Russian hunting piebald. Russian hound. Differences of the Estonian Hound

The dog has always been best friend person. She is with us on the hunt, at home, on a walk, ready to protect us and help us in any difficult moment.

She entertains us, she nurses our children. A dog in the house is not only a protector, but also the absence of loneliness, these little and affectionate friends of ours will always support us in difficult times. If you decide to get a dog, then you have done right choice. What a pity that many of us do not understand the value of such devotion at all.

So, today we will talk about almost the most famous breed of dogs, which often appears in literary works - this is the Russian Hound.

In contact with


Description of the breed

Long ago, in Ancient Russia, the men took with them hunting dogs - hounds, and for the first time the Russian Hound breed appeared only in the 19th century. It was originally a hunting dog, and was used specifically for this purpose. Only boyars and landowners could buy such a took part in the royal hunt and could boast of having such an assistant.

It is this breed very sharp scent, very fast reaction and high speed, so when the hunter shoots a duck, it will not be difficult to find it. In Europe, when they found out about the existence of such a breed, they immediately wanted to test it in action, but as it turned out, it is not suitable for Europe, this dog is exclusively for spacious Russian territories.

So, Russian Hound - dog enough large size , type - hunting. This nature is characterized by a special stateliness, grace, well-developed muscle. Max Height at the withers it can reach 67 cm. Therefore, the dog looks quite harmonious and harmonious.

Head small, wedge-shaped. The limbs, both hind and fore, are muscular, well developed, which allows the dog to move quickly enough. The coat is small, so the dog will not shed much.

Fur and its color can vary in colors: basically, dogs do not exist in one color, it is rather a mixture of three or more shades - several shades of brown, black, somewhere gray or white. The shape of the spots on the coat can vary, and the size can also change, and some dogs are born with little markings at all. White, most often paws or chest.

Tail the Hounds have a strong, most often tapering towards the end. As you know, at the beginning of the 20th century, a special standard was generally developed for given type breed, and until today it is more and more modernized, and dogs are frequent guests at exhibitions. After all, you must admit, there is something, indeed, you can admire.

The weight small dogs, between 23 – 30 kilograms.

average life expectancy– 10-12 years with proper care.

Especially these dogs need constant training, because, as already mentioned, they were originally intended for hunting, and hunters raised their dogs as expected.

This species lends itself to training quite well, since dogs have not only physical abilities, but also high intellectual capabilities.

A photo

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dog character

This dog is distinguished by special sensitivity and calmness. At home, she is docile and gentle; when hunting with her owner, she is focused, energetic and very active. Russian Hound - this is a very loyal dog, therefore, he will never give offense to his master.

She treats strangers with caution, can be aggressive, so it is recommended to go for a walk with a dog only with a leash and a muzzle.

Their master or the family in which they grew up is always considered authority, very obedient and docile. But on the street they often like to drive other relatives or birds, so if someone else lives in your house besides a dog, then it is better to avoid trouble and choose a friendlier breed. But, as for children, in this case, the animals are harmless, affectionate and caring.

In raising dogs, be sure to show special perseverance, as hounds can be stubborn and mischievous, in order to train them with the necessary systematic approach. learning served very easily.

Dogs do not require any excessive attention, such as pugs, they themselves can find something to their liking.

Here is such a wonderful breed bred here in Russia. Very good option to take it guard dog to the house, etc. Now let's talk a little about nutrition and care.

What to feed your pet?

So, this breed of dog, like any other, needs a balanced diet to strengthen and grow muscles, and also to the fact that dogs are very active, they should eat a lot.

  • Meat should be most diet, low-fat varieties are suitable, for example, beef, cut into pieces and well boiled.
  • Dairy. How surprising it is, but yes, dogs need them too. It is best to give not pure milk, since lactose is not always well absorbed even in humans, but for example, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. It is these products that contain many useful elements for the development of strong muscles and strong bones.
  • Fish should also be included in the diet. Boil it and, most importantly, completely remove the bones.
  • Vegetables in any form - cabbage, carrots, cucumbers. Potatoes are generally useless for dogs. Their body is so arranged that they do not need starch. Onions are not recommended, but garlic, a small amount, can even help, it kills all microbes in the stomach and intestines, helps fight worms.
  • Various cereals- buckwheat, millet, rice cooked in the usual form.
  • Minerals and vitamins must be present in the diet, since not all substances can be obtained from food, but in order for the dog to live with you for a long time, it is necessary to include them in the diet - these are Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins. A, B, C, D, fatty acids.
  • Be sure to drink the dog clean water, change once a day, also wash bowls often, a sufficient amount of germs also accumulate there.

These are the staple foods for this breed and note that natural cooking is only welcome, it is in this way that the dog assimilates food better. Of course, you can buy special food in the store if you don't have time to prepare food every day. Then carefully read on the box if there are any substances that can cause an allergic reaction or other side effects in a dog.

Dogs are not picky in grooming, because, as mentioned above, their hair is not very long, but if you want to raise a healthy and strong pet, then proper care must be provided. Not all dogs love baths. But if you teach them from childhood, then they will treat them quite calmly.

Use special shampoos. Pay close attention to examining the ears, eyeballs, teeth, etc. After each walk, inspect the dog to avoid further problems, this will not be difficult for you. Be sure to feed the dog on time, and do not forget to water it clean water.

Because the dog is very active, keep it in a confined space is not worth it, especially if you have a very small and cramped apartment, these breeds prefer space more.

As for the coat, check it more often, especially in summer, especially if you are an avid hunter. Comb the dog more often, for this you can buy a special comb in the store. They are often made on natural soft bristles so as not to damage delicate skin.

If there are any problems, then immediately take the dog to the veterinarian, do not delay with illnesses. Put everything on time required vaccinations.

Training and education

How to train dogs of this breed? Let's start with the fact that they teach various teams from infancy, then everything is better absorbed and the dog can not particularly show his violent and sometimes very complex nature. It is better to start gradually, not immediately give heavy loads, no animal will endure.

Know from the very beginning interest the dog so that she herself asks you to train her. Of course use old method stick and carrot, only the stick should not be too hard and rough. Otherwise, the dog may get scared, and then completely withdraw. Everything should be systematic and even.

If you take a dog for the purpose of hunting, then it is better to train it yourself. You can find a good coach, but how then to re-educate her for yourself? Therefore, run with the dog through the fields, train to catch game, while artificial, then real. If your dog has a habit of immediately rushing at the enemy, directly, without you, then immediately stop this, this should not happen, it can then play a cruel joke on you while hunting.

But dogs don't just need loads everyday, go outside with it, play various games, walk in the park, become the best owner in the world for your dog.

Possible diseases

All breeds of dogs have their occupational diseases. Of course, the most common disease is allergic reactions but they are easy to deal with. Beagles have even more serious problems, it can be very difficult to treat them, for example: conjunctivitis, we have already mentioned that when leaving, you need to pay great attention to the eyes, since they are quite open, and the dog is very active and can wallow in the sand, play and so on. Also, problems can arise with the joints. Hyperthermia, myositis, myelopathy These are issues that need to be dealt with.

Therefore, a regular trip to the veterinarian is your responsibility, let your dog be healthy and live for many years.

So, everyone learned about the breed, now let's talk a little about prices for this breed.

How much do puppies cost?

These dogs have their own special features, as a result of which they are distributed into separate classes and depending on which class the dog belongs to and the price depends.

Pet class or the lowest class. These puppies have good features, but alas, they are not enough to participate in large-scale exhibitions, something went wrong with their appearance. Such breeds cost about 90 USD. no more. So if you don't care this problem and you take the dog not for shows, but to your house or for hunting, this class will suit you.

Middle class or Brid class. These puppies no longer have any flaws, they have a good pedigree, but they are unlikely to win the competition. The price varies from 200 to 550 USD.

Well, the most representative Show class- these are hounds with very good genetic data, with a chic physique and color. The breed standard "Russian Hound" is observed here for all five plus. Therefore, if you want to become the owner of this wonderful breed, then you will have to pay a large amount and make efforts to care for such a pet - 1000-1200 USD.


So we are very detailed. considered this breed, I think you already wanted to buy it. If you want to raise a pet on your own, then buy it at a young age. But many hunters prefer to take an already formed individual, which will only help them, this is also a good option. If you need an active dog, then Russian hound in this case will suit you. But it is especially suitable for hunters and lovers of conquering the forest, but when you take a pet home, be sure to remember that you are fully responsible for it.

Your dog should not work for you, it is part of yours. big family, a full-fledged her member, so provide her with proper care and attention. If for some reason you no longer need a dog, the street is not the best option for it, now everyone is struggling with this problem, it is better to give it to good and reliable hands. May your pet be always with you.

At a family meeting, you decided to get yourself a dog. Relying on famous phrase"A dog is a man's friend", you have chosen a pet for the whole family, decided to buy a puppy of the Russian piebald dog breed. This is a true and devoted friend. Dogs of this breed are sincerely attached to the owner. Children are treated kindly, while the owners have never observed even a hint of sharp attacks of aggression.

At first glance, the Russian Pinto Hound looks dignified and balanced, but still, dogs of this breed are very fond of space and freedom. Yes, and the essence of her character are hunting instincts, which are difficult to eradicate by any education.

There are several uses for this breed:

  1. Great helper when hunting. In these circumstances, the Russian hound dog becomes simply irreplaceable, and this is the life she likes. It is necessary to keep the dog in a place where she can run, stretch, throw out her indefatigable energy. An aviary is considered the best place to live.
  2. As a caretaker she also shows very good qualities of his breed. You can, of course, put her on a chain, but it will be stressful for nervous system pet. The dog is used to working with people and trusting them, so putting it on a chain is highly undesirable: both the character will deteriorate and the watchman will be bad.
  3. How pet, theoretically, it is possible to keep a dog in an ordinary city apartment, but this will be a torment for both the owner and the dog itself. This is a very active breed with a pronounced hunting instinct of pursuit, it is vital to run.

Gallery: Russian piebald hound (25 photos)

The history of the breed Russian piebald hound

After the ⅩⅤ century, the aristocratic nobility in Russia became interested in dog hunting. Since that time, hunting dogs have gained a real flourishing, including Russian hounds. During the persecution of the animal, Russian hounds created a loud barking bark, so wealthy kennel owners called these dogs yap. Since ancient times, it was believed that the progenitors of Russian hounds were medelyanki (an ancient Russian breed large dogs, which was intended for baiting and hunting for a bear, now this breed has already died out) and Tatar hounds.

Russian hounds were very popular at that time, which led to random crossbreeding and greatly influenced the character and appearance of the puppies. Therefore, hunting dogs similar nature, but completely different appearance, until a certain time they were called Russian hounds. And only by the ⅩⅠⅩ century did the situation with the habits and appearance of this breed begin to take some stability. Russian hounds showed very good qualities during hunting both in pairs and alone, as well as together with greyhounds. Hound dogs could refuse food and rest for a long time if it was necessary to pursue and track down the beast. They had extraordinary endurance. The first breed standard was issued in 1895.

It seemed that a series of wars on the territory of Russia (First World War, revolution, Civil War) and the famine and devastation that followed them will forever exterminate this breed. Only eight dogs similar breed were presented at the first Moscow post-revolutionary exhibition in 1923. But thanks to the efforts ordinary people, this breed was saved. And after a short period of time, at various competitions and exhibitions, in the fields and meadows, there were much more dogs of this wonderful breed.

The first standard of this breed was written in 1925, however, then it was then called the Anglo-Russian Hound. And only in 1951 this breed received its modern name - the Russian piebald hound. In European countries, this breed still does not have much popularity, while any avid hunter in our country would consider it an honor to have such a loyal, hardy and fearless companion on the hunt.

Description of the breed standard

The size of the Russian Pinto Hound is larger than average with short hair. Proportional-athletic build, with strong bones and developed muscles represent her best external qualities. The dog is fearless, fast, active, hardy, strong. The character is balanced, tireless and stubborn. Has a beautiful loud voice.

Most often used as hunting dogs. On the hunt they work on a fox, a hare and a jackal. Hunters consider the ability of the Russian piebald hound to work in a pack as a particularly valuable quality.

The height at the withers for males is 57–67.5 cm. The females have a height of 54–64.5 cm. Pedigree specimens of males have a weight of 25 to 31 kg, and females can weigh from 21 to 35 kg. The body length of males is 101–103 cm, and females, due to the function of childbearing, can have a large body length of 102–105 cm.

The movements of Russian piebald hounds are sweeping, energetic and free.

Appearance standards:

Features of care and maintenance

Russian piebald hounds do not need complex care. But if you want to see your pet healthy, active and energetic, nevertheless, some care criteria must be met:

The option of keeping this breed must be taken with all responsibility. By the nature of their behavior, Russian hounds are active dogs, so keeping them in apartments is undesirable. The best option residence of such a breed will be an aviary with a rather large area on the territory of its own country house or cottages. And if the owner cannot devote much time to training and providing active walks for the pet, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​having a dog of this breed right away.

If you give the dog food only once a day, then it will be hungry, because the digestion of food occurs in 8 hours. Therefore, a certain amount of food must be divided into 2-4 meals. Depending on the volume of each serving comes from the preferences of your pet. In the first place in the diet of a hunting dog is fresh meat, and a juicy beef bone is given to the dog as a treat. Vegetables and milk porridges are also important in the diet. Sometimes you can give dry food.

But hollow and small bones should be completely excluded from the diet. It is also forbidden to give the dog fatty pork meat, smoked meats and sweets. And, of course, it is necessary to completely exclude various spices and salt from the menu of hunting dogs.


Naturally in hunting dogs good health. After all, Russian hunting was often carried out in the cold season, so the dog needed good immunity and a great temper.

But still, there is a certain tendency to certain diseases in hunting dogs. Typical diseases include:

  • Conjunctivitis is an eye disease. If the dog is not shown to the veterinarian in time, the disease can turn into a dangerous chronic form.
  • Myositis is a muscle inflammation of a different nature. Edema in the tissues may be accompanied by progressive lameness.
  • Degenerative myelopathy is a disease spinal cord which is more common in older dogs. At the same time, the dog falls on its hind limbs, loses coordination of movements, and the back of the body may fall to one side.
  • Hip dysplasia is congenital disease joints.


Vaccination procedures for hunting dogs are the same as for other breeds. Distemper vaccination is carried out for the first time after a month of the animal's life, repeated at least two weeks later.

After six months of life, a rabies vaccination is given, which is repeated further annually.

Education and training

Raising a Russian piebald hound is not very easy. Here it is important to follow some rules that can help in establishing contact with the pet:

Animals are very fond of affection and are sensitive to care. Therefore, subject to these simple rules, the pet will always respond to the owner and members of his family with loyalty and devotion.

The Russian piebald hound lends itself very well to learning and training. But to consolidate all the skills both in hunting and in everyday life, systematic training and a strict approach are required. Using the method of encouragement, you can teach your puppy commands from the age of three months. From the age of ten months, you can start chasing the dog after learning the basic commands and obedience. Of course, hunting instincts are embedded in the genes of these breeds, but all the same, the development of these skills must be constantly pursued.

Remember that you definitely need to weigh the pros and cons before you decide to get a puppy of a hunting dog of the Russian Pinto Hound breed. And if you are an active, purposeful person, then this breed is for you.

If you are a hunting lover and do it regularly, then a good four-legged companion is a must for you. One of best breeds for these purposes are hounds: Russian or Russian skewbald. Prosperous farmers from ancient times kept several kennels on their lands, where they raised and bred representatives of this breed. Today it is a very popular hound breed of dogs throughout the civilized world. Many will certainly be interested to know the history of the origin of this breed, as well as to get acquainted with the intricacies of character and the main differences between the Russian and Russian piebald hounds. This will be discussed in this article.

The history of the origin of the Russian and Russian piebald hounds

To begin with, it should be emphasized that the Russian and Russian piebald hounds belong to a special category of hunting dogs, whose task is to find game and a hardy rut, accompanied by a specific dog barking. It is barking that is the characteristic highlight of the breed, since the voices of the hounds are distinguished by their melodiousness, sonority and power of sound.

For the first time, hunting, where Russian hounds were involved, was mentioned in historical documents of the "golden" XIX century. Then there were no such concepts as factory breeds, accepted in today's context of its breeding. Hunting dogs at that time were chosen, as they say "by eye". First of all, the innate abilities of the dog were evaluated:

  • Taking a trail.
  • Finding and hunting the victim.
  • Interaction with the owner.

At that time, the hounds differed in appearance and no specific accent was required. But at the end of the century, they began to place special emphasis on the breeding of Russian hounds.

In 1895, the first standards of the Russian hound were approved, which became the official date of her so-called birth. However, large-scale reproduction of these dogs began in Soviet Russia much later. Hounds began to gain new momentum in popularity at the end of the October Revolution, when avid amateur hunters began to show increased interest in Russian hounds. And already in 1925 it was adopted new standard, which characterized the breed of the Russian hound dog.

In addition to breeders, well-known Russian scientists and writers became interested in the natural amazing skills of the hounds of Russia: Sabaneev L.P., Gubin P.M., Kishensky N.P. It should be noted that in each work all types of hounds were described, but the description of the Russian hound was given differently everywhere, and this became the reason for many conflicting disputes.

Such contradictions arose due to the fact that this type of rock had not yet been finally described, but was under study. Russian hounds were also bred in different ways, based on the personal preferences of each owner.

A person always strives for the best, so breeders began to actively work on breeding a new, faster and more productive breed of the Russian hound. In the period 1935–1951. she gained very high speed, which significantly changed the original standard of the hound in some respects.

As a result of this, a new breed of hound was obtained - russian piebald. Although, it should be noted that in fact this species appeared by chance when the Russian hound was crossed with other breeds, among which was a representative of the Foxhound breed. This is one of the most expensive and beloved breeds in Great Britain, thanks to which, in tandem with the Russian hound, the first puppies of an artificially bred breed appeared. They were given a name - Russian piebald hounds.

And the standard of this new breed was also approved in 1925, although the name of the Russian Pinto Hound was officially approved in 1951. It should be noted that the FCI (International Cynological Federation) does not recognize it so far.

Breed Russian hound: description

The appearance of the Russian hound was formed taking into account its purpose by nature. After all, the main duties of a hound on a hunt include helping the owner in catching and searching for game. And the first thing that catches your eye is a muscular and dense physique. Adult males reach at the withers up to 68 cm, and females up to 65 cm.

Russian hounds - modern breed standard

The modern standard of this breed has the following data:

The main task of cynologists at the present time is not to deviate from the developed standard. Because these hounds have already lost their characteristic appearance so much. And if you do not engage in thorough culling among males and females, then a full-fledged Russian hound may simply degenerate, and in dog breeding there will be mixing within the breed.

In special kennels, males and females of Russian hounds are carefully selected, which allows the development and preservation of the breed. Thanks to this, the sonorous voices of Russian hounds will accompany hunters for many centuries to come. After all this dog is just made for our forests to walk on a deer, a hare or a fox.

Russian hounds are characterized mainly by three coat colors: crimson, gray and tan and black-backed. The marriage of the breed is considered to be speck white color on the animal, although small white and solid patches are acceptable and acceptable.

Russian piebald hound: description

Despite the great similarity between the Russian and Russian piebald hounds, you can still notice a number of small differences:

  • The wool of the Russian piebald hound itself no more than five centimeters, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws and head is very short. At the same time, the tail is covered with long thick hair, which makes it outwardly heavy.
  • The growth of an adult at the withers is greater than that of the Russian hound and reaches 70 cm.

Russian piebald hound - standard and differences from the Russian hound

  • The head is dry, wedge-shaped.
  • The cranial part is oblong, flat on top.
  • The muzzle is long and without a square cut.
  • The nose is broad and black.
  • Lips tight to the jaws dark color. There are no frills and sagging.
  • The hanging ears are triangular in shape and set below the line of the eyes.
  • Dark brown eyes are of medium size, the eyelids are oblique, the edges of the eyelids are dark. A rounded incision of the eyelids is considered a disadvantage.
  • The neck is dry and muscular.
  • The chest is wide and deep.
  • Well developed withers.
  • The back is broad and muscular.
  • The croup is moderately long and wide; the belly is picked up.
  • The fore and hind limbs are parallel and straight.
  • Paws oval.
  • The tail is thick at the very base, tapering towards the end. He dropped into calm state, and when excited, the dog raises it above the level of the back.
  • The color is usually piebald with black spots and the most different sizes. Shoulders, paws and belly are white. Sometimes there are individuals of a reddish - piebald or gray-piebald color.


The shape of the ears and lips, as well as the structure of the skull, are slightly different.

In addition to differences in appearance, breeds differ in labor force dogs, although the test tasks are identical for both breeds.

The main feature is the melodious barking, which intensifies if the dog finds a place for game fattening. The Russian hound is faster and is able to make it clear to the owner by voice whether it is far from the victim or is already sitting on it. And also, by the voice of the Russian hound, you can determine who exactly is being hunted: a fox or a hare.

Piebald hounds work more quietly, preferring to hunt, as they say, the "red beast".

Features of the character of Russian hounds

Although the described breeds are considered different, their natural essence is identical, and, accordingly, the character with temperament also does not have any special differences. A small exception may be individual dogs, since any living creature has its own individual indicators. Therefore, it makes no sense to describe the nature of related breeds separately.

The main advantages of both breeds of hounds:

  • Impeccable scent. Gonchaks have been excellent hunters since childhood, largely due to their nose, or rather, its structure. Natural subtle scent and innate instinct helps them to take the animal trail and unmistakably lead it to almost any distance.
  • Voiced voice data. In addition to the fact that the hounds are the owners of a melodious sonorous voice, they are also able to “play” with it, thereby explaining their actions to the owner. Such unique ability possess and stand out among other hunting dogs only hounds.
  • Strong and built musculature. A strong physique with well-developed muscles allows them to withstand fairly large physical exertion and overcome great distances.

in skillful and experienced hands Russian or Russian piebald hound becomes not only an excellent assistant in a joint hunt, but also a devoted friend.

Adopting a puppy of this wonderful breed is currently quite easy. It is enough to enter the line “buy a Russian hound puppy” in the Internet search engine, and then choose the option that suits you from the large list. Although before buying, it is advisable to get to know your "chosen one" better.

a brief description of

  • Other names: Russian harlequin hound, Russian piebald hound, Gontchaja russkaja pegaja
  • Growth: up to 68 cm at the withers.
  • The weight: up to 30 kg.
  • Color: crimson, black-brown, gray and tan, large spills of white spots and specks are not allowed, but small white markings are allowed.
  • Wool: short on the limbs, relatively long on the body, lying close to the body, the undercoat is thick, meek and dense.
  • Lifespan: up to 12 years old.
  • Breed advantages: dogs are considered unsurpassed assistants in the hunt for wild beast. Dogs are fearless, a flock fill up a bear and a wild boar. They are distinguished by a constant readiness to serve the owner.
  • Difficulties: the dog reluctantly succumbs to the general classical course of training, but, nevertheless, easily and quickly masters the skill of a hunter. Doesn't get along well with other pets. Inexperienced owners are not recommended as a first dog.
  • Price: $200.

Origin story

The beginning of the existence of the Russian hound breed was laid at the very end of the 19th century. In 1895, representatives of the breed appeared, whose phenotype underlies modern dogs. Purposeful breeding of the breed began only with the advent of Soviet power, and at the same time the first standard of the Russian hound, dating back to 1925, would be approved.

The data on dogs has undergone changes twice. Amendments were made in 1935, and the breed standard, finally supplemented with a division into types, was approved at the end of 1951.

The purpose of the breed

Distinguish two main types Russian hounds in the manner of work:

  1. Dogs for canine hunting for red predator- fox, wolf. It is believed that Russian hounds perform this work better than greyhounds, since dogs accompany the object with incessant barking, showing the hunter the direction of movement and the location of the beast.
  2. Dogs for gun hunting. Unlike dog hunting, rifle hunting involves the help of only one dog, tracking down, raising and poisoning prey on the hunter.

Dogs, both in the first and in the second case, work perfectly and are still used for their intended purpose.


In the off-season, this classic hunter prefers a quiet holiday with his family. dog relatively loyal to all the inhabitants living with him under the same roof, but excesses are not excluded. The Russian hound even expresses tolerance for cats if they were brought up next to her from puppyhood. Neighborly living creatures can be shamefully expelled from the territory belonging to the dog.

Representatives of the breed are not suitable for housing maintenance. Animals need space and constant movement. Without fulfilling their direct duties, dogs may develop a sense of inferiority or uselessness. Therefore, on walks, you need to give your pet plenty of running around with an imitation of hunting games.

Video review of the breed

One of ancient breeds dogs - Russian hound. Russian dog hunting is impossible without them. Everything about these dogs will be told by the Planet of Dogs:

Choosing a puppy

In acquiring the working category of the Russian hound, the key point is the presence of a pedigree, where each breeding line is carefully verified. The qualitative characteristics of the acquired dog, its adequacy, character and ability to fulfill its purpose depend on this.

Signs of inbredness:

  • dewclaws on the hind limbs;
  • a large number of large white spots or frequent specks;
  • bright reddish tan, marbling in pied, piebald or solid very dark color.

Hunters prefer take grown up puppies at the age of 5-8 months when the main characteristics - the nature and type of behavior - are fully manifested. Replaced teeth complete the picture of the puppy's suitability for work. When purchasing a dog, you should make sure that the teenager has done everything that a puppy should have at this age.

When buying a puppy, it is necessary to find out about the presence of ancestors that throw themselves at livestock, or dogs that do not vote, unless, of course, the breeder can honestly answer the questions posed.

Russian hound puppies are purchased either very small, one and a half and up to two months, or already grown. When choosing, you should carefully observe the babies and take the one whose instinct is developed very strongly - he is the first to find the mother's nipples, squeals more often than others.

When taking a month-old puppy, you should get a full consultation from the breeder about raising a baby, as well as how to quickly teach a puppy to go to the toiletuntil he gets stronger.

Puppies from an eight-year-old female and older, it is not recommended to purchase puppies a priori, since at this age Russian hounds give rickety offspring.

Nicknames and names

A worthy dog ​​should have an appropriate name reflecting the nature and inner world pet. The Russian hound has a specific appearance and an active life position, being constantly on the move. A fairly thin dog on long legs with a sharp elongated muzzle and special natural characteristics can't have a boring simple nickname.

Russian hounds are given short capacious and sonorous names:

  • males- Brig, Duck, Kent, Last, Mat, Ost, Pete, Ram;
  • bitches- Ira, Dori, Liz, Pat, Lynx, Tiki, Una.

For the Russian hound maintenance is quite simple, but very specific:

  1. Cleanliness of the holding area, including the feeding point with ongoing disinfection.
  2. Daily examination of the eyes, teeth, ears.
  3. Weekly combing of wool, during the molting period - daily.

Healthy dogs have clear sclera and never watery eyes. In the presence of accumulations of secretion, you should contact your veterinarian. almost daily, since the hounds, by virtue of professional activity suffer from ear problems.

Dogs are washed infrequently, once a month bathing with shampoo is allowed as much as possible. But after water procedures, swimming in a pond or at home, the ears should be dried thoroughly. The dental system is strong, but nevertheless needs a preventive examination by a veterinarian.

Paws need special care. Even after a walk, the pads should be inspected for splinters, cuts, or cracks. The hair between the toes must be cut off so that dirt or snow does not stuff between the paw pads, especially during the off-season.

Health and heredity

Two types of diseases are common in hounds - hereditary, genetically transmitted and acquired due to breed predisposition.To genetic hereditary diseases include:

  • Degenerative myelopathy - loss white matter spinal cord. Not treated.
  • hip joint, manifested up to 10 months of age of the dog.

Russian hounds are considered fairly healthy dogs with strong immunity, but some representatives of the breed are prone to development:

  • myositis;
  • malignant hypertension.

FROM early age symptoms of both hypo- and hyperthermia can be observed, so measuring the dog's body is included in the mandatory daily monitoring of the pet's health.

In shaping the body of a taken puppy so that it grows healthy dog, is of great importance balanced diet. Therefore, it is very important at first to feed the baby with what he ate in the nursery, and only after some time carefully and slowly transfer to a different type of feeding.

All breeders It is recommended to feed pets with ready-made industrial feeds. The Russian Hound is ideally suited for TM Pro Plan foods, specially designed for animals leading an active lifestyle. Also, do not forget about the water, it should be in the bowl of the dogs all the time.

AT natural feeding it is important to take into account the fact that dogs are carnivores and need in large numbers protein. Therefore, raw meat in the pet's diet must be present without fail, along with a vitamin-mineral complex.

Education and training

Until the age of five months, the puppy teams independently. From the age of five months, the dog begins to be taught to wear a collar, accustomed to a leash and walking nearby so that the puppy does not pull and does not shy away from side to side. From the very beginning of the appearance of a dog in the house, it is taught. If a grown individual is taken, a professional cynologist specializing in training hunting dogs should be involved in the process of education.

Russian hounds reluctant to follow the training process, but as for professional skills, here dogs learn quickly and with pleasure. From the age of ten months, hounds are taken out for training for field hunting.

Before training in field conditions dogs needs to be fully socialized so that they are not afraid of loud trumpet sounds, cars and people. Therefore, from the age of six months, at the time of feeding, the puppy is accustomed to the sounds of a hunting horn, so that the dog is not afraid of sharp sounds and goes to the owner for a handout, barely hearing the call signs of the horns.

Advantages and disadvantages

Russian hounds belong to specific breeds of dogs. it hardy, endowed with a sharp flair, ingenuity and a high degree of viciousness animals. They have expressive and enough musical voice how they differ from other hunting breeds.

Gonchak is not a dog for everyone. It is strongly not recommended to acquire it for a person unfamiliar with the upbringing of hunters, and especially for the first time getting a dog.

Only an experienced dog breeder, who has repeatedly encountered the upbringing of beagle breeds, can properly raise a pet.

Known to everyone who read the books of Russian classics, without missing a description of the life of the landowners, the dog is - Russian piebald hound.

Animals began their official international history from the middle of the 19th century, and their fairly large packs were present in every noble estate farm no later than from the end of the 17th century, in any case, the first mention of "borzoi puppies" and the high cost of keeping kennels in written sources refer to towards the end of the 17th century.

Until the middle of the 19th century, that is, until the moment of official world approval and recognition of these, confusion often arose - animals were called either, with an emphasis on the first syllable, or hounds.

An end to this was put by the British, who, after the end of the world war, studied in our history as the war of 1812, became fashionable hunting with piebald hounds brought from Russia.

And after some time appeared in the UK, a stunning resemblance to which piebald hound noticeable even on a photo. However, in the hinterland, the name "greyhounds" with an emphasis on "o" was preserved until the revolution.

Many researchers of the history of these believe that this term was not associated with greyhounds, as a breed, but only denoted a character, that is, “greyhound” - mobile, curious, arrogant, assertive.

Philologists agree with this interpretation, this is how this adjective is deciphered with an emphasis on the first syllable and in Dahl's dictionary.

Features and character of the piebald hound

piebald hounddog universal. She feels great and works great, both in a pack and alone, which is an unconditional feature of this particular breed.

The animal is endowed by nature with a light, perky, inquisitive disposition, perseverance and rare endurance, which are combined with a balanced and non-aggressive character, easy handling, high intelligence and rather silent behavior.

Thanks to these qualities, the animal can be not only a hunting companion, but also a wonderful pet living in a city apartment. This one gets along well with children, can endlessly perform “fetch” and will easily accompany the owners even on a very long bike ride.

As for its immediate purpose - hunting, then hunting piebald hounds they will easily drive any animal, but most often they are brought in for the purpose of hunting.

During the hunt, animals demonstrate good necessary speed, natural sensitivity, viscosity, that is, perseverance in pursuit, preventing the loss of the pursued animal, attention and accuracy in eyeliner under a gun, which is an important innate quality that is simply impossible to achieve by training.

Description of the piebald hound breed (standard requirements)

During the Great Patriotic War almost all the hunting farms of the USSR, with nurseries of breeding animals, were under occupation. Therefore, the breed had to be literally restored bit by bit, collecting, like a puzzle or a mosaic, from what had miraculously survived.

The basis for a new breeding, or - a revival piebald hounds, became a hunting kennel in the Tula region, however, contained in it were somewhat different in exterior, although they had higher working qualities.

After a rather long and very painstaking selection, in which only the best animals were carefully selected for breeding, from which, respectively, were born piebald hound puppies with high, both exterior and working qualities, in 1994 a new standard was approved for these animals.

It is this document, adopted at the end of the 20th century in the All-Russian Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding, that is the only description of the requirements for the standard of these animals, and it is this document that guides judges at exhibitions and competitions, both on the territory and beyond.

According to this document, if a person decides buy a piebald hound puppy, then he will buy a dog belonging to the subsection - “Group No. 6. Hounds", with a note - "hounds on the blood trail" and with the following basic requirements for the exterior:

  • General form

Strong and powerful skeleton, covered with tubercles of developed muscles. Fat, like protruding ribs and excessive thinness, are considered a defect. The skin with dense short hair should be even, folds and wrinkles - this is a 100% disqualification in the ring and not allowed for breeding.

  • Head

Not very wide, oblong, voluminous and in proportion to the body. The occiput is rounded, with a slight tubercle. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is smooth, without a clear angle. The muzzle itself is rectangular in shape.

The lips are dense, taut, the presence of jowls is considered a defect. The bite is tight, closes like a scissor. The nose is fleshy, large, black. The eyes are set high enough, slightly squint, brown.

Ears are triangles that are tightly adjacent to the head and never stand up, signs of erect ears are a fault, a clear disqualification and not allowed to participate in breeding.

Strong, dense, with iridescent muscles, but at the same time - short and rounded. The length of the neck should be approximately equal to the total length of the head, that is, from the nose to the occiput.

  • Wool

The maximum allowable length of the outer hair is from 4 to 6 cm, shorter on the head, legs and tail. The undercoat is uniform, well developed, dense.

  • Color

The most advantageous are skewbald and black-skewbald. Any size of spots is allowed.

The height at the withers for "men" is from 57.5 to 68.5 cm, and for "ladies" - from 54 to 64 cm.

Fully proportional to the growth and general muscle tone of the animal. There are no strict restrictions on this indicator.

Care and maintenance of a piebald hound

These animals do not require special care, in addition to a good, balanced diet, with an emphasis on protein content, on which muscle condition depends, you need to regularly clean the coat to remove dead undercoat. To do this is quite simple with the help of a special brush-mitt designed for the care of short-haired animals.

Also, physical activity is necessary, which must be warned when sale of Russian piebald hounds all breeders. Physical exercise are an obligatory element of keeping this breed, even if the dog is not bred for hunting, but as a family pet, or as a companion, and they plan to keep it in a city apartment.

Without "sport" these dogs get sick, refuse to eat and so on. However, a long walk without a leash in the evening park, combined with games, accompanying the owners on a bike ride or when jogging, will be enough for the animal.

If a buy a piebald hound not for hunting, but as a family one, a number of curious moments will certainly arise in its content, which breeders are always silent about. These animals are very curious, stubborn and cunning, while they have a certain arrogance and shamelessness.

This combination of natural qualities will inevitably lead to the fact that all food left unattended will disappear very quickly from the kitchen table, no matter how high it is. This is not a sign that the animal is starving, not at all, this is just a process of hunting, a desire to get it. It is impossible to wean these dogs from carrying food, but they never "beg".

In the photo, a puppy of a piebald hound dog

The second “surprise” when kept in the city will be the “chase” for, moreover, quite often these dogs manage to fit the cat to the owner, preventing it from reaching a tree, or a loophole in the basement.

Keeping from this activity or weaning it is unrealistic, it is in the genes. If this happened, you just need to calmly wait on the spot when the pet returns, chasing an innocent courtyard in front of you, there is no reason to panic, the dog will not run away anywhere.

However, in urban conditions, these habits can end in failure due to the abundance of cars and motorcycles. Therefore, take the animal for a walk on a leash, and let it go only in places that are safe for the dog. Outside the city, you can keep both in the house and in the aviary with the presence of a warmed booth.

Price and reviews of the piebald hound

Sale of piebald hounds the business is not very profitable, the cost of a breeding puppy with all the documentation and necessary vaccinations ranges from 5,500 to 12,000 rubles. These figures depend, paradoxically, not on the working qualities of the parents, but on the number of their show titles.

As for the reviews about these animals, all the numerous statements on hunting and amateur forums can be reduced to the following - as a working breed, this breed is one of the best, but as pet not so good, because she likes to “hunt” everything that moves, even if no one has ever trained a puppy.