Shamanic amulet Slim Amulet for weight loss and cleansing: does it really work and has mysterious powers. The magical properties of stones for weight loss

Any words spoken out loud have their own energy and emit certain vibrations. Even thoughts that remain unvoiced, hovering in everyone’s head, determine the direction life path. The problem of nutrition often has a psychological basis: tasty, but junk food a person encourages himself, or compensates for the lack of love, attention, or may simply “eat up” emotional stress.

  • CONSPIRACY is a certain sequence of words, the set of which leads to the achievement required result. magical, Magic force from a physics point of view it is easily explainable. Conspiracies appeared thanks to “knowledgeable” people endowed with supernatural abilities. Using their abilities, they helped to recover from diseases, get rid of misfortunes and failures, and also control the forces of nature to harvest a large harvest. Reinforced over the centuries by the energy of many people, conspiracies have enormous power. Vibrations from spoken words reach the Cosmos faster, and Higher Powers help to complete this or that task.
  • Prayer- this is a person’s appeal in thoughts or words to the spiritual mentors of the non-material world. Unlike other forms, it implies belonging to a religion. Faith in the Creator and his omnipotence allows you to feel under the protection and protection from various troubles and troubles. In prayer, the believer asks or thanks and accordingly promises to strictly observe the canons written in religious books. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism are thousands of years old and their adherents have long experienced miraculous power prayers. Asking to lose weight means wishing yourself health, longevity, and freedom from the temptation of gluttony. The main religions of the planet call for fasting and restriction of various foods throughout the year. The calendar is designed in such a way that a person can replace forbidden foods without feeling discomfort.
  • Spell- one of the ways to achieve what you want using ritual-magical speech. This appeal has coercive nature. Depending on the strength of the energy field, a person can perform the spell ritual independently or resort to the help of professionals in magic. Thanks to such techniques, the human will obeys the spoken words.

Orthodox prayer

The appeal to the Creator should be meaningful, it is not a whim to remove 3 extra kilos. The awareness that the nutrition problem has become a threat to health and even life, and not an aesthetic inconsistency with accepted ideals. One of the deadly sins is gluttony and the inability to cope with food addiction, makes a person a slave of his weaknesses.

  • Prayer can help you cope with overeating and lose weight by believing in yourself as the likeness of your almighty heavenly Father.
  • Strengthens the spirit a prayer spoken out loud or read mentally.
  • Regular repetition leads to stabilization nervous system, self-confidence regardless of circumstances and the belief that the Higher Powers are always with you.
  • You can pray to Jesus Christ to lose weight, Mother of God, guardian angels, patronizing saints (by name), or those saints to whom a person turned earlier.
  • Known for miraculous healings, Matrona of Moscow helps to get rid of gluttony. This prayer is read in front of the image of the saint, with a lit lamp.


Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Satisfy my hunger with small food and melt excess flesh with holy water. Drop by drop the water will touch your lips, and the excess will gradually disappear. Let it be so. Amen.

  • You can read during the day, before and after meals, as well as when you feel hungry.

Rules for performing rituals

In order for all your plans to come true, certain conditions must be met:

  • Indicate the number of kilograms that need to be reset. You can determine the numerical value of your ideal weight.
  • When performing a spell/conspiracy/prayer, faith is crucial. Hesitation and doubt only delay what you want.
  • After the ritual, thoughts should be that weight loss has already taken place and the person enjoys the result obtained in the present tense. Imagining yourself with new proportions, experiencing joy, happiness from the beautiful, healthy body, emotional reinforcement helps make the dream come true.
  • Until the event takes place, you cannot tell anyone about the ritual..
  • You need to think about losing weight in a positive way, the more detailed and colorful you imagine how the hated kilograms are freeing the body, the faster all this will happen.
  • Don't dwell on the problem. Life is multifaceted and beautiful; you shouldn’t tempt fate and lament the weight you’ve gained. There are people with disabilities who find the strength to rejoice and be happy. We need to thank the Higher Powers for all the opportunities provided.
  • Believe in your capabilities engage in visualization (mental representation of the result) and affirmations (constant repetition of what you want).

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Apple spell for weight loss

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • At the market or supermarket, stand in front of a basket of bulk apples, think about your cherished desire and choose the most beautiful, red apple.
  • All undertakings are carried out for the growing month. There should be no one in the house during the reading.
  • Concentrating on what you have planned, say the words out loud:“The apple is round, the apple is red, help me, help me lose weight. Mother Earth, I ask, I make a strong sacrifice, I carry as much as I can, I will give what you take. An apple is round, an apple is red, help me, if there is too much, go away.”
  • Having torn off the stalk, eat an apple, representing the process of losing weight.

Comb ritual

  • Held on the first day of the month. As early as possible in the morning you need to buy a comb and 2 wax candles(church).
  • Place a comb on the table and light candles in front of it. Draw the curtains tightly, sit at the table and, looking at the comb, imagine yourself slim and healthy.
  • The plot is read 3 times in a commanding tone:“Just as a comb combs out lice, so does the fat go away! As the nits evaporate, so does my weight! The pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets thin and prettier! Amen!"
  • Do not allow strangers or guests into the house after the ritual for 3 days.

Ritual in the steam room

  • In a bathhouse, sauna or bath, only the person performing the ritual is present. No extraneous sounds or noise should be distracting.
  • Take place at dawn or dusk, stepping over the threshold with his right foot, say the words: “In a cassock, the monk walked along the road, read psalms, ate water and bread! The monk sweated on the road and lost weight! I wish I could sweat like that and lose weight! Amen!"
  • After a month, repeat all steps.

Conspiracy of soap for thinness before the bath

  • For the ritual, buy a white towel, unscented baby soap and a new linen washcloth.
  • Place soap in front of you and at dawn read the prayer:
    Soap, soap, wash harder,
    Soap, soap, wash quickly,
    I will rub my skin with you,
    I will then lose weight every time.
  • You need to use soap until your weight drops to the desired value..

Ritual for water

  • Select a clean source, collect water (1-2 l) and bless it in the church. Buy 12 candles there.
  • Divide the amount into 12 doses. Place a glass, light a candle and mentally imagine the result.
  • The recitation can take place at dawn or dusk, to the waning moon: “The water is wild, it flows here and there, don’t run, help me. Take my weight and run away with it, water, water, it’s not my problem, take away the trouble, I won’t find grief.”
  • Afterwards, put out the candle and drink water in one gulp.. Carry out the ritual every day, if you missed it once, start the cycle over again.

Ritual for honey

  • Combine honey with pollen in proportions 1:5. On the first day of the month or Monday at dawn, wash your face cold water and say the following three times:
    “Like a birch tree is thin, like an aspen tree, so I must be thin,
    Just as the winch is graceful, just as the little darling is sweet, so should I be slender!
    I’ll speak, I’ll put a spell on myself, I’ll treat myself to magic honey!
    This should happen this very moment!
    My word is law!
    My word is true!
  • Eat a teaspoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach., without drinking, concentrating on losing weight.

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Green tea spell for weight loss

  • Drink green tea between meals, saying a spell each time.
  • Confidently command out loud: “I drink tea, hot tea, let the rattling fat go away. Amen".
  • If society cannot be avoided, then you need to read the plot quietly so that no one can hear.
  • Drink at least 2 cups of tea per day without sugar, sweets and honey.
  • This ritual is used for the month, starting from the waning moon.

How to make a talisman speak?

A stone corresponding to the zodiac sign can serve as a talisman. It should be wrapped in silk or velvet fabric and tied like a bag with red or golden thread.

  • The talisman is cast on the waxing moon, at midnight with the window open.
  • Take the stone in your right hand, bring it to your forehead and imagine yourself losing weight, then bring it to your mouth and read in a whisper:
    “I thank you, Lord, for everything you have done for me, help me resist temptation, let small food satisfy my body, I will no longer overeat the excess, which later became poison. I will stop the temptation before the Lord's touch. The power of the Lord will stop my hand and will not give me what is unnecessary and unnecessary. And I, Your servant (name), will be under Your protection, under Your control. Give, Lord, the strength to refuse excess food, excess weight. I will be healed by the power of the Lord from the earthly addiction of gluttony. Thanks to our Lord. Amen".
  • Put the stone in a bag and carry it with you, put it under your pillow at night.

How to read a conspiracy to lose weight on a full moon?

The mysterious satellite has a special energy that affects the Earth and its inhabitants. The Full Moon is a magical time when you can achieve all your goals.

  • Before performing the ceremony, you must proofread the text well. so that there are no hesitations afterwards.
  • The greatest strength is faith in achieving results.
  • The ritual is best performed on Monday or Friday. on which the full moon falls.
  • “As you, Mother Moon, decrease from this moment on, so my weight begins to melt, my fullness disappears. You, Moon, are declining and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin moon, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".
  • Speak words confidently and calmly in front of the open window, addressing the heavenly body.

Weight loss conspiracies work, with the help of white magic you can remove fat, to do this you need to choose a spell and read it according to all the rules. This is what our article is about.

In pursuit of slimness, many use everything possible means. Women buy clothes that flatter their figure, use cosmetics, go to beauty salons and do much more. For all the girls remains actual problem overweight. Beauty standards are changing, but the desire to always stay in good shape does not disappear. Despite a variety of diets, fitness programs, and even nutritional supplements, many women fail to achieve the weight they dream of.

Ladies resort to the most unimaginable methods of losing weight: from fasting to... surgical intervention. All this costs colossal funds and titanic efforts on oneself. Not a single generation puzzles over what to do to lose weight quickly. How can you achieve your dream figure without harming your own health? To remove fat, the fairer sex comes to the aid of white magic and her conspiracies. No, this is not a magic wand that will make you slim and attractive overnight. If you prefer sweet and fatty foods, but don’t move at all, then you shouldn’t hope for a miracle. It won't happen.

But no matter what rituals are performed, they will not help if a person does not make an effort on himself. First of all, changes should concern his diet and lifestyle. No one loses weight with the snap of a finger without doing anything about it. IN in this case rituals are aimed at helping to realize the dream of an ideal figure. Conspiracies are designed to set a person up for positive thinking and open up flows of energy that will allow him to move forward.

How do white magic weight loss conspiracies work?

Doctors just grin at this question. How can a set of letters work? Psychologists will say that the power of self-hypnosis plays a role. With the help of a conspiracy, a person gives himself certain positive attitudes that help him lose weight and more easily cope with all the difficulties of this process. Esotericists and magicians claim that an energetic influence occurs on a person during the ritual process. Certain forces (dark or light) are actively implementing the program that specialists are implementing through a conspiracy. To believe in all this or not is the choice and opinion of each individual person.

What conspiracies exist for losing weight?

Weight loss rituals appeared as long ago as girls began to take care of their own figures. Basically, rituals are performed for food or water. There are also rituals with trees, threads, weight loss spells in the bathhouse and even in the restroom. For more complex rituals, a doll is made from dough (the image of the person on whom it is happening magical influence). Let's consider the most popular:

  • Candle ritual. As you know, this is an ancient magical attribute; almost no ritual takes place without it. Candles can also help with weight loss, but spells are suitable for more experienced magicians. For conspiracies, red wax ritual objects are usually chosen.
  • Ritual with a comb. Experts say that the ritual with combs is no less effective in the matter of weight loss. However, it is important that the comb itself is purchased on the fourth (not earlier and not later).
  • Ritual for water. To do this, read the plot before swimming, washing, going to the bathhouse or drinking. Water not only makes your figure attractive, but also cleanses you of negative programs.
  • Food ritual. Effective in reducing appetite while dieting. Sweets, flour, apples and tea are spoken. After the ritual, it is important to eat or drink ritual food in small pieces or sips.
  • Ritual with prayer. Ideal for those who do not like to take risks and are wary of any magical rituals, even white ones. Prayers are not only effective, but also safe for the practitioner. Each of them has its own reading recommendations.

Each woman can choose a spell that suits her best (or simply liked it better). Weight loss rituals exist in both white and black magic. Using dark forces for your own purposes is fraught with unpleasant consequences, even when done correctly. Black magic always requires a payoff. Let's say you managed to lose weight with the help of a dark ritual, but you lose your job or someone close to you turns away from you. Experts do not recommend resorting to black magic. If you want to use a dark ritual for weight loss, it is better to contact an experienced psychic. He will carry out the ritual without errors and protect his client from negative consequences.

Even if you are a beginner in magic, you can easily find a ritual for yourself. White spells usually do not bring negative results, and therefore you don’t have to worry about such energetic interference. The main thing is to carry out everything according to the rules, having studied the features of the work.

Features of reading weight loss conspiracies in order to remove fat.

Any magical action requires the observance of certain rituals and rules. Without following the instructions, the ritual is unlikely it will work. What should girls who decide to lose weight with the help of conspiracies remember?

  • All rituals related to weight loss are performed on the waning moon. It is believed that the power of the luminary helps to achieve the figure of your dreams. Read the spell at night (after 12) or before sunrise. It's a special time for magic
  • Silence. Each magical ritual is performed alone. You cannot let anything distract you during its execution. Take care of this in advance (take the animals out of the room, turn off the phone).
  • Observe the sacrament. Be sure to keep magical practices a secret from everyone (including loved ones). Otherwise, the ritual will not work or will have a retroactive effect (you will begin to gain weight). The consequences are often unpredictable.
  • Believe in yourself and magic. Without this, the ritual is doomed to failure. Don't even try to use rituals if you are skeptical. You can be sure that in this case they will not work.
  • Strictly follow the rules of magical actions. The ritual will not work if you make even a small mistake. This applies to both ritual things and a clear reading of the spell.
  • Read conspiracies only on an empty stomach. This important rule for weight loss rituals.
  • A good mood is a necessary companion to white magic rituals. You must be well disposed, then the Universe will hear you. While reading, do not think about current worries and problems. If you are in bad mood, then it is better to postpone the reading of the plot to another day.
  • Do not use several rituals at once. No matter how much you would like to lose weight, don't do it. Casting two or three spells at the same time will not bring any result.
  • Read only for yourself. If you perform a ritual in relation to a loved one or relative, it will not work. Seek help from an experienced magician.
  • Choose your rituals carefully. There is a huge difference between black and white rituals. If you are a beginner, then resort to the help of exclusively light conspiracies. Choose those that suit your capabilities. For example, if for a conspiracy you need to go deep into the forest, and now it’s winter and you live in a metropolis. It is more rational to make a choice in favor of the ceremony at home.

What weight loss conspiracies are the most popular?

Comb spell.

Popular and effective ritual. To carry it out, you will need two candles and a new comb (comb or wooden with one row of teeth). Before conspiring, you need to concentrate. Stay alone, light some candles. Place a new comb nearby and visualize your own dream. Imagine the figure you would like. And with focus on the target, say the spell:

“Just as a comb combs out lice, so the fat would go away! Just as nits evaporate, so would my weight evaporate! The pig gets fat and fat, but my body gets thin and prettier! Amen!"

Repeat the spell three times. Done? Fine. After reading, you need to hide the comb under the mattress on which you are resting in the arms of Morpheus. The ritual should be carried out every month, doing it as long as the fat lasts.

Water spell.

Perfect for beginners in magic. It will only require water on which the spell will be cast. It is best to use glassware (in no case ceramics or metal). The ritual is performed before bedtime. Take a glass of water (200 ml) and say the following words over it three times:

Luna sister, dear girl,

Controlling water from the sky, go away,

Take my excess weight with you.

Having said magic phrases, drink the charmed water. Use all the liquid completely, do not leave anything in the glass. The meaning of the ritual is that with the enchanted liquid you will lose weight (if you perform the ritual once, your figure will become 200 grams lighter). Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the ritual every day, taking into account the number of kilograms that you need to “say goodbye” to. But you should pay attention to the phases of the moon (read only the waning phase). At the next cycle, the ritual must be repeated. Continue reading the plot until you materialize the desired result. For more fast weight loss introduce restrictions into your diet, and also engage in any physical activity.

Ritual with a young aspen.

For the ritual you will need your underwear (pants and a T-shirt are perfect). Clothes need to be tied together using a blue or blue ribbon. Next, look for an aspen tree in the nearby forest (it is important that the tree is thin and young). Secure the clothing securely to the trunk using tape. Read the words of the spell three times:

“You, young aspen, grew up slender, and grew up slender. Take my fatness, aspen, give me your thinness. Let it be so".

Then you should stomp right foot(to strengthen the conspiracy). After that, quickly and without looking back, you need to go home.

When can I expect results from weight loss rituals?

Conspiracies of white and black magic are different in strength. The latter are recognized as more powerful and effective, but are capable of causing irreparable negativity to a person who has used dark forces. White magic works differently. A conspiracy of light forces is an appeal to the Universe for help.

She will definitely hear you, but she needs time. Wait a few weeks after the ceremony. Results are usually noticeable after thirty days. Otherwise, the ritual can be repeated or another one can be chosen.

Who will the conspiracy help to remove fat?

The Universe gives us what we ask for. Why does she fulfill some people's requests to lose weight, but not others? When asking the Higher Powers for an ideal figure, most do not think about their own health. Often the reason for failure lies precisely in this. First of all, weight is influenced by hormones and diseases such as diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to undergo examination by a doctor and begin treatment, and only then seek help from the Higher Powers. Remember that rituals for health and weight loss are not the same thing. The Universe protects people from fulfilling those desires that can harm them. If you believe enough in magic and your own powers, and are also determined to say goodbye to excess fat, then the rituals will certainly help you.

The Strongest weight loss amulet helps to cope with a problem that has become perhaps the most popular in our time.

Unfortunately, modern conditions life contributes to an accelerated rhythm: we rush to cope with a huge number of things and completely forget to take care of proper nutrition.

Also, constant stress leads us to eat a lot of sweets, thereby wanting to get through a difficult period easier.

All you need to get the figure of your dreams is a little free time and the right attitude. You can create your own weight loss amulet yourself, or you can use the services of magic specialists.

Article on the topic:

The uniqueness of such amulets is characterized by a soft effect. The weight will come off easily and without consequences. It is important that the kilograms will not return in the future, as often happens.

How to make a weight loss amulet with your own hands

When starting to work on your personal amulet, decide what you will use it for. The energy power of a talisman can be fully activated only after a clear statement of its functional purpose.

For a talisman that promotes weight loss, you can take improvised objects. And it will be better if you choose the material that is most suitable for you. So that the energy of the amulet acts at the maximum level.

Examples of personally created talismans can be:

  • a drawing depicting your self-portrait, which has the desired shape (you can carry it in a wallet or in a small pocket of a handbag);
  • knots on the thread;
  • crafted doll.

And remember that it will not be easy for a weight loss amulet to cope with your problem on its own. Take care of your health: take time for sports activities and do not overeat junk food.

Amulet "Uskirey" for weight loss

Even in ancient times, shamans used in their practice effective remedy to get rid of extra pounds. Over the years, a unique magical technology for making such an amulet has been created.

It is an oval, on the outer side of which is depicted magic formula. It expels all negativity, including that which has accumulated in the form of excess weight.

The main ways in which such a talisman acts are to reduce appetite and remove it from the body. harmful substances. The process of losing weight is very easy - without hunger pangs.

Magic spell for weight loss

The magic of spells has been used for centuries to achieve different results, including in the fight against unwanted weight. Some of the most effective are those that use the voodoo technique.

Magicians recommend choosing a period so that the satellite of our planet takes everything unnecessary with it. It is also better to do the ritual on Monday or Friday. Each word should be spoken in a quiet, calm voice so as not to frighten the magical atmosphere.

Your attitude towards the ritual is very important - if you are not serious, the Universe will not give you what you want, and may even punish you.

It is believed that the most strong conspiracy to get rid of excess weight - using water. This element is famous for its unique ability absorb any informative message. She stores everything she hears - this allows her to speak water and use her magic in the future.

To overcome the problem with extra pounds, determine: why did you start to get better? What was the main reason?

Perhaps a stressful situation or a reception medicines, painful attachment to food or reluctance to lead an active lifestyle.

And now say over a glass of water:

Drink a few sips daily before meals. Gradually you will achieve your desired goal.

Knot magic for weight loss

The knot technique is simple and accessible even to those who have never encountered magical rituals before. The attributes used here are minimal: you will need threads and the desire to carry out your plans.

For magic knots to help you lose weight, tie a cut thread around your waist. And at this moment say out loud:

“I’m becoming slimmer and more beautiful every minute!”

It is advisable to take it - this particular shade symbolizes health, beauty and freshness.

Visualize during the ritual - draw in your imagination a picture in front of you where you have a beautiful figure, and you are satisfied with everything about it.

Voodoo ritual to help you lose weight

Proper use of voodoo magic will help you cope with any problem - and excess weight is no exception.

The kilograms will melt away if you believe in the results. And, most importantly: you will eliminate the reason that your figure has ceased to please you.

A Voodoo spell for weight loss will bring happiness and health into your life. Read it during the waning moon phase.

1. Ritual for weight loss
Prepare a bath for bathing. Put yours in it pectoral cross and pour hot water. Take out the cross. Pour a glass of cow's milk into the filled bath and add the petals of three different roses. Take a bath until the water reaches body temperature and slowly say the spell: “You, water, listen to me. Don’t get confused, don’t fume, but take hold of me. You, water, after the cross, make me slim. Feed me with milk, caress me with a rose, so that I am neither fat nor thin, but even. The water goes away, take the excess from me, flow under the black stone, lie there for a hundred years. Let it be so". Drain the water, wash the bath, wrap the rose petals in a black sheet of paper and bury it under a dried tree. Repeat three times on the new moon.

2. Ritual for weight loss
The ritual is performed on the waning moon.
Take a black candle and, using a sharp knife, mark it around the circumference into 14 identical parts; on each part, cut out the number 5 with a knife. On the night following the full moon, light the candle and let it burn to the first mark. Sit near the candle, look at the flame and repeat the spell: “As this candle burns, so does my fat burn. As this candle melts, so does my weight. And my new weight is (name) kilograms. Every day I become slimmer. I will become perfect in Your image and likeness. Thank You, Lord, for Your help. Let it be so". Repeat every night, burning the candle until the next mark (14 nights in total), until the new moon. During these two weeks you can lose 3-5 kg.

3. To avoid overeating and gaining weight
This is a lapel spell; it is read immediately after the full moon. This should be done by a relative of someone who is overweight and eats a lot. You need to read it in the kitchen, in the evening, when it gets dark. Take a glass blessed water, put it on the dining table, at which this glutton eats, cross himself three times, read the “Our Father” three times and read the following words: “Neither the beast, nor the bird, nor the wolf, nor the tit eat too much, they do not harm themselves. Slave God (name) prays, does not lean towards an extra piece, takes care of his soul and body, let him fast, become a slender, worthy person. “So it will be.”
Then take that water from a glass and sprinkle it all over the table. And do not wipe, let all the water dry on its own. And pour the remaining water from the glass out the window.

4. A spell for food so that you don’t want to put it in your mouth
If a person eats too much and can’t stop, then you can turn away from food, the foods that are most harmful to him. Then he will lose interest in them and, on the contrary, they will seem disgusting to him. To do this you will need running water, possibly from a tap, and four identical candles. This spell needs to be done during the waning moon, on a rainy day, but not on Thursday, when the sun has already set, but not at night. You need to put these candles in a row on the window and light them all, and a glass of water in the same place. And then read “Our Father” three times and the words are as follows: “I charm the food of the servant of God (name) so that he does not eat too much, does not want too much, let him eat only what benefits his zealous heart, rational head, and fast legs and arms, a strong body, and as for fat, weight, weakness of the body - let everything go away, do not linger. Let the servant of God (name) turn away from harmful, modest food, his desires are moderated, and his soul opens only to good things. Let the servant of God (name) forever forget about what is harmful to his body and cease to be fat and never be again, but be healthy and slender, worthy of all other good people.
Let it be so, God help him! Amen." Then blow out all the candles and leave them on the window along with the water until the morning. In the morning, get up early, collect the candles and take them out of the house, throw them somewhere. On this day you need to take those products for which the lapel is needed and sprinkle them with the charmed water.
If you can’t do it in one day, don’t worry, you can do it for three days.

5. Conspiracy to be slim
For this spell, you need to take a glass of spring water and a pork bone. On the waning moon in the evening, when it gets dark, close yourself in an empty room, take with you a glass of water and a bone. Place the glass on the floor in the middle of the room and place a bone next to it. And say, standing over a glass, facing the door, the following words: “The servant of God (name) should not get fat, but grow thin, not get fat, but become flexible. A pig should get fat in a stable, not a servant of God (name) in the house. Amen.” And so eight times. Then bend down to the floor, lift the glass, pour water over yourself from head to toe, but do not pour all the water on yourself, drop the last drop onto the bone.
Then take this bone and immediately throw it out the window.

6. Plot-amulet against obesity
On the waning moon at midnight, light a church candle and read the amulet from a piece of paper. Then extinguish the candle (without blowing it out), wrap the candle float in a leaf with a talisman and place it under the pillow. Place the amulet under your pillow at night until you lose weight. “In an open field, in a wide expanse, there stood a linden tree, under that linden tree there were oak tables, covered with silk tablecloths, set with silver goblets, golden dishes, in those goblets there were honey wines, on those dishes there were geese-swans, pies and all other tasty foods. I will get up, servant of God (name), I will go, crossing myself, I will go out of the doors, out of the gates, I will lock them with strong locks and iron keys. I do not lock the doors, I do not lock the gates, I shade the eyes of the servant of God (name) so that he would not look. , I wouldn’t look at the oak tables, at the silk tablecloths, at the silver goblets, at the golden dishes, at the honey drinks and delicious dishes. I close off my thirst and hunger, so that I can be satisfied with black bread, clean water Yes, get drunk, and not touch anything else.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

One of the oldest and most mysterious magics is voodoo magic, whose conspiracies have always enjoyed enormous popularity.

Quite often, a voodoo doll is associated with something dark and negative.

Voodoo magic can be white or black, like any other magic. The power of self-hypnosis, sincere faith, magic spells and rituals have a strong impact and can attract love, luck, and money. The main feature of this magic is the conduct of rituals using dolls.

For the fair sex, the standard of beauty is a beautiful and slender figure. Therefore, solving the problem of excess weight is still relevant today. With the help of voodoo magic for weight loss, many people get excellent results. It is only important to handle it skillfully.

Magic spells for weight loss Since ancient times, conspiracies and rituals have been very popular. Voodoo spells were considered the most effective and powerful. Best time for reading magic spells and prayers - the waning moon. Most

favorable days

  • – Monday or Friday. Words must be spoken in a whisper.
  • You need to be very careful when performing rituals and reading weight loss conspiracies. Conspiracies using water are considered quite powerful. After all, water has a unique ability to remember and store any information. There are two known types of uses of water in magic:

In the fight against excess weight, it is important to find out the reason for the formation of extra pounds. This may be constant overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, a love of sweets and flour products, metabolic problems.

Having determined the cause of excess weight, it is easier to get the desired result. Any type of conspiracy launches a program that operates on a subconscious level.

Ritual using a voodoo doll

For magical ritual you need to make a voodoo doll from wax. It should be rather large so that the contrast with you is noticeable.

Take the doll in your hands, reading the plot, and begin to slowly remove pieces of “extra” weight from it. Either left or right hand you simply break off those parts of the doll that you would like to disappear from you. With your own hands you create your ideal figure. Afterwards, all the pieces of excess wax need to be collected in a regular scarf and burned. Keep the doll at home, away from prying eyes. Excellent result will definitely achieve, but it’s better not to tell anyone how you managed to lose weight.

Voodoo ritual to help you lose weight

Voodoo magic can help you lose weight; if performed correctly, mystical rituals will relieve you of excess weight. You can both remove the cause of excess weight and the excess weight itself. You can also achieve external beauty with the help of special charmed amulets.

It is better to read this conspiracy several times a day on the waning moon. Say the words over the water that you collect in any vessel. Afterwards you need to drink some of it and wash your face with the rest. In the evening you go into the river, type and say the following words into the water:

“I’m going (so-and-so) in the evening, I’ll come to the fast river, I’ll get some water from the river and I’ll start saying to it: The first water is big, and after it go the small water, The last water flows out, So let the fat on my body melt. This water came into my vessel, and the white fullness left my body. And as this water goes down the river, so does all the fat from me. Slaves (such and such), will do.”

“Just as it is true that this jug will go home on its own, so it is true that the fat will disappear from my bodies. And which word is forgotten - live, And which word is blotted out - die. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

There are many other rituals and conspiracies that help you lose weight and gain beauty. It is important that you exercise caution when choosing. After all, white and black magic can lead to unpredictable results. If you have any doubts, it is better to seek help from a specialist who will tell you how to do everything correctly.

Knot magic for weight loss

This magic surprises with its simplicity, accessibility and uniqueness. Because when using knot rituals, no special attributes are required. All you need for the rituals are threads and your intention. You can tie knots wherever you want.

Knots or knots are woven on threads different colors. Each shade has its own meaning. Red color is a symbol of love, health and vital energy. To obtain good result It is enough to know the corresponding spell.

You can use a very easy weight loss ritual. You need to take a thread and tie it around your waist, saying the following words:

“I’m losing weight and becoming more beautiful and attractive every day.”

Imagine yourself slim, fit and attractive. And then your positive thoughts will have an effect on the sciences that will help fulfill your cherished desire.

Losing weight with the help of voodoo or nodular magic is real. You should only be careful and have strong faith in the positive effects of rituals or conspiracies.