Wedding congratulations for the girl's mother. Beautiful wishes for daughter's wedding from parents. Beautiful words for a wedding from a mother to her daughter in the form of prose

A daughter's wedding is a very important and exciting event for any mother. This celebration is not complete without congratulatory speeches, which are often remembered by young people for the rest of their lives. That’s why it’s so important to write wedding congratulations from the bride’s mother, preferably in your own words and having thought through everything down to the smallest detail. In such a wedding congratulatory speech, words of wishes for happiness and prosperity must certainly be heard from the mother’s lips.

We have collected the most beautiful, touching and heartfelt congratulations in prose from the mother of the bride, which she can read or write in a wedding card for her beloved children.

Congratulations from the mother of the bride on the wedding

Congratulations from the mother of the bride on the wedding in prose

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings and a loving groom. May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will be even more confident that you have made the right choice!

Today my daughter gave me a son. Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love with (name) and having married him, she assured me that her husband had become my own. I fell in love with him and will consider him my son. My dear children! The long road of life stretches out before you. It will have different terrain: plains, mountains, rocks, waterfalls, and maybe cliffs... If you always hold on to each other, you will be able to overcome all obstacles. Don't forget this. Fate has brought you together, which means you need to be one team! I wish you a large, friendly family, beauty in your relationships, reliability in your plans. Be happy!

Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish that today’s date is celebrated by you every year, and that your love grows stronger every year. Your admiration for each other grew. So that you respect each other more and more. And so that every year on this day your eyes shine with happiness! Be happy!

Lovely girl! You have become very big. You are already a wife! I am sure that you will cope with this position with ease. You will be the most beautiful, gentle, devoted and caring housewife, the most affectionate mother, the wisest daughter-in-law and the kindest daughter always. If you need my advice, I will give it to you at any time. Never make hasty decisions or draw quick conclusions, they may be wrong. Listen to your heart, it won't let you down. Don't argue with your husband, it's better to keep quiet. You have chosen a smart husband; he will not allow his wife to get angry and grumble. Love each other more and more every day. Bitterly!

Our beloved daughter! In all fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding. But know that the wedding is just the beginning. The beginning of a happily ever after family life. This is the very beginning of love, and not just passionate falling in love. This is the beginning of your children's life. And in order for the life of your family to last and delight both of you, you, daughter, must be wise, patient and loving. The woman is the foundation of the family, and we wish your family to live happily ever after!

Our dear and beloved children! Today in your life there has come a moment that happens only once in a lifetime. Remember this day forever and if someday it becomes difficult for you, remember how good and joyful you were today. And then sadness and sadness will immediately leave you.

Dear children, (name) and (name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness and for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

Today, dear children, our family has grown larger. On this beautiful day, your finest hour has come. Today you are more beautiful and happier than all the people in the world, the whole world opens up before you, and at its center are you two loving person. We wish that the connecting thread that united you never breaks or breaks. Let your family not be destroyed by evil passions. Your voluntary union should be built on peace, love and mutual respect. May God give you strength to make your marriage strong and long

Dear (names of spouses)! Today is a special, special day for you! Today you have become husband and wife. Today you took a serious, important step in new life. We would like to wish you goodness and warmth, many joyful days. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your garden - the best one, raise your children so that they will be your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and appreciate each other, be each other’s hope and support.

Dear children! We wish you only the best - joy, happiness, love, and we really want your family life to be as light as feathers, as smooth as the rings you put on each other’s fingers. We wish you (name of the bride) to become a caring wife and a good friend, help your spouse with advice yes kind words. We wish you (name of the groom) to become the head of the family, hope and support, may your wife be behind you, as if behind a stone wall. Advice and love to you!

Our dear children, allow us to tell you parting words, on this happy day. Live in such a way that joy always reigns in your home, there is laughter, songs, and happy children's voices. Together build your best, kindest and Magic world. We wish your family to become a model of family happiness, prosperity and prosperity!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride in her own words

My dear daughter! Now you're married. You have your own family. It will have its own traditions and laws. First you teach each other, and then you pass it on to your children. I really want you to be an exemplary housewife, a faithful friend, a caring mother and reliable support for your children. Try to be wise and compliant. This is the most winning option in the family. You will see, having learned to be wise, you will get the desired result in everything. Know that your mother is always there, but your family should become closer to you. I will always be waiting for you to visit!

Daughter! This exciting magical moment has arrived. Remember how little you dreamed of a prince, a ball gown, a veil and a bunch of gifts... Today this dream has come true! Now try to make this children's fairy tale turn into an adult true story and be just as tender, airy and magical. Everything is possible in a family! Just don’t allow long-term sadness, resentment, quarrels, or disappointments. Let lies and betrayal never look through the window of your home. Know that you are one whole and if something happens to one half, the other will definitely feel it. Take care of each other, love each other tenderly. May healthy children be born in your marriage. Daughter, protect your hearth!

Dear daughter! You are the most beautiful bride. And we believe that from today you will be the most beautiful wife. The most beloved wife. The happiest wife. We know how lucky your chosen one is. And we wish to ourselves that over the next long years we will become more and more convinced that you are just as lucky with your husband. We wish ourselves to see happiness in your eyes. After all, if a woman is happy, it means her family is strong. This means her man is happy. Happy are her children. Be happy, daughter, because this is the key to the well-being of your new family.

Dear daughter! We raised you with love and care. We tried to make you beautiful woman, a sensitive and decent person, an interesting personality and, of course, an excellent hostess. We can say with confidence that you, we have raised the ideal wife for your chosen one (name). Now it’s your turn to give birth and raise ideal people, to preserve your relationships and your family for them. Be happy, love and take care of each other! Bitterly!

Our dear daughter and son. Today we see endless happiness and smiles on your faces. So may these smiles never leave your faces, and may your happiness truly become endless. All the best and brightest to you in your new, still unknown, but already so interesting life. Advice and love to you!

A wedding only happens once in every person’s life. And now this time has come for you. Remember today forever, because it will never happen again for you. Today everyone will shout “Bitter!” to you, but in your life we ​​wish not to experience this feeling. May you always have only sweetness in everything!

Dear daughter and son! Well, the day has come when you leave for a new, independent life. From now on, you need to be together everywhere and in everything. Never quarrel anywhere, because quarrels lead to nothing. If it becomes difficult, smile at each other and the severity will pass. All the best and brightest to you!

Daughter and son! Yes, yes, that’s right - from now on you both have become our children. We want to wish you only the brightest and warmest on this day! and remember that a family can only be considered such. When warmth and comfort flourish in it. Good luck, our dears! And may this path be easy and pleasant for you!

All parents are always happy for their children on their wedding day. We are happy for you today too. You have already entered a new life, which is full of a variety of moments. Try to make sure that there are only bright moments in your life. Well, if a dark streak comes, just step over it as soon as possible and happiness will enter your home again!

As you leave for your new life today, make a wish for yourself. Remember that your wedding day is a magical day, so your wish must come true! Well, we have already made a wish for you and we will try to fulfill it now. We wish your young family unearthly happiness and wealth. If this happens, everything else will happen. Well, for wealth to come, we are now ready to take the first step for this. Advice and love to you! Bitterly!

Our dear, beloved children! It is difficult to come up with and say something new when so many good and warm words have already been said. Therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, we can only say one thing - everything will happen in your life. There are not only bright moments. There will be problems and quarrels. Without them you will be bored. But let all this remain a passed test for you, after which your life will acquire only bright and light colors!

Well, you have become husband and wife. Your family is still very young, only one day old. But how you live this day will largely determine your entire future life. Therefore, we wish you to live today as brightly and cheerfully as possible, and in your future life may this joy and fun only increase. Advice and love to you. And may you never be bitter in your life!

What can you wish for on this day? I don’t want to say banal words. Therefore, we wish only one thing - let your life contain only what you yourself want to see in it. Remember that you build your own happiness. so build it so that others will look at you and envy you! Advice and love to you!

Well, young people, I’m probably as worried as you are. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young people for the second time. Everything that I didn’t have time to tell my children, you will have to listen to. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been working towards this for a long time and finally gave us all such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. As the father of not only your father, but the entire family, I have every right to give you a parting word for the rest of your life. Here is my advice: “Live happily! »

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife and help her husband in everything! May the hearth of your love never go out! Unity and happiness to you!

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!

Dear children, (Names of spouses)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Living in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for the joy of people! Let the children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

We raised wonderful children and on this significant day we are proud of you. Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you, our dears!

Congratulations from the parents of the bride's daughter

Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband’s hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Good luck to you!

Daughter! Today all your friends, family and friends admire you. You are the most beautiful and happiest bride in the world! We wish you that your husband will look at you with the same loving eyes in all the coming years of your family life as he does today.

Darling! In your youth, you read Scarlet Sails and waited for your prince. And my father and I are very glad that our Assol was lucky enough to meet her captain Gray. I wish you all your life to sail on the calm sea of ​​family life, under one sail woven from love, trust, mutual respect and devotion!

You can say that you love, but not know what it is. You can wait and not wait. You can promise, but forget your promise. Daughter! I wish for you and (name of the groom) that in your family you always fulfill your promises, wait for each other and love from the bottom of your heart.

Congratulations from the bride's parents to the groom

How many evil jokes people have come up with about their mother-in-law. Everyone lies! Whether mothers-in-law or mother-in-law, they are all mothers who love their children. Son, on your wedding day I want to tell you both: love each other, never turn away from each other, believe in each other.

No matter how many funny stories they write about sons-in-law and mothers-in-law, I still love my son-in-law very much! He is my one and only, faithful husband to my only daughter! Always be as wonderful as you are today, gather true friends around you, love your young wife with all your heart and just be happy!

Until today, I only had a daughter, but now I have also acquired a son - (name of the groom). And now, dear son, I want to tell you that in difficult times you can always come to me for help, as to your own mother. I promise to respect you equally, not to judge you for your small mistakes in life, and to always help you only with good advice. Live together in harmony, and then we will be friends. Prosperity, love and great happiness to you!

Well, your wedding day has come, dear (names of the bride and groom)! I congratulate you, children, and as a mother-in-law, I wish you, (name of the groom), to be courageous and make my daughter happy. I believe that you and I will always find mutual language, because in fact we have nothing to share. And if anything happens, you and I will definitely settle everything and we will all live peacefully and amicably together!

Today I am glad to welcome my son into my family. Even if not by blood, you, (name of the groom), have become my family. And on this auspicious day, I wish you both, children, never to break the vows you made today. Be a reliable support for your family happiness. May your souls and your destinies become inseparable. May your hearts beat in unison and your days of marriage be blessed. Build your happiness without looking back at the past. If you have come together forever, then be happy forever. Advice and love to you!

Not many, believe me, friends,
They have the experience to understand me.
Of all the sacred things, the most important is family.
The saddest thing in the world is only a mother,
What gives in today's time,
Covered with a veil of ignorance,
My own daughter, the support of my soul...
Now you are being pulled away by fate.
How much have I already told you?
There is so much more I want to say.
I'm so glad you found love,
God will not allow me to lie now.
You are given the gift to build a family,
Create a hearth. Once created, keep it forever
And take care of family foundations,
Do not allow ice in your gaze.
Love and do everything to be loved,
Support and simply inspire.
Then you too will be happy,
Then you will not be afraid of sadness together.
You, daughter, always think first,
And then say it. And don't forget:
It’s so easy to offend with a gloomy word,
But it’s harder to build a paradise nearby.
Walk with him through everything, be a support,
And he will repay you a hundredfold.
Don’t hide your wisdom in the abyss of controversy
And keep your pride not for show.
May you be on a path of marriage and happiness
Always leads into the distance without turning,
Away from cliffs and bad weather.
May your union remain like steel.


I want to congratulate my daughter,
Let me read some poetry
And remember every line
What did the mother say as parting words?
I wish everything to work out
You are on a long life's journey.
So that you always smile,
After all, only the best lies ahead.
So that you can be each other's support,
Love reigned in your house,
Couldn't defeat her arguments
But the blood would boil in the veins.
You will accept the maternal covenant:
No matter how hard it is for you,
You just love each other.
Well, you're lucky with your husband.

My dears! Today a wonderful event happened - you became husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you a new addition to your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for for many, many years. And if it gets difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

My mother's order
In the wedding fun
It will sound sweet
It will be the very first.
Children! Sweet Fate to you,
Endless happiness
So that you can live together,
Yes, with eternal love.
So that without quarrels and without worries,
With tenderness and affection
They built a family life,
We lived as if in a fairy tale.

Today you connected
Not just hands, but hearts.
I wish you were
Love and happiness without end.
You will keep these feelings
In yourself for many years.
After all, this is the main thing, believe me:
Keep love always, always,
And I, like a mother, smile
After all, I see that the marriage is strong.
I will try to help if needed,
Sometimes you can’t live without it!

Dear and dear children,
Today you have become husband and wife.
You are now responsible for each other,
You should now follow the same path.
You will save your feelings longer,
Do not allow insults or separations into your home.
Respect your family, appreciate
After all, a family is a union of hearts and hands.
I wish you children soon,
So I want to become a grandmother.
Let there be two or three of them,
And what gender is up to you to decide.

The parting words are simple.
I want to give you, children:
Family is sacred
More valuable than anything in the world.
You take care of her
No matter how difficult it may be,
Learn patience
And compromises too.
And even in small things
Understand each other
So that there are no caustic quarrels,
Give in wisely.
Your great love
Cherish and keep.
And the main thing is that I'm waiting,
Give me granddaughters.

My children, I am a happy mother.
I wish you health and long love,
I wish your marriage to be strong.
May all your days be bright.
Love each other, don't quarrel in vain.
May your children be healthy,
May everything be wonderful in your life,
So that the flame of your love does not go out.

Dear children, congratulations
On this bright, very good day.
I wish you to live in love until old age,
To be in trouble and in joy together!
Affection, tenderness, just understanding
They will be with you every moment and hour.
Let the love confessions sound,
Bringing you happiness every time!
May God give you more patience,
Be wise and kind people.
Let troubles, shocks bypass,
Nightingales sing to you all year round!

Be patient with each other
Don't quarrel over little things.
You always feel sorry for each other,
To be an example for children.
Don’t harbor grudges inside,
So that the wall of feelings does not crack.
Don't wash dirty linen in public,
Always hold hands.

It's an honor, a pleasure,
Responsible, sweet
Let me raise a toast to you
Let me tell you guys:
Dear ones, you have become a family today,
And I, your mother, with warmth and soul,
I wish you great love with all my heart.
Oh, happiness, please live next to them!
Cosmic feelings, and in the hearts - magic.
... since mom wants it, then mom is right!
Real hopes and fulfillment of desires,
Smiles, kindness and mutual recognition!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding from the groom's parents in their own words

Our dear children,
I can’t take my eyes off you,
Your happiness is shining!
We want to wish you
Maintain sacred fidelity
And take care of the flower of love,
I never wanted to
Swim to the left bank.
Let there be no boredom in the family,
No routine, no worries.
Give us grandchildren as soon as possible,
Let your family grow! Please accept congratulations from your parents.
Here are some simple instructions for your wedding day:
Take care of each other, respect, appreciate,
We'll soon give birth to pretty grandchildren.
And carry love through the years,
Never offend your loved ones.
And let all the misfortunes go away, bad weather,
And your happiness will always be with you. Our dear children,
We sincerely congratulate you!
And we want to live as a family
You are at least a hundred years old.
More is possible, we don't mind.
Together, remember, you are strength.
Love united you,
Save this light.
Let the wife be obedient
The husband is the support and the head.
Never the road to home
Let it not be overgrown with grass.
Let your children be born
What is it like in this world without them?
You only live together.
And today we will shout: “Bitter!” We, as parents, are proud
Because we have such children.
We strive to help you in everything,
So may the Sun shine brighter for you!
Congratulations to the newlyweds
Happy wedding day, bright and beautiful.
We sincerely bless you,
Let life be easy and clear.
May love give you wings,
It will bring health, hope,
And all problems will become dust.
Let fate be gentle towards you.
Let your every day be bright,
May joy await you everywhere.
Let the stork fly with a gift,
The beautiful will give a miracle! Two hearts met once
And they fell in love once and for all.
And on this day, it is very important for you,
We wish you never to be separated!
Live happily and together
Children will bring comfort to your home,
We wish you to live one hundred years in perfect harmony!
So let’s shout “Bitter!” - guests are waiting! Our dear children,
We want to wish you
Always live in love and peace,
And there are no sorrows or troubles.
Let the house be a full cup,
There will always be peace in him,
And adversity and misfortune
Let them pass by.
Save your feelings
You for many, many years
Carry it through the years
You are the light in your soul and heart! Today you have become family,
Dear, beloved children.
So let it never go behind your back
The winter wind does not dare to pass through.
Let it never be in your house
The warmth of the light does not go out,
Let your life be like in paradise
Blooms like a spring flower.
May your union be sealed forever,
Let children's laughter ring in the house.
Today is your day, our children,
So be the happiest of all! Among the loud congratulations,
And constant cries of “Bitter!”
Our toast, as the most frank,
For the two of you, and only.
We wish you confidence and long life
Carry your love through difficulties.
Let the sense of duty never leave you,
May luck help you along the way.
Let the children's cry be your hearth
Filled as a symbol of unity.
And happiness in joyful eyes
On the contrary it will be your reflection!
And no matter how many years pass,
We will warm ourselves to hope,
What are you, even though you are already a mother and father,
You will remain children for us as before... May you be just children for us,
But on life path
Were you able to meet your love?
And find your soul mate.
We wish you to appreciate each other,
Protect from grief and adversity
And sunny “weather in the house”,
Love stronger year after year.
And always understand each other,
Be able to compromise
Get rid of a disease
From quarrels, grievances that drag you down.
And holding hands together
Go through all the thorns of obstacles.
After all, you are family, and that means
Owners of the best of awards! Our dear children!
On the day of harmony and love
You yourself are responsible
For family steps.
We wish you only joy
To share with each other,
Love and understanding
Don't get lost on the way.
And most importantly remember:
From today
You are whole, one,
You are a new family.
Stay together, never
Don't let go of your hands
And we will always support you
On the path of life. On this day, at this hour
The rings intertwined life.
Congratulations, children.
Happiness, wisdom, love!
Divide everything in half:
Happiness, joy and success.
You will give us grandchildren,
The house needs children's laughter! Have grown up, dear children,
It's already your wedding,
You are the happiest in the world
Let life be even more beautiful!
Be happy, dear ones,
Protect your hearth,
You have become a family from now on,
Love each other, respect each other.
In any situation, know
You are always each other's support,
Now you are husband and wife, get used to it
Let the trouble pass and the quarrel subside.
The parental order is simple:
So that they live in happiness and do not know grief,
And so that at your wedding there is gold,
Your children also congratulated you! How beautiful you are, white doves,
That they will fly away from us through the window.
May those birds be on your wings, dear ones,
They only bring joy and happiness.
Let all the troubles that are not found,
They will immediately bypass your house,
And love and luck are capricious
Your hearth will be kept young.
Be happy, dear doves!
Please accept congratulations from us.
You always walk hand in hand
How now at this festive hour! What can I wish for you, dear children,

Let mutual understanding grow in her,
Good luck, and passion does not fade.
You have enough love - save it.
Do not lose tenderness and warmth,
And this memory of joyful events -
No wonder her heart was saved.
What to wish, young spouses,
When did one family grow so big?
So that now it continues to grow,
And so that the thread will twine for posterity.
To make your home a place of concession,
For unnoticed little bounties,
For work to be a place for perseverance,
But not the other way around. Today is your holiday, the birth of a family,
You are beautiful on this day without a doubt.
We wish you, of course, love
And in life there are only joyful moments.
Let there be a good path, in all agreement
And hearts always beat in unison.
We wish you cloudless happiness
And we expect grandchildren from you over time. And you can’t hold back your tears, and you can’t hide your smile,
Oh, how could you fall in love so much?
Well, kids, the time has come,
We have to say goodbye to you - and that’s the trouble.
We sincerely congratulate you on this day
And we remind you not to forget.
Love each other and be a mountain,
Wife for husband, husband for wife. We thought it over and decided
Bought a white dress
All friends were invited
Having seated them more closely.
Mom, dad and relatives
Tears of happiness are not shed in vain,
Beautiful bride
She belongs at the head of the table,
The groom sits next to her,
All the fuss is about them.
They pour, congratulate,
They wish you happiness and children,
So that the family lives more friendly,
The songs are flowing more loudly,
Competitions, gifts, laughter,
Our wedding is the best. Today is an important day for everyone -
Family Day -
Our children are finally
You have found your happiness.
Don't swear or quarrel
Be polite in everything
Build a strong family,
Bring happiness into your home.
If anything happens, we will always help,
Feel free to contact us,
There is no one more valuable
For parents of children! For us you are children forever,
May God protect you forever,
May trouble not touch you,
And your marriage will be like granite!
All my life, hand in hand,
Be each other's strength
Let children's laughter fill the house,
And any blizzard is not scary.
Let every moment be bright,
Like the chapters of the kindest books,
And if it becomes bitter,
Let it be from the cucumber ass only! Let luck help
To your young family,
We wish you the best
Glory to husband and wife!
You gave us joy
Happy holiday,
May your home be a force of goodness
He will be safe and sound.
Your plans, endeavors
May it be crowned with success.
I wish you happiness and prosperity,
We love you more than anyone! Today the wedding is ringing
Plays until the morning.
Parent word
It's time for you to listen.
We bless you
Keep your hearth
Let the feelings be strong
And a strong family!
Let there be joy in the house,
And boredom doesn't come
Love lives in hearts...
And we want grandchildren so much! The day is full of joy, full of excitement,
And generous investments in family life -
Pride for parents - after all, the family has become
More, we wish you to prosper
You, our children! Happy wedding, dear ones,
Go through any obstacles together,
We congratulate you - and share our happiness
We wish you success, wealth,
Lots of patience and love - strong
Every day there was joy - so that it’s stable,
So that there is comfort, warmth, affection in the house,
May you live every day like in a fairy tale! We congratulate you today, hurray!
Listen to these words from your parents:
We wish you to live in peace,
Avoid all problems.
You should never swear,
Stay young.
So that your health does not suffer,
And there should be little hassle.
And love will be eternal,
Tender, warm, endless! Happy wedding day, our children,
We congratulate you!
The most beautiful in the world
Today you are with us!
We are so proud of you
You couple are just awesome!
Let's secretly shed a tear
With joy for you!
May the sky be clear
Live in love.
Happy and beautiful
May your days be yours! Our dear children,
Please accept your wishes:
On this bright day of life
You take care of each other.
You have united forever
And hearts and souls.
Now there are two of you in the world
And you just have to listen to yourself!
Your wedding is our pride:
We raised you, we tried.
And we wish you prosperity,
So that you love and laugh.
New additions to the family
We still wish you
To be grandparents
Soon everyone was calling us!
Be happy, dear ones,
And take care of each other.
Every moment, every moment is nearby
You are cherished and appreciated! Our dear children! We want to wish you
Life becomes more beautiful, but losses and troubles are unknown.
May love accompany you for many years to come,
And nothing can stop happiness from always being there. On this day we would like to wish you only happiness,
Always go towards goals together.
May your love never fade away,
Although many obstacles will meet you on the way.
May there always be prosperity in your home,
Children's, cheerful, joyful laughter rings out!
And every day, like honey will be sweet,
May only success await you in your life together! Today is such a beautiful day,
The sun is shining high
And the firmament is large and clear
Not far from us,
And at such an hour they united
Forever loving hearts,
You, our children, got married,
Let there be joy without end! Our dear children,
You have become quite big -
You are now spouses,
Let the illnesses run away!
Enjoy your “fairy tale”
And fall in love even more deeply,
Don't hide, don't be ashamed,
Plunge into the feeling of passion!
Give birth to sweet children
And inspire each other
Take care of your feelings
You will live together for a long time! Wonderful, children, is your union!
We congratulate you on him.
Let your pulse beat in unison,
Great love preserves.
Let every moment be warm
Caring and participation
And let the family brig sail
Towards harmony and happiness. Our young children,
Growing up so quickly
At the wedding table
Loved and tender.
Parent word
Accept it from us quickly,
With light and love
Live in your soul.
Be sudden in your feelings
Take care of each other
And future children
Bring us babysitting! Dear blessed children!
From now on you have become husband and wife.
From now on, sacred bonds bind you
From now on, today - and forever.
You will know no sorrow or grief.
Walk hand in hand, with love in your eyes.
May wisdom come to you
And with it comes patience.
May the angel guard your family hearth. Today is a great holiday in the world,

And family life will give miracles! Today you kids have grown up,
Leave your native yard.
While the bride and groom are still
And tomorrow there will be a strong family.
You have united your hearts forever
Soar together like two wings.
Today our children take an oath,
That they will be together forever.
On your wedding day we wished you a lot
And remember the words from your parents:
No matter what obstacles you encounter
Always stay together, you are family!

Congratulations to the newlyweds from the groom's parents

From the groom's parents to the newlyweds
You are incredibly lucky
You in a crowd of thousands
The feeling brought each other to each other,
Uniting fate in one!
With your father we will bless you
On the most important step in life,
And we will protect you as an angel
Your marriage registered in the registry office!

We are the parents of a son, and it’s an honor
Although it took a lot of work;
We tried to make him live easily, carefree,
But at the same time I would always be a man;
And today he proved to everyone: he is a man!
He is a wall! He is ready for anything for his wife!
Congratulations to our son's chosen one
Congratulations on their wonderful wedding! May you live happily ever after!

Congratulations, dear ones!
Your wedding is your finest hour!
You are so young!
You have your whole life ahead of you!
For daughter-in-law and son
We don't mind kind words!
May your journey be long!
And unshakable - love!

Let life flow like a full-flowing river
And you will never have to experience troubles.
Now you are legally and decorously spouses,
As you walk through life, hold hands.
We wish you to celebrate your wedding in the future
Silver, and then gold.
And let the children brought by the stork
Misfortunes and troubles in life will pass.
Love and wealth, the house is a full cup,
May life help you in your endeavors.
We wish you warmth, understanding, good luck
And a whole sea of ​​kids to boot.

Hearts united forever
Created a strong family!
Loved your daughter-in-law
We are like our own blood!
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
It is given to you to be happy!
We wish what we dream of -
Soon they will give us grandchildren!

Son! On your wedding day we wish
Name you the head of the family,
So that you, fulfilling your duty,
To care for and protect your wife.
Let the gold sparkle
Will unite hearts forever,
May they give peace and prosperity,
And longevity two rings!

Yesterday you went to first grade,
And today at the registry office.
How quickly life goes by,
Overtaking us.
Still, children, you were able to
Find happiness
Let the fire of love warm
You all the way.
Don't rush anywhere
Enjoy the day
And any trouble for you
It won't matter!

We wish our children
To be the happiest person in the world
May success follow you
There will be laughter in the house.
We wish our son
So that he is the master of the house,
To take care of your wife,
So that babies are born on time.

Take your parents' advice,
Groom, we’ll tell you together,
What is not needed in joyful everyday life
Forget about this connection with children.
On this day we hasten to read
Our best wish list.
May your wedding day be a happy one.
And you know that this is not flattery.
Your parents want you
Send on an important journey with words,
What people put together themselves
Everything that one is in a hurry to achieve on the way.

The family is expanding -
There's more of a daughter in her,
And let it last as long as possible
You will live in jest.
May this day be filled with light
And it doesn’t go out, it doesn’t flicker,
Let it illuminate with love
You are, of course, many years old.
We are so happy for you
You love, trust,
Share your interests
Make us happy with your granddaughters.

Congratulations to the newlyweds from the parents of the bride, bride

Dear children, congratulations!
We wish you happy days from the bottom of our hearts,
Let any dreams come true,
Be God, you are always protected.
Trust, love sincerely,
Don't take your eyes off each other
So that any trick of fate
It only connected you more tightly.

That beautiful day has come,
When to congratulate
Your children with great happiness, -
Celebrate the wedding with them.
Be loyal to each other:
You have found a protector
And you are a faithful friend,
May I spend my whole life with you.
You appreciate every day,
Repeating again and again
Parents' wish:
Peace and love to you, children!

Dear ones, you are now with us
Married - married.
We want to wish now
You can live as a friendly family.
Who wants to be the main one in the family?
Hold the board in your hands.
But this fact is for happiness
Does it matter?
For happiness, only warmth is important,
Care and attention.
We wish you to live a hundred years
In love and understanding!

On this holiday, beloved children,
Please accept congratulations from us:
Be the best couple in the world,
So that the fire of passion does not go out.
Let separation not hang over you,
Happiness should illuminate your home,
And, of course, granddaughter and grandson
Don't forget to donate soon!

Today is a great holiday in the world,
Today is the beginning of a happy family,
We congratulate you, dear children,
We wish you joy and prosperity ahead.
Let the minutes be filled with happiness,
Hearts burn with tenderness and warmth,
And may the routes be successful,
And family life will give miracles!

Today is the holiday of two hearts,
We are celebrating your wedding.
Let your rings shine bright
Protects you from problems.
Holy parental advice
May he help you forever in life.
And your eyes are a happy light
Let it never fade away.
Keep love holy
In our hearts we wish you.
Grandchildren to give more,
We will educate them together with you.
Live happily always.
Do not allow doubts or quarrels.
Let your new family
It grows and gets stronger over the years.

Happy wedding day to you, dear children.
May you be lucky, may the sun shine.
Let the family be just cool!
A little better even than ours.
Free us from boredom as soon as possible -
We are ready to babysit our grandchildren.
We will help you in all matters,
It’s no good for us to stand on the sidelines.
Live in love, in an eternal fairy tale,
Celebrate every day as a holiday.
There is no need to wait for happiness for years,
Look around - happiness is with you!

Our dear children,
You have become a family now.
Let it be in this world
Happiness was given to you by fate.
You take care of each other
And indulge sometimes.
Live in respect
And let it always be like this.
Let your hearth always burn,
Joy and various blessings to you,
Love, warmth, comfort in the house,
And we are already expecting grandchildren from you.

Our dear children,
You are now one family,
It’s not for nothing that on the planet
Love is given to all people.
Let it soar in your home
Respect and comfort.
And your soul plays,
Angels sing in the heart.
And of course we wish you
Sweet little children,
To watch them at night
They're snoring so cute in the crib.
Help each other,
Divide everything into two
And hold your hand tightly
Keeping the feelings for a long time.

Wedding, wedding is a unique holiday,
It's time for us to say goodbye to childhood,
And although he is a little sad,
Let joy enter the house in the morning.
A wedding is the union of two hearts,
Two roads converge into one,
And there is only one family, just a birthday,
Eternal spring begins.
Let everything in the world celebrate around you,
Two paths embraced on the path,
You guys got engaged today,
To walk hand in hand.
May you have light in this world,
May God bless your union,
Let summer always sparkle in your soul,
If it's cold outside the window.
So follow the same road
If it’s difficult, then there’s no need for words,
Don't look for the right excuses
Let love do the talking for you

Congratulations at the wedding from the mother-in-law (from the groom's mother)

I can't believe in a miracle
How did this suddenly happen?
Only yesterday my son was a boy,
And now a husband!
You, dear daughter-in-law,
Be wise, forgive him.
You, son, your wife
Take care and protect.
Stay together in difficult times
Rejoice in spite of fate!
Well, I will say without flattery:
I'm lucky with my daughter-in-law!

My dear children,
You have become one family.
Let love shine brightly for you,
There will be only peace in the house!
Your wedding has arrived
I am now a mother-in-law
But I won't bother you
And I won't spoil the blood.
I love you, dear ones.
Be happy always.
You'll figure it out without advice.
How to live in love for years.

My dear children, dear son and wonderful daughter-in-law, I congratulate you on your wedding day. I wish you from the bottom of my heart sincere joy and good hope, sincere feelings and eternal love, bright happiness and stable prosperity, family health and prosperity.

I always dreamed of a daughter
And today the dream comes true,
You became my son's wife,
Which means a daughter for me!
I congratulate you on your wedding day,
Today we have become one family.
I wish you happiness and all the best,
I love you, dear ones, with all my soul!

Dear newlyweds
I would like to dedicate my speech to:
Be happy, dear ones,
You must save your feelings.
I promise not to disturb you
And don’t bother with the notation -
Although I am a mother-in-law, I am not evil.
There is also a sense of tact.
You always live together
Don't just swear.
There will be joy in your life,
And all the problems are nothing.

Happiness has come to us and my son,
He brought his wife into the house and his mother’s daughter!
You are beautiful now and young,
And happy to tears, dear ones!
So hold on until you are old,
And walk together and work,
Give us more grandchildren,
And live in joy longer!
Let the sun shine brightly in the sky,
Be happy both you and your children,
May you be healthy and tolerant,
Carefully preserved by our God!

So my son has grown up,
He brought a beauty to the house,
He doesn't take his eyes off her,
Apparently, I like it a lot.
Children, dears, relatives,
I wish you love
So that the family grows up,
So that I can become a grandmother.
May the joy be endless
From newfound family ties,
May your family be perfect
May your union be eternal.

My dear children! I cannot express my joy at the fact that you have made the responsible decision to create a real family union. I wish you the most amazing, reliable, strong family that will become happiness for you. I really hope that you will give me beautiful, healthy grandchildren who love their parents and, of course, grandmothers! I love you very much and am glad to share your happiness today with you, close relatives and friends.

You, my son, have fallen in love.
It’s immediately obvious, for life.
And today you got married.
Hold on to your wife
And your big feelings
Don't hide it in vain
After all, loving is an art,
See him in action.
You, daughter-in-law, be like that
To only cause delight,
And you are not my mother-in-law,
You can call me mom!

I congratulate you, children,
On this important day in life.
Mother-in-law gained the title,
I will go into the house with him today.
I wish you to live in patience,
Happiness, kindness, love.
So that in a union only family
Luckily you could find it.
Let them pass by
Your home is trouble and sadness.
And the cheerful laughter is only childish
From your windows it flies into the distance.

My dear children,
Congratulations on your wedding day.
I am a son to my daughter-in-law,
I trust with a good heart.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Live a wonderful life.
Stay close together
And you love each other!

Wedding congratulations in your own words from the bride's parents

Our beloved (the name of the bride and groom is pronounced)! Make every effort to live for each other, not alone. You (the name of the bride is pronounced) take care of your husband, you (the name of the groom is pronounced) love, appreciate and respect your legal spouse. Live a harmonious and friendly life.
We have been married for a long time and happy life, and were able to give it to our daughter. Of course, not everything went as smoothly as we would like, there was both joy and sorrow, but we did not lose heart, did not give up, and together we solved any problems. That is why our family union has remained friendly and united for many years.
We want to wish you to try to cope with everyone life's difficulties together, as it was with us. In the event that harmony and peace reign in the family, we will be calm for you, we will rejoice for your family happiness. In such an atmosphere, our grandchildren, whom we hope you will soon have, will grow up happy and healthy. Treat your love with care. Of course, we will try to provide you with every possible support.
Our beloved daughter, be a caring, kind and exemplary wife who supports your husband. Learn to be economical, help him with a kind word, advice, become a faithful friend who will listen to him in difficult times. Our beloved children, the time has come for this long-awaited day in your life, when you, before God himself, decided to confirm the sincerity of your feelings by getting married. Surrounded by people close to you, we want to bless your intention and wish you a long family life. As your parents, we wish you to live, prosper and prosper! Joy and peace to your home! Dear children! On this significant day for you, we want to bless you with a friendly family and a strong marriage. Peace and prosperity to your union, harmony and sincere love. Rejoice yourself and make people happy! We wish you joyful children's laughter in your family, prosperity and peace in your family life! Our beloved (the name of the bride and groom is pronounced)! We sincerely wish you a happy married life! Create a warm and cozy family hearth. We will be very glad if storks fly to your house as often as possible, we wish your family to grow by the hour! Take the example of two swans who remain faithful to each other all their lives - a swan song to you after 100 thousand years, swan fidelity, swan love! Our dear children! How time flies, now you are leaving your parents’ nest and entering into a joint, family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, to live not each for yourself, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction. So, we wish you not to know sorrows, to live together, respect your soul mate and always look in one direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help you in difficult times! Dear children! We wish you only the best: joy, happiness, love, and we really want your family life to be as light as feathers, as smooth as the rim of a ring that you put on each other’s hands. We wish you (name of the bride) to become a caring wife, a good friend, help your spouse with advice and a kind word. We wish you (name of the groom) to become the head of the family, hope and support, so that your wife is behind you, as if behind a stone wall. Advice and love to you! Dear children! We wish you to live together until your golden wedding and not lose your love! And let there be joys and sorrows, you can overcome them, because you are together! Don't let anyone ruin your family happiness, keep your love, trust each other, appreciate each other, respect each other. And may your feelings only become stronger and deeper over time, and may your family hearth burn brighter and brighter! We love you! Bitterly! Darlings (names of the newlyweds). On this solemn day, we want to bless you with long life in love and happiness. We wish your family prosperity, peace and goodness! May your feelings grow stronger every day. Live for your own happiness, and for ours. Let children's laughter ring in your home and there will never be room for tears! Our beloved children! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a happy married life. May your new family nest always be warm and cozy! Let storks visit it more often, and your little family will become big and friendly! Live like swans: with a swan song, swan loyalty and swan love even after decades! Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Today a solemn and wonderful day has come in your life - you have become husband and wife. Undoubtedly, this is a very important step. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigns in your home, goodness to you, happiness, let your relationships, your children, your home become the source of your pride. Still, the most important thing in the life of every person is not material wealth, but strong and loving family. Take care and appreciate your soul mate, become a support for each other and never be separated! Our dear and beloved children! On this wonderful day we want to wish you happiness, love and goodness. May hope, love and wisdom be your companions, and may your life be full of pleasant surprises and adventures. Happiness to you on your family voyage and may your ship of love never stray from its intended course! Our dear newlyweds! On this day, we want to wish that your family life will always be a holiday, and your honeymoon will never end. Let your home be filled with joy, smiles, laughter and happy children's voices. Living life is not a field to cross, so take care and support each other in any situations, and we, for our part, promise to help you in all your endeavors! Our dear children! For every parent, such an event as the consolidation of your relationship with the sacred bonds of marriage is a great joy. We want to wish you kindness, mutual understanding, may love and prosperity never leave your home, and may all your endeavors end in success. Let only kind and reliable people surround you in life! Bitterly! Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on the birth of your new happy family. We wish you to live in love and happiness for many years, may you avoid troubles, quarrels and disagreements. We wish that you take all further steps in your life together only in step together. And if one of you stumbles, the other will certainly support him, because without this a happy married life is unthinkable. Good luck to you! Well, young people, we are no less worried than you. We want to congratulate you on your marriage, you have been walking towards this important step for a long time and finally gave us such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. We wish you boundless happiness, good prosperity, and prosperity in your home! On this wonderful day, our beloved children, you are setting sail together. It’s not for nothing that people say that it’s heaven in a hut with your sweetheart, this means that your love will help you overcome all the adversities and hardships along the way. We would like to wish from the bottom of our hearts that your union will always be based on love, your future will be clear and cloudless, and your life will be joyful. Appreciate every minute and thank life for bringing you together. Live happily ever after! Bitterly! Dear children! Find true love not given to everyone, because it is like a fire that does not burn, but warms hearts, delicious and intoxicating wine, which becomes sweeter and tastier every year, it is a boundless ocean in which you can drown. I want to raise this glass so that your life will be cloudless and happiness limitless! Love each other and live happily! Dear children! So you have tasted a piece of the wedding loaf. And we really want the warmth that this bread retains to always remain in your hearts. Let there always be kind and faithful people, for whom there is always a treat and a kind word. Let there be no place for sorrows in your life, yes, there will be trials, but you will pass them with honor, because your love protects you! Live in peace and happiness! My dears! Today a wonderful event happened - you became husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you a new addition to your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for many, many years to come. And if it gets difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give good advice. Be happy! Dear newlyweds! Today is a particularly solemn day for the two of you, because it is on this day that you will become spouses. You will confidently step into a new life, full of bright events. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes: goodness to you, warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you can live comfortably and happily. Plant many beautiful trees and raise children to be proud of. May your union be strong and become the guarantee of your life success . Remember, you are the hope and support for each other. Respect and appreciate each of your “other half”! Dear children! Our loved ones, grown up, almost independent, but still so dear and the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to live a long, good, rich life as a couple! We wish your love to be tender, devoted and very patient! Let it become the core on which the peace of your friendly family will rest! Let there be no disagreements and omissions, live openly, joyfully and be a support for each other until your very old age! Our dear daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, to see how touchingly you hold your husband’s hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and let your husband be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Good luck to you! On this wonderful day, I congratulate you, children, with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity, keep the fire of love alive throughout your life, take care of each other, protect and overcome all problems and adversity together. May your family be stronger than stone, and may your life be filled with only the most wonderful impressions and emotions. Our dears! Now you are husband and wife. From this moment on, you have become the closest and dearest people on the entire planet! Please love each other and support each other in all situations. May your family life be full of romance, regardless of the number of years you have been married. My dear children, happy marriage to you! May this day of love live in your hearts forever. Take care of each other, do not offend each other, be support and hope. Let your life together not know the cold and black clouds. I wish you, my dear ones, to give birth to a son and a daughter. Remember that our house is always open for you, in any weather. Be happy and loved! Our dear children! Today we, the happiest parents, bless your marriage for a long, strong and happy family life! Good luck to you, love, peace, joy, mutual understanding. Be happy, dear newlyweds! We raised wonderful children and on this significant day we are proud of you. Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you, our dears! Our beloved children! We are most glad that you found each other and fell in love with all your heart. We can hardly hold back the tears of joy and tenderness that arise when we see your couple. We wish you many years of life in love and harmony, financial well-being and the most beautiful, smart, kind children who will be our adored grandchildren. Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings, loving groom... May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become even more confident that you have made the right choice! Dear daughter! Today is a special day for you - you are starting your own family. I wish you to carry your love with your husband throughout your life, gain mutual respect, and maintain patience. Advice and love, healthy and beautiful children! My dear grandchildren, today is your special day, as you are creating your own family, which will undoubtedly be extraordinary and harmonious. My little blood, when I married your grandfather, I knew for sure that with this man I would find my happiness, and that he would be my irreplaceable friend, support, support, and I was right. And today, I am also sure that you managed to find your happiness, the main thing now is not to lose it. On your day, my dears, I want to wish you tolerance, mutual understanding and boundless love. By all means, believe in each other, and trust always and in everything, and then your marriage will last a century! My dears, today you are taking an incredibly important step, you are creating your own family. I admit, when I got married, I was very worried that I wouldn’t be able to make your grandmother happy, and I kept thinking that she would refuse me at the last moment. But as you can see, this did not happen and for many years we have lived in perfect harmony, which is what we wish for you too. I know that your family will be special, exemplary, and will be a role model for many. Happiness to you my dears! Maintain your love, sincerity and understanding. Live in joy until the years when it is your turn to congratulate your grandchildren just as I congratulate you today. Congratulations on your wedding and wish you all the brightest and most wonderful things in your marriage. I feel endless happiness that I can now, with a clear conscience, call myself a mother-in-law and refute all stupid jokes. Now we will all become one big and friendly family. I don’t believe in jokes about relationships with my mother-in-law and I’m proud that our family is getting bigger. There is no greater joy for me than seeing my daughter’s happiness and knowing that we will now all become relatives. May your wedding day be remembered for many years of happy marriage. Happy wedding to our beloved daughter! We'll always remember you as a first-grader with bows in your hair, but that doesn't mean we're not excited about your upcoming wedding. Be happy with your spouse and let there be no dark streaks in your life, but only light and clean ones.

Congratulations on your wedding day from the mother of the bride

That's all. Now I am a mother-in-law!
My destiny is to knead pancakes
And make sure your son-in-law gets fatter
And he didn’t “drive waves” at his daughter.
Well, of course, it's a joke!
There is joy and sadness in the heart -
My little one has grown up...
There is all the breadth and distance before you!
From the birth threshold
You go to another house.
May your path be easy!
Become a good wife!
Take care of yourself and your husband,
Create comfort in the nest.
The main thing that a husband needs:
To know that they are waiting for him at home,
Always ready to listen
Cheer and caress
Live in love, not in chains,
Be sure to trust.
And then it won't be stronger
Your young family,
More harmonious and easier
You will be able to have children later.
Well, I'm always ready
And to pancakes, and to be a nanny.
And I want for you again
Take a sip of this drink! Happy wedding day to the children,
I want to touch on subtle topics:
Starting family life
Alas, there is no escaping problems.
And there’s nothing you can do about it -
Life is like this,
And in a dispute you are always looking for the truth,
And sometimes my nerves fail.
Conflicts can’t ruin your life
I wish you guys!
Decide everything together, not argue,
Divide worries in half.
Reduce disagreements to a joke
Keep the word of anger in our hearts,
Catch happiness in every minute,
Fly on the wings of agreement.
To achieve understanding in everything,
Always resolve doubts.
May these wishes come true!
You are best! Keep it up! Today you are like a picture
My daughter seemed to have gone away.
You are now two halves,
You are a young family.
You are suitable for each other
There are even some similarities.
Hold hands tenderly
It does you credit.
You will save it for years
Respect and dreams.
Let adversity pass you by
Arguments for the sake of being right.
Let there be peace in your home,
Let joy always live.
May your luck continue
And let love not die. What could be more beautiful for a mother?
Why is the shining daughter happy here?
A long forgotten lullaby song,
But I want, as before, to help me:
To save you from troubles and from misfortunes,
It is sacred to protect with your love.
But now you have a different happiness,
Now you and your husband, daughter, will live.
So let this life be a fairy tale
It blooms, sings, and makes you happy!
May happiness be an endless sea,
Which burns, beckoning like a star.
And you, my glorious son-in-law, remember this advice:
Take care of your daughter like a jewel.
Bread and salt, let prosperity arrive in the house -
And good luck, my beloved! Dear children, let them be happy
There will be your nights and days.
May it always bloom beautifully in your soul
A fairy tale flower of your love.
May the sun smile on you forever
And preserves family life and home.
Let your cherished dreams come true -
With tenderness, smile and kindness.
Let people treat you with all their hearts,
Let children's laughter ring a bell.
Let everything that is in your plans come true.
Be the best, young people! My mother's order
Please accept it from the heart.
In this life every hour
You idolize!
Enjoy your heart everyone
Every moment of light.
Let love reign everywhere
The bright colors of summer.
Let harmony, warmth
They live in the house.
You are lucky to have each other
So live long. Daughter, dear, are you, dear?
I remember you very little,
Brown eyes, smile, freckles.
Since childhood I was mischievous and naughty!
She gave her dolls delicious tea,
You loved to braid their hair,
But the golden time has flown by.
Today you are entering a new life.
The man you love is next to you.
He loves you with all his heart, soul,
Happiness to your family, plenty of money.
Now I’ll say: “Bitter!” so that life can be sweet! Happy smile, white veil,
Dear girl, you are now a wife!
Your beloved son will be ours now,
Life will be wonderful, believe in the future!
Today we would like to wish you
Kindness and patience, live - do not lose heart!
Walk through life boldly, love your dear one,
Keep your love for him and loyalty forever.
The road will be long and difficulties will come.
The clouds will cover the sun, and it will rain and hail.
But together you are stronger than bad weather and misfortune,
He is your protection, love and tenderness - you.
Dear baby, sunny days!
Joyful moments, star lights!
May this happy day continue forever!
May your loved one always be near you! Son-in-law, listen to the instructions,
After all, I became a mother for the second time,
I wish you without delay
Have a fun life, daring.
Son-in-law, love your wife madly
Take care from troubles and gossip.
I know you will be reasonable
And you will live in love! Congratulations to you, daughter,
After all, today you became a wife,
Of course I wish for a son-in-law,
So that he sees only your image.
I looked at you with delight,
I only loved you sincerely
May you live for a long, long time
And let not a day pass without affection. Son and daughter, dear ones,
Please accept congratulations!
You are so happy
I wish you patience.
And in family life there is happiness,
So as not to lose heart anywhere,
So that with true love
Could keep you warm forever! Today is a special day -
Another family was born.
And let the Lord's care
It will be with you day by day.
Congratulations, young people
And I want to wish you
So that you love each other
And they tried to understand.
I wish my daughter
So that her husband helps her,
And so that she understands,
If you need it for business.
Well, I wish my son-in-law
So that he loves his wife,
Everything will grow together, I know that -
You are not alone in the world. Bring it on, my children.
You are love after a year.
Be happy in the world
May there always be peace.
Well, I don't need much
If only in about a year.
Would be given to you by God,
My beloved grandson. Our dear children!
Let the sun shine on you!
May your union be strong
And your home is very happy,
Let babies be born -
Both girls and boys
May there always be enough money
And friends don’t leave.
Daughter, stay sweet
Don't quarrel with our son-in-law!
Be a friendly family
Well, we are rooting for you! We are giving our daughter away in marriage,
And today we gathered,
To celebrate this holiday,
May your life be happy.
We love you, our dear ones,
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
Let the family be yours soon
He'll hurry after the child! Dear newlyweds!
You have found your soul mates...
And from the bride's parents
Please accept these wishes.
So that your life path, we want,
He generously rewarded with gifts,
It was strewn with leaves of happiness,
And drove away trouble, bad weather...
To respect each other
They valued work, loved, waited.
And so that the mysterious time
It gave no reason to doubt.
Keep your spouses faithfully,
Love is omnipotent and immortal!
Let parting words into your hearts,
Take care in the family circle! Dear young people,
You are so dear to us.
We're giving our daughter away in marriage,
We'll call our son-in-law son.
Be happy, love,
And take care of each other.
And may God give a child,
There is a lot of happiness on the doorstep. Our dear daughter,
Happiness fills the heart,
Looking at you today
All our relatives are happy!
This wedding day is wonderful
We wish that together
Did you and your husband walk along the way?
And they took care of each other. Newlyweds, good luck to you!
Let's say thank you to heaven for
That you met and fell in love,
Let life be full of kindness and warmth!
We wish our daughter to be a good wife,
Respect and appreciate your husband,
To the son-in-law of success and male strength,
Let prosperity and peace reign in your home! Today you have become a legal family,
Take care of your feelings and your beautiful union,
Be respectful and faithful to each other,
Reach your desired height together!
Son-in-law, dear, love your wife dearly,
Appreciate her, give her your strong shoulder,
In the family, be a leader and a stone wall,
Let your daughter be happy with you! Our dear, dear children,
Now you have taken the most important step,
You won’t find anyone dearer on the planet,
May your marriage be strong and happy.
May happiness unexpectedly burst into your home,
Let luck knock loudly, loudly,
And let loyalty remain in our hearts,
And let love and passion run through your veins. A wedding is so wonderful
Two loving glances as one!
We wish you love, hugs, affection -
Let life be like in a sweet fairy tale!
And today we have a double holiday:
We have acquired a wonderful son!
Protect our girl like the apple of your eye,
And relax in Bali! Today our children have become family!
Take care and appreciate your beautiful union,
Go together to new shores
And preserve the mutual feelings of the temple!
May God grant you beloved, desired children,
Harmony, strength, many joyful days,
Live with all your heart, wide soul,
Wishing you a bright, happy, great road! We are happy, because the children have a holiday -
Your wedding day is the brightest day in your life!
Please accept congratulations now,
Carry your love through the years!
Always love and always forgive,
Understand and trust each other.
And may we be with our relatives in years to come
Walking at your wedding is golden! We're giving our daughter away in marriage,
Be happy together!
We congratulate the young
We wish you understanding.
Live in harmony and love,
Have kids soon.
So that prosperity reigns in the family
And the work was in order.
Our dear daughter,
You are our beauty and pride.
May everything work out for you,
Our children, good morning! We are giving away our daughter
In caring hands.
Don't quarrel, kids, never,
But don't be bored.
We wish you an easy journey,
Prosperity and good luck
To cherish and appreciate each other
And we have grandchildren to look after. Our daughter has grown up so much!
She now has a family.
Fell in love with your son
Now you and I are sons-in-law.
Let's wish them
So that they can live together without bothering them!
Congratulations on your wedding, children!
We'll drink to you today! We wish the young
Happiness and luck,
Walk hand in hand
And nothing else.
We raised our daughter
You live in such a way that
We were proud of you! Today we are marrying off our daughter!
We wish you a long journey together,
Love each other, respect,
Give warmth and affection.
May there be many bright days,
Give birth to the children you want,
Dream and strive for the best,
May the bird of happiness be with you!

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Congratulations from: | | |
Congratulation format: | | | | | | |
Type of congratulations: |

Wedding congratulations from mom

Wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

My baby, our sun,
My ray of light, kindness,
Today you are the most beautiful in the world!
Today you became my wife!

Be gentle, affectionate, obedient
Wife to her husband,
In serious matters, consult
Since you trusted him.

Don't forget that you are beautiful
In everyday life, in caring for the family
And most importantly, be happy
We always wish you!

Wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

Daughter, beloved,
It's a bright hour at a wedding
The main desire -
Happiness for you!

We want it to be durable
Your marriage union.
May it appear soon
Cute little one.

Be a wise wife
And keep the hearth,
Raise your children
Take care of your husband.

Make your husband proud of you
Every day and hour
Well, we are always with you,
Don't forget about us!

Wedding congratulations from mother to son

My dear son, my good one!
Now the time has come to become a husband,
And, quietly from the mother’s cheek,
Tears flow involuntarily again.

I can't believe that you're flying away
You leave your parents' house, -
You obviously adore her very much.
The one nearby, behind the strong shoulder.

Yes, I'm happy for you, you know
I'm glad that you're in love
The mother's heart desires -
Be happy, take care of her!

Wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride

Dear and dear children,

Respect your family, appreciate

I wish you children soon,
So I want to become a grandmother.
And what gender is up to you to decide.

Wedding congratulations from the groom's mother

Today, children, I congratulate you!
After all, today is a difficult day for you.
You have already created a new family,
Now you have become husband and wife!
So let love not cool down in our hearts,
And may the nightingales always sing in them,
And let happiness never leave your home,
And only joy and goodness always live in him.
May every day bring only joy
And let everyone bring love with them!
I wish you this with all my heart
Your mother, and also your mother-in-law!

Congratulations on your wedding day from mom

Dear and dear children,
Today you have become husband and wife.
You are now responsible for each other,
You should now follow the same path.

You will save your feelings longer,
Do not allow insults or separations into your home.
Respect your family, appreciate
After all, a family is a union of hearts and hands.

I wish you children soon,
So I want to become a grandmother.
Let there be two or three of them,
And what gender is up to you to decide.

Words of congratulations from mom on her wedding

My dears! Today a wonderful event happened - you became husband and wife. Always live in love, peace and harmony. And remember that you are now one. I wish you a new addition to your family, financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for many, many years to come. And if it gets difficult, we, parents, will always help with a kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

Wedding congratulations from mom in prose

On this wonderful day, I congratulate you, children, with all my heart! I wish you happiness, prosperity, keep the fire of love alive throughout your life, take care of each other, protect and overcome all problems and adversity together. May your family be stronger than stone, and may your life be filled with only the most wonderful impressions and emotions.

Congratulations from mom on the wedding in your own words

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

Congratulations from mom on the wedding in verse

A ray of sunshine illuminates
The faces of our young
Mom hugs me tightly
And he wants to congratulate them
Wish you don't forget
Never a happy day
To remain in memory
It will last for many years!
And the eyes shone the same
And they beat to the beat of their hearts,
For honesty in relationships
She stayed until the end.

Touching wedding congratulations from mom

My dear newlyweds,
The culprits of the merry feast,
I wish you an unclouded share,
Happy share - in life and love!
Jealousy doesn't go away. How can we be here?
And there is no desire to be known as an evil mother-in-law.
The daughter-in-law is an ugly girl,
Besides, it’s incompetent...
I don’t have the strength to watch how my son protects her...
And jealousy burns again!
Like an evening, like going to the cinema or dancing.
No, to stay with my mother.
Where does this tenderness come from in my son?
Was a silent biryuk, and now -
With his asshole wife, look how he jokes around.
One good thing is that he doesn’t drink or smoke...
Or maybe she shouldn’t hate the girl?
Neighbors say it's not bad...
But how to deal with jealousy, with the accursed?
After all, it presses like a damn stone!...
The door opened, and she didn’t go in - she flew in.
Oblique bangs, ponytail with white ribbon... -
Oh, mom, hello! What to help?
And it let go...
My daughter came running...
She just realized now
That she found not a daughter-in-law, but a daughter.

Sincere wedding congratulations from mom

My dear children,
I wish you only happiness,
Incorruptible, pure love,
So that she can overcome bad weather.

Always be for one thing
Inseparable and indivisible,
So that that feeling always lives,
What united your hearts!

For parents of newlyweds, a wedding is a touching and important event, because it is on this day that their children become independent and independent, so to speak, “leave the parental nest.” There are no closer and dearer people in the whole world than mom and dad. Therefore, the most sincere, most sincere, kind, gentle and beautiful, of course, will be wedding congratulations from parents.

Let's look at the main points that parents should pay attention to when preparing for wedding wishes, and also give examples of possible congratulations.

Regulations for wedding congratulations

Of course, you can wish your children happiness and love for several hours, but keep in mind that wedding congratulations from parents to the newlyweds should not be long - no more than 3-4 minutes, so carefully consider the most important, warmest and most important wishes. Your words and phrases should be bright and memorable so that the attention of all guests is drawn to your speech. To add emotionality to your congratulations, you can use sayings or aphorisms.

First of all, wedding congratulations from parents should be short and understandable to everyone. Therefore, when preparing for, use simple sentences, easily perceived by listeners. You can also remember some funny story from the life of your children and tell your guests about it, succinctly including it in your congratulations. Don't talk about anything that might trigger or offend your son or daughter.

The wedding day will be very exciting, so in order not to get confused and forget your prepared speech, it is better to write it down and take it with you. Before congratulating you, re-read your intended words again and leave them next to you. It’s better to read wedding congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents than to tell them poorly and be overwhelmed by emotions. When making a speech, be sure to look at the newlyweds.

Wedding Wishes Form

As a rule, the wedding script does not clearly define the moment when congratulations to the newlyweds begin, since the host independently determines when to give the floor to the mother-in-law and father-in-law, as well as the mother-in-law and father-in-law. Most often, wedding congratulations from parents are the first to be said. After their speech, the newlyweds are congratulated by their grandparents, sisters, brothers and other guests.

Be prepared for the toastmaster to prepare a special ceremony based on your wishes for the children. Usually, wedding congratulations from parents are accompanied by quiet, soulful music or lighting effects. The form of your parting words and wishes may be different. For example, you can express yourself in poetry or prose. It can also be wedding congratulations to parents in their own words. Choose the option that is most convenient for you. In fact, it is not so important which way you decide to congratulate the bride and groom, since the main thing in congratulations is not its form, but the sincerity of your words. All parents are proud of their children, so make your parent speech in a way that shows how proud you are of your heirs. Choose the most tender and touching words addressed to the newlyweds - and none of those present will remain indifferent to the solemn event.

Wedding congratulations from parents - poems

If you are artistic and feel relaxed in front of a large audience of listeners, congratulations in verse are the most suitable option for you. We offer several examples from parents.

Today is your special day,

Save this moment for a long time!

Let the family be joyful,

Let the path of life be easy.

Keep affection, faith, tenderness,

from the first meetings.

And your rings are gold,

Manage to save forever!

We sincerely congratulate you!

We wish you a bright path,

Good health and understanding.

We wish you grandchildren

Children are our weakness

And we ask for very little,

About five kids.

Let the house be full of laughter,

Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Let the sun shine in yours,

And love will never fade away.

This is a happy day,

We especially want to say

Warm and kind words give.

Wish you bright happiness,

Great love and warmth.

The first daughter, and the second son,

Friendly and strong family.

Be the closest for many years,

Know no troubles and separations!

Wedding congratulations in prose

Wedding congratulations in prose from parents consist of the most tender and affectionate words addressed to children. You can start your congratulations with memories from the newlyweds’ childhood, or you can go straight to the wishes themselves. We offer several possible wedding toasts.

Dear children! The day has come when you have grown up, created your own young family and are leaving our parental home. We wish you Great love, mutual understanding and mutual respect. Appreciate each other throughout your life. Remember: from today, you are one, you are a family, now you are not closer than a person on Earth than you are to each other. Live together, look in the same direction as your other half, help and rescue. Well, we will be there and will always support you on the path of life.

Beloved and dear children! Today is your most long-awaited, most important and happiest day in your life - your wedding day. Remember it every minute and remember it when you feel sad. We wish your family to be the happiest and most friendly in the whole world; be sure to appreciate and respect each other. We wish the bride to become a caring homemaker, best friend and a happy mother. We would like to wish the groom to become a strong “wall” and support for his family! For you, our dears, be healthy and love each other, and the rest will work out! Bitterly!

Our dear children! Today is your day, your family's birthday. We wish you to be with her throughout your life and save her until your golden wedding. Share all your joys and sorrows with each other, and let nothing lead you astray from the path of life. Keep and protect your love, appreciate, understand and respect each other. We wish you that your family becomes stronger and stronger with each passing year. So that your home is filled with children's laughter and joy. For you, beloved ones! Bitterly!

Our dear (names of the bride and groom). On this special day, we want to wish you a long life together in great love and crazy happiness. We wish you prosperity, goodness, good luck in life. Let every day lived together be unforgettable and interesting. Appreciate, respect and always help each other out, because there is no greater happiness in the world than a strong and friendly family. We wish you to hear children's laughter soon. We love you very much, our dear children. For your new family. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the bride's parents in verse

Today you are wonderful, my daughter,

A tear rolls down from happiness.

After all, you now have your own family,

The one you've wanted for so long.

So be a wonderful wife,

Caring and gentle.

And always take care of comfort in your family,

And be a friend to your spouse.

How quickly the years have flown by,

And you have grown up, my daughter.

It’s as if yesterday I led you to school by the hand,

And today you have a veil,

The beginning of a new life.

May your life be full of love,

Happiness and warmth.

The house will be filled with children's laughter,

Together with your spouse you will walk to the golden wedding.

Congratulations from the bride's parents in prose

Dear daughter! We never noticed how you grew up and became the most beautiful bride. We remember you as a little girl, who, it seems, just yesterday had her hair braided, and today you already have a veil on your head. And on this significant day, we wish you endless happiness. We want the fire of love to always burn in your home. So be the best wife and friend for your spouse, help him, share with him both joy and sorrow. Appreciate and respect each other.

Our dear daughter! Today is the most important day in your life. So let your whole life be as happy, bright and unforgettable as today. Know that for us you will always be the most beloved and precious daughter. Therefore, we wish your family to be as friendly, reliable and strong as ours. Our dear, become one with your spouse, go through life only together, help and help each other out. Be the most beloved and faithful wife.

Congratulations to your son from your parents

A wedding greeting to a son from his parents can be said first by the father and then by the mother. Since dad is the head of the family, his congratulations should be more precise and brief compared to congratulations from mom. Every child knows how much a mother loves, so children also know that words cannot convey all her feelings and emotions.

Congratulations from the father of the groom to his son

Dear children, the day has come when you leave your parents’ home and begin your life journey together. I can't promise you that it will be easy and carefree. But by walking together, you can cope with everything difficult situations. May your faces always have the same smile as today. My son, be a strong and reliable support for (name of the bride), love and respect her all your life. Good luck to you, dear children.

My son, today you created your family. Remember, you are now completely responsible for her future. So let her be the happiest in the whole world. Let your family be replenished with children, because happiness lies in them. Love each other.

Congratulations from the mother of the groom to her son

My son, you are the most precious thing I have. But today I’m letting you go to another house - to yours. new house, I pass you on to your dear wife so that she can love and appreciate you, as I did. After all, a husband is trusted friend, who should always be there, and his wife is his faithful support. I’m giving away my son, but promise me that I’ll soon become a grandmother. I wish you love, happiness and a long, long family life.

My beloved son, today is your most important day - the birthday of your family. I can tell you for sure that in family life there is nothing more valuable than mutual love and children. So let children’s laughter sound in your family, created together with (name of the bride), and you will always enjoy each other, understand and respect each other. May your love never fade, but only shine brighter and brighter every year. Good luck to you, dear children.

As you can see, wedding congratulations can be different. Listen to our advice, select beautiful words or poems from this article, and, of course, express only the most genuine and sincere emotions addressed to children - and they will remember your words for a long time.

Mom is close and dear person, who gave the child not only life, but also his love and care. The daughter, whom her mother remembers as a baby, is on the threshold of an independent adult life, and it is so important to express your sincere congratulations and give parting words on your wedding day.

  • Your speech may be addressed to your daughter, but be sure to mention your son-in-law, because now they are a couple, a single whole.
  • Say more than just congratulations, encourage your child. Say that you will always be there, support and understand.
  • Try to avoid sentimental phrases, tears of happiness are wonderful, but the bride’s floating makeup will not add joy to her.
  • If you feel unsure in front of an audience, rehearse in front of a mirror. You can also prepare joint congratulations with the father of the bride.
  • During the blessing, the text can be shared with the matchmaker, if, of course, you have a good relationship. The same applies to the end of the evening if the ceremony of removing the veil and lighting candles is planned.
  • Parents are given the floor at least twice: during the meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf (blessing) and at the banquet. In the registry office, as a rule, you will be assigned the role of a guest.
  • Try to avoid verses - they are easy to forget and words mixed up. Speak calmly and confidently, do not read from a piece of paper - it looks funny. If you forgot something, improvise, speak sincerely and from the heart.
  • Of course, you are very worried, but try not to convey the full range of emotions in your speech. You can tell a couple of funny incidents from your daughter’s life, but avoid situations that will make the bride uncomfortable in front of the guests. There is no need for everyone present to know incriminating evidence about the bride.

Words of congratulations to your daughter on her wedding

Example 1. Daughter, I always knew that the day would come - and you would fly out of the nest and begin to build your new independent life. The years have flown by, you have grown up, and here in front of us is your chosen one. So let your family be strong, your home rich and generous, and your life happy. Be happy, daughter, support your spouse, take care of your family hearth. And you, son, become the real head of the family so that your children are proud of their parents, as we are proud of you. Happiness, prosperity and warmth to you! Take care of your love! Bitterly!

Example 2. My dear daughter! For some reason, since childhood, we were sure that you would become an actress, because you were so good at trying on roles. And today you have a special, important role - you are a beloved wife. I am glad of your choice, because another real man has appeared in our family - your chosen one. I would like to wish you, children, that you overcome obstacles together. Take care of each other, your feelings, don’t hurt your hearts over trifles! I wish your life to be happy and filled with love! Meet all the challenges together, and the happiness shared by two will increase tenfold! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Example 3. Dear daughter! Just recently you tried on my dresses and shoes and dreamed of becoming an adult soon! It was so funny watching your first attempts at lipstick, and now you can already teach me the art of makeup! You are already a bride, and the light of your happy eyes is blinding! As a mother, I can’t help but be happy and proud of you and your chosen one! Children, today is an amazing day - your family was born. She is still young and inexperienced, but soon she will get stronger, but you will have to work hard. I wish you, daughter, feminine wisdom and understanding. You, son, have strength and patience. Preserve your happiness so that even after decades you look at each other with love! Congratulations!

Example 4. Dear children! I can’t believe that this day has come and you have become adults and independent. Daughter, as a child you told me that you didn’t want to be a princess, they were lazy and stupid. But life has put everything in its place, and today the fairy tale that you two will write begins. I wish you to preserve your love and increase it. You will always have help and support. Let your home be warm and cozy, hospitable and generous! May you have wonderful children and make wonderful friends! Appreciate every minute spent together, because time is so fleeting. Don’t waste your time on petty grievances: under-salted borscht or an uncleaned jacket are not worth it! Love to you, mutual understanding and great happiness!

Example 5. Dear children! “Many search, but only a few find” - this proverb also applies to happiness. And today you have found yours. Try to save it. Let the smile never leave your faces, and let your eyes shine with the fire of love and tenderness. Support your family hearth, take care of each other. May there be prosperity and prosperity in your home. Walk through life hand in hand, support each other, do not be afraid of adversity - they are short-lived. After the rain there is always a rainbow and sunshine. The shoulder of a loved one will help you overcome all difficulties, and if you need our help, dad and I are always there. I congratulate you with all my heart! Bitterly!

Words of blessing for the newlyweds from the mother of the bride

It can be carried out after the ransom in the parental home or before a banquet, when the newlyweds are presented with a loaf of salt.

Example 1. Dear children! I bless you for creating a family, may happiness and prosperity accompany you. Take care and appreciate each other. Daughter, protect and take care of the family hearth. Son, be a support and support for your wife, do not let the light of happiness in her eyes and love in her heart fade away! Let your feelings illuminate your path, let your home be a full cup, and let all troubles seem like just pebbles on the path of life. Be happy and go hand in hand towards your happiness!

Example 2. Dear newlyweds! Today you are embarking on a new, unexplored path of family life. Daughter, our family has become even bigger, because you chose such a wonderful man! Your happiness is very important to your dad and me, and we would like to wish you to live in love and harmony, to support each other. The warmth and light of love in the heart will help you overcome all adversity. Strengthen your feelings, understand and appreciate your soul mate. Peace and happiness to your family! I bless you, children! Long life, prosperity and prosperity to you!

What you need to know about the blessing of the young

  • The bride is most often blessed with the Kazan icon Mother of God, groom - Christ the Savior.
  • It is not customary to hold icons with your hands; buy towels - they will be included in the dowry of the young.
  • According to custom, parents must cross the newlyweds before the ceremony, and repeat this ritual when they meet near the banquet hall.
  • If one of the newlyweds has an incomplete family, godparents can give a blessing.
  • When accepting blessings, the newlyweds must bow to their parents and kiss the icon.

A daughter's wedding is an important and alarming event for a mother, but try to control yourself. Your child has matured and is ready to find his own happiness - rejoice and be proud of him, and leave the tears for later!

A few more ideas for preparing words of congratulations for the wedding: