Runny nose in a cat: causes and treatment. Runny nose in cats - how and what to treat? Symptoms, causes and consequences of runny nose in cats: medicines and folk remedies Allergic runny nose in cats symptoms and treatment


Snot, rhinitis in cats - frequent symptoms respiratory diseases, inflammatory infections of the upper respiratory tract. If a cat sneezes, discharge is noticeable from the eyes; such manifestations may indicate the development of colds. In any case, any health problems in furry pets are a cause for concern for owners and cat breeders.

Why does a cat sneeze?

Sneezing in cats can be caused by unfavorable factors of various natures. For example, the sneeze reflex in animals is a reaction to the influence of any allergen that irritates the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Ingress of dust particles, pollen flowering plants, household chemicals irritate the receptors in the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by sneezing.

Important! As a rule, sneezing in cats and other animals is caused by irritation of the nerve endings located on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Often, sneezing can be a symptom of a respiratory illness. A common runny nose, as a rule, is always accompanied by a reflexive sneezing reflex. Thus, the animal’s body clears the respiratory tract from accumulated exudate.

Cats, cats, kittens sneeze when:

  • asthma;
  • colds;
  • viral, bacterial, fungal infections;
  • the presence of polyps in the nose;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory tract, upper respiratory tract;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • congenital pathologies, anatomical defects in the structure of the respiratory organs;
  • chronic respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, rhinotracheitis, sinusitis);
  • the presence of foreign objects in the larynx.

The sneezing reflex in cats can be triggered by sharp, pungent odors, for example, perfume, eau de toilette, air freshener, tobacco smoke. Mold fungi that live on wall surfaces congenital pathologies, anatomical defects of the respiratory tract organs provoke sneezing attacks in cats.

Once in the upper respiratory tract, allergens of various nature irritate the mucous membranes and lead to frequent sneezing. Sneezing and sniffling in cats are often signs of seasonal allergies.

Causes of snot

A runny nose in cats, kittens, cats can occur against the background of allergic reactions, when foreign bodies or objects enter the respiratory tract. Nasal discharge can be: serous, catarrhal, purulent. In cases of chronic rhinitis, blood clotting disorders, and feline viral immunodeficiency, bloody threads, clots, and inclusions are noticeable in the discharge from the nose.

What to do?

If your cat's eyes are very watery, the general condition has worsened, and your pet begins to sneeze frequently, you should consult a veterinarian. The animal may have contracted an eye infection. In this case, it is necessary to treat the eyes with ophthalmic solutions, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, or rinse the eyes with decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, a warm infusion of chamomile flowers.

If a cat sneezes, snorts, or rubs its nose with its paw, it is most likely in the nose. foreign object. You can alleviate your pet's condition by using special tweezers or any other available means. All manipulations should be carried out extremely carefully so as not to hurt the cat or injure the mucous membrane.

Having noticed mucous discharge from the nose, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, swollen red eyes in a cat or kitten, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. Most likely, sneezing is caused by allergens. It is worth consulting with a veterinarian who will select the safe, most effective antihistamine.

Important! If blood comes out when you sneeze, blood clots, this may indicate the development of cancer, serious damage to the nasal passages.

Increased body temperature, increase submandibular lymph nodes, lethargy, decreased activity, refusal of food and treats, profuse nasal discharge - a serious cause for concern. Therefore, contact your veterinarian and take the cat to a veterinary hospital.

Fluffy patients with viral infections will be prescribed complex treatment, antibiotic therapy (Fosprenil, Maxidin), anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs. For normalization general condition furry purrs will be prescribed vitamin complexes, mineral supplements, immunomodulators.

If you have a runny nose, wash your cat's nasal passages hypotonic solutions, the mucous membrane is irrigated with 0.5% tannin, galazolin, and thymogen.

If the sneezing reflex and snot are provoked helminthic infestation, cats will be prescribed effective helminthic drugs. For fungal infections - fungicidal, antifungal medications.

Sneezing caused by allergies is treated with antiallergic drugs medicines, special medicinal creams, ointments. It is equally important to eliminate allergens from the cat’s external environment.

During treatment, owners must strictly follow all recommendations of the attending physician and provide the pet with the most comfortable living conditions. In case of respiratory diseases, it is absolutely unacceptable for the cat to be in a draft! Clean constantly with sterile cotton-gauze swabs soaked in antiseptic solutions discharge from the eyes, nose.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

Owners of furry pets must provide proper care for their pets. It's not worth posting cat house in drafts, near heating devices. You need to systematically examine the eyes, mouth, and nose of your favorite cat, especially if the animal walks freely on the street.

It is equally important to monitor the cleanliness of the air in the house, apartment, and indoor air humidity. To strengthen the immune system, if the cat is kept on natural diet, to increase resistance, cats need to be given multivitamin preparations and mineral supplements.

Cats, like people, also often have a runny nose. But the treatment options for a sick animal are slightly different from “human” ones, because you can’t make tea with raspberries for a cat or steam its legs. How to help your tailed friend, and what treatment options for runny nose in cats are recommended by veterinarians, we will tell you in our article today.

Main reasons

If you notice that your pet is snotty, do not rush to give him the first cold medicine you come across. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of his illness, and then begin treatment procedures, which may be fundamentally different from each other.

The simplest reasons for a runny nose in cats include:

  • Seasonal decrease in immunity;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Stress.

But there are a number of factors that also contribute to the development of runny nose in pets.

Firstly, it may be the presence foreign body. There are often cases when a foreign object somehow gets into the animal’s nose. This could be a blade of grass or a piece of fabric that irritates the nasal mucosa and causes a runny nose. Therefore, first, check the cat’s nose, in case something is really stuck there and your pet is suffering from it;

Secondly, the cause of a runny nose is allergies. If your cat has not only a runny nose, but also a cough, then the cause of this condition could easily be an allergic reaction. It occurs due to some product or the smell of a substance that the cat cannot tolerate.

Allergy symptoms include clear, odorless discharge, unlike a bacterial infection. To save the cat from suffering, you must try to identify the allergen and protect the animal from contact with it;

And finally, if your pet has become a victim of a viral or bacterial infection, then the following symptoms will indicate this:

  • The discharge is greenish-yellow in color, watery in nature and appears both in the nose and from the eyes;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Cough;
  • Frequent swallowing due to the presence of mucus in the nasopharynx;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • The animal loses its appetite;
  • The body becomes dehydrated;
  • The third eyelid falls out;
  • There is a depressed state.

If you notice similar symptoms in your cat, then you can begin to fight the upper respiratory tract infection.

How to help an animal recover

In order to cope with bacterial infections, the animal must take a course of antibiotics. It is advisable that they be prescribed by a veterinarian or use the recommendation of a pharmacist from a veterinary pharmacy.

It is worth noting that the course must be completed in full for the treatment to be effective. It is necessary to give medications even when the visible symptoms of the disease disappear in order to completely relieve the cat from suffering.

If your animal's runny nose is not severe, you can try using traditional methods treatment and do without the use of medications:

  • You can warm your pet’s nose with warm sand, herbs or salt wrapped in a cloth;
  • Herbal inhalations, as well as inhalations based on coniferous tree oils, help well;
  • If the runny nose is severe, you can try rinsing the animal’s nose with beet juice or aloe juice.

Focus on food

One of the most common treatments is appetite stimulation. The essence of the method is that an animal with a clogged nose cannot smell food, so its craving for food sharply decreases and, over time, a loss of strength occurs.

Help restore vital energy, so necessary to fight the insidious infection, can be done by offering the cat something that smells very appetizing. It could be delicious fish or meat, or some special dish that your pet likes.

If your pet is used to cat food, then offer him a canned version, which, unlike dry, has a more pronounced aroma. If the animal does not want to eat, then you can lubricate the cat’s nose with sour cream or pate. The focus on cleanliness should work here; the cat will definitely lick its nose and, perhaps, taste the deliciousness.

Three-step treatment program

If your cat has a runny nose, be prepared for the treatment to be simple but long-lasting.

Veterinarians offer a three-step treatment program, which is one of the most effective:

  • Treatment of a runny nose should begin with the drug "Dioxycycline". On the first day, you need to give 1/5 of the tablet per 1 kg of animal weight. And then for 2 weeks you need to use 1/10 of the drug per 1 kg of weight once a day;
  • The drug "Fosprenil" should be used in an amount of 0.2 to 0.5 parts per 1 kg of cat weight. The dosage involves one-time use during the day and varies depending on how severe the runny nose is;
  • A combination of children's "Naphthyzin" diluted with "Dioxidine" in a 1:1 ratio can help restore normal breathing to the cat. The resulting solution in an amount of 1-2 ml must be drawn into a syringe without a needle and rinsed in each nostril of the cat one by one. Be prepared for the fact that after the procedure your cat will have a runny nose and sneezing, so stock up on napkins ahead of time. To successfully approach recovery, the procedure should be repeated 3-5 times a day until the discharge from the nose stops.

Creating a comfort zone

If your cat has an unfortunate runny nose, you should not quarantine the entire territory of the apartment. At a minimum, it is necessary to provide your furry pet with a soft and dry bed, as well as peace and warmth.

You can speed up your cat's recovery by taking some simple steps:

  • Protect the sick animal from communicating with its relatives so that other cats do not get sick either;
  • Place a humidifier in the room where your cat is most present. This will help create increased humidity and make breathing much easier for the animal;
  • Make sure that there is always a bowl of food next to the cat. clean water. This will help prevent dehydration, which is extremely undesirable for a sick pet;
  • Clean your eyes and nose periodically with moistened cotton swabs. This will make it possible to prevent the formation of crusts on the eyes and nose. And also watch for changes in the color of the discharge; if it turns green, then you should show the animal to a doctor;
  • To prevent the formation of a crust and avoid increased dryness in the nose, it is necessary to lubricate the area around it with baby oil or Vaseline;
  • You can try children's drops for runny nose, which need to be dripped once a day into one nostril. The next day, also 1 drop, but in the other nostril. Continue treatment for 5-7 days.

Diseases of the nasal cavity (and the respiratory system in general) are quite common for cats, and in this they differ from dogs, which are much less likely to suffer from such diseases. The same rhinitis occurs in cats all the time: you yourself have probably seen cats with a dirty nose, smeared with discharge from the nostrils. Why and why does this happen, and what exactly does this threaten the animals themselves? Let's find out!

Surely, if not everyone, then almost everyone knows that “rhinitis” means a common runny nose, familiar to every person since childhood. It is generally accepted that it does not threaten anything particularly serious. The same considerations guide people who do not bring their “snotty” pets to see a veterinarian for months. Alas, even a “harmless” runny nose in cats is far from simple.

A runny nose occurs when inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and sinuses(but this, as a rule, applies to already advanced cases). The pathological process leads to the beginning of the release of exudate. In this case, both the mucous membranes and the underlying tissues are exposed negative impact pathological factors (for example, bacteria and their toxins). Viral rhinitis caused by herpes viruses (FHV), as well as a runny nose that appears against the background of feline calcivirosis (FCV), is very severe in cats. In all these cases, both the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and their bone base are severely affected.

But that's not even bad. For example, with viral rhinitis, in more than 70% of cases, a secondary bacterial infection develops, but by that time the cat’s body is already very weakened! Even if you are “lucky”, the cat will “only” have chronic rhinitis. In other situations, you can expect sinusitis, pharyngitis, or even pneumonia...

Predisposing factors

Let us immediately note that there are many reasons leading to the development of a runny nose in cats. We will describe only the most common varieties that are regularly encountered in veterinary practice.

You should start with postviral, or idiopathic, rhinitis. We have already indirectly noted that acute viral infections of the upper respiratory tract are quite common in cats (especially among young cats). It should be noted that the severity of the pathological process varies greatly from animal to animal: in mild cases everything is limited to a runny nose and sneezing, while in more severe situations damage to the bone structures of the skull and its sinuses is possible.

This can also result in the development of negative changes in tissues, making the latter highly susceptible to the development of secondary bacterial and fungal (which is especially bad) infections. This is called post-viral rhinitis. It is believed that this factor is the main reason chronic inflammation nasal cavity in cats. The disease is often accompanied sinusitis. It is not known what the incidence of idiopathic rhinitis caused by post-viral changes is, but many veterinarians reasonably assume that it is quite high.

List of “typical” causes of the disease

Let's look at others common reasons diseases:

  • Mycoses, causing fungal rhinitis. Fortunately, there is only one really common pathogen in cats: Crytpococcus neoformans. There is also information about infection with Crytpococcus gatii, but this usually happens in tropical and subtropical zones. However, fungal inflammation of the nasal cavity can be caused by fungi from the genus Aspergillus, but this is also rare.
  • Polyp formation, that is, the option benign tumors, directly in the nasal cavity. These neoplasms in themselves are practically not dangerous, but they can provoke retention of secretions, old epithelium, etc., which contributes to the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. In addition, a large polyp can simply block the lumen of the nostrils, which will end badly.
  • Neoplasia (cancer). Oncology is found relatively rarely in young animals, but it is common in old cats. The two most common types of tumors are lymphomas and adenocarcinomas. In the second case, the pet’s probability of survival becomes noticeably lower.
  • Foreign bodies. Cats with access to the outdoors often “clog” their noses with grass stubble, seeds, and similar debris. Domestic and foreign literature even describes cases where seeds that got into the nose germinated, which led to dire consequences. But even without a “fertile field”, plant fragments are quite dangerous - they contain a lot of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, which quickly begins to develop when they find themselves in suitable conditions.
  • Allergic rhinitis. For cats, this pathology is relatively atypical, but nevertheless, they sometimes experience a phenomenon similar to “ hay fever» person.
  • Severe periodontal diseases. Since the oral cavity contains a huge amount blood vessels, then an abscess or pulpitis is fraught with the penetration of microflora into the adjacent areas. If your cat, who until recently suffered from a sore tooth, suddenly “got out” purulent rhinitis, then this is a good reason to immediately show your pet to the veterinarian.
  • We must also remember about breed predisposition . Thus, long-suffering Persian and Burmese (partly) cats, which have a whole “bouquet” of genetic pathologies, suffer from all types of rhinitis noticeably more often than ordinary cats. The reason is simple - features anatomical structure their “flat” nose. In it, in particular, the air does not really have time to warm up during the cold season, which is why pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora are quickly mobilized.

Important Notes

But that's not all possible reasons! It is extremely important to take into account the negative effects of environmental factors. So, we have already indirectly mentioned hypothermia in the cold season. Under such conditions, the effect of the body’s defense systems is minimized, resulting in the activation of microflora. The development of a runny nose and simplex in humans occurs in the same way.

By the way, Is it possible to get rhinitis from a cat? Fortunately, no. It is unlikely that you will put foreign bodies removed from your pet's nasal passages into your nose. Even infectious rhinitis, the viral pathogens of which were discussed at the very beginning of the article, can never be transmitted to humans. The biochemistry of cats and I is too different, and therefore cat viruses will quickly be destroyed by defense mechanisms immune system. Which, however, does not in any way eliminate the need to keep a sick cat away from small children and the elderly. Given the weakness of their immune system, it is better not to take too much risk.

Finally, cats, being domestic animals and quite curious, during their “research” can come into contact with components of household chemicals. The irritating and caustic substances that make up the latter often provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. And this, by the way, is far from the worst outcome, since poisoning of cats with household chemicals is much more common.

Clinical signs: what should you report to your veterinarian?

As a rule, the symptoms of rhinitis in cats are quite characteristic, and it is not difficult to notice them:

  • Discharge of exudate from the nostrils. It can be either abundant and continuous, or periodic, when a small amount of secretion is occasionally released from the nasal passages.
  • Sneezing. It, by the way, disappears as rhinitis develops.
  • Hoarse, labored breathing.
  • At night the cat can snore or sleep, wide opening my mouth. Anyone who has had a bad runny nose at least once in their life can probably tell you the reasons for this.

Please note that the nature of many clinical signs may provide the veterinarian with valuable diagnostic information, so remember or Immediately write down the answers to the following questions:

  • Where does the exudate come from - from one or both nostrils?
  • What is the nature of the exudate: is it clear, watery, mucous or purulent? Are there any blood impurities in it (may indicate injuries or cancer pathologies).
  • If a cat has a runny nose for a long time, is it accompanied by a change in the shape of the cat’s nose or head? The fact is that with fungal rhinitis it is often affected bone, which degrades and is destroyed under the influence of pathogenic fungi. Please note that atrophic rhinitis of “fungal” origin causes irreparable harm to the health of the animal.
  • Along with nasal discharge, your eyes may become watery. This often indicates the viral nature of the disease.
  • Is there any discharge from the ears at the same time? If yes, then a runny nose is probably just a consequence of severe otitis media.
  • Serious infectious rhinitis may be indicated by enlarged subcutaneous The lymph nodes, lack of appetite and noticeably increased thirst.
  • Did the clinical signs begin suddenly or develop gradually over several weeks? If yes, then rhinitis is chronic. This means that it will take a long time to treat it and without any special guarantees of success.

If you give your veterinarian all this information, it will be much easier for him to make a quick and accurate diagnosis, which will allow him to begin treatment for rhinitis in cats on time. This is in the interests of the animal owner also because in the first stages much less medicine and money will be required for treatment.

About diagnostic procedures

But even with a correctly collected medical history, “at home” it is possible to determine the true root cause of the disease, as well as the causative agent and other important nuances, it may be impossible. Therefore, the role of specialized laboratory research (blood, urine, feces, other biological secretions). The difficulty sometimes lies in the impossibility of visual control, since this requires other methods that require a well-equipped veterinary clinic.

In particular, in severe cases (with atrophic fungal rhinitis, for example), the use of a rhinoscope is indicated. But you can still get an accurate idea of ​​the condition of the tissues of the nasal cavity using radiography or ultrasound.

It is critically important to conduct them before rhinoscopy, since during this procedure the mucous membranes of the nasal passages can be damaged, and the secreted blood in such situations will cause additional darkening on x-ray images. If the “involvement” of periodontal diseases is suspected, it is first necessary to exclude them, and only then examine the nasal cavity itself.

Radiographic images nose and sinuses of the skull help identify tissue damage (especially bone structures), but provide little information about the underlying causes of the disease. In addition, this method is not very well suited for determining the volume of accumulated exudate and the degree of inflammatory processes. That is why specialists in most cases prefer to use ultrasound.

Therapeutic techniques

Possible treatment at home or in a clinic depends on the root cause of the cat’s pathology. Sometimes it is possible to get by with “little blood”, while in other cases it is impossible to cure a pet without surgery. Here are the main treatment options depending on the causes of the pathology:

  • Tumors. Adenocarcinoma can be difficult to treat (even though radiation therapy sometimes it helps quite well), but lymphoma responds well to chemotherapy and medication. The only problem is that such drugs are not available in every clinic. Alas, surgery also does not provide a 100% guarantee of cure, since the same adenocarcinomas very often give metastases.
  • Mycoses. Treated by prescribing loading doses of antifungal drugs, surgery is often necessary (to completely clear the affected tissue).
  • Benign neoplasms in the nasal cavity. There is only one way out - surgical intervention. It is quite simple, takes little time, and in some cases only local anesthesia is required.
  • "Garbage" in the form of foreign bodies. Usually removed under local anesthesia, but sometimes surgery is necessary.
  • Idiopathic/postviral rhinitis. It is quite difficult to treat. As a rule, it is prescribed loading doses antibiotics wide range actions. The course of treatment may take several weeks. The difficulty lies in the high relapse rate. A cat suspected of having post-viral rhinitis, even after recovery, should be shown to a specialist at least once a month.


In all cases It is useful to administer drugs into the body of a sick animal in the form of aerosols. This way they instantly penetrate to the source of inflammation, and a positive effect quickly develops. In addition, the sinuses of the nasal cavity are moistened. This allows you to dilute the thick exudate and remove it completely from the nose, depriving the pathogenic microflora of a convenient “springboard”.

Note that some owners use nasal drops intended for humans to treat runny noses in their pets. Under no circumstances should you do this. The components of these drugs can be fatal to animals.

It is much healthier to use warm water from time to time. saline, which need to carefully remove exudate (including dried crusts) from the animal’s nostrils.

In cats (if you compare them with dogs) in the treatment of rhinitis good results show anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. They effectively stop inflammatory processes, sometimes helping to cope with cases of idiopathic rhinitis. With the lymphoplasmacytic type of inflammation, these drugs may even be the only possible treatment option. But no therapy will give positive results, if you do not normalize the conditions of feeding and keeping sick pets.

It is necessary to provide the animal with a sufficient amount of soft and easily digestible feed. Many experts recommend using it for feeding chicken bouillon with boiled and pureed vegetables. When the pet’s condition has stabilized, boiled chicken and low-fat offal can be introduced into the diet. Your cat should always have unlimited access to clean drinking water!

A runny nose (or rhinitis) in cats is a consequence of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. Difficulty breathing and nasal discharge are the first manifestations of the disease.

A runny nose is a fairly common symptom in cats. A veterinarian will help determine which disease accompanies it and prescribe treatment.

There are quite a few causes of runny nose in cats and they are quite diverse. From draft to virus. There is also a large number of diseases that accompany rhinitis. In any case, leave it this symptom it is impossible without attention.

Colds and weakened immunity

The cause of a cold can be completely everyday factors: hypothermia or too cold food or drink. In this case, rhinitis is accompanied by lethargy and a dry cough. If hypothermia occurs, the cat should be warmed by wrapping it in a blanket. You can use a heating pad.

Weakened immune system of an adult cat or little kitten make it easier for colds. Not fully formed defense mechanism a baby or a weakened immune system of an adult is more susceptible to disease. During this period, the owner needs to be more attentive to his pet.


A runny nose can also be a manifestation allergic reaction body. Most often, the disease is detected after contact with chemicals ( detergents, preparations for insect or rodent control). As a rule, when a cat has allergies, the eyes become watery and the discharge is clear. In more severe cases, itching and skin rashes may occur.

Limiting contact with the allergen brings relief to the animal almost immediately. IN difficult cases a course of treatment with antihistamines is required.

Foreign body in the nose

The animal's nose should be checked for the presence of foreign bodies in case of severe and persistent runny nose. If something is stuck in the nasal sinuses, the snot will be continuous and clear in color, and the cat will constantly shake its head from side to side.

You can try to remove the stuck object yourself. If you have a poor view of the stuck item or doubt your abilities, it is better to consult a doctor - he will help you get out the interfering object if it is present, or will determine the cause of rhinitis if it is absent.

Bacterial or fungal infection

The cause of chronic runny nose in pet there may be infection of the nasal mucosa by bacteria or fungi. Conventional medications for fighting a runny nose will not help here; discharge will continue to flow from the nose, and the effect of the medications will not last.

Experts will help determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe a course of treatment. veterinary clinic, their help in this case cannot be ignored in order to avoid complications.

Viral diseases

A runny nose accompanies dangerous viral pathologies such as calcivirosis and panleukopenia.


This infectious disease is characterized by rhinitis, fever up to 40 degrees, sneezing, and the appearance of wounds on the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips (stomatitis).

Loss of appetite, rapid breathing, cough, and possible painful limping are observed. Without proper treatment, death can occur.

Cured animals become not susceptible to the virus, but will spread it.


The first signs of rhinotracheitis are similar to the symptoms of calcivirosis. But when this disease manifests itself, ulcers appear on the cornea of ​​the eye, and it develops. There is a high risk of disease in kittens due to hypothermia, as well as in unvaccinated animals.

Cured pets are no longer susceptible to the virus, but are dangerous to other animals because they will be carriers of the disease.

Panleukopenia (feline distemper)

It is an extremely dangerous disease due to its high mortality rate among those affected. Characteristic symptoms pancleicopenia are, lethargy, (yellow-green, blood and mucus may be present), fever, inability to drink, cough and wheezing, increase to 41 degrees. Purulent rashes on the skin and discharge from the nose and eyes are possible. When infected, kittens become infected in utero.

Other reasons

There are other causes of a runny nose in a kitten or cat: the presence of tumors in the nasopharynx, infection, runny nose in the background chronic diseases, ear inflammation, congenital anomalies.

Symptoms of rhinitis

Common symptoms that require further consultation with your doctor:

  • lethargy and apathy;
  • refusal to eat;
  • nasal discharge: clear to ;
  • constant scratching of the nose with paws;
  • temperature increase;
  • labored breathing;
  • conjunctivitis.


Treatment of a runny nose can be carried out at home, but preferably after consultation with a veterinarian. Treatment for an incorrectly diagnosed disease can do more harm than good.

Depending on the causes of the disease, a course of treatment is prescribed.

For a cold

The cat must be kept in a warm place, avoiding drafts, and fed only with warm foods; it is advisable to increase the amount of vitamins and microelements in the diet to maintain the body. If there is no fever, you can rinse your nose saline solution based on 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt per glass of water, or use boiled beet juice in a ratio of 1 to 3 with water.

You can use saline solution for these purposes. Special drops for animals are also suitable for washing. If these are not available, you can replace them with baby products oil based. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. If your temperature rises significantly, you should immediately seek help from a clinic.

For allergic rhinitis

First of all, you should identify the allergen and limit the cat's access to it. As a rule, this is quite enough to alleviate the cat's condition. In severe cases, the doctor will prescribe a course of steroids or antihistamines.

For bacterial rhinitis

You can't do without antibiotics. Taking medications must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of a runny nose caused by a fungus is possible only after laboratory tests, on the basis of which the necessary medications are prescribed.

For viral diseases

Quite difficult to give in drug therapy and are aimed at maintaining the body's defenses, and treatment focuses on the prevention of secondary bacterial infection.

Refusal to treat rhinitis can lead to complications and deterioration of the animal’s condition, especially if the disease is infectious.

Mr. Cat recommends: features of treating a runny nose in a kitten

A kitten's growing body requires more careful attention when dealing with a runny nose. First of all, it is necessary to improve the conditions of detention and.

For a speedy recovery, you can do inhalations using eucalyptus oil: necessary in a container with hot water add a few drops of oil, then turn the kitten's head towards it so that he can inhale the vapors, and cover him with a napkin.

Here you should be careful not to burn your pet.

The warming up procedure will also be useful. To do this, you can use bags of salt or sand.

To ease breathing, children's drops are suitable: Aqua Maris, Pinosol.


To maintain the health of your pet, preventive measures should not be neglected:

Even if the pet does not go outside, there is always a risk that the virus entered the house on the owner’s shoes or clothes. This is another reason to wash your hands more often and keep your home clean.

Paying close attention to your pet will help you notice changes in behavior and behavior in a timely manner. physical health. After all, the sooner you start treatment, the faster the result will be.

Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The cat has an excellent sense of smell, and its sensitive nose reacts sharply to external factors. Cats have very narrow nasal passages, and even minor external irritants can cause severe nasal congestion and a runny nose in a cat.

Signs and symptoms

Difficulty in nasal breathing, redness of the nasal mucosa, and nasal discharge are the main signs of rhinitis. At the same time, the cat may rub its nose and eyes with its paws, sniffle, snore, sneeze and snort. Breathing through the nose with rhinitis is difficult, and the cat often breathes only through the mouth.

Nasal discharge can be either clear liquid or thick purulent, greenish or yellowish in color, sometimes mixed with blood. Purulent discharge always indicates an infection. Rhinitis can be accompanied by an increase, general weakness and lethargy, loss of appetite up to complete refusal to eat and even. In the presence of inflammation, the lymph nodes under the lower jaw. With rhinitis in cats, inflammation of the eyes is often observed.

The appearance of the first signs of rhinitis is a reason to contact a veterinarian. Rhinitis accompanied purulent discharge, may be a manifestation of a more serious and dangerous infectious disease, for example, panleukopenia. In this case, delay can lead to the death of the animal.


Rhinitis in cats can be caused by many different factors: infection, allergies, mechanical or chemical effects on the nasal mucosa, and other reasons.

One of the most common causes of runny nose in cats is hypothermia as a result of exposure to cold or drafts leading to a cold. Particularly sensitive cats with reduced immunity can also catch a cold when drinking very chilled water or food. With a cold, obsessive sneezing and coughing are often observed; discharge from the nose may be accompanied by discharge from the eyes.

Rhinitis in cats is often caused by viral, bacterial or fungal infections. In this case, nasal discharge may be either copious, clear (with viral infection), and thick purulent with a greenish tint (with a bacterial infection), the disease is usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature, lethargy, and diarrhea or vomiting may occur. Among viral diseases, in which rhinitis is observed, there are many that are deadly for cats: calicivirus, panleukopenia, infectious rhinotracheitis, cat flu. Bacterial infections can also lead to dire consequences. Any infectious rhinitis in a cat requires compulsory treatment, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Rhinitis in cats can be allergic nature. Upon contact with an allergen, for example, pollen from certain plants, the cat experiences redness of the mucous membranes of the nose and swelling of the nasal passages, accompanied by difficulty breathing and severe itching.

Nasal discharge may result from inhalation of paint fumes, solvents, acids and alkalis, smoke, various means household chemicals or cosmetics. These substances cause severe irritation to the upper respiratory tract. Such irritation can also be caused by very hot or cold air.

The result of minor exposure to chemicals may be limited to lacrimation and a short-term runny nose that does not require intervention; it is enough to ventilate the room well to eliminate the irritant. In more serious cases, if as a result of exposure chemical substances If damage to the nasal mucosa occurs, you must seek veterinary help.

A runny nose in a cat can be caused by a foreign body entering the new passage, for example, if the cat inhaled a grain of sand or small debris into the nostril. In many cases, an object that gets into the nose comes out along with copious discharge, but if the foreign body is large or severely irritated, it would be better to show the cat to a doctor. Nasal discharge may be a sign of a tumor in the nasal passage, in which case the help of a specialist is also necessary.


The treatment regimen for rhinitis in cats depends on the causes that caused it. For a runny nose caused by a foreign body entering the nose or inhaling irritating substances, special treatment may not be required at all; it is enough to eliminate the source of irritation.

Infectious diseases accompanied by manifestations of rhinitis must be treated. Drug treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, the cat is prescribed antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal drugs. For severe nasal congestion and heavy discharge may be assigned vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.

Any nasal discharge or dry crusts on the outside should be removed with gauze or cotton swab, soaked in warm boiled water. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe rinsing the nasal cavity with saline, a solution boric acid, soda or other drugs.

A sick cat needs to be given plenty of water, drink and food should be warm.. You need to provide your pet with warmth and peace. If your cat has a cold, you can offer a heated mat or warm heating pad, if prescribed by a doctor, you can warm the nose with a bag of salt or sand, but warming procedures can only be carried out if the cat’s body temperature is not elevated.


  1. To prevent rhinitis and other respiratory diseases, you should not allow your pet to become hypothermic. The cat should be protected from drafts.
  2. If a cat goes outside, you need to limit its contact with other cats as much as possible and exclude contact with stray animals, birds and other potential sources of infection.
  3. Increase your cat's resistance to infectious diseases and help strengthen the immune system balanced nutrition and vitamin supplements. It is advisable to give vitamins to your animal after consultation with a veterinarian in order to select the optimal dose and eliminate contraindications.
  4. To protect the cat from dangerous diseases accompanied by rhinitis, it is necessary to regularly preventive vaccinations, starting from an early age.
  5. To prevent development allergic rhinitis, you need to limit the cat’s access to possible allergens: minimize the use cosmetics to care for fur, do not feed the animal food from the owner’s table, stop using irritating household chemicals where the cat may come into contact with it. To maintain your pet's health, you may have to get rid of some house plants or sacrifice cat food products that can trigger an allergy attack.
  6. For a cat, like for any living creature, cleanliness in the house is important. Regular wet cleaning will help prevent the spread of infections.