Dream ex-husband left. Ex-girlfriend in a dream. What happened in the dream

Dreams are a completely mysterious and uncontrollable area of ​​life.

Sometimes dreams give us something that is difficult to forget about for the rest of the day.

This often concerns those people who were close and dear to us once upon a time. For example, a woman may often dream about her ex-husband.

Such dreams can be pleasant or not at all, happen often or extremely rarely, but in each case a woman is interested in finding out what she is dreaming about. ex-husband, because this is not a simple dream!

What does it mean?

A woman may dream about her ex-husband various reasons. The first thing a woman thinks is that he’s thinking about me, he’s sad, he wants to come back...

This may be true, but we shouldn’t rush to conclusions.

The meaning of sleep is influenced by several factors, including three main ones:

  • The time when this dream occurred (day of the week and lunar day).
  • Content of the dream (what exactly happened to the husband in this dream?).
  • A woman's mood and thoughts before bed.

When trying to decipher a dream, it is worth considering each of these factors. After all, the same event that happened in a dream can mean different things, depending on the day of the week or on the mood of the sleeping woman.

By learning to understand these factors, you can easily decipher dreams and apply the knowledge gained to take the right step.

The day I dreamed about you...

It's no secret that dreams tend to be significant from Thursday to Friday. Our wise grandmothers knew about this, and always paid special attention to the dreams that they had on that night.

But! Be careful: a dream you had from Thursday to Friday is not guaranteed to come true in all its details. Prophetic means he is broadcasting something, that is, he wants to communicate. This means that such a dream clearly has meaning and needs to be understood.

  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday, so you know, indicate our own desires. So, if in your dreams you kissed your ex-spouse, most likely these are your subconscious desires, and nothing more.
  • Dreams from Sunday to Monday are usually empty and mean nothing.

It is also important to take into account the lunar day when you dreamed of your ex-husband. Open moon calendar and read how to treat dreams on this day.

Contents of the dream: what was there?

You can find out what your ex-husband dreams about by analyzing the events of the dream. Of course, they are of decisive importance.

When you wake up in the morning, remember carefully all the events of the dream. And then you will be able to decipher it.

1. If you dreamed about your ex-husband, and nothing special happened in the dream - you just saw him, this is not a bad dream. Oddly enough, he is not related to your ex-spouse himself. Such a dream tells you that you will receive news from the past.

You probably have some unfinished business that is hanging on you like a dead weight. Finish all your work, break with the past if it does not bring you joy and benefit.

2. Another meaning is carried by dreams in which the husband takes active actions. For example, he kisses you, hugs you, caresses you. What does it mean to have a dream that makes a woman blush in the morning?

Such a dream - good sign, again, not specifically related to him. This means that a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, perhaps flirtation, passion, romance.

3. If in your dreams you wanted to kiss your ex-betrothed, but something got in the way, for some reason this did not happen, this clearly indicates your desires, which are not being realized due to some internal barriers.

Such a dream gives clear advice: be more attentive to your desires, try to fulfill them. Of course, within reasonable limits.

4. If you dreamed at night that your ex-husband had returned, this can be understood in different ways. Perhaps this is your hidden desire - admit to yourself honestly whether you want this. And if yes, then why do you hide this desire deeper into the subconscious?

Perhaps, if your husband returned to you in a dream, he himself desires this. You can find out by simply observing him or talking to him.

If he wasn't alone

Often another woman appears in such dreams. Any lady takes separation from a man hard, even if she really wants to leave. All the same, this is a deep mental trauma, and it leaves its mark in the subconscious.

This is why I have such unpleasant dreams. And the third woman - be it a new wife or mother-in-law - is always an enemy. Even if you completely deny it, this is how our nature works.

Therefore, if you dream not only of your ex-husband, but also of your ex-mother-in-law, this is a clear symbol that your peace of mind violated. You are afraid of some force that dominates you.

A mother-in-law can mean troubles at work, tense relationships with superiors, and conflicts. Pay attention to this and try to put your relationships with others in order.

If you dreamed about him with his new woman- it is unlikely pleasant dream. This means that you subconsciously still do not want to give it away, and cannot accept the fact that it belongs to someone else.

Also, a dream in which an ex-husband appears with another wife may mean your fears: fear of being alone, worries about this.

Such dreams are often dreamed by women who have problems in their personal lives. For example, you quarreled with your man, and now you dream about your ex - with another woman.

This is how your subconscious reveals your fears and worries. Such a dream is a call to calm down, put your thoughts in order, and try to adopt a positive attitude.

It’s very good to do a meditation: imagine your ex-husband and sincerely, with all your soul, wish him great happiness. And imagine how a ray of light from your heart goes to him.

It is advisable to dedicate the same meditation on “sending goodness” to another woman, if you know each other. Oh, this will not be very easy to do, but believe me, this ritual is incredibly effective, and you will be surprised at how light your soul will become.

What were you thinking?

A woman’s mood and thoughts before bed greatly influence the world she dreams of at night. If you fell asleep thinking about your past, oh former life... Why be surprised? There is no need for a dream book here, such a dream is just a continuation of your fantasies.

The advice is the same as above - mentally wish your ex-spouse well and happiness. This person has been a vital part of your life for some time, perhaps a long time, and even if you broke up on bad terms or he hurt you, there is still something to be grateful for.

Wishing well to a person whom you are unable to completely forget about will very effectively clear your thoughts of unnecessary things and your mind will calm down.

It will be helpful to mentally ask him for forgiveness for everything you have done in the past. You shouldn’t remember and list all your mistakes in your thoughts, just sincerely apologize. And then forgive him - if you succeed, you will be amazed at how not only your condition will change, but also the world around you.

Dream Interpretation Former husband, why do you dream about seeing an ex-husband in a dream?

Dream Book of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about your ex-husband according to the dream book:

Seeing your ex-husband with someone else in a dream is a dream for people who ended their relationship with their exes badly. Even if it seems to you that everything is in order, remember if you have any unresolved questions?

Why do you dream of an ex-husband with someone else - leave all grievances, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past.

Seeing your ex-husband with someone else in your dream could mean that you will never be able to be with your ex again.

Former young man - such a dream clearly indicates that you are thinking about your ex, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

A young ex-husband dreams of unresolved questions from the past, to which you are now obliged to give answers.

Why does your ex-husband dream of being drunk - most likely, your ex is now in severe emotional turmoil. If you communicate with him, then you can provide him with moral support. It’s worth remembering this dream and twisting it in your head again - if your ex dreams of being drunk, there is a hint in the dream, a key to his emotional state.

A drunk ex-husband, like just a drunk acquaintance, can mean trouble.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband? A woman’s dream about her ex-husband suggests that her feelings for him have not yet cooled down, she regrets the separation or cannot let go of an old love and open up to a new relationship. A frequently recurring dream in which a woman sees her ex-husband is a warning that it is time for her to think seriously about her personal life. If in reality your ex-husband suggests getting back together, you should pay attention to the emotional side of the dream.

If in this dream she experienced only positive emotions, perhaps she still loves this person and subconsciously strives to return the relationship with him.

If negative emotions predominate, for example: excitement, fear, loneliness, disappointment in something, you should take care of your personal life more actively and completely let go of this person.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about your ex-husband?

Seeing in a dream What does an ex-husband dream about - the desire to return the relationship, the desire for reunion, creating a marriage. If you dream that you are still together, you have let go of this person and, finally, you can breathe easy and go towards fate with your new chosen one.

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why does the ex-husband dream:

A woman’s dream about her ex-husband means that in a real relationship she will face discord and some coldness. If in a real relationship she is satisfied with everything, such a dream may well be interpreted as prophetic. Pay attention to your actions and feelings in this dream, as well as the feelings, emotions, words or actions of the dreamer. Perhaps in this you yourself will find the secret encrypted by your subconscious in such a dream.

A dream about an ex-husband can symbolize sexual dissatisfaction with a real partner or a strong desire to meet one. Hidden desires often manifest themselves as a dream, therefore, only you yourself can answer the question as accurately as possible about what your ex-husband dreamed about.

Dream book of Nostradamus Why do you dream about your ex-husband according to the dream book:

Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding sorcerers, fortune tellers and any other psychics after such a dream. I often dream about my ex-husband experiencing passion or strong love to you - this is special significant dream. Someone may try to deceive you by doing things that benefit him with your hands.

Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your ex-husband? It’s not good. If a woman meets her ex-husband in a dream, she should beware of troubles caused by her own rash actions. More literally, a woman may dream of an ex-husband about the illness of her children or current lover, an unforeseen difficult trip, complications in business and financial situation.

I often dream about my ex-husband. Why?



Seeing people or objects in a dream that qualify as “former” means that not everything has passed without a trace. If in a dream you see your ex-lover, then there is still room for him in your heart. If in your dream you are together, as if nothing had happened, then real life The pain of separation has finally passed. If you dreamed that you were meeting your former classmates, fellow students, colleagues and so on, then in the near future you will receive news from your friend, who is now far away.

If you dreamed that your husband left you, and you just cannot understand the reasons for this, then in reality you are in danger of a serious quarrel, but soon everything will work out. If you dream that your husband is angry and convinced of your infidelity, then in real life you, on the contrary, will earn his trust and respect. Don't get carried away by the attention of other men. Seeing your husband dead in a dream means sadness and disappointment, sick and exhausted - a serious illness, cheerful and beautiful - happiness and good luck. If you dream of your husband being sick, then perhaps he will be unfaithful to you. If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, this may mean that he was tired of his current environment and tired of failures. If in a dream you are in love with someone else’s husband, then in reality you are dissatisfied with your marriage. And if you are not yet married, then such a dream promises an unsuccessful marriage. If an unmarried woman dreams that she has a husband, then in reality she will earn the admiration of men. Seeing her husband in an unambiguous situation at a party means for a young woman that she is in trouble due to the ignoble behavior of her friends. Also, a young woman may dream of her husband being killed while he is with another. Such a dream means impending separation from your husband, as well as other troubles. Possible loss of some property.


I asked the same thing yesterday but there was an ex-boyfriend there.

Just Yulia

loves, wants back

Ksenia Grigorova

Once upon a time, people believed that if you dream about a person, it means your souls met at night.

I began to often dream about my ex-husband. And for some reason he always makes excuses for what?



You are rethinking something at the subconscious level.


Maybe he regrets something. Come here. http://zanud.net/tests/dalay-lama/.


The dead man dreams of a quiet life.

mila aidinova

my soul is empty, it’s a shame for the past, I want him to come and apologize, let him go, he doesn’t deserve you, let him live as he wants, and everything will be fine with you, good luck1


You have not completed something with him.... A dream is the fulfillment of a wish... You need to meet him...

Personal Account Removed

Either the elemental or your husband is thinking about you and trying to apologize.
Read here: http://dump.ru/files/n/n6345124/
Taken from the book of Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa


The same thing happened to me. My ex-husband met me a year later, after I had a dream, and asked me to return to him. Perhaps your ex will show up soon...


if you have any conversations about him, you may dream about him. If he thinks about you, he might also dream about you.
When I dream about my ex-husband, I always meet him within 2-3 days.

Waking up in the morning, some representatives of the fair half immediately take out a dream book from the bedside table in order to interpret the dream. Less superstitious ladies remember only the most vivid moments, which continue to emerge in their memory after waking up, so at the first opportunity such ladies look into a dream interpreter, trying to unravel this or that image. Most often, women in dreams are most disturbed by male images from the past. Let's talk about why ladies dream about their exes.

“Why do you dream about your ex-husband?” - Absolutely all representatives of the fair half who have already managed to get married ask this question. When interpreting this image, it is important to consider what emotions accompanied this character. They will also help you correctly interpret what you see.

Some dream books claim: a woman dreams of her ex-husband on the eve of trouble. Equipment breakdowns, problems with children, quarrels and conflicts with the current partner - this is a list of troubles that the ex-spouse portends in a dream.

Other dream interpreters note: the ex-spouse promises in a dream that in reality he will definitely make himself known.

There is a sign that you see yourself and your ex-husband embraced in love in a dream, which actually means that this relationship will never resume. To see yourself poor in a dream, and the ex-wife of a rich man - serious warning: a long-time chosen one is trying to take revenge or harm in some way.

A woman dreams of an old lover who is drunk - there is a high probability that he actually misses the girl and regrets the divorce. The situation when a girl meets a long-time lover with his new passion in a dream is a joyful dream, heralding the imminent meeting of her soulmate.

Interpreters warn that you should not worry if you suddenly dreamed of a former loved one. If he appears extremely rarely in dreams, a woman is simply expecting a meeting with the past: an unexpected call from former classmates, a letter from an old acquaintance, or news about old friends.

But the ex-husband regularly coming in dreams means that a woman’s life is filled with many unfinished tasks, so she needs to stop and finally deal with all the “hanging” matters.

Interpretations of various sources

The meaning of dreams that are associated with ex-spouses, lovers or lovers has always excited the imagination of the fair half. That's why famous psychologists, psychics, and magicians interpreted this image in their own way. Here are the most popular ones.

Psychologists unanimously say that dreams where ex-husbands or lovers appear indicate that the owner of the dream has not yet let go of a certain man.

If your husband dreams very often, then the lady should seriously analyze own feelings in relation to the past. According to psychologists, such dreams prove the presence of accumulated grievances and understatements that still connect two people. Analyzing such situations, psychologists recommend that the couple meet, talk, and express those things that they did not have time to tell each other.

Such dreams are often important sign, speaking about the girl’s disappointment in a real man, her longing for her past relationships.
Dreams about a former love are a clear symptom that the current personal life of this woman requires drastic changes, therefore, seeing dreams about a former passion, a lady should think about how she can change her life in order to get more pleasure from life.

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If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream and you have an intimate relationship with him, this may mean that very soon the consequences of past mistakes will come knocking on your door. Perhaps old wounds will be reopened; a conflict with a person you have long forgotten about is not excluded. Kiss ex-spouse on the contrary, it portends a pleasant surprise.

Your ex-husband has returned and in your dream you have a wonderful relationship, which means that in reality you have finally let him go. Just a nostalgic meeting with your ex is a sign that you want him back.

If your ex-husband returned in your dream, empty troubles await you, a trip that will bring nothing but disappointment, the illness of a loved one, or the bad consequences of your not very reasonable actions.

ex-husband returned in a dream

The ex-husband has returned - such a dream speaks of troubles with the current lover. You experience groundless jealousy and suspicion.

what does it mean if your ex-husband returned in a dream

In your dream, your ex-husband returned to you - this means that you are fixated on the past, which does not allow you to enjoy the present and plan for the future. Your thoughts are scary new love, do not allow you to see the opportunity for the development of new relationships, which may very well be waiting for you very close.

ex-husband returned according to dream book

If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream today, then a major quarrel with your current partner awaits you. Perhaps you are unconsciously showing signs of attention, flirting, with another attractive man. It is worth reassuring your significant other and assuring him that your feelings for him are unchanged.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband returning?

Your ex-husband returned in a dream - a sign that illness awaits your current lover. And you yourself may be too suspicious and jealous of him or doubt your choice of a partner in principle.

I dreamed that my ex-husband returned

Your ex-husband has returned and is once again experiencing love and sexual attraction for you, this promises you a surprise, but you don’t know if it’s a pleasant one. If at the same time he marries you again, get ready for big troubles.

Miller is logical in his dream book. He believes that if in a dream you and your ex-husband rekindled your old tender feelings, this may mean that in reality you will have to experience side effects past events; an aftershock, so to speak. Quarrel in a dream with ex-husband- to bad luck, having sex - to intensify the old conflict. Gloomy and sad - it portends you disappointment, beautiful and well-groomed - fame. You, mind you. A very bad combination - an ex-husband playing the guitar (Miller is silent about other instruments); such a dream promises you serious illness. If your ex-husband screams in your dream, it means that in reality he feels very bad, and if he swears, then this means problems. Let us emphasize your problems once again.

Vanga's Dream Book

In general, Vanga’s dream book is quite optimistic on this issue. It seems logical to conclude that when you see a former loved one in a dream, you are striving to return to your previous relationship, and your love, therefore, has not faded away. If in a dream your relationship was not even interrupted, this means that your soul was able to overcome the contradictions that in reality divided you; they are surmountable and not so important. Seeing your ex-spouse drunk is bad; On his part, this is not disgusting, but a call for help, and the “crutch” in the form of alcohol will never replace your participation. A dreaming mother-in-law is not such an unambiguous symbol, but perhaps she already regrets your breakup.

Freud's Dream Book

From Freud’s point of view, the lady’s dream about the “former” will cause a strong quarrel with the “present” upon awakening. In addition, the very fact of such a dream means that the woman is not free from some jealous suspicions.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A dream in which your ex-husband appears foreshadows you frivolous actions, which (a fly in the ointment, however) can lead to sad consequences. In addition, for a married lady, such a plot foreshadows the illness of her current spouse, troubles and unnecessary trips.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The dream book of Nostradamus, in full accordance with the coloring of the era, advises a woman to be wary of sorcerers and magicians. Well, if in a dream your ex-man has strong feelings for you, the danger doubles. Intimate relationships with a set aside object means you will be held accountable for your past actions. A former spouse who dreams of being deceased warns you of impending dangers. Oh, this is the Middle Ages...

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

Dreams about the past, in particular about an ex-wife, indicate excessive emphasis on the past; this prevents you from developing and moving forward: past love pulls you back and in every possible way prevents new relationships.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book does not very cheerfully interpret actions of a sexual nature committed in a dream with an ex-spouse. If at the same time you experienced a passionate attraction to the latter, this may mean for you the existence of insoluble problems, as well as the worsening of some old conflict. Kissing him in a dream is a great surprise; breaking up means a new meeting. But swearing and quarreling with your “ex” in a dream is a good omen, it can mean happy changes in your life.

Dream Interpretation micc Xacce

Dreams in which you break up with your ex-husband indicate the onset of a new period in your life, your priorities will soon change, and you will look at the world with completely new eyes. This good dream; Success and stability await your business and endeavors in all areas.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing your ex-husband's new marriage in a dream is a positive sign: soon you may forgive the person with whom for a long time were in a quarrel. But if the “ex” marries you again, then this portends big troubles. A dream with a gentle and affectionate ex-husband is a sign of surprises, perhaps even unpleasant ones. The death of an ex-spouse foreshadows (a dream!) family well-being, a wedding and even the birth of a child.

Your comment on the topic “Seeing your ex-husband in a dream”:

If you want to ask a question like " Why do you dream about your ex-husband?", then it’s better to send it from the Question and Answer page, and here we ask you to express your opinion and attitude to the interpretation you read. Maybe it gave you some kind of key to your dream, or maybe it turned out to be completely useless. Your comments will help other readers better understand dream book and meaning of sleep.

The dream about the return of a spouse is ambiguous. You can talk about why you dream that your ex-husband has returned, based on your feelings from the dreamed meeting. If in a dream you missed him and are incredibly happy about his return, it means that you cannot come to terms with the fact of separation. Involuntary memories of the past family life They don’t allow you to build new relationships. If in a dream you felt light and at ease when meeting him, it means that you have let go of the past and are ready for a new romantic relationship.

If you dream of your spouse returning, then one of these days you will have a disagreement with your new chosen one. In reality, without noticing it, you will begin to compare past relationships with present ones. If you emphasize all the advantages of the current man in comparison with the former, keep in mind that the very fact of comparison will be unpleasant for him. He must feel that with his appearance in your life there is no place for the past, even in a dream.

According to Miller

According to the dream book, if you dreamed that your ex-husband returned, then you have hope of renewing your relationship. It is difficult for you to come to terms with the idea that past feelings have already exhausted themselves. A dream with his participation suggests that the time has come for everyone to get what they deserve. It is likely that you will have to answer for the grievances caused. If in a dream you quarrel with him, then consider that your subconscious is freed from the memories of the past. Now you can plunge headlong into a new relationship.

Vanga's dream book says that his return in a dream means that you are not averse to starting a relationship again. But if it was good in a dream, it means that the old relationship no longer torments your soul. Such a dream may foretell a quick meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time. A dream telling that your ex-husband has returned calls you to be as careful as possible in the near future and to be wary of ill-wishers.

A dream about meeting with a former lover means that at this stage you are not satisfied with your personal life. At the subconscious level, all men are compared with him. Constantly thinking about the past prevents you from developing new relationships. Such a dream may portend unpleasant surprises.

According to Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov’s dream book strongly advises you to reconsider your position. It's time to take off the mask of the sufferer and start living again. The dream book says that if the ex-husband has returned, then in the near future there will be changes in his personal life. If you soberly assess the situation, then everything will work out in the best way.

Dream Interpretation ex-husband wants to come back

Dream Interpretation ex-husband

If a woman often dreams of her ex-husband, it means that in the dreamer’s real life there are many unfinished matters. To obtain full interpretation During sleep, it is important to remember what your spouse looked like and what actions took place in your night dreams.

How to understand vision?

The first thing that comes to a woman’s mind is that he wants to come back, he misses me and often thinks about me. Perhaps this is true, but there is no need to rush to conclusions.

A number of factors influence the interpretation:

  • day of the week and lunar day when the dream occurred;
  • dream plot;
  • the emotional state of the dreamer.

When deciphering a dream, all three factors must be taken into account, since what happens in a dream can have different interpretations.

When did you dream about your ex-husband?

It's no secret that dreams that occur from Thursday to Friday have special meaning. Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to dreams that occurred on Friday night.

It is worth considering that a dream that you had from Thursday to Friday does not always come true in detail. It is prophetic, that is, warning or informing.

The vision that you had from Monday to Tuesday is the personification of desires. Therefore, the appearance of dreams in which your life partner kisses you, hugs you, declares his love or asks for forgiveness is just your subconscious desire.

What happened in your night dreams?

If you dreamed about your ex-husband

To understand why your ex-husband dreams and why, you need to remember the actions taking place in the dream.

A dream in which you simply saw him does not foretell anything bad and is not connected with your husband. Such visions are usually harbingers of news.

  1. A good sign is dreams from Thursday to Friday, in which the ex-husband shows some action, for example, kisses, hugs or declares his love. They portend an interesting acquaintance or a new romance.
  2. Dreams in which you wanted to kiss your spouse, but for some reason you were unable to do so, symbolize your hidden desires.
  3. If your roommate returned to you in a dream, perhaps he really wants this. A vision in which your spouse asks for your forgiveness and wants to return can symbolize the love that your spouse feels for you.
  4. A dream on Friday night in which you had to fight with your spouse means that you will have to answer for your actions and mistakes. Quite often, night dreams in which you had to fight with your beloved are the personification negative emotions sleeping.
  5. If you dream every day that your spouse asks for forgiveness, this means that you want to forget the past as quickly as possible.
  6. A dream in which a former life partner dreamed of another wife predicts a meeting. A new acquaintance will bring fear and doubt. A dream in which you had to quarrel with him and his other wife suggests that you need to carefully consider your actions, since the wrong step can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The dream book claims that a vision in which the husband always appears with another woman symbolizes the woman’s fear of being left alone.

Predictions of Vanga and Miller

When deciphering dreams, special attention should be paid to the interpretations of world-famous predictors. Their interpretations have both positive and negative meaning. Let's look at what the interpreters foretell.

What does Vanga say?

According to Vanga’s interpretations, a husband who confesses his love to you in a dream speaks of a desire to return to a relationship with his beloved. If you always dream about your drunk roommate, it means that in real life he really needs your help and support. The dream book says that kissing your spouse in a dream means surprise, fighting or swearing with him means happy life, seeing him sick means unexpected changes.

A vision in which you dream that a former companion has died speaks of your attachment to the past. There is another interpretation, which says that a dream in which a spouse died portends disappointment, great grief and sadness.

What does Miller think?

Miller's dream book claims that the appearance of dreams in which you had to fight with your ex-husband predicts positive changes in life. If you had to quarrel with him, the dream foreshadows serious illness.

The dream book claims that a vision in which your companion was dead promises prosperity and a quick addition to the family. There is also an opposite interpretation, which says that a vision in which the spouse died predicts disappointment and financial losses.

A dream in which a drunken, naked husband appeared foreshadows an indecent proposal. Another interpretation says that night dreams in which a naked husband is seen predict material well-being and success in all endeavors.

Other interpretations

Popular interpreters have various interpretations such night dreams. Let's look at them in detail.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Why did you dream about your ex-husband? If a woman constantly dreams of her husband, this means that her feelings have not cooled down, and she regrets the separation from her beloved. The online dream book says that a dream in which a companion asks for forgiveness and wants to come back symbolizes the desire to renew the relationship.

If the ex-husband was drunk

Why do ex-husbands dream about their new wife? As a rule, such a vision is constantly dreamed by people whose relationships ended badly. The appearance of such dreams indicates that you and your spouse will never be together.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband being drunk? If you constantly dream of a drunken spouse, this means that in reality he is experiencing severe emotional shock. It is necessary to remember the dream in the smallest detail, since a drunken spouse in night dreams is a hint, a key to the emotional state of the spouse.

A drunk and angry spouse is quite often a harbinger of troubles and difficulties. Special attention It is worth paying attention to this dream if you had it from Thursday to Friday.

The appearance of dreams in which you had to quarrel with a drunken ex-spouse foreshadows a new relationship for the sleeping woman. There is another interpretation, which says that swearing in a dream is a disappointment.

A vision in which the spouse died warns of danger. Sometimes night dreams, in which one imagines that a former companion has died, foreshadow an imminent marriage.

Freud's interpretation

The online dream book claims that a dream in which your ex-husband appeared indicates your dissatisfaction with your current partner. A vision in which he kisses you predicts trouble. If in a dream he hugs you, this means that you can count on the help and support of loved ones. If he asks for forgiveness and confesses his love to you, be prepared for unfavorable changes in life.

Freud says that the appearance of dreams in which one had to quarrel with one’s beloved promises the sleeping person a series of problems and troubles. The appearance of dreams in which you had to fight with him symbolizes your desire to be together.

Predictions of Nostradamus

The interpreter says that night dreams in which a former companion kisses you, declares his love and asks you to forgive him are of particular significance. As a rule, such visions indicate that he will soon betray you or try to deceive you. close person.

An unfavorable sign is dreams in which you see a naked lover who confesses his love to you. They portend a serious illness or warn the sleeping woman of shame. Sometimes a naked spouse is the personification of the desire to achieve sincerity in a new relationship.

A dream in which a drunken, naked husband dreamed foreshadows dismissal from work. Quite often, night dreams in which a drunk naked spouse is seen promise quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.

If you keep having a dream in which you had to fight with your beloved, this means that you have to sort things out with him. If you had to quarrel with him, you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you dreamed that your former life partner had died suggests that the spouse regrets his actions. Sometimes the vision in which he died means that a favorable period in life will soon begin, perhaps the beginning of a new love.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband returning - interpretation of the dream from dream books

Clarify the dream for interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream and you have an intimate relationship with him, this may mean that very soon the consequences of past mistakes will come knocking on your door. Perhaps old wounds will be reopened; a conflict with a person you have long forgotten about is not excluded. On the contrary, a kiss from your ex-spouse portends a pleasant surprise.

Vanga's Dream Book

ex-husband returned in a dream

Your ex-husband has returned and in your dream you have a wonderful relationship, which means that in reality you have finally let him go. Just a nostalgic meeting with your ex is a sign that you want him back.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed that my ex-husband returned

If your ex-husband returned in your dream, empty troubles await you, a trip that will bring nothing but disappointment, the illness of a loved one, or the bad consequences of your not very reasonable actions.

Freud's Dream Book

ex-husband returned in a dream what is this for

The ex-husband has returned - such a dream speaks of troubles with the current lover. You experience groundless jealousy and suspicion.

Loff's Dream Book

dream interpretation ex-husband returned

In your dream, your ex-husband returned to you - this means that you are fixated on the past, which does not allow you to enjoy the present and plan for the future. Your thoughts scare away new love and do not allow you to see the opportunity for the development of a new relationship, which may very well be waiting for you very close.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

what does it mean if your ex-husband returned in a dream

If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream today, then a major quarrel with your current partner awaits you. Perhaps you are unconsciously showing signs of attention, flirting, with another attractive man. It is worth reassuring your significant other and assuring him that your feelings for him are unchanged.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

ex-husband returned according to dream book

Your ex-husband returned in a dream - a sign that illness awaits your current lover. And you yourself may be too suspicious and jealous of him or doubt your choice of a partner in principle.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

what does it mean if your ex-husband returned in a dream

Your ex-husband has returned and is once again experiencing love and sexual attraction for you, this promises you a surprise, but you don’t know if it’s a pleasant one. If at the same time he marries you again, get ready for big troubles.

In a dream, the ex-husband returned, people also dreamed about it


Many people have experienced such a state when, upon awakening from sleep, it is impossible to move. You can’t move a single limb, your body seems to be paralyzed.

Nowadays, people endowed with special gifts - psychics - can explain a lot that is connected with the world of dreams.

Why do we see people in our dreams who are no longer with us? Why can we talk in a dream with a person whom we have never known and could never know in reality? Why do the dead disturb our dreams?

German scientists from the Max Planck Institute conducted an experiment on dream control in which subjects were told before falling asleep.

Some scientists believe that dreams serve as preparation for threats in real life. The brain simulates anxiety so that the dreamer can cope with it in reality. There are claims that such training helps humanity survive.

It turns out that in order to get enough sleep, it is not at all necessary to have super knowledge or super abilities, like Napoleon, who only needed 4 hours to sleep.

Difficulties and problems at work, worries, irritability, anxiety states, nervous breakdowns; ultimately it all spills over into our dreams.

Unfortunately, each of us has to deal with nightmares from time to time. Horrible dream not the most favorable phenomenon, because sometimes it becomes the cause of insomnia, which entails a number of problems.

Nightmares do not arise on their own, the reason sits deep in the subconscious - a person cannot solve the problem, he worries about his loved ones.

It is believed that not only the restful sleep, but also human health, internal and family harmony.

It happens that you need to get a good night's sleep, at night or during the day before an important event, but you don't feel like sleeping at all. You can use these tips.

So each person can independently check whether 8 hours of sleep is enough for him, paying attention to his well-being. If during this time you feel that your strength has been restored, then you should stick to this schedule.

Psychologists identify 6 reasons why babies don’t sleep at night.

Dream interpretation

Death is the most serious event in our lives. The appearance of someone who has already died in our sleep cannot be called an ordinary, meaningless dream. If a dead person appears in our dream.

It turns out that in a dream, a person’s soul partially leaves the body, with the possibility of moving to those levels where the souls of the dead are located.

You should take a closer look at the number if you had an ordinary, unremarkable dream, and suddenly a number stuck in your memory.

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams All dates of the month can be found here.

Has it ever happened to you that in a dream you are running from someone, suddenly you fall into an abyss and after flying for some time, you wake up? It was not exactly a dream, but reality.

Funny video about best friends person. or best alarm clocks? =)

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

What does a dream about your ex-husband mean?

The woman who dreamed about her ex-husband is very sensitive to her dream. Whatever the attitude towards this person, whether the attachment remains or, on the contrary, she hates him with all her soul, once close people will forever remain in our memory, and there is no point in fighting this.

There are many different interpretations of the meanings of dreams in different dream books, each of them gives his own decoding of what the ex-husband dreams about. Often, a dream with an ex warns of the dangers of postponing important things for later. If a woman dreamed of her ex-husband, then she should not associate this event with her personal life and hope for a continuation of the relationship. This does not always indicate problems in the area of ​​relationships.

You broke up a long time ago, and his image haunts you? Advice to a lady who dreams of her ex-husband: there is no need to put things off until long box and you should be more consistent in your actions.

The interpretations of dreams about an ex-husband can be roughly generalized and we can conclude that most often the dream means:

  • The desire to return a loved one.
  • Uncertainty in a new marriage.
  • Low or high emotionality.
  • Travel, trip.
  • The beginning of a new love.

But there are nuances that should be examined in more detail. Let's consider several situations that occur in dreams on this topic.

Ex-husband is back

A dream in which your ex-husband returns should not be interpreted literally. Such dreams often reflect only hopes for the return of a spouse. The subconscious desire to return the past pushes towards such images.

Perhaps the man with whom you broke up returned to you in your vision for the reason that once the breakup occurred precisely at your request. You are tormented by an invisible feeling of guilt, which does not allow you to relax and constantly reminds you of itself, including during sleep, when the subconscious takes over the conscious perception of things. Unsuccessful relationships in a new marriage can spur an unfavorable situation.

Meeting in a dream with a husband who has long since died is an unfavorable sign. In the near future, sad news from distant relatives is possible. However, if you dream of a deceased loved one, such a dream can only be a sign that you remember about him or miss him.

What if you had a situation where your ex-husband in your dream came to visit, hugs and kisses, then you make love to him? This vision should not be taken literally; it can only be an expression of reluctance to part with the past.

If you dream of an intimate relationship with your ex-spouse that you did not like, this means an unsatisfied feeling of guilt and the inability to smooth out the conflict due to excessive emotionality.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband whom you kiss? The desire to kiss your ex-man in a dream and an unexpected obstacle that arises along the way means a lack of romance in your current relationship. This indicates excessive self-control over one’s feelings, an inability to surrender to them.

A dream in which your ex kisses you promises the beginning of a new romantic relationship in the near future, which promises to be serious enough to create a new family.

If you dreamed of your ex-husband planning to return during sleep, this means you will make a trip in the near future. Perhaps your subconscious mind is pushing you to take a trip to a certain place where you have already been with your past husband.

Why do dreams often repeat themselves?

Single dreams with an ex-husband are usually quickly forgotten and do not cause much trouble. But what if such dreams occur more often? Why do I often dream about my ex-husband? It is possible that these constant reminders of a past marriage reflect a deficiency in some aspect of the relationship.

For example, the ex-husband was an emotional and passionate partner, and the current man is stingy in showing feelings. It happens that for one man it is considered the norm to give flowers to a woman with or without reason, while another does not understand at all how important such surprises can be for her.

The lack of familiarity affects new relationships. In such a situation, there is no need to go to extremes and mentally oppose one subject to another. It is advisable to put your thoughts in order, analyze your true desires, and perhaps you will understand what you are missing and build new relationships.

Frequent dreams about past relationships traumatize the female psyche, cause a lot of anxiety and can plunge a woman into a depressed state. The answer to the question of why your ex-husband dreams can be given by dream books. Dream interpretations in different dream books often contradict each other, but women who have excellent intuition and listen to their hearts accurately determine the correct interpretation.

1. Freud’s dream book warns that a dream can be a cause of discord with a new spouse or loved one. There is no need to talk to your current spouse about these dreams.

2. Seeing your ex-husband dead in a dream means a new marriage and the birth of a child in a new marriage. A husband who, on the contrary, is in good health and feels great, is an unpleasant sign for a woman. This promises a lot in the future various problems, such as health problems, unwanted trips, problems with the child’s education and others. According to Loff's dream book, courtship and flirting on the part of your ex-husband indicate that you underestimate your current chosen one.

3. Vanga’s dream book suggests that if the man with whom you broke up is worried about your separation and wants to go back and resume his old life, then changes are planned in your destiny. This could be professional growth or a job change. It is likely that a new romance or romantic relationship will begin.

If you scold your ex-husband in a dream, express your dissatisfaction with him or beat him, then your past affection is still strong. This dream speaks of your desire to improve relations with this person and find new mutual feelings with him.

4. Image ex-man according to Miller’s dream book, it speaks of an inextricable connection with the person for whom the woman had feelings. At this stage, she is not ready to devastate her life and seeks to return to her previous relationship.

Seeing your ex with his new wife in a dream means the inability of the woman who is dreaming to forget this man. Memory does not allow him to be forgotten, and the woman still wants to own this man.

If your ex-husband is back and arguing with you, then there is actually a possibility of returning to the old relationship. You are filled with the desire to return him to your destiny.

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