How to sanctify water at home. How do holy water

Our article will introduce you to interesting information about holy water. You will learn how to sanctify it correctly, keeping and taking.

Our ancestors considered the Holy Water of God's gift and treated it very carefully. After it was sanctified, they recruited her into clean dishes and stored in red corner.

With her help they treated various diseasesRestored independent state And they defended their housing and the farm from a bad eye. Modern man Less superstituted, but still continues to believe in the wonderful properties of holy water.

Why do the water call the holy?

Consecration of water in the temple

Water becomes holy at the moment when the Spirit of God is included in it. Hence it turns into a healing, when the priest begins to read a certain prayer on it or for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

It is believed that on this day, water in all rivers, lakes and wells changes its usual structure, becoming a life-giving. Most believers believe that she does not lose their properties yet for a long time, so they try to baptize to be baptized for all over the next year.

Great power of holy water, healing and useful properties: scientific explanation

Contemporary scientists also interested phenomenon epiphany water, so they decided to investigate it as thoroughly. Studies have shown that it is very different from liquid to its properties taken before the holiday. From nights the Christmas Eve in it, the number of positive energy is sharply increasing, it becomes cleaner and most importantly, it appears useful human body of the substance.

According to scientists, it is precisely that holy water has a large positive effect on the body. Using it, people simply enrich their body with natural minerals, which contribute to the removal of slags and toxins from the body. This leads to the fact that a person begins to feel stronger and cheerful.

Why does the Holy Water deteriorate?

Holy water

We all know that healing properties The water appears after the consecration ritual. Priests charge it with positive energy, thereby not giving it particles to collapse. Besides, church water Defears silver ions and all this together allows it to remain clean and tasty quite a long period of time.

How to gain holy water in the church?

In principle, you can score holy water in any temple and any day. For this, it is not necessary to wait for the baptism of the Lord. You can safely go to church at a convenient time for you and ask the priest to sanctify it to you. After he reads her prayer, you can score it into a clean glass container and carry home.

Believe me, such water will have the same qualities as Epiphany. If you take it with a strong faith in God, it will also be able to cure your body and soul.

How to make holy water at home?

Recommendations for the consecration of water at home

If you do not have the opportunity to go for water to church, then try to sanctify it at home. To do this, first sincerely pray to God and ask for his blessings. Then take a clean container and go to gain water. If possible, try to find well or spring. By bringing her home, pray again to God and only then start the consecration process itself.

To do this, put a container with water in front of yourself, slightly bend over it and read a special prayer. After that, cross the jar and cover it with a lid. If you do all this with faith in God's blessing, then water will absorb positive energy and will become holy.

Is it possible to drink holy water and how to drink her home?

You can drink holy water and need. This healing fluid will help you improve your interiorwill save you from diseases and even rejuvenates your body. And although it is believed that it is possible to drink it only in the morning and an empty stomach, there are cases when you have to resort to her help and at other days of day.

Therefore, if you need to get rid of, for example, from the unexpected headache, then take it in the evening. The only thing you must always remember is that drinking the healing fluid is preferably on an empty stomach and always do three throat.

Is it possible to drink holy water just like every day?

You can drink holy water only when problems occur

Holy water is a shrine, therefore it needs to be necessary accordingly. This means that it is categorically impossible to replace it ordinary drinking water. Priests consider it a very large sin and warn their parishioners from such actions. Therefore, it will be better if you use it only in case of acute need.

For example, if you need to facilitate the course of the disease or protect yourself from negative energy. In all other cases, use ordinary water from under the tap or from a natural source.

Is it possible to drink holy water pregnant?

Pregnant girls and women can easily drink holy water. Whatever it was, it will not bear harm for them. Of course, as well as everyone else, it is not necessary to quench her thirst, but to restore moral and physical forces to drink anything. If the pregnancy proceeds very hard, the future motley can help your body to cope with the load.

In order for pregnancy to be preserved, one reception of the holy water per day will be enough. It will be necessary to drink it in those periods when the threat of my motherhood or her baby will appear.

Is it possible to give holy water a newborn and unresolved baby?

Water for the newborn

A small child needs God's defense even more than an adult. So if you see that the baby has become restless and sleeps badly, then give him a little holy water. She will clean his body and soul from negative, which he was awarded adults and return the Baby peace of mind. As for unreleased children, the Water is simply needed.

Unresolved child has no guardian angel, which means that you have to do everything to have no action bad energy. Therefore, so far do not fall the baby, be sure to give him a little holy water every day. She will play the barrier between the baby's soul and the negative of the surrounding world.

Can I drink holy water to Muslims?

In principle, the church rules do not prohibit the Holy Water Muslims. It is believed that if a person is ready to take into his body of God's gift, he will not apply to him any harm.

Therefore, if you felt an insurmountable desire to drink a healing fluid, then be sure to do it. Only drink it with an open heart and with pure thoughts.

Is it possible to drink holy water not on an empty stomach?

Holy water can be drunk and after eating

Some people argue that only on an empty stomach can drink healing water. But if you ask about this any clergy, you will learn that there are no strict rules or restrictions in the reception of this fluid.

They believe that it is possible to drink holy water as before and after meals, the main thing is that at the time of use the heart of man was open to God. Therefore, if you need to drink it after you have attempted, then feel free to do it and do not be afraid that you make a big sin.

Is it possible to drink holy water with a conspiracy?

If the plot was made by a Christian prayer, then you can quite calmly combine both fluids in one reception. But still in this case there is one nuance. In case you have spoken water from drunkenness, alcoholism or from drug addiction, it will be better if you do not combine the conspiracy and holy water together.

Since the first will still carry the negative, it will destroy the healing effect of holy water. In view of this, it will be better if you give a dependent person first conspired and only then, to secure the result, holy fluid.

Is it possible to drink holy water before communion?

Mystery of communion

Communion is a great sacrament, which is carried out according to certain church regulations. And if you do this not the first time, you probably know that it is strictly forbidden to drink and eat in front of this rite. An exception is made only for kids and sick people. All others should refrain from the use of water until the end of the service.

In the case, if you understand that you can not do without drinking, then you will definitely talk about it with your priest and ask him about the blessing. If he understands that at the moment you just need a wetting moisture, it is likely to allow you to make a couple of water sips even before communion.

Is it possible to baptize holy water?

Baptism is carried out exclusively to holy water. So that it becomes such a priest first leads the church rite over it and only after that the baby dip in it. It is considered if ordinary water will be recruited in the font, it will not be able to bring a little man with God and that most importantly, will not be able to give him due protection.

Is it possible to sanctify the cross with holy water?

Consecration of a native cross

Of course, it would be better for the cross to be sick of a priest in the temple. But if for some reason you can't get into it, and God's defense needs you immediately, then you can consecrate it yourself. To carry out this rite you will need only holy water and Orthodox prayer.

So, stand up in front of the images to pray to God, and then cross the cross with holy water crossed. After that, pray again in front of the icons, low them away and you can wear protection.

Is it possible to drink pills with holy water?

People who believe in virtue of this life-governing fluid claim that it is very well reinforcing the effects of drugs. For this reason, enough a large number of People try to speed up their recovery and begin to drink pills with holy water.

What do priests think about this? They do not prohibit, but they do not advise so. Of course, this is not considered a great sin, but still every person must decide for himself, whether it is possible to combine the shrine and the creation of human hands.

Is it possible to dilute holy water with simple water?

Can only dilute the holy water only well or spring

Dilute holy water is possible, the main thing is to do it correctly. If you have noticed that your life-minded liquid remains very little, then type water from a natural source, read the prayer (it may even be our own), and then connect both fluids together. It is believed that when mixed, ordinary water absorbs the properties of the saint and also becomes healing.

Is it possible to add holy water to tea, eating?

As mentioned a little higher, the Holy Water is a church shrine, so it is necessary to use it only to get rid of physical or spiritual problems. In view of this, make it just another component of some kind of dish. Some priests, in general, consider it difficult disrespect for Christian traditions, and a great sin requiring repentance.

Is it possible to boil holy water, cook on it?

For cooking holy water does not fit

There is no need to boil the holy water as during consecration it loses all the negative energy and completely changes its structure. This allows it to maintain its useful qualities and not to determine for years. Therefore, no matter how much it should be, it is not necessary to boil it. Use this healing liquid to cook for cooking too.

For these purposes, ordinary water is suitable, but not like a shrine. Since it is needed solely for protection and recovery, it is possible to use it only for this purpose.

Is it possible to wash the holy water, add to the bath?

Use holy water for everyday hygienic procedures It is impossible. Usually after washing or taking a bath, we drain the water into the sewer, and it cannot be done with the church liquid. Such an appeal with the shrine is considered a fairly large sin, so it will be better if you still use for ablution ordinary water. The only thing you can afford in this case, lightly moisten your hands with a healing fluid and thus wash your face.

Holy water from the evil eye and damage: Application

Prayer from the evil eye and damage

If you have a suspicion that someone has been smoothed you, then take a small amount of holy water into the glass, read a prayer over it and then breathe it, and drink the rest. You need to repeat such a procedure three times.

And in order for damage to you, it is not reversed, clean the house church candlesAnd then sprinkle all the walls, windows and doors of the life-grooved liquid. All their actions must accompany the church prayers.

How to wash the child with holy water from the evil eye?

Place a little water into a small bowl, cross themselves and cross the baby, and then start the cruciform to wipe the face of Maladens of the church shrine. Make everything carefully, so as not to scare the crumb.

Repeat this manipulation two more times, not forgetting to pray to God all the time. Try to fall after the cuddle of the baby fell asleep. Yes, and in no case, do not wipe the water with a towel. Delight the crumb on your hands and wait until it dry in itself.

Can you drink holy water monthly?

Consumption of water during menstruation

As the practice of an unambiguous answer to this question does not have the priests. Some believe that drinking holy water during monthly woman is strictly forbidden, others are quite loyal to this. Those who relate to opponents refer to the chapter in the Bible, which indicates that during menstruation a woman cannot enter the church, prays and touch the icons as it is considered unclean during this period.

The opponents indicate that this ban appeared due to the fact that in the ancient times, women did not use hygienic gaskets, so very often the shops and floors in the temple were very often dirty. For this reason, they believe that a woman can easily drink holy water during menstruation and are not afraid that she desecrates the church shrine with their actions.

Where to do old holy water since last year, where can I pour it out?

If it happened so that you did not use the water, which was scored in the previous baptism of the Lord, then in no case, do not pour it into the street. If you do it, then make a pretty serious sin. Since water is a shrine, then it is unacceptable for people or animals in it.

In view of this, it will be better if you use it for watering indoor plants or pull in water with running water. So she will have the opportunity to cleanse and re-start helping people.

Is it possible to pour holy water into the sink?

To pour the shrine in the sink

Pill the life-grooved liquid in the sink is strictly prohibited. Such actions you define the shrine and earn a terrible sin. Priests argue that it is possible to pour it only into clean places, for example, rivers or lakes. In case you do not have the opportunity to get to them, then pour it there where there will be no man's leg. Pour a lilac bush or any garden tree.

Why in Holy Water a sediment appeared?

If you have noticed a colorless precipitate in water, it was probably just incorrectly stored or scored in a non-sterile container. But such water can be drunk and used for health and protection. If the precipitate is alarming you much, then just try to use liquid as quickly as possible, sprink down the house or just drink.

Why did the holy water spoiled, Looked, discounted

Green shrine

But if the liquid scored on the baptism is turning green or rubbed, then this is a reason to alert. As a rule, this happens for several reasons. Such an action on the shrine can have regular scandals in the house or damage, induced by an evil person.

All these causes destroy the life-quality properties of water, turning it into ordinary liquid. Therefore, if this happened in your home, then immediately invite the priest and ask him to sanctify your home.

Is it possible to put the holy water to the floor and why it is impossible?

Unfortunately, for God, we are all sinners for God, so putting water to the floor, deserved with human feet is strictly prohibited. If for some reason you did not have enough time to rearrange it to icons, then better find her place in the kitchen cabinet or at a thin end on the table.

But remember that it can not stand in such places for a long time, as soon as you free up, immediately transfer it to the so-called angle of faith.

Is it possible to give holy water from the house, to give other people, to share holy water with acquaintances?

Holy Water can be given only to the closest people.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with that you will withdraw the holy water to mom, sister or best friend. But is it possible to give her someone else's people this is already a completely different question. Of course, if you are exactly sure that they need it for a good cause, then you can give.

In the case of if you suspect that it is used, for example, for the attitude, then in no case let's not give. For God, you will be an accomplice of a bad act, which means you will earn a sin.

Is it possible to give an animal to the holy dog's dog, a cat?

If you are familiar with the Holy Scriptures, you probably know all the covenants of the Most High. And he said that in no case could not give animals to touch the shrines. Therefore, if you are a true Christian and holy honor all the commandments of God, then under no circumstances give your cat or a dog to drink holy water.

Is it possible to wash the floors of holy water, watered flowers?

It is impossible to wash the floor of holy water

Wash the floors of holy water can not be so like after cleaning you will walk on them and thereby defile the church shrine. It can only sprink out the floor covering, and that is only if there is not a very normal atmosphere in the house.

But you can quietly calmly water the flowers in this life-giving fluid. Moreover, it is this way that you can use last year's water that you did not have time to drink.

Video: Holy water (film "Great Mystery of Water")

There are two kinds of sanctification of water - great sanctification and small.

When is a great water department

Great Water Engines occurs only twice a year. On the day of the Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18) and the Baptism of the Lord (January 19). Water construction on Christmas Eve occurs in the morning after the end of the liturgy, and the chin of the Great Aguisma on the Epiphany is carried out or at night of the 19th day, or in the morning of the same date, but necessarily after the festive liturgy.

When small decree

Small sanctification of water happen several times a year. So, the Easter water is consecrated on light (). This is the Easter week when the church celebrates memory God's Mother Live source.

Small decreements are considered mandatory for meals Honest cross Lord (August 14) and the Council of Pentecost (25 day after Easter)

In some temples, the rank of sanctification of water can be carried out on the throne holidays or on the days of honor of the saints (for example, St. Nicholas Wonderworker). There is also a practice of small water institution per day, solemn consecration of the entire temple.

There is a tradition of water prayers on miraculous springs and sources. This happens on the days of the memories of the holy and icons of the Mother of God.

On the other days, the consecration of water in the temple can also be observed. Believers can

In this article:

The evil eye is a negative energy program, which differs from damage not only by the power of exposure, but also by the method of guidance. Such a negative is formed under the influence of any negative feelings and emotions of a person, for example, due to jealousy or envy. Bad feelings contribute to the accumulation of negative energy, which, when achieving a certain volume, can break out and cause harm to other people.

Holy water for many centuries is considered one of the most effective tools from the evil eye and other types of negativity. Consecrated water can be used both with other methods of combating negative energy and separately.

In addition, there are a number of cleansing magic ritualsFor which the fluid is charged with church energy.

What is evil eye and how to deal with him

The evil eye is sometimes considered a type of damage, but this is completely incorrect, because such a negative can be induced without ill intent, and, people who do not even think about causing someone evil. Because of this, the evil eye is the most common type of negative energy, the victim of which anyone can become without exception.

The evil eye is a rather weak form of negative energy, and it is easy enough to fight. In most cases, a believer can get rid of negative influence With the help of alone prayers, icons and holy water.

What is holy water

Holy Water is called water taken in consecrated sources or in churches. To charge the water of Christian clean energy can be independently, to do this, it is sufficient to omit into the vessel with clean water sanctified native Cross And seven times read the prayer "Father our". Many clergymen say that water charged in this way is not truly sanctified, since only the servants of the Lord have enough power for this ritual.

Their opinion can be easily explained, because they do not want a simple person to understand that all the power lies in its very faith, and the priests, churches and the dome is just a bright cover, but not the essence of Orthodoxy and Christianity as a whole.

Jesus Christ taught people faith and said that they did not make themselves idols, they did not worship the idols, but this is what some are achieved today, not pure on hand, the gorshors.

Holy Water can really do (charge) on their own, but it is only available sincerely believing people who do not doubt their faith and never depart from her.

In order to consecrate water, an important role plays not the one who spends the ritual, but the time of the old rite. It is best to charge the liquid with energy into large Orthodox holidays, especially for baptism, because baptismic water has long been considered unique.

Even in our age progress, many locals believe that stock epiphany water Widow is their sacred duty, and with this faith it is hard to argue, because such miraculous water can always be useful. Such a liquid can be used not only to clean the body and soul from negative energy, but also to get rid of various diseases.

Holy Water - Panacea from many misfortunes

From which they used to be treated with holy water

Our ancestors of centuries used holy water for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Some evidence of this application and wonderful healing reached the present day. It is known that in the Ryazan region, holy water was used even with snake bite. During the Verbal South Road, the Holy Willows insisted on the kidneys, and it was this liquid that allowed to fight poison.

In the Novgorod region, special honors for a long time enjoyed the baptic water, it was used to treat hematomas and abrasion, and also lubricated any injuries on the body. In addition, it was believed that such water is the only reliable drug For diseases in infants. Of course, today should not forget about modern drugs, because they are really able to save lives.

In Russia, holy water was used not only for external and internal use. Since then, the tradition has reached our days epiphany bathing In the hole, because before this reservoir is sanctified, and therefore we can say that people swim in the already holy water.

It is believed that swimming in the holes for baptism is capable of riding a person from any diseases, even the most serious. Also, even completely healthy people Sunday in the hole in preventive purposes. The most amazing thing is that after such bathings there are practically no cases of colds, even sick people cold water Does not bring any complications.

Holy water today

Consecrated water and today retains its miraculous properties. In addition to the baptismic water, the Jordanian water, recruited on January 18, Sretenskaya Water, recruited on February 15, and Sunza water, recruited on August 19, will also suit the fight against the Sloga and Slaughter.

To get rid of a simple evil eye, sometimes enough just to sprinkle a sick person with holy water and let him drink a few sips. Little children, among other things, the holy water need to wash, and wet them the head.

This method - very good washing of household negative

With a strong seed, you can use the rite with the bathroom. Type half of the bathroom warm water, temperatures of 36-38 degrees Celsius, and then pour the crosswise crosswise a little consecrated water in the bath. After that, sitting in the bath and read any conspiracies known for you from negativity or prayer, will suit the well-known "Father our". If, after receiving the bath, you will notice a rash or even bruises on the body, then you should not be afraid, these are good signs, testifying to the beginning of the process of cleansing the body from negative induced energy. In addition, you can add several spoons of salt in the bath.

There are many folk superstition About how to use and from what holy water helps:

  • from all types of damage, the water is best helped, taken from three different crinic to sunrise;
  • from the springs and crinic water will be the cleanest and useful;
  • well helps from any diseases of water, which flows through the movement of the sun, that is, from the east to the west;
  • cline contributes to the purification of water, because water from the spring or river with the clay channel will be more useful than water taken from the reservoir with a stone bed;
  • an additional dignity has water that flows down the hill;
  • from witchcraft will help to protect the water that flows from the spring and is open to the wind and the sun;
  • the human body is best absorbing fresh white waterespecially if before use it will have a day in a new clay jug with an open neck;
  • holy water helps well against insomnia, for a strong sleep, you can make compresses on the forehead made of cold liquid;
  • warm legs for legs will help from headaches, in which a small amount of holy water is added;
  • so that in the house there were no bugs, spray with holy water beds and all bed linen.

Holy water is one of the most powerful sources of Christian energy. For proper useThis liquid can help in various life situations, ranging from manifestations of negative magical energy, ending with difficulties in personal life and diseases.

It is important to remember only that the Holy Water will have force only if you yourself will believe in this force, by virtue of God. For truly believers in any situation, other sources of otherworldly power, except the icon, holy water and prayer.

Since the ancient times, holy water was considered a universal way in the fight against different diseases and negative. Many are interested, is it possible to consecrate the water at home or can only be a minister? In principle, everyone can cope with this task, but the main thing is to have a huge faith and a clean soul.

How to sanctify water at home?

Take a three-liter jar, fill it with ordinary water from under the tap and leave it for a while stand. The next step is to read the presenter prayers over it and cross the bank three times. After that, holding hands on the bank, say such a prayer:

"God is great-named, creating miracles, right to bear numbers! We have to come to your praying slave, Vladyko: Drop the spirit of your piggy and consecrate the water of this, and give her grace of deliverance and the blessing of Jordanov: Satisfaction is a source of nonsense, sanctifying the gift, sin, resolutions, senses, demons. : Yako da WSI Hispancing Yu and the receiving from Does have to clean the soul and body, for healing harm, into a change in passion, to leaving sins, in the outdation of the evil, to the sprinkling and sanctification of houses and for any favor. And Elika, which in the Desha, or on the spot of fairly living water, the water will sprinkle, but all sorts of uncleanness will be released, but will get rid of harmlessness, below Tamo Yes, the spirit is destructive, below the air is harmful, and will take away any dream and the barking of the enemy There is, hedgehog, or to the health of living envy, or peace, the sprinkling of this water will reflect. Yako yes blessing and glorifying the precessive and magnificent your name, The Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly in the eyelids. Amen."

How to sanctify water Catholics?

First you need to sanctify the salt, which perfectly absorbs energy. Over it needs to read such words for the blessing:

"I ask the blessing of the father of Almighty for this salt, and let all the malice and obstacles go away, and let everyone be good here, because without you a person cannot live, and therefore I ask for a blessing and appeal to you so that you help me."

Then Psalm 103 is read. It is best to use for consecration. natural waterwhich can be scored in a reservoir or well. The selected fluid must be filtered. To consecrate water at home, pour into it several teaspoons of salt and tell these words:

"I bless you, about the creature of water, who, who created you and gathered you together in one place, so sushu appeared that you revealed all the deceptions of the enemy, and that you expelled all the impurities and bad spirits of the world fan, so that they can damage me not through the power of the Almighty God, who lives and reigns in the eyelids. Amen".

"Our salvation is the name of the Lord. Which made the sky and land. God's creation, salt, I expel the demons from you by God, by God the true holy God, God, who ordered you to be thrown into the water - how I made Elisha to heal him from infertility. I let you have a peeled salt, a means of health to those who believe, the cure for the soul and body for everyone who uses you. Let all evil dreams leave, the evil and the trick will be expelled away from the place where you sprinkle. And let any unclean spirit, will recover from him who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire. Amen".

Now you need to make a blessing of water to clean it from various demons and negative energy. For this you can say such words:

"God's creation, water, I drove the demon from you in the name of the Father's Almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ, his son, our Lord, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. You can be a purified water that eliminates all the strength of the enemy, in order to eradicate and cast out the enemy itself, along with their fallen angels. We ask about it through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world of fire. "

To complete the ritual, tell me:

"Let these salts and water be mixed in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

Mix the liquid, and when the salt is dissolved, say such a prayer:

"Oh God, who for the good of a person created the most amazing secrets of the properties of water, hear our prayer and flowing their blessing to this liquid, which is currently preparing various cleansing. Maybe this is your creature when it is used in your secret and endowed with your lightness and serves to expand demons and drive disease. Let all that this water splashes in homes and at the faithful meetings will free from everything that is unclean and offensive; Let in their breath be unclean; Let all goats that hide the enemy, he will not work. Sprinkling this water, allow all the peace and security, demons from these houses will be expelled, so that calling for your holy name they could get the desired well-being and be protected from any danger; Through Christ, our Lord. Amen".

How to use holy water?

First of all, the water is drunk, and it helps to get rid of diseases and prevent their appearance. The view that it needs to be done exclusively an unconfirmed on an unconfirmed and, in general, it can be drunk at any time and even after eating. Holy Water can nominate sick places and do it best in congestive. Thus, a person can get grace for healing. Holy Water can sprinkle the premises to clean them from negative energy.

Holy water is a shrine that is present in the house of a believer man. It is gained in the temples after prayer and sanctification and carefully use for needs.

All Orthodox sincere believe that the holy liquid helps with diseases, treacherous invasion of the dark forces and removing sins. Pouring housing, lubricating sick places and taking inside - every time the wonderful properties of water are manifested.

Respectative attitude and proper storage is the key to a long ministry of freshly lively moisture.

Holy water is a gift given by the Lord and the attitude towards it should be special. By gaining consecrated water, you must follow the following rules:

  • The liquid container must be purely washed and without stickers.
  • You should not recruit a large amount of water. The inclined moisture is considered to be "imprisonment of shrines" and may lose healing properties. When lacking can always be gained in any nearby temple on any day of the year.
  • Getting and giving out holy water, it is forbidden to squander or quarrel. Branj destroys faith and a prayer of the aspecting Christian.
  • Use for fortune telling and holding magic rituals.

To preserve the miraculous properties, the liquid vessel is tightly closed with a lid, store near home icons and do not allow the capacity of the solar rays.

Truly, the use of holy water is limitless with careful and deliberate use. And yet there are rules that can be done with holy water, and what is impossible.

How to use it

Watering in room colors

You can not use liquid for watering colors. Consecrated water with proper use and reverence can save the best properties for a long time.

However, if long storage water changed the color or appeared nasty smell, then in front of the parishioner commensurate the question arises, and whether it is possible to pour houseplants Or flowers?

The clergymen favorably give permission to utilize the water in this way. If there are no plants in the house, then the remnants of water can be poured a tree or shrub on the territory of the church.

Permissible to put water on the floor?

Agiasma is the same shrine as an icon or other church attribute and requires proper respect. Floor or land is considered a place where a sinner can pass and if you put a vessel on the floor, the water can be desecrated and lose the healing effect. Before a set of moisture, we should consider where to put the container on arrival home without resorting to the installation on the floor. If the action is forced and briefly, it is permissible. The only place where you can put the dishes with water to the floor are the temple.

Medication and water

Do not drink medicine with holy water. Foresting people escho believe that drinking with consecrated water medicationsThe effect of the tablets is enhanced, and the disease quickly and inevitably retreat.

Priests on the question whether it is possible to drink the medicine of the Aguisma, answer that strict prohibition There is no reason to the action, as there is no consent.

Of course, if at the time of the adoption of the medication will not be at hand of ordinary water, the foulation of holy water is not considered blasphemy. But if there is a choice, then do not combine medical preparations And the shrine.

Dilution of holy water ordinary

As a large amount of holy fluid in the temple, a person is automatically made by the hostage superstition that magical power is concluded in the water and it is not thinking that every drop is full of prayer and is the blessing of God.

Dilute holy water is not rebiring and just welcome, If a person needs to eat the Aguiams. It is enough to bring a small clik of water from the temple in a small capacity and at home, with a prayer, add to ordinary water, it will immediately acquire miraculous properties. But the right advantage will be a regular visit to the church and receiving new consecrated water.

Application to animals: can or not?

Sin drink animals with sanctified water. The Saint Scripture says that animals cannot be touched by the shrine. therefore feeding pets with holy water is prohibited. However, if the animal threatens a deadly disease, and the owner relies on the best outcome, then a few drops of added to the main drink will not be superfluous.

But, by the way, the animal will not be able to evaluate the good fluid, and only the owner's belief will help defeat the disease. The sprinkling of pets of the lively moisture is not prohibited. The combination of prayers from diseases and the sprinkling of holy water will be removed by the pet from the misfortune.

Using Agiasma when cleaning

Washing floors with sanctified water is prohibited Walking the legs after cleaning is considered to be defiled. Application when washing different surfaces is also not permissible. The dwelling is permitted and if the moisture in the process falls to the floor, then there is no sin. If the water container fell and shed to the floor, then moisture is collected by a clean napkin, pressed into another dishes or water flowers or poured into flow water.

Consecration of the Cross House

The best protection of the Orthodox is the cross consecrated by the spiritual person in the temple. But if you need an immediate patronage, then the cross can be consecrated independently. To carry out holy water and prayer before the icon about the help of the Lord.

Cooking for holy water

Food add shrine is prohibited. Adding a shrine in food or in tea is unacceptable And it is considered a sin.

No need to combine the desire to turn to God, and fill the stomach.

Sanctified water is designed to get rid of spiritual, not worldly problems.

Permissible sprinkling of food with prayer, faith and gratitude.

Holy Water Bath

Use a car to take a bath is prohibited For the hitting of shrines in wastewater is considered a disrespectful attitude. The ablution in the Holy Water, in the hope of absolving sins, will not bring the result, only faith and sincere repentance can clean a person. But wetting the body of holy water after taking a bath with ordinary water is allowed. Small number applied to the palm, you can wash your face and chest.

Can I sanctify the rifle with holy water?

From the point of view of logic, the consecration of the weapon is unacceptable, because to kill sin. But from the position of Russian orthodox church Consecration is allowed and regarded as a means of forced struggle with evil. A rifle stored in the house is sanctified to protect households From the possible attack of robbers.

Sale: benefit or sin?

Pay for holy water is considered blasphemy. This is the gift of God and gives it free. But if the shipping of the shrine took cash spending, then you can compensate the spent and call it a donation.

Is it possible to give holy water from home, share or give someone else's people?

Giving part of the holy water to an unfamiliar person, but you need to be firmly confident that moisture will be used in useful and not containing evil thoughts of affairs.

Boil and freezing

Freezing is not required. Water becomes consecrated after reading the priest of special prayers and immersion of the cross. After that, the fluid is filled with God's grace, cleaned from every negative and retains freshness and miraculous properties for a long time. Therefore, boiling is not required.

Store water in the refrigerator is not necessary, It is defiled by lying nearby products. Also not subject to freezing. Under influence low temperatures Water changes the structure and loses healing qualities, and after thawing it quickly comes into disrepair.

What to do with unused

Where to pour holy water? Sometimes it happens that, and man fears to use it inside. Then the remnants of the water pour into place are far from unclean. Pour to the path where people or animals go, in the sewer - it is impossible! This is extreme disrespect for the shrine. A permissible place to drain unsuitable moisture is the river With the current, outdoor reservoir, tree with a temple, indoor plants.

Consecration of water is a great sacrament. It makes it possible to return to pristine clean and get closer to the Lord. Using holy water man, heals the soul and body.