Why do you feel pain in the lower abdomen with chronic thrush? Abdominal pain due to thrush: causes and solutions Safe drugs that treat thrush

When a woman has a pain in her lower abdomen due to thrush, this is one of the reasons to immediately consult a doctor. Painful sensations are not a characteristic symptom of candidiasis. But don’t worry - pain can be of different types and from them you can form a complete clinical picture.

What will the article tell you?

Description of the disease

Vaginal candidiasis is one of the most common pathologies. The causative agent is a fungus of the genus Candida. It is found in smears healthy person, since it is part of the natural flora of the vagina.

Candida belongs to the category of opportunistic microflora. It begins to actively reproduce when favorable conditions are created. It is the excess of the fungus that leads to the development of the disease.

With candidiasis, women experience redness and itching of the vaginal mucosa. One of the characteristic signs is the appearance white plaque on the surface of the skin. When it is removed, the itching intensifies and severe redness is detected. In advanced stages of the disease, bleeding ulcers may be observed at the site of the removed plaque. Pain due to thrush in most cases indicates the spread of infection.

Important! Self-treatment of thrush with improvised means can lead to the transition of the disease to chronic form.

Provoking factors

Vaginal candidiasis develops only when conditions favorable for this are created. In other cases, the growth of candida is regulated by natural microflora. Protection of mucous membranes from pathogenic microorganisms is due to evolution and helps a woman bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Disturbances of the natural microflora, weakening of the immune system, create favorable conditions for the development of thrush. To prevent this, it is necessary to minimize the impact of provoking factors:

  • weakening of general immunity;
  • reception oral contraceptives – causes changes in hormonal levels, which negatively affects the microflora;
  • antibiotic treatment– this group of drugs negatively affects not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also healthy flora;
  • diabetes– characterized by weakening of the protective functions of the whole organism;
  • venereal diseases– weaken local immunity, negatively affect general state immune system;
  • intestinal infections– with insufficient hygiene, the pathogen can spread, which becomes the cause of complications;
  • menopausehormonal changes the body negatively affects the healthy microflora of the vagina;
  • poor hygiene– rare change of linen, failure to hygiene procedures, create favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Pain in the lower abdomen due to thrushin women they appear mainly in cases where the pathology is complicated in some way. There are three types of candidiasis:

  1. Primary. Occurs in healthy women. It has characteristic symptoms and resolves without complications. Amenable to traditional treatment.
  2. Secondary. It develops against the background of a primary disease and can be its complication. In such cases, candidiasis develops more rapidly and is less treatable.
  3. Complicated. Against the background of primary thrush, other diseases develop. This is due, as in the case of the secondary type, to a weakening of local immunity. Secondary infection can affect the appendages, uterus, and ovaries. In this situation, pain in the lower abdomen is observed due to thrush in women.

Ways of transmission of thrush

Candidiasis can spread in several ways. But getting a fungus into the vagina does not guarantee infection - several months or even years may pass between infection and the development of the disease. The main routes of transmission of candida include:

  • sexual contact with a sick person who is a carrier of infection;
  • oral sex– upon contact with a person whose candidiasis affects the oral mucosa;
  • items general use – towels, washcloths, bed linen;
  • swimming pools, baths, saunas– in case of insufficient water treatment, as well as when visiting a sauna or bathhouse together with an infected person.

Note! If the pathology occurs in a latent form and the woman has no specific symptoms, it can still be contagious to others.

Signs of candidiasis

Almost 50% of adult women are familiar with the symptoms of fungal infection. The first signs appear within a few hours after the fungus spreads:

  • discomfort;
  • burning;
  • dryness;
  • debilitating itching.

A day after the onset of the disease, the woman begins to develop a characteristic cheesy discharge that has a sour odor. Laboratory diagnostics reveals a large number of fungus.

Important! Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis. Symptoms similar to candidiasis are characteristic of many sexually transmitted diseases.

Types of painful sensations

Pain during thrush may have different character. When visiting a doctor, it is necessary to clarify exactly where it hurts and how it hurts - this can significantly facilitate the diagnosis. Different types of pain may indicate failure different organs, infection with various pathogens.

  • When urinating

Emptying Bladder is one of the physiological methods of cleaning the mucous membrane. Urine contains urea, which has an antiseptic effect. If during urination there are painful sensations, this may be a sign of infection spreading into the urethra.

In such a situation, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about this so that he can prescribe the appropriate treatment. Special preparations antiseptic and antifungal action will help not only eliminate the fungus, but also reduce painful symptoms.

  • During sex

Damage to the vaginal epithelium leads to pain due to thrush in women. Discomfort worsens during and after sexual intercourse. Characteristic feature Such a lesion is caused by an insufficient amount of natural lubrication. Redness of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia is also noted.

If left untreated, symptoms may worsen over time. Painful ulcers appear on the surface of the epithelium. With insufficient treatment, Candida can spread to the cervix, uterus itself, fallopian tubes and ovarian appendages. This causes the development of acute inflammatory process, which in the long term can lead to infertility.

  • Nagging pain

When doctors ask if the stomach hurts with thrush, women primarily associate it with a nagging unpleasant sensation. Such pain appears with diseases accompanying thrush - endometriosis, endometritis, erosion, cysts in the ovaries.

Nagging painful sensations may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. They can radiate to the sacrum, lower back, and significantly interfere normal life. In such a situation, a visit to the doctor is required. The gynecologist will write a referral for an ultrasound to check the condition of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, and will also take a smear to determine the microflora.

Possible complications

Pain due to thrush in women, in most cases, indicates the presence of a complication. No need to worry - timely diagnosis and competent treatment will help eliminate the cause with a minimum of side effects. The most common causes of pain may be:

  • vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory process affecting the vulva and vaginal mucosa;
  • colpitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • adneskitis - infectious inflammation of the ovarian appendages;
  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder;
  • pyelonephritis – inflammation of the renal pelvis that occurs against the background of cystitis;
  • endometritis – inflammation of the uterine endometrium;
  • salpingitis - infectious inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • Cervicitis is a lesion of the cervix.

With the transition of these diseases to the acute stage, characteristic symptoms appear:

  • general weakness, lethargy, constant fatigue;
  • decreased performance, decreased concentration;
  • rise in body temperature to 39-40 C;
  • chills;
  • stool disorders, diarrhea;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased heart rate, frequent weak pulse.

When the doctor asks if your stomach hurts due to thrush, you must tell him about the presence of these signs. If left untreated, these pathologies may progress to the surgical phase and will require complete removal affected organ.

A woman will need to pay attention to the presence bloody discharge during the intermenstrual period - this is a clear sign cervical lesions. Through the cervical canal, candida can spread higher throughout all organs of the reproductive system, which will lead to acute inflammation.

If treatment is not provided within 10-14 days, in the absence of other diseases, the pathology becomes chronic. The disease will worsen with each decrease in immunity, which can lead to the development of an abscess.

Treatment methods

When a woman has a stomach ache due to thrush, conventional painkillers will not be able to eliminate the cause of the problem. That's why pain syndrome will become recurrent. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly carry out treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the pathogen.

  • Fluconazole

Available in capsules. Vaginal candidiasis requires a single dose of 150 mg capsule active substance. Inhibits the proliferation of fungi, but does not affect secondary pathogens.

  • Nystatin

Available in the form of tablets, suppositories and ointments. It provides both rapid symptomatic treatment and effectively inhibits the proliferation of fungus. The course of treatment with Nystatin ranges from 7 to 21 days, depending on the degree of damage.

  • Clotrimazole

Release form: suppositories, tablets and cream for external use. Eliminates itching, inhibits the proliferation of fungal colonies.

  • Livarol

Available in the form of suppositories, drops, ointments, suspensions, applications. Inhibits the growth of the pathogen. Prevents its further reproduction.

Additionally, the gynecologist may prescribe antispasmodics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They suppress the inflammatory process, reduce temperature in acute stages inflammation and relieve pain.

It must be remembered that if a woman experiences abdominal pain during normal thrush, she should immediately consult a doctor. Timely initiation of treatment helps to avoid serious complications, one of which is infertility. Self-medication in this situation can lead to a worsening of the condition and the disease becoming chronic, which is much more difficult to treat further.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the affected organ caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. They are present in small quantities in every body and do not pose a danger.

Only under the influence of certain factors do they begin to actively multiply, causing candidiasis. Cases when the stomach hurts due to thrush are not so rare, the main thing is to recognize the cause in time unpleasant disease.

The cause of pain due to thrush

Candidiasis always occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.

The following factors may contribute to this condition:

  • HIV in the patient;
  • long-term use antibacterial drugs;
  • presence of cancer;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • protracted chronic diseases;
  • improper and unbalanced diet, poor in vitamins and other useful substances;
  • disruption of the vaginal microflora in women as a result of frequent douching, wearing tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics, violation of genital hygiene rules, frequent change of sexual partners, and others.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner candidiasis can be diagnosed, the sooner treatment will begin and the more favorable the outcome.

Many women, faced with an unpleasant disease, ask specialists the question: “Can the lower abdomen hurt with thrush?” It is worth paying attention to the fact that fungi of the genus Candida can affect the mucous membrane of not only the genital organs, but also other organs: the stomach, intestines, causing nagging pain in the abdomen.

Stomach damage

Gastric candidiasis is one of those diseases that is difficult to recognize at an early stage. A third of people with this pathology do not experience any discomfort characteristic of it. Patients often confuse the symptoms of gastric thrush with minor poisoning from stale food, gastritis or peptic ulcers.

If the gastric mucosa is affected by fungi, the following symptoms will be noted: decreased or loss of appetite (anorexia), nausea and vomiting mixed with blood and white spots, diarrhea, pain in the upper abdomen or epigastric region, and sometimes fever.

In case of an incorrect diagnosis and lack of proper treatment, the fungus begins to infect neighboring organs, causing great danger.

Intestinal pathology

Intestinal candidiasis is not so rare. Like gastric thrush, the disease can be difficult to recognize. There are three types of intestinal candidiasis: invasive diffuse, invasive focal and non-invasive. The diffuse form is characterized by hyperthermia, loose stool with streaks of blood, damage to neighboring organs (liver, spleen, gall bladder and others).

Pain in the lower abdomen with thrush of this type will be sharp and sudden. Diffuse thrush does not occur in people with normal immune systems.

If this pathology has been diagnosed, you should think about the presence diabetes mellitus or HIV infection. Focal candidiasis is similar in symptoms to diffuse candidiasis.

Distinctive feature is that it can complicate the course ulcerative colitis or peptic ulcer duodenum. As a rule, this type of disease is discovered accidentally during a biopsy.

Non-invasive candidiasis occurs most often and manifests itself in the form of general intoxication of the body, stool upset, and minor discomfort in the abdomen. Against this background, patients often develop allergic diseases. Very often, experts confuse this type of thrush with irritable bowel syndrome.

Damage to the genitourinary system

Vaginal candidiasis is very common in women of all ages. various reasons. When the vagina is affected by fungi, the following symptoms are noted: redness, swelling and dryness of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, burning and severe itching, pain during urination, copious discharge white in color, reminiscent of grains of cottage cheese with a specific sour smell.

In addition, many patients complain that the lower abdomen hurts due to thrush. On initial stage Of the disease, only one symptom appears, and over time, others are added.

Differential diagnosis carried out by a qualified specialist

Often, along with candidiasis, other diseases can be diagnosed: trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea and others. With absence timely treatment the fungus can infect the urinary and reproductive system women. After this, more develop serious illnesses that cause infertility.

Diagnosis of the problem

If the lower abdomen hurts due to thrush, it is necessary to carry out a series of diagnostic measures in order to identify the cause and location of the disease. To do this, you must undergo the following types of examination:

  • smear for microbiology;
  • bacterial culture of flora;
  • biomaterial research PCR method;
  • study of material using ELISA method.

Each type of diagnostic performs its own function, and in order to get a complete picture of the pathology, it is recommended to undergo comprehensive examination. Only a thorough diagnosis will determine the stage of the disease and help prescribe effective treatment that will prevent recurrent outbreaks of the disease.

What to do if pain and other symptoms of thrush appear

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get an appointment with a doctor or pharmacy for the necessary medicines. Therefore, you can try to get rid of the symptoms of the disease for a while in several ways (for thrush in women):

  • douching and washing soda solution(0.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water);
  • freshly squeezed carrot juice for washing;
  • a decoction of chamomile and calendula, St. John's wort and string, oak bark and other medicinal herbs.

In the absence of proper treatment, candidiasis becomes chronic and can cause a number of negative consequences: infertility or intrauterine infection of the fetus (during pregnancy), formation of ulcers, bleeding (stomach and intestinal), sepsis.

The use of carrot juice is a traditional method of therapy

Specific treatment

You should not ignore seemingly harmless diseases, including thrush. If you notice any unpleasant symptoms, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible so that he can help identify the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. complex treatment.

Therapy will directly depend on the cause of thrush. For example, if the impetus for the growth of fungi was long-term use of antibiotics, then the first step is to stop taking them. The drug has many analogues that are easy to buy at any pharmacy. If the disease is not complicated, then taking this medication will be quite sufficient.

In addition to Fluconazole, other drugs may be prescribed, depending on the location of the fungus:

  • Mycoheptin is an antifungal agent produced in the form of film-coated tablets. Used for diseases internal organs and tissues caused by fungal infection. Prescribed orally 250 mg twice a day for 2 weeks.
  • Nystatin is an antifungal drug available in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, tablets, granules and ointments. Widely used for the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal tract. For adults with diseases of the stomach and intestines, 500 thousand units are prescribed 4–8 times a day. Duration of treatment is 10–14 days.

One of effective drugs in the fight against yeast-like fungi is Fluconazole

While taking antifungal drugs, additional agents are recommended to normalize the microflora: Hilak Forte, Linex, Acipol and others. It is also impossible to do without a diet that excludes the intake of alcoholic beverages, sweet and rich products; it is worth limiting the consumption of potatoes, fatty meats, and pasta.

Be sure to consume fermented milk products daily. To protect yourself from candidiasis, you must try to eliminate all the reasons why the disease may occur. In addition, it is necessary to complete the treatment and always control the intestinal microflora (sometimes by taking bifidobacteria and lactobacilli).

You also need to eat right, eat foods rich in vitamins and other nutrients. Persons with weakened immune systems (those with severe chronic illnesses, HIV infection, etc.) need to be regularly examined and kept under the watchful eye of doctors.

Thrush pain usually occurs due to inflammation of the pelvic organs. It is provoked by the fungal infection itself, candidiasis. If you have pain in the lower abdomen, or “pulling” pains, this is alarming symptom. It is imperative to undertake examination and treatment.

Fungal infections develop for many reasons. But the point is the disruption of the microflora of the mucous membranes. They are all known modern medicine. This list includes:

  • long-term antibiotic therapy (many antibacterial agents themselves developed on a fungal basis, for example, penicillin);
  • dysfunction of the immune system - immunity deficiency;
  • recent infectious diseases (including lesions of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • insufficient hygiene of the female genital area;
  • menopause;
  • being overweight.

All these factors cause an imbalance in the bacterial balance in the body. That is, there are simply fewer of some microorganisms, and more of others. This leads to the appearance of candidiasis with all the ensuing consequences.

The disease has other causes. One of them is pregnancy. When a mother is pregnant, her immunity decreases. It cannot fully resist the fungus.

The disease is also provoked by hormone-based contraceptives. So you have to take a responsible approach to choosing contraceptives. You can’t buy the first pills you come across from commercial or on advice best friend. You will have to consult a doctor to avoid trouble.

Definition of thrush and causes

Pain and other signs of candidiasis

When thrush occurs in women, the body is damaged by a fungus. Usually these are yeast fungi of the genus Candida. When unfavorable factors act on the body, the infection receives suitable conditions and a nutrient medium for development. This is why the disease is called candidiasis. Its main symptoms:

  1. Mucous discharge from the external genitalia, reminiscent of cottage cheese. White lumps can be seen in the mucus.
  2. Unpleasant odor reminiscent of kefir.
  3. Feeling of dryness of the vaginal mucosa.
  4. Thrush pain - burning, itching, discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the lower abdomen with thrush occurs during urination or sexual intercourse. Unpleasant sensations during sex are the result of dry mucous membranes. Pain during urination is associated with the irritating effect of urine on the epithelium.

Many patients say that they are bothered by pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region. To find out the reasons for this situation, you should visit a gynecologist.

Types of pain with candidiasis

Doctors distinguish two types of pain when fungal infection female genital organs:

  • Are common. Severe aching pain. Their localization is the pelvic organs. Usually this is the sacrum and sides. Sometimes discomfort is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There are also discharges Brown. In some cases, body temperature rises.
  • Localized. Drawing pain. Typically, with this form of thrush, the vaginal discharge is white. Feature: unpleasant odor.

If the disease occurs in acute form, clinical picture begins to progress rapidly. The pain in such a situation intensifies. At the same time, discomfort during thrush is felt periodically, and not constantly.

If you notice these signs, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided. It is necessary to make a correct diagnosis and obtain adequate drug treatment. Then the patient will be able to say goodbye to her problem.

Other causes of pelvic pain

Medicine knows the signs of various painful conditions. They are described in specialized reference books. This also applies to gynecological problems. Sometimes discomfort in the lower abdomen appears due to premenstrual syndrome. At the same time, the side and lower back hurt. But this general symptom many ailments. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the cause of the problem. It happens that a woman’s lower abdomen hurts due to:

  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • papilloma virus;
  • pregnancy – uterine and ectopic;
  • bacterial lesions of the vagina - vaginosis;
  • thrush (actual yeast infection);
  • urinary incontinence;
  • oncological lesions of the cervix;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • tuberculosis (Koch's bacillus can affect not only the lungs and bones, but also the genitals);
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • cystic formations, including polycystic formations;
  • inflammatory processes in the appendages.

Sometimes discomfort in the lower abdomen appears due to a woman’s infection with trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, or chlamydia. Such pathologies must be treated immediately.

Therefore, there is no need to try to determine the cause of the problems yourself. This should be done by a doctor. It is he who will tell you what provoked severe pain below the navel.

Sometimes it happens that inflammation affects both the intimate area and the digestive tube. For candidiasis, pain is very characteristic, but is not a mandatory sign. Sometimes the lower abdomen hurts due to cervical erosion, endometritis (chronic and acute) or impaired ovarian function. Sometimes they accompany candidiasis and, after eliminating the fungal infection, continue to bother the patient.

Thrush is more characterized by itching and burning, so you should not attribute pain in the lower abdomen to a fungus. They are often associated with the onset of menstruation or taking a bath. In many cases, they affect both the vagina and internal genital organs. Very often swelling, cracks, and microtraumas occur. Therefore, with vaginal candidiasis, you need to wear loose underwear made from natural fabrics.

How to treat thrush

Regardless of whether there is pain with thrush, this disease must be treated. Even if you have had candidiasis before, go to the gynecologist. You need to know the exact diagnosis and exclude other ailments, especially sexually transmitted diseases and oncology.

In addition, adequate treatment is only possible if a correct diagnosis is obtained. If a woman suspects she has thrush, she needs to follow some rules before going to the doctor. The main thing is sexual rest. Otherwise, you can easily infect your husband with the fungus: the disease is also transmitted sexually. And in men, fungal infection is no less unpleasant than in women.

To disinfect sore spots and relieve pain, you can use furatsilin solution. It's inexpensive and effective remedy. Soap only increases the discomfort.

Furacilin solution to relieve pain from thrush

It is very important that a woman listens to the recommendations of the gynecologist. The doctor has extensive experience in treating such ailments, so it is not difficult for him to create a treatment regimen that suits you.

All fungal diseases, including thrush, can be treated, including with medications for natural basis. Their advantage is the absence allergic reactions and a small number of contraindications. This is what Irina Kravtsova’s technique is based on.

You can use recipes traditional medicine. But they need to be combined with traditional medicines from pharmacies. Alternative treatment can only be an addition to therapy prescribed by a doctor. By the way, a bath with soda works great for pain.

To organize it, for every liter of warm boiled water you need 1 tsp. baking soda. Over time, you can increase the dose, but gradually. You can also add another liter of water and 1 teaspoon alcohol solution Yoda.

It's pretty effective therapy. But it has a significant drawback: it damages the mucous membranes of the female genital organs. Therefore regarding traditional methods you need to consult a doctor.

Another remedy has also gained popularity among the people. You need to drink carrot juice every time before meals. This is done over several calendar weeks.

Carrot juice is good for women with thrush

You should drink 350 ml (a large cup) of this daily healthy drink. In addition, it is necessary to increase the body's resistance. To do this, you can use specific tablets or turn to traditional medicine recipes. There are also many effective ways here.

Diet for vaginal candidiasis

The use of medications is not the only measure that can help a woman recover. The lady will definitely have to follow a diet. It is worth giving up:

  • beer;
  • confectionery products;
  • baking;
  • vinegar and dishes containing it.

All these products increase the manifestations of candidiasis and complicate treatment. Although patients benefit from porridge made from cereals, as well as dishes from vegetables and fruits. It is very good if a woman eats dairy products: milk, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir. Proper nutrition will allow you to restore the microflora of the body and forget about the problem for a long time.

If a woman has a stomach ache with candidiasis, this is a reason to be wary, since this disease is usually not accompanied by severe pain. The development of the disease can lead to exacerbation or the appearance of other pathologies of the female genital organs. That is why, if the lower abdomen hurts severely due to thrush, you need to urgently seek help. medical care. The gynecologist will conduct the necessary examination and identify the causes of pain, and also offer a course of therapy to eliminate both candidiasis itself and associated diseases.

With candidiasis, a woman develops characteristic features and symptoms of this fungal infection:

  • sour milk curds;
  • itching and burning in the genital area and vagina;
  • hyperemia of the skin and mucous membranes of the labia;
  • difficulty urinating.

In rare cases, thrush may cause fever, chills and increased body temperature, as well as pain in the lower abdomen. But the resulting pain syndrome indicates a parallel development of inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

The main factor that triggers the development of candidiasis is the weakening of a woman’s immunity. A weak immune system is unable to control the Candida fungus population, it grows and causes thrush. In the absence of the necessary treatment, this infection affects all the woman’s genital organs, causing various inflammations. Inflammatory processes may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The causes of such diseases include:

  • development of other genital tract infections against the background of weak immunity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries (cervical erosion, adnexitis, endometritis, adhesions in the fallopian tubes);
  • malignant or benign lesions pelvic organs (neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries);
  • exacerbation chronic diseases genitourinary system;
  • pain during and after sexual intercourse.

As can be seen from the above possible reasons the occurrence of pain due to thrush, it is not possible to independently determine which of them causes discomfort and pain.

If a woman has the following symptoms accompanying candidiasis, she should immediately see a gynecologist:

  • recurrent lower back pain;
  • unpleasant discharge with a specific odor;
  • burning and stinging when trying to urinate in combination with urinary retention;
  • febrile conditions in combination with low-grade fever(37-38o C).

These signs indicate the development of an inflammatory process affecting the female genitourinary system. The doctor will prescribe certain types diagnostic studies candidiasis, which will help identify the nature of the pathology and the degree of damage to internal organs. Therefore, if the lower abdomen pulls with thrush, and also observed indicated symptoms, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.

Diagnostic methods

Since pain can occur for various reasons, the gynecologist prescribes a comprehensive examination for the woman, including;

  • vaginal smear for microflora;
  • smear from the cervical canal for cytological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and kidneys;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urine analysis according to Zimnitsky;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko.

According to indications, additional types of studies may be necessary and laboratory tests to clarify the diagnosis. Based on the medical history and examination results, the gynecologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of therapy.

Treatment tactics

Treatment for acute thrush, the development of concomitant diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases is carried out in a complex. It is used as medicinal method, and herbal medicine in combination with traditional methods.

Drug treatment

Traditional methods of treating thrush and the causes of pain in the lower abdomen include the following types of medications:

  • antifungal drugs against candidiasis (polyene antibiotics, drugs based on fluconazole, imidazole and other antimycotic agents);
  • antibacterial drugs (when diagnosing other types of infections);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs used for therapy inflammatory diseases pelvic organs;
  • immunostimulants to restore immunity;
  • probiotics to eliminate dysbiosis as side effect taking potent drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

If malignant or benign neoplasms, which in certain cases appear acute pain in the lower abdomen, treatment methods are selected by the oncologist. The method of therapy will depend on the stage of development of the disease and the degree of organ damage.


Traditional medicine welcomes the use of thrush in the treatment of thrush as an additional measure. medicinal herbs, which have antiseptic, healing and soothing properties:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • calendula;
  • medicinal marigolds;
  • sage;
  • Oak bark;
  • yarrow.

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants are used both internally and for douching and washing.

Folk remedies

Concerning folk remedies used in the treatment of thrush, the following methods are effective:

  • treatment of fungus-affected areas aqueous solution baking soda, known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties (per liter of warm boiled water add 2 or 3 teaspoons of soda, stir);
  • usage apple cider vinegar(add 20 ml of nine percent apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of warm boiled water, stir and douche);
  • tea tree oil (per liter of boiled water) warm water add 3 or 5 drops of oil, douche).

These methods are effective when applied as a course, once a day for a week. But we should not forget that these methods should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

To quickly and successfully get rid of candidiasis and other pathologies of the pelvic organs, a woman must adjust her lifestyle:

  • review your diet, exclude fatty, spicy, canned foods with a high content of salt and smoked foods;
  • eat enough fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood and lean fish;
  • lead an active and mobile lifestyle, avoid the development of congestion in the pelvis;
  • to get rid of physical inactivity, do daily gymnastics, swimming, or simply spend more time walking in the fresh air;
  • give up bad habits(smoking, excessive alcohol consumption), aggravating the course of candidiasis.

Following all recommendations of the attending physician, adhering to the norms of active and healthy image life, a woman can not only get rid of almost all ailments, but also give birth to healthy children, preserve and prolong her youth, delaying the onset of menopause.

What to do if your lower abdomen hurts due to thrush? First of all, you need to go to the doctor and get tested. On initial stages In vaginal candidiasis, such a symptom is usually absent. What is the reason for the appearance of this symptom?

Can the lower abdomen hurt with thrush? Experts say that this symptom is due to the following reasons:

  • Development of the inflammatory process.
  • Promotion of inflammation to the appendages.

Reproduction of opportunistic fungal microflora occurs when the body's protective functions decrease. The cause of the development of vaginal thrush may be antibacterial or hormone therapy. Candidiasis can appear after unprotected sexual intercourse and as a result of wearing tight or synthetic underwear.

Types of pain in the lower abdomen

Pain in the lower abdomen with thrush is as follows:

  1. General character. This type of pain can include pronounced aching sensations that are localized in the pelvic area, and in particular in the sacrum or on the sides. It is possible that pain in the lower abdomen will be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, increased body temperature and the appearance of brown discharge.
  2. Localized in nature. Accompanied by the appearance of pulling sensations. In this case, there is also vaginal discharge with White color and sour smell.

Please note that in the acute course of the disease, symptoms progress. At the same time, the pain increases. Discomfort may not be present all the time, but periodically.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately go to a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe effective drug therapy.

When does the pain appear?

With candidiasis, there is usually no pain in the lower abdomen. But, there are a number of factors that cause the appearance of these symptoms.

Sexual acts

Discomfort with thrush can develop during sexual intercourse. That is why sexual intercourse is not recommended for vaginal candidiasis. This is due to the fact that fungal microflora irritates the vaginal mucosa. During sexual intercourse, mechanical friction causes injury to erosions and ulcers, which can cause severe discomfort. The inflammatory process in this case progresses and can cause serious complications.


Pain may also appear during urination. The cause may be urine irritating the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane or an infection that has penetrated the area urethra. Most often, such symptoms precede the appearance of cystitis or kidney infection.


The cause of pronounced pain menstruation may also occur. As a rule, before the appearance of bloody discharge, the symptoms of candidiasis worsen. This can cause the development of an inflammatory process, which causes obvious pain.

What do smelly discharge and temperature mean?

With fungal diseases, including thrush, a characteristic odor appears. With candidiasis, it is blurred and resembles spoiled fermented milk products. If we are talking about the appearance of a pungent odor, then things can get very bad. Such symptoms occur with diseases such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, as well as other genital tract infections.

Increased body temperature with pain in the lower abdomen - warning sign. In this case, you must immediately call ambulance. This symptom indicates that serious disturbances are occurring in the body. Most often we are talking about urethritis or cystitis. With these diseases, a woman may experience unbearable pain. Characteristic symptom– frequent urge to urinate and sharp pain during the process of urine excretion.

The danger of chronic candidiasis

Taking hormonal medications can cause thrush

A fungus of the genus Candida is a member of the natural microflora of the vagina. In small quantities, the thrush pathogen is not dangerous. When the body is exposed to such predisposing factors as hypothermia, decreased immunity, etc., fast growth opportunistic microflora. These processes can be affected by pregnancy, taking hormonal medications and antibiotics. The fungus can also be transmitted through sexual intercourse if the partner is infected.

Symptoms of the disease disappear on the first day after the start of drug therapy. If treatment is not completed, then there is a high risk of relapse of candidiasis. It also happens that thrush acquires chronic course. Chronic candidiasis requires longer and more serious therapy using systemic drugs.

What to do if you have pain in the lower abdomen?

The discomfort that occurs against the background of candidiasis is an alarming “bell” that in no case should be ignored. Pain in the lower abdomen may indicate the presence of diseases such as cervical erosion, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometritis, pyelonephritis, etc.

If you experience discomfort in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to consult a doctor. As first aid, you can use Furacilin solution. With its help, you should carry out the douching procedure or make a bath. This will help relieve pain and stop progression. infectious disease. For these purposes, you can also use regular baking soda.

Drug therapy

In order to relieve pain in the lower abdomen, the doctor finds out the cause of its occurrence. It is mandatory to prescribe medications whose effectiveness is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and destroying fungal microflora. Among the most popular drugs are:

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine recipes can also help cope with discomfort during candidiasis. Among the natural remedies for pain in the lower abdomen due to thrush, the following can be distinguished:

Aching or cutting pain in the lower abdomen requires immediate treatment. Self-medication can lead to the development of health-threatening complications, so drug therapy should be prescribed by a doctor. Abdominal pain should not be left unattended, stopping it with antispasmodics. Get diagnosed and treated under the guidance of your doctor to help you maintain your health for years to come.