How to spend so that everything is enough. How to live to have enough money? How to live so that you have enough money

No one wants to be poor, sick and lonely. But there are reasons that lead to this final.

Unfortunately, people do not notice smooth changes. I want it all right away.

When you look at a successful entrepreneur, it seems that he was always so. From the side it is not seen how many actions and transformations he had to overcome.

Life is changing slowly. And in any direction. And people do not notice slow changes. Only sharp dramatic events.

"It does not work quickly, and slowly - I do not want"

I want it to be in a fairy tale where a long-term plot is reduced to short text. I had just been Ivan-Fool, - and now I killed Koshiya, became a good young, I received Vasilis and Polyvoya in addition.

Everything happens in life wrong, but people love to believe in fairy tales.

Fast changes simply will not work, we dealt with it. And slow changes are invisible. And you throw them before it manifests some kind of visible result.

When life smoothly slides down - it is easy to skip. And you only want to be late.

Only it seems everything was in order - and on you. Relations collapsed, the body sick, fired from work.

What else prevents improving your life quickly?

The habit of being unhappy and live bad

This is an amazingly simple thing that many refuse to see.

Will a person can be happy? Yes, sure! But it is in theory. In practice, consistently happy, that is, calm, balanced, benevolent, if you want, there can be only those who are trained. Right now an unprepared person is not capable of it.

Even when the living conditions have already changed to the better, a person seems to not notice this. He lives in the old reality, as a habit. And if the habit of bad is strong, then the person will redo the surrounding space under his inner world and will again make it familiar to uncomfortable and dissatisfying.

Remember the story about Rambo - he was perfectly trained to survive in the conditions of war and mortal danger, but could not adapt to peaceful everyday life.

Yes, you yourself know it well and can remember a couple of examples from life:

- How people do not use one of the rooms in their own apartment, because before that, you used to live in flavors.

- You also know wealthy people who, instead of improving their frankly bad living conditions, postpone on a black day and keep unnecessary things. Their black day in a littered, uncomfortable apartment is always with them.

- You also met those who do not know how to relax. They proudly say: "I do not have the habit of spending time!". And they are surprised that they have little strength, constant overwork, headaches, psychosomatic diseases, irritability, depression.

- You, of course, have seen good specialists who do not leave with their work without arranging their work. Their arguments are: "And who said that in a new place will be better" or "everywhere equally." They really think so, because they are accustomed to the conditions in which there are.

In psychology known effect 21-40-90

A new habit appears for 21 days, by 40 days the previous ties are destroyed, which a person ceases to enjoy in connection with the appearance of a new habit. And if 90 days are overcome, then the new habit is sustainable in life, the action takes place automatically.

The habit (including the habit of being unfortunate) becomes part of not only life, but also a person. Part of myself will not succeed just throw out on the garbage. Instead of the old way, we need to grow new - otherwise the emptiness formed will take the old or worst owner.

Therefore, I will not "refuse", and "I will instead to do this."

Old habits are difficult to break, and the time is required to develop new. Even when new habits have already been developed, in the stressful situation they can temporarily give up the place to the old one.

Not to fix life

Change life quickly - it will not work, no matter how much it wanted. And change slowly - not so simple, because the psyche does not notice small results and throws the started.

As popular Japanese wisdom says:

Quickly - this is slow, but without a break.

No need to be intense, cool, very powerful. Just just regularly. The most important thing is to keep rhythm. On a little bit, but with a stable sequence. And after some time from the side it will look like quickly, intensively, cool and very powerful.

To bring order in life, you will have to learn to two things:

  1. Understand that changes occur slowly.
  2. Be prepared to change your life gradually and purposefully.

Take what life will not recover for the month or two. Improve in a couple of months - you can. Seriously straighten - no.

Learn a strategic approach. That is, live in smooth, long-term changes. Move in a certain direction, and not try to break what is and to build something new. Notify small results.

Konstantin Dovlatov

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It is no secret that financial security brings not only the ability to make money, but also to spend their ability. Loudly just scream about our misses in this area, garbage baskets and containers. Pay attention to how many trash have to throw away while cleaning, repairing housing, moving and just every day. It turns out that we get rid of our blood, earned by honest hard labor. In order not to spend the money is wasted, deal with your budget.

Start writing all your business spending. For this purpose, you can make a conventional notebook, where expenses will be recorded on topics (rent, food, health, etc.) at the end of the month, sum up - immediately notice where they spent on nonsense.

Do not buy something, without which you can do. If you have already completed the first item, it will be easier for you to decide on unnecessary spending. According to experts, we throw 30% of food. It happens because some purchased products are not used at all - do not reach them. Or incorrectly calculated the required amount of food, and then we throw out the abdicted lunch. Given the cost of products, 30% is already a lot. In addition, going to the shopping store, pre-make a list of what is going to purchase. In the store strictly follow the list. If you liked some kind of new job over the list, do not hurry to buy it right away, postpone the acquisition of at least two days. It would be nice these days to bring a revision in your own things, there you will find a lot of the same things in our time, and no one needed items.

Try not to take loans. For large purchases, postpone money in advance, better on a deposit in a reliable bank. Then you not only do not spend them ahead of time and not on what you need, but also get the profits.

Teach children with respect to treat money. Get your chast a piggy bank, better transparent so that he can follow the accumulations. If a child asks to buy a toy, do not throw at once to fulfill his request. Offer him to accumulate funds to purchase. Naturally, if possible, replenish the piggy bank, but also give the child to invest your finances (for example, donated for birthday). Then he will be able to appreciate that money is easily not going and spend them on nonsense is not necessary.

Take care of what you have and accustom to this children. Keep track of the condition of your equipment, clothes, transport, housing. Do not bring them to wear. Prevention is better repairs. But if you need repair, make it until it is more cosmetic.

Select funds for charity. It is said that the one who helps the needy gives to God. And he will always return debt with interest. This rule was well learned financially successful people, most of them regularly transfers funds to charitable funds. You can help a large family or sick neighbors.

How to make enough money to be enough: we save and bring revenues.


Our financially unstable times have become fashionable. This is not to be shy, because even Ceboribriti admire that they buy things during the sales period, and their children move clothes for older brothers and sisters.

There is nothing shameful in what you know all the second and. There you can find what I will definitely have no more. In addition, save money that you can spend on something more important.

How to learn to save correctly? knows the answer.

  • To accumulate a large amount and at the same time not to deny yourself in joys, follow the 20/50/30 principle, where 20% of wages will go on savings, 50% for compulsory spending, and the remaining 30% on their whims. For such a principle, life should remain comfortable. If you do not do it yourself, discover the contribution to the bank with the automatic deduction of the required amount from the main account.
  • Take part in crossdressing. It will help earn money that you no longer wear. Dressers' exchange parties can be arranged or use special resources.

  • Make purchases with friends and friends. Often to store wholesale not only more fun, but also much cheaper.
  • You can always save at the cafe: call friends and let each of them bring on a dish. Or you can prepare all together. It will not be worse than in an expensive restaurant, but to all of the time, and also more gentle.
  • Try to keep foods fresh as long as possible: for this I will store bread in the paper package, and ready-made dishes in closed containers. By the way, the milk does not dry longer if they do not put it in the door, but to the main separation of the refrigerator.

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  • Try to walk in a supermarket full. Then you will lose temptation to buy everything and immediately. Take a list and strictly follow him - get just what you really need.
  • Take a separate wallet for trifles and, if possible, pay it, and not bills.

  • Going on vacation, register on the caratsurfing site. This platform is created in order to receive guests at home and live from strangers in another country or city. People help each other to travel, provide housing and nutrition, they own on excursions. So you can not only save money on hotels, but also acquire friends in all corners of the planet.
  • Character to pay the card and shop online. So, first, you only download what you really need. And secondly, you can find the goods you need at a more favorable price.

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  • Clean the budget in advance. To know exactly how much money can be spent on, and how much to postpone "in the dream", monthly count your income and waste. So it will be easier for you to control your funds. This can be done independently, drawing up a table in a notebook or electronic document, on special sites of the family budget counting, as well as almost in any bank of Ukraine.

From the most young years I have always been a trainee. And I sincerely did not understand what I am different from others? I do everything else! But I always had the biggest account in the cafe, in the store, traveling. Actually, for me it is still a mystery. I call such a phenomenon with my "trend." Say, yes, I have such a trait or ability.

But, knowing this feature, I just learned to work with her. Fortunately, I have a husband, who in this sense is my full opposite. He spends surprisingly little and at the same time enjoys life. That is, on the one hand, I have an example and external, restraining factor from unnecessary costs.

On the other hand, I made a colossal internal work to figure out how this mechanism works and works. And I myself figured out that, if consciously approach the case, you can really save a bunch of money for really important things in the life of things. In addition, money is equivalent to our vital energy. Why do they waste them?

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After drawing up its financial plan, you probably realized: future goals are extremely important for you, and you still have no money for them in the budget.

All know the revelations of Winnie Pooh:

"Honey is a very strange subject.

Each thing is either there or not.

And honey, I do not understand what the secret is

Honey if it is, then it is not immediately. "

Most people have the same mystical relationships with money. Each thing is either there or not. And the money is if there is, they are immediately not. In my opinion, it is said ingenious! :)

So, how to tame and settle this wild horse - expenses?

Here you need to thoroughly deal with three issues.

1. What is more important from all the points of your list of happiness? Priorities.

For everyone who "runs" in our marathon from the very beginning, a list of long-term goals has already been drawn up. (We did it). I call him - a list of happiness. :) Say: "I'll do it, and I will be happy!". And if there is no happiness, then why do we do it, right?

This list is now important to complement items that make up your happiness today. Then, without which you can't be happy one hundred percent. Continue to fill this table, enter it all you need today: training, sports, massage, beauty salon, beautiful clothes, travel, charity, English, dancing, play guitar, go to the restaurant once a week, dining in Cafe, visit parties and clubs, etc.

Money for all wishes usually always lacks. If you earn 50 thousand rubles - you dream of an apartment for 4 million rubles, if your income is 250 thousand rubles - about a block for 20 million. The standard of living is different, but the problems are fundamentally the same. So we are arranged that desires grow faster than income.

What to do?

Put priorities!

Look carefully on the items on your list of happiness and put an assessment of the importance of them in your life as a whole. Enough on a three-point scale:

1 - what should be necessarily! Do not implement it - unacceptable. If this is not, then you will be bad!

2 is very important if you can't implement, you will be disappointed, but in general, you will not have an unsolvable problem.

3 - I would very much like, but by this you can donate in favor of other purposes.

Evaluating your desires, dreams and goals, open the data of your expense accounting, (which, I hope you have been driving for 14 days while our marathon lasts), and compare - what is important to you, and what you spend money - Do these categories match?

Unfortunately, people often want some things in life, and money spends completely different! Here is a very bright example:

"When I began to lead a family budget, I discovered an interesting thing. It turns out that only 2% of the funds earned, I put in education and self-development. Somewhere 60% I went to utility payments, for servicing a personal car, for products, for the purchase of some things, on communication services (telephone, Internet).
And now the attention is the remaining 38%, I expeded to entertain. This cafe, restaurants, nightclubs and disco bars. Here I had a system of values.
I realized that I simply lived my life, thoughtlessly gave my earned money to the owners of entertainment institutions, which visited (if to say to gently). It was a serious blow to me and forced the root to revise the value system and decide on a further life.
The family budget has helped me realize what my life goes to which I spend the lion's share of my resources, both material and personal, and correctly determine the priorities of my further development. "

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    Olga, file questions:

    1. Sheet of income and expenses accounting. To look at the cost of expenses, do you recommend creating a cost file for every month? Or to sum up at the end of the month, wash everything and start up with the conclusions for the last period?

    2. List of expenses plan. How to understand how much I planned for this year if I changed the figures for different years? Print a sheet of each year separately?

    3. Where in a sheet of cost accounting and income, you can see the balance on the current date to read the wallet and card data at the end of the month?

    1. The table for accounting income and expenses is provided for a month.

    Each new month needs to create a new table. I usually carry a completed table at the end of the month to a separate file "costs. Archive", and the work table issues for a new month, I create a plan for the next month and starts to fill it with new data.

    2. Expenditure plan for the compilation of the LFP. Yes, the figures for different years may change: loans ended, the child was born, began or finished school - this changes the amount of expenses, of course. You can simply simulate the cost of each such period, record the result in the LFP and not save this data. But if you want to save, just make a few doubles of this table. Perhaps in a separate file it will be more convenient to do it in order not to stick the work file.

    3. In the accounting table of income and expenses, you can watch the balance for each current point in time in the "residue" column :) If you are completely fill out, it should be reflected there. If not reflected, override the order of the instruction, there are explanations.

    I hope you will succeed! Successes!

    Interesting article, thank you!

    I have the biggest consumption - communal and food. Love for cafe and snacks (Hmm, Kalambar) is a fair part of the budget. I hope to follow the strict list of shopping at least a little resolves spending on random snacks.

    Polina, that is, it is not known you eaten snacks or snakes eat your budget :))) really minor expenses, snacks first - champions in this matter. If you already know this for sure, then the cost accounting and lists will easily help you cope with it.

    Very effectively take food with me, if the situation at work allows. Not only that this half will save the cost of food, it is also much more useful.

    Lunch I almost always take with my home. But it does not save from buying snacks along the way and at work (oh, this "convenient" machine with snacks!). However, after I considered how much it takes exactly on snacks and at a cafe (30% and 20%, respectively, from all spending on food), there is somehow somehow I do not want. Correctly from your own waste, and it also became clear where the extra four kilos came from.


    Caught in the topic:

    Thank you very much for the interesting marathon!

    We have three largest expenditures - as increasing - mortgage, communal and products. And if in the last paragraph I still see the path to a decrease by a third (although we are so well economically treated with purchases), then the first two, IMHO, uncompanied (

    at first glance, the communal and mortgage, of course, do not reduce so easily.

    I do not see your situation entirely, so I will say common things:

    on a communal service - deal thoroughly for what you pay, maybe there are payments from which you can refuse. Then all possible energy-saving technologies, counters, two-tonic counters, taps (water economy, type on the Internet), etc.

    Mortgage - It is important to understand that this payment is not descended from the heavens, it can also be regularly changed, updated and so on. If you took the mortgage last year, the rates are now less, you can talk about it with your bank. If the bank is not ready to reduce the rate, then you can be converted. Follow the best bets on credit worth regularly while you have loans.

    Well, at the end, if the mortgage and communal "eat" inadequately a large amount, because of what you can not at all financially develop and achieve important goals in the future, think about it, maybe you gave a lich with a choice of housing? And you can change everything :) it sounds extremely, but if you have an extreme situation, then decisions can help extreme :)

    But I hope you have a quiet option :))

    Here is an article about the program "Housing for the Russian Family"

    Maybe there is something inspiring in it for you

    I was recently in the bank and the consultant said me that I could be converted ... Due to the fact that I was already frightened by the presence of my two loans in order of about 180,000 (under 21.5%), I didn't even listen. I am writing this and understand that I seemed to be out of the dark forest;))))

    How to understand what is profitable to convert yourself?

    Maria, it is very simple, you just need to count everything :)

    The lower the bet, the less you can pay. Therefore, your search for a lower bet must never stop if you have loans.

    But you need to carefully deal with additional expenses at the conclusion of the new and termination of the old contracts

    Olga, not in all banks a low rate means a smaller overpayment. Just recently, I saw the calculation of a loan by 200 thousand rubles. with overpayment of 170 thousand rubles. at the lowest rate of 14%. In my opinion, even the bank employees did not understand where what came.

    Olga, you will not be able to thank you for such interesting and useful articles and tips :) Remember, in the second lesson, I mentioned the low efficiency of income expenses? I take my words back! I did not know how to do this)))) it's a cool thing, the main thing is to simplify and not throw this occupation, see this goal) Now, when I spend a lot of time with the LFP and with all the folded tabs, I see where to move and what to use resources . Oh, and how much the picture is changing when I will adjust the expenditure items :)))) I think that it will feel each: everything is automatically changing in the table, and the purpose of the goal is reduced in some cases. Thanks!) Regarding this article: Despite the fact that my husband and I buy food products on the list, is the essential part of the budget, I really want to cut, but more?) Instead of veal and pork-meat chickens, carcasses (then we divide everything in parts ), Everyone is preparing myself, instead of Candy-prunes dried, from the flour only bread, sweet, I do not buy a child, exactly like the finished (puree, juices, etc., it is better to prepare myself). And still eaters of our budget-unforeseen circumstances (illness, urgent help to friends or relative, unexpected invitations for birthdays, etc.).

    Leah, excellent that you saw how much influences every time spending on the future financial situation. It cuts down, and awareness of money appears by itself. The main thing, continue to work with this and study something new about personal money, about investment :)

    As for the costs of products, here lately I am already afraid to give valuable advice :)) Since we have completely switched to raw foods, and I'm still thinking about my own garden))) Because buying products in a super-market I am almost physically I can not. We bought a juicer, choose a dehydrator :) Again, fasting is very healing and cleans the body :)) The first month we spent more money on the meal than usual, but when we figured out that it was easy to eat.

    But if we talk about the usual to all lifestyle, it is a very effective way to not only reduce costs, but also to improve the diet is the preparation of the menu for the week and the one-time purchase of products under it.

    Drink meat not every day. Simple advice, again healthy health.

    It is worth using lentils, nuts and beans, barley.

    Dried fruits can now prepare themselves, they will at least be without sulfur (without chemical processing).

    Usually in my courses, without exception, people calmly reduce the cost of food by 30-50%. I am surprised myself how it happens :)

    My largest costs of expenses are rental housing for a family, various purchases (clothing-footwear for home and the like), products and medicines for mom

    And it seems to me that in addition to shopping and products, other categories cannot be optimized. Well, I have already optimized the medicine - it's clear, just looking for the lowest possible prices every time, housing us and it happened to remove the miracle% by 30 lower than on the market and what we expected, products and purchases can of course you can optimize - but I don't want to be optimized))

    Svetlana, you know, optimize costs is a very exciting process. When I started keeping accounting of expenses, then the numbers of my spend first were striking me, I began to plan each article a month ahead, and then I had sports interest - how can I cut this consumption without loss of quality? And I do not cease to be surprised, all the costs of which a person would not think seriously, amenable to improving: and products, and utilities, and medicines, without exception.

    For medicines, think about the medical insurance of the DMS. This is a big topic, I will not disclose it here, but read about it on the Internet. By the way, get acquainted with the books of Nechuvakina, Ogoulova, Hintshura-Lockamper, Brecha fields, Arnold Eret, William Douglas

    In addition, according to drug expenditures, you can make a return of personal income tax 13% (if you have it), with the amount of up to 120 thousand rubles per year

    And the optimization of food costs is not even sad, on the contrary, a very interesting topic. What does this process can greatly improve your life :)

    Irina, to give high-quality consultation on the circulation of information, of course not possible. But in general terms we can say the following:

    you write "according to the site" one digit, and paid another, most likely it is a technical error. Because if they have a certain figure in their own database on the site, then it is most likely that they consider it true.

    Therefore, carefully re-read the paper, write a written request referring to the contract and the laws.

    I wish you a quick permission of the problem in your favor!

    Probably many who have read your comment sincerely will be surprised that the insurance company paid money at all))))))

    In fact, the company is much more often paid by their obligations than do not pay. And they may not pay only in line with the law, otherwise they will respond to the license.

    I first have a housing for rent, on the second food, and on the third - care for yourself, it is cosmetologists, massages, and small hairdressers, manicures, etc. The lot of money leaves, but I can't refuse, I really want to change the image to a more slender and well-groomed. I divorced three months ago, and it is very important for me to look good now)

    Accounting for spending has been leading for a long time, but they never turn out to be planned. Apparently problems with self-discipline, difficult to yourself and others refuse.

    I will try to buy everything on the list, and plan a menu for a week, and buying the main products too, many times heard it, finally I will try to perform. But this is after the salary, I have every week a week before it is completely completed :(

    Thanks for the good articles.

    Thank you for the article! Analyzed its costs - the first place of the mortgage, the second - the food, the third is divided by cosmetics and communal. Surprised because of cosmetics, and it turns out that month was a sale plus I also bought my spirits for gift money (this is my gently favorite hobby).

    It turns out that I usually do not buy cosmetics regularly, and being a scruption pulls on sales. And when I'm careful before the sale, then the large amount comes out and I begin to suffer that I spent too much money. And I'm not rowing everything in a row, I pretend that I need something and that, I look interesting to me firms and buy it seems to be necessary, but internally creates stress. Similarly, with appliances - buying equipment for large enough amount (comparable with daily check) causes stress and regret. Stress that money is not enough, but regret that it could b and not buy and stop. It comes out typical diet behavior.

    Here's how to spend calmly and not worry?

    And it still worries that it turns out I do not manage my purchases, and buy me stimulates sales. Although I buy the right one and if I bought straight directly, I would pay more, I understand it.

    In contractions, it turns out that the mortgage you only need to pray that the current is preserved and the next year. On a communal service - there are meters, energoss-saving lamps are, such as saving limit reached. For food - probably you should not buy for later and then somewhere 10-20% of the budget for food will be cut down.

    I am very grateful to you, you can not imagine how your marathon gave me a "push" in the analysis of my income and expenses, and the ability to arrange priorities. I was just shocked how it works! The main thing to start all this is! I'm sooooo-very grateful to you! God bless you! I wish you happiness family and many customers!

Did anyone teach you to manage your finances? Maybe parents as a child told how to deal with money, or was there a separate subject on this topic? Unlikely.

For some reason, it is believed that only you need to learn money, but to spend them - it's a simple, everyone will cope.

As a result, we do not know how to spend money, you earn enough to go to a three-star hotel or buy a smart phone of the average price category, but we take a loan to go to a five-star hotel, and buy the iPhone of the last model - we are not worse than colleagues.

Even if the expensive purchases do not on credit, then we spend almost all earned money for the year. As a result, the motto "from salaries to salaries" becomes relevant for us.

And also love to go to extremes in relationships to money. Either the money is not interested in: "We are above it, just enough for food," or we believe that there is nothing more important than money, and we make them the main priority in life. Such money relationships will not name healthy.

Money gives freedom, scare and cause neurosis

No matter how much you want to get rid of the influence of money, they still mean a lot. Money is security, comfort and stability, in the end, freedom.

Therefore, few people can indifferently treat money, and even one type of pack of money causes a range of versatile feelings within each person.

Strong emotions are connected with psychological problems - the so-called monetary neurosis, which are present in most people.

Greed, fear of staying without money, and with them without freedom and comfort, excessive waste or already familiar to all shopogolism. A person with such neuroses simply cannot rationally spend money and treat them correctly.

According to Konstantin Sheremetyev, Doctor of Science, scientist, explorer work of intelligence with experience for more than 20 years:

Most of the supposedly financial problems are in fact the problems of psychological.

The worst thing is that with these neuroses you can live all my life. And there are no positive sides in this, as you spend money not on what you really need, and do not receive any pleasure from purchases.

What to do? Understand yourself with your cash neurons and deep needs, change your attitude towards money and make it as soon as possible.

Build healthy relationships with money

To learn how to manage your money and change the attitude towards them, you will not need years of practice - just once to see their mistakes and techniques of their corrections.

All the necessary knowledge on this topic was felt in the small course "Red Wallet" from the doctor of science, scientist, the author of the Bestseller books about the work of the brain, intelligence and the subconscious of Konstantin Sheremetyeva.

Just abreast of 10 classes that help to understand the causes of their greed or waste, realize the roots of the problem and learn the technicians who will help to manage money.

All 10 classes are read in one breath, and there is nothing complicated in them - all the situations with money are understandable and familiar to everyone, and the analysis on the examples generally removes all misunderstandings.

At the same time, there are new techniques about which I, for example, never heard. Take the same rule of three wallets when you distribute money not by costs of expenses, as in countless applications for finance management, and three psychological items.

In general, in the course briefly, but it is already described by all the problems and rules for handling money in different situations: during force majeure, when communicating with relatives or other people, before expensive purchases, during discounts and sales and so on.

And one of the most important, in my opinion, the rules - getting pleasure from my money.

You earn money, you give your time for them, some of your life, and you just have to spend them with pleasure.

And, most amazing, this will also have to learn. After all, getting pleasure is one of the criteria of the right attitude towards the money and the absence of psychological problems with them.