Human personality types: schizoid personality. Such different human psychotypes

We've been doing this since childhood, but it's a waste of time. You just need to know that there are human psychotypes, then identify yours and come to terms with them. This can't be fixed. Knowing the psychotype of your interlocutor, you can easily adapt to his style of communication and accept him for who he is.

What are they like?

So, human psychotypes are of four types. They are familiar to many: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and are established from birth and are practically resistant to change with age. A person can understand himself and accept the surrounding reality, but this will not change his temperament. A choleric person may learn to hide his emotions, but he will not stop being a choleric person. Now try to recognize yourself in the following descriptions.

You are choleric if...

You are not afraid to show your emotions, your mood often changes. You move sharply and quickly, talk loudly. You grab onto a new business, but soon give it up. You quickly become exhausted, wasting energy on trifles. You do not tolerate monotony; you can quickly get bored with any task. First of all, you value communication with people, although many acquaintances consider you an unbalanced person, but strong and powerful.

You are sanguine if...

Are you full vitality and energy, it’s a pleasure for everyone around you to communicate with you. Your emotions are very bright and strong, but do not carry negativity. There is harmony and tranquility within you. You are a broad-minded person, you experience any trouble easily and forget grievances quickly. You work with passion, for a long time, trying to do everything at once. You often change your occupation, you are dominated by good mood. You have many friends, you speak quickly and loudly, in this you are very similar to choleric people.

Are you melancholic if...

You are sad and waste sadness around you. You are very vulnerable, even with a small trifle. Anything can hurt you to the core. You are of thin build, constantly fussing, nervous, and do not know how to control your own emotions. You are very impressionable, you believe everyone around you, but at the same time you are very afraid of being disappointed in people and are constantly disappointed. You believe in horoscopes, predictions, and often visit doctors with or without reason. You have difficulty making decisions, preferring to follow the orders of your boss.

Are you a phlegmatic person if...

You are leisurely and do not show emotions. Your speech is monotonous and homogeneous, it is difficult to communicate with you, you are closed and reserved. You accumulate negativity for a long time in order to suddenly throw it out on someone. Friends say about you that you are a thorough person. Your actions convey confidence and determination. Although decisions are difficult, they are final and there is no turning back. Everything new causes a state of discomfort; you avoid awkward situations and new acquaintances.

Fifth type

Of course, human psychotypes are mixed in each of us in different proportions. Some are more phlegmatic with a touch of sanguine, others are choleric-melancholic. Few people fit perfectly into just one description. 4 human psychotypes are mixed, and this temperament is laid down at birth. So we can say with confidence that we all have the fifth type, mixed.

How to determine a person’s psychotype

There are many tests to find out who you really are. Here is the simplest one. There are 5 shapes in front of you: square, circle, triangle, rectangle and zigzag. Choose the one that suits you best. So, square people are good performers, triangles are leaders, circles are Good friends, zigzags are creative individuals, and rectangles are doubtful individuals. Human psychotypes are a complex branch of psychology, which includes many aspects, but you can understand yourself throughout your life; it will never cease to be interesting and informative.

All people on this planet are individual. Each of us has our own unique character and special features that distinguish a person from hundreds and even thousands of others. But still there are some similarities between us. And for many years, psychologists have been trying to unite people into groups with similar qualities, assigning them certain psychotypes of personality.

What psychotypes of people exist? The most famous is the division of people into closed introverts and open-to-the-world extroverts. Introverts are reluctant to make contact; they live in their own inner world and do not like interference in their personal affairs. Extroverts, on the contrary, are very sociable. They willingly share with others not only their thoughts and ideas, but also their feelings and experiences. When hiring, many large companies During the interview, a psychotype test is carried out. Most often, such tests are quite simple, but they help to select and hire from several applicants the person who will best fit into the team and become part of the team.

The most common classification of psychotypes was created by Hippocrates. He divided people into 4 types depending on the predominance of one of the elements in the human body - blood, lymph, yellow bile or black bile. In accordance with his classification, people are divided into sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

Blood predominates in the body of sanguine people, making representatives of this psychotype very lively and sociable. Their emotions actively replace one another, and thanks to this, sanguine people very quickly adapt to any changes. Such people easily endure failures. And only boring routine work can leave sanguine people completely indifferent.

If lymph predominates in a person’s body, he is phlegmatic. People of this psychotype are calm and calm. They look a little lazy, but in reality they are rather slow and more stable in their emotions. Phlegmatic people can be very stubborn and persistent in their chosen occupation. They compensate for their slowness with perseverance and diligence.

Yellow bile determines the psychotype of an impulsive and passionate choleric person. Such people are always very emotional and often unbalanced. It's easy to make them cry or laugh. They are always in a hurry to get somewhere. And their energy is enough for any achievement, the main thing is to have desire and a bit of perseverance, which choleric people often lack.

And finally, the fourth psychotype of people is melancholic, in whose body black bile predominates. People of this psychotype are asthenic, sad and fearful. They are prone to melancholy and sadness, depression and constant worries. They prefer loneliness and try to contact people less often.

Determining a psychotype is very important for building relationships with a person, as well as organizing his activities in the workplace. For example, sanguine people are great at communicating with people, and they are suited to working in a large team, which involves active communication with clients and colleagues. Phlegmatic people prefer quiet work at the computer or with documents. They carry out such assignments very efficiently and accurately. But choleric people cope very poorly with routine. They are more suited to leadership positions that require determination and a willingness to take responsibility. Melancholic people produce wonderful artists who enjoy creating and convey their feelings and experiences to the audience.

In addition to the Hippocratic classification, there is another well-known typology of Aristotle, dividing people into Materialists, Personalists, Processors, Temporary Workers, Viceroys and Philosophers. And if Hippocrates based the principles for determining a psychotype on the characteristics of the human body, then Aristotle in his thoughts was based on the characteristics of thinking different groups people who in their minds tend to ask themselves various questions. The main questions that most often interest people are: What? Who? How? When? Where? For what? And as the philosopher’s observations showed, everyone special person most often asks himself one specific question, practically ignoring all the others.

If you use Aristotle’s theory and listen to what your friend and colleague constantly talks about, then you can easily determine the area that is closest and most interesting to him. And having decided on a person’s psychotype, you can establish close and trusting relationships with him.

Characteristics of psychotypes

People who most often ask the question What? are the Veshist type. Everything they see and do is important to them. Such people rarely pay attention to others. Therefore, if your friend went to a restaurant in the evening, the next day he will tell you everything about the dishes, atmosphere, music and prices. But he is unlikely to go into detail about who he spent the evening with, what the people around him looked like and how hospitable the waiters were.

But Personalists tend to notice people, but absolutely do not pay attention to the objects around them. If a person belongs to the Personalist psychotype, he will constantly seek contact with other people, because for him this is the only way to solve all problems. He won’t even pay attention to what documents he must fill out and what certificates he needs to take, but he will remember exactly how strict or, on the contrary, lenient the inspector was, and what techniques he can use in communicating with this person next time.

People who belong to the Processor psychotype most often pay attention to processes. They are not interested in the people and objects around them. Even the result itself is not very important to them. But they always remember in detail what they did, and how one process differed from another. If your friend is a Processor psychotype, and you ask him how he spent his vacation at sea, he most likely will not remember what house he lived in and what he ate. But he will tell you in detail how he got to the beach every day, what lines he had to stand in the store, and how exhausting the trip to the coast was.

The Temporary psychotype considers the determination of time to be the most important thing for himself. People of this psychotype always remember very precisely when something started, when it ended, and how long it lasted. Temporary workers and Processors are often psychotypes of men. You've probably noticed how accurately men always remember distances and how carefully they monitor travel times.

People who belong to the Steward psychotype often have excellent spatial orientation, because for them the most important question is Where? They always know perfectly well where everything is, who has moved where and how to get there. Almost every conversation of a person of the Viceroy psychotype begins with a story about where he has been and where he still has to go.

And finally, the last psychotype is the Philosopher. People of this type love to talk about values. They don’t get hung up on little things and only mention the most important ones in conversation. important details. It is difficult to get details from philosophers.

If you correctly determine a person’s psychotype, you will be able to avoid many difficulties in communicating with him. You will know exactly which questions he can answer most fully, and which ones should be slightly paraphrased, which topics the person will talk about with interest, and which moments are best avoided. You just have to take a good look at the people around you, and you can make your communication more interesting and productive.

DataFuel GUIDE

Jung's types, MBTI and psychographics

How do people think?

Jung's psychotypes

"The world hangs on a thin thread, and this thread is the human psyche"


Direction of consciousness

Where is a person’s attention and energy directed?

Extrovert - (E)

Public, for extroverts, will always be above the personal. Sacrifice, the desire to help everyone and to do everything for people - these are some of the main characteristics of an extrovert. In the world, he feels like a grain of sand, but part of something larger and common. People are objects for him, and extroverts do not value relationships very much, since they can easily replace one person with three others in a as soon as possible. These characteristics are based on the attitude towards the perception of information: objective and subjective. For extroverts, I am one of the objects of this world.

To communicate with an audience of extroverts, you can use storytelling, tell a story, captivate the mind, which will subsequently positively influence the desire to make a purchase. Just like with ethics, a common enemy will work great here, take up arms against him, blame him for all the troubles and offer a solution to this pain. Social proof - where would we be without it? Show that he is far from the first who decides to make this purchase, and judging by the reviews, he will not regret it. The fear of losing what an extrovert already has will be a wonderful pain, especially if you sell your offer with subscriptions. The creatives will be similar to the creatives of the ethicists.

Do -> Think -> Do

Incentive - Call to action, Participation in the process, Social proof (recommendations), Fear of loss.

Introvert - (I)

It takes a long time to build relationships, which is why he values ​​them so much introvert is a perfect example of a type who is only interested in himself and his problems. Selfishness and awareness of oneself as the center of the universe, which seems to die every time he closes his eyes and is reborn with their opening, perfectly characterize an introvert. I am the subject around whom the world is built, but at the same time, the built world is incredibly expensive, which is probably why introverts cling so much to relationships and try to fix everything that breaks in their coordinate system.
The motivation of introverts is classic - getting rid of pain and finding comfort, so in texts, as in creatives, you should pay special attention to this. The pain is hers complete solution, and achieving harmony and comfort. Pay attention to his problems, his personal experiences, make him feel special and convince him that he is the one worthy of an individual approach from your company.

Think -> Do -> Think

Stimulus - Addressing pain, Personal appeal, Problem solving, Individual approach.


How and what information is perceived

Intuit - (N)

Intuition, as opposed to sensory, is the ability not to notice momentary, objectively real things. Intuits have amazing ability look without seeing, and see without looking. Intuit may not notice the car that almost hit him, but at the same time give all his attention to a thing that is not here, and not even now. Masses of information are often processed subconsciously, immediately discarding the result. In the same time intuitive demonstrate the ability to quickly grasp the essence of the matter. Prospect, hypothesis, unusualness, originality, paradox, sensation, spark, storm, explosion! This type does not feel much awe of authorities, criticizes and questions them. Intuits characterized by a certain intellectual arrogance.

Clickbait, understatement and the desire to know everything play with intuitive bad joke, easily fall for a catchy picture and shock sensation, and unsatisfied interest will spur a purchase. For intuitive The relevance of the phenomenon is important, try to be in trend, at least a little, be it the b2b or b2c segment. Intuit is a bit like a logician, and his brain often tries to simplify and systematize information, so it’s not a bad idea to give a clear structure in the ad so that it is understandable, or at least systematized. One of the controversial and complex triggers is contradiction. Touch on something important intuition topic, or better yet, his belief or value system and speak out against it, and not a minute will pass before he will hasten to object to you! Enough easy way Viral, unfortunately, can turn into a wave of negativity, so you need to be careful.

Stimulus - New ideas, Abstractions, Relationships, Creativity, Understatement, Relevance.

Sensor - (S)

There is no one more down to earth, albeit in a good sense of the word, than sensory. Feelings of the external, real world are the main thing in their lives. Smells, textures, tastes, all this will be noticed and appreciated. Sensory live in objective reality, a space divided into territories that someone owns, he needs to know why it is hot and not cold here, what it smells like, and who is the owner and who is the guest. Concrete thinking sensory tries to translate any abstract concept into a familiar, or at least hypothetically existing example; for him, it is important to feel the reality of what is happening.

An interesting trigger for sensory there will be a so-called “reciprocal gratitude”; having received something as a gift, he often considers himself obligated to repay with kindness or service. Living in the real world, the world of the tangible and concrete, aesthetic beauty becomes something especially important, so the more beautiful the picture, the greater the response it will find in the heart sensory. And to be sure to get into his soul, highlight the main idea or creative element with a color, frame, or beautiful formatting. sensory will definitely appreciate it. Play with contrast, try using a black and white photo card with a colored product.

More often sensory- realists.

Stimulus - Beautiful picture, Facts, Shape, Vibrant colors, Contrast, Reciprocal gratitude.


On what basis does a person make decisions?

Logician - (T)

Logicians are not strong in analyzing, understanding and responding to feelings, but they excel in numbers. Logic does not need to be convinced or persuaded; facts, systematized and substantiated, will do everything for him. They even try to systematize feelings, but that’s a completely different story.
To work with the audience logicians Diagrams, graphs and infographics, flowcharts and generally any systematic creatives are perfect. In the text content to logicians There are a couple of simple approaches:
- try to show and logically justify that your offer is better, stronger, faster, and these are not mere words, there are studies, if it is possible to describe by what criteria specifically your product is superior to competitors - logicians will appreciate it;
- approach the ad systematically so that it is logical and complete than less water- all the better;
- the tendency to proceed from bare facts often plays a cruel joke, for example, the higher the price -> the better, according to logicians, the product, anchors are also important, and even if you do not have standard offers of economy business VIP class - come up with them, the logic will be easier to do right choice, seeing what he chooses from.

Incentive - Benefit, Comparison, Numbers, Patterns, Reasons to Try, Value Attribution.

Ethics- not the most difficult segment, but not the easiest either, because you need to convey a thought through emotion. The main carrier of information is people, their experiences, emotions, worries. Ethics What matters is the tone and paraverbal communicative signs first, and only then the content. They often put additional meaning into their words, which they consider possible to convey only through intonation. Ethics The inspiration of the inanimate is inherent, they can easily treat and talk with objects as with people who have their own feelings and emotions.

On any stock photo you will find anger, joy or sadness, tell him how he will like to use your product, or pay attention to the sad autumn outside the window, the feeling is what you need to appeal to when working with this group. It's also worth trying to find your common enemy, everyone has one, just take sides ethics, support him, tell him that you understand his problem, and even found a solution in the form of your product. You can also include social proof, crowd endorsements, or just testimonials to ethicists they are very important. Well, a little general advice: force ethics feel belonging to a group, to a community, tell him that by purchasing a product he becomes part big family, this will definitely push him towards a purchasing decision.

Do -> Think -> Do

Stimulus - Call to action, activity, participation in any process, Social proof (recommendations of other people), Belonging to a group or community.

Does he plan or act spontaneously?

Rational - (J)

Rational always decisive, as opposed to the perceiving irrational. Rational lives based on decisions made, tries to transform circumstances so that they suit his decision. Rationals They often have a system of actions and rules that they try to follow strictly in any situation; they try to think in advance about what and how they will have to do. Failure of plans inevitably leads to a serious loss in life and a balanced, albeit frantic, drawing up of a new plan.
Rationals are similar to logicians, and therefore, the more logical and correct the answer looks, the sooner they will choose it. Provide numbers, facts, evidence that your product is better than your competitors, and at the same time try to convey that this is the simplest and fastest solution to their problems, and they will respond to you with love and coin.

Planning, clear structure, rules and instructions.

Incentives - Touch chain, Content marketing, simplicity and clarity.

Surprise and the unknown are a negative incentive.

Irrational - (P)

Irrational will always be perceptive, as opposed to rational. Irrational lives based on current circumstances, makes decisions depending on the situation and always tries to fit in, integrate into it. Irrationals sometimes they also plan, but this is not a structured plan of action, rather a short list of wishes of what they would like, and if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay! Moreover, the plans irrationals often undergo colossal changes in the process of being, and the path of Tao and the flow along the river of life allow them to enjoy a changeable fate.

What do we use? - clickbait and understatement! Irrational wants to be led away by an unexpected headline into the wilds of the Internet, he wants to find out why this kitten is actually crying... this trigger will help both in mailings and during sales, because unsatisfied interest and the desire to lift the veil of secrets are incredibly strong. Irrationals, although they don’t admit it, they love anticipation, teasers, sneak peaks, mentions of bloggers about the product and small announcements several weeks and sometimes months in advance - that’s what you need to warm up this audience! Relevance is also important, you need to be in trend, or even a little ahead of it. Also, don’t be afraid to make limited versions, closed chats and limited batches, nothing is more scary irrational, like the fear of not getting something that will soon disappear from sale.

Incentives - Impulse purchases, Novelty, Understatement, Scarcity/limited supply.
Irrationals respond well to various types of warm-ups.

MBTI Psychotypes

Master of Persuasion
- Logic is not the strongest trait; contradictory judgments often slip through.

Feels the emotions of other people, knows how to persuade well and loves to be the center of attention.

He cannot hold strong feelings in his hands.

Good at predicting events and predicting people's actions.

Decisive and will not avoid conflict.

Loves comfort, does not tolerate discomfort and pain.

Naive, sensitive and emotional, easily offended.

Has difficulty making a choice, especially if there are more than 2 options.

Get everything from life
- He understands people perfectly and charges with his energy.

Sees promising solutions and things ahead.

He feels what people expect from him, knows how to manage the emotions of others and convince.

In disputes, he usually looks for a compromise.

Logical analysis is often difficult, so important things may escape attention; many ideas, flexible behavior.

Lives in chaos, or at least creates it.

Reacts violently even to small conflicts and criticism.

Indecision, inability to make decisions quickly.

A born leader

- Concrete thinking, practicality and business mindset.

Sees prospects, it comes easy to him strategic planning, and before starting work, all risks are calculated, which allows you to maximize the result. They make money easily.

Realist, can tolerate discomfort, taste in clothes fails “Look the way others want you to!”

Sometimes anger splashes out, does not understand people's feelings well, is insensitive, arrogant, straightforward, criticizes others.

Intolerant of other people's opinions, arrogant.

He is ruthless in his work, personal circumstances are ignored, and he expects the same return from others.

Has difficulty understanding emotions.

Life is full of exciting challenges

Intuition when solving problems, recognizes people's abilities.

Global thoughts, everyday distraction.

Data analysis, theory building, classifications are strengths.

Weak emotional sensitivity to others and resulting tactlessness, inappropriate behavior and mood swings.

Sensations are weakened, disconnected from the real world, and resides in a fantasy world.

Likes to argue with or without reason.

Inherent intolerance and disdain can easily offend the interlocutor.

Lack of concentration, jumps from task to task, rarely finishing due to loss of interest.

Embodied responsibility

He senses people’s moods well, lives by emotions and hobbies; friendly, sociable, knows how to approach people.

Appreciates the feeling of coziness, comfort, dresses with taste, is a realist; pays attention to details and is punctual.

Intuition is weakened, poorly grasps trends in events, the overall picture “Plan everything in advance.”

Logic is weakened; poorly distinguishes between the secondary and the main.

Cares too much about what others think of him. He will go to great lengths to be considered successful and influential.

Has difficulty adapting to changes and is hostile to any “new” views.

Loves compliments and being the center of attention, perceives criticism as a desire to hurt or offend.

Life is given to us only once

Strong will, confident leader, quick, decisive practical and tactical decisions.

Concreteness of perception, sociability.

They understand people’s feelings and know how to manipulate them, easily winning over them.

Weak logic may miss the whole picture of the situation, or parts of it; impulsiveness and illogical behavior often play against this type of people.

Flexibility, unpredictability of behavior.

He does not see the long term and the consequences of his actions, which makes the politician not the best strategist.

He doesn’t know how to concentrate; it’s always important for a politician to move and do something new and interesting.

Master of life

Business logic, practicality; analyzes many details.

Before doing anything, he develops a clear program of action.

Realism and attention to detail.

He is punctual, has a love of aesthetic beauty, and also perfectly notices the mistakes of others.

Does not trust changes and tries to analyze his mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future.

Not always able to control his emotions.

Improvisation is difficult; new and unpredictable things are poorly perceived.
- He is inclined to condemn people who do not share his principles, because he knows exactly what is right and what is wrong.

Fear of not meeting other people's expectations, he constantly thinks about what he must do to be loved and respected.

Realist to the core

Strong will, determination, practicality, flexible decisions, independence from people, toughness.

Logical and concrete analysis of reality; plans the work in detail; shows tight control.

Restrained in expressing emotions, for the sake of achieving goals he can ignore feelings, interests, even the lives of other people.

Flexibility and unpredictability of behavior.

Looks for alternative solutions, changes decisions at the last moment.

Does not attach importance to rules, does not tolerate restrictions and social norms.

Doesn't know how to behave in emotionally stressful situations.

Impatience forces you to constantly switch and change activities in search of something more interesting.

Inspiration for others

Feels people's attitude, does not quarrel, endures for a long time, forgives, helps people.

An excellent teacher, he sees potential in other people, while being moralists.

- “Do not what you want, but what you need!”; loves order, is very demanding and has a strong will.

Often dwells in thoughts and dreams.

He is distrustful and expressive, which does not allow him to open his feelings to other people.

Vulnerable and sensitive in conflicts.

He cannot bring himself to do what he considers unimportant.

Noble service to society

Anticipates events and absorbs new ideas.

Feels the emotions of others, tries not to quarrel, but is sometimes emotionally unrestrained.

Business logic sometimes fails, it is difficult to make a decision, to maintain order in business and everyday life.

Often disconnected from real sensations and remains in prostration.

Idealistic, selfless, forgets about himself and his interests if he is devoted to the cause; fights for ideals.

Shy and closed.

Becomes extremely impractical and dreamy if he is passionate about some business or in love.

Everything can be improved

Analytical thinking, interested in general patterns, ideas, not facts.

Feels the perspective, the essence of things, is capable of non-standard solutions.

They cannot stand pressure, although they defend their opinions to the end.

Stressed, blames others for conflicts

Doesn't like routine work.

High self-esteem sometimes makes the analyst arrogant and unable to tolerate inefficiency or imperfection.

Love of problem solving

- Sees the future many moves ahead, even its small details; the breadth of perception of the world of this type is explained by a broad outlook and the study of everything that seems interesting.

Unpredictability of ideas and behavior.

Efficient, can foresee everything, pedantic, careful, economical.

Poorly senses people's emotions, can be tactless and turn people against themselves; a gloomy, impartial appearance.

Sensory and willpower are weakened.

Absentminded and pays attention exclusively to what he is doing

Lacks determination.

Exceptional sense of duty

- Strong emotions, outwardly restrained and avoids quarrels, values ​​the interests of other people above his own, helps people.

Will, demanding of oneself and others.

Realism, practicality, ability to work with hands, endurance, efficiency, diligence, planning, determination.

Intuition fails, he has a poor understanding of people and possible changes.

Logic is weakened, does not highlight the essential, “does not see the forest for the trees” and prefers clear instructions.

Modest and shy with people, because of this he hides or suppresses feelings.

Perfectionism does not play into your hands, it gains a large number of work and affairs that he is not always able to cope with.

Takes criticism to heart.

Sees everything, but does not interfere with anything

Strives to get positive feelings, values ​​comfort, aesthetics, and tries to find pleasure in life.

He senses people's mood well, knows how to manage them, does not quarrel, does not criticize, and resolves conflicts.

Business logic fails, he cannot force himself to do anything other than his desires.

Has difficulty making decisions and following instructions.

Intuition is weakened.

Low self-esteem due to sensitivity and emotionality.

Likes to compete and can be aggressive.

Doesn't know how to plan, preferring to live here and now.

Do what you have to do

Classifies, analyzes, tries to put everything in order. Practical, business-oriented thinking.

Strong will, realism, rigidity, practicality, exactingness, desire for order, discipline, controls, delving into details.

Intuition fails, he does not foresee events, people’s capabilities, and does not see the big picture.

Suspicious and cautious.

Emotions are weakened, the feelings and interests of other people are ignored, their emotions are suppressed, restrained, and sometimes irreconcilable.

Stubborn and intolerant of criticism, tends to judge others and not notice their feelings, relying on reason and logic in his decisions.

They tend to judge themselves if something they have planned cannot be accomplished.

Psychologists carefully analyze the life and worldview of a person in society. The research of physician Sigmund Freud and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung laid the foundations for popular science, practical psychology, socionics. In the works of scientists, which are used by modern psychotherapists, types of people are identified according to external signs temperament, congenital features the human psyche, the ability to interact with the outside world, which can be used in everyday life.

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    The concept of personality in psychology

    Studying inner world human psychology classifies the characteristics of the psyche, explains the causes of behavior.

    The concept of personality includes such components as:

    • character;
    • temperament;
    • manifestations of individuality;
    • emotional indicators;
    • resistance to difficulties;
    • sensitivity to the external environment;
    • behavior pattern in life situations.

    Personality Features

    Carl Gustav Jung formulated a famous theory that classifies the characteristics of people into two types: introverts, passionate about their own inner world, and extroverts, whose activity is directed towards the external environment. The theory specifies that a person has inclinations towards one type or another, but is not completely captured by them.

    Jung also identified 4 main functions of the psyche based on rationality and irrationality.

    Rational functions:

    • thinking - analysis of phenomena, awareness of oneself and the environment;
    • feelings - experiences and reactions to what is happening.


    • sensation - world perception based on the senses;
    • intuition is an assessment of the world in the subconscious.

    4 psychotypes by temperament

    An attempt to classify types of people according to external signs of temperament, dividing them into 4 psychotypes, belongs to Hippocrates. The definition principles are relevant and are used in modern psychology and psychiatry. Science defines the concept of temperament as a stable dominant personality quality. It creates the basis of mental activity and influences activity in the external environment.

    Temperament depends on individual functions nervous activity person. Manifests itself in the ability to excite or inhibit brain reactions. The classification is based on the study of the direction of emotions. Features of behavior are important: what and how a person loves, what he is inclined to in life situations; the ability to enter into relationships, coexist and influence others.

    Poor functioning of the nervous system is characteristic of a melancholic person; inert, but balanced belongs to the phlegmatic. The choleric person is active and unstable; mobile, but calm - sanguine.

    Key types of temperament:

    • extraversion/introversion;
    • rigidity (hardness, inflexibility)/plasticity (changeability, pliability, ability to adapt);
    • speed of nervous reactions.

    Extroverts include choleric and sanguine people, and introverts include melancholic and phlegmatic people.

    1. 1. Choleric. general characteristics This type is characterized by strong excitability. They are characterized by sharpness, speed and force of movements. They are impulsive and have strong emotions. If a choleric person is absorbed in work, he can give 100%, but it is difficult for him to control himself. The advantage of the choleric type is the ability to cope with non-standard situations, make decisions at a critical moment. In case of disagreement, the choleric person will simply resolve the conflict.
    2. 2. Sanguine. A person adapts to different conditions, finds mutual language with people, loves to be the center of attention. The mood changes quickly and constantly. Changes in sanguine people occur against their will, they understand this, but cannot control themselves. They love to gesticulate and attract attention. You need to rely on this type with caution - sanguine people are impatient and fickle. A task that requires perseverance is not for them. If a sanguine person does not have a clear goal or direction of action, he will not achieve results and will be in constant search.
    3. 3. Phlegmatic person. He is slow, but if he gets down to work, he will do it flawlessly. Phlegmatic people are characterized by smooth movements, leisurely speech, and prudence. They are conservative and do not like innovation. The psychotype has increased self-control and composure. He does not count on other people's help, preferring to rely on himself. Phlegmatic people are taciturn, but you can always rely on them.
    4. 4. Melancholic. Unhurried, sees no reason to rush. If you didn’t have time to complete a task today, you will reschedule it for tomorrow. But it's better if someone does the work for him. He has his head in the clouds, is absorbed in his own thoughts, it is impossible to achieve a quick reaction: actions are inhibited. Melancholic people are shy, have difficulty making contacts and making acquaintances, and do not like noisy companies. If a melancholic person is educated, he is an interesting conversationalist, an efficient worker, and copes with the assigned tasks. But a person of average intelligence is unsure of himself, withdrawn and fearful.

    IN pure form character models are rare. Every person has mixed type temperament: choleric-sanguine, choleric-melancholic, phlegmatic-melancholic - that is, they combine the features of several basic psychotypes.

    Types of temperament and their external signs:

    Characteristics of psychotypes/Rate of nervous activity



    Phlegmatic person












    Reaction speed

    Very high

    Very big



    Emotional stability



    Very stable

    Very unstable

    What is socionics

    Professor of psychiatry Karl Leonhard in the 60s of the last century proposed a classification of personality traits based on the commutation of a person and the world, society, and social environment. The Leonhard method of determining a psychotype is a test consisting of more than 80 unrelated questions. The more points that require an answer, the more accurately the type is determined.

    The scientist laid the foundation for socionics - the science of interaction between personality and manifestations of the external world. The mechanism for responding to information coming from outside is important. Classifies differences in the characteristics of thinking, behavior, and worldview. Socionics has identified 16 psychotypes. The concepts are used in practical psychology as the basis for diagnostic counseling.

    Socionics classifies personality traits as one of the following characteristics:

    • logician/ethicist - priority to communication/exchange of information, energy;
    • sensory/intuitive - based on facts/intuition;
    • rational/irrational - follows a specific goal/easily changes goal and direction;
    • extrovert/introvert - ready for the flow of external information/concentrates on individual details.

    16 socionic types

    The names of 16 psychotypes in socionics were created using the formulations of Jung’s theory, supplemented by scientists to clarify and detailed description personal qualities:

    Name of psychotype Characteristics

    LSE: logical-sensory extrovert

    (Administrator, "Strilitz")

    Hardworking, socially adapted, gets things done. Likes orderliness and planning, practical. Sometimes stubborn and quick-tempered, but usually friendly. He likes noisy companies and fun. Shows love and care for loved ones

    LIE: logical-intuitive extrovert (Entrepreneur, “Jack London”)

    Fan of extreme sports and active sports. He is quickly inspired to do new things and takes risks, relying on intuition. Open to new technologies, thinks positively, makes close contacts. Deeply analyzes the inner world and environment

    ESE: ethical-sensory extrovert

    (Enthusiast, "Hugo")

    He puts emotional pressure on his loved ones, but knows how to get along with everyone. Being willing to sacrifice interests for the sake of another can lift your spirits. Strives for achievements, expects approval of personal merits and successes from others

    EIE: ethical-intuitive extrovert

    (Mentor, Hamlet)

    Has expressive facial expressions and eloquence. Being jealous, he constantly doubts his partner’s fidelity. Anticipates events on an intuitive level, prepares for them in advance

    LSI: logical-sensory introvert

    (Inspector, "Maxim Gorky")

    Strives for order and a serious attitude towards work. Analyzes what is happening and assigned tasks with different sides. He starts a new business if he is sure that he is ready to see it through to the end. Realist, they trust him

    LII: logical-intuitive introvert

    (Analyst, Robespierre)

    Separates the important from the unimportant, thinks practically. Independent in work, readily implements new ideas. Relies on intuition when he does not find a clear answer. Avoids noisy companies, has difficulty getting along with people

    ESI: ethical-sensory introvert

    (Keeper, "Dreiser")

    Feels falsehood and pretense, clearly expresses an opinion and defends it. Divides the environment into friends and strangers, protects himself and loved ones. Tends to self-analysis and evaluation of others

    EII: ethical-intuitive introvert

    (Humanist, “Dostoevsky”)

    A talented educator senses the hidden abilities and talents of others and values ​​trust. Strives for self-education; they go to him for advice. Painfully endures aggression and lack of love. Not ready to forgive betrayal

    SLE: sensory-logical extrovert

    (Marshal, "Zhukov")

    He does not know how to obey, he craves to lead. Draws up a specific plan and strategy of action, based on an analysis of what is happening, in order to clearly implement it. The goal is victory at any cost, difficulties and obstacles fuel passion and the desire to win

    ILE: intuitive-logical extrovert

    (The Seeker, Don Quixote)

    A generator of new complex ideas that synthesizes from ready-made components. Cannot stand routine and traditions. Adapts to new working and living conditions

    SEE: sensory-ethical extrovert

    (Politician, "Napoleon")

    Recognizes the possibilities of others to manipulate them. Leads the weak by identifying them pain points. Chooses communication based on his own interests, keeps his distance. Likes to seem like an extraordinary person, but in reality he is not

    IEE: intuitive-ethical extrovert

    (Adviser, Huxley)

    Sensitive, understands people based on intuition and feelings. Prefers creativity, does not tolerate routine and monotony. Gives good advice in the field of interaction with people, sociable

    SLI, sensory-logical introvert

    (Master, "Gabin")

    Explores the world through sensations, feels, loves other people, and is prone to empathy. Cannot stand falsehood and insincerity. He enjoys working with his hands and has a technical mind. Fulfills obligations

    IEI: intuitive-ethical introvert

    (Lyricist, “Yesenin”)

    Lyrical, dreamy, with a sense of humor. Treats people with love and understanding, feels them. Doesn't know how to save money, prefers to rest while working. Take diligent care of your appearance

    OR: intuitive-logical introvert

    (Critic, “Balzac”)

    Erudite, has a philosophical mindset. Makes decisions based on careful analysis and weighing. Avoids expressing violent emotions, loves coziness and comfort

    SEI: sensory-ethical introvert

    (Mediator, "Dumas")

    Gets along and gets along with people. Respects their personal space, while protecting his own. Leaves conflict situations. Likes to joke and entertain others. Helps, strives to feel one’s own need, importance in the eyes of others

    Accentuation of characters according to A. Lichko

    Russian psychiatrist A. Lichko gave his definition mental characteristics a person based on the accentuation of characters - an extreme expression of the norm. From observations of adolescents, the scientist identified psychological differences in the strengthening of one or more characteristics. In some cases they looked like psychological disorders, but did not go beyond the norm.

    Character types:

    Type Characteristic

    Purposeful, moves according to the plan, neglecting the environment and the interests of loved ones. Achieving the main goal is the basis of life, for the sake of which one is ready to give up one’s own well-being. Tends to work individually, without the need to look at the opinion of the team. Capable of implementing large projects and solving complex issues.


    Neat, thrifty. Reliable, efficient, punctual. Energetic, courageous, purposeful. Loves order in the surrounding world, things and people. A true devoted friend, but not ready to forgive betrayal or betrayal. Intolerant of the mistakes or shortcomings of others; in everyday life he is prone to expressing anger for any reason


    Energetic, generous, cheerful. A convinced optimist, the soul of any company. Prone to adventurism. Loneliness and idleness are not for him. They quickly forget grievances, are friendly and kind to those around them.

    Hyperthymes go to unjustified risk thanks to a superficial attitude towards serious things. They show familiarity and frivolity. Incapable of concentration, perseverance, and routine work. The ability to create the appearance of vigorous activity from scratch helps their career growth. They easily start new projects that interest them until they become overgrown with routine and routine.


    Suspicious, unsure of himself. Constantly worries about life, loved ones, and surroundings. A collector of all kinds of phobias. Responsibility and decision-making are not for him. Performing, reliable and self-critical


    Homebody. A sense of duty, discipline and responsibility are important to him. He is calm, demanding of himself and others, and objective. He is attentive, shows kindness and care for loved ones. Peaceful relationships with people are a priority


    I'm dissatisfied with everything. Vulnerable, touchy, suspicious. Expecting a constant threat from the environment, he is wary of people. Closed The habit of complaining, chewing on stories about difficult life circumstances and making complaints about people creates difficulties in communication. In dire need of friends

    Conformal type

    Depends on people's opinions, preferring everything that is statistically average. He does not enter into conflicts, he always agrees with everything. Friendly, efficient, easy to communicate with

    Unstable type

    Fickle, talkative and curious, quickly loses interest in everything. Lives for today, does not think about the future


    Irritated and dissatisfied. Passive, inattentive. He is constantly worried about making a mistake, so he never takes the initiative. Despite this, he is friendly and does not remember insults. Modest and disciplined


    Demonstration of one's own merits, the desire to be the center of attention is an assistant in achieving what you want at any cost. Thirsts for fame and recognition. Has high self-esteem.

    Playing for the public, intrigue, and hypocrisy constantly accompany him. Despite this, he is a successful organizer. Initiative, persistent, sociable. Realizes himself in creativity

    Labile type

    Subject to sudden mood swings. Sincere, responsive, sensitive. He has developed intuition and senses the mood of those around him. Irritable and short-tempered


    Sociable and cheerful. Understanding personal shortcomings, he does not tolerate criticism from outside. Mood swings ruin relationships with people, but that’s its nature


    Closed, tends to be alone, does not worry about the opinions of others. Communication and new acquaintances for him - difficult task. Full of internal contradictions and doubts, in dire need of at least one close friend


    Due to the erroneous opinion about the schizoid type as a mental pathology, the personality condition is not a disease, but requires special attention. Mental features are visible from early childhood. The child plays alone and is in no hurry to make contact. General and team games are uninteresting, prefers to be alone or in the company of adults. Love to read.

    IN school age The child is not bothered by the opinions of others. Interested in intellectual games, mathematics, literature or physics. The child's feelings are hidden and difficult to understand, since he does not express emotions. Children cannot tolerate tenderness, caresses, early years protect personal space. They are outcasts in adolescence, do not join the company of peers, and do not take on the role of leader. Self-esteem fluctuates from feelings of worthlessness to delusions of grandeur.

    Adults schizoid type have an established character and temperament. Indifferent outwardly, they are full of internal contradictions. When they love loneliness, they need a loved one.

    Main characteristics of a schizoid:

    • do not seek contacts;
    • prefer privacy;
    • indifferent to the opinions of others;
    • no hobbies, hobbies;
    • complete absence of emotions, external calm;
    • constant social tension.

    Personality archetypes

    One of the methods for assessing mental qualities was the definition of an archetype.

    An archetype is the basis that determines a person’s feelings, thoughts, behavior and needs. Based on this knowledge, the psychotherapist helps to get rid of unwanted complexes and change the course of his life. Jung's archetypes are part of the universal unconscious, given to a person from birth a genetic memory that shapes his worldview.

    6 Archetypes of Carl Jung

    Self- harmonious interaction of the conscious and unconscious in a person as a source of creative energy. The balance of opposing elements of the psyche is normalized. Jung formulated the prototype of the self as a basic, all-encompassing quality, a sign of balance and coexistence of opposites. Many people have not developed this quality and are unaware of its existence.

    A person prefers to wear a mask and meet the expectations of the environment. Representative of the collective psyche. The chosen role helps to communicate with society, determines the choice of profession, attitude towards people, tastes. May suppress individuality.

    Shadow. A manifestation of the unconscious, which is repressed due to social rejection. Thoughts, memories, feelings that are not recognized by a person. According to Jung's theory, the ego's task is to realize the potential of the Shadow for personality development.

    Animus. The masculine component of feminine nature, the ability to express personal opinion and defend it. A positive animus means insight, wise, balanced actions. Negativity encourages recklessness. The animus seeks to influence the world, is expressed in categoricalness and firmness of judgment.

    Anima. Manifestation feminine in a man: sensual impulses, emotionality, frivolity, love at first sight, romance. Femininity is directed inside a person, towards awareness of feelings and self-awareness. Men under the influence of animus are emotionally unstable, irritable, and impulsive.

    The description of psychotypes makes it possible to determine the strengths and weak sides character of a person, avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings. This is an opportunity to understand the environment and the motives of their behavior in order to coexist harmoniously in the family and society.