Proper care of British kittens. Description of the British cat breed British cat breed care and what to eat

The British kitten with its round-eyed face, strong body and dense plush fur is capable of touching anyone. This cheerful creature will fill every home with joy and will quickly turn into everyone's favorite. In order for a kitten, and then an adult cat, to be healthy, playful and look great, he needs to be provided with proper care.

Character and habits

The description of the character of the British will most likely make you inclined to the idea of ​​getting yourself a quadruple tailed dog of this breed. The British, like most cats, are independent animals that can easily endure long periods of loneliness and are able to occupy themselves during such periods of time. That's why british kitten Quite suitable as a friend for a busy person who does not spend too much time at home. Among the positive features of these cats are the following:

  • calm disposition;
  • restraint towards children;
  • getting along with other animals;
  • innate nobility;
  • unobtrusiveness;
  • independence;
  • high intelligence;
  • sociability and good nature;
  • resistance to stress;
  • cleanliness.

The character difficulties of the British include a certain stubbornness, which is difficult to overcome during upbringing, and a dislike for the demands made by a person. Like most cats, Britons are vindictive. And if the owner decides, for example, to teach the furry how to behave correctly using physical force, it will be very difficult to regain the cat’s favor. When taking a kitten into your home, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a playful creature.

The British often amuse themselves by throwing things off high shelves. They also like to take a position “somewhere higher”; even if they are not playing at this time, they “look around the surroundings” from above.

The British are inspectors for life. Owners often have to deal with the fact that their pets climb on bags. You can bring groceries from the store, turn away, and a minute later find that a “tailed inspector” is already inspecting them, with a curious muzzle stuck into the bag.

The peculiarity of these cats is that they do not choose a specific owner. The British know how to perceive the whole family as a whole, without singling out any one person.

These tailed animals show kindness towards house guests. It is difficult to imagine that such a cat will begin to rear up at the sight of a stranger or otherwise demonstrate his disapproval to him. If the cat British breed If he allows his child to play with him for a long time, he will not tolerate “increased attention and affection” from adults. This is not the kind of animal that you can endlessly carry in your arms and stroke “until you’re blue in the face.” Excessive attention leads to the fact that the pet begins to hide and snort displeasedly.

What does a kitten need?

To provide the little Briton with normal care and “living conditions”, You need to purchase necessary accessories such as:

  • cat litter with one or another filler;
  • soft bed or house;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • scratching post;
  • slicker;
  • streetwear;
  • carrying;
  • toys.

How and what to feed?

In order for a kitten to grow up cheerful, playful, healthy, and develop properly, it must be properly fed from the first days. The diet should be balanced. There are two options for feeding at home - use regular food or ready-made store-bought food. Ready-made food has the following advantages:

  • when creating it, all the necessary components needed to saturate the kitten’s body were taken into account;
  • you don’t have to think about preparing cat food – you put it in a bowl and that’s it.

For feeding use dry and wet food. It is better to buy special products of the same brand, focusing on the age of the pet. Information about who the food is intended for is indicated on the packaging. When feeding solid store-bought food, you need to ensure that so that clean, fresh water is available. If you decide to feed the fluffy natural products, cooking for him will have to be done separately. Food from the master's table is not suitable.

If a kitten has recently been born, it is natural for it to feed on its mother's milk. If he is taken away from the cat too early, you need to use a milk replacer, which can be found in veterinary pharmacies. From the age of one and a half months, the baby is transferred to goat or cow milk, diluted with boiled water to reduce fat content. After 30 days of life, in addition to milk, lean meat in the form of minced meat becomes part of the diet. The purr is fed cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat, and milk porridge from cereals.

Once every 7 days you can give beef liver or bird liver.

From the age of two months, the pet is offered store-bought canned food for kittens, boiled lean meat, and egg yolk. After another month, the little four-legged friend is introduced to fish food. All bones are removed from sea fish before consumption. And also from 3 months the kitten is offered boiled vegetables.

If before this age he was fed 5-6 times a day, now four meals a day are enough. At 5 months, the kitten is ready to eat all the foods that cats usually eat. Spices and salt should not be added to cat dishes.

If the “fluffy child” has not eaten enough of what was offered to him, the remains must be immediately removed from the bowl and the dishes themselves must be washed.

From one year onwards, food is provided depending on the preferences of a particular pet. And if the cat is neutered, you cannot give him fish and some other foods. About the intricacies of diet in in this case It is better to consult with a specialist, as well as about the menu for older cats. From the age of eight, these animals are considered elderly. Their diet is different from the “youth”. The tailed inhabitant of the apartment should not be fed chicken or turkey skins or paws.

It is advisable to supplement the meat with rice, buckwheat or pearl barley. They remain part of the diet dairy products. You can feed an adult pet 2-3 times a day.

Toilet selection and training

To avoid troubles with the toilet, the kitten needs to be taught to do its small and big things in a specially designated place from the very beginning. early age. The pet will only become dirty if the toilet point is inappropriate. To relieve itself calmly, a kitten needs quiet place no witnesses. Before you take a new furry inhabitant into your apartment, you need to immediately determine where to put this very tray. If the kitten does not like the zone chosen by the owners, then it will be almost impossible to accustom it to a new one, which is located within the same house.

Teaching a British kitten to go to the toilet is not much different from teaching human children. Just as a child is seated on the potty by the clock, so is the tailed one. After each trip to the toilet, the tray needs to be washed and the filling in it changed. If the kitten has chosen an inappropriate point for its toilet activities, knowledgeable people It is advised to treat it with a composition containing chlorine.

The pungent smell should discourage the pet from the “fake toilet”.

As for the tray itself, it should be comfortable for the animal. Many experts advise choosing a toilet closed type . The “building” should have a high ceiling, given that the matured cat will be quite large. It is advisable to use wood material as a filler, since it quickly absorbs liquid and does not allow an unpleasant odor to spread.

Features of care

Keeping a British kitten requires proper care. From a young age you need to ensure that so that the cat’s fur, ears and eyes are healthy. The eyes of the British have to be cleaned periodically. Discharge is especially common in kittens. Small stains can be removed with cotton swabs or napkins soaked in water. There are special lotions for cat eye care. Some are used if the tearing becomes too much. There are also products for daily use.

Important! If you need to clean your cat's eyes, you should wash your hands first to avoid infection.

The British take good care of their wool themselves. But if, for example, you need to take your pet to an exhibition, you can bathe it. To do this, you need to use special shampoos for this breed of cat. To bathe a cat, you need to do the following:

  1. Fill the basin one third with warm water;
  2. put the cat there;
  3. holding it under the throat, lather the fur (do not allow water to get into the ears);
  4. wash off the foam using a watering can;
  5. There is no need to wash the “causal place” - the cat will not tolerate this;
  6. Having finished bathing, wrap the animal in a towel so that moisture from the fur is absorbed into it;
  7. after some time, comb the fur and dry it with a hairdryer, without bringing the device close to the skin.

It must be taken into account that In many ways, the condition of the coat depends on whether the cat has enough vitamins coming from food. To improve appearance In addition to regular food, your pet can be given special supplements that are offered in pet stores. It is better to take formulations that are suitable specifically for the British, taking into account the age of a particular pet.

The natural process is molting of such animals. To avoid digestive problems, the cat will have to be given special paste to remove hair from the stomach. In addition, the undercoat needs to be combed several times a week. The cat is combed in the direction of hair growth, with the exception of the neck and muzzle.

They need to be combed against the grain. The British, unlike many other cats, favorably perceive such massage.

Twice a month a Briton should trim the claws on the front paws. On the rear, this procedure is performed monthly. The scratching post also allows you to keep your claws in order. When it comes to caring for your ears, there is no need to go overboard in cleaning them. “Scheduled” can be done once a month or if it is clear that the ears are dirty. Hydrogen peroxide is used for cleansing. A little liquid is applied to a piece of cotton wool or a disk and wiped over the shell of the ear. Peroxide should not get into the depths of the ear canal.

Many British owners consider haircuts to be a part of grooming, although the other half of lovers of such animals call it unnecessary. The first motivate the need to cut cats by the fact that there is too much hair in the house, and the pets themselves suffer from the heat, given their thick undercoat. The latter are not ready to spoil what nature has generously endowed their pets with.

Proponents of grooming should know that such a matter should be entrusted to a specialist who knows the feline anatomy in detail. If you do the haircut yourself, you can injure the animal and introduce it into its body. dangerous infection. When grooming, the use of force is excluded so that the cat does not receive psychological trauma. The comfort of an animal's condition is largely determined by whether it likes the master.

If this is a person who sincerely loves cats and knows how to handle them, the Briton will react to his actions without fear or aggression.

Part of caring for a kitten or adult cat is systematic vaccinations. Vaccination is carried out according to the calendar. The first vaccine against panleukopenia, viral rhinotracheitis and calicivirus is administered to the kitten at another 9–12 weeks, repeating it after 2 weeks. At 3 months it is advisable to vaccinate the kitten against rabies. Britons are also vaccinated against the following diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • microsporia;
  • trichophytosis (lichen);
  • infectious peritonitis;
  • leukemia;
  • dermatosis

Important! Vaccines make healthy animals veterinary clinic. Such procedures should not be carried out during the change of milk teeth to permanent ones, when cats' immunity decreases.

Games and education

British babies are most often taken from the nursery at 3 months. But if the kitten came into the house at the age of 1 month, you need to keep in mind that the baby’s fright cannot be avoided. This is quite natural. It is necessary to calculate in advance the likely places where the new tenant will sneak in order to hide from prying eyes. They are blocked in advance so that in extreme cases there is no need to move furniture, organize searches, and so on.

If the kitten does hide, it is better to give him the opportunity to sit quietly in the “trench” by moving bowls of food and water closer. Until the four-legged child comes out of hiding, it is advisable for someone from the family to stay at home. There is no need to prematurely determine a place for a kitten's bed. The bedding should be placed in the place that the pet will choose. If he liked a certain point in the apartment, he is unlikely to change his place of rest.

Today's material will allow you to plunge into the near cat world, understand its features, structure and laws. A description of a British breed cat will help you with this. Of course, having become acquainted with only one breed, it is impossible to learn to find mutual language with all the cats and cats.

This article will be useful both to experienced “cat people” who have decided to acquire representatives of this breed, and to those who are just starting or planning to start caring for cats of the British breed.

Where did the British come from?

The British cat breed is one of those lucky few whose biography is rooted in events that took place before our era. In the distant forty-third year BC, the uncle of Emperor Caligula took the throne. He decided to strengthen his power by opening a war with Britain, and therefore sent troops. Upon their return, cats returned along with the Romans who fought in Britain.

The confrontation between the Romans and Celts did not end for forty years. But the British shorthair cat did not take any part in this war between people. They conquered more and more people with their beauty and affection.. Therefore, when at the end of the nineteenth century we started talking about the nation’s favorite animals, the descendants of the very cats that managed to somehow, but still reconcile two violent peoples in the past were used as a basis.

Another legend

Old scriptures and documents say that ordinary cat suddenly she turned out to be very strong and resilient, able to survive in a variety of conditions, and at the same time did not lose her charm and charm. We learn about this from G. Weir, the founder of cat exhibitions. This is the history of the British breed.

Quite often, scientists argue about which cat breeds are closest to the British. They definitely have something in common with Persian cats– a slightly flat, round muzzle, but no more.

Description of the breed

First of all, let's remember that the British are quite capricious, and even somewhat touchy - something, but these little animals have no less pride than their owners. The main thing is not to confuse a Scot and a Briton - their owners will definitely consider this an insult. Just remember that British cats are purebred animals who came to their appearance through adaptability, experience and mutation. But the Scotsman is a genetically bred breed, like many other cats that appeared relatively recently.

Distinctive features


Since cats almost always breathe through their nose, this is the basis of their instincts (unlike people who can independently switch to mouth breathing), it is important to pay attention to the nose and the correctness of its structure. A purebred British breed will have a short but wide nose with no bending or variation. There is a small, barely noticeable, but unnoticeable depression on the bridge of the nose. If the nose is crooked, the cat may wheeze when breathing or make other strange sounds.


The British Shorthair is an exception to the cat rule. If cats usually always “keep their eyes open,” the British breed does not have this feature. Their ears are low and at a great distance from each other. At the same time, the ears are small and slightly rounded. They have a fair amount of fur on the outside. This does not apply to the British Fold - their ears are often lowered and placed quite close, and also closer to the back of the head.


The British breed has quite big eyes, while open, and of course, round in shape. Like the ears, they are located quite widely. The British eye color is predominantly golden. Less common are blue, bright green and lavender. Cats with both unusual and pronounced typical eye colors are valued. But dull eyes or an iris with spots, rims, etc. are not only not appreciated, but are even considered a disadvantage.


The origins of the appearance of standards for the body and physiology of British cats go back to those distant times of their appearance. Since the British felt themselves masters of their own lands, they grew into muscular cats that have considerable strength. Moreover, they can be large or medium in size according to the international classification.

They have a wide chest, and at the same time, a massive and muscular back, which allows them to perform all kinds of pirouettes even in Everyday life. Paws are short but strong, which allows the cat to periodically land on only three of the four, and use the “spare” paw as an attacking weapon in case of jumping on prey.

As for the tail, it is also quite short. Thin only in kittens, while in British cats of all ages it should taper towards the base.

Weight and size

The British breed cat is much larger than a cat, but this is expressed only in appearance, and not in their characteristics. In scientific terms, this breed is characterized by demorphism of the sexes. Kittens, regardless of gender, quickly gain weight. From small, skinny Britons, they quickly turn into miniature copies of their parents, but only in appearance. It takes them a long time to gain weight, and the process of growing up also lasts for several years.


After four years, the physical part of the British body is fully formed, and by the age of five he has a stable personality. At this age, cats weigh about five to eight kilograms, and females from four to six.


This is where the striking differences begin between breeds that are British, but at the same time fundamentally different.

There are two directions of development of this breed: long-haired and short-haired. Apart from wool, there are no differences in physical level No.

The British Longhair cat is a kind of elegant and representative aristocrat. You cannot crossbreed with other breeds, only with the British, otherwise you risk getting a wild Briton with an incomprehensible color. But it doesn’t matter whether such an animal’s partner will have short or long hair.

Despite the fact that the breed is called long-haired, the length of the coat reaches only a medium level. Without waves or curls, straight, with a rich undercoat, which provides the cat with warmth. Wherein the tail is always very fluffy. There are a variety of colors, the only exception that is not recognized is the combination of white with Siamese or partial color on the paws, face and tail.

As for individuals with short hair, they always have surprisingly delicate colors. The coat is dense and evenly distributed over the body. The average length of wool is up to three millimeters.


The predominantly monochromatic color should be uniform and monotonous so that the coat does not stand out in some places. At the same time, the British breed may have something like a haze on the coat or a shimmer of some color - this is not prohibited by the breed standard.

According to official data, there are three dozen color variations of the British.

The most popular solid types of this breed are:

  • Red breed
  • Cream breed
  • Black breed
  • White breed
  • Gray breed
  • The Lilo breed is a combination of gray, gray and pink.

The most popular two-color breeds are:

  • Gray-blue breed
  • Marble
  • Ticked breed
  • Tabby breed (“freckles” on the coat)

IN Lately British breed cats with Whiskey-style coloring are gaining momentum. The name comes from an advertisement for a famous food. But this is just household or colloquial name, and if you turn to specialists, they will explain to you that this is a “mackerel” type. The main color of these British people is silver.. There should be only three dark stripes on the back, and an unlimited number of dark stripes along the body. It is important that the stripes are darker, not lighter.

Cat development

Disadvantages of body parts, head

Deformation of the nose, consisting of an excessively hump of the nose. Flat forehead, large eyebrows, long nose. The nose is too narrow, the bite cannot be corrected, and the shape of the muzzle is also distorted.

Lack of the required level of “plushness”. This trait depends on the undercoat, which ideally should be smooth and very dense. Then the fur is fluffy and looks like plush. The absence of necessary signs most often occurs in large cats, cinnamon-colored cats, and tabbies.

If a pet has at least one of the above deficiencies, it will not be considered an ideal purebred.

Therefore, if you expect to take part in exhibitions or competitions, you should choose an animal of this breed with special care. And if you buy a friend for your home, then these external features do not matter - they do not affect health, breed or character in any way.


What features of the British cat distinguish it from representatives of other “cat races”? First of all, these are manners. Her pretense, and the impossibility of getting to her, is still touchable, especially if the pet doesn’t like the person. At the same time, it is a rather capricious animal, despite its cute appearance. Of the constant character traits that are inherent in this breed at any age, one can note independence and stubbornness.

The British are very friendly and affectionate creatures, they make contact very easily.

They love a friendly and gentle tone, do not tolerate orders or demands on themselves - especially if it comes not from the owner, but from someone else.


The British breed easily gets along with dogs and loves to play with children. He doesn’t like to be bothered, but in the case of a small child, he will endure until the last moment so as not to hit his paw. What's special about the British? This breed easily tolerates loneliness. If you are rarely at home, but really love cats, then a British cat is a great solution for you. They calmly remain alone with themselves, play, sleep, explore the outside world. And although they miss the owner, they will not create a mess in all the rooms when they meet or in his absence.

Be healthy and beautiful!

The unique qualities of British cats is the ability not to get sick even in very harsh conditions. They do not have hereditary diseases, as such, and at the same time, cats tolerate cold weather with steadfastness. However, this does not mean that the British do not get sick in principle - they are characterized by diseases typical of cats.

  • Gingivitis. This is inflammation and subsequent decay of the teeth. It is important to show the animal to the veterinarian in time, because in the first two stages the disease can be cured. But it’s much easier to simply prevent it - brush your pet’s teeth and don’t let him eat any nonsense.
  • Cardiomyopathy, which occurs due to too much load or, conversely, due to its absence. The main symptoms are catastrophic weight loss, loss of interest in the outside world, the owner, toys, slowing of the pulse and breathing, and wheezing.
  • Also possible partial paralysis. Usually these are the hind limbs. In addition to the above, pay attention to your pet's pads. If they change color to blue, consult a doctor immediately.
  • British people are sometimes diagnosed with hemophilia. There is nothing you can do here either; the best option would be to simply monitor your pet so that he does not get injured.
  • And the last typical disease is a fungus that appears on the claws. You can recognize it by deformation or spots on the claws, so pay attention to your pet’s paws.

To prevent heart problems, doctors recommend an examination - an ultrasound of the heart, at least once a year, ideally every six months.



The difference between the British breed and many other breeds is the lack of need for meticulous and thorough care. This breed is unpretentious in its living, although it has a number of its own characteristics, but caring for them will not require much time from you.

The first thing you need to do is remove the undercoat once a week. To do this, you should purchase a soft round brush made of rubber or a special material that will remove static from the fur. When a cat begins to shed, it is necessary to brush it daily., otherwise this process will affect your furniture.


The British are a very neat breed, and even cats, even cats, are very concerned about their hygiene, so they constantly lick their fur. Because of this, their stomachs often become clogged with fur. You do not need to wait until the kitten becomes ill and he himself gets rid of the hairballs in the internal organs, since it is not a fact that until then they will not cause harm. To prevent this, give your cat special medications, which are sold in the form of tablets and food, and dissolve lumps in the gastrointestinal tract.

And returning to the paws, be sure to regularly inspect the claws to ensure there is no fungus, cracks or chips.

Trim the nails regularly or take your Briton to a special salon if you cannot perform this procedure yourself. Don't forget to buy a scratching post.

Finally, remember that the characteristics of the British cat do not mean that standard procedures do not apply to it. Eye washing, specialized cleaning of ears and pads - this is necessary for every purebred cat, not just the British.

How to feed, what to feed, when and where?

We immediately hasten to disappoint fishing lovers - cats don’t need fish. At all. None – be it food or regular fish. Don't believe advertisements that advertise fish food - it's just a marketing ploy. Yes, your cat will happily eat fish, but this does not mean that he will like it. What to feed British cats? - you ask. Let's take a closer look at the diet for such a cat.

  • Meat. Most of Your pet's diet consists of meat products. Three quarters, sometimes a little less, of the diet should be a meat component.
  • The best option for a cat would be beef or poultry, as well as offal. Giving a cat a piece of meat is not a wise decision. Freeze the meat, then mince or slice it. In general, prepare the cat for food.
  • Garnish. One quarter of the diet consists of various cereals, potatoes and vegetables. This can be a side dish from your table, but you can cook it separately for your cat.
  • Be sure to give your Brit an egg every five to seven days.
  • Occasionally you can give dairy products - this can be cottage cheese or kefir, cheese, ryazhanka. You can use premium dry food - everything is there necessary substances for a cat, but its taste leaves much to be desired, alas.

What should you not give to cats?

  • Milk. Allergy to lactose is especially pronounced in purebred cats.
  • Sweet. Even occasionally. And on holidays it’s also not allowed. Consider that your cat needs to watch his figure!
  • Marinated and salted. The marinade contains acid, which has a bad effect on the cat’s body, and salt delays the release of water from the body.
  • Alcohol and coffee. It not only harms the body, but leads to heart problems.

Remember that the British cat breed is prone to obesity, so you need to monitor their diet.

Where to buy, what for and why?

The main characteristic of a British breed cat is photogenicity. These cats love to play at any age, they can be taught to pose, and most importantly, they know how to smile! They turn out simply amazing photos: a smiling cat in a flower pot, wearing a bath cap, hanging in the air at the moment of a jump. And what funny videos they make with their participation! These cats are sometimes too smart, but they are amenable to training. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the obedience of such a cat.


When it comes to where to buy, you have several options. The most common is the cat market. A popular but unreliable option. Prices there are twice as low, but this is where danger awaits you. It is not a fact that an animal purchased at such a market will be healthy and with all vaccinations. Of course, you can get vaccinated, treated, and so on, but is it really worth it? And a healthy kitten is better than a sick one.

From hand

You can purchase the British breed secondhand from people who breed British dogs. Reliability, like the price, will be higher, but there are pitfalls here too. You cannot always check the documents and purebredness of the breed, and you will not receive any guarantees.

British kittens are some of the friendliest. You can't help but like them, because they are like cute teddy bears. Each of them has its own distinct character. Adult cats are real aristocrats, unhurried, neat, clean. But they don’t do without pranks. not much different from a regular cat breed.

Moving to new house– a big shock for the kitten. When you take a kitten into your home, you take on responsibility. A kitten is the same as a child that requires attention and care. And so that your new pet If you get to know you and your new place of residence painlessly, you need to prepare in the most thorough way.

To do this you need:

  • make a sleeping place;
  • purchase bowls for water and food;
  • toilet tray with filler;
  • toys;
  • scratching posts;
  • various combs;
  • special food;
  • carrying;
  • nail clipper and cotton swabs.

First days in a new place

You should not expect that as soon as the kitten appears in the house, it will run and play happily and carefree. Moving is a huge psychological trauma.

First, limit the kitten's habitat. Let this be a small piece of your apartment. Place all the necessary supplies next to the kitten - a bowl of food, a tray, a carrier or a sleeping place.

First of all, introduce the kitten to its litter box. At first, of course, surprises such as relieving yourself right on the floor are possible. Don't be afraid.

Just transfer it to his litter box after the kitten has eaten. And in place of the “accident”, pour the filler, and after it is soaked, pour it into the tray again. This way, the kitten will be able to find its toilet by smell, and the smell of new plastic will no longer bother it.

And in a few days the baby will go where he needs to without any problems. After some time, the kitten will get comfortable in one space, and curiosity will draw him to explore the entire apartment. Do not interfere with this, and also do not block his path to a familiar place if something suddenly scares him.

Other pets may perceive the kitten differently. Some will immediately treat him friendly, while others will be wary. But in any case, try to ensure that the new pet is saturated with your scent, and that acquaintance with other pets passes through closed doors and with minimal stress. And only when both have calmed down and realized that they are not in danger, introduce them directly.

Sleeping area

A sleeping place or house for a kitten can be purchased at a pet store or you can make it yourself if you are against the kitten sleeping on furniture and other undesirable places.

To make a sleeping house you will need:

  1. A cardboard box in which you need to cut an entrance. The size of the box should be such that the pet can stretch out in it.
  2. Inside the box, place a soft pillow or blanket that you don’t mind, and also lay down an easily washable bedding.
  3. Place the house in a warm, quiet and cozy place.

But cat house is not essential. The kitten simply may not want to sleep in the place allotted to it and will find another corner for sleep and rest.

Bowls for water and food

The kitten should have at least three food bowls. One is for water, the other is for dry food, the third is for canned food or other food. If you use a double bowl for food, then water will get into the food or vice versa, and therefore the food will quickly spoil.

You should choose a bowl that is stable and has wide edges. It is best to choose a larger bowl for water, because this way the water will not stagnate so quickly. The water needs to be changed every day, it is best to use clean bottled water. For feeding, it is better to choose a permanent, quiet place somewhere in the kitchen.


Usually, kittens in nurseries are already toilet trained. In order for him to understand where he should relieve himself, pour the kitten’s usual litter into the tray and put him there after he eats. To ensure that your kitten goes to the same place regularly, the litter box should always be kept clean.

The toilet should be spacious. Indoor or not - depends on whether your cat likes to dig around in it. Covered toilets protect against pieces of litter flying in all directions. You can lay a fleecy mat or mesh in front of the tray, which will trap the litter remaining on the paws so that the pet does not carry it around the apartment.


Toys for a kitten should be chosen with the same care as for a child. Toys should be from durable material, without sharp corners. It is worth remembering that small parts can be swallowed by a pet, and therefore toys with fur balls or rubber parts are recommended for use in joint games.

scratching post

Scratching posts can be separate or with a house. Which is doubly convenient. Climbing up the scratching post, the kitten not only plays and sharpens its claws, but also exercises physically, which allows it to grow strong and healthy.

Scratching posts are both a simulator and entertainment for kittens. They come in a variety of shapes, colors and heights. They may look like a single column or an unusual shape. When choosing them, you need to take into account the pet’s habits. For the lazy, they come with shelves for relaxation - sharpen your claws, and then relax.

For active ones - with a variety of toys and devices, or a whole play structure that can entertain the cat if you are away from home for a long time. Scratching posts fit well into the interior and do not take up much space.

You can make a scratching post for your kitten to climb on yourself. To do this, you can simply take a dry birch trunk with old bark or wrap a thick rope around a stand made of any durable material.

How to accustom a kitten to a scratching post?

Usually, kittens quickly understand what can sharpen their claws and what cannot. But if you have difficulties with this, then these tips will help teach your pet to sharpen its claws in the right place.

  • When the cat begins to sharpen its claws on the prohibited object, spray it with water. After some time, having received a portion of unpleasant impressions, the cat will switch to the permitted object.
  • Rub orange peel or spray orange scented scent near the area where your cat sharpens her claws. The citrus smell is intolerable to cats and they will soon start avoiding the area.


The fur of British kittens is not prone to tangling or matting. Therefore, it does not require special care. It is enough to use a rubber brush and small soft teeth. And during molting, run wet hands over the fur and against it - this massages the skin, ventilates the fur and removes dying hairs.

It is worth paying attention to the air humidity in the apartment, because in winter too dry air has a negative effect on the wool. in the best possible way– the British fur coat becomes dull and seems lifeless.

You can also use shampoo for short-haired cats. The British breed doesn't particularly require regular washing, but you should have shampoo on hand just in case.


The amount of food consumed and nutritional needs are individual for each pet. It depends on age, weight, health, environment and other factors. Domestic cats are usually omnivores. A balanced diet is important for cats; they must receive sufficient amounts of all nutrients.

You can choose ready-made food in the store. Kittens need special food, different from food for adult cats. If you are in doubt about what food to choose for your pet baby, consult a veterinarian at a hospital or pet store.

They can advise you on both dry food and canned food, and will also tell you how to choose the right and balanced food, prevent the appearance of stones in the ureters and other diseases that may be related to nutrition.

You can also feed with natural products. In this case, you should give preference to beef, boiled meat by-products, chicken, and sea fish. But if possible, fish should be excluded from the diet and its presence on the menu limited, as it can contribute to the development urolithiasis. Fish can cause the greatest harm to cats.

You can also give dairy products. The best choice for kittens is 10% cream or goat milk, which is closest in composition to cat milk. But it is not recommended to give cow's milk - it can cause your pet's stool to become liquid.

If your kitten likes yogurt or sour cream, then you can include them in the diet. But yoghurts should be without additives, dyes and sugar. To improve stomach function, you can give boiled liver.

  • sausage, ham,
  • bacon,
  • very fatty foods
  • smoked,
  • salty,
  • sharp, etc.


Carrying can be in the form of a plastic bulk container or in the form of a fabric bag. The choice depends on how you will move the animal.

Fabric bags are convenient to carry in your hands, while plastic bags are not so convenient to carry in your hands due to their volume; they are more suitable for transportation in a car. For a one-time move, it is not necessary to buy a carrier, but with repeated use it will be extremely necessary and useful - it will relieve you and your pet of unnecessary stress.

Nail clipper and cotton swabs

By trimming your pet's claws, you will protect yourself, the rest of the family and your furniture. This procedure is intended not only to protect yourself and the furniture, but also for the health of the cat - at home, the pet is not always able to remove keratinized and exfoliated claws.

Trimming your pet's nails doesn't mean he won't need a scratching post. Nail clippers help quickly get rid of an overgrown claw. Nails need to be trimmed quickly so that the pet does not have time to get scared and get injured.

Kittens should be taught this from the age of two months. The danger when trimming a nail can be that it splits, which will cause pain to your pet. That is why nail clippers must be sharp and of suitable thickness. Another danger is the possibility of skin irritation.

The nail trimming procedure should begin with affection and calm conversation so as not to cause anxiety.

Cotton swabs are needed to clean your pet's eyes, ears and nose. To do this, moisten the stick with lukewarm boiled water or any special lotion and clean the desired areas.

“Getting to know” children and other pets

Before bringing it into the house where the child lives, little kitten, explain to your child how to treat the new resident of your apartment. Tell us how to pick up a kitten, how to play and communicate with it.

Explain that you should not tease or frighten pets, as they may interpret this as aggression and scratch. And also tell us that by flattened ears and a twitching tail you can understand that the pet is dissatisfied.

You should not squeeze the animal excessively, although individuals of the British breed have a rather affectionate and slightly lazy character, they are still not always ready to tolerate intrusive attention.

The appearance of a kitten may be perceived aggressively by other pets. And it will be a long time before they become friends with him. Before you bring a kitten into your home, make sure your pets are healthy and well.

To make the acquaintance stress-free, first keep the kitten in a limited area and let him get used to the new place. Do not remove the carrier - let it be a temporary refuge for the baby.

Do not allow other animals into the room until the newbie gets comfortable. Perhaps other cats in your apartment will show aggression and discontent. Do not scold them for this under any circumstances.

Give them as much attention as before so that they don't feel abandoned or jealous. When after a while you let the kitten out for a walk around the apartment, lock the other pets in another room. And only when the baby gets comfortable in the apartment, it will be possible to organize an “acquaintance”.

When organizing a meeting, keep an eye on the pets, do not let them harm each other because it is possible that they will hiss or growl at each other. When peace is established between them, do not prevent them from sniffing each other thoroughly - this is one of the most important rituals of acquaintance.

  • Pay enough attention to each of your pets so that jealousy and hostility do not arise.
  • Provide different food bowls and trays for each of your pets.
  • Respect each pet's right to personal territory. If your cat had a favorite place, then under no circumstances drive him away because of a new family member.
  • Keep the animals at a distance at first, observing their reactions. If you have a dog, keep it on a leash initially.

How to keep your kitten safe

Kittens are extremely curious and playful creatures. They need close attention. And these tips will help ensure their safety and prolong their lives.

  • When you fill the bathtub with water, close the door and keep your kitten out. The same goes for the toilet - close the toilet lid.
  • Do not allow the kitten to get into the cabinet with medicines or household chemicals.
  • Open windows for ventilation or put a net on them. Fell out the window little kitty It is unlikely that he will be able to land on his paws, most likely he will be crippled. And not every adult British cat can land softly on its paws. For the same reason, do not allow pets to climb under the ceiling in your apartment.
  • Keep toys with rubber bands and small parts out of reach. Play with them only in person, making sure that the kitten does not swallow the elastic band or other parts.
  • Close garage doors, drying rooms and utility rooms. After all, a cat may choose a car engine or a dryer as a cozy and warm place to sleep.
  • Make sure your pet does not get into the trash can, as there may be sharp objects there. For example, cans of canned food, which attract with their smell. If possible, place rubbish outside the door or in a place out of reach of the crafty and resourceful Brits.
  • Be careful not to place rodent traps in areas within reach of your kitten.
  • Make sure that the kitten does not swallow various small things. It is best to store them behind a closed door.
  • The antifreeze in your car is poisonous to cats. Because of its pleasant smell, it attracts pets. Replace it with a non-toxic one. After all, one teaspoon of antifreeze is enough to cause acute kidney failure in an adult animal.

British cats have long been favorites in many families. Animals of this breed are distinguished by a calm disposition, cleanliness, they are quite sociable, very affectionate and distinguished by aristocratic manners that fully justify the name of the breed. The British cat has a beautiful plush coat: the hair is dense and short. In order for your British cat to always feel good and delight you with its beauty for many years, you need to properly care for it, taking into account physiological characteristics inherent in this breed.

We create a good psychological atmosphere
First of all, pay attention to maintaining a positive emotional background in your British cat. Remember a few nuances and features of this breed.
  1. The British cat can hardly tolerate a change of environment. If you got a kitten or took home an adult cat, try to help her adapt to new living conditions as best as possible. The animal is vulnerable, afraid of any changes. There is no need to put pressure on the cat: even if it has hidden itself under the bed, you should not force it out of there. Just set up a corner nearby for her. Place soft bedding, a toy, and a bowl of water.
  2. Cats of this breed are quite sociable. They not only love to cuddle and purr, but also really appreciate attention to themselves. Don't forget to pet your cat and call her affectionately by name. Play regularly with your pet, talk, establish emotional contact with her. Without communication with you, the cat will quickly become sad.
  3. British cats do not need to be tired of your attention. These animals are really sociable, love small children and enjoy playing with them. However, it is important to ensure that your cat does not become overtired. She does not tolerate excessive contacts well: British cats prefer to communicate with their owners only when they themselves want to.
  4. Your cat is a real conservative. She likes a quiet environment familiar environment. She will be happy to follow a strict routine, lie down, eat, do beauty treatments and bathe at the same time. Determine a place for her corner, things, try to adhere to a clear schedule. Your pet will certainly appreciate it.
We monitor the diet and health of the British cat
British cats love Tasty food, but you will need to carefully control their menu and compose it well and competently.
  1. A British kitten can be fed with special food. When he is already 4 weeks old, it is important to gradually switch to normal food. Of course, you can constantly create a menu of ready-made food, but this is not advisable. The best option is to combine them with regular food. Feed is a canned product; its constituent components have already been heavily processed, most often in several stages. Stick more healthy menu, supplementing the food with meat, cottage cheese and other products.
  2. British breed cats tend to be overweight. Such an animal gains weight quickly, but it is quite difficult to get into good shape again. “British dogs” are not known for their increased physical activity: you are unlikely to be able to convince them to jump and play a lot. The best option is to consult a veterinarian to create a good diet for your pet.
  3. Always stick to the prescribed portions: do not overfeed your British cat or give her supplements, even if she very earnestly asks for it. Overeating is harmful for a cat, and as a result the food will begin to be poorly digested.
  4. Your cat is sure to love some foods that combine health benefits with great taste. Supplement your diet pet meat. Boiled white chicken and soft beef are suitable. It is better to avoid pork - it is too fatty. Include tender cottage cheese in the menu. Mix the boiled yolk with 10% cream, and instead of milk, give the cat fermented baked milk or sour cream. Please note: sour cream should be low-fat.
  5. Eliminate drafts in your home. If you want to ventilate, open the windows one at a time and move the cat to a warmer room. British cats can easily catch colds and get sick, although they have thick fur coats.
Hygiene and beauty
British cats will not have to be bathed as often as Persian cats, nor will they need to be groomed or constantly monitor the cleanliness of their faces and fur. These animals are clean, love to look after themselves and cope with many tasks on their own. Of course, you will also need to carry out hygiene and cosmetic procedures, but not so often.
  1. To begin with, you should gradually accustom your cat to bathing. It is very useful and can bring your pet a lot of joy. If your cat is afraid of water, wet its fur a little. Over time, she will get used to the moisture and will not be afraid of water procedures. It should be noted that you need to buy a special shampoo for your cat - regular shampoo will not suit her.
  2. Keep an eye on your British cat's eyes. If discharge accumulates in the corners, they must be carefully removed. To do this, you need to take a cotton swab and apply Vaseline or a special solution purchased at a pet store on it. You can also use regular boiled water, moistening a cotton swab in it.
  3. Be sure to brush your cat's fur. “British” people can carry out this procedure 2 times a month. Buy a regular metal or wooden brush for short-haired cats.
  4. The British cat also needs to carefully comb its undercoat. To do this, you will need to select special devices - furminators. You can opt for cheaper models, and those who wish can purchase modern furminators, which allow you to simultaneously comb the fur and remove the undercoat. It is advisable to do brushing once a week so that your cat’s coat always looks great. This procedure is mandatory for cats taking part in exhibitions. An additional advantage of brushing with a furminator is the thorough removal of all dead undercoat, preventing the loss of fine hairs. Your cat will feel great, look great, and your carpets won't get fine hairs.
  5. Trim your cat's nails regularly. Use the nail clipper carefully so as not to damage the living part of the claw: you only need to remove the very ends, which are transparent and dry.
Look after your beauty, health and emotional state your favorite. Communicate with British cats It’s always a pleasure, and their sweet character and cleanliness, charming faces will conquer anyone.

Few people remain indifferent to the breed with a round muzzle and fur that seems to be made of plush. However, before becoming the owner of such beauty, it is important to find out in advance how to care for a British cat.

A Briton's first day at home: what should already be prepared?

The moment has come when a man, fascinated by the British man’s charm, finally decides to become his master. What should be in the house before a furry miracle is brought there?

  • Sleeping area. This option will most likely surprise many, because most often dog owners think about this issue. However, in the maintenance of the British, the place of rest is also of no small importance. The fact is that this pet is quite independent and has a positive attitude towards the idea of ​​retiring in a secluded corner from time to time. A special bed or even a house can be a great gift for an animal.
  • Tray. Considering the cat's character mentioned above, it is advisable to purchase closed view toilet. It is important to ensure that it is high enough and spacious enough. If you choose an open tray, you need to take a closer look at its edges - those concave inward prevent the filler from spilling.
  • A bowl. It is curious that experts recommend using dishes with different characteristics. So, for food it is desirable to have tall dishes with a wide bottom made of metal, and for water - made of ceramics.
  • Scratching post. Despite the fact that the British cat is quite well-mannered, he cannot escape the need to sharpen his claws. And it is best to do this with the help of a stable structure of medium height - there is less risk that it will tip over and injure the animal.
  • Carrier – all cat owners use it from time to time. The main requirements for such an acquisition are strength and simultaneous lightness, spaciousness, moisture resistance, ventilation. Special attention You should pay attention to the door - it should close well.
  • Combs. Anyone who has been caring for these pets for a long time knows that there is no way to do without these items! A rubber oval comb that removes static electricity and a massage brush are a must.
  • Dry shampoos, balms, sprays are ideal products for caring for a fur coat without the use of water treatments. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the composition: extracts of lemon, rosemary, sage, chamomile, yarrow, nettle and rose cleanse well.
  • Tinting powder - some owners recommend using it when you want to improve the color of your coat.
  • A special liquid for cleaning the ears, as well as eye hygiene products and an oral spray will make caring for your pet easier.

How to properly care for your fur

The British cat is quite clean - that's a fact. However, her coat needs additional attention from the owner. So, the rules combing:

  • In normal times, it is enough to do this procedure approximately once or twice a week. As soon as your pet decides to shed, you will need to comb out the undercoat daily.
  • You need to scratch according to the growth of the hairs. First the back is processed, then the sides, and then the tummy. When a cat sheds, you should focus on the undercoat, making careful massage movements. Shedding should be accompanied by vigorous grooming of the undercoat.
  • It is recommended to treat your pet with hair removal paste during the above period.
  • First of all, you should arm yourself with a metal comb, the teeth of which are twisted. The frequency of the teeth is preferable to medium. Care with its help should be carried out first. It’s worth stocking up on slicker powder for the duration of molting – that is, for a week. Also, many experts agree that at this time it is advisable to have a special device called a furminator. When dead hairs are out of reach due to the abundance of fur, thanks to the furminator they become easier to reach.

It is extremely important not to confuse shedding and allergies. In both cases, the animal actively loses its cover. However, allergies are characterized by excessive loss.

Now a few notes on how to wash a Briton:

  • Nursery owners practice this procedure on average once every two months. If the cat does not have a show career and does not get very dirty, it is quite possible to reduce the frequency of washing to twice a year.
  • Allergic reactions in animals often occur to improperly selected care products. Therefore, you need to choose only a high-quality product, and one that matches the color of the coat.
  • The bathing procedure begins by filling the basin with water by about a third. The water must certainly be warm.
  • The Briton should be carefully held under the neck when he is lowered into the basin.
  • The shampoo should be washed out carefully. Since it foams well, and the foam is removed from the undercoat with some difficulties, it is advisable to use a watering can and comb during the bathing process.
  • When water procedures run out, your pet needs to be wrapped in a towel. This is followed by thorough drying and combing.

Hygiene issue

Proper keeping of an animal is unthinkable without hygiene:

  • Eye care is a big thing for Brits. Even a healthy cat faces the problem of discharge from the eyes. Normally, they are insignificant in adults. This phenomenon affects kittens a little more, but it does not mean at all that the cat is allergic. The owner is simply required to remove the discharge. A regular napkin soaked in water and cotton swabs will come in handy. You can also find special lotions on sale for both regular and heavy lacrimation. Before processing cat eyes It is important to wash your hands thoroughly! The direction of wiping is from the outer corner to the inner. It is worth monitoring the condition of your eyes at least once a day. Otherwise, dark discharge will begin to accumulate quite quickly and disturb the pet.
  • A big misconception of many owners is to think that caring for a cat’s claws should be limited to purchasing a scratching post. It is certainly important, but it is also worth doing a haircut periodically. On average, it is worth straightening the claws on the front paws once every half month, and on the hind paws - once a month. The hair should be cut carefully and no more than half the length.
  • The ears should be examined approximately once every six months. If contaminants are found, you should carefully remove them with a cotton swab, previously placed in warm boiled water. Some breeders also advise periodically lubricating the exposed part of the ear with a small amount of cosmetic cream or Vaseline.
  • You need to check your mouth every day. Cats that go outside have the opportunity to chew what they need to prevent tartar formation, such as grass or a twig. If a pet constantly or too often sits at home, naturally, he is deprived of such an opportunity. It’s easier for those cats who eat dry food - their texture perfectly cleans their teeth. But, of course, feeding such food should be done on a regular basis. If the cat is a homebody who eats natural food, its owner will have to pay attention to special environments
    products for cleaning the oral cavity.

How to train your pet to use the litter box

Ideally, the mother accustoms the baby to the tray, and this happens before 3 months of age. However, there are cases when the role of the mother is assigned to the owner. Then you should listen to the following recommendations:

  • You must purchase a tray that is made of high quality plastic. Such products do not absorb odor, which means that it will be more pleasant for a clean pet to use them.
  • High-quality litter is the next key to success in litter box training. Experienced breeders recommend purchasing clay or wood based filler. Artificial ingredients are contraindicated, as curious little Britons will certainly want to try dental filler. It is preferable for the breeder to share his litter for the first time, which is already familiar to the kitten.
  • The next key to success is a well-chosen location. It should be calm, quiet, located out of view of strangers. If something frightens a cat at the very beginning of his litter box training, in the future all trips to the carefully selected toilet will be associated with fear.
  • It is advisable to constantly monitor the ward at first. Of course, most often both the animal and its toilet are placed in the same room, but still the baby can manage to do his business aside.
  • It is preferable to place the kitten in the tray after sleep or eating, when it is not so playful.
  • Slowness is another key to success. A Briton must thoroughly study a new object, understand its purpose, and get used to it.

About mating

But now your plush pet grows up and, if you have not previously decided to sterilize it, you need to figure out how to knit it correctly:

  • Although puberty for the British, this occurs already at 8-10 months; professional breeders breed them no earlier than one and a half years. Before this period, the animal’s body is still at the stage of formation. Early mating and pregnancy can lead to difficult births and weak offspring.
  • It is best to address the issue of matchmaking on the second or third days of estrus. According to breeders, these days are the most desirable for conception.
  • As a rule, the cat is taken to the groom's territory. At the same time, you cannot rush - the animal must be given the opportunity to get used to it a little.
  • The bride must also get used to her boyfriend. There is no need to rush the mating if the lady is wary of an unfamiliar cat.
  • It is advisable to choose an adult and experienced gentleman. Especially if the lady is young. Another important feature of British women is their inaccessibility - this should definitely be taken into account when choosing a groom.
  • It is preferable to leave the pet alone with the cat for several days - this decision will significantly increase the likelihood of offspring.

Sterilization of a British cat

If you don’t want to breed British dogs, you should think about. The recommendations are as follows:

  • Both sterilization and castration should be thought about not when the first signs of puberty begin, but later. Then, when the animal’s body is fully formed. That is, from about a year to a year and a half.
  • It is also advisable not to breed before surgery. Otherwise, the cat may ask to go for a walk after the procedure.
  • Operated animals are even more prone to gaining excess weight than their relatives. But this can be prevented with the help of active games and a properly balanced diet.
  • Approximately 12-14 hours before the procedure, the animal should not be fed. Otherwise, nausea may be a reaction to anesthesia.
  • It is advisable to take clean diapers with you.
  • A pipette that can be used to feed your pet during the first time after surgery will also come in handy. The fact is that he will not be able to drink on his own for some time.
  • Castrationand sterilization also require the correct moral attitude of the owner. Animals sense nervousness very subtly, which is transmitted to them.

What vitamins should you buy?

To maintain your pet’s immunity and improve the quality of its coat, you cannot do without a properly selected vitamin complex. What products should you pay attention to?

  • "Hartz Everyday Chewable" - the complex contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also taurine. The composition is as follows: vitamins A, E, D3, a whole list of B vitamins, choline, protein, brewer's yeast, pantothenic acid, folic acid, niacinamide. Adult pets can be given two tablets a day, and small ones can be given one or half a tablet. Special cases - pregnancy, lactation and recovery from illness - then the dosage can be safely doubled.
  • “8 in 1 Brewers Yeast” - this complex contains mainly B vitamins. The composition also includes brewer’s yeast, trace elements and amino acids, fatty acids. If an animal has liver problems, lacks appetite, and its skin and coat look unimportant, this complex can help out. Considering that there is no calcium or phosphorus in the composition, it is permissible to alternate the complex with others. The dosage is calculated based on weight - for every 5 kilograms there should be 1 tablet.
  • “8 in 1 Calcidee” - and here vitamins of group D predominate. The composition also contains phosphorus and calcium, which makes the complex an extremely desirable supplement if you need to strengthen your bones. In other words, the main consumers are kittens, pregnant and lactating British women.

About vaccinations

Even if the cat rarely goes out on the boardwalk, it is necessary to protect her. Highly desirable for the following ailments:

  • Plague is an extremely contagious disease that is quite difficult for smaller brothers to bear. Fatalities are common.
  • Feline herpes is a serious illness that affects the respiratory system and the eyes. Fatalities occur in 5-20% of cases.
  • Calicivirus – also affects the eyes and respiratory system. To top it off, the unfortunate animal may begin to limp.
  • Chlamydia - if a cat is planned to be allowed for breeding, this disease must be excluded. Are also affected genitourinary system, and stomach with intestines.
  • Rabies is not that common, but in case of illness the mortality rate is 100%. It is especially advisable to vaccinate a cat that will take part in exhibitions abroad - without such a procedure, the animal simply will not be released.

The British cat is famous for its truly aristocratic manners. All cat lovers know this. However, without proper care Even this aristocracy costs nothing - this should definitely be remembered!