Stepan Menshikov divorced his wife after history with a DNA test. "I will always love him": Stepan Menshikov about a native Son Stepan Menshikov with his wife and son

One of the very first participants in the project "Dom-2" at the beginning of his stay at the perimeter of Telestroika even remotely did not remind that Macho, the image of which took much later. At the beginning of my stay on the project, no attempt to build relationships with some of the girls did not have success until Alain Vodonaeva came to Dom-2. She immediately stated his rights to the step, and he gladly agreed to be with her in a pair. But they did not succeed in strong relationships, as well as with other bright participants - Victoria Boni, Alexandra Kharitonova. The steppe had other plans, he believed that the future wife Stepana Menshikova Must be a plump brunette, and he met such, but after the project. FROM Evgenia ShamaevaStepa got acquainted in Ivanovo, where he came to his birthday to a friend.

In the photo - Stepan Menshikov and Eugene Shamaeva

Their wedding took place in a romantic atmosphere - on the ocean beach of the Indian Isle of the Ashiv, and the proposal to his wife Stepan made publicly - on the broadcast "Let them say". But they began to live together much earlier and even managed to give birth to the son of Ivan.

However, the official marriage of Menshikov and Yevgeny Shamaeva has not yet been - they still live in a civil marriage, and Vanya is the name of Mom.

Stepan built far-reaching plans, dreamed of building a large country house, start with Zhenya, at a minimum, three children, but recently it became known that Stepan Menshikov's wife took the child, his belongings and left him. The reason for such a decision of the civilian spouse steppe can be judged by its entries in social networks, of which it became clear that it was determined.

Even during the last arrival at Dom-2, Eugene was outraged by the behavior of his husband on the project, when he came there, positioning himself as a specialist in romantic dates. However, only by this status, he did not limit himself and during his stay openly flirted with the participants of the project and with pleasure I took attention signs from them.

Naturally, all this could not like his wife and became the reason that a large crack formed in her relations with Stepan. What was the reason for the decisive actions of the wife of Stepan Menshikov is unknown, according to him, this is a simple quarrel, and he is confident that it will hide forgiveness from Zhenya, everything will fall into place, and they will again be together.

A few days ago, Stepan Menchikov and his wife Evgenia Shamaeva became the heroes of the program "in fact" on the first channel. In the studio show, a sensational statement was made: the eldest son of the star "House-2" Ivan is born not from him. The fact of married treason confirmed the DNA test, according to the results of which Stepan is not a biological father of the boy.

Stepan commented on this news. He admitted that he did not expect such a turn of events. "Honestly, I treated the DNA test indifferent. I thought it was just a request television, formality. I could not even think that everything would be so. I think they make no sense to lie. Moreover, it confirmed not only the test, but also a polygraph, and the wife herself. She didn't even try to justify and explain, "the Men-2 magazine told the Minswicks. Stepan stated that he could not even assume, who is the biological father of Ivan. But, according to celebrities, he really wants to know the name of a man, whose son raised for four years as a native.


In addition, the Menchikov said that the results of the DNA test would not affect his attitude towards the boy. "Vanya is my son! I love him as before. I think I even began to love him even more. The child is not to blame. I will always love him, raise, maintain and take care of him. I do not refuse alimony from paternity, especially. I doubt that in the conscious age the son will look for a biological father. Why do I need it? " - admitted Stepan portal DOM2.Life.

Smughikov said that it is categorically in relation to its relationship to its still legitimate wife. He noted that he was not going to live with her and intends to divorce. "After this situation, I definitely can't be with Zhenya. All our conditions and agreements about which we both mentioned earlier will be revised. The broken-separated process will soon begin, "the ex-participant" House-2 "said.

Last fall, the popular showman Stepa Menchikov learned that his eldest son is not his native blood. The result of DNA has shown that his ex-wife Stepan Menshchikov gave birth to a child from another man. In addition to the boy, a couple have a youngest daughter. Both children stayed with her mother after parting. About biography Evgenia Shamaeva and her current life read in our article.

Childhood and path to popularity

About the life of Shamaeva before the acquaintance with Stepan knows little. Zhenya was born on November 14, 1986. From children's age, the girl grew very artistic, engaged in vocals and even sang in the choir. All his life dreamed of becoming a singer and be a popular person. Eugene to some extent reached its goal. And although she did not become the singer, she was recognized.

Wedding with Menchik and the birth of children

The first child of Stepan and Evgenia Shamaeva, Ivan, born in 2013. In 2014, a well-known showman Stepan Muniversikov and his favorite girl Eugene played a bright fictitious wedding on Goa. Of course, according to the laws of our country, their marriage was not valid. Therefore, when Zhenya found out about the second pregnancy, they decided to finally go to the registry office and formalize officially. A couple died into the clothes of brightly cornflower and went to the registry office. After some time, Eugene gave birth to a second child - Varvaru girl.

Work on decreet

Despite the earnings of her husband, Stepan Menshikov's wife never sat down. Therefore, even on the female decided to work out of the house.

Zhenya began her business on the Internet, based on sports nutrition. It must be said that the figure of the girl after two births looks simply amazing.

Parting with the steppe

This year, the couple Evgenia and Stepan decided to complete their relationship. The reason for this, according to the former wife of Stepan, Menshchikov Zhenya, became the infidelity of her husband and frequent rugs. Also, the permanent projects of Menshchikov did not suit her, without which he simply could not live.

According to Zhenya, she always lacked her husband at home. And its specificity does not allow to satisfy her desires.

Fans of the couple were disappeared by such news and began to ask Evgenia about whether Stepa is communicated with the children. To which Zhenya unequivocally answered, which communicates and quite often. And she, in turn, hopes that they will be able to preserve the warm parental relations between themselves for their 7-year-old lava stories and kids.

DNA and paternity recognition

In the autumn of 2017, Stepan and Eugene became the heroes of the program "in fact." At the end of the release of the showman was waiting for a sensational recognition of his wife, confirmed by DNA results. It turned out that the eldest son Ivan was born of the former wife of Stepan Menshchikov from another man. Stepan was just shocked, but at the end he stated that he would still not give up the boy, who was racing as his own for several years. Today, a year after that release, Stepan continues to take an active part in the life of children.

And also trying to help financially and buy everything that they need. Fans of the couple are admired, how decent guys decided to complete their relationships. And even the fact that was voiced on the program did not change the relationship of the Father with his daughter, son and ex-wife. Former spouses support good friendly relations and openly wish to find their love each other.

Stepan Meniers. Born in the spring of 1977 in Yekaterinburg. After graduating from school in 1994, he served in the ensemble of the song and dance of the urvo, then became a student of the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute, the Department of Acting Mastery.

In 2002, Stepan Minraskov moved to Moscow, where in two years I changed several activities, among which the profession of the stripteaser, clown, realtor and the School Watch were.

Creative path of Stepana Menshchikov

May 12, 2004 Stepan Meniers. It became one of the first participants in the long-playing realistic show on television - "Dom-2".

As part of the TV project, he has established himself as an actor of the comedy genre, entertaining his colleagues in the workshop and leading shows. He unequivocally expressed the sympathy of one of the most striking participants, Olga Buzova, but the girl did not appreciate him because of the lack of a romantic attitude.

Stepan Menchikov, despite its dubious image and very mediocre external data, met only with the most spectacular participants of the TV show.

Its first and scandalous novel in the entire history of "House-2" he spun with Alena Vodonaeva. In this pair there were always fights and rapid reconciliation. After several years of bright relationships, love sued no, but Stepan Meniers. continued to care for girls. In the list of his sympathies, Victoria Bonya was, and soon the union of secured beauty and a simple guy from Yekaterinburg turned into a real Mesallians.

"If a person got into the" house-2 "and stayed for a long time, he does not face the mind. Because there is no normal, there are crazy people go there. Normal to the project do not take. There are all neurasthenics with hypertrophied vanity. Vanity is the favorite patch. This is the federal entertainment channel! I also chased fame and money. "

After another rapid parting Stepan Meniers. He began to meet S. Alexandra Kharitonova. Their acquaintance took place in Thailand and turned into a short novel. Menchikov even offered his hand and the heart of his beloved, but she refused him due to the lack of his own living space around the perimeter, after which he agreed to start life from a new sheet - outside the House-2 show.

Stepan Menchikov left after his beloved girl, but they didn't have a relationship with them, and Alexander returned to the project. Stepan himself left "Dom-2" forever, having enlisted with the support of the "native" TNT channel.

In 2008, Stepan Minraskov participated in the show "Stars change profession" As a stylist - hairdresser, and in two years he became the co-host project "Hu from Hu" on the TNT channel in a pair with another former member of the "House-2" Rustam Solntsev.

He also became the founder and the leading popular program "Good night, men!" on DTV.

Stepan Menchikov opened his own dating site and dreams of creating a new television show " Bride for alligator "As part of which ordinary girls will receive a chance to become companions of the life of oligarchs and stars of show business.

Stepan Menchikov: "I specifically called the oligarchs by alligators so that they do not imagine too much. I already have a certain base of secured, wealthy men who would like to marry. Casting is now being passed, I take the beautiful girls for my project! "

In April 2018, the Menchikov announced in social networks, which intends to fight for the heart of his former Colleague on "Home-2" Olga Buzova in the show "Marry Buzov" on the TNT channel, in which Teediva was going to look for among several participants of his chosen one. However, Stepan's fans were not perceived seriously the intention of the showman.

His desire to participate in the show "Marry Buzov" Stepan, Miners explained in his microblog in Instagram so: "I live bright and dynamic life and take a lot of solutions for which I am responsible. I did little in the life of the one that I regretted. Now I want to confess you that when, 14 years ago, I removed the panties of Olga Buzova wants to hung over my bed, what I am now sorry. And now I dream to correct the fatal mistake and take part in the project on the TNT channel and frankly admitted to the beautiful Olga Buzova in love and make our queen for the real happy! "

Personal life Stepan Menshchikov

Self Stepan Meniers. Already I tried to find my love not only on the TV project "Dom-2", but within the framework of the show "Let's get married!" On the first channel.

Before the marriage, the dresspan dreamed about the fact that his future wife would be in moderation with a plumbing brunette, and he himself would be the owner at least a television holding.

"I most importantly, so that there is one outstanding form. In fact, I like smart women, with humor, to understand the jokes. Another woman should be clean in the literal and figurative sense. If the girl just thought to go to the left, she already becomes unclean for me, and the relationship goes into another plane. "

Since 2011, he met with Evgeny ShamaevThe relationship with which very quickly became serious, the couple lived together. In March 2013, the Son Ivan was born in Menshchikov and Shamaeva. For the sake of the baby and the favorite Stepan left the Dom-2 project. In December 2013, the "Let the" Let "minors made an offer to Evgenia, she agreed.

The wedding ceremony in love was arranged on Goa in January 2014, and in Russia officially issued relations only two years later.

In the fall of 2017, it became known that the spouses no longer live together. In October, Menchikov was invited to shoot a show "In fact." In Studio, Stepan with great surprise for himself recognized the results of DNA test, made shortly before the filming. It turned out that the eldest son Ivan is not really a biological son of Menshikov.

Nevertheless, the star " Houses-2."It emphasizes that this fact will not affect his attitude towards a four-year-old son.

"After the transfer, I did not say anything to her. I was silent. The most important thing is now in this situation, this is the health of children. Moral and physical. "

In the release of the program "In fact" with Dmitry Shepelev, who will soon be on the air, the ex-participant "House-2" and his son Vane made DNA analysis. The result shocked Stepan: the boy is awkward!

The black cat ran between Stepan and his wife Evgenia back in June: then Zhenya changed Nick in Instagram on EvgeniyaNetvoyA2017, the spouses stopped laying out joint photos. But the pair of parting said only at the end of September. Then Showman from Yekaterinburg sadly admitted Woman`s day:

- It's her left from me. I myself do not understand what is happening.

And in an interview with the magazine Starhit told:

- Zhenya decided to live without me. She wants to live without me all the time. I'm tired of saying: "What are you doing - two young children, who needs you? Now there is a difficult crisis time - and I have a tight as an artist, still children need to feed. Who will contain them, you. Of course, I will help, but I'm not easy. Almost easier to live. Such clashes took place constantly - as the economy sends, so I'm bad. Well, forcibly miles will not be. I was just a ticket to Moscow for her.

Wedding Stepan Menshchikova and Evgenia Shamaeva

It turned out that the problems in the family copied not one year. In Instagram, Eugene did not hide bitterness and resentment on the father of his children:

- How sometimes the photo speaks well an emotional background of relations. Noted the birth of Ivan - 4 years. Stepan hurt something and did not want to celebrate him, in general, like all holidays relating to the family, us, children, but, can be said, he was pulled out on this day for her ears. If you look at the photo, it is very clearly visible. So you live with a person, share life, bed, and it turns out that he is completely someone else and you lived with different lives.

I initially made a mistake ... Mattered with what it is impossible to put up with it! So now I fix it and go further. Only love, only understanding, respect, loyalty and common goals will make your union the most stronger. Everything else is false, not leading anything good. These are my conclusions, I learned to you with you @Stepanmen, thank you for your lessons.

And Starhit admitted:

"Stepa lives for the fourth month in Sochi, conducts events there. Of course, I knew how he loves parties that his beautiful girls were surrounded. I would never let him go, but no one asked me. We often quarreled, it negatively influenced children. At some point decided that it was time to finish.

Now Evgenia with two children lives in a one-room apartment in the Moscow region.

The very birthday of Ivana. This photo of Eugene led as the proof of the stepping indifference

Couple had serious conflicts. For example, a year and a half ago, Stepan was catching up in treason, but his wife forgave him. Fans hoped that this time would cost. But…

The reasons for his parting Stepan and Zhenya decided to tell Dmitry Shepelev in the program "In fact" on the first channel. However, everything went not quite according to plan. The transfer has not yet entered the air, but it has already become known that ... the first son Evgenia Shamaeva is not from Step! "Father" and "Son" before the ether passed DNA tests, the results of which were voiced later. It became a shock for Stepan Menshchikov - Vanya is not his native. How many media "source approximate to the pair" quotes: "Stepa thought that it would just make money on the transfer, and then it was."

Starhit Journal Stepan admitted after filming:

- I think they make no sense to lie. Moreover, it confirmed not only the test, but also a polygraph, and the wife herself. She did not even try to justify and explain. I don't know a potential father. I can not even suggest who could be. But I would like to know who it is. I'm wondering.