The underwear fixes the exoprosthesis in the correct position. Questions for your doctor about rehabilitation after a mastectomy. How many hours a day can exoprosthetics be worn?

Wearing a properly fitted prosthesis can have great value for your well-being

Why is it important to wear an exoprosthesis?

Breast prostheses and inlays are designed for women after breast cancer surgery. They can be used after a mastectomy, breast conserving surgery (sectoral) or breast reconstruction when increased volume is required for complete symmetry.

The breast prosthesis should resemble the second breast as accurately as possible in appearance and shape, creating a natural silhouette of the body. High-quality prostheses look like real breasts, move naturally when walking and fall off when the woman lies down. However, breast prostheses have more than just a cosmetic purpose; There are also medical indications for wearing them. Having the weight of a real breast, a properly fitted prosthesis can help prevent diseases such as lymphedema, poor posture or breastfeeding problems. shoulder girdle.

Professional prosthetists take into account the individual needs of each woman, helping her choose the right breast prosthesis. Among the options offered are silicone breast prostheses with special functions, such as, for example, a self-adhesive surface, or a prosthesis with a layer that “knows how” to take the desired shape and adapt to the chest or area postoperative scar women. The main thing is the comfortable state of health of the owner of a breast prosthesis. Any breast prosthesis quickly takes on body temperature and is not perceived by a woman separately from her body. In addition, developed innovative technologies, which in some types of breast prostheses allow precise temperature control, providing its owner high level comfort and freshness all day long. This is especially suitable for those women who are undergoing hormone therapy or are in a state of menopause, as well as those who engage in physical exercise, which is accompanied by increased sweating.

A wide range of silicone breast prostheses with specific shapes, properties and applications provide the basis for optimal patient care depending on their needs. Pads can also be worn by women who naturally have breasts. different sizes to improve their body shape and increase their self-confidence.

To securely secure a breast prosthesis or pad, there are special bras with built-in pockets. Beautifully designed, these bras have features such as a slightly high neckline, wide sides, soft reinforced straps to meet the needs of women who wear breast prostheses. Since many women enjoy swimming, especially after breast surgery, special swimsuits have been developed with similar functions. Pockets securely hold breast prostheses, allow comfortable movement and maintain a natural silhouette.

For the ideal selection of a prosthesis, specialized stores, clinics and hospitals provide individual consultations with trained and certified prosthetists in the field of mastectomy.

A properly fitted breast prosthesis is of great importance for your daily well-being.

Amoena breast prostheses are designed to provide optimal comfort and functionality. Although we understand that with so many options to choose from, choosing the right denture can be an overwhelming task!

To make the process easier, we have assigned a number and letter system to the bra cup shape and shape of our products, similar to those used for clothing such as jeans and bras. There are three simple steps to choose the right one the right product.

Step 1: cup fullness
First, select the cup size you want. What kind of breasts do you have: (1) mature, (2) average or (3) full?

Step 2: form
Then choose a shape: (S) symmetrical, (A) asymmetrical or (E) special. Generally, the symmetrical shape works best for women who have had a conventional mastectomy. An asymmetrical breast shape is better in cases where lymph nodes or tissue have been removed from under the armpit.

Step 3: size
All Amoena breast prostheses are available in a wide range of sizes up to a minimum of size 11 or up to size 17

Size chart

How to choose the right cup size:

Women's breasts not only vary in cup size and bra size, but also in cup shapes. To make the perfect selection of exoforms, Amoena offers three various shapes cups.

On the exoform they are designated by numbers 1-3 (mature, middle and full form cups) for example Contact Amoena 2S. Once you have determined the correct exoshape size, select a cup shape. To do this, compare the corresponding drawings on the left with the profile of the woman's remaining breasts while she is wearing a bra, and choose the best option.

You can also use a tight-fitting T-shirt during the selection process. Tip: Women with a small bra size have a full cup shape, while women with a larger bra size have a flat, mature cup shape.

Women experience psychological trauma caused by the loss of an organ. To return to ordinary life, use prostheses, among which exoprostheses of the mammary glands are very popular. They are highly aesthetic and are able to return a woman to normal life.

Types of prosthetics

There are two types of prosthetics used in medicine: exoprosthetics and endoprosthetics. Each type has its own characteristics.

Breast exoprostheses are usually made from environmentally friendly materials, namely silicone. The outside is covered with a polyurethane shell. The prosthesis has varying degrees softness, size, weight, appearance.

Exoprostheses are used externally. Its main goal is to hide existing defects from the eyes of others. Also, exoprostheses have a number of medical indications. They are indicated for lymphostasis, to distribute the load on the muscular system when one gland is removed.

Advantage of using

Breast exoprostheses have a number of advantages over other types of prosthetics. They are able to hide a breast defect from others, and also help distribute the load on the spine and muscular system. If weight distribution after mastectomy occurs unevenly, this will lead to serious changes in the musculoskeletal system.

When using an exoprosthesis, a woman can remove it at any time. This type of prosthetics allows the skin to breathe and there is no re-emergence of cancer cells, as often happens with endoprosthetics.


Modern exoprostheses of the mammary glands are simulators of the mammary glands, which are very convenient to use. The use of external products allows you to put them on and take them off at any time. Properly selected models help disguise cosmetic defects.

Exoprosthetics, unlike endoprosthetics, has no contraindications. Such prostheses are made by different manufacturers, from which the consumer only has to choose a model.

Breast exoprostheses are mainly made from silicone. On the outside, the product is a case with silicone gel inside. Externally, it has all the characteristics of the mammary glands: consistency, shape, elasticity, shade. When worn, the prosthesis does not cause friction, since the models have minimal contact with the breast tissue.

Silicone exoprostheses come in a variety of shapes. They can be round or oval, or have a teardrop shape. There are asymmetrical, sectoral or symmetrical options. The first type helps eliminate breast defects after radical mastectomy. If organ-preserving operations were performed, then sectoral prostheses are used.

Application of a prosthesis

As you can see in the photo, breast exoprostheses look natural. They allow a woman to play sports and wear any clothes. Silicone is a material that can be easily processed. Its use allows you to achieve natural

To wear a prosthesis, you need a special bra. It provides reliable fixation of the exoprosthesis. The difference between special bras and ordinary ones is that they are sewn taking into account the need to hide the exoprosthesis from prying eyes.

Every woman wants to have it. If she is struck by a misfortune, as a result of which part or all of her breasts are lost, then the woman begins to feel great discomfort. A silicone exoprosthesis helps you return to normal life; it is invisible under clothing and does not cause any inconvenience.

Method of removing pathological tissues from female breast with minimal trauma to healthy muscle and fat tissue is called mastectomy. Scientists around the world are striving to create an optimal treatment method that will reduce the degree of damage to this organ with the least damage to its tissues and the final deformation of the shape of the breast. After all, an operation to remove the mammary gland, which was previously performed with maximum tissue damage, caused severe psychological shock in a woman, significantly lowering her self-esteem.

What is a mastectomy

Surgical removal of pathological breast tissue with the least trauma to the breast when diagnosing this organ, while there is no impact on the subscapular and sternal muscle tissue, and undamaged subcutaneous fatty tissue is not removed, which makes it possible to keep a woman’s breasts practically unchanged. The surgeon also does not affect the lymph nodes in this area, which allows you to maintain health and not change the functioning of the breast.

Preservation of the nipple halo and muscle tissue breast is an important step in the procedure for removing pathological breast tissue, because even 10 years ago this operation was performed with complete removal of the organ, leaving completely flat chest. This became a serious obstacle to the woman’s psychological comfort, and there were no methods for breast reconstruction. Thanks to the mastectomy operation, it has become possible to most effectively rid a woman’s body of actively proliferating pathological cells and preserve the shape and appearance of the breast.

Prophylactic mastectomy at risk of developing breast cancer is the topic of this video:

Its types

Today modern surgery offers several of the most effective methods to remove cancer cells from breast tissue, which makes it possible to stop tumor growth even at early stage, preventing the active growth of pathology, preventing the emergence of danger to the health and life of the patient.

The following types of mastectomy are used today to remove cancer cells when diagnosing the development of breast cancer:

  • simple mactectomy, or Maden's method. Is concluded this method in the complete removal of the mammary gland with no impact by the surgeon on the adjacent muscle and fatty tissues, as well as on the sternal and subscapular lymph nodes. The Madena method is recommended for detecting pathology at an early stage, as well as as a preventive measure in the presence of genetic predisposition to the occurrence of oncology;
  • Patey method, or for the removal of pathological breast tissue when diagnosing early and advanced stages of cancer of this organ. The Peyti method consists of removing the infected mammary gland along with the cartilage tissue at its ends, which allows for complete removal from the body pathological cells, preventing their spread to adjacent tissues. Parts of the sternum with subscapular lymph nodes can also be removed - this is recommended if spread of metastases to the lymph nodes is suspected;
  • Halstead method, which is used to identify cancer pathology at the most advanced stage, when other methods are not effective and the pathological cells have spread deep into the adjacent tissues. The Holsten method is considered radical, since it involves complete excision of the mammary gland itself and the adjacent fat and muscle tissue. To correct the breast and preserve its volume and shape as much as possible, modified types of this operation can be used.

Also, women who are diagnosed with breast cancer are offered reconstructive surgery in parallel with mastectomy. This can be done using one’s own fat tissue, as well as with the help of silicone implants, which reconstruct the shape of the breast and give the woman hope for a normal future life with minimal psychological losses. This type of surgery for the treatment of breast cancer is chosen by about 75% of women with late-stage cancer.

Lightweight silicone prosthesis ACTIVE 1054X after mastectomy (photo)

Indications for testing

An operation to remove breast tissue affected by cancer cells by mastectomy is indicated when both advanced and initial stage cancer of this organ, as well as in the presence of a hereditary tendency to cancer in the body.

This method is usually considered the most suitable women with this disease who have small breast size. This is due to the fact that upon detection cancer tumor, especially large sizes, the surgeon may suggest an iron-sparing operation, which allows you to preserve most breast tissue. In this case, after removing the pathological parts of the organ, a course of radiation should be performed, which often causes deformation of the breast. In each specific case, the surgeon recommends certain type operations.

Indications also include it if they are not amenable to conservative treatment.

Exoprostheses after mastectomy are discussed in this video:


However, there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account by the doctor when choosing a method of exposure when diagnosing breast cancer. The most important situations and conditions in which any type of mastectomy is not recommended include the following:

  • early childhood when breast tissue is not yet fully formed;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​influence - they should be completely cured before performing a mastectomy;
  • infected wounds on the surface of the skin of the chest;
  • severe forms, and.

Recovery after surgery

The process of rehabilitation and recovery of damage after mastectomy of any type may vary in duration depending on the different cases. For example, with parallel breast modeling using your own tissue and silicone prostheses, it will take a little longer to full recovery breast tissue, as the body needs to adapt to foreign bodies, while the doctor monitors the entire process of the patient’s rehabilitation.

After the mastectomy, the patient is in the clinic room, she is being recovered from anesthesia, which is used for this type of surgical intervention. With the complete restoration of indicators such as pulse, the woman no longer needs the constant attention of a doctor. In the absence of significant deterioration in general health, she may be sent home to continue recovery at home, however, even there the woman must fully comply with all the requirements of the attending physician.

These include:

  • lack of significant physical and psychological stress in the period after mastectomy;
  • bed rest is prerequisite recovery period;
  • getting out of bed is allowed only for 3-5 days, depending on the woman’s well-being;
  • A complete return to normal lifestyle is acceptable on the 20th day after the operation.

Since mastectomy surgery is serious for the entire body, you should avoid exertion for six months from the date of its operation and perform a light massage armpits for when saved lymph nodes. During the recovery process, when working in the garden, use rubber gloves, avoid even minor abrasions and cuts on your hands, working on the hand on the side of the body where the mastectomy was performed.

Healing time may vary depending on general condition patients, the use of silicone prostheses, the use of which slows down the recovery process. The doctor may give additional recommendations to speed up the recovery process.


In the case of a significant volume of breast parts removed during neglected form disease, the inability to use one’s own tissues to correct the shape and volume of the breast, the doctor may recommend the use of silicone prostheses, which avoid psychological problems in an operated woman. Their shape is determined before surgery, for which women wear such prostheses for some time before mastectomy, determining how comfortable their particular shape and size is for her.

After removing the pathological tissue, the doctor installs the selected prosthesis, which is evenly distributed in the chest and then left there. The healing process when it is installed is somewhat lengthened, since the body needs to adapt to its presence and not cause rejection.

To prevent the occurrence of congestion, the doctor may recommend special physical exercise, which will stimulate blood circulation in the operated area, will not create places of lymph stagnation. It usually takes about 4-5 weeks for full recovery after a mastectomy, but it may take longer with breast implants. During the recovery period, constant medical supervision is recommended, especially when installing prostheses and performing surgical breast correction.

How to perform a mastectomy, watch this video:

After a mastectomy, it is difficult to do without a breast prosthesis. It installs as surgical method, and non-surgically in the form of overlays. Breast imitation allows you to hide the consequences of surgery and look attractive even in open clothes and feel confident.

How is an endoprosthesis useful after a mastectomy?

Endoprosthetics is a type of reconstructive mammoplasty that can be used to create ideal shapes. The operation is performed under anesthesia, so there are some contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the components of anesthesia;
  • Bleeding disorders, diseases circulatory system;
  • Mental disorders, nervous system and psycho-emotional state;
  • Diseases of blood vessels, heart, heart failure;
  • Diabetes, dysfunction of metabolism and endocrine system.

Endoprostheses during mastectomy are inserted with a special endoscope and filled with saline solution. The doctor may place a temporary expander or a permanent implant, depending on the patient’s wishes and medical indications.

How to choose a breast prosthesis after a mastectomy

In order not to endure another surgical intervention, it is recommended to use external breast prostheses. The choice of a suitable model depends on its properties and characteristics:

What are the advantages of overlays after mastectomy?

Silicone pads are a practical and useful device. They are inserted into a bra or glued to the skin, simulating breasts. Overhead silicone inserts have many advantages:

  • Does not require surgery or anesthesia;
  • Completely repeat the shape of the bust;
  • Reliably fastened, eliminating deformation;
  • Easy to use, easy to remove;
  • Allows you to wear a deep neckline.

If you are in doubt about what type of prosthetics you need, consult a specialist. Call the number listed on the website and make an appointment with a doctor.

Breast prostheses are artificial linings made of soft or hard materials. They imitate the shape and size of the patient's real breasts. Prostheses are made for women who have undergone mastectomy, sectoral resection and breast reconstruction. The pads are selected together with the attending physician and technician depending on the patient’s well-being, health status and lifestyle.

Types of prostheses

External implants are made from two materials: fabric and silicone. Fabric prostheses are recommended to be worn in postoperative period. Overlays made of soft and hypoallergenic material do not rub healing stitches and do not cause irritation or inflammation.

Tissue implants have one drawback - a hard filler, which feels different to the touch from a real breast. Silicone pads do not have this disadvantage. Dentures made of gel-like material are soft and pleasant to the touch. They heat up to body temperature and fit tightly to the skin, so they are practically invisible under clothing.

Overlay implants, depending on their shape, are divided into three main types:

  1. Symmetrical - oval or round prostheses that imitate the shape of the breast. Recommended for women after complete removal mammary gland.
  2. Asymmetrical - triangular-shaped overlays with oblong edges. Created for women after extensive and radical mastectomy. Asymmetrical implants mask depressions and visually smooth out the surface of the chest.
  3. Sectoral – small implants made of thin silicone. Recommended for women after partial resection of damaged tissue with preservation of the mammary gland. Sectoral overlays mask deformed areas and visually increase the volume of the breast.

External dentures are also contact and removable. Contact implants are attached directly to the skin using an adhesive film or elastic straps. They follow all body movements, so they are suitable for wearing under tight clothing.

Removable pads are inserted into special bras and tops. They can be fabric or silicone, with gel, foam or fiber fillers. In a separate category there are removable dentures for swimming. These implants are made of waterproof silicone.

A woman can choose a removable or contact denture depending on her preferences. It is also worth considering lifestyle. For patients who love active species sports, they recommend lightweight pads with fiber and foam fillers and a cotton frame. They reduce the strain on your back during physical activity, absorb sweat and unpleasant odors. Lightweight implants are also suitable for traveling and sleeping.

Weighted dentures are designed for Everyday life and work. The weight of the pad depends on the weight of the real breast. Weighted implants equalize the load on the left and right side body, protect against spinal curvature, posture problems, lymphedema and shoulder girdle diseases.

How to choose a prosthesis

A woman chooses a prosthesis together with a prosthetics specialist or surgeon. The doctor who will make the artificial mammary gland takes into account several factors:

  • patient's age;
  • condition of postoperative scars;
  • size and shape of natural breasts;
  • color of the skin;
  • type of operation performed;
  • Lifestyle;
  • postoperative treatment.

Silicone prostheses are contraindicated for women undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. During this period, the sensitivity of the scars and skin around the stitches increases, and sweating increases. Silicone pads do not absorb moisture well, so they can rub and cause inflammation. During chemotherapy, tissue prostheses are recommended, which do not irritate the skin and speed up recovery.

If a woman plans to order an external implant from an online store, she must determine her size. She will need a tape measure, a notepad and a calculator. First, the woman determines the girth of the most convex part of the chest, and then measures the volume of the chest under the healthy mammary gland. From the first digit she subtracts the second and looks at the difference:

  • 10–12 cm – size AA;
  • 12–14 cm – size A;
  • 14–16 cm – size B;
  • 16–18 cm – size C;
  • 18–20 cm – size D;
  • 20–22 cm – size E;
  • 22–24 – size F;
  • 24–26 cm – size G;
  • 26–28 cm – size H.

When choosing a prosthesis yourself, you should also take into account its shape. Young women with dense and elastic breasts are suitable for oval overlays; patients with soft and round mammary glands will prefer conical options. They are half-empty at the top and widened at the bottom.

It is better to choose prostheses from a doctor or in specialized stores that offer the opportunity to try on artificial breasts. A woman must understand how comfortable and comfortable she is. Assess the appearance of the implant and its balance.

Where can I buy a prosthesis?

Silicone prostheses can be used for 2 to 5 years; fabric ones wear out faster. It is worth replacing implants after gaining or losing weight, after sagging of the natural breast, after menopause, and also if it has been damaged.

Prostheses are sold in orthopedic pharmacies and shops. You can find out the address of the prosthetics center from a surgeon or mammologist. Your doctor will also tell you which brand is best to choose. The most popular brands developing breast prostheses include the Polish company Pofam-Poznan, the German brands Comfort Contura and Amoena.

Women who know their size and correct shape can order artificial inlays from online medical stores.

How to wear a prosthesis

The patient puts on the first implant 2–8 weeks after the mastectomy. During the rehabilitation period, the woman is shown lightweight prostheses, which come complete with an orthopedic bra. Removable pads are fixed in the underwear cup using pockets.

Contact prostheses, which are glued to the skin using an adhesive film, are recommended to be purchased 1–1.5 years after surgery and chemotherapy, when the scars have healed and lost sensitivity. Implants should be combined with orthopedic tops, T-shirts or bras.

You can wear dentures almost 24 hours a day. During the day - weighted pads, and at night - lightweight. Dentures should be removed before bathing or showering because detergents destroy silicone. Implants should be stored in a special container, separate from underwear and sharp objects.

Orthopedic bras: how to choose and wear

Prosthetic bras must meet three criteria:

  • wide belt under the chest to support and fix the mammary glands;
  • convenient pockets for implants;
  • wide straps to reduce the load on the shoulders and back.

Orthopedic bras are made from soft and elastic fabrics. Qualitative underwear fits tightly around the chest, but does not squeeze or rub the skin. Even the straps should have soft lining to prevent them from digging into your shoulders.

Prosthetic bras have wide clasps and deep, covered cups, but orthopedic bras can look just as good as regular bras. Foreign manufacturers produce lace and plain bodices, as well as entire sets.

Regular bras can be alternated with sports tops and T-shirts. Soft, wire-free bodices designed for sports and sleep. They are comfortable and practically not felt on the body. Women who feel comfortable without prostheses are advised to periodically remove orthopedic underwear before bed to improve blood circulation and prevent swelling.

Swimsuit for breast prosthesis: rules for choosing

Swimsuits after a mastectomy are divided into three types: one-piece, classic two-piece and tankini - options consisting of swimming trunks and a slightly elongated top. Bikinis and tankinis provide an even tan, and one-piece models securely fix the prosthesis while swimming in the sea and pool.

A high-quality swimsuit must be selected according to several criteria;

  • wide back;
  • high raised neckline;
  • elastic and wide band under the bust;
  • deep cups and deep pockets for dentures;
  • thick straps;
  • soft lining in the chest area.

A bodice with deep and roomy pockets will fix the prosthesis in one place and will not allow it to move even while swimming. A top with a high back and neckline will hide the marks from the operation and provide a beautiful view of the breasts both from the front and from the side. Wide straps will reduce the load on the spine and shoulders, and the soft lining will protect against irritation.

You need to try on a swimsuit before purchasing. It must fit tightly to the body, otherwise after swimming the wet fabric will sag and begin to bulge in the area of ​​the prosthesis. You can conduct a small experiment: a woman slightly pulls the trimmed edge of the top on the chest and back and lets go. If the fabric returns to its place with a loud pop, then the swimsuit fits well and is ready to wear.

Common Questions About Breast Prostheses

Women who have undergone mastectomy and chemotherapy face many difficulties and questions: which prosthesis to choose? How to save money on buying an implant? Why do you need to wear pads?

Asking questions and sharing fears with other people is important. Advice from doctors and women who also had to undergo surgery to remove the mammary gland helps you quickly get used to your new body and return to your normal life.

Prosthesis and exoprosthesis

Exoprosthesis and external prosthesis are synonyms. Exoprosthetics are weighted pads made of elastic silicone that imitate the size and shape of real breasts and are fixed to the body using adhesive film, a belt or an orthopedic bra. Lightweight versions made of fabric and foam filler can also be called dentures.

In addition to exoprostheses, there are also endoprostheses - capsules filled with saline solution or liquid silicone. Endoprostheses are used in oncoplastic surgery for. Soft implants are installed during a mastectomy or 6 months after surgery and chemotherapy.

Why do you need a prosthesis?

Prostheses perform three functions:

  1. Aesthetic – they allow patients to look “normal” and not attract unnecessary attention to themselves.
  2. Psychological – they help a woman get used to changes in her body and not feel somehow “different” or inferior.
  3. Medical – they compensate for the weight of the removed mammary gland, prevent curvature of the spine, problems with posture and pain in the back and cervical region.

Prostheses and orthopedic bras also protect scars and the skin around them from friction, microtrauma and discomfort. That is why doctors do not recommend sewing pockets for dentures, buttons and fasteners to regular underwear. Rough seams and unnecessary details can irritate scars and cause inflammation.

Is it possible to get a prosthesis for free?

Free prostheses are issued after receiving a disability group and individual program rehabilitation (IPR). A woman goes to the dispensary to see the treating oncologist and takes a referral to an orthopedic store or pharmacy. Patients from the regions may need additional referral from authorized authorities.

You need to come to an orthopedic store with a passport, a certificate from an oncologist, an IPR and a certificate of disability. A woman is invited to the doctor’s office and is helped to choose a prosthesis and bra. Each patient is given 1 prosthesis (or 2 if both mammary glands are removed) and 2 bras, usually products from Russian manufacturers. You have to buy German and Polish implants yourself.

A woman can receive compensation for imported dentures and underwear at the regional branch of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. She must bring a certificate of disability, IPR, identity documents, checks and product certificates, as well as bank details. Compensation does not always cover the full cost of dentures and underwear. The exact amount and conditions need to be found out in the branch of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Patients from Moscow and the Moscow region are offered to receive free prosthetics at the Moscow Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Center “Health”. Women are provided with one implant, two bras and the opportunity to purchase a third bra with a 50% discount.

Each prosthesis has a warranty period of 1–2 years. If the implant begins to leak or deform before the expiration of the warranty period, it must be replaced free of charge at the store where it was purchased or received under the IPR.