How long does it take for Canephron to start working? "Canephron N": how long to wait for the effect of the herbal medicine. How long can therapy last?

Canephron: side effects. Treatment of many urological diseases involves taking both synthetic medications and those based on natural ingredients. The therapeutic effect is achieved when they are used together. One of the frequently used drugs for cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis is Canephron N. It is characterized by an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug eliminates foci of inflammation in the urinary organs and kidneys, helps relieve spasms Bladder.

The drug "Canephron"

The herbal medicine is presented in the form of pills and alcohol drops. The medicine contains phenolic acids, essential oils, and plant extracts, which achieve anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Canephron components:

  • centaury and rosemary leaves extract;
  • lovage roots;
  • lactose;
  • rose hip;
  • iron oxide;
  • corn starch and oil;
  • talc;
  • shellac;
  • glycolic wax;
  • sucrose.

The medication has antimicrobial and diuretic properties. The use of Canephron helps people with proteinuria to achieve a decrease in protein excretion in urine. This is achieved due to the influence of healing components on the tubular and glomerular systems.

Effect of the drug

  • Due to essential oils, included in the composition of the herbal medicine, a diuretic effect is achieved. They contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, activating the blood supply to the epithelium of the kidneys.
  • The presence of rosemary has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The antispasmodic effect is achieved thanks to flavonoids found in Canephron.
  • The antibacterial capabilities of the herbal medicine inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microbes, as a result of which their reproduction is blocked.
  • The diuretic effect of the drug is aimed at accelerating the removal of microorganisms from the urinary system.

How to use the medicine

Drug in tablets

Instructions for using Canephron in pill form indicate that they should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of liquid. It is necessary to carry out therapy with this herbal medicine only as prescribed by a doctor. Its duration depends on the complexity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Canephron is available in the form of tablets and drops

The dosage for adults and adolescents is 2 tablets three times a day. Young patients over 5 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet once a day.

The drug in tablets is not prescribed to children under six years of age.

The drug in drops

Canephron N drops are intended for oral administration. Before use, they are diluted in water in an amount of 15 ml. It is not necessary to mix them with liquid, but the concentrated solution is suitable only for adults.

The bottle with drops is equipped with a special nozzle, which simplifies dosing. At the time of Canephron therapy, it is important for the patient to maintain a drinking regime. The doctor must decide how long the course will last.

For adults daily dose is 150 drops, but it must be divided into three doses.

For children over 5 years old, the dosage will be half as much. You need to take 25 drops at a time. Give medicine to children three times a day. Can be used both before and after meals.

Children from 1 to 5 years – 15 drops 3 times a day. Infants -10 drops 3 times a day.

If there are serious kidney pathologies, the patient should be under close medical attention throughout the entire therapy. After acute symptoms will recede, and the patient will recover, it is not recommended to stop treatment with Canephron. It should be taken after the condition improves for 2-4 weeks.

Features of therapy using Canephron

During treatment, the patient needs to drink as much fluid as possible in the form of clean water and fruit drinks. But with chronic dysfunction of the kidneys and heart, doctors do not recommend drinking a lot of fluids. Moreover, with kidney pathology occurring with acute inflammation, monotherapy using Canephron would be inappropriate. A disease in a complex form requires treatment with the use of antibacterial medications together with Canephron.

Before using herbal medicine in the form of an alcohol composition, the bottle must be shaken, as sediment appears at the bottom.

The solution contains ethanol, so it must be used taking into account the fact that this may affect the control of mechanisms and vehicles. Dragee does not have such an effect.


Canephron N in drops or in pill form can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other medications. Suitable for the treatment of acute and chronic kidney diseases, cystitis, urethritis.

Herbal medicine is prescribed for prevention purposes kidney stone disease

The herbal medicine is prescribed for the prevention of kidney stones. It is often prescribed to those patients who have suffered from this disease.

Indications for Canephron:

  • cystitis in acute and chronic form;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • prevention of stone formation in the kidneys;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis.

Side effects

Is Canephron dangerous? Its side effects are rare. Clinical trials have proven that Canephron is tolerated by patients without problems in many cases. But if you are individually intolerant to the components, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of skin rash, itching and hives.

Extremely rare after consuming this medicine there is a side effect from the gastrointestinal tract. It can manifest itself as vomiting, stool upset, and nausea. If side effects occur, it is advisable to stop taking the herbal medicine and notify your doctor.


  • Canephron N is a homeopathic remedy, but it still has contraindications. It is prohibited to take herbal medicine if:
  • Individual intolerance to its components, in particular fructose and lactose; Peptic ulcer;
  • chronic renal and cardiac dysfunction;
  • Canephron N in the form of tablets should not be given to children under 5 years of age.

For alcohol-dependent people, when treating diseases of the urinary organs, it is advisable to refrain from using Canephron drops. As mentioned above, they contain ethanol, which means you should opt for pills.

Canephron is not prescribed to patients with liver damage. The alcohol included in its composition can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

How long can therapy last?

The duration of therapy in the absence of contraindications can be 6 months. In this case, it is important to take breaks between courses.

On average, one course can last about 1 month. Then you should stop taking drops or pills for a week. For prevention purposes, the medicine is taken for several months.

Canephron during pregnancy and lactation

Canephron N, due to its herbal composition, is safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, a woman is susceptible to diseases of the urinary organs. Treatment of cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis in pregnant women should be special. Most of the drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, due to their toxic effects on the fetus. In this case, doctors can prescribe the gentle drug Canephron N to the expectant mother.

The drug is also prescribed to breastfeeding women

The drug is also prescribed for breastfeeding women. Moreover, when taking it there is no need to translate infant for artificial mixtures. But the use of the drug is possible only if there are no contraindications for a pregnant or lactating woman.

Canephron for edema

The use of Canephron would be appropriate for swelling. The extracts and essential oils it contains help remove fluid from the body, which occurs by activating urination. At the same time, the medicine does not negatively affect the water-salt balance.

For swelling, it is often prescribed to pregnant women who suffer from accumulation excess liquid in tissues, in the third trimester.


The drug Canephron has analogs that are also based on natural ingredients in the form of herbs and essential oils. Almost all of them do not cause side effects and are tolerated by patients without problems.

Analogues are presented in the form of tablets, pastes, drops. If it is not possible to carry out therapy with Canephron, you can use analogues. Namely Phytolysin, Cyston, Furagin. All of them have identical properties and are successfully used for the treatment of urological infectious diseases. The doctor should decide which one to give preference, focusing on the complexity of the disease and the patient’s overall health condition.

Canephron is a drug made from plant materials. Canephron is a good diuretic, it also helps with inflammation and spasms urinary tract, kills germs in genitourinary system, improves the functioning of human kidneys (nitrogen excretion).

When should Canephron be used?

The a drug can be prescribed as both a primary and an additional drug in the treatment of various diseases of the urinary tract and. It is prescribed if the patient:

Chronic inflammation of the kidneys and various infectious diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
- chronic interstitial nephritis (inflammatory processes occur in the kidney tissues);
- urolithiasis, including Canephron, is prescribed to prevent relapse after surgical removal of stones.
- infectious-allergic kidney disease.

All modern clinics Canephron is prescribed for these nephrological and urological diseases.

Alternative names of canephron and release forms

Drug analogues canephron, does not exist yet. This pharmaceutical product belongs to a new generation of medicines, their action is based on combining the direction of herbal medicine with pharmacological advances. This drug contains only herbal components that act on the urinary system.

But you need to remember the difference in treatment urolithiasis and its prevention. Since this drug is herbal, it cannot dissolve stones. With the help of Canephron you can only prevent their reappearance.

Canephron can be purchased at pharmacy in two forms: tablets and drops. An adult should take two tablets three times a day; for children this dose is one tablet. One tablet of the drug is equivalent to 25 drops.

How does Canephron work?

All the plants that are included drug, contain antimicrobial substances. Their action can significantly increase exposure. This occurs due to an increase in the concentration of all drugs in the kidneys and urine, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of treatment.

Action drug on the body is determined by its composition: the medicinal plants that are included in the composition enhance the effect of each other. Thus, canephron becomes a diuretic drug due to the dilation of kidney vessels by essential oils, improving blood supply. When taking the drug, potassium does not leave the body. Canephron removes salts, this prevents the formation of stones and alkalinizes the urine, which also prevents stone formation.

Antibacterial are all components of the drug. The acids contained in the components of the drug eliminate protein synthesis in bacterial cells, and essential oils completely destroy the membranes of bacterial cells. The diuretic effect prevents bacteria from remaining in the body. Therefore, this drug kills bacteria even from infectious diseases that are not affected by antibiotics.
Antispasmodic effect present due to flavonoids and rosemary essential oil.

Also canephron is an anti-inflammatory drug. This function is due to rosmarinic acid contained in the drug. This acid prevents the formation of substances that take part in the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, it is also an antioxidant.

The peculiarity of this action drug is that it changes the acidity of urine, creating an environment that is uncomfortable for the development of bacteria. When canephron affects the kidneys, their function is completely restored.

Canephron use during pregnancy

Canephron, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diuretic properties, which is why it is often prescribed to pregnant women, for the prevention and treatment of inflammation or infection of the urinary tract or kidneys.

During pregnancy It is better to take it in the form of tablets, since it is better not to use alcohol solutions during pregnancy. Of course, Canephron can be used during pregnancy only after being prescribed by the attending physician.

Cystitis is one of the ten most common diseases among women of any age. Most often, pathology occurs when bacteria enter the walls of the bladder. The symptoms of cystitis are quite striking: a woman experiences pain and burning while emptying the bladder. The number of trips to the toilet increases, while the amount of urine released may be very small (5-10 ml). At the same time, cloudiness of the urine and the appearance of blood streaks may occur.

Important! All these symptoms indicate the presence inflammatory process in the bladder and require immediate medical attention. Cystitis is dangerous due to its complications, so treatment should be started as early as possible.

One of the drugs prescribed for acute and chronic cystitis is Canephron. Feedback from women allows us to conclude that it is highly effective of this medicine, so Canephron is among the best drugs from cystitis.

Canephron is homeopathic medicine German production, which belongs to the new generation of diuretics. The medicine is available in two forms:

  • dragees (60 and 120 pieces);
  • solution for internal use in bottles with a dropper nozzle (50 and 100 ml).

Advice! Doctors advise pregnant and lactating women, as well as children over 6 years of age, to take the product in pill form, as the solution contains ethanol. Despite the insignificant concentration of the hydroalcoholic extract, the dragee is considered a safer dosage form. Children under six years of age can take the drug in the form of a solution, previously diluted in any liquid. Giving jelly beans to babies early age not recommended, as there is a high risk of the tablet getting into the respiratory tract.

Canephron contains only plant components in the form of extracts and extracts with high bioavailability and activity. This means that everything active ingredients quickly enter the bloodstream and begin to act almost immediately after use. This does not mean that pain and others discomfort will pass after the first tablet (the medicine has a cumulative effect), but the resulting therapeutic result will be prolonged and stable. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of patients to whom the drug was prescribed for the treatment of cystitis.

The main components of "Canephron":

The drug has a diuretic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect, eliminates inflammation, improves functional state bladder walls.

How does Canephron work for cystitis?

The presence of plant components in the composition allows you to gently treat acute and chronic cystitis. The product is well tolerated due to its natural composition. The main difference between Canephron and synthetic drugs is that it does not flush potassium from the body, so the medicine is considered safe for use at any age. The drug has a moderate diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body, helps improve kidney function and destroys pathogenic flora on the mucous membranes of the bladder.

The antibacterial properties of the drug help reduce the severity of pain in several days. This is due to the high bactericidal activity of rosemary and centaury, which destroy germs and bacteria and remove them from the organ cavity, as a result the woman stops experiencing pain and burning after urination. Lovage copes well with bladder spasms, so the plant is recommended to be taken in the form of decoctions and infusions for cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system.

The therapeutic effect of taking Canephron (subject to the recommended dosage and course of treatment):

  • relaxation of smooth muscle fibers, elimination of spasms;
  • destruction of bacterial flora;
  • relief of the inflammatory process on the walls of the bladder;
  • relief from pain syndrome;
  • restoration of the optimal balance of electrolytes in the urine;
  • normalization of daily diuresis;
  • improving the functioning of the urinary system.

Important! Urologists and therapists believe that Canephron helps prevent relapses of the disease, so it is often prescribed for prevention. The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis is confirmed by reviews of specialists and people who have taken the medicine.

Will it help or not?

Despite the abundance positive feedback, you can also find dissatisfied statements about the uselessness of the drug and the complete absence of any effect from the treatment. Doctors believe that there are two explanations for this: either the patient did not follow the doctor’s instructions, or the patient experienced side effects during treatment. "Canephron" does not contain potent synthetic substances, therefore negative reactions it usually does not cause, but in rare cases the patient may experience an allergic reaction or intolerance to the components of the drug.

To get rid of cystitis with Canephron, doctors advise following the following recommendations:

  • follow the recommendations for use (dosage regimen and number of applications per day);
  • combine treatment with therapeutic diet, providing for the limitation of salt and pickled dishes);
  • take the drug in combination with other medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • If any negative reactions occur, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor.

Important! Canephron can be combined with antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs. Substances contained in centaury and lovage enhance the effect of drugs in this group and increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Canephron and instructions for its use are the topic of this article. We will talk about another wonderful drug, which is officially called canephron n, or just kanefron. When searching for information about a drug, people sometimes mistakenly type canephron h.

In this instruction, I will talk about the use of the medicine, its composition, release form - pills and solution, indications for the use of Canephron, contraindications and side effects, how to take Canephron for urolithiasis. In addition, I will touch upon the issue of the compatibility of Canephron and alcohol, as well as the prices for Canephron.

The drug Canephron N is for those who are worried about their health. People are gradually beginning to understand that they need to be treated not with chemistry, which is so diligently imposed on us by pharmacists and biased doctors.

People are realizing that herbal medicines are something that will heal without causing harm to health. The saying “one thing heals, another cripples” should remain a thing of the past. Medicines such as Canephron are designed to help with this.

In a series of articles devoted to Canephron, there will definitely be a place for, for publication on the use of, and reviews of Canephron. In addition, I’m thinking of writing about , and about .

But this is in the future, but now

Canephron - instructions for use

There are a lot of instructions for using Canephron N on the Internet, but often the information is formalized, written in dry medical language that is not always understandable, and does not answer all the questions that arise. For example, Wikipedia says the following about Canephron (link):

Canephron® H is a combination drug of plant origin. As stated by the manufacturer, it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic and diuretic effects. Improves nitrogen excretion.

I think that not all people understand the essence of what is written and there is not enough information. Therefore, I will try to write these instructions in my own words, covering, if possible, all possible questions about the drug Canephron n.

Release form of the drug

There are only 2 forms of release of canephron n - these are canephron tablets, or canephron n dragees, also called canephron n tablets, and canephron drops, which are also called solution. I looked at what people were searching for on the Internet. They sell Canephron syrup and even Canephron suppositories. And wherever there is talk about non-existent forms of release of Canephron, there are dubious links supposedly to downloading instructions, the same syrup or suppositories.

Therefore, please note that all instructions are publicly available, you do not need to download anything, much less leave your phone number. Well, after reading these instructions for using Canephron, I hope all questions will disappear.

Canephron drops or tablets are intended for oral administration. Canephron is a transparent liquid, but slight turbidity is allowed, has a yellow-brown color and an aromatic specific odor. When purchasing Canephron solution, you may see a slight sediment, this is normal.

In letters they ask me about Canephron better than a drop or tablets. Basically the same. In my opinion, the only difference is that the tablets are absorbed longer than canephron in liquid form.

Canephron pills orange color, with a smooth surface, round.

There are no other types of canephron! If you type in the search for Canephron syrup, instructions for use, you will come across scammers.

What is the composition of the drug Canephron?

Here, I think, everything should be clear. Canephron contains only herbal products. Doctors call centaury herb, rosemary leaves, and lovage roots, which are present in the drug in equal parts.

Also, the annotation of Canephron indicates the presence of excipients in its composition. This is what the annotation for the drug Canephron says, such excipients include:

  • talc
  • Castor oil
  • sucrose
  • lactose monohydrate
  • colloidal silicon dioxide
  • titanium dioxide
  • modified corn starch
  • riboflavin (E101)
  • povidone
  • dextrose
  • shellac
  • iron oxide red
  • mountain glycol wax
  • calcium carbonate
  • Castor oil
  • corn starch

You can see the composition of the medicine and the description of Canephron in the photo of Canephron's annotation. Canephron solution is made with alcohol.

Description of Canephron

It is described as a medicinal product having a combined composition of components of plant origin.

The drug has Canephron international name the same - canephron. The medicine has a diuretic effect, in other words, canephron is a diuretic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The drug Canephron is effective in combination treatment with other drugs. It is known to enhance the effect of antibiotics.

Is Canephron an antibiotic?

Quite a lot of people believe that Canephron is an antibiotic. This is not true; this drug does not belong to the group of antibiotics.

Indications for use

  • Cystitis is a chronic infectious disease of the bladder
  • Pyelonephritis – infectious
  • Glomerulonephritis – inflammation of the kidneys
  • Treatment of urinary and other organs of the urinary system
  • Prevention

This list of indications for the use of Canephron is exhaustive; the manufacturer does not provide for the use of Canephron for other purposes.

Contraindications for taking Canephron

Although the drug is made from herbal ingredients, it may not be suitable for everyone, therefore, among the contraindications to the use of Canephron, the first one indicated is increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This also includes allergies to canephron or its components.

Also among the contraindications for taking pills is: childhood, written in brackets - up to 6 years. There are no such contraindications when taking Canephron drops.

In these cases, Canephron should be replaced with analogues, the use of which has no contraindications.

Side effects of Canephron

Side effects of Canephron are possible only in the form of allergic reactions to its components.

Mode of application

The drug Canephron has only one method of use - it is intended for internal use.

How to take Canephron tablets

As the instructions for use say about the medicine Canephron in tablets, Canephron tablets should not be taken with too much consumption large quantity water without chewing. The dosage is as follows:

  • Adults drink 2 tablets (dragées) 3 doses per day
  • Children from 7 years old ( school age) – 1 tablet (dragee) 3 doses per day

How to drink Canephron drops

The instructions for use recommend taking Canephron drops as follows:

  • Adults drink Canephron drops, 50 drops, 3 doses per day.
  • Children over 7 years old (schoolchildren) – 25 drops 3 doses per day
  • Preschoolers – 15 drops of the drug 3 doses per day
  • Infants – 10 drops of medicine, 3 doses per day.

Adults dilute Canephron with water; for children, Canephron drops can be diluted with any liquid. When treating with Canephron, it is recommended to consume as much fluid as possible.

Possible other dosages of canephron individually as prescribed by the doctor. The use of canephron, if necessary, is possible in courses of treatment depending on the severity of the disease and the patient’s condition.

If there is an improvement while taking the drug, it is recommended to continue taking it for another half a month or a month. Canephron N is perfect for long-term use. How much canephron to take should be decided by a urologist.

How to take Canephron, before or after meals

Since there is no information in the annotation for Canephron special instructions In this regard, the choice of taking Canephron before or after meals is at your discretion.

Canephron for edema

The drug helps with edema due to its diuretic properties. Even though the medicine is based on natural ingredients, I would recommend, in the absence of contraindications, to take it, which also has a diuretic property, and is of a mild nature, does not wash out beneficial and beneficial properties from the body. necessary for a person Components. And it costs significantly less. So if you have swelling, try this herb first.

Overdose and side effects

No negative effects of the drug were observed in case of overdose, but this does not indicate that it is possible not to comply with it. The medicine does not affect the reaction, therefore it does not pose a danger to drivers. Allergic reactions are possible, therefore, if you are allergic to canephron, immediately stop taking it and replace it with canephron analogues.

Canephron expiration date

Is 3 years. If the bottle is opened, it can be used within 6 months.

How to store Canephron

Adhere to the rules for storing medicines - a dry place, away from light and children, at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius.

Canephron medicine price

Now about how much Canephron costs. The average price for Canephron drops is from 250 to 300 rubles per 100 ml bottle.

The average price for Canephron tablets (dragées) is approximately 250-450 rubles for packs of 60 and 120 dragees, i.e. Canephron drops and Canephron tablets cost approximately the same.

I found this data in 2012. To find out exactly the cost of a medicine, just type the query in a search engine canephron price. If you want to clarify the cost of the drug in a specific release form, you can simply Canephron tablet price or Canephron drops price. I think you will find the necessary information in abundance.

Canephron where to buy

Prices for canephron drops and tablets depend on the region, the degree of greed of the pharmacy chain and their suppliers. The drug Canephron can be purchased throughout the country; the drug is not in short supply. The majority of people buy Canephron medicine in pharmacies, some look for it on the Internet.

In any case, there is only one piece of advice for purchasing - look for reliable sources, since the risk of running into a fake is quite high. If you are buying online, it is worth looking for reviews about the seller. Write in the comments if you have experience buying the drug on the Internet.

Besides this, there are quite big risk stumble upon a fake. It is because of this that I would recommend, whenever possible, using herbs, the prices of which are ten times lower and which cannot be counterfeited. Although, of course, they are not suitable for all cases.

To summarize the instructions for using Canephron, we note: the drug is suitable for almost everyone, has almost no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, treats inflammation and is available in two forms - solution and tablets.

Despite the rather high prices, Canephron is in great demand. We will try to find out why this happens in the following articles, stay tuned.

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Cystitis - enough frequent illness, in which inflammation of the bladder occurs. It is usually accompanied by inflammation urethra- urethritis. The disease can be isolated or part of a program of sexually transmitted infections. The main patients with this disease are women, although men also sometimes suffer from this disease.

Acute cystitis, as a rule, occurs suddenly, after hypothermia or other provoking factors, such as a general decrease in immunity, stress, and poor hygiene. The most basic sign of cystitis is painful, frequent urination, the pain intensifies at the end, when the bladder is completely emptied.

It also occurs after acute urethritis, when before it was painful to urinate, but at the beginning, and then pain occurs in the middle and end, plus frequent urge and pain in the suprapubic area.

There are a lot various drugs, helping the body cope with such unpleasant illness. For some, Cyston helps a lot with cystitis, for others, Furagin, Furadonin, Nolitsin, others take cranberries for cystitis. We will look at how effective a new medicine for cystitis is - Canephron (manufactured in Germany). For cystitis, many doctors recommend using it.

Cure for cystitis - Canephron


Tablets for cystitis - Canephron, contain a unique combination medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial, and antispasmodic effects. This is lovage root, centaury herb, rosemary leaves. Available in the form of an alcohol solution and dragees.

Price in pharmacies on average: drops 350 rubles, dragees 60 pcs. 400 rub.

Indications for use

It is used in complex therapy of cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis. And also as a means to prevent the re-formation of kidney stones after removal of stones. This drug is especially indicated for patients suffering from chronic diseases and in need of constant anti-relapse, maintenance therapy. Conducted studies of the drug prove its ability to significantly reduce the frequency of exacerbations during chronic inflammation urinary system. Pediatricians have approved Canephron treatment for children from infancy for appropriate indications.

Effect of the drug

This drug is most often used as part of complex therapy, as it increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. Helps normalize urination, reduces the intensity of pain, pain when urinating, reduces the risk of relapses in chronic cystitis.

In addition, it is well tolerated even with long-term use and is combined with antimicrobial therapy. However, it should be taken into account that any, even the most powerful medicinal herbs are not capable of providing an immediate effect; their effect becomes noticeable only with long-term use.

In case of severe inflammation with high temperature body, hope for herbal remedies it is impossible, Canephron should be used only in complex treatment.


Since the drug is exclusively of plant origin, a contraindication to its use can only be a tendency to allergic reactions, especially to medicinal plants.

Use during pregnancy

If a woman has cystitis, Canephron can be used during pregnancy, but only as prescribed by a doctor. It is often prescribed by obstetricians and gynecologists in antenatal clinics, both for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. However, it is used only in the form of pills, since during pregnancy, taking alcohol solutions not desirable. When breastfeeding, there are also no contraindications for its use, except for individual intolerance to the herbs included in its composition.

How to take Canephron tablets for cystitis:

Treatment with Canephron and any other herbal medicine should not be started without consulting a doctor, without comprehensive examination And modern diagnostics. The drug is taken as follows:

  • Adults take 50 drops or 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Children from one year to 6 years: 15 drops. 3 times a day
  • Children over 6 years old: 25 drops. or 1 dr. 3 times a day.
  • Infants: 10 drops. 3 times a day

After the decline acute symptoms The disease should continue therapy for another 14–28 days. To soften the unpleasant bitter taste for children, you can take the drops with other liquids. The pills are taken without chewing. When treating cystitis and other diseases of the urinary system with Canephron, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

Cystitis - treatment with Canephron, reviews:

If you have taken this drug for cystitis, please leave your feedback in the comments.


Part Canephron N, produced in the form of dragees, includes 18 mg of dried centaury herbs , rosemary leaves And (in powder form) as well.
th wax.

Contains 100 grams drops Canephron N includes 29 grams of hydroalcoholic extract prepared using centaury herbs , rosemary leaves And medicinal lovage roots (to prepare 100 ml of extract, 600 mg of medicinal raw materials from each plant component is used) and excipients: 16-19.5 vol.% ethanol (Ethanol) and purified water (Aqua purificata).

Release form

The annotation for the drug indicates that Canephron N is available in the form of dragees and in the form of a solution for use per os(inside).

  • Dragee biconvex, round in shape. Their surface is smooth and their color is orange. The dragees are sold packaged in 20 pieces in blister packs, 3 packs in a cardboard box.
  • Solution is a transparent and slightly cloudy aromatic liquid of a yellowish-brown color. In pharmacies it is sold in 100 ml bottles equipped with a dosing drip device.

During storage, the solution may become slightly cloudy and a small amount of sediment may form at the bottom of the bottle. Neither one nor the other affects the pharmacological activity of the drug.

pharmachologic effect

Antispasmodic, diuretic, antimicrobial (antiseptic), anti-inflammatory .

Wikipedia also states that the drug stimulates the excretion of urea, indican, creatinine, uric acid, which are the end products of nitrogen metabolism.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is characterized anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic activity and is intended for treatment urological diseases .

Thanks to the unique combination of medicinal herbs, which are the active substances of Canephron N, the drug has diuretic effect , reduces the intensity of inflammation, eliminates urinary tract spasm , increases the effectiveness of treatment antibiotics , normalizes the process of urination, reduces the risk of developing repeated exacerbations chronic cystitis .

Used as one of the components complex treatment cystitis , Canephron N helps reduce the severity of pain in the area Bladder and the disappearance of pain when urinating.

The drug is well tolerated and can be used in combination with antibacterial agents even when long-term use is necessary.

Canephron N is also effective in treating patients who suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases and require ongoing maintenance or anti-relapse therapy.

Numerous studies confirm that the use of the drug reduces the number of repeated exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases urinary tract , as a result of which their functional state significantly improves.

The chemical composition of the medicinal plants included in Canephron N is represented by essential oils, phenolcarboxylic acids and a number of other biologically active substances, which have a pronounced antiseptic effect . A similar effect is observed when using dragees and Kanefon N solution.

The plant components of the drug affect the glomerular and tubular system kidney , which allows to reduce protein excretion in patients with proteinuria .

Pharmacokinetic characteristics of the drug are not provided.

Indications for use

What does the medicine help with? In the description of the drug, the manufacturer indicates that this product can be used both for the main (basic) treatment and as a component of complex therapy, the purpose of which is to treat acute and chronic forms infectious diseases of the bladder and kidneys (including but not limited to cystitis And pyelonephritis ).

Indications for the use of Canephron N are also chronic kidney diseases of non-infectious origin , including including interstitial nephritis And glomerulonephritis .

As prophylactic Canephron N is prescribed to prevent the development of urolithiasis (the use of the drug is also indicated for patients who have undergone surgery to remove urinary stones).


The use of the drug Canephron N in the form of a solution is contraindicated in case of alcohol dependence, as well as in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, the solution should not be prescribed to persons who have successfully completed treatment for chronic alcoholism.

It is recommended to use the drug in this dosage form with caution if the patient is diagnosed with certain liver diseases (Canephron N can be prescribed only after consultation with a doctor and assessment of the feasibility of use).

Contraindications to the administration of tablets are hypersensitivity to their constituent components, as well as age under 6 years.

In addition, both dosage forms are contraindicated:

  • patients with peptic ulcer in the stage of exacerbation of the disease;
  • to relieve swelling in patients with renal or heart failure .

Canephron N is not advisable to use as the main treatment for patients with renal failure .

Side effects

Clinical studies have shown that Canephron N is well tolerated by patients.

In patients with hypersensitivity, side effects were expressed mainly in the form hyperemia and itching of the skin , the appearance of rashes on it, hives .

IN in some cases Side effects such as vomiting, nausea, and laxative effects occurred.

If, in connection with taking Canephron N, certain adverse reactions, treatment with the drug should be stopped and consult a doctor. Urgent appeal for medical care require conditions such as hematuria (appearance of blood in the urine), acute urinary retention, and urinary disorders.

Instructions for use of Canephron N

Both dosage forms of the drug can be recommended for long-term use. The duration of treatment depends on what the tablets or drops are prescribed for, as well as on the neglect pathological process.

After the clinical effect is achieved, it is considered optimal to take Canephron N for another 14-18 days. According to indications, treatment courses are allowed.

Canephron N is available only in the form of an oral solution and in the form of tablets, so look for other dosage forms (for example, suppositories or injection solution) it makes no sense.

Canephron N: how to take - before or after meals?

The instructions that the manufacturer encloses with the drug do not contain clear instructions as to what time is best to take the pills and solution, as well as any information regarding the effect of food intake on the pharmacokinetic characteristics of the drug.

In this regard, the patient makes the decision when to take Canephron - before or after meals - at his own discretion.

Canephron tablets: instructions for use

The optimal dosage of the drug in the form of pills is selected individually depending on the age of the patient.

Adult patients are advised to take 2 tablets, schoolchildren - 1 tablet. The frequency of doses is 3 times a day.

The dragee should be swallowed whole with a small amount of liquid.

Canephron drops: instructions for use

Drops should be dosed depending on age. Single dose for an adult - 50 drops, for schoolchildren - 25 drops, for a child preschool age- 15 drops, for infants - 10 drops.

The frequency of doses is 3 times a day.

Before use, the drug must be diluted in a small amount of liquid. Since the solution has a bitter taste, small children are allowed to mix it with any liquids.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

Before taking Canephron N during pregnancy, it is imperative to consult with the doctor managing the pregnancy, and also carefully study the instructions included with the drug.

The frequency of administration and dose are determined by the attending physician depending on the degree of development and characteristics of the pathological process.

As a rule, the standard regimen for using Canephron N during pregnancy involves taking 6 tablets or 150 drops of solution daily. The indicated dose should be divided into 3 doses.

Depending on the doctor's decision, other options for taking the medicine are possible: for example, 30 drops three times a day or 20 drops twice a day. The dosage may also be lower in cases where the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

The duration of Canephron administration depends on the clinical situation.

Application in veterinary medicine

Canephron N is often prescribed as a cure for cystitis in cats. The standard dose is 1 tablet per day. It should be divided into 2 doses.


To date, in the practice of using the drug, there are no reports of cases of overdose and intoxication.


The use of Canephron N as an adjunct to antibacterial therapy improves efficiency antibacterial agents .

Information about any other drug interactions are missing.

Terms of sale

Canephron N belongs to the category of over-the-counter drugs.

Storage conditions

Dragees are stored in their original packaging in a light-protected place at a temperature of 15 to 25˚C.

Best before date

Shelf life for tablets is 4 years, for solution - 2 years from the date of issue. The contents of an opened bottle are suitable for use for six months. The expiration date indicated on the package of tablets determines the possibility of using them before last day month.

During storage of the solution, sediment may form, which is due to the herbal components included in the preparation. This effect has no impact on safety and pharmacological properties Canephron N.

special instructions

During treatment with Canephron it is necessary to drink as much fluid as possible.

When using the drug in the form of an oral solution, the bottle should be stored in an upright position. Before using the drops, the bottle with the solution must be shaken.

When using the tablet form to treat patients with diabetes mellitus It should be remembered that 1 tablet contains less than 0.04 XE (bread units) of digestible carbohydrates.

The solution contains 16-19.5% ethyl alcohol (volume).

When used in therapeutic doses the medicine does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and does not impair the ability to drive a car or any other mechanisms.

What is better - drops or tablets?

It is believed that there is no fundamental difference between Canephron drops and tablets for kidney No. However, some doctors are inclined to argue that this opinion is not entirely accurate, and drops have a number of advantages over the tablet form.

Firstly, the contents of one bottle are enough for a full course of treatment lasting a month. A package of pills No. 60 at the same cost is enough for 10 days, and therefore the course of treatment will cost 2-3 times more.

Secondly, dragees are contraindicated for people with intolerance to the sugars they contain (glucose, lactose, sucrose, galactose). The solution contains only herbs and alcohol, so it can also be used to treat this category of patients.

Thirdly, the probability allergic reactions the tablet form of Canephron is an order of magnitude higher than the solution. This is due to the fact that the dragee contains a larger number of components, including dyes, which often provoke allergies .

Fourthly, drops can be used from the age of one, while tablets are prescribed only from 6 years of age.

Analogues of Canephron N

Analogs and substitutes for Canephron N are drugs Afala , Bioprost , Vitaprost , Ichthyol , Lespeflan , Lespefril , Prostanorm , Prostatilen , Renel , Rowatinex , Samprost , Solidago compositum C , Speman , Superlymph , Tentex Forte , Testis compositum , Uroprost , Urotravenol , Phytolysin , Flaronin , Himkolin , Cyston , Priligy , Urological collection .

Analogues of domestic production - Vitaprost And Vitaprost Plus (Nizhpharm), Lespefril (JSC “Vifitech”), Bioprost (IntelPharm).

Analogues in Ukraine - Apiprost , Trinephron (LLC “Health”); Nephrophyte (LLC “Eim”), Uronephron (OJSC “Farmak”), Phytourolite (KP Lugansk FF).

The price of Canephron N analogues varies from 10 to 560 UAH. As a rule, domestically produced substitutes are more affordable than imported analogues. For example, Nephrophyte , produced by the Ukrainian company Aim, will cost the buyer approximately 17-20 UAH, but the average price of a German drug Solidago Compositum C (Heel) -370 UAH.

What can replace Canephron N during pregnancy?

Pregnant women are prescribed drugs along with Canephron N Monurel , Phytolysin , Cyston .

Which is better: Canephron or Cyston?

Both Canephron and Cyston - These are drugs with a natural composition. They have a minimum number of contraindications and provoke a minimum side effects.

The main advantages of Canephron over Cyston are:

  • lower likelihood of developing allergic reactions (this is due to the fact that Canephron contains a smaller amount of plant components);
  • the ability to reduce the amount of protein excreted in the urine (this feature of the drug can be very useful during pregnancy);
  • Availability dosage form, which is convenient to use for treating young children.

The advantages of Cyston are:

  • more affordable price;
  • more pronounced antibacterial effect (this is due to the richer composition of the medicine);
  • high efficiency in removal oxalate and phosphate urinary calculi .

Unlike Canephron, Cyston is characterized by the ability to stop attacks of renal colic , effective for conditions that are accompanied increased concentration of uric acid in the blood . In addition, it can be used to treat gout and urinary incontinence in women.

At the same time, Cyston provokes an order of magnitude more often than Canephron. allergic reactions , which is due to its richer composition.

Despite the fact that the range of applications of both medicines similar, they will have different effects on different patients.

So, for example, when choosing a means for removing stones from the kidneys, it should be taken into account that for people who have kidney stones formed by uric acid salts, Canephron will be more effective, and if necessary, remove stones formed by deposits inorganic compounds calcium, it is more advisable to prescribe Cyston.

In therapy infectious diseases of the urinary system both products show approximately the same effectiveness. In this situation, the fundamental selection criterion for some patients is the price of the drug.

For children

For children over one year of age, Canephron is prescribed in the form of drops. The tablets are indicated for use from the age of six.

However, the drug is often prescribed to children under one year of age. The optimal dosage for infants is 30 drops per day, divided into 3 doses.

The medicinal plants that make up the solution are well tolerated by children, and the alcohol concentration in it is not so high as to cause harm. children's body. Therefore, it is believed that Canephron is absolutely safe for infants under one year of age.

In this case, the drug can be used for a long time and in combination with any other medications.

The only side effects may be allergic reactions , caused by individual intolerance to one or another component.

Canephron during pregnancy

Is it possible to take Canephron during pregnancy? The answer to this question is yes.

Since the drug contains a complex of medicinal plants, expectant mothers are often prescribed Canephron for cystitis , pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, as well as a number of other problems from urinary system organs .

Many women are also interested in whether Canephron is a diuretic or not, and whether pregnant women can take it for edema.

As the manufacturer indicates, the drug has a pronounced antimicrobial And antibacterial effect , relieves spasms, prevents development urinary tract infections , improves functional status kidneys and bladder who experience increased loads and often need support.

In addition, drops and tablets have a diuretic effect, which allows them to be used as a remedy for swelling that can accompany pregnancy. The drug helps reduce swelling, reduces the intensity of lower back pain and improves general state woman's health.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend taking Canephron N to prevent preeclampsia and exacerbations of various kinds renal pathologies , which are extremely undesirable during the period of bearing a child.

So, why is Canephron prescribed during pregnancy:

  • for treatment infectious and non-communicable diseases urinary tract (the product is effective when cystitis , interstitial nephritis , pyelonephritis , glomerulonephritis );
  • for prevention nephrolithiasis (renal stone disease);
  • to reduce protein excretion in urine.

One of the advantages of the medicine is that it can be safely taken for a long time, if necessary (including during breastfeeding).

In addition, the use of Canephron during lactation does not oblige a nursing mother to switch her baby to formula and cereals, but allows her to continue breastfeeding without fear of harming the baby’s health.

The standard dosage of Canephron during pregnancy is as follows - 6 tablets or 150 drops with a frequency of applications 3 times a day. However, sometimes during pregnancy the tablets are prescribed to be taken 1 twice a day, and the solution - 25-50 drops twice a day.

Despite the fact that the drug has virtually no contraindications and rarely causes unwanted side effects, it should be remembered that its main components - rosemary and lovage - have the ability to increase the tone of the uterine muscles.

IN pure form These plants are contraindicated for pregnant women, therefore, when treating with Canephron, you should strictly adhere to the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Reviews of Canephron N

Reviews about Canephron N left on the forums are overwhelmingly good. For many patients, the drug is a kind of lifesaver.

Its main advantages are its natural composition (and the solution also contains a minimum of auxiliary components), the absence of side effects, the ability to take tablets and drops for a long time, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Reviews of Canephron during pregnancy indicate that the drug acts quickly, gently and effectively. The product quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms, removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes the concentration of protein in the urine and improves general condition kidneys and urinary tract .

At renal colic it significantly reduces the intensity of pain, accelerates the passage of stones and prevents the development cystitis .

Many positive reviews were also left by mothers who used Canephron N for children. Drops are prescribed to children in accordance with the instructions from the age of one year, however, in situations where this is necessary, they can also be used to treat infants.

Based on the reviews of doctors, we can conclude that the effectiveness of the drug directly depends on how correctly the treatment regimen is selected. So, for example, when cystitis or pyelonephritis It is advisable to prescribe Canephron N in combination with uroseptics , antibiotics or bacteriophages .

Canephron N price

How much does Canephron cost in Ukraine?

The price of Canephron N tablets No. 60 is from 120 UAH, the price of Canephron N drops is from 109 UAH.

At the same time, the price of Canephron N in Kharkov, Kyiv, Donetsk, Odessa or Dnepropetrovsk is not fundamentally different.

Cost of tablets and drops in Russia

Buy in Moscow and others major cities In Russia, Canephron tablets cost an average of 370 rubles. The price of the solution is from 350 to 420 rubles.

The drug has only 2 forms of release - pills and solution for oral administration, other forms (suppositories, solution in ampoules for injection, etc.) are not available.

The drug is often prescribed during pregnancy (that is, for long-term use). A more economical option is a solution, but most pregnant women do not risk taking it due to the presence of ethanol in it.

In this regard, women often wonder if there are more economical packages of tablets (for example, No. 120). The answer to this question is negative.

Composition and action of Canephron N

Canephron N is a combination drug based on herbal components that has no analogues in composition. They allow the drug to be used as safely as possible during pregnancy. The main components of the medicine are extracts from rosemary leaves, centaury herb and lovage root.

The drug has wide range effects on the urinary system. It has the following pronounced effects:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Substances contained in rosemary suppress inflammation, relieve pain and speed up general process recovery and restoration of the body.
  2. Antibacterial. The components of the medicine prevent the colonization and reproduction of harmful microflora on the walls of the urinary tract.

    Interestingly, resistance of any microorganisms to Canephron N has not been identified.

  3. Diuretic. The composition of essential oils increases blood flow to the kidneys, which causes this effect.
  4. Antispasmodic. Lovage root has an analgesic and calming effect.

Cystitis, pyelonephritis, bacteria in urine and other indications

Canephron N is effective means and can be prescribed to the expectant mother in any trimester of pregnancy, but only as needed, which is determined by the doctor after balancing the possible risk and expected benefit.

The inflammatory process in the urinary system is usually detected by urine analysis: the presence of bacteria and protein is noted in it.

Canephron N was successfully tested among pregnant women suffering from manifestations of gestosis - late toxicosis. The drug is actively used by therapists and nephrologists (specialists involved in kidney treatment) in such situations and conditions as:

  • cystitis in acute phase- cystitis;
  • prevention education urinary stones(in the kidneys and other urinary organs), including after their removal;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the renal pelvis and calyx;
  • interstitial nephritis - inflammatory disease kidneys of non-infectious origin;
  • glomerulonephritis is a disease affecting the glomeruli;
  • bacteriuria - the presence of bacteria in the urine without any symptoms of the disease.

Canephron N also helps pregnant women cope with the problem of removing excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling and normalizes kidney and bladder function. Such measures significantly reduce the risk of developing late toxicosis or gestosis.

The medicine also affects the walls of blood vessels that supply blood to the organs of the urinary system, relaxing them. This significantly reduces the risk of infection entering the body, which is especially important to prevent at the beginning of pregnancy.

For women with a history of kidney and bladder diseases, Canephron N is prescribed during pregnancy long course to avoid the development of relapses and exacerbations chronic infections. In this case, even if an acute attack of the disease occurs, recovery occurs much faster.

Important! For acute infectious lesions of the urinary system, Canephron N is most often prescribed as an additional remedy. The basis of treatment is taking antibiotics selected by the doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Canephron N is a herbal medicine and does not contain toxic components. It is approved for use even at the beginning of pregnancy and will not cause harm to either the mother or the fetus. But, like any medicine, it has its contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance.
  • for the solution - alcoholism (including after treatment).

Despite the fact that the drug contains natural ingredients, Canephron N can provoke a number of unpleasant side effects.

  • allergic reactions;
  • dyspeptic disorders:
    • nausea,
    • vomit,
    • diarrhea.

If allergic reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to change the medication. However, in most cases the drug is well tolerated.

Medical observations and examinations of pregnant women taking Canephron N prove that the drug does not have any negative effect on the development of the fetus in the womb.

Instructions for safe use

Tablets or drops?

Canephron N is available in two forms: dragees (tablets) and solution (drops) for oral administration. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the form of its release. However, pregnant women are prescribed mainly pills, since the liquid form contains alcohol. In exceptional cases, a doctor may recommend a solution for patients with diabetes mellitus.

When using the drug in pill form in women with diabetes, it should be kept in mind that the digestible carbohydrates contained in 1 pill are less than 0.04 bread units.

How long should you take the medicine?

The course of the disease and the body's response to therapy are individual in each case. That is why rational and effective course Treatment can only be selected by the attending physician based on the necessary research. Canephron N is usually taken several times a day. The tablets are swallowed without chewing and washed down with a small amount of water, and the solution is pre-mixed with water.

Canephron N can be taken at any time of the day, regardless of meals. However, it is recommended that you follow the same dosing regimen so that the medication is delivered at approximately the same time each day.

The average duration of treatment is usually 2 weeks. It should be noted that when chronic diseases Canephron N can be prescribed for the entire period of gestation. In this case, breaks are required between courses, which the doctor must inform the patient about.

Even long-term use of the drug does not pose a threat to health expectant mother and her child. The main thing is to comply with the prescribed dosage and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Do Canephron N have analogues and how can it be replaced?

In some cases, Canephron N may be contraindicated, may not be suitable for a particular patient, or may not have the expected effect. In such situations, the doctor assesses the patient’s condition and replaces this medicine with another herbal preparation with a similar therapeutic effect. There are no complete analogues in composition for this drug. Some of the possible replacement options are described in the table.

If the reason for the ineffectiveness of Canephron N is a severe infection, it is most likely that the doctor will include antibiotics in the treatment regimen, because herbal preparations may not cope, and a progressive disease can seriously harm both the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

Table: medications for edema and bacterial urinary tract infections, prescribed including in early pregnancy

Photo gallery: herbal remedies that can replace Canephron N in the treatment of pregnant women

Important! The herbal composition of the drug does not indicate its safety. “Simple and cheap” herbs can have the same serious contraindications and side effects as “chemical” pills. The advisability of including any medications in the treatment regimen for the disease depends on the diagnosis, severity of symptoms, gestational age and a number of other factors, which only a specialist can evaluate. Don't self-medicate!