Big Cats Caracal. Graceful and bold wild cat Caracal. Care for breed

Caracal can be called the breed conditionally. Breeders did not participate in the removal of kittens. This is more like a cat. Nature created steppe lynx, and man tamed. The term "breed" has been entrenched in the language of ordinary for ease of use when describing the characteristics of a pet (appearance, character, health).

Caracal - wild catthat allowed yourself to tame. Today, pet contains in mansions, spacious avoices, walking on a leash. He shows an increased interest in the owner, talking to a person on a feline language, loves joint games, stroking. At the same time, retains the ability of a formidable predator: agility, energy, fast reaction, the ability to stand up for itself.

Breed origin

Steppe Fitters are found on the African continent, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, in Malaya and Central Asia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Prefer savanna, steppes, foothills, deserts. Hunt in the dark time.


  • Rodents;
  • Birds;
  • Insects;
  • Hares;
  • Small antelopes, Jeyrana.

Sometimes the steppe trot does not mind to enjoy a fox, mangown or ostrich. In short, a typical predator of the Feline family. And how did he become a homely kitty?

In antiquity, people often hunted and needed an assistant who would track down and caught prey. Europeans took dogs with them, and in Africa and Asia for these purposes used tamed cats. Rich people subordinate ferocious predators - cheetahs, and friends ordinary people Steel Caracals and Ocelot.

Steppe Lynx wonderingly showed obedience and helped catch hares, pheasants, antelope. Over time, people fell in love with Caracals and started them no longer as hunters, but domestic pets.

Later, breeders associated representatives of steppe lynx with a serval, Abyssinian cat and got kittens. So the predator gave life to new breeds.

Attention! Caracal is not a domesticated cat, but a savage, caring with a man. Keeps inner pride, it is capable of breathtaking with teeth and claws, barely tolerates finding in a closed space. If you need a purely homemade kitten, give up the idea to conquer lynx.


Steppe handsome - exotic for home furnishings. His appearance does not confuse with other cats.

The growth is 40-50 centimeters, the length of the body is up to 90 centimeters, the tail is 34-36 centimeters. Adult females weigh 10-12 kilograms, males - 13-20 kilograms! Given the parameters, pet contain either in the aviary, or in a spacious house, daily walking on the leash.

Paws wild cat thin. Rear longer front. Lape pads large, massive claws (many nurseries are removed by their laser before selling). The predator reaches a height jump 3-3.5 meters. Quickly runs, but for short distances. In motion looks easy, elegant.

Head of medium size. The ears are long, widely planted, with black tassels, the length of which reaches 5 centimeters. It is such bizarre tips make a doodle look like lynx. And the black color of the ears gave the breed today's name. Almond-shaped eyes, amber color with elegant dark edging. Nose, bridal nose. Vibrisians are long, on the sides of them black stripes.

The wool is short, thick, on the paws are covered with short bristles.

Possible colors:

  • Sandy;
  • Brown;
  • Redhead;
  • Terracotta;
  • Black (rarely).

In nature, there are 9 species of cats, characterized by appearance, but not in character. Nonprofessional is difficult to notice the difference.


The tamed carakal is not inferior to their mental quality by domestic rocks. It is easy to study, ties to the owner, shows love and affection.



Wildlife prompts a predator 50% of the time to rush around the house or street, jumping and hunting on small animals. If you stop paying cat attention, it will break the whole house to spill accumulated emotions. The owner must be careful in games. Pet may accidentally bite, scratch.


It seems that Caracal is a relative of the dog. When calling to an apartment, rustling behind the door is first rushing to the hallway. I am pleased to chew toys and minor items. It is a head in the package when the owner comes from the store. Learn to perform new teams from interest.


Man is a friend and support. Cut Caracal does not know how, but gently rubs about the foot of the owner, allows him to stroke himself, happily wags the tail, brings "gifts". Other people do not favor.


The territory is a sacred, guarded place. The invasion is not permissible. The cat may behave alert, aggressively when new people and pets appear. However, the neighbors that have long been living with him in the same house refers to understanding.


Not vengeful, not malicious. Behaves with a man affectionately, friendly. Reacts positively to hugs. Rarely hits.


He knows what he needs. If the cat wants to play, it will not work out. And during sleep, pets and tanks will not dismiss.


There will be no reason to be offended and harmless. Unlike another large cat breed, his psyche is stable, and the nerves are strong.

Caracal is easy to get along with other pets, except for small animals, which he perceives as delicious food. Birds, rodents, lizards, proteins are not neighbors to a wild cat.

Opinions of specialists about the content of the carakal in the house with young children will differ. Some argue that the steppe trot is distinguished by exposure, friendliness and patience, so he quickly wonders with the baby. Others call no risks, because sharp teeth, powerful claws and the unpredictability of the nature of the wild cat are dangerous for the child.

If the pet lives in the house for a long time, never tormented flies, most likely he will take the baby as a friend and family member. Never contained a large wild cat houses? Then it is better not to start until the child becomes an adult.

It is better to buy a kitten up to 6 months. At the older age, a pet with difficulty can be tamed, showing natural nature. Before buying, do the living area for a new family member. Separate room for kitty games. Come on the walls on the height of 2-3 meters the shelves so that the pet can jump on them, as in the natural habitat. Below, install the brake. A column with a wicker rope will not suit - Caracal claws will quickly lead the subject in disrepair. Better find the log and put it at an angle.

Buy a tray or basque, pour filler. As a rule, in nurseries, kittens are involved in the purity and toilet, so there should be no problems. But large cat All the same, you need to walk daily on a leash, and in crowded places - also with a muzzle.

Spend kitty wool 1 time per week. Bat as needed. Caracals love water treatments, I am pleased to play in the bathroom. But since these are wild cats, frequent washing and detergents harm their skin.

Check the ears and peaks daily daily. Dirty raid, sewing erase with a cotton swab, moistened in warm water.

We regularly visit the veterinarian and make the necessary vaccinations. Not all vaccines are suitable for exotic creation. The doctor's help will be required in the case of digestion disorders or with sudden flashes of aggression.

Health, life expectancy

Even in the wild, the Caracals live to 13-15 years old, and in the conditions of a cozy house - up to 18-20. Different with strong health, endurance. Characteristic hereditary diseases not. But the cold is poorly tolerated, because habitat is hot savanna, steppes and deserts. In the autumn-winter season, reduce the duration of daily walks on the street.

At the beginning of life, the pets make a mandatory vaccination twice:

  • 10-12 weeks - a polivalent vaccination (immediately from several diseases), after 3 weeks - revaccination;
  • 12-13 weeks - grafting from rabies.

Additionally, vaccination from paleixes, rinotracheitis, calculating. Do not vaccinate while pet is sick.

Pluses and minuses of breed

Is it worth starting at home an exotic kitty? To begin with, appreciate its advantages and compare with potential content problems.

Table 1. Pluses and cons breed Caracal

1 Exotic appearance: sandy color, ears with tassels, powerful paws and clawsHigh cost of kitten
2 A tendency to learn, obedience. Exhibits friendliness, affection, sociability in relation to the ownerWith illiterate appeal behaves wary, aggressively. Maybe a serious damage person (bite, scratch)
3 Quickly learns, leaving for trainingDue to high motor activity, spoils furniture in the house
4 Good health, lack of hereditary diseasesIt is difficult to find a veterinarian specializing in exotic cats, knowing features Treatment and vaccination
5 Adjusts water treatmentsRequires spacious room for games and the possibility of daily outdoor
6 Easy to get along with other pets, except birds, rodents, rabbitsIt is not recommended to start a pet when staying in the house of the child up to 5 years
7 Devoted to the owner like a dogPositive belongs to strangers

Features of feeding

Caracal, unlike domestic cats, 100% predator. This is taken into account when drafting. In the wild, the steppe lynx feeds on rodents, birds, hares and even small antilopes. Of course, at home you do not catch the pets of mice and birds. How to make food balanced?

First, remember the list of products that are strictly forbidden to give Karakal.

  • Food from the table (pasta, omelet, roasted meat, pancakes, smokers and other dishes);
  • Pork (causes a terrible disease - Auesca, which leads to the death of a pet);
  • Salt, sugar, spices;
  • Sweets;
  • Fruits;
  • River fish (high risk of glytami infection);
  • Milk, dairy products.

The basis of the diet is meat, and with bones. Birds will fit the birds, a huge, shin, beef tenderloin, veal, rabbit, lamb. On the Internet you can order mice (they are usually harvested as feed for snakes). Sub-products The pet is allowed in boiled form. Stick in the meat of cereals and vegetables, as for domestic cats, do not need. Periodically offer pets vitamin and mineral complexes, having coordinated the dose and frequency of reception with the veterinarian. Provide a kitty access to clean water.

Kittens are fed 2-3 times a day, adult cat - 1 time. Depending on weight and age, the pet is given from 400 grams to 1.5 kilograms of meat daily.

Steppe lyris rarely agree to eat dry feed. Veterinarians do not recommend granules for permanent nutrition: in the composition of not enough meat protein, there are no solid bones, but there are cereals, flavoring additives. Economic feed and premium class is categorically prohibited. Sometimes you can treat the cacal portion of the Super Premium Class feed, if it does not mind.


Do not start the steppe lynx only due to the following fashion on exotic animals. The content in the house of the wild cat is not only an interesting experiment, but also high responsibility.

The kitten is better to buy in a specialized nursery with a good reputation. A lot of scams were divorced on the market, ready to realize people who do not know the people of sick animals or adult cats. Kitten should be attached veterinary passport With the seal of the state clinic and marks about the vaccinations made. The price in Russia starts from 10,000 dollars.

Despite the similarity with the home, the cat Caracal is a wild animal. Representatives of the genus Karakalov, which includes one species (Caracal Caracal) and nine subspecies common in different regions of Africa and Asia. African subspecies are very numerous, while Turkmen - entered into the Red Book as a threat of disappearance.

Exotic beauty of the animal and the external similarity with a domestic cat contributed to the spread of tamed carakalis as pets.

Species features of Karakalov


The natural habitat of Caracals is savanna and semi-deserts. In the desert he can deepen further than his close relative Serval, due to the fact that the carakal is better adapted to do without water.


Caracals - predators, leading night lifestyle. Hunt I.
to get out of the log house in a daytime, they can make hunger, it usually happens in winter and early spring.

Caracals live strictly one by one. At the time of the challenges to the cat can visit up to three different cats, but then it grows up to 3-4 months old.

Grown kittens go to find an unoccupied territory - Caracals are zealously referring to the protection of their hunting grounds. Cott-Caracals are usually more than cats.
Life expectancy is 15-20 years.


Karakali Skrad hunt - lay down and attack when it turns out to be at a short distance.

Long-legged and flexible Caracals jump perfectly, and capable claws helps them to catch birds - up to several pieces from the group for one jump. In addition to birds, they hunt for a variety of game - from small gerbils to lambs. Lunch can be a predator that fell into the territory of the Caracal. They can eat fox or even a small dog.

If the carakal can be happy with pets and ducks, chics or kids.
Cats are eating their prey on Earth, dismissed into the sand and leaves.

History of taming Karakalov

The first Caracals began to tame back in the ancient Babylon, in III-IV
century BC. This is evidenced by archaeological finds, where the Caracals are depicted on leashes along with chepads and lions.

Kittens still catch the shepherds in Central Asia to use for joint hunting.
Like a cheetah, despite the centuries-old history of life next to a person and a lot of tamed animals, the Caracal did not become truly homely.

What a Caracal looks like

General silhouette

Caracal - elegant, elongated animal lines, strong and
graceful. The torso of the rectangular shape, the legs are long, the structure of this cat resembles a miniature lioness. Quicks often above the withers, because the rear paws are much longer than the front. This building allows you to jump in tens of times more than one's own growth.


The head of this cat is rounded, the muzzle is elongated and small.
The most remarkable part of the Caracal is the ears. They themselves elongated, and visually still lengthened due to black brushes, expressively contrasting with the overall sandy color of the cat.

In childhood, these decorations stand on end, in a mature age hang along the ear.
Large triangular eye shape usually light blue or pale green. Black "stroke" made of painted wool gives them expressiveness and depths.

Color and wool

Caracal wool 3.5-9 cm long, thick, tightly stuffed, shiny. On the paws, the wool forms brushes that help move through bulk soils desert.
Color of these cats can vary from light yellow to red-brown. From above down the color becomes lighter, and the wool is longer. The stomach in Caracal is almost white, and wool is the longest. The black cab in the ears and the black pads of the mustache contrast with a white chin.
On the inner side The paws are spots and strips that attach individuality to the animal.

Character of Karakalov

Usually tamed cats - kindle. If the kitten took little, and better from the taught mother, and they were regularly engaged in childhood with him, then the carakal grows up with a good and non-aggressive.

Caracals are non-social animals, unacceptable to live in the group. With relatives, these cats fight, defending their territory.

Representatives of other species are considered as prey and can attack a dog even more than themselves.
In nature, the Caracals move a lot, therefore tamed - moving and active. Love to play various objects, very smart and well study.

Caracals willingly communicate with the owners, walk on joint walks, love when they are staked and scratched, not intrusive. Their excessive attention is tired and in this case the cat can begin to fight off claws and teeth.

Caracals are not demanding to conditions as for a wild predator, but let us require more effort than a pet.

The habit of hiding food reserves into secluded corners can deliver a lot of trouble in the human dwelling, therefore aviary will be best for the content of Caracal.

How to equip aviary for carakal

Wolter for wild cats may not be too large in area,
but be sure to high, not less than 4 meters to the ceiling and deaf. The grid or lattice is needed frequent, because the carakal is able to leak into the gap just 7 cm wide.
The floor in the aviary is preferably made by concrete - it is easier to clean it and the carakal will not be able to undermine him. In the aviary you need to put a houseboard and a tree or a few branches, so that the animal has conditions to climb and jump.


If the animal is not planned for breeding, then sterilization and
lee Castration is a great way to simplify communication with this predator.

Sterilized cats are not trying to attract cats into hunting, leaving "messages" especially smelly urine. Castrated cats have a quiet and less aggressive.

Other aspects of care

Simplify the care of the Caracal will help his teaching him to the tray - it will be useful in the apartment, and in the aviary.
Cat wool does not require much care, they themselves follow her purity.

Seasonal molting in Karakalov passes twice a year. During the period, it is worth writing a pet with a thick brush from natural bristles - it will accelerate the shift of wool and give an elegant look.

It is important to monitor the condition of claws. If they are not accepted enough, you may need to turn to the veterinarian for trimming.

Feeding Karakalov

Caracals - Strict Predators. They eat only meat and replace it with any other products without harm to health it is impossible.
For the most compliance with the needs of the cat, in the diet should include carcasses of rodents and birds.

For poultry farms sell daily chickens, they need to be given entirely, with feathers and bones. In the same form you can give an adult bird - Kury, ducks, quail.

A good feed for Caracal will serve as a rabbit (along with the internships) or rats. They can be purchased in places where they sell food for snakes.
Beef or lamb is better to choose the one where enough bones and films. Feeding one pulp can cause diarrhea.

You can treat the cacal with a dry feed or a piece of cheese, but you can not feed the cat only by them.

Milk these cats usually absorb badly.
Caracals drink little, they have enough moisture in raw meat.

Water in constant access is optional, but it is worth offering to drink from time to time.

Diseases of Karakalov

Like all wild beasts, Caracals are healthy and hardy animals.
Nevertheless, they require timely vaccination from the paleixes of cats, rinotracheita and calculating.

Be sure to instill Caracals from rabies - this deadly and incurable disease is dangerous for people.

Caracals can be carriers of chlamydia, although they do not manifest it clinically.

Who will suit Caracal

Best Caracal will suit lovers of predatory exotic, living in
private house.

It is not necessary to start a caragaron in a family with children - it is difficult to explain to the child how to behave with a predator who can consider it as prey.

A good fellow Caracal will be a passionate man who is ready to spend a lot of time on raising a pet. Caracals are well trained and can become an excellent hunter assistant.

Where can one buy

It is best to buy Caracals in specialized nurseries,
where they bred them tamed. There you can see how parents behave, as they get along with people, look at the relatives of the future pet.

Kittens from nurseries are usually accustomed to the tray, are familiar with manipulations and communication with man.

In zoos, sometimes they also sell Caracals, but such cats most often consider a person not as a host or friend, but as a source of food. Install such animals is very difficult to instill.

Do not buy animals that were caught in the wild - to tame them more difficult than born and grown next to people.

What to pay attention to the purchase of a kitten

Before choosing the kitten itself, you need to look at it
Parents, other adult relatives.

This will help to make an idea of \u200b\u200bhow he will look like an adult and what character will be. Ask breeders that cats eat whether any parents were sick.

Each kitten must have a veterinary passport with the marks of the State Veterinary Clinic on vaccinations at least against rabies and paleixia. Without printing states, vaccination is not valid!

A healthy little carcale must be:

  1. shiny wool;
  2. clear eyes without flutters and tears;
  3. dry nose without selection;
  4. pure "pants" on hind legs and the place under the tail.

Ask breeders to show how the kitten plays, gives herself combing, inspecting ears or paws.

Resisting and non-informal animal tame much more difficult.
If the cat is offered sterilized, it is worth find out who conducted an operation.

If one carakal is offered for sale, ask for documents about its origin. Purchase and sale of red-born species, to which the Turkmen subspecies of Caracal belongs is prohibited by law.

How much is Caracal

Own predator - cheapest pleasure. The price of tamed Caracals in nurseries begins from $ 6,500 per sterilized kitten. Suitable for breeding animals will be even more expensive.

Sometimes they offer to buy cheaper cats. It may be unclealed Caracals caught in Africa or Asia, and they will require much more effort to teach. Such animals are dangerous in that exotic diseases can be imported with them.

A pet is not just a friend, but in some cases and the subject of pride. After all, when you take into the light of a pet with non-standard appearance, then you instantly fall into the center of attention. How much does it cost to stand out from the crowd with such a non-standard way? AiF.Ru considered on the example of five expensive cats.


This breed appeared as a result of crossing the cat and the African serv. It remains one of the most expensive in the world, because only a professional breeder is capable of getting offspring from a predator and a pet. Breeders worked on the creation of Savannn for more than ten years. As a result, the first kittens were born at the end of 1980. In 2001, the breed was officially recognized and registered by the International Cat Association. These pets are rather large, height in the withers can reach 60 cm. Since childhood, kittens are removed by a cogging laser on the front paws, this is done so that they accidentally scratched their owner. The cost of the kitten varies from 15 to 20 thousand dollars. However, if you think that for such a value in your house there will be an animal, over which will need to shake, like over a crystal vase, - you are mistaken. Savannas are not picky in care.

Cat breed savanna. Photo:


Safari Child Parents - Domestic Cat and Wild Cat Joffroy, in the Territory South America. The breed was derived in the early 1970s in the United States, but still not yet officially recognized. The weight of an adult is an average of 11 kg, but can reach 16 kilos! At the same time, the Safari female is inferior to males in size. Of course, the genes of wild cats make themselves felt. Safari is not able to quietly live next to rodents, birds and other small animals. They have a hunting instinct. In addition, cats are pretty hard to stay in apartments, it is better to have their own way if you have our own home, they love walks outdoors. Safari costs can range from 4 to 8 thousand dollars.

Kao Mania

Kao Mani appeared in ancient times in Thailand. However, for the first time, the kittens were taken outside the birthplace only in 1999, and the breed itself was recognized recently - in 2009. the main distinctive trait Pet - smooth white wool and expressive eyes, they can often be multi-colored. Previously, representatives of the breed were found only at noble people, today any person can allow such a cat, only about 20 thousand dollars will have to pay for a four-chart friend.

Cat breed Kao Mani. Photo:


The fruit of love marsh and traditional abyssinian cat. Chauzi is a rarity not only in Russia, but also throughout the world. Nevertheless, most breeders live in the United States, it was there that this breed began to withdraw in the late 60s. It is important to note that food for such an animal must be selected with the mind, since it is prone to overeating and poorly transfers the cereals that are contained in most pets for pets. Also Chauzi do not like loneliness, so they are able to make friends even with a dog, just to find the company. To purchase such a small miracle, you need to pay 8-10 thousand dollars, and in rare cases - and all 20!

Cat breed Chaise. Photo:

Homemade Caracal

In nature, Caracal is a predator, externally very resembling lynx. However, people learned to tame this beautiful wild beast, and today it is an expensive exclusive pet. An animal has a rather impressive dimension: the height can reach 50 cm, the weight is 20 kilos, and the length of the special major representatives of the rock to 1 meter. Caracal, grown among people in a special nursery, is not dangerous for a person, it is quite friendly and sociable. The price starts from 11 thousand dollars.

Caracal is a special breed of cats. They are distinguished by unique grace, nobility and kindness. Caracals come from wildlifeBut many are well adapting to home conditions. How do Karakal kittens behave at home, what are the peculiarities of the care of them and how much the kitten is such a breed, we will tell below.

History and description of Caracalov

Kittens Caracal, like other kids, love to play and show tenderness in relation to others. However, they are distinguished from ordinary kittens exotic appearance. Something they resemble bombing cats.

In many countries there are hunting breeds of dogs, and in Africa there are hunting cats. For example, in ancient times, hepdads and Caracals took hunting. Cats of this breed perfectly caught hares, pheasants, peacocks and other small animals.

They were quickly tamed by a person. Even small kittens of this breed differ in mind and obedience. Over time, they began to start not only like hunting animals, like both domestic pets.

Now start these kittens is also prestigious, because it is rare exotic breed, the price of which is considerable.

Caracals have several varieties, total there are 9 types. However, it is unlikely to distinguish them from each other. In the nature and other characteristics, they also differ little from each other.


Purchasing the kitten of this breed as a domestic pet, do not forget that he is still start predatorEven in such "greenhouse" conditions.

When upbringing such a kitten, you need to withstand the sequence and clearly issue your requirements, while not in a hurry to teach it everything you need. Help your favorite understand what subordination is and developing rules of behavior in your home.

Key features of the doodle character, which are noticeable even in kittens:

  1. Balance - these kittens will not surprise you with sudden surplus of activity, and then rest for half a day.
  2. The kindness is the character of animals is very soft, here they are in many ways similar to downtown cats.
  3. Energy - you need to give the kittens to make your energy to flush, otherwise they can send it to the wrong direction.
  4. Love for games - kittens will gladly play with children.
  5. The host's instinct - cats of such a breed, regardless of age, will protect the dwelling from other animals with great jealousy. However, with other pets who live with them, they will find a common language.
  6. Curiosity - Kittens Karakal Everyone wants to know and always be the first to be the first way where something has appeared new or something happened. They resort immediately to the door when the call or to the bushes, barely become shuffling.

Features of choosing a kitten Caracal

Of course, buy a Caracal kitten due to high prices may not all. But even if you are ready to post a solid amount for it, you should contact in a home kennel, not there, where animals contain in enclosures. It is also not recommended to acquire kittens under 4-6 months.

Remember when buying the following: if in the future you do not plan to breed the cuta, then preferably an animal sterilize or castrate. When the kittens grow up, they will stubbornly mark the territory, delivering you at the same time constant troubles and discomfort.

Before purchasing the kitten carefully examine how it looks. You need to pay attention to the following:

  • the wool from the kitten was brilliant and thick;
  • skin cover should not peel and have rashes and also it should be clean;
  • from the eyes, the nose or ears should not unpleasantly smell and write something.

Caraked care

Naturally, when the kitten has appeared in the house, it will need in special attention and special care. Below will look at some aspects of the care of the representatives of this breed.

how collect and bathe Caracal. Animal to calculate the maximum once a week. It is also often not necessary to bathe, only when the wool is strongly stained. Caracals love water very much, and with hunting will play with rubber balls in the pool or bathroom.

Caracal claws on the front paws can be removed in the nursery with a laser. Procedures associated with their removal, the animal does not like. It is advisable to take care of cogterer. At least once a week watch out eyes and ears Cat, if necessary, clean them.


Caracal is a conditional pet and refers to the category of accuracted. In many respects, you can pay attention to their love for independence and freedom.

In particular, the Caracals love fresh air, so them you need to walk more oftenWhen the weather is good on the street. And so that the carakal does not accidentally cause harm, it is better to keep it on a leash.

Naturally, the optimal habitat will be a fenceful area next to the country house, equipped with accessories for active games of the kitten.

Features of food Caracal

Karakala primarily requires low-fat meat in the raw form. It contains the necessary vitamins and trace elements necessary for animal. Excellent fit carcasses rodents or birds. Not more than once a week, Caracal need to offer sea fish in raw form.

Kittens up to a year, food is given twice a day. And after a year, the intestine of the animal worked fine, he eats every daybut tightly. Once a week there is a unloading day without meat. On pregnant and nursing females it does not apply.

Caracals are forbidden to give such products:

  • Any food from the human table.
  • Sweet pastry.
  • Spicy, sharp and salty dishes.
  • Smoked smoked sausages or sausages.

It is allowed to feed dry food, but it needs to be chosen very carefully, pre- consulted with veterinarian. Food needs to choose only quality. Regardless of the type of feeding, the remains of food after the cat's meal should always be thrown away.

The price of animal

As mentioned earlier, the price of the representative of this breed is very high. In Russia, this animal can be acquired on average for 400 thousand rubles. In Ukraine - from 45 thousand hryvnia.

Such a high price makes Caracals alone of the most expensive pets. Naturally, it significantly limits the range of potential owners of such a kitten. In most cases, they hold it in conditions of private country houses, where the animal has a place for a walk.

Karakalov is given not only lovers of exotic animals, but also those who are not afraid of difficulties in terms of their upbringing and teaching household conditions. These cats themselves are wild, and sometimes teach them not so easy.

Today, exotic pets are increasingly popular, which differ significantly from the usual and, even with the form and resemble them. Here, for example, a good example of such an animal is a doodle, almost all parameters resembling desert lynx. In our time, it often contains at home, and owners in one voice talk about the absolute security of such a decision. Let's find out what is the feature of the specified ex-predator and is reasonable to start it instead of a regular cat.

Description and photos

There are quite a lot of types of Caracals, which in wild conditions There are found in the steppe and desert regions of Turkey, Africa, Turkmenistan, India, Iran, some regions of Uzbekistan and Dagestan foothills. At the moment, scientists eliminate 9 species of this predatory animalHowever, for people who are not interested in such a small trot, there will be no significant difference between them.

The most subspecies are on the territory of Africa, where animals do not require security and local hunters willingly arrange safari on them, lining to themselves with the help of special technical devices (for example, emitting wounded animal cries).

At the same time, in Asia countries, the population of dops of Caracalov is increasingly decreasing every year and they are listed in the local Red Book (for example, there are only about 300 individuals).


What kind of varieties did not belong to your homely steppe lynx, it will be quite high ( sometimes up to 50 cm In the withers), graceful animal, with elegant outlines of the body. In such pets an elongated head, with on it long earsAt the end of which there are brushes of wool.

Between vertically standing, as if constantly listening own sinks, there is quite a long distance. On the back side of their color is purely black or with a small snap. True, animals living in Namibia, white ears.

The whole body of the Caracal is covered thick and short furAnd on the hind legs it is relatively tougher, that in natural conditions allows such a kitty to easily move along sandy surfaces. On the chest and the stomach, the wool is a little longer, and as for the color, it is, depending on the type of predator, there are both "sandy" and brown animals, with lighter areas on the stomach, chest and the inner portion of the paw.

Did you know? IN South Africa Specially trained Caracals work together with people at the military airports, where the birds are accepted in their duties from the runway.

Characteristic for conventional Dark plots are present on the belly and the face of Caracal, and under the eyes it is easy to notic a yellow strip. There are no differences between females and males in the wool color. The tail is shorter than the suppressed body about ½ of its lengthThat in combination with long dry limbs sometimes looks very funny. Paws are sufficiently massive.

It is worth noting that females are always less maleswhose weight is often reaches 30 kg, with a rise of 45-50 cm. Unlike them, representatives female halves weigh mostly about 15-20 kg. In an adult, an individual is a long enough body, often reaching 60-90 cm, and the tail length is approximately 35 cm.

Simply put, for all external data, Caracal is a reduced copy of the usual lyry, differing from it greater grace and a monophonic color of woolen cover.


Surely there is a lot of skeptics who doubt the possibility of keeping such a beast at home, but as the practice of many Karakalov owners shows - their character is not much different from the nature of the usual domestic cat In some cases, such a wild pet will be even more gentle and stopped.

With proper education, mini-lynx intended curiosity, playfulness, kindness and good learning. Unlike habitual cats, Caracals are distinguished by a high level of devotion, which makes them similar to dogs, and during the game they are even able to bring toys.

Caracals are distinguished by the presence of the "host instinct" and will always be jealously guarded their possessions From the invasion of other animals, although if the kitten grows from childhood with or, there should be no problems. The only one who is worth hiding away from the chain claws of the home predator is decorative, which Caracal is used to eat in natural conditions.

History of appearance

Thanks to its own appearance, Caracals are really perceived by many as representatives of the genus Rys. However, from the point of view of genetics, everything is not so unambiguous, because of which the animals fell into a separate genus with their ancient name.

Did you know? The word "Caracal" - Turkish origin and translated into Russian means "Black Ear".

In ancient times in Africa and Asia such cats specially taught and went with them to huntMoreover, they were chosen less wealthy representatives of society, while the "rich" used heparobs for this purpose.

Caracals perfectly caught small antelopes, pheasants, peacocks, hares and other small steppe inhabitants, not particularly experiencing for the presence of a person and his power over them. It is thanks to a relatively calm moral and obedience, in modern world These cats have become excellent pets.

Very close relative of Karakalov is cat Karaket., derived as a pairing of the carakal and domestic cat, Serengeti breeds, and Abyssinian. The first karaketov received in 2007, after research in America, but for a while they forgot about them.

After 7 years, in 2014, breeding work in this direction resumed in Russia and now the breed is officially recognized by the International Organization of Tіs Cats. It must be said that the parameters of the representatives of the new rock are as close as possible to the characteristics of the Caracalov, which animals correspond to both painting and by the chants, although, as for character, it is even less aggression.

Choosing and cost of kitten

Of course, the Caracals are found not as often as domestic cats, so do not be surprised that the price of such a kitten will be very high (approximately within 10,000 dollars). Moreover, in our country it is not easy to find a nursery in which these animals would have bred, and if there are such, you need to still pay attention to the method of keeping the Caracals: "home" or "enclosed".

It is also worth understanding that the content of such a predator is allowed only if there are all documentsOtherwise you can just pick up the pet's pet. That is, buying an animal from dealers, or even more poachers is not very recommended, because, among other things, it may be sick.

The most suitable place to purchase a kitten will be a homemade nursery, where animals are provided good nutrition And regular walking (it is possible that in the closed territory, the baby's parents can constantly run constantly). Breeders will definitely tell you about all the nuances of the predator content and they can also be recognized about the specific value of such a beast.

Important! Mostly kittens are taking new house At the age of 4-5 months, because at this time they are already fully prepared for the change of the situation and it will not be such stress for them.

If you are not going to continue the case of your breeder and breed Caracals, then they are better, otherwise the territory tags will not be avoided. Usually, the procedure can be arranged with the breeder to spend it. aged 3-5 months. However, there is another opinion: castrate the cat is better closer to 9 months.

When choosing, carefully inspect each kitten. W. healthy baby There should be thick and shiny wool, clean nose, ears and eyes (without any selection). Such kittens are movable, active and do not try to harm the person.

Conditions for maintenance and correct care

Considering that it is not about ordinary breed, but about the cat Caracal, the cultivation of an animal and care will have significant differences. First of all, the value of the arrangement of its residence, as well as material spending on food, is also added to the price for a new pet. But first things first.

What do you need for a cat?

Features of the arrangement of their own "corner" for the doodle depend on where you are going to keep it: in an apartment or in a private house. Of course, in both cases it is better not to use small and cramped, but as for spacious, they may be quite by the way. If possible, you can even highlight the animal roomwhere it can calmly develop, while spoiling nothing.

Well, if in such a place there will be some kind of wooden subject, intended for or nailed at different heights of the shelf, allowing the animal to move through them, just as it does in the natural environment of its habitat. From the nature of the Caracal has a very developed muscles of the body and high activity that should find a way out.

And of course, you can not forget about who you will need to independently teach the kitten if the breeders did not make it. You can fill the toilet with conventional pellets or wood chips.

Of course, it is better to contain a doodle in a private house, with a spacious avoire available on the territory (at least 15 m²) and free walking, and in the room it is necessary to place the aforementioned shelves "for jumping" and install the cogatellic foaming twine.

Care for breed

When caring for ordinary domestic cats, they often bathe and comb, but cope with such a big beast as a steppe lynx is very difficult, because of which the regular adoption of the bath is most likely to be canceled. However, the behavior of other relatives is characterized for Caracals, which means that licking his wool, your pet will beat some part of it and maybe even press it.

For this reason, at least once a week, it is necessary to comb your pet, and in acute necessity you can give him special cleaning intestines. Add regular trays to these actions, and no other hygiene procedures need.

Important! The molting for these animals is characteristic all year round, but the more actively wool falls in the summer.

Caracals rarely, but this does not mean that they do not need to show veterinarian. At a minimum, the hike to a specialist will need for vaccination and crush claws, if you do not acquire special "doggy" nippers and do not learn how to do it yourself.

Food Caracala

IN natural environment These habitats, these domesticated predators are hunting for small rodents, hares, tushkans, horses, and even, although quite easily cope with mangowns, foxes and even dickerages. Of course, at home, small steppe animals are not available, however, the natural needs of the body in protein should be completely satisfied.

Therefore, in the daily diet of steppe before the beef, indyusten, rabbit and chicken must be present, in an amount of from 0.5 to 1 kg (accurate value of the share of meat will depend on the floor and age of the beast). A certain part can be given in boiled form, but still the share of raw products should be greater.

Cannot feed wild animal with soups and croupsSince they have nothing useful for him, and you should also immediately eliminate from the smoked thing, pork and milk.

Important! Cartilage and bones are better not to cut, because they contain the necessary calcium for the development of the body, and Caracal will be doing something, remembering their natural deposit predator.

If you want to somehow diversify the diet of homekeeper, you can add vegetables to meat (zucchini, carrots, cabbage and pumpkin), sea fish, fermented milk products and eggs. Various mineral supplements and vitamins will be helpful for health.

Adult Caracal is fed once or twice a day, room temperature, arranging unloading days once a month. Water should be changed daily, and its temperature should also be close to room.

Taming and learning

If with dogs and domestic cats more or less understandable how to behave, then for taming and the more wild animal will need much more strength and patience. Lask and proper education - required condition To transform the doodle in a homely gentle "kitten".

The steppe lynx in the house is not exactly a toy, and if you perceive it only as the decoration of the estate and are not going to do it especially, then it is better not to torment the animal and yourself. Keep in mind, such a big cat will never serb an aggressive and rude attitude towards himself and if it will grow, constantly experiencing bullying over himself, then over time, the hosts can very much about their attitude.

The teaching to order and the tray must be executed gradually, walks - only on a leash, and you do not need to wait from the cutlery of too much accomplishments, after all, he more catthan a dog.

The importance of walking

Any animal regular physical activity is neededwhich will contribute to its normal development. However, if we are talking about such a big home pet As a caragar, then in the need for regular active walks, there should be no doubt, especially if the steppe lynx is contained in the apartment.

As with the dog, you need to walk at least twice a day, allowing her to run for 1-2 hours in one walk. Of course, the Caracal cannot be lowered from a leash, and in crowded places you need to additionally use a muzzle.

You can stroll with your pet to the site for walking dogs, just follow, so that there are no other animals next to, because there is simply impossible to predict the behavior.

Deciding to acquire an unusual "cat", think twice, do you really need so much worries related to its content and can you provide wild beast normal conditions for life.