Toothpaste for acne. Toothpaste against acne: will it help with blackheads and herpes Toothpaste for acne reviews

Toothpaste against acne has not undergone any clinical studies in this area of ​​​​use. Therefore, no dermatologist will recommend treating acne with this remedy. Nevertheless, fans of traditional methods of therapy actively use the product and not always to no avail. Therefore, the answer to the question: does toothpaste help with acne on the face can only be found in reviews of people who have conducted similar experiments.

Today, a wide range of oral hygiene products are presented on the shelves, the composition of which can differ radically, as well as the purpose of use: for whitening, against bleeding gums, with herbal ingredients, with fluoride, etc. The conclusion is obvious - not every one of them will help remove acne. Moreover, some of the varieties can cause significant harm to the skin. Therefore, we can only talk about whether toothpaste helps against acne or not by considering a specific hygiene product.

Before you remove acne with toothpaste, you should study the composition in detail and make right choice.

What to pay attention to:

  • Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide in the composition are strong oxidizing agents that act as bleaches on tooth enamel, but may cause redness on the skin with prolonged contact. They are usually found in whitening pastes. It is better not to use this product to fight acne.
  • The enzyme bromelain (obtained from pineapples) prevents the formation of plaque and prevents bacteria from attaching to the surface of the teeth. This enzyme has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves swelling and breaks down plaque. Therefore, is it possible to smear pimples with toothpaste containing bromelain, the answer is yes, but you just need to apply it pointwise, do not cover healthy areas of the skin with it and do not leave it overnight. Otherwise, the aggressive effects of the enzyme cannot be avoided.
  • You should be careful about the composition, which includes plant extracts and essential oils, especially if you are allergic to these ingredients. There are known cases of skin reaction to oak bark, which contains a remedy against bleeding gums. If you ignore this information, then allergic rash- this is the only thing that will happen if you put toothpaste on a pimple. On the other hand, chamomile in the composition has an anti-inflammatory effect and is an anti-allergenic component.
  • Triclosan is a synthetic substance with antibacterial and antifungal effects widely used in the production of cosmetics and hygiene products. But it should be remembered that the substance is harmful not only to pathogenic flora skin, but also for the useful. Its use can lead to an imbalance among microorganisms and cause a disruption in local metabolic processes, decreased protective functions of the skin and other dermatological problems.
  • Fluorine is an antiseptic because it has bactericidal properties, but at the same time it can cause irritation of the epidermis.
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate is used in cosmetic and hygiene products for cleansing and foaming. If this ingredient is first on the list in the paste, then its concentration is high. In this case, it is better to abandon such acne treatment. The chemical compound disrupts the natural protective functions of the skin, dries out the epidermis and causes an allergic reaction. And you shouldn’t hope that baby toothpaste does not contain this component; it should also be checked for its composition.

In a toothpaste for treating acne, each of its components is important, so you should approach the choice very responsibly and it is better to choose an organic product containing aloe, chamomile or sage and to a minimum chemical compounds, harmful not only to the skin, but also to health in general.

Important! The paste chosen for the treatment of acne should be tested for the presence of an allergic reaction to its components.

To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the skin of the wrist or behind the ear and leave for 15 minutes. If there is no redness or irritation, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

Effect on acne

Acne forms at the mouth of the hair follicle - this is the place where the sebaceous and sweat glands. Through the mouth, sebum (sebaceous secretion) and dead epidermal cells come to the surface. They mix and form a viscous mixture. Under the influence of a number of reasons, the production of sebum increases, and it does not have time to come to the surface, but thickens at the mouth. This is how comedones appear. This kind of environment is very attractive for pathogenic bacteria, which are common inhabitants of human skin. Penetrating into comedones, they begin to lead active life activities, which is manifested by inflammation.

And if you look at it, toothpaste for acne can only do so much. The drug is not able to affect secretion sebaceous glands and the process of exfoliation of epidermal cells as well as the reasons that caused this disorder. The only thing it helps to do is suppress the growth and spread of bacteria due to the components it contains that have an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. At large quantities acne active substances prevent bacteria from colonizing neighboring areas and prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Important! Toothpaste for acne on the face does not eliminate the causes of their appearance and is not a preventive measure.

Terms of use

Toothpaste helps against acne only to a certain extent and if used correctly and rational use. On initial stage the appearance of an abscess, when redness and characteristic itching form, it can dry out and prevent the penetration of acne bacteria.

Paste application technique:

  • clean your face of cosmetics and sebum using any usual method, with the exception of alcohol-containing products;
  • by using cotton swab anoint each pimple, trying not to go beyond the area of ​​redness;
  • wash off after two hours warm water.

The procedure is carried out no more than 4 times a week.

To enhance the effectiveness, the toothpaste is mixed with an aspirin tablet, ground into a fine powder, and also applied pointwise to problem areas. After a quarter of an hour, the product is washed off.

Important! You should not smear your entire face with toothpaste. The product dries out the skin. This can lead to irritation, disruption of the natural balance of microflora, and the appearance of new pustular formations.

The sebaceous glands perceive dry skin as a violation of its protective function and begin to produce even more secretion, which in turn leads to the formation of new pimples.

The paste is used not only as a single remedy. It is included in various acne masks as one of the main components.


The question of whether it is possible to smear pimples with toothpaste remains open. The product is absolutely ineffective for subcutaneous pimples, boils, and it will not cope with milia (closed comedones). However, there are user reviews in which they share positive results using the paste at the first stage of acne appearance.


“For me, toothpaste is emergency help. I don’t suffer from acne, but once a month, for a certain reason, a couple of pimples may pop up. As soon as I feel that the process has begun: the skin turns red and aches, I immediately apply the paste and leave it overnight. There are no traces in the morning."


“I would like to warn those with sensitive skin against using the paste. Irritation will be guaranteed. And don’t apply any product with a whitening effect.”

Sometimes familiar household items and products turn out to be very useful when used for other purposes. Thus, toothpaste can be used not only to clean teeth from plaque, but also to clean jewelry or car headlights. There is one more unique property of toothpaste - it can be used against acne on the face. Some people consider this a myth, while others consider it to be true.

Is it true that toothpaste can help with acne?

If you want to experiment with treating acne with toothpaste, you need to listen to the experiences of other people. More often, girls use such advice, due to their greater inclination to take care of their appearance. Some of them talk about this product as an indispensable “helper” that regularly saves in case of sudden inflammation of the skin. But if the cause of the dermatological problem lies in internal endocrine or metabolic disorders, a dental care product will not prevent the recurrence of pimples.

There are also absolutely skeptical views on such procedures. Some people believe that eliminating pimples with paste is successful due to the placebo effect - self-hypnosis.

Thanks to what components does the paste remove acne?

Toothpaste helps fight acne on the face thanks to its specific composition. Almost all dental care products contain:

  • Chemical components that have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect: chlorhexidine, mexidol, bisabolol, triclosan, hydrogen peroxide. Of these ingredients, you need to be careful with triclosan and hydrogen peroxide, as they can actually clear up infection and inflammation, but are potent and can harm the skin.
  • Raw materials medicinal plants– chamomile, oak, sage extract. These components remove inflammation gently, without having an aggressive effect on living tissue. Moreover, they can accelerate cell regeneration.

Rules for using toothpaste against acne

The advantage of using toothpaste for acne on the face is that it is inexpensive and is always available at home. But we should not forget that the benefits of such therapy only occur if the rules of use are followed:

  • There are a huge number of toothpastes on sale, but not all of them can be used for this purpose. People who have already treated their skin with this method are advised to choose a product that does not contain fluoride, bleaching components and large, coarse abrasive particles that can injure the epidermis. It is better to use a baby, white toothpaste without menthol or flavorings.
  • This product cannot be used as a face cream. It can be applied only to those areas of the skin where there are acne, that is, spot on. If you apply toothpaste not only to a pimple, but also to healthy areas of the skin, an allergic reaction may develop.
  • If itching or rash occurs while using the product, you should immediately wash it off the skin to stop the hypersensitivity reaction.

How to get rid of acne: stages

You can get rid of acne on your face with toothpaste if you follow this action plan:

There is also a faster treatment option, in which the paste is applied to acne not all night, but only for 15–20 minutes. This option is suitable if you don’t have a product without fragrances or dyes on hand: if you apply this acne toothpaste to your face and leave it overnight, you can cause severe and long-lasting irritation.

Another way to use toothpaste for facial acne is to use it in combination with aspirin: half a tablet acetylsalicylic acid, crushed into dust, mixed with half a spoon of toothpaste. The mixture must be thoroughly stirred, after which you need to anoint the pimples with it. Exposure time is 10 minutes, after the procedure the face is washed. You can moisturize the skin with cream and wipe it with ice from the decoction medicinal herb(chamomile, calendula, celandine), due to the effects of cold, the pores will become less noticeable.

Result after several procedures

What kind of acne does toothpaste remove?

The effect of toothpaste will not be noticeable for all dermatological problems; for some skin defects, it is useless to use the product. The method will help:

  • Remove inflamed pimples that have formed a head.
  • Eliminate subcutaneous pimples that do not have a broken head.
  • Get rid of acne.
You can find reviews on the Internet that the paste helps fight not only acne, but also blackheads. But the truth is that if you apply toothpaste to a face affected by acne, there will be no effect, since this product does not contain suitable active ingredients for deep cleansing of pores and treatment of acne.

Does tooth powder clear acne?

An alternative method for getting rid of pimples on the face is to use tooth powder. It can be used in the form of a mixture with a streptocide tablet; an equal amount of funds is taken for its preparation. The antibiotic allows you to enhance the antimicrobial effect of tooth powder. To make the product more convenient to apply, it is mixed with calendula decoction or water until a creamy mixture is obtained. 10 minutes after application, the medicine is washed off with warm water.

The composition prepared according to this recipe can relieve inflammation in a person with oily skin.

A homemade medicine made from streptocide and tooth powder helps reduce the production of sebum, but it should not be abused, as it can upset the balance of skin microflora and cause peeling.

Contraindications and precautions

Like any hygiene product or a medicine against acne on the face, toothpaste can have side effects. You need to take care in advance to prevent troubles:

  • It is not advisable for people with dry skin to carry out such procedures, because the components of the toothpaste dry out the epidermis even more. If, after applying the product to the skin, acne becomes covered with scabs and a dry crust, it means that this method of treatment is not suitable for the person and cannot be used anymore.
  • You should not treat pimples on children’s bodies on your own: they are more likely to develop allergic reactions, and children can inadvertently smear the product and get it into their eyes.
  • Getting the paste into the eyes causes severe discomfort, especially if it contains menthol. Therefore, it is better to apply safer cleansers to pimples located close to the eyelids.
  • For people prone to allergies, it is better not to wipe acne with products not intended for this purpose. As a last resort, you need to conduct an allergy test: lubricate a small area of ​​the wrist with the product, where the skin is very thin and sensitive - if there is an individual intolerance, it will soon appear. In this case, you need to quickly remove the product with warm water and no longer use it as a medicine for acne on the face.

Before you try to remove acne with toothpaste, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its composition and it is advisable to conduct an allergy test. To choose a paste that can be used both to eliminate acne and to clean your teeth, you can consult your dentist.

You cannot take such a remedy as a real medicine - with its help you can eliminate inflammation, but not its root cause. The paste may not always help, not everyone, and only if precautions are followed.

Basic skin care products are not always effective means against acne. Then they come to the rescue traditional methods combating rashes and inflammation that provoked their occurrence. Toothpaste is good for acne, but you need to use it with caution.

You can understand exactly how toothpaste fights skin rashes if you carefully study its composition. The main ingredients of a quality cosmetic product are hydrogen peroxide, triclosan, sodium carbonate (soda) and other active substances. Its spectrum of action is wide:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • stops the development of fungal infection;
  • kills germs;
  • listens to foci of inflammation;
  • deeply cleanses pores and tightens them;
  • eliminates redness.

The toothpaste also contains a lot of additional components that help against acne, as well as soothe the skin and enhance the effect of the main ingredients:

  • chlorhexidine and biosol - actively fight bacteria;
  • Oak bark, green tea and mint, other phyto-components - remove inflammation;
  • silicon dioxide and hydroxide - have the structure of abrasives, they gently act on the top layer of the skin, exfoliate dead particles like a scrub;
  • menthol – removes redness, relieves swelling;
  • hydrogen peroxide, penetrating deep into the pores, literally “pulls out” dirt and sebum from there, killing harmful bacteria;
  • bisabolol (chamomile extract) – promotes fast healing wound;
  • allantoin – helps fight skin tightness, discomfort, and effectively eliminates pain.

If star anise is on the list of ingredients, experts recommend smearing pimples with this toothpaste without fear. This component is ideal for owners oily skin. It normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, reduces the production of sebum, and has a drying effect.

Criteria for choosing a toothpaste

Many people are interested in whether toothpaste helps with acne on the face and what criteria should be followed when purchasing? This product, which is recommended by dentists to keep teeth healthy, can have the opposite effect.

When choosing a toothpaste for the treatment and final elimination of acne, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • White color– this means that the cosmetic product does not contain coloring additives that can become a powerful allergen;
  • lack of bleaching components - when they come into contact with the skin, they can cause pigmentation or burns, the consequences of which are much more difficult to remove than to cure acne;
  • contains healing herbs that relieve inflammation and have an antimicrobial effect (lemon balm, St. John's wort, chamomile or sage),
  • there is no fluorine component in the composition, causing allergies, the extreme and very unpleasant expression of which on the face will be dermatitis;
  • the consistency should be thick, but not gel-like - such pastes contain a record amount of thickener, but important ingredients, on the contrary, are missing, significantly reducing the effectiveness of the paste in the fight against acne.

Note! Some toothpastes contain a component such as bromelain. It is an extract from the pulp of the tropical fruit pineapple. In addition to its pleasant taste, it has a general strengthening effect on the gums, however, it is extremely destructive when fighting acne. It exudes epidermal cells and, with prolonged and regular use, destroys them.

Features and rules of use

You can take ready-made anti-acne toothpaste in a tube or tooth powder; before use, you need to dissolve it in water and bring the resulting mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Important: the ingredients listed above may cause irritation and an allergic reaction if you are intolerant to them. The skin condition will worsen, and there will be even more acne. Therefore, experts recommend using toothpaste with caution, indicating the need to test the body’s reaction on a small area of ​​skin first.

It is not recommended to use this product for a long time, maximum amount procedures per week - no more than 4. After a few days, the body will be able to restore the affected epidermal cells on its own, the skin will gradually cleanse itself due to the activation of internal reserves.

The step-by-step skin care algorithm is as follows:

  1. it is necessary to remove impurities and sebum from the epidermis, using a cleansing foam or a special gel, and then wash with water at room temperature;
  2. dry the skin with a soft towel, but without rubbing it;
  3. take a cotton swab to clean your ears and take a small amount of paste the size of a small pea;
  4. apply the substance to pimples and leave for several hours;
  5. the paste will cover the rash with a thick crust until it active ingredients will act, the flow of oxygen to the affected epidermis will be blocked, which will prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  6. You need to wash off the paste with warm water or a weak decoction of medicinal plants;
  7. owners of dry skin are recommended to lubricate their face with a cream with a moisturizing effect after the procedure;
  8. the procedure must be repeated after a few days 3-4 times.

What happens if you smear toothpaste on an inflamed pimple? It’s simple - it will begin to dry out, the purulent contents will come out of it, and the active substances of the cosmetic product will penetrate the affected area and deactivate the unfavorable microflora. A simple mechanism for fighting acne has already been proven many times in practice by people. different ages. If this method of treatment does not have an effect, it is worth checking your hormonal levels and conducting a diagnosis for thyroid diseases.

Toothpaste masks for acne

  1. Take one teaspoon of toothpaste low in preservatives and other synthetic ingredients and add a similar portion of streptocide powder. Gradually add a little to the resulting mixture boiled water so that after mixing the consistency resembles thick sour cream. The resulting mass should be homogeneous, without clots or lumps, and resemble baby cream. Apply pointwise to problem areas; leave it on the skin for no more than half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with running water and pat dry with a towel.
  2. Take a dessert spoon of toothpaste and a quarter of a lemon. Squeeze the juice out of the fruit, mix it with the paste, gradually adding one crushed aspirin tablet. The resulting mixture is applied pointwise to acne, bypassing healthy areas of the epidermis. Exposure time is 25-30 minutes.
  3. Take toothpaste or tooth powder diluted in water and mix with a few drops of calendula tincture in alcohol. This mass can be applied to the problem area in a thin layer; it is very effective if there are not isolated pimples on the face, but severe rashes. After 15-20 minutes, when the crust dries a little, carefully rinse with water at room temperature.


Despite the fact that toothpaste is great for acne, there are a number of contraindications for which it should not be used. Owner sensitive skin, prone to redness under any aggressive influence environment, you should not use this method of dealing with a cosmetic defect.

  • if there is dermatitis on the face;
  • if there are purulent rashes or acne on any areas of the skin;
  • when a persistent allergic reaction is observed to any component of the toothpaste;
  • when the pimple is located in an area with particularly delicate and thin skin (around the lips, on the upper or lower eyelids).

Many people do not know if they are prone to an allergic reaction and whether they can smear the pimples on their face with toothpaste. To understand whether you are allergic to a particular cosmetic product or not, you can conduct an experiment at home. Apply a small amount of paste to inner side elbow bend, wait 2-3 hours. If during this time there are no rashes, redness, itching or other unpleasant sensations, the use of the products is allowed.

Also, experts do not recommend smearing toothpaste on the face to combat pimples at night for children under the age of 12; they explain this by the fact that at this age the skin is especially thin and delicate, so there is a risk of it mechanical damage and the appearance of rashes. Use with extreme caution this method treatment for persons diagnosed with anemia or poor blood clotting, gastrointestinal disease or genitourinary system. This method should also not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Pimples always appear on the face at the wrong time, and no one is happy about their formation, as it greatly spoils appearance and causes outright hostility among many. The problem with such rashes is that hiding them with makeup is far from easy and making your face perfect even with the skills of a professional makeup artist is something almost impossible. Considering all this, it is not at all surprising that the shelves of cosmetic stores are filled with a variety of specialized products both for a thorough fight against acne and for their express removal. But they can help simple products, which everyone has at home, for example, regular toothpaste. Is it possible to effectively use it against acne? Let’s try to find out.

Does toothpaste help with acne?

Considering that toothpaste is intended solely for maintaining hygiene oral cavity, it is not at all surprising that there are no scientific research by its impact on problematic skin was not carried out. However, many people who have used this method in practice claim that it really helps.

So, it’s immediately worth noting that this method is similar in its effect to the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for a runny nose - yes, there is a result, but the cause remains, and therefore the solution is exclusively temporary. Main question– what happens if you put toothpaste on a pimple? Such products have a certain anti-inflammatory effect, and due to the individual components of their composition, they can dry out the pimple and exfoliate dead particles, which will contribute to its speedy disappearance. Considering that the sources of acne lie in the disruption of endocrine system, stress, problems with digestive tract, hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, etc., the paste cannot eliminate them completely, since it has no factors influencing the root cause. But suppressing the growth and activity of bacteria in the inflamed area is quite possible.

Thus, toothpaste can, but it should be used only in extreme circumstances, if there is no other remedy, and remove cosmetic defect need to.

What kind of acne can you get rid of with paste?

The question of which acne toothpaste can be used against is more related to the issue of effectiveness this method in one situation or another. So, the result will be noticeable with inflamed pimples, acne, but the same with blackheads folk remedy will not be able to help, since it does not have the necessary effects for this. Subcutaneous acne, which have not yet formed their heads, can also be treated with paste - it is likely that with such an effect they will stop their development and pass faster.

It is worth understanding that there will be no immediate result in getting rid of acne, since even with the most the best way the body needs time to restore tissue and relieve inflammation. The most comfortable use will be for oily and combination skin, but those with dry skin are not recommended to resort to this method - it will only dry out the skin even more.

Which toothpaste to use to treat acne

The effect of the method under consideration will also be determined by how correctly the paste was chosen, because not every composition can be safely used for the skin. The first criterion is the classic white color; it is better not to use gel or colored compositions, as they contain more chemical components, which means a higher risk negative reaction skin. Menthol in the composition should also be avoided, since this component is quite aggressive for the skin, and keeping it on the face will be accompanied by severe unpleasant sensations. The whitening effect is also prohibited, since redness and irritation in this case are practically guaranteed.

The most effective and safest is a paste with natural additives, for example, with chamomile extract, oak bark, etc. It is also worth paying attention to the price criterion - in most cases it is better to give preference to inexpensive paste options, since products from a high price category almost always contain whitening components and an extensive list of ingredients. Based on these tips, you can choose an effective composition, but it is still worth remembering that each person’s skin is individual, which means that the reaction even to a properly selected product can be negative.

How to apply paste to pimples and how long to keep the product on

There are several ways to use toothpaste to get rid of acne. The first is spot application. Everything is quite simple here - you need to apply a small amount of the product to each area of ​​​​inflammation without rubbing it in and leave it like that. After the paste has dried and there is no longer any risk of staining the bedding, you can safely go to bed. The next morning, the remains of the folk remedy must be washed off with warm water, and in order to improve the condition of the skin and tighten the pores, it is recommended to wipe it with an ice cube, ideally made from chamomile decoction. It is possible to apply the paste during the day, but in this case it will be enough to leave it on for half an hour and you can wash it off.

The recipe can also be used for spots that remain from previously untreated acne. If everything went well and the paste was chosen correctly, then the pimple should noticeably lighten and shrink due to fading inflammatory process and relieving swelling of the area. Such a defect will be much easier to disguise, and most likely you won’t even have to repeat the procedure to completely eliminate it.

Mask with tooth powder and streptocide

Another very popular recipe is a so-called dental mask, for the preparation of which tooth powder and streptocide tablets are used. The proportions are as follows: per teaspoon of dental product - 3 crushed tablets of the medication, which will allow you to get approximately equal quantities. The composition needs to be given the consistency of a mask, and therefore a little water or calendula decoction is added to it to obtain a creamy structure. In this form, the folk remedy can be applied to the face and it will be very simple to do. The exposure time is a third of an hour, but if intense discomfort, then you need to wash it off earlier. Use warm water to remove the mixture.

The big advantage of such a mask is its versatility, that is, it can be used not only on the face, and in addition to fighting acne, it will help remove excess oil from the face as a whole and become, in some way, a prevention of the appearance of new inflammations.

Cautions for using the product

It is worth understanding that a method such as using toothpaste is not a treatment for the problem, much less a specific approach, and therefore it is not suitable for everyone. IN in some cases An allergic reaction may occur to the components of the composition of the product used, but more often the paste simply dries out the skin greatly, which causes peeling, redness and sometimes even aggravation of the acne situation. The product becomes especially dangerous in this aspect if a person already has dry skin.

Special care should be taken if a defect occurs in the area around the eyes - it is not recommended to apply a paste here; it is better to limit yourself to gentle means, for example, herbal decoctions. A particular threat here is the possibility of carelessly getting the product into the eye - this will cause extremely strong unkempt sensations.

Oh those pimples! And where do they come from on our heads, or rather, on our faces... And what’s most offensive: these guests, as luck would have it, prefer to appear on the faces of the youngest and prettiest. But it is in youth that appearance plays a particularly important role. Is it any wonder that for a huge number of guys and girls, the search for a miraculous elixir that can help get rid of this scourge has become almost the meaning of life. Pharmacies offer a huge selection of official and completely safe drugs: creams, lotions, vitamins. ethnoscience also does not lag behind in the number of offers. But I always want to try something new. Toothpaste for acne Lately enjoys special attention and popularity among young people.

Why her?

Once upon a time, teenagers vacationing in summer pioneer camps had a cute custom: sneaking into neighboring wards at night and jokingly smearing their friends and comrades with toothpaste. And what? Both funny and harmless... In addition, many children noticed that after such a night mask, the unpleasant rashes on the face noticeably dried out and decreased overnight. The anti-acne toothpaste worked flawlessly. It must be said that during Soviet Union domestic industry did not particularly spoil its fellow citizens with a variety of goods. Only a few toothpastes were produced, but they were all made from natural raw materials. That is, no special chemical additives were observed in the composition. Maybe that's why they tasted quite unpleasant. But that’s the trick: such a remedy that saves acne should be as simple as possible in its composition.

Does toothpaste help with acne?

Apparently it helps if many people recommend it as a remedy. Of course, we should not forget that initially this drug was not created to fight acne, but to simply clean teeth. Modern toothpastes include a variety of extracts from medicinal plants, as well as antibacterial substances. Thanks to these ingredients, toothpaste helps against acne, and how! Just don’t think that, armed with just this one remedy, you can completely solve the problem of pustular rashes on the skin of the face. Toothpaste can only be used as ambulance. When, for example, you need to quickly dry out a couple of pimples. But if acne persists with enviable consistency, then for effective treatment it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance. Consultation with a dermatologist should be mandatory.

How to use toothpaste to fight acne

In principle, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is the right choice. How simpler remedy, all the better! There is no need to buy advertised cosmetics. Their effect may be the least. Anti-acne toothpaste should be plain white. It is better with additives such as oak bark, eucalyptus, chamomile flowers, sage, and calendula. It’s good when the composition indicates the content of menthol and alcohol. These substances work well with local skin inflammations. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to carefully study the composition indicated on the packaging. Consulting the seller won't hurt either. Before going to bed, your face should be thoroughly cleansed with your usual cosmetics, and then apply the paste pointwise to the skin of the face. There is no need to smear the entire face, just individual pimples. While you sleep, the active healing substances contained in the toothpaste will work tirelessly. After washing your face in the morning, the reflection in the mirror will definitely please you: all the pimples will dry out, shrink and become much less noticeable. The next night you can repeat this procedure.

What side effects might there be?

If you are inclined to allergic reactions, and the toothpaste contains one of the allergens to which your body reacts, then after using the drug the morning is unlikely to be good for you! Therefore, it is important to carefully study the composition before applying the product to your facial skin. For allergy sufferers, a preliminary test is required. Try applying a small amount to your hand and see if any redness or itching occurs after a few hours. You should also not use toothpaste for large, confluent acne.