There is a magic in fact. Is there really magic in fact: how is black, white and spontaneous magic

For many centuries, our civilization is looking for answers to the question of whether there is magic? However, there is still no one-time opinion on this.

Some selected materialists argue that everything in this world is financially, and cannot be other ways to influence the natural course of things. Many people believe that with the help of uncomplicated manipulations with a photo and can cure a person.

So believe in that, there is a magic or not - everyone's personal matter. And what will affect the adherents of Feng Shui, who are trying to affect the development of a particular area of \u200b\u200blife through the proper placement of symbols in certain zones of the apartment? What is it? There are many questions.

In the distant times, the existence of witches and dark forces believed unconditionally, even burned in the fire of disadvantageous people who were considered representatives of the otherworldly.

Currently, there are even programs on television, where people are treated for psychics with a request to help figure out their problems. Someone killed a child with mysterious circumstances. Someone creaks the floors and doors in the house, and at night as if someone goes. All this is nothing more than magic and paranormal phenomena, so you do not have to wonder if there is magic.

It is conditionally accepted to share magic on white and black, on, so to speak, good, light magic and dark - evil. Similarly, it is believed that there are black witches and sorcerers who are engaged in dangerous attractions and spells capable of subordinate to the will of man.

There is an e-argument about who is considered a stronger magician - white or black. At the same time, it is implied that dark forces that learn horror are helping black magicians ordinary personWhile white magicians talk about their connection with God and bright forces.

Often, magicians enjoy similar auxiliary instruments. They use tarot cards, stones, feathers, bones. Each of them can have their own mascots who help him tune in to the desired "wave" and hear the tips of spirits from

The most famous magicians also possessed their own characteristics inherent only by him. So, for example, in the Middle Ages, a girl-Druid girl lived, who knew how to immerse with his magic birds of patients in deep sleep and cure them.

There was also a well-known dark sorcerer of Morgan Le Fay, considered the strongest magician opposing Merlin, who, in turn, was also a powerful wizard. Both Magians had a huge force, able to turn into animals and understood their speech.

There were enough unusual sorcerers. For example, Urrick was strange was an eccentric magician and wore a jellyfish on his head instead of a cap.

Just as before, people continue to seek help from various kinds of magicians. Especially when it comes to events in life, which they are unable to influence. So, women whose husbands went to mistresses, are able to ask for help for their kind of magicians and ask them to return a cute in the family.

Unfortunately, few people are thinking over what methods are used by witches. Therefore, sometimes such "cooperation" can have quite negative consequences. The fact is that any witchcraft should not subjugate someone else's will, and people believe that they have the right to decide themselves - for whom and what will be better.

Is there magic or not - to solve you. To this day, there are many questions, the answers to which no science is able to give.

It is just known only one thing: each person has its own energy and biofield. And interference against the will of a person can have very negative consequences as for himself, and for the one who decided on such an intervention.

Miracles - you can call all this as you like, but as long as it is not known exactly what it can be, everyone has the right to believe in what he wants.

From ancient times there are a lot of disputes about whether there is magic in fact or it is just fiction. The magic of centuries existed on the verge between reality and myth. Probably there is no something more ambiguous and mysterious than magic. Centuries people try to get to the essence of white and black magic. But to this day it was not possible to figure out what is all the same. History informs us that in different parts of the world in different time Miracles occur. Perhaps all miracles fixed in world history are only hallucinations, imagination fruit? So does magic really exist? On this occasion, there are no disputes in society.

It is hardly only one chance can be attributed to the existence at all times the disadvantaged faith that magic is. Perhaps this faith survived because it was not superstition, but the knowledge that was based on vital experience all mankind? Probably, today there is an equal number of opinions - both against magic and for it. Even the very definition of Magic can argue for a very long time. What is it? Magic, creativity, some abilities of a person, art? Those who talk about magic on professional level, determine it as a certain set of actions that are able to change the world. And those who do not believe in magic represent it as something distant and abstract, who came from children's books.

But it can be quite possible that even those events that are described in fairy tales have something to do with reality, because no wonder the fabulous narratives are called the first lessons for children. For example, in many fabulous works, water is mentioned - alive and dead. Is it a pure fiction or user? Anyone, a couple of dozen years ago, would answer that all this is just fairy tales, nothing more. Everyone believed that the water in principle could not be dead or alive. However, today there are whole scientific treatises that suggest that water in directly affects the human body. Water is capable of healing a person, and in incorrectly charged water can be poisoned. At the moment, it is proved that water has the ability to absorb information and can have a significant impact on the world around. Recently, scientists simply laughed at the actions of healers who were aimed at water banks. But today these the most scientists invite healers to cooperate and carefully study the contents of these cans. Those. The fact that yesterday seemed unthinkable today is a fact. Therefore, there is a high probability that the magic still exists, just science has not yet found a way to prove it.

It seems that in an empty place could not have a single children's fairy tale. Our brain adds every innovation from already familiar to him "details", making up its own mosaic. But where did these very "details come from? In each fairy tale there is a certain proportion of truth, it was just that the sharp corners are descended.

Adherents of materialism argue that magic does not exist that it is just fiction. They believe that everything in the world is financially and that there is only what we see and what is tangible. All in this world obeys the laws of chemistry and physics. But the question arises - unless other laws are not yet open, the laws in which the magic algorithm actually works?

Even at the dawn of the development of mankind, people had already had a different presentation regarding the material world. This manifested itself, first of all, in faith in the afterlife. When a man was dying, the community took care in every way about the dead. They believed that he continues to live, just in another form. Therefore, he was protected from wild animals in every way, they brought him a gifts, funeral rituals.

Magic time immemorials found spreading on the lands of Russia, sorcerers and the signs lived in all villages. And between them was an obvious difference. For example, the sorcerer suggested and the like, i.e. Enjoyed magic in unfinished purposes. And the badge could turn the damage and heal people. The sorcerers were natural and involuntary, engaged love Magia. For the Middle Ages, Magic was something very terrible, the magic was condemned at that time. The sorcerers and witches were burned one by one by a den. However, even at that time, whole organizations appeared, communities, numbering hundreds of people who engaged in magic to one way or another.

There are such forms of human faith in the existence of something invisible and supernatural as totemism, animism. Totemism was special system Myths and beliefs of a person in the supernatural community of groups with plants and animals, which were called Totems. Animism is a faith of a person in the existence of spirits. Fetishism is the endowment of objects with supernatural properties. In addition, as humanity has developed, necromancentia, shamanism and various kinds of cults of a certain community caused by the territory of the location appeared.

Therefore, if on the question of whether there is magic, to respond from the point of view of history, the answer will definitely be positive. It just obeys other laws. These laws are inevitable, irreversible and universal. Scientists have long been open such properties of the human body as biofield, energy. Man can manage circumstances, manage environmental. In fact, there is no case. Than stronger energy Human, his willpie, and the stronger he himself, the more chances he has to manage circumstances.

In magic to the end you can not believe, but you can not remember that for a long time Humanity did not believe that our planet has a shape of a ball. Previously, those who did such statements considered heretics. But as a result, it turned out that they were right. It may well be that the same situation develops with magic. Science can not give an unequivocal answer to the question of whether there is magic or not.

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Nowadays it is believed that magic exists only in fairy tales and fantasy films. But is it really? Let's try to figure it out. Anyone is surrounded by an invisible energy field consisting of many secondary energies. It has long been verified and recognized by science. I think you will agree that magic in our understanding is the ability to manage invisible eye energy. The ability to influence the biopol of another person is also magic. Let it have no place for fiery balls and, but "", "", "placebo effect" - not empty words. Now everything is in order.

A man's biofield affects his life in general and reminds the second immunity, which many forget about. For example, the depressed person in depression is much more likely to catch the "energy virus" than in the vigorous and cheerful. We are accustomed to calling a similar phenomenon of the "Slam" or "Slaughter". Most considers these concepts only with a superstition, justifying what is happening by random bad luck.

This area of \u200b\u200bknowledge has little studied and no one knows exactly how negative effect Forms on concrete person. It is also known that only the damage is the result of the interaction of two biopoles. In the first case, this happens by chance and most often from a person with a stronger aura. In the second, intentionally, that is, with malicious intent, but also from a person with a strongly dominant biopole.

Undoubtedly, any change in biofield affects his material core - the human body. Sometimes negative effect can cause not only a series of failures, but also serious problems with health. Fortunately, the "Magic Energies" can be positive.

Surely you have repeatedly heard the stories from our grandmothers about the village "grandmas", relaying diseases by strange rites and words. For such folk healers, the suffering came not only from neighboring settlements, but also from distant edges and everyone could personally make sure the miracle.

Sometimes the dominant biofield can temporarily subjugate heavily. A strange phenomenon called "Hypnosis" is officially recognized as science, but real hypnotism units that have long been lost in the total mass of illusionists and magicians.

For example, let's say that people who are able to deliberately influence someone else's biofield, very little and most often they lead a secretive lifestyle using their gift only for themselves. Nowadays, 99% of sorcerers and healers, cursing enemies, or illustrate fees are ordinary charlatans.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the "placebo effect", clearly demonstrating the power of the invisible energy. Hopeless patient under the guise of drugs gives his substitute without medical properties And the patient gradually goes on the amendment, due to self-sustainment. This paradox was first noted in medicine in 1785 and was actively used until the XX century. IN this caseWith the help of artificial motivators, a person himself subconsciously sets his biofield to a positive effect.

Attitude towards magic is something like a relationship to religion. Even the most harmonious atheists do not, no, and think that not everything is so simple and understandable in our world. It is possible for a long time to argue about that there is a magic in fact or it is just part of the human self-impact, such an illusion that allows you to give out the desired for valid. I will not argue with you on this subject I will simply describe the facts and tell you, what is this power and whether to believe in it.

Magic is a kind of religion

The history of the emergence of magic

Magic as a science, and this is exactly science, which has existed since those times, as a reasonable person realized his place in this world and began his way to the top. I was not afraid at the beginning mentioned that magic is a kind of religion. Just think even the Christian religion is a kind of magic. People go to the temple, put a candle to their holy and utter words of prayer, here's a ritual. And you must admit that every prayer is a request, please contact the Holy Spirit. If you drop everything, than filled your heads about the fact that magic is rituals and evil, and religion is a worship of the Lord and means good, you will understand that these two directions are the same source. And this is not blasphemy, it is a really sober look at things.

The same I want to say about the division of magic into two different directions, that is, what exists: White Magic and Black Magic. There is no white, black, gray or purple magic, it is alone, it is one strength, one skill and some knowledge, giving the opportunity to work with human energy and with the energies of the world. Is there black magic in reality? Whether there is a White Magic? Yes, there is a magic in the real world. But she is not black, and not lilac, it is simply magic, without flowers and shades.

How can the canons of magic

Studying historical factsAs regards magic and how this teaching on Earth developed, we can explicitly see that the path in many ways repeated the road of religion.

First Fact: Path

Primitive times: Magic is at the same level with the first religion. It is with the help of rituals that most issues are solved. Mages of those times are not subjected to condemnation or persecution, even on the contrary they are assessed by honors. Ancient servants of the Divine Pantheon are magicians and sorcerers. That is, religion, and magic in those times were single and gained the same worship and reverence.

There were all ancient magic in the astral world, and it was also magic, ancient and strong.

The period of the Middle Ages brought its own adjustments. With the arrival of Christianity, the look at magic radically changed. Just think how pervertedly the inquisition used religion for its own purposes. Already long ago, historians shout about the fact that all the actions of the Inquisition, the witch hunt, and burning on the fire is nothing more than magic, and very unreaction. In those days, the most rigorous laws were earthed: do not kill and love their neighbor as himself. If you reset the shackles of imposed opinions and compare the witch burning ritual on the fire and the ritual of black sacrifice, you will see that the procedure is identical, and this is a real human sacrifice. But because they said, but even during the inquisition, religion and magic were united, that's just the attitude towards this force was perverted.

Burning witch on the fire is nothing but a magic and very unreaction

Fact Second: Efficiency

It is possible to argue about whether magical rituals are effective, or this is the most self-sufficiency for a long time, but the fact remains a fact - if there were no effects. This teaching would not have passed their way from the beginning of time to the times of the Great Computerization. I will not assure you that everyone can become a magician, but still we have the starting force from our very birth. Just someone does not want to believe someone afraid of what feels and tries to hide from it, and someone opens his mind and takes the first step by choosing the path of magic. Think here is a man with a look, the strength of thought moves the subject. We all know that this is no magic, but Texienez, one of the many forces hidden in our subconscious. That's just someone can do it, and someone is not. Also with the skills work with energy, someone can do it, and someone is not. But at the time of the Inquisition, this was a clear application for magic.

My first magical experiments were connected at all with magic as such. In his 10-11 years, the magic for me was somewhere at the level of the fairy tale about the evil sorcerer. But the fact remains a fact, I applied the power to myself, engaged in self-medication. I had a tooth, strongly, I could not sleep, and then I began to concentrate on this pain presenting it as a bowl of black and red, covered with needles and glass fragments. He hurt me this ball, and I began to mentally present it in detail, just visualize, and then I just "took out" him. The experiment was a success, the pain was gone, here's the magic. Magic exists, and magic is the ability to manipulate energy using it for their own purposes.

Fact Third: Punishment

Oh, yes, what about what, but about how terrible punishment is waiting for those who do magic, you can talk and listen for hours. Ask the inhabitants, why you can not do magic, and you will hear that it is against God's laws, that this is a sin and so on. Noticed a strange thing, here for those who are in the ears in sin magic is a terrible sin. We in our knowledge of the world, modern canons can be with irony to treat the girl who preserved their virginity to 25 years, and she adheres to the law of God's cleanliness of his body. But we do not see anything terrible to start an intrigue on the side, we do not refuse yourself the pleasure to eat something delicious or drink wine with girlfriends, yes, what a lot to talk, we have an abortion legalized surgery. And adultery, sexual relationships before marriage and murder, and abortion is a murder, and also collective, yes plus it is also the murder of the soul of innocent on God's laws, sinless, it is much worse than sins than the occupation of magic. And therefore we conclude - the punishment for witchcraft will not be terrible than the punishment for the abortion or the punishment for the relationship before marriage. And if so, why do we take these sins as something ordinary, and you can't tremble before God's car, but the punishment for magic turns us into horror and fear of paying? It's just hypocrisy.

Fort Fourth: suggestion

A suggestion is a terrible weapon. And you should not argue with me. In particular, this most suggestion is revealed in those spheres that concern exactly witchcraft. I know the girl Practice, which at all did not resort to rituals as such to punish your offender or, on the contrary, give a man strength and faith in my senses. Her work was sometimes founded simply on suggestion to people of certain thoughts. I will give an example: a colleague on work built it to go to her. But she did not spend on this particular force, despite the fact that she had the ability. She went on the most gentle way: I downloaded the photo of my offender from the Internet, just pounded her eyes in the image, notice, without any rituals, just so dot, and burned the photo along the contour. Then this disfigured drawing threw the offender. When the photo was found, the brain of the offensive launched the self-alignment program "damage me!". And despite the fact that it was a convinced atheistic subconscious. Beginning of its work and all the life failures and problems that, before that, she perceived precisely as life ordinary troubles suddenly found the foundation: "Magic, black magic, damage." What horror, however! I will say honestly, it was funny enough to watch her thumbnails, and for everything that she did, the desire to calm her or regret it. But the fact remains a fact, this person has sharply dressed sleeps, she did not know who made such a thing against her, and came to the decision to leave colleagues alone. Well, yes, she later found some Magic-charlatan who confirmed her damage and wore him money for the removal of this very terrible damage. But this is a completely different story. The fact remains the fact of force was not spent precisely the magical, and the effect was. And why? Because subconsciously we all believe in the existence of magic and we are afraid that magicians will begin against us with the desire to cause harm.

Suggestion is a terrible weapon

Let's summarize

Now, when we have already figured out what the magic and witchcraft have come time to summarize. Why not worth it to be afraid:

  • the ability to do magic is not a fact that you contacted the devil, this is a fact that you have not lost data to you by nature when the ability to work with the energy of the world, but managed to strengthen them and develop;
  • magic and religion have the same roots at the heart, Ignoring a candle in front and pronunciation of prayer, you spend the most apparent ritual of appeal to the highest strength and reinforce it with a plot (prayer);
  • punishment for magic or witchcraft is not worse than that punishment that is waiting for you for adultery, sex to marriage, abortion or just for the desire to dance and drink alcohol.

Magic exists, but these forces did not come to you from the devil or God, the magic is one, this ability to work with energy. But send you your ability to punish or to help people are your personal matter. I do not share magic on colors, as well as does not condemn if the practice works with rituals designed to shock someone, lime someone or send damage to the victim. As they say, everyone gets along their acts. I admit the fact that one person may be so much to bring another person to crying that the revenge can pour into the ritual for the death of the enemy or in damage to health. And I also recognize the fact that a love spell let him refer to aggressive species Magic is sometimes the only opportunity to achieve such desired happiness.

In childhood, we all believed in miracles. We believed that Grandfather Frost with his flying deer and sleigh exists that tooth Fairy Gives us a money for a tooth that a terrible beast lives under the bed, and hides in the closet home. We believed that magic exists, and she helps us everywhere and in everything, but with age we stop believing in miracles. We become skeptics, and everything is looking for a rational explanation. So there is a magic actually? In this and try to figure it out on this page.

This site is called. Probably, you think that I will prove you that the magic exists. In fact, I will express my position, and you join the discussion. This can be done below in the comments.

Is there magic?

When people ask a question: "Is there magic?"They begin to divide into three categories. The first category is confident that magic does not exist, that this is complete nonsense and you need to be a realist. The second category is confident that the magic still exists. They begin to give examples from their life when incomprehensible things and events took place with them. The third category occupies a neutral position. They argue that magic exists, but cannot be proved by examples.

I myself treat the third category. I am sure that it is supernatural and it is hidden from human Eyes.. But before you give the final answer to this question, you must first understand what is magic. So you can answer the question what magic is? If not, how do you understand that it exists?

For me, magic is witchcraft. If you watched the series "Enchanted", then you will understand what I'm talking about. But this does not mean that magic, this is the ability to freeze people, telecision, teleportation and so on. This is superposable.

Magic is associated with something inaccessible and inexplicable. It seems that only inborn magicians can engage in magic. And the magicians are black and white. I am sure that you do not need to explain, which of them is kind, and who is bad.

Those people who believe in magic are referring to the magicians. Now fake magicians a lot. These magicians will not be able to find on an advertisement. Personally, I would hide my superpowers and the ability to make non-standard things. In the medieval witch ignited on fires, since magic was perceived by something terrible and incomprehensible.

The magician is not the person who, after reading the spell, will turn a person to the pig. It's i'm a series again "Enchanted" remembered. I can't forget that series, where Phoebe turned his fat competitor in the pig. It was funny. Okay, we will not deviate from the topic.

Mage can clean karma, improve health, and so on. That is, there is nothing supernatural. For someone, the strip of luck is already a whole magic. Or Uncle, one touch cured a sick place in a person and everything is the most real miracle.

Any inexplicable phenomenon can already be perceived for magic. Why? Because it usually does not happen. Real case From life, a girl in a week, eight guys made an offer to marry, and before no one did it. Isn't it a miracle? Isn't that magic? How can this be explained?

Magic exists in our world, but not as in the series "Enchanted" or films about Harry Potter. I myself would like such magic existed, but alas. All people want to have the opportunity to manage reality to their taste and switches with magic. In this case, chaos would work on Earth. Therefore, God limited us.

As I said, much hidden from the human eye. Most people believe only in what they see and feel. If this can be touched, it means that it presents. If this is not visible, it means that it is not. In fact, if we do not see something, it does not mean that this is not.

Once I watched the Mystical Canal Ren-TV. There were explained the essence of white hotness, that is, why people begin to see what is unclear. The scientist explained that under the influence of alcohol, the soul of a man begins quietly separated from the body. Our soul, in contrast to the eye, can see everything. A person begins to see the demons that eat right now, but we do not see them. They can be from you five centimeters, but you will not know about it.

Having learned about it, I became bad. I don't want to believe in such magic. I want you to understand that if you don't see something or cannot explain, it does not mean that this does not exist. There is something in any way. The world itself is arranged in an unusual way, as if all this is no coincidence.

Believers in magic people begin to start magic rituals. It can be conspiracies for good luck, love spells, other rituals. Skeptics turn them with a finger at the temple. I will say honestly, I also twisted my finger at the temple. It looks ridiculous when some dude jumps with a tambourine around the fire, uttering incomprehensible text. This is difficult to perceive seriously. However, some people do that.

If you believe in magic, you can create your ritual, your conspiracy. Many Hollywood stars have their rituals and conspiracies. There are mantras, any techniques to attract the desired. But they work not for everyone. They work only for those who believe. It is faith that is the most powerful magic tool to attract all that you want.

Rituals are a placebo. It's all about faith and only in it. Are you able to believe in the impossible? A positive answer only 0.0001%. All other people are skeptical about inexplicable phenomena. Therefore, if you start practicing all kinds of magical techniques, first you will have to believe that these techniques work. Vera is the most powerful magic that we do not know how to manage.

So what conclusions can be made from the article "Is there magic?" . The first conclusion is that magic exists, and it happens when a person begins to believe in it. The second fact is that we are people, we see and realize not all that happens to us. God fence us from much. If you do not see something or do not feel, it does not mean that this is not. With examples of demons I will not repeat it bad example. The third conclusion: all rituals and conspiracies are only placebo. They work when you believe. If you believe - everything is possible. And we believe in miracles and do not know how. Therefore, it is not in our lives.

Finally, look at the video. The ending says that it is better not to joke with magic.

Is there a magic that is magic
