Gingivitis in cats - details about gum inflammation. Gingivitis: symptoms and treatment in cats Successful treatment of gingivitis in cats

In this article I will talk about gingivitis in cats. I will describe the symptoms of this disease and list the reasons why it develops. I’ll tell you how gingivitis in cats is diagnosed and treated, and how prevention is carried out.

Risk group

Gingivitis in cats is inflammation of the gums. This condition develops according to various reasons and is not contagious. Older animals that have tartar on their teeth are more susceptible to gingivitis.

Gingivitis can occur in young cats during the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth.

Another factor that provokes the development of the disease is long-term treatment corticosteroids or other medications that inhibit the functioning of immune system.

Causes of gum inflammation

Gingivitis can develop for various reasons:

  • presence - such plaque is a breeding ground for various microorganisms that gradually destroy tooth enamel and provoke gum inflammation;
  • deficiency of vitamins C and A affects the functioning of the immune system;
  • incorrect bite, due to which the teeth injure the gums, which leads to the formation of wounds or ulcers on it;
  • feeding the animal with sharp bones (fish or tubular chicken) - they can injure the mucous membrane or simply stick between the teeth, which leads to inflammation;
  • infectious or viral diseases– gingivitis often accompanies such ailments as,;
  • contact with gums chemical substances, such as some detergents.

Gingivitis is not a contagious disease; it is not transmitted from sick pets to healthy ones.

Symptoms of gingivitis in cats

With gingivitis, animals refuse even their favorite food, as they experience pain while eating. The gums become red, inflamed, may begin to bleed, and become very swollen.

Sometimes appears bad smell from the mouth, which is associated with the development of bacteria on the surface of the mucosa. Another sign of gingivitis is excessive drooling.

When gum disease occurs, the gums become red and very swollen.

How to Diagnose and Treat Gingivitis

To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian first examines the cat's mouth. The doctor assesses the condition of the gums, determines the presence of swelling and redness. Checks the presence or absence of tartar.

After diagnosis, treatment is prescribed:

  1. In advanced cases, antibiotics are used (Tylosin, etc.).
  2. To relieve inflammation and pain, use gels Metrogyl Denta, Zubastik, Dentavedin.
  3. The oral cavity is irrigated disinfectant solutions based on Chlorhexidine or Miramistin (a teaspoon of the drug is added to a glass of warm water).
  4. To stimulate the immune system, drugs Interferon, etc. are used.

After removing inflammation and eliminating bleeding, be sure to clean your teeth, during which tartar is removed.

Further treatment can be carried out at home.

Folk remedies you can use:

  1. Oregano decoction. A teaspoon of the drug is added to a glass hot water, leave for half an hour, and then wash the cat’s gums with liquid.
  2. Strawberry broth. The leaves of the plant are dried, added to a glass of hot water in a ratio of 1 to 10, wrapped in a towel and waited for the solution to cool. The decoction is used to irrigate the affected gums.
  3. Camomile tea. Buy dried chamomile (leaves and flowers) at the pharmacy, add a tablespoon of the mixture to boiling water (200-250 ml), leave on the fire for 10 minutes, and then cool and filter. The cat's sore gums are also washed with this decoction.

Folk remedies can only be used for early stage gingivitis. If the inflammation is severe enough, antibiotics must be added to the treatment.

In addition to medications, the doctor also prescribes herbal treatment - chamomile, oregano, strawberries

Possible complications without treatment

In some cases, gingivitis progresses to more severe form– periodontal disease. This condition often ends in tooth loss.

With periodontal disease, the animal experiences severe pain, ulcers and festering wounds appear on the gums.

Another complication is plasmacytic-lymphocytic gingivitis, in which deep ulcers form on the mucosa. They can appear not only on the gums, but also in the larynx, and in more severe cases they move to the esophagus.

Preventing gingivitis at home

Prevention of a disease such as gingivitis is as follows:

  1. Regular inspection oral cavity animal for the presence of tartar, inflammation, wounds and ulcers. Plaque from teeth must be removed every six months to a year.
  2. Feeding a cat Some commercial diets (for example, Hills T/D) contain substances that help cleanse the animal’s teeth of tartar and plaque.
  3. Animals prone to tartar formation have their teeth brushed every 2-3 weeks. special paste and a brush (you can use a baby brush with soft bristles).

Gingivitis is a rather unpleasant, but non-contagious disease that is highly treatable if treated in a timely manner. Inspect your cat's mouth regularly and make sure there is no stone on its teeth, especially for older pets.

In veterinary practice, gingivitis in cats is by no means a rare occurrence. The disease sometimes occurs in a latent form, so a caring owner may not always notice in time that his pet has problems with the gums. As a rule, the cat becomes lethargic, apathetic, and refuses to eat, but these symptoms are common to many other diseases.

Why is it dangerous?

A disease characterized by inflammation of the gums is light form periodontal disease. The source of inflammation is located in the area of ​​one tooth or has a more extensive localization. The infection, affecting the gums, spreads deep into the ligaments and bones that hold the tooth.

If treatment is not started in time, a tooth or dentition that does not receive support begins to wobble and eventually falls out, but the negative impact on the animal's body.

The fact is that the gums have a very good blood supply, so bacteria penetrate through them into the kidneys and liver, causing disruption of their activity. Experiencing pain while chewing, the cat cannot eat properly, which affects work gastrointestinal tract and leads to disruption metabolic processes, intestinal blockage.

Reasons for development

Veterinarians identify two factors that contribute to the appearance of gingivitis in cats: dental and plasmacytic-lymphocytic.

The dental form of the disease is caused mainly by a lack of oral hygiene: food debris stuck at the base of the gums and provoking the growth of bacteria contributes to the formation of tartar. In the future, deposits contribute to gum inflammation. Many owners, trying to do it on their own, further injure the mucous membrane.

Also, the causes of the disease can be:

  1. Incorrect bite and, as a result, oral injuries;
  2. Mechanical damage to the gums caused by dangerous bones, in particular tubular or fish bones, damaging the mucous membrane.
  3. Malfunction of the digestive system.
  4. Deficiency of vitamins A and C. Very common in pregnant cats.
  5. Negative external factors.
  6. The action of household chemicals, inhalation of harmful fumes.
  7. Weakened immunity, caused not only by a lack of useful substances, but also diseases (HIV, ).
  8. Poor nutrition: predominance of soft food in the diet.
  9. Increased starch content in food.
  10. Malignant neoplasms.

As for the plasmacytic-lymphocytic form, this is a severe form of gingivitis, autoimmune disease, affecting not only the gums, but also the entire mucous membrane of the cat’s mouth. It leaks and is much more difficult to treat. If plasmacytic gingivitis is not treated in a timely manner, the animal will become exhausted, and secondary diseases will appear: calcivirus, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important to note that inflammation can be caused by increased work sebaceous glands- a phenomenon characteristic of puberty. This is a juvenile (youthful) type of gingivitis.

Some breeds have genetic predisposition to inflammation of the gums. These are Maine Coons. Gingivitis is extremely rare in outdoor cats. This is due to the nature of their diet.

Gingivitis is the initial (mild) stage of periodontal disease, manifested by inflammation of the gums around one or several teeth. Infection in the oral cavity spreads from the source to the very bones, causing the cat a lot of discomfort. Due to the fact that the gums have excellent blood circulation, bacteria eventually penetrate into other organs and systems of the animal. Therefore, treatment for gingivitis in cats must begin as soon as symptoms are identified and a diagnosis is made.

The inflammatory process can begin due to various reasons:

  1. Tartar. A hard, yellow plaque formed from food debris is deposited on the enamel of the teeth. Its thick layer is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Avitaminosis. A cat's diet should include everything essential vitamins and microelements. The lack of at least one can provoke loosening of soft tissues in the oral cavity.
  3. Low immunity. Gingivitis can easily be associated with another serious infection in a cat. The body of a sick animal is weakened; it cannot resist the active activity of bacteria.
  4. Injury. Cats often get damaged gums when they eat sharp fish bones and too hard dry food. The resulting injury becomes infected and begins inflammatory process.
  5. Lack of care. Few pet owners regularly brush their pet's teeth. This is especially harmful for older cats, when lack of care leads to an active increase in plaque on the teeth.

In cats that eat exclusively soft foods, gum inflammation is much more common. This happens due to the fact that natural abrasive particles do not enter the animal’s oral cavity, allowing them to involuntarily remove stones from their teeth.

Therefore, gingivitis is more often treated in cats that do not eat hard food.


It is unlikely that cat breeders often look into the mouths of their pets, and this is not so easy to do. But examining the animal’s mouth is necessary for timely detection of gingivitis. Main symptoms of inflammation:

  1. Red and swollen gums- the first sign of the onset of the inflammatory process. Soft fabrics rise level with the tip of the tooth.
  2. Increased salivation– the animal’s body’s response to the inflammatory process. There is always a clot of saliva on the corner of the mouth.
  3. Loss of appetite. The animal’s body accumulates strength to fight the emerging threat; it does not experience hunger. In addition, pain in the gums prevents the cat from chewing food normally and even drinking water.
  4. Passive behavior. Gingivitis occurs with severe painful sensations, so the pet cannot lead a normal life.
  5. Bleeding. When inflammation occurs, a lot of blood flows to the gums, and the blood vessels cannot withstand it.
  6. Bad breath. Without proper treatment at the onset of the disease, pus will form in the swollen gum over time.

If the symptoms described are present, the animal owner should immediately seek help from a veterinarian. The course of the disease often occurs at lightning speed and after the appearance of pus in the gums, the root of the tooth is affected, which inevitably leads to its loss.

Diagnosis and treatment

To make a diagnosis, the veterinarian must familiarize himself with clinical picture(identify symptoms). A visual examination of the oral cavity will reveal the location of gingivitis and the extent of the disease. If a cat has ulcers on the mucous membranes, a tissue biopsy will have to be performed. For a more detailed consideration of a specific case of illness, you may need a general and biochemical analysis blood.

Gingivitis can be treated in its early stages with routine teeth cleaning and tartar removal. Naturally, it is better to do the second procedure in a specialized institution rather than at home. The veterinarian will scrape off large stone fragments and use ultrasound on the teeth to help remove small particles.

At home, the owner needs to help the animal get rid of pain and inflammation. But you shouldn’t use “human” products for cats.

After all, it is impossible to determine the permissible dosage, and the risk of complications, overdose and intolerance to the components of the drug is enormous. For the treatment of gingivitis the following is used:

  1. Dentavidin– hygienic veterinary gel for the oral cavity. It consists of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. The product is well tolerated by animals and does not cause side effects. The gel should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the gums 2 times a day.
  2. Nibbler– dental product with “ham” fragrance. When using it, inflammation is relieved in 2 weeks. Apply with rubbing movements into the pet's gums 3 times a day, after checking for possible appearance allergic reaction. To do this, spread a small amount of gel on the unaffected area and wait 1 hour. If allergic manifestations are absent, then the product can be used for its intended purpose.
  3. Antibiotics prescribed in the presence of ulcers to fight infection and relieve inflammation. Forms of preparations can be used - tablets, ointments.
  4. Prednisolonehormonal drug anti-inflammatory action. Prescribed for advanced stages of gingivitis.
  5. Interferon indicated for restoring the protective function of the animal's body. It is applied to the tip of the cat's nose for later licking.

In some cases, even timely and correct treatment gingivitis does not bring results. Therefore, all that remains is to remove the damaged tooth to prevent the infection from spreading to others.


It is easier and safer to prevent any diseases of four-legged pets than to treat them. To do this, preventive measures should be taken:

  • regularly take the animal to a veterinarian for a general examination and vaccinations;
  • provide balanced diet, including soft and hard food, vegetables.
  • increase immunity, prevent vitamin deficiency;
  • take care of your pet’s oral cavity (brush teeth with a special gel 2-3 times a year);
  • Give him a chew toy to chew on.

Cats do not like to allow human hands into their mouths. Therefore, it is worth accustoming her to the procedure of examining and cleaning the oral cavity at the age of a kitten.

At first, the baby will resist and panic, but over time he will get used to it and understand that they don’t want to hurt her.

Pet owners must be aware of possible diseases their wards. If the described symptoms are detected timely treatment will prevent the progression of gingivitis to chronic stage. It is especially important to closely monitor your cat's condition if she has previously had gum disease.

Watch also the video

The inflammatory process in a cat's gum tissue is called gingivitis. It can affect the gum tissue around one tooth or spread throughout the mouth. Pathology precedes the development of periodontal disease (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, including the pharynx). The main factors for recovery are timely detection of the disease and prevention of plaque and tartar in the pet.

Our article will help you identify the symptoms of gingivitis in a cat at home. You will learn about the details of diagnosing the disease and subsequent treatment of the animal. medications, medical procedures and folk remedies.

Causes and consequences of gingivitis

Pathogenic agents causing disease– plaque bacteria. Food debris stuck between teeth rots and promotes infection. If plaque is not removed, it gradually forms into stone and causes pathologies. Autoimmune gingivitis develops due to an incorrect response of the body to various agents.

The cause may also be gum injury. The damage is caused by sharp bone fragments stuck between the cat's teeth. Infection easily penetrates into scratches from bones, and the inflammatory process begins.

From possible reasons Juvenile gingivitis in young animals, veterinarians note a deficiency of vitamins in the kitten’s diet, dental caries, and improper bite formation. If the teeth put pressure on the gums, ulcers will soon form on them. They are a gateway for infection.

Additional risk factors include aging of the animal, the presence of blood diseases, autoimmune pathologies, infectious diseases(calcivirus, herpes). Metabolic disorders as a result of poor quality food and water can provoke the development of pathology.

Chronic gingivitis has a negative impact on the entire body of the animal. An unpleasant odor appears from the oral cavity. The blood supply and nutrition of the gums are disrupted. The support for the tooth is lost, causing it to be lost. At pathological process the animal experiences pain and discomfort.

Important! The main complication of gingivitis is ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane. Dealing with him is quite difficult. Ulcers can appear not only on the oral mucosa, but also affect the entire larynx and pharynx.

Launched forms are fraught with digestive disorders, since a sick pet cannot eat properly. A festering wound in the palate causes pain, the cat refuses any food, even its favorite one. Even if the owner manages to feed his pet pureed puree, it will still not be enough for a complete cat diet.

Forms of the disease

A severe form of the disease is plasmacytic-lymphocytic form. It is caused by various viruses - rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, hyperreaction of the immune system. This form has complications. The gums begin to bleed and swell. Without treatment, complications develop.

Dental form The disease is accompanied by sore gums, bleeding and swelling. Diseased tissues become bluish in color. Start to swell submandibular lymph nodes. Unlike the plasmacytic form, the disease is caused not by a virus, but by accumulated plaque. The dental form is treated faster and rarely causes complications.

Juvenile gingivitis– a form of the disease characteristic of cats under the age of 1.5 years, also called juvenile gingivitis. Inflammation of the gums and pharynx occurs immediately after eruption permanent teeth. If left untreated, periodontitis may develop.


As the pathology develops, the palate becomes covered with ulcers, which creates pain and discomfort. The cat has difficulty eating food. The disease is characterized by a depressed state, acute pain, lack of appetite and anxiety. The diagnosis is made by a doctor when visual inspection cats.

Among the main symptoms of damage:

  • redness and bluishness of the gums and palate;
  • gum hyperemia;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • heavy salivation;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • bleeding

Diagnosis and treatment

Since gingivitis has characteristic symptoms, the disease cannot be confused with another ailment upon visual examination. However, subsequent therapy depends on the setting of the form of gingivitis. To do this, you will need to perform a number of studies and tests.

What tests will the doctor prescribe?

To determine the form and extent of tissue damage, a smear analysis from the diseased gum and a blood test are prescribed. Tests help identify the causative agent of infection and select the right one. antibacterial drug for treatment. If necessary, an x-ray of the jaw is performed.

After identifying the plasmacytic-lymphocyte form, it will be necessary to examine the gum biomaterial using a microscope. The prescription of further therapy for complete victory over the pathology depends on its result.

Procedural treatment

For Get well soon It is important to regularly clean your cat's mouth and teeth. In a veterinary office, curettage of gum pockets and gums is performed, dead tissue and pathogenic plaque are removed.

In advanced cases, the doctor may suggest surgery to remove teeth (extraction). Total extraction (removal of all the cat’s teeth) is also used. This procedure does not have a strong effect on eating habits pet, even if he eats only dry food. You need to understand that if your pet is in severe pain and completely refuses to eat, the best solution For the future life and health of the cat is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

At home, you should also clean your teeth daily with a toothpaste prescribed by your doctor. Products intended for people should not be used to remove plaque. Dental hygiene should be performed with a clean cotton swab or a special toothbrush for animals. It can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Small children's toothbrushes also have soft bristles. They can also be used to clean your cat's teeth.

In veterinary clinics, teeth are cleaned of tartar using ultrasound. The procedure is painless and harmless.

Drug treatment

To quickly eliminate pathogenic flora Powerful anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed for tooth enamel and gums. In severe stages, injections are prescribed.

Interferon is prescribed to correct the functioning of the immune system. The doctor prescribes Prednisolone as an effective anti-inflammatory medicine. The dosage is prescribed in individually attending physician.

Antibiotics used:

  • Clindamycin.
  • Lincomycin.
  • Convenia.
  • Stomorgil.

Important! All appointments should be made only by a qualified veterinarian. Otherwise, you can harm the health of the animal. It is important to calculate the dosage correctly to avoid increased side effects.

You can treat the oral cavity of representatives of the cat family with Metrogyl Denta medicinal paste. This medicine does not cause salivation or allergies and is well tolerated by the cat's body.

Anti-gingivitis pastes Zubastik and Dentavedin have also been specially developed for animals. These products are sold in veterinary pharmacies. They contain non-hazardous herbal and medicinal components that actively destroy growth harmful bacteria, stop the infection and relieve pain. The product must be applied twice a day to the cleaned surface of the gum tissue and tooth enamel. For processing it is convenient to use a cotton pad or cotton swab. The duration of such treatment takes about two weeks.

The cat’s oral cavity is also treated with antiseptics - a solution of Chlorhexidine and Miramistin. These drugs kill pathogenic microflora and inhibit the spread of infection.

The drug Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic that is used for dental treatment of people. It is suitable for both cats and dogs. The structure of the gingival tissues and tooth enamel of the lesser brothers is similar to the structure of humans, therefore in veterinary medicine products from medical practice.

Chlorhexidine has an anti-inflammatory effect, quickly heals wounds and cracks in the palate, and helps preserve the animal’s teeth. The antiseptic stops functioning pathogenic bacteria, causing the manifestations of infection to decrease and tissue restoration to occur.

Folk remedies

How to cure pathology? Initial stage diseases can be eliminated complex treatment medicines and folk remedies. For gum damage, use decoctions of medicinal chamomile, oregano, strawberries. Herbal raw materials can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. It will take at least two to three weeks to treat the oral cavity, however, the chances of recovery if you use only folk remedies are low.

  • Dried chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water and left for about an hour. You can boil the broth for 5 minutes if desired. The resulting product is infused and filtered through cheesecloth. Tip cotton swab moistened in a healing liquid and wiped the gums and enamel of the animal’s teeth. It is necessary to act carefully, otherwise the animal will begin to show anxiety and will not allow the owner to treat the oral cavity.
  • Strawberries have a good anti-inflammatory effect. Dry raw materials are poured with boiling water, boiled on the stove and infused. Next, the decoction is filtered and used several times a day to treat the palate, teeth and gum tissue (as in the example above).

Features of caring for a sick cat

At home, a sick cat should expect complete rest and nutritious food. It is necessary to protect the animal from stress. Since a cat does not eat well with gum disease, you should not force it. It's better to give her a little treat that she's unlikely to refuse.

The diet should include porridge and meat purees; dry food is contraindicated in case of illness. The food should be warm (but not hot) and tasty for the cat. Then there is a high probability that the sick animal will still touch the food.

It is necessary to give your pet, weakened by illness, plenty of sleep. Sleep is the most acceptable medicine for animals. A cat suffering from gingivitis is placed in a quiet, calm place, away from noise. If there are children in the house, they should not disturb the pet.

Prevention of gingivitis

To prevent damage to oral tissues, it is necessary to regularly brush your cat's teeth. The procedure takes only a few minutes, but the benefits are significant. Manipulation helps strengthen the enamel, prevent the appearance of carious cavities and periodontitis.

To treat your teeth, you can brush them with Tropiclean paste. This gel is safe because it contains medicinal plants. The drug does not have a pronounced menthol aroma, which is unpleasant for cats. You can brush your teeth and gums with gel once a week. At the veterinary pharmacy you can also buy Radiance and Elgidium pastes, special cleaning powders for animal teeth.

Advice! Your cat should have his own chew toys. They help train your jaws and strengthen your teeth. At a veterinary pharmacy or pet store you can purchase various rubber products for your cat, with which she will willingly spend time.

It is important to eliminate poor nutrition and feeding low-quality cheap food from your cat’s life. For prevention pathological changes You can give special solid foods with certain components that improve the structure of the gums and teeth. Such food is purchased in specialized pet stores.

Animals very often experience various diseases oral cavity. When a cat has red gums, most owners strive to make every effort to find out the main root cause. Red gums in a cat are a sign of many diseases, one of the most common of which is gingivitis.

It is worth noting that the disease of this type occurs in several of the most common forms: plasmacytran-lymphocytic and dental. The first type is characterized by the presence of symptoms such as: strong pain in the oral cavity, caused by the formation of ulcers. That is why the animal’s gums are bright red, the cat refuses to eat, may emit a plaintive meow, and its weight decreases to a certain extent. According to most veterinarians, if treatment measures are not taken in time, such more serious problems may arise. serious illnesses like: calcivirus or even plague.

Dental gingivitis occurs as a result of cat owners not paying enough attention to cleaning plaque from their teeth over a long period of time. Due to the fact that it forms near the junction of the tooth and gum, the infection spreads very quickly throughout the body.

Since a cat’s red gums can occur for a number of other reasons, and not just as a consequence of the development of gingivitis, it is important to pay attention to one more feature. The fact is that the disease in question is accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity. In addition to changes in the color of the gums, a set of other manifestations also occurs. The main ones are: excessive salivation, swelling of the gums, which tends to constantly increase, bleeding of the gums, which can intensify even with slight pressure.

In some cases, the animal may even lie down and get up only to relieve itself.

Since the gums are not too far from the brain, it is necessary to delay treatment until in this case not worth it. Otherwise, due to the spread of infection, complications may develop that will lead to the death of the animal.

At the same time, starting an independent treatment process, without consulting a veterinarian and receiving confirmation of the diagnosis from him, is extremely undesirable. If we are talking about dental gingivitis, then a simple examination will be quite enough. Otherwise, a biopsy is necessary.

In addition to gingivitis, the cause of red gums in cats may be improper diet. In the case where the main emphasis is on feed or simply on food that is not of natural origin (for example, sausages), the animal may experience a lack of vitamins and microelements, which also affects the condition of the gums.

Also the cause of gum redness and severe unpleasant odor there may be an unhealthy tooth in the oral cavity. When such symptoms occur after a cat eats a completely new food, we may be talking about irritation or an allergic reaction. Moreover, it could be chemical burn, which arose, alternatively, as a result of the consumption of various plant varieties.

In any case, regardless of the root cause of the disease, it is necessary to remember that complete elimination of both inflammation and bad breath can only be achieved with proper treatment. Many owners stop carrying out all necessary procedures immediately after the gums begin to acquire a natural color and the cat’s appetite increases. In fact, this approach is extremely dangerous and it can provoke a relapse within a very short period of time.

In some cases, to achieve the fastest possible effect, it is necessary to combine treatment with traditional medicines and folk remedies. True, you should initially make sure that the animal is not allergic to them.

Thus, the main cause of red gums and bad breath in cats is gingivitis. Although, in some cases, we can talk about an unbalanced diet, and about dangerous plants, the consumption of which caused a chemical burn.