I feel my heart beating with a normal pulse. I feel a heartbeat: pathology or normal? Should a person feel their heartbeat? Signs of a rapid heartbeat

Normally, a person does not feel his own heartbeat.

Palpitation is a state in which a person is aware of every beat of his heart. This may be caused by the heart having a hard time pumping blood, or by the heart beating too slowly, too fast, or irregularly.

This article explores the causes of heart flutters, methods of diagnosing and treating the disease.


The manifestations of palpitations can vary greatly depending on how the person is feeling.

General descriptions include:

1. Vibration

2. Missed or extra rhythm (also known as ectopic beats)

3. Feeling like after a workout

4. Increased heart rate

5. “Heavy” heart beats

Palpitations may also be felt in the neck, throat, abdominal cavity and ears.

For some people, the heartbeat lasts only a few seconds, while for others it can last for a minute in a single episode.

In general, it is not common for people to experience heart palpitations. But in most cases it is harmless and does not signal a serious problem.

Common reasons

Many things can cause the sensation of heart palpitations. Some of the most common reasons can be broken down into categories:

Emotional factors

These include:

1. Anxiety
2. Stress
3. Panic
4. Nervousness

Drug treatment

Some medications can cause heart palpitations. These include:

1. Inhalers for asthma
2. Antihistamines
3. Hormone replacement drugs thyroid gland
4. Antiarrhythmic drugs
5. Antibiotics
6. Antidepressants
7. Antifungal drugs
8. Some cough medicines
9. Some herbal or dietary supplements


Diseases can cause heart palpitations. These include:

1. Hyperglycemia
2. Anemia
3. Low level blood sugar
4. Low Potassium Levels
5. Dehydration
6. Heat and fever
7. Blood loss
8. Shock
9. Low oxygen levels or carbon dioxide in blood

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes are another possible reason heart flutters. Hormonal changes can be caused by:

1. Menstruation
2. Pregnancy
3. Menopause

Heart diseases

Palpitations may be caused by heart disease:

1. Arrhythmia
2. Coronary artery disease
3. Heart valve problems
4. Heart failure
5. Heart defects at birth
6. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (when the muscle wall of the heart becomes thick and enlarged) or other types of cardiomyopathy


Lifestyle factors that can cause heart flutters include:

1. Caffeine (found in tea, coffee and energy drinks)
2. Alcohol
3. Smoking
4. Physical activity
5. Drugs (such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and amphetamine)
6. Spicy food


While most cases of heart fissures are harmless. But if they are a sign of heart disease, serious complications can arise.

Complications include:

1. Fainting
2. Stroke
3. Supraventricular tachycardia
4. Atrial fibrillation
5. Ventricular tachycardia
6. Ventricular fibrillation
7. Cardiac arrest
8. Heart failure.


Palpitations, which are harmless, often go away quickly and occur rarely. Treatment is not necessary in such cases.

However, in some situations it is necessary to talk to your doctor about the sensations of heart fluttering:

1. If a person has heart disease
2. If your heartbeat does not improve or gets worse
3. If symptoms are severe
4. If the person has other health problems

Of course, palpitations come and go and often don't occur in a doctor's office. Therefore it is important to write down:

1. Your feelings
2. How often do they happen?
3. When they happen

The doctor will examine the patient, study the medical history and prescribe an ECG.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment for palpitations will depend on the symptoms and the cause.

In general, treatment falls into three categories:


Lifestyle changes and avoiding triggers can help reduce or stop heart palpitations. These changes include:

1. Reduce caffeine intake
2. Stop smoking
3. Quitting alcohol
4. Proper nutrition
5. Exercise
6. Avoiding medications that may cause palpitations
7. Reduce stress and anxiety (yoga, meditation, breathing exercises)

Drug treatment

The doctor may decide that the person needs to take antiarrhythmic medications. medicines prescription medications such as a beta blocker.

Beta blockers slow your heart rate, in addition to reducing blood pressure.

Medical procedures

Three main types medical procedures used in cases of strong heartbeat:

1. Catheter ablation
2. Synchronized cardioversion
3. Implantation of a pacemaker or defibrillator

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At the heart of the violation heart rate there is an increase in the activity of the sinus node, which is responsible for the rhythm and rate of heart contractions. A pathological increase in the number of heart contractions leads to a decrease in blood output. The ventricles do not have time to fill with blood, which leads to sharp decline blood pressure, increased heart muscle volume

Sinus tachycardia is accompanied by an increase in the number of heart contractions from 90 to 220 beats. Most often, the feeling of palpitations is the only symptom of heart failure and dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart.

In addition to palpitations, you may experience shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and mood instability.

Coronary atherosclerosis leads to an increase in the number of heart contractions, angina attacks and increased symptoms of heart failure.

What to do if you feel your heart beating

In case of tachycardia it is necessary to undergo medical examination: ECG, 24-hour Holter monitoring, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, electrophysiological study. A general and biochemical blood test is also recommended, determining thyroid-stimulating hormones. To exclude everyone endocrine disorders which can lead to a feeling of palpitations, examination and consultation with an endocrinologist or neurologist is necessary. With reflex and compensatory tachycardia, you should initially eliminate everything that led to a significant increase in the number of heart contractions. For pathological tachycardia caused by heart disease, B-blockers are prescribed: Concor, Bisoprolol or calcium antagonists: Diltiazem, Verapamil.

Under the influence of various factors, the patient’s heart may begin to beat faster, and he begins to hear its beating. Feeling of heartbeat when normal pulse does not always signal the development of a pathological process. Sometimes the condition is associated with physical fatigue, anxiety and other physiological factors. Normally, a person should not hear his heartbeat. If your heart beats frequently and your pulse remains normal, you should consult a cardiologist. Sometimes the cause of the disorder lies in the development of pathologies from the cardiovascular systems s.

Why is the problem disturbing?

Hormonal disbalance

If the patient’s heart is pounding strongly, even when he is at rest, then you can contact an endocrinologist. More often strong blows and heavy breathing are associated with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, which produces insufficient or excessive amounts of certain hormones. Thyroid dysfunction can be provoked by constant stress, psycho-emotional tension and other unfavorable factors. An unpleasant feeling intensifies when experiencing or nervous tension. The feeling of rapid heartbeat with a normal pulse goes away only after the functioning of the thyroid gland is normalized.

Often the patient can feel the pulse and hear the heart beating due to diffuse toxic goiter, which increases the sensitivity of the blood vessels.

Impaired cardiovascular function

A rapid heartbeat with a calm pulse may be a consequence of the development various diseases vessels. Constant palpitations are often associated with such pathological processes, How:

An increased heart rate with a normal pulse may be associated with arrhythmia.
  • Arrhythmia. In this case, the patient experiences an acceleration of the pulse. The pathology is accompanied by disrupted cardiac impulses, which causes an uneven heartbeat.
  • An infectious focus in an internal organ. In medicine, such conditions are known as myocarditis and endocarditis. If there is a deviation, you not only feel your heart pounding, but you also experience fever and a change in color skin. Against the background of pathology, the work of others is often disrupted internal organs.
  • Changes in heart tissue. Deviations are often explained by the development of myocardial dystrophy or cardiosclerosis.
  • Heart defect. The heartbeat is felt with such a disorder, which may be congenital or acquired.
  • Permanent high blood pressure. U healthy person blood pressure readings are within 120 to 80 mm Hg. Art. When they increase, hypertension is recorded, which is accompanied by headache and dizziness.

What other reasons are there?

A loud heartbeat and normal pulse may indicate other problems, including:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of various types;
  • high body temperature;
  • decreased hemoglobin level;
  • neurosis.
Women can feel pathological condition during menopause.

In women, a feeling of palpitations against the background of a normal pulse can be observed in menopause, while the patient complains of other unpleasant manifestations, such as pain in the head, weakness. You can often feel your heart beating when you are physically tired or stressed. Intoxication of the body can also contribute to the development of the disorder. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor, and the signs of heavy heartbeat will go away on their own.

Additional symptoms

In such a state, a person’s heart not only beats quickly, but other pathological signs, indicating illness. The patient complains of the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • painful attacks in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of lack of oxygen and suffocation;
  • pallor of the epidermis;
  • chest pain;
  • problems with sleep, which soon disappears altogether;
  • I constantly feel weak throughout my body.

When a person has a normal pulse, but a palpitation is felt, he becomes anxious, imaginary, constantly worried and worried about possible death.

Diagnostic procedures

A regular pathological condition requires consultation with a cardiologist.

Regular feeling of a strong heartbeat with a normal pulse requires contacting a cardiologist. The specialist finds out what other symptoms are troubling the patient and prescribes manipulations that help establish an accurate diagnosis, such as:

  • electrocardiography;
  • diagnostics of the heart and other internal organs using ultrasound;
  • general laboratory test blood;
  • hormone analysis;
  • daily monitoring of heart rate and blood pressure.

To find out the cause of the feeling of palpitations with a normal pulse, it is often necessary to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography. If necessary, additional consultation is carried out with an endocrinologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist and other highly specialized doctors. Only after identifying the source of the disorder, the doctor selects the optimal treatment or prescribes lifestyle correction.

The feeling of your own heartbeat with normal pulse and blood pressure can occur in different periods life, be a variant of the norm or signal disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This condition is detected not only in adults, but also in children. Special diagnostic procedures make it possible to determine the etiology of the disease and select the most appropriate treatment tactics in each specific case.

Causes of loud heartbeat

An increase in heart rate or intensity of heartbeats can be a natural reaction of the body to external stimuli or be a consequence of infectious lesions of the organ, pathological changes the structure of its tissues or blood vessels. Thus, the causes of this pathology are divided into organic and physiological. The latter include:

  • severe fatigue;
  • transitional age;
  • pregnancy;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol;
  • lack of sleep;
  • treatment with medications that affect blood pressure;
  • systematic overeating and obesity.

The occurrence of tachycardia in a child during adolescence is due to rapid growth body, in which blood pressure levels may fluctuate. During pregnancy, the load on the heart increases many times over, which must pass a much larger volume of blood through itself in order to provide the mother and fetus with sufficient oxygen. Such an instantaneous change entails changes in blood pressure, rhythm and heart rate.

If the cause of a loud heartbeat is the use of various doping drinks and drugs, then you should stop taking them; these symptoms will quickly disappear. In case of lack of sleep and stressful situations, proper rest is necessary, it is recommended to take light sedatives plant origin(tincture of valerian or motherwort). If an abnormal heart rhythm occurs as a result of prolonged treatment with medications, you need to inform your doctor about this and select other medications.

If at physiological reasons To normalize the functioning of the heart muscle, it is enough to remove the provoking factors; in case of tachycardia and arrhythmia of an organic nature, only treatment of the underlying disease helps. The following pathologies can cause intense heartbeat without changing blood pressure and heart rate disturbances:

  1. 1. Atrial fibrillation. With this disease, a person feels a loud and erratic contraction of the heart muscle, which is caused by atrial or ventricular flutter.
  2. 2. Paroxysmal tachycardia. Accompanied by a sharp attack of rapid heartbeat, strong pulsation of the veins in the neck and head.
  3. 3. Extrasystole. Most often, it is with this pathology that a person clearly feels how loudly the heart beats when normal indicators blood pressure and no increase in heart rate. With extrasystole, the heart beats unevenly, extraordinary and premature contractions of the organ are observed, which cause unpleasant feeling heavy foreign object in the throat or stomach.

The above diseases pose a serious threat to human life, since if left untreated for a long time they can lead to various complications and death. Rhythm failure and loud heartbeat indicate a critical condition of the cardiovascular system. These symptoms do not go away on their own, and therefore it is necessary to consult a cardiologist for advice as soon as possible.


If a person notices frequent attacks of loud heartbeat, accompanied by painful sensations or other negative manifestations, it is necessary to undergo simple diagnostic procedures, which include:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • auscultation;
  • chest ultrasound;
  • X-ray.

The first two methods for assessing the condition of the heart are quite sufficient; the remaining methods are used if serious pathologies are detected or their presence is suspected. Auscultation involves listening to the patient using a stethoscope in different positions (sitting, standing, lying down), and an electrocardiogram is performed using a special electrical device that records contractions of the heart muscle and instantly produces a graphical record of the results. Both examinations are absolutely painless and as informative as possible.

If after passing all diagnostic procedures was not detected by the cardiologist the real reason loud heartbeat, but it is systematic, a more thorough study of the problem is required. Hypothyroidism and other symptoms can cause similar symptoms. endocrine diseases, to determine which requires not only visual inspection patient, but also studying biochemical analysis blood.

In addition to visiting an endocrinologist, you should also pay attention to cured or indolent diseases respiratory system(chronic asthma, pneumonia). Often, pulmonary thromboembolism is accompanied by the same symptoms as heart diseases (shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, arrhythmia, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, fainting), so it is better to visit a physician and ask for a referral for an x-ray of the lungs.

Treatment and prevention

If during the examination pathologies of the endocrine, respiratory or cardiovascular systems were identified, then treatment will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and alleviating its symptoms. If a loud heartbeat is not provoked by organic damage to the heart, its nearby tissues or blood vessels, as well as infectious diseases different genesis, then a person needs:

  • increase the duration of night rest;
  • give up bad habits(including from consuming energy drinks, soda and sweets in large quantities);
  • reduce intensity physical activity, and in case of their complete absence, on the contrary, increase;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • follow a diet based on the principles of healthy eating.

In most cases, it will be useful to use sedatives in the form of decoctions and infusions that you can prepare yourself according to recipes traditional medicine. Such drugs have a general strengthening effect, help normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the heart muscle. Do not forget that many medicinal products homemade in their own way pharmacological properties very similar to medications, which means they have a rather strong effect on the body. In view of this, the dosage and course of administration must be agreed with your doctor in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In other cases, you can purchase tablets available without a doctor’s prescription at any pharmacy and drink them according to the instructions. Preference should be given to mild sedative herbal medications without the risk of side effects.

2016-03-10 11:08:36

Stas asks:

I think I'm not the first to write about this problem, but I still haven't found a solution.
Every morning, as soon as I open my eyes, my nose begins to itch and very soon a stream of snot starts flowing (absolutely transparent discharge, more like drool) and sneezing attacks (in series of 2-3-5). Like I’ll tell you everything, it’s easier on the street. I never sneeze/blow my nose. It started about 8 months ago, I thought it was related to moving to new apartment(around then it started) because Captain Obvious hints that it’s an allergy.
Whatever the case :).
I rented an apartment at the other end of the city, went to live on my own for 2 weeks - everything was the same.
I visited several allergists, including a professor from the Institute of Allergology. Conclusion - there is no allergy, go to the ENT specialist (skin tests, tests of everything possible - during morning attacks even immunoglobulin E is not elevated, I drank 4 (FOUR) different antihistamines(erius, suprastin, cetrin and some others, I forgot) - 0 effect).
In general, it is not difficult to conclude that there is no allergy. Do I suffer from VSD? And who doesn’t? :) Yes, I can “hear” my heartbeat clearly, sometimes before going to bed the loud heart even bothers me a little, but I’m already used to it.
Is the septum deviated? Yes, on the one hand there is a little, but 7 out of 10 doctors do not even recommend leveling, because a. insignificant curvature (although even tactilely the difference is noticeable on both sides), b. With my sneezing, this can harm me, there will be more air and the mucous membrane will be even drier.
Yes, it is a little dry for me, especially in the mornings, because in the evenings I almost always take vasoconstrictor drops, because the morning sneeze gives way to constant evening nasal congestion. Yes, straightening the septum can help vasomotor rhinitis; I may or may not breathe better in the evening.
Yes, a CT scan showed a small, sort of cyst, in one of the sinuses, but it was still small and they also said there was no point in touching it and observing.

In general, I know what most of the doctors will already say - it could be any of the above and anything that I haven’t mentioned, but maybe you can at least give me a direction on where to look?
It seems to me that this is somehow connected with the severe dryness of the mucous membranes, I sleep normally, but as soon as I wake up and start breathing harder, swelling, sniffles and sneezing begin, and during sleep.. I don’t even know why, but everything is ok, just like on street.
And yes, I tried to moisturize the mucous membrane - sprays, vitamin oils (A, E) and rinsing - all the same.

In general, like many people in my situation, I was left with only despair, because no one could help.

p.s. I don’t know if this is important, maybe the intestines somehow influence it, I’ve been treating pancreatitis for the 2nd month, although I’ve had ENT problems for more than six months.

Answers Gritsevich Marta Yurievna:

Good day, in my opinion, you have vasomotor rhinitis and the cause of it may be the permanent stagnation of vascular-sound drops. So, please do not use them. At this point, try inhalation with a nebulizer with Lorde Hyal Hyper. Try to work like this for a month with both language and minimal physical rights. If such a regime will not help you in the future, still think about prompt treatment.

2013-01-07 07:14:32

Alexey asks:

Hello, I am 18 years old, weight 62 kg, height 1.72. As a child, I had heart murmurs, this moment the heart seems to be acting up, lasting for 3-5 seconds. Before going to bed, I often hear my heartbeat, this continues for about 3 days.
I'm leading healthy image I never drink in my life, but I smoke
Is it possible for me to engage in heavy sports or not, what suggestions do you have about this? I’ll go see a specialist and get examined, but I’d like to hear your objective opinion. Thanks in advance!!

Answers Bugaev Mikhail Valentinovich:

Hello. Weightlifting does not benefit the body at all. You need to be examined: have an ECG, ultrasound of the heart and 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring.

2012-03-11 12:52:49

Victoria asks:

Hello. For 2 years I went through a lot - excessive passion for beer, smoking, and it all started with strange attacks of heartbeat, throwing me into a fever. They prescribed adrenergic blockers. At the same time there was severe stress - the death of relatives. Then there was a fall in ice and a concussion, to the hospital I didn’t apply, although I had headaches and my blood pressure was 130/80. After a month and a half, I started having nightmares: terrible headaches, PA, an attack of cardioneurosis with a blood pressure of 210/140, dizziness—I couldn’t stand in an upright position for several days. After a concussion, I don’t drink alcohol I don’t smoke at all. There were ambulances and a hospital. I was examined in the region and discovered: VSD, Osteochondrosis of the neck, widespread thoracic and lumbar, hypothyroidism, myocardial dystrophy, MVP grade 1.1mm, mitral and tricuspid regurgitation stage 1, Izdanemia, syndrome vertebral artery on the right, 7 years ago I had a coccyx injury twice with an interval of six months. I take eutirox 50 mcg, injections of Vit.gr.V., for anxiety - 30 drops of motherwort, fenules (3 weeks). I was treated by a psychotherapist. Everything is somehow more -less passed, but began to be bothered by some inversions of the heart, or its fluttering, or a sudden deep breath, or continuous trembling of the heart for 2-3 seconds, I often hear my heartbeat. Usually this is significantly felt in the period before menstruation, about days 7-10. I am 36 years old, I have 2 children. Previously I had no health problems, except for gastrointestinal tract and frequent nosebleeds since childhood. BP100-120 at 60-70, but there are mild dizzinesses. The therapist does not says that this is the cardiologist quit. I don’t know why all this is happening and what to do, but these attacks unsettle me, I have been unable to work for these 2 years, and then there are these incomprehensible sensations in my heart. Tell me what to do and where to go?

Answers Fesyuk Galina Nikolaevna:

Dear Victoria. For some unknown reason, you are avoiding an endocrinologist, because endocrinological disorders are the cause of your malaise.

2013-12-06 08:41:58

Ruslan asks:

I had an ECG done and they wrote down a tonal slowing of intraventricular conduction. What is this, is it dangerous! What should I do with this! I often hear and feel my heartbeat, it either jumps like mad or beats calmly, always in different ways, it gets dark in my eyes and this makes me panic, as if I’m suffocating or something else! Please help! The therapist prescribed me to drink Magnerot for a month!

Answers Amonov Odil Shukurlaevich:

Hello, Ruslan, you have a very labile nervous system, contact a good neurologist and everything will be fine with you. “Tonal slowing of intraventricular conduction” - such a description does not exist at all.

2010-07-26 13:49:22

Svetlana asks:

Hello, I have such a pinching ache in the area of ​​my heart... an unpleasant sensation... so fluctuating... causing discomfort, but in general I feel normal... what is this???? I am 43 years old, the ECG showed a rapid heartbeat... 107 beats... at night I can hear my heart...

2013-11-08 08:50:51

Denis asks:

Hello! I began to feel extrasystoles, although I took the Holter 3 times (the last time in a day 6 extrasystoles were detected, 4 ventricular and 2 supraventricular, before that there were none at all) I took a bicycle ergometer (no violations were detected)! But I have the feeling that I feel extrasystoles much more often, maybe it’s a heartbeat? Because I can hear my heart during physical activity, when lying down, sometimes at rest! be?

Answers Bugaev Mikhail Valentinovich:

Hello. Our sensations are not always correctly assessed by us, so it is quite possible that you are not feeling extrasystoles at all. In such quantities they do not need treatment.

2013-01-06 14:10:06

Gulya asks:

About a year ago I had an attack. Was high pressure, severe dizziness. I couldn't get out of bed. After treatment, I noticed a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and I began to hear my heart beating. I thought it would pass. After several months I went to the doctor and after a cardiogram they wrote to me - sinus tachycardia. Signs of left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy. Metabolic changes in the myocardium. Please tell me how this is treated?

2012-04-15 19:03:40

Nadezhda asks:

Previous letters: Hello! half a year ago the pressure began to jump to 180/120. I drank Hartil, then the pressure began to jump - sometimes 160/100, sometimes 90/60 (associated with overwork and constant stress at work - I worked in a kindergarten as a teacher) I am 27 years old. pain appeared in the heart (under the left breast, at rest, with physical activity the pain goes away), sometimes pain under the left shoulder blade! pressure began to jump. ECG - sinus tachycardia, ultrasound-PMC 0-1 ST, REGURGITATION ON HEART VALVES 1 ST , LV ARCH-DIAGONAL APICAL! SINUS TACHYCARDIA-116 BP. IN MIN. (STRONGLY WORRIED) I began to feel an interruption in the heart rhythm. Holter results: Ventricular extrasystoles 106, pre-ectopic interval 208-720 ms. 83 during the day, 23 at night, average number per hour: 4.5, maximum amount per hour: 24, single! supraventricular extrasystoles 2. average heart rate figures are within normal limits. No pathological changes in repolarization were detected. Analyzes: sugar 5.4, hemoglobin 146, cholesterol 5.6. X-ray of the cervical spine - signs of stage 1 osteochondrosis, THORACIC SECTION - NORMAL Kimmerli anomaly (incomplete arch). Sometimes the left leg goes numb (from the knee to the heel), AND THE LOWER LIP!. I take afobazole, BUT NO RESULTS, IT’S VERY SCARY WHEN HEART INTERRUPTIONS START! Constant anxiety, worries about health. Do you need to treat extrasystoles? Do you need to take antiarrhythmic drugs? could this be VSD? I’ve been living in a state of constant anxiety for half a year! WHAT TESTS ELSE NEED TO BE DONE TO IDENTIFY WHAT IS THE DISORDER, OR JUST CALM DOWN AND ACCEPT EVERYTHING AS IT IS, OR SHOULD I PLAN A PREGNANCY WITH EXTRASYSTOLS?

March 02, 2012

information about the consultant
Hello. You need to take sedatives (mild, herbal), not antiarrhythmics. Try to forget about arrhythmia, it does not threaten you in any way. Hello, dear doctor. I recently wrote to you about extrasystoles (letter dated February 29, 2012). Exactly a month passed after Holter, and I decided to check my heart again on Holter, because... I drank afobazole for a month and the herbs of hawthorn and motherwort. Ecstasystoles began to be felt less frequently and I was happy, but probably in vain, because... Holter's results from 03/19/2012 are as follows: Average heart rate figures are WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS, THE CIRCADIC INDEX IS SUFFICIENT. Basic sinus rhythm. 166 monotopic, class 4-b Lown blood cells were identified. Blood cells are not evenly distributed throughout the day without a clear connection with the time of day , there is a connection with physical activity in the daytime. Paired VES 1. 2 short paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia lasting from 3 to 6 complexes were recorded. No pauses were detected. the displacement of the ST segment is insignificant (does not exceed 0.1 mV. I WAS UPset AGAIN, BECAUSE I THOUGHT THEY HAD DECREASED, BUT THERE IS THE VICE OVERSEAS. At the time when I had ventricular tachycardia, I climbed to the fourth floor almost at a run, and just felt a systole, then a second , and immediately a strong heartbeat (211 times according to Holter), is this tachycardia possible due to exercise (running). How dangerous is it, and why do I hardly feel them, but they are increasing. The cardiologist again diagnosed somatophoric dysfunction of the central nervous system and prescribed anaprilin 10 mg 1t 2 times a day, but I don’t know whether to take them or not? Help me figure out where this came from. I’m tired of endless trips to doctors and hearing you have VSD, ARE YOU HEALTHY! I FEEL I WILL GO TO A PSYCHIATTER SOON! THANKS FOR YOUR JOB! WHAT DOES IT MEAN IF ES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH PHYSICAL LOAD.

March 23, 2012
Mikhail Valentinovich Bugaev answers:
Cardiac surgeon of the highest category
information about the consultant
Hello. Unfortunately, if extrasystoles increase with exercise, then their cause is heart disease. Especially if there are episodes of ventricular tachycardia. Go to a good cardiologist, arrhythmologist, perhaps you need ECG stress tests (treadmill test), maybe a series of other studies. With “somatoform central nervous system dysfunction” there are no ventricular runs. With VSD too. Start of treatment - beta blockers (anaprilin - not the best choice), cordarone is also possible, but only after examination by a good doctor (cardiologist, arrhythmologist). NADEZhDA asks:
Mikhail Valentinovich, thank you for your answer. I don’t want to seem smarter than the doctors, but I read the Holter ECG report and calculated how many systoles there were during the load - 32, the rest 65 at night with a pulse of 65 beats, and the rest during the day with a pulse of 70-80 when I was sitting at work. I didn’t keep any diaries during the study, is it the program itself that shows the connection between the ZH and the loads, or is it calculated by the diagnostician? because there is a larger number without load. I also took a test for cholesterol - 6.5, a month ago it was 5.5. Is systole possible from this. Thyroid hormone levels were normal. my spine often hurts in the sternum area, it crunches a lot, the cardiologist said that the left shoulder blade is sticking out, and left shoulder Below. Is it possible to have ZhES from the spine? 2 runs of tachycardia were the first time in all the months when I felt zhes. Bisoprolol is better to drink than anaprilin. Excuse me, but I just really don’t want to believe that there is heart disease at the age of 27 with a normal ultrasound. I myself am a very emotional person, what are the prognosis for my illness, if it comes from the heart! I really want to live and raise my daughter. THANK YOU!

March 27, 2012
Mikhail Valentinovich Bugaev answers:
Cardiac surgeon of the highest category
information about the consultant
Hello. Your forecasts are quite good. Take bisoprolol and don't worry. If the extrasystole decreases with exercise, this is a favorable sign. Usually the program counts the number of extrasystoles; it overestimates their number. Cholesterol has nothing to do with it at all. But the spine can give extraordinary contractions of the heart. thank you for your work. I wanted to ask you one more question. I’ve been taking bisoprolol for almost a month now, with my blood pressure at 130/85, it drops to 90/60, sometimes I feel dizzy and nauseous. I take bisoprolol 5 mg in the morning after breakfast! Maybe you should drink it at lunch? I am undergoing acupuncture sessions, after the 7th session, the systoles became less frequent, sometimes I felt 5-10 a day. But now on weekends without needles, the systoles have become more frequent again, especially when I lie on my back. I began to notice that as soon as I think about them -they begin to manifest themselves with all their might, and when I’m busy with something, I don’t feel them at all, and recently I was running to catch the bus, and then there was just tachycardia, there were no systoles. While I'm waiting to see an arrhythmologist, I underwent an examination - electropuncture diagnostics. there they told me that my heart was normal, they diagnosed me with VNS tension (mixed type) 4 degrees, a lack of vitamins B1 and B6, as well as magnesium. dyskinesia biliary tract. deviations in the cervical and thoracic region spine (osteochondrosis). my back hurts terribly, especially in the thoracic region, constant crunching when turning. Is it possible to cure systoles if they are from the spine forever, and how dangerous are they if they are from the spine. How many maximum needle sessions can you do, and is it possible to do a massage? General health is good, there are no other complaints except systole. I feel each one very clearly, and when they come at 30 pieces per hour, panic begins. Thanks for your work!

Answers Bugaev Mikhail Valentinovich:

Hello. You pay too much attention to extrasystoles, which are not at all dangerous and do not need treatment, but you avoid real problems - biliary dyskinesia, problems with the spine, and, meanwhile, they may be the cause of your extrasystoles. It’s better to take care of them, and go to see a psychotherapist, maybe you won’t be able to focus so much on the extrasystoles. You can do a massage. I see no reason to panic.

2012-03-21 19:13:33

Nadezhda asks:

Hello, dear doctor. I recently wrote to you about extrasystoles (letter dated February 29, 2012). Exactly a month passed after Holter, and I decided to check my heart again on Holter, because... I drank afobazole for a month and the herbs of hawthorn and motherwort. Ecstasystoles began to be felt less frequently and I was happy, but probably in vain, because... Holter's results from 03/19/2012 are as follows: Average heart rate figures are WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS, THE CIRCADIC INDEX IS SUFFICIENT. Basic sinus rhythm. 166 monotopic, class 4-b Lown blood cells were identified. Blood cells are not evenly distributed throughout the day without a clear connection with the time of day , there is a connection with physical activity in the daytime. Paired VES 1. 2 short paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia lasting from 3 to 6 complexes were recorded. No pauses were detected. the displacement of the ST segment is insignificant (does not exceed 0.1 mV. I WAS UPset AGAIN, BECAUSE I THOUGHT THEY HAD DECREASED, BUT THERE IS THE VICE OVERSEAS. At the time when I had ventricular tachycardia, I climbed to the fourth floor almost at a run, and just felt a systole, then a second , and immediately a strong heartbeat (211 times according to Holter), is this tachycardia possible due to exercise (running). How dangerous is it, and why do I hardly feel them, but they are increasing. The cardiologist again diagnosed somatophoric dysfunction of the central nervous system and prescribed anaprilin 10 mg 1t 2 times a day, but I don’t know whether to take them or not? Help me figure out where this came from. I’m tired of endless trips to doctors and hearing you have VSD, ARE YOU HEALTHY! I FEEL I WILL GO TO A PSYCHIATTER SOON! THANKS FOR YOUR JOB! WHAT DOES IT MEAN IF ES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH PHYSICAL LOAD.