Oncomarkers CA 19 9 AFP REA. Cancer Antigen - What is it? Characteristics of various oncomarcresses and decoding results of analyzes

Synonyms: Cancer Antigen, Carbohydrate Antigen CA 125, Antigen Carbohydrate, Carbohydrate Antigen, Cancer Case 125

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Period of execution

The analysis will be ready within 1 day (except for the day of the taking of biomaterial). You will receive results on email. mail immediately ready.

Execution time: 2 days, excluding Saturday and Sunday (except for the day of the biomaterial)

Preparation for analysis

In advance

Do not give blood test immediately after X-ray, fluorography, ultrasound, physiotherapy.

Discuss with your doctor medicinal drugs on the eve and on the day of blood test, as well as other additional preparation conditions.

On the eve

24 hours before blood takes:

Limit oily and fried food, do not take alcohol.

Exclude heavy exercise.

At least 4 hours before blood delivery, do not take food, sing only pure non-carbonated water.

On the day of delivery

60 minutes before the blood fence is not smoking.

15-30 minutes before the blood fence is calm.

Information about Analysis

The determination of the level Ca 125 in serum is used to monitor the flow of cancer of the ovaries, the preclinical diagnosis of metastasis and evaluating the effectiveness of cancer therapy, diagnostics of the recurrences of ovarian cancer. In addition, the study of CA 125 is used in the complex of diagnostics of neoplasms of peritoneum, pleura, serous amount of the cavity (peritonitis, pleurisy), endometriosis.

Research Method - Chemiluminescent Immune Analysis

Material for research - blood serum

Composition and results

Sa 125.

Antigen CA 125 (Cancer Antigen 125, Cancer Antigen 125) is a Muzin type glycoprotein (mm ~ 1000 kDa), which comes from the derivatives of the organic epithelium of the fetal tissues. The CA 125 level may increase in the serum of the sick cancer of the ovaries. SA 125 functions are unknown. Ovarian cancer is a fairly frequent gynecological oncological disease. Mortality from this disease among other neoplasms ranks fourth. In the early, most curboral stages, ovarian cancer is usually asymptomatic and for the beginning of the examination, many patients have a common disease. Favorable prognostic factors in the ovarian cancer include young age, the initial stage of the disease, the small volume of the tumor before the operation, its high differentiation. It has not been proven that determining the level of the CA 125 antigen in the blood serum has prognostic value when screening or diagnosing ovarian cancer, but the level of antigen CA 125 correlates with the patient's condition after the start of treatment.

CA 125 Analysis and determination of the level of antigen in the blood serum can be used as an additional criterion in monitoring the effectiveness of therapy in patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma. A continuous increase in the level of antigen in blood test (CA 125) may indicate the progression of the disease. A constantly elevated level of antigen in the blood test on Ca 125 may indicate an insufficient effect of therapy, while the decrease in the concentration of the CA 125 antigen testifies to a positive therapeutic effect.

The level of antigen in blood serum (CA 125 analysis) is increased in many patients with epithelial ovarian carcinoma. When conducting an analysis to oncomarker Ca 125, the concentration can also increase with other benign or malignant diseases, such as endometriosis, lung cancer, as well as in pregnancy. If the level of antigen in the blood serum (CA 125 analysis) is below the limit threshold value, this does not mean the absence of a residual cancer of the ovaries. When monitoring the ovarian cancer and the proper maintenance of the patient, other tests and procedures adopted in clinical practice should also be taken into account.

Interpretation of the results of the study "CA 125"

The interpretation of the results of analyzes is information, is not a diagnosis and does not replace the doctor's advice. Reference values \u200b\u200bmay differ from those specified depending on the equipment used, current values \u200b\u200bwill be listed on the result form.

The determination of the level Ca 125 in serum is used to monitor the flow of cancer of the ovaries, the preclinical diagnosis of metastasis and evaluating the effectiveness of cancer therapy, diagnostics of the recurrences of ovarian cancer. In addition, the study of CA 125 is used in the complex of diagnostics of neoplasms of peritoneum, pleura, serous flow in the cavity (peritonitis, pleurisy), endometriosis.

In addition to increased production of CA 125 tumor tissue with ovarian cancer, an increase in the level of this serum marker can be observed in healthy individuals (about 1%) in patients with non-malignant pathological conditions (about 6%). Sometimes an increase in the level of C 125 in the blood serum is observed in patients with nonreghecological malignant neoplasms (carcinoma of the pancreas, lungs, etc.). Since, CA 125, like other glycoproteins, is destroyed in the liver, an increase in its level can be detected in the pathology of the liver, especially when cirrhosis of the liver. Due to low specificity, the test is not recommended to be used as screening to detect ovarian cancer.

Unit of measurement: Uzh / ml

Reference values:< 35,0 Ед/мл


  • Oncological diseases: ovarian cancer (in 80% of cases), uterus cancer, endometrial cancer, foolopian pipe cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer.
  • Other diseases: endometriosis, adnexites, cystic ovarian formations, gynecological infection, peritonitis, pleurisite, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis, autoimmune pathology.


  • There is no diagnostic value.

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The tumor antigen is a substance that is produced in oncoclecks, causing an immune response from humans. Cancer antigenit is a useful tumor marker in identifying cells with a malignant process, and can also be used for the purpose of oncotherapy.

Any protein produced in a tumor cell can act as a cancer antigen due to its abnormal structure. Such proteins are formed as a result of mutation of the corresponding gene. The mutation of the protoncogens and tumor suppressors leads to the formation of abnormal proteins called antigens. Examples of tumor antigens include RAS and P53 products.

Cancer Antigen - Classification

Mutation of other genes that are not related to the formation of a tumor can lead to synthesis of abnormal proteins. Depending on severity, they are distributed into two categories:

  1. Tumor-specific antigens present only in cells with a pronounced malignant process.
  2. Tumor antigens that are both in cancer cells and in conventional.

In accordance with the molecular structure and source, oncologydisasters such cancer antigens:

  • products of mutated oncogenes and suppressors;
  • tumor antigens manufactured by oncuars;
  • oncofetal antigens;
  • changed cell surfaces of glycolipids and glycoproteins;
  • antigens of a specific type of disease.

Communication tumors with cancer antigens

Tumor antigens due to their content in mutated cells can be used in the definition of some cancer, in particular:

  1. Alfaphhetoprotein (AFP) in abundance is contained in tumors of originating cells and hepatocellular carcinoma.
  2. The carcinosembrium antigen (CEA) is in the intestinal cancer, and is also sometimes revealed in the lungs or during breast cancer.
  3. Cancer Antigen 125. It is formed during the diagnosis "".
  4. The epithelial tumor antigen is observed in breast cancer.
  5. Tyrosinase is present in melanoma.
  6. Pathological products of the Russian Academy of Sciences, P 53 can be detected in various tumors.

Cancer Antigen 125.

Cancer Antigen 125. It is a protein discovered on the surface of many cancer cells of the ovarian, as well as in other types of tumors. The CA-125 test measures the amount of protein in the blood and works as an oncomarker, and also tracks the therapeutic effect of treatment and the ability (relapse).

Cancer Antigen Measuring 125

The analysis is carried out from a blood sample, as well as liquids taken from the chest or abdominal cavity. All tests are based on the use of antibodies aimed at SA 125 protein (monoclonal antibody technique).

When identifying a malignant tumor, spreading to other sites, an antigen analysis will help learn what kind of cell the cancer process began. The high level of CA 125 is a sign that cancer was originally formed in the ovary.

Measurement results

Normal significance represents less than 35 units per milliliter. However, the allowable range may vary depending on the laboratory and the overall picture of the disease.

Diagnostic value of analyzes

The high value of the analysis may be caused by other conditions:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • endometriosis or mioma of the uterus;
  • liver diseases such as hepatitis or cirrhosis, as well as pancreatitis;
  • first trimester of pregnancy.

Cancer types and high test value include diseases:

  • ovarian cancer, uterine pipes or uterus;
  • pancreas, stomach, esophagus, liver, breast, colon or lung;
  • the neoplasms that spread to the mucous membrane of the abdominal cavity, including lymphoma.

Carcinoembrium antigen (seu)

Often a question: " Cancer-embryonic antigen - what is it? ". This is an element that describes the set of closely bound glycoproteins involved in cell adhesion. This type of antigen is produced in gastrointestinal fabric during the period of intrauterine development and stops before birth. Therefore, healthy adult seu is present only in very low quantities.

In some types of cancer, these serum levels rise, which indicates the possibility of using carcinoembrium analysis as an oncomarker.

Measurement results

The normal range of the level of carcinoembrium antigen, accumulated in the blood, for non-smoking adult is< 2,5 нг/мл, а для курильщика < 5 нг/мл.

Diagnostic value

Increased level of carcinoembrium antigen may indicate such processes:

  1. The presence of benign tumor cells. At the same time, the indicators do not rise above 10 ng / ml.
  2. Infections or inflammatory bowel disease, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis.
  3. The death of tumor cells due to the impact of chemotherapy or radiation treatment.

The use of testing is especially justified in studies conducted on the cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. When the CEA level is abnormally high before the operation or other type of treatment, after successful therapy, it should decrease to the normal indicator. If the indicators remain high, this situation may indicate the progression or recurrence of the disease. In addition, the level of\u003e 20 ng / ml, detected before the start of therapy, is often associated with tumor metastasis.

The conditions for high indicators of the presence of a cancer-embryonic antigen characterize such oncological processes as:

  • cancer thick and rectum;
  • , stomach, breast, some types of thyroid cancer.

Cute carbohydrate antigen (SA-125) Detected on a heterogeneous group of glycoproteins with a high molecular weight.

Present in the cells of the lines of serous ovary carcinoma, as well as in the sections of serous adenocarcin tissue, but not in the muffin-forming ovarian adenocarcinations. Material for laboratory determination of this antigen - serum or blood plasma. Research Method - IFA. In healthy women, the norm is less than 35 ke / l. Concentration of CA 125 in serum more than 95% of healthy donors also does not exceed 35 ke / l. In 99% of practically healthy women in postmenopausage CA-125 content below 20 ke / l.

It is the most popular oncomarker used in the epithelial cancer of the ovarian, since the increase in its content is observed in 80% of all patients with this disease and, in this regard, is considered a selective marker of the tumor lesion of the ovaries. High concentrations (116-1200 ke / l) were detected in 88.8% of such patients.

The disadvantage of cancer carbohydrate antigen is its low sensitivity in the early stages, since its increased content is observed only in 50% of the patients stage 1 Figo.

Another negative property of Case-125 is an increase in concentration with various benign gynecological tumors and with inflammatory processes with the involvement of appendages. In this case, there may be very significant exceeding normal values. A slight rise in the content of this marker can be detected at various autoimmune diseases, with hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, with chronic pancreatitis.

In some cases, the cause of increasing concentration of cancer carbohydrate antigen may be tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, breast. Specificity of differentiation of benign and malignant tumors does not exceed 76% and this, along with low sensitivity in the early stages of ovarian cancer (50%), does not allow the use of CA125 for screening.

The definition of CA125 is especially important in the treatment process and is applied during dynamic observation of patients, since it is a reliable test to predict the progression of the process and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment. High concentration and change in its treatment is treated with clinical data and additional instrumental studies, in particular ultrasound, both ordinary and transvaginal.

It takes into account that high concentrations are always due to relapse, low values \u200b\u200bdo not always mean the absence of a disease, since in 40% of cases, false-negative test results of Ca 125 were obtained even with histologically proven relapses. The high content of Ca - 125 in the blood of patients in some cases is, according to A.A.TSipurdeeva et al., Weight argument for diagnostic laparoscopy, and in the presence of testimony and for endovideosurgical or traditional surgical operation.

SA-125 is high molecular weight glycoprotein, which is found on the tumor cells of the epithelium of the ovaries, as well as normal in the cells of the endometrium, peritoneum, pleura, pericardium and testicles. Inherent in this blood glycoprotein in very high concentrations often indicates oncological transformation of the ovaries and less frequently of some other organs and tissues (endometrial, large intestine, light, dairy, pancreas).


U / ml (one per milliliter).

What kind of biomaterial can be used for research?

How to prepare for research?

  • Do not smoke within 30 minutes before delivery.

General research information

Ca 125 is a protein present on the surface of the majority of ovarian cancer cells. A significant increase in the concentration of Ca 125 indicates ovarian cancer. This analysis is sometimes prescribed to patients with hereditary predisposition to ovarian cancer.

Norma Case-125 is contained in the endometrium tissue and in the serous and mucinous liquid of the uterus. In the bloodstream, it falls, for example, when menstruation, endometriosis, in the first trimester of pregnancy. In itself, the presence of Ca 125 does not always indicate strictly on the oncology of the ovaries - minor amounts of Ca 125 are produced by various tissues of the body, as well as cancerous tumors of other etiology (endometrial, gastrointestinal tract, phallopium pipes, light and gastrointestinal tract). In addition, the increase in the level of Ca 125 in the blood may be associated with inflammation of the small pelvis organs. Due to the low specificity of the analysis on Ca 125, it is advisable to conduct other tests on the ovarian tumor with it - a comprehensive study makes the diagnosis as accurate as possible.

Not all types of ovarian tumors are manifested by an increase in the amount of Ca 125 in the blood - an elevated level of CA 125 is detected by approximately 80% of women, patients with ovarian cancer.

If the patients had patients with cancer of the ovary among the next relatives, the risk of getting around it increases.

What is the analysis for?

  • To diagnose ovarian cancer and to control the course of the disease.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy of the ovarian tumor.
  • To identify the recurrence of ovarian cancer.

When is the study assigned?

  • Before the treatment of ovarian cancer (to compare the results obtained with the results of analyzes made after treatment).
  • With the already diagnosed ovarian cancer.
  • After completing the therapy of ovarian cancer.

What do the results mean?

Isolated use of research in order to screen and diagnose oncological diseases is unacceptable. Information from this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. The diagnosis of any disease is based on a versatile survey using various, not only laboratory methods and is carried out exclusively by the doctor.

Reference values: 0 - 35 units / ml.

Reducing the level of Ca 125 in the blood during therapy indicates its positive effect.

If the CA 125 level increases and remains high, it means that the tumor does not respond to treatment.

The rise of the CA 125 level after therapy may indicate the recurrence of the disease.

In exceptional cases, patients with the "ovarian cancer" diagnosis, the CA 125 is within the normal range. This is due to the fact that the tumor does not produce CA 125, so it is not a suitable marker used in the treatment of the disease in this case.

Since the eighties of the last century, they began to prescribe and learned to determine the monacker Ca 19-9. Experts believe that this is the main substance of malignant neoplasm of the pancreas. It was first discovered in patients with a neoplasm in this body, as well as in the liver, stomach and intestines.

Antigen CA 19-9

Tumor substances are protein compounds that are considered macromolecular glycoproteins. Oncomarker Ca 19-9 is a two-component protein produced by cells affected by pathology. When conducting research, it is detected in Urin and in the blood. Non-hazardous, i.e. within the limited norm, the amount of this protein is present in the body of any practically healthy individual. Some nationalities make up an exception. They do not produce this type of protein and, according to the results of analyzes, it can be found in very launched cases of oncopathology. The following organs are engaged in the production of complex protein:

  • liver;
  • iron pancreas;
  • intestines;
  • stomach.

Analysis on antigen cancer Ca 19-9 is prescribed to diagnose the pathological conditions of the above-listed organs. Reveal: malignant and benign neoplasms, inflammatory processes, consequences of drug therapy. Thus, it is impossible to diagnose cancer only on the basis of increasing the level of this indicator over the norm. With the help of analysis, this test is detected by the presence of pathology, and then the doctor prescribes the necessary additional surveys to set and verify the diagnosis.

In what cases are assigned a test

What does blood test on Ca 19-9 mean? This type of laboratory study is appointed by medical professionals in order to exclude oncology under the following pathological conditions:

  • chronic inflammatory processes in the digestive tract;
  • stones in bile ducts;
  • liver disease in the acute and chronic stage;
  • suspicion of malignant neoplasms in the organs of the digestive system;
  • after operational interventions over the removal of tumors;
  • fibergation;
  • REA negative tumor of a large intestine.

The basic condition for the purpose of the test is the assumption about the pathology of the pancreas, or rather, cancer. And besides, Ca 19-9 is sure to prescribe patients who removed the tumor in the pancreas. Once every three months, the analysis of this type of indicator is given patients who pass radiation or chemotherapy. According to the results determine the effectiveness of treatment. If necessary, the Doctor appoints additional types of surveys. It is important to remember that early detection and diagnosis of cancer saves the life of the patient.

Features of SA 19-9

The marker is considered informative in certain types of neoplasms, but there are individuals who cannot be identified from this antigen even in running cases. The reason lies in the following. CA 19-9 interacts with Lewis protein, which is not found in all people (it is completely absent from individuals Caucasian nationality), therefore it is not possible to identify it possible even at the started stage of oncopathology.

Preparation for research

The doctor appointed blood test on CA 19-9. How to pass? To obtain the highest possible and accurate analysis result, the analysis of biological material should be prepared:

  • seven days before the intake of the biomaterial, exclude the reception of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • for four days - to reduce physical activity, not consuming salty, acute, fatty products; During this period, introduce porridges in the diet and there are more vegetables, fruits;
  • for twelve hours - to exclude food, including carbonated, tea, coffee drinks;
  • per day - to stop the reception of any medicines in coordination with the attending doctor; reduce any kind of loads;
  • at least thirty minutes before the manipulation does not smoke.

The test for oncomarker is given on an empty stomach. Citizens belonging to the group of representatives of the nationalities of the Caucasus should inform the doctor, due to the characteristics of the test of CA 19-9. The biomaterial must be sent to the laboratory of a medical institution in the near future, no later than one and a half hours after the fence. Deliver blood in an equipped box, which is capable of maintaining the temperature not higher than 8 degrees. The analysis is performed from one to three days depending on the load of the laboratory.


Indicator Ca 19-9 is in the norm in the composition of the cellular tissue of the following organs:

  • liver;
  • lungs;
  • pancreas glands;
  • bubble bilny;
  • stomach.

At the level of protein compound above the permissible values, a malignant tumor suspected, which developed from the epithelial cells of the pancreas. The quantitative indicator of glycoprotein increases with the oncopathology of the human body's digestive system. The level of CA 19-9 varies depending on the stage of the disease. In the case when after the operation on the pancreas or another organ, the protein continues to grow, it is possible to suspect the distribution of metastasis or a relapse of the disease. When diagnosing the stomach neoplasms, in addition to the analysis by the amount of Ca 19-9, the concentration of the REA is detected. With the simultaneous growth of these indicators, the forecast is unfavorable.

Normal Indicators CA 19-9

This type of complex protein, the unit of measurement of which is / ml, is contained in the cellular tissues of the digestive system organs. The number of CA 19-9 norms in women and men varies within 10-37. However, false results are possible, since the specificity of the study is 73-100%. In such cases, the doctor appoints additional types of surveys.

A small percentage of citizens is not possible to establish the cause of an increased indicator, despite the conduct of additional types of instrumental examination. Blood biochemistry and Laboratory study on alkaline phosphatase are assigned to clarify the results of the analysis for the CA test 19-9. What does blood test on this type of protein mean? This is the second most important oncomarker after a cancer-embryonic antigen, the abbreviated name of the REA. Studies on the above indicators help the doctor make a diagnosis: a gallbladder tumor, liver and biliary tract.

Elevated level of CA 19-9

A significant increase in the concentration of this indicator states the presence of the following pathological conditions - cancer:

  • uterus;
  • pancreas glands;
  • chest;
  • stomach;
  • ovaries;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder.

Revealed a slight rise in the concentration of protein on the basis of blood test on Ca 19-9? What does such an increase mean? Such a phenomenon is observed at:

  • stones in bile ducts and bubble;
  • hepatitis;
  • fibergation;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestine;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • pancreatitis in acute or chronic stage.

Analysis on Ca 19-9 shows that an increase in protein concentration of up to 100 units / ml is possible in the presence of inflammation in the liver associated with a violation of bile outflow.

CA 19-9 with pancreatic cancer

Unfortunately, at the time of the diagnosis of this disease, 80% of patients already have metastases. Mortality from cancer tumor tumor high. One of the main reasons is the asymptomatic flow or signs of the disease do not differ from other common pathological conditions of the organism's digestive tract. Sensitivity to this test - from 68 to 93%. In addition, the result is false positive. What does blood test on Ca 19-9 mean? With protein indicators (units of units / ml):

  • Up to 45. The reason may be a benign neoplasm of the pancreas.
  • Above 1000. This means that pathology has spread to lymphatic nodes.
  • Below 1000. In 50% of patients with such presence of CA 19-9, it is possible to remove the tumor by conducting surgical intervention, after which regular control and re-conducting analysis are needed, since the disease is recurred during the six months.

Oncomarkers for women

Special tests exist for this category of the population. Chemotherapists and oncologists allocate several functions that perform oncomarkers. The results of the analysis help medical workers:

  • conduct early diagnosis of cancer diseases;
  • monitor the patient's condition with the already existing disease;
  • carry out treatment for treatment;
  • initiate measures aimed at preventing relapses.

Dispensarization is an excellent reason to undergo the necessary types of surveys, including for the presence of cancerous tumors:

  • ovaries;
  • tolstoy intestine;
  • stomach;
  • breast;
  • uterus and cervix;
  • pancreas.

It is important to remember that reliable decoding and interpretation of the results of research is the prerogative of the doctor. The amount of monomarker Ca 19-9 significantly increases (exceeds the norm more than a hundred times) in patients with malignant neoplasms of the pancreas, as well as cancer of the ovary and organs entering the system of the digestive tract. An independent interpretation and diagnosis, based on the obtained laboratory data, is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences.