The name of psychics that died. Participants of the "Battle of Psychics", which tragically died. Ilona Novoselova: biography

The participant of the show "Battle of Psychics", the Black Witch Ilona Novoselov was found dead under the windows of the house on the Enthusiast Highway on June 13 - the psychic fell from the sixth floor balcony, quarreling with a young man Artem Devyov. Many spectators sympathized with the novillary, gladed one of the most scandalous participants of the program. A young woman often allowed himself ambiguous trials and could put it obscenely than attracted public attention. There were also rumors in the network that Novoselov made a sex change surgery. It is no secret that 29-year-old Ilona was a transsexual. She was born on November 2, 1987 by the boy, whom the parents were ordered Andrei. Ilona loved television viewers through participation in the rating project "Battle of Psychics". A stubborn witch was a participant in the sixth and finalist of the seventh seasons of the show.

But with Novoselova, another psychic Ziraddin Rzaev was friends. He responded to Ilona very warmly, calling her a little girl.

Everyone said that she is aggressive, in fact she just looked like it. She was in life as a little girl, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. We worked with Ilona Para: She is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, was brought up, did not pierce energy. We had a good tandem. I believe that this is a loss for an extrasensory world, "Rzaev concluded.

Girlfriend Ilona Novoselova Anastasia characterized the deceased also positively.

For me, it was a good person who would always help what he could, one of the few who remembered for life. Someone she helped someone, maybe she did badly, because the profession is so, but for relatives and loved ones, it remains a good person, "the pleasant of the Ilona Ren TV quotes.

According to the colleague of Novoselova Marilyn Kerro, she was not going to leave life ahead of time.

She showed itself stronger than it is. She loved her boyfriend very much. We recently quarreled. She always said that it was too early to die, "Kerro said fraternally.

Igor Gornostayev, participant of the seventh seasons of mystical show, shared memories of the tragically deceased colleague. According to him, Novoselova had some problems from birth.

This should be expected. She had problems from birth, because of this, a question arose with the definition of gender. Of course, we are all mortal. I recently stopped using extrasensory abilities and even pissed. Because when you have to communicate with the other world, it does not lead to good. During the project, I and Ilona were in friendly relations. After the end of the "battle of psychics", we did not support the connection. I just came rumors that she was not easy. She came to the project very young, and after her fell huge popularity, they began to sign up for receptions. Of course, when she began to take 10 people, it took a lot of strength. I did not seem to be a strong psychic, "Igor Gornostayev said" Starkhita ".

"Starkit" contacted the illusionist and the leading program "Battle of Psychics" Sergey Safronov. The showman said that he was not closely familiar with Ilona Novoselova, but she stand out against the background of other participants of the show.

Just so people from the sixth floor do not fall out. She, of course, was a bright, unusual, memorable participant in the seventh season "Battle of psychics". There was a lot of rumors about her, for example, that she allegedly changed the floor. Sometimes I saw her in scandalous news reports. In general, I am not intersecting with psychics after the project, even after the filming I do not speak. Nevertheless, I saw that she was a rather closed man. I do not dare to make any conclusions, but after participating in the "battle of psychics" the popularity fell on it, maybe she did not cope with her, it was also not so easy to render ... How could I notice, Ilona was a rather unbalanced person, What could happen - maybe, alcohol is mixed or some prohibited substances. I have not seen it on any parties, only you can draw conclusions about the events in her life from social networks, "Sergey Safronov said" Starhit ".

Journalists got to the neighbors of Ilona. Those noted that Novoselova was very scandalous.

Ilona with a boyfriend of the year two back moved here. They regularly had scandals, they often saw alcohol. Could on the staircase, throw dishes into it. In general, she was good man. Mom did not live with them, occasionally only came - he checked them. I was at that moment at home, I heard screams. An hour at three days it happened, "he told one neighbor.

Another resident of the house spoke about the strange behavior of Ilona.

She sort of cursed this house. It was often said about her that she was noise at night, enters into trance or something. It was discussed in the chat at home. It is possible that she was sick with something, - said another neighbor of the deceased girl.

Participants of the show "Battle of Psychics" on Monday night published in their accounts in social networks of condolences on the death of their former rival - the finalist of the seventeenth season Daria Voskoboeva.

"You were a wonderful man! The Earth is in Pukhok," wrote in his Instagram who fought for the title of the best psychic of the 17th season Anton Mamon. He noted that, though he was not a friend of Daria, he very much respected her.

"Reward with the world," - wrote under the photo of the former rival in his Instagram, another finalist of the 17th season of the show Nadezhda Shevchenko.

"Daria, I knew you if you knew you as a good and strong man. Let the Earth be Poham. Let it be there a reason for alarm. We remember. Grief," wrote on his page once started a television career with "Psychic Battle "The current leading" House-2 "Vlad Kadoni.

What is known about Darius Wax

Darius Waxoboeva - Russian psychic and medium, in its own definition - a combat witch. Born in St. Petersburg, graduated from the Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen.

He became popular after participating in the 17th season of the "Battle of Psychics". In 2018, she was the main heroine of the new Square Diary show.

In Instagram of the Daria itself, the last post is about the cancellation of the event scheduled for January 6.

"Dear friends, in connection with personal circumstances, our event" Christmas divinations "is canceled. Watch out for news and announcements in the ribbon. We love all and hug."

According to media information, Voskoboeva left life after a long disease. Natives chose not to disclose the cause of death. Daria has two small children - a 10-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter.

A year ago, January 16, it became known about the death of the participant of the 10th season of the "Battle of Psychics" - in Voronezh from heart failure died

Darius Vosobobeva died in christmas

The show "Battle of Psychics" enjoys rabid popularity. Many things are interesting to look at the other side of the uncharted world, where the dead speak with alive, the items move on themselves, and the witches and magicians solve the causes of mysterious deaths and events. True, the price for it is very high - human life.

For 19 seasons, dozens of psychics took part in the filming. The life of some of them broke off not only tragically, but also mystically.

Darius Vosobobeva (2019)

Participant of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Died in christmas. According to some information, Voskoboeva had oncology. She had two young children - Son and Daughter. Voskoboeva came to the project, positioning himself as a "combat witch". She could neutralize any magical impact that the magician had a man who was converted to her.

Konstantin Yampolsky (2018)

Participant of the tenth season "Battle of Psychics". He asked him to call himself a black magician, often resorted to the help of demons and other spirits to get to the truth. The show was remembered by the fact that it shouted loudly for communication with otherworldly. Konstantin aged 33 years from acute coronary insufficiency. His beloved then shared information that Yampolsky was often applied to the bottle. Perhaps this was aggravated by the state of the cardiovascular system of the magician.

Ilona Novoselova (2017)

Participant of the seventh season "Battle of Psychics". The sorcerer found under the windows of a multi-storey house. According to official information, Ilona quarreled with her boyfriend. The preceding tragedies of the years are sent for the native real test. In 2013, she was abducted by unknowns who demanded a prisoner from the parents of a prisoner in the amount of 7.5 million rubles. Then strange rumors began to spread about Ilona. It was alleged that she was previously a man with the name Andrei, but decided to change the floor. Novoselov herself called not to believe the angry hacking delight.

Nadezhda Titova (2013)

Participant of the third season "Battle of Psychics". Considered an experienced healer and a predictor. I knew how to take damage, make love spells and remove the crown of celibacy, to make horoscopes. Most of the acts were succeeded due to the entry into the trance. She died in winter with mysterious circumstances. Nowhere has never emerged information about the causes of her death. The tragedy of this story adds the fact that the Tite has a few sons and daughters. Fans still guess for which reasons one of the best healers of Russia went away from life.

Yuri Sparkhans (2012)

Member of the nine-season "battle of psychics". It was allocated among other psychics not only with the ability to communicate with evil spirits with the help of a whip and knife, but also with their impressive dimensions. A 35-year-old black magician was a fat man under two meters tall. The cause of death became a stroke. The evapixants sharply felt bad. He began a violation of blood circulation in the brain, which ended with the strongest swelling and did not leave the Magu, a single chance to survive. Fans are confident, the exorcist died due to its "professional" activities. In their opinion, Yuri out of revenge killed evil spirits.

Alexander Agapit (Albert Alekseevich Bondarenko, 2009)

Participant of the fourth season "Battle of Psychics". He had oncology. The magician has repeatedly spoke about the fact that one day leaves, but in fact, "everyone just seems." But the magician died not from cancer. He died in a terrible accident. Clairvoyant at huge speed crashed into a tree, injuries were incompatible with life. In the car he was alone. Presumably, a 43-year-old man fell asleep behind the wheel. On the show he was assigned the title of "King" after one of the most complex tests. Agapit managed to predict the murder of Boris Nemtsov and even called the exact date.

Alexey Fad (2009)

Participant of the third season "Battle of Psychics". He died from a sudden heart attack. Earlier, the sorcerer did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and was distinguished by excellent health. He died on the day of his 50th anniversary, during the celebration of the anniversary. Together with the son of Roman Fad, who was also the finalist of the project "Battle of Psychics", Alexey went to Turkey in order to celebrate his birthday. Misfortune occurred at the hotel Resort Marmaris, in which the whole family of the famous Zaporizhia sorcerer rested. Many admirers of Alexey are confident: the sorcerer died in his anniversary clearly no accident. Having caused him the harm "tried" the competitors who even during the show saw in him a worthy and invincible opponent.

Many reality participants become celebrities. "Battle of psychics" on TNT is no exception. Fans of transfer are interested in how the further life of the clairvoyants participating in it has developed. The tragic "battle of psychics" after the project is in the editorial material.

One of the most striking participants of the seventh season "The Battle of Psychics" and "Psychics lead the investigation" shocked fans of a television show. Clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017, dropping out of the window of his own house on the Enthusiast highway.

If you believe the official verdict, Novoselova saw alcoholic beverages with his young man, after which a quarrel happened between them. The girl climbed the window, threatening the guy of suicide, but did not hold the balance and fell. Nevertheless, at the fans of the star "Battle of Psychics" this version is doubtful.

Member of the 10th Season of the Battle of Psychics Konstantin Yampolsky died on January 16, 2018. The reason was the sharp coronary failure. Information about the death of the Black Magian appeared on the official page of the Faculty of the Voronezh Institute of Arts.

Yampolsky died at the age of 33. Fans discussed the situation on the network. Some wrote that the magician was a wonderful person, others argued that he himself destroyed himself to drink.

The sorcerer Alexey Fad, the finalist of the 3rd seasons of the television show, suddenly died from a heart attack on the day of his 50th anniversary. The fans of the project and the Mage himself could not believe that the death of Fad had been for natural reasons. Many of them are confident that an unexpected heart attack of one of the favorites for victory in the "Battle of Psychics" is directly related to his genus.

No less than conversations caused the mysterious death of the participant of the 9th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Yuri evaporyan. The cause of the death of the magician - hemorrhage into the brain. It is curious that earlier the evapixants did not complain about the state of health and felt perfectly perfectly.

Telewow fans are confident that psychics died from the hands of evil spirits, because his future life after the project was closely related to exorcism.

The death of the participants of the "Battle of Psychics" of the hopes of Titovaya is shrouded in secrets and underwent. The healer died in early 2013, and there is no information about the reasons for her death in open sources. The tragedy of this story adds the fact that the Tite has a few sons and daughters. Fans still guess for which reasons one of the best healers of Russia went away from life.

The loud death of Ilona Novoselova occurred on June 13, 2017. The finalist of the seventh season "Battle of Psychics" was found under the windows of her house. According to some psychics, Ilona Nastig Boomerang curses.

The most scandalous and shock member of the seventh season "Battle of Psychics" called himself a black witch. Ilona Novoselova gladly brought himself to a damage, sowed curses, spent various rites at the grave and broadcast footage on social networks. Her loud death shocked not only close people, but colleagues at work. Now everyone who knew the clairvoyant is guessing whether this is a payback for communication with the other world, intentional murder, chance or suicide.

Tragic death

On Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 17.00 Moscow time, the twenty-one-year-old Ilona Novoselova fell out of the window of his apartment on the 6th floor, in which he lived with her young man by Artem Besyn and Mother Elena Novoselova.

The circumstances under which the girl died remain unknown. Over the secret of her death, investigators of the city of Moscow work. There are several versions of the causes of the tragic death clairvoyant. According to one of them, Ilona deliberately went to suicide because of a major quarrel with his boyfriend. Another declares that it was only a terrible accident - an attempt to play his fans of "game with death", which turned the terrible catastrophe. The conclusion of a medical examination claims that the fall from the 6th floor was provoked - the witch was purposefully encountered from the balcony. Friends and colleagues of the deceased see the influence of the otherworldly forces.

Life Ilona Novoselova

According to approximate to the dead, there was a real black band in her life. In 2013, the witch was kidnapped from his own entrance, and the personal life of Ilona was overshadowed by constant scandals with the lead Artem Besyn. The young man encouraged the classes of black magic and helped Ilona to carry out terrible rituals. But such a lifestyle has a negative impact on lovers. According to the neighbors, they often quarreled what happened on the day of the death of psychics. Behind their door was noisy: the couple was very crowded, Artem was going to leave Moscow.

Not so long ago Ilona confessed in an interview, which was attempted to suicide at the age of 19, but it was not given dark spirits to suicide suicide. The girl was very upset because of the unfortunate love, which provoked the desire to reduce scores with life. But the calling to be psychics took up.

Fans and participants of the show, who were personally familiar with Ilona, \u200b\u200bargue that in the soul of the Witch was a sensitive and wounded person. It is possible that her misfortune is the action of karma. Any curse thrown by a person who has an extrasensory force has uncontrolled power.

Boomerang curses

At the "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova was popular thanks to rapid behavior. The young witch was born into the role of the scandalous participant. She shook the curses of people who take part in the show several times shot the shooting of the transmission, allowed himself to be bravely to show emotions and did not hesitate to vulgar behavior. However, people in her power did not doubt: Ilona almost the best time passed tests, as if she had seen people through.

Psychics and clairvoyants argue that in the case of Ilona could work "Boomerang" - payable for magical actions. Everywith the right curse, clairvoyant could not protect his subtle spiritual organization and fell under the influence of black power.

Anyway, the girl predicted his own death long before the death. She knew that she was predetermined by fate to leave life aged 30. Friends of the victim argue that it was only a ridiculous, but a terrible accident. Ilona Novoselov was difficult to call suicidant: she loved and wanted to live.

It is possible that the girl just got under a bad influence. Everyone chooses his own life and occupation, but ultimately the karmic rewards will overtake everyone. take care of yourself And do not forget to click on the buttons and

25.06.2017 03:37

No one knows what will be the test of fate for each of us. Also no one can ...