Rescue dog in the mountains. In the service, and in the mountains, and on the water - the best breeds of dog rescuers. In the photo Dog Breed Rescuer German Shepherd

It is unlikely that the dogs are desperately rushing into the water or fire to save a person, think about any awards. Animals are completely deprived of vanity. Therefore, such dogs are real heroes.


Hero path

The story knows a lot of examples of how dogs have helped people out of trouble on their own gust. People understood that such qualities of dogs, as loyalty, courage, sacrifice can serve as a salvation of not one human life. So the dog had work: "Rescuer". And the Ministry of Emergency Situations - unique assistants, devotees and reliable.

However, the first rescuer dog appeared long before the Ministry of Emergency Situations. We know her name - Barry, her breed - Senbernar. And her story, which is more than two hundred years old and which, from generation to generation, has been transferred to French monks.

Barry brought up at the monastery along with other rescuers dogs, whose duties included the search for the workers. Every morning, on the neck of each of the four-legged rescuers, the monks were fixed by Bandy's barrels and sent to search for the poor man.

On the account of Barry - dozens of saved lives of people who could die on a deserted road to a snowy storm. But they survived, having met in Barry who in a critical moment gave them a sip of a warming drink and led to the roof of the hospitable monastic celi.

Even accurate information about the number of saved Barry lives is preserved: 40. Among them is the life of a child. Barry found him in the Alpine Mountains, under the thick of the tasty avalanche. He warmed his body of the semi-maritious baby and licked his face until he woke up.

The fate of Barry is tragic. He was wounded by man, in the dark to adopt a huge shaggy dog Bear. Barry survived, but his career was finished. He was no longer able to perform the work of the rescuer.

Any resident of the modern suburbs of Paris willingly show the arrival of the stone with a carved image - a monument to the legendary rescuer dog Barry.

Monument Barry in the suburb of Paris

Lifeguard dog skills

Despite the fact that today rescuer dogs work close to the same heroic people, no one calls them assistants of rescuers. After all, each such dog is an independent unit. And rarely falls out rescuers to people to maintain the same number of lives as their four-legged colleagues.

After all, nature presented unique dogs, almost mystical abilities:

  • i search for people buried alive at a depth of 9 meters;
  • find victims by smell even on fire, when a sharp smell of Gary hinders it.

That search engine, to which twenty people take 4 hours, trained in the dog is performed in 10 minutes!

Nature endowed dogs with mind, endurance, force, adaptability to adverse weather conditions.

And people who, who, withdraw the best of them, are raised from dogs of rescuers capable of:

  • report on the fact of the victims;
  • to bring people to the location of the victims.

In the video of the program "Morning with you", it is described about how the rescuers dogs are brought up.

Fire, Water and Copper Pipes

During the Great Patriotic War They were not only the military. Not only undermined the echelons and delivered cartridges and secret paper, making their way where no one would have passed. They were sanitary on the battlefield. - With a canvas bag with medicines and stretchers, which pulled into themselves the hard-weded fighters from the bake himself.

On the account of one of them - Sanitar named Mukhtar - more than four hundred pulled soldiers chosen from the battlefield. The total number of wounded fourth-eaters found during the Great Patriotic War - 500 thousand people!

IN post-war years Many dogs became so to speak, unofficial healers of the souls of surviving soldiers. But there are also qualified therapeutic dogs. They help the former military overcoming post-tramatic syndrome. One of the most famous is a dog named ricochet.

This golden retriever It also works with children having emotional problems or chronic diseases. He ... teaches their surfing. Developing in children the taste for life, the ricochet returns them mental and physical health.

Special programs for helping children with severe autism include work with small rescuer dog patients. Dogotherapy is the name of a very effective methodology for the treatment of the most complex diseases in children.

Friendly, vitality and active, dogs help to socialize to children. Four-legged healers also contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional background in treating emotional disorders, heavy Forms chronic diseases psychosomatic nature.

Sorry, currently there are no accessible surveys.

Annealing avalanche, floods, tornadorals, earthquakes, terrorist acts, man-made accidents - the destruction and losses that they entail them are huge. But they would be big if it were not for the heroic work of special services and rescuer dogs. Most often it is German shepherd. Animals precisely this breed is easier than others adapt to extreme conditions.

Work on the search for missing skiers and climbers trust Senberraram. Much less often in search when avalante is used by dogs of other breeds. Among such breeds - all the same german Shepherd. The celebrity has become a dog of this breed named Ajax.

In numbers and facts, its feat can be described by concise: 96 hours of continuous operation, frosthed paws, 12 saved lives. The Hero of Dakhstein - so now called Ajax in Austria, where this battle of dogs occurred with the element of element of eleven children and one school teacher.

In the Alpine Rocks, a dog named Titus saved his master, risking to die from hunger. Titus found its owner on top of the rock and dug out from under the strata of snow. Six long days Shepherd did not eat anything, dudder about his owner who fell into the misfortune and heated his warmth of his body. The special group of rescuer people rescued both from the snow captivity - and the climber, and his devotee.

Over the past fifty years, two dozen natural disasters were recorded, which dogs had somehow warned their owners. So, an earthquake in Ashgabat in one of the families was predicted "irrational," as the owners, the behavior of the shepherd, was regarded in the first minute. A few minutes before the house collapsed, the dog managed to leave the child outwardly, grabbing him for the hem of the night shirt.

The legend was the name of the Balt Rescuer Dog, which delivered medicines to the village in Alaska, saved hundreds of children from diphtheria.

In times, when fire calculations traveled to the place of extinguishing of fire on horseback, rescuer dogs (these were Dalmatians) worked along with a heavy force. They acted soothingly on horses, which are panicly afraid of fire. Dogs fled in front of a horsepower, clearing and pointing the path. This allowed firefighters without delay to get to the place. Today, when the horses were replaced by fire trucks, these dogs in their homeland are alive talismans of fire settlements.

IN water Element Newfoundland and Leonberger and Leonberger can have the most efficient assistance. Preparation that rescue dogs get in specialized centers lasts about a year.

Up to four per day, you have to look for ways to rescuers working in the forests of the Moscow region. Inexperienced mushrooms, who won children, people with not very good land orientation skills are lost 40 minutes from the capital. And it happens regularly, even despite the cellular communication.

According to the stories of volunteers working with rescuer dogs in the forest, a person can pass a few meters from the lost, without noticing him. This happens when the search is delayed, the missing man exhausted, and even lost consciousness at all.

Lifeguard dogs perplexed in the forest long before it is capable of making people. In this, they are helped by their excellent scent and the ability is better than a person, wander through thickets. Finding a lost person, rescuer dogs feed the search for a search team.

Breed four-legged rescuers

Rescuers can be dogs of any breed. But there are among them more capable of this work. Quality of dogs What breeds most often exploit rescue services?

  • Diver (Newfoundland);
  • Doberman;
  • Drathahar;
  • Labrador retriever;
  • Leonberger;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Senbernar;
  • Spaniel.

Spaniel was a dog named Lenya, in a year-old age saved from the dumps formed during the Sakhalin earthquake of 1995, 18 people.

If the abilities of German shepherders, senbernar are used in the mountains, the divers specialize in salvation of drowning. The latter are able to swim in very cold and even icy water! Their abilities of divers are amazed: Newfoundlands are immersed on the depth in good three dozen meters!

It should be noted that from Labradors, Rottweillers and Shepherds also come out excellent specialists in an adjacent profession - guide.

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Video "Hero of Russia Yelga"

In the video of the program "Such life" describes the dog awarded the title of four-legged hero of the country.

With email, avalanche, terrorist attacks and man-made catastrophes - all this, unfortunately, part of our life. We used to sympathize with the troubles of the people from afar, worrying for those who were buried under the snowy avalanche or under the wreckage of the collapsed building, just looking through the TV screen: after all, we can not help these people. When everything is over, we can take part in collecting money for medicines, pass blood, send parcels with clothing and money transfers. But it is necessary for those who have already saved. And before doing something to do something for people who were buried alive and desperately waiting for help, it would seem, not in our power, even if the misfortune happened from us nearby. But in fact, perhaps, we and our dogs could help someone from those who fell into trouble.

  • First steps in PSS

Whether you are Network that in most European countries, 90% of kinologists participating in rescue work with their search dogs are volunteers, that is, people of various professions that prepare their dogs and then go to the places where the trouble happened, voluntarily and Free. Of course, to become a lifeguard - a volunteer, one desire is not enough. The preparation of the search dog requires great difficulty and perseverance, in addition, the volunteer, before it is allowed to rescue work, must pass special certification, pass two exams: a dog - in the conditions close to real - should show the required search skills, and a volunteer - their own Own knowledge of the rescuer. But, despite the difficulties, a huge number of people prepare their dogs to search service. And they become in the ranks of rescuers-volunteers.

There is an international organization of rescue dogs Iro, and in different countries There are national volunteer associations - kinologists. Now such an organization has been created in Russia, its name - "Russian Search and Rescue Society of Volunteers of Rossopas-KV."

The main goal of kinologists, united in Rosspas-KV - assistance to people in the disaster zone or disappeared in deserted locality. For this, Rosspas-kV creates volunteer groups in which anyone can undergo training in the rescue service (PSS) with his personal dog, and over time - and pass certification to admit to real search work. Now in Moscow there are already several such groups. Some groups were created only a few months ago, others have been working for quite a while. Some of the participants of such groups even became certified focus - MES rescuers. Now the Society of Volunteers of Rossopas-KV creates its units, (and, accordingly, groups) in the regions so that anyone who wants to help the rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in their city or region could do it. Groups in the regions will act independently taking into account local specifics, but within the framework of the Charter of the Organization and the Code of Honor of the Volunteer.

Volunteer groups of PSS

Volunteering is hard work. A lot of time should be spent on the preparation of a dog, learn yourself. Training in a volunteer search - rescue group is quite different from any traditional classes on the train site. It is primarily in the way that there is no training platform. Most of Classes take place in places where people usually do not pay voluntarily - construction sites, destroyed buildings, basements, forests and crossed terrain. And, most importantly, training with a dog familiar to many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders - here you need to help others. Here you will not stand and wait until I reach the turn to you with your dog. Rather, the dog, perhaps, will wait for your turn, but you are not. Training search - rescue dog It is impossible without the help of a large number of people, the so-called extracts, which during the occupation depict the victims. This is this statist in the course of the lesson, it is necessary to be every cynologist. First, you help others, depicting the victim, and when your through working with a dog comes - extremities will also be ready for you, slyly hidden in bookmarks - so called places imitating natural dumps, wells, etc., in which victims may be people. The correct bookmark device is a whole science, and you also have to learn to her during classes. In the tab, it is not only necessary to arrange a statistically with all the amenities (and there is sometimes to be in such bookmarks to be very long), but also take into account all the exits of the smell to correctly appreciate the work of the dog and avoid learning errors.

Different people come to the search service completely for different reasons: romance, desire to take a dog, communication, nature, entertainment, sports ... But here they remain quite a few. Few people coming to occupation for the first time, confidently can say that he will remain in this service for a long time. And it is not required, you can just try your hand at first. Perhaps you will not be afraid of difficulties and a noble profession, mastered by your dog and you, worth all difficulties.

Dina Kuznetsova, instructor of the PSS group:

Previously, we took in a group of absolutely all. Now, if a person seizes a desire to engage in the group, I immediately say to him than "fraught" our classes. What you need to spend quite a long time that you can not miss the workout that we are dirty and uncomfortable, that from the dog, especially at the first time, they will have to suffer from any "skins". For example, in the first classes, all dogs who put the designation with a voice are suitable for the owner and infinitely bark. And it is impossible to stop! This is then passes, but first have to suffer. Also, a person immediately has to warn that even if he is not going to be a volunteer, then the training process itself is such that he may have to forget about the dog, as a real defender, the dog will most likely be friendly to the stranger and will take food from foreign hands. And then ... we have now introduced the test period - 2 months so that you can see each other, find out if a person will like a person, whether it hurts, and of course, will be suitable for volunteer search work Dog and filmologist. And then test period A person is either starting purposefully to work on himself to become a volunteer, or ... a person just likes to do a service, or participate in competitions. How to deal with such people - decides for yourself every instructor. But all of the instructors of Rossspass should not forget that our main goal is precisely the preparation of volunteers, that is, people who in the case of trouble will be ready to help people.

First steps in PSS

So, you decided to try your strength and come into a group of PSS or if there is no such group in your city, try to start training along with your friends yourself. To begin with, it should be said that it is impossible to engage alone. As mentioned above, you will need big number Statists and helpers, so if there is no group in your city, and you want to try, try to create this group. Feel free to contact Rosspas-KV members and rescuers in their region. You will help you to learn all the might, organize classes, the main thing is desire.

Choosing a place for classes

Classes are held on abandoned construction sites, ruins of houses, catacombs, on the dumps of old cars, railway cars, and the like - such places are necessary for learning the search in the technogenic environment. And to search in a natural environment - everything that lets the area in your region: Forest, Mountains. The forest is better to choose with a strongly crossed terrain so that the dog could not have emerged to see a person.

Places to work must be changed constantly. At the initial stage, it is best to train on construction sites (ruins), and workouts to change every 3-4 classes. In the future, it is necessary to change more often. The general rule is such - the more experienced a dog, the more likely she needs a change in the situation. In the place where you have already trained, you can again return after a few shifts. If you have several things in a row in one place, you should remember that bookmarks (places where people hide) at each occupation should be new. There must be not only a change of buildings, but also a change in various types of terrain. Periodically, novice dogs need to be selected into the forest, but necessarily organizing a deaf bookmark there.

Places for classes are also selected based on the level of complexity. For example, for novice dogs can not be used basements (where dark), places with smells of Gary, feces, mold, etc. Best of all, if it is a spacious, bright and well ventilated building, or a glade with construction materials in the fresh air.

Build bookmarks

On the initial stage PSS classes need to work only on "deaf" bookmarks, that is, where the dog will not see a person and can not get to him. This is very important, since if the dog at first give a person to see a person, it can lead to the fact that it will look for his eyes, and not use the scent. And if the bookmarks allow you to make your way to the statistics, then in the subsequent dogs there are problems in the designation of absolutely deaf and inaccessible bookmarks. If there is no opportunity to work at a construction site, then you can organize the "deaf" bookmarks and in the forest, the ambulatory holes and the bias of their boards. The main rule - the dog should not see an openly lying person.

It should be borne in mind that the dogs are very easy to "disassemble" the bookmarks, are swayed, squeezed, jump. The error is both the preparation of the bookmark, in which the dog can push his head and see a person.

Starting with simple bookmarks. These are the bookmarks that stand out visually, that is, standing apart from others so that the dog, taking the smell, could easily determine where he goes from. It is necessary that the free approach of the dog is secured directly to the place where the smell comes from. The space of the smell and the source of the smell must be in one place. So we teach dogs to ensure that they indicate the source of the smell in close proximity to it.

Also, bookmarks should have good volumetric odor outputs either evenly upwards and to the side (all kinds of cobes) or one way (long pipes, where a person sits on the one hand, bookmarks with a door or hole on one side).

Do not forget to determine the direction of the wind, as the smell can blow to another exit or to demolish towards.

It is possible to determine the release points of the smell and craving (that is, in which direction - air from the hole or in it) you can use a lighter or torch. Lighter bring to the hole and look at what direction the flame bends. There and pulls air. Torch gives us smoke. As it should be nadymov in the tab (just to do it, it is necessary in advance so as not to embarrass the dogs with the smell of smoke) We look where to go to the smoke. Thus, we determine possible odor outputs.

It is also worth remembering that the dogs are very quickly getting used to one type of bookmarks, therefore they need to be diversified - the pits in the ground, cobes, the jet of iron, plates, in the walls, raised above the ground and so on.

Over time, bookmarks can be complicated by making point outlets, raised above the ground up to 2 meters, deep (odor outlet far from the source is either weak). Please note that a long time is required to support the statist, that is, its communication with the dog from the bookmark, therefore complicating bookmarks, it is worth making them so that such an opportunity is preserved.

Preparing the bookmark, we must remember that the conductors of dogs, as a rule, prefer to carry out the search process for them visually. With this, it constantly has to fight, using bookmarks, in which the human view does not stop, and the conductor will not be able to give a dog's tip.

You should not use the same ways to restrict access to bookmark (shields, doors, etc.) Because dogs are also getting used to them and begin to determine visually.

Observe security

Places in which we are engaged in PSS, abound in all sorts of danger. These are pits in the floor where you can fall, and the reputing sand, and falling bricks. Old emergency buildings are especially dangerous, where the wall, ceiling, or falling through the floor can be collected at any time. Therefore, choosing a place to occupation, first of all it is worth thinking about security so as not to turn out rescuers in saves. The accumulation zone (where people and dogs await their turn) should always be in a safe place. Bookmarks must be organized in places where there is no risk of collapse, plates and other plates. You should also watch the details of the design of the bookmarks fell on the head by the statist or dog. Since the dogs work without leashes, it is necessary to watch that there are no imperceptible holes in the floor and the like, especially at the first time, until the dogs can move correctly in such places.

The most frequent injury in class - cuts of the paws. You can use booties, however, those that are sold have a very slippery surface, which in itself can lead to injury, it must be considered. In addition, it is necessary to teach the dog to move along the rod, so in places where there are no scattered, glasses are better to let the dog without a boot. In emergency buildings it is better to use helmers to protect the head from random drops of bricks.

Never forget how many statists hid and in what places, as well as how much time the statists remains in the tab. In winter, this time should not exceed 40 minutes, and it is advisable to fit in 20 minutes. In the summer you can more, but it depends on the bookmark. If it is a cold wet basement, then you should not keep a person there for 2 hours. Installing in the snow, remember the location of the statist position. Flags and the like, of course, it is impossible to place on the tab.

"Combat Kit" for classes

For classes, first of all, you need warm, comfortable clothing, especially in winter. Even in the summer, sitting in the bookmark is pretty cool, especially since it is impossible to move. Warm pants, jackets, necessarily comfortable warm and waterproof shoes, caps and mittens in the winter needed.

For classes, you will need:

What devices can still dream about? The imagination of the cynologist is very developed. Moreover, any "devices" for our case is always lacking. To those can be attributed:
  • lantern searchlight for efficient illumination of the territory.
  • Frames - well, very necessary thing, especially when classes in the forest.
  • A bunch of all clothes - warm fleece jackets, membrane equipment and outerwear ...
  • Snowstanding "Lanterns" - devices to protect against snow in shoes
  • And so on and so on ...
By the way, it is not too much a thing of mobile phones for statists. True, they must be turned off so that the random call does not spoil the search for the dog, but if necessary, the statist will be able to use the phone.

How is the occupation

The construction of the classes depends, first of all, from the experience of kinologists working with their dogs. If it is beginners, then it is possible to work exclusively in turn, because at the beginning of the training you need permanent control of the coach. Further, when the filmologist is already experienced and knows what he wants to work on this occupation, he can take the statists and go to work.

In any case, in the same search zone there is always only one dog. The average duration of occupation in the group is 3-4 hours. First build bookmarks, then the kennels in turn work with their dogs. Then you can go to another place (to another set of bookmarks) and again work with all dogs in turn. Thus, there are 2-3 starts for the occupation, and the number of conditional affected by each start varies. "Row" is called work on one set of bookmarks, which is done without a break on vacation. Those. Send a dog to search, it finds 1 person, they are encouraged and immediately sent to the other. Depending on the level of preparation for one launch, the dog can find from one to 8-10 people. With novice dogs, it is best to work at the beginning of the classes until they tired.

If the group is large, and part of the conductors have long to wait for its turn, you can use this time to introduce a dog with a territory (if you allow space not to interfere with working dogs) so that the search for an approximate reaction (this is necessary for novice dogs) , Having to move the dog to move around the bitch, to easily overcome the obstacles that met on the way, to go into dark rooms - this is also part of the workout.

For novice dogs, the occupation must not last long, intensely, quickly, in one breath and very excitement, especially the occupation with puppies. The dog in no way should be mastered, including waiting for his turn. Experienced dogs are already calmly tolerant. The search itself should be in such a volume so that the dog is not satisfied with them and wanted yet.

It is worth considering what another dog isThe more she is configured to serious work. Try with such a dog to do the exercises for beginners and see something that she did a few months ago, is now doing quite differently, given all his luggage experience, which increased during this time.

Primary preparation of dogs

Selection of dogs

The dog should be primarily healthy, at least not to have diseases that interfere with the service. This is especially true of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because Loads in our service are very high. The PSS dog should have a good, resistant to the impacts of the psyche, severe food and (or) game motivation, good connection with the owner, to be active, movable. No aggression! The dog should calmly treat outsiders, and preferably to communicate with them.


At this stage, it is important to prepare a dog to future work, decide on the methodology and motivation for work. How preparation will be built, depends on the selected technique, but there are certain "rules" common to all. When choosing future motivation, it is necessary to focus on what the need has a dog. The need for food to work is much easier, not enough to feed the dog. With a toy, if the dog does not "break the roof" at the sight of it, do not stand and try. Remember that we are very difficult to translate a dog from one motivation to another, it is often impossible. The formation takes place very quickly, because this choice must be done even before the search will be directly. The techniques differ in the search technique (the search for a shuttle, managed, free), by finite motivation (based on the game behavior of dogs; search-and-indicative; the need for approval of the leader). There are techniques that are based on development, first of all, searching behavior, and the designation is entered later. Other special attention is paid to warning behavior. In all techniques, the dog teach to work on the smell of a living person (not things). Regardless of the selected technique at the time of the start of classes, the dog should directly:

We start working on searching

Initial classes are the most important. We produce a dog's motivation. Motivation is that the dog knows that only by performing a certain set of actions in a strictly defined order - the launch of the skill of the "Lookout!" Or "Looking for a person!", Human search, the designation of it, while not moving away from the statist, she will get encouragement. At the same time, the dog should be interested in this promotion. If we work at a delicacy, the dog must be hungry (1-3 days of the hunger strike).

The first exercises are always based on human runoff. We start immediately with foreign people. If preliminary preparation is done as it should, there will be no problems with this. At first, the statists play the dog (or shows a delicacy), then runs away in a simple shelter in her eyes and his name is nicknamed. The dog sees where the statists runs away, does not see where it is exactly hiding. It is best to provide, making a bookmark around the corner, you can simply cover your dog's eyes. As soon as the statists hid and called the dog, they are released. She runs behind him, and the owner moves behind her. As soon as the dog gives his nose to the bookmark, the statists gives it the "Voice!" Team, after which it begins to communicate with her, praise it, stimulating it from Lai and periodically encouraging delicacy. It is important to be very friendly. In no case do not give a dog to leave the bookmark. It is most important. If trying to leave - call to yourself, tease a piece. You can switch to a click on the bookmark so that the dog see a person (but only after it closes). The owner is nearby nearby. Depending on the behavior of the dog, if it is far away, "then you should not provoke. But no closer than 3 meters. After 15-20, the owner comes to the bookmark, opens it and gives the statistics to get out. After that, the statists bravely communicate with the dog if he plays. You can continue either by making running off with the same statistically in another shelter or with another statist.

Depending on the technique, the runoff scheme can be built differently. If the dog is involved in the shuttle search, then start-netting classes at the landfill, using the shelter "at the corners" of the shuttle. You can use the boxes that the subsequent stage are drunk in the ground. Then go to work at construction site. If you teach a free search, then the impacts from the owner must be at least. The dog teach freely move on the territory, focusing on the streams of air, where there is a person.

When the dog confidently moves behind the statistics and, finding, having to approach the owner, we begin to make complications. We use several nearby shelters, in one of which is hiding statists. Let the dog see only the direction of movement of the statist to half the path. Or in front of the dog, the dog is hiding in one shelter, then the dog's eyes cover, and the statists are repeated to another, then they let the dog. Increase the launch distance. Make more complex bookmarks with more complex approaches to them. Gradually, running out so that the dog sees that a person runs away, but does not see the runoff path. Then we introduce the "call" of the dog to the statist only from the bookmark, and there it is removed at all. Then we begin to teach the dog that a person does not necessarily run away on the search. To do this, we run the runoff of two people at the same time, each of which infected the dog delicacy. First, the dog finds one, then the second "pre-hidden". So gradually go to work with advanced people. The work of the statistics is important in the tab. The rudeness is not allowed, non-transmitted silence, incorrect encouragement (when the dog, for example, is silent) or its absence. Clean communication with the dog must be carefully and gradually. Laya must be achieved long. Promotion must be necessarily when finding every person! Gradually, the moment of promoting the dog from the start of the choice and delayed to the first piece. When the dog already understands what they require it (this happens quite quickly), we introduce glass banks in which we put the delicacy, close the lid so that at the time of the designation in the bookmark it does not smell a delicate. If landing or laying is selected for the designation, then when I find a person, the host, and better the statist (it is necessary to determine in advance) gives the dog to the dog. Daving a short time to excerpt (10-15 seconds) the owner is suitable, gives a dog's delicacy (and if there is an opportunity, the statist gives a treat), after which the statists open, he communicates with the dog and feeds pieces.

When the dogs are already normally looking for pre-hidden people, they begin to introduce additional complications. These are both more complex bookmarks and an increase in the search duration, a variety of physical exertion immediately before searching, work in dark, contaminated with strangers of rooms, etc.

All complications, order, methods, and so on - the fruit of fantasy instructor :) and his ability to determine the readiness of the dog to the transition to the next level. In general, the full preparation of the PSS dog takes about 2 years.

Even well-working dogs at some point can stop working correctly, start making mistakes, for example, problems with signal behavior may occur. The main thing is not to despair and continue to work, only regular classes will give the result.

Forms of organization of training process, control and verification of dog readiness

- The usual occupation, on which the required skills are successively implemented, the shortcomings are eliminated, complications are introduced in accordance with the plan of classes.

Control classes - Here for all dogs it is planned to perform one task and compare the work of dogs, check the quality of work and outline errors that require eliminating.

Joint classes - They participate several (at least two) groups by searching and rescue service. They are good because there is an opportunity to use strangers, not famous dogm of the Statists. Best of all, when one side first is one group - organizes for another bookmark, and the second works on them, not knowing their number and location. Another time this group will organize the same for the first.

Exercises - The most approximate to the real working conditions of the work of the readiness of dogs, in accordance with the standard. Additional complications may be introduced in the form of a descent on the ropes together with dogs, work in complicated conditions (night time, rain), given the fact that the kennels do not know in advance the number of victims, location of bookmarks and working conditions. You can make a "command" search when the kennels should work together according to the pre-thought-out tactics (for example, dividing the territory to the search squares for each dog, or a serial search). As well as combine checks of dogs with the readiness of film readiness for rescue work (for example, knowledge of the basics of first aid, when he should have the first medical assistance to the "victim").

Tests (certification) - Checking the readiness of the calculation (cynologist - dog) to the actions for purpose. Are carried out in the MES system. The successful passage of certification makes admission to pay for participation in rescue work within 1 year.

Competitions - It is carried out in order to increase professional skills, exchange experience in the preparation and application of dogs, testing readiness for targets and certification, as well as identifying the best calculations. At competitions for calculations, various additional complications are organized, which can arise in real work. So they can be called a real holiday for kinologists. It is worth remembering that the competition is not an end in itself, but a means to achieving skill in real work, and therefore getting big chances to save a person.

We recommend the owners and instructors to draw up diaries on the work of each individual dog at each lesson. For the owner of the dog, this is a better way to understand your dog, and for the instructor - see how much the owner understands what is happening, to add, discuss the work of the dog with him, and may see it on the other side. Also, diaries help not forget that there was a given dog and trace its development for the entire period of classes. Most convenient diaries in in electronic format And then sending the instructor by mail.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. It is impossible to constantly use the same people as an alignment, even at the initial level.
  2. Immediately teach the dog to different quantity Statists on the search. At the beginning of 1-2, then enter the third. At the same time, it is desirable that at first he ran away or called a dog from the bookmark.
  3. On the initial period Classes when the dog is required to fix the signal behavior, you should use only the imputed extracts that can communicate with dogs, because Inappropriate work can spoil all over again.
  4. After each search, the promotion of communication with the statist should be the maximum, the dog should be interested in communication and as a result, the search for a person.
  5. Do not forget to pay attention to the collection of dogs to the ribs, movement on obstacles, darkness, altitude.
  6. Before searching, you should familiarize dogs with a terrain, giving running and sniffing, so that there were no approaches during work in dogs. When dogs are already more experienced, you can smoothly move to work on unfamiliar area.
  7. Regardless of the selected preparation technique, it is important to remember that there are several "components", which only in the amount give an excellent result.
    • This is the search itself: The search manner, amarness, speed, focus on the result, i.e. The dog should look for the sake of finding (remember about motivation), and not just because she likes to run.
    • Signal behavior: very important. If the dog finds, but does not refer, consider that you did not find anyone. It is terrible to imagine yourself in a situation where you cannot help a person because the dog does not make a clear good designation.
    • The dog should not "remove" from bookmarks. Self-pass.
    • Endurance and psychological training: The dog (and a filmologist too) should be ready for long-term work and emotional stress. This is a matter of not one day, it is necessary to go gradually, without overloading the dog.
  8. False notation is a separate conversation. They may be happening because of the wrong bookmarks, due to the frequent work on monotonous bookmarks, when the dog begins to navigate the external signs, due to the increased excitability of the dog, due to the residual odors of the person in the bookmark (especially at novice dogs), smell Food, freshly spent things. These additional provocations are entered later when the skill is already formed and quite stable.
  9. It is necessary to teach dogs and the unloved smells emanating from the "homeless" (perhaps, attracting them to work with experienced dogs), since this smell is closest to the real smell of the victim, who was under the rivet for several days.
  10. To play with a dog, it is extremely undesirable to use forest sticks (i.e. special dumbbells can be), as the dogs, especially on finding in the forest, may start picking sticks near the bookmarks, thus self-perturbing, while without refining the skill to the end.
  11. When classes and search, and followed, it is necessary to move from one species to another when the primary skill has already been formed (the dog clearly knows what they want to follow or on the search), otherwise you can confuse the dog.
  12. Do not do one day various species Services (including obedience), especially if new skills are studied in both types of services (that is, the development of courses is in parallel). Recommended during the training of the search service and the trace study of only obedience, otherwise the dog can be confused, to break and strongly overlook, which will lead to bad work everywhere.

What to pay attention to the trace work.

It is necessary to navigate not so much on the standards as for real needs. Search in the forest to the 3 days of the track. In the city - to the day. Work on various coatings, in the dark, in bad weather conditions, with distracting stimuli and so on. A large number of corners, intersections of other people's traces, and so on, which can meet in work. Special attention to pay the search for the start of the trace. As a rule (if this is not a completely deserted area) a specific trace is searched concrete personFor which the dog is given before searching to sniff the thing with the smell of the victim. Things on the trail are designated (can and in another way). It is impossible to make ways for the designation of people and things coincided. In general, the preparation of a dog on the trace work takes about 3 years.

Preparation of a search and rescue service dog case is a difficult and abundant nuances. But if you are interested in this service, and your heart touched the opportunity to actually come to help people with your dog - Welcome to Rosspas-KV. We will help organize a group in your city or region, go to seminars and fees, get the necessary information. Contact managers of groups and regional offices of Rossopas-sq.:

If you can replenish this list by addresses of actually working groups or correct outdated data, please refer to us - or through the form below.

Four-legged friends serve their owners in exchange for their care, affection and manifestation of love. So it was for a long time, when wild animals, who were considered to be relatives of wolves, was releaving for primitive hunters to enjoy oversight from the main production.

Taking help from four-legged pets for successful wildlife hunting, ancestors modern man Successful safety and comfort. Over time, the domesticated animal was increasingly used in the economy. The dogs began to scare the unaccounted guests from home, to warm the owner with their warmth in tall frosts.

The descendants of the tamed animals with each new generation were increasingly converged with the owners, over time they changed their appearance - so formed the traits more modern dogs. Passed thousands of years. Domesticated dogs often performed not only in the role of loyal allies, but also hardy, strong keepers man. So the first rescuers dogs appeared.

Man and dog have complemented each other since a long time. And if the first for his survival used a high figure of intellectual abilities, showing overall care in relation to his pet, then the second possessed with high-quality hearing, good scent, fast legs, a lightning reaction, sharp teeth and claws of the real beast.

Constantly demonstrating a selfless love for his owner, the dog could save his life many times not only during battles with enemies, but also during fires and floods; In some cases, there were people in snowy avalanches, they saved their lives, pulling out of the rules.

The devotional animal may intuitively feel a threat, with the help of the smell, it feels the smell of a person under the thickness of the snow at a depth of several meters, it fables the gary of fires in the steppe and in the forest, finds a safe place during natural disasters.

Gallery: Rescue dogs (25 photos)

Very hardy breed, very smart, easily trained, obedient is considered labrador retriever. Such dogs are used not only as rescuers, but also as advocates. Doberman Used to search for people in hard conditions and save during extreme situations. Rottweilelers - Excellent sapiers. there is a large number of other breeds with unusual features of real rescuers.

How is the process of learning dogs rescuers?

  1. The training of a rescuer dog requires the owners of the excerpt and patience. And from the animal for successful understanding and learning, it is necessary to complete obedience, ability to work and working out technical skills during the search, detection and salvation of a person. Four-legged friends teach to overcome various obstacles, climbing the stairs, and also produce safe movement skills on various ruins.
  2. Animal conductor also has to learn to provide first help for the victim, use a compass and an additional card. He must learn the rules of behavior and learn how to quickly and soberly assess the situation during the catastrophe. In the process of passing the training course, you also have to take an annual exam.
  3. The fulfillment of the main teams in the rescuer dog should be brought to the automatic mode during the gradual transition from simple to complex type. Soon the defined skill will be able to become a real conditional reflex. Receptions and general behavior are first produced, and after being fixed in accordance with strict training standards.

What are the abilities of dogs rescuers?

High-quality scent and high endurance porn dogswho got them from nature, as well as as a result of a long crossing and selection process best species- not the only qualities that the rescuer needs. Specially trained pets should be able to properly serve a voice in the desired situation while finding victims. All this is not so easy.

First, it is necessary that the pet is well socialized, even if it is distinguished by benevolence and special accuracy.

Among the required skills, it is worth highlighting two mains - it is to find the victim who got into difficult situation And needs help, and after reporting this to its colleagues - that is, people.

Of course, some particularly strong dogs are obliged to directly deliver a person in trouble in a safe place, pull out from under the dawns, to abandon them from snow, but in most cases they still need the help of specialists. In addition to the thin scent, physical strength and violent desire to work and save people, other requirements are imposed to the dog:

  1. The presence of a steady psyche. A working dog should not respond to distracting factors, but to be fully focused on its purpose and perform certain actions.
  2. Goodwill and friendliness. The four-legged friend rescuer must be glad to find the victim, he must rejoice at him, and not growl, be afraid and show aggression. In addition, most often in the process of emergency, the place of events is filled with a large number of people - doctors, rescuers and the rest of the personnel. At this time, the dog should remain good-natured and exercise enhanced alertness and self-control.
  3. Ability to make decisions yourself. During the incident, when a person is not nearby, the dog is obliged to act, without waiting for the team of employees.
  4. Obedience. Dogs who are ready to run away as soon as they will be sick at least a drop of freedom either notice another dog, are absolutely not suitable for serious and dangerous work. In such work, it is necessary to use only those rocks that have special disciplines and perform the tasks of any price.

Famous rescuers dogs: Balto

In 1925, an incident occurred in the small town of Nom in the territory of Alaska: the diphtheria epidemic suddenly loosened. There was no possibility to make the delivery of vaccine from Anchorage, after all, I drowned in the snow far from civilization. Children began to die from a rapidly propagating infection, and then doctors had to go to extreme measures. They gathered a special blower expedition, which included about 150 dogs and 20 challenges. The final stage Delivery of the vaccine - a distance of 52 miles - instructed the Norwegian Gunnar Kaashen and his harness of Siberian Husks.

The leader of the harness was young, but extremely strong dog Balto. In very harsh and hazardous conditions The whole harness had to make their way to his goal: -51 degree frost, a strong snowstorm.

Kaashen lost reference, he began to dazzling thick snow. Another exit, except to fully entrust the direction of the leader, Gunnar was simply not.

Balto continued to confidently lead a whole harness, and as a result they delivered a valuable vaccine that could save a large number of lives.

After completing his mission, Balton acquired enormous fame, also in his honor in one of the squares in New York, a special monument from bronze was erected.

ATTENTION, only today!

Dogs are friends and loyal assistants Man for many years. They carry many features: dogs - nanny, dogs - guide, service dogs, and of course, dogs are rescuers.

Speaking of the latter, immediately seems to be a blue sky in the mountains, and dazzling - white snow. There, under the snowy thick, man. And who can find him, who will help? Large white-red Senbernar or fast and agile German shepherd dog? Or maybe a cheerful and gentle labrador, or intelligent smart spaniel? In a word, a dog whose mission is to save people, a dog, proudly called "Rescuer".

Senberram is dedicated ...

"Senbernara, you know, long live. One in life is loved, and only to him. And after with him, they fall into paradise ... "- lines from the song Diana Arbenina, as it is impossible to characterize this breed.

Good-natured, gigantic sizes, "plush bears" - universals for rescue people in the mountains. The breed has received its name in honor of the dangerous mountain pass of Big Saint-Bernard, located in Switzerland. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe pass was the monastery, where there lived by the statements, and with them - dogs. There was also a steep and dangerous road, at an altitude of almost 2500 meters above the ground. Weather conditions of those seats were known by frequent snowy tamans, therefore, those unfortunate travelers who were forced to go this expensive, accounted for nothing. Many were shot down and died. The monks were provided by the pendulums of the shelter, and their four-legged assistants found people who were noticeable, filled them, and helped to get to the monastery. If, a person was so weak that he could not do this on his own - Senberry returned to the monastery, and led assistance to the victims.

The most famous four-legged lifeguard is Senbernar named Barry der Menschenretter, or just old Barry (1800 - 1814). For twelve years of his work, the dog saved more than forty person. One of those saved by him became a little boy.

Barry found a freezing child in an icy cave, he already lost consciousness. The dog has shuddered him, and then dragged on the ground to the monastery. When the child came to himself, he was able to climb Senbernard on his back. Barry delivered the injured baby to the monastery. The legendary four-legged lifeguard from old age, in Bern. To this day, the scarecrow PSA is located in the Berne Museum of Natural History.

Rescuers Second World War

Dogs made a huge contribution to the salvation of human lives during the war years. In the account of animals who were in service in Soviet army, Over 600 thousand wounded warriors saved from the battlefield. Dogs - Sanitars possessed a steady psyche, they were not afraid of shots, worked under the shelling and during the explosions, found victims in the fog, in smoke, at night. In general, when people could not come to help their comrades, they did dogs. They carefully searched the terrain, finding wounded soldiers, notified their guides about it (with the help of a pointer to the pointer), and led themselves to the victims. The most famous Sanitar became a dog of the German Shepherd, named Mukhtar. He saved about 400 wounded from the battlefield, including the conductor of Shepherdki - Efreitor Zorin, contused from the bomb explosion.

The dog is a lifeguard, what should she be?

For such dogs, a pedigree length in a kilometer is not important, or a special breed. Rescuers can be German shepherds, Senbernara, Labradors, Newfoundland and, even, Collie. Four-legged lifeguard Must possess a strong, stable psyche, have a sharp flair, developed rumor and vision. To work in the mountains you need thick wool cover. Any dog \u200b\u200bis a strong rescuer and hardy, because her work is very heavy and selfless. The dog does not in any case should show anger or aggression towards people and other animals. The ideal for search and rescue will be a middle-height dog (45-55cm), a dry type of physique, with a pronounced approximately active behavior. Each animal has its positive and negative qualities, Therefore, it is better not to look for an outstanding, the ideal "finished" dog is a search engine or a rescuer, but to do with your puppy serious, vocational training on this type of activity.

Good day, the reader, not so long ago we came to the conclusion that we have no information on our portals dedicated to our smaller brothers, dog rescuers.

Yes, it is them, the four-legged rescuer satellites and the hope of a person in need of their help. Usually people call such heroes like this: " Dogs Ministry of Emergency Situations“, “Dog rescuers"And other names will correctly will be a dog" Search and Cynological Service

Back in 1996, on June 20, an order was signed and issued an order to create a search engine dining room "Centripas", from that time, dogs take part in any rescue operations requiring victims. The development of this service began rapidly. At the time of writing the article, more than 1,800 victims were saved by the foam fighters.

Dog lifeguard, who is it?

When we talk about rescuers, we imagine strong men in full technically equipped outfit, but there are no such dogs, the main "weapon" against this is their nose and smell. Thanks to a good sense of smell, the dog will lead his owner to the place of the grooved, where there may be a person, or will help the detachment of rescuers to find people in the forest.

Almost every day, such a dog begins with training in the form of a game, because training and training is the basis for a successful search operation for victims. For example, with a dog goes to originally in an unfamiliar place (abandoned construction, career, plants, forest array), and hide from it. The task of the four-legged friend to find you if he does, he will receive a remuneration in the form of a delicacy or toys. It is worth paying attention to that every dog \u200b\u200b(several dogs) has its own owner who conducts training and raises a pet with puppy age.

Let's deal with some breeds there are dog rescuers and their place of service.

Service in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations carry dogs of the following breeds

  • labradors
  • shepherd
  • spaniel
  • terries
  • pitbuli
  • ridgebeki
  • rottweilelers
  • risenshnuzer
  • husky
  • staffordshire Terrier
  • focister and even spitty.

Dog calculations are divided into:

  1. Mino-search service
  2. Mining avalanche service
  3. Search bodies dead
  4. Searching rescue service
  5. Water salvation
  6. Finding victims on the smelt trail

At the time of writing the article, in the search and dynamic service of Russia, there are 470 cynological calculations, including volunteers. It is worth noting that in Russia one of the highest levels of dog training.

Taking into account the factors that cynological calculations cannot be provided with systematic work, but young dogs and new participants are required long, painstaking training, the situation with the involvement of the volunteers devoted to their work suits everyone. When volunteers require specific assistance, specialists help in learning, such as security measures. As a result, competently active groups are obtained, from among whom general groups of Moscow and the region, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Crimea are allocated. The nobility of individual dogs and their coaches are well known - the outstanding connoisseurs of their business. This is Labrador Irga and a cynologist Mikhail Tipukhov from Stavropol, who won the contest "Constellation of courage" in 2015, recognized as the "best cynologist of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" Irina Fedotkin and her pupil belgian Shepherd Fart from Kazan, on their account over 300 effectively implemented rescue operations, rescuer I class I Alexey Bochkarev and his Labrador-Retriever Bernie (a veteran of his business) from Moscow, they distinguished themselves during rescue work in Beslan and other places. And how many not yet named names!

Dogs save people affected in man-made catastrophes, find out missing mushrooms, dudge on the beaches and stations of state inspections on small courts and in other hot spots.

From the moment of its existence, the cynological calculations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation took part in the enormous number of rescue operations:

  • they found mines in places of hostilities, such as Croatia, Kosovo, Chechen Republic;
  • they saved people in Neftegorsk (Sakhalin, 1995) after earthquakes;
  • 1999 was the time of mass disasters that occurred in Turkey, Greece, Taiwan, Colombia, Russia (terrorist acts);
  • they found the victims of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka and so on.

Kinologies say that medals, unfortunately, are not allowed and brave and smart dogs. But awareness of what they help the owner, for them above all.

Basic skills that vaccinate rescuers dogs

  • Socialization (friendly attitude to others)
  • Obedience
  • Postedness
  • Strong Constitution (not for all breeds)
  • Endurance
  • Do not be afraid of an aggressive external environment (frost, wind, shower)
  • Psychological training (dog during the task, nothing should distract)

All these qualities are determined by special tests that are carried out with a puppy aged 3 months!

How to find out what the puppy can and has the talent of the rescuer?

Probably it's like people, from the very birth, the dog should be born a lifeguard. Do not stand and forget about the physical and psychological qualities of the pet. If a puppy is very moving since childhood, he loves to play, and is always interested in something new, these are good signs.

With further training, in gaming form It will be easier to instill search skills. It is worth noting, for the dog awareness of what she saved a person, he comes only with the first a real case. The rest is only a game. When it is not possible to smother a person (strong smoke, building dust, other extraneous smells), the preparation of the dog plays an important role.


  1. The training of a four-way specialist takes up to 1.5 years. Form training game. Pet preparation begins with 6 months, the dog's first qualifying tests can pass no earlier than her age will reach 1 year.
  1. Dogs are used rescuers in different situations: search for dangerous explosive devices in mined territories, finding victims during duties, avalanches, landslides.
  1. The four-legged pet works only in a pair with her filmologist. This is called a cynological calculation. The owner understands his own pet, spends classes with him and can help adapt to various conditions, so as a flight by plane, helicopter or long locality in the mountainous area.