What dreams are macaroni in a dream. Sleep about noodle or homemade macarona. Raw or boiled

Saw in the dream pasta in large quantities - You can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life.

Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible.

If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss.

Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea.

If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome.

If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life You threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and in a different way: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

Dream Interpretation - Putu

To see in a dream that you have found a pack of currency, - this means empty dreams that will never realize in reality. To carry heavy packs of paper, daring from the effort - such a dream foreshadows that soon you will have to make a report on your work or explain to your husband, giving a spare answer to one question: what money goes on and why they are constantly missing?

To fold in neat packs or stacks anything means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give a new nature of relationships with colleagues.

Interpretation of dreams

Saw in the dream of pasta in large quantities - you can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life.

Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible.

If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss.

Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea.

If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome.

If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life you threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and in a different way: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Interpretation of dreams

See pasta in large quantities - you will be able to get money through the strictest savings;
For a young woman - a stranger will enter your life;
Cooking pasta - a large loss or poverty;
You welded pasta, and they merged - the wrong loss;
- You will have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation;
for creative man - There are pasta - you will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of your idea;
There are pasta with red sauce or gravy - on your way to achieve the goal will meet obstacles that will hardly overcome alone.
Also, see noodles, gravy.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What do Makarona dreams mean

Cook pasta: to visit some institution, a visit to which will be associated with experiences: you will be fear that after that in things of life there may be some changes.

If you were ate pasta: it means, you will soon meet a woman who can bring trouble to your family.

Perhaps the misfortune, foreshadowed by sleep, will be associated with treason.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Longo

Value of dreams Makarona

Pasta is in a dream with pleasure - gluttony, clogging of the stomach, and sometimes fascinating pleasure, expensive in their disadvantageous consequences

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation "Food"

That in a dream means pasta

See them with boams and there is a dream of getting a joyful news.

If macaroni with butter or sour cream, then sleep predicts profit from a profitable case.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

What does it mean to see pasta

If you are frowning with pasta in a dream, it means that you will not refuse yourself to eat all that your soul wishes. Cooking in a dream sauce or gravy to Macaronam means that you will soon be puzzled by an unexpected proposal to conclude a rather strange contract.

Buy pasta in large quantities - in reality suffer large, but unjustified costs. There is a dish of macaroni stuffed with meat or something else - you will spend time in a restaurant with your friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Pasta sleep interpretation

Accumulation of money.

Imagine that in a plate together with pasta lies fried meat, cheese and many vegetables.

Interpretation of dreams from Simeon Simeon Simeon

What predicts the sleep of pasta

Saw in the dream of pasta in large quantities - you can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life.

Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible.

If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss.

Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea.

If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome.

If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life you threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and in a different way: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

Value of the dream of pasta

Eating pasta is a sign of success in affairs, a raised mood.

Cook pasta - to a new acquaintance.

Interpretation of dreams

Dream Pastor Loffe

By the dreams of seeing pasta - see Noodles Maculatura - Strange, but the waste paper as a dreamy symbol is very different from paper in other types. Maculatura in a dream, as a rule, promises income and profitable dating. If in a dream you collect waste paper, then it means that in the near future you will be busy interesting workwhich will have to do with the soul and bring pleasure. Casting the waste paper in the reception center promises a pleasant meeting with the old familiar. For business man see such a dream suggests that he will acquire permanent customer, Subsequently will become his friend. But to burn the waste paper predicts a rapid act, the consequences of which you will not be able to burn. This dream also tells you: Thinking your words and things to do not deliver trouble to others, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream pasta in a dream?

To see pasta in a dream means - pasta - success in affairs, many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Dream interpretation housewife

Makaroni What dreams of a dream?

By dreams to see Pasta - there are pasta - you do not limit yourself in food, even under the threat of unnecessary kilograms. Cooking gravy to pasta - soon you will be puzzled by a rather strange sentence. Buy pasta - you are coming unjustified costs. There is a dish from Makaron - you are waiting for pleasant moments in the company of close friends

Psychological dream book

Why dream pasta in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Makaroni - I dreamed a lot of pasta - it means you will be able to scatter money only by strictest savings. A young woman like a dream promises a new interesting meeting. The dream in which you cook pasta, warns: a poor life is presented with fate. Sliding pasta mean an irreplaceable loss. If you eat pasta - to achieve the target target will have to work a lot to achieve the target target. There are pasta with any sauce - a sign that on the way to success alone you can not cope

Modern dream book

By the dream of Makarona What does dream mean?

To see in the dream of pasta - saw pasta in a dream in large quantities - you can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life. Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible. If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss. Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea. If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome. If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life you threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and something: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Summer Dream

Interpretation of sleep: pasta - there are in the dream of pasta - to a business trip.

Spaghetti (Vermichel). - To the fresh news.

Autumn dream book

What to see in the dream of pasta?

What dreams of pasta - pasta will dream of deception, so says in the dream interpretation about this sleep.

Vermichel - to see in a dream, as you buy in the shop pack of Vermicelli, - to confusing business.

Spaghetti (Vermichel). - Long and useless clarification of relationships will begin.

Spring dream book

What to see pasta in a dream?

By the dream of pasta - to the excess weight of the body, to the completeness.

Dreamed / Dreamed Vermicelli (noodles, spaghetti, horns). - Cook the vermicellier or noodles means that someone will hang your noodles on the ears.

Vermichel - Cooking Vermichel - to care; There is vermichel - to poverty.

Spaghetti (Vermichel). - Fear deception.


What dreams of pasta?

According to Miller's dream book, if you see a lot of pasta in a dream, you will soon be able to drive a lot of money. If such a dream dreams of a young woman, a new man will appear in her life soon.

Ward Macaroni in a dream says that in the near future you are waiting for a loss or even poverty. If, during cooking pasta, they set off, then the fact that you lost, you will not be able to return. If in a dream you are for a long time Pasta, then in the near future, to achieve your goal, you will have to work a lot.

If you are a creative person, then you will work for a long time to achieve your goal, and this will give an expected result.

What is the macaroni with sauce? To the fact that you are waiting for the objectives of the objectives that you can overcome. In addition, if you eat pasta in a dream, then this is a harbinger of what good food is waiting for you.

Dream Longo says that macaroni dreamed in a dream is to visit any institutions. After the visit you will be waiting for experiences about your future and change.

If, in a dream, you have not made pasta, then a new woman / man awaits you, which / ha can destroy your family.

If you have dreamed of sleep, pasta in which you eat with great pleasure, then you will soon expect overeating and a set of excess weight.


Dream Macaroni

Makaroni, pasta to buy

If you have seen pasta in a dream, the pasta began to buy or cook, the dream book warns about unexpected decisions of material issues, as well as possible deception, self-december. Dreams in which you saw pasta, Pasta, Always come against the background of obscure issues of the material plan.

Dreamed pasta - this is to deception, unreliability of the situation; long road; Material savings and losses.

This dream can also symbolize the coming pleasures, wealth if the pasta were boiled, hot and tasty. There are such pasta - one pleasure, and sleep may mean the upcoming joy in your life. On the contrary, the long and dry pasta seen in the dream denote the long road, and your experiences on the way. A large number of macaroni in a dream talks about situations that will require full mobilization of forces, as well as large restrictions in life. A large number of pasta in your hands says that you can accumulate great amount money. Welded pasta, which glued at cooking, warn you about large material losses that will have to be incurred.

If in a dream pasta to buy - This is to material acquisitions that are associated with great risk.

Such dreams can say that you will soon get a large amount of money, you can make accumulations, but there is a risk of losing them. Anyway, pasta, pasta in a dream symbolize the material component of your life, and the nature of this sleep can always suggest a way out of a difficult situation, or warn about the danger that awaits you on the way.


There are pasta

Dream interpretation is pasta Dreamed, what dreams in a dream there are pasta? To select a sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dreaming in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream there are pasta, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream Interpretation - There are pasta

Success in affairs.

Dream - Makaroni

Dream - Makaroni

Also, see noodles, gravy.

Dream - Makaroni

Dream - Makaroni

Dream - Makaroni

Dream - Makaroni

Dream - Makaroni

Dream - Makaroni

Pasta - Long road, business trip.

Dream - Makaroni

Pasta - see or eat - success in affairs, you will eat well.


Pasta noodles

Dream of Makarona Noodles Dreamed, what dreams in a dream Makarona noodles? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see the macaroni noodles in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Noodles, Pasta, etc.

Noodles do or eat - happiness in the house.

Cook - debts, cash disorder.

Makaroni is - failure.

Cook - well-being.

Pelmeni is the fulfillment of desires.

Pudding is - joy / envious chatter among acquaintances.

Dream - Makaroni

Saw in the dream of pasta in large quantities - you can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life.

Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible.

If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss.

Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea.

If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome.

If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life you threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and in a different way: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Dream - Makaroni

See pasta in large quantities - you will be able to get money through the strictest savings;
For a young woman - a stranger will enter your life;
Cooking pasta - a large loss or poverty;
You welded pasta, and they merged - the wrong loss;
- You will have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation;
For a creative person - there are pasta - you will work for a long time on a decent embodiment of your idea;
There are pasta with red sauce or gravy - on your way to achieve the goal will meet obstacles that will hardly overcome alone.
Also, see noodles, gravy.

Dream - Makaroni

If you are frowning with pasta in a dream, it means that you will not refuse yourself to eat all that your soul wishes. Cooking in a dream sauce or gravy to Macaronam means that you will soon be puzzled by an unexpected proposal to conclude a rather strange contract.

Buy pasta in large quantities - in reality suffer large, but unjustified costs. There is a dish of macaroni stuffed with meat or something else - you will spend time in a restaurant with your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Noodles

Buy in a dream noodles means that employment at work will adversely affect your family matters.

Making noodles at home foreshadows the visit of an official with whom you will have a lot of common acquaintances in the city.

Prepare noodle soup - to a trip and return from half the path due to an unexpected and serious illness.

Dream Interpretation - Noodles

There is noodles: Soon you will meet a person who will seem extraordinarily strong and interesting to you.

Your new acquaintance will have such a strong will that it starts suppressing your own.

This person will significantly affect your life, and you will not notice this, believing that everything you do and speak, the fruit of your own reflection.

In fact, this someone will make you change the image of thoughts.

Prepare noodles: you are waiting for changes regarding love relationships.

Most likely, you will achieve what I have long dreamed of or what was hidden in the depths of your secret fantasies.

See how noodles falls from a spoon: sleep means that in real life you make the actions uncharacteristic for you, seriously believing that it contributes some diversity to your "sullen! Life and does not allow your loved ones.

In fact, unusual actions performed by you cause bewilderment among your surroundings, no one understands why you do that.

Dream - Makaroni

Eating pasta is a sign of success in affairs, a raised mood.

Cook pasta - to a new acquaintance.

Dream - Makaroni

Cook pasta: to visit some institution, a visit to which will be associated with experiences: you will be fear that after that in things of life there may be some changes.

If you were ate pasta: it means, you will soon meet a woman who can bring trouble to your family.

Perhaps the misfortune, foreshadowed by sleep, will be associated with treason.

Dream - Makaroni

Macaroni - a symbol of strong suffering and pain.

Eat pasta - you have serious problems, Because of which you are worried.

Dream - Makaroni

Pasta - success in affairs and new endeavors.

There are pasta in a dream - die your appetite, otherwise you have to deal with overweight for a long time.


Eat pasta with egg

Dream interpretation to eat pasta with egg Dreamed, why dream in a dream to eat pasta with an egg? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to eat pasta with an egg, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream - Makaroni

Saw in the dream of pasta in large quantities - you can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life.

Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible.

If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss.

Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea.

If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome.

If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life you threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and in a different way: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Dream - Makaroni

See pasta in large quantities - you will be able to get money through the strictest savings;
For a young woman - a stranger will enter your life;
Cooking pasta - a large loss or poverty;
You welded pasta, and they merged - the wrong loss;
- You will have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation;
For a creative person - there are pasta - you will work for a long time on a decent embodiment of your idea;
There are pasta with red sauce or gravy - on your way to achieve the goal will meet obstacles that will hardly overcome alone.
Also, see noodles, gravy.

Dream - Makaroni

If you are frowning with pasta in a dream, it means that you will not refuse yourself to eat all that your soul wishes. Cooking in a dream sauce or gravy to Macaronam means that you will soon be puzzled by an unexpected proposal to conclude a rather strange contract.

Buy pasta in large quantities - in reality suffer large, but unjustified costs. There is a dish of macaroni stuffed with meat or something else - you will spend time in a restaurant with your friends.

Dream Interpretation - Egg

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the birth of life, has the strength of revival and updates. In dreams, this symbol may have several values \u200b\u200band interpretations. According to the ancient legends of the sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with unclean power They eaten an egg in the shell to double their strength. Probably, you remember that the fabulous villain of Koschey-Immortal kept his life in the egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity. Custom paint and eat eggs still enjoys great popularity.

Folk wisdom stores many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. About the empty and insignificant case said: "There is no needed egg." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. About the liberated and spoiled child said: "The egg is always a bolt." It was believed that such a person should not wait for any serious actions.

If in a dream you eat an egg - this means that in reality you pay too much attention to your empty and unnecessary cause.

The dream in which you are dropped and broke the egg, "means that you can destroy your own happiness for your careless actions.

To see broken egg shells in a dream - a sign of what you need to do your health.

To see in a dream, as you collect eggs in the nests, it means that there will be significant changes in your life for the better.

If you saw in a dream, how you yourself are sitting on eggs, "means someone from people close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone with eggs from eggs, indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn all your life.

To see in a dream rotten eggs - a bad sign.

To see a two-stalk egg in a dream - means a dual situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook the scrambled eggs, and from broken egg Live chicken carries out, is a sign that you are unreasonable using your chance.

To dream of a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.

The dream in which you saw how the snake is devouring an egg, "means evil and illness.

To see in a dream, like a pike raises eggs - a sign that you are too passionate about your fantasies that replace you with real life.

The dream in which you wait for the chicken finally from eggs, it means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past. This is said to: "This is the raped eggs."

If in a dream you are trying to break and clean the egg shell - I will have to be careful. You will try to deceive and introduce into significant cash spending. The people say: "Blowing like an egg."

Dream Interpretation - Egg

Eggs in a dream are foreshadowed in any new business.

Eggs that you eat in a dream, they say that you have good health.

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, revival. The nest-gloomed nest with eggs foreshadows wealth and happy marriage. Woman after such sleep often behaves too frivolous.

If in a dream you ate an egg, then in your home can live anxiety associated with something unusual. Such a dream also dreams of relatives with someone from your surrounding, whom you still knew only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

Seeing the broken fresh eggs, know that fate is ready to generously award you. You will love and respect for the extraordinary mind and high feeling Justice. In addition, such a dream means that you can some kind of careless look or a word to offend some kind of shy person. Even if you really want to express everything you think about him, better silent.

Merched eggs will take off to loss of property and decline in affairs.

The greeted basket with eggs is the foresight of what you will participate in favorable business operations.

Founded in the forest of bird eggs will take off to the inheritance from distant relatives.

Krasije easter eggs - In fact, you need to refer to your intimate life in a new way. Every time you only repeat what was before, without making any changes. It's not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, create something unusual. Arrange a romantic dinner, turn on the music, lower the curtains - and then you will begin a new round in the relationship.

Nostradamus interpreted similar dreams in the following way.

A young woman watched in a dream by how any creature hatching out of the egg, "successful childbirth prophesies to her.

If you dreamed that you broke the egg, then you may have a crime.

If an egg breaks anyone, then in the future you will become an invalid witness of a cruel crime.

And the Bulgarian Jerrician Wang has interpreted the dreams about the eggs so.

The fierce egg in a dream foreshadows the threat of life.

Cooked an egg - a continuous drought will come.

Dream Interpretation - Eggs

Chicken. Fresh, whole, light colors (white or light beige) - an unexpected, but welcome guest. Brown - go to visit another city. Painted eggs mean that the period of prosperity and well-being occurs in your life. And in a personal plan, and in the career everything will be formed the best way. If you break the eggs in a dream and fry the scrambled eggs (or someone does it with you) - I will have to donate something significant to achieve the goal. If the eggs turned out to be rotten - someone dismisses the vile gossip about you. Solit the scrambled eggs - get a good profit, which with more thank you all your costs, no matter how impressive they are. Clean boiled eggs - Soon you will get to know your secret well-wisher. Singing the eggs to Gogol-Mogol - to meet a person with which you will succeed to significantly increase your condition. See how the chicken carries eggs, "will find a new profitable job.

A universal way to sleep about eggs can be worked out, presenting that all the eggs that you dreamed of, fresh and tasty. If you have dreamed of rotten eggs, imagine that you throw them out, and better - burn. Instead of rotten you buy fresh. If you dream of scrambled eggs, imagine that you are cooking for a person, the support of which you need. Saw painted eggs in a dream - imagine that each of your family members eat on the Easter egg. So you will ensure the well-being and prosperity of your whole family.

Eggs wild birds. Find a nest with bird eggs - casual acquaintance It will help you to solve an important problem. If you see in the nest only an egg shell (a sign that the chicks hatched and scattered) - problems will be allowed naturally, without additional effort on your part. See how a predatory beast or a bird steals eggs from the nest - you need to be careful and less trusting a stranger: Your problems are not accidental, someone deliberately puts you obstacles.

If you dreamed that the predator ruins the nest with the eggs, imagine that more strong predator (for example, lion or eagle) drives it, and the eggs remain unharmed. (See Lion, Eagle).

Dream Interpretation - Egg

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, revival.

Watch in a dream by how from the egg is hatching any creature - a sign that soon you will witness the appearance of a living being on Earth. Young pregnant woman such a dream prophesies successful childbirth.

Find a large unusual egg in a dream - means that a large extraordinary animal egg will be found in the future. Perhaps it will be an egg for long dinosaurs.

If you dreamed that you broke the egg, then this dream would proper that you commit a crime. Perhaps deprive the life of any living being. If an egg breaks someone, then in the future you will become an invalid witness to the cruel murder.

Dream Interpretation - Eggs

Usually call you to caution.

See chicken eggs: A sign that your affairs will go well if you show proper care and you will not take risky steps.

A good sleep, in which you see that the chicken demolished the egg: this dream foreshadows you.

If the egg in your dream sinted the rooster: such a dream promises profit from victory in some controversial business.

Merchant eggs: a sign of disappointment. After such sleep, you should not blindly trust seductive offers - they can turn into large losses.

Boiled or fried eggs: We foreshadow some difficulties and disputes in your home.

Broken eggs: mean that your intolerance can cause damage to you.

Finding eggs of forest birds: a sign of unexpected profits.

But if these eggs are spotted, you will be overcome some doubts.

Dream - Makaroni

Eating pasta is a sign of success in affairs, a raised mood.

Cook pasta - to a new acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - Eggs

To abundance.

Buy eggs - unfortunately.

Cook eggs - to the gossip.

Distribute eggs - to the danger to life.

Break eggs - to a crime.

Collect bird eggs in a dream - your desire to do everything in a new way.

Such an egg - to become a dependent.

The chick of the egg hatches - to relief, deliverance from anxiety, responsibility or fear.


Soup with Macaronami

Dream Maconomy Soup Dreamed about what dreams in a dream soup with pasta? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream soup with pasta, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at the House of Sun!

Dream - Makaroni

Saw in the dream of pasta in large quantities - you can accumulate money by strictest savings. A young woman such a dream predicts that a stranger will enter her life.

Cooked in a dream pasta - a large loss or poverty is possible.

If you dreamed that you were welded pasta, and they merged, then in front of the wrong loss.

Just ate pasta - you have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation. A creative man who saw such a dream will work for a long time on a worthy embodiment of his idea.

If you have dreamed that you eat pasta with a red sauce or gravy, then on your way to achieve the goal there will be obstacles that alone will be difficult to overcome.

If in a dream you ate pasta with special pleasure, then in real life you threaten to clog the stomach. And you can interpret this dream and in a different way: you have a fascinating, but quite expensive adventure.

Dream - Makaroni

See pasta in large quantities - you will be able to get money through the strictest savings;
For a young woman - a stranger will enter your life;
Cooking pasta - a large loss or poverty;
You welded pasta, and they merged - the wrong loss;
- You will have to work a lot to fix the current difficult situation;
For a creative person - there are pasta - you will work for a long time on a decent embodiment of your idea;
There are pasta with red sauce or gravy - on your way to achieve the goal will meet obstacles that will hardly overcome alone.
Also, see noodles, gravy.

Dream - Makaroni

If you are frowning with pasta in a dream, it means that you will not refuse yourself to eat all that your soul wishes. Cooking in a dream sauce or gravy to Macaronam means that you will soon be puzzled by an unexpected proposal to conclude a rather strange contract.

Buy pasta in large quantities - in reality suffer large, but unjustified costs. There is a dish of macaroni stuffed with meat or something else - you will spend time in a restaurant with your friends.

Dream Interpretation - SUP

Cooking in a dream Soup foreshadows you attending old good friends who have arrived from afar. For a young girl, such a dream promises the wealthy groom provided by the house, the machine, etc. Stealthy Soup says that you fall in love at first sight and until full breath.

There is a soup in a dream, the soup foreshadows important life changes, treat guest soup - you will argue with your own friends. Shed soup - to the loss of a loved one. Black Soup - Employer will express your discontent. Buy batch soup - avoid unnecessary trouble.

Dream Interpretation - SUP

If a man in a dream saw soup - to news.

Woman in a dream saw the soup - to the invitation of her for a wedding.

There are soup - to well-being, to get a precious gift.

If a married woman Eats soup to pregnancy.

The patient in a dream eats soup - to recovery.

A tourist in a dream saw that she eats soup - to the disease in the way.

If the merchant sees that he eats soup - to excursions abroad, to great wealth.

Dream Interpretation - SUP

If you dream soup - wait for good news and rest.

If in a dream you see people who eat soup - it means you have a wonderful chance of marrying or marrying.

If a girl in a dream prepares soup - it means that she will not have to manage the house, as she marries a wealthy person.

Soup in a dream foreshadows the sincerity of friends who will support you at the right moment.

Quickly cook soup in a dream - foreshadows that you will safely and successfully manage your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - SUP

Cooking soup in a dream means your rapid behavior will break peace in the family. To interfere with soup in a dream - a sign that you are confused in your affairs and you will not know what to do. Pour soup in a dream - the foresters of sorrow or chagrin.

If you dreamed that you were soup, then soon you will hear about the illness of a relative.

Dream Interpretation - SUP

Soup dreams of good Wests and peace. This dream also means that you have sincere friends who will support you in a difficult moment.

If you have dreamed of people who eat soup, it's time to arrange your destiny. You have every chance to find family happiness.

The girl who in a dream was preparing the soup, will not be particularly housing around the house, as married to a wealthy person will be married.

If in a dream you quickly and deliciously prepared soup, you will be successfully and boldly dispose of your destiny.

Maternal pasta from us cause pleasant feelings And they excite appetite. For Italians Cooking different species Pastes are generally a whole ritual. And why dream pasta? This can be found from the interpreter of dreams.

Macaroni's dream book come with positive meaning. They are a symbol of well-being, wealth and health. Seen dream about pasta also means that guests will come to you soon or you yourself will go to visit.

Cook pasta - you can carry out the most daring and insane plans. Now for their exercise the right time. Dare! Break patterns and do not think about the opinions of others. Merge them through colander - to the harder and, most importantly, productive work or to getting important information. Macaroni is - to satisfying curiosity or interest in real life.

The longer the better

And now in more detail about this form of macaroni like noodles. At the mention of this word, the memories of food immediately emerge, and the rest are the idea that it is usually hanging on her ears. And why dream noodles, you can learn by looking in the dream book.

Unlike the well-known expression, "hang noodles on the ears", seen in the dream, it has not only this meaning. Noodle's dream book falls like a symbol of longevity, health and travel. In China, it is believed that the longer the noodles, the better life will be longer, therefore noodles in always put on a single thread and is eaten entirely.

1. Noodles in a dream, made by you, means that you will find a powerful patron to your undertakings. Sharing the dough on the strips - symbolizes your attempts to establish connections with the strong world of this, and these actions are crowned with success.

If you have seen how someone does noodles, then someone will try to establish relationships with you, just be careful not to become an instrument in other people's hands. And even better, if you are able to benefit from this acquaintance.

2. It can dare that you boiled pasta is to the news. Preparing chicken with noodles - to travel. Dinking milk soup - you will have to come with your principles for more important goals.

3. The noodles disappeared with, - your actions are not subject to generally accepted logic, so your relatives and loved ones do not understand why you do anyway. Moreover, your actions add problems to your households. So be sure to explain with them and come to a compromise. Remember, there is no only right position.

4. See how you buy a paste, "means you take too much time to work for work, and it can lead to problems in the family or with friends. But the work is not the main thing in life.

5. If in a dream you "hung noodles on your ears" (they told noby), then I will feel better to feel the lie of other people and do not let yourself be deceived.

A little about love

See in a dream noodles - to changes in love sphere. A woman who saw noodles in a dream will meet a man with a strong will and charisma. In such respects, the main thing is not to lose your own "I", so do not forget what you want you to not lose yourself.

Obviously, the concept of "pasta" in dream books is given a wide interpretation. Thus, when answering the question "To what the pasta is shot," pay attention not only to generally accepted stereotypes, but also on the interpretation of specialists. Posted by: Olga Lepardina