Husky training at what age to start. Husky training at home. Good manners are key to parenting.

One of the first basic tasks of any training course is to teach the puppy, on the command “near”, to stand next to the owner at his left leg and move at a set short distance.
It is important that during the execution of this command, the dog does not pull the leash and does not torn in different directions. The dog must calmly and carefully follow the movements of its owner, follow him, along left hand From him. The team “near” is very important for the normal life of the husky in the city.

Where to begin.

One of the classic methods is "jerk" or as they say in the dog training school "Husky of Russia" - "cutoff". The main idea of ​​the "cut-off" is that the owner of the dog correctly and in a timely manner combines the correct jerk and a clear command from the point of view of intonation. "Cutoff" should be optimally sharp and short, and the command itself should be pronounced a moment before the jerk and be strict and confident. Only in this way, the dog will be able to realize what the owner requires of him and to complete the task, exactly as it is required.

The main idea is to give the dog an unexpected jerk - that very "cut-off". So your husky gets a conditioned reflex attached to the voice command. Over time, when this reflex is formed, the pet will begin to execute the command "beside" calmly and naturally.

In practice, it looks like this. First, you give the dog a voice command "close", after 1-2 seconds, then make a jerk with a leash. It is important that at the same time you do not stop moving with the dog, and if the command was given in a standing position, then immediately, instantly start moving. Always hold the leash in your left hand. For your convenience, the leash can be fixed between the fingers at a height of about 30-40 cm from the attachment to the collar. Without stopping the movement, it is necessary to repeat this sequence several times. Remember that while the husky obediently obeys the command nearby (as indicated by the slightly sagging leash between your hand and the pet), you do not interfere and do not make additional "cut-offs". Continue moving until the dog pulls on the leash and tries to leave the area of ​​the “close” command. Then again the described sequence is repeated. During the movement, it is not necessary to move only in a straight line all the time. You can also change the direction of movement, but do not overload the puppy in the first lesson.

And most importantly, do not forget to praise your pet when the command is executed correctly. Remember, the "carrot and stick" method, no matter how it was renamed, is still fundamental in any educational process.

Over time, your husky will master the “side by side” command and the need for jerking with a leash will disappear. But at the first stage of training, it is necessary to follow this instruction exactly, without breaking its sequence.

A few additional helpful tips:

There are a number of points worth paying attention to, since the psychology of the husky is somewhat different from the psychology of dogs of other breeds.
It is important to fully control the dog's attention. Your husky should not be distracted from the commands set, by any, both natural and unforeseen stimuli.

The dog should be carried away only by the dialogue with the owner. Some people use a treat to achieve this goal, others use a toy, for example a squeaky one - the owner, as a rule, knows best what will work best with his pet.

How to put a leash on your puppy. This should be done calmly, without sudden movements, while talking and affectionately praising the puppy, drawing his attention to the hand. If initially, the dog reacts negatively to the leash, it is worth diverting attention from it. The leash can be hidden behind the back by removing it from the puppy's field of vision.

Further, when the very fact of a leash on is no longer news - we begin to move. It is customary to hold the leash in your left hand. The puppy is not yet used to the fact that the leash limits the distance between him and the owner. Therefore, you need to help him get used to this new circumstance. It is necessary to make sure that your actions are clear, stable and devoid of disorder, harsh and incomprehensible movements for the puppy. The puppy must realize that the established distance and its position relative to you is the most comfortable position in which the puppy is not pulled with a leash or hailed by a command. If the puppy leaves the zone of comfortable movement (braking and resting or pulling the leash forward or to the side), it is necessary to give the command “near” to correct its position and continue moving. In this case, the direction of movement does not matter. The main thing is that the puppy is there.

Before getting a husky, it is important to remember that this breed requires constant attention to itself (especially at the first stage). Ideally, in the first days after purchasing a puppy, contact an instructor and take a dog socialization course.

Otherwise, it happens that the owner is simply not able to cope with the dog in the future and the subsequent correction of behavior takes much longer.
If you decide to practice on your own, then it is important that the training takes place in quiet place, where the puppy will not be distracted by passing cars, running animals or people passing by. In the case of the instructor, such stimuli, on the contrary, will become useful plot elements that, with the right educational process will be able to serve as a better result of the classes.
Before starting any workout, you should "walk" your husky to reduce the level of physical activity. When the dog has ceased to frantically enjoy the walk, you can proceed directly to the training.

The “Ryadom” command is the basis of the entire Siberian Husky training system.
The position of the dog in relation to the owner is the starting position for all other techniques and commands. It is for this reason, for all the outward simplicity of the method itself and the simplicity of its formulation, it carries a decisive semantic and factual effective part and requires careful and painstaking study.
The husky should be at the instructor's left leg and nothing else! And when stopping, it sits down so that the paws are in line with the owner's toes. In movement, the dog should walk so that its shoulder is level with the instructor's left knee. In this case, "parallelism" should not be allowed - when the movement of the dog is carried out parallel to the trainer with a gap greater than the width of the dog itself, between them.

For the husky breed, upbringing, training and care are somewhat different from the standard ones. The point is in the peculiarities of the character of this dog. How to competently approach the process and what nuances should be taken into account - read on.

Are huskies amenable to training?

Yes - husky can be taught anything. If you do it right.

The catch is that the husky is a strong-willed breed. These dogs are known for their stubbornness and outstanding intelligence. And their intelligence can be directed against the master. Your pet will regularly test your authority and test the strength of the established rules.

Huskies live by the laws of the pack, so they need a leader. Solid, consistent and fair. The owner must be the “leader”. And this is the main rule, without which the pet will take on the role of the leader.

For this reason, be aware that training begins the day you bring your puppy into the house. And it's not just about teaching teams.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you can always take a husky training course. If you decide to do this yourself, follow the rules below.

How to train a husky: basic postulates

In general, training should be based on three pillars:

  • discipline
  • subsequence
  • patience

Such a regimen is most successful for the psychological comfort and health of the dog. So it will be easier for her to adapt to new conditions and accept a new family.

So, How to Raise a Husky: Training Tips:

1. The owner is the leader

You can show your leadership like this:

  • When playing with your pet, be the first to complete the process - just remove the toy;
  • If you returned home, and your pet does not meet you, do not call or look for him. He "checks" you in this way. Go about your business, and the dog will come up to you;
  • Be consistent in following any rules.

Remember - Leadership is in the smallest detail.

2. Everything on schedule

All these actions of the dog should take place at the same time:

  • eating
  • waking up and going to bed
  • training
  • play and walk
  • taking a bath

And other everyday and not only actions.

3. No physical or psychological abuse

Never hit your husky - it is considered disrespectful to them. Never raise your voice - this is regarded as weakness and fear. Speak firmly and confidently.

Also, do not allow isolation - the dog should be in a circle of loved ones.

4. Training - daily

Raising, training a husky is a step-by-step process. If you started training your dog, do it every day at the same time.

Husky: training and education in the early days

Education should begin from the first days of the puppy's stay in the house.

1. We accustom to the owner

Demonstrate who is in charge from the very first days:

  • The owner is always the first to enter the room;
  • The owner determines when to end the game or when it is time to go for a walk;

2. We accustom to the nickname

It's simple:

  • Call your puppy by name while stroking or playing with him;
  • Call your pet to the bowl before feeding him;
  • Call him to you before playing with him or giving him a treat.

After 2-4 days, the husky will remember his name.

3. Setting the discipline

Husky dog ​​training must be strictly carried out. Without discipline, the dog may not recognize the owner's leadership and will begin to establish its own rules. That's why:

  • Give your dog a specific location. And never change it;
  • Feed the dog only in one designated place;
  • Don't let your husky sit on the sofa or bed;
  • Don't let your pet move freely around the rooms. Especially at first. For this purpose, you can put the dog in a large cage and from time to time let it go for a walk - for 10-30 minutes. Simple children's fences are also suitable. But by no means a separate locked room - Huskies are hard to tolerate isolation.
  • Schedule bedtime. The dog must go to bed at the same time. This is not only discipline but also good for your health.

Husky Puppy Initial Training: Step by Step Plan

How to properly train a husky is an ambiguous question. But here is one of the most successful training plans:

1. Directing behavior

Training can be started only after the puppy has learned two important words: "allowed" and "not allowed". This is the first thing he must learn. Of course, they can be replaced with any others. For example, yes and no.

When teaching, use the following aspects:

  1. Appropriate tone of voice: a cold hard “no” and an affectionate soft “yes”.
  2. Body language and facial expressions: with encouragement - smile and lean towards the dog, with disapproval - look down at the puppy with a "cold" expression.
  3. Accompanying activities: For example, patting the puppy behind the ear during praise.

Such training should start from 2-3 months.

2. Getting used to the collar

Collar training should be done from 2 months.

When you put the collar on your puppy for the first time, be careful not to remove it. You can distract your pet from the collar with a game or, for example, a treat.

It's best to start collar training right before your walk. This will create a connection in the puppy's brain: “collar with leash = walk”. Now the collar will associate the pet with something pleasant, which will smooth out his feelings.

3. Getting used to the leash

Get the leash only when your pet is already used to the collar.

While walking, simply attach a leash and try to walk at least a few steps like this. Important: the puppy must walk either beside or behind you.

You can use the treat by calling the puppy along. Be sure to pet the dog and give him the treat after he has walked 2-3 meters with you.

4. Getting used to the muzzle

Do the following:

  • Put a treat in the muzzle before putting it on the puppy;
  • As soon as the dog eats it, remove the muzzle;
  • Reward your pet with a game, or simply praise by petting.

The sooner you start muzzle training, the better.

5. We teach the command "to me"

Call the dog by name and immediately say the command. While the dog is walking towards you, also say "To me" several times. After that, be sure to praise your pet.

If the process is difficult, you can use a treat or toy. There is also a second option - move away from the cheek a short distance. Most likely, he will want to come up.

5. We teach the command "next to"

Take a leash for this team. It is better to train while walking.

Attach the leash to the collar and pull it slightly so that the dog is at your leg. Say the command and take a few steps, keeping the husky close.

Important: Do not pull on the leash too much. This can hurt and even injure your pet.

Repeat the "procedure" several times. While the pet is walking next to you, say the command several times in a row. If the puppy resists, tug on the leash slightly and continue training.

How to train an older husky puppy

The most suitable time for training is 2-3 months. And how to train a husky puppy 2 months, 5 or even 9 months old? Similar.

Even if your husky is 5 months old, training your pet should be no different from training a puppy. The same applies to completely adult dogs, which are already several years old. The only thing is, the process can take longer. But the sequence and principles remain the same.

Instead of a conclusion: the nuances and secrets of training

The principles of how to properly train a husky puppy are considered. But it is important to take into account the nuances:

  1. To make the training process faster, spend it in the form of a game;
  2. Try to use treats as a reward less often. Give preference to verbal praise, play, or affection;
  3. Do not play with your husky with household items such as rags and children's toys;
  4. Immediately suppress aggressive behavior... Even the smallest manifestations of it are unacceptable.

Be consistent, fair, and don't deviate from your own rules. And the dog will respond with love and gratitude.

It won its popularity, first of all, for its unusual wolf appearance and benevolent disposition. Probably, many would like to buy such a puppy. However, according to experts, due to some character traits, this breed is not suitable for all dog breeders. Husky care in any case must be carried out correctly.

A bit of history

The husky breed was bred naturally, for thousands of years, by the inhabitants of the Far North - the Chukchi. In terms of physiological characteristics, it is a relative of the well-known to all (but not its variety). Huskies were used by the Chukchi mainly as sled dogs.

Unfortunately, unlike the husky, after the 17th year, this breed was recognized in our country as unpromising. And therefore, no attention was paid to her at all. The only thing that saved the husky from extinction was that even before the revolution, several of these dogs were taken from Kamchatka by the Americans. That is why the breed is registered not in Russia, but in the United States.

How to choose a pet

Husky dogs are bought, the care and maintenance of which requires some knowledge, usually at the age of two months. Of course, it is quite difficult to determine if a puppy meets the standards at this time without proper experience. However, pay attention to the skeleton of the animal (it must be strong), the correct bite, the neck and tail when buying, it is, of course, necessary.

The color of the husky can be different. 15 different shades are allowed by world standards. But in Russia they are recognized only with brown, black or gray. This is also worth taking into account when choosing a puppy.

The eyes of these dogs usually have a deep blue color. It is this feature, along with the "wolf" appearance, that causes genuine delight in most people at the sight of a husky. However, the standards do not regulate the color of the eyes of this breed too strictly. Brown, golden, olive, in any case, are not considered a defect.

When choosing a husky puppy, among other things, you should pay attention to his face, paws and back. Light "mask" and dark "glasses" must be present in the representatives of this breed. Humpbacked back and loose paws, as well as sharpening wool, are considered defects according to the standards. The nose of this breed can be black, pink, or even striped.

The husky will be easier in the future if, when choosing, the owners pay attention to the character of the baby. The dog should be active, strong and not too aggressive. Perhaps, before buying it is worth not only examining the puppy, but also taking a short walk with him.

Character traits

Husky is a very peaceful dog. Representatives of this breed are friendly to strangers. Therefore, using such a dog as a watchdog will not work. This breed is not suitable for those who want to see a cute "sofa" dog at home.

Husky care consists, first of all, in frequent walks. These dogs are very active, and without due physical activity begin to bully. If such a dog is kept in a city apartment, it is advisable to walk with it three times a day. Otherwise, gnawed furniture, scratched doors and floors are guaranteed to the owners.

Husky on the street

Representatives of this breed should only be walked on a leash, at least for the first time. These dogs (especially at a young age) show a tendency to wander and can easily escape. They never attack passers-by, but at the same time they can simply run up to someone out of excess energy in order to "get acquainted", and greatly frighten the person with this. After all, the sizes of these dogs are quite large. Moreover, according to appearance they resemble wolves, which most people associate with aggressiveness.

Husky, whose care and maintenance in an apartment involves frequent walks, can feel good in the courtyard of a country house. In this case, an aviary with a warm booth is usually set up for the dog. It is not recommended to allow the husky to walk freely even in a suburban area. Otherwise, the dog may decide to go free fishing and hunt for neighboring rabbits and ducks.

Husky care: how often to bathe

The unpleasant smell of a dog from dogs of this breed almost never comes. This is considered one of the virtues of the Siberian Husky. But the cleanliness of the coat of these dogs should be monitored as carefully as possible. While walking, you should not allow the dog to climb into puddles or run in the mud, much less wallow in it.

The fact is that too often experienced dog breeders do not recommend bathing huskies. Accept water treatments these dogs should not more than once a year. If the husky gets dirty during the walk, you just need to carefully wipe the paws and dirty areas of the body with a soft, damp sponge.

Husky care in the house and apartment: what to do with wool

Small puppies of this breed should be combed out at least twice a week. Their wool is very soft and thin, and therefore quickly falls into tangles. It is possible to increase the time between combing to a week only after the husky is 5-6 months old. At this age, the puppies' coat coarsens a little.

During molting, caring for a husky in an apartment should consist of daily combing. If this procedure is carried out less frequently, pieces of matted dog hair will very quickly fill the entire room. And it will be extremely difficult to remove them from carpets and upholstered furniture. If the dog is kept in the yard of a private house, combing during molting can be done 3-4 times a week.

It is better to take care of the husky's coat not with an ordinary comb, but with the use of special rakes, which you can buy at the pet store. Such a device has one important advantage. The rakes, in contrast to the comb, do not tear the beautiful undercoat of this breed of dogs and do not break individual guard hairs.

How to feed your husky

Husky care also includes developing a balanced diet. this breed is best natural products... In this case, the menu pet should be as diverse as possible. The dog should be given beef, chicken, sea fish, liver, heart, vegetables, etc. Of course, food should be thermally processed before feeding. Otherwise, the dog can catch worms.

Husky pork and lamb should not be given. These types of meats are too heavy for their stomachs. Be sure to include porridge in the diet - steamed oatmeal and buckwheat should be in the daily menu. Eating cereals of this variety stabilizes the intestines and stomach of dogs of the described breed. At the same time, husky semolina and pearl barley are completely unsuitable.

Newly acquired little puppy experienced dog breeders advise to put on a rice diet for a week. In the future, small pieces of white poultry meat or sea fish should be gradually added alternately to such porridge.

Features of training

Proper upbringing from an early age is what is absolutely required for husky dogs. The care and maintenance of these large, intelligent dogs involves training. If not enough attention is paid to raising a puppy, he will grow up completely uncontrollable. The love of freedom and the desire to lead in everything and everywhere are literally in the blood of these northern dogs.

Getting started, it should be remembered that the husky is, first of all, not a service dog, but a working dog. For example, she, on her own, without any training, will gladly ride the children or even the owners themselves on the sled. But at the same time, it will not work out in the dog aggressiveness towards strangers in any way.

Most often, husky training begins from 2-3 months. The training program is chosen so that it is as interesting as possible to study the dog. It is not worth punishing a husky for not following commands during class. Much better results with these dogs can be achieved using praise.

The commands themselves during training should be given to the husky in a clear, imperious, calm voice. It should be shown during training and perseverance. However, we must not forget that these northern dogs respond much better to requests than to orders.

Punishment proper care for a husky puppy assumes only if:

  • manifestations of aggression towards the owner;
  • committing actions that are dangerous to the dog itself;
  • manifestations of aggression towards other dogs.

Husky must not be beaten under any circumstances. As a punishment, the following technique is usually applied:

  • the dog is taken by the withers;
  • press her to the floor so that she cannot move;
  • after the dog stops resisting and relaxes, he is released.

As a reward when training, you should definitely use some delicacies. Praising dogs should be done in an even, soft voice. These dogs do not tolerate shrill intonations at all.

What mistakes should not be made

This is how Siberian huskies are trained at home. The upbringing and care of the described dogs involves, as you can see, compliance certain rules... When raising a puppy, you should try not to make mistakes typical for beginners. These include primarily:

  • bans on communicating with other dogs;
  • dragging the dog in his arms (especially with his belly forward);
  • overtraining (the husky will not carry out an already learned command without apparent reason several times in a row).

Among other things, a dog of this breed should in no case be allowed to play with household items - old socks, already unnecessary slippers, etc. Otherwise, in the future, the dog will do the same with new things. Moreover, it will hardly be possible to wean him from this.


Care and feeding of the husky, as well as training this breed - the procedures, as you can see, are relatively simple. Pay more attention to your pet, walk with him on time, exercise maximum patience, and this dog will surely thank you with his love and boundless devotion.

The charming appearance of babies does not leave anyone indifferent, especially if a piercing blue gaze is attached to the muzzle and thick paws.

And although not all Siberian Husky puppies are blue-eyed, it is this quality that attracts the most attention to them.

The external attractiveness of the husky babies, which look like, played a cruel joke with many representatives of this breed.

Random people, not knowledgeable of features of this breed, acquire a fluffy wolf cub, raising him as an ordinary decorative dog, and quickly become disillusioned.

The Husky is a truly working dog that needs daily jogging and exercise, freedom-loving and mischievous, with great potential and indomitable energy.

Dogs of this breed are not suitable for couch potatoes and the elderly, for workaholics and children.

But if the potential owner is ready for difficulties, for work and loves sports, then the husky will become an ideal companion for ten or more years.

Choosing a husky puppy

People who first decide to purchase a husky puppy are usually guided by the following selection criteria:

  • Color and eye color;
  • Gender of the baby;
  • The fatness of the animal.

All these criteria are only partially true, since the color of the baby is unstable and will change in a couple of years, fatness means only that the pet has excellent appetite, and the behavior patterns of bitches and males may not differ much.

Bitches, often more mischievous and cunning than males, are also prone to escapes and like to dig undermines.

Males can be docile and gentle, adore children.

As with the acquisition St. Bernard puppy, buyers prefer to purchase grown-up husky pups.

This is justified in the event that a show pet is bought, since the older the baby, the more clearly all the advantages and disadvantages of the exterior are visible, besides, education in a flock of littermates helps to better adapt in any conditions.

Purchase month old puppy leads to more attachment of the pet to the owner and family members.

Choosing a husky puppy should be based on what the dog is intended for.

Whether it is planned to represent her at exhibitions, whether she will participate in breeding or sports.

Or maybe she will be just a pet accompanying the owner on hikes.

Prospective babies for exhibitions can be recommended by a breeder who wants wonderful inclinations not to disappear just like that.

Experienced husky owners, when purchasing an animal, make sure that the baby meets the standard and has the makings of a working dog.

A 2 month old husky should have:

  • Smooth teeth and scissor bite;
  • Thick ears, pointing upwards;
  • Tail hanging down and not rising above the back line;
  • Strong backbone;
  • Lively temperament, curiosity and energy;
  • Any color, oddness, brown or blue eyes various shades.

Choosing a husky puppy from a large kennel with excellent recommendations and results of exhibitions and competitions is preferable to buying from an amateur breeder.

This is due to the fact that the owner of the kennel is working to improve the breed, carefully selecting pairs, and an amateur can mate a dog with any purebred male.

First days at home

Raising and caring for husky puppies can be carried out by all family members, but the person who spends the most time with the pet will have the greatest authority.

Joint walks, classes and trips to exhibitions help to strengthen affection, the dog begins to feel the owner's mood, understand it without words.

From the first days, the baby should have his own place to sleep, a cage for isolating the pet during the absence and two bowls.

Most often, a sleeping mat is placed in a cage, arranging a kind of cozy house, toys are also placed there.

The door in the cage is left open when there is someone at home so that the baby can move freely.

Advice! It is advisable that in the first month in a new house, the puppy is left alone as rarely as possible. It was at this time that the foundations of neatness were laid, establishing contact with the owner.

Unexpected encounter of a husky cub with a white lion cub in New York's Central Park

You should immediately prohibit the pet that will be inappropriate in the behavior of an adult dog.

You cannot climb on upholstered furniture, jump on the owner, beg at the table.

A cute kid, who is so amusingly naughty, quickly turns into a large ill-bred dog, annoying and disturbing everyone.

Feeding the husky puppies

The husky's overwhelming energy needs constant replenishment.

From four months old husky puppies, like stafford puppies should receive vitamin complexes strengthening bones and joints: "Puppy", "Brevers".

The ready-made food intended for feeding the husky contains everything necessary substances and vitamins that the baby should receive.

Convenience, ease of feeding and a balanced diet make the process of raising a pet much easier.

Natural yogurt is useful for babies of any age, which is easy to prepare by fermenting milk with the addition of fermented baked milk or a few spoons of bioyogurt.

For puppies with digestive tract problems, you can prepare yoghurt from the Narine starter culture, which is bought in pharmacies.

Bones are allowed to be given only up to four to five months, until the teeth change, and best of all, large, beef.

For a puppy, this is more of a toy than a treat, so the bone can be boiled so that there is no smell.

Important! After changing teeth, it is impossible to gnaw bones of a puppy, as this quickly grinds off the teeth, and sharp pieces can injure the stomach.


Little "Eskimos" - they will definitely not let the owners get bored

This disease is fatal without treatment, and often the animal dies in a matter of days.

Good trained puppies huskies are great companions and close friends of children

If a husky lives in a house, constantly communicates with the owner and family members, walks on a leash for at least two hours a day, then a clever, understanding dog quickly grows out of an unintelligent puppy.

The more time a dog spends as it grows up, the higher its intelligence.

Husky puppies: care, feeding, upbringing

Adorable husky puppies do not leave anyone indifferent, especially if a piercing blue gaze is attached to a cute face and thick paws. And although not all Siberian Husky puppies are blue-eyed, it is this quality that attracts the most attention to them.

Important stages of learning in the first year of life

In the first year of a husky puppy's life, it is extremely important to consistently go through all stages of education, socialization and training. How to do it correctly - we will tell you now.

Training your husky puppy when to start

Husky puppy training is essential start from the first days finding a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although it is quite common. From the very infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of conduct in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often, new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be overwhelming for the dog. This is possible only in the case of using outdated rigid methods, and with the right approach, training from the first days will be the opposite, it will be very useful, because it allows you to immediately to set up a contact with the puppy and build trust.

Raising a husky puppy at 2 months

At 2 months old, your husky puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is still not allowed to walk. Therefore, it's time to start raising a puppy in the usual home conditions.

The first point is to teach the puppy to going to the toilet on a diaper... It should be remembered that any learning is a rather difficult thing and seeing the first positive results, you should not think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training, according to the method, so that after a while you do not have to start all over again.

Second important point will train the puppy to the collar and leash... Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes out for the first time, wearing a collar would not be additional stress for him, but was already a habit, and he could study the world around him, and not try get rid of an incomprehensible subject.

The third point, which causes the greatest difficulties for new owners of puppies, will be the definition of a puppy boundaries of what is permitted:

  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Explain that you cannot bite your hands, even in the game;
  • Establish the correct daily routine, fixing the rule that you need to sleep in the morning, and not wake you up;
  • Disaccustom to gnaw furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Teach you to stay at home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: that constant and excessive punishment following almost every action of the puppy has a detrimental effect on his fragile psyche and can lead to the fact that the husky puppy grows up cowardly and embittered. A puppy for normal natural development should have the opportunity to explore the world around him, which is still limited by your apartment or house.

You should also start now. familiarization with initial commands obedience in light game form, while focusing on rewarding for performance, because the puppy's psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or a treat, and sometimes just praise.

Socializing a husky puppy at 3 months

Three months is an important stage in the acquaintance of a husky puppy with the outside world. Your first walks should be short and not too tiring for the puppy.

At this age goes shaping nervous system puppy, therefore, it is necessary to show him as much as possible: noisy streets, large crowds of people, etc. This should be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again, increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy and not frighten him.

It is also necessary to introduce the puppy to friendly dogs and people so that later the puppy does not develop aggression or cowardice caused by the fear of new things and the inability to communicate and make new acquaintances. And now, unfortunately, it is not a rarity in the behavior of already adult dogs, but a rather frequent problem with which people turn to our specialists for help.

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

  • It is now possible and necessary to go to the toilet on the street, and not to endure steadily and carry everything home;
  • Not every new person or the dog wants to communicate, so you do not need to run to get to know everyone at breakneck speed;
  • Not all food is healthy, so it should only be taken from the hands of the owner.

Puppy training is carried out according to the same principles as in 2 months. It should be remembered that at this age in puppies it is quite easy to develop conditioned reflexes, but just as quickly and are forgotten, so do not scold the puppy for not following the commands, especially if they have not been repeated for a long time, but more attention should be paid to learning new and repeating already studied material.

Training a husky puppy at 4 - 5 months

By this time, the husky puppy has already got used to your home and in places of usual walking, and no longer needs your support and care so much. Therefore, he begins, flirting with other dogs, to pretend that he does not hear you when you call him, to show a certain tenacity and disobedience when performing various commands.

So it's time to move on to full training... In the classroom at this age, it is already possible to show perseverance and exactingness. In this case, the most important thing is not to overdo it, remember that classes should bring joy to both you and your dog, and only then can you achieve the desired result.

What commands are practiced with a husky puppy at 4 months:

  • Calm movement near with the owner with a leash and without a leash, with landing when stopping, with a change in pace and direction of movement
  • Returning to you on demand
  • Excerpt in a free or definite position (sitting, lying, standing) for a long time: if necessary, wait for the owner on the street, when visiting a store or other institution
  • Indifference to the delicacy scattered on the ground
  • Denying command to stop unwanted actions
  • Execution of a complex of commands "sit", "lie", "stand" at a distance and near the foot, when giving commands by voice and gestures
  • Stop barking on demand.

Husky puppy training from 6 months

At this age, the puppy begins puberty and a real rebel wakes up in him. He begins to re-check the boundaries of what is permitted and, at times, deliberately does not respond to your commands, just to look at your reaction. If she is not what the puppy expects to see her, then he may decide that now you can no longer follow your commands.

It should be remembered that the puppy still still a child and being too harsh can permanently undermine his trust in you.

At this stage of the growing up of a husky puppy in training, all the shortcomings made in the previous stages, which were smoothed out by his young age, become clearly visible. And if they appeared, then it's time to correct them.

In many training schools, it is believed that a puppy needs to be trained in two stages, the first in early age, and the second at 8 - 10 months to "consolidate" the learned. This is not quite the correct position, this opinion appeared when to the old "DOSAAF" strict methods of training, where they began to work with the puppy strictly after 6-7 months, they began to add newer operant training methods, including work by the method of pointing and following the "target".

Their weakness was that it two different techniques, which began to be used without adaptation to each other, having a huge gap between their tools for practicing training skills. The difference between them is as between choreography lessons in kindergarten and army drill. Therefore, they needed training in two stages, not connected in any way.