Lee sinus tachycardia is treated. Sine Tachycardia Heart: What it is, the main symptoms and the appointment of treatment. Functional sinus tachycardia

All heart disease is dangerous - they can lead to a premature death. There are such pathologies that are able to flow for a long time without causing a person of significant harm, but after a certain period of time, lead to severe complications. Sine tachycardia is one of such diseases when the mode of operation of this system is upset, and the patient thinks that such a situation is provoked by external factors, stress or overwork. To cure a similar disease is not always possible, but with proper therapy, doctors are capable of significantly improving the patient's condition.

When answering the question about what sine tachycardia is, doctors talk about the violation of the heart rhythm, and pathology is observed in the sinus node of the body. With such a disease, the heartbeat becomes much more often. The normal rhythm of the organ varies within 60-80 strokes per minute, and with the disease, such indicators increase to 100 shots and more. Sometimes a disease is borne in nature - disorders are fixed only from time to time. In other cases, a person constantly feels unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

If people regularly observe such deviations, heart rate (heart rate) becomes higher than the norm, the doctors advise regularly measure the pulse. When this indicator is rapidly, it is necessary to undergo a survey in a medical institution. Increased body beats may be a natural body reaction to certain factors, experiences, fear. Negative emotions often provoke the heart to work in accelerated mode. In such periods, some of the body departments need more oxygen and other nutrient elements, so blood must be pumped faster, delivering these substances into organs and tissues. Such situations take place independently, without the help of doctors, you only need a small amount of time. In addition, with a normal, physiological human physiological response, sinusoidal tachycardia is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, which occurs during the pathological increase in heart abbreviations.

All categories of people are subject to death. But in an adult and a newborn baby, the causes of the disease will be different. Treatment also depends on many factors: the intensity of symptoms, age and the form of the alend. Sinus node, it is the region of the heart where violation develops, is a department in which the sine rhythm is produced. In this zone, an exciting impulse arises, it applies to the organ and helps it work fine. With the disorder of this process, the irregular conductivity of the signal or violation of the perception of the sinus node itself, tachycardia occurs.

There is a pathological form of illness, when the increase in cardiac rhythm provoked by the change in external conditions, as described above. Such a kind of pathology does not harm the body, and the person does not need to be treated. A moderate or slightly exceeded pace of work of the organ does not affect myocardium or hemodynamics, due to the short-term attacks.

Pathological sinus tachycardia is more pronounced, may be accompanied by severe symptoms, and sometimes it is an easy defense, which is practically not felt sick. In any case, such a form of illness must be treated, as it can lead to serious consequences. This kind of pathology usually arises against the background of other diseases and threatens to patient changes in blood flow and violations in the organ itself.

Pathological sinus tachycardia: Is it dangerous, and how to prevent the development of the disease? With the strengthened heart activity, when it is forced to work on wear, such overloads do not allow to perform their functions in full, blood and nutritional elements are not delivered by the necessary amounts in body tissue. After a certain period of time, such a pathological process causes cardiomyopathy - heart chambers, atrias and other organs of the organ expanding, which leads to a decrease in myocardial reduction.

The reasons

Tachycardia sinus is primary or secondary. If the disease develops as independent, then the accompanying pathologies is not observed and therapy is directed to this area of \u200b\u200bthe body. When the disease is secondary, which meets most often, then it arises in the form of a symptom indicating other ailments.

Main reasons:

  1. heart disease or other diseases of this organ;
  2. reduction or increase in arterial level (hypotension, hypertension);
  3. excessive body weight;
  4. pathology of light chronic flow;
  5. infectious body processes accompanied by high temperature;
  6. thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis);
  7. abuse of coffee, energy, tobacco or alcohol;
  8. development of cachexia on the background of oncology or in heart failure;
  9. neurological diseases;
  10. injuries of the digestive system or abundant bleeding in this area;
  11. uncontrolled diuretic drugs;
  12. anemia.

The extraimedar reason for the appearance of sinus tachycardia is more often associated with endocrine disorders, this ailment is more rarely diagnosed, which arose against the background of nervous disorders. The level of stress in humans increases every year why the number of vegetative dystonia, psychosis and neuroses occurred in patients in any years has sharply increased.

The lack of oxygen in the body provokes the enhancement of the activity of the sinus unit, which causes the increase in the pulse. This condition is developing often against the background of pulmonary disorders, such as bronchitis of chronic flow, emphysema, asthma. Anemia is also a similar factor. If an oxygen lacks a lot of oxygen in an inhaled air, then the heart will beat more often.

Certain drugs can cause tachycardia attack.

What medicines are able to strengthen the work of the heart:

  • hormonal;
  • diuretic;
  • caffeine-containing;
  • adrenomimetics;
  • hypotensive;
  • antidepressants;
  • "Eufillin".

Doctors distinguish the disease by the types that correspond to the reason caused by the disease.

  1. toxic;
  2. drug;
  3. cardiac;
  4. neurogenic;
  5. hypoxic.

Paroxysmal sinus tachycardia is the greatest danger, which is manifested by the sudden start of an attack, the heart begins to beat often, a person does not have time to understand what happened. The exact causes of such a state to find out doctors failed, but they are inclined to the fact that such a violation appears as a result of heart disease. Sometimes paroxysm develops in healthy people.


Sinus tachycardia symptoms are usually the same, regardless of the causes caused by pathology. However, the significant impact on the signs of illness is lesions already applied by rapidly by the body of the authority. If the patient has disorders in vessels, heart valves, or its muscles, the patient's condition deteriorates greatly.


  1. Increased amount of heart abbreviation frequencies, measured for a minute.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Strong weakness, loss of forces that are felt long period.
  4. The patient feels the beating of his own heart, even when is at rest or sleeps.
  5. Painfulness in the chest.
  6. Reduced blood pressure, which adversely affects the well-being of people, especially suffering from hypertension.
  7. The emergence of strong fear, panic or anxiety without reason.
  8. Disruption of consciousness or fainting.
  9. Dyspnea, difficulty breathing.

When patients with tachycardia recorded atherosclerotic changes in vessels, then oxygen cannot flow into organs and body tissues sufficient quantities. If a violation of the heart rhythm is joined to such a state, then the situation deteriorates significantly, hypoxia develops more intensively, angina occurs.

The course of illness in pregnant women and children

The baby tooling can provoke the occurrence of sinus tachycardia for the future mother, even if the woman does not suffer from heart pathologies. This situation is not normal, but there is an explanation of its development.

What causes pregnant women:

  • restructuring hormonal background;
  • expansion of peripheral blood current by increasing the uterus and fetal growth;
  • increased pressure in the peritoneum, as the uterus presses on the diaphragm.
  • excessive body weight in a pregnant woman who appeared during this period.

The more the time to wear the child is the stronger the overload of cardiac activity, so the last trimester is especially dangerous, since Tachycardia becomes pronounced. The rhythm malfunctions in pregnant women require close attention of doctors, because the development of the fetus can break, and the flow of labor is difficult.

The child has a heart impact frequency higher than in an adult population, which is due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, as well as the strong growth of the body. For this reason, parents may not immediately notice the development of the disease.

CSS scale in children

Only by 14 years of heart disease the child becomes the same as in adults. In newborns, the participation of the heart rhythm is considered the norm, so it is not worth worrying. The reasons for the appearance of a similar illness in the kid or an adult is about the same. In adolescents, the acceleration of heartbeat can occur the onset of puberty or the beginning of the menstrual cycle in girls.


The most important method of surveying in sinus tachycardia is electrocardiography or ECG. Deciphering cardiograph indicators is a special moment in diagnosis.

What are the indicators are important during rapid heartbeat:

  1. The heartbeat frequency fixed for a minute.
  2. The EOS, or the electrical axis of the heart, which shows, in which position is the organ when conducting a cardiogram. This axis may be vertical or horizontally, as well as to move to the left or tear on the right side.
  3. Hypertrophy of one of the ventricles of the organ. This state indicates the growth in the size of this department due to the thickening of the heart wall.
  4. If the body is stimulated from secondary sources of electrical pulses, the doctors speak of the wrong non-noving rhythm, it means that there are violations in the heart.
  5. Cleaning arrhythmia. This can be expressed a rhythm disorder of the body, which is more often found in the elderly people who have already been in 65 years. There is a risk of stroke or heart failure.
  6. Extrasystole or incorrect impetus in the cardiogram readings, which is provoked by an extraordinary heart rate. It is classified by an antyrointricular, atrial, ventricular form of the disease, as well as an extrasystole.
  7. Paroxism arrhythmia arrhythmia. Thus reflects the cardiograph attacking the violation of the heart of the heart during arrhythmia, which serves as a signal immediately begin the therapeutic process.

The sinusoidal heart rhythm is usually triggered by the pathological process occurring in the body. Detect such violations allow additional diagnostic methods. Even if such a disorder is expressed moderately or weakly, it is necessary to look for the cause anyway.

Survey methods:

  • Tank (biochemical blood test);
  • determining hormone levels;
  • urine study;
  • OAK (general blood test);
  • Ultrasound of all organs of the abdominal cavity and heart;
  • auscultation. Listening to the heart by a special method, moving the stethoscope to the left, right and capturing the slightest sounds of the organ;
  • Echography.

To reliably verify the diagnosis, doctors can assign load samples to estimate the rhythm of the organ with certain physical exertion. When after the cardiogram did not manage to fix the manifestations of the ailment, the doctor prescribes daily monitoring.


The treatment of sinus tachycardia begins to eliminate provoking pathologies. If the attack of the disease is overtaking a person suddenly, it is necessary to take all actions that facilitate the patient's condition.

  1. On the forehead of the patient we must put a cool compress.
  2. To tell the victim to strain the muscles on the stomach, it will reduce the rate of heartbeat.
  3. Open the window so that fresh air filled the room.

If the situation does not stabilize, you must call the ambulance brigade. Self-medication is dangerous, it is impossible to simply take a tablet without appointing a doctor, since even a small dose of an unsuitable drug is able to worsen the state of the person. Not sharp, and a gradually developing attack can be stopped by medicines of a sedative type.


  1. "Metoprolol";
  2. "Maspberry tincture", "Valerian tincture";
  3. "Phenobarbital";
  4. "Pans";
  5. "Adenosine";
  6. "Verapamil";
  7. "Anaprilin";
  8. "Concor".

Sometimes the patient requires anesthesia to facilitate the sensations in the chest. Doctors recommend using various means for this purpose, but you need to drink drugs that do not have the harmful effect on the activities of the cardiovascular system. Contraindication to the reception of such medicines is bradycardia when the reduction rate of the heart is reduced.

Folk treatments

The home recipe for making medicines to eliminate tachycardia can only be used after the patient doctor is resolved. There are a lot of similar methods of therapy, they will help calm down and reduce the frequency of heart blows.

  • Black radish and honey. Squeeze with radish. To see what volume of this fluid came out, and add as many honey to it. Drinking on 1 tablespoon of the received medicine 3 times a day. The course of therapy is 30 days.

  • Herbal tea. Take a ½ teaspoon of high-quality green tea, hawthorn berries, rosehip fruits and herbal grass. All ingredients fold into the bank and pour boiling water, about 200 grams. Leave for insistence for 1 hour. Same. Take in the form of welding to tea, drink throughout the day.
  • Infusion of nine. Prepare 100 grams of dried root of nine and half liters of alcohol, mix. Insist for 2 weeks, to appear. Drink 1 teaspoon three times per day. Course of treatment for 2 months.

Any popular method of eliminating Tachycardia is not a Panacea, take medicines appointed by the doctor, necessary.

The prevention of the ailment is to conduct a healthy lifestyle, compliance with the correct nutrition and the absence of stress. If a person is constantly pursued by emotional overload - his heart can not work normally. Physical activity is necessary to enhance blood flow. When the patient moves little, the blood circulates in the arteries weakly, which leads to a lack of nutrients in all organs and body tissues.

Sinus tachycardia usually does not cause fatal harm to a person, but its long-term flow can launch a destructive process in any department of the body, stop which is not so simple. Only doctors are able to properly assess the situation and assign the necessary medicines.

One of the most dangerous varieties of the arrhythmic violation is the tachycardia of the heart. With this pathology, the frequency of heart abbreviations increases, which indicates serious problems in the field of heart and blood vessels. The symptoms of this disease are observed in women and men who have reached old age.

We will consider the basic signs of the disease, find out how dangerous this pathology, and we recommend suitable drugs to eliminate troubles.

Sinus tachycardia - how dangerous it is

Before proceeding with treatment, let's answer the main question - why is sinus tachycardia so dangerous? The reason lies in the features of the functioning of the heart muscle. This body does not depend on the "health" of the nervous system, it is completely autonomy.

This position of the muscle does not mean that it does not require a nervous impulse - without the signal can not do. The source of the pulse is the sinus node - the cardiac cloth, which is responsible for the heart impact frequency.

Sinus tachycardia develops at the moment when the natural "metronome" fails. Causes are different, but it is very difficult to deal with the consequences. Pathological sinus tachycardia is a symptom of a number of serious diseases.

List some:

  • heart Ischemia;
  • myocarditis.

There is also a paroxysmal variety of tachycardia. Numerous violations affect the vital activity of the atrocarditricular node lead to the development of the disease. If the heart muscle is susceptible to oxygen starvation, the node begins to generate and feed its own signals. Cardiac rhythm is knocked down, arrhythmia comes.

By and large, sinus tachycardia is not a disease - it is simply an accelerated mode of functioning of the heart muscle. Danger represents tachycardia, bearing pathological character. The heart begins to wear out to wear out, while the ventricles do not have time to fill blood. Hell falls, accelerates heart rhythm, organs are worse supplied with oxygen - and you already need qualified assistance.

Pathological sinus tachycardia is dangerous - there is not the slightest doubt. Long oxygen fasting invariably leads to ischemia of the heart and brain. In the future, the fibrillation of ventricles awaits you, which begin to shrink inconsistently. Preparations no longer help - the effectiveness of blood pumping is equal to zero.

The causes of the occurrence of illness

Tachycardia affects different age-related categories, but women are somewhat more often. The causes of the occurrence of the alend are conditionally divided into two groups - etiological and heartfast (intracarordial) factors. Sine variety of disease can be an early symptom of dysfunction of the left ventricle or heart failure.

The reasons are different here:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • heavy angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • myocardits;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • heart defects;
  • adhesive pericarditis;
  • bacterial endocarditis.

Part of the reasons is physiological - these are emotional stresses, physical exertion, innate vices. There are also neurogenic tachycardia, which are based on affective psychosis, neurosis,. The risk group make up young people whose nervous system is labyrous.

In women (occasionally - men) Endocrine disorders are observed:

  • feochromocytoma;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • vascular failure (acute forms - collapse, shock, fainting, blood loss);
  • renal colic;

Infectious inflammatory processes can also make a negative contribution. Along with the increase in temperature, the heartbeat rhythm increases. If the treatment does not lead to the desired results for a long time, you risk acquiring chronic tachycardia.

Here are the most dangerous infectious diseases:

  • angina;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • focal infection.

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of sinus tachycardia are manifested depending on the stage of the disease. Additional factors affect the symptoms - the nature of the main ailment, the duration, degree of severity. Subjective symptoms are not traced or proceeds unnoticed.

This group includes:

  • unpleasant sensations;
  • heartbeat;
  • heart pains;
  • feeling of gravity.

Signs of heart rate disorders can manifest itself in the form of a feeling of lack of oxygen, resistant heartbeat, frequent dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath. Some patients complain about insomnia, fatigue, reduced performance, disruption of appetite, worsening mood.

These subjective symptoms indicate that it is necessary to urgently treat the main disease. An additional factor is the sensitivity of the nervous system. With coronary atherosclerosis, signs of malaise are aggravated gradually, and sinus angina is manifested in the form of attacks.

Some symptoms indicate poor blood supply to organs. Such blood supply provokes a number of violations, among which fainting, dizziness and even convulsions are distinguished. Long sinus tachycardia leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Get ready to face the slurry of the limbs and a decrease in the diurea. Signs of malaise in women and men are approximately the same.

Methods of diagnosis Tachycardia

Suspending the symptoms listed above, urgently contact your attending physician. Cardiologist is responsible for tachycardy treatment, but the district therapist will come to you for a start.

It is possible to treat yourself to the folk remedies, but first it is necessary to obtain a competent medical advice and diagnose the main alert.

You may register vitamins, but in some situations there are serious preparations.

Diagnostics always begins with a patient survey. The doctor will listen to your complaints and highlight the key symptoms of malaise. Also, the specialist will be engaged in listening to your heart. Nobody will appoint tablets at once - a complex of additional diagnostic measures will be required.

Here they are:

  1. General blood analysis. The doctor must analyze the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells and a number of other indicators. Sometimes sinus tachycardia is a consequence of leukemia and anemia.
  2. Additional analyzes. They affect blood research on the subject of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), as well as urine analysis, the purpose of which is the exclusion of hormonal root causes.
  3. ECG The electrocardiogram method allows calculating the rhythmic and heart rate, eliminates ventricular tachycardia, the treatment of which is somewhat different. Sometimes it is assigned.
  4. ECG on Holter. The functioning of the patient's heart muscle is monitored throughout the day. The doctor receives information about the work of the affected organ during exercise, sleep and wakefulness.
  5. Ultrasound of the heart. The second name of the method is Ehoche. The work of the valves and the heart muscle itself is estimated, chronic diseases (hypertension, ischemia) and heart defects are identified.

Learning to provide first help during an attack.

With a sudden attack of tachycardia, the patient requires competent first aid. Subsequent treatment will depend on the age of the patient and identify the accompanying pathologies, but the required drugs will be discharged later. Now the main priority is the salvation of a person's life.

First aid consists of the following steps:

  1. Immediately go out on fresh air, unbutton the gate of the shirt, stand near the opened window (to choose from).
  2. When darkening in the eyes and dizziness, refer to the surrounding.
  3. It is necessary to attach something cold to the forehead (the wet towel is suitable).
  4. Strain the press, hold your breath. This reception reduces the heart rate, so the drugs will not need.

If first aid does not bring relief, urgently call an ambulance. Remember that independent treatment is unacceptable - you do not know, against the background of which the attack flows. Vitamins are a good prophylactic agent, but in the critical situation they are useless. About how to treat Tachycardia, we will tell you just below.

Modern methods of tachycardia treatment

Comprehensive treatment of tachycardia is therapeutic and surgical. In the first case, drugs corresponding to the identified disease are prescribed. It can be tablets, vitamins and other substances. Conditionally, they can be divided into two basic groups:

  1. Soothing drugs. Produced on the basis of various herbs (Valerian, New-Passitis), but synthetic varieties (phenobarbital, diazepam) are found. These substances can be treated with vegeto-vascular dystonia. Soothing preparations reduce the frequency of attacks and normalize nervous activity.
  2. Antiarrhythmic drugs. These drugs are combined into a fairly extensive group of antiarrhythmic action. Treatment with these medicines is strictly controlled. Contraindications, allergic reactions and many other factors are taken into account. Examples of such drugs are adenosine, frecking, propranorol, verapamil.

Medical treatment is sometimes ineffective. Surgical intervention may be required in hormonal causes of tachycardia - a tumor is removed or a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe gland. The cardiac surgery operation is prescribed with congenital heart defects, ischemic disease or the consequences of rheumatism.

Treatment with traditional methods in these cases is moved to the background.

We connect traditional medicine

There are rather hard methods of therapy, among which is the installation of a cardioverter-defibrillator and an electrocardiotimulator, as well. In order not to bring yourself to it before, it is necessary to regularly drink vitamins and use proven folk remedies.

Here are some folk recipes that can be treated for a disease:

  • Hawthorn. A tablespoon of a hawthorn (Flowers required) It is necessary to pour the glass of boiling water. Twenty minutes insist under the lid. Infusion is taken before eating at half a glass three times a day. The course continues until complete recovery.
  • Garlic with lemon. The best vitamins give us nature. Take a dozen garlic heads and as many lemons. Lemon juice need to be squeezed, and the garlic is confused. All this is mixed with a liter of honey. The week the mixture is in the bank under the polyethylene lid. Eat every day four teaspoons. The mixture should be enough for a couple of months.
  • Decoration of Adonis. Boil the glass of water, pumped there a teaspoon of adonis spring and continue cooking a quarter of an hour on a slow fire. After cooking, the dishes are covered with a lid, and the mixture is insteaded to a complete cooling. The resulting decoction is focused. Drink medicine is necessary three times a day on the tablespoon.

Do not neglect folk remedies - sometimes they give astounding results. If you do not deal with the problem, the forecast can be quite sad. Early diagnosis is the key to the coming success in the battle with the disease.

Fast page

What it is? The sinus tachycardia of the heart is the type of arrhythmia (sinus), characterized by the development of disorders in the heart rate, exceeding 90 ice / min. Developed as a consequence of increased activity of synutrial (sinus) node "Kis-Fly".

Sine tachycardia (ST Across) is the most common option of frequent failures of the heart rate, manifest themselves to a significant increase, while maintaining a normal sequence and rhythm. For a person, sinus tachycardia can be both an option of norms and a consequence of the development of various diseases in the body. It occurs in patients of any age, regardless of gender.

For example, the reflex "fight or run" works when the adrenaline emission during frightened, accompanied by frequent heart abbreviations. When the danger passed, the heart rate returns to the normal limit (90 UD / min). Such station is called physiological.

The manifestation of sinus tachycardia during pregnancy is also considered to be a normal physiological phenomenon due to changes in the entire internal system of a woman who is carrying a child. The attacks may be single and easily transferred to women in early terms, or in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Pathological The phenomenon is considered to be a rapid heartbeat independent of external causes, but which is a consequence of the innervation of myocardial innervation, or the dysfunction of the Kisa-Fly node. The sinus tachycardia of the heart is developing even in a calm state, it starts smoothly, gradually increasing to 220 ° C / min. At the same time, cardiac rhythm does not give failures and remains normal.

Depending on the increase in CSS, sinus cardiac tachycardia may manifest itself:

  1. A moderate character - an increase in heart rate does not exceed 20% of normal indicators (certain fluctuations depend on the age and activity of the patient).
  2. Average - not exceeding regulatory numbers more than 40%.
  3. A pronounced character, which is the most dangerous state in which the heart rate reaches exceeding 60% or even exceeds these indicators.

What is dangerous sinus tachycardia?

By itself, the danger of cardiac sinus tachycardia is not considered - it is just the accelerated work of myocardium. Danger causes the development of the pathological st, provoking "idle" wear of the heart, due to the defective fill in the blood of heart ventricles and the defective blood release into the vessels.

At the same time, the heart rhythm is accelerated, the blood pressure falls and notes an insufficient supply of oxygen organs. With a significant increase in the heart rate increases the risk of thromboms in heart cavities.

Long hypoxia provokes:

  • development of cardiac ischemia;
  • cardiac and cerebrovascular failure;
  • inflammatory processes in myocardium (myocarditis).

In the future, the patient expects ventricular tachyrhythmia (inconsistent reduction of heart ventricles) and the complete insolvency of the heart to blood pumping. These are the main hazards of the sinus tachycardia of the heart.

Sinus tachycardia in children - symptoms and features

Indicators of the development of sinusoidal tachycardia in the adult category of patients are more understandable because they mean an increase in heart rate - 100, 120 ° C / min. But, sinus "sinusoid" tachycardia in a child and what is the concept of tensile. Conducted to be much higher than adult indicators of CSS and differing in the age group of kids. Than a child younger, the more permissible His high indicators of the heart rate.

In children, signs of sinus tachycardia may be observed in the manifestation of any emotions when they rejoice or annoyed when they are being grown up, pain and anger. Thus, their psyche and the child is completely given to their emotions.

If within 10 minutes after elimination of a provocative factor, the situation does not stabilize, then it is worth alarming. Otherwise, the work of the heart soon enters ordinary rhythm and no medical interventions are required.

Up to 10 years of age, pathological failures in cardiac work may be marked as a result of increasing body temperature indicators (provoked by any disease), if the child is long in a hot closed space or large elevation.

If high figures of indicators (up to 140 ° C / min) do not cause any heart discomfort - this is a physiological phenomenon and in the medical intervention there is no need.

Sinus tachycardia in infants

Alone of half newborn babies is diagnosed with sinus tachycardia. And most - pathology is allowed independently, without manifesting in the future, any heart pathologies.

However, it is impossible to exclude many factors due to various genesis, which contribute to the development of Art at this age. These include:

  • hereditary shape of heart failure;
  • signs of myocarditis and acidosis;
  • the presence of hypoglycemia or anemia;
  • pathological processes in the central nervous system.

With this history, the detection of Art may be an alarming sign indicating the likely pathological processes in the nervous system, or the circulatory system.

But the reverse development is possible, when due to prolonged sinusoid tachycardia, the newborn acquired form of lack of heart functions occurs.

Art in children of preschool and younger school age

The development of a tachycardia of a sinusoidal nature in the kids of preschool and school age can be due to natural and psychological factors - with a sharp increase in air temperature, pressure, heavy adaptability in the team, or the fear of the teacher.

Trust conversations with a child can correct the situation, or the reception of plant reassuring drugs.

St in puberty

A provocative factor in the development of Art in adolescents is an unstable hormonal background, accompanying this age period. The insolvency of myocardium does not have time in the development of muscular and skeletal growth of the child can provoke the situation.

The acceleration of the heart rate occurs to replenish the "costs" of the body in response to the long processes of excessive children's activity. Usually manifests in children of puberty with headaches and blood surges.

Accelerated mature causes a hormonal restructuring, stormy emotions, nervousness and experiences, leading to an increased emission to the blood of adrenaline affecting the functions of excitability and conductivity of the Kisa-Flask node. Teenagers peculiar to feel a small painful syndrome in the heart zone, taking heaviness in the chest and fainting, but the normal functional activity of the heart is no danger at the same time, does not threaten.

If, from the moment of birth, the NORM in children consider 160 beats / min, then each subsequent year reduces this rate by 10%. Therefore, before the achievement of Pubertata, the heart rate will be not more than 130 wt / min.

Signs and symptoms of sinus tachycardia

In physiological sinus tachycardia, the symptoms rarely give a bright picture. Pathology is manifested by accelerated heartbeat and insignificant sickness of the heart, and unpleasant severity in the chest area. In pathological sinusoid tachycardia, signs are more pronounced and manifest:

  • constant reinforced heartbeat - loud, rhythmic, rapid blows;
  • feeling of a shortage of air deficiency;
  • cardiac attacks accompanied by weakness and dizziness, flickering in the eyes and fainting;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • short-term sleep with frequent awakening, insomnia and a sense of irritation;
  • reduced appetite and poor mood.

A long course of the disease leads to a decrease in blood pressure and the development of hypotension, which manifests the cooling of the limbs and the development of Oliguria.

The severity and nature of symptoms depends on the background pathology provoking arrhythmia and the individual properties of the CNS. For example, angularity attacks appear as a consequence of coronary atherosclerosis, and irritability and insomnia (insomnia) are a consequence of neurological arrhythmias.

Sinus tachycardia symptoms are not always unambiguous - each patient is manifested by a separate clinical set. But besides newborn children, they are manifested the same in all patients and then only because the babies are not able to tell about their painful sensations.

Treatment of sinus tachycardia, drugs

Among the methods of treatment of tachycardia of sinus genesis, two options are distinguished - complex drug therapy and operational intervention. The treatment plan of therapy is based on the identification and drug treatment of provoking diseases against the background of which the disease is developing.

Preparations of treatment consist of two basic groups:

  1. Soothing preparations based on plant components, Valerian root - Novopalsit preparation and synthetic means of the "phenobarbital" or "diazepama". These means reduce the frequency and duration of attacks, normalize nerve functions.
  2. Antiarrhythmic drugs. This is a very extensive group of drugs. It is selected individually taking into account contraindications, allergic reactions and many other individual characteristics. The most frequently appointed is "freakinide", "Verapamil", "adenosine" or "propranorol".

Sometimes, the tactics of medication treatment of sinus tachycardia does not give a positive effect. Operational intervention is often becoming an option for the treatment of tachycardia hormonal genesis. In these cases, resection of the neoplasm is carried out, or excision of a particular section of the endocrine gland.

Cardiac surgery techniques are used with congenital heart pathologies - cardiac vice, ischemia, or with the pathological consequences of systemic inflammatory processes (rheumatism).


The forecast is sufficiently serious for patients with heart disease. Indeed, in this case, the presence of sinusoid tachycardia is a response of the body to reduce blood discharge and impairment of intracardiac and systemic hemodynamics.

In physiological tachycardia, even with pronounced signs of arrhythmias, the forecast is favorable.

Sine tachycardia is considered a fairly common type of arrhythmia when the pulse exceeds 100 beats per minute. It can be a variant of the norm either serves as a sign of the pathology of the heart, vessels, endocrine system and other organs.

Each of us is familiar with the feeling of rapid heartbeat, which appears with excitement, physical effort, after a cup of strong coffee or abundant feast. In a healthy body, such a reflection of external not always favorable conditions or emotional reactions is considered an option for the norm, because after a short time the heart itself restores the right rhythm without disrupting blood flow in the organs.

Physiological is considered tachycardia, accompanying emotional experiences, physical activity, lack of oxygen, finding in a stuffy or hot room. In children under 7 years old, a rapid pulse is considered to be the norm even at rest.

In fact, tachycardia in a healthy person is a compensatory mechanism, designed to strengthen the work of the heart to ensure blood tissues when they need more than usual. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system, emissions in the blood of the hormones of the brain layer of the adrenal glands provide a rapid pulse, and when the external conditions are normalized, it quickly returns to normal.

However, not always tachycardia is temporary and harmless. Often it accompanies serious heart disease, thyroid gland, brain, so it should not be left unattended. Timely diagnosis and search for the cause of the inexplicable tachycardia is the key to the success of the treatment and preventing serious complications.

Causes and types of sinus tachycardia

The term "sine" means that pulses to reduce the heart proceed as it should be - from the main node, sinusov, therefore rhythm remains regular, and atrium and ventricles are reduced with the same frequency. Arrhythmia is growing gradually and in some cases the pulse reaches 220 per minute (usually within 110-120 Ud / min).

Depending on the cause distinguish:

  • Pathological sinus tachycardia;
  • Physiological tachycardia.

Physiological tachycardia As mentioned above, this is the norm, that is, the adaptation of the body to the changed external conditions. This is an adequate response to disadvantage, which is not accompanied by hemodynamic disorders and changes in myocardium due to short-term. It is dangerous when tachycardia acquires the traits of pathological or complicates another pathology.

Pathological sinus tachycardia accompanies a number of diseases and inevitably leads to changes in the heart and systemic blood flow. Working at high speed and actually to wear, the heart does not cope with the delivery of the desired volume of blood in a large and small circle, since it is not filled with a rapid reduction. Over time, the heart is expanding, the reduction of myocardium is reduced, and the organs are not allowed.

Against the background of pathological tachycardia progresses due to lack of blood flow in coronary arteries, and if the latter also amazed, then the deterioration of the state and even the heart attack can occur very quickly.

The causes of sinus tachycardia can be conditionally divided into cardiac, that is, associated with changes in the heart itself, and extraordinary - disorders from other bodies.

Cardial causes of sinus tachycardia:

  1. both acute and chronic;
  2. infectious, autoimmune; ) and;
  3. Various forms - ,;
  4. , congenital and acquired;
  5. Cardiomyopathy.

From the extraordinary causes of tachycardia most often provoke endocrine disorders and neurogenic disorders. Neurogenic sinus tachycardia occurs increasingly due to the increasing level of stress in the population. This type of rhythm disorders is very characteristic of psychosis and is usually diagnosed in young and emotionally labile entities.

Among the endocrine disorders to sinus tachycardia are able to bring the increased function of the thyroid gland (thyrotoxicosis), hormoneproproduction tumors of adrenal glands. With blood loss, heavy anemia, severe pain, increasing body temperature Against the background of infections, tachycardia often develops.

Hypoxia provokes the activation of the sinus node and, accordingly, the increase in the pulse. This occurs in the diseases of the lungs (emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma), and when, and with a lack of oxygen in the inhaled air.

When receiving some drugs, medicinal sinus tachycardia is developing. It can cause diuretic, hormonal drugs, hypotensive drugs, eufillin, adrenomimetics, antidepressants, caffean-containing medicines.

Thus, in accordance with the cause, pathological sinus tachycardia can be a drug, neurogenic, toxic, hypoxic, cardiac.

Sine tachycardia may occur during pregnancy even in women without prior pathology of the circulatory system. This phenomenon is not considered an option for the norm, but has natural premises:

  • An increase in the peripheral channel of blood flow due to the growth of the uterus and the fetus in it;
  • An increase in the weight of a woman during pregnancy;
  • Features of the hormonal background;
  • Increasing the pressure inside the abdominal cavity due to an increase in the uterus, which, as it should press the diaphragm from the bottom, as a result of which the position of the heart in the chest cavity may change.

As pregnancy progressing, the heart is experiencing a growing load, therefore, in the last trimester, tachycardia can become pronounced. Violation of the rhythm in pregnant women requires close attention and correction in connection with the risk of disrupting the development of the fetus and the flow of gestation itself and childbirth.

Manifestations of sinus tachycardia

The severity of clinical manifestations and subjective sensations of the patient depends on the degree of tachycardia, the nature of the main pathology, the presence or absence of damage to the heart muscle, valves, vessels.

Some patients can not at all complaints or note a small discomfort in the chest, a feeling of heartbeat, periodic pain in the heart that do not have a significant impact on lifestyle and labor activity.

In other cases, the symptoms become so apparent and unpleasant that the patient cannot work or perform the usual home affairs. Appear:

  • Persistent and well tangible heartbeat;
  • The feeling that air is not enough, even alone;
  • Weakness, fast fatigue with not intense physical exertion;
  • and even the episodes of loss of consciousness;
  • Pain in the heart - frequent symptom in patients with chronic myocardial ischemia when arrhythmia contributes to even greater difficulty blood current by coronary arteries;
  • Anxiety, emotional lability, irritability.

If the patient with tachycardia is amazed by atherosclerosis coronary artery, the attack of arrhythmia will provoke an even more lack of oxygen, and angina charts will be characteristic among the symptoms. Usually pain in the heart lasts no more than five minutes, during which the patient himself takes nitroglycerin to remove pain.

The treatment of sinus tachycardia is determined primarily, the root cause of pathology. Cases of physiological special therapy do not require, with pathological arrhythmia, treatment is appointed with a cardiologist together with specialists of other profiles (endocrinologist, psychotherapist, neurologist).

If sinus tachycardia is diagnosed, then the first thing is to revise mode, food and lifestyle. In many cases, general measures may noticeably improve well-being and reduce the frequency of heart abbreviations. Patient with sinus tachycardia follows:

  • Refuse smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Eliminate coffee, caffeint-containing drinks, chocolate, strong tea, refuse too hot, spicy dishes in favor of vegetables, fruits, greens;
  • Do not overeat, eat food in 5-6 receptions and small volumes;
  • Provide a full and sufficiently long sleep;
  • More often walking out in the fresh air, to make hiking and play sports in reasonable limits;
  • Avoid stress, psychotrauming situations, physical overvoltage (at work and in the gym).

In physiological sinus tachycardia, the measures listed above is usually sufficient to normalize the rhythm of the heart. If arrhythmia serves as a complication of another disease, then the treatment should be directed to it first of all, otherwise attempts to reduce the pulse can only adversely affect the heart muscle, lead to insufficiency of blood circulation and exacerbation of arrhythmia.

If sinus tachycardia is associated with the increased function of the thyroid gland, It is assigned thyaretics (mercazolyl), and beta adrenerolol (pindolol, oxprenolol) can be added to correction of the rhythm. If the beta-blockers for any reason are contraindicated, then calcium antagonists (verapamil, diltiazem) can be applied.

With sinus tachycardia on anemia It is shown the appointment of iron preparations (Ferrum-Lek), as well as vitamins and trace elements. Antiarrhythmic agents of this category of patients are prescribed very rarely.

Blood loss accompanied by tachycardia, It requires replenishing the volume of circulating blood (freshly frozen plasma, erythrocyte mass, saline infusion) and, of course, stopping bleeding.

Patients with sinus tachycardia against the background of chronic heart failure are assigned In addition to other antiarrhythmics, (celaminide, digoxin).

The neurogenic form of sinus arrhythmia, as one of the most frequent, is treated by a neurologist or psychotherapist. Since the cause of it is stress, emotional experiences, vegetative regulation disorders, then the treatment consists in the appointment of tranquilizers, sedatives (relantium, luminal, etc.) and psychotherapy.

In addition to the sedative preparations released by the recipe, to reduce the heart rate, you can use everything available valerian, hawthorn, mother-in-law, adaptol, afobazole, various herbal teas.

Non-male treatment of psychogenic sinus tachycardia includes physiotherapy, water procedures (pool, relaxing baths), massage, that is, what has a common social effect. A good result provides work with a psychotherapist, the development of autotransigues aimed at improving control over their emotions and mood. These measures are especially useful when, in addition to arrhythmia, the patient complains about panic attacks, fears.

With the ineffectiveness of antiarrhythmic agents, the progression of circulatory disorders and significant deterioration in the patient's condition Cardiologists recommend surgical treatment - and installation of the pacemaker. The first method consists in destruction of the focus of excess impulse, the second is shown in the threatening life of complications against the background of uncontrolled sinus tachycardia.

Pregnant women with sinus tachycardia without cardiac pathology should observe peace, not nervous and abandon physical labor. The doctor can assign soothing agents, trace elements. Many drugs are contraindicated with future mothers, but if tachycardia becomes pronounced and threatens the normal course of pregnancy, then there is no exit - antiarrhythmic agents are applied.

Prevention Distribution violations by type of tachycardia has an important meaning not only with the functional nature of pathology, but also, especially in the case of the already existing changes in the heart. In the latter case, the lack of control over the rhythm will quickly lead to an increase in heart failure with various adverse effects.

The prognosis for sinus tachycardia is determined by the causes of pathology. If arrhythmia is not associated with changes in the heart, but is functional or physiological, then even in the case of negative subjective symptoms, it is quite satisfactory. It is much worse if the arrhythmia originated in a patient suffering from coronary heart disease, vice, stagnant heart failure. Such patients have a high risk of complications and therefore the forecast is quite serious.

Video: Tachycardia - how to calm the heart, the program "Live Great"

Sine tachycardia is characterized by rapid heartbeat and occurs in almost all age categories. It is often determined when planned inspections in adolescents and even young children. What is dangerous sinus tachycardia and what offers modern medicine to treat the disease?

With excitement, physical exertion, emotional stresses experienced frequent heartbeat. Some noted the heartbeat after a dense dinner or strong coffee. All these factors are really able to cause sinus tachycardia, which in normal state passes through time. This is due to the fact that a healthy heart copes with a tested load, while the blood circulation in other organs and systems is not disturbed.

Tachycardia - This is a healthy body reaction caused by those or other factors. It is necessary in order to compensate for the enhanced work of the organs and systems that require constant blood supply.

In some cases, tachycardia is a pathological condition that causes certain clinical manifestations. It can be both an independent disease and associated with other organs - brain, pancreas or thyroid gland, light, intestines. In such cases, the correct diagnosis and timely appointed treatment will avoid complications directly related to tachycardia.

Description of sinus tachycardia

It is a form of arrhythmias with supertoday localization (in atrodi). The main feature of the manifestation is an accelerated sinus rhythm, in which its regularity and balance of ventricles and atrial works are preserved. The average cardiac frequency in sinus tachycardia is 115 shots per minute, although sometimes the indicator reaches 220 shots per minute.

In adult tachycardia, a rapid heartbeat is considered from 100 blows per minute, in children - from 120 shots per minute.

Systoms of sinus tachycardia

Subjective sensations may not be observed if the condition of the heart, valves and blood vessels is close to normal. Also do not make concerns such signs as small discomfort in the chest, infrequent heart pains that do not cause fatigue, weaknesses that do not affect performance.

It is worth thinking whether sinus tachycardia is dangerous if the following symptoms arose:

  • heartbeat is defined as pronounced and frequent;
  • in calm condition, there is a shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air arises;
  • weakness does not allow working normally;
  • possible loss of consciousness;
  • there was irritability, anxiety, anxiety and fear;
  • cardiac pain appear in calm state and do not pass for a long time.

In addition to subjective signs for a long-term attack of sinus tachycardia, objective manifestations are characterized by the pallor of the skin, easy excitability. Uricament is scanty, blood pressure decreases.

Causes of the appearance of sinus tachycardia

There are two varieties of tachycardia - physiological and pathological. The first form most often arises due to external factors that can be represented by physical work, psycho-emotional overvoltages, use of tonic substances (caffeine, alcohol, power engineers). Upon termination of the factors that caused Tachycardia, the normalization of the overall state is noted.

Pathological sinus tachycardia has clinical significance, since the symptoms of the disease do not pass in calm state. A person can not fully rest and work, so medical intervention is required. Here several groups of reasons are played here, conditionally divided into extracardial and cardiac. The first group includes the following factors of impact:

  • Neurogenic violations contributing to the development of the so-called vagus arrhythmia, vegetative and intercostal tachycardia.
  • Endocrine disorders, which due to hormonal imbalances lead to accelerated heart work. Especially often, such as it occurs with thyrotoxicosis, adrenal tumors. Sugar diabetes can also cause pancreas arrhythmia.
  • Other extracaricardial reasons are: injuries with strong blood loss, long-term feverish states, hypoxia, anemia of various origin, the reception of medical drugs (caffeine, sympathomimetics).

Cardial causes are associated with a violation of the work of the cardiovascular system. Of their number, the main things are considered:

  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Inflammatory diseases of myocardium.
  • Heart failure, most often chronic.
  • All forms of ischemic heart disease.
  • Cardiac vices (purchased and innate).

Types of sinus tachycardia

In children Normally, an accelerated heartbeat is observed. The occurrence of sinus tachycardia in childhood may be associated with fever, acute infectious processes, disorders of the nervous system. The state of the pulse mainly depends on the age of the child, so you need to be asked to the table of the pulse rate calculated as the ages:

Table: limits of normal sinus tachycardia values

Video - sinus tachycardia in children

In teenagers The most commonly found functional tachycardia, which develops against the background of emotional lability and is characterized by neurogenic violations. It is manifested by increased fatigue, weakness, irritability, there are signs of imbalance of a vegetative system - sweating, dizziness, a feeling of trembling, frequent urination.

In pregnant women Often there are attacks of heartbeat, which arises even in those who did not feel like that. This is associated with an increase in the blood volume in the body of a woman, an increase in the load on the heart muscle, a change in the hormonal state in the body. Also, the increasing uterus contributes to an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which also contributes to the development of patience attacks. To avoid complications in the form of gestosis, in women's consultations intently observe the course of pregnancy.

Video - sinus tachycardia during pregnancy

In the elderly Due to the weakening in the body of many processes, the risk of the development of sinus angina pectoris increases. As a rule, at this age there are already many diseases that more or less provoke its development.

Complications and consequences of the pathological form of sinus tachycardia

It may be complicated by stagnation in the circulatory system, expressed in acute and chronic heart failure. If tachycardia has evolved against the background of other heart diseases, their more complex flow is observed. For example, anginary becomes heavier, a re-infarction of myocardium is possible. Rhythm disorder involves other internal organs into the pathological process. It may develop swelling of the lungs or deteriorate the blood supply of the brain.

Diagnosis of sinus tachycardia

The patient's survey begins with its questioning, an objective inspection. Next, laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed - electrocardiography, echocardiography, ultrasound-heart, blood biochemistry, urine analysis, hormonal indicators are determined.

Electrocardiography - the main method of diagnosing sinus tachycardia, affordable at any level of maintenance of patients. Key ECG signs are considered:

  • the correct sinus rhythm is maintained;
  • CSS is more than 90 per minute;
  • the prong P is defined as positive in all major leads;
  • between the teeth P, there is a shorter distance (interval);
  • teeth of T can be increased or reduced.

Prevention of pathological sinus tachycardia

Lies in the organization healthy lifestyle and proper power mode. Main standing:

  • Do not abuse alcohol and do not smoke;
  • Play sports and spend most actively every day;
  • Food take no hurry and in small portions;
  • Sleep should be full and encouragement;
  • Support and surrounding a positive mood;
  • Do not overwork at work and alternate the load and rest.

Treatment of pathological sinus tachycardia

Compiled on the basis of complaints collected, objective examination, instrumental and laboratory studies. An assessment of violations from the cardiovascular system and other organs is carried out.

Physiological sinus tachycardia does not require specific treatment. If a person is experiencing a periodic heartbeat, which does not cause discomfort and passes independently, then it is enough to carry out the basic prevention of the disease.

The pathological form is considered primarily in the context with the main disease. Medical treatment is prescribed to begin with. If these are endocrine disorders, then the therapy of sinus tachycardia conducts the attending endocrinologist. Treatment of heartbeat in combination with cardiovascular diseases carries out a cardiologist, taking into account the admissible drugs. Neurogenic disorders causing attacks of heartbeat must be corrected by a neurologist.

There are non-drug treatment of sinus tachycardia. First of all, this is physiotherapy. Water procedures in the form of basin and relaxing baths can also be assigned, and massage. In case of neurogenic arrhythmias, consultations of the psychotherapist help, since it is important for patients to cope with their fears and experiences.


These are mainly antiarrhythmic medicines. The row of them improve the innervation of the heart (magnesium sulfate, potassium preparations, membranestabilizers, calcium ion antagonists), others directly affect the heart muscle (sympathomimetics, β-adrenoblays and -adrenomimetics). There are also combined medicines, like heart glycosides that affect heart innervation and myocardia at the same time.