Why sweating? Excessive sweating. We are looking for reasons. Methods for getting rid of excessive sweating

During intense physical activity or in moments of stress, the whole body sweats heavily, the reasons for this are clear.

In medicine, a similar phenomenon without the above reasons is called hyperhidrosis.

First of all, the problem is related to unpleasant smell, characteristic of this phenomenon and also unattractive appearance.

Another type of hyperhidrosis is generalized, which causes the whole body to sweat simultaneously and heavily. Profuse general sweating can accompany a fever, making this phenomenon very dangerous. After all, convulsive conditions occur in some infectious and other serious diseases.

If such symptoms appear repeatedly, you should definitely see a doctor. Primary hyperhidrosis may appear in a small proportion of adolescents during puberty. Secondary may indicate somatic, endocrine, and neurological diseases.

Great importance have external reasons that contribute to very strong sweating:

  • tight clothing;
  • playing sports or;
  • caused by both positive and negative factors;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, which arose due to poor hygiene and sweating;
  • unbalanced with a lot of spicy food and drinks;
  • too hot food.

Often excessive sweating is a genetic factor. Most doctors can say with 80% confidence that there were people in the patient’s family who suffered from a similar problem. People with hypertension and thyrotoxicosis are prone to hyperhidrosis.

Some somatic diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders can cause severe sweating of the hands, feet or entire body.

Modern medicine has a large arsenal of antibiotics. However, when treated with these drugs, disturbances in the intestinal microflora often occur, which lead to dysbiosis.

He and other work disorders: poisoning, viral or bacterial infections, cause a very strong increase in temperature, intoxication, chills and sweating of the whole body. In addition, these symptoms accompany diseases such as malaria, brucellosis, and blood poisoning.

For a number of lung diseases, as well as when affected by Koch's bacillus, the temperature is not high, but patients experience increased sweating, especially at night.

During menopause, many women experience unpleasant moments associated with hot flashes. Similar symptoms may occur during pregnancy. Women get very hot and sweat. There is no need to do anything drastic in these cases; such a problem goes away over time.

However, the most common cause of sweat throughout the body is disorders in endocrine system: high or low blood sugar, malfunctions thyroid gland.

Symptoms such as these may indicate the presence malignant tumor. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that until a certain stage the patient does nothing to fight the disease, the person is not bothered by pain.

When there is a malfunction and problems with urination, the body is forced to remove fluid through the sweat glands.

If profuse sweating is caused by external factors, then there is no particular cause for concern. You need to contact us if:

  • sweating is so strong that wet clothes have to be changed several times a day;
  • unpleasant sweat bothers the person himself and those around him;
  • heavy sweating negatively affects communication with people;
  • Problems arising with the appearance of sweat reduce the quality of life.

In these situations, consultation with a therapist, endocrinologist and neurologist is necessary.

Until the treatment brings the first results, it is not necessary to endure discomfort from sweating. You can make yourself feel better during this period.

The most important thing is to carefully maintain hygiene throughout the body. Regular water procedures, drying and changing clothes throughout the day will reduce discomfort. Self-confidence will remove unnecessary nervousness, which will reduce sweating.

You should reconsider your eating habits and start sticking to a diet. It is worth giving up spicy, salty, fatty foods.

In clothing they prefer natural fabrics and loose fit.

Modern medicine and cosmetology offer many ways to cope with very heavy sweating:

  • . Under the influence of weak electric current the intensive work of the sweat glands stops. Treatment is most often applied to the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. The course is about half a month. The only serious contraindication is the presence of a pacemaker in the patient.
  • Anticholinergics. They are used for generalized hyperhidrosis and block substances responsible for sweating. These drugs have a number of contraindications. Unpleasant side effects May cause dry mouth, decreased vision and constipation.
  • Beta blockers. These drugs remove the reason why a person sweats a lot. Medicines reduce stress factors, but adversely affect female and male libido.

If a person can say to himself with confidence, “I sweat a lot, and this is bothering me,” then it’s time to take action and start treatment. Sweat protects the body from overheating in hot weather and its secretion is a natural process. But if sweating is regular and profuse, literally dripping from the forehead and back, sweaty legs and palms, we can firmly say that this is hyperhidrosis.
Most people are familiar with this disease, forcing them to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, use cosmetics and medications, and look for new ways to get rid of the nauseating odor that invariably accompanies sweat.

For those suffering from hyperhidrosis, it is enough to think about a possible handshake and the palms instantly become wet. Excessive sweating causes uncontrollable fear, which causes sweating. Some people are unable to find an antiperspirant that can completely eliminate sweat because they sweat a lot.

A person is uncomfortable with hugs, close contact with people, and only one thought spins in his head: “I sweat a lot and am unpleasant to others.”
When, you can forget about going on a visit, because there you will have to take off your shoes. It's the same at the doctor's appointment, at the gym, and at the shoe store. Physiologists believe that hyperhidrosis is a kind of vicious circle that not everyone can break alone. A seemingly trivial problem can over time result in depression, insomnia and neurosis, causing a host of related problems with health and life in society.
Even in cold weather, your feet get wet, and a characteristic smell appears in your boots. sweating armpits due to the constant use of various cosmetics, render clothes unusable, requiring regular wardrobe replacement.

It happens that a person changes two or three shirts per day, which need serious washing.
Doctors are trying to treat sweating sedatives, formalin, hypnosis and surgical methods, curing the disease forever. But due to the high cost, not everyone can afford such an operation.

Types and reasons

Increased sweating is the active secretion of sweat due to the work of sweat glands that receive impulses from nerve endings due to hormonal imbalances or other reasons associated with hidden diseases. The appearance of sweat is stressful for a person, and stress causes a new wave of fluid secretion. Doctors divide hyperhidrosis into general and localized.
The general one manifests itself under the influence of high humidity and air temperature, physical activity, strong emotions and the occurrence of many diseases:

  • AIDS;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • taking medications;
  • neurological disorders;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes.

Local hyperhidrosis is more common. Divided:

People suffering from severe hyperhidrosis most often suffer from colds and purulent rashes, and regularly wet feet and palms are a breeding ground for the proliferation of fungi. Healthy people sweat during physical activity and hot weather. This is normal defensive reaction bodies. But if there are pathologies in health, excessive sweating is a signal of a disease that needs to be urgently eliminated. The exception is menopause and pregnancy, when there is a dynamic restructuring in the body. As soon as it ends, the tides will stop. In order to alleviate a woman's condition during menopause, doctors prescribe hormonal medications.

When your feet sweat

A person experiencing sweaty feet should pay attention to:

Feet require careful care. In addition to good shoes and clean socks, you need:

  • Wash your limbs every day with soap and wipe them dry. Dry your feet with a hairdryer.
  • Keep your feet dry and warm.
  • When taking a bath, clean your heels with a pumice stone or grater to remove dead cells in which bacteria and microorganisms accumulate.
  • Antiperspirants help prevent sweat and odor. There is a huge selection of these products on the market. You can choose the right one and use it regularly after taking a shower.
  • Wash your feet with bactericidal soap. Better economical. It dries the skin and kills germs better than toilet soap.
  • Use for treatment folk remedies, do not forget to take medicinal baths, drink fresh decoctions and tinctures.

Regardless of whether a person suffers from sweaty feet or not, they should be kept dry. After all, moisture is a source of proliferation of bacteria that cause bad smell. The skin of the feet hardens and cracks. Air therapy helps a lot. If you dry your feet with a hairdryer and then use pharmaceutical products, you can not feel discomfort for a long time. Powders provide a healing, drying and deodorizing effect.
It is recommended to use natural powders - crushed oak bark or. They are simply poured into clean socks and worn at night. You can use starch, tea leaves, talc and mixtures thereof. Regular salt is considered a good remedy, neutralizing persistent odors. And if you sprinkle your feet with boric acid powder, not forgetting the areas between the toes, sweating and the characteristic odor will disappear for several weeks.

If your body sweats

The unpleasant sour smell is caused by microbes that multiply from moisture. Itching and irritation, as well as minor inflammatory processes, appear on the skin.

To normalize the release of moisture you need to:

If your hands sweat

Often the problem is caused by fear and stressful situations. To normalize sweating you should:

If your head is sweating

Sweat occurs when the pores are very enlarged. To eliminate it, it is recommended:

  • use cleansing lotions or scrubs;
  • apply pore-tightening masks;
  • Wipe your face and scalp with milk, decoctions of chamomile and oak bark, and tea leaves.

Night sweats

Both adults and children often complain about it. Night sweats are caused by work autonomic system, and not muscle activity and surgical intervention is not subject to. Sometimes sweating is caused by insomnia or extreme fatigue. For treatment you need:

  • drink sedatives– valerian, motherwort, chicory;
  • ventilate the room;
  • get rid of irritating factors.

Important! If all factors that can cause hyperhidrosis have been eliminated, but sweat still appears, you should consult a doctor and have a detailed examination of your body.


Methods of combating intense sweating are divided into surgical and conservative. In addition, there are traditional methods, which do not eliminate the cause, but help keep the skin dry and clean.

Surgical methods


Injections can cure sweating of the armpits, hands and feet. The procedure takes a few minutes, and the effect lasts six months. After just a couple of days, sweating stops and the treated areas stop hurting.


The neodymium laser destroys sweat duct cells forever. The session is carried out in the clinic with anesthesia for about 40 minutes. After this, the patient returns to normal life and no longer wonders “why am I sweating a lot.” The procedure does not cause overheating or infection, since the radiation sterilizes the surface being treated.


Cosmetic surgery. It is passed through a small incision. It can rid a person of sweat forever. Intervention is divided into local (the surgeon blocks the fibers directly where the most moisture appears) and remote (involves a short distance from the problem areas).

For increased moisture production in the armpits, use

  • Liposuction - using a small tube inserted through pinpoint punctures, axillary tissue is removed. Nerve fibers are destroyed and the sweat glands stop working. This procedure is recommended for overweight people.
  • Ultrasonic liposuction. Used by plastic surgeons and is less traumatic.
  • Curettage. Most often used. Provides for scraping fat from areas where sweat ducts are located. The glands and nerve fibers are damaged, which prevents their further functioning. The operation is not carried out blindly, but with the use of video assistance, thanks to which the occurrence of hematomas and fluid accumulation in the postoperative period can be avoided.
  • Phytotherapy. Used in conjunction with drug treatment.

Conservative methods

  • Products for external use - gels, ointments, sprays, which are applied to a clean body and, penetrating inside, temporarily block the sweat ducts.
  • Oral agents. These include sedatives that calm the nervous system. Often it is discord nervous system cause sweating. The doctor may prescribe other medications, depending on what disease is causing the sweat.

Traditional methods

Why do some people not sweat even in a hot and humid atmosphere, while others are constantly covered in perspiration? We sometimes hear people say with a certain degree of superiority that they barely sweat or don’t sweat at all. Perhaps they mean that they are cleaner than those who...

Most likely, they do not suspect that they are sick, and not sweating is life-threatening. Absence or slight sweating is a disease associated with disruption of the sweat glands. This disease is called anhidrosis. WITH Greek language translates as “no sweat.” Insufficient sweat production is called hypohidrosis. The correct functioning of the sweat glands and the thermoregulation of the body are controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

What are the reasons why the human body produces little or no sweat:

Sweating increases during exercise in healthy people. No wonder they say: “I worked until I sweat.” The absence of sweating in such cases indicates anhidrosis. With this diagnosis, heavy loads are prohibited, especially at high temperatures in the surrounding atmosphere, as thermoregulation is disrupted. A person can work with substances harmful to the body, poisons, various toxic and allergenic substances, in dusty rooms. All this gets on the skin, the pores become clogged, sweat glands poorly excrete sweat along with poisonous and toxic substances. If a person does not sweat for a long time, they undergo atrophy, and they may develop chronic anhidrosis.

Even in ancient times, people knew that sweat expels disease, they went to baths and saunas to sweat as much as possible, cleanse the pores, remove harmful substances. After such procedures, fatigue disappeared and vigor and energy returned. In Rus', baths have long been considered health resorts. Steaming in a bathhouse meant expanding the pores with hot steam, sweating thoroughly and, finally, treating the skin with a steamed birch, wormwood, linden, or oak broom. The skin looked younger, became elastic and firm.

Baths and saunas are still extremely popular among the people. For people with poor sweating, a linden broom is useful, as good remedy for sweating and linden tea with honey. You cannot steam excessively in baths and saunas; after visiting, you need to drink a lot to restore the body’s water balance. A healthy person should definitely sweat in a sauna. If the body does not produce sweat at all in a hot sauna, this is abnormal and indicates anhidrosis. If only some parts of the body sweat, then this is hypohidrosis.

Signs of the disease are:

  1. dry skin, redness;
  2. poor sweating or its complete disappearance;
  3. dizziness;
  4. muscle cramps;
  5. fatigue;
  6. increased heart rate;
  7. increased breathing;
  8. body temperature rises;
  9. clouding of consciousness.

With such manifestations, you need to drink a lot, urgently find a place with air ventilation, wipe hot areas of the skin with water, apply cool compresses, and, if the condition remains severe for an hour, call an ambulance and consult a dermatologist. If people do not sweat at all, then a hot bath and sauna are contraindicated and can cause heatstroke and harm their health.

Why might people not sweat at all?

There are various reasons why a person does not sweat at all and suffers from dry skin.

Lack of sweating is often caused by various diseases:

  • skin disease, scleroderma, leprosy, ichthyosis, etc.;
  • diabetes mellitus, Addinson's disease, liver cirrhosis;
  • nervous system disease;
  • avitaminosis;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination;
  • cholera;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • lungs' cancer

and some others. Usually, when these diseases are cured, then the body’s thermoregulation is restored.

On hot days, a person who has no health problems literally breaks out in sweat. Water leaves the body, and if you don't drink enough fluids, tropical anhidrosis can develop. Dust that gets on the skin clogs the ducts of the sweat glands. People with decreased sweating are not recommended to live in tropical hot and humid climates.

Anhidrosis also occurs congenital disease when the glands that secrete sweat are not developed or formed. Sometimes this occurs due to abnormalities of the ectoderm during the first period of embryonic development. More often, boys inherit this genetic disorder. A newborn child with this disease should be observed by a dermatologist from the first days of life. There is no chance of cure for hereditary anhidrosis; a person should avoid overheating and physical exertion throughout his life.

An incorrect lifestyle is dangerous for normal sweating: excessive alcohol, drugs and some medications for the treatment of the nervous system, heart and vascular diseases.

Sometimes a person does not sweat due to internal emotional state, stress, fear, desire not to reveal your feelings to others. Constantly holding back feelings and emotions disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and can develop anhidrosis.

How to deal with it

If there is no sweating, you should consult a dermatologist. Analyzes, tests and diagnostics are carried out, the cause of the disease is established.

Vitamin preparations are prescribed: multivitamins, vitamins A and E, Bi2 intramuscularly.

It is recommended to wipe painful areas of the skin with lotions containing alcohol, rub in creams and ointments that soften the skin. Retinol acetate oil solution helps well when taken orally.

Hypohidrosis does not always impair thermoregulation if sweat is not produced in a small area of ​​the body. It happens that some areas of the body do not sweat, but others produce profuse sweat. General anhidrosis is life-threatening and heat stroke can be fatal. It is important to see doctors and strictly follow their recommendations, especially for older people with weakened sweat glands.

It is also wrong to use antiperspirants in large quantities, they clog pores and interfere with normal operation sweat glands. The sweat itself does not smell, since it contains water, salt and a small amount of protein, around which bacteria gather, emitting a bad odor.

You can get rid of it with frequent hygiene procedures and changing clothes.

Excessive sweating that occurs throughout the body or in a specific area is called hyperhidrosis. Sweat production - natural physiological process, which regulates body temperature during overheating, physical activity, and stress. Together with sweat, toxins come out, so the body is cleansed. Hypersweating can be a symptom of a serious illness.

There is local hyperhidrosis, in which a certain area of ​​the body sweats: limbs, armpits, face. With general hyperhidrosis, strong sweat formation is observed evenly throughout the body. Reason profuse sweating in the latter case, infectious and inflammatory processes in the body most often occur. Even children can suffer from the problem of excessive sweating.

Generalized hyperhidrosis (general) occurs throughout the body and may not go away for several months. In areas where the sweat glands are most localized (armpits, groin area), sweat appears even more. Often a complication appears in the form of a fungal or bacterial infection.

Localized hyperhidrosis manifests itself in certain areas of the body; in most cases, sweat appears symmetrically: on both palms, feet, and armpits. Excessive sweating can be observed only on the forehead, nose, and chin.

Sweat glands produce odorless fluid. An unpleasant odor occurs when there are toxins released from the body or from bacteria living on the skin.

If sweat appears not only during activities, but also during calm state, you need to identify the cause of the problem. For example, at night the internal organs begin to function in a slow mode, there is no emotional stress. If you experience constant sweating, and you have to wake up during the night due to wet underwear and pajamas, then this is a reason to consult a specialist.

In almost any disease, sweating occurs in varying intensities. Hyperhidrosis can act as an independent phenomenon and does not require treatment. For example, in adolescence during puberty, during pregnancy or a change in climate zone.

Pathology is indicated by:

  • heavy sweating with a pungent odor;
  • sweat becomes sticky and changes color;
  • sweat increases even at rest or during night sleep;
  • sweat, as a symptom of disease, is characterized by the fact that other signs also appear: weakness, dizziness, nausea, joint pain.

Identification of the cause and treatment is prescribed only by a specialist. First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist and endocrinologist. Blood and urine tests, ECG, x-rays and other types of examination will be prescribed. Based on the results, the issue of referral to other specialists is decided: urologist, cardiologist, gynecologist.

You need to see a doctor when the body sweats increased with minor physical exercise, a slight rise in ambient temperature, when walking, with slight excitement.

Provoking factors

Why does severe sweating develop? The causes of excessive sweating may be related to external factors:

  1. Excessive sweating occurs in response to food intake: spicy, salty foods, hot drinks, chocolate. Sweat appears on the face around the mouth and forehead.
  2. Excessive sweating occurs during stress, anxiety negative emotions, fright.
  3. Almost everyone experiences excessive sweating during physical activity. During activities, muscles increase the production of thermal energy, the excess of which is released along with sweat. But if weakness and dizziness occur, you need to rule out health problems.
  4. Reason increased sweating The air may become hot, dry.
  5. Sweating can be caused by improperly selected clothing and shoes.

Pathological sweating occurs in response to changes in the functioning of internal organs:

What causes sweating in women? Excessive sweating can occur due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause. During these periods, insufficient or excessive production of hormones occurs. The condition may be accompanied by weakness, irritability, and decreased activity.

Why do you worry about sweating all over your body at night? If Lately If you are concerned about increased sweating at night, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. The causes of excessive sweating in this case are most often associated with the onset of ARVI or influenza, diseases of the respiratory organs (pneumonia, tuberculosis), thyroid gland, oncology, fungal infection, hepatitis and other infections.

Therapeutic actions

Treatment of excessive sweating begins with examination and identification of the cause of excessive sweating. The following remedies may be prescribed to combat the problem causing sweating:

  1. Antiperspirants or deodorants based on natural ingredients help against hypersweating.
  2. Medicines based on belladonna alkaloids will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms: Bellaspon, Belloid.
  3. Ointments and creams based on zinc are well absorbed and distributed over the surface. For example, Calamine cream, which eliminates irritation and inflammation, and, among other things, prevents the addition of bacterial and fungal infections.
  4. Treatment is allowed to be accompanied by soothing decoctions based on motherwort, chamomile, and string. They can be taken orally or added to the bath. Medications that may be prescribed include: Persen, Novo-Passit, Glycine, Valerian.
  5. If an infection occurs, an antibacterial or antifungal agent helps cure sweating.
  6. How to defeat sweat and get rid of its smell? Physiotherapeutic procedures are considered effective: iontophoresis, pine baths, electrophoresis.
  7. Hyperhidrosis can be treated with laser therapy. During the procedure, the sweat glands are destroyed by laser.
  8. Treatment of hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by subcutaneous injection of Botox, which temporarily blocks the functioning of the sweat glands.
  9. In severe cases, a decision may be made to undergo surgery.

How to treat excessive sweating at home? In parallel, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out:

  1. If there are no contraindications, then it is useful to visit baths and saunas in case of increased sweating.
  2. When treating excessive sweating, it is useful to drink teas based on herbs with a calming effect: motherwort, lemon balm, mint, birch buds. The healing composition will help not only improve the nervous system, but also cleanse the body of toxins.
  3. The area of ​​excessive sweating can be treated with fruit or herb juice with a pleasant smell.
  4. Compresses help eliminate excessive sweating. For this procedure, it is enough to make a decoction of these medicinal herbs, like chamomile, string, yarrow. A gauze bandage should be soaked in the composition and applied to the problem area. Compresses help normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, relieve irritation and swelling.
  5. A couple of times a week, to combat excessive sweating, you can add pine needle extract or sea salt to your bathtub.
  6. A solution of Chlorophyllipt or salicylic acid helps with excessive sweating.
  7. It is helpful to apply baby powder to dry, clean skin. The included components can reduce sweat production, eliminate odor and relieve irritation.

Other groups of medications may also be prescribed, such as antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals.

Preventive actions

  • adherence to a rational, proper diet: consumption of spicy, salty, smoked foods, alcohol, coffee, chocolate is reduced;
  • you need to follow the correct drinking regime: you need to drink about 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • taking a shower every day;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • sufficient time spent outdoors;
  • Clothes should be chosen only from natural, breathable fabrics, loose fit, and shoes should match the size and be made of natural material.

Compliance with hygiene rules and timely visits to the doctor will help identify the cause of the disease and prevent complications. Independent attempts to get rid of excessive sweating can lead to worsening of the condition.


Sweat - normal reaction our body, helping to regulate temperature and lower it when it gets hot.

Our body sweats in response to rising temperatures, physical activity and stress.

Some people suffer from heavy sweating, which occurs even in minor cases. Wet T-shirts and damp palms accompany them no matter the weather conditions or their activity.

Hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, affects about 3-15 percent of people in the world.

Why do we sweat a lot?

In fact, every person needs the function of sweating in order to naturally cool down, get rid of excess heat and dense debris, and also maintain the salt content of the body.

Totally present on the surface of the human body more than 4 million sweat glands, which are long, spiral tubes located in the skin.

There are two types of sweat glands:

Eccrine sweat glands which are located in large numbers on the soles of the feet, palms, forehead and cheekbones, as well as in the armpits.

They secrete a clear, odorless liquid to regulate body temperature and promote heat loss through evaporation. The most common cause of excessive sweating is the eccrine sweat glands.

Apocrine sweat glands are found in areas where there are many hair follicles: on the surface of the scalp, in the armpits and the genital area. They produce a thick liquid that, when in contact with bacteria on the surface of the skin, produces a characteristic body odor.

Both types of sweat glands are activated by nerves, which in turn respond to various stimuli, including:

    messages from the brain that the body is too hot

  • physical activity

In people with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands overreact to stimuli and are generally more active, producing more sweat than needed.

Contrary to popular belief, sweat is not made of toxins, and we cannot sweat toxins. Sweat is 99 percent water and small amounts of carbohydrates, salts, proteins and urea.

Interesting Facts!

    The average person has about 200 sweat glands per square centimeter of skin surface.

    The most high density sweat glands are located on the surface of your palms and on the soles of your feet.

    The human body can produce 10 liters of sweat per day in hot weather or during intense physical activity.

Excessive sweating: dangerous signs

In most cases, increased sweating is not dangerous. If you don't have any others side symptoms, and it does not interfere with your normal daily activities, then the problem can be solved by choosing breathable fabric and antiperspirant.

However, in rare cases it may be a symptom of a serious illness. There are several signs that sweating indicates a health problem.

1. You started sweating a lot suddenly and unexpectedly.

Sudden sweating may be a sign that you are stressed or worried. This type of sweat is different from what is produced when your body is trying to cool itself, as it is caused by a surge of adrenaline.

Sudden sweating may also be the first sign of a heart attack or heart problem. If you suspect a heart attack, you should immediately seek medical help.

At the same time, sudden sweating is not always a cause for panic. Most often this is associated with certain situations, such as heat, spicy foods, exercise or stress.

2. You feel dizzy and lightheaded

When sweating is accompanied by dizziness or weakness, it may be your body's signal indicating low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, which can be caused by a drop in blood pressure.

Although these conditions themselves are not life-threatening, you should see your doctor to make sure there is nothing to worry about.

3. Sweating is accompanied by insomnia, facial flushing, chest pain, fatigue, extreme thirst and frequent urination.

Always pay attention to general state your health to see if sweating is part of a more serious medical condition.

    For example, insomnia combined with sweating may indicate hyperthyroidism.

    Sweating along with redness of the face and chest may indicate carcinoid syndrome- a rare tumor in which certain substances are released into the bloodstream.

    If you are sweating and have chest pain , this could be a sign of a serious heart problem and you should see a doctor immediately.

    Fatigue along with sweating may indicate an infection or low blood pressure.

    Finally, excessive thirst and urination are often associated with diabetes and blood sugar levels. In this case, a person sweats if the sugar level drops, signaling stress or tension.

4. You develop flu-like symptoms, such as fever and cough

In some cases, sweating accompanied by high temperature, may be a sign of bacterial or viral infection, such as malaria or tuberculosis.

Temperature is a consequence of changes in body temperature. Your brain automatically raises your temperature to fight infection, causing you to experience a fever and produce heat. That's why it's important to bring down the temperature and get a good sweat.

5. You have a skin rash

If sweat remains on your skin, you may experience itching or skin irritation, which will go away once you stop sweating and change into dry, clean clothes. However, problems such as rashes or hives may indicate a fungal skin infection or other condition.

There are skin disorders that are associated with increased sweating. For example, cholinergic stress urticaria, in which a rash appears on the skin when the body overheats or sweats heavily. The rash can also occur when you sweat in a hot or humid environment, causing heat rash or miliaria.

6. You are experiencing severe stress or panic attacks.

Many people sweat in stressful situations, such as during public speaking. But if sweating is accompanied by other symptoms of panic or anxiety, it may indicate a psychological problem.

Sweating associated with anxiety can develop into a situation vicious circle, when you start sweating just from the mere expectation of sweating. By learning to cope with anxiety, you can break this intractable cycle. If you cannot overcome anxiety on your own, seek professional help.

7. You started to lose weight rapidly

Rapid weight loss and intense sweating may indicate hyperthyroidism. Such symptoms are also characteristic of tuberculosis and mononucleosis, as well as some types of cancer.

If you're sweating a lot and your weight is dropping rapidly, it might be time to see a doctor.

8. You sweat all over your body, not in specific places.

There are two types of hyperhidrosis.

Primary hyperhidrosis- This excessive sweating in certain places such as the armpits, face or palms.

At the same time, increased sweating throughout the body occurs when various forms secondary hyperhidrosis.

With this type of sweating, the cause is most often the use of certain medications or another disease. Obesity, gout, menopause, tumors, diabetes, mercury poisoning, diabetes and hyperhidrosis can lead to the development of intense sweating.

Although in most cases, sweating all over the body is a normal reaction to heat, stress and exercise.

9. You only sweat at night

Many people experience night sweats when it's hot outside or the temperature in the room gets too high. But if you keep your home cool, use breathable fabrics and bed sheets, and still sweat pours out of you like a bucket, your health may be at risk.

Night sweats occur with infections such as tuberculosis or influenza, and can sometimes be a sign of a type of cancer such as lymphoma.

You may also sweat more at night due to hormonal changes during menopause or due to certain medications.

10. You only sweat on one side of your body.

If you notice that sweat appears on only one side of your body, you may need to see a doctor.

Uneven sweating may indicate rare disease nervous system - Harlequin syndrome, as well as disorders such as brain tumor, abscess or stroke. In rare cases, the cause may be lung cancer and a nervous system disorder - Horner's syndrome.

Although sweating can cause a lot of discomfort, you need to remember that sweating is completely normal for humans.

You are sweating for no apparent reason

If you have excluded everything possible diseases and other reasons, such as spicy food or physical activity, then most likely active sweating is simply due to active sweat glands.

Some people have overactive sweat glands, where even minor stimuli cause them to sweat without indicating a problem.

1. Swap deodorant for antiperspirant

Deodorant mainly masks odor, while antiperspirant kills both odor-causing bacteria and blocks the ducts of the sweat glands that produce underarm sweat.

    Apply antiperspirant only to dry, clean skin

    Use antiperspirant at night after showering when your body is cooler. This allows the active ingredients to work better.

    Shave under your armpits, as hairs can interfere with the antiperspirant's action. However, you should not shave immediately before applying antiperspirant, as this may irritate your skin.

Hyperhidrosis - increased sweating. Heavy sweating can affect the entire body or some areas and causes severe discomfort. People often try to hide this delicate problem and are embarrassed to see a doctor. Meanwhile, excessive sweating of the body can be a sign of a number of serious diseases.

Men, women, children

Human skin contains millions of sweat glands. And this necessary condition normal life. Harmful substances and toxins are eliminated with sweat; with the help of sweat, the body cools and heals. Excessive sweating in men, women and children can have various causes.

Excessive sweating in men

This is partly a genetically determined condition. Men do more physical labor, overheat more often and have a greater need to cool down. In addition, differences in body weight matter. Larger, heavier men sweat more.

Excessive sweating in women

On average, women sweat 2 times less than men. However, hyperhidrosis occurs in them with the same frequency as in men. Excessive sweating in both sexes can be caused by the same reasons. The approaches to treating this condition are also similar.

The only excellent cause of female hyperhidrosis lies in changes in the level of female hormones. We can talk about hormone-dependent sweating in the following cases:

  1. If severe sweating occurs for short periods during each month, then we can safely talk about hormonal reason hyperhidrosis.
  2. If severe sweating occurs during pregnancy and lactation, then this is also the result of fluctuations in the level of female sex hormones.
  3. If excessive sweating occurs during menopause.

What to do in such cases? Contact your gynecologist. After determining hormone levels, the doctor may decide to prescribe hormone replacement therapy.

What to do if excessive sweating bothers your child

If excessive sweating is diagnosed in children over 6 years of age, then this condition can be caused by the same reasons as in an adult.

Newborn babies do not sweat at all, but starting from the age of two months, children can sweat heavily in the following cases:

  • during feeding, especially if the mother is breastfeeding;
  • if the child is dressed too warmly;
  • if he for a long time screamed and cried.

Children under 3 years of age often sweat profusely while sleeping. Many pediatricians consider this completely natural. You should not try to get rid of this condition. Most likely, over time, the child will “outgrow” such sweating.

Many people mistakenly associate severe sweating with rickets - don’t make hasty conclusions! Moreover, rickets has many other, more obvious manifestations.

Ideopathic hyperhidrosis

Severe sweating throughout the body is a symptom of a number of diseases. You can get rid of the disease by accurately establishing the cause of hyperhidrosis. However, in some cases it is completely healthy man Can't get rid of excess sweating. Then they talk about the idiopathic form of hyperhidrosis.

What can cause excessive sweating? Neurosis, allergies and increased reaction to external stimuli.

Nervous sweating

Irritable, hot-tempered people who suffer from frequent depression often suffer from hyperhidrosis. In this case, the work of the sweat glands is affected by increased levels of adrenaline.

What to do if you suspect you have this particular form of the disease? Contacting a neurologist is the only correct option to solve the problem. Since nervous sweat makes itself felt mainly during outbursts of aggression, healing from neurosis will relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Food allergies

Some people sweat when eating. This causes psychological discomfort not only in the sweating person, but also in those around him. The reason for such hyperhidrosis is in the individual reaction to certain type food. What to do to get rid of such hyperhidrosis? Just don't eat foods that cause this reaction in public places.

External environmental factors

Exercising, uncomfortable synthetic clothing and shoes, heat and cold - a number of reasons can cause severe sweating. But if a person sweats so much that he has to carry a change of clothes and wet his palms before greeting, then this becomes a problem that requires treatment. What to do? See a therapist.

The reasons for such severe sweating are the individual reaction of the sympathetic nervous system to external stimuli. Unfortunately, we cannot control this process, just as we cannot speed up our pulse or slow down our heartbeat.

Hyperhidrosis is a symptom of body dysfunction

What health problems can be accompanied by excessive sweating? Let's consider the most common reasons the occurrence of hyperhidrosis.


A common cause of profuse perspiration. Any ARVI accompanied by high temperature can cause profuse sweating. This is a normal reaction of the body to overheating. Usually, if a patient is sweating with a fever, this is a good sign that the fever is subsiding.

Endocrine system disorders

The endocrine system regulates the functioning of the entire body. It is also responsible for thermoregulation. Accordingly, many diseases of the endocrine organs can be accompanied by severe sweating.

  1. Thyroid dysfunction. Disrupts normal heat exchange in tissues. The result is increased sweating.
  2. Diabetes mellitus causes problems metabolic processes. Low blood sugar levels are often accompanied by increased secretion sweat.

Changes in hormone levels

Characteristic of the fair half of humanity. Becoming menstrual function, birth and feeding of children, menopause - all these processes affect the level of sweating.


Increased weight is a burden for the whole body. An obese person spends more energy on life activities and therefore sweats more.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Mental disorders are common causes of hyperhidrosis. Common to the neurological origins of hyperhidrosis is uneven sweating. So, only one armpit or palm can sweat.

Genetic diseases

Severe sweating is one of the symptoms of rare genetic disease- Riley-Day syndrome. Hyperhidrosis in this disease is most pronounced in stressful situations, when the patient's adrenaline levels are elevated.

Drug addiction and alcoholism

Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex disease that disrupts the biochemical processes of all systems. Amid the cancellation narcotic drugs, in addition to other withdrawal symptoms, a state of hyperhidrosis occurs.


General malaise, weakness, weight loss, and fluctuations in body temperature during tuberculosis can be accompanied by night sweats with a characteristic odor.


Tumors of lymphoid tissue cause profuse night sweats. Neoplasms of the adrenal glands and intestines - possible reasons hyperhidrosis.

Heart diseases

The patient's pre-infarction state is often accompanied by profuse cold sweat. Along with heart pain, pallor and shortness of breath, such sweating is an important symptom of the onset of myocardial infarction.

The smell of sweat as a diagnostic tool

Excessive sweating throughout the body can be a sign of many diseases. For a qualitative diagnosis of the causes, the therapist may recommend tests (OBC, OAM, biochemistry, blood test for sugar and hormone levels). In addition, it would be useful to visit specialized specialists, namely:

  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

Getting rid of the disease is possible only after a thorough history taking!

The smell of sweat

Initially, sweat is a sterile liquid. It is colorless and odorless. Sweat acquires a specific aroma when it interacts with microorganisms in our skin. However, in some cases, sweat has a strong, unnatural odor. This is often a key point in determining the causes of hyperhidrosis. What disease can a strong smell of sweat indicate?

What can you do at home?

Even a slight increase in sweating brings significant discomfort and a desire to get rid of this condition. What can you do at home?

  1. Maximum attention should be paid hygiene procedures. Daily showers, wet wipes and frequent changes of clothes can reduce the problem.
  2. Dietary nutrition is the second step that must be taken by those who want to get rid of the disease. Salty, sour, fried, exotic dishes should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Wear only natural fabrics! Synthetic linen and bedding should be replaced with linen and cotton.

There are so many reasons for hyperhidrosis that even experts sometimes have doubts. However, high-quality diagnosis is the only chance to get rid of this unpleasant condition. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe treatment. Surgical or medicinal intervention can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and help him live a full life without complexes.