How different species of trees are burning. WORK TIPS for various purposes

Elena Rud.
An abstract classes in familiarization with the surrounding world "How to use a tree in everyday life"

Lesson number 3 informative - experimental

Subject: "How used wood in everyday life»

Tasks: Share about properties tree; introduce the productsMade from tree, instill aesthetic perception to beautiful.

Material and equipment: laptop, video projector, slides depicting products from treeProducts from tree, basin with water, tray, sticks from tree.

Travel course.

Now we know what benefit brings wood. Today we are with you get acquainted with the properties of a tree And what can be made of wood. To learn about properties tree, we will spend a few experiments with him.

Experience number 1 Check wood sinking it in water. Score in the water basin and omit there wooden stick., we will see that the wand is not sinking. With this experience we learned that tree in water is not sinking.

Experience number 2 Take a tray, matches, fire extinguisher. Check tree as it burns. Wooden I light the wand over the basin with water, we see that tree is well lit.. With this experience we learned that wood It is easily flammable and easy to burn. Therefore, in the forest near trees You need to be careful with fire. From one match can burn the whole forest.

Output: We learned about two properties tree - It does not sink and easily burns. But out tree You can make various crafts, products. Who can call me products from tree? Now we will see the slides about the crafts from tree.

Fizminutka. Together on the forest go

Together on the forest we go

Not in a hurry, not behind.

Here we leave on the meadow. (Walking in place.)

Thousand colors around! (Pulling - hands on the parties.)

Here is a chamomile, Vasileuk,

Medicarian, bash, clover.

Running carpet

And to the right and left. (Bend and touch the left foot right hand, then the opposite - right foot left hand.)

To the sky handles stretched out

Spine stretched out. (Pulling - Hands up.)

We all managed to relax

And in place sat down again. (Children sit down.)

What new did you find out from viewing slides? But conclusion we can make one trees We must be preserved and multiply.

Outcome classes. Wood Benefits not only as a plant, but also is a good material for making crafts and various products.

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The question that interests many, but not everyone can find the answer for him. It is simple enough and lies on the surface of the problem. The main thing is to know the specifics and features of the product used.

What are the hottest firewood and give less ash?

So let's try to figure out the question in more detail what kind of firewood gives a strong heat. As you know, firewood, mostly, is harvested from such trees like: maple, oak, spruce, pine, birch, alder, and ... .. In other words, of all deciduous and coniferous rocks.

But not all of the above-listed breeds give enough good result. For example, on the basis of oak and birch, hotter and give more heat, it is better to save it for a long time and burn a calm and even flame than firewood from all other breeds.

Such varieties of firewood most often used for heating large territories and spaces using also a fairly extensive place of the flue hole.

Soot in chimney

As you know, the wood of soft rocks goes in a short period of time, highlighting a large number of spark. When using birch wood, the furnace is formed, compared with the rest, a lot of soot and soot; Less such a substance is isolated than alder and aspen, while the feature characteristic of them is the fact that in the process of burning, they are able to smear the soot from the chimney. They can rightly be considered a filtering substance.

Humidity of wood

The heat released by any firewood, first of all, depends on the humidity of the wood. As a rule, dry firewood flames very quickly and go beyond enough fast timeAnd as a result is little ash. Dry firewood in its structure and essence can be attributed to the category of economic wood, as they provide optimally high temperature and allocate a relatively high percentage of heat.

Aspen firewood are hot and give minimum ash

Among all the wood, the aspen firewood is this material that in the process of burning, also gives little ash. In its composition and property, such firewood are the most severe in density, and many differ from birch wood. After all, it is known that firewood with a high percentage of density is released more heat and energy.

Firewood giving a lot of heat

Also, a large number of heat leaves behind such firewood as oak, ash, Ilma, and all the varieties of garden crops. In fact, without forming a smoke, an apple tree burns, and firewood on the basis of Yves is burning roasting milestones, without soot, but it's fast enough, therefore, as a rule, the consumption of such firewood, much more than the others.

It should be remembered that more ash and heat leave after themselves the wood of soft rocks, mostly deciduous trees.

Consider the deciduous species of trees as a firewood.

Bereza is probably the main source of firewood in the countryside. Especially where mixed forests grow. It gives a lot of heat, burns long, evenly.

Birch bark (berst) serves as a beautiful material for inciting fire. The peculiarity of birch fireproof is to split the tulle (the sawn part of the barrel of approximately 80cm) for lamps (smaller parts), in this case the integrity of the tree bark is disturbed, which allows the lanes to dry faster.

Birch bark (berst) has a property not passing water. It is for this reason that firing, but not swollen and not split into parts, the tree is in the crust, very quickly rotates.

Moisture, which is located inside a fresh fledged tree does not have the ability to quickly evaporate, and as a result, such a tree will not dry, but rotates, turning into a duch.
What we can often observe from birch dry: dead, but not fallen tree. It seems like a whole tree, and throne - drunk.

If you are lucky and you found a dry birch, boldly use it for a fire. Birch never "shoots" and is ideal for heating.

Aspen - loves wet soils.

In the trees over 15 years old, very often the core has already begun to rot. The trees at an older age inside the tree arises hollowness. In which birds are like to settle, insects (bees, wasps). Be careful, harboring the dwellers on the firewood, to be a downdered axle or a bee is little nice.

The tree is quite fragile, especially the bitch, which allows them to break them easily. But for the main campfire, I would not use aspen. It gives little warmth and everything else "shoots" very active.

Willow is a soft tree. Lit good, but quickly goes. Thin dry bitches are good to use for inciting. Jew can also be applied for. "Fast" fires. When the fire is needed for a short time, such as boating tea. Unlike other tree breeds, very little forms coal, and the thinner branches burning, immediately form ash.

Oak - I think you yourself guess than a dense tree, the more heat it gives. That's right, the oak is better than birch and warmth from him more. Only for firewood oak do not harvest.

It belongs to the valuable rocks of the trees and is used for the manufacture of expensive furniture. But if you were in the oak forest, and you are lucky. In the dry tree, harvest firewood from oak boldly! You will be warm and light all night!

So what kind of breed of trees is the best? Probably, the one, which at the moment was near.

If there is a choice, use the knowledge gained and harvest those firewood that you will be more suitable

Just know, there is another breed of the "royal" tree, which was harvested for heating the royal apartments (when there was no central heating). This is alder.

ALDER. She grows, mainly according to the catch and banks of the rivers. Gives a hot flame, never "shoots."

But this is not the most important thing.

Olha does not give carbon monoxide. It is for this reason that she used royal rest, fearing for the health of the highest Persons.

Olha looks small, does not cause a special desire to prepare it for the fire, when there is a spruce, pine or fir.

Such thoughts were also with me, until one evening, my partner did not prepare for the night of one alder (he knew about its properties, and I am not at that moment).

Noticing that we are less likely to throw firewood into a fire, getting enough warmth and light, I began to be interested in writing it for the tree.

In response, an interesting story was heard about what the furnaces were treated in the cigarette rest.

The answer was left the guest

1 reason historical
Why in Russia live well?For centuries, our ancestors were famous for their excellent health and hedgehogs, to confirm that it was enough to recall the epics and legends about Russian warriors. Or at least a cession "Russian go", which and today causes a thrill in the soul of almost every European. And not only him! Have you ever thought, why did our forefathers inspire such fear and respect? Why easily tolerated a harsh continental climate with his lute frost and long winter? And why, finally, in terms of health, the Slavs on the head exceeded all their neighbors? Why is it interesting, right? In search of answers to these questions, scientists spent not one hundred studies and came to the conclusion that it was the natural tree that the very source of the boys in our people. That special building material that allowed our ancestors, Rusichs, to live in full harmony with nature and use all her gifts to themselves. It is about the secret that the tree (as a construction material) has always been in great honor in Russia. From him, churches, temples, chambers, and, of course, all residential buildings were erected. Even on the territory of the Kremlin, wooden logs were built, because the Russian kings were also preferred to sleep not in stone felling, but in the "living" houses. Surrounded by natural wood, which is beneficial affecting not only well-being and power, but also for the whole vital energy organism. They were built into the old days mostly of the scenar sawn pines and larchs, and where these wood species were rare, used heavy durable oak or easily processed birch.At the same time, the choice of trees was particularly careful: for example, a few years before cutting together among the coniferous, suitable specimens and made an ax with an ax, giving the trunks of the ability to impregnate resin. With deciduous - waited early springWhen the bark was easily separated, and the rays of the sun gave wood special seasonal strength.So, passing the experience, from the century to century, the architects were dragged by the skill and improved technology, with their own hands strengthening the health of the Russian people and creating real-cellite masterpieces. Many of which are safely preserved to the present day.And today, choosing building material for the house, do not try to convince yourself of the benefits of stone or new-fashioned plastic materials. Do not perceive the tree as something suitable to build only baths or outcasts.Remember the story, think about our ancestors, about their boysk health, appreciate the benefits - and your choice in favor of a wooden house, we are sure to become obvious.
And since it was about benefit, it's time to reveal ...
2 Cause, Careful and Sunny on the background of lifeless Wood - this is a living material that after the construction of the house gives residential premises by "breathing", the aroma of the resin, the ability to give warmth and positive energy. The drained walls are not so much a fortress as a storage facilities. And the phytoncides are useful for the human body substance allocated by wood - also a kind of aeroofiltr, disinfecting and cleansing air in residential premises.Is it possible to compare with wood, say, metalplastic or concrete - artificial materials and absolutely soulless, non-health, except physical and mental damage.By the way, in confirmation of the last words ...

Firewood for a fire in the campaign or fishing can be used by a variety of dies - starting from dry branches and ending with a bungyan or exotic kydyak. But, as practice has shown - not all wood is equally burning, and not every natural fuel is simultaneously suitable for cooking and heating. And some types of firewood are not at all worth using in belligent purposes, because they can deliver significant inconveniences.

To this article, I intend to tell in detail how good or unsuitable for the fire or other firewood, how often they are found in hiking conditions, and how difficult it is or on the contrary - just to dry and prick different types Woods. I will also try to mention the exact heat characteristics of each type of natural fuel.


It is in the first place in the list of trees that can be used for a fire. Oak burning long and has the highest heat transfer. However, hack him - the case is quite time consuming, as well as it is known, by the way. Therefore, if you got an oak sukhara - get a chainsaw, because with an ax or a regular saw you will have to be thoroughly tinker and sweat.

It grows not everywhere, mainly in the European part of the country. Most often - in the form of impurities in mixed forests. But places forms dense clusters - oaks.

Further in the text, I intend to use the calorific ability of oak firewood as a standalone for measuring the bonfire power, and with a light hand called this " oak equivalent", And I will be denoted as" DE ".


Secondly after oak tree in its thermal characteristics. Hug it easier, ignite - too. Refers to conifer, resinous rocks. It grows not in all forests, but in some places it comes across quite often, and in some places forms larch taiga.

  • Campground power: 0.81 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 3062 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 865 ° C.
  • Burning time: Long.
  • Flame: Smooth, has a noticeable blue tint, sparks, it can periodically "shoot". Smoke
  • Coals: Different with long drain and good heat.
  • The complexity of incitement: above average. The larch is somewhat easier than the oak, but still a small bonfire will have to dilute - before throwing it into it.


We can also say about firewood from Birch, that they are the second in power after oak. With its heat characteristics, they are actually not inferior to larch. However, it's noticeably better and drank, and it is wondering much easier. Everything else - have Beresto, which is one of the best natural extras. Well, by itself - Birch appears noticeably more often in our territories than oaks and larchs, and in some places it is massively growing at all. By the way, even being fresh ("green" and crude) - it is very thoroughly burning, because it contains a relatively small amount of moisture, though the heat gives smaller than drying. It often helps in raw terrain, where dried or dusted birchs quickly rot, and high-quality dry birch firewood is rare. By the way, even in dry forests, the birch sukhara is often difficult to find, for the tree does not drop the bark after a drying, and almost always becomes drumming.

  • Campground power: 0.80 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 3016 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 816 ° C.
  • Burning time: Long.
  • Flame: Smooth, with light crackle, in the case of wet wood - wipes, can sometimes "shoot". Die at the very beginning (as far as the bark is roasted).
  • Coals: "Thermonuclear" (long smolder and give a strong heat).
  • The complexity of incitement: Average or light - depends on whether raw birch or dry. The first bravely flared up very vigorously, sometimes you have to have a decent amount of good extract. Dry Birosis is a completely different matter. It is capable of quickly engaged from their own chips and berers.


Elm is often found in short and mixed forests, can form quite large clusters. Solid, badly ourselves, but in its heat characteristics approximately corresponds to birch. Also, like she - can burn in raw form.

  • Campground power: 0.77 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2912 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 864 ° C.
  • Burning time: Long.
  • Flame: Smooth, moderately smoke.
  • Coals: Extremely resemble birch - for a long time and fry is fry.
  • The complexity of incitement: average.


In the medium latitude, rather rare, but in more northern areas - it grows throughout. It has soft wood, it's great. Firewood from cedar - good fuel for the fire.

  • Campground power: 0.70 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2645 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: ~ 650 ° C.
  • Burning time: average.
  • Flame: Smooth, can we spoke. Smoke
  • Coals: sufficiently hot, medium durability.
  • The complexity of incitement: Light.


Most often it is that it burns in the tourist bonfires, because it grows massively, it is found almost everywhere, forms a lot of drying, urica - resets the bark and quickly gets rid of moisture, after which it is pretty for a long time It is in this form. Resinous. The heat characteristics of pine wood - very good.

  • Campground power: 0.64 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2413 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 624 ° C.
  • Burning time: average.
  • Flame: Die and periodically sparks.
  • Coals: Sure enough, but quickly go.
  • The complexity of incitement: Light. Pine sinters can be used as a cross.


I consider this tree with the best fishing fuel, for it grows in excess on the shores of many rivers and reservoirs. In Olhov, Chernolesie is usually full of drying, which only litters fishing places, and here we find very good use.

Olkhovy firewood was considered the most elite, they were called "royal firewood." The benefits of their mass - almost never smoke, are burning smoothly, they have a pleasant smell and to all of them - they allocate extremely little carbon monoxide gas.

  • Campground power: 0.61 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2326 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 552 ° C.
  • Burning time: Long.
  • Flame: Smooth, without smoke and sparks.
  • Coals: Sure enough, smooth for some time.
  • The complexity of incitement: just below the average.


Wide widespread, completely goes as firewood for a fire for an extreme case - when there are no other options. It burns enough hot for cooking and heating.

  • Campground power: 0.58 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2181 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 612 ° C.
  • Burning time: average.
  • Flame: Smooth, almost smokeless, periodically sparks and sometimes "steals."
  • Coals:
  • The complexity of incitement: average.

Iva (Verba)

Massively grows along the banks of rivers, as well as alder - can be considered fishing fuel. True, in terms of heat transfer - noticeably worse. Roars quickly, except for temporary bones of a short action, for example, to produce boiling water or preparation of a small amount of food.

  • Campground power: 0.56 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2139 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 480 ° C.
  • Burning time: a short.
  • Flame: Smooth, with a light haze, may sometimes be spoken or shoot.
  • Coals: They are formed in small quantities, quickly go.
  • The complexity of incitement: Light.


It is a significant part of conifer taiga. Intr. I do not recommend using this wood for firewood, if you have alternative options. The reason is one - strong sparkling and constant shooting with small coal.

Once on fishing, we had to divorce firefire firewood. In the morning, all who spent the night near him - terribly swore, finding small holes on clothes. And the entire Skarb was covered with a thin layer of ash.

A special "surprise" is pockets with a resin, which the Christmas tree is replete. Under the action of temperature, they explode with loud cotton. In terms of heat transfer, fir wood has medium-sized characteristics.

  • Campground power: 0.56 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 2088 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 600 ° C.
  • Burning time: a short.
  • Flame: Strite strongly and "shoots", a lot of smoke.
  • Coals: Hot, but quickly go.
  • The complexity of incitement: Light. Thin dry fir branches (especially - with cheese) can be used as a cross.


Everything that has been said for ate is relevant for fir. The differences in data from the previous ones can be attributed more than fast speed Rouge and faster flame.

  • Campground power: 0.51 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 1907 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 756 ° C.
  • Burning time: a short.
  • Flame: Strite strongly and "shoots." Smoke
  • Coals: Moderate heat in terms of heat, quickly go.
  • The complexity of incitement: Light.

Poplar (Osokor)

Like alder - often grows on the banks of the rivers (especially - plain), and sometimes forms whole forests there. Could also become a chassis firefish fuel, if it were not for its calorific respect. They, gently expressing - so-so.

  • Campground power: 0.49 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 1856 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 468 ° C.
  • Burning time: a short.
  • Flame: It happens even and quiet, sometimes can be spoken, with a smoke.
  • Coals: Do not give a lot of heat, quickly go.
  • The complexity of incitement: Light (for drying).


This tree often accompanies an alder with IWA, although it is not so massively. About the exact calorific characteristics of the cherry, I still do not know anything. However, in all the estimates - it should stand on the same level with an oak, because in its density approaches him - what we have repeatedly convinced, harvesting the cherrywood firewood, differing from others, more severe weight. The tests showed that they flared up rather difficult (approximately like knitted), the flame give a quiet and even, and the coals form a little. But still burn - the heat is isolated at the level of alder, or even a little more. It is possible to warm up and cook food on the cherrymouth. The only "but" is all the cherry sukhara that we came across - both standing on the root and lying on the ground - were impregnated with moisture. It is possible that in a leaking, this tree will show itself at times better.


Often and in large quantities come across in the forests, mainly in the form of a low teenager, however, it can grow to significant sizes on the edges and glades. Often comes across the shores of rivers, especially - taped.

The rowan wood is quite dense, by weight it is comparable to the cushion. Nothing is also known about the accurate calorific value characteristics of ripple wood. We have repeatedly came across a rowan dryer, which burned about as alder, but there was no special coal from it.


And now the time is the time to consider alternative types of natural fuel, which you can refuel the fire in the campaign.

Sometimes it happens that there is no umbrella, and green trees to saw conscience does not allow (the foresters do not give), or before them - a decent distance. Then you have to get out with herbal plants. As a rule, if the terrain is more or less wild and open - such large types of herbs do on it:

  1. Sagebrush;
  2. Reurenger;
  3. Achodes, bodian and other them like;
  4. Blooming Sally;
  5. Large umbrellas: Boligols, Bashpier, Dudniki, Borshcheviki (including the notorious giant);

If the terrain is swampy or borders with water, the above list is complemented by the following plants:

  1. Cane;
  2. Rogoz;

Options are possible in rural areas:

  1. Straw;
  2. Sunflower stems;

Best, of course, thick, not hollow stems (wormwood, burdock, sunflower). All this nonsense is usually dried by autumn, it costs the whole winter, the spring and the first third of the summer, then - as the greenery spreading grow, most of last year's dry stems rot and lying. Nevertheless, you can score a certain amount of such "firewood" for the fire at any time of the year.

The dry bunign burns quickly and hot, the coal does not actually forms, for its density is very small. For a full-fledged night fire, you will need a dozen cubic meters and a specially trained mortar, which will be constantly in the fire. It is still possible to apply the smelting: twist the grass with dense sword snaps. It will burn longer.

But in order to escape the mini-fire, for example - for boiling water, the bunaan will quite fit. The only thing you need is a few stones. So that the little workers lay out and warmly into the space not emit, the KPD of the fire there is thereby increasing.

  • Campground power: 0.1 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 378 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 800-900 ° C.
  • Burning time: very short.
  • Flame: Smooth, with a characteristic crackle. Smokes, the less dry material - the stronger.
  • Coals: actually does not forms.
  • The complexity of incitement: Extremely low, dry bunign - excellent extract.


Dried (until complete dehydration) manure large cattle Also can help the tourist in the illuminated. Cow cow cowes are very denial and are burning for a long time, and the heat from them is ordinary.

Unfortunately - neither in the literature, nor on the Internet, the exact parameters of Kizyak as fuel failed, despite the fact that in many rural areas and agrarian countries it is traditional way Heating. But they say that in their characteristics Kizyak approximately corresponds to Torf.

Coal stone

I mentioned this kind of natural fuel, because first - the stone coal is the most immenticated by natural wood firewood - albeit very "old", and secondly, despite the fact that it does not occur in natural conditions on the surface of the Earth They can sometimes be able to deal with hiking conditions - near the rural boiler houses (where it can be fell into a bunch or lying on the road) and on railway lines (where it is poured out of cars). I know fishermen who repeatedly used them (especially in the times of the USSR).

  • Campground power: 2.79 DE.
  • Caller capacity: 10500 kWh / m³.
  • Combustion temperature: 1000 ° C.
  • Burning time: Very long.
  • Flame: Smooth, roast, with characteristic smoke.
  • The complexity of incitement: the tallest. Under the stone coal will have to minimize a small fire from ordinary firewood.


Of the foregoing, you can draw the following conclusions:

  1. The most running firewood for the fire, are: pine, birch, alder - due to the mass of the growth of these breed data and their widespread distribution. Suitable for both cooking foods and heating.
  2. To not particularly high-quality wood, which can be used when there are no other options - aspen, IVA, poplar. It will be quite suitable for boiling water or quick cooking.
  3. As a last resort, when there are no trees - it will help out a dried high dispersion or Kizyak.
  4. The most unsuitable firewood for the fire - spruce, fir.

Article version from 06/07/2018

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In general, I had a suspicion that the pine would never be treated with a pine. Can you got the tree? Or is some incorrect pine?

About coal - there everything is painfully intended, which carved some coal and how long they are formed, and what are not formed.

But now it's time to touch on such a ticky thesis as "kebab". To you, as I understand it, I needed an article about the suitability of one or another type of firewood for frying kebabs Beginner Lulikebabber. You are clear, but this does not coincide with the theme of our resource!

p. s. In general, I will say something: kebabs and tourism - the concepts are even more diametrically distant than Russian "Chanson" and classical music. True touars, who have not exceeded the backpack, are not a one thousand kilometers - it's frying a kebalyk except in the country, but in general - despise him with all the heart, for he is not only irrational in its scan characteristics, but also has a direct attitude to t. N. "Duristam" - ordinary holidays. Well, the fact that the shores of our reservoirs and the river put in the vile, coming there for a typewriter "With the family", "with friends", "with chicks", etc. - in order to break the natural silence with rude screams and a loud museon, leave after Himself a wilderness (okay, even if an awesome), a bunch of garbage and leave.

p. p. s. In general, my advice to you: Learn, learn and still learn the plug! Porridge with stew cooking. Bonfires to breed. And on pine coals (which - repeat - formed, although not so much for a long time, like birches) meat bake. To us, nothing hovers on them sausages to fry, and the chicken chicken on them without special incomprehension once was prepared!

Aspen (poplar trembling) gives a strong heat. But it burns very quickly :) In the furnaces, with the furnace of the Osin, the soot is good roasted. And the poplar, which in the surprise, is not a osocor. There are many poplars, you do not need to get confused in them :) And then they think that the black poplar (seedling) grows on our streets.
But now see the temperature of burning firewood
For example
Well, what are the fires above the temperature?

The pyrometer is warmly not measured! Only the temperature can be measured.
I would have trusted the heat generation more. (their whole variety exists - I can tell then on the forum)

Pine and indeed in the article there is - the computer at work is a terrible brake - crashed. Sorry.

I fought pine boards ... from them the coal of the mute ... :(
And the meat of coals was ..

"Chef"? And what I like ..

Well, Duck, you can write this word like this [S] heat transfer
Although you decide that ... I said everything ...

  • And you did not pay attention to the units of measure? I have kilowatts to the cube. And you - they are, but per kilogram! If the caloriness is measured in kilograms - I agree, I will give pine best resultFor it is noticeably less dense than Bereza and in the volume there will be more. And then, do not forget that the pine has such a thing as a resin. Then you mean - a mixture of turpentar and rosin !!!

    You brought scan some kind of signs with some very extended temperatures. Where does she come from - this sign? I took the data from the "collective unconscious" - it seems like more accurate, currently.

    • I never had to measure the amount of volume. In physics there is such a concept as "mass" - here they need to operate. On earthly conditions, the mass is about equal to the weight.
      The volume of damn. Gee Gee ...
      My plate is from the Internet! I said that there is a flame temperature, coal temperature, and it still depends on the circumstances (humidity, pressure, quantity and quality of the oxidant, etc.) and we are no difference what values \u200b\u200bare there - look at the difference of these values. I assure you - the temperature of the flame when burning pines - higher than that of birch.
      And Spoke this fact On turpentine and rosin is stupid. This is not I smelled it there for tests. The default resin is contained in the wood. I can the same thing I can say about the birch down ... :)

      Professor! ... 5+!
      My impressions of what was burning in my birefront.
      More precisely ... that I am a chant.
      I will start with pine.
      Roars quickly. The heat is just the first time as coals were formed.
      Then everything is covered with ashes (as with Christmas tree). And the fire ... and things ... and himself.
      You need to constantly steer coals.
      Cheew (freshly edged) is not a chance.
      Dry was to be worked out. Roars very quickly. Springs.
      There is a heat. While throwing the branches.
      It happened overnight burned to Cuba Sushnyak.
      Especially if the weather is windy.
      Christmas tree (dry) only on the crossing. Dry branches are lit like powder.
      Olhu and Iva did not happen. There was no need.
      Was once. Chubban empty inside, used both as protection against wind. For a fire.
      All night Chadil.
      Yes ... Birch is a thing.
      Dry and not drunk find it difficult. But if I found ...
      Putting a couple of chumban into the fire, it was possible to sleep peacefully until the morning.
      It burns hot, long and does not shoot. And if there is also a film from the film ... fairy tale :)
      It was several times. In the north of the region.
      We have a cracker, lay out the code and sleep all night. But it is necessary for Balagan.
      We did not have to use the rest of the species.
      And now about exotic types of fuel for fishermen-hunters :)
      So to speak to the primary means ... or the students? :)
      Several years fisted on the river that proceeded from railway.
      Before you get to the place, it accounted for several kilometers to go through the "piece of iron."
      It constantly paid attention to that coal was lying on the canvas. Stone.
      And the pieces were quite large.
      Once, having come to the place decided to go to the railway and dial coal for the fire.
      Coal typed with floor bag. Removal of the fire and waiting
      When firewood ruined, sketched coal to the fire. The effect was swift.
      Sea heat. There is no spark. The wind coal does not bloom, the rain does not pour.
      At night, you do not need to wear around the bushes in search of drying. This was quite often.
      In general, the fairy tale.
      Then they began to come easier.
      While we go to the place along the way we collect coal.
      And one more ... the most exotic type of firewood.
      Shp and lies!
      Yes. railway sleepers. Who replaced new and dropped with mound.
      Impregnated with cryanomot, they are not worse than coal. The main thing is toggle.
      It was usually done with thermal checkers. Electricians them wires weld.
      But this is when everything in the forest is raw (after a two-week protracted rain).
      And find a dry barrel is simply impossible.
      Or in early spring. There is no drywheel in the forest.
      ... well, not to go deep into the forest for a kilometer ... for firewood.
      The grass usually accelerated mosquitoes in the evening. Throw a snack of raw grass into the fire ... Smoke ...
      Topi once dried cow cowes.
      Above the bottom village. There the herd all summer on the shore chased.
      And with firing tension was. Normally. Throw dry leished to the fire. Long burns.
      And the heat is decent. And when the "fuel" ended, fisted fishing on the island.
      There was a case when the weather lay a pig.
      In the evening, a strong northern wind blew. Not just the wind, but a wind ... and with a minus.
      And the rain passed into the snow. What would not be climbed at night, burned everything that grew nearby.
      No one remembered about fishing ... not before her.
      Best of course this is coal. From the evening sketched onto the fire and all night was provided with warmth.
      That's it seems to be all.

  • And as for me, so the article is useful! I learned a lot about. And from myself I would like to add that birch and alder (black) - "main" firewood preferred by rural residents (for furnace furnace). Both types of wood give a decent heat, alder (black) practically does not smoke (less soot on the walls of chimneys, walls of teapots, butters, pots). A spruce is really dangerous when they crumble at the twilight by the fire and suddenly a small corner with a bullet speed flies into the face or on clothes. About Osin there is even popular saying "Aspen does not burn without kerosene," for its combustible properties in the raw form. Oak, cedar, larch a resident of the middle strip (not Siberia, where the cedar shaft) will not burn (the exclusion-welder empty-headed). And the pine can be warmed, you can cook on it. The main minus of pine in the fire - a look to launder to wash. Wood resulanery and when burning about the pot, the latter is covered with a thin layer of rubberoid :)