Honey and nuts are the best remedy for thyroid problems! Treatment of thyroid diseases with folk remedies Aloe juice for thyroid nodules

Published: November 29, 2015. Views: 5,617.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that stores iodine, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and produces iodine-containing hormones that are actively involved in the process of growth and development of the whole organism.

Problems with the thyroid gland are quite a serious test for the body, therefore, treatment thyroid gland folk remedies It should definitely take place only after consultation with a specialist and identifying the exact causes of disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Walnuts with honey for thyroid problems

An excellent remedy for thyroid problems is a mixture made from walnuts and honey. To do this, you need to peel three walnuts. Crush the peeled kernels and add one tablespoon of honey to them. Mix everything well. Take this remedy every morning.

A mixture of honey, lemon, viburnum and aloe for thyroid problems

Mix 350 grams of lemon, crushed with peel, 500 grams of viburnum juice, 200 grams of medical alcohol, 250 grams of aloe juice and 150 grams of honey. The resulting mixture must be infused for seven days in a place inaccessible to sun rays. Take this healing gruel three times a day, one tablespoon before each meal.

A mixture of buckwheat, walnuts and honey for the treatment of the thyroid gland

Mix equal amounts of one tablespoon of chopped walnuts, raw buckwheat and honey. Mix well and you can eat. This paste can be consumed only once a week.

Nodules in the thyroid gland often develop gradually, imperceptibly, without changing the function of the gland itself. They can be accompanied by both a decrease and an increase in the level of hormone production. If the level of hormones does not change, then the disease does not manifest itself until, due to an increase in iron, it begins to interfere with swallowing and becomes visible in the mirror. Folk remedies can serve as a good addition to traditional medical methods treatment.

On average, every 10th person in the world has some kind of tissue disorder in the thyroid gland. Most often these are nodes. Nodes are the most common pathology, much more common in women. Their frequency and number increases with age.

What types of violations are there?

These formations can be of different nature.

Nodes can be single or multiple. All nodes are divided into benign, colloid nodes that never transform into malignant tumor, and tumor nodes, which can be either benign (adenomas) or malignant.

Violation of the structure of gland tissue can be expressed as

  1. uniform increase in its size (diffuse goiter)
  2. in the form of nodal disorders.

An increase in volume, as well as the presence of nodes, is often referred to as a goiter.

The most common type is nodular goiter. This word means “increase,” and “nodular” reflects the nature of the change in organ tissue.

A node refers to all formations of the thyroid gland that differ in structure from the rest of the tissue of the organ.

A nodular goiter is the growth of a small area of ​​tissue.

Diffuse goiter is said to occur when the entire organ is evenly enlarged and does not contain any compactions. That is, the whole thing increases, and not some parts of it.

According to modern data, ultrasound examination can detect nodes in 30-67% of people. In the vast majority of cases (95%) they are benign, and in only 5% they are malignant tumors.

With age, the frequency of their detection increases. It is rare in children, while up to 80% of people aged 60 and older have it. But in children and men, malignant nodes are detected 2 times more often than in adults and women, respectively. The ratio of men to women is approximately 1:10.

Depending on the number of formations, a single-nodular goiter (1 nodule has formed) and a multinodular goiter (2 or more nodes) are divided. This type of disease is one of the most common: it is believed that the nodes different sizes 50% of the population has it.

Another, more rare, type of neoplasm is cysts. The frequency of their occurrence is about 5%.

If we examine it under a microscope, the thyroid gland consists of pseudo-lobules formed by follicles (vesicles, acini) and surrounded by a capillary network. Inside, the follicles are lined with thyroid cells and filled with a protein substance - a colloid containing hormones. Violation of the outflow of the contents of the follicle leads to the accumulation of excess fluid and an increase in its size, that is, to the formation of a cyst.

Typically, thyroid cysts do not affect thyroid function; the disorder occurs when they form against the background of other diseases. The course of the cyst is mostly benign; a malignant cyst is extremely rare, usually reaching large sizes.

In general, benign formations in most cases do not become a reason for serious restrictions in lifestyle. It is recommended not to use iodized salt, as well as drugs and dietary supplements with iodine: they can provoke excessive activity of the nodes. Otherwise, you can lead your usual lifestyle. Of course, most of us immediately have suspicions and concerns about cancer. But, as a rule, there is no reason for this. Degeneration into cancer does happen, but not very often. Therefore there is no reason for immediate surgery.

If the nodule size is less than 1 cm, observation is required. You need to re-visit the endocrinologist after 6 months and do an ultrasound to assess whether the node has enlarged. If its size remains the same, you can live peacefully until the next check, which is usually scheduled after a year.

If the node has grown or is initially larger than 1 cm, it is necessary to perform a fine-needle puncture biopsy. During this procedure, a small amount of tissue is taken from the node using a long thin needle, which is then examined in the laboratory. If it turns out that the risk of cancer is high, surgery is performed. If no malignant cells are detected, then they simply continue to observe.

In addition, it is important how this neoplasm behaves hormonally. If it is overactive and produces too many hormones, it can lead to hyperthyroidism. Perhaps the doctor will recommend removing such a node. In other cases, activity may be low or normal. In this case, you can live with this, just periodically see an endocrinologist.

How to detect nodes yourself?

They can form in different places without causing any symptoms. Unfortunately, today few patients purposefully come to the doctor for examination, so in most cases, nodular formations are diagnosed by chance - during an examination for other diseases.

Few people manage to undergo regular preventive examinations, so they often ask whether it is possible to independently detect the first signs of changes?

There is a fairly simple way to self-diagnose and identify problem nodes in the thyroid gland: you need to take a sip of water in your mouth, tilt your head back and swallow. During the swallowing movement, carefully observe the neck area to see if any bulges, bumps, or thickenings appear there.

Since the thyroid gland is located close to the surface of the neck. any increase in it can be noticeable when carefully examining oneself in the mirror.

You can also gently palpate and feel this area with your fingers. If this reveals painful areas, swelling, nodules and indurations or obvious changes appearance neck, visible to the eye of an enlarged area, then you should urgently contact an endocrinologist.

But in the absence of experience, such self-examination can simply confuse dense cartilage in the throat with supposedly existing “dangerous thyroid nodules.” Therefore, you should definitely check the results of your examination with a doctor. If you have any suspicions, do not panic ahead of time.

Well, if during an independent examination you have suspicions about the presence of some formations, then the following more are at your service: professional methods diagnostics:

Ultrasonography(ultrasound). The most common and most accurate study. Ultrasound can show the presence, location, size and structural features of a new formation.

— Blood test for hormones. Level analysis thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSG) is a mandatory stage of examination when a problem is detected. If the TSH level is below normal, then the next step will most likely be a radioisotope study (scintigraphy).

— A fine-needle biopsy is usually prescribed by an endocrinologist if there are signs indicating the presence of malignant cells. Only on the basis of this study can the nature of the formation be determined: whether it is a colloid node, an adenoma or a malignant tumor.

Why nodes form is not yet fully understood. According to one theory, iodine deficiency in the body plays a major role here. According to another version, their appearance is a consequence of human exposure to various toxins. There is also an assumption that there is genetic predisposition for some people. But in general, there is no point in spending time looking for the cause. It is much more important to assess the quality of the nodule, its size, hormonal activity and then, together with the doctor, decide what measures need to be taken so that this problem has as little impact on the quality of life as possible.

Wellness fee

Very often, when a problem is discovered, the doctor advises treatment with herbs, since the function of the gland has not been impaired and there are no indications for hormone therapy yet. The thyroid gland has nodules and will be enlarged, but surgery is also not necessary.

Here is the recipe: take 3 tablespoons of chopped young pine needles, mix them with 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips, 4 tbsp. spoons onion peel and 2 tbsp. spoons of wild raspberry leaves. In the evening, put the mixture in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. In the morning, open the thermos and strain the infusion. Drink it first 0.5 liters per day instead of water, then gradually increase the daily dose to 1 liter.

This infusion has a powerful cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, but to get a stable result, drink it from 3 months to six months. Contraindications include kidney disease and nephritis.

This mixture of herbs softens and promotes the resorption of various gland seals, and also works as a prophylaxis. It can be used to support this important body under any stress - mental during stress, physical, during any serious illness.

This collection provides support with vitamins and microelements. Pine needles and onions also have antiviral and antibacterial activity, and raspberry leaf is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. All together helps relieve swelling, inflammation, improve blood supply to the gland, and as a result, improves the function of the organ and resolves the seals.


Treatment is often used, because this is a powerful plant, various tumors are treated with it, which means it can help the thyroid gland. Here is a recipe for a goiter tincture.

How to prepare the tincture: finely chop the celandine, tightly fill a 0.5 liter jar with it to half, fill it with vodka to the top and mix. Leave for 14 days in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally.

We drink according to a special plan. Take on an empty stomach in the morning, dropping the medicine in 50 ml of water. We start with 2 drops, add 2 drops every day, bring it to 16 drops and drink at this dosage for a whole month. Then we take a break for 10 days. After the break, we start immediately with 16 drops.

And you can also use celandine externally: you need to generously lubricate the goiter with celandine juice when there is a fresh plant, and in winter you can apply compresses with celandine tincture. To prepare such a compress, you need to soak a small piece of cloth with the tincture, put polyethylene on top, then a heated layer of cotton wool. You can turn on the iron, and when it warms up a little, place it on the prepared cotton wool, and then carefully bandage it to the neck in the thyroid gland area. After half an hour, it can be removed and the skin can be wiped with a damp cloth.

This remedy gives good result for autoimmune thyroiditis, relieves cysts and nodules, normalizes its functioning, and helps with goiter.

Celandine is a poisonous plant, so the dosage must be strictly observed. The main symptoms of celandine intoxication are nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Hence the contraindications.

It is not recommended to use products containing this plant for people suffering from bronchial asthma and angina pectoris. They are also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should not give such drugs to children. In people with unstable mental health, especially with serious mental disorders, after using celandine, unhealthy reactions may also occur.


You can prepare meadowsweet tincture according to the following recipe: take 100 g of fresh roots (they are tuberous, the size of a bean, brown when broken, have the smell of iodine), rinse well, chop finely. put in a half-liter bottle and fill with vodka up to the hanger, leave for 2 weeks.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon, diluted in water, 3 times a day. When the bottle runs out, take a 7-day break and start a new bottle. To treat toxic goiter of the 1st degree with this folk remedy, 4 bottles are enough, and for the 4th degree - 8-10 bottles.

When the bottle runs out, the roots in it are again filled with vodka. When the main medicine runs out (from 4 to 10 bottles), take a month break and take a secondary infusion.

Today, vyazolifolia is not only used in folk medicine, but is also included in the register of the official pharmacopoeia of Russia. This plant is used as an antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, healing, antiviral and antibacterial agent Basically, the roots of the plant with its tuberous thickenings are used for medicinal purposes, since it is the roots that contain the maximum concentration of active substances. It is important that the meadowsweet, having wide range medicinal properties, does not cause allergic reactions, making it safe for consumption.

This amazing plant has such a strong antitoxic effect that thanks to it it is even used for snake bites or mad dogs. The thyroid gland in a state of toxic goiter poisons the entire body with an excess of its toxins, and meadowsweet is able to inactivate them. Additionally, it will help relieve inflammation and destroy existing infection.


This is one of the best remedies for nodular goiter. You need to treat with the juice of viburnum berries, adding honey to taste.

And most importantly, you need to take viburnum seed powder at the same time. Daily norm medicines - 3 tbsp. spoons of viburnum juice and a little seed powder (on the tip of a knife). This powder can be added to main courses and tea.

The viburnum remedy works surprisingly quickly and effectively.

Viburnum berries have many medicinal properties, and not all of them have been studied and explained official medicine. Viburnum is distinguished by its high content of vitamins C (the concentration is higher than in citrus fruits), E, ​​K, carotene, glycosides, phosphorus, mineral salts (iodine, chromium, zinc, iron), organic acids, fatty oil, pectins, etc.

The experience of traditional medicine indicates the high effectiveness of viburnum juice in the treatment of not only nodes, but also cysts.

The antitumor activity of viburnum is explained by a large number of natural antioxidants, but viburnum is able to have a normalizing effect on everything metabolic processes in the body, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, strengthens the immune system.

Important useful property Viburnum berries cleanse and renew the blood, this is another mechanism for their positive effects.

A few more folk recipes.

To prepare a tincture of white cinquefoil, pour 200 g of dry crushed plant root into 1 liter of warm vodka. Leave for 3 weeks and strain. Add water to the original volume. Take 1 teaspoon (mixing with 1/4 cup warm water) 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day (in the morning on an empty stomach and at lunch).

White cinquefoil root has long been used in folk medicine, and in Lately and official medicine showed great interest in him. It is used by herbalists for thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, hyperplasia and nodules. The therapeutic effectiveness of white cinquefoil preparations has been clinically confirmed.

A study of the pharmacological activity of the plant showed that extracts from roots and herbs are practically non-toxic. In addition to influencing the thyroid gland, the above-ground part of the plant stimulates the central nervous system, and the root enhances diuresis.

It is also known that white cinquefoil exhibits antibacterial activity. And yet, most often this plant is used for diseases of the thyroid gland accompanied by thyrotoxicosis. The thyrostatic effect of cinquefoil has been proven scientific experiments. The main active ingredient in cinquefoil is albinin, which affects the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the anterior lobes of the pituitary gland, and also normalizes the morphological structure of the gland and returns the thyroid gland to normal.

At running forms diseases of the thyroid gland, in particular thyrotoxicosis, you can prepare a more concentrated tincture: 100-200 g of root per 0.5 liter of vodka.

Walnut tincture: mix dry crushed spring walnut shoots and dry crushed internal partitions of walnut fruits in equal parts. Pour a glass of the mixture with 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 3 weeks and strain. Add water to the original volume. Take 1 teaspoon (mixing with 1/4 glass of warm water) half an hour before meals, 1 time per day (in the evening).

Walnut tincture is a rich source of iodine, the role of which we have already discussed for the thyroid gland.

Along with herbal treatment, taking various tinctures internally, external treatment should also be carried out.

Here are some simple recipes for ointments that are very beneficial for the thyroid gland.

Collect fresh, immature hemlock seeds. The jar should be a quarter filled with seeds. Immediately after picking, fill the jar sunflower oil to the top. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Strain. Apply this ointment to the thyroid area before going to bed.

Everyone knows the strong antitumor properties of hemlock, its active substances even when penetrating through the skin, they can have a positive effect on the condition of the thyroid gland: they help cope with neoplasms of various types.

Please note that hemlock is very poisonous, so if there are signs of poisoning (nausea, burning in the mouth, blurred vision, salivation, coldness in the extremities, dizziness), stop using this remedy.

You need to take 30 g of plant root and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Then layer the contents for 10 days, remembering to shake. After the expiration date, strain the mixture. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days, and then a break of at least 10 days, and you can repeat the course again.

Red brush is a unique plant that has high immune and adaptogenic properties for restoring the body. First of all, it helps with many female and male gynecological and urological diseases and sexual disorders.

Many people use the plant to improve immunity. The red brush helps eliminate various endocrine disorders: diseases of the adrenal glands, female sphere and goiter of the thyroid gland.

The plant relieves spasms of blood vessels in the brain, helps with diseases of the kidneys, lymph nodes and many others. The most common remedy against nodular goiter is considered to be an alcohol tincture of red brush.

Like any medicinal plant, red brush has its contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, mental disorders and excitement. high arterial pressure, heart failure, anxiety states and depression, hyperthyroidism. So it can be used only for goiter with unchanged function or with a decrease.

Since red brush is a natural phytohormone, it should be used carefully when treating with other hormonal herbs (such as hops, licorice, clover, cocklebur, etc.).

Lotions for nodular goiter.

The thyroid gland responds very well to local treatment.

In the treatment of thyroid nodules, various external procedures play an important role: compresses and applications. Compresses are designed to soften and dissolve formations, to eliminate lymphatic stagnation.

But in no case should external procedures be used to treat the thyroid gland without consulting an endocrinologist. It is necessary to consider individually the question of whether there are any contraindications. After all, the formations of the thyroid gland vary greatly in the nature and nature of changes in the tissues, and only a specialist can solve this issue.

Local treatments in addition to taking herbs orally significantly speed up the healing process. Through the skin active ingredients quickly and directly enter the thyroid gland. Also, many products work reflexively, increasing blood circulation, saturating the gland with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the processes of eliminating various seals and cysts.

For example, you can make a compress from grated fresh or dry comfrey root. If you use raw comfrey root, you should simply grate it on a fine grater and place the pulp on a cloth in a layer of 0.5-1 cm and apply it to the thyroid gland. Cover the top with wax paper, wrap the compress around your neck with a warm scarf and hold for no more than 3 hours. If dry root is used, then the raw material is poured with boiling water. to moisten and allow to swell, after which it is also applied to the neck.

Comfrey root contains substances with very strong regenerative properties, it relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial effect, heals, and restores tissue structure. It is not without reason that this plant is used in cosmetology as a strong rejuvenating and skin tightening agent. Comfrey owes these properties to the unique substance allantoin.

An original and effective compress made from a mixture of beets and honey on a cabbage leaf. It is prepared from grated red beets and honey (3:1), which is spread on cabbage leaf and apply it overnight.

Beetroot is rich in active substances with high antioxidant properties, which makes it a common component in antitumor recipes. Cabbage is an ancient and well-known means of softening all formations, and honey combines nutritional and local warming properties.

These remedies are used in courses of 10 days, then a break of 15 days and can be repeated.

It is also useful to generously smear the outside of the goiter with celandine juice at night. The entire course is 2 months. After 2-3 months you can repeat. Celandine, as we have already said, has strong antitumor properties.

Of course, it is also recommended to carry out herbal medicine internally, at least with plants that supply iodine to the body. Iodine from walnut tincture is perfectly absorbed through the skin and goes directly to the gland.

Effective poultices are also prepared from a decoction of oak bark. Boil a handful of bark and the shells of 10 walnuts over low heat for 30 minutes in 1 liter of water. Moisten the flannel (fashion) with the broth and keep it for 2 hours, 2 times a day (morning and night).

Oak bark, due to its tanning properties, relieves swelling and strengthens the walls of the capillaries of the gland, reducing inflammation and increasing the supply of oxygen to tissues.

Treatment of thyroid nodules with clay.

Clay is a harmless and effective remedy in many situations. It draws out toxins, dissolves seals, saturates it with minerals, and simply calms, retracts heat, and gives positive energy.

In our case, you can make lotions from clay. Any clay (yellow, red, etc.) can be suitable for this, but blue is especially valued.

The lotion is made as follows: dilute the clay powder until it becomes thick with sour cream clean water or decoctions medicinal herbs. Make a cake 1-2 cm thick. In size it should be 1-2 cm larger than the projection of the thyroid gland on the skin. The temperature of the lotion should be cool. The skin on the throat should be wiped with warm water and gauze should be applied, a flat cake should be placed on top, covered with a cotton towel folded in half or four and secured with a wide bandage.

This compress can be kept for 1-2 hours until you feel that the clay has dried. You cannot go outside with a compress. After removing the compress, you need to wipe your skin with warm water, get dressed and stay warm and calm for some time. Do not reuse the cake! If possible, bury it in the ground with a feeling of gratitude that the earth gives us this healing remedy free of charge. The lotion can be applied once a day.

Clay collects all toxins, softens compactions, and gradually the knots go away.

Clay is used both externally - in the form of lotions, applications, compresses, and internally.

When taken orally, clay has a multifaceted effect on the body. It is an excellent sorbent, collects and removes a very large amount of toxins and unnecessary substances, both dissolved in body fluids and undissolved. Therefore, clay is able to remove toxins and waste both from the digestive system itself and from the body as a whole, from any organs and tissues.

When clay is taken orally, cleansing begins in the intestines, and then, through the exchange of substances between the intestines and the blood, lymph (the main nutrient and transport media of the body), they are cleansed, as well as all cells and tissues of the body.

Due to the fact that clay, in addition to various substances, is capable of retaining bacteria, viruses, and various components of decomposed tissues on its surface, compresses and lotions with it can be used as antiseptic and absorbent dressings.

This use of clay will not allow tissue toxins and bacterial poisons to affect living tissue. Clay also absorbs excess amounts of so-called inflammatory mediators - special substances that support the inflammatory process.

Water procedures.

Water procedures for thyroid diseases are not only allowed, but even recommended.

The type of procedure and mode of implementation depend on the form of the disease, as well as on the individual condition of the body, so the start of procedures must be agreed upon with a doctor

The general rules can be formulated as follows:

On early stage overactive or hypoactive thyroid function can be treated with cold baths on the upper half of the body 4 times a week and warm foot baths 2 times a week. Also useful full baths with a decoction of pine needles mixed with valerian (use needles, pine shoots and valerian root). For a bath, boil 500 g of the above mixture for 15 minutes, strain and pour the water into the prepared bath at a pleasant temperature. After taking a bath, take a cold shower.

If you have a thyroid disease, you should not take hot baths!

If the disease is accompanied by heart neuroses and a state of anxiety, then use a 1-2-minute cold wash of the shoulders.

Hydrotherapy in the form of dousing with cool water (33-35°) every other day, followed by dry wrapping for 30-40 minutes is very useful.

Baths with lemon balm are also useful. Prepare an infusion: 60 g of lemon balm per 1 liter of boiling water. Fill the bath with water (38 degrees), add the prepared infusion there. Take a bath for 20 minutes. The standard course of treatment is 14 baths.

A cleansing gargle several times a day with a decoction of bedstraw with the addition of wild mallow helps soften the goiter (this gargle is used for hypothyroidism).

When gargling, try to push the water deeper into your throat. While rinsing, you should swallow a little broth from time to time. Mix equal parts of herbs. 1 tbsp. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, let it brew until warm, strain through cheesecloth and rinse.

Treatment with honey and bee products.

Natural remedies of honey make the whole body work more actively, eliminating many disorders; these are natural activators of many processes in the body. The general rejuvenating and restorative effect of honey and other beekeeping products is known. But above all, these products serve as an excellent source of an immense amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. None vitamin complexes cannot compare with these natural products.

In addition, honey and bee products have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and even antitumor properties. They help strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism and cleanse the body. It is only important to know how to use them. Even such a sweet delicacy as honey is first and foremost a medicine.

Dead bees.

For goiter, enlarged nodes and other problems with the thyroid gland, it is recommended to drink tincture of dead bee.

The composition of dead bees includes a substance such as chitin. The chitin of bees is an analogue of the chitin of armored bees and is no less effective. In addition, dead meat contains the amino acids and most microelements necessary for our body.

Chitosan, which is active principle chitin, activates the thyroid gland, normalizes its functioning and restores the entire body. In this case, the state of hyperactivity or hypoactivity does not matter.

But it is especially effective in the presence of goiter with hypofunction. If there is a “cystic growth”, then bee death will help in this case too.

It’s easy to prepare the tincture: pour 1 glass of dead water with 2 glasses of vodka, leave for 21 days. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. And most importantly, bee death not only treats the thyroid gland, but also restores all functions in the body.


Propolis is produced by bees from resinous substances of plant origin and protects them from viruses, fungi and bacteria. It is poorly soluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and acetic acid. The composition of propolis is very complex and depends on the place of collection. It includes resins, balms, essential oils, and wax. Propolis contains many vitamins and minerals. Propolis has antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, astringent, diuretic, analgesic, capillary-strengthening and regenerative effects.

Fish oil and natural animal fats not only serve as the basis for giving the desired consistency, but also contain fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids that restore iron.

Compress recipe: take 1 tbsp. spoon fish oil, internal pork fat, subcutaneous pork fat, pharmaceutical petroleum jelly. Weigh this mass and take 20% of propolis from this mass. Place the entire mixture in a water bath and heat for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. Then strain through cheesecloth. With this remedy you need to apply a compress every evening at night.

And another recipe for propolis tincture.

This recipe is suitable for everyone, regardless of the nature of the problem.

For 100 g of pure propolis, add 2 g of powdered mixture of ginseng roots, burdock, chicory, rose hips, elecampane, Leuzea safflower, wheatgrass, taken in equal parts. You also need to add 4 g of royal jelly to the mixture. The mass should be thoroughly mixed until it reaches a dough consistency. You can also use pure propolis, but the effectiveness of treatment will decrease slightly.

For the first 2 days, take 1 g of the mixture. It is better to keep it in your mouth during the day, monitoring for irritation or deterioration of well-being. When the body gets used to this remedy, you need to increase the dose to 3 g per day. You can divide the propolis cake into 2 parts, keep one in your mouth from morning to evening, the other in the evening and early morning, taking it out during meals. After 12 hours, the propolis must be chewed and swallowed (or spat out). When the desired result is achieved, you need to gradually reduce the dose, reducing it to nothing.

Also during the course of treatment it is necessary to take bee bread, it increases the effectiveness. A daily dose of bee bread is 6-8 g, a single dose is 2 g or 1/2 teaspoon. It is better to take on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before meals, thoroughly dissolving in the mouth. Do not eat or drink anything for 20 minutes. The duration of the course is the same as when taking propolis.

This recipe can also be used in children, unless there are food allergies.

This recipe is universal and can be used both for insufficient function (hypothyroidism) and for increased function (hyperthyroidism), since beekeeping products help normalize the amount of iodine in the body and can completely restore the functioning of the thyroid gland, remove cysts, nodes, and tumors.

It is very important that bee products are of high quality. A necessary component of treatment is propolis. It is better to use bee glue with a predominance of poplar or elm bud resin; it is much more effective.

Royal jelly.

Royal jelly has the greatest biological activity at the age of 2 hours after extraction from the queen cells. Milk retains its activity best when mixed with honey: from several months to a year. When exposed to air, milk relatively quickly loses its valuable properties, turns yellow and dries out.

Royal jelly has a general tonic effect on the body, stimulates metabolism, restores the functions of the glands internal secretion, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves hematopoiesis, heart activity and digestion, influencing oxidative processes, normalizes tissue respiration and metabolism in brain cells. Royal jelly is a natural antiseptic, stops the aging process, helps eliminate poisons, heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body. All this contributes to the normalization of thyroid function.

In contact with

Recipe No. 1.

with shield.

An excellent remedy for thyroid problems is a mixture made from walnuts and honey. To do this, you need to peel three walnuts. Crush the peeled kernels and add one tablespoon of honey to them. Mix everything well. Take this remedy every morning.

Recipe No. 2.
To 200 grams of honey add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buckwheat, several peeled walnuts. Grind buckwheat and nuts in a coffee grinder. Then pour honey into the resulting mass and eat this medicine for a day, a little at a time. Then wait 3 days and prepare this mixture again, but you need to eat it for 9 days. Again wait 3 days. Repeat the course of treatment for another 9 days. This recipe will help improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Recipe No. 3.
General strengthening mixture with walnuts and walnuts.

Cooking recipe: take 1 glass of buckwheat flour (you can grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder), 1 glass of walnuts, 1 glass of buckwheat honey. Chop the nuts and mix all the ingredients. Transfer the mixture to glass jar and leave in a dark place for a week. Every week for one day, eat only this mixture, which can be washed down with water or tea, preferably green. It is used as a general tonic in the treatment of the thyroid gland with folk remedies. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to honey and nut proteins.

Recipe No. 4.
From boiled cherry branches.

Recipe: pour 100 g of fresh cherry branches with swollen buds with 2 glasses of water and boil for 30 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. Used in treatment inflammatory diseases thyroid gland with folk remedies.

Recipe No. 5.
Mixture of buckwheat and walnuts
and honey for the treatment of the thyroid gland.

Mix equal amounts of one tablespoon of chopped walnuts, raw buckwheat and honey. Mix well and you can eat. This paste can be consumed only once a week.

Recipe No. 6.
Flaxseed oil for the treatment of the thyroid gland. . .

The simplest remedy for treating the thyroid gland is linseed oil, which you can buy at any pharmacy. Take one tablespoon of oil three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe No. 7.
T o u s f o r rinsing th o a r p o l m e n s
with shield.

Grind one small plant of flowering celandine with 500 grams of milk, put on low heat and bring to a boil. It is necessary to gargle with a warm infusion of celandine.

Recipe No. 8.
with shield.

Mix 350 grams of lemon, crushed with peel, 500 grams of viburnum juice, 200 grams of medical alcohol, 250 grams of aloe juice and 150 grams of honey. The resulting mixture must be infused for seven days in a place inaccessible to sunlight. Take this healing gruel three times a day, one tablespoon before each meal.

Recipe No. 9.
Infusion of lemon peel and honey
p r i s h i t o v i d k i .

Grind the peel of one lemon and add one liter of water. Add one tablespoon of flax seeds to the resulting mixture and place on low heat. Boil for ten minutes. Remove from heat, strain and add a tablespoon of honey. The resulting amount of tincture must be drunk throughout the day.

Recipe No. 1 0.
Denticular gland.

Garlic cloves have a healing effect. To do this, make a necklace out of garlic cloves. Wear it every night. You will feel relief after the first night spent wearing this necklace.

Recipe No. 1 1.
Take a glass of walnuts and buckwheat, 3 tbsp. l. unrefined vegetable oil and honey. Grind nuts and cereals in a coffee grinder and mix with honey and vegetable oil. Take according to Art. l. mixture 5-6 times during the day.

Recipe No. 1 2.
Take a glass of buckwheat honey, walnuts and ground buckwheat. Place in a water bath for 5 minutes. Stir the contents from time to time to obtain a homogeneous mass. Eat the entire serving in a day. There is nothing else to eat except the cooked mass, you can only drink water. Use the product once a week for several months.
Mix a glass of honey, tbsp. l. buckwheat flour, several chopped walnut kernels. Eat the medicine in small portions a day. After 3 days, prepare the same mixture again and eat it again. Repeat treatment several times. 24 hours - medicine, 3 days - break.

Treatment of thyroid diseases with honey is successfully used along with other beekeeping products. The use of this natural remedy for therapeutic purposes is called apitherapy. Numerous folk recipes have proven their effectiveness over decades. Let's look at why honey is so effective and what are the secrets of its use.

What makes honey unique?

Honey is a product formed during the processing of nectar from flowers of various plants by honey bees. This process is long and complex. It consists in the formation of simple sugars (glucose and fructose) from complex ones (sucrose), due to which energy value funds increases significantly.

The excellent digestibility of honey is due to its unique composition, which contains enzymes and biologically active substances close to the human body. Thus, diluting honey with water to obtain a 30% solution allows you to obtain a liquid identical to human blood plasma, containing vitamins and various microelements in an easily digestible form. This mixture has been successfully used to treat many diseases.

For thyroid diseases, the presence of iodine in honey is important. In addition, this product contains a complex of vitamins B, E, K, PP and C. The presence of mineral salts and organic acids further increases the benefits of this beekeeping product for the human body. The presence of enzymes in the composition accelerates the digestion process, which helps optimize metabolism.

The use of honey as a remedy for all thyroid dysfunctions is recognized by official medicine. For endemic goiter, Graves' disease, cretinism, myxedema, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, the effectiveness of apitherapy is a proven fact. Due to the presence of iodine compounds and other trace elements in honey, thyroid function is normalized.

Systematic consumption of honey can normalize the concentration of thyroid hormones in bloodstream and eliminate metabolic disturbances.

The best recipes using honey to treat thyroid diseases

Folk remedies for the treatment of thyroid diseases mostly contain honey. Most often, this beekeeping product is used in various formulations for internal use. However, there are folk recipes that involve external application of the remedy directly to the thyroid area.

External treatment

External therapy involves the application of compresses and applications. It is important to remember that if you have hyperthyroidism, you should not use iodine-containing formulations. The main task in this case is to achieve resorption of nodules and soften the follicles, as well as eliminate lymph stagnation.

Applications with cabbage leaves

You will need one leaf of cabbage, which must be generously greased on one side with honey. This side should be applied to the thyroid gland area, and a film or cut-off part from a plastic bag should be placed on top. The next layer is fabric for insulation and a loose fixing bandage. This procedure is done before bedtime. The compress should be kept on all night.

Shilajit + honey

The application includes:

  • Honey (melted) – 200 g;
  • Water (heated until warm) – 30 ml;
  • Mumiyo – 20 g.

Shilajit dissolved in water is added to honey. Take a piece of gauze and fold it into six layers. The size of the folded fabric should cover the entire neck area in front, covering both lymphatic vessels. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze, which is applied to the neck with the lubricated side, insulate, secure and go to bed. In the morning, the bandage is removed and the skin is cleansed of any remaining product. The entire next day you should protect your neck from hypothermia. It is advisable to wear a scarf or light shawl.

Internal treatment

The preparation of medicinal drugs requires special care in following the recipe and using only those compounds that correspond to thyroid disease. For treatment, products prepared according to the following recipes are used.

If the gland is enlarged, but its function is preserved

The following components should be mixed in equal quantities:

  • Buckwheat flour;
  • Honey (preferably buckwheat);
  • Walnuts (ground in a blender or coffee grinder).

The resulting mixture should be placed in the refrigerator or other cool and dark place.

For 6 weeks, you should eat exclusively this product once every 7 days. It is acceptable to drink unsweetened drinks, best suited green tea. Regular water can be consumed as desired. Its quantity is not limited.

Thyrotoxicosis and thyroiditis

For thyroiditis with increased gland function and thyrotoxicosis, the use of a product with the following composition is effective:

  • Honey – 150 g;
  • Pine needles – 20 g;
  • Pine buds – 200 g;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Green nuts (walnuts) – 60 g;
  • Lemon – 100 g.

Nuts, pine needles and buds are crushed. Pour a glass of the resulting mixture with water (1.5 l), bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Then honey, sugar and unpeeled crushed lemons are added. Reduce the heat even more and simmer for another 10 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is placed in the refrigerator.

The course of treatment is a month, after which they take a week break and repeat the treatment again. The composition is taken half an hour before meals three times a day in the amount of 20-40 g or 1-2 tablespoons.


For the treatment of myxedema of the thyroid gland, the following decoction is effective:

  • Flax seed (ground) – tablespoon;
  • Honey – 125 ml;
  • Grated lemon peel (you will need one large lemon).

Crushed flax seeds and peel are poured with a liter of boiling water. The mixture is placed on the fire and cooked for 10 minutes at a low boil. Remove the pan from the stove and add honey. Stir it until it is completely dissolved. Strain the resulting broth and cool.

When should you be careful?

Despite the high effectiveness of honey as a treatment, its use is limited for diseases:

  • Liver;
  • Pancreas;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Allergies to honey;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Heart failure.

It is best to discuss the possibility of use and recommended dosage with your doctor. This will ensure the success of the treatment.

How to prevent thyroid diseases with honey?

To prevent thyroid diseases, it is recommended to consume 60 grams of honey daily. This dose should be distributed over two to three doses. It is allowed to be used in pure form, But best effect will be achieved by preparing a dilution of this product with clean water and taking the solution 2-1.5 hours before going to bed. In summer, the dose of honey can be reduced by half due to the presence of fruits and berries in the diet. Preventive measures to a certain extent will help prevent the development of diseases and avoid long-term treatment.

Nut peels are the bomb!

Thyroid disease affects many people (especially women due to the hormonal changes they often experience).

One of the main functions of the thyroid gland is secretion of hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine.

A good balance of these hormones is reflected directly in our metabolism.

Thus, any change in thyroid function causes hyperthyroidism, a disease that requires special treatment and lifestyle changes.

At the same time, natural remedies help greatly to support normal work thyroid gland. One of these “folk” remedies is it's honey and nuts!

Nuts regulate thyroid function.

Nuts are very good for your health and should be in everyone's (and everyone's) diet! Not only do they help regulate cholesterol levels, but they also help the thyroid gland.

That's why!

— Walnuts are rich in selenium, an important trace element that regulates the thyroid gland and helps metabolism.

— The lack of selenium in the body leads to a decrease in iodine levels, causing hypothyroidism;

- On the other hand, if you already have thyroid inflammation, it is recommended to consume 15 to 30 grams of nuts per day.

It is best to eat green (young) nuts as they contain greatest number Selena.

Benefits of honey for the thyroid gland.

Natural honey is a real treasure for your body. Regular consumption of honey nourishes the body, supports brain function and promotes better liver function.

Thus, if the latter works well, the thyroid gland will not be affected.

At the same time, we must remember that the thyroid gland exposed to environment , and that toxins in the air and food can affect its performance.

Regular consumption of honey helps detoxify the body by enriching it with 100% natural nutrients.

In addition, honey stimulates the release of omega-6 fatty acids, which, in turn, regulates the body's hormonal processes. Last but not least, honey is an excellent sugar substitute.

Honey and nuts – the best remedy for your thyroid gland.


- 40 green walnuts;

— 1 liter of pure 100% natural honey;

- one large glass jar with a lid.

How to do:

1. Cut the green ones walnuts halve or cut into slices (can only be done with green nuts). If you use regular hard-shelled nuts, peel them and use only the kernel.

2. Place the nuts in a glass jar and cover them with honey;

3. The mixture should stand for one week, and then it can be eaten every morning - two teaspoons (15 grams);

4. The product can also be eaten in the evening with a slice of rye bread.

In addition to the beneficial qualities, nuts in honey are incredibly tasty!

Did you know about this remedy?