Feeding by natural products - Nursery Spites Art Collap. How and what to feed the orange spitz: all the features of natural and industrial food spitz food that you can

Pomeranian Spitz requires balanced nutrition. It is from the feeding process that depends appearance Pet, the quality of his wool and generally his physical health. Owners of these dogs should know how and what to feed pomeranian SpitzaSo that the dog grew up healthy, active and cheerful.

Owners have a choice - feed the dog natural products or special dry food. Different owners prefer various options Feeding their pets. If the dog is taken from the nursery, then for some time it feeds the same food as the breeder. Compliance with this rule avoids the exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the occurrence of allergies and the weakening of immune protection.

In any variant of the diet, it is necessary to observe the balance of nutrients. It is strictly forbidden to throw the dog, as it will adversely affect her health. But continuous insufficient food is able to cause dystrophy phenomena at the pet. In the dog menu must be included:

  • proteins (responsible for normal growth);
  • carbohydrates (are the source of energy);
  • lipids (thanks to them the animal will look excellently);
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • enzymes and other useful substances;
  • water.

Compliance with this balance will allow the pet to be healthy, he will never have problems with skin, teeth and eyes. Only thanks to a balanced ration of Pyranets will be vigorous and active, will not hurt.

Pomeranian Spitz belongs to dwarf rocksTherefore, it provides additional rules for care and feeding:

  1. It is forbidden to change the type of feeding. Failure to comply with this rule can cause the pathology of the GTS, poisoning and serious allergic manifestations.
  2. Do not save on food. Space-shaped pets and eat little, and cheap brands badly affect their health.
  3. When feeding a pet, natural products are prohibited from giving fat, fried, smoked dishes. It is impossible to give a dog tubular bones and pork.
  4. The use of milk is also not recommended. The organism of the dog is not able to absorb him.
  5. As a variety of delicacy, cheese is added to the diet (but this product cannot be in the menu daily).
  6. Portions should be small. So the dog's body will better digest food.

Up to three months old age is needed five times. Next, the number of meals are reduced to three times. From 7 months of age, the most optimal will be double power.

Choice of feed

For orange spies, balanced types of feed intended for small breeds Dogs. Before buying, you should carefully read the instructions and get acquainted with the composition. Next to food must constantly be in sufficient amounts of clean water.

Sometimes pet develops allergies to certain products. In this situation, you need to consult with a branch and buy only hypoallergenic feed. Offered on sale;

  • economy products;
  • premium category;
  • super premium class;
  • holistic.

On the packaging of high-quality feed, all components are usually indicated. On the 1st place of the list there is high-quality meat. And it should be at least 30%. It should also closely monitor what percentage of feed digestibility. The less food you need, the indicators will be better. The pet should be enough for a day quite a bit of food, and from this quantity it will feel excellent.

The composition of high-quality dry feed includes the following ingredients:

  • meat;
  • vegetables and cereals;
  • vitamins;
  • preservatives (and in food there should be no nitrite, salts and other harmful substances);
  • natural vegetable oils;
  • additives that improve immunity;
  • supplements that improve the metabolism in the bones.

In high quality feed, all these ingredients are supplied. If the production diet contains by-products, chemical components, dyes and flavors, cellulose and other harmful substances, then it cannot relate to premium class.

Classes of food

Feed the orange spa food of the economy class is not recommended due to the potential harm to their health. This breed fits the feed of the following category:

  1. Premium. There are no sub-products. It distinguishes it from the cheapest options. Feed contains fish or meat, cereals with vegetables. However, meat products are still not enough. This diet contains components that are practically not digested by the digestive tract of dogs. The digestibility of such feed is average: it should be given spitza in more.
  2. Super premium. These feed are more expensive, in its composition they are practically no different from natural food. Distinctive trait - the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The feed includes only high-quality ingredients: meat, eggs, cereals. The product has no preservatives, dyes, flavors. Food contains a minor amount of ingredients that can harm and it can be bought in any categories of dogs.
  3. HOLOLYTI- This is the feed of a new generation. All their ingredients are manufactured naturally without the use of harmful substances. Food is designed to preserve health and harmonious development domestic pet. Food of this class is balanced, nutritious, is distinguished by exceptional taste. The content of meat and fish reaches 70%. The structure of the Category of the Kholistic Categories includes environmentally friendly vegetables, fruits, greens. All components are perfectly combined with each other, fully absorbed organisms. This is an economical food, since even from its small portion, the body of the orange receives all the components they need.

By purchasing any of the rations, their composition should be carefully studied on the label. In the list, all components are listed in the order of their decrease, so that in the first place is the ingredient that is most contained. The sign of high-quality dry feed is the presence in the 1st place in the list of meat ingredients. In the list of ingredients must be vitamins and minerals.

It is forbidden to buy feeds in which such components are contained:

  • by-products (usually the manufacturer uses low quality raw materials, and the consumer does not indicate that it is located as part of by-products);
  • all chemical preservatives;
  • cellulose (it overwhelms the stomach, creates a false feeling of satiety);
  • walnut shell (it does not bring any benefit and is a ballast substance);
  • sugar (this product is very harmful to the animal);
  • caramel (this component brings tremendous harm to the body and destroys teeth);
  • flavors.

Typically, these characteristics relate to economy-class feeds. They are overflowing soy and different food waste. Such food brings tremendous harm to the organism of the dog. However, today such production rations on the counters of supermarkets are abundant. Long-term use of cheap feed causes the stomach disorder and food allergies from the Pomeranian spa.

Feeding natural meal

With this type of feeding, food must be prepared specifically taking into account the needs of the body of the dog. All components must be properly selected and balanced. Daily diet Dogs must be the same type. But in the menu you need to constantly add vitamins, trace elements and feeding. However, this is done only after consulting with a veterinary specialist. Products must be as follows:

  1. Meat. It is cut into small pieces. Pork gives it categorically prohibited. Preference is given beef and lamb. Non-fat meat is about the third part of the Spitz diet.
  2. Sub-products give an adult dog, they must be boiled.
  3. River fish is given only boiled. Sea varieties - in raw form. Previously cut it into pieces and carefully remove all the bones. Fish can be given 2 times a week, and its volume should be 2 times more than meat, as the protein content is much lower in it.
  4. Eggs only boiled. A week can be given 2 eggs. Sometimes omelet can be made of them.
  5. Regardless of age, kefir and cottage cheese should be introduced into the diet.
  6. Approximately the tenth of the diet makes porridge. Pomeranian spitts willingly eat buckwheat, rice and oatmeal.
  7. Vegetables are rubbed on the grater and stirred with butter. Dogs give raw and stew vegetables. They are added a little greens.
  8. Bones can be given any other than tubular. They are necessary for the proper development of musculatures, jaws, purification from dental stone and plaque. Sometimes it is possible to diversify the menu with rusty crackers (unsalted).
  • any flour products;
  • potatoes;
  • beet;
  • legumes;
  • any sweet dishes;
  • swimmed, pearl and manna porridge;
  • any marinades, pickles, fat, smoked dishes;
  • spice;
  • sausage;
  • all pork products.

Rules of healthy feeding of Pomeranian Spitz

Pearranets, like any dog, should always have access to clean drinking water. This requirement is particularly relevant in hot weather. At the same time, pet feeding is allowed 1 time per day, because the body is experiencing heavy loads due to high temperatures. All bowls with water and food should be comfortable to stand so that the animal can easily reach them.

The amount of food should be evenly distributed during the day. This requirement is especially important for puppies. It is necessary to watch the favorite feeding: if after feeding there is a little meal, it means that such a portion for the peel is too much. If the puppy hung, but still near the bowl, it means you need to add a little feed. In any case, the favorite must remain full and not feel hunger.

If you cannot detect the ribs during progress, it means that the dog is overproed. It is impossible to allow this - an excessive amount of feed causes obesity, which adversely affects the state of spitz health. Spitza love to miss snacks. Such requests can not be indulging, as you can easily "catch up" the root. The frequency of food intake may increase if the animal leads an active way of life.

If the digestive organs fails, the animal should not be fed during the day. At this time, the water is replaced. If after that the pet continues to give up food, it means that it fell ill. He must immediately show the veterinarian.

Oranges are prone to the development of hypoglycemia. The reasons for the development of such a state - poor-quality, poor nutrition, too large physical exercise, insufficient food. In hypoglycemia, the dog feels lethargy, weakness; When progressing pathological state Development of convulsions. Certain PSA will help not a large number of Sugar or honey. In other cases, it is categorically forbidden to give sweets.

Video about how to feed the puppy Spitz

Features of puppy feeding

For a little orange fit:

  1. Boiled non-fat meat. It is a delicious and useful source of protein. Dogs most like chicken, turkey, beef. Any meat products should be thoroughly crushed.
  2. Sea varieties of fish. River fish is undesirable, and in the raw form is prohibited at all. Before feeding, you need to remove all bones from the fish.
  3. Boiled eggs. This is a delicious and useful source of vitamins and trace elements. Little puppy You can feed quail eggs - they are much more useful than chicken.
  4. Cottage cheese and kefir should be in the menu of the puppy daily. They regulate the normal activity of the digestive system, prevent diarrhea and constipation, serve as a source of calcium.
  5. The pet menu must have porridge. Her squeezing vegetable oil For better digestibility.
  6. Vegetables, fruits, greens. They are given a puppy in a rubber and boiled form. It is strictly forbidden to give potatoes. In small quantities showing dried fruits.
  7. Dry food is best soaked in water. Accepting a puppy to such a food must be gradually. Much preferable to give pies.
  8. Seafood is useful to give a tuna, cambal, herring.

Pomeranian spitz puppies require more frequent and fractional nutrition. Adult oranges need to be fed twice a day. Each owner independently decides to feed the PSA "drying" or "natural order", the main thing is that the pet is grew up healthy, cheerful and active.

Than feeding spitz and how to do it right, we will analyze in this article. How to choose dry food, to pay attention in the first place, are the main points that we will disassemble.

Fitting of these little Mimic Glopes of happiness At first, the occupation is not easy. Everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. And even better, imagine that you select the diet for your baby.

A person can throw a couple of dry sandwiches in the stomach and on this stuffing function all day, here it will not pass such a focus with a spice even in adulthood.

Wishes for the diet

First of all, take care of the right balance of carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, fats, vitamins and water. An excess or disadvantage of each of these elements may be dangerous to the health of your pet.

Interest ratio protein in the diet - at least 30%, Special for puppies. This has a positive effect on the formation of the immune system and the skeleton.

The percentage of KASH should cover no more than 10%. It is useful to add unrefined vegetable oil into any food, but do not overdo it, it can lead to the stomach disorder of your pet.

After the puppies stopped drinking maternal milk, from two months recommended five one-time feeding:

- a small portion of dry feed;

- porridge, boiled meat and vegetables;

- sour milk (cottage cheese or kefir);

- grated apple with spoon olive oil;

- Small-cut beef to quote boiling water and add boiled vegetables;

Three - four months of the puppy can be translated into four one-time feeding:

- boiled marine fish with porridge, with the addition of vegetable oil;

- cottage cheese or kefir;

- cheek meat purified by leather;

- grated apple;

- Vegetable stew with raw beef.

Five-month spitza reduce the number of food meals up to three times, Watching the balance of all the elements necessary for the puppy.

Spitz feeding natural products

The dog, even such a cutie as Spitz - an animal carnivorous, and the best food for her will be meat. Particularly, beef and low-fat lamb at the rate of 20-25 g per kilogram of weight (remember: sausage is not meat).

From the fish preferred all sea. The worms living in it do not take root in the body of the dog, unlike the river, besides, the bones of river fish can lead to serious injury to your puppy.

Heck, Navaga and Mixtai are quite suitable for feeding, while Study, Mois and Mackerel will be fatty. Carbohydrates can be obtained from rice and buckwheat.

Vegetables are also necessary, but remember that the dogs do not assimilate Vitamin A. in contrast to the person, they receive it from the liver, eggs, sour milk, in general, animal products.

And vitamin C is produced independently, so it is not necessary to select special products for its fastening in the body.

Feel free to give your pets with black bread crashes, prunes and kuragu.

There are a number of simple rules, observing them, you significantly improve the state of the digestive system of the pet:

- with chicken and turkey to remove the skin;

- the fatty of cottage cheese must be no more than 9%;

- eggs necessarily cook;

- From fish, be sure to remove bones;

- I can not respond meat, just to quote it with boiling water;

You can add to feeds nutritional supplements:

- to improve wool growth - brewer's yeast;

- To form a saturated color of the spa brown and red color, you do not need to go to the beauty salon, it is enough to add dry marine cappist;

- During molting, use " Spirulina».

The last half a century of the hosts indoor pets with dry foods. The main advantages of "drying" lie on the surface - it is not necessary to "steam" and think through the daytime, calculate the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, in the end, do not stand at the slab and cook.

Open and pour - these are two actions that are required from you. In addition, there is not always at hand there is a refrigerator and the necessary products. But if you have tender feelings for your crumb, think about the following information.

In the composition of the feed, such "pests" as pesticides, chemical additives, soybeans with its heavy digestible proteins, hormones, cheap cereals, salt in large quantities, synthetic additives, fragrances and sweeteners.

Basically the manufacture of animal feed is a kind of appendix of the food industry. It is based on waste production of human foods that make animal feed.

When feeding dry food, it is important to give your favorite enough water.

It is believed that feed with high protein contents lead to kidney disease. However, it all depends on the quality of the protein. It should be easily absorbed by the body, not forcing your animals to spend huge resources on its processing.

And finally. If buying - then only a premium class.

In the first year of life, in no case, do not give Spitzam "Drying", you can afford to be brought only at that time when the body pet pet Fully formed.

Now it is fashionable and advisable to buy food, characterized by the overseas word "holistic" (translated from Greek means holistic). This is a kind of super-duper premium class.

It uses only high-quality products, meat content ranges from 50 to 80%. In general, this is nutrition approximate to human.

How to choose dry food

When choosing a dry feed, repel from the following criteria.


- Unprocessed grains

- Meat in the first place

- Protein is obtained from a high-quality source (solid meat, for example).


- artificial preservatives and dyes

- Sugar substitutes

- Propylene glycol

- Recycled meat offal

How many times a day feed

While the puppy is tiny and feeds mother milkHis instincts themselves regulate the number of food meals, as a rule, it feeds after every awakening. Well, then try to calculate the necessary amount by experimentally, given the specifics of its age.

As a rule, in two months of age, the five-volume nutrition is "prescribed". Remember that the ventricle has tiny, so portions should be small.

At three months, your young friend begins to feel "personality" and show character. Eat on schedule is for weaknikov. In such situations, reduce the amount up to four times.

If a small rebellion continues to reject the well-proposed food, reduce portions, and not the number of feeders. Then, up to seven months, go to three meals and watch it appetite.

If your pet's eyes are falling out of the orbits from hunger and he in despair she caresses near empty bowls, boldly assign additional snacks between the main.

Well, if your Spitz reminds the most cited Shakespeare character and is in thought "there or not", the number of techniques and the volume of portions can be reduced.

Additional feeding is necessary during molting, in winter, pregnant and nursing "mothers".

Energy value requirements for German and Pomeranian Spitz

Since these are two varieties of one breed, then there are no differences in nutritional features. Right ration - These are two third proteins and one third vegetable and porridge.

In everyday trapes, vitamins A, D, C, which contribute to improving immunity and vitamin E, making skin covering your favorites are healthy, vitamins group B, high-quality fats, omega 6, fiber, sodium and potassium chlorides, potassium phosphate - here is not full list The necessary spitz of trace elements.

What you can't feed the spitz. Prohibited products

What is included in stop-sheet.

- Sweets. They are not only added in weight and spoil the teeth. Excessive sweet tears suffer from excessive tearfulness.

- Citrus. In gentle creatures, they cause allergies.

- Pork. It is fat and poorly affects the liver.

- Potatoes and legumes.

- Roasted, salty, sharp, smoked - all as during a diet in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

- Raw fish.

- Milk due to lactose intolerance.

- Perlovka and millet.

- Makaroni I. fresh bread

- Raw protein.

We hope that now you do not have questions about how to feed spitz correctly and than feeding.

Write to us in the comments than feeding your spitz you!

The main point in the care and maintenance of Pomeran Spitz is nutrition. Excellent health, beautiful exterior qualities, good physical activity and longevity pets directly depend on the qualitative diet and the right feeding regime.

Puppies of small breeds of dogs, which belongs to Pomeranian Spitz, grow more intensively and acquired an adult exterior view much earlier than their peers representing medium or large breeds.

It is interesting! Upon reaching the age of 8-10 months, Pomeranets - visually enough adult dog.

In order for such a short period of time to grow a puppy to the size of a mature individual, spitz feed should be very calorie, with an increased content of the necessary nutrient components.

The diet in the first month

For the first two weeks of their lives, the kids-spitzam do not need anything except Mother Milk. For various reasons - Agalactia at the bitch, the failure of the litter - artificial feeding may be required. To do this, use the milk substitute by purchasing it in a veterinary pharmacy, or prepare the nutritional composition according to the following recipe.

  • Mix a glass of cow milk and crude chicken yolk, add a drop of trivitamin. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 40 ° C and feed the baby from a pipette, a disposable syringe (without a needle), a small bottle with a nipple. Such feed should always be freshly prepared.

Important!Finished dairy mixes designed for children can not be used for artificial puppy feeding. Galactose, which is contained in the composition of mixes, can initiate development allergic reactions, diathesis, gastrointestinal disorders.

The main rule should be regular and frequent puppy feeding. In the first 5 days, the milk substitute baby gives every 2 hours, including at night. It is necessary to focus on the fact that the newborn puppy in the first week of life is applied to the mother breast about 12 times a day. Then the number of feedings reduce, gradually increasing the interval between them. At the three-week age, the pussyka at night you can not feed. From the sixth day of life, the puppy begins to feed the small portions of fresh cottage cheese or crushed boiled meat. A piece of such food is investing a pet in the mouth. After the feed is swallowed, observed whether there is no digestive disorders. In the absence of unwanted reactions, a small spitz to feed is continued. First, the new food is given once a day, the number of adhesive increases gradually.

On the 18th day, the puppy can be administered in addition to dairy, cereal cereals prepared on the broth. On the 4th week, the baby appears dairy teeth. This means that the organs of the digestive system will already cope with the fermentation and splitting of protein food. Now the menu can include chopped meat (minced thin grinding) without adding fat and vegetable soup. From the 25th day, Spitz should receive raw fierce vegetables (except cabbage and potatoes), for example, carrots, filled with sour cream.

Diet from month to six months

A puppy aged from the month to three needs to be fed 5 times a day. In the full menu necessarily include:

  • boiled meat;
  • yolk boiled chicken or quail egg (no more than two times a week).

Recommended porridge cooked on milk: rice, buckwheat, wheat. You can also give a semq and Hercules, but in small quantities. To prevent constipation, the pet should receive fiber. The source of ballast substances serve raw and boiled vegetables, they are given finely died. As with all the kids, the dairy products will be useful for up to six months: non-large natural cottage cheese with the addition of kefira or yogurt.

Important! At the age of 3-3.5 months in a small spitty, milk teeth are changing, so dry food, if it is included in the diet, should be given before smoking.

The attention of the owners who have chosen for their spitty system of food with finished feed, the following brands are worthy:

  • 1st Choice Puppy Toy & Small Breeds;
  • Bosch Puppy;
  • Royal Canin X-Small Junior;
  • Hill's Sp Adult Small & Miniature.

Bones, but exceptionally soft, spongy cartilaginous structure, not having sharp chips, you can start giving a puppy from 4 months. The ability to nibble them contributes to the development chewing apparatus and jaw muscles.

To accustom a rigged puppy to an adult feeding regime, the petition of a semi-annual pet feed is no more than 4 times a day.

Diet from six months to a year

Starting from six months, the amount of feedings reduce up to three, and at the age of eight months, the teenager's spitz should eat twice a day as an adult dog. Six-month pets already without fears can give rods and softened beef bones. Porridge is prepared only on the water, the range of croup is expanding due to buckwheat: the immune system The dogs have already gone so much that this product should not cause allergic reactions. Food is usually not solid.

In the puppy power system, the amount of meat should be at least 50% of the total diet, and in the portion expression are guided by the ratio of 20-25 g of the product per 1 kg of the weight of the pet. Veterinarians are recommended to give beef, chicken, turkey meat or rabbit pre-blanched and chopped small pieces. If the pussy fell apart to taste, it needs to be completely cleaned from small bones or use the finished fillet. Seafood - laminarium, mussels, squid - you can diversify meals, but consuming them for puppies of cream and white colors in order to avoid the hubbank better limit. Still in the menu should be sufficiently ferocular products:

  • fatness cottage cheese 5-9%;
  • sour cream with fat content not more than 15%;
  • 1-3% kefir.

Sources of vitamins and minerals in the diet are fruits - pears, apples, strawberries (allowed dosage), rowan black, cranberries, watermelon, nuts. This looks like approximate natural menu For one day for Pomeranian spitz by the age category Puppy.

  • Breakfast - Cottage cheese, refilled by kefir or sour cream, crushed walnuts, Kuragoy.
  • Dinner - Mixed equal parts of meat cut into cubes, current carrot, buckwheat cereal with added vegetable oil and broth, in which products were cooked.
  • Dinner - mixed with each other and refined with refined vegetable oil boiled marine fish, rice, stewed zucchini (pumpkin, patissons), finely chopped green oats.

The volume of one portion is determined individually and depends on the constitution of the pet and the tempo of its growth. If the puppy does not fully eate the contents of the bowl, and chooses from it only the lacquer pieces, the portion needs to be reduced. Since Pomeran Spites have a tendency to obesity, inevitably inventing a number of health complications, it is important not to overflow a puppy. Do not do systematic and snacks between feeding foods so as not to provoke the formation of this harmful habit for oranges. But as a promotion during the dresser, a dog can be treated with a piece of beloved fruit or cheese.

- Absolutely non-additive in the food of the breed. They will have everything to teach them from childhood. Than feeding spitzs the owner chooses himself. You can come from your pet, I will pick up by choosing it with a large variety of products. Or teach to a certain diet to which he gets used to and will eat with pleasure.

Selecting the natural nutrition does not necessarily change the menu. It is enough to develop a diet and feed the animal with this set of products daily.

Meat and subproducts

Spitz - Animal carnivoe, so in full diet Nutrition must include meat. It is preferable to feed raw meat.

Traditionally, when feeding a natural plate, the choice is made in favor of poultry meat, beef, horse meat. Answed low-fat lamb. Pork is prohibition due to the risk of infection with helminths and increased fatty.

Most owners prefer to feed the pet chicken, turkey. Giving a chicken breast or another type of meat in the form of chopped pieces. The miner is impossible to feed - it is not absorbed by the body.
It is believed that daily dog \u200b\u200bshould eat 20-25 gr. Meat per kilogram of their weight. If we replace the meat by the sub-products, then they are required by 15% more.

From the sub-products fit the scar that can be combined or replaced by chicken stomachs. They give turkey, beef, chicken liver and neck, chicken paws - spitz them is not bad enough.

A fish

Fish can be given both sea and river. Sea Product It is advisable to feed without bones. Admissible both raw and slightly warded fish.

For systemic nutrition, low-fat varieties are suitable: Mintai, Heck, Cod, Navaga. Spitz barely tolerates their scumbers, herring, washing - too fat.

River fish boils well at home to protect the animal from hot with helminths.


Solving which cereals can be given, and from which you should refuse, it is better to consult with a breeder or veterinarian. It is believed that it is impossible to eat a pet oatmeal and a gun. The best option is rice, buckwheat.

You can give a spitza bread, but restlessly. From the flour is the only thing that is allowed - dry gallets.

Dairy products and eggs

Power of Pomeranian Spitz should include dairy products (kefir, ryazhenka), cottage cheese. They are useful for all ages. Also not contraindicated spitz cheese. Many dog \u200b\u200bowners are interested in the question: is it possible to spitz milk. Breeders and veterinarians do not see anything reprehensible in it. If the dog drinks him with pleasure, the chair is not disturbed from this, the pants are clean after the hike to the toilet - the milk can be safely pouring.

It is necessary to give milk puppy. This is a good source of energy. It is used for puppy feeding. At the same time, it cannot absolutely replace bitch milk - it has fewer proteins, fats and calcium.

You can give chicken eggs. It is better to feed the cooked, as the protein in a fresh form in the body of the dog is not absorbed. Yolk is good both boiled and raw. Shell as a source of calcium is not considered. Even finely flipping it can harm esophage.

Vegetable products

Vegetable unrefined oil Added to the diet of Spitz daily. The main thing is to calculate the dosage so that there is no intestinal disorder.

Often, the dog lovers endure their eating habits on the pets. They believe that there should be a large amount in their diet various vegetables, fruit to daily rate Vitamins was replenished. The owners include in the menu for spitz carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini. Carrots are mixed with vegetable oil to digest Vitamin A. However, the fact is that the dogs are absorbed by Retinol only from animal products. And vitamin C is produced by an independently organism.

Of course, vegetables are recommended to give peeling, but as a source of fiber so that the intestine worked normally. Doggystatists view them as a secondary nutrition component. Also, vegetables are needed when the feeding of spitz is changing. For example:

  • If the pet scored weight and put it on the diet;
  • If after childbirth, the bitch is formed a large amount of milk.

Pregnant bitch should receive more vitamins, so its diet is adjusted at natural nutrition, enriched with special additives.

Nevertheless, the spitches themselves are happy to eat fruits and berries. What fruits give a pet, he will tell himself.

Fluffy love to eat strawberries, gooseberries, apples, pears. Banana and different nuts will be happy with pleasure. Citrus (tangerines, oranges) can not be highly risk of allergies. Pomegranate is also contraindicated. Its juice annoys the stomach, and the bones can be toxic for small animals.

You can safely give an apple - fruit in rare cases provokes allergies.

Prohibited products

If the basis of the nutrition of the Pomeranian and other types of spiets is natural products, it should be considered that they are not all suitable.

What you can't feed the spitz:

  • Sausage, yeast baking, salted, fried, sharp foods, chocolate.
  • Sharp beef bones due to the risk of intestinal damage.
  • It is impossible to give chicken tubular bones.
  • Macaroni, Hercules, manna porridge.
  • Grapes, mushrooms.

Any boiled bones are contraindicated. They clog the intestine and are not digested.

Feeding drying

Solving than feeding the orange spitz, many choose dry finished feeds. They are also called crockets.

The dignity of the feed is obvious:

  • No need to combine the diet;
  • time saving;
  • convenient to store;
  • Does not require additional introduction of minerals and vitamins.

However, what can not be done is to feed the pet cheap feeds. They use vegetable protein that cannot fill the need for an animal. And soy - frequent cause Allergies. Corn is added to the cheap drying. The ingredient quickly saturates, but poorly digested.

When choosing dry spitz food, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The composition should not have less than 25% protein. Protein (protein) should be both animal and vegetable origin.
  • Bestkamlude dogs necessarily contains meat, fish, liver, protein derived from soybean and alfalfa.
  • Vitamins - a mandatory component of dry bocker. The composition should be vitamins A, D and Group V.

You can not worry about carbohydrates and minerals. These are cheap components, so every spit feed contains them in sufficient quantities.

Deciding in which feed feed the spitz, you need to follow the instructions for the manufacturer on the dosage, the number of feedings. Veterinarians are not recommended without significant reasons to change the feed for spitts. This may adversely affect the health of the animal.

For breed the best choice - This is a super premium or holistic feed. They cost more than drying from the supermarket, but the dog will be more healthy.

  • Eucanuba.
  • Optima Nova.
  • IAMS.
  • Nutro Nuggets.
  • Pro Pac
  • Happy Dog - Hypoallergenic Feed
  • Hills - for allergies
  • Golden Eagle - Hypoallergenic Feed
  • 1st Choice
  • Bosh.

Food holistic for spitts:

  • Acana.
  • Orijen.
  • Innova.
  • Canidae.
  • Grandorf.
  • Eagle Pack Holistic
  • Wellness
  • Chicken Sup.

Food for Pomeranian Spitz, as for other species of rock, it is better to choose with a veterinarian or a breeder.

When nutrition, dry food must be for the animal to have access to water. Bag with granules better hide. Spitz - roasters. They may not be uncontrolled to eat a large amount of drying and harm themselves.

Supplements to stern

Additional additives can only be assigned a veterinarian if the dog is sick, pregnant or raises puppies.

Food additives - a frequent cause of allergies. It should be given after the Council with the veterinarian.

Most often, Spits give beer yeast, as they stimulate wool growth.

Dogs of red and brown colors feed the sea cappist. It is believed that she makes the color of the wool saturated.

Breed Representatives with Wolf Color sea cabbage Not recommended, since the yellowish color of the wool in this type is not welcome.

Mineral additives with spit-shaped are not so needed as large rocks. All the necessary they get from the feed. The overabundance of calcium disrupts the exchange of minerals, which is reflected in the state of the teeth: the milk teeth become very strong, so they do not give gentle by constant.

If the owner marks such a picture - the dog licks the tile, trying, it probably needs mineral feeding, to choose which you need consulting with the veterinarian.

Is it possible to mix

You can often hear that it is not recommended to change drying throughout life and not mix dry food with conventional (natural) food. However, many breeders believe that alternating food from natural products with industrial feed is permissible. It is only important not to mix them into one feeding. It is mistaken to believe that a mixture of cereals and crockets will give a dog more benefit, it will faster it.

You can mix wet food with crockets of one manufacturer. However, there is a minus - this significantly increases the cost of feeding.

There is canned food, which is permissible to add a boiled croup, more often a rice porridge or buckwheat. It is written on banks.

If the pet is poorly eating one feed - you have to make a translation to another. It is done gradually. Digestive system Adapts not immediately. It will take several days. On average, the translation process takes a week.

Do you need a variety

Spitzam, like other dogs, is not required variety. Deciding to feed the spitz only with dry food, it is not advisable to conduct experiments and test every week a new brand.

There are brands of dry feeds that have proven themselves. First, it is better to buy dry spitz food in small quantities - for a week. If the crockets are eaten with pleasure, do not cause problems with digestion, you can feed another month. If the number of trips to the toilet does not increase, the pants after a walk clean and pet everything suits everything, the feed leaves.

In the case when the dog eats badly, gradually go to the crockets of another manufacturer. If the spitz does not eat dry food in general, then the alternative is one - natural meal.

Power puppy

When a puppy with mother, he begins to eat, as soon as wakes up. As they grow up, how much to feed the kitten on the day determines and controls the breeder.

The lactating bitch can feed puppies. She jumps off the eaten food, which the kids eat with pleasure. This is a normal process, to prevent one.

When Cute appears in the house, the first time you need to feed the puppy of the spitz according to the scheme to which it was accustomed. If such a schedule does not suit, then it is changed gradually.

Spitz breaks down for months:

  • Puppy take away from mothers aged 1.5-2 months. Two-month kid fed 4-5 times a day. At the same time, the feed for the spitz puppy first is better to use the same as a breeder.
  • A month later, feed the puppy is recommended to 4 per day. If the pet refuses food, then the size of the portions is reduced, but not the amount of feedings. The stomach puppy is small - so that the food absorbed it is often given and small portions.
  • From 4 and to 6-7 months, feed puppies need not less than 3 times a day.

To find out when to reduce the number of feeders and how many times to feed the spitz, you need to trace the puppy. If he becomes hungry before the next meal or constantly runs to the bowl and sniffs it, reduce the number of feeders early.

If the dog without enthusiasm comes to the next feeder, reluctantly, poorly eats selectively choose pieces, then you can feed twice a day. The same applies to portions. If the dog quickly ate and deals with his own business - the amount of food is sufficient.

In the case when the pet does not depart from the bowl, licks it, the portion increases. It concerns both puppies and adult dogs.

Solving what food is better for Spitz puppy it is important to consider - Cool (especially for small and dwarf spitz) you need to teach the pieces and chew. If you feed it with a soft food, then being an adult dog will not learn to do this. This concerns taste addictions.

In 3-4 months, the puppy is easy to teach to any food: both to the natural booth, and drying. In adolescence, make it much more difficult. After a year, a non-profitable dog is already refused to take fermented dairy products, vegetables, fruits, eggs and fish. Therefore, important B. early age Teach Spitz to be omnivorous. Subsequently, it will only benefit. For example, during the period of the disease, after diseases or operation, dietary nutrition is required. If the dog is not accustomed to eat everything, then such a transition can cause serious stress.

Nutrition rules

For the animal to be healthy and cheerful, you need to comply with certain recommendations how to feed the dog correctly:

  • Feeding always after the walk is an important rule. In extreme cases, it should eat 2 hours before entering the street.
  • Feeding an adult dog is carried out at the same time - in the morning and evening, puppy - with equal intervals.
  • Despite okay, it is impossible to feed the spitz by human food from the table.
  • It is permissible to unwind the dry food in the water of Puppy Supits, catching it to this type of nutrition. Adult dog do not. Dry granules In addition to saturation perform another feature - when the dog gnaws them, her jaws work, the blood supply to teeth is improved, the dental flare is cleaned.
  • In physical nutrition, it should be borne in mind that the number and composition of food varies depending on the age of the dog, the time of year. So, in winter, food for spitz is required more than in the summer. During the period, vitamins and trace elements for beautiful wool are needed.

It happens that animals tear after meals. If this happens once, about 20-30 minutes after meals, it is not necessary to scare - this is the norm.

If the dog does not eat dry food and refuses home meal, it is not necessary forcibly to feed it. Probably, this is a sign of malaise and better contact the vet.

Spitzam need to gnaw

In the period of teething and young individuals you need to nibble. It helps to develop and strengthen their teeth, jaws. At puppies, with a sneaking of something elastic, milk teeth are faster replaced by constant.

In an adult pet, the need to nibble is always - it is at the same time the gum massage, cleaning of the teeth and an exercise for the jaw. And also is a way to remove the dog stress. Spice dentist, unlike other breeds, not so strong, so its workout is required. For this purpose, they give chicken neck or chicken legs.

The usual big bone is suitable. But you need to be sure that the dog does not spit on her sharp piece, which can cause serious harm and even destroy the animal. Therefore, small and medium bones do not give. For these purposes, Moslaks from the bull or cow are suitable. They are used for the breakdown period of teething, but not more. Natural bone, if it is often nibble, has abrasive properties and leads to a damage of the enamel of teeth.

Caution should be treated with raw and extruded skin bones. Dog skin pieces often swallow. They swell from saliva and gastric juice, can cause choking, intestinal obstruction. More secure products made of cast raw crops.

An excellent option will be nylon bones that spitz are gnawing with pleasure. Their jaws are always in business, but the owner's things are intact. Nylon products are safe and durable, and therefore economical.

How to check fatness

There is a way that allows you to check whether the weight of the dog or there is deviations. Attach your hand to the ribs:

  • If it is forgiven between the ribs and the skin of the fat layer (about several millimeters) - a dog in normal weight.
  • If only felt rib cage, You should feed the pet.
  • And if the layer of fat 1 or more centimeters is needed a vegetable diet.

Spitz love to eat, so quickly gain in weight. It is not easy to get rid of obesity. Therefore, initially one should not cross the pet.

The right selected feeding of Spitz is the key to the long-life pet, his good health, beauty and well-being. Healthy teeth, rich coat, strong bones and radiating eyes - all this depends on the diet of feeding.

Feeding a puppy Pomeranian Spitz is the main, most important component in caring for a small pet. After all, for proportional growth and good Development Puppy should be obtained full nutrition.

What is full feeding

Often the owners from great love for the dog begin to feed it with the remnants from their own table. It is not surprising that they are the main category of visitors to the veterinary clinics. From incorrect feeding in the animal, problems with the gastrointestinal system, joints, heart begin, developing or excess body weight develops. Feed the dog must be balanced!

Fully balanced feeding diet is such a power mode when the animal gets all required substances For development and growth.

Feed is obliged to satisfy all the needs of the puppy by:

  • proteins;
  • fat;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

All this should be in correctly selected from the point of view of physiology proportions, including water.

Feeding mode

By purchasing a four-legged friend, do not forget to consult the breeder, how to feed the puppy of Pomeranian Spitz. The change in the place of residence is the stressful factor in itself, the life of the animal is completely changed. Therefore, it is very important that at first the same diet and feeding frequency remained, which were in the nursery. This will allow the pet faster to adapt.

  • Spitz puppy feeding 2 months - hexide.
  • From 2 to 4-4.5 months. - five-volume.
  • After, up to 6 months. - quadras.
  • From 6 to 10-11 months - three meals.
  • About a year, the dog can be transferred to feeding twice a day.

Than feeding the pomeranian puppy of spitz

There are 3 methods for feeding puppies:

  • ready-made shop;
  • natural plate;
  • combined.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Purchased feed

Of course, they have their advantages. The use of finished feed is much easier for the dog content, because the shopping time is seriously saved, because it does not need to cook. It is convenient to store it, you can take with you for travel time.

In addition, the balance of feed makes it possible not to introduce additional vitamins into the diet and do not worry about the fact that the animal will launch the necessary trace elements.

But! Here it is mandatory to take into account an important feature. Before feeding the puppy of the Pomeranian Spitz by the finished "drying", carefully read its composition.

Properly balanced for age group, really useful feeding can only be "drying" class premium. The use of cheap economy feed is a direct damage to the health of your dog.

Organic products

The main and most important advantage of feeding by such products is to be in their freshness. The owner always has the opportunity to assess the quality of products.

It is also believed that natural natural vitamins from fruits and vegetables, pure meat protein charenzyvarily affect the length of the life of the dog. Therefore, many owners and breeders of large nurseries when determining how correctly feeding spitz choose this method of feeding.

However, based on the diet on a natural booth, remember that some products need to be eliminated:

  • flour (bread, bread);
  • bean and potatoes;
  • swim cereal and semolina;
  • smoked, sharp food;
  • salt and sweet (candy, sugar, chocolate pieces);
  • spices;
  • sausage products, fat;
  • thin tubular bones.

Ingredients must be high quality, easily dismantled, do not clog the intestine, pleasant to the dog in taste characteristics.

If you use a natural feeding scheme, the feeding of spitz by a natural plate will look something like this:

Than feeding Spitz 2 months - balls of chopped stuffing, kefir, yogurt, porridge with boiled fish.

Than feeding spitz 3 months - boiled chicken, beef, sea fish, yogrut and cottage cheese, cereal, carrots.

Than feeding spitz 4 months - chicken meat, turkey, beef, cottage cheese and kefir, carrots, apple, pieces of other vegetables (except cabbage), fish, buckwheat, rice.

Is it possible to mix?

Use immediately at the same time feed and natural products - this is a combined diet.

So is it possible to mix food and natural rig? In one feed is impossible. To split different types of food, various enzymes are needed, the food will be badly absorbed.

But you can feed two types of feed in different feeding hours. For example, in the morning you smear the pet "drying", and in the evening you give natural products.

Remember that acquiring a friend of the Pomeranian Spitz breed than feeding it is a very important question. Which can determine how many years your active and cheerful friend will be next to you.