What oil for dandruff? Natural and essential plant extracts: which oil helps against dandruff and hair loss? Beneficial properties of sunflower oil against dandruff

Probably, everyone has encountered dandruff at least once in their life - unsightly flakes on the shoulders and itchy scalp always leave behind not the most pleasant sensations. This problem can be solved with the help of numerous shampoos and masks, which are sold in abundance in stores. True, it is not clear which means to choose - most often you have to go through several options before the procedures bring the required effect. In order not to waste time, money and nerves, you should turn to such time-tested remedies as essential oils for dandruff. Such ingredients can be used both in monomasks for massage and in multi-component home recipes for dandruff, the main thing is that they invariably demonstrate positive results.

Why are essential oils effective against dandruff?

To understand the principle of the action of essential oils on dandruff, it is worth understanding the very principle of the appearance of seborrhea. Increased detachment of scales from the scalp can be caused by both dry skin and a fungal disease - the fungus lives in sebum, which covers both the scalp and each hair. Under the influence of fungal waste products, the neutral acidity of the secretion sebaceous glands changes, and the acidic environment begins to irritate the scalp. Most often, dandruff appears as a result of an infectious lesion, which causes constant detachment of the epidermis in the scalp. Often the fungus provokes not only seborrhea, but also more serious inflammatory reactions and even skin diseases- psoriasis, dermatitis, folliculitis. As practice shows, dandruff is far from safe, so you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

What do essential oils do when they hit the scalp? Having a pronounced antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, essential oils for dandruff reduce the fungal population and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands. To achieve sustainable results, home remedies with oils will have to be used for some time - the course duration can be up to 1.5 months.

The main condition for getting rid of dandruff using home remedies is to be systematic in performing procedures. Alternatively, these means can be used as preventive measures, because in addition to the antiseborrheic effect, oils have a nourishing and moisturizing effect.

Effect of essential oils against seborrhea

Rosemary. It belongs to the list of products rich in antioxidants; it is effective in cleaning the epidermis, defeats inflammatory reactions on the skin and has a deodorizing effect.

Tea tree. This remedy can only be used for oily seborrhea. A pronounced drying effect can significantly reduce sebum production and keep hair fresh for much longer. As for the antiviral effect, it is also clearly expressed; moreover, such a remedy can provide a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which will disinfect microtraumas that are often found on the scalp when scratching itchy accumulations of oily seborrhea. Tea tree oil is effective in homemade anti-dandruff masks or even just adding a few drops to your shampoo or regular mask is very effective for oily hair.

Eucalyptus. This essential oil is also a very strong antiseptic, provides anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, helps to effectively cleanse, refresh skin covering and get rid of itching.

Ylang-ylang. Used for fungal skin infections, itching, inflammation and alopecia.

Juniper. Allows you to get rid of excess sebum, providing a cleansing and antifungal effect, which makes it an effective remedy against dandruff caused by the presence of fungus in the sebaceous glands, a good antiseptic.

Pine. The effect of this essential oil is similar to that of juniper oil - it cleanses and deodorizes the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

How to use essential oils for dandruff correctly?

The effect of essential oils is quite aggressive, so simply applying them to your hair or skin in large quantities is not recommended. Most often, oils are added to shampoos - enriched detergents allow for high-quality cleansing of the scalp, antiseptic or antifungal effect. Essential oil dosage per 1 tsp. shampoo is 2-3 drops. Apply the shampoo to your hair and leave it there for 5-7 minutes to achieve the required therapeutic effect.

Alternatively, essential oils can be used to prepare massage mixtures/masks. In addition to the oils already listed, home remedies may include the following essential oils:

  1. black pepper;
  2. basilica;
  3. thyme;
  4. fennel;
  5. noble laurel;
  6. bergamot;
  7. chamomile;
  8. geraniums;
  9. lavender.

Several effective recipes

  1. Recipe 1. A mixture of massage oils - for hair prone to oiliness. This mixture includes the following ingredients: to 1 tsp. shampoo, add 3-4 drops of rosemary, eucalyptus and thyme oils. After applying the enriched shampoo to your head, you need to massage; and after 5-8 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly;

  1. Recipe 2. A mixture of massage oils - for dry hair types. To 1 tsp. shampoo, add 4 drops each of lemon and geranium essential oil - after a long massage of the scalp, the hair should be rinsed warm water;
  2. Recipe 3. Mask with essential oils- to 2 tbsp. warm burdock oil add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus and tea tree essential oil. If your hair is prone to oiliness, then add 2-3 drops of bergamot oil to the mixture; if your hair is dry, then add lemon oil. After rubbing the oil mixture into the scalp, wait 40 minutes and rinse off the residue with warm water and shampoo. A course of 15 masks, carried out 2-3 times a week, will get rid of dandruff and stop hair loss.

Precautions when using oils

Essential oils often cause allergic reactions. If you are allergic to any of the components homemade mask There is no information, it is worth conducting a test before applying the product to the scalp. A little mask or oil mixture should be applied to delicate skin the inner bend of the elbow - if no sensation is felt within 5 minutes negative consequences, then you can safely use the mask in accordance with the recipe.

Have you noticed white specks on your shoulders? Having combed my hair, I found it on the comb white coating? Has your hair become oily and your scalp started to itch? All clear. Like millions of people around the world, you are faced with an unpleasant problem called dandruff.

The essence of the problem

In fact, dandruff is keratinized skin flakes that flake off the scalp. A complete change of cells in the upper (horny) layer of the head occurs in about 4 weeks, and therefore the discovery of rare skin flakes on a comb is quite normal. But if for some reason there are pathological changes, cells begin to exfoliate much more often and in large quantities, which leads to a serious cosmetic problem. However, not all so simple. In most cases, the appearance of dandruff brings its owner noticeable discomfort in the form of itching, burning, dry scalp, and even hair loss. You need to immediately begin to fight such a serious problem, but first you need to understand the causes of this condition.

Causes of dandruff

To begin with, let's say that dandruff is usually divided into dry and oily. The reasons for the appearance of each type are usually different.

Dry dandruff usually appears as a result of vitamin deficiency, in particular, deficiency of vitamins A and B, as well as in the case of an excess of the hormone testosterone, both in men and women. Typically, dry dandruff appears in adolescents during adolescence. Other causes of this condition include: weak immunity, stomach problems, use of inappropriate shampoo or hair dye.

Oily dandruff appears due to disruption of the sebaceous glands. The causes of this condition may be disorders metabolic processes, the presence of helminths in the body, the appearance of fungus on the scalp, as well as some chronic diseases, such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis.

There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of this unpleasant condition, which means that to eliminate it you will need to consult a nutritionist and trichologist, as well as undergo a special medical examination. Meanwhile, practice shows that the problem of dandruff can only be eliminated complex treatment, which includes troubleshooting problems with the body and getting rid of external manifestations dandruff. Moreover, to cleanse the head of keratinized skin particles, not only ointments, pastes and medicated shampoos are used, but also anti-dandruff essential oils. Let us dwell in more detail on these folk remedies.

How do essential oils work against dandruff?

Let us immediately note that essential oils have long proven their effectiveness in the fight against such an unpleasant syndrome as dandruff. The healing effects of oils are simply explained. Judge for yourself, essential oils:

  • normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • improve blood circulation in the scalp;
  • have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects;
  • stimulate nutrition of hair roots.

As practice shows, regular use of essential oils significantly reduces the rate of flake detachment and minimizes the amount of dandruff that appears.

Ways to use essential oils against dandruff

When choosing an essential oil, you should listen to the advice of your doctor, who will recommend the most best option taking into account the intensity of dandruff and skin type. To combat dandruff with such means, you can use one of three methods of application, namely:

1. Apply oil to the comb and carry out aromatic combing twice a day, literally for 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to choose a plastic comb, which is less damaging to the skin.
2. Prepare special therapeutic masks. The easiest way is to add the selected oil to shampoo or use it as part of special ointments and masks for dandruff. Literally two or three drops of oil will be enough for a single portion of the product.
3. Spray your scalp with aromatic oils. To do this, take some water into a spray bottle and add 3-4 drops of essential oil, then shake and spray the product onto the scalp.

The best essential oils for dandruff

1. Burdock oil

This excellent remedy, which doctors consider one of the best in terms of fighting dandruff. It contains vitamins, organic and mineral substances necessary for healthy skin. In particular, burdock oil contains inulin, a natural absorbent that has a powerful antibacterial effect and also cleanses the skin of toxins and excess sebum, which very often provokes the appearance of dandruff.

This wonderful oil should be used until dandruff completely disappears. After this, it is recommended to take a month's break and repeat the course of treatment for another month to avoid relapse of the disease. Before use, the oil must be heated, spread over the head, massage the skin a little, cover it with a shower cap and insulate it with a terry towel for 40–50 minutes. You can wash off this oil with plain water.

2. Castor oil

The basis of this unique oil is ricinoleic acid, which has a pronounced antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Thanks to these properties, castor oil is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of pathologies of the scalp, including dandruff. In addition, this product contains vitamin E, which perfectly moisturizes the skin and relieves itching caused by dry dandruff.

To fight dandruff with this folk remedy You should follow the tips for using oil given above, or warm the oil a little, mix with the base product, and then rub into the scalp and leave for 30 minutes. It is recommended to use this product twice a week, and a noticeable positive effect can be expected after three weeks of use.

3. Olive oil

It is no secret that olive oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, as well as necessary for the body minerals - potassium, sodium and calcium. Thanks to this composition, the use of olive oil prevents excessive dryness of the scalp and thereby relieves dandruff. By the way, this oil is excellent for combating seborrheic dermatitis, because the phenolic compounds oleocanthals present in this product have excellent antiseptic properties.

Most effective way The use of olive oil is to mix it with castor oil in equal proportions. This medicinal mixture is rubbed into the scalp, left for 2-3 hours, after which it is washed off with running water. It is enough to apply such a mask every other day for the existing problem to disappear in just a couple of weeks. By the way, unlike other oils, olive oil Do not warm it up before use (!) so that it does not lose its healing properties.

4. Sea buckthorn oil

Another remedy for getting rid of dandruff is essential oils. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Its value lies in its unique composition, which contains vitamins, minerals, phospholipids and carotenoids. Thanks to this composition, the oil perfectly disinfects the scalp, ridding it of infectious agents, and promotes speedy deliverance from dandruff. But that is not all. Possessing excellent regenerating properties, this healing agent perfectly heals skin areas affected by seborrhea or psoriasis.

It is best to use sea buckthorn oil by adding 5-7 drops of it to base olive oil. To carry out the procedure, just spray or rub the oil into the scalp, massage the skin for two minutes and leave for 40 minutes. After just a month of regular treatment three times a week, you will notice positive changes.

5. Tea tree oil

This tool has found its application in official medicine and cosmetology, and all thanks to the antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects of the oil. The use of such a medicine not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes the hair on the head, due to which any infectious lesions disappear, and the rate of skin cell renewal is significantly reduced, eliminating problems such as dandruff.

Treatment with tea tree oil is carried out in the following way. A small amount of oil is rubbed into the scalp, left for an hour, then washed off with warm water. For treatment, it is enough to carry out the described procedure 2 times a week, and for prevention purposes - 2 times a month.

6. Lavender oil

In case of severe itching and burning of the scalp caused by dry skin and the appearance of dandruff, experts advise paying attention to lavender oil. This remedy is considered an excellent antiseptic, quickly removes inflammatory process and perfectly moisturizes the scalp, that is, it eliminates the cause of the disease and at the same time relieves the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. In addition, lavender oil is famous for its healing effect, which also helps to quickly forget about the existing problem.

Lavender oil can be used as independent remedy, or you can mix it with other oils in equal proportions, then apply the mixture to the scalp and hold for at least 40 minutes. This treatment should be carried out once a week until complete solution Problems.

7. Coconut oil

Another remedy that doctors recommend using for peeling and severe itching skin. Coconut oil has a unique set of fatty acids that nourish the skin well, relieving it of dryness and relieving unpleasant symptoms of the disease. True, it should be noted here that such oil will not help in the fight against infectious agents, and therefore it is used only to get rid of itching and burning on the head.

To use this remedy and relieve existing irritation of the epidermis, just apply coconut oil to the skin at the base of the hair, rub it in in a circular motion and hold for 20 minutes.

8. Eucalyptus oil

One of the most effective medicines against dandruff is eucalyptus oil. It is credited with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the scalp, excellent cleansing of the epidermis and the ability to soothe the skin, relieving irritating itching.

To rid your head of dandruff by eucalyptus oil, enough daily, 30 minutes before water procedures and after washing your hair, rub the medicine into the skin. Literally 10 days of such therapy is enough to get rid of dry seborrhea and other causes of dandruff.

9. Ylang-ylang oil

The value of this oil is that it gets rid of dandruff by normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improving blood flow to the hair follicles. In addition, ylang-ylang oil acts as an antiseptic and easily relieves existing itching.

The oil in question is suitable for aromatic combing or spraying the scalp. You can also rub it into the base of your hair and perform a light massage, leaving the medicine for 30 minutes. It is better to wash off ylang-ylang oil by washing your hair with regular shampoo. The procedures need to be carried out 1-2 times a week for a month.

10. Rosemary oil

If we talk specifically about normalizing the process of renewal of the stratum corneum, and therefore about eliminating the cause of dandruff, then the best remedy You simply can’t find anything better than rosemary oil. It is this oil, which has a valuable set of antioxidants, that completely eliminates the existing problem in just 3-4 weeks. Moreover, its use effectively relieves the inflammatory process and perfectly moisturizes the epidermis.

It is advisable to use rosemary oil three times a week. After applying the mask to the skin, leave it for 40 minutes and then rinse with running water. As practice shows, the first positive changes will be noticeable after the fourth application.

To conclude the article, we will say that essential oils are not a panacea in the fight against emerging dandruff, however, their use will significantly increase the effectiveness of the products used. As for the contraindications of the oils used, there are very few of them. In particular, women in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as persons in whom the use of essential oils causes allergic reactions in the body, should not use these products.
Good health to you!

The appearance of dandruff is an aesthetic and medical nature. Excessive formation and exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis of the head indicates disruptions in the body and interferes with normal hair growth. In addition, shoulders and hair strewn with dandruff flakes create an unkempt appearance, forming a subconscious negative impression on people around you. In the list of products that effectively cope with this problem, natural oils occupy a leading position. Essential, castor and burdock oils relieve dandruff for a long time, giving a healthy look and radiant shine to the hair.

Natural oils help get rid of dandruff in hair

Actively used in medicine and aromatherapy, these natural products have wide range effects on various bacteria and fungi. Often, dandruff is a consequence of damage to the scalp by pathogens that are sensitive to the components of the essential oil.

An additional anti-inflammatory effect will help cope with itching and unpleasant sensations. Using essential oils for dandruff, you can long time solve the problem of unkempt appearance and significantly improve hair health.

Which essential oil is effective against dandruff?

The variety of essential oils can be confusing when choosing the right one for one purpose or another. Knowledge of quality characteristics various types will help you choose the right one:


The use of essential oils is possible both as part of hair masks and to enrich shampoos. A complex mask of tea tree and eucalyptus oils (3 drops each), the base of which (2 tablespoons) is burdock oil, eliminates dandruff in just a few uses. The prepared mixture is kept on the hair for about half an hour, then washed off. Apply 2 times a week.

By adding a few drops of various oils to your shampoo and massaging your head for 7-10 minutes, you can quickly solve the problem of flaking. For oily hair you need to mix 4 drops of rosemary and eucalyptus oils with a spoon of shampoo. A mixture of lemon and geranium oils is suitable for dry hair.

Rosemary essential oil is suitable for oily hair

Precautionary measures

An allergic reaction may be an obstacle to the use of essential oils. To avoid itching, burning, redness of the skin and more severe complications it is necessary to do a preliminary sensitivity test. To do this, apply a drop of the mixture behind the ear or on the skin of the wrist for a few minutes.

In the fight against dandruff, this product enjoys well-deserved popularity. Burdock grows everywhere, and its oil can be bought in almost any pharmacy for little money. Nevertheless, the effect of its use exceeds the effectiveness of many expensive specialized shampoos. In order for burdock oil to help you get rid of it seriously and for a long time, you need to use it for at least three weeks. To consolidate the result, the course can be repeated.

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Warm burdock oil is thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp with your fingers or a special brush. After application, the hair should be wrapped in cling film or plastic wrap and wrapped in a warm towel. After half an hour, the mask is washed off with shampoo. Burdock oil weighs down hair, so it is not suitable for oily hair types, as it gives it an unkempt and unkempt appearance.

For burdock oil to help get rid of dandruff, you need to use it for at least three weeks.

Proven over decades of use, inexpensive and effective castor oil not only has a safe laxative effect, but is also extremely effective in combating infectious and fungal lesions of hair and skin. Ricinoleic acid and vitamin E make castor oil very effective against dandruff.

In addition, the content of omega-9 fatty acids in the product allows you to use castor oil to moisturize your hair, restore it to a healthy appearance and give it a luxurious shine. Regular masks with this oil can solve the common problem of split ends forever.

The use of castor oil to treat seborrhea and fight dandruff has one feature. By virtue of physical properties product (increased viscosity and density), applying it to hair in pure form quite difficult. Cosmetologists recommend diluting castor oil with olive or coconut oil in a 1:2 ratio before use.

To improve absorption and increase activity active ingredients It is advisable to heat the prepared mixture (preferably in a water bath) before application.

Castor oil is inexpensive and effective remedy in the fight against dandruff

Thoroughly rub the mixture into the scalp and hair roots, cover them with polyethylene and wrap them in a towel or scarf. You can wash it off after twenty minutes using regular shampoo or leave it overnight.

The course of treatment is determined individually (usually 5–6 procedures are sufficient). You need to make masks from castor oil at least twice a week.

In terms of therapeutic and cosmetic effects, castor oil is the undoubted leader among many popular means. In addition to reliably getting rid of dandruff, this oil has an extremely beneficial effect on hair, giving it a well-groomed and healthy look.

Dandruff is considered one of the most popular cosmetic problems that the vast majority of people face.

Violation of the activity of the sebaceous glands is considered, first of all, a visual problem and only then a medical one. But if dandruff is left untreated, it can develop into seborrhea, which leads to thinning and gradual hair loss.

Treatment for dandruff can be carried out in 2 ways:

  • in a medical facility;
  • at home.

Not everyone has the means for medical or salon therapy, but treatment at home is available to everyone.

The following remedies are used in the fight against dandruff: medicinal lotions and rinses, the use of specialized shampoos and ointments. Be sure to follow a diet and improve healthy image life.

And yet, choosing from the mass of medicinal products, the use of oils is particularly effective and safe.

Anti-dandruff oil: benefits and availability

Oils are gifts of nature, giving us their healing power. In this article we will talk about the benefits medicinal oils and consider their effectiveness.

Anti-dandruff essential oil helps restore health to the scalp and successfully treats seborrhea.

It should be immediately noted that essential oils are not used in their pure form. They serve as important ingredients in masks or are used in a mixture with carrier oils!

Quite often, essential oils are added to factory-made shampoos or balms, making them more beneficial.

A very important issue with the choice of oil. It is advisable to buy such products in pharmacies. In this case, you can ask for a quality certificate and ask how the oil was obtained.

Natural oil cannot be too cheap and stored in plastic containers! Choose oil only in a dark glass bottle.

Tip: Before using essential oil, check your skin for an allergic reaction!

Let's consider which oils can effectively fight dandruff.


The healing properties of juniper have been known to people since ancient times. Possessing a unique chemical composition The product improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and helps cure dandruff.

Tea tree

It is considered a hit among all oils used to treat seborrhea and dandruff. It has active anti-inflammatory properties and effectively cleanses the epidermis of the head.

If you add 5 drops to your usual shampoo, it will acquire unique medicinal properties and with prolonged use will cure dandruff.


This oil helps nourish and restore hair, making it healthier and shiny.


The antiseptic property of rosemary makes it indispensable in the fight against dead skin particles. In addition, the oil allows skin cells to grow and regenerate more intensively and helps open the pores of the scalp.


If you have dandruff, but your scalp is too sensitive for active treatment procedures, it is recommended to use soothing and cleansing lavender oil.


It copes well with inflamed scalp and is used if it is affected by a fungal infection.


Anti-dandruff pine essential oil deodorizes the scalp and promotes normal activity of the sebaceous glands.


The oil is well absorbed and easily washed out of the hair, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Best effect shows in a mixture with burdock or castor oils.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Perfectly removes dead scales, regenerating the scalp. Strengthens hair and stimulates its active growth.

In addition, geranium and lemon oils are often used, which have a pronounced refreshing antimicrobial effect, preventing the formation of new dandruff and helping to eliminate existing ones.

Anti-dandruff oil recipes

Essential oils help nourish the scalp useful vitamins and microelements, tidy up the hair and return well-groomed healthy hair.

The maximum effect can be achieved by mixing several types of oils:

  1. From oily dandruff : take 4-5 drops of rosemary and eucalyptus oils, add the mixture to a large container with shampoo and mix thoroughly. It must be used for a long time and often.
  2. For dry dandruff: you need to take 4 tbsp. l. lemon and geranium oil and also mix with shampoo.

Before use, massage your scalp well to open the pores. Then the healing shampoo is rubbed into the head, massaged and rinsed thoroughly.

Another anti-dandruff mask, unique in its effectiveness, is prepared as follows:

  • take 2 drops lemon oil(for dry hair type) and 3 drops of bergamot oil if hair is oily;
  • 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil heated in a water bath (used in in this case as a base for a mask);
  • 3 drops each of tea tree and eucalyptus oil.

Thoroughly mixed components are rubbed into the scalp using a massage and left on the head for up to half an hour. It is advisable to do 15 procedures every other day.

There is no single recipe for dandruff, so you will have to try several options before you find the ideal product for your hair type.

But 2 types of oil are suitable for everyone without exception:

  • castor;
  • burdock

Castor oil

The usefulness of this plant has been known for a long time. Castor oil is actively used to improve skin health, enhance hair growth and restore hair.

Castor oil cures dry dandruff. It can be used unmixed, pre-heated in a water bath and rubbed into the scalp. The hair is wrapped and left for 15 minutes to half an hour, and then washed with anti-dandruff shampoo.

Medicinal mixtures with castor oil:

Burr oil

Burdock oil helps in the fight against dandruff due to its healing properties, including the ability to restore the scalp and normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Burdock oil heated in a water bath is applied to the roots of the hair using a syringe and distributed over the entire length. The hair is insulated with a plastic cap and a towel for 1 hour. Two procedures per week are enough.

Effective anti-dandruff masks

  1. Take 50 ml of burdock oil and mix with 1 head of grated garlic. Apply this mixture to your scalp, leave for a couple of hours, and store the rest of the mask in the refrigerator.
  2. Prepare two fresh yolks, 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and juice of 1 lemon. Whisk everything together and apply to the entire length of the strands, including the scalp. Leave for about 25-30 minutes and rinse your hair thoroughly.

And finally homemade anti-dandruff shampoo recipe: take 5 drops of sage essential oil, 1 drop of rose oil and 1 tsp. alcohol Mix and pour into the beaten yolks with a mixer. The resulting mixture is used as shampoo, does not dry out hair, treats the scalp and relieves dandruff.

Use oils regularly and over a long period: this is the only way to restore health to your hair!

To eliminate dandruff, you need to solve several problems at once:

  • normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • relieve irritation and itching of the head;
  • Gently cleanse the scalp;
  • prevent the appearance and development of fungal infections;
  • cure microdamages on the skin.

Concentrated essential oils for hair are quite capable of handling these tasks. They are used in a mono version or form medicinal mixtures, combining several esters that complement each other well. There are a variety of esters on the market; the choice of one or another oil depends on the hair type and individual reaction.

Most often they are used to prepare masks and wraps; they can be added to rinse water, homemade or industrial shampoo.

Among the advantages of ethers:

Despite the abundance of benefits, essential oils also have disadvantages. The main one is the possibility of strong allergic reaction. Some consumers cannot tolerate specific oils, while others are contraindicated in all highly concentrated esters.

In case of overdose, drugs can cause skin irritation and even burns. Unpleasant consequences are also possible with an inept combination of oils, so it is better for beginners to use the product in a mono version or use ready-made compositions compiled by professional aromatherapists.

What is suitable for seborrhea and itchy scalp?

The following oil options will help get rid of dry seborrhea:

For oily dandruff, other options are suitable.

Best Recipes

How to supplement the treatment?

The fight against dandruff requires an integrated approach. Homemade masks and other preparations with essential oils can be supplemented with professional or pharmacy shampoos that gently cleanse damaged skin and prevent seborrhea. The product is selected depending on the hair type. It is worth purchasing an air conditioner that fixes the effect in the kit.

Preparations with essential oils can be supplemented with home remedies prepared from medicinal plants.

Homemade shampoos, rinses and masks made from chamomile, nettle, calendula, and birch leaves will refresh your hair and heal your scalp.

Very important point– proper nutrition.

A balanced menu with a minimum of sweets, smoked foods, fatty and fried foods contributes to getting rid of dandruff as quickly as possible.

The diet should be supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 500 g per day), easily digestible soups, cereals with water, bread and pasta from wholemeal flour.

Low-fat foods will help improve the activity of the sebaceous glands. dairy products: cottage cheese, cheese, homemade yogurt, kefir.

It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol. Ethyl alcohol and tobacco tar impair blood circulation, block the activity of the sebaceous glands, causing excessive sebum secretion with possible blockage of pores. It is advisable to avoid stress and limit the use of potent medications that cause skin irritation.

Essential oils - effective and safe remedy to fight dandruff. Before starting treatment, it is important to check whether there is an allergy to a specific composition. With absence negative reaction suitable oil can be safely used to prepare masks, rinses, shampoos and other useful products.