History of creation and analysis of the poem "Copper Horseman" A.S. Pushkin. Historical thought in the poem "Copper rider What the theme of the poem is a copper rider

Some for some reason believe that the year when the poem "Copper Horseman" was written, - 1830. An analysis of biographical information allows one to unequivocally assert that Pushkin created it in 1833. This is one of the most advanced and bright works of Alexander Sergeevich. The author in this poem convincingly showed all the inconsistency and complexity of the turning point of domestic history. It should be emphasized that the poem occupies a special place in the work of Alexander Sergeevich. The poet in it tried to solve the relevance of the relationship between the state and personality at all times. This topic has always been in the center of spiritual quest for the author.

Features of the genre

According to the tradition, which has ceased for a long time, the poem is a work that has a lyrical or narrative. If it was originally more creation with historical, then for some time the poems began to acquire more and more romantic pain. It was associated with the tradition of popular in the Middle Ages. Even later, the moral-philosophical, personal problematics is highlighted on the fore. Lyric-dramatic aspects begin to strengthen. In the poem, at the same time, the central characters or one character are drawn (this is typical of the creativity of romantic writers) as independent personalities. They cease to be grateed by the author from the historical flow. Now it is not just blurry figures as before.

The image of a small man in Russian literature

A small person in the domestic literature is one of the cross-cutting topics. Many writers and poets of the 19th century appealed to it. A. S. Pushkin touched it one of the first in his story "Stationander". Gogol, Chekhov, Dostoevsky and many others became successors of this topic.

What is the image of a small person in Russian literature? This man is small in social terms. It is located on one of the lower steps of the public hierarchy. In addition, the world of his claims and spiritual life to the extreme is poor, narrow, filled with a variety of prohibitions. Philosophical and historical problems do not exist for this hero. It is located in a closed and narrow world of his life interests.

Eugene - a little man

Now consider the image of a small person in the poem "Copper Horseman". Evgeny, her hero, is the source of the so-called St. Petersburg period of domestic history. It can be called a little man, since the meaning of the life of Eugene is in the acquisition of the Meshchansky well-being: families, a good place, at home. The circle of family worries is limited to the existence of this hero. It is not profitable for him to his past, as he does not whine about the forgotten old NEF, not about honoring him. These features of Eugene for Pushkin are unacceptable. It is thanks to them that this character is an image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman". Alexander Sergeevich intentionally does not give a detailed description of this hero. He does not even have a surname, which indicates that in his place you can put any other person. In Figure, Evgenia reflected the fate of many such people whose lives fell at the St. Petersburg period of history. However, the image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman" is not statical, it is transformed along the narration. We will tell about it just below.

View of Peter and Eugene

Eugene in the flood stage sits, squeezing his hand with a cross (which seems parallel with Napoleon), but without a hat. Behind his back is a copper rider. These two figures are looking in one direction. Nevertheless, Petra's view is different from Eugene's glance. At the king, he was aimed at the depths of centuries. Peter does not care about the fate of ordinary people, since it solves mainly historical tasks. Evgeny, representing the image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman," looks at his favorite house.

The main difference between Peter and Eugene

You can reveal the following main difference, comparing Bronze Peter with this hero. The image of Eugene in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" is characterized by the fact that this character has a heart and soul, he has the ability to feel, knows how to worry about the fate of the man he loves. It can be called Antipode Peter, this idol on the bronze horse. Eugene is able to suffer, dream, sadness. That is, despite the fact that Peter reflects on the fate of the whole state, that is, it is concerned about the improvement of life of all people, in an abstract sense (including Eugene, who in the future should be a resident of St. Petersburg), in the eyes of the reader Eugene, and not the king becomes more attractive . It is he who awakens in us a living participation.

Flood in the fate of Evgenia

For Eugene Tragedia, flooding occurred in St. Petersburg. It makes from this unpreharny man of the real hero. Evgeny, it certainly brings him closer with the characters of romantic works, because the madness - the popular Eugene wanders through the streets of the city hostile to him, but the winds and the Neva, a rebellious sound of the winds and the Neva. It is this noise, together with the noise in his own soul, awakens in Evgenia what was the main sign of a person for Pushkin - memory. The hero leads to the Senate Square it is the memory of flooding. Here he meets with bronze Peter a second time. Pushkin perfectly described what was a tragically a great moment in the life of a humble poor official. He suddenly clarified thoughts. The hero understood what the reason for both his own misfortunes and all the diseases of the city was consistent. Eugene recognized the culprit of their, man, in the fatal will of which the city was founded. It suddenly was born hatred for this Halloon. Evgenia passionately wanted to take revenge. The hero raises the riot. He threatens Peter, coming to him: "To you!" We will conduct a brief analysis of the Bunt scene in the poem "Copper Horseman", which will allow us to open new features in the image of Eugene.


The inevitability and naturalness of the protest is born due to the spiritual evolution of the hero. The transformation of it is shown by the author artically convincing. The protest raises Eugene to the new life, tragic, high, which is in them in an inevitable close death. He faces the king to the future retribution. This threat is terribly terrible, as he is aware of a huge force, hidden in this little man who protesters who raised the rebellion.

That instant, when Eugene suddenly twisters, he turns into a person in his connection with the genus. It should be noted that in this passage hero is never named after. This makes it to a certain degree faceless, one of many. Pushkin describes the confrontation of the personification of the autocratic power of the Terrible Tsar and the person who is endowed with the heart. The promise of retaliation and direct threat is heard in the whisper of the twisted hero. For them, the statue revived, "marking" anger, punishes this "madman poor."

Madness Eugene

It is clear to the reader that the protest of Eugene unit, besides, he pronounces it in a whisper. Nevertheless, the hero should be punished. It is also symbolic that Eugene is defined as madman. According to Pushkin, madness is an unequal dispute. From the standpoint of common sense, the performance of one person against powerful state power is the most real madness. But it is "holy", since silent humility carries death.

"Copper rider" - the poem is philosophical, social. Pushkin shows that only protest can save the personality from the moral fall in conditions of violence. Alexander Sergeevich emphasizes that resistance, an attempt to indignant, to file a voice will always be the best way out than humble foulness.

Pushkin A. S. Copper rider, 1833 Method is realistic.

Genre - Poem.

History of creation . The poem "Copper Horseman" was written in Boldin in the fall of 1833. In this work, Pushkin describes one of the most terrible floods that occurred in 1824 and brought terrible destruction by the city.

In the work of the "copper rider" two main characters: Peter I, present in the poem in the form of a coming statue of the copper rider, and a small official Eugene. The development of the conflict between them defines the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Plot. The work opens with the "entry", in which Peter the Great and his "Creation" is famous - Petersburg. In the first part, the reader meets the chief hero - an official named Eugene. He falls, but can not fall asleep, raised by thoughts about his position, that the bridges were removed from the arriving river and that this is two or three days to separate him with a beloved parashine living on the other shore. The thought of Parasch gives rise to dreams of marriage and about the future happy and modest life in a family circle, along with loving and beloved wife and children. Finally, by sweet thoughts, Eugene falls asleep.

However, very soon the weather spoils and the entire Petersburg is under water. At this time, a fixed Eugene sits on the marble broadcasting area of \u200b\u200bLion. He looks at the opposite bank of the Neva, where it lives in his poor Domishka to his beloved with his mother. With his back to him, towering over the elements, "stands with a handwriter of the idol on the bronze horse."

When the water falls, Eugene discovers that Parasha and her mother died, and their home was destroyed and deprived of the reason. After almost a year, Eugene vividly remembers the flood. By chance it turns out to be a monument to Peter Great. Evgeny in anger threatens the monument, but suddenly it seems to him that the face of the Terrible Tsar appeals to him, and anger sparkles him in his eyes, and Eugene rushes away, hearing a heavy hiking of copper hoofs. All night unhappy messengers in the city, and it seems to him that the rider with a heavy hopping jumps everywhere.

P rellamatics. Brutal collision of historical need to doomed private personal life.

The problem of the autocratic power and the disadvantaged people

"Where are you jumping, a proud horse, and where do you lower your hooves?" - The question of the future of the Russian state.

Several thematic emotional lines: Apotheosis of Peter and St. Petersburg, the dramatic narration of Eugene, author's lyricism.

Confine: Symbolic clash of the two polar opposite forces - an ordinary little man and unlimited powerful power of the autocratic state

Evgeny The image of a shining, lively, lush city is replaced in the first part of the poem a picture of terrible, destructive flood, expressive images of the raging element, over which a person is not authorized. The element sweeps everything in its path, losing the wreckage of buildings and destroyed bridges in the flow streams, the "belongings of pale poverty" and even the coffins "with a blurred cemetery". Among those whose life destroyed the flood, it turns out to be Evgeny, about the peaceful concerns of which the author speaks at the beginning of the first part of the poem. Evgeny "Ordinary man" ("small" man): He has no money nor the ranks, "somewhere serves" and dreams of arranging the "shelter of humble and simple" to marry a beloved girl and go with her life path.

The poem does not indicate a surname of the hero, nor his age, nothing says not to the past Eugene, his appearance, character traits. Having degraded Eugene individual will accept, the author turns it into an ordinary, faceless person from the crowd. However, in an extreme, critical situation, Evgeny seems to awaken from sleep, and discharges with themselves the larva "nothingness" and opposes the "copperstuka".

Peter I. Starting from the second half of the 1820s, Pushkin looks for an answer to the question: can the autocratic power be reform and merciful? In this regard, it artistically explores the identity and state activities of the "Tsar Reformer" Peter I.

Peter's theme was for Pushkin painfully painful. Throughout his life, he repeatedly changed the attitude towards this epochable image. For example, in the poem "Poltava" he is famous for the king of the winner. At the same time, in Pushkin Abstracts for Labor "History of Peter I", Peter performs not only as a great statesman and tsar-worker, but also as an unprofitable despot, tyrant.

Artistic study of the image of Peter Pushkin continues in the "copper rider." The poem "Copper Horseman" completes in the work of A. S. Pushkin, the topic of Peter I. The majestic appearance of the king of the converter is drawn in the first, virtually solemn, lines of the poem:

On the shore of the desert waves

He stood, the Duma of the Great full,

And Vdal looked.

The monumental figure of the king is opposed to the image of harsh and wildlife. The picture, against the background of which appears the figure of the king, irretrievable. Before the gaze of Peter, widely spread, carrying the distance of the river; Around the forest, "unknown rays in the fog of the hidden sun." But the governor's view is directed to the future. Russia must be established on the shores of the Baltic - this is necessary for the prosperity of the country. The execution of the "Great Duma" is becoming a confirmation of his historical right. After a hundred years, at the time when the story events begin, "Grad Petrov" became the "full" (Northern) "Div." In parades, they are called "Validious", on the shores of "Grounds Slims are crowded", "the crowd" crowds from all the ends of the Earth "come to the" rich marins ".

In the picture of St. Petersburg, it is not just a response to Peter's plan, it challenges the power of Russia. This is a solemn anthem of its glory, beauty, royal power. The impression is created with the help of towering epithets ("hail" - young, lush, proud, slim, rich, strict, shining, non-omitous), reinforced by antithesis with a "deserted" hostile man by nature and with "poor", poorly "Her" Pasyanka "- Little man. If the chunks of Chukhonians "Cherneli ... here and there", the forest was "unknowing", the sunshine, and the Sun itself is hidden "in the fog", then the main characteristic of St. Petersburg is light. (shine, flame, shine, golden skies, dawn).

Nature itself seeks to drive the night, "Weighing Days" have come for Russia; The whole meaning of the depicted picture confirms and the fivefold repetition in the author's speech of the delightful "love."

Copyright to Peter the Grandomy ambiguous . On the one hand, at the beginning of the work of Pushkin, the enthusiastic hymn creation utters the creation of Peter, admits in love for the "young hail", which "Mot Moscow" was "fed. Peter in the poem appears as "idol on the bronze horse" as "Powerful Lord of Fate" ..

On the other hand, Peter-Self-adjacent is presented in the poem not in any particular acts, but in the symbolic image of the copper rider as an personification of inhuman statehood. Even in those lines where he admires Peter and Petersburg, anxiety intonation is already heard:

About Powerful Lord of Fate!

Aren't you over the abyss

At the height, the Scum

Russia raised on rapids?

"Proud Istukan" appears the king and before Evgeny. And this Istukan is opposed to a living person, the "man" of which burns from the wild wave of, in the heart there is a "constraint", "Flame", the soul "boils".

Conflict . The conflict of the "copper rider" consists in a collision of the person with the inevitable course of history, in the opposition of collective, social will (represented by Peter the Great) and the will of personal (represented by Eugene). How does Pushkin allow this conflict?

The opinions of critics about whose side of Pushkin, separated. Some believed that the poet substantiated the right of state to dispose of the life of a person and becomes towards Peter, as it understands the need and benefit of its transformations. Others consider the victim Eugene unjustified and believe that the sympathies of the author entirely and completely on the side of the "poor" Eugene.

The third version is most convincing: Pushkin has shown for the first time in Russian literature all the tragic and intractability of the conflict between the state and the state interests and interests of a private person.

Pushkin depicts the tragic conflict of the two forces (personality and power, man and state), each of which has its own truth, but both of these truths are limited, incomplete. Peter is right as a sovereign, behind him and on his side - history. Evgeny Right as an ordinary man, behind him and on his side - humanity and Christian compassion

The plot of the poem was completed, the hero was killed, but remained and transferred to readers the central conflict, not allowed and in reality, the anthombus of the "tops" and the "bottoms", the autocratic power and the disadvantaged people remained.

The symbolic victory of the copper rider over Evgeny is the victory of strength, but not justice. The question remains "" Where are you jumping, a proud horse, and where do you lower your hooves? " This is a metaphorically pronounced main question for the author, the question of the future of the Russian state.

(Search for an answer) The problem of the people and power, the topic of mercy - in "Captain her daughter". Even in troubled times, it is necessary to preserve the honor and mercy.

"... The best and most strongest changes are those that occur from improving morals, without any violent shocks"

Human relationships should be built in respect and mercy

Good life

The image of the natural element in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman"

The "Copper Horseman" is the first urban poem in Russian literature. Poom problems are complex and multifaceted. The poem is a peculiar reflection of the poet about the fate of Russia, about its path: the European, associated with the reforms of Peter, and the original Russian. Attitude towards the Acts of Peter and to the city, which he founded, was always ambiguous. The history of the city was presented in a variety of myths, legends and prophecies. In some myths, Peter appeared the "father of the Fatherland", the deity, founding some reasonable space, "Przellious degrees", "a kind of country", the stronghold of state and military power. These myths arose in poetry and officially encouraged. In other myths, Peter was a span of Satan, a lively antichrist, and St. Petersburg, founded by him, is the city of Nerusky, Satanic chaos, is doomed to inevitable disappearance.

Pushkin created synthetic images of Peter and St. Petersburg. Both concepts have completed each other. The poetic myth of the foundation of the city is deployed in the entry, oriented on a literary tradition, and the myth of its destruction, flooding - in the first and second parts of the poem.

Two parts of the story depict two rebellion against self-leveling: the rebellion of the elements and a rebellion of a man. In the finals, both of these rebells will be defeated: the poor Eugene will accept the recently, who has recently threatened the copper rider, will return to his rumble.

Interestingly, the poem itself is wicked in the poem. Neva, once enslaved, "captured" by Petro, did not forget his "old enmity" and with "vicious malicious" rebel to the enslave. The "defeated element" is trying to crush his granite shackles and goes to the attack on the "slender grudges of palaces and towers" arising in the way of autocratic Peter. The city turns into a fortress deposited by the Neva.

River Neva, on which the city lies, indignant and violent:

In the morning over her shores

People were crowded,

Admiring splashes, mountains

AND foam angry waters.

But the power of the wind from the bay

Overheaded Neva

Back walked , angry, burly,

And flooded the island.

From indignant depth

waves got up and angry,

There is a storm

There were fragments ...

Folding narrative acquires folk-mythological color. Beckless Neva is compared with the disterney "beast", then with the "thieves", westing in the windows, then with the "villain", which burst into the village "with the fierce Shayochoy her." There is a mention of the river deity in the poem, a rue of the elements is compared:

waters suddenly

Flowed into underground basements

Channels were hung to lattices,

And Petropol popped up like Titon,

The water belt is immersed.

For a minute it seems that the "defeated element" triumphs that fate itself is for her: "The people \\ God's angry anger and execution awaits. \\ Alas! Everything dies ... "

The riot of the elements depicted by Pushkin helps to reveal the ideological and artistic peculiarity of the work. On the one hand, Neva, the water element is part of the urban landscape. On the other hand, the wrath of the elements, its mythological color, remind the reader about the representation of St. Petersburg as the Satanian city, non-Russian, doomed to destruction. Another function of the landscape is associated with the image of Eugene, "Little Man." Flood destroys the humble dreams of Eugene. It turned out to be disastrous not for the city center and its inhabitants, but for the poor sitting on the outskirts. For Evgeny Peter - not "Half of the half," And just a culprit of disaster conversations, he "... whose will of the fatal \\ under the sea the city was founded ...", Who did not take into account the fate of small, not protected from the disaster of people.

The surrounding reality turned out to be hostile for the hero, he definitely, but Eugene turns out to be worthy of not only sympathy and condolences, but at a certain point causes admiration. When Eugene threatens "Proud Istukan", his image acquires the features of genuine heroicity. At these moments, a pitiful, humble inhabitant of Kolomna, who lost her shelter, the beggar of the straggings, dressed in exilest rags, is completely reborn, strong passions, hatred, desperate determination, will to revenge are broken up in it.

However, the copper rider reaches its goal: Eugene arms. The second rebellion is defeated as the first. As after the rust of the Neva "in order former everything went out." Eugene again became negligible from insignificant, and in the spring of his corpse, like a corpse

tramps, fishermen buried on the deserted island, "for God's sake."

Ege Pushkin "Copper Horseman"

Read the text fragment and perform the B1-B7 tasks; C1-C2.

Follow the tasks of B1-B7. Write your answer in the form of a word, combinations of words or a sequence of numbers.

Then, on Petrova's area,

Where the house in the corner ascended a new one

Where above the elevated porch

With pipped paw like alive,

There are two lions watchdown,

On the beast of marble verso

Without hat, hands squeezing with a cross,

Little sat, scary pale

Evgeny. He was afraid, poor,

Not for yourself. He did not hear

As the greedy shaft rises,

His soles are waving

How to rain in his face whoretal

Like the wind, drowning

From him and the hat suddenly threw.

His desperate eyes

On the edge one hooked

Lowly were. Like a mountain

From indignant depth

The waves got up there and angry,

There was a storm, we got

Wheel ... God, God! there -

Alas! Cornly to the waves,

Almost at the bay -

The fence is unthilled, yes Iva

And the old house: there is

Widow and daughter, his parasha

His dream ... Or in a dream

Does he sees it? il our whole

And life is nothing like a blank sleep,

Sky mock over the ground?

And he seemed to be done

As if the mramor was chained,

Can not go! In short

Water and nothing else!

And turned back to him

In non-omitable embroidery

Above the perturbation of Nevyu

Stands with a simple hand

Moid on a bronze horse.

IN 1. Specify the genre of the work

AT 2. What city occurs in the events described in this work?

Answer: __________________________________

Vz. In the "copper rider" Pushkin created a generalized artistic image of Eugene as a "little man." What kind of term is it called similar images?

Answer: __________________________________

AT 4. In the following fragment A.S. Pushkin uses the reception based on the repetition of homogeneous consonant sounds. Name it.

Like a mountain

From indignant depth

The waves got up there and angry,

There the storm was angry, we were worn there

Chips ...

Answer: __________________________________

AT 5. A.S. Pushkin calls Peter I "Kumir on the Bronze Kone." Specify the trail that is a replacement of the name of the descriptive turnover "

Answer: __________________________________

AT 6. Call an infrared language based on comparison of items or phenomena.

il our whole

And life is nothing how the sleep is empty,

Sky mock over the ground?

Answer: __________________________________

AT 7. The poet in the "Copper Horseman" perceives the flood not only as a natural phenomenon, but also as an analogue of life storms and deprivation. What is the name of such a sign image, the meaning of which goes beyond the objective value?

Answer: __________________________________

To fulfill the tasks C1 and C2, give a connected answer to the question in the amount of 5-10 proposals. Recommend the author's position, if necessary, set out your point of view. Argument the answer, relying on the text of the work. By performing the task C2, select for comparison two works of different authors (in one example, it is permissible to appeal to the execution of the author to which the source text belongs to); Indicate the names of the works and surname of the authors; Justify your choice and compare the works with the text proposed in the specified direction of analysis.

Responses Record clearly and picking up, observing the norms of speech.

C1. What role in this fragment is a description of various natural phenomena?

(C1. How has the fate of Eugene influenced the destructive flood?)

C2. In which works of Russian literature, natural forces participate in the destinies of heroes, as in the "copper rider", and what is their role like?

As in the poem A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" The power of the state is opposed to the tragedy of a "little man" Eugene?

We use quotes and terms !!!

1. In joining, it is necessary to say about the time of writing the work, about the subject or problematics of the poem, to name the conflict of the work, which is indicated in the topic.

2. In the main part of the work, we reveal the main conflict of the work.

- The majestic image of Peter in joining the poem. The glorification of the main power of Russia. The historical need to base the city.

- The tragedy of the "little man" Eugene.

- a symbolic clash of the two polar-opposite forces - an ordinary small man and unlimited powerful forces of the autocratic state in the images of the copper rider and Eugene.

Conflict resolution. The victory of strength, but not justice.

3. In conclusion:

- A specific answer to the question announced in the subject. (How ...? - Symbolically in flood images as an analogue of life storms and deprivation. Symbolically in the images of the copper rider and drunk, who resigned Eugene.

In the second Boldin autumn was written by Pushkin Poem "Copper Horseman", one of the highest and eternal creatures of his poetic spirit. The initial theme of the poem is the topic of Peter: it all starts in the poem. This topic in its historical and moral aspect has long been occupied by Pushkin. She was devoted to a large extent "stons". She had to play an important role in the incomplete novel "Arap Peter Great". She was one of the leading "Poltava" poem.

With the last "copper rider" has particularly close points of contact. Written in 1828, Poltava not only in the final part, but in general was inspired by the thought of Peter. From here, many important features of the poem are ideological and stylistic. The shadow of the Great Peter lay on all the creation of Pushkin and determined the overall coloring of the historical picture; She determined, in particular, the copyright to all the heroes of the poem. Consciously, or unconsciously Pushkin judges all the heroes with the name of Peter and his name will endure them a sentence. With this, the unusual Pushkin is connected in other cases some uninfections and unambiguity in the image of heroes. Belinsky wrote about this in relation to Mazepa: "... In Mazepé, we see one low-cost intrigue, aged in the goat." Recall that the impostor in Boris Godunov, Pushkin showed not so unicinerally.

Unlike Boris Godunova, Poltava is executed not only of historical, but also moralizing pathos. This is a poem, "single center", in a certain sense of "one-driven". In it, everything, one way or another, is connected with Peter, directed to Peter, everything is checked. From the point of view of moral, and historical, too, in the poem there is only one unconditional positive value - Peter and everything that he is close, which serves his cause. Opponents of his business with this approach become villains historically insignificant and flawed. That is exactly the Mazepa. In it, everything causes the reader repulsion, a feeling of dislike. And even; Love, inspired by Mary, is represented by the reader strange and, most importantly, almost completely deprived of poetry.

A truly high poetry is executed by the third part of the poem, entirely dedicated to Peter. This part is truly crowded in the poem, for Pushkin it is the main. From the very beginning to the end, and in the description of the Poltava battle, and in subsequent paintings and reasoning, it sounds like a high Oda Peter, as Praise Peter and his dollars. In the final of the poem about Peter says:

Passed a hundred years - and what remains from strong, proud of these husbands, so full of passion will? Their generation was passed and the bloody trace of effort, disasters and victories disappeared with him. In citizenship of the Northern Power, in her militant fate, only you erected, Hero Poltava, a huge monument to yourself.

It is wonderful that these final motives "Poltava" ("a hundred years", a monument to Peter) become the main motives of the "copper rider". Moreover, the "copper rider" begins with the same ends of "Poltava": with high Oda Peter and his cause. The theme of Peter in its sublime-other solution sounds in the "Copper Horseman" and further:

"Write, hail of Petrov, and standing non-rounds, like Russia, and you will be pacified with you and the defeated element."

All this is very similar to Poltava. But by this, however, the similarity ends, and the differences begin. And fundamentally important differences. First of all, in the "copper rider" there is no plot "one-polypeneism" and "one-drivenity", and there is no morality of the author's pathos, even if they understand it in the highest sense of the word. In the new poem Pushkin, along with Peter, there is another hero opposed to him. This is a small person, a simple official named Eugene:

So, I come home, Evgeny shook the chinel, undressed, lay down. But long he could not sleep in an excitement of different reflections. What did he think about the fact that he was poor, that he should have been able to deliver and independence and honor; That God could add mind and money to him. That after all there are such idle lucky, the mind is short-sighted sloth, who is light enough!

Evgeny is opposed to Peter not only by the situation, not just like a small person, but also stylistically, how he is characterized by the author. If the characteristic of Peter is withstanding in a high speech style, the very first characteristic of Eugene is an introductory characteristic - it looks like a very ordinary language and even deliberately reduced. All this defines the emotional background on which the heroes are perceived. They are not just opposed, they are abruptly opposed, they are antipodes.

But in the artistic and ideological moral sense, they are at the same time equivalent. They embody different areas of historical life, but at the same time having the same right to exist equally legal. Moreover: their position as a high and small hero is not absolutely. A small hero with a person known to him, with a human point of view, it turns out to be completely small, but even greater and, maybe even even greater and high than the one who is traditionally referred to. With a Pushkin Little Man, with Evgeny, in the course of the poetic narration, it is such a revaluation and happening.

The initial theme of the poem "Copper Horseman"

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The poem "Copper Horseman" was created by A. S. Pushkin in 1833. This is the last work that was written by a great Russian poet in Boldin. It is written in poetic form, and the two main hero of the work is Eugene and a monument to the emperor. The poem crosses two topics - the emperor of Peter and a simple, "insignificant" person. The poem is considered one of the most advanced works of the Great Russian poet.

The historical point of the review selected by the poet

In the analysis of the "copper rider", you can mention that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin managed to overcome the canons of the genre in his work. In the poem, Peter does not appear as a historical character (he appears in the appearance of the "idol" - statues). Also, nothing is told about the time of his rule.

Petrovskaya Epoch for the poet itself is a time that has not ended with the death of the great ruler. At the same time, A. S. Pushkin appeals not to the beginning of this great period in the history of the Russian state, but to its results. One of the historical points, from the height of which the poet looked at the emperor, was the flood on November 7, 1824, "terrible time", which remained for a long time in memory.

Conducting the analysis of the "copper rider", it can be noted that the poem is written by a four-stranded yamb. In this short work (contains less than 500 poetry), the poet united the history and modernity, the privacy of a "little man" with the history of the country. The "Copper Horseman" became one of the immortal monuments of St. Petersburg and the period of the Board of Peter.

The main plan of the poem, the topic, the main idea

The topic of the "copper rider" is the conflict of a person and the state system. The central event of the work is a flood. The story about him and forms the first plan of the poem - historical. Flood is one of the main plots of the whole poem. It is also the source of the conflict between the person and the country. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is that an ordinary person can be dispersed from grief, anxiety and anxiety.

Conditional Literary Plan

The poem has a second plan - conditionally literary. It also needs to be told in the analysis of the "copper rider". The poet asks him with the help of the subtitle "Petersburg Tale". And Eugene is a central acting person of this story. The faces of the remaining residents of the city cannot be distinguished. This is a crowd that turns the streets, sinking; Cold and detached residents of the city in the second part of the work. The story of the poet about the fate of the main character shakes the historical plan and interacts with it throughout the work. In the climax of the poem, when the rider is chasing Eugene, this motive dominates. The scene comes out the mythical hero - a statue that came to life. And in this space, the city turns into a fantastic space, losing its real features.

"Kumir" and understanding of St. Petersburg

In the analysis of the "copper rider", a schoolboy may mention that the copper rider is one of the most unusual images in all Russian literature. The woken by the words of the main character, he ceases to be an ordinary idol and turns around in the Terrible Tsar. From the very moment of the foundation of St. Petersburg, the history of the city received different interpretations. In myths and legends, he was considered not an ordinary city, but by the embodiment of completely mysterious and incomprehensible forces. Depending on who held the post of king, these forces were understood as well-beneficial or as hostile, anti-people.

Emperor Peter I.

At the end of the XVIII early XIX century, two large categories of myths opposed to each other were developed in their content. In some Emperor Peter appeared as "father of the Fatherland", a kind of deity, which managed to organize a reasonable space and the "courtesy country".

These ideas often arose in poetry (for example, in the gifts of Sumarok and Derzhavin). They were encouraged at the state level. Another direction is typical of Peter as a "Live Antichrist", and St. Petersburg is "the city of Nerusky". The first category of myths characterized the foundation of the city as the beginning of the "Golden Epoch" for Russia; The second predicted the emergence of the state.

Combining two approaches

Alexander Sergeevich in the poem "Copper Horseman" was able to create a synthetic image of St. Petersburg and the emperor. In his work, those images that exclude each other in their meaning complement each other. The poem begins with the description of the poetic myth about the foundation of the city, and the destruction myth is reflected in the first and second part of the work, which describes the flood.

The image of Peter in the poem "Copper Horseman" and the historical plan of the work

The peculiarity of the poem is reflected in the simultaneous interaction of three plans. This is a legendary and mythological, historical, as well as conditionally literary. Emperor Peter appears on the legendary mythological terms, because it is not a historical character. He is the nameless hero of the legend, the builder and the founder of the new city, the performer of the Higher Will.

But Peter's Duma is different: he decided to build the city "for evil to the apparent neighbor," so that Russia could "cut the window to Europe." A. S. Pushkin emphasizes the historical plan with the help of the words "one hundred years". And this phrase envelops the events of the haze events. The emergence of "young hail" is likened to the poet miracle. At the place where the description of the city's construction process should be, the reader sees a duct. The story itself begins in 1803 (on this day, "Grad Peter" was one hundred years).

Parallels in the work

In the "copper rider" Pushkin, the reader discovers a lot of semantic and composite parallels conducted by the poet. They are based on the relationships that were established between the fictional character of the work, flood elements, the city and the monument - the "idol". For example, the poet leads to the parallel to the "Things of the Great" emperor thinking of a "little man", Eugene. The legendary emperor thought about how the city would be laid, the fulfillment of the interests of the state. Evgeny reflects on the small things of a simple person. The dreams of the emperor come true; The dreams of a "little man" collapsed along with a natural disaster.

Evgeny - "Little Man"

Evgeny is one of the main heroes of the "Copper Horseman" of Pushkin. It is illuminated by his distress, as it is poor and barely drives ends with the ends. He connects their hopes for a happy future with a female parash. But his life is tragic - she takes him the only dream. Parasha dies during the flood, and Eugene goes crazy.

"Copper Horseman": Excerpt

To memorize, at heart, schoolchildren are often asked to learn part of the poem. This may be, for example, the next passage:

"I love you, Peter Creation,
I love your strict, slim view,
Neva Purchase flow
Coastal granite ... ".

A schoolboy can have several storage to get a higher marking. Learning the "copper rider" passage is a pleasure, because the poem is written by an excellent Pushkin language.

The image of "Grad Peter" in the poem

The world of St. Petersburg appears in the poem as a closed space. The city exists for the laws that are accepted in it. In the poem "Copper Horseman", he seems to be a new civilization built on the expanses of Wild Russia. After the Petersburg appears, the "Moscow period" in history goes into the past.

The city is full of internal contradictions. The great Russian poet emphasizes the duality of St. Petersburg: on the one hand, he "crashes magnificently", but on the other - this is "from the darkness of forests". In the wishes of the poet, the city sounds anxiety - "Yes, it will be pacified with you and the defeated element ...". The beauty of the city may not be eternal - it stands firmly, but it can be destroyed by the swelling element. For the first time on the pages of the poem, the image of the swirl of the element appears.


Poem "Copper Horseman". Petersburg story.


    Comprehension of ideological and artistic peculiarities of the poem.

    Reveal the confrontation of the copper rider and Eugene in the poem;

    Develop analytical skills with artistic text,

    ability to analyze thoughts and feelings not only by the author of the work, but also their own;

    Show students with the incredit value of the poem and the interest of A.S. Pushkin to the historical past of Russia

The poem "Copper Horseman" was written in october 1833. In Boldino, but immediately could not be published for the reasons of censorship. Printed was only one year after the death of the poet V. A. Zhukovsky with some edits. In full form, it was published by P. V. Annenkov in 1857.

In this work, the genre of which Pushkin determined as petersburg story , understanding continues persons Peter I. As a sovereign and man, his role in the formation and development of Russia. Pushkin does not accidentally turn to the image of Peter, which in his interpretation becomes a kind symbol of self-adequate, autocracy. Contrary to all Peter builds Petersburg on the swamps to "Paul threaten the Swede". This act appears in the poem with the highest manifestation of the autocratic will of the ruler, who "raised all Russia".

Appeal to the topic of Peter I, created by the city, which became the "window to Europe", occurred against the background of sharp discussions about the country's development paths. Opponents of the Emperor's activities, his reforms believed that, building a new city, which played a decisive role in the acceleration of Europeanization of Russia, strengthening its political and military power, Peter did not count with the natural, natural conditions of the terrain, on which Petersburg was erected. Such natural conditions attributed wetlastivity, as well as the tendency to floods. Petersburg was opposed to the first-hearth Moscow, which was not created by the will and project of one person, even endowed with a huge power, but according to the divine fishery. The flood, which happened in St. Petersburg in the early 1820s and entailed large human sacrifices, was considered as a revenge of natural natural forces for perfect violence. Such was one point of view.

Composition of the poem . The poem rises a number of philosophical, social and moral problems. Their decision is subject to a clear composition. In two main parts disclosed the main conflict poems: Natural elements, state power and interests of a separate personality. Pictures of the St. Petersburg disaster are dynamically transferred.

Pushkin loves Petersburg, admires his beauties and genius of architects, but nevertheless on the city for centuries there is God's Kara for the initial self-defensewhich was expressed by Peter at the base of the city in place, unsuitable for this. And floods are only punishment, a kind of "curse", which is over the inhabitants of the capital, a reminder of the inhabitants of Babylon about the crime, which they at one time committed against God.

Plot The main part of the poem is built around the fate of an ordinary, ordinary person - Eugene and his bride of Paras, whose hopes for simple family happiness rushes as a result of a natural disaster.

Conflict The poems reaches apogee in the scene of the clashes of insane Yevgeny, who has deprived of the most expensive in his life, with the monument to the Creator of St. Petersburg - a copper rider. It was his, the "builder of the miraculous", as he with an evil irony, "the idol at the Bronze Kone," Evgeny considers his unfortunately.

The image of Eugene is the image of the very "man of the crowd", which is not ready to perceive freedom, which did not draw it in his heart, i.e. the image of a regular man in the street. The "Copper Horseman" is part of the soul of man, his "second I", which in itself does not disappear. Expressing the words of Chekhov, a person should every day "drop out a slave from himself", to produce a tirelessly spiritual work (Wed with an idea developed by Gogol in "Shinels", about that a person is created for high destination and can not live a dream On the acquisition of Sineli, only in this case he deserves a high name of a person). It is these ideas that will be afterwarded in the work of Dostoevsky, who "from the inside" will describe the "Little Human" rebellion - a preventive riot of "poor spirit."

Idea : « With God's elements, the kings do not cope " Power suppresses the identity of a separate person, his interests, but not able to resist the elements and protect against it. Related element returned part of the city - "Small Island" - at the initial state. The natural element is terrible and able to revenge for their defeat not only the winner, but also his descendants. The victims of the rebelled Neva became the townspeople, especially poor inhabitants of the islands.

Questions for self-test .

The copyright position in the poem "Copper Horseman" caused various interpretations in criticism and literary criticism. Some, referring to V. G. Belinsky, believed that A. S. Pushkin, Peter I substantiates the tragic law of the state to dispose of a person's private life (B. M. Engeldt, G. A. Gukovsky, Ji. P. Grossman). Others (V. Ya. Bruce, A. V. Macedonov, M. P. Eremin et al.), Finding a humanistic concept in the poem, it is believed that the poet is completely on the side of poor Eugene. Finally, S. M. Bondi, E. A. Mimin seen in the "Copper Horseman" "tragic non-use of the conflict", according to which A. S. Pushkin represents the story itself to make the choice between the "truth" rider and Eugene. Which of the named interpretations is closer to you and why? Determine your point of view on the position of the author.