The biggest cat in the world, the photo of the largest representatives of domestic cats. Big cats: overview of large breeds of huge cats name

Among the variety of feline, home species are allocated in a special group. The peculiarity of these animals is that they get along with other pets and man, do not pose difficulties in care and feeding, have a good character and are not dangerous for children. In comparison with wild fellow, domestic cats have modest sizes, but also in this group there are their recordsmen. We will tell about large cats in our article.

Big cats: Overview of large breeds

There are five breeds of domestic cats, whose representatives are considered the largest.

Savannah (Asher)

Despite the fact that some consider them representatives different breedsThe asher is different from savanna, about how hippos of hippopotamus. In essence, this is one animal having different names.

Savannah - the biggest and most expensive domestic cat

The first kittens with the breed signs of modern Savannah appeared in 1986. They became the result of the work of American breeders, crossed African servals with a homemade cat. After 15 years, the breed was recognized as an independent unit. And after another 5 years "appeared" the Asher, which they began to position as the greatest and most expensive homemade cat. She surprisingly resembled savannah - not only externally, but also genetically. DNA analysis put the final point in this matter, and the names of "Asher" and "Savannai" became synonymous with one breed.

Savanna kitten

The truth was not revealed immediately, as the kittens received from the "wild" dad and the "home-made" mother, as breeders aggravated with the representatives of the "Father's Nationality". The more blood of the Serval flowed in the housings of the offspring, the more the kittens appeared outwardly wild beast. Such animals were sold for huge money, issuing an absolutely new breed for representatives. Today Asher-Savannah remains the rare and most expensive homemade cat.

Animal weight - 8-13 kg, but felines argue that there are individuals weighing up to 20 kg. The height in the withers can reach 1 m. The cat belongs to the short-sighted rocks of the "sports" type. For proper care she keeps a good shape all life, not faster even fat. Contain savannah better in a spacious house with a garden. Display the estate is recommended on a leash.

Accustomed to him since childhood, the cat on the walking behaves like a normal dog.

Interesting fact! Savannah Hypoallergenna, therefore, it is recommended to those who suffer increased sensitivity to wool and scales of pets of pets.

More information about this breed, its features, care and content of Savann-Asher, can be found in on our website.

Video - Interesting Facts about Savanna breed

From the English name of this type of domestic cats is translated as "Maneski raccoon", that is, the Raccoon from the American State Maine. Bright, luxury giant cats produce an unforgettable impression by their sizes, beauty and wild look, which breeders dubbed as "Wild Look".

The presence of such a beast may not be frightened if not to know that the representatives of the rocks differ on rare calm, even character, are perfectly soldered with children and domestic pets, even dogs. Partly of them and themselves are considered to be dogs, so these feline have high Intellect And it is quite good to train. Maine Kuna can be trained to bring a paper ball and even slippers!

Fluffy giants are bending and graceful. Huge adult individuals seem because of the elongated body, long tail and thick wool. Their parameters inspire tremies and respect, because:

  • adult males weigh up to 13-16 kg, and females - up to 8;
  • "The length" from the nose to the tip of the fluffy tail can reach 1 m, and the maximum, officially registered, the length of Maine Kun is 1 m 23 cm.

Interesting fact! Cats of this breed "rack" water before drinking. It is believed that this habit got them from the ancestors who removed the leaves and blades from the surface of the forest puddle.

Video - Main-kun breed

The ancestor of all Ragdolls is considered the cat's cat's feline, born in the 60s of the last century. It was distinguished by an amazingly stubborn character. To the appearance of the breed put the paw and her spouse - the cat b. The offspring turned out unusually calm and beautiful. The name of animals of this breed is translated as a "rag doll". And, indeed, Ragdolls are extremely phlegmatic and unloved.

A warm and cozy cat can be ironed, hugging and kissing, nursing on hand, planting and stacked, and he will not object. At the World Championships, Ragdoll would become an absolute leader, having got the entire prize fund. This is a living toy for children who should be able to correctly handle the animals, not causing him pain and harm.

Wool cats of medium length in color resembles a Siamese version, however, the similarity with the eccentric rock ends. Ragdolls are amazingly miles and good-natured, so very popular.

Length of the body of adult animals, including tail:

  • up to 80 cm in cats with weight up to 7 kg;
  • up to 1 m in cats whose weight reaches 10 kg.

Interesting fact! The representative of this breed of Ragtime Bartholomew has become the largest cat in the world, according to the "Book of Records Guinness" of 1986.

Video - Ragdoll

The individuals of this species enter the top five not only the largest, but most expensive cats in the world. They have exotic appearance and interesting. The progenitors of Chauzi are reeded cats and domestic cats. Combination different colors And the characters made as a result of an amazing animal with wild appearance and a fitful temper. The breed was officially registered in 2003, and the cats of rare beauty gained world popularity. In Russia, they are still a bit, but the prospects of Chauzi, as unusual pet petObvious.

Chauzi is one of the most expensive cats in the world.

If we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the breed, then the first is:

  • exotic appearance;
  • good health;
  • sociability;
  • lack of fear before water.

As for the shortcomings, it is, of course:

  • high cost of the breed animal;
  • difficulties in breeding (cross with cats);
  • possible manifestations of wild ingredients, which are expressed more in the desire to "travel" on the top tar of the apartment;
  • the habit is a lot, or rather, constantly. Appetite from Chauzi is ignorant, but the tendency to gluttony leads to digestive disorders and excess weight.

The weight of the semi-green individual is from 10 to 15 kg, the height in the withers is 40 cm. Males are larger than cats, but the ladies are more active and movable.

Interesting fact! Chasi's cats are strong hunting instincts, so keep them in one house to homely rodents and birds are dangerous for the life of the latter.

Video - Ozuzy

Siberian cat

The origin of this breed is clear from the name, it from Russian Siberia. Life in harsh conditions contributed to the fact that cats acquired a brutal appearance, a strong constitution and thick wool.

It is believed that the progenitors of modern "Siberians" came from Bukhara on Russian expanses. It was from there that merchants and travelers were delivered in the time of Ermak. The transformation of Bukhara mini-predators in Siberian occurred over the years and, by the way, without the participation of a person. The "visiting" cats naturally communicated with each other with local Murcs. As a result, a new breed of animals appeared: with noble appearance, wild color and confident character.

The backbone of "Siberians" strong, the body is strong and muscular. Despite the considerable sizes, these cats are playful and clever, love to jump and fool, especially in early age. Many of them are not afraid of water, so do not object to swimming.

Cats can be attached to a person no less than dogs. There are many stories about how the past-striped people saved people life, in time to the leakage of household gas, fires and earthquakes. They are happy to live together with a man, unpretentious in food and care, adore their owners and hurt bitterly alone.

Interesting fact! One of the most famous representatives of the breed is a cat Dorofey, belonging to the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Fluffy favorite policy participated in the meeting« without ties "with family former president US Barack Obama led to indescribable delight of American guests.

Video - all about Siberian cats

Other varieties of big cats

Completing the list of the biggest domestic cats, it is worth recognizing that it is not exhaustive. There are other varieties of fluffy pets that are distinguished by beauty and impressive sizes. These include the following cat breeds:


British, whose homeland is England. This is a soft, plush cat-bun, unusually cozy, but often having an independent character. At the beginning of the dating, she demonstrates royal restraint and composure, but soon becomes kind and affectionate. The more time spends with the owner, the stronger its confidence and affection. The weight of the adult British cat is from 4 to 8 kg.

More information about this breed, its features, care and content of British cats, you can read in on our website.

Norwegian forest cat

It is clear from the name that her homeland is Norway. The breed is very popular in the states of Northern Europe and has an external similarity with Siberians, Turkish Wan and Main-Kuman.

Norwegian forest cats refer to long-haired rocks. They have a strong physique and impressive sizes. These animals are distinguished by good character and good manners. "Norwegians" is not characteristic of bad behavior. They are tolerant even to dogs and capricious children, restrained strangers. It is noteworthy that the cats of the Norwegian breed are tied to a person, and not to the house, as is customary to think. With all their friendliness, it is difficult to call these animals at all manual. "Norwegians" do not like when they are taken to their arms, they are squeezed and sitting on their knees, like a doll. But adore when they scratch the back and the ears.

The weight of the Norwegian cat, as in most breeds, changes noticeably as an animal mature. Representatives of this species slowly grow, reaching full maturity only by five years. At this age, the female weighs about 5.5 kg, and the cat is from 6 to 9 kg.

Cartesian Cat (Chartresis)

Cartesian Cat (Chartresan) - french breed Unusually beautiful and as jealous purr with dense gray-blue fur and orange (bright yellow) eyes. Exist different versions The origin and history of the breed. According to one of them, Chartresses in the Middle Ages were considered cats of commoners. However, the peasants and artisans appreciated them not for beautiful eyes and character, and for fluffy skirt and gentle meat. Fortunately, dark times passed, and today Cartesian beauties acquire as pets. These cats are able to attach to people, but do not tolerate the presence of other animals in the house. They are calm and silent, have a subtle voice that demonstrate extremely rarely. Loneliness is normal, if there is an interesting toy in sight.

Cat weight - 6-7 kg, and cats are easier - from 4 to 5 kg. Cartesians are incremented in size and reach maturity by 5 years, and fluffy young swords after 3 years do not grow.

Chartresses are calm and silent, have a thin voice

Diseases that are subject to large homemade cats

The health of domestic cats, including large, depends on genetics, as well as on how they care for them and than feed. If a set of hereditary diseases depends on the breed, then the consequences of improper nutrition and content for all cats are one. They lead to such pathologies as:

Each type of domestic cats has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Table. Breed Diseases of Large Cats

Breed namePhotoPossible Health Problems
The breed has no genetically determined pathologies, which is explained by the strong health of the ancestor - Servala. Possible inflammation of the urinary system organs
Diseases of the joints (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, dysplasia hip joints), skin pathologies (abscesses, phlegmon, ostiopholic acid, eczema), violations of the organs of the urinary system (jade, nephric, peelitis, urethritis, cystitis)
Dysplasia hip joints, cat hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Digestive disorders, obesity
Food allergies, inflammatory eye pathology (conjunctivitis and others), obesity

How to care for a domestic cat?

So that the pet can demonstrate the best breed qualities, become the pride of the family and the subject of the envy of others, it is necessary to care for him correctly. General principles Feeding and maintaining domestic cats, regardless of their species, one. Small differences may be due to the peculiarities of the rock, for example, the length and quality of wool.

To cat live in the family for a long time and happily, it is important to remember the following:

  • choosing a kitten is a responsible event. It is worth buying a pet only from proven breeders who are ready to confirm the breeding and health of the animal documented;
  • cats need vaccination, especially if they go to the courtyard. Types and mode of vaccination can be clarified in the local veterinary clinic;
  • there are no little pets in food. All host errors are reflected in the state and appearance of the cat. The ideal system of nutrition is considered to use dry premium feeds that can be bought, given the peculiarities of the breed. Contrary to popular belief, these compositions are not dangerous from the point of view of the formation of urates (kidney stones). It is important to ensure that the cat has always enough fresh water. Food adherents should be aware that the unbalanced diet worsens the state, well-being and appearance of the pet. Vitamin and mineral deficit will have to fill with special additives;
  • caring for the cat is to maintain its neat appearance and normal health. Among other things, it includes combing, infrequent bathing, cutting claws, cleaning the ears and monitoring the condition of the eyes and teeth;
  • an animal should have its place in the house (apartment), where you can safely retire, without fear of interference in your personal cat's space;
  • little predator requires understanding and respectful attitude towards himself. It is more relevant when there are children in the house. Adults must explain the baby that the animal is not a toy, but a family member.

The largest homemade cats are popular and have a lot of money. Such copies are a real family decoration and home. However, there are chances of becoming a treasure from the courtyard Murka. For good care The migratory cat can easily grow in a smart and luxury beast that will not be worse than person from top-5.

Along with dogs, cats are the most popular pets, despite the fact that the cat is difficult to call a friend of a person - she was and remains free and independent. The familiar to all the home cat settled in a person about 10,000 years ago. Then he was just one of the types of forest cat, and now there are more than 250 breeds of this animal.

The most popular breeds are, of course, sphinxes, British and persian cats. All at least once in life came across such animals, stroked, admired their grace and flexibility. What about "non-standard" pets? For example, the largest homemade cats whose weight left far behind the usual 2-3 kilograms.

Maine-kun - a typical representative of "Giakanov"

The Maine Coon breed is proudly wearing status as one of the largest in the world. These half-legged cats once lived in Northeast America, and after they were crossed with downtown cats and are resets around the world. Maine-kuna, as a rule, have a very strong physique and an incredibly beautiful and fluffy tail. Their weight amazes: up to 6 kilograms in females, and some males can grow up to 12 kilograms!

Despite its formidable look, these animals have a very downty and affectionate character (as far as possible for the cat). People behave calmly and restrained, there are no stress on various feline exhibitions. It is very appreciated by your own personal space, but at the same time they can bother with a long lack of host. By the way, these large cats are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, so if the pet is desired, you can teach some acrobatic tricks.

And the world's most officially recognized Cat Stewi, who lives in the American city of Reno, Nevada. This record holder reaches a length of 123 centimeters! According to his mistress, Robin Hendrickson, she decided to send a request to the Guinness Book of Records only after her friends were struck by the length of the animal. Robin noted that Stewi is not only the longest cat in the world, but also the most gentle.

Pixie Bob - Little Lynx

Another large breed is the Pixie Bob (Bobket). She appeared as a result of the fact that American scientists decided to bring the cat to be as much as possible on trot. It can be said that the idea succeeded: this breed was obtained characteristic of a trough tassels on the ears, a short tail, crowded paws (up to eight fingers), a motley color and rather impressive dimensions. Bobcat females weight can reach 5 kilograms, and males - 10.

Interestingly, the character of these homemade cats "dog". They are committed to the owner, easily taught to daily walks on the street and are not even afraid of water. At the same time, they will never spoil things and impose. Even the voice of Pixie-Bob is not similar to typical meowing: it is rather sounds, remotely resembling twitter.

By the way, to get such a kitten to your home will be very difficult, because Bobcats are considered the national ownership of the United States. Russia has only a few individuals of this interesting breed.

The most popular Cat of UK

British cat - This is not just one of the most popular breeds in the world, but also one of the largest. Interestingly, such dimensions were not obtained as a result of crossings - everyone gave nature. The "British" differ in very large forms, round head, large cheeks and soft, almost plush wool. The average weight of such a cat is about 6 kilograms, but sometimes it comes to 10.

The British kittens are pretty playful, however, reaching mature age, they lose their activity and most Time spend in a dream. The character of them is not the most duplicate, and the purebred British are so proud that they will not be given to stroke. In addition, they are not too talkative and extremely rarely meow.

The owners of the British should be remembered that those are extremely voracious and therefore tend to obesity. This means that it is worth carefully follow the diet of your pet.

Savannah - Record Breed

Savannah - Salemia big breed Cats in the world. She is also the most expensive - from 4,000 to $ 22,000 per person. The breed appeared by crossing the servals and domestic cat. The average savanna weight is about 20 kilograms, and the average height in the withers is 40 centimeters. The main features of this breed are very long paws, oblong, fat body and spotted color. In general, the cat resembles a miniature cheetah.

The nature of the Savannah Research, it loves huge spaces. Perfect place Residence for her is a big mansion. Such cats need daily walks. Intellect from savannah high, they can be easily trained. They are friendly, perfectly get along with children and other pets. The most important thing is that it is worth remembering before you start savannah: it can never be left alone. These cats are very active and easily can destroy things.

And one of the representatives of the breed officially got into the Guinness Book of Records. This trabl is the highest cat in the world (48 centimeters). His homeland is the city of Sacramento, California, USA.

According to the owner, Trabl picky in food: does not tolerate cat food And prefers raw rabbit meat. Trabl leads a very mobile lifestyle and loves to play. In addition, it is very kind and affectionate. It is not known for what reason he was given such a nickname (Trouble translated from English - the problem).

Surprisingly, large individuals are found even among noonear cats! Picks cat is not a completely ordinary animal. Its weight is 10 kilograms, and the body length is 91 centimeters. The nickname "Kotosavr Rex" the animal received when she got into the shelter in the city of Boston, USA.

Unfortunately, the fate of Pickles can not be called the happiest. For the time being, he was the most common homemade cat, until he was drove up to 10 kilograms. Then the owners threw him outside: whether they did not want to feed the cat, or could not. For a long time, Pickles walked over Boston's missing, trying to sneak, while he did not find the guys from the Massachusetts Society to prevent ill-treatment in animals. They took the cat in the shelter.

But here Pickles did not end. Having lived some time in the shelter, he found himself in a Canadian family. But and there the cat was put up behind the door, because it did not get along with other cats. Then his photos posted in social networks and on the shelter's website, and the queue of those who wanted to take him home was lined up. So he was at a young couple - Emily Zavos and Andrew Milishya provided the cat a sweet life.

According to his owners, they did not immediately catch a cat in their hands. Picklez is in a tender character, loves to eat and just adores the procedure for haircuting claws. The cat was recently 3 years old, but sometimes he still behaves like a kitten, and destroys the house. Fortunately, the owners say goodbye to him. Picklez is officially one of the biggest cats in the world.

So, if you decide to have a big cat, then think first: Do you have enough space, food and most importantly - patience? After all, the biggest cats in the world are not just pets, these are unique animals requiring themselves special attention And care.

Oh, these purr. Some are quite miniature, and others possess such dimensions that some dogs are smaller. Some owners boast that their pet is such a whole squeezed, fattened, large. However, seeing the photo of the biggest homemade cat, he understands that his cat compared to the record holder is just a newborn kitten, which else to grow and eat.

So what is the biggest breed of cats? Do not believe, but there are even top big fluffy purr. And in it the place was found and mini-cheetahs, and mini-lynx. In general, Meet!

Below is the top biggest and beautiful breeds Domestic cats.


By right, the first place is given to this kind of catfish. In length, such a pet reaches a meter, the mass of the body is almost 14 kilos. This breed has become the result of a hybrid crossing of a homemade cat, African servo and Asian leopard ox. Oh, these scientists. In 2006, their experiment gave fruit. And now, you can now buy a kitten of the largest cat just for 22 thousand dollars. The amount is considerable, but do not believe, the queue for such a kitten is painted for a year ahead! Scientists for the year grown with only 100 kittens. Since it is a hybrid, at home it will not be able to dilute.

Due to the fact that the cat is rather big, walking it is still better on the leash. However, it is not necessary to scare its frightening. Although it is a mini-leopard, he is very affectionate, also rubs on the legs, asks on the handles and play with the kids with pleasure.

Here, scientists "broke off" is not childish, staring so much genes by connecting them in one kitten. This is both African servals, and Bengal Shorthair, Egyptian and Siamese Mau, oriental shorthair, and, of course, a pet. As a result, scientists managed to bring the kitten, which was given by the name of Savannah.

The ears are round, and the physique is sports, if you can say so. It can be seen that the cat in the genus is real predators. Although they have a body of the body and reaches 15 kilos, however, "growth" (more precisely, the length of the body) they "did not come out" compared to the first place - only 60 cm. But if you measure in the withers, then the figure will surprise you. It can reach 45 centimeters!

Kittens cost from five to ten thousand dollars, however, the most valuable female is considered. After all, the guys are fruitless (up to 4 generations, kittens). The guys obtained in the 4th generation can participate in breeding. However, the cost of the kitten depends not only on the floor, but also how much "blood" is servals in the savannah. What is more, the more expensive the pet will be.

Apartment content is not suitable for them. They need a private house with the possibility of free walking. And if there is still a small water branch, then from the lion when savanna is observed, it is possible to break down. The cat loves to play, run, rushing. Yes, and water loves, unlike other cats.

Maine Coon

By truth is a wonderful cat. It is something mean between the raccoon and trot. Maine-kun breed, compared to the rest of hybrids, is pretty old - more than a century. Beautiful catsCapable to reproduction at home, but they achieve fertile age only after 4 years of life. Very hardy and affectionate cats. Weight they are about 15 kilos, but the length of the most varied can be. Some owners have cats reach 70 cm long, but there are also such kuns that grow up to a meter. Kittens are not cheap. The cost of one such handsome is a thousand or two euros!

The cat is big, but the apartment is almost impaired. Under the legs will not be confused. But there will be no hide from you. I am pleased to boil to your arms and sleep a song, full of tenderness and love. Purr loudly. And the voice is unique for each individual.

Chausi (Chauzi, House)

For a long time, the predecessor of this breed was wild, but in 2003 it was possible not only to teach this reed kitty, but also to expose to the public. Chausi is a mixtureabyssinz And wild reed kitty. By appearance Causi is very similar to abyssinian catHowever, much larger. A wildlife spokesman reaches a mass of 16 kilos, but the home "version of the reed cat ranges from 6 to 12. The cat loves her caress and attention to his person. If you do not provide for all this, then Causi will load and may not lose interest in life at all.

In Russia, this breed has no other breed, a very rare and expensive cat. In addition, pet needs not only your attention, but also space for games. In the apartments these cats are extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable. But the private house is perfect. Especially if there is an opportunity to go out onto the site and come down in nature.

Pixie Bob

Perhaps this is not the largest homemade cat in the world, but far from medium-sized dimensions. Most recently brought this breed. And it happened from wild forest cats and lynx that live in Canada and the United States. A kitty is very similar to lynx, the same recessed triangular eyes, the same body, the ears are very similar. And if you remember the tail from a lynx, then it is immediately clear where the name of Pixie Bob is from.

If you translate the name of the breed, then something like is a short-time elf. The boys reach the mass in 10 kilos, but the female is two times easier.

Very affectionate and gentle pets, adore games with kids. Completely find a common language with other pets, absolutely conflict. The cost of the kitten fluctuates from one to five thousand dollars.

Shorthair Briton

Briton completes the top of home the biggest cats in the world. The female are not so large. Their body weight is usually about three kilos, but males ... sometimes the figure on the scales becomes equal to 12. Therefore, this one of the largest breeds of cats in the world. Moreover, the British became very popular. Their nurseries are becoming more and more. British kittens are no longer uncommon in our market of animals. If Pixiebob, Savannah or Chaus, is almost exotic for our places, then the British is no longer surprised.

Despite its massiveness, these cats are very clever. They are similar to cubs, such mumps, plush, who do not want to get out of the hands. I want to constantly squeeze and press to yourself. In addition, they have a wide variety of colors. Much depends on parents. And they have any eyes, eyes. Huge, warm, you can drown in them.

The British quietly tolerate loneliness. Therefore, they can be raised to those who spend a lot of time at work, but wants, coming home, feel beloved and necessary.

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In the world more than 250 breeds of cats: bald and fluffy, wayward and friendly, gentle and freedom-loving. But there is something that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. The one who wants to have a meowing friend can take a kitten from a shelter, and can buy in an elite nursery.

We are in website They are interested, how much the rare breeds of cats cost, and, honestly, they were surprised. We offer you to find out the prices of the most exotic representatives of the feline world.

Norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were replaced by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat withstands serious cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of the kitten varies from 600 to $ 3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to Persian, but different blue eyes And the colorful color-point (light body with dark face, legs, ears and tail). This breed was bred in 1950 in the United States. Himalians are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm character. The kitten of this breed will cost 500-1,300 $.

Scottish lop-eared

The business card of this breed is cute ears that do not stick up like ordinary cats, and hang. Such an unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. These are smart cats, which are launched with all family members and never mind to play. Another distinctive feature of this breed - they know how to stand on the hind legs and look at what they are interested. The kitten costs from 200 to $ 1,500.


Peterbold, or St. Petersburg Sphinx, was removed in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slim body, a long shape of the head and large bred ears. The body can be a bald or a covered fly. The nature of cats affectionate and sociable, they are easily leaving for training. Such a kitten will cost $ 400-1,200.

Egyptian Mau.

The appearance of these cats changed little over 3,000 years - since the time of Ancient Egypt. Spotted color from this breed is manifested not only on wool, but also on the skin. To become the owner of the ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $ 500-1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the length of the body of an adult main car can reach 1.23 m. But despite its formidable appearance, it is affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of the giant kitten varies between $ 600-1 $ 500.


This one of the most unusual breeds, which appeared in 1980 in the United States. In addition to coaching wool, the cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfectly suitable for families where there are allergies. The kitten of this breed costs 200-2 000 $.

Russian blue


This breed was removed in 1994 in California. It refers to K. large cats: The weight of the adult sergenge is 8-12 kg. They have a strong addition, big ears, spotted color and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $ 600-2,000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. The elves are very friendly, smart, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and devotees. Those who wish to acquire such a unique pet will have to give a rather than $ 2,000.


This large breed of cats color resembles a tiger, because of this, she got its name. The creator of the breed claims that Toyer was derived in order to inspire people to take care of the preservation of tigers in the wild. It is possible to inspire tigers for $ 500-3,000.

American Kerl

This breed was removed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th birthday of their ears are wrapped back like small horns. This feature is delivering hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join Kerles' adorables for 1,000-3 000 $.


This breed was removed as a result of crossing an Asian leopard cat with homemade. These cats love to swim very much, and even despite their impressive sizes (4-8 kg), often climb on the shoulders to the owner. You can buy a mini-leopard for 1,000-4,000 $.


This rare breed has appeared due to the crossing of the usual domestic cat and the South American Wild Cat Joffwru. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of the adult cat is an average of 11 kg. It is possible to become the owner of a home predator for 4,000-8,000 $.


The earliest mention of this breed is located in Tamra Maew, or in the "Catbook of the Poles" (1350-1767). In the ancient Siam Kao-Mani lived only in royal families and were considered a symbol of good luck, longevity and wealth. Buy Eastern Talisman can be 7,000-11,000 $.

Domestic cats, which are today the usual inhabitants of urban apartments and private mansions throughout the terrestrial ball, have common roots. Historically, they originated from African wild Cat.And during the millennial evolution acquired unique features, outstanding the animal belonging to a certain breed. Homemade cats of different breeds may differ in appearance, temperament, tendency to hereditary diseases and other characteristics that are a business card of the breed.

Choosing a kitten, animal lovers pay attention to its physique. At the moment, breeds of cats enjoy popular large sizeswhich are the outlines of the body as much as possible about the similarity of domestic pets with wild predators.

Having found cats in the breed with pictures and studying the specifics of various cats, the buyer will determine which animal in the future can be a new family member. At the moment, the largest homemade cats in the world are represented by the following rocks:

  • Asher;
  • Savannah;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Norwegian forest cat;
  • Serval.

Literature, which tells about large breeds of cats with photographs and names, can be complemented by reference to Savannah - pets that have direct related relationships with wild predators. The savanna size is very different depending on the degree of relationship with the serv. The largest hybrids F1 are considered the largest. They have 53% of gray genes and inherited from their ancestor a powerful elongated torso, thick wool spotted coloring, unbridled temperament and wild temper. Savannah still arouse disputes among judges at exhibitions.

The selection of Savannah passed in stages. Breeders experimented with the crossing of Bengal cats, Egyptian Mau, Siamese breeds and servals. As a result of breeding, the animal acquired a body with length about one meter, height in the withers more than half a meter and weight of about 15 kg. Officially.

Among the representatives of the F1 hybrid are the largest homemade cats, and representatives of the F7 hybrid may have a physique close to the Constitution of a regular homemade cat. Therefore, buyers who are interested in the largest homemade cats breed Savanna F1 will definitely like it.


The large breed of Asher's cats became known in 2006, thanks to the activities of Lifestylepets. The cat has a spectacular exterior - having studied the breed of large cats with photographs and names, an animal lover will definitely allocate Ashera among other people's number.

Ashera is distinguished by a long, athletically folded torso, long paws, a predatory look and leopard color. Cat weight can be more than 15 kg.

Initially buy a cat asher's cat walked thousands of people, and even the high price of a pet was not an obstacle for them (before the start of the sales, the announced cost of Asher exceeded 20 thousand dollars). The breeder promised to buyers that paying a solid amount for the kitten in the nursery, they will receive a domestic representative of the wild fauna, in whose veins the blood of the Bengal Cat, African Servala and the Asian Leopard Cat.

The information provided by the breeder turned out to be reliable, however, the scandal caused the fact that the company's advertised Asher Cat exceeded tens of thousands of dollars, in fact there was a conventional savanna, derived in the 1980s in the United States.
DNA results were confirmed by Ashher to Savannam, so this breed Not considered as a separate breeder selection.

Despite this, the ashes rather in demand so far. Their cost decreased significantly, but the number of people willing to acquire an exotic homemade pet did not decrease. At the moment, the Asher Cat price in rubles of which is about 100 thousand, it can be purchased in one of the nurseries.

Maine Coon

If the buyer is interested in the biggest cats, he can pay attention to the Maine Coon. Cats of this breed reach weights of 15 kg to the fourth year of development. They were bred in the United States in the late 1890s, and are popular so far. Maine Kuna is affectionate pets, which are allocated among other breeds "dog chassions". They are tied to the owner, show devotion and loyalty.

The exterior of the breed is represented by a massive torso with a wide chest and powerful legs. Cat's wool is dense, glossy and thick - it perfectly protects pets from cold winters. At the same time, the wild mumble of the cat makes it an excellent hunter and fisherman - a pet is not afraid of water and can freely approach the lake or reservoir.

The maximum body length of home Maine Coon, which was registered for the development period, amounted to 1.23 m.

A large physique is characteristic exclusively for males. Females can weigh much less and differ in a small size. For example, the weight of an adult male is about 14-15 kg, and females - 7-8 kg.

Norwegian forest cat

Specifying in the search engine a request for what the biggest cat in the world, the man in the street can see the description of the Norwegian Forest Cat. This animal has a wild look and a characteristic exterior that outstands the presence of a domestic pets of wild ancestors in the blood. Representatives of this breed are considered the first cats that were domesticated by a person. They differ in opposition character and developed intelligence.

The weight of males can reach 10 kg, and females -7 kg. These animals have a sharp hunting instinct and even living in one room with a person they will strive to prove their independence and unbridled temperament.

Homemade Serval

The passion for exotic animals led to the fact that breeders began to officially engage in the development of homemade servals. Unlike his wild descendant - African Servala, the cat's gray will have a long life and mild temper. In the wildlife, the cats live only 10-12 years old, and with proper care in captivity they are able to live for about 20 years.

Homemade gray has long legs, big ears and a miniature head. His closest relatives are lengthen and carakal, while the pet resembles a small copy of the cheetah - it is covered with characteristic stains and has a similar expression.

These animals can reach 60 centimeters in the withers and have weight up to 18 kilograms. At the moment, the Cat is the price in rubles of which is about 450 thousand, is a sign of consistency and high status of the owner. However, acquiring such an animal is important to remember the peculiarities of its socialization. It is not recommended to look for kennels, where the Cat servals are quite high, grown in dubious conditions. In this case, the risk of acquiring ordinary wild servals, which can be dangerous for the owner and his family.