Small marks on the palm. Island and rhombus on the line of the mind: the meaning of symbols

Point or formed by a series of depressions, depressions in hills and lines are a sign of suddenness and temporality (temporary malaise, sudden illness). Dark dots indicate serious disasters received in a force majeure event. The location of the point on the lifeline indicates the date of events. Often small dots on the lines of the hands are hardly noticeable, and in order to see a point on the line, the skin of the hand should be stretched. Red and blue dots, unlike white ones, often indicate soreness of an organ. Sometimes a dot found on a line portends receipt, or indicates a tendency to hysterical seizures. White dots are not a very good sign, they predict both good and bad situations.

Points on the hillock Jupiter talk about failure in marriage, as well as professional difficulties and loss of position in society. On the hillock Saturn about constant problems in the family, and on the hillock Suns warn about the fall of your authority. White dots on the bump indicate a predisposition to eye diseases... Points on the hillock Mercury warn of losses in trade. If hearts are pressed into the line black point then it indicates a weak heart. If such a point is on the line under the little finger, then expect misfortune from children or failure from them. White dots on the line of the heart speak of luck in love and love victories. Red dots on this line indicate the amount of physical and mental shock from love. Black dots on health lines talk about poor human health, indicates serious problems with liver. White about liver disease, deep red dot warns of dangerous injury. Points on line art promises a delay in some good deed, in achieving success, in the onset of a favorable change.

Black dots on the line of the mind warn of strong blow in the head, several points indicate frequent headaches. Such signs at the end of the head and mind line indicate trauma and brain disease. White dots in the middle head and mind lines indicate a genius and resourceful person who will make an important discovery. And at the end of the line, they indicate a loss of reason, enmity with family and friends, up to the trial, which will be lost. Red dots on the line and on the mind expose the killer (how many dots, so many victims) and foreshadow a head injury. The correct circle in the form of a ring on the line of the head and mind is a sign of loss of an eye, two circles - both eyes. If the line of the head and mind is broken and there is a point at the end of the first break, and a star at the ring finger, this indicates mental illness.

Point on life lines indicates poor health, troubled and unsuccessful life. And if there are several of them, then this is a disease of the spine. Black dots at the beginning of the line indicate susceptibility to fits of strong anger, and at its end, to sudden. Whites on the lifeline indicate anger and rudeness. If in the center of the life line there is a depression filled with a series of white dots, or depressions, then this is a harbinger of sudden death and a head wound. A red dot on the line indicates the possibility of a dangerous injury. Point on travel lines- danger to life on the road. On the hillock The moon- to disappointment. On the hillock Venus indicates a sexual disorder and hearing impairment. On the plain Mars predict business failure and bowel dysfunction. On wrist talk about frequent illnesses in childhood. On line fate- an obstacle to happiness, a temporary stop in development.

Palmistry is a multifaceted science that reveals the fate and character of a person with the help of points, lines and intersections in the palm of your hand. One of the most controversial and interesting features in palmistry is the arc of the Mind (Head). The pattern acquires special meaning when the line of the Mind bifurcates into two branches - this is a symbol of the creator, a fickle person with a vivid imagination and seething energy.

The Mind line is one of the most controversial in palmistry.

Head line location

The Mind line is one of the main ones in palmistry. It is located in the middle of the palm. The line starts between the index and thumbs, next to the life line, is directed towards the opposite side of the hand.

The Head Stripe is located on the hill of Mars. Each person has it on both the right and left palms. If they are identical on both hands, then the fate of a person develops as it was intended. If the marks are different, one has more intersections, then the owner of the palm changed the predictions for a certain period of life.

Which hand to guess

Palmistry divides palms into two types: active and passive hands. The hand that a person actively uses is called dominant. For right-handers, this is the right, for left-handers - the left. The passive hand for right-handers is the left, for left-handers - the right.

All marks on each palm are interpreted differently. The active hand indicates more on the developed and expressed side of the personality. Passive denotes hidden talents and properties of a person.

On the passive hand, palmists can talk about the influence of the family on a person, the peculiarities of upbringing and the perception of personality by parents. The marks on the passive palm reflect the past.

An active hand reveals the present and maturity. She talks about the development of self-identity, rational and conscious thinking. The dominant palm will help a person understand how to use their talents.

If the marks on the dominant hand are clear and straight, and on the passive, winding and thin, this speaks of a difficult past that a person has experienced, and now everything is getting better for him.

Palmists recommend for a teenager and a child to guess by the passive hand. When interpreting the signs, take into account that lines tend to change over the years. For a complete picture, take into account the marks on both hands. The Line of the Head is read both on the right and on the left hand.

Line characteristic

There are times when the Mind trait is absent. It predicts frequent dizziness... Palmists recommend that people take care of themselves and be careful, since fatal injury is possible. It can also mean laziness or a tendency towards psychological imbalance.

Head Stripe has different meaning depending on the length, depth, shape and number of forks. A narrow Mind trait indicates a person with a lightning-fast reaction. This does not mean the correctness of the decision, only about the speed.

A wide stripe is a sign of a person who thinks for a long time. A person carefully selects all possible options for an action and response. He is confident that haste in a decision will lead to the wrong answer.

The discontinuity of the mark symbolizes doubt. Palm wearers are often afraid and distracted, and they are constantly plagued by doubts.

The form

With the help of bending, palmists can tell about a person's abilities, fantasy and attitude to money. The sinuous line of the Head speaks of a polar nature, which is characterized by the following qualities:

  • emotionality;
  • temperament;
  • non-standard thinking;
  • inability to do meanness;
  • workaholism.

If the streak is straight, the person is practical and achieves everything on his own. He stands firmly on his feet thanks to his work. Such a nature trusts only himself, loves to control everything and weigh all decisions.

The Mind Line has a bend and is directed upward - it is a symbol of attachment to money. A person lives on money, looking for any way to earn or find it. They often throw all their energy into finding a wealthy partner or become successful entrepreneurs.

If the streak is downward, this is a sign of good imagination. People are attracted by art fiction, fortune telling and esotericism.

A downward-directed line indicates a developed fantasy.


A long mark indicates the ability to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. The owners of such a line carefully analyze the information and calculate different scenarios for the development of events. Palmists advise individuals with a long line of Mind to engage in the following activities:

  • analytics;
  • economy;
  • accounting.

If it is short and straight, it is a sign of a person with the following qualities:

  • cunning;
  • the ability to persuade;
  • savvy;
  • lack of interest in details;
  • ability to make decisions quickly.

Often such individuals do not perceive the seriousness of the situation and do not fully delve into the problems. They easily come into trust. People with short and straight lines often work in politics and management.

Signs on the Mind Line

There are different signs on the Head line:

  • triangle;
  • square;
  • cross;
  • point;
  • rectangle.

Triangle on both arms - good sign... He predicts success in all endeavors. The owner of the palm is an individualist, he will be able to realize himself in scientific activity. A cross or dot on the Mind line symbolizes a head injury.

If the lines of the Head and Heart, crossing, create a rectangle, this is a sign of an individual who is able to quickly navigate in difficult situations. He never panics, but narcissism is peculiar to him.

The square is a sign of risk lovers. People with such a symbol often fall into difficult situations, but always cleverly extricate themselves from them. If the line runs over the square, then the person is easy to control, he is dependent on someone else's opinion.

A triangle on the Mind line is a good sign

The line bifurcates

The fork on the Mind line in the middle, at the beginning or at the end is a symbol of good imagination. It is inherent in people of such professions:

  • writers;
  • artists;
  • entrepreneurs.

This ramification indicates mental alertness and impermanence. It is found in people who know how to translate their ideas into reality. If the forked line is directed towards the little finger, it is the symbol of the adventurer.

If the fork is directed towards the hill of the Moon, then the owner of the palm is afraid to make serious decisions. Two branches are in the middle of the line of the Mind - this is a symbol of depression and despondency. The personality is often sad and upset.

The double line of the Head on the hand is directed towards the hill of Saturn - a sign of a book lover. If two lines depart from it towards the mound of Saturn, this is a sign of a personality that moves away from reality into the world of fairy tales and harmony. When the branching of the Head trait ends on the heart strip, then it takes on the meaning of a short circuit of human energy. The union of the Heart and Head stripes speaks of increased emotionality.

The branch began near the life line - this is a warning about a split consciousness. It is peculiar to artists. The double line of the Mind at the very beginning indicates hot temper and changeable mood.

If the line of the Mind bifurcates, this is a sign thinking outside the box... The person also loves power and knows how to use it. She is often immersed in herself, she is not interested in conversations with others.

All signs, intersections and branches on the palms are not eternal - they change over time. So the double line of the Head can change, depending on the physical and spiritual state of the person. It shows not only the depth of a person's thinking, but also his head, neck injuries, respiratory system etc.

The line of the mind on the hand begins near the line of life, runs along the center of the palm to its rib. It defines intellectual inclinations, a way of thinking and talents. It is impossible to tell by it whether its owner is smart or not. After all, wisdom and knowledge are acquired over the years. The line speaks of the ability to learn, decision-making, the ability to analyze and soberly assess reality.


The line of the mind and the strip of the head are one and the same, it shows what inclinations are inherent in a person, how he thinks and approaches to solving certain problems. If you decipher it correctly, you can help in choosing a profession, suggest best technique learning. It is best to consider the dash on the right hand, since it reflects the reality that people create for themselves. The left one shows only natural inclinations.

The first step is to assess the appearance of the mind line. According to its length, width and depth, they give the main characteristic of the personality. Here's how it might look in the palm of your hand and what it means:

  • Long line of mind. Such people know how to analyze well and scrupulously everything they encounter, they think big. In life, they try to achieve success, provide for their family, they are diligent and efficient workers, wise leaders.
  • A straight and clear streak is characteristic of a purposeful and calculating person. Such people make decisions slowly, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. They are pedantic both in work and in household chores, they often have an exaggerated passion for order. They have practically no imagination.
  • A short line of the mind, not reaching the middle of the palm. Its owner is practical, he does not like to waste time, he tries to get the job done faster. Often he thinks in stereotypes, adheres to established rules and traditions. Lives only in the present, rarely dreams and worries about past mistakes, loves stability.
  • The branch of the head is medium in size (ends opposite the hill of Apollo). Belongs to a harmonious nature, in which desires and possibilities are balanced, the ability for a sober assessment of events is developed.
  • Wide line. Such people have slowed down thought processes, it is more difficult for them to remember new information, they need more time to make a decision. This does not mean that the owner of a wide line of mind is stupid, it just thinks longer than others. His conclusions are very correct, decisions are weighed, and the material learned is remembered for a long time.
  • A narrow dash is characteristic of people who accept hasty and not always correct decisions, think and remember quickly, but not for long.
  • Barely noticeable, shallow strip. Such people have a hard time learning and often make mistakes, especially when doing work that requires precision.
  • The broken line belongs to freedom-loving and independent people. They are very active, they cannot sit still, they often travel, change jobs or, in general, their occupation.

It is very important to pay attention to the angle of inclination when assessing the appearance of the head line. The steeper he goes down, the more a person has developed imagination and fantasy. A double line of mind in the palm of your hand is a sign of genius. Such people are domineering, charismatic, capable of doing outstanding discovery or amass huge wealth. Sometimes a parallel line means the appearance of a wise mentor in life.

Beginning and the end

A person's attitude to life, his independence, success, and the ability to make the right decision largely depends on where the line of the mind begins and ends. The appearance of the strip at the end also matters.

Line start

There may be several options for starting:

  • The line of the mind and the line of life start together, connecting in a small area. Before you is a person with good self-control, able to make informed decisions, guided by reason, not emotions.
  • Merging or joining two lines on a site 2 cm long or more. Such a person is impulsive, he often acts under the influence of instinct. Parents occupy an important place in his life, he stays in his father's house for a long time, later becomes independent. Often these people are reserved, indecisive and too cautious.
  • The line of the mind on the right hand is connected to the vital line in a smaller area than on the left. Strong parental pressure in childhood, from which I managed to get rid of over the years and become independent. If the branch was broken at first, the formation was very difficult.
  • The line of the mind goes out of the strip of life. The owner of such a picture depends on someone else's opinion, dependent, irritable, aggressive and conflicting.
  • The beginning of the lines is separate, but the distance between them is small. The owner of the hand is confident in himself and has a clear position in life. To convince him of something, you need to give strong arguments. At the same time, he has flexible thinking, no stereotypes, he is freedom-loving, inventive, achieves great success in life.
  • The distance between the beginning of two lines is large. Such an arrangement is characteristic of temperamental and independent people. They put their desires first, making decisions impulsively, guided by emotions. The opinion of others is not taken into account, reasonable arguments and arguments do not work for them.
  • The beginning on the hill of Jupiter means that in front of you is a kind person who easily finds mutual language with everyone. He will be adored and loved, because he will achieve great success.

End of line

The end of the line of the mind in the palm of your hand can be very different. It can also characterize people with both positive and negative side, predict their fate. Here are the main options:

  • The line is very long, runs through the entire palm, resting at the end against the rib. Such people achieve everything with their own hard work. They dream of great success, but they do not always achieve it.
  • Ends on the hill of the moon. The palm of selfish people who love praise and flattery. They respect strength and intelligence in people, they are quite active, they take into account only their own interests and desires.
  • On the hillock of Mercury. The owner of such a head line has a nasty character, he is jealous, quarrelsome, loves to impose his own opinion on everyone, requires increased attention to his person.
  • Forked branch at the end. If the fork is small and short, its owner is calm and balanced, he enjoys the attention of the opposite sex. A large bifurcation or fork characterizes a cheerful and original person, capable of surprises and practical jokes. He loves to attract attention, learning is very easy for him.
  • Forking at the end speaks of spontaneous and unpredictable people who always hope for a lucky break. It is impossible to predict how they will act in a given situation, their actions are always unforeseen. Branching lines often end up in the hands of artistic natures.
  • Completely forked line of mind. A sign of a two-faced person. He wears the mask of a "good Samaritan", behind which is an egoist, pursuing exclusively personal interests.
  • If the line ends in a trident, its owner has developed creative abilities, good intuition.

Any ending should be seen on the right and left hand. People change throughout life, it is displayed on their palms. On the left we can see the features laid down by nature, on the left - the result personal growth or falling. It is best to match the drawings. Then their owner fully realizes his natural inclinations.

The location of the line of the mind also matters. If it is tall, then its owner does not take into account public opinion, he is proud, he never admits his own wrongness and mistakes, does not ask for forgiveness. Central location is a sign of a person with a developed sense of duty, loyal and faithful. If the head line is absent, then it has merged and coincides with the line of the heart, such a hand is called a monkey.

Bends and branches

Many people have curves or waves on the line of mind. Sometimes small branches extend from the main strip towards one or another part of the palm. In palmistry, these signs are drawn Special attention.


A wavy strip is a sign of a good family man who lives for the sake of his children and grandchildren and makes every effort to provide financially for family and friends. The decoding and meaning of other bends depends on which part of the branch they are in. Here are a few examples:

  • Bend near Jupiter's tubercle. The hand belongs to a talented, but very stubborn and power-hungry person. He likes to be obeyed, often praised. Such people are often unlucky in love, they can get married and get divorced several times.
  • Bend towards the mound of Saturn. The hand is typical for people of art. They are impulsive, impatient, flaunt their feelings, and are often moody.
  • The line bends towards the sunny mound. People with such a pattern are active and active, they like to be in the center of attention, they live in the present day.
  • Bend towards the Mercury tubercle. The owner soberly assesses the world, adapts well to circumstances and twists of fate. Sociable, but with people he prefers to keep his distance. Has solid moral principles, a bit of an idealist, he has a powerful vital energy.
  • One wave in the middle of the palm is typical for people who dream of success. They love to impose their opinions, argue, but at the same time they are ready to help everyone absolutely disinterestedly.


In addition to bends, small twigs can branch off from the line of the mind. They are sent in different directions, their interpretation in palmistry depends on it. Here are the branches on the arm:

  • The line of the mind is crossed by a straight line. This means that its owner is vain, stubborn, loves only himself. He is withdrawn, too principled, therefore he often suffers failures in life, which he painfully experiences.
  • The twig stretches to the mound of Jupiter. Such people are accustomed to bringing the work started to the end. They find it difficult to build relationships, are often unhappy in their personal lives.
  • An offshoot to the hill of Saturn. The hand of a pragmatist who has his feet firmly on the ground. At the same time, he will not achieve success at someone else's expense, if necessary, he always gives in.
  • Branch towards the sunny hillock. Such people are fast, active and inquisitive, often achieve success in the creative field. Unfortunately, they like to dream, therefore, important things are often flunked.
  • The twig stretches towards the hill of Mercury. A sign of a workaholic who always puts work first. He is an executive, proactive and reliable employee, but a lousy family man.
  • The dash is directed down towards the lunar hillock. Such people are straightforward, ambitious and ambitious. They generate interesting and original ideas that they always try to bring to life. They go ahead to achieve the goal, regardless of anyone's interests.
  • Upward, to the line of the heart, small processes branch off. Your interlocutor is trying to make a lot of money in order to provide for his family. If the branches are pointing down, be careful. You see in front of you a secretive and unreliable person, cautious, suspicious, often aggressive.
  • Several branches are directed upwards. This intersection is typical for people who never ask for forgiveness.

It is not always possible to see the branches in the palm of your hand either live or in a photo; this requires a lot of experience. They are often confused with other lines that cross the branch of the mind. Therefore, an experienced specialist should decipher them.

Signs and line breaks

In palmistry great importance pay marks in the palm of your hand. They can warn about serious illnesses or misfortune, foreshadowing failure in love or work. Here are the main signs on the line of the mind and their interpretation:

  • An island on the line of the mind. A sign of a hardworking person who penetrates deeply into the essence of things. Also, this sign can warn about work and family problems. If the island looks like a fish, its owner suffers from headaches or loves to drink.
  • A chain of islets is found in the hands of lazy dreamers who easily become addicted to alcohol, drugs, and lead an idle lifestyle.
  • A cross on the line of the mind may have different interpretation, depending on the position. In the beginning, the features he foreshadows happy life, in the middle - illness or injury, in the last third or under ring finger- a quick death. The interaction of the cross with the star, other twigs and signs is also important.
  • Triangle. The hand is typical for talented people with developed intuition. They are kind, reliable, love praise, which is why their self-criticism decreases.
  • Line with a star. The sign is not very favorable, it warns against severe injury or emotional shock. The star at the end of the line of the mind is often seen in the hands of suicides.
  • Points on the line of the mind that almost merge. Typical for hot-tempered and aggressive people. A mole instead of a dot indicates luck.
  • The grill is a sign of a very intelligent but stubborn person who often changes his likes and dislikes.
  • A breakup speaks of past or future stress. Often, gaps indicate abrupt changes in life, sharp turns of fate. Much depends on where the line breaks. If the gap is at the very beginning, the person has a chance to recover from stress or start a new journey. A break at the end can completely unsettle him, he will remain a failure for the rest of his life.

On the lines in the palm of your hand, you can predict the near future and reveal a person's past. Guessing by hand, special attention is paid to the islands and ramifications. On the line of Uma, the island tells about illnesses and upcoming negative experiences.

Interpretation depending on the location of the sign

An island on the Mind line indicates a person's mental fatigue. To correctly read the signs of fate, it is required to take into account the size and ratio of the mark to the four bumps located under the fingers of the hand. The presence of breaks on the Mind line indicates the time of breakdowns. Breaks in the bands of Life and Destiny due to islets indicate periods of weakness and apathy of a person.

If a person wants to compare the past and the future, it is necessary to consider both palms. The left hand shows the past. The right hand is responsible for the present and the future. If a person is left-handed, then his leading hand is left, it is necessary to consider all issues related to later life.

The formation of an island on the line of the Mind on the right palm indicates an imminent breakdown, the need to rest and gain strength.

The location in relation to the hills will determine the area of ​​effect on mental performance.

  1. The formation of an island under the hill of Jupiter, located under forefinger, indicates the exhaustion of ambitions, apathy, the inability to make a decision on their own.
  2. An islet under the hill of Saturn, located under the middle finger, may indicate a disease associated with the brain.
  3. An island on the line of the Mind, directed towards the hill of the Sun, located under the nameless one, indicates exhaustion in connection with the desire for glory.
  4. The aspiration of the island to the hill of Mercury, located under the little finger, speaks of severe exhaustion associated with scientific or political activities.

Symbol meaning

On the line of the Head, an island means the inability of a person to concentrate his mind and attention on one thing. Often people who have a symbol on the line of the Mind suffer from migraines and high blood pressure.

Its presence on the right or left hand is a symbol of both mental and creative exhaustion. V individual cases he indicates health problems.

Interpretations for women

The presence on a woman's palm of islets above the line of the Mind tells about the difficulties during the carrying of a child and his birth. If a girl has an island on her right hand under her little finger or index finger, on which a dot is clearly visible, the sign indicates a progressive disease of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

Let's take a closer look at the importance of the islands for women.

  1. The arc of the Mind, which has a bifurcation under the middle finger, forming an island with the line of Fate, warns of the danger for the girl coming from fire element, about a high probability of burns or smoke poisoning.
  2. The Head Trait, which has a branch that forms an island with a Life trait under the Hill of Mercury, tells about the likelihood of an accident while sailing or careless handling of fire.
  3. Thickening on the Head line indicates frequent migraines and a predisposition to the formation of tumors of the nasal sinuses.
  4. An offshoot of the Head line directed towards the hill of Saturn, forming an island, is evidence of an impending illness associated with abdominal cavity... It is a warning about a possible exacerbation of appendicitis.
  5. The formation of an island under the middle finger indicates a calcium deficiency and the likelihood of tooth loss.

If the arch of the Head on the woman's right palm contains an adjacent island, there is a weak expression of the Heart trait, and the hills of Venus and the Moon are clearly delineated, then the wearer has a highly developed imagination. Such individuals are prone to excessive emotionality, they are able to immerse themselves in their thoughts for a long time. Sometimes this intertwining of lines and the outlines of the hills are evidence of psychological illness type of schizophrenia.

The formation of an island from a fork in the Head's line in contact with the arc of Fate indicates bisexuality. A woman with such plexus lines often suffers from an irregular menstrual cycle.

Treatments for men

A man who has a Head line containing islands is more likely than others to be endangered. Such a person does not have a goal in life, and having it, he cannot achieve it due to the lack of aspiration and ambition. The formation of islands on male hands is evidence of past trauma associated with the skull or bridge of the nose.

The meaning of the island on the line of the Mind in men:

  1. Islets formed at the beginning of the Head line indicate an upcoming surgery in the nose or throat area.
  2. The location of the fork under the hill of Jupiter tells about the diseases associated with genitourinary system and testicles: cyst formation, poor urination due to inflammation.
  3. Straights and forks in a large number under the middle finger are a warning about a possible illness associated with digestion.
  4. The Trait of the Mind, forming islands with the hill of Mars, indicates diseases of the joints and bone tissues.
  5. The fork from the arc of the Head descends to the line of the Heart - a person has poor eyesight.

The formation of an island under the hill of Venus speaks of a man's tendency to depression and possible suicidal tendencies. Such individuals are prone to stress, have a history of anxiety, developed psychosis.

The presence of an island on the line of the Mind warns of the expected danger posed by water element, therefore, it is better for men with this sign to protect themselves from boating and swimming in water.

Islands on major lines

The symbol, located on the leading lines in the palm of your hand, talks about health and life problems.

  1. The close position in relation to the Heart line tells about the possibility of thrombosis, vegetative dystonia... Forking from the Heart trait indicates the presence of prolonged depression.
  2. The presence of an island on the line of Life indicates an apathetic attitude towards the outside world, a desire to close oneself from loved ones.
  3. The formation of an island on the arc of Success indicates the insurmountability of the goals set and should be a signal of a change in the plan of action or a lowering of the set bar.
  4. The position of the island on the line of the Mind indicates an excessive amount of negative thoughts, depression, exhaustion of the whole organism. May mean post-traumatic stress disorder following a head injury.

The symbol at the end of the Mind line

The straight end of the Head line speaks of discipline and good upbringing person. A tilt to the hillock of the moon means highly developed creativity. Love for creativity and the ability to fantasize often serve as an impetus for the development of artistry and pop talent in a person.

In the opposite case, when at the end of the Mind line a fork leading to the hill of the Moon forms the shape of an island, a person is not able to realize talents and opportunities, and imagination often becomes karma rather than a way of earning. Such people invent a lot and in their game they forget about the reality and the consequences of their actions.

Considering the island formed at the end of the Mind line, one can describe the form of formation as a kind of ladle, where the handle is the Head's line, and the scoop is an island. The sign is negative, in most cases it means bad thinking or mental retardation caused by an illness or head injury.


An island on the line of Uma has negative meaning in palmistry. If the trait of the Head, which is responsible for the clarity of thinking and personal development person, contains islets, then this is a warning about danger or impending disease. To correctly interpret the meaning of traits and islands for the future, take a good look at the leading hand of a person.

The Head line in palmistry is considered one of the most important and informative in the palm of your hand. When analyzing the characteristics of a trait, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying signs and symbols. One of them is an island on the Uma line.

An island on the Mind line is essential

The meaning and location of the line

The Mind Line is also called the Head trait. She is responsible for the intellectual sphere, reflects a person's way of thinking, life and personal values, health, priorities. The outline on the left hand shows the innate capabilities of its owner, while right hand talks about the level of development and the dynamics of mental work. The Mind Line can reveal positive qualities human:

  • honesty;
  • attentiveness; curiosity;
  • purposefulness;
  • strength of will;
  • flexibility of the thought process.

The line of the Mind also points to negative qualities personality:

  • anger;
  • greed;
  • pride;
  • impermanence.

By analyzing this trait in detail, one can assess the physical state the brain as the main organ that is responsible for thinking. In this case, there is a chance to identify diseases or congenital defects and, if possible, get rid of them.

Ideally, the outline of the head begins at the same point as the life line, not far from the inner small mound of Mars, crosses it, runs horizontally across the palm of your hand, and ends at the outer great mound of Mars. But there are other types of the location of the trait:

  1. The end of the line is slightly directed towards the fingers on the elevation of Mars - the owner of such a sign seeks material enrichment. Women are looking for a rich partner, men achieve what they want through the development of their own business.
  2. The end of the line on the hill of the Moon speaks of the creative nature of its carrier. He has a lively mind, developed imagination, sociable and courteous.
  3. If the contour crosses the arm in a straight line, as if dividing it in half, this means the straightforwardness and authoritarianism of the person. He has an analytical mind.

Arc characteristic

Palmistry does not interpret the features of the display of head features literally. The line on the right active hand is taken into consideration, for left-handers - on the left. A long outline does not mean genius, but focuses on the analytical component of the owner's thinking, flexibility and broad outlook, insight. A short line of mind on the hand endows a person with conservative thinking, stereotypicality, loyalty to traditions and rules, and practicality.

The characteristic features of the head contour in palmistry are:

  1. The wide line speaks of slowness, but depth of thinking. The owner of such a mark has to devote more time to solving difficult problems.
  2. A narrow line indicates a high speed of decision-making, but often about frivolity, lack of awareness.
  3. A deep contour is manifested in a person with great intellectual potential.
  4. A dim, easily marked line in a person with a small mental reserve of energy, it is difficult for him to intellectual work and activities associated with solving problems.
  5. The presence of the slope of the trait indicates the creative abilities of the individual. The greater the angle of inclination of the mark towards the hill of the Moon, the richer a person's imagination.
  6. A double head contour is a rare case that speaks of the exceptional authority of the thinking of its owner, of a strong intellect, genius that will help him get rich.

When fortune-telling, it is important to take into account the influence of the signs present on the line of the mind:

  1. Gaps, intersections and islets warn of a blurred thought process, inconsistency, fearfulness, doubt.
  2. The fork at the end of the line speaks of the liveliness of the mind and the inconstancy of character.
  3. A lot of lines extending towards the fingers - the lack of independence of the mind, susceptibility to someone else's influence.
  4. The cross on the outline means self-deception.
  5. A square or rectangle indicates riskiness, usually justified, without serious losses.
  6. Dots on the line warn about the undesirability of aggression.
  7. A star means a psychological blow, shock. Possible suicide of the owner of such a sign in the palm of his hand.
  8. The triangle meets in the palm of a brave man.

A triangle on the line of Mind is a sign of a brave person

The value of the island on the line

The meaning of the island in palmistry is not positive. Its presence prompts the owner to analyze his life path in order to find the mistakes recorded in karma and get rid of the influence of this mark.

An island is always created using major and minor line segments. Its main meaning is to signal the wrongness of a person's life. If he accumulates energy for some time and does not spend it on achieving a goal, higher forces will punish him. Trouble can happen not only with the owner of the island, but also with his loved ones.

Palmistry claims that the island is trouble that will surely come. The person will have several opportunities to get out of this situation.

The presence of such a sign on the line of the mind speaks of psychological and physical problems on life path, a period of doubt and the search for new meanings. The details of the analysis depend on the placement of the islets on the head contour:

  1. The island, which appears parallel to the middle finger, warns of possible temporary troubles, as in professional field and in personal life.
  2. If there is an island at the beginning of the contour, this is a sure sign of health problems affecting the ears and throat. Surgery may be required.
  3. One or more islands present from birth may speak of nervous breakdown, depression, mental problems.
  4. Islets are often interpreted in connection with the energy of the fingers, opposite which they are located. They talk about the exaggeration of the trouble that has arisen, the nervous exhaustion of a person.

In the practice of the palmist, one often has to deal with various signs on the main and minor lines on the palms. You should know all the options for the interpretation of a particular sign in order to obtain reliable information. On the line of the mind, the island helps to mobilize all forces to solve a problem that has arisen in the spiritual or physical sphere of a person's intellectual development.