Biography Annette Orlova. Annette Orlova Psychologist. Personal life Annette Orlova. "Catch it online"

Famous TV presenter and psychologist talks about why people are bred, and also about why love needs to be protected

I wonder, and the heroes in the transfer of "Love 911" on Ren TV real people or actors?

AO: "This is completely ordinary people, each with their own history," says Annette Orlova. - Many really get to change the life and after this project the relationship is settled, and some helps only for a while, and then these people continue to write me so that I helped them in some other situations. But the most important thing is that the program makes it possible to look from the parties to your relationship. In our head there is a certain map, certain routes and stereotypes, and, seeing some kind of person, it does not matter, positive or negative, we, without tightening your brain, we immediately try to simply shift our first emotions to the entire person.

"TV-guide": - What do you think, why are it so often married ever disintegrate and the divorce has almost become the norm?

AO: - Why deal, if you can cross and go further? This is a distinctive bar code. When we begin to live together, we shift our entire past experience with all the negative moments, difficulties and expectations for a person who is near, and we estimate it exclusively through the prism of your past experience. And very often the past experience overshadows the uniqueness and individuality of this person. In many families there is a pathological struggle for power. And the women are not lagging behind men, I would even say that they prevail in this. This is largely due to the fact that we have dictated the cult of property all the time, the cult of Glamor, where I consume, but I'm not ready to give anything in return. And this balance sheet is very disturbed. If they had many positive emotions before marriage, when people start living together, they only appear joint problems.

"TV Guide": - Well, probably, nevertheless one of the main causes of divorces - treason?

AO: - Treason is not the reason, but the result. The main reason is that we do not know each other at all. By the way, if you take medium statistics, then not always the men go to young girls. Now, general men look at older women. There is a certain infanoteization of men, and they want to be close to women with whom warm and cozy.

AO: - Even love we constantly ruin themselves. Having met a man, first we appreciate it, and then we give yourself a permit to love him. And if suddenly a person does something that does not fit into our ideas, and we have already decided that we loved him, we start working as a lawyer of our feeling, trying to reveal all the advantages and to navigate them. That is why there are parameters for which we define a partner. The first filter is the age, the second - nationality, the third is the appearance, etc. That is, before you love, we must answer a few questions. And then we already allow themselves to do it.

Annette Orlova: I know what is hell -

Annette Orlova: "I know what is<<ад>\u003e. I was able to pass through it "

Today she is a loving and beloved wife, mother, daughter ... She is engaged in a loved one. It is successful and known. It lives a great desire to develop and develop. It is about such as she, they say: "Glows from the inside." But few people know, through which pain, fears and the state of hopelessness she had to go before feeling a truly happy woman.

For you, expensive readers, frank interviews with anneta orlova.

- Anetta, my first question may surprise you ... Many are interested in where you have such an unusual name "Anetta"? Maybe some story is connected with him?

- Become a psychologist, moreover, is a realized childhood dream or a more conscious adult choice?

- That is, still a pull to psychology is rooted in childhood?

- I really had an interesting knowledge of yourself and people. Student at school, in high school we had, let's say, the circle of interest. He was called "Annushkina Environment". There we had 4 guys, later another girl joined. And there we talked about everything in the world, they prepared together for admission to universities. Interesting time was ... I was a girl with a bunch of complexes, but desperately fought with them. He participated in all school events, KVN ... I even remember, won the beauty contest and took the honorable second place, although there was a small, fragile then - in a word, not the rest of the contestants who were growing 175. But they chose the boys, and they chose me.

- And how did you still get the formation of a psychologist? Let's go to the beliefs of parents?

- No, there is no need to psychology and even trouble. I was 26 years old. By this time, I had already successfully worked in the position of the head of the enterprise, conquering awards and titles, defended her thesis on the Sociological Faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. The thesis of my dissertation: "Socio-cultural aspects of beauty."

- The paths of the Lord are truly insulting ... Tell me, and when and how did you find yourself on TV? What starts your way to fame? After all, now you are a frequent guest of many top gears on federal channels and large radio stations.

- So. It is clear that today you are a volitional, successful, who realized himself in the profession. And how did the woman implemented themselves?

- You have two young children with your husband. On them time remains in such a dense work schedule?

- as a daughter and like a wife I feel realized for all 100%, but as a mother ... so far only percent for 70. I still pay a lot of time and I can not say that I give my children as much as, for example, My mom gave me. In addition, the disease did not leave anywhere. I continue to fight her. And as if my job helps me in this struggle. Television and work on the radio for me, despite endless preparations for the ether, is a real relaxation. By giving, I open a lot of resources for moving forward.

- As far as I know, in addition to the ethers, you are constantly receiving customers, write books ...

- You are still master classes lead. How do you rate this direction of your work?

- Master classes are my sweat. Fair! I am preparing every time, as in the first. Revising something, add. And for me there is no more reward than to realize that people come to me not once that they continue to move with me, discovering more and more opportunities for self-knowledge, growth, success and harmony. My task is to give a man such a toolor so that he can fully use it in life. Believe me, it's not a naked theory and definitely not an impetus.

- I heard that your first online seminar will be held soon. Stake up with time?

- Yes, indeed in mid-December, I plan to hold my first online seminar, where I will share with women secrets of female magnetism and tell about art to be beloved. I traveled a lot, got acquainted with ancient knowledge. I definitely have something to tell (smiles). And why I decided to spend online ... everything is simple here. Many people (what is gratifying!) Attend my master classes, but not able to do it. Due to a number of reasons: not in Moscow, the lack of time, the desire to acquire knowledge, but to stay "behind the screen". So I decided to become more accessible, go into a worldwide network and try to help even more people. (

- Annette (I already want to call you "Annushka"), and the time for yourself, a loved one, manage to carve out in this mode?

- Good question ... I am a man of study. Constantly learning. And I like it insanely. Not so long ago, by the way, I learned that I was a teacher in the fifth generation, and in the family two priests. That is, "learn" and "know" is mine. Of course, I pay attention to myself. Three times a week laying, because with your curls I am not able to cope. Manicure, once a week massage. Honestly, I do a fitness, but not regularly. However, the card to the club is always with me (laughs). I prefer hiking. Three times a week for half an hour I can succeed.

- Do you have any hobbies in addition to your favorite profession?

- Sure! I love photo-art very much, so the frequent guest of all sorts of exhibitions. I love dancing - especially Arab and Indian. I fond of stories about sacred geometry. Plus, I have two small beauty salons - this is a hobby, and business. Well, travel is my element. Where I only was. I love Mexico, Europe, the countries of the East. Previously, I often went to New York. He knows how to charge activity. Now it is not so often possible to go somewhere, but soon, I think I will go to Irkutsk. I will hold my master classes, and at the same time I will open Baikal for myself.

- Soon the new year ... For each of us, this is a holiday, when you especially believe in miracles. Can you give some tips to our readers, how to prepare yourself for this fabulous holiday?

- With gratitude to well-being! This motto was not formulated by me, and my teacher - Dr. Med.nak Alekseychik A.E. Only "good giving", you can find this very good in response.

- What, in your opinion, in life the most valuable and what would you wish for the readers of "charms"?

- The most valuable and playing crucial role on the way to happiness, success, well-being is optimism, adequate self-esteem, love for people and to the world, generosity, the ability to be grateful, the ability to decently overcome defeats and fears ... well, healthy adventurism. And I sincerely wish everyone who reads it now, do not be afraid to learn yourself, take myself and learn to think in a positive key. Thoughts are material. I know it for sure.

More information about Annette Orlova:

Conversation led Natalia Zhuravleva for the Women's magazine "Charm"

December 23, 2017.

Annette Orlova today does not need a submission. This is a talented specialist with a large internal resource. She is invited to participate in various programs and popular TV shows: "Let them say", "fashionable verdict", etc. The psychologist Anetta Orlova works with full self-dedication. She is ready to invest her strength, spend a large amount of energy on the development of its own activity. Sincere desire to help the client, the desire to understand his fears and the alarms makes her work for a truly valuable. Let's get acquainted with this amazing woman closer.

Annette Orlova: biography, nationality

The future psychologist was born on May 10, 1980 in Moscow. Her parents were successful and a lot of time devoted to the development of his daughter. The girl was distinguished by curiosity and activity, she was easily studied. Annette grew in an atmosphere of love and family well-being. Mother and father sought to fill her heart with light and joy, pass their own useful skills. In general, the learning process brought pleasure: the child participated in various competitions and contests, sought to learn something new.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming an actress. But the father was categorically opposed, he considered the profession of the frivolous and unworthy of the high potential of his daughter. The girl decided to choose another activity for himself, no less fascinating and interesting. She entered the MGPU to the specialty "Sociology", and then received additional education of the psychologist.

The biography of Orlova's alets is fairly entertaining. Family life can be called held: a successful marriage, the birth of two children - the son of Eduard and the daughter of Sofia. Surrounded by loved ones, she feels confident, self-sufficient and happy.

The network contains many disputes about which nationality can be attributed to the annet. Many are attributed to her Armenian origin, based on appearance. However, the nationality of an orlova anetta today remains a mystery. The main thing is that it is completely different: she knows how to bear good, work with full self-dedication, without sparing time and strength.

Path to psychology

He was not easy, full of personal overcoming and aspirations. In 28 years, something inexplicable happened to her: a woman is seriously ill. She could not understand for a long time what was going on with her. Numerous surveys did not bring the desired result, facilitated did not come. Then the anetta turned to its internal resources.

She was looking for an exit constantly: attended doctors, he studied psychology, sought to realize his abilities. At some point, awareness came that it is necessary to take responsibility for what is happening. The path to psychology was not easy. But thanks to his own efforts, a woman could overcome fears and doubts.


Every self-improvement is impossible without targeted work on oneself. Annette Orlova for a relatively short period of time became the author of numerous trainings on personal growth.

"How to stay yourself"

Many people live, constantly trying to justify the expectations of others. They do not notice their own preferences, do not listen to their desires. This is the root of the wrong position that does not allow to achieve success. Only cultivating individuality, you can approach the awareness of your own infinite essence. Being yourself is the greatest benefit. As a rule, it is achieved only by strong personalities, ready to fight to the end, not to retreat before the emerging difficulties. How to achieve this state? What steps should be taken?

The psychologist in training work brings to the idea that it is necessary first of all to decide with its goals, and then implement them in order of priority. To remain myself means, it means to have a big advantage over those who are afraid to act and constantly hiding for other people's victories. Do not remain in the shade. It is necessary to work towards success, make every effort to achieve the desired one.

"Fighting with fears"

Each person is afraid of something: to lose work, lose a sincere equilibrium or lose your loved ones. We sometimes do not realize how strongly I drive yourself into fears, thereby preventing your further development. According to the psychologist, the struggle should begin with the awareness of frightening images. It is necessary to get away from the position of the victim and begin to accumulate a new experience. Positive thinking begins with the moment of adoption. To defeat fear - it means to stop putting yourself in the limiting framework and start breathing with full breasts. It is required to work with self-esteem, since this component directly affects the degree of adoption by man himself.


How often it pursues us in life, preventing her good to enjoy her! Sometimes people are ready to sacrifice themselves to infinitely, so as not to face numerous difficulties. A psychologist advises to work out a sense of guilt, not to give him to grow in the soul. Rejoicing from this painful sensation, the person will be able to achieve any goals that will put in front of them.

"Children and parent relations"

This topic never loses its relevance. The relationship between parents and children only in rare cases can be called simple and understandable. Orlova insists that each person needs to go through the stage of forgiveness and adoption before trying to build his own life. Children's and parental experience strongly affects the construction of loved ones, trusting relations with a partner.


The activities of the psychologist are not exhausted only by training work. Books Annette Orlova is an additional source of wisdom and accumulated knowledge that it is generously sharing with readers. Getting acquainted with these amazing texts, surprise: how many spiritual purity is in them!

"Fears of real men"

An amazing work that would have to read women to learn how to better understand their second halves. The book tells about what representatives of strong sex are actually afraid.

Where do these fears come from? What are they manifested? What are the effective ways to solve problems of emerging problems? For these and other questions, the reader will find answers in the book.

"Male you dreams"

The text is filled with positive thoughts and tells about what obstacles will interfere with the beautiful half of humanity to gain a reliable and strong satellite. It often happens that women themselves create problems themselves, repel the potential cavalier.

Meanwhile, the man of your dreams can be very close and not even suspected of the possibility of a quick fateful meeting.

"Catch it online"

Today, people are increasingly familiar with the Internet. Many are so easier to overcome their natural shyness, to establish themselves in the thoughts that happiness is completely close. What needs to be done to attract the attention of men? What rules need to remember, communicating in the network? Answers to these and other questions can be found in this book.

"Woman in beautiful business"

Is it possible to achieve success in activities that brings pleasure? Why is self-realization for the girl so necessary and useful? What results should strive and why should be enlisted with colossal patience?

This book will open up additional prospects before you, will help you to look at the surrounding reality. Maybe thanks to her, you will receive invaluable experience in building your own interesting things.

Life position

Annette Orlova argues that one of the most powerful feelings is gratitude. With this position it is difficult to disagree. It is gratitude that heels in man a huge amount of energy required for self-realization. Each of us has a great life resource, even if there is no suspected of it. That is why a person has the opportunity to cope with difficulties while in difficult situations. The vital motto of the psychologist is the phrase: "If someone wants to bury you, remember that you are seeds, and germinate." The main thing is to move forward, do not stop halfway. Photo Annette Orlova confirm this thought. A truly successful person always looks good, radiates the light of confidence and beauty.

Thus, the identity of an orlova anetta deserves attention. Her books and trainings are very popular precisely because she found himself in an interesting profession, which can be benefit from other people. The activities of the psychologist makes it possible to improve the most, constantly engage in personal growth and at the same time do something useful for others.

Family psychologist, TV expert, radio accounts, author of several books.

Annette Orlova. Biography

Anetta Orlovahe studied at the music school in the class of piano. In the high school classes, the school organized a circle to prepare classmates for admission to the institute. Interestingly, all participants in the mug became students and only Annette Orlovnot accepted - not enough one score. In order not to become a burden for the parents, it settled on the post of secretary, worked as a model, and a year later he was on the Sociological Faculty of MPGU. Lenin. Then he graduated from the graduate school of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. After improved its skills in Magistrachture of Moscow State University (specialization - advisory psychology). Anetta Orlova - Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Head of the Academy of Personal Attraction, Doctor of Economics and Management, Coach, Managing Networks of Beauty Salons "Sofia".

Anetta Orlova - Author of several books. From under her feather, bestsellers "Male of your dreams came out. Find, attract, tame "," In the struggle for real men. The fears of real women "," The fears of real men who should know every woman "," Woman in a beautiful business: how to organize and lead to success Enterprise of the beauty industry "," I will understand it on the network! ".

Anetta Orlova Much is engaged in social activities. It is the organizer of the adaptation program of children from orphanages, an expert psychologist in programs " Good morning"Let them say", "fashionable sentence" on Channel One, "Morning Russia" on the channel " Russia 1" Radio service " Reception for personal issues" on the radio" Romantika.", Coordicking in the program" E-show with Ballo Cuzzle" on the " Russian Radio" Columnist magazines and newspapers " AIF.», « TVNZ», « Evening Moscow"," Cosmopolitan "," Starhit.», « Muscovite», « Antenna», « Women's secrets», « Success and defeat».

"Television does not tolerate monotony. If you graduated from the institute or five years ago, he defended his dissertation or five years ago, this does not mean that today you will be still interesting to the audience. The space is compressed, everything changes very quickly. I have seven thousand books at home - our library is inherited, a lot of knowledge I draw from there. My young man once called me "Lenin Library", and the husband Mubles the "House of Soviets".

Married, raises two children. He is fond of dancing, gymnastics, history of the culture of the peoples of the world, extreme driving.

Orlova Anethta Karenovna - Psychologist, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Head of the Academy of Personal Attractiveness, Author, Doctor of Economics and Management, Coach, Managing Networks of Beauty Salons "Sofia".

Information about this successful business woman of modernity, unfortunately, very little. It is known that Annette Orlova was born on May 10, 1980. Orlova from his youth sought to get as much knowledge as possible in different areas. At first she graduated from the Sociological Faculty of MPGU. Lenin, then successfully studied in graduate school of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Finally, he finally improved his skills in MSU in the magistracy on advisory psychology.

The main for an orlova annet is working with people. Assistance is the basis of its life and material for reflection, including stories for books. Its creativity is devoted primarily to issues and. The anette itself does not consider itself a professional writer. For her, the author with a capital letter is, above all, a person specializing in artistic literature. From under her feather, such works as follows: "In the struggle for real men. Fears of real women "," The fears of real men who should know every woman. " The library in the Eaglova house has more than 3,500 books.

Annette is very much engaged in public and television activities. It is the organizer of the adaptation program of children from orphanages, an expert psychologist in the "Good Morning" programs, "let them say" on the first channel. Orlova acts as a consultant in various female magazines.

Annette Orlova married and raises two children. The hobby in such a busy woman is also enough: Orlova is fond of dancing, gymnastics, history of the culture of the peoples of the world, extreme driving and loves to read.