or gains weight for no reason
  • if a girl is dating guys but cannot get married
  • if doctors make different diagnoses, but there are no results of treatment
  • if you don't like looking in the mirror
  • if one pupil is larger than the other or the pupils are running
  • if the church gets bad
  • if pectoral cross lost or constant desire take off
  • if there is a prolonged loss of strength, there is no desire to move, work and live in general
  • "Black streak" in life
  • if there are a lot of cockroaches or ants in the house, but the neighbors do not
  • if unclean comes while resting or sleeping
  • if pets don't like

Damage in the house

  • if you find suspicious objects near the door, in the house or in the courtyard (earth, water, blood, sand, feathers, needles, dead animals or birds)
  • in featherbeds or pillows find wheat, corn, feathers tied or stuck together, threads, sharp objects
  • one or more photos are pierced with a needle, find someone else's scissors or knives
  • a sense of fear in the family, persistent illnesses and scandals, incurable alcoholism
  • blessed salt heated in a skillet crackles and darkens
  • an unburned candle taken from a church on Friday smokes when walking around the house
  • dogs bark, and cats tend to leave the house
  • incomprehensible or, conversely, very clear drawings that show through on the walls
  • guests do not like to go

Who Is Corruption Works Best for?

Corruption works well for people who, by their mental qualities, are predisposed to suggestion. These are, as a rule, people who are in a state of neurosis (that is, most people). These are persons prone to hysterical and psychopathic reactions. These are persons prone to fantasy, deceit, suspiciousness, anxiety, mood swings. It works well for people who are addicted to various paranormal phenomena, prone to mysticism. Any damage is usually very easy on a person in a subsonic state.

On whom the damage does not work or works badly

Contact spoilage will not affect the deaf or hard of hearing. Will not affect a person who is prevented from listening to extraneous sounds. Does not work on a person who does not speak Russian well. Any kind of damage has a bad effect on a person who is in some altered states of consciousness - alcoholic, narcotic, toxic intoxication of a moderate or strong degree; mental illness, as a result of which a person loses the ability to perceive reality normally.
It has a bad effect on people who are in such emotional states like anger, despair, etc. They either won't hear or won't understand.

The strength of the induced damage depends on:

  • type of damage
  • magician powers
  • victim security

Human security depends on:

  • general energy
  • the quality of the chakras
  • the quality of the containment

The protective shell during an attack can be:

  • intact or damaged by previous attacks
    having a normal contour or deformed

The density of the containment can be different:

  • in the form of a perfectly polished mirror
  • in the form of a concrete wall
  • in the form of a cloth
  • in the form of a sieve or mesh
  • sponge
  • in the form of butter (margarine)
  • in the form of jelly (jelly)

When the surface of the body of protection is hard, like concrete or polished like a mirror, it reflects all negative influences and it is very difficult for damage to attach. When the surface of the body of protection becomes like a sponge, oil or jelly, the spoilage is attached very easily. Damage can easily adhere if the surface of the protection body is damaged or deformed. Corruption locally damages the body of protection in the area in which it is attached. Corruption, having taken root in the victim's aura, is gradually located on 4 planes, affecting the etheric, astral, mental and higher astral planes, but sometimes in addition to these planes it can be located on the higher mental plane.

Unlike the evil eye, which can be intentional and unintentional, damage is only intentional and is induced quite deliberately. If the evil eye can be sent by accident by an ill-wisher, an envious person, by almost any person who accidentally dropped a careless word, thought, emotion, then damage is deliberately induced using magical procedures.

Damage guidance methods:

  1. Putting spoilage in the wind is easy magic ritual... The black magician must throw after the victim or in the direction of his house: a handful of burial earth, dust from the intersection, or air bubbles made from remnants of the enemy. At the same time, pronouncing various spells and calling on evil spirits to help in the ritual.
  2. Making damage to the trail is an effective witchcraft ritual. The imprint of the victim is carefully traced around the contour with a ritual knife and taken out into a shoe box. Then the following ritual is performed: a trace is given to the fire if it is left on the ground, or dried if it is left in the snow. An important rule: strong concentration aimed at fulfilling desires.
  3. The way of damage is to add charmed objects (linings) - the most common ritual. Conspiracy millet, coins, needles wrapped in thread, black feathers, shells - that's far from complete list favorite gizmos of the sorcerer.
  4. Damage through a photo or volt is a non-contact method of guidance, that is, no contact between the victim and the material of the black work is required. Promotes a quick result, in the case of a correctly performed destructive ritual of black magic.

This is an incomplete list of techniques for targeting damage and other destructive rituals of black magic, but they are all highly effective.

In our article, we will tell you about what the main types of damage exist, how they are manifested and how to protect yourself from targeting.

In order to properly carry out the ritual of removing damage, you need to figure out what type of energy blow (damage) was directed in your direction.

There are many different types spoilage . Psychic attack, curse, evil eye consists in the introduction of completely alien information into the bioenergetic frame of a person. Damage can be caused by both a professional and a person far from magic. In the first case, the effect will be stronger, and the consequences for the victim's health (mental and physical), his financial and social condition are much more serious. Death can be the most negative result of spoilage.

A person who causes spoilage often reinforces his actions by throwing bones, cereals, rags, coal, malt, rusty nails into the victim's apartment, which contain negative energy. It is also known that damage can be caused by photographs. Professional sorcerers often practice this method. In this case, the ritual of removing corruption will require much more strength, energy and time from the magician who produces it.

After an energy blow, the victim initially experiences mental discomfort, then - sensations of pain in internal organs... Insomnia may appear, or, on the contrary, severe drowsiness, also irritability, emotional disturbances, unreasonable anxiety and fear. Medical examination as a rule, does not reveal any serious violations.

The main types of spoilage:

  • Damage to health is the most common type of energy hit. As a result, the victim becomes acutely ill. Medicine either does not determine the cause and nature of the disease at all, or the treatment does not bring results. Most often, damage to health is manifested in diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, infertility, various problems during pregnancy. In this case, it is imperative to carry out spoilage ritual

  • "To death". This is the most powerful type of spoilage. The result of such damage is, of course, the death of a person. Many magicians do not undertake the ritual of removing such damage, but I will try to help you.

  • Vertinitsa. This type of damage is transmitted through loved ones who punish the victim, strongly wanting something negative for her. Usually accompanied by a heightened sense of guilt in the victim, depressed mood, often - alcoholism.

  • "Deceased". This subspecies of damage to death. Leads to unexpected and severe illness.

  • "Suicide". The name of the corruption speaks for itself. Refers to a subspecies of damage to death. It manifests itself in an irresistible desire of the victim to commit suicide. It is also necessary to carry out a ritual to remove spoilage. .

  • "Cripple". This subtype of damage to health leads to serious injury to the victim as a result of an accident, plane crash and other accidents.

  • Implanting is a ritual in the process of which a negative entity (demon, imp), which has a certain power, is attached to a person.

  • Love spell - carried out with the help magic spells with the aim of causing one person to be attracted to another. The strength of attraction depends on the strength of the love spell.

  • Glyadanka - this is how the evil eye or damage is called, in which there is a constant admiration and admiration for the object of one's love. As a result, a person develops fear, an inferiority complex develops.

  • A curse is a verbal construction, the meaning of which is aimed at causing harm to a specific person (family, clan, home). It is extremely rare that a curse is used for protection purposes.

  • Kachura is a special type of corruption, which is aimed at destroying a person through alcoholism, excessive suspicion, petty theft, and debauchery.

  • Lining is a certain object (or substance - salt, water), which, together with a negative attitude, is thrown into the victim's house or office (on a table, flower pot, box, corner, etc.).

  • The break - damage for breaking the family - is done on a happy married couple, including married spouses. The effect comes very soon. Spouses begin to quarrel a lot, cheat on each other and eventually get divorced.

  • Invasion - is the introduction of demons into a person, possessing different energetic powers. Demons push a person to commit bad deeds, abandon old habits, etc.

  • Obsession is the insertion of a negative entity (elementary) into the energy shell of a person, which has an extremely powerful force. Deliverance occurs only through the exorcism procedure.

A very strong type of energy blow is damage to love relationships.

Its subspecies are damage to relationships, "the crown of celibacy", "the seal of loneliness." The victim either does not have a relationship with the opposite sex, or this relationship always breaks up for unknown reasons. The victim may generally remain lonely for the rest of his days. It is believed that in this case, a person can only be helped by

Not all people harm others on purpose. This kind of magic, like the evil eye, can be inflicted on a person without even knowing about it, but damage is induced specifically and to a specific person. Thus, people want to ruin the life of the entire enemy, and make him suffer. Basically, they use magic in order to annoy a person in a career plan, worsen his financial condition and, of course, discourage a man from a woman. There can be a lot of reasons, and the types of damage to a person have a variety of meanings.

The magical effect of conspiracies

The types of spoilage are different and for every taste. Each person with the help of magic can solve any question and problem. The forces of the earth always go and help those who are in dire need of help. Magic will do everything to make what the person intended to come true. But it is worth knowing that the influence of corruption and the evil eye never brings joy and happiness specifically for the victim. The victim receives grief and misfortune, and the customer only rejoices in this.

The one who conducts the ceremony will be out of danger, magic cannot influence him in any way, but not in all rituals. Each ritual has its own power, its action and, accordingly, the consequence. Many want to do harm and damage health, while others spoil fate and life in general. The consequences will be bad for the customer and for the victim if the ritual is not carried out according to the rules. Also, if the person performing the ritual has no experience in magic. There are several types of damage and evil eye.

Curse symptoms

The most important symptoms during the curse, there are:

  • the appearance of defects on the skin of the body;
  • bad dreams, terrible and prophetic dreams;
  • constant worries and fears;
  • problems and failures;
  • health difficulties, weight gain and weight loss.

Powerful rites in the church

To carry out such types of damage, you need to visit the church. For the ceremony to work, you need to go to church and ask the priest to say a prayer for the repose of a living person. Such rituals are performed very rarely, since the priest will not always agree to do so. Such a ritual is aimed at the speedy death of the victim, and the priests will not take such a strong sin on their souls.

If a living person begins to sing the funeral service, then after a while he will begin to weaken. Will appear severe illness that will be impossible to cure. It happens that the victim feels cold on himself, like a deceased. If such a feeling often worries a person, then you should very quickly go to an experienced magician. If this is not done, then he may be overtaken by an early death.

Corruption done over the phone

There are other types of spoilage. They may not only have a different meaning, but also give different results. V modern times the development of technology and other things does not stand in one place. Every day scientists create something new, and magic does not stand still. The type of spoilage over the phone is very common. The result does not keep you waiting and works one hundred percent. People very often talk on the phone and, at least once in their life, answered the phone and heard silence in response. On the one hand, a person could really dial the wrong number, but on the other hand, this is a trick of magic.

A person can hear a noise in the phone at the time when his ill-wisher utters a conspiracy. Therefore, you should beware of such calls, and if the phone is silent, you should immediately hang up. After that, you can cross your phone and say any prayer that you know. Prayer must be said three times and everything will be fine. Thus, the powers of heaven help prevent this kind of corruption and protect you from trouble. If a bad conspiracy is not prevented, the victim will suffer a lot and have many problems.

Food conspiracy

It is very bad when people use a kind of spoilage on food. For this, the spirit of the deceased and his relative is invoked. The water that the deceased is washed with must be taken for yourself. They also take bread and salt, which they put on the grave of the deceased. Then everyone connects and speaks a special conspiracy:

“The deceased (name) washed himself and left for another world. His family cried and saw him off, bringing many flowers. He goes to the next world, there is no one to accompany him. So you are a servant of God (name), you will take food and get poisoned, you will chew and choke. When a dream comes to you, you won't wake up in the morning. You leave with the deceased, and your soul remains with me. I will live and pray for you. I will be the strongest and live the longest. My words are like a lock on a door, I will not change them. Amen".

The customer should not eat the food that he speaks. The products should be consumed by the person who they want to get rid of. The ritual is very effective and will definitely be fulfilled. But it is also worth expecting that this type of corruption has the ability to take revenge.

Everyone knows that food is not hard to bewitch. Food will bring a lot of grief and very bad consequences for those who eat the spell. In ancient times, people did not start eating until prayers were said. Only after the prayer was said, the family began to eat. In this way, you can remove negative impact from food and remove spoilage from yourself. Signs insist that when the food is spoken, then the person after reading the prayer simply does not consciously want to eat it. He will simply choke on food and will not take the spoilage upon himself.

Loneliness conspiracy view

The types of damage and the evil eye for loneliness are very popular. Such a conspiracy is called a curse and is strong enough. Very often they inflict a curse on women and women in particular, trying to avenge their beloved. V present time people are not divided according to gender, women and men have the same rights and power. This information is more and more often confirmed by women every day. Many years ago, the girl was never left completely alone until the end of her days. Such a life was considered a complete shame.

Usually conspiracies are made on the loneliness of a mistress and rival. They wish grief and many problems for the girls victims. In order to carry out such a serious type of curse, it is worth considering everything carefully and having important arguments, since the victim will remain unhappy for life. She can't have anymore love relationship and create a normal family. If the kind of evil eye on loneliness begins to act, then it becomes quite difficult for a woman to build relationships and love a man.

After such an act, the woman will be strongly squeezed and experience many complexes. To hold the lapel and wrap the ritual in reverse side, you need to cleanse the energy and establish a psychological state, for this they use an egg. Everything bad and negative is rolled out as an egg.

Health conspiracies

It is not hard to make a lining for health. For this, various types of spoilage are used. They are capable of bringing serious illness to the home and family. When they begin to use magic to solve personal issues, it is worth knowing exactly which conspiracy to use, since a certain conspiracy method causes a certain disease. Some rituals are designed to aggravate the situation and make the disease permanent. There are also rituals that cause quite serious and dangerous diseases, they are almost impossible to cure.

A kind of damage to death, damage to a person

Before doing any ritual, it is worth knowing the rules and conditions that magic has.

  1. You can carry out the ritual without the help of a magician. All of the above types of spoilage quickly show their results, and guarantee real performance.
  2. It is advisable to perform damage only when the person deserves it, and not because you just wanted to. Since, if you make an undeserved curse, you can suffer yourself and very much.
  3. You need to think over everything in advance. To begin with, protection is placed and only then the ceremony itself is carried out. The most optimal protection is the energy of the earth.
  4. The victim may also find in his house or yard the lining with which the plot was carried out. She can easily use this item for her own purposes, and take revenge on the customer.
  5. If you continue to live with damage on your shoulders, then a person will never be happy. The interference of magic must certainly be removed from life.


What types of damage and evil eye are there? There is a large number of rituals aimed at ruining a person's life and taking revenge on him. But before carrying out them, you need to think a hundred times, since turning to black magic is very dangerous for everyone: for the victim and for the customer. People, when they are very offended, very much throw words and threaten to take revenge. They, under strong impressions and offenses, perform rituals, and then they greatly regret it.

The ritual can be removed if the victim guesses about it, and when the customer makes the lapel, then all the problems go to him. Therefore, it is worth thinking several times and then doing it.