Presentations on the topic of dogs, download for free for class. Presentation on the topic “a dog is man’s friend” Presentation on the topic service dogs for children

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Municipal government educational institution Malyshevskaya secondary school Research on the topic “Dog is a pet” Completed by: student of grade 2 “a” Zamaratsky Ivan p. Malyshevka 2017 – 2018 academic year

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A dog is a pet. The meaning of the word "animal" in Russian and Latin languages one – “life”, “soul”. This means that an animal is, first of all, a living soul, capable, like people, of feeling love, joy, pain, resentment, gratitude... I wondered if all the dogs in the world disappeared, would people miss them? Suppose she is indispensable in household. Perhaps a dog, while serving a person, will never betray him. Or maybe, with his funny behavior, he entertains people and brings them joy. What if she has something supernatural?

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Purpose of the work: Find out what allows a dog to live next to a person for so long and be a beloved pet. Objectives: Find out how the dog became domesticated, find out why dogs were domesticated. Are all dogs the same? Find out if there are wild dogs, what “professions” do dogs have? Do dogs influence a person's life? What is the role of a dog in a household? Hypothesis: The dog ranks first among man's four-legged friends Relevance of the work: The creation of this work aimed me at tracing the path from the wild dog to the domestic dog and assessing its role in human life.

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Research methods: - description; - sociological (questioning); - work with scientific literature, dictionaries, Internet materials Research results: - additional literature was studied - information about dogs from folk wisdom; - a survey was conducted among classmates

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Primitive tribes were the first to domesticate the dog. People and wolves lived nearby and obtained food in one way - by hunting. Two main centers of origin of dogs have been established - India and Asia Minor. The Indian wolf is the ancestor of most dog breeds: pointers, hounds, greyhounds, all kinds of terriers and lap dogs, Spitz dogs, poodles. And our northern wolf is the progenitor of shepherd dogs and huskies.

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The lifespan of dogs is 10-12 years. Larger breeds of dogs live much shorter lives, the difference reaches about two times between the largest and smallest breeds. The weight of a dog depends on its physique and the amount of fat reserves. There is a known case when a dog weighed 123 kg, and later its weight decreased to 72 kg. With regular training, dogs are surprisingly strong for their size, some are able to carry heavy luggage on their backs, drag sleds and large loads. Biological characteristics of dogs

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Appearance dogs There are now more than 400 breeds and breed groups of dogs in the world. A wide variety of colors, temperaments, characters and sizes: from a tiny Chihuahua (0.5-2.5 kilograms) to a giant mastiff (75-90 kilograms). There are so many dogs! For every taste. But these are all dogs that have common characteristics.

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There are several categories coat: Smooth and longhaired Curly Shaggy Hairless

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Most dog colors are due to the combination of yellow and black hair, characteristic of their ancestor - the wolf. However, mutations and so on have led to an incomparably large difference, which is generally typical for domestic animals. At the row modern breeds We meet the indicated ear shapes: erect, erect with a falling apex, recumbent, recumbent long, recumbent curled. In terms of tail shape, we distinguish the following main categories: straight tail, hooked, saber-shaped, sickle-shaped, corkscrew-shaped. Like all mammals, dogs have two sets of teeth.

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Voice Dogs can produce sounds of varying pitches and intensities. When lost, they howl, whine in pain, and growl when eating. Representatives of all breeds are capable of “singing” on their own initiative. Many dogs react to the sound of certain notes and howl at them. Some dogs, especially northern ones, like to sing in chorus: raising their heads, they howl in unison. The vote counts important sign hunting dogs. Sense organs Dogs have the same senses as humans, only some are more developed, others the same, and others, perhaps, worse. The sense of smell (sense) greatly depends on the breed, but all dogs are much superior to humans in this regard, and some are able to smell even such faint odors that no device can detect. Dogs have well-developed hearing, allowing them to hear even ultrasound. These are high-quality vibrations that are not perceived by the human ear. Dogs have developed color vision, although to a lesser extent than humans. They're like colorblind, red and Orange color are accepted adequately. But dogs can distinguish up to forty shades of gray.

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Do wild dogs exist? The wild Australian dog dingo is considered one of the oldest breeds. Dingo - dog average size with a strong muscular body of a reddish-brown color, a pointed head, short ears and a bushy tail. Some have erect ears, others have floppy ears; The tail is bent differently. Occasionally there are individuals of black, dark brown, white and spotted.

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What benefits do dogs bring? The most important use of dogs was related to hunting. Hunting dogs helped people hunt and get food; dogs tended herds. Dogs have many “professions”. Guide dogs Bloodhounds Rescuers Shepherds Cosmonauts Belka and Strelka

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Dog and man Any pet is a copy of its owner. To be convinced of this, it is enough to pay attention to how they wander next to you on a walk. old man and his young dog. Despite the insatiable desire to frolic, the dog diligently adapts to the owner’s steps. Since then, when they find themselves close to a person, their four-legged friends try to pass themselves off as “their own.” And, looking at them, you can easily calculate the character and state of mind of their owners. Previously, Australian psychologists found that dogs help their owners expand their circle of acquaintances. They claim that between those who often walk their dogs, sympathy arises, which can then develop into friendship or even lead to the appearance of new family. Experts surveyed 150 dog owners. 95% of survey participants responded that they often start conversations with strangers thanks to their four-legged friend, and 38% of their dog’s owners helped them find new friends or love.

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Results of the survey 10 classmates took part in the survey. The results are as follows: 10 children in the class have a dog. When asked why people get dogs, 5 people are sure that a dog is a friend and when it is nearby, a person is not lonely. 3 people believe that people get a dog to make it more fun for a person, because they can play and communicate with it. 2 people believe that a dog is a watchman, a protector. The following character traits of the owner are important for raising a dog: 6 people believe that it is kindness, 2 people chose care, 4 people chose affection and love, 2 people believe that strictness is also necessary for raising a dog. 6 people expressed their opinion about the need to be patient with your pet. The classmates' own opinions were as follows: Having a dog in the house is an opportunity for help, joy, friendship, and an opportunity to teach (through training).

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Research “A dog is a man’s true friend?!”


1. Moral and environmental education of preschool children.

2. Development in children of the ability to perceive animals as partners in the process of communication, which is necessary for the formation of a humane attitude towards the natural world.

3. Introduce different breeds of dogs.


Instilling kindness and a responsible attitude towards our smaller brothers.

Familiarize yourself with the working habits of dogs.

This book is about how true

People love dogs at all times.

About how she was tamed by man.

About how much work the dog is entrusted with

“It happened in the darkness of centuries: The dog's ancestors left the wolves"

Here's the first one they gave to the dog: Guard your home and go hunting.

The dog didn't whine about yesterday

And became a good pet

  • Dogs were cherished and valued everywhere, And in ancient Egypt they idolized them.
  • Look, guys, at this god -
  • He looks a little like a dog

  • A flock of sheep is obedient to a dog,
  • The dog coped with the work of a shepherd


No more doubts!

The dog is determined.

First the dog took the trail

And then the offender

Border guard Nikita Karatsupa and his 3 famous dogs detained 467 border violators

  • It’s not for nothing that we respect dogs:
  • The dog at the front was a nurse,
  • Signalman, sapper, sometimes dog
  • They rushed to attack the Nazi tanks.
  • Yes, during the war it turned out that the “tigers” and “panthers” were afraid of dogs.

Sheepdog Dick discovered 1,728 Nazi mines during the war. Signalman Jack carried 2,932 combat documents. 900 wounded were taken from the battlefield by the dog team of Sergeant Major E. Fedulin

Dog is a detective

During his service in the criminal investigation department, the search dog Sultan helped find stolen valuables worth more than 2 million rubles.

Rescue dog

In the mountains, trouble will happen to you -

Salvation is just around the corner

Hurries in a blizzard, in a blizzard, in frost

A kind dog helps people.

A St. Bernard named Barry saved 40 people in the Alps. A monument was erected to him in France.

  • Fire dog Bob in London saved 12 small children from fire.

Guide dog for the blind

In Berlin there is a monument to a dog - a guide to the blind

Dog - diver

But the diver is a dog,

In the water he shows skill,

And if a person is in trouble,

Will always come to the rescue.

The dog is an artist

The audience applauds and laughs:

- What kind of jumping! What kind of habits? –

As a reward - a piece of sugar,

But the work of an artist is not sweet.

Dogs are astronauts

Who flew into space first?

Guess what!


Our beloved Laika!

Dog - assistant to scientists

Dogs are not only capable of tricks,

And they served and serve science faithfully.

Near St. Petersburg, where biologist I.P. Pavlov worked, a monument to a dog was erected - reliable assistant scientists .

IN different time at different nations Dogs were valued in various breeds











Laika - universal hunting dog

Saint Bernard – companion dog, guard dog and farm dog.

A dog is a faithful friend

The dog is devoted to people like a dog

In all ages, and therefore

Let's treat

Treat him like a human being.

You are responsible for those you tamed...

Live in the world

Very tight

Without a girlfriend

Or a friend

Without you

And your puppy



Dog handler

I'm just a dog handler by profession,

In other words,

General educational project “A dog is a man’s friend”


Student of 4th "B" class

Tyrkova Daria

Head: teacher primary classes Ponomareva V.G.

  • The friendship between man and dog dates back thousands of years. How this friendship arose can now only be guessed at, but one thing is indisputable - from the earliest times the dog has faithfully served man. A dog in the house means hourly, every minute communication with a devotee and true friend. The sincerity of a dog's feelings, like the sincerity of a child, is always amazing.
  • The relevance of my topic is due to the fact that I believe that a dog really is a person’s friend. Since it is the most common animal species on earth, which has an exceptional tendency to live among people. Therefore, an in-depth study of dogs will help me prove that the dog is man's friend.

  • prove that a dog can rightfully be called a man’s friend.

Find out when and where the dog originated from;

Study the breeds and character of dogs;

Find out how dogs help people in everyday life;

Conduct a survey among peers;

Research and analyze the behavior and habits of your pet

  • dog Gretta

  • If I study further reading, if I summarize my observations, I will be able to prove that a dog is a man’s friend, or I will formulate another definition: “A dog is...”

  • Studying literature about animals.
  • Working with Internet resources.
  • Observation.
  • Experiments.
  • Questioning.

2.1 History of the appearance of the dog

  • The dog was the first animal domesticated by man at a time when people did not yet know agriculture and cattle breeding and the main means of subsistence of people was hunting.

The ancestors of all domestic animals, including dogs, were wild animals.

On ancient Egyptian monuments of the 1st, 1st and 4th millennia BC. dogs are depicted different breeds. Most of them look like greyhounds.

  • In ancient slave states, dogs were trained to fight. On specially trained ones. Strong and vicious animals were put on protective shells with sharp metal spikes and launched at the enemy.
  • IN ancient Rome There were dogs that looked like mastiffs.

Who was the ancestor of dogs is not clear to this day. Some consider the Asian wolf to be the ancestor of dogs. Others believe that the Australian dog is the Dingo, and others believe that dogs descended from a now extinct member of the canine family.

  • Hungarian Greyhound- that's pretty ancient breed. For about a thousand years, dogs of this breed have lived in Hungary. As a rule, the Hungarian Greyhound is used for hunting hares.
  • Hungarian greyhounds are characterized by obedience. These dogs are intelligent, behave quietly and calmly at home, and show excitement and speed when hunting. Perfect for the role pet, the greyhound is gentle with its family. They show distrust towards strangers, are ready to defend themselves and are not nearly as defenseless as they might seem at first glance.
  • Doberman- the most consummate bodyguard
  • It can protect you from any attack. Including from an armed man. The Doberman has excellent endurance and strength. This dog breed also has a strong nervous system and desperate fearlessness. Very active and energetic by nature. The innate intelligence, keen sense of smell and extreme intelligence of these animals make training much easier.

  • Collie– are very well trained, distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence.
  • This is kind, affectionate, friendly dog, adoring his owners, caring towards children. Distrust of strangers is reflected in her ostentatious indifference to a person, but not in aggressive behavior. Collie, by nature, is a herding dog, a guard dog. By loving this dog and providing it with proper care, you will gain a true friend in it.

German Shepherd- This a true friend, which is reliable

and devotion to his master. An unusually developed mind, insight, the ability to easily grasp new skills. Moreover, natural qualities are highly developed: smell, instinct, memory, vision. The Shepherd loves its home very much, gets used to all members of the household, but its attachment to its owner is especially high. This is an excellent bodyguard, watchman, guide, shepherd, rescuer.

  • Dogs against depression.
  • Why are dogs valued? First of all, for her devotion. She loves her owner simply for who he is, regardless of his material well-being, social status, appearance. It is this loyalty and unconditional love that creates for a person a world in which he feels comfortable and in which he is not alone.
  • Thanks to dogs, people feel that someone needs them, someone admires them and loves them. This effective medicine from depression.

  • According to American scientists, dogs can significantly improve the condition of children suffering from autism. They seem to be returning from another world to the real one.
  • In people with disabilities or suffering mental illness Self-esteem increases, the state of loneliness goes away, and faith in solving internal problems appears.
  • There are often cases when four-legged pets saved their owners from possible suicide. No matter how gloomy the state is, the sight of a pet charges them with positive energy, bringing them back to life.

  • Animals can be wonderful teachers for children. Even kids learn to observe, draw conclusions, and anticipate consequences. This can be understood by observing the interaction of a child with a dog. Without saying anything, they understand each other and become friends. Dogs teach children kindness and compassion. They can instill in a child a respectful attitude towards others.
  • In adolescents, the tailed friend reduces the manifestation of aggression, develops a sense of responsibility, tolerance, kindness, and independence. This is a loyal, understanding companion.

  • Dog lovers suffer less from hypertension. It is believed that by creating contact with a pet, stroking its fur, a person improves heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. In addition, dog saliva contains the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys pathogens.
  • Scientists from universities in Finland and Germany have found that children who come into contact with dogs are 50% less likely to suffer from eczema, dermatitis, and asthma.
  • A few words about dog hair. Warm mittens made from such wool provide good protection from frost, and belts and scarves help in the treatment of radiculitis

  • Those who have a dog are forced, willy-nilly, to walk it every day, in any weather. And this is a good sport. Some pets force their owners to walk quickly or even run. Walking distances range from 1 to 10 km. Agree, it’s hard to force yourself to go for a walk without a dog.
  • It turns out that dogs, by helping their owners exercise, prevent the development of obesity, reduce the possibility of cardiovascular diseases, myocardial infarction, and prolong life.
  • Observations of married couples in the United States showed that those who kept dogs went through troubles more easily and resolved conflicts faster than “dogless” couples. One explanation for this phenomenon is that pets unite the family and create common interests.

  • Today there are more than 400 dog breeds around the world. Breeds are divided into: hunting, service, decorative.
  • Who doesn't know border dogs? Day and night they help guard the borders of our Motherland.
  • The role of sled dogs, or sled dogs as they are called, is great. How many heroic polar explorers did they help explore hard-to-reach areas of the Far North?
  • A dog makes the hard work of shepherds easier. Shepherds sheep, guards and protects them from predators.
  • For a person who has lost his sight, a dog replaces his eyes, takes him to work and home, and protects him along the way.

  • During the Great Patriotic War in some armies there were not enough porters and therefore used sled dog sleds to transport the wounded, especially in difficult places.
  • Dogs blew up bridges and trains. More than two thousand reports and combat documents were delivered by dogs during the war years, when there was no other connection. In addition, communication dogs laid 8,000 km of telephone cable.
  • Dogs also played a big role in the exploration of outer space. Before man penetrated into space, dogs went up to explore the stars: Laika, Belka and Strelka.
  • It is difficult to do without s.bak even when maintaining public order and when fighting criminals. It not only helps to find a burglar during pursuit, but can also identify things that belong to him by smell.

3.1 Observations and conclusions

  • Observation #1: Dami, the dog's owner, invited me to visit to introduce him to his pet. The dog greeted me friendly. The owner explained that Gretta liked me, she has a good sense of good and kind people. There were times when she greeted Damir's guests with barking and growling, thinking that they were a threat to her owner. With this behavior, Gretta protects Damir.
  • Conclusion: The dog brings benefits to people, it is ready to sacrifice its life for its owner

Observation #2: Damir went to the store, but everyone knows that dogs are prohibited from entering there. What did Gretta do? She waited patiently for her owner outside.

Once there was such a case: Damir was forced to go on a business trip, so Gretta began to miss her owner. She refused to eat and constantly whined, looking at the gate

Conclusion: The dog is attached to its owner, yearns without him, is ready to wait for hours, days, nights, thereby proving to him its loyalty and devotion.

  • Observation #3: Damir suggested that I give Gretta a bone. The dog came up and sniffed, but did not eat from my hands. Then the owner offered the same bone to the animal. So the dog immediately began to chew on it.
  • Conclusion: The dog does not accept food from the hands of others; it is faithful to its loved one.
  • Observation #4: Damir acts as if he is upset about something. Gretta immediately ran up to him, began to whine and climb up to her owner’s face to lick him. So she supported Damir.
  • Conclusion: The dog will support you in difficult times. You can trust her with any secrets and she won’t tell anyone. Soft, warm, fluffy, she always loves you

  • Observation #5: Gretta loves to go for a ride in a car with Damir and constantly hangs around the car. Gretta is playful because she is still young. She loves to play with her owner, swim in the river, and sing dog songs.
  • Conclusion: You can have fun in your free time with a dog.

Observation #6: Damir scolded Gretta for trying to push me to the ground. The dog, tail between its legs, went to its place. But as soon as the owner called her, Gretta happily ran up to him and began to rub herself against his legs.

Conclusion: No matter how the owner offends his pet, he is ready to forgive him all the insults.

3.2 Habits



1 Gives a paw

Expresses friendship

2 Nuzzling

Asks to pet her

3 Ears and tail relaxed

The dog is calm

4 Ears flattened, tail between paws, dog pressed to the ground

This is fear. She is scared.

5 The ears are flattened, the back along with the tail moves from side to side, the mouth is in a “smile”, and jumps. Tries to lick.

Showing great joy.

Feels danger

7 Long and low howl

I'm hungry or something hurts.

8 If the tail is curled to the right

In a good mood

9 If the tail is curled to the left

Sign of anxiety, worry

10 Frozen in place

I sensed danger

11Took the letter “C” pose

Ready for fun and games

3.3 Questionnaire

  • Do you agree with the opinion that a dog is man's best friend?
  • Have there been times in your life when a dog helped you in some way or saved the life of you or your loved ones?
  • Have you ever had a dog bite you or your loved ones?
  • Do you agree with the opinion that an aggressive person also has an aggressive dog?
  • Do you agree that wrong upbringing certain breeds dogs can lead to tragic consequences?

After studying the questionnaire, I saw that the majority of children agree with the opinion that a dog is a man’s best friend (90%)

There were slightly more cases where a dog bit people (60%) than those it saved (50%).

Most children think that a dog looks like its owner (80%)

All respondents agree that it is very important to raise a dog competently (100%). After all, there are quite a few cases where improper training of a dog led to tragic consequences.

  • If you get yourself a pet, remember that this is not a toy. It needs careful care.
  • You should not feed your dog sweets, as it will cause ear ache and may develop worms.
  • Dogs need frequent walks.
  • Monitor your dog's health. Visit your veterinarian more often. Get all required vaccinations on time.
  • Feed your pet special dog food as regular food from the table is not always absorbed by his body.
  • Monitor the condition of your pet's teeth and do not forget to periodically brush them with special products.
  • Remember that the dog should have its own place where it can rest. It needs to be spacious.
  • And finally, do not forget that your pet must be loved, as he needs your love, affection and care.

  • So I did a little research on the topic: “A dog is a man’s friend.” I learned a lot of new and interesting things. In it I talked about the most interesting breeds dogs, what benefits they bring to humans. Communication with dogs has a beneficial effect on health, improves our mood, makes us kinder, stronger, and more attentive.
  • In general, we can say that a dog really is a man's friend. Therefore, get a dog, take care of it, love it and it will generously thank you for it, I’m sure of it.
  • In conclusion, I would like to recall the statement of the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, whose words I used in my motto: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” If you have made yourself a little friend, do not betray him when he becomes big and not as cute and playful as you would like. Don’t throw it away, this is a creature that believed and became attached to you with all its soul.

Dogs are man's oldest friends. Many thousands of years ago, man tamed the wolf. The man was a hunter then; he had not yet engaged in either agriculture or cattle breeding. The tamed wolf helped him in the hunt, and then began to guard his home. The wolf turned into a dog...

Hunting dogs There are more than 150 breeds of hunting dogs. They use pointing dogs to hunt birds, and to hunt animals hiding in burrows—burrow fox terriers and dachshunds. In the steppes and in the fields they hunt with greyhounds. There are more than 150 breeds of hunting dogs. They use pointing dogs to hunt birds, and to hunt animals hiding in burrows—burrow fox terriers and dachshunds. In the steppes and in the fields they hunt with greyhounds.

Service dogs Shepherd dogs Herding dogs have long been used to guard and herd sheep, goats, cattle cattle, horses. Dogs of this breed are called shepherds. They are distinguished by a fearless character, distrustful of strangers, endurance, and good instincts. SHEPHERD DOG

Great Dane One of the largest and beautiful dogs. The breed is very ancient. They were bred as fighting dogs by the Scythians. In Europe in the Middle Ages they were used to hunt bears and wild boars. One of the largest and most beautiful dogs. The breed is very ancient. They were bred as fighting dogs by the Scythians. In Europe in the Middle Ages they were used to hunt bears and wild boars.

Over time, dogs have become reliable friends person. Over the last century they have become participants the most complex operations: on snow avalanches, in earthquake zones during shipwrecks. Some dogs are specially trained to assist blind and disabled people.

Those dogs are wonderful - they are rescuers. And the mountains may be dangerous, because nothing is scary to them - and they are called upon, like guardians, to protect our peace. And it doesn’t matter to us at all whether they are Rescuers of what: souls or those who bravely climbed to the top. And the truth remains for centuries - A dog is a person’s right hand.

Rescue dogs can pull a person out of the water, save in the mountains, or detect a person under thick snow. Rescue dogs also help clear the rubble of buildings that arise in extreme situations. Many times dogs saved their owners during a fire; Possessing an excellent sense of smell, they smell smoke long before the weak human nose reacts to it. For the sake of their owners, they can sacrifice their lives. They have shown their valor in many earthquakes and other natural disasters. Rescue dogs

Guide Dogs Some dogs are specially trained to assist blind people and disabled people. Some dogs are specially trained to assist blind and disabled people. In June 2006, the first guide dog was awarded an award for saving a person's life with mobile phone. In June 2006, the first guide dog was awarded an award for saving a person's life using a mobile phone. By dialing 911, she called emergency services to the disabled owner, who had fallen into a coma. By dialing 911, she called emergency services to the disabled owner, who had fallen into a coma. In the city of Washington (USA) she was presented with an official award. In the city of Washington (USA) she was presented with an official award.

Sled dogs Dogs are considered the first sled animals on earth. They played a huge role in the human exploration of the North. The peoples of the North even now cannot do without dogs - they ride on dog sleds and transport people and cargo off-road. Sled dogs are huskies. Dogs are considered the first riding animals on earth. They played a huge role in the human exploration of the North. The peoples of the North even now cannot do without dogs - they ride on dog sleds and transport people and cargo off-road. Sled dogs are huskies.

Indoor decorative dogs These dogs live next to us and do not bring any material benefit. But they help people, delight them with their beauty, friendship and devotion, and people take care of them with love. These dogs live next to us and do not bring any material benefit. But they help people, delight them with their beauty, friendship and devotion, and people take care of them with love.

Dogs A person lives on average 75 years, and a dog can live on average years. One dog year corresponds to approximately 7 years of human life. A person lives on average 75 years, and a dog can live on average years. One dog year corresponds to approximately 7 years of human life. Unlike humans, dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, about 1000 times greater than that of humans. A dog can distinguish up to odors. They don’t care whether the food is salty or bland, that’s all that matters. So that it contains the vitamins and products necessary for life and health. Unlike humans, dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, about 1000 times greater than that of humans. A dog can distinguish up to odors. They don’t care whether the food is salty or bland, that’s all that matters. So that it contains the vitamins and products necessary for life and health. To raise your pet healthy and well-mannered, follow following rules: You should only wash your dog when necessary and do not do it too often. Use special shampoo for dogs. After every walk, wash the dog's paws. Take care of your dog's fur. You need to scratch with a special comb. Inspect regularly oral cavity dogs. Dogs, like people, need to brush their teeth (use a special treat). Be sure to clean your dog's ears. Arrange a place away from drafts. Teach your dog rules of behavior and commands.

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biology teacher Mikheeva I.N.
MAOU secondary school No. 4 named after. I.S. Chernykh, Tomsk
Types of dogs

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Types of dogs

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Types of dogs

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“Born to love, trained to serve and dedicated to the end.” For a long time, the dog has protected man from the beast, helped him get food and clothing, and served as a reliable vehicle in the northern regions. IN modern world it is necessary: ​​-for grazing livestock -protection of homes, (other premises) -search and rescue of people -for military affairs -caring guides (guides).

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Services where the participation of a dog is necessary: ​​Orderly Water rescuer Mountain rescuer Subject of physiological experiments Guide for the blind Assistant for the deaf Assistant for patients with cerebral palsy Policeman Search by the smell of drugs Search by the smell of smuggled goods Search for weapons

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Services where the participation of a dog is necessary: ​​Sapper Mine detector Signalman Bloodhound Warrior Bodyguard Search for the wounded Border service Watchman Geologist Cosmonaut Hunter Shepherd Sled dog Educator Hunter

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These include dogs trained to detect, pursue and detain violators, those who can detect drugs and explosives, firearms and ammunition, and ambulance dogs. The high sensitivity of the olfactory analyzer is combined in a dog with a developed nervous system, which allows it not only to detect odors, but also to very subtly recognize them from a huge number of odors.
Militia (police) dogs are used in all corners of the world. The search service remains an area in which a dog cannot be replaced.
Its implementation is based on the existence of olfactory and gustatory analyzers in the dog, which provide the finest recognition of odors.
Militia (police) dogs

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Sanitary service (search for the wounded) - is a search for any people with a return to the owner and an indication of the way back to the found person. Several options are possible: the dog carries a bag with medications and stops near the lying person, allowing him to take what he needs. Or when a dog finds a person lying down, he takes it in his teeth special stick- brindel - and returns to the owner. By the fact that the dog holds the brindel in its teeth, the owner knows that the dog has found the wounded man and is following him, and the dog must show him the way.

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Sled dogs. Dogs have long been used to transport goods and people by the peoples of the Far North. There, among the ice and snow, where the open spaces are large and the population small, sled teams were the only means of transportation. But even today, despite the widespread use of road and air transport, the role of sled dogs has not diminished.

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Dogs are healers. Only in the last few years have psychologists, ethologists, veterinarians and dog owners to the fullest realized the full value of human-dog contact. Now dogs not only help the blind to “see” and the deaf to “hear,” but they are also entrusted with important responsibilities to “entertain” old and sick people, disabled and mentally broken adults and children. It has been discovered that the very presence of a dog has a tremendous healing effect on such people, enlivening their usually dull lives. Dogs are brought into orphanages or homes for the elderly, and their residents gratefully experience the beneficial effects of the warmth and affection that dogs provide them.

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Australian Shepherd (AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD) is obtained by crossing various Australian and New Zealand breeds; excellent shepherd color: black, red or white with chestnut markings
Working breeds dogs

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Collie (LONG-HAIRED COLLIE, COLLIE, ROUGH COLLIE) The name "collie" comes from the name of collie sheep - guard dog, rescue dog, guide dog for blind children colors: yellow-brown, black, white, marbled blue
Working dog breeds

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Maremma (MAREMMA) Italian breed of cattle dog brown nose, thick white smooth coat independent, difficult to train
Working dog breeds

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Groenendael (Groenendael) was obtained by selecting dogs with long black hair, a guardian and protector of the family, a guide for the blind, black color, white markings on the chest and paws
Working dog breeds

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It was brought to Europe from the island of New Foundlaine (hence the name of the breed)
An indispensable assistant for fishermen: helps to drive fish into nets, pull a seine, even catch fish with their mouths and save drowning people! They have no equal here.
Newfoundland (NEWFOUNDLAND)

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Any color is acceptable, but white should occupy no more than 80% of the body surface; it is used to protect property
American Staffordshire Terrier

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The dog is light and graceful Color: red, black, black and tan Always white paws, chest and tip of the tail Very clean and suitable for apartment living

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by crossing an English bulldog with an Old English terrier, and later with Spanish pointers, the bull terrier was obtained. Used to protect herds, exterminate rodents, as a bodyguard
Bull Terrier

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Characteristics of decorative dogs
Not all dogs can track and apprehend criminals, chase a fox into a hole, or herd sheep. Not all dogs are strong, powerful, and brave. Among them there are also those that the owner himself needs to protect from evil people and dogs. Breeding indoor and decorative dog breeds was often simple, through miniaturization large breeds. There are also very ancient breeds, bred only to decorate human life.
toy poodle
pomeranian spitz
Japanese chin

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Decorative breeds dogs
Toy Terrier

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Decorative dog breeds

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Decorative dog breeds

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A group of dogs that is used to track and retrieve game. This group of dogs has an excellent sense of smell, they are smart, and easy to train. Dogs must chase, catch up and crush wounded animals, and raise their voices over the trophy. Probably the most numerous group of hunting dogs is the pointers. Dogs are called cops who freeze motionless in front of a bird they smell, that is, they know how to stand. They got the name “coppers” because many of them lie down when stopping in front of the bird.
Hunting dog breeds

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A breed of long-haired dogs. The hair on the head and the front of the legs is short. The color is varied. Preference is given to small specks and strokes rather than large colored spots.
Hunting breeds of pointing dogs

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To secure:
1Tell me why my friend sleeps without a pillow, eats without hands, walks in winter without felt boots, and if he’s happy, wags his tail? 2.Dogs of this breed were popular movie characters in the USSR. This breed was bred in the USSR to serve and assist law enforcement agencies. 3. It is a German breed and is popularly called “sausage” or “sausage” or “sausage” - in general, a meat word. What is the name of this dog breed? What group of dogs does she belong to? 4. What was the name of the dog Elektronika (film "The Adventures of Elektronika")? 5.Which group of dogs does Bim from the movie “White Bim Black Ear” belong to? 6. Which breed got its name from the collie sheep? 7. What groups are all dogs divided into? 8. With the help of what stick does the orderly dog ​​inform its owner that it has found a wounded person?

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1. Dog 2. East European Shepherd 3. Dachshund (hunting) 4. Ressi 5. Hunting 6. Collie 7. Service, decorative, hunting 8. stick – brindel

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Information sources http://images. http://