Jagdterrier sizes. Jagdterrier, or German hunting terrier. Condition of eyes, ears, teeth, paws

Breed name: German jagdterrier

Country of origin: Germany

The time of the birth of the breed: 1930s - 1940s

Type of: terriers

The weight: 7 - 12 kg

Height (height at the withers): 30 - 40 cm

Life Expectancy: 12 - 15 years old

ICF classification: Group 3, Section 1, Number 103

Puppies price: 100 – 200 $

Origin story

This breed was bred in the 30s of the XX century in Germany. The breed standard was first adopted in 1934. The aim of the breed was to create dogs that would be intended for hunting, with very little attention paid to appearance. Initially, breeders decided to create a breed that would be unpretentious in care, not encroaching on participation in exhibitions.

The ancestors of German game terriers are fox terriers - tireless game hunters. Looking at photographs of jagdterriers and fox terriers, the external similarity of the breeds is obvious. But there is also distinctive features- the standard of the breed of jagd terriers implies a black and tan color, sometimes with small blotches in the chest and paws, while fox terriers are predominantly white in color with interspersed red and black markings. In addition, in size and weight, jagdterriers are somewhat larger than their ancestors. But dogs of both breeds are excellent and uncompromising hunters, although the main characters of this article are the most ferocious hunters. In addition to Fox Terriers, Old English Terriers and Welsh Terriers participated in the formation of the breed.

In the USSR, German hunting terriers appeared in the 1970s. Due to their unpretentious content, small size and excellent hunting skills, game terriers have gained popularity among hunters of the Soviet Union in a short time.

Description of the Jagdterrier breed

  • Jagd terrier- short, well-built dog with strong, well-developed muscles.
  • Head wide and slightly flat, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not pronounced, smooth.
  • Eyes deep set, oval, small, always dark.
  • Ears small, set high, erect and triangular in shape.
  • Very developed and strong jaw.
  • Frame slightly elongated, strong neck, medium length.
  • It has a pronounced withers and a deep chest, a strong and muscular back, a long, almost horizontal croup.
  • Limbs muscular, strong, straight, small paws.
  • Wool tight to the body, firm, straight and short.
  • Undercoat expressed quite clearly, very thick.

Jagdterrier color:

  • black
  • dark brown
  • greyish black and tan

The tan markings are yellow, located above the eyes, on the muzzle, under the tail and on the limbs. A mask on the face of an animal is allowed, dark or light color, marks may be present white on the limbs and chest. The tail is docked by three quarters, so that when the dog grabs the prey in the hole, the owner can pull it out by the tail.


The German Jagdterrier is a miniature, sturdy hunter with a strong and independent character. He is completely fearless and absolutely confident in himself, which often results in serious conflicts with other leading dogs. A wary attitude towards strangers, inherent in this breed, allows you to use the terrier as a watchdog. This is a very intelligent, independent dog with a lively disposition and a high need for movement and improvement of its working qualities.

Derived for hunting and guarding german jagdterrier not suitable for the role of general pet... Despite its compact size, this is a very serious dog that needs competent education, socialization and training, as well as constant development of its working skills. It should be started by experienced dog breeders who prefer an active lifestyle.

With the right upbringing, German game terriers become the most loyal and affectionate pets for their owners. They are always happy to keep company in sports and active games (especially in frisbee), and also provide a strong shoulder in difficult times, sharing energy and optimism with the owner. This is a faithful, worthy friend who, if necessary, without hesitation, will give for loved one life.

The German Jagdterrier is a very talented dog, whose mood often depends on the attention and approval of the owner. In the absence of attention and affection, the pet can withdraw into itself and become unsociable.

Content Issues

Nemecium yagdterrier does not require daily care: short, seasonally shedding coat, natural constitution, small size. They are rarely bathed, as coarse wool perfectly repels dirt and moisture, cleaning itself on its own.

The main nuances of the content relate to behavioral problems. According to its characteristics, the German Jagdterrier is hardy and active, which implies regular walking and physical exercise... If a dog realizes a natural passion for hunting, at home it is a calm, non-conflict dog - it does not spoil things, does not rush at home, is indifferent to children.

The absolute opposite is the “couch variety”. Because of its size and good looks, the breed is often considered a pet, along with Jack Russells and Foxes. This attitude, as a rule, ends very sadly - a destroyed apartment, bitten guests and neighbors.

If the owner is inexperienced, the dog can terrorize all households, even children. Cases when the sofa yagd lives strapped to the battery while the owner is not at home are not uncommon.

Even well-bred pets do not get along well with cats and small animals - birds, rabbits, mice. In most cases, an attempt to suppress the passion of hunting does not lead to anything, except for the death of the prey of a born hunter.

The Jagdterrier is also rarely tolerant of other dogs - he starts fights, constantly provokes conflicts and can kill a clumsy rival (even if he is several times larger). But with due experience, especially if the dogs are of different sexes, it is possible to achieve neutrality or companionship within the pack.

Health and disease

As for diseases, the Jagdterrier is perhaps one of the healthiest dog breeds. Of course, injuries during sports or hunting cannot be ruled out, and like any other dog, a German hunting dog can get an infectious and other disease.

However, unlike many other breeds, this breed does not have breed genetic diseases that lead to a certain predisposition. And this instills confidence that such a pet can have very good health and live a long time.

Necessary care and maintenance

Despite its complex nature, game terriers very picky about leaving: It is enough to comb the dog with a special brush once a week. Of course, you can also bathe your pet (but as it gets dirty) with a special shampoo and clean your ears with a soft damp cloth.

Regarding clipping the claws, you can trim them once a month, but they usually grind down beautifully themselves. In the cold season, you can give 1 tsp as food for an animal. sunflower oil so that the skin on the pet's paws does not crack while walking in the cold.

Jagdterriers will feel perfect in well-equipped aviaries, where they have enough space for running and playing. In an apartment, such pets are more likely to gnaw all furniture and shoes. It must be remembered that game terriers, despite living in an aviary, require walks and active training.

Of the shortcomings of this breed, the owner needs to know that:

  • Without a leash, a pet can run away and fall under the wheels of a car.
  • Jagd terriers are aggressive towards cats, birds, squirrels and stranger dogs.
  • Walking with jagdterriers is very active.
  • The pet cannot be left inside the house, otherwise it will ruin all the property.
  • Jagdterriers can run away from the house without supervision, so the aviary should always be closed.

Dog food

Jagdterriers do not require a special balanced diet - for this breed, you can pick up dry food or prepare nutritious cereals for it yourself.

The diet adult dog may consist of buckwheat or wheat groats with the addition of beef broth and cartilage. Slices of seasonal vegetables can be added to cereals to ensure the dog essential vitamins... A jagd terrier should sometimes be given a little low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, and warm milk is suitable for puppies of this breed.

Dog puppies up to 2.5 months need to be fed 5 times a day, the daily diet should include light cottage cheese, room milk with a spoonful of honey, pieces of meat in broth or simply scalded with boiling water, plus a little greens like parsley or salad.

Older jagd terriers (up to 4 months old) eat 4 times a day, but already almost an adult type of food with cereals and various vegetables... You can give a little warm milk in the morning or in the evening.

Yagdi from 4 months are already eating 3 times a day, but with 8, the dog's nutrition is reduced to 2 times a day with the standard recommended list of products for consumption, which have already been listed above.

Training and education

The training of German hunting terriers should begin at 6-10 months of age, depending on the nature of the animal, the degree of confidence in the trainer, the developmental characteristics of the dog, the process can take at least six months. Training is conducted twice a day for 1 hour - in the morning and in the evening, before eating or a few hours after. It is desirable for the dog to trust the trainer, for this it is necessary to establish contact between the person and the animal.

The main task of training is to get the dog hunting skills. Training and coaching of jagd terriers is based on the methods of excitation and inhibition nervous system animal. You should never overload the animal by trying to teach it many commands at the same time. If training for elementary teams can be carried out, if desired, by an inexperienced owner, then complex skills should be instilled by a specialist (or at least under his supervision, on his advice). For this, it is advisable to find a hunting dog breeding club, where you can count on help in training.

Experienced instructors will tell you about the intricacies of training such dogs. The advantages of contacting such a club are not only in the availability of specialists, because there they will also provide a training ground, which is especially important for those owners who do not have the opportunity to train a dog on a daily basis. fresh air, away from the tracks, in a large area. It is worth remembering that training of these dogs is mandatory. An untrained (or improperly trained) jagdterrier becomes uncontrollable, overly aggressive, life threatening and human and animal health.

How much does a Jagdterrier puppy cost?

Despite the fact that the breed is not very widespread in the territory, however, in large cities there are kennels that breed these dogs. Experts do not recommend purchasing puppies from random sellers, since in addition to the risks of getting a non-purebred pet, there is a possibility of buying a puppy with behavioral abnormalities and genetic disorders.

In addition, professional breeders are obliged to take care of the working qualities of their wards. The cost of pedigree babies with documents varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. More low price should alert.

The German Hunting Jagdterrier is a pet that is not quite suitable as a sofa companion. This dog is intended for hunting, participating in competitions and other active events. In addition, he needs compulsory training and education, a master with a strong hand. Otherwise, the dog will be uncontrollable and cause a lot of trouble. If such difficulties do not frighten, then you can safely go for a new family member.

Burrow dog breed Jagdterrier, which is also known as German hunting terrier designed to be the perfect companion for the experienced hunter. However, despite the extremely working qualities of the dog, with proper education, the pet can also be a loyal member of the family.

Dogs of this breed can hardly be called majestic. At the same time, they catch the eyes of those around them with their laconic form and style. Their composure and heavy chin, combined with a tense look, give the impression of a tough dog. The character of the Jagdterrier is quite complex due to the interweaving of such hunting qualities as courage, fearlessness, determination and unrestrained energy with playfulness, devotion, inherent exclusively to pets.

The hot temperament of the dog is shown from the very early age when she tries to suppress the owner, taking over him. This tendency does not disappear as it grows up: the jagd terrier can even use its teeth. Because of this, inexperienced owners who give birth to a representative of the breed often doom themselves and a four-legged pet to torment, with which they cannot cope.

Dogs are quite tolerant of children, if you initially designate acceptable boundaries for communication with a jagd terrier for small family members. Since representatives of the breed cannot be considered nursery dogs, it is necessary to teach a puppy to interact with children from an early age. With pets, a hunting terrier gets along hard: if he can still reconcile with another dog or cat when living together from the first days of his appearance in the house, then rodents and birds are the desired prey of a four-legged hunter, which he will definitely try to his teeth.

Origin story

The German Hunting Terrier was bred in Germany in 1924: a year after breeding began. It was assumed that the dog will have a small size, dark color, good adoptive and hunting qualities, and endurance. For this purpose, fox terriers, German hounds, dachshunds and pinschers were crossed.

Due to the decline in the number of representatives of the breed in the years after the Second World War, dogs were allowed to breed even with minor deviations in the exterior. Although initially puppies that did not meet breed standards were immediately shot back. In the post-Soviet space, game terriers gained popularity only in the 70s. XX century, when the number of the breed was increased, and the requirements for compliance with standards were tightened.

Breed standard and puppy selection

A purebred Jagdterrier dog must comply with the following breed standards:

  • The head is elongated, wedge-shaped.
  • The nose is black or brown, of medium size.
  • Muzzle - Slightly shortened with a smooth transition from a flat forehead.
  • The jaws are strong.
  • Eyes - small, oval
  • Ears - triangular, hanging on cartilage, with a high set.
  • Physique - Compact body with a strong back and deep chest.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel.
  • The tail is set high, docked.
  • Weight - Males should weigh 9-10 kg and females 8-9 kg.
  • Height - Males can reach 40 cm, while the height of bitches is 28-36 cm.
  • The coat is short and thick. According to the quality of the hair, there are two varieties of the breed: smooth-haired and wire-haired terriers.
  • Color - black, zone gray or dark brown with red tan in the areas of the muzzle, chest, limbs, as well as above the eyes and under the tail.

When choosing a puppy, you need to consider a number of important nuances:

  • Parents - when buying a dog, you should take a closer look at its parents, with whom the future pet should not have a distant resemblance. If you plan to use a puppy for hunting, then you should choose among the producers who have repeatedly participated in exhibitions and other competitions.
  • Appearance - the puppy should be fairly well-fed and meet breed standards.
  • Behavior - before making a purchase, you need to monitor the puppy's mental state, playfulness, activity. Good hunters will try to get out of their hands and, playfully, attack.
  • Availability of documents and metrics - if the producers were allowed to breed, then the metric must be attached to the puppy. Availability veterinary passport with marks on vaccinations will be a testament to the good health of the purchased baby.

Features of keeping a dog

Since the size of the German hunting terrier is rather miniature, it can live both in apartment conditions and in a private house with a backyard territory.

In order for the owner and the dog to live in harmony, it is necessary to take into account a number of features:

  • Toys - when kept indoors, so that the dog does not spoil the furniture, you should get a lot of toys.
  • Walking - active representatives of the breed need long and systematic physical activity. If hunting with a jagd terrier is not possible, then it is recommended to make long runs in the fresh air with it.
  • The presence of animals - since it is difficult to overcome the hunting instinct, it is better not to have a dog in apartments where pets already live.
  • Fences - if the dog lives in a private house, where in the summertime it freely goes out into the yard, the garden plantings should be protected with hedges, and a deep foundation should be poured under the outer fence.

Care and feeding

The Jagd Terrier is considered an unpretentious breed to care for. But to maintain the good health and beauty of the dog, it is required to regularly bathe, comb, and also carry out other hygienic procedures.

Hair care

In order for the hair and undercoat to shine and not tangle, it is necessary to comb the pet weekly with a comb with natural bristles. Systematically, a four-legged hunter is treated against fleas, the attacks of which are susceptible to all dogs. After each walk, the wool is carefully examined for the presence of mites, which, if detected, are immediately removed.


Representatives of the breed are dripped as needed when using special shampoos. When water treatments completed, the dog is well dried and dried with a hairdryer if the room is cool. When your pet's hair dries naturally, you should make sure there are no drafts in the room.

Eye and Ear Care

The pet's eyes are very sensitive to various irritants. Every 2 weeks, wipe them with cotton pads soaked in a special solution. When they acidify, the procedure is carried out immediately. Inspection is also carried out systematically auricles, which, if sulfur is found, must be carefully cleaned with cotton swabs.

Care of teeth and nails

If dogs often walk on the asphalt and dig holes, then the claws, as a rule, grind off on their own. Otherwise, the hygienic procedure must be carried out monthly, cutting off the horny formations with a special tool. After each walk, the paws should be checked for splinters or cracks that need to be treated with a disinfectant and healing agent.

Another weak point of the hunting breed is its teeth, which need to be brushed regularly. So that the procedure does not cause discomfort in the pet, accustoming to it begins from the first days of the puppy's appearance in the apartment. Further purity oral cavity will save the dog not only from problems with unpleasant odor, as well as from various diseases arising from gum inflammation or tooth decay.


A correctly composed diet is a guarantee of energy and good health of the jagdterrier.

For convenience, the owner may prefer premium ready-made dry food for hunting breeds. If time permits, then you can cook your own food, be sure to include in the menu cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, as well as fish and meat.

The frequency of feeding puppies depends on their age:

  • up to 2.5 months - 5 times;
  • up to 4 months - 4 times;
  • up to 8 months - 3 times;
  • over 9 months - twice a day.

Education and training of the Jagdterrier

It is necessary to bring up a puppy from the moment of its appearance, when the owner-dog vertical is only established.

If the owner does not show rigidity, then the jagdterrier will cease to reckon with him. Training should be started after the pet reaches 6 months, starting with simple commands. To prepare for the hunt, it is better to use the services of specialists who work with the dog for six months, 2 times a day, 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after eating.

inactivity, lack of physical activity significantly reduce the life span of a hunting dog.

Pros and cons of the breed

The positive qualities of the breed include:

  • suspicion of strangers, making the dog an excellent guard;
  • decisiveness and determination, allowing to drive the pursued prey;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • courage;
  • independence.

Negative qualities of the Jagdterrier breed are also inherent in:

  • aggression towards other animals;
  • easy excitability.

How much is a German hunting terrier

Jagdterrier puppies cost from $ 50 to $ 150. The price is influenced by:

  • title of parents;
  • the name of the cattery;
  • compliance;
  • the sex of the puppy;
  • availability of documents.

Jagdterriers are not easy dogs and are suitable only for experienced dog breeders who know about the nuances of the breed and are not afraid to face difficulties in communicating with a decisive, brave four-legged hunter.

German jagdterrier - small dog with a hot temperament and exceptional working qualities. She is the ideal companion for experienced hunters.

The ancestors of the German Jagdterrier are crossed with Lakeland Terriers. It was this breed that breeders used to develop a new species of hunting dogs. were popular at the beginning of the 19th century. At the same time, the breeders understood that the improvement in external data led to the loss of the share of working abilities.

It turned out to be impossible to combine beauty, aggressiveness towards prey and endurance.

Then the breeder Walter Zanzenberg, who believed that appearance should be relegated to the background, bought four fox terrier puppies with faulty black and tan color. It was these puppies that became the progenitors of a new breed called "German Jagdterrier".

Description of the breed

Standard of the International Cynological Federation FCI No. 103 dated 05.02.1996 "German Hunting Terrier".
Group 3 "Terriers". Section 1 "Large and medium-sized terriers".

The FCI standard prescribes:

  • adult growth: 33-40 cm;
  • male weight - 9-10 kg.;
  • bitch weight - 7.5-8.5 kg.

The breed standard provides for the usual terrier head shape with powerful jaws. The square build is combined with a toned belly and straight limbs that are strong enough.

Small oval eyes set deep attentiveness and courage are always noticeable in the look. The nose with expressive nostrils is usually colored black, but sometimes dogs with a brown nose are found.

Jagdterriers are often confused with other breeds due to their black and tan color.

Jagdterrier: breed description allows a color containing a combination of basic colors - pure black, gray-black and brown. The main colors are combined with tan or light brown tints on the face, eyebrows, neck, as well as in the area of ​​the paws and tail.

According to the quality of wool, there are two varieties of the breed:

  • smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired.

The smooth-haired variety is characterized by a dense structure, short length and a shiny sheen. It has one layer and is evenly distributed throughout the body. A photo of a smooth-haired jagdterrier clearly reflects the features described above.

The photo of the Wirehaired Jagdterrier shows all the distinctive features of the standard exterior.

How long do game terriers live? On average, they share life with their owner for twelve to fifteen years.

Characteristics of the breed, skills and abilities

German game terriers are notable for their difficult character. Some owners consider the breed ideal for themselves, others grab the head, characterizing the dog as naughty and angry.

Jagdterrier: characteristics of the breed contain distinctive features:

  • energy, activity;
  • decisiveness, courage.

Energy splashes from him literally twenty-four hours a day, it seems that he never gets tired. Since childhood, a dog of this breed has shown a hot temperament, trying to suppress the owner and gain the upper hand over him. With age, this tendency does not disappear, on the contrary, they behave completely fearlessly and use their teeth.

It is difficult for an owner who has no experience to cope with such a pet, to provide. That's why there are many negative comments about the breed.

Experienced owners love the little prankster dearly. They understand that proper upbringing and competent training of a jagd terrier will reveal exceptional character traits in him:

  • loyalty to the owner;
  • strict discipline;
  • professionalism in work.

The future owner of the Jagdterrier must have a strong disposition to cope with the dog's desire to dominate.

If you raise an animal correctly, all family members will love it, although it will have only one owner.

This is not a "couch" favorite and stroll with him sedately through the streets of the city, as with or will not work. A pet needs a daily release of energy, if he is not provided with the satisfaction of this need, he will get bored in the four walls of the house and start to spoil things.

With children, dogs of this breed can find mutual language, but in the event that the child respects the border in communicating with the animal. Interaction is taught to both the dog and the child from childhood. Yagdts are not among the nursing dogs.

Dogs of this breed have a hard time getting along with other pets. They can still get along with a dog and a cat if they gradually get used to it and grow together from childhood, but it is not worthwhile to have representatives of rodents and birds in the same dwelling with them - this is a welcome prey for a four-legged pet.

Conditions of detention

Due to its small size, the jagdterrier can live in an apartment or a private house with an adjoining territory.

There are some nuances to keep in mind:

  • when keeping a dog in an apartment, they buy a lot of toys and often walk with it, giving it a splash of energy;
  • when kept in a private house, the favorite occupation of the dog is taken into account - digging.

That's why the foundation of the fence is made deep enough, and plantings in the garden or vegetable garden are protected by a hedge.

Wool cleaning and bathing are performed as needed. The molting process does not cause much trouble, although during this period the pet is combed out with a brush. The rest of the time it is combed out once a week. Ears, eyes, and teeth are examined periodically.

Feeding puppies and adult dogs

Adult dogs and puppies are fed with either high-quality dry food or natural food. In the diet, the dominant place is occupied by meat, cereals and vegetables.


  • meat (for example, beef);
  • cereals from various cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • offal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir).

Puppies from two and a half to four months are fed four times a day, starting from four months the number of feeds is reduced to three.

Upon reaching eight months, the puppy is transferred to two meals a day.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive traits:

  • suspicion of strangers;
  • determination in pursuit of the beast to the last;
  • bold character;
  • unconditional;
  • remarkable security qualities;
  • independence.

Negative qualities:

  • aggressive and spiteful attitude towards other animals;
  • easily excitable, explosive character.

Dogs of the "German Jagdterrier" breed are not easy and are suitable only for an experienced person who knows everything about the breed. It is such an owner who will be able to properly educate the animal and get sincere pleasure from communicating with a decisive and courageous jagdterrier.

Additionally, check out the video, which describes in detail the features of the Jagdterrier breed:

Jagdterrier puppies are very amazing, cute and playful animals. In general, this breed of dog is considered relatively young. It was taken out about 50-60 years ago. Now there are 2 types of dogs within this breed - long-haired and smooth-haired. Dogs of this breed are considered to be very hardy and have good health. They differ not only in good strength indicators, but also resistant to various diseases.

Jagdterrier puppies are very amazing, cute and playful animals

A Jagdterrier puppy should receive a lot of attention. The dog needs to be prepared for a grueling fight against an opponent who will surpass him in weight and size, so the dog must be trained in advance and prepared for the hunt.

In general, jagdterriers are considered medium-sized dogs, but they have a strong constitution. They have a slightly stretched shape, their muscles are well developed. Their height is not less than 33 cm, but the maximum indicator is 40 cm. By weight, they are no more than 10 kg.

The head of dogs is slightly elongated, the muzzle is not pointed. It is shorter than the main part of the skull. The tail is usually docked by 1/3. The ears are set high on the head and fold forward. The back is very straight, the loin is quite strong. The belly is tucked up, and rib cage deep.

By coat type, these are smooth-haired dogs. In addition, there is also the Wirehaired Jagdterrier. He looks more like mischievous disheveled four-legged friends, since his beard is very tousled, his eyebrows are very bushy, and the hair on his paws and stomach is elongated. The smooth-haired type is characterized by an even and neat coat.

By color, dogs are black, grayish-black, brown (but a very dark shade). As a rule, dogs with pure black coloration are considered the most common. Whatever the color of the dog, there are always reddish markings. But large white spots are undesirable for this breed.

Gallery: Jagdterrier puppies (25 photos)

Hunting Terrier (video)

Care and character of the jagdterrier

Yagas do not need daily care. Their coat is short and sheds in season. It is rarely necessary to bathe such dogs, since the wool itself is quite coarse, so it will perfectly repel moisture and dirt, and will be able to cleanse itself.

But the character of the dog is not easy, so the main points of keeping a jagdterrier relate specifically to problems with behavior. Since the dog is distinguished by activity and endurance, it needs to be walked often. Additional physical activity is required. If on walks the dog will realize its natural ability to the hunt, then at home her character will be very good. She will not spoil things, bark at home.

But there is another variety - the so-called sofa. Due to its small size and pleasant appearance she is often chosen not for hunting, but as a pet. However, do not think that the character of such a dog is calm. She can destroy everything in the house and bite the guests, since it is still a hunting dog and she needs a place for active rest.

When choosing a yagdterrier, it must be borne in mind that the dog does not get along well with rabbits, mice, rats, birds, cats and other small animals. It is very difficult for them to suppress hunting instincts, so that the pet may simply die.

In relation to other dogs, Jagdterriers also rarely behave tolerantly. They usually prefer fighting and barking. They constantly provoke other pets into conflicts, and if the opponent is clumsy, they can greatly harm him. But with the right upbringing and good experience, you can achieve neutrality between dogs, especially if they are also heterosexual. Then they will establish friendly relations.

Pet training

During training, you need to be firm, demanding and consistent. But excesses are also not needed, since the jagdterrier simply will not obey a fussy, nervous, overly weak, or, conversely, a tough person.

In order for a pet to receive the highest score on tests, it must have a dead grip on the throat, cheeks, and the back of the head - the place depends on the type of animal. Moreover, the grip must be long-lasting. Despite the size of the beast with which the jagdterrier enters into battle, he holds it with a stranglehold. Half of the dogs of this breed do this. The jaws can only be unclenched with a shovel. But the second half prefers to exhaust the beast with constant attacks in its pain points, and driving them out of their holes. Moreover, jagdterriers are not taught this - they have congenital features. They are from birth brave and determined fighters, so not every person has enough experience and perseverance to raise a worthy dog.

Dogs of this breed are not suitable for permanent residence in the city, especially if the pet owner does not have experience in keeping dogs of a hunting type. But if you properly load the game terrier at least 2 times a week, then in such conditions he will be able to live in the city.

As a load, it is better to arrange various tests for the dog in nature: to dig holes, watch a blood trail, etc. Lessons on the site are also suitable. A person should be prepared for the fact that on a walk the dog will:

  1. Ignore the command if you see birds, cats and other small animals. Neither screaming, nor physical punishment, nor regular detentions will save you from this.
  2. To batter other people, and sometimes throw themselves at them. It's just that a dog of this breed is very wary of strangers. The same goes for guests.
  3. Throwing at other animals, especially if dogs of the same sex.
  4. Attack vehicles.

If socialization is early, and upbringing is purposeful and competent, then such an explosive nature can be slightly smoothed out. However, a fully controlled urban dog cannot be made a jagdterrier. He will be truly happy only with a hunter.

Raising a puppy (video)

Hunting instinct

Jagdterriers are hunting dogs. They are quite vicious, but strong-willed and fearless. Moreover, these dogs are very stubborn. Even if you raise a puppy well, an adult of this breed is reluctant to obey orders. However, these behavioral problems are not really related to the dog's desire to dominate. The dog is poorly controlled due to the fact that it is overwhelmed by the hunting passion, to which it cannot but succumb. Because of this, it seems to be disconnected from the rest of the world.

When such a breed was bred, its main task was supposed to be hunting of the burrowing type. So when the dog works underground, he should be independent, and not rely on the tips of the owner and his team. That is why the owner of a jagdterrier should not expect servile behavior from his pet, and from the very childhood. Rather, he is an assistant in everything than a tool to achieve any goal. In education and training, it is necessary to show perseverance, and sometimes some rigidity, but it must be borne in mind that the dog has a well-developed intellect. In addition, she has an instant reaction.

Jagdterrier dogs are natural hunters, and by their nature they are versatile when hunting. This approach has both advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that if you choose specialized hunters, then they will be more successful in any particular task at hand.

But on the other hand, game terriers are multifunctional. And this is perfect for amateur seasonal hunting for hares, birds, burrows, ungulates and even wild boars. Many huntsmen value this breed very much.

It is best to work a yagu in a burrow, as he is hardy, tenacious and rather vicious. If he has experience working in a team, he will be able to withstand even badgers. However, it must be borne in mind that the dog is stubborn and never retreats, which is why the yagas most often get serious injuries or even die during the hunt. Sometimes the battles drag on so long that you have to put a box near the hole or fill it with a shovel. Also, sometimes you have to wait at all for the next morning.

Yagis also stubbornly pursue their prey along the blood trail. For example, they viciously attack bears and wild boars. They can easily find a bird that was previously shot down, but then they do not really want to part with such an important trophy.

During the hunt, the following problematic points may appear:

  1. Dogs can spoil prey as they are very vicious. They just shake the carcass hard.
  2. The pet is aggressive towards other dogs and people, so it is better to hunt small company(only opposite-sex couples or dogs of the same litter), or alone.
  3. Due to their size, they quickly get tired while working in reeds, thickets, bushes. They cannot work in deep snow for a long time. It should be borne in mind that the dog was taken out for hunting in Europe, and there the climate is milder.

Despite the fact that yagas look like cute, small dogs, in fact they are formidable hunters. They are very strong and hardy. In addition, dogs are resistant to various diseases. But in order for a puppy to grow up as a worthy dog, one must always deal with him, pay attention and care.

Attention, only TODAY!

The German Jagdterrier is a medium-sized breed of hunting dogs that has excellent instinct, strong and hardy. Despite its modest size, the dog requires a responsible approach to training, for a serious and experienced breeder.

German jagdterrier with a pronounced sexual type - that is, it is quite easy to distinguish a bitch from a dog due to the difference in size. Main excerpts from the breed standard:

Height at withers in males: from 33 to 40 cm

Height at withers in bitches: from 28 to 26 cm

The weight: 9-10 kg

There are two types of wool - smooth-haired and wire-haired. The standard allowed three kinds color:

  • black;
  • dark brown;
  • grayish black.

The color must be accompanied by bright, symmetrical markings on the face, chest, legs and under the tail.

Additional signs:

  • The body format is slightly stretched, the physique with a strong bone, well-developed muscles, the skin is tight-fitting, thick, elastic.
  • The head is wedge-shaped, long, with ears set high, which hang partially on cartilage.
  • The nose is black. Exceptions are chestnut color (chocolate or sandy nose color).
  • The eyes are oval in shape, set deep, dark brown in color. The look is attentive, alert, self-confident, "terrier".

History of the German Jagdterrier breed

This breed was obtained thanks to the dedicated work of breeders. She was bred specifically in order to get spiteful to the beast hunting dog that could work in any setting: in holes, water, on the ground... The coat should be of a non-marking dark color, and the size should be small so that it can chase the animal in burrows. The ancestor of the jagdterrier, to which the blood of other hunting breeds gradually rushed.

The ancestors of the breed are two females and two males of the Fox Terrier, which were rejected due to too dark and tan color, inherited from the Fox Terrier ancestor -.

The puppies were once acquired by the breeder Walter Zangenberg, who saw the advantages of the dark color: the dog became less noticeable in the forest and for the game. In order to develop the necessary hunting qualities for the future breed, the blood of dark fox terriers, possessing the necessary qualities, was poured in for some time, the light ones were rejected by the puppy. To improve the qualities of the breed and get rid of the consequences of inbreeding, the blood of Old English and.

Other breeders also became interested in the new breed, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the German Jagdterrier Club appeared, and almost immediately the first exhibition was held. Individuals were evaluated, first of all, by their hunting qualities: persistence in pursuit, malice towards the beast, excellent instinct, fearlessness, exterior was in second place.

The second World War played a negative role in the development of the breed. After the partition of Germany, the population of Jagdts was also divided: if in the FGR breeding continued along the breed lines, then in the GDR the population of terriers was restored with the help of only a few surviving individuals. Because of this, in the 60s of the XX century, various defects often appeared in litters: bite, wool quality, size. Thanks to the ban on the use of "inferior" dogs in breeding, the quality of the breed has leveled off over time.

The breed standard was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in 1954. They came to Russia recently - in the 70s of the last century.

Character and temperament

German jagdterrier possesses lighthearted, explosive temperament, due to which it is called "dynamite". The Germans have both pluses and minuses of character, which largely depend on the purpose for which the acquisition of a puppy of this breed is considered. Yagdt is not a companion, but born hunter, and therefore we will consider the positive and negative aspects of character from the point of view of hunting.

pros character:

  • perseverance in the pursuit of the beast;
  • courage;
  • distrust of outsiders;
  • loyalty to the owner;
  • excellent security guard;
  • independence.

Minuses character:

  • a priori aggressively attuned to other animals;
  • easy excitability.

Who is this dog for?

For those who wanted to have a game as a friend and family member, we will give advice - give up this crazy idea! These dogs are not suitable for those who plan to keep him on the couch and sometimes roam the streets of the city. Also, they are not suitable for those who have other animals at home, for example, cats - the terrier is a serious danger to them.

Such a dog, possessing a lively and easily excitable temperament, out of boredom and without work, will eventually blow your apartment apart.

He gets along well with children, provided that the permitted boundaries are observed: this should be taught both to the dog and the child from childhood. Remember one thing: yagdt - not a nanny.

The jagdterrier considers it his direct duty to protect your house and your property, but in order to protect it, it is still not worth it.

The best owner for this breed - avid hunter... He will definitely find a common language with the Yagdt. In addition to the hunter, only athlete which will give necessary for a dog load, running with him in the morning.

Jagdterrier is unpretentious. Due to the fact that his coat hardly gets dirty and does not get tangled, he practically does not need to be combed, but several times a year a professional is needed. trimming(a pinch of wool). It can easily survive on the street, excluding those regions where the air temperature outside in winter drops significantly below zero.

Walking need long-term and energetic- at least a few hours a day with ball throwing and running.

Terriers tend to be overweight, and therefore, when forming the diet, do not overfeed the animal and take into account the time that the pet spends on the hunt and in what conditions it lives. Workers and outdoorsmen should be given more food.

Training and coaching

Despite its small size, it is - serious dog, and from the earliest moment the owner needs to establish with her clear boundaries of what is permitted by building respectful and trusting relationships.

Yagdt lends itself well to training, but when raising him, it is necessary to show perseverance and perseverance, since this born dominant. The best option for education - the involvement of a professional cynologist. Yagdts do not tolerate harsh training methods, they work best with positive reinforcement.

Jagdterrier is great for hunting burrowing animals - fox and badger, as well as for game birds - partridge, pheasant... Used to feed aquatic game and can be used to hunt wild boar, but since this beast is much larger than a dog, then such a hunt may end in the death of the pet.

After establishing a trusting relationship, proceed to training the dog for the animal (ages from 8 months to 1.5 years). Classes take place first on the training ground where the dog first meets the burrow. Then there is an acquaintance with the game, which is in the cage - here you need to wait for the manifestation of aggression towards the beast. Interest in game is encouraged by arousing aggression. Then the animal is released into the hole. The pursuit of the beast is definitely encouraged. Only after training on the site does the dog pass to training in natural conditions.

Health and longevity

Yagdts are dogs with excellent health, they hardly get sick, having strong immunity. The only thing hereditary disease- dermatorexis (too vulnerable skin).

Jagdterriers live from 13 to 15 years old.

How much and where can you buy

You can buy a Jagdterrier puppy from professional breeders or nurseries that breed beautiful and working dogs to eliminate cheating.

Puppy price: from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of the German Jagdterrier.
