School of Children's Summer Forest. Gaming lesson "Forest" for children of the nursery group. Didactic game "Proteins"

Theme lesson: Forest and its inhabitants.

Tasks lesson:give a general concept about the forest, its inhabitants, the vegetable world; continue to teach correctly state your thoughts, colorfully describe illustrations using epithets and verbal turns; Brief in children love for nature and its inhabitants.

Planned results: Remember the inhabitants and floral world of the forest.

Equipment: Illustrations of animals, plants, trees, shrubs, (approx. In the abstract lesson. Illustration of the painting I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest").

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher greets children, checks the readiness for the lesson.

II. Activation of knowledge.

Secure the knowledge of the previously studied material. Check your homework.

III. Message Topics lesson

I want to invite you today to the forest,
In good forest, mighty forest,
Full fairy tales and miracles.
If you are attentive, children,
Secrets wonderful will open these.

III. Studying a new material.

The forest zone can be divided into three parts: Taiga, mixed forest, wide forest. In the taiga, spruce, pines and firs grow. Mixed forest is distinguished by the presence of birches, fir trees, pines, lip and other trees. And in the broad-sighted pine, do not meet, because there are deciduous trees: Oak, Clane, Lipa, Elm, ash, aspen, beech.

(Picture I. Shishkin "Forest Wilderness", 1872)

On the board hanging a forest illustration. The teacher proposes carefully to consider the picture and answer the question. What can I compare the forest? (with a ladder, with descending steps down)

Let's try to allocate every step and determine its feature. The first level is trees, perennial plants that have one major solid stem, such as: spruce, pine, birch, aspen, etc.

The second level includes shrubs - plants with two and more widespread stems growing from a common root. To this level, it is possible to include raspberry, currant, blackberry, viburnum, rowan, slash, rosehip, etc.

Well, soft green stems annual plants - herbs, the third level. Snowdrop, primrose, valley, strawberries, mosses and many other medicinal plants.

For convenience, scientists call these levels - tiers, are located in reducing order (the teacher can draw a scheme on the board, this will allow children to visually memorize the material).

  • What animals can be found in the forest?
  • (bears, wolves, foxes, squirrels, hares, badgers)
  • What birds live in the forest?
  • (woodpecker, tit, thrush, rapid, foam, owl)
  • What are the insects?
  • (grasshoppers, butterflies, ladybugs, fireflies, spiders)
  • What mushrooms are collected in the forest?
  • (raw materials, boosts, subboots, freight, butter, rhymes, s)
  • What forest berries do you know?
  • (Strawberry, Blueberry, Turn)

Explain the phrase "Forest is a residential building for living organisms?" Everything in the forest is interconnected. Plants serve animals as food and protection. In response, beasts and birds spread plants. Drawing up a power circuit. Work in a pair.

IV. Fizminutka

The teacher reads out loud poems and shows the corresponding movements that students repeat.

Hands raised and shocked -
These are trees in the forest.
Hands bent, brushes shook -
The wind knives the dew.
On the sides of the hand, smoothly feasible -
This birds fly to us.
How quietly sit down, show -
Wings folded back.

kelab - Belka.

oRT - Mole

rebazo - Bereza

The teacher reads the poem.

We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear River slow speech ...
All this is called nature,
Let us always take care of her!

Guys, coming to visit the forest, we must always comply with the rules of behavior, while maintaining its original beauty. Let's call them:

  • Do not breed the fire, it can lead to a fire;
  • Do not ruin the birds and anthills;
  • Do not offend animals and insects;
  • Keep quiet;
  • Do not litter;
  • Do not break bushes and trees;
  • Do not break poisonous mushrooms.

V. Fixing the studied material.

For consolidation, it is proposed to solve crossword from the mysteries.

What a tree is worth -
There is no wind, and a sheet is trembling?

I got out of the crumbs-barrels
The roots allowed and grew.
I feed pigs and protein
-Nothing that the fruit is my chalk

It is always in the forest to find -
Let's go for a walk and meet:
Worth a barbed like a Yozh,
In winter in a summer dress

Breathes, grows,
And can't walk

Bogatyr is rich,
Treats all guys.
Vanya - strawberries,
Tanya - Kolyovnika,
Masha - Noodle,
Petya - raw,
Katenka - Malinka,
Vasya - twigs

Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
Prysto satisfy -
Stones nabito

Moved at the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to disrupt him -
He felt and flew away

I go to the fluffy fur coat,
I live in a dense forest.
In the voupel on the old oak
Nuts I rodz

As if a snowy ball is Bela,
In the spring she bloose,
Gentle smell source.
And when it comes it,
Once it was done
All from the berries of Black

The ears are long, incompetent.
Then he is gray, then he is white.
Then runs, and then jumps,
Rough tail from wolf hides

Vi. Summing up the lesson.

Ask students Like a lesson? Establish marks and diaries.

VII. Homework..

Draw a watercolor drawing, on the topic "Paints of a fabulous forest"

FULL NAME. Albina Vladimirovna Kovshova

Senior tutor municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 10 "White" combined species.

Education area Knowledge

Theme lesson "Beauty - Trees" "

Software content:

- to form ideas about the forest, about the varieties of trees growing in the forest;

Summarize the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature, about animals;

Develop the ability to answer questions, argue their answers;

Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Material:multimedia presentation, chalk for each child, two plastic cups, water.

Propedeutic work: Reading books about nature, view of forest illustrations, examination of living and non-residential objects of nature

Speech development:forest beauty, carved roof



Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten number 10 "White" combined species

Scheme of abstract classes

Education area: Cognition

Topic: " True Forest - Trees »

Performed the Senior Educator:

Albina Vladimirovna Kovshova

kulebaki 2013.

FULL NAME. Albina Vladimirovna Kovshova

Position, educational institutionSenior tutor municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 10 "White" combined species.

Education area Knowledge

Theme lesson "Beauty - Trees" "

Software content:

- to form ideas about the forest, about the varieties of trees growing in the forest;

Summarize the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature, about animals;

Develop the ability to answer questions, argue their answers;

Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Material: multimedia presentation, chalk for each child, two plastic cups, water.

Propedeutic work: Reading books about nature, view of forest illustrations, examination of living and non-residential objects of nature

Speech development: forest beauty, carved roof

Stages of work

Teaching activities

Activities of pupils

Organizing time

  • creation of gaming motivation;
  • surprise moment

Input part . It is 3-4 minutes.

Educator: Guys, from both we will go on a trip. And where to guess: (Slide 1)

The house is open from all sides,
It is the roof of the roof of the roof.
Come in the green house -
Wonders will see in it.

Children: Forest

Educator: Yes, guys, in the forest. Today we will consider the beauty of nature. If we are talking about nature, then, first of all, we mean the forest. There is no such work, wherever nature described. Where the forest is there - there is clean air. This is a house for animals and birds, these are mushroom clearing and fragrant, delicious strawberries.(Slide 2)

Creating game motivation - interest, motivate children.

Introduction of children in the subject of classes - to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe forest

Children guess the riddle

Main part

resolution problems with:

  • descriptions of methods and techniques of joint activities of the teacher and the pupil to solve the problem;
  • use of health-saving technologies;
  • use of correctional and educational technologies


Educator: Guys, and you know what nature is?

Children: Nature is what exists regardless of man

Educator: And what can we not call Nature?

Children: We can not call in nature what is done by the hands of a person

Educator: Guys, you correctly said that nature exists regardless of man.

Nature is still alive and inanimate. And before you go on a journey, we should know it.

Tell me, what do we take to the wildlife?

Children: To the wildlife, we will draw birds, animals, insects, fish.

Educator: Why did you attribute them to the wildlife?

Children: Because they are born, eat, breathe, breed, move, die

Educator: You answered correctly, but it is not all that relates to wildlife.

There are such representatives of nature who do not know how to move, always stand in one place, but they are also alive. They are born from a small seed, grow, eat, drink, grow very big and bring us great benefit with you.

You guessed what I'm talking about?

Children: You talk about trees

Educator: That's right, I'm talking about trees. But not only the trees we take to the wildlife, and all the plants too.

What to relate to inanimate nature?

Children: Stone, Sand, Earth


Educator: That's right, non-fat nature is water, snow, stones, land.

Look at your tables, pieces of chalk and cups - one empty, the other with water. Take chalk and break it. What happened to chalk? He stopped being chalk or not?

Children: NO

Educator: That's right, the chalk remained chalk, only the pieces became less. Take the water and break part of the water in another cup.

What happened to water, she stopped being water or not?

Children: NO

Educator: A. what will happen to a butterfly, bug, flower, wood, bird, if we divide them into parts?

Children: They will die

Game "Living - Non-Story"If the objects of wildlife, then children move if objects are inanimate nature - children stand.(Slide 3)

Educator: So, we go to the forest. But at first we need to remember the rules how to behave in the forest.

We play the game "You can not" (If you can, then you clap into your hands, if you can not, then you are writing your feet).(Slide 4)

Breaking trees and branches.

Plant more trees.

Walk and trample on the meadows flowers.
Walk only along paths.
To tear large bouquets of flowers.
To admire them.
Leave trash in the forest.
Collect garbage into the pit and bury.
Like fires in the forest.

In the forest noise.

Educator: And now you can go to the forest. For this, we just need to close the eyes. (Sounds of the Forest Sounds)

Here we are with you and in the forest.

(Slide 5)
Educator: Guys, the forest does not everyone opens its doors. He opens only good people. Let's say hello to the forest.

Hello, forest, dense forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you seeing foliage

What do we whisper at the dawn?
Who is in the wilderness of your luxury?
All open! Don't hide
You see, we are our ...

Educator: What is the forest? How do you imagine it?

Children: Where many trees

Educator: Guys! Forest is a whole world! There are things that seem so ordinary to us that we do not notice them. And if we notice, we do not think about them.

For example: man breathes air. What is special here? Otherwise, after all, it can not. How to live without air? Pure oxygen saturated air is the wealth of the entire planet Earth.

Educator: But, where does it take clean air? What do you think?

Children: His trees give us

Educator: Yes, guys, right - we give trees. A green substance in the leaves of plants - chlorophyll on the light absorbs excess carbon dioxide and highlights clean oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. And the outstanding role in this process belongs to trees.

Educator: What trees do you know?

Children: Birch, Oak, Aspen, Christmas tree

Educator: Spruce - this tree is familiar to everyone since childhood. Together with him under the New Year comes a fairy tale. In the gloomy spruce forest, it is believed that it is here that Baba Yaga, the lying and other heroes of fairy tales live here, because even on a hot day in the spruce forest is cool and dark.(Slide 6)

Snow white Bereza - Many of the birch parts are used in the farm: wood, bark, berers (superficial cortex), birch juice. The kidneys and leaves are used in medicine. But do not forget that one big birch damaged by an ax may lose weight up to 200 liters of juice.(Slide 7)

Oak - The power and majestic beauty of oak attract all. The roots go deep into the ground, and therefore no storms are scared.Sowing an acorns is the main way to restore oak forests. Glue serve as a good animal feed.(Slide 8)

Pine - amazing tree.It grows quickly, not afraid or freezing, no wind, lives long. Evergreen pines, coniferous, rich resin trees.(Slide 9)

Questions for children: (Slide 10)

  • Guys, what is common to all trees? (barrel, roots, branches, leaf, fruit with seeds)
  • What parts of the plants are located underground, above the ground?
  • What is needed to grow plants?
  • Do you know that the forest gives us? How does a person use it?

Educator: Forest is books with pictures, notebooks for students, it is a parquet and furniture in apartments. Wood is used to build houses, bridges, ships. The forest gives us fuel, furniture, matches, various products. You see, guys, what benefits bring us trees. So they should be preserved. But the forest is also the house of birds and animals. Exterminating trees, we destroy their home.


And we walked around the forest

And the chanterelle met.

Under the bush she sits -

It can be seen, the bunny will fit.

And we walked around the forest

And the bunny met.

Bunny jumps along the track,

Fast hare legs.

And we walked around the forest

Hedgehog we met

On the track he goes

On the back the fungus carries.

And we walked around the forest

We met the whiteline.

Squirrel eats without a rush,

Tops nibble nuts.

And we walked around the forest

And the bear met.

Teddy bear walks on the forest

Children he scares.

We from fear shoved,

And the teddy bear ran away.

Educator: Walking through the forest many different animals we met. Guys, what are the animals name, who live in the forest?(Slide 12)

  • What feed animals?
  • How is the Bear preparing for winter?
  • How is protein preparing for winter?
  • What happens if the wolf and fox will not be, there are hares?

Educator: Wild animals live in our forests. These animals have adapted to our climate, one of them feed on plant food, others - eat animals, and we call them predators. If many hare emerge, they will destroy all trees, bushes, grass, they will oversee the whole bark, and the trees will die. But the trees are the most important wealth of the forest.

Educator: A. Now, guys, we will rise to the sky.(Slide 13)

  • Who lives in the air?
  • What is the difference between birds from animals?
  • What are the birds that fly for the winter?
  • What are the birds that we have to winter?
  • Why do birds fly away?
  • What do birds eat?

Educator: The habitat of birds is air. But they live on earth. Bird's nests are also tying or on Earth, or on trees. Birds, in contrast to animals, covered with feathers. And therefore, they are called - Pernaya. Some birds with the onset of cold weather are flying into the warm edges, they are called migratory. Those birds that remain with us to winter are called wintering. They can find food on their own, but we must help them.

Educator: See how many small creatures are drawn here.

  • Name them. (Children list)
  • How can you call in one word of all, who is drawn here?

Children: insects

  • Who needs insects on earth?

Children: Insects are needed by birds. They feed them.

Educator: What will happen if all insects disappear? (Children's responses)

Insects disappear, all the birds will disappear that insects fed. There will be no birds, trees will die, because they will be seeded by pests. There will be no trees, there will be no place to live animals. All small streams are dry, river hung and disappear. There will be no water on Earth, there will be a desert, and a person will die. Beasts, birds, insects cannot live without plants, and plants cannot live without insects, birds, animals. Insects pollinate plants, birds and animals help spread their seeds on the ground.

Asks a question - the development of thinking in children

Development of children's ability to answer questions to the full proposal

Generalization of knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature

Formation of submissions about the forest

Development of the imagination of children, experimental abilities

Development of observation in children

Ability to analyze, draw conclusions

Children's ability to distinguish live and non-residential natural objects

Education of the careful attitude towards nature, rules of behavior in nature

Development of attention

Removing psycho-emotional tension

Development of children's speech

Formation of submissions about the forest, trees growing in it

Specifies questions - the development of thought processes, the ability to establish causal relationships

Fastening Kids Knowledge About Trees

Generalization, clarification of children's knowledge about trees

Expansion of children's knowledge of objects made of wood

Development of motor activity of children

Fastening Kids' Knowledge About Animal Forest

Children's ability to install digestive chains

Fastening Kids Children About Birds

Secure the knowledge of children about the flight and wintering birds, about habitat

Christina Sofiin
Abstract of the classes "Forest in a person's life"

purpose: clarify and expand the knowledge of the forest. Relieve careful attitude towards nature.


Educational tasks:

1. Clarify and expand the available submission of children about the forest.

2. To form consciously - the right attitude towards objects of nature.

Developing tasks:

1. Develop in children cognitive interest in life forests and its inhabitants using the artistic word (Proverbs, riddles, poems).

2. Develop a sense of suggestion in children to all live and beautiful.

3. Develop a coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Educational tasks:

1. Rail aesthetic and moral feelings, caring attitude towards nature.

2. Emotionally educate - a friendly attitude towards live objects of nature.


birch grove, birch, coniferous forest, spruce, spruce forest, pine forest, pine forest, oak grove, Dubrava, Dubrava, Deciduous forest, Mixed forest.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the forest, about its benefits, viewing illustrations with a depicting of deciduous, coniferous, mixed forests, albums: "Forest beasts"; "Seasons", "Wild animals", "That's so birds - birds are small", "Insects", "Edible and poisonous mushrooms", "Berries", "Kingdom of Flowers", memorizing poems, proverbs, songs about the forest; guessing mysteries on forest topics; Drawing on the topic "forest".

Travel course:


Someone threw us in April,

Look, writing.

Maybe this is the sun ray

What does my face tickle?

From whom the letter came,

You want to know?

Then you need to try,

And guess guess.

I read it now:

I love walking through the forest

I go to the forest every day.

I wonder everything in the forest:

Each bush and every stump.

I am friends with an oak, with a loyalty, with a maple,

The animals are understood to me the language.

I call me grandfather Spiridon.

I'm not a wizard, I - ...

Children: Forester.

Educator: Well done guys, riddled rightly guess. The letter came from the forest - from the grandfather Spiridon. That's what he is writes: "Dear Guys! I invite you to walk in the forest. I know from the forest inhabitants that you are their big friends. And the forest will be glad to see you at your guest. See you. Grandfather Spiridon. "

Educator: Well, accept the invitation of the grandfather Spiridon? We go for a walk in the forest.

And here we are in the forest. Forest is a whole world! This is a house for animals, birds, insects, plants.

What is not possible to present the forest? (without trees)

And what trees you know, we will check now.

1. From the woods of it in the furnace corner of hot

Barrels get droves

For patients cook kidneys

And when it grows

Bolshevolna and Software. (Birch)

And if the sheet is from birch, then what is it? (birch)

If some birchs grow in the forest? .... (Birch Grove, Bereznyak)

What is collected in the spring with birch trees?. (Birch juice)

It is very useful, there are many vitamins in it, he hires thirst in the heat.

2. Body, Lapoty

What does the tree give?

And in July smell like honey,

Aroma bees calls. (Linden)

What leaves .... (lime)

And what gifts bring to us Lipa?. (Honey Lime, Linden flowers brew and drink a lime infusion from a cold)

3. Together to the tree rushing

Birds and animals

Vitamins in winter

Berry is rich ... (Rowan)

What are the leaves?. (rowan)

4. If clouds appear in the sky

Hide the birds under the crown of mighty

Here the boys are under root

Loudly hurt with acorns,

Furniture made of demolition tree does not know

Harmful microbes kill.

Tree it lives hundreds of years

Who knows? Will tell the answer?. (oak)

What sheet of oak?. oak

What is the name of the forest where the alone oaks grow?. (Dubrava)

What are the darities of oak? Who needs them?

What are the trees about which we talked about? deciduous

What other deciduous trees do you know?. (Aspen, Poplar, Cedar, Olha.)

If some deciduous trees grow in the forest, what is it called?. (foliar)

5. This tree is not a Christmas tree.

Although there are bumps and needles.

As a column every trunk, from above Krone, like a tent (Pine)

If alone pines grow in the forest?. (Pinery)

Pine is a high tree, so she does not have the lower branches. It cleans the air from microbes. Resin is very useful.

6. What is this maiden?

Not seamstress, not a craftswoman, nothing herself sews

And in needles all year round (Christmas tree)

The Christmas tree does not like. It cleans the air. From her wood make paper, musical instruments.

If one fir rose in the forest ... (Yelnik)

Well, spruce and pines

Instead of leaves?. needles

7. There is a relative of the Christmas tree unlikely needle

But in contrast to the Christmas tree - all needles fall (larch)

If one pines, ate, larch grow in the forest, how do such forest call?. (coniferous)

What are you prepared from these trees?.

Tablets, infusions.

Guys, and we were in the woods, where are different trees, coniferous, deciduous, how is the forest called?. (mixed)

One of the gifts of nature, which human I learned to use this tree.

How do we use it?.

(Children's responses)

We walk along the wooden floor, close and open the doors from the tree, windows, sit on the wooden chairs, behind wooden tables. Store clothing in wooden cabinets, toys and books on wooden shelves. But before all this is done, who is the forest? ... - loggers.

Educator: - rally, they are lying trees, brute branches, export from the forest on large cars on the woodworking plant. Where they are cut on the boards, and then build houses, fences, furniture.

Guys, here is such proverb: "Near the forest to live - Hungry is not to be". What can be enjoyed in the forest?. (mushrooms, berries, nuts)

What forest berries do you know?. (strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries, bounds)

What mushrooms can be found in the forest?. (White, boletus, boletus, cheesezhka, Opel ....)

Mushrooms can only be assembled with adults, should not be taken in hand, the more trying to taste unfamiliar or poisonous mushrooms.

- Listen to the riddle: "Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating dark boron

Grew motley like parsley,

Poisonous ....Momhomor

Is it possible to destroy amansor?

That's right, you can not, mushrooms - medicine for moose.

The game "4th extra"

Educator: Consider pictures, name what is superfluous?

Raspberry, blueberries, strawberries, gooseberry

Boostyl, boletus, chanterelles, agar

And what can you cook delicious forest tea? (oregano, St. John's wort, Ivan tea, strawberries.)

All these plants?. Medicinal

Why are they called so called?.

Because they are used in the treatment of different diseases.


Hands raised and shocked -

These are trees in the forest.

Hands braped, brushes shook,

The wind knives the dew.

On the sides of the hand, smoothly feasible -

This birds fly to us.

As they sit down, we will also show

Wings folded back.

Educator: - Guys, look, and here is the Lester Spiridon. Hello grandfather! With something excited and very frightened! What happened, grandfather?

Old Man Lesovik: - Boys, girls, rather here!

What happened? Bed happened!

A boys came to the forest

Angry Robber Grishka!

He is offended by the trees

Bird nest destroys!

I hear, he goes here!

Hide, children who are where!

(Show pictures "Grishka in the forest")

Educator: You need to teach the boy,

Evil Hooligan Grishka!

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest?.

(Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest ....

"Rules of behavior in the forest."

1. The branches do not break, the trees do not cripple, do not make tenderloin on them, nor the edge, nor the sheet in vain do not flit.

2. Do not come close to the nests of birds, do not touch the nest, otherwise the birds can leave the nest to the com.

3. Take care of antics. Remember - ants - Forest Sanitaryra.

4. Do not raise the fire. From the fire, plants die, crubby animals and insects.

5. In the forest you can play, hang, shout, wait, but the main thing is not to interfere with anyone, and then the forest will be cut off, and you will not recognize any mystery.

6. Do not RVI flowers, follow you hundreds of people, and they will also be nice to see flowers.

7. Do not catch for fun butterflies, dragonflies and other animals.

8. Do not sail in the forest. Clean the garbage and glassware. Fire in the forest may occur from abandoned glass.

Di "It is possible"

children analyze the behavior of people in the forest, raise chips (green - right, red - no)

can (impossible): To break the branches, tumbling in the grass, to dry fires, admire the beauty of nature, tear flowers, collect mushrooms, break the nests, break the anthills, relax on the stump, destroy the poisonous mushrooms, collect berries, leave behind garbage.

Educator: Well done, no one was wrong. We repeated all the rules of behavior of people in the forest. But I would like to focus on one moment. Human, tearing out flowers, does not give other people to admire the beauty of the forest. Let's stand the flowers now and show that you need to not tear flowers, and admire them on a sheet of paper.

I suggest you paint the most beautiful and fragrant flower living in our forests is a valley.

Used non-traditional drawing techniques. Children are offered a blank (album leaf of light green tone with a bright, dark-green lily of the valley petals with a thin stem, carrying a brush of 6-20 flowers facing predominantly in one direction. The task of children - draw white lily of the lily of the lily with toothpaste).

Showing equipment teacher drawing on magnetic board and necessary recommendations to children.

Start squeezing balls from top to bottom;

The size of the ball should not be large or small, follow the strength of compression of your cam;

Try to make your job beautiful and gently;

(Performance of the task of children)

There are many proverbs about the forest, let us repeat them with you.

Proverbs about the forest.

1. Who ruins the forest, he does not like his people.

2. Who can be kind to be, he will be able to protect and love the forest.

3. Birds, animals in the forest protect and always help them.

4. Groves and forest - all over the world.

5. In the forest go - under your feet.

6. Forest and water - brother and sister.

7. Plants - land decoration.

8. The forest is not a school, and everyone teaches.

9. Many forests - not rubi; Little forest - take care; No forest - planted.

10. The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of their forests.

11. And the forest is noise friendly when the trees are a lot.

12. The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

13. Bloom the tree - second, and grow years.

Well done guys, a lot of proverbs about the forest know.

Educator: Well, here is our walk through the forest. We learned a lot about the benefits the woods: gives wood, medicines, mushrooms, berries, nuts. In the forest we enjoy nature. Forest is our wealth! Take care of the forest!

Lyudmila Budanova
Comprehensive-thematic lesson on the topic "Forest" in the middle group

purpose: Formation of the ideas of children about the diversity of the forest world, providing the life and activities of people.

Tasks: show the forest, as a common house of living beings living next to a person;

develop interest in the natural world, the desire for its systematization on certain features;

to bring up the need to take care of the forest, as a condition for preserving a person and all forest inhabitants.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Reading fiction", "Art Creativity".

Planned results: manifests interest in the information that receives during communication; actively and friendly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; knows how to support the conversation, expresses his point of view; Interested in visual activities; Positive emotions expresses (interest, joy, admiration) When listening to the poem E. Serovoy.

Demonstration material: letter in envelope (leaf shape, audio recording "Voices of birds", pictures of curtains animals and birds, leaves of trees, album "Take care of the forest", laptop (slides by poem E. Serovoy material: "Man - Giant", emblems for teams.

Handout: pictures of various animals (home, exotic, wild, plant pictures (forest, garden, exotic, pictures of insects and mushrooms, 1 \\ 2 album sheets, markers.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, to us in group An unusual letter came. Who wants to get acquainted with its content, can be located on the chairs in a circle. (children are searched)

So, I think that everything is wondering what is written in the letter gathered in a circle. Open and read? (Yes)

"Dear kids writing you a gnome Lesovka. Recently, I returned from a trip to my native and beloved forest. But I did not find my house and forest inhabitants, t. The fire occurred and all the inhabitants went to other forests. I live not far from your city. Help me restore the forest and return my friends. With respect, the gnome Lesovka. "

Sad letter, not guys?

I am ready to help woody. Ava want to participate in this process.

2. Conversation on issues.

What kind of forest writes a gnome?

What should he be?

What trees should grow in this forest?

And there are flowers in this forest? What kind?

What animals will live in the forest?

What birds live in this forest?

And insects will be in the forest? What kind?

3. Task "Choose a picture".

So are you ready to help the gnome? We will work on teams:

1Akomanda "Treet" - Selects trees

2 Comand "Tsvetics" - Herbatous plants and mushrooms

3Komanda "Bukashki"- insects

4Komanda "Pedes" Picks up birds

5Komanda "Tribes" - Selects animals

We put all selected pictures on Kovaplin - this is our forest for the gnomic.

* "What is the leaf?"

I have a leaf of birch in my hands, then it means. (birch) Krepim to birch. If the sheet is aspen, then it ....

If the needle is pines, then she ...

If the needle ate, then she ...

*"Baby lost" .

Guys, hear someone crying (the tutor pulls the picture of the cubs. Children call them. The teacher places them next to a certain animal.)

* "One - a lot"

Butterfly -, Bee -, Grasshopper -, Ant -, Komar -, Beetle - ...

*"Who screams"

5. Reading poem E. Serovoy "Man - Giant"

What a wonderful forest you created the dwarf guys. I am sure that woody will be comfortable and cozy. But, in order to preserve it, each of you must be a smart and kind person - a giant, which poetess E. Serov told us. Listen to Him (The educator reads a poem and shows slides in the text)

I walk along the lawn -

Giant in panties and T-shirt,

From above, I see me

All Green Country

Here is a snail - a good gnomic,

He is tested by a house.

Here is an apartment for the beetle -

The hole of the old hemp.

Here is a high-rise house -

Ants are cotton in it.

Here is a daisy flower,

There are bugs in it.

This small country

The whole circle is populated!

If I'm a Giant, I want

Like a dashing hurricane, fell,

All at home i can break

All residents in the meadow trample!

Just I do not want!

I am kind giant.

6. Conversation about the meaning of the rules of behavior in the forest.

What rules should we observe while in the forest?

(Album viewing "Take care of the forest")

Why should we do this?

7. Registration Standa "Love and guard nature".

Guys, in order for all children of our kindergarten to remember and knew the rules of the forest, we will place the stand together "Love and guard nature". How to behave in time in the forest in the forest; when meeting with cubs of animals; when collecting forest berries and mushrooms; When burning a fire, etc.

8. Reflection.

What are we doing today?

What did you like more?